#Bruno’s rats deserve more
jacarandaaaas · 10 months
here I present to you: a completely unnecessary look at how mirabels reaction to Bruno’s rats has evolved!
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laynore-x · 11 months
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They would be good friends ⏳🤝🥼
My entry for the 03 week of @wdtajn event from some months ago, Crossover! 💚✨️
There were amazing entries and collabs in this event!!! 🔥 💙 So many talented people 💯
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Again, for nobody in particular. But I wanted some content of Alma spending time with the grandkids post-movie.
The adults are going out for the time and Alma offers to stay behind to babysit. Dolores, assuming that the gremlins have been planning the worst all week, tries to talk her out of it. Only they are both surprised to find out that surprise is less chaotic and more theatrical than they thought.
Actual fluff from me. No angst at all. What????
Curtains Up, Showtime
“I insist, you really should reconsider.”
“I don’t understand. You are always so keen to give your parents a break and let Bruno babysit you all.”
“Yes, well, that’s because he deserves it.” Dolores narrowed her eyes across the room to where Bruno was encouraging his rats to squeak as loudly as possible for whatever game they were playing. “The four of them are spawns of Satan. I have heard them, all week - whispering and giggling. That spells trouble and you shouldn’t have to be put through that, Abuela. Especially at your old age. Mirabel, back me up here? Tell Abuela that she should leave Tío Bruno instead?”
Mirabel, who was too busy mending a hole her father had torn in his sleeve just as he and the rest of the adults were heading out the door, merely mumbled some agreement - muffled through the tail of thread she was holding taut between her teeth.
The matriarch chuckled lightly, waving Dolores’s comments off. “Oh, Lolita, don’t be ridiculous. You shouldn’t say such things about them, they are your own brothers and cousins.”
“And I know better than anyone that they come straight from hell.” Dolores crossed her arms.
“What? This adorable, little baby? Never!” Pepa gushed, as she scooped Antonio up into her arms. He giggled as kisses were pressed all over his face. “¡Buenas noches, hijo! We’ll miss you so much. Papa and I won’t be back until you’re in bed, so we won’t see you until the morning. But I’ve told your Abuela just how to put you to bed, so you won’t go without your story and cuddles.”
Julieta sighed nearby, “Your father and I will miss you girls too—”
“No! Don’t you dare touch me! I’m a grown woman!” Isabela screeched.
Luisa grinned mischievously, grabbing Isabela before she could sprint to the other side of Casita. She tried pushing her older sister back in front of their mother, who held her arms open, though neither of the girls moved to take the opportunity.
“I do like it when they act like hugging us will spread the plague,” Agustín offered, attempting to both cheer up and tease his wife.
“Now, you have to be good for your Abuela, understand?” Félix asked. “I don’t want to have your sister tell me that you’ve blown up a toilet or something tomorrow morning.”
“And you’d believe that gossip over me? Your favourite son?” Camilo questioned. He shifted into Antonio and bounded into his father’s arms, pouting.
Dolores swivelled from where she was still trying to plead with her grandmother, “I heard that!”
“I’m your favourite son!?” Antonio gasped, leaning over from Pepa’s grasp.
“There!” Mirabel affirmed, snipping the excess thread away. She stood back to examine her work, dusting off the sleeve. Her father shifted and wiggled his arm about. “Hm. It’s not bad for a quick-fix. And finishing it in an under three minutes is rather good for the infamous ‘slow one’ of the family. But don’t you dare rip through it - the shop barely stocks frost coloured thread these days— oh!” She jumped, finding that her mother’s arms were now wrapped around her.
Her sisters snickered from where they were hiding in the corner. Mirabel rolled her eyes at them.
“Why me?” She groaned.
“¡Porque eres mi bebé, amor!” Julieta answered. “And the only one with shorter legs than me, meaning you can’t run off like your sisters did.”
“I won’t hear another word of this, Dolores. I know my grandchildren, including you, better than anyone.” Abuela reminded, smiling. “And if they are as badly behaved as you claim they are, then spending a night with their abuela in charge will surely sort them out, no?”
Dolores couldn’t argue with that, she squeaked a little in defeat. “Yes, Abuela.”
With a few more warnings to behave and goodbye kisses, the two couples plus Bruno slowly made their way out of Casita for the night. Abuela made her way into the kitchen, offering to get drank for them all and suggested that they play a board or card game in the sitting room.
“Okay, what do you gremlins want to play? That will cause the least amount of damage?” Dolores asked, crouched in front of the cupboard.
“We’re not playing a game,” Isabela said.
“Yes, you are, or so help me, God, I will start blackmailing. Our Abuela doesn’t deserve to have to deal with you lot and your chaos.”
“No, Dolores, what Bela means is that we actually have something else planned.” Luisa explained. “We’ve been working on a short play all week for Abuela, we’re gonna perform it for her.”
“So… that’s what all that noise was about?”
Mirabel glanced between them. “Wait, what? I didn’t know anything about this.”
“Yeah, because you once called acting ‘professional lying’, so I figured you wouldn’t want to be part of this and would rather just sit and watch with Abuela.” Camilo shrugged.
“Oh, I was going to assume you all just forgot or didn’t care about me.” Mirabel mumbled. “But that was actually very sweet. Thank you for thinking about me. This might actually be very fun!” The others looked at her in surprise, she continued on, very giddy and clapping. “It’s been a while since I saw a play and I don’t remember much about it, so I’m hoping this will be better. Eleven years, to be exact.”
Slowly, the older few clocked the eleven years thing. They had all seen a play eleven years ago, some time after Camilo’s gift ceremony. It was one of the last fun family things they did before Mirabel’s ceremony went wrong and Bruno left and the pressure of the family hit an extreme level.
Camilo’s jaw hit the floor. He placed a hand on Mirabel’s shoulder, sympathetically. “That is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Not seeing a play… your life could be a tragedy, prima.”
“That would be fairly accurate for me,” Mirabel hummed.
“Brilliant idea! You know how I’ve been trying to come up with a nickname for you, I’m gonna name you after some tragedy character!”
“Oh, I’m afraid I don’t know very many—”
“Hey, as nice as this is to see you two getting along and as sad as it is to remember how Mirabel has been robbed of a theatre experience,” Luisa interrupted, “We actually need to get shit ready before Abuela comes back.”
“And we need to finish before Antonio and Mirabel go to bed.” Dolores added, thoughtfully.
Isabela scoffed teasingly, “We? Lola, do you mean to say you want to help us?”
“I figured you might want some music and sound effects?” Dolores offered, to which she got plenty of enthusiasm from the four. “I mean, I have heard you practicing all week and, as a musical prodigy, I doubt I’d need too much time to consider what would work best where.”
Isabela, Luisa, Camilo and Antonio raced upstairs for their makeshift props, grabbing some spares clothes and accessories to act as costumes. Dolores grabbed a couple of her instruments and Luisa moved the piano into the sitting room for her. Casita shifted some long red drapes to act as curtains and readjusted the lights.
Alma came in a few minutes later. She had gotten distracted in conversing with Casita and had almost forgotten what she was in the kitchen for in the first place.
She blinked a little as she eyed the room, “Charades is very different from how I remember it.” She shuffled in, setting the tray of glasses down on the table. Sitting down beside Mirabel, she took her own glass. “Have the others gone to bed already? It’s not like you to be the last one up.”
“They are tuning up, I believe.” Mirabel answered.
“Tuning up?” She raised an eyebrow, curiously.
“I… I don’t know what I’m talking about,” the girl winced, looking away. “I don’t know anything about any of this. I barely know what they are going to perform.”
Their relationship was getting better, day by day. But Mirabel still seemed to always be a little on edge around her, constantly trying to live up to some imaginary standard. It always tug on her heart strings to see.
“Neither do I,” Alma admitted, hoping to set her at ease. “Pedro was always the theatrical one. He adored the arts.” She smiled, offering Mirabel her hand. She had seen Luisa do it enough times to know how much it worked in calming Mirabel down or making her feel better. “We can always learn together?”
Mirabel took her hand, nodding. She managed a small smile.
The curtains rustled and out stepped Luisa, “Good evening, ladies and…” she paused. “And, um, Casita. Tonight, we have prepared a play, called ‘Hercules Gets Sent to School by Zeus to Learn that the Real Strength is Friendship, Gets Bullied by a Mean Cheerleader Who Has Secret Magic Powers that Become Relevant to the Plot Later, Befriends a Friendly Capybara, and Together They Fight the Cactus Mafia - Musical/Rap/Dance Edition’, written by us and Bruno. Oh, and the music is being provided by Dolores.”
“It sounds like it will be wonderful,” Alma commented.
“All of that was just the title?” Mirabel muttered, more to herself than anyone else.
As Luisa shuffled back through the curtains, Dolores slipped by her, taking a seat at the piano. “If you think that’s bad, wait until you hear some of the dialogue,” she whispered, only half-joking.
Needles to say, ‘Hercules Gets Sent to School by Zeus to Learn that the Real Strength is Friendship, Gets Bullied by a Mean Cheerleader Who Has Secret Magic Powers that Become Relevant to the Plot Later, Befriends a Friendly Capybara, and Together They Fight the Cactus Mafia - Musical/Rap/Dance Edition’ was a very… interesting play.
