#Broke a whole babygate on the way down
scarletfasinera · 2 years
Fell down the whole staircase AND LIVED 💪
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
I am very skeptical about this, I just don’t feel that he’d do that so casually (it’s a whole Larry is real sign), when we have gotten both of his stunts especially babygate in the last few months. We are still in the middle of the biggest push from Louis’ side in babygate since ever. So I feel like he has zero room for a Larry is real sign acknowledgment right now. If he had acknowledged a blue and green or a tattoo etc, it would have that plausible deniability margin but this? it just doesn’t make sense. He has been made to deny it verbally at the expense of hurting his fans until now and I just can’t believe an acknowledgment would happen this easily. (Not that I need it, I believe they have been together since the beginning and never broke up (had ups and downs, who doesn’t?) and all the stunts are stunts).
I just wish some people didn’t do this. Don’t do this to louis and Harry both. Don’t bring controversial (I understand it shouldn’t be, it should just be treated as a relationship like any other but heteronormativity and homophobia exists) issues to their safe space. Not the concert space at least. It’s their individual space, let them have it. If THEY Larry and bluegreen, then by all means go off all the way to Moon. I’ll go too. Just, can we not dampen the festive mood of concerts?? Now m anxious because m sure m gonna get nasty msgs in the inbox and end up with trending stunts and unnecessary bs. Larry is real and going strong, leave them be. I beg. Let’s be mature about this.
Hey dear. I got a lot of messages like this one and at first I would simply not answer and move on from that topic but then I felt like I should say something because I realised this could be mainly coming from new fans who didn't get to quite fully understand how HL have been communicating over the past decade. This is probably one of those things that you only understand the dynamics when you're living through it and experiencing things in real-time. And we didn't get to experience much in the past two years, so I totally understand why people can be confused. I love new fans' perspectives too, but this is my blog and I felt like giving my opinion more in-depth on this topic. I'm sorry this is going to be long.
First of all, stunts NEVER stopped larry from being extremely obvious and loud. In fact, the times we got the most blatantly obvious "proofs" was when we had some sort of extreme situation with stunts or denials and that was their response to it. They're reactive, it's a pattern, they usually feel the need to communicate when they're feeling like they need to reassure something or when they're probably feeling frustrated. Although I don't particularly think they're doing it for us or to reassure us, it's more like they're doing it for themselves in a way to cope with the situation. (e.g. when Louis got the dagger tattoo after a huge denial, 2014 was probably the year they were being held back a lot and it was one of the loudest years. Harry was basically trying to come out once a week. This is only a very obvious example, there are literally so many situations this happened over the years, guys. Harry and Louis way of communicating is a reaction to something and always has been) So, actually, the fact babygate is being heavily pushed in the last few months is just one more reason to believe Louis really went for it and why he was pretty bold and obvious with it.
There are plenty of plausible deniability and pointing at signs it's not new at all. Although by now it's extremely obvious what happened, people can still believe he didn't unless is proven otherwise, which is not possible. We can't prove he did that. So people can believe whatever they want. Oh my god, they used to point at so many Larry signs while in the band! Harry literally pointed to a girls' arm where larry was written. Louis just pointed at someone's tattoo a few days ago, Harry pointed at a bunch of people wearing masks with Louis' logo in it. There are always a lot of ways to interpret those things, but it happens over and over and over. Those are not coincidences every time, it's happening. Maybe Louis was a little bolder on this one because he kept pointing at it for a really long time and there weren't any other sings around and he happened to point at it on the exact song the sign was referring to. But yeah, this is not new.
And finally, I would just like to address people saying the larry signs are "disrespectful" (fuck I really hate this word) and stuff like that. As I was saying, people always brought Larry signs to 1D concerts, Harry's shows seem like a less safe space for that but people always did it. And Louis' shows already feel like a much safer space, people were actually cheering for the sign in one of the videos, there are a lot of larries attending to the shows. Not sure if we are a majority by now, but a huge part of Louis' fanbase is made of larries. This is the real deal guys, and it's beautiful to see! Larry turned larry into a thing, not us. They keep engaging with it and pointing at it. Louis literally sings Larry call a load of smoke in LMAO. Princess Park is unquestionably the loudest moment of the show. So like... c'mon. They have been shut down their entire lives, we're punching bags. Enough is enough. Now, what I have a problem with, is with things spinning out of control, one thing is for that to happen online and the other thing is to happen IRL. And we can already see that happening. So Louis started flipping people off and now everyone does it all the time, he started to stop the show and give them water so now people are quite literally demanding it to happen multiple times at the show. I really don't want these kinds of larry signs to become a real-life representation of the blue and green hearts on instagram or touch your nose if larry is real. IMO it's okay to be supportive, but not to ask for it you know? It's different, don't be extreme. So I really hope people can understand that difference and not let this become a thingTM because that would be really annoying and even provoke the opposite reaction. Use your brain people, larry is so fucking real.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 3 years
I don't know what the hell Larry was, but I don't think I can ever be convinced it was all just something the fans made up. I can objectively see that Larry Stylinson checks every box for being a conspiracy theory. I was a Larrie back in the days. I left the my beliefs and fandom around "babygate". It got way to fucked up when people started to claim Sony forced Louis to fake a baby to kill gay rumors, when Freddie truly looks exactly like Louis. I agree with many people that the whole pregnancy announcement and things that happened during and after the pregnancy was weird as fuck and should and could have been handled better by the PR-team of the worlds biggest boyband with a tween audience. It still baffles me to this day how it seems it wasn't handled by anyone.
I rejoined the fandom part of stan culture when Fine Line came out. I went down the Larry rabbithole again just to really convince myself that I was wrong about Larry. I deep dove into timelines for Larry, Elounor, Gryles, Xarry, Haylor etc and read every debunk and Anti blog. But for me, there is too much weirdness around Larry for it to be nothing. Maybe we all got played in a big PR-game and someone sprinkled nuggets of Larry even after their friendship supposedly ended and then they sat around a big board room and laughed at gullible Larries for taking the bait, once again. At the end of the day, Larries were a major part of 1Ds superfans(and now also the core of Louis fanbase). Those who spent a shit tonne of money on multiple albums and merch and stream their music and I believe they were important for the label to keep around regardless of how Louis or Harry felt about it.
Or maybe we all just connected dots that were never there. Confirmation bias is a real thing. I just don't understand how we all got it so wrong for so long. At this point I'm just in the fandom waiting for one of the boys to go broke and write a tell-all book with what went down in 1D and especially what happened when Zayn left and what happened to Louis and Harry's friendship so I can live in peace.
Speaking of tell-all book. I have an aquaintance who works in publishing who told me in spring 2020 that at some point an ex-boybander was offered a huge chunk of cash to write an autobiography with focus on his boyband days, but turned it down after some back and forth. I can't remember how she worded it but my impression was that she hinted at 1D and Liam Payne and she just smiled and shrugged when that was my guess. That's the closest I've been to any insider info in this fandom, lol.
Yes, yes, 100% yes to all the above.
My experience in the fandom closely mirrors yours. I was pretty firmly on the Larrie side for a while. After babygate - and especially after Louis and Eleanor got back together - I thought: "Okay, y'all... clearly we misinterpreted something." I went back and reviewed the evidence as an older and (hopefully, wiser) individual and I genuinely expected to see Larry as the product of conspiracy theory, fan fodder, fandom groupthink, etc. That's not what happened. I've decided the "stunts" were probably not all stunts. I'm also not sure that Modest!, Sony, and Simon had as big of a hand in closeting H/L as I once thought. Now more than ever, I believe that Louis is a father. But as I said in a previous ask, babygate confuses the fuck out of me. In addition, I genuinely don't understand where Eleanor fits into this. Even if Larry was never real, I'm still confused. And if Larry was real... 
I do see a precedent for closeting in the industry. But I can't think of a (known) example like Elounor and (especially) babygate. The thing about Harry's relationships is that most of them were short and not particularly serious. And just maybe, some were set up - like Emma Ostilly. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to explain away every last one of the so-called “stunts” to still say Larry was real, in some capacity. (And Gryles? Like you, I went back and read those masterposts. Previously, I thought it was nothing more than a friendship. Now, I'm not so sure.) If H/L were together, I think it's likely they had other partners throughout and in between. But Elounor was always presented as long-term, serious, and monogamous. I agree that the start of that relationship was confusing and suspect, but if you told me in 2012 that Eleanor would still be around in 2022 I would have never, ever believed you. Yet, here we are.
I do believe that Larry was co-opted for PR and fan service, particularly during MITAM. I see no explanation where the bears weren't Sony-sanctioned promo and fan service, at least in part. But then again, the bears are another thing that confuse the fuck out of me when I really stop and think.
In 2022, I think Larries are more wrong than they are right. I recognize that Larry is - by definition - a conspiracy theory. But I don't know if I'll ever believe it was never real. Confirmation bias, strategic promo, and fan service aimed at gullible Larries - all of that accounts for some of it. But not all of it. And I've really, really tried to convince myself Larry was never real. But I still don’t think we were completely wrong for believing this. Like you, I've had the same thought: "I just don't understand how we all got it so wrong for so long." At Louis' shows, standing in a pit full of Pride flags and rainbow lights, I had a similar thought: "Is Louis really being misread this badly?" (And I promise my thoughts on Louis' LA shows are coming. I know I'm so, so late. I've just been super busy.)