It certainly had its own charm, and was unlike anything else that had ever been performed before. Bonus points for them coming up with something so original and unique, if only other people had the same abilities instead of constantly copying and pasting or making sequels. But that is always a given if Bruno is directing and writing. In saying that, there wasn’t really a cohesive plot. More like four very different plots that kinda came together in the end but didn’t really. At least, Luisa and Camilo had both agreed on a high school setting.
The musical element was done fairly well, considering they hadn’t practiced with it and Dolores was just making things up as she went. Isabela and Luisa, who had both handled the choreography, had been very ambitious. Somewhere along the way, they had slowly grown more competitive and tried to outdo each other. Camilo also joined in with this when he realised what was happening. Antonio, given his age and not being as skilled as the other three yet, couldn’t quite keep up, but watching him try was certainly adorable.
The rapping had been a lot better. Something Isabela and Camilo seemed surprisingly good at it. Their skills at improvising as well had earned many claps from Casita’s tiles. The singing… not so much. The lack of harmonies between the cast being noted after every song by Dolores, who went from finding it frustrating to very humorous by the end of the show. Antonio’s animals all played various roles as the ensemble, though he often had to translate their lines for the audience and they occasionally missed their cues or wouldn’t hand over props.
However, the entire cast and the creative team (or rather the one creative person) were clearly enjoying themselves. And even if she didn’t get what was happening after about the first ten minutes, Alma was happy enough to just watch the kids mess around and have fun. Just watching them be themselves was better than anything else.
Mirabel, by her side, was sat rather confused by the end, trying to string together some kind of plot or conclusion or basic moral from the story. But even she had been smiling throughout most of it, clapped when needed too and even laughed at a couple comedic lines from her sisters and cousins, and also Dolores’ supposedly quiet commentary.
“Bravo! Bravo, niños! You all did a marvellous job!” Alma applauded, on her feet.
“You really think so?” Antonio asked.
“We’ll have to make another.” Said Camilo. “When do you plan on babysitting us next?”
“I can convince our parents to go out again as early as tomorrow morning.” Isabela declared. She tossed her hair dramatically, winking. “Believe me, I’m something of an actress and a very convincing one at that; pretended-to-be-straight-for-twenty-one-years, it’s no big deal.”
Dolores’ hand shot up immediately, “If we’re doing another play, can we do it properly, please? I will happily write it in place of Bruno. I will even schedule music rehearsals for harmonies.”
“And maybe we can extend our budget a bit? Splash out some proper costumes with fancy embellishments? Instead of stealing our parents’ wedding clothes?” Luisa suggested. She shared a knowing glance with Mirabel. “Come on, I know you were thinking about it. We might even spoil you and buy you some of that hard-to/get frost coloured thread.”
“Tempting. But I can’t imagine I’ll need more—”
“Oh, you will. Your father tripped an hour ago and tore off both sleeves.” Dolores informed.
Mirabel was baffled, “I… How!?”
“Well, I will be happy enough to fund the production for my favourite grandchildren.” Alma cut in.
“Really?” The six asked, simultaneously.
“Of course!”
And it would prove to be money well spent.
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noellemadrigal · 9 months
Noeluno 💚✨
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently. As a lot of you have probably seen, I’ve been pretty indecisive and keep changing Noelle’s backstory. And I’ve realised for me none of her stories feel right and I want to return more to the self ship side of things. A lot of the little head canons and art pieces you see are based on daydreams of myself and Bruno. I created Noelle to be able to show these moments to the world, but mainly for myself. And then I tried to give her a back story to keep up, but it never seemed to fit. It meant changing her completely from myself.
So I’m keeping it much more simple. 😍
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Art by my wonderful friend NS artwork who has literally been bringing my head Bruno to life 💚✨
8 years into Bruno’s self exile in the walls, a bubbly English girl called Noelle randomly appears to him one day. There’s not necessarily an explanation other than perhaps magic or the universe itself made it so. At first there’s shock, confusion and I thought maybe it would be fun to add an initial language barrier. These moments keep randomly happening over the next few weeks and neither understand how or why. At first they both believe they’re just imagining things or dreaming - Bruno comes to the conclusion that he must have finally gone mad 🤣 But as time goes on these moments become stronger and more prolonged. They both begin to fall in love, and Noelle begins to teach herself Spanish in order to understand Bruno (still undecided for this part, I watched love actually and felt inspired to add this in 😍). They discover that each other are both real people and learn to be able to control their connections. At some point Bruno is able to gain the confidence to cross into Noelle’s world for short periods of time, especially her home in the woods.
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Art again by NS artwork 💚
Around year 9 of Bruno being in the walls they get married - a simple ceremony with the rats as their witness and a very old priest 🤣 Once Bruno is reunited with the family they do eventually renew their vows at the church and throw a celebration for everybody!
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Art pieces above by @glendybluebird & @giulscomix 😍💚✨
When Bruno is reunited with his family there is a period of time where Noelle isn’t able to connect. He trusts she will be back one day. And in the mean time he tries to open up to his family about her, but they assume he just imagined her to cope with living in the walls. A few months after the events of the film she manages to reconnect, and Bruno introduces her to a very shocked family! 🤣 She is able to find a way to stay with Bruno and the family.
Below are some art pieces that sum up their relationship and the things they like to do together 🥹💚✨A lot of my future art pieces will be showing post wall moments and their life in the Encanto. The time where Bruno has finally achieved the happiness of being back with his family and is getting all the love and happiness he deserves 😍✨
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Artists NS artwork, @glendybluebird & @meepxii 😍💚✨
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omgcheez · 1 year
Autistic Bruno headcanons/fic ideas go!
-gvr 💚
I dunno how fresh these are, but here I go:
Rubbing fabrics is one of his most common stims, but there are some others not seen in the movie. I don't remember who it was, but months ago someone said that they wanted to HC him flapping but felt bad because the way the fandom was... it's in the ol book of HC's now. you deserve flappy Bruno homie.
Sand is very texture™.
When he was a kid, Bruno spent long periods of time looking at the sand in hourglasses fall.
Being the gifted kid of the family allowed a lot of his quirks to get overlooked for a while. By the time he hit burnout, he was seen as a burden. this could probably be a general HC, but it was very much a double edged sword for him.
He advocated for Dolores at loud parties, and postcanon, the two will go to her room to enjoy a quiet activity.
His "Special rat" he mentions in OBB is his support rat that acts as not only a companion, but a comfort. He pets it and also trained it to lick his face and calm him down.
I've mentioned the HC of involuntary visions sometimes vetting tied to meltdowns. The swirlimg sand has unintentionally hurt people before, and out of context, a random villager probably would see it as scary.
This one is common I think, but Mirabel making Bruno textured a scarf,plush, etc? yes, she does that.
She is also one of the first people that really sat and listened to him to that extent. Second most would be Julieta, who was in general the nurturing big sister, though she took care of everyone. That line about holding him in the book until it relaxed and being ok with him not talkong until he felt comfortable is canon in my heart. She knew a lot what to do because of how gentle she is with Antonio and when it comes to emotional care, post canon especially she goes out of her way to make sure everyone, including him is okay.
Luisa gives some awesome pressure hugs, though she has to watch her strength, of course. Bruno can just give her a look and she knows.
If you let him talk about his rats or shows, he will be your best friend. It's not something that everyone necessarily understood, but post canon everyone, especially his family enjoy his shows and his enthusiasm. Something he loves just as much though is the actual process of making things. He can get into a full on trance making his art and sets.
Bruno being afraid of fireworks for the angst. :( It's another reason for him to get Dolores in her soundproof room though.
Julieta knows how his body reacts when he is happy, and is the most thrilled to see that as he is getting better emotionally.
The first time that they all ate together as a family again was chaotic and it was a learning experience. It took some tweaking and sometimes he will eat alone, but generally family meals are good now. :)
The silver lining to his gift is being able to have predictability in his life. He still isn't fond of when the future sneaks up on him or things don't go to plan like in the game where he freaks out and mirabel has to calm him down
He hides in tight corners and small spaces, and his new room has a little hiding spot. The family knows about it and the other spaces he has in the house but respect that
He hits himself and hair pulls when he's in a bad space mentally.
As he got older, a lot of his quirks were misumderstood by the villager and even his mother as him being moody or Noncompliant. Post-canon, she starts to listen to him more and gets to have a caring motherly role more often. She tries to check up on him and make sure that his limits aren't being puahed and that she isn't subconvipusly trying to make him someone else.
He asked Julieta to "fix" him at least once when he was older and frustrated with how sour everything had gone. He's a lot happier with himself, though.
These probably aren't the freshest ideas, but I might add more to the future. Anon, I would love to hear any of your ideas if you have them, as well as other people. Feel free to add in reblogs, comments, asks, or whatever you can think of
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miramilocamimira · 9 months
Villain Antonio???? Plez???
This is haunting me. It took so long to figure out what his reason would be and I realized if we lean heavily into pre-movie mama Mira headcanon, we really only need to start with a change at one scene.
If You Are Good
Antonio had come out of his room when Hiro told him that he heard Mira and Isabela come back. He had known that Abuela was looking for Mira but he didn't know what she wanted. He did know that Mira was trying to fix things.
All the animals kept talking to him. Telling him everything they knew. From Bruno being in the walls to his mom Pepa and Abuela having fought about what to use his gift for.
He loves his mom! He thinks. It's... Well, it's hard to say. How well can someone love what's essentially a stranger in his house? Antonio knows that's not what they all meant to have done but… the village came first. Abuela’s orders came first.
Except with Mira. He remembers when she'd break the rules and sneak him snacks or bandage his wounds or when she spent the whole day by his side while he was sick. She'd gotten in trouble for not helping pass out things or something.
It was funny. His Mira got in trouble for helping and for not helping.
“The cracks started with you.” He hears from his abeula and he feels cold. He looks down from his spot on the second floor and he doesn't need to see his Mira’s face to know she's hurt. Hiro growls and the others give out chirps and squeaks and more as they get upset on Mira’s behalf.
“Bruno left because of you. Luisa’s losing her powers,” Which isn't true! Bruno chose to leave to protect her! The rats said so. Earlier Dave the donkey said that he agreed with Mira and that Luisa deserved a break.
Barry is the one who comes up with the idea.
“Isabela’s out of control,” Flowers was out of control now? Antonio hears from some of the birds. He kind of agrees. Her having fun was out of line? “Because of you!” There's a bad feeling that feels like it's consuming him. He feels like he's on fire and covered in ice at the same time. Like he's gotten hundreds of paper cuts all at once.
He decides to do what Barry suggests. In a matter of moments, he and the animals are making their way up. Everyone else is focused on Abuela’s yelling at his Mira once again so they don't see him climbing.
“I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift,” Because his Mira, his Mami was perfect already. She was kind and caring. He'd always thought of her as good, as what good was supposed to be. “But it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!” Now he knows he's the only one to think this way.
The walls are shaking. The animals say it's cause of the cracking.
There's a candle on a plate. It sits atop a windowsill to decide your gift and change your fate. He hears in his head. Something his Mira told him for as long as he could remember. Especially when he was feeling bad or scared. Well, in that impossible scenario, you’d stay here in the nursery with me.
He sees the candle. He doesn't hesitate to grab it.
“Don’t you ever- Antonio?” He turns around, candle in hand. They all start calling out to him but he focuses only on Mira.
And the hurt. The pain and fear, the doneness in her eyes when she first turns around are what does it. Even as it changes to concern and worry for him, he knows it was there.
If being good like the others will make him hurt his Mira for Abuela, if being good is what they are… he doesn't want it. Barry’s right.
If they're gonna call Mirabel bad then he’ll just have to show them what bad truly is.
He blows.
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realmadridfamily · 1 year
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Antony : “ I'm with you, my brother! Always and forever!”
David Luiz : “Until attitudes are adopted, we will be here to strengthen the fight against racism. Racism is unacceptable. We demand punishments proportionate to the seriousness of this crime!”
Richarlison : “They always did everything to prevent the black from reaching the top ... enslaved, killed and marginalized. But they will never defeat those born to be great. History forgets about the rats and wonders who is fighting these bad guys. We are always together, Vini! ❤️”
Gabriel Barbosa : “We’re with you Vini.”
Bruno Guimarães : “ We're together brother 🖤”
Gareth Bale : “Racism has no place in football or society! @laliga need to take serious and unequivocal action to stop this from happening. All my support to Vini”
Rio Ferdinand : “ ❌Racists❌  Bro you need protecting….who is protecting Vini in Spain ?? He receives a red card after being choked and receiving racial abuse during the game ... wtf?! How many times do we need to see this young man subjected to this shit?? I see pain, I see disgust, I see him needing help…and the authorities don’t do shit to help him. People need to stand together and demand more from the authorities that run our game. No one deserves this, yet you are allowing it. There needs to be a unified approach to this otherwise it will be swept under the carpet AGAIN.
Kyle Walker : “We’re we you bro. Racism can’t win.”
Wilfried Zaha : “Vini 🙏🏾”
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Love and Fury
Chapter Preview: At some point last night, the crowd had dispersed, but it had gathered right back up in the morning. The villagers already arguing over Cicero’s innocence.
CW: Discussion of Sexual Assault
Ch1 Prev Next Master List
Chapter 29 Fall Out Niño
Bruno didn’t get a lot in the way of sleep that night. It seemed like every few minutes he would wake up to check on Leandra. But of course, every time he woke up, she was out cold.
Bruno had spent the day of his accidental love confession pacing back and forth in his room, trying to work up the nerve to face Leandra again. When he’d finally left his room to go talk to her, he’d snuck through the streets of Encanto and had the pleasure of overhearing what the village thought about his confession.
And by pleasure he means the exact opposite.
“If I were her I’d be freaking out right about now.”
“Dios, he’s so creepy, the poor girl.”
“-underhanded, accusing Cicero of something like that just to get in between them.”
“I almost feel bad for him, even if he’s not as bad as everybody says, he’s still just… weird, y’know. I mean, what’s with the rats, and the knocking? Could you imagine spending the rest of your life with somebody like that.”
Bruno hadn’t even gotten half way across town before he’d turned back. The last time he’d dated had been in secret, and the relationship before that had occurred before people started to resent him. He’d been so worried about Leandra turning him down but nothing could have prepared him for how heartbreaking it was to hear his whole village say he didn’t deserve love.
He was used to being the town villain, but this, this was a whole other level.
If it hadn’t been for Cicero, Bruno never would have spoken to her again. And he hated that, he hated that Cicero of all people provided the excuse he needed to see her again. He hated that he couldn’t just hide away from the cold, cruel world until people forgot about him. Most of all, he hated seeing Cicero loom over the woman he loved.
Knowing that Cicero was still a threat, but not being brave enough to talk to Leandra, Bruno had put on his more nondescript ruana and watched things from a distance.
He hadn’t really come up with a plan for what he would do if Cicero actually attacked Leandra, but he hadn’t thought he needed to. Leandra had said she had a plan, granted the plan was to simply never be truly alone with Cicero, but that was a pretty solid plan.
To be fair to her, she hadn’t willingly been alone with Cicero. Bruno had watched the whole thing from the shadows cast by the church. He didn’t know if Cicero had noticed that Leandra purposefully kept them within Félix’s line of sight, but Bruno had. He’d even begun to relax, started thinking maybe he should head home, it was kind of weird to be spying on her when she already had somebody looking out for her.
Then Cicero had placed himself between her and Félix, and Bruno realized he needed to do something.
It had taken him what felt like an eternity to figure out what the hell he was supposed to do though. He was panicking, and furious, and all too aware of how much bigger than him Cicero was. His eyes landed on the rock at about the same time Leandra called his name, and the plan-. 
Well, he didn’t know if you could call it a plan. Plans had steps, he was pretty sure. Technically, yeah, grabbing a rock and hitting somebody with it was multiple steps, but it wasn’t exactly complicated.
And then he had Leandra in his arms, and she didn’t seem particularly eager to not be in his arms, and she had announced to the whole village that Cicero was a rapist.
And she was maybe Bruno’s girlfriend now?
The point was, Cicero had been in such a hurry to accuse Bruno of attacking him, that he hadn’t buckled his belt before leaving the alley. That combined with the fact that Leandra was “drunk” despite never receiving any real liquor, meant that people didn’t have to take Bruno’s word for it. It was pretty damn obvious what had almost happened in that alley.
Bruno sighed, he’d been staring at the wall opposite Julieta’s bed since he’d woken up with Leandra still tucked under his chin. Her breath was even and steady, and would have been comforting if he wasn’t so frustrated with her.
He didn’t know what exactly she could have done differently, if Cicero was determined to attack her he was always going to find a way, but Bruno still wished she’d been more careful with her own safety. She just handed him her drink for god's sake! Knowing, knowing, what he would do with it.
“Let’s get it over with,” Leandra said, surprising Bruno.
“You keep doing your super annoyed sigh, and somehow I doubt you’re annoyed at Pepa or Shoe this time,” her voice was muffled against his chest, “so let’s get the part where you tell me how stupid I was done with so we can get to the part where I can tell you how stupid it was for you to disappear before I could tell you I’m falling in love with you.”
Bruno squeezed her a little closer, “Are you just saying that to distract me from how annoyed at you I am?”
“Hmmm, no, I actually do want to yell at you for your little vanishing act, but I am willing to put my anger aside if you put aside yours.”
“Ok, hold on, no deal. Me laying low for a few days is completely different from you handing a rapist your drink knowing damn well what he’d do with it.”
Leandra just grunted. For a while, neither of them moved, or said anything. She shifted her body a little, pressed a kiss against his chest where her face rested on it, then made a thoughtful noise.
“What?” he asked.
“Trying to think of a way to get out from under these blankets without having to move.”
He propped himself up and considered her. She was wearing a rather nice green dress that covered her neck to ankle, and was under at least two blankets. She was probably burning up.
“A key part of the not moving is that we get to keep cuddling,” Leandra said, trying to tug him back down.
Bruno felt his cheeks grow warm, but tried to ignore his heart dancing inside his chest, “W-we should actually probably get up if you’re feeling better, this is Julieta’s bed.”