And regarding your acquaintance who works for the publishing company. I actually remember some chatter not too long ago about Liam being offered millions of dollars for a tell-all book. Something about him spilling the tea about Larry on down. I also heard he turned down the deal, but I can't find any mention of this now. Was it on one of his lives? Did I dream it? Help!
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anchorandrope · 4 years
my personal opinion about babygate
i already made a post with info about babygate and i recommend you to read this only if you already know about it. i don’t believe in babygate (i think that F isn’t L’s son) in my post you can find many proofs and if you search on the internet you’ll find many more. i don't believe it because 3 main reasons:
1) about B’s pregnancy, there’re larries who already have children and some that are doctors and they all tell that its crazy to think that this child is L’s son, this may not matter to you but when a woman who went through the process of a pregnancy or a woman who studies the subject tells you that its crazy to think that, i pay attention to it. can i figure it out on my own and form an opinion without asking? of course, but when i talk to people who know i listen to them because they know better and i’m nobody to say no. its perfect if you think that F is L’s son, but you cant tell me that B’s pregnancy wasn’t out of the ordinary in every way; when your mother was pregnant of you, she stole photos of other women and said it was her? did she had surgeries that could harm your health to the point of killing you? she painted her nails, changed her clothes and hair while she was giving you birth? those questions and many more are in my head and i dont let them pass.
2) the larry timeline: louis and harry were super close during 2015 (this is a fact, look at interviews, it makes no sense to say that they broke up at the beginning of that year). we all know that L had “the night” with B in may and in the first days of july she said she was pregnant, so according to people who believe in bbg: louis and harry had a 5-year relationship where they had ups and downs (but even so, you could see that they loved each other and were together), while both were VERY close to each other, out of nowhere L cheated/broke up with H and a couple of days later he slept with a woman and got her pregnant, he continued acting with H as if nothing had happened for months; he was almost not present in B’s pregnancy and by the end of the same he began to go out with another girl (D), and a few years after his son was born he also stopped seeing him. so, after louis cheated on/broke up with harry and getting pregnant a woman and didnt give a fuck of her or the baby, he decides to go back to his ex as if nothing happened. all im telling here are facts and the way people who believe in bbg see the situation; do you really have that image of L and H? you think L is shit and could have done that to the love of his life, a woman and a baby? do you think H is so dumb and without self-love to go back to a person who did all that? seriously? look at the image you have of them, not only that, it speaks shit of you thinking that of them, everyone continues to label them as “angles” but an “angel” wouldn’t do any of that. L and H aren’t those people, they never were and they never will be.
3) how louis acts/acted in the whole situation: louis LOVES babies/children and he has always shown it, not only that, he said that having children was one of the things he loved the most (“even as young as you are?”) so the fact that he didn’t see his son for 2 years and every time he was asked about him his face changed, he confused important dates, among other things makes me a lot of noise, i repeat, you know louis: if one of the things he loved the most was having a child, why does he treat he like that? okay, no one dreams of having an unwanted child with a stranger, but treating him like that when it’s the parents’ fault? again, louis would never treat his own son like that, he isn’t that type of person, he will never be an absent parent in his son’s life.
as i said at the beginning, i already made a post with proofs, but i wanted to give my opinion about it, this isn’t my favorite topic but this post seemed necessary because i don’t feel comfortable either not clarifying that for me L isn’t that type of person, i know him since the x factor, i saw him grow up and i know what type of person he is. also, taking this particular case out, the music industry sucks and they pretend/pretended fake pregnancies so it’s not a crazy idea that they did it here. with this i think i make many things clear, as i said i don’t feel very comfortable speaking but i will always answer questions. i respect all opinions and i don’t have any intention of arguing so if you don’t like what i think ignore me and if you’re going to insult me i recommend you go back to twitter.
clarification: the existence of freddie is NOT in doubt, we know that he is a completely real boy, if you read a post that says that he isn't is because it’s old (2015-2016). this isn’t in discussion.
reminder: if you think that F is L’s son, you CAN’T use RBB&SBB as a larry proof because they claim that he is not.