“Ugh, but everybody is probably waiting to tell me how reckless I am out there.”
“I’m planning to tell you that, in here.”
“Yeah, but at least you’ll look pretty while you do it.”
Bruno groaned and crammed his face into the pillow, “Leandra, I am going to have a mental breakdown if you start flirting with me right now.”
“A good mental breakdown?”
He turned his head to give her a flat look, and found her staring back at him, eyes dancing.
“You’re very pleased with yourself right now, aren’t you?”
“I am. I proved Cicero’s a rapist, and got you in bed in one night. At the rate I’m going I think I might solve world hunger by dinner.”
“Did you have to put yourself directly into the line of fire to do that, though?”
“Can you think of a better way to prove it? And I would have happily just asked you to cuddle with me if I could find you.”
Bruno huffed, ignoring that last part while he tried to think of something as rock solid as Cicero chasing a drugged woman out of an alley with his belt undone. 
When he couldn't he just said, “You could have been seriously hurt.”
“Could have, but I knew I’d be alright.”
“No you didn’t, there’s no way you could have possibly known everything would turn out ok," he hadn't even known everything would turn out ok, he'd tried checking the future, but the only certainty was that Cicero would be caught.
“Yeah I could. Ask me how.”
“Fine, how?”
“Because I knew you would be there when I needed you.”
Bruno turned his face back into the pillow. He was a little worried his heart was going to burst through his rib cage and stain Juli’s sheets.
“You are going to be the death of me,” he said, after he finally got his heart under control.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m thinking of giving up my reckless ways and settling down with a trustworthy man.”
“Nope, can’t do it,” Bruno sprung out of the bed, “too in love with you for this. I’ll have Julieta come check on-.”
He stopped talking when she grabbed his wrist, when he turned back to look at her she was kneeling on the bed, suddenly looking nervous.
“Um, I-. If you need a little bit of space, I get it, I’m sorry for pushing, but,” she hesitated, “y-you’re not going to disappear again, are you?”
Bruno blinked at her a few times, and she stared back with wide brown eyes and a slight pout. He sat heavily on the mattress but didn’t say anything, he just kept looking at her.
“I-I don’t actually want to leave. I just don’t know how to…,” he couldn’t think of the right words to explain how lost he felt, so he just gestured between them with his free hand.
Leandra seemed to think about it, “Well, if my mouth didn’t currently taste like a decaying fruit salad, I would say you should kiss me. But right now, the flavor of five cocktails stacked on top of each other would kind of ruin the mood.”
“You did have a lot of cocktails yesterday,” Bruno agreed.
“Honestly, when I handed him my glass a part of me just wanted the parade of mock tails to end,” Leandra shuffled forward until she was sitting next to him on the edge of the mattress, “a much larger part of me just really needed to use the restroom, damn the consequences.”
Bruno couldn’t help but snort, even though he didn’t find any of this that funny, then again he wasn’t completely convinced she was joking. Five cocktails and four cups of water was a lot of liquid for one night.
She leaned her head on his shoulder, “But really, I was just… ready to be done with it. I don’t want to be angry, or scared anymore. I just want to move on with my life, you know.”
Bruno nodded. He could understand that.
She sighed, “It’s up to the village to do the right thing, now.”
“Scary thought.”
“I have a lot less faith in those people than I did a year ago.”
Bruno nodded again.
“I’m sorry I scared you. I was scared too,” she admitted, “the plan was for me to go back to Félix the minute I started to feel something and then make a huge scene of realizing my drink had been tampered with. Then Cicero grabbed me and-. Well, you were there.”
“Not a bad plan,” he said, “has a few holes in it though.”
“Sí, like I’m screwed if Cicero drags me into a secluded alley before I can get to Félix.”
Bruno turned his head and kissed the top of hers. Her dark brown curls were pretty wild after the night she’d had, so he tried to straighten it all out as best he could.
“We really should let everybody know you’re awake,” he told her, once her hair was halfway presentable.
“Promise me we’ll get the chance to talk some more? It’s going to be really hard to ask you on a date if you vanish again.”
“A date?”
“Sí. A romantic one, even.”
“I-I suppose I could find the time to be asked out by the woman I love.”
“Good, and while you’re at it, pencil in some kissing as well.”
Bruno grinned, “If y-you insist.”
She stood and waited for him to do the same, then immediately grabbed his hand. Bruno knew he probably shouldn’t be as giddy as he suddenly was, but she was safe, everybody knew Cicero was dangerous, and she did seem to actually want to be his girlfriend.
After spending the last few days over hearing people say he’d never have a chance with her, this just seemed too good to be true.
For her part, Leandra was equally thrilled. Bruno was back, Cicero was caught, and soon she and Bruno would be an official couple. Everything was looking up.
Or at least it was, until they walked into Casita’s courtyard and Leandra was greeted by her father’s stern glare.
He was sitting in one of the chairs next to the front door, talking to Félix. A part of her hoped Félix was defending her, another part hoped he wasn’t taking the fall for her. Every single iota of her being hoped that her father was here talking to Félix by pure coincidence, unlikely as that was.
“Pá,” she cried, barely resisting the temptation to hide behind Bruno, “hola! Um, h-how’s it going?”
“We will discuss your reckless behavior at home,” he said, standing and walking over to her. Before she could respond, he had pulled her into a crushing hug. She hugged him back, knowing better than to protest.
“I’m alright Pá, Bruno and Félix both made sure nothing happened to me,” she said, after the hug had carried on a little too long.
“Ay, mi corazon,” he sighed, he pulled back, keeping his hands on her shoulders, “who taught you to risk your well-being for others, it sure as hell wasn’t me.”
“Sorry to tell you this Pá, but I learned selflessness by watching your example,” Leandra smiled up at him, “a-and I knew even if Cicero hurt me, you would still love me, not to mention if somebody didn’t do something he was just going to-.”
“I know mija, I know, it’s nothing you haven’t said before,” he shook his head, “but there’s no reason why you had to be the one to do something.”
“I-if it helps Señor,” Félix slowly approached them, “she did emphasize the fact that she wanted to make sure Cicero attacked her when she was ready to defend herself. So, this wasn’t completely stupid.”
Her Pá snorted and rolled his eyes, “Oh trust me, that’s the only reason I’m not grounding her until she’s a hundred.”
He pulled her into another hug, then kissed her forehead and set his sights on Bruno. Leandra maybe should have warned him that he was about to receive a hug, but the look of shock on his face when her Pá all but scooped him up was too funny to miss out on.
“Thank you for defending me,” Leandra whispered to Félix, while they both watched Bruno and her Pá shake hands.
“Hm, don’t get too grateful, I made sure he knew this was all your idea,” Félix muttered back, then, “you ok? What happened to the plan?”
“Cicero grabbed me while I was trying to get to you,” Leandra didn’t bother whispering this part, “dragged me away. Thankfully Bruno was there.”
“Sí, Gracias mijo,” her Pá gave him another firm slap on the back.
“Did I have an arepa last night? I kind of expected to wake up with bruises,” she asked the room at large. Bruno and Félix were nodding before she was done talking.
Her father scowled, “Where were these bruises mija? And where’s the little hijueputa right now?”
“Señor López,” Señora Madrigal called from where she had just left her room, “I would thank you to allow our justice system a bit of time to sort this matter out.”
Her father snorted, “I would feel a lot better about our justice system if it wasn’t reliant on a bunch of mamertos.”
“Those mamertos happen to be our neighbors,” she retorted, walking down the stairs.
“They’re your neighbors, the only things living next to my house is a bunch of goats. Who I trust ten times as much to handle this, by the way.”
Alma just sighed, “Be that as it may, we have to handle this like civilized people.”
“If that fails, then could we try the goats?” Bruno asked, holding up a finger, “I-I happen to know those- they’ll eat anything if it’s salty enough.”
Leandra giggled, returning to his side so she could grab his hand again. He grinned, blushing happily. If the conversation wasn’t what it was, Bruno would have tried cracking another joke, just to hear her laugh. As it was, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at her like a lovesick fool.
“Ew,” Pepa said, appearing from the kitchen with Julieta at her side. 
“No Bruno, we are not feeding Cicero to the goats,” his Mamá shook her head, but as she passed him on her way to the door he heard her mutter, “he would give the poor things indigestion.”
“We could probably find a jaguar somewhere,” Señor Lopez grumbled darkly.
“Pepa, Félix, come with me. I will need your testimonies,” Mamá ignored the suggestion, “Julieta, can you give Señorita Lopez a final check up?”
“Sí Mamá,” both women said, Pepa following her mother and Julieta gesturing at Leandra to follow her.
Alma knew, of course, that Señorita Lopez was likely in perfect health. She had already received an arepa, after all. However, she wanted to try and disperse the crowd in the town square before the Lopez duo started the journey home.
The tables set out for the baking contest award ceremony the previous evening had only been half cleaned up. Félix’s table in particular had sat untouched while people verified for themselves that the tequila bottle he had used to mix Leandra’s drinks was filled with water.
At some point last night, the crowd had dispersed, but it had gathered right back up in the morning. The villagers already arguing over Cicero’s innocence.
“How do we know this wasn’t a miscommunication?” somebody yelled.
“Miscommunication?! What the hell sort of-?! ‘Oh, what’s that darling, you wanted your drink with ice? Dreadfully sorry, I thought you said you wanted it with a heavy tranquilizer.’ Miscommunication my ass!”
Pepa snickered.
“Cicero has always been a little over eager with the ladies, he’s young, of course he’s going to make mistakes.”
“I’m young, I like women, I’ve never slipped anything in a girl’s drink.”
“You know he’s just been out of sorts since Rosalie-.”
“Since she what?! Got raped by him? Or have you not connected those dots yet.”
Alma sighed through her nose, she wished she could just throw Cicero to a jaguar or some goats, this whole thing was bound to be a huge mess.
“May I have your attention” she called, stepping up onto the crates which Julieta had used to announce the baking contest’s winner, “While I appreciate your enthusiasm, the official trial will begin this coming Monday, after the market has closed for the day. While I feel we can safely say that Cicero has committed the crime of which he is accused, we still must give him a fair trial. To that end, is there any who feels up to the task of defending Cicero’s actions at court?”
Here people shrunk back. Those who had defended Cicero before, looked down at their feet when confronted with the opportunity to do so in front of his victim’s.
“I will defend my son,” a hand rose in the back of the crowd, and people parted to allow Señor Gutierrez to approach the crates.
“Very well,” Alma nodded at him, “I feel I should tell you that I have been investigating your son’s actions since he drugged Pepa. I have concluded that Cicero is a danger to our Encanto. You will have to argue for why we should allow such a danger to remain here in our home.”
There were a few murmurs throughout the crowd, and Gutierrez reddened, either out of frustration or embarrassment.
“Then I feel I should warn you Señora, and the rest of Encanto, if my son goes, so do I and my winery.”
There was another round of murmuring. Alma stood with her chin set and stared down her nose at him, examining him.
“Did you know, Señor? Did you know what your son has done to the daughters of this village?”
Señor Gutierrez didn’t respond, other than to glance at Pepa, then look quickly away. Alma had the strong urge to step off her crate and slap the man, but she maintained her high ground.
“Go prepare your testimony,” she hissed.
Señor Gutierrez nodded stiffly, but marched out of the town square without so much as a glance back, despite the whispers that followed him. 
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lagt-duck · 1 year
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I wanna do something silly and like
Explain the plushies in my room
So bed.
We got Kermit and Hamtaro: both were in the show business, nowadays they are kinda just retired and enjoy chilling
Then u have uuuh Christmas Donald, who is still in the show business, he is overworked and would just like some days to go out and fish with his nephews please
Then u have the children tm
Cupcake Pompompurin and my panda unicorn squishmallows : pompompurin also works but he isn't as overworked as like Donald
Then you have twitch streamer girl and her little brother squishmallows (the beluga is called Jaiden) and at the end you have the old father who looks very gruff but is actually a Sweetheart
His name is Fat shark, he costed me more then kermit
That is I bought him for 3€ while Kermit costed me only 1€
Hamtaro costed me 6€ because the guy who sold me wanted to get rid of it and his wife wasn't near
Then you have the shelves
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As you can see at the bottom we have Boris and Sylvester the marmot who are probably having gay uncle conversations (they aren't married with each other)
Going up we have rat omens, and rat Bruno plush, who exists because i am broke and good at sewing
Made by yarn you can also see the frog and Jeremy the dinosaur who i am very proud of making
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We then have the actual merch shelf
Butterfree was made by me, woobat is original.
The Oswald plushie is also original and i got it from Disneyland Paris!
We then have my tiny lion plushie Who i named Garibaldi, because one of his back legs is a lil shorter, and my friends that year kept singing how Garibaldi was wounded to the leg
And at last we have soldier. The duck. Who is a Tru trooper and deserve the world
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Special mentions to the giant Eevee stuffed with polyester under my desk. His ears are floppy and he isn't great to hug
But he was won at one of those games in a park so i am happy with it
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 1 year
Encanto OC Appreciation Week 2: Alejandra and Bruno. Kindred Spirits
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(This was so tough to write! There's a lot that happens but editing what can be saved for a finale.)
Bruno's very nervous with Alejandra since he doesn't know how to ask if she's Mercedes's child. He's also afraid to learn what Mercedes might've gone through and if she's dead. Alejandra's clearly an adult, but he feels like he should offer safety. Regardless of anxieties, they chat a little. Funny enough, its Bruno's rat, Beatriz, who keeps approaching Alejandra. Of course, this leads to her returning the rat or Bruno fetching her. More small talk, but Bruno doesn't inquire any questions of her family.
Meanwhile, Alejandra keeps it together best she can while in the Encanto. Everyone's nice, but doubt sneaks up. She fears they're judging her habits or desire to be alone. (Bruno's noticed she moves her hands/fingers a lot when nervous.) She keeps thinking she should leave soon. Among other emotions, she breaks down after two days and nearly panics trying to find solace. Of all days, it's June 26th, 15th year anniversary since Mercedes died. Casita kindly shows her a hiding place inside the walls. After weeping there, Alejandra's horrified when Bruno arrives, but he's more concerned why she's upset. Despite not being social, we know he's not heartless. He channels that caring uncle side as if Alejandra was his own niece. She doesn't reveal everything but mentions a little of her fight with Pablo. It's here that Bruno decides it doesn't matter if Alejandra's related to Mercedes. If she is, amazing! If she's not, that's okay. This young lady's hurt and needs support.
The next day, Alejandra mentions her mother passed away and that's another reason she was upset. Dots are connected and the major question asked. The triplets are devastated learning Mercedes died. Alejandra heard very little of her mom's childhood so now she's curious. Julieta and Pepa provide some history but give a major tip: "You'd have to ask Bruno. He and your mama were very close." Apprehensive, Alejandra approaches him and inquires if he's okay answering her questions. Though grieved, they have a long talk about Mercedes. By the time it's over, they're in tears, but feel connected. They promise to talk more before Alejandra leaves. She decides to extend her stay.
They talk more over the next couple of days and strangely click. Both love rodents, artistic hobbies and keep a rosary in their pockets. They have corresponding mannerisms and humor. Alejandra helps Bruno set up new rat mazes. After he reveals he's not good riding horses, she tries teaching him to comedic results. (Good thing her horse, Acosta, is patient!)
She feels comfortable discussing her main problem. She thought her father was close with her, but realized they weren't. He was trying to shape her into his idea of a perfect daughter. Hence, her self-esteem issues and preferring Mercedes. She thinks she must've caused problems for things to go bad. Maybe something's wrong with her? Should she try talking to him again? Maybe she deserves being ignored by him. Bruno didn't want to have another vision again if he could help it. Yet, hearing Alejandra's grief, sounding so similar to his at her age, maybe he could?
He offers to see her future, but he can't promise anything good. Alejandra appreciates and truly understands. She witnesses the vision which like Mirabel's is undecided. Bruno advises it's up to her and Pablo for the outcome. If it doesn't work, she can have another future. Alejandra knows, but based on past experience she's afraid. Bruno opens how he let his pained past affect his future. A key part of the story is that he's reflecting his life. He's seeing himself in Alejandra and hopes she can have a better chance.
He also gives her the past tablet of young Mercedes with a baby. Alejandra admits it might be her or Francisca but can't tell. She encourages Bruno to keep it. Now he has a picture of both his friends. She also gives him a map of Colombia with Francisca's handwriting so the family can see more outside of the Encanto. She'll be fine without it since she's traveled cross country a few times.
After Alejandra returns home, Bruno misses her and hopes she'll visit again. He'll end up having to visit instead after having a vision that she's in danger: she's trapped in burning building. Well, after lots of discussion and planning, he travels with the map to guide. It's a long and unusual trip, but he's relieved to find Alejandra safe. She's overjoyed to see him, and they catch up. She mentions Pablo refused to talk and while it hurt, she took Bruno's advice. She realizes everything she thought her relationship was to Pablo, is really what Bruno's friendship is to her. She wishes she had a father like him.
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
I rewatched the movie last night! here’s a quick summary of my thoughts:
- baby mirabel is so so cute she deserves the world
- “open your eyes” theme introduced!!
- the title card is so majestic we need to talk about it more
- yayyy 15 year old mira let’s go!! the silly!!
- mirabel is still my fave disney protagonist ever she’s so fun to follow her personality is great she’s so multifaceted i will always love her !!!
- the way she knocks on everyone’s doors LMAOOO
- “well US” 😭
- her waving to casita <333
- coffee kid needs to chill
- this whole song slaps
- accordion YEAHH!!
- mirabels iconic rap to avoid talking about herself 😭
- dolores casually saying she didn’t get a gift😭
- osvaldo STOP
- camilo telling jose “nice job over there” as he’s standing doing absolutely nothing himself 💀
- did someone say FLOWERS✨
- mirabels eyeroll at Isa 😭😭
- “our angel our angel!!” felix ily
- “I’m not in the way you ar😠” *walks into a pillar*
- ay agustín😭
- julieta & agustín telling her she has nothing to prove <33
- miras handcrafts <33
- “ i actually made these as a surprise! for you oooh oooohh” 😭
- alma trying to nicely tell mira to leave the decorations alone and mira pretending it doesn’t hurt 😭
- julieta saying to alma it’s gonna be a hard night for mira and alma saying if it doesn’t go well it will be hard for everyone :( and mira overhearing this
- how she knew exactly where antonio would be😭
- the jaguar she made him😭
- “what if it doesn’t work” 💔
- him saying to her I wish you could have a door meaning not a gift but just her own room and privacy aww
- “you don’t have to worry about me” ☹️
- the hug !!!