mi opinion personal sobre el babygate
ya hice un post con info sobre el babygate y te recomiendo leer este si ya sabes del tema. yo no creo en el babygate (pienso que F no es hijo de L) en el post encuentran muchas pruebas y si buscan en internet encuentran muchas mas. YO no creo porque 3 razones principales:
1) por el embarazo de B, hay larries que ya tienen hijos y con algunas que son medicas y todas dicen que es una locura pensar que ese hijo es de L, esto a muchas puede no importarles pero cuendo una mujer que paso por el proceso de un embarazo o una mujer que estudio sobre el tema te dice que es una locura pensar eso, yo le presto atención. puedo darme cuenta sola y formar una opinion sin preguntar? por su puesto, pero al hablar con personas que saben yo las escucho porque ellas saben mas y no soy nadie para decirles que no. esta perfecto que pienses que F es hijo de L pero no me podes venir a decir que el embarazo de B no fue fuera de lo normal en todo sentido; tu mama cuando estaba embarazada de vos robaba fotos de otras mujeres y decia q era ella? se hizo cirugías que podían perjudicar tu salud hasta matarte? se pintaba las uñas, cambiaba de bata y pelo mientras te estaba dando a luz? esas preguntas y muchas mas estan en mi cabeza.
2) por el timeline larry, louis y harry estaban super unidos en 2015 (esto es un hecho, fijense en entrevistas, no tiene sentido decir que cortaron a principios de ese año). todos sabemos que L tuvo “la noche” con B en mayo y que los primeros dias de julio dijo que estaba embarazada, asi que segun las personas que creen en el bbg: louis y harry tuvieron una relación de 5 años donde tuvieron altibajos (pero aun asi se notaba que se amaban y estaban juntos), mientras ambos estaban RE bien el uno con el otro, asi de la nada L engañó/se separó de H y a los pocos dias salió con una mina y la embarazó, siguió actuando con H como si nada durante dos meses mas, no estuvo casi presente en el embarazo de B y para finales del mismo empezo a salir con otra chica (D), unos años despues de que su hijo naciera también lo dejo de ver, y a todo esto despues de haber engañado/haberse separado de su ex y embarazar a una mina la cual no le dió ni bola a ella ni al bebe decide volver con su ex como si nada. todo lo que estoy contando aca son hechos y la forma en las personas que creen en el bbg ven la situación, ustedes de verdad tienen esa imagen de L y de H? ustedes piensan que L es una mierda y le pudo haber hecho eso a el amor de su vida, una mina cualquiera y a un bebe? ustedes creen que H es tan fracasado y con tan poco amor propio para volver con una persona que hizo todo eso? en serio? fijense en la imagen que tienen de ellos, no solo eso, habla mal de ustedes que pensando eso de ellos los sigan etiquetando como “angles” ya que un “angel” no haria nada de eso. L y H no son esas personas, jamas lo fueron y jamas lo van a ser.
3) por como actúa/actuó louis en toda la situación: louis AMA a los bebes/niños y lo demostró desde siempre, no solo eso, sino que dijo que tener hijos era una de las cosas que mas quería (“even as young as you are?”) asi que el hecho de que no vea a su hijo hace años y de que cada vez que se le preguntó por el le cambiaba la cara, que se confudiera fechas, entre otras cosas me hace mucho ruido, repito, ustedes conocen a louis: de verdad si una de las cosas que mas amaba era tener un hijo porque trata el tema así? esta bien, tener un hijo no deseado con una desconocida no es lo que todos sueñan pero tratarlo asi cuando es culpa de los padres? de vuelta, louis jamas trataría asi a su propio hijo, el no es ese tipo de persona, el jamas va a ser un padres ausente en la vida de su hijo.
como dije al principio, ya hice un post con pruebas, pero quería dar mi opinión al respecto, no es mi tema favorito a la hora de hablar pero este post me pareció necesario porque tampoco me siento comoda no aclarando que para mi louis no es ese tipo de persona, lo conozco desde casi el principio, lo vi crecer y se que tipo de persona es. también, sacando este caso en particular, la industria de la musica es un mierda y si fingen/fingieron embarazos asi que no es una idea descabellada que lo hayan hecho aca. con esto creo que deje en claro muchas cosas, como ya dije no me siento muy comoda hablando pero siempre voy a resolver dudas. respeto toda opinión y no tengo la mas mínima intención de discutir asi que si no te gusta lo que pienso ignorame y si me vas a bardear te recomiendo volver a twitter.
aclaración: la existencia de freddie NO se duda, sabemos que el es un chico completamente real, si leen un post de que dice que no es porque es viejo (2015-2016) eso no esta es discusión.
recordatorio: si pensas que F es el hijo de L NO podes usar a RBB&SBB como una prueba larry ya que ellos afirman que no lo es.
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oookaline · 4 years
Miss You - Lyric Analysis
by me because im bored.
yet again because whats more fun than going over lyrics for the 2736843th time? Absolutely nothing! and if you thought of something, you're lying to youself
So, miss you was a song released in the 8th of December 2017.
Some backstory before.
ObViOusLy, the whole babygate thing, add a lil cherry on top with the Elk split up (23rd march 2015 - 2 weeks prior) and them getting back toguether in 2017 (17 Feb). All of this aswell as Danielle and Brenda in the middle of it.
K with all the smol context under us we can already look around and see that just by the title 'Miss You' people had speculated it was for Eleanor, and since Louis said :
I wrote this song about a time in my life when I was going out partying every night. In hindsight throughout that time I was pretty numb and just going through the motions. Deep down it was always in the back of my mind that what I really missed was the girl that I loved
which obviously links the song to two occurences:
Babygate: 'was going out partying every night' (since we know for a fact he literally went partying every week)
The split up from Elk
but the thing is right- lmao Danielle just danielled away. No mention whatsoever.
This, all of this, and JUsT that quote that Louis gave us already destroyed like- half the narrative of 'Really good friends w an oops baby' and (obviously) just tarnishes yet again the 'engagement' route they were going to take. BUT IT ALSO leaves Danielle behind as if she didn't even exist!!
Which by the way things look, she might not've anygays.
The music video was made in LA
which again (If I could I would literally kiss louis brain) links it to Babygate.
Now the lyrics
verse 1:
"Is it my imagination?
Is it something that I’m taking?
All the smiles that I’m faking
“Everything is great
Everything is fucking great”"
Obviously we can literally hear the sarcasm on the last two lines. 'All the fake smiles' reffering to all the pap pics he did while the lead up to the Holy Conception. Aswell that him reffering to the scene as 'imagination' or 'something that he's taking' could emphasize that its so bad, so unreal that he thinks its a joke and that he's either too drunk or thinking it.
Going out every weekend
Staring at the stars on the ceiling
Hollywood friends, gotta see them
Such a good time
I believe it this time
Again, him reffering to him being papped every week on a club with the first line, the 'stars on the' ceiling reffering to the lights in night clubs, 'Holywood Friends' reffering to Annas, and specially reffering to Snoop Dog and his launch party, which was when this picture happened:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
pre chorus:
Tuesday night
Glazed over eyes
Just one more pint or five
Does it even matter anyway?
One of the fucking smartest lines in my opinion, him reffering to tuesday. Which is him reffering to the day the first article of him being out partying came out:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The next are him reffering to what always happened; drinking and feeling shit. 'does it even matter anyways' is his subcontious trying to tell him to give in and just do what they wanted him to do, saying that it doesn't even matter because either way the end will be shit (and bla bla bla, but again, its his subcontious. not him.)
We’re dancing on tables
And I’m off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn’t get better they say
the first two lines are ofc reffering to the feeling of being drunk, 'dancing on tables' and 'of your face' are ohrases people use to refer to drunken states. The 'people' Louis is reffering to is his escorts; people paayed to carry out what is supposed to happen that night (bodyguards, pr managers, paps, in cases the girls aswell he appears papped with), and the line 'couldn't get better they say' has both the connotation of this being the LA dream, of always partying, knocking chicks up, drinking to your hearts desire- aswell as having the connotation of 'his people' telling him it will not get better, so don't try to oppose it. (which links back to the previous verse 'does it even matter anyway')
We’re singing 'til last call
And it’s all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there’s something wrong
And it hits me when the lights go on
Shit, maybe I miss you
'singing til last call' refers to how late he spent in the clubs and 'out of tune' suggest again the drunk state. 'Should be laughing but there's something wrong' is again, elluding to that LA dream partying state that should've been what he was feeling, since that's what the media said. The 'lights go on' is reffering to the paps, when they take pictures (and obviously the miss you is talking about eleanor because he'd much rather stunt with her than be here lmao ) And yes, the miss you is reffering to Harry.
There doesn't have to be a reason and obviously it could also be a stunt line in the song- but let me explain what I think: We can see Louis' state by the end of the paps shoots, how he slowly just becomes VERY tired towards the last few ones. And keep in mind he was also touring with 1D WHILE HE PARTIED. Which meant it was Show-Party-Show-Party with things thrown between it aswell. Giving close to little time to spend w Harry.
(Pretty sure that's not at all what happened, its just what I think- it was such a fucking busy thing, I'd not be surprised if they both were stressed and not having enough 1-1 time)
Verse 2:
Just like that and I’m sober
I’m asking myself, “Is it over?”
Maybe I was lying when I told you
“Everything is great
Everything is fucking great”
First line reffering to how in the morning, next day of partying, he was again sober- for the shows- and him asking 'is it over' refers to how he just wanted it to be over with, all the patying and paps.
The two last lines could signify him talking to someone about his life- I'd say that the 'you' here does not mean Harry- but someone else- them asking "How's your life going" and then him going "Great Great, yeah- fookin great ykwim"
something along the lines of that you get me.