- the way casita pushes them out from under the bed and you can hear mirabel going “ow ow!” In the background😭
- how gently she brings antonio down to meet his family
- the entire interaction with warm family !!
- how you see antonio’s smile drop as soon as they leave :(
- camilos posture is ASS
- alma saying another steps into the light when mirabel is shown mostly in shadow😭
- the I need you scene still kills me
- mirabel zoning out of the flashback and you can sense the haziness of it
- antonio’s room!!!!
- it’s bigger on the inside!?
- isas smile in this scene <3
- camilo being supportive big brother!!
- dolores thumbs up is so cute and pepa kissing antonio all over is so cute
- agustín almost falling over because parce😭
- “a gift just as special as you” NOOOOO
- how this song starts as reprise of the family madrigal but when she admits she’s not fine it changes to 3/4 time :(
- comparing herself to everyone else
- open your eyes!!!
- love the fact she ends up achieving everything she sings about
- the high note ahhhh
- the cracks scene camera movement is so interesting
- and the sounds too ahh
- antonio’s got MOVES🙏 felix trying to get alma to dance ahhh
- this scene gives me second hand embarrassment I feel so bad for mira
- casita wtf bro
- mira saying she would never ruin antonio’s night because she knows that’s what people are thinking :(
- corn plate moment but I like the subtle noise of the arepa healing her hand
- julieta coddling her but mira rejecting it :(
- bruno lost his way :(
- mirabel super spy era
- alma actually crying here😭
- praying to pedro for guidance ugh my heart
- mirabel deciding this is now her mission
- mirabel and casita being besties!!
- agustín already getting swarmed by the animals💀
- pepa and her coffee <33
- mirabel trying to act all sweet to Dolores but it’s just camilo💀
- dolores mentioning rats talking in the walls ahh I love foreshadowing
- pepas cloud disappearing as soon as felix puts his arm around her😭
- mirabel yapping to luisa (she just wants to eat)
- mirabel oblivious to the fact she’s meant to be paying attention to alma
- YOU DO!!!🫵
- alma getting casita to move her😭
- “mmhmm I will help luisa!” “Stop😠”
- dolores look over at isa before saying the 5 babies like😭
- isa and mira both not looking where the other is going and then isa acting like it was just mirabel💀
- luisa casually lifting a church
- mirabel falling off a wall
- “you’re gonna make me drop a donkey!” (On you)
- mirabel angry stomping is so unserious
- surface pressure time!!!
- the visuals of this song are so good
- the way luisa is saying “can I somehow preserve this” as she’s adjusting mirabels glasses feels like how mirabel in this song represents the family and how luisa is always trying to preserve them
- how in the bridge the landscape is pastel and free of pressure ahhh!! unicorn donkeys and glitter !! (luisa is a girly girl I will believe this until I die)
- how as they get higher up the pressures in the background start building and getting higher in pitch until the drop omg
- casita imagery here!
- dancing donkeys cause she realized mira seemed scared :(
- luisa starting to have a panic attack and mirabel just silently hugging her :(
- luisa you big introverted softie <333
- alma and isa talking about mariano and isabela petals going everywhere :(
- mirabel being nervous because casita can’t help in here
- falling down the sand💀
- pico being sassy and just leaving her😭
- goofy the family madrigal reprise as she’s climbing the stairs lmaoooo
- almost dies swinging across chasm u celebrated too early girl!
- pico judging her😭
- pico hiding in mirabels hair aww
- alma noticing candle flickering as mira is piecing the shards together
- mirabel almost suffocated in sand because she didn’t use the handle on the vault😭
- all the sand details in this animation
- alma looking at mirabel when luisa said she was talking to her💀
- poor luisa 😭😭😭
- alma assuming mirabel did something and mirabel looking hurt by that assumption
- telling her again to stay out of the way 💔
- wdtab is so iconic
- felix dramatic burst in
- his face expressions as pepa is saying not to talk about bruno😭
- BUT!
- mirabel awkwardly dancing because this song vibes
- I’m sorry mi vida go ooonnnnn
- pepa imitating the mischevious grin shes so silly I love her
- felix spinning mirabel transition is underrated that scene is so cool
- dolores part!!
- footsteps as part of the beat ahhh
- how she’s foreshadowing again!
- “do you understand” she doesn’t but it’s ok!!
- camilo just spitting bullshit to try scare her😭
- his dramatic movements
- the villagers heeeyyyyyy line
- dolores going no noooo!!
- fish lady 🗣️🗣️
- mirabels imagination is so foul wym you pictured him with a wig💀
- everyone stopping for isas dramatic entrance
- the lighting here is so pretty
- isas voice!!
- miras face will always kill me here😭
- dolores “I can hear him now” as double meaning omggg I love this movie
- isa saying she wants not a sound out of mirabel and mirabel immediately starts singing out of spite 💀
- I love the time for dinner line
- the table choreography is iconic
- mirabel looking at her family doing this and thinking “wtf”
- luisa struggling to lift the pot :(
- the whole ending sequence omg
- “miraboo got your party pants on!?” I love agustín and his goofy dance as he enters the room
- just another thing mira inherited from him ig since they both do goofy dances😭
- casita being mirabels bff
- the whole animation of her rambling to him is so well done all the movements ahh
- agustín immediatly going let’s pretend this never happened😭
- “I know” their faces😭 dolores is so funny for that
- dolores and mirabels stare off will never not be funny to me
- alma pouring more wine😭
- this whole scene is so stressful and funny
- poor luisa :(
- those damn coatis are so smart
- miras face as she watches everything go to shit :(
- “I HATE YOU👹” isa is so dramatic 😭
- agustín going to comfort luisa <33
- mirabels defiance as it’s the second time she says she’s not doing anything
- rats!!!
- alma in severe denial to the townspeople
- “MIRABEL” 😠⚡️
- mirabel gets jumpscared by bruno
- brunos parkour
- camilo comforting pepa <33
- that wall slam must have hurt so bad😭
- cool slide under and kick out the stair
- mirabel thinking she’s gonna die
- “you’re very sweaty” 😭
- mirabel gets jumpscared by a rat and drops bruno into the void
- nvm lol
- “bye” 😐 he’s so me when I don’t want to talk to people
- mirabel is stubborn and therefore follows him
- mira slamming her elbow into something and going “ow” in the background 💀
- his real gift is acting!! this scene is even funnier after reading her inner monologue in the book😭
- bruno saying the rats are always hungry never satisfied
- the plate scene killed me
- how when she realizes how similar they are she opens up to him :(
- bruno looking over at her when she talks about wanting to make the family proud because he relates so bad
- “everyone always assumes the worst” poor bruno 😭
- “you left to protect me?” mira in disbelief at this will always kill me 💔
- bruno giving her a light shoulder punch as she’s leaving
- “yeah…. YEAH!!”
- I love how u can see her lightbulb moment😭
- mirabel kicking the door down like TIO HOLY FUCK- love ur enthusiasm but omg girl😭
- bruno gets jumpscared by his 15 year old niece
- miras optimism is cute
- “the rats told me everything” I love Antonio <333
- mira saying that bruno desperately needs to get out of the walls and him going “myeah” 😭
- antonio giving bruno the stuffie 😭😭😭
- “family weirdos get a bad rap!” “you can do this” guys I love mirabel
- bruno wanting to give up because every vision turns out bad😭
- julieta grabbing agustíns arm to show she sides w him <3
- Felix angry “yes😠” when supporting Pepa <33
- bruno supporting mirabel same way she supported him ahhh I love their dynamic
- “come visit?” “I’m bringing you home” <333
- with a huuuuggggg
- mirabel looking utterly disgusted as she attempts to apologize to isabela (and her stupid little dance she does)
- go on apologizeee🙏
- mirabel trying to get a hug still is so funny😭 girl she isn’t even looking at you
- isa reaction to the cactus is so cute
- rows and rows of roses is a banger line
- “it just needed to be and they’d let me be!”
- the way isas voice deepens when she says “what else can I do”
- her room is so pretty
- a hurricane of jacarandas!!!
- mirabel casually upside down
- how mira stops interrupting and starts to listen to isa
- “careful it’s carnivorous” ☹️
- miras verse being same tune as isas wdtab verse ahhh
- mira becomes ultimate hype girl
- isas reaction to when the pollen gets on her
- how isa initiates the hug!