And all of these thoughts and the feelings
Chase you down if you don’t need them
I’ve been checking my phone all evening
Such a good time
I believe it this time
the first and second lines here are again, Louis talking about his subcontious; that 'this will turn on us' reffering to him and Harry. About a (probable) fear that this will make a strain in their relationship and stuff.
(a/n: kind of like how a lot of shippers unlarried while babygate was happening because 'louis couldn't cheat' or how a lot of shippers say they broke up during that time because 'Harry couldn't take the stress' and stuff)
Im not saying they broke up not that he cheated. What I'm saying is that there was a fear that this would make them break up- he says 'chase you down' which has the animalification of the wolves chasing down the pray to kill them etc.
Now I’m asking my friends how to say “I’m sorry”
They say “Lad, give it time, there’s no need to worry”
And we can’t even be on the phone now
And I can’t even be with you alone now
the first line links to what I said about Louis' subconcious; this would be that constant need to say 'I am sorry' for something that isn't his fault or something that he can't control, and then the second line goes on to say that he doesn't have to worry because, again, its not his fault and Harry undertands that.
Now the 'We can't even be on the phone now, I can't even be with you alone now' refers to their public appearance, on how other than that Paris interview there are no other interviews with just them two, on how we didn't get a Larry hour on 1Dday... It refers to them literally being unable to say anything to each other because of management.
Oh, how shit changes
We were in love, now we’re strangers
this one links ti the last two of the previous, again on their public image (His and Harry's) about how they were once in love (fetus) but now they're strangers (the mortal enemies narrative)
When I feel it coming up, I just throw it all away
Get another two shots 'cause it doesn’t matter anyway
And to top off these last two lines of the bridge is him linking all of this back to the start of the song: 'is it my imagination, is it something that I'm taking' with 'when I feel it coming up, I just throw it all away'; when the thoughts that this is all fake and once he wakes up or stop imagining its all going to be better (aswell as with the connotation of over partying and vomiting) but at the same time him making himself stop those thoughts because he knows this is reality. And then round back again with the repetition of 'doesn't matter anyways' with it feeling like a dead end to him.
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ssfoc · 7 years
Have you seen James's new video filmed in a Harods store in London? He apparently said something about Kiwi (a few comments quoted him) - it being about impregnating a woman and her not wanting anything to do with him. I just wonder, is Ben behind that? Because he's a writer for the show and it just keeps happening, these comments thrown in in random videos of the show
Here, at 2:00, is James selling Kiwi at Harrod’s:
There’s no question Ben Winston and James Corden are promoting Harry. He got a whole week in LA, and then a night in London. I’m not complaining– I loved it. First, they’re all friends, and of course you promote your friends. Second, it’s clear that Harry is getting the special treatment. A Kiwi mention is the least of it.
What I had only briefly thought about before (and dismissed as silly), but was made abundantly clear in the video, is that the “kiwi” of the title refers to a testicle (by the way James holds the kiwis as he talks about impregnating a woman). As James’s friend, Harry might have shared some insider info with him?
Styles named a song “bollocks.” Reflect on that.
Or “balls” in American.
They have two different connotations. The British “bollocks” connotes bullshit. Babygate is bullshit. The whole thing is bullshit.
“Balls” connotes chutzpah, an impudent audacity or nerve, the nerve to do something extraordinary. Babygate is so beyond reasonable, it takes nerve to carry it this far, even in the face of its incredulous stupidity, its farcical improbability.
In any case, the singer of Kiwi is a testicle, isn’t he? A sperm donor. He’s “kinda into” this whole gig, but then he finds out… he was just there for his sperm. She’s having your baby; it’s none of your business. He's paying and paying for it, in so many ways. The baby is for other purposes– you’re only there for your sperm, so the baby can be linked to you, so the whole baby-having thing has nothing to do with love or affection, only biology. But IS IT your sperm? Sure would be nice to know with a DNA test.
What’s interesting is not James’s referring to Harry, but this hidden, covert reference to Louis, which wouldn’t be picked up by the GP.
During Katy Perry’s “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts segment,” this happened:
James shaded The Wanted so mercilessly.
In case we forgot, Louis engaged in this epic Twitter battle with The Wanted’s Max George and Tom Parker in 2013, where Tom tried to out Louis AS AN INSULT:
Nothing is more satisfying to a 1D fan than to see Louis verbally vivisect an idiot. Read about how Tom calls Louis, “She looks beautiful,” how they proposed a physical fighting match because they thought 1D were pansies. Nothing offers greater satisfaction than knowing 1D went on hiatus as the world’s most profitable band, and The Wanted disbanded in 2014.
So was it a coincidence that James referred to The Wanted, who broke up in 2014? They’re deader than dead. Why bring them up? Was it a subtle reference to Louis?
[No pressure, but Louis would kill a week’s worth of LLS for his album promo, I’m just saying]
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itiswhatitisficrecs · 7 years
Do you really think two ghosts is about louis?? I see so many ppl saying this but if that's true then that would literally be awful?? The lyrics are "were not who we used to be" "sounds like something that I USED to feel" "we're two ghosts" it's definitely about giving up on a dead relationship... so do you think Larry is dead then?
I actually had this discussion with my friend about an hour ago and this is my opinion... I think Louis and harry were together and were very much, and completely in love! But I think they broke up a few years later (because of a lot of reasons). Harry said he wrote Two Ghosts about 4 years ago and this - I think - is around the time when they broke up. I then think that Louis retaliated and the break up really affected him which is why he was always out partying and which is why he agreed to the whole stunt with Briana and Babygate - he basically wanted to get back at Harry (not that I even for a second think that it's Harry's fault). On Harry's part, I think he handled the break up differently and that he wrote music and distanced himself from Louis (on stage, in public, in interviews etc) and that's how two ghosts was written. When Harry was asked by that (ridiculously stupid) interviewer if Sweet Creature was about Louis, I genuinely think that the reason he couldn't just outright say 'no' is because it actually is about louis but at the same time he doesn't want to admit that it is about Louis. Like I don't think that Harry is over Louis and from all of their Larry af songs - home, if I could fly, Sweet Creature etc - I honestly believe that they still love each other but they're kind of stuck in this situation where they don't know what to do about it anymore and so they just take the easy route out and naturally, they focus on other things in their lives to dull the feelings they have for each other because they can't understand what they're feeling.My other theory is that Louis and Harry have never been together and that they realised they were falling in love with each other and that it took us (the fans) for them to finally understand what was happening. The more we talked about Larry and pointed out every little thing they did, the more they started to notice it themselves and then after a few years (when everything for them had been so natural and they basically couldn't keep their hands off each other) they started to drift because neither of them could grasp how hard they were falling in love and so they just distanced themselves from one another to make things easier. So to answer your question. No I don't think Larry is dead, but I don't think they are together anymore. I think they still love each other but a lot of shitty things have gone wrong for them (an endless list of shitty things that I don't even want to start listing because then this answer will be way too long and I'll end up ranting) and I personally think that it's up to Harry and Louis about what happens next and no matter how hard some of the fans try, Louis and harry will not come out (if they are even homosexual - don't anyone fight me on saying that) if we ask them too. It's all just down to them. All of us will have different opinions about it and all of us will handle the situation different to others but at the end of the day, it's all centred around them and if Louis and harry decide to ever tell us what happened between them between 2010 to now, then they will. I just don't think that will happen anytime soon.
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handslows · 8 years
Pretty sure no one should be tolerating the beards when we know how nasty Eleanor was especially towards Harry and then the story of how Danielle basically forced herself on Louis in public came out (plus, if you stick to the narrative, she did cheat on him), and to me both those girls are ugly since they chose to help closet a person. So yeah there's really no reason to be tolerating either of them
ok but like. listen.
this is gonna be long because yall are exhausting me and miss the point every fucking time
i never liked eleanor bc she was annoying and said nasty things about fans and larries and her friends were terrible esp. max. we only heard these bad stories about what she allegedly said about harry AFTER they broke up too. so i didnt particularly like her and she had done her fair share of bad shit across the years but that doesnt mean ppl can say shit about her looks?? which no one did btw. people were far kinder to eleanor than they ever been to danielle.
the thing with danielle is for months and months and months she NEVER said a single word about louis and never posted about him on social media and NEVER interacted with fans (still hasnt). she was just there. but people still spent HOURS talking shit about how bad her shoes and clothes and facial expression were. which was just super unnecessary and nasty. you can not like someone for the job they are doing but attacking a young woman for how she looks is just really fucking low. so i always stood out against that, against the completely unnecessary criticisms. because you know these were not personal criticisms against her, these people wouldve said more or less the same shit about any woman because they dont like what she represents. so yeah, it really fucking annoyed me.
i also lost followers and mutuals for being done with people’s bullshit. people kept projecting so many intentions on her like, people were legit talking like she was forcing herself into louis’ family house bc she was so ‘desperate’. some posts even sounded as if she tricked louis into taking a pic so she could post it on her insta like??? calling her non-expressive resting face ‘smug’ on every pap pics??? like JFC shes not smug shes just!! existing!!! if everyone saw my resting face theyd all call me a bitch. and if she was smiling then she was desperate. so smug or desperate, what a luck. people were losing their fucking minds. i never gave a shit about her, i thought she was a pretty girl doing an annoying job and i wanted her gone as much as everyone else but thats it. except for being a beard (which btw we dont know the details of the contract between the two no matter how much ppl tried to blame her for everything thats bad in the world) she didnt do ANYTHING publicly that was annoying enough or on par with eleanor except existing. people mocked her over how she swung her bag for like, 2 weeks. 