- “you’re a bad influence!” awwww
- the argument scene is so well acted it actually hurts me so bad
- how mira is so enthusiastic and gets shot down immediately :(
- the way isa and luisa look to eachother after alma mentions them
- “I will never be good enough for you” oh my heart
- mira is tearing up for most of this argument
- mira defending everyone
- the way her voice cracks when she says “we all LOVE this family”
- almas reaction when she mentions bruno
- almas face when mirabel says the miracle is dying because of you and mirabel in disbelief she just said that
- casita cracking right down the middle ooh symbolic
- corn plate but the vines isa uses to try grab the candle arent the ones she uses in wecid but the same ones she used when she was perfect isa. maybe a subtle way of saying how after what alma said she’s already reverting back to her old self and doesn’t have the confidence to embrace her new self anymore
- casita being mirabels best friend ever
- casita saving miras life <333
- the whisper of “no” when the candle goes out
- casita waving goodbye to her😭😭
- mira being almost in a state of disassociation after casita collapsed
- alma in total shock and probably relieve that night💔
- “let me help you” I love dolores shes so sweet
- pepa telling antonio to not cry😭😭
- the way julieta holds mirabels face here
- her reaction when mirabel is gone😭
- everyone calling for her and the village kids missing her :(
- mirabel crying at the river :(
- “I just wanted to be something I’m not” oh the way she says this 💔
- the transition into dos oruguitas is so smooth
- dos oruguitas is the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing ever💔
- pedro laughing when alma almost falls aww
- how they spent the whole night together stoppp
- the miracle candle being their wedding candle hurts
- pedro’s reaction to triplets😭
- pedro would have been such a good dad😭😭
- how pedro whispers “I love you” to alma in that scene
- almas apology since a lot of people forget this happened 🙏
- butterfly !!!
- mirabel changing what she said in the argument awww
- how they’re both crying here 😭 (same)
- “he sent me you” 😭😭😭
- almas reaction to seeing bruno ahhh
- horse girl mira lets go!!!
- the kids being so happy she’s back and the bell ringing ahhhh
- the way the entire family was lost without mirabel and had no idea what to do so when she returns they just let her take the lead
- how mirabel guides them all inside whilst singing about how everyone wants to shine
- mirabel helping luisa and luisa tearing up <333
- the townspeople coming to help!!
- mirabel being the one at the front to meet with the townspeople and collect the supplies but not alma
- this and scene with the blueprints indicate to me that alma fully trusts mirabel and is letting her play a bigger role in this project!
- the sisters singing together!!!!
- coffee kid going ham on the hammering
- priest going 👍 when bruno is laying out the sand
- mariano sitting on doorstep like a little loser :(
- how the background noise quietens a bit when dolores shows up
- mirabel and isa successfully set up their cousin and are celebrating their victory🙏
- we need a doorknob🗣️🗣️
- antonio guiding her to the door because she guided him to his door will never not kill me
- the family singing about how loved and appreciated she is (those harmonies OMGGG)
- alma repeating what her very first line in the movie was
- “I see me, all of me” oh no more tears 😭😭
- mirabel on the middle of the door 😭
- casita bringing in mirabel for a hug and her immediate reaction telling everyone else to get inside it’s party time 💃
- antonio and parce reunited!!!
- isas new dress and how happy and comfortable she is
- luisa resting !!!
- pepa dancing and felix going “yeah amor!” I love them
- family picture!!! casita hugging them in the photo and ending on the frame of the photo decorated by mirabel <33
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Not ship
Warning:panic attack,
They have electricity and technology in this au!
The triplets had been left home alone as the others had gone to a wedding. They were talkjgn when they saw mirabel? "Mija why are you here?" Julieta asked. "Huh? Oh the guy used to bully me, I threatened that id throw coffee at him, I'm going to a friends house anyway i just needed some stuff" she got to the door. "Dont trash casita like last time mama I had to clean it" they nodded and mirabel left. They talked for a few more hours before pepa and bruno realised julieta wasn't listening. "Juli?" They looked to see the woman dozing off. "Turn the lights off bruno I'm getting a blanket" pepa whispered. Bruno nodded and the two got up. Pepa smiled seeing the dark room as her sister was layed down on the sofa. Pepa put the blanket over her as she fell asleep. The two kept talking quietly. Soon enough they noticed Julieta stirring and mumbling something, "whats she saying?" Pepa asked. "I im sorry!" They rushed to julieta's side shaking her awake. She shot up as tears started to fall. "Hermana what's wrong? What's wrong?" Julieta didn't reply as she started shaking."Hey, hey juli" pepa said sitting next to her. "Look at me, look at me, bruno go get water" he ran to the kitchen. "Julieta madrigal" julieta looked to her sister instantly. "Breathe ok? In and out"she put her hand tobher chest and took deep breaths. After a while julieta copied and five minutes she calmed down. She was exhausted. Bruno gave her the water. Juliets drank some before putting 9t down "I'm tired pepi" she murmed. "Wanna sit outside?" She asked "no, here" she muttered hugging her sister. "Cmon then, why don't we put TV on?" Pepa asked moving ontk the floor pulling her older sister with her. "Sleep" julieta muttered hugging pepa and snuggling Into her side. Bruno joined. "Night juli" pepa murmed as julieta fell asleep. Pepa and bruno slept a few minutes afterward. Casita put them on the couch and put the blanket over them. Julieta didn't let pepa go as she slept.
The madrigals came home later than expected. It was around midnight. "Mirabels having a sleepover" dolores informed alma as they entered casita. The house pushed her backwards "why do you want us to be quiet?" Alma asked as a bird talked to antonio,"in the living room" he smiled as they entered. "Aaaaw" isabella smiled seeing the triplets passed out. Pepa was in the middle as julieta was on her left hugging her as bruno was on the right with a rat on his shoulder. "Guess it is rather late" alma hummed. "Quiet" pepa muttered then something else that even dolores couldn't make out before rolling over and facing julieta. "Leave them here"
The next day
The triplets woke up, well bruno did. He got up seeing his sisters still asleep. "Morning brunito" alma smiled "hola mamá" he smiled."how did you all end up like that anyway?" Isabela asked as they all sat down. "Julieta passed out a few hours and we noticed she was panicky so we checked and she hsd a panic attack. After we calmed her down she fell asleep against pepa and she didn't let me go"he answered. "So you have a good sleep then?" "Si" he responded as the rat jumped onto his shoulder and he walked out. "Hey mirabel" dolores smiled as the girl entered. She had a long sleeved shirt with trousers on as she wore a scarf. "Whats with the outfit?" Isabela asked. "Nothing!" She said defensively. "Whats that on your neck?"pepa asked tiredly. Thr girl went bright red and covered it with her hand. "Casita" mirabel smiled awkwardly as the house took the scarf. "So, you had a fun night" she went redder is possible before running to her room." Go to sleep mama" dolores whispered to pepa who whined not wanting to. "Pepi...sleep" julieta muttered stirring. Pepa got up. Julieta took the blanket passing out.
So much happened 😭😭 but. At least they're OK. I think. I guess for the most part. Still feel really bad for them though, all of them deserve all the love, especially the triplets <33
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What did the birth certificate say??!! Who is Bruno’s kid?!!!
The one you’ve been waiting for.
Do I continue this after the reveal? Would anyone be interested?
During the search for Mirabel, Dolores ends up splitting away from the group she was assigned to.
She can barely hear herself think over Luisa’s shouting. And her father, though infinitely quieter than her cousin, isn’t much better. She needs some quiet. To concentrate. To think. To reflect. To hear.
Though it seems she still can’t get far enough away.
Seriously though, Luisa should reconsider the choir - there’s a lot of wasted vocal power.
Dolores shakes her head. That’s not important right now.
Her mind is a mess. A jumble of thoughts and feelings. She can’t concentrate. She keeps getting distracted.
It’s then she hears the sound of hooves clipping along the path.
But she’s not the only one who does.
Abuela, just a few feet ahead of her, changes path. Instead walking in the direction of the sound.
When had Abuela gotten here anyways? Wasn’t she still sat with Isabela?
She ends up in a small clearing, just over the mountains. Just in time to catch the end of the conversation, with the matriarch calling out for this mysterious person on a horse. Her son— wait. It’s…
Tío Bruno.
She hides herself behind a tree close to the river edge, watching and listening in silence.
A hand over her mouth just in case.
Her other hand rests over her heart as she takes in the scene, realising there may be more to this than she had initially thought.
“Bruno, please,” Alma begs, her voice heavy with emotion. “You must come back. You must stay.”
“I can’t… not with…” he sighs. “Dolores already knows, it’s only a matter of time before everyone else does. I was a bad father - I still am… no kid deserves that.”
“Mijo, I’m sorry for—”
“It’s not your fault, Mama.”
“It was not your fault either. You did what you had to do.”
Against her better judgement, Dolores kicks a small stone towards the river.
The pair whirl around startled.
“I won’t… I’m not going to tell anyone, Tío.” She promises.
And she means it.
Years ago…
The baby babbled.
Bruno stared down at the crib.
“When you said you had to show us something, I certainly wasn’t expecting… well, this.” Julieta mumbles.
Pepa tugs at her braid. “Agreed. It’s just… Of course, I struggle and the golden child can just have a child as simple as that.”
“What? I am only saying.”
“I don’t take it personally, Juli,” Bruno cuts in. He can almost foresee an argument unfolding.
Not now, he thinks. He doesn’t want anything to disturb him. Or the baby.
His baby.
He still hasn’t quite processed this.
It is his baby. His son. And it is human. Not some rat he’s found in the streets and adopted.
“You kept very quiet about this.” Pepa went on to say.