the story of danielle allegedly forcing herself on louis happened LATE 2016, like november?? and only got discussed on tumblr like, a month ago, so you using this as an argument is weak. There was no reason to preemptively hate danielle because of this story back in january 2016 no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that your hate was justified. everyone was just being nasty and bitter and going crazy over babygate and losing sight of what their priorities are. that’s it.
even if people had “receipts” on her prior to that that would justify why they hate an unknown nonfamous 21 years girl so much, they never shared it with the fandom as a whole and therefore, the fandom as a whole did not have any reason to hate her this much. literally the only story i heard is that apparently she was rude to a waiter in a restaurant. omg!!! bring out the torches!! this totally justify you spending hours mocking her face!!!! unless youre telling me that “big larries hated her therefore we all hated her too” because thats just sad and another problem altogether. so yeah dont try to use that as a reason of why you said nasty shit about her appearance back in february 2016.
i dont even know why im saying this because…having reasons to hate her will never justify the amount of absolutely deranged comments ive read about the way she looks. it was and will always be totally uncalled for and i cant believe how far this fandom went, i cant believe the stuff adults have written about this thinking it was ok. if she is that much of a terrible person there has to be more shit you can say about her than your subjective opinion that her resting face looks “smug” and that shes desperate for being in the presence of louis. i also cant believe how much people mocked her for not being famous enough even though a recurrent role in tv show is more than most people can achieve and when yall know you wouldve hated her for being famous if she was. so, eleanor was bad because she was non-famous using louis’ money and not going to school, taylor is bad because shes too famous and using 1d and harry’s name for her own career and danielle had a recurrent role in a popular franchise and that still was not ok for yall. i get the point is that youre never gonna “like” any beard no matter what her job is because you hate beards but just ADMIT IT and find other things to talk about instead of making up reasons why shes a bad person.
so, honestly, this isn’t about danielle at all. i dont care about her feelings or whatever. my problems is that for months ive read thousands of comments criticizing this girl for doing ANYTHING. and the worst is that when i was telling people they should probably calm down and that attacking a girl for how she looks is not cool at all, i got hate and lost followers and had mutuals indirecting me. because apparently having human decency was too much for people to handle. because apparently people still dont get that criticizing a girl for how she looks and dress as bigger far-reaching consequences in the long run. for months ive had to see people spreading bullshit and lies about her just because of their assumptions. 
and this goes for briana too. that girl is awful and did a lot of fucked up shit and i totally support talking shit about her AS LONG AS ITS FOCUS ON THE BAD THINGS SHES DOING. ive also been disgusted at comments towards briana or ashley shaming her for how they look and i dont find it more acceptable just because i hate them too. theres a line and yall crossed it, like, 12 months ago.
im not saying you have to tolerating neither of them now because of you what found out, im just saying that what you DIDNT KNOW a year ago cannot be used to justify what you did back then. 
anyway this isnt about danielle this is about how i still can’t believe i lost hundreds of followers and dozens of mutuals because i argued that talking shit about how she looks was not valid criticism and was a harmful behaviour. 
and if you still don’t think that’s fucked up and still wanna defend that nasty behaviour from last year i can’t help you.
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skepticalarrie · 4 years
w regards to your post abt tension between hl during the bbg period and 'piss off wanker' harry tweeted lyrics on july 26th which puts it right toward the end of ~tension~. could be a total coincidence but the lyrics he tweeted were 'nipping at my heels but im young so i outrun em' and the chorus goes 'dont go chasing love' which seems relevant either to contract/relationship stuff. i think they made up/nvr broke up personally but i also think harry can be a petty ass bitch. with kindness. so...
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I never read too much into that tweet to be honest. Maybe it was just the feeling of being young and trapped into a situation? I don't know, the entire song doesn't mean much to me. But yeah, there was definitely a lot of shit going down between June and August of that year and there's a lot to read into (besides the rainbow bears). You mentioned the tweet from July 26th, but on the 29th was when Harry posted that picture of Jack Nicholson on his instagram, one hundred percent shading the whole fake parenthood thing.
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As he should, he never missed the chance of shading Louis’ stunts.
Either way I totally agree with you, Harry was being super petty and he just seems to be *difficult* in those kind of situations particularly. But can you blame him? We’re all here six years later being petty about babygate every single day.
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