Bruno offered his hand to the baby. He smiled as its little hand grabbed onto his fingers. “What was I meant to say? Mother would have had my head. She still would. And the town would have questions.”
“And everyone is so distracted by Julieta.” Pepa added, teasingly.
Julieta huffed, one hand resting on her small bump. “It’s understandable. My boy should be a lot bigger by now.”
“Maybe there’s something wrong with us,” Pepa pondered aloud.
Nobody said anything.
Slowly, their attention fell down to the baby, who was once again making noise.
“I’m not even sure I can be a father.” Bruno admitted, quietly. He pulled his hand away. “At least… not a good one. Rats are easy. Babies are—”
“Not rats?” Julieta guessed.
“I was going to say ‘difficult’, but that works too.”
“They are so incredible,” Pepa said. “Such little blessings, so full of potential—”
“But you shouldn’t have one if you don’t feel you can provide for it. I’m not going to raise this baby for you, Bruno.” Julieta cut in, sternly; ever the voice of reason.
Her hormones are really acting against her though in these last few months. She’s starting to sound more like mother.
“Thanks for the offer, but I wasn’t really asking you.” Bruno replied.
Another moment of silence.
Lightning sparked.
“Wait… you’re asking me?” Pepa looked dumbfounded.
“Julieta is right though,” Bruno confessed. “I shouldn’t have a baby if I don’t think I can provide for it. It deserves to have a good life. And I know that you haven’t had the best… uh, luck, when it comes to children, but you and Félix are so great with them. Dolores is an absolute wonder. So, I thought it best to ask you first before I—”
He doesn’t get to finish, Pepa pulls him into a bone crushing hug, sobbing.
Julieta just smiled, backing away with a whisper, “I’ll go get Félix.”
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 113 characters
#i have watched alvin and the chipmunks (2007) like five times this week and i might go insane if i watch it again
My Top Posts in 2022:
I Don't Deserve Bruno (Bruno Madrigal X Reader)
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Request: Hi :) I hope you have a lovely day/night! Can I request something? What about Bruno x reader and usually in fics it's the townspeople who gossip about their relationship and say that reader is too good for them and he doesn't deserve them. But what if it's the other way round? This time the townspeople look down on reader and say they don't deserve Bruno
You had always been aware of the gossip that flowed through the village, if you spent even an hour there you were bound to hear some interesting things about people. It had never bothered you growing up, though you refused to participate in it yourself. There were far more important things to do than stand around and discuss what someone did with her hair.
Now, however, it was all you could think about. Being the center of it will do that to you, especially when they’re not exactly quiet about it.
Dating a Madrigal. He could do a lot better. What do you think Alma thinks of this? I can think of several people who would be a better match. Do you think he actually likes them?
Bruno was oblivious, or so it seemed. He would walk through the village, head held high, hand in yours. Loudly proclaiming (without words) that you were his. Or he used to anyway, now you refused to go anywhere in public with him. Even sitting down to family dinners with the Madrigal family made you nervous, like any second they would all realize you didn’t belong there.
The townspeople were right, of course they were. They were rarely ever wrong, soon the Madrigal’s would also figure it out, in particular, Bruno would.
“You’re thinking about it again,” Bruno glanced over, he was bent down, feeding his rats. He had no idea really what you were thinking about but he had taken notice of your odd behavior and connected the dots that it was related to one thing you weren’t ready to talk about yet.
He was patient, you had to commend him for it. It was clearly eating him to know what was bothering you, he wanted to know so he could help fix it but he respected your privacy.
You shook the thoughts from your head, kneeling down beside him, holding out your hands. He passed the rat he was holding to you and you stroked your finger over it’s head gently while he went back to his feeding,
He mumbled softly to his rats as he divided up the food. He’s a good guy, he’s been through so much. The people in town were right, you realized. He deserves someone better, someone who was worthy of his kindness, of his gentleness. Someone strong, not someone weak like you, who lets other people’s opinions tear them down.
‘I don’t deserve Bruno.’
If you were thinking logically at that moment, you may have realized how ridiculous this line of thinking was. But you weren’t. The rat jumped out of your hand as your breathing increased, your heart felt like it was beating so loud. You made to stand, but stumbled. Hands gripped your arms and you felt yourself being guided to sit.
“Are you okay? What happened? Should I get Julieta?” Bruno’s hands came up to cup your face, forcing you to meet his eyes. You pulled away from his hands so fast like the touch was burning your skin, watching as his expression changed from worry to hurt.
He returned his arms to his sides. “I- I’m sorry! Lo siento! Do you want me to get somebody else?”
You didn’t respond, just buried your face into your knees that you’d brought up to your chest. He had a feeling touching you would make it worse, so he fought the urge to move any closer. He wanted to help, to make whatever pain you were feeling go away but he wasn’t sure how to do it.
He wasn’t even sure what was wrong.
When you had calmed yourself down enough to speak again, you chose your words carefully.
“Bruno, wouldn’t you rather date somebody else in town? Maybe…” You were going to say someone worthy of being a Madrigal. You definitely weren’t.
His brows scrunched, confused by the question. There was nobody in town he’d rather date. He had only ever had eyes for you, and now that he had you he never planned on letting you go. You were his proudest achievement, as corny as it sounded. You just made everything in his life better, made living outside of the walls worth it.
“No. Why would you think that?”
And it suddenly dawned on him. Dolores had told him that the villagers had been saying some unsavory things about them as a couple, about his love especially. His heart felt like it was shattering, the same people who had once shunned him were now hurting someone he loved dearly. What a cruel twist of fate to be on the other side.
“It’s the people in town isn’t it?” He asked softly, and you were surprised he knew. He seemed to be connecting the dots as he went. “That’s why you wanted to stop going on walks… Even though you love them. And why you spend a lot of time here in my tower. You don’t want to be around other people because…”
“I’m not worthy to love a Madrigal, let alone become one. You could do so much better than me, Bruno,” you finished his thought for him.
He felt guilty for not realizing sooner how much you were hurting, he had assumed all of that was completely unrelated. Maybe you were tired or not feeling well…
“If either of us is not worthy, mi amor, it’s me. You’ve been carrying this all alone for so long and I should’ve been helping you. All of that is just lies, you know. You are the most amazing person I know, you sit with me and feed the rats, what other person would do that?” He reached his hand up to caress your face, this time you leaned into his touch instead of pulling away. “And the rest of the family adores you. My sisters think you’re a miracle in yourself for putting up with me, my sobrinos and sobrinas think you’re the best. Even Mamá. You make me the happiest man in the world, let alone Encanto. I don’t care what they think.”
He stuck his tongue out and even though you weren’t feeling entirely better, you laughed. He hummed softly, clearly happy to hear the sound come from your lips again.
“You know if you ever need a reminder, I’m always here,” he pulled you into his side, his words enough for now to quiet your raging insecurities. Eventually, you’d need a refresher on those words but for now, with them fresh in your head and heart, you could rest with him.
He made a thoughtful noise. “You know Antonio’s jaguar wouldn’t mind scaring the people who said those nasty things…”
See the full post
311 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Shoot (Leo Valdez X Child of Apollo! Reader)
A/n: this is something I've been trying to write for a while but could never finish. it's not a request, just something I really felt inspired to write. I don't write enough for Leo! Plus this really helped me get my flow for writing back
For most demigods, finding out they're a half-blood and having a place to finally fit in is the best feeling in the world, for you it just makes you feel ostracized more than ever.
Your mortal parent had dropped you off with the hopes that maybe you’d finally belong somewhere, be with people who were like you. But as soon as you stepped into the camp, you knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
Camp Half-Blood, at least it seemed to someone who had never been, was a place where everyone knew who they were. There were the good looking Aphrodite kids, the mischievous Hermes kids, the crafty Hephaestus kids. And then there was you.
The first week of camp was spent trying to figure out who your godly parent was. Judging by how little you fit into the existing cabins, you were sure your godly parent was going to be some extremely minor god or goddess.
But to yours and everyone’s surprise, a week into camp you were claimed by Apollo. The god of the sun, of prophecy and poetry, music and medicine. Nothing that you felt a personal affinity for, it just made your feelings of not belonging worse.
You had no friends at camp, keeping mostly to yourself. The closest to a friend you guessed you could say you had was Will Solace, your brother.  Half brother. He was the Apollo cabin head counselor and, probably sensing your slight distress when you first moved in, latched onto you almost immediately. Which meant his weird son of Hades boyfriend, Nico Di Angelo, also hung around you a lot. 
Even if you had wanted to make actual friends, it would be impossible with Nico hanging around. A lot of the campers were uneasy and unsettled by his presence. He was alright with you, though. The two of you rarely ever conversed directly. He only hung around you if Will was there too, so you wouldn’t really consider him a friend. 
The more camp activities you participated in, the stronger your desire to isolate yourself from the other campers came to be. You couldn’t play any musical instrument they had at camp, when you tried to help Will in the infirmary you just ended up getting in the way more than actually helping and you really didn’t understand the point or process in poetry.
Being good at nothing your dad was the patron god of stank, especially when it seemed like he’d gifted all his other children with the joys of mastering these skills. Sure, you were okay at hand to hand combat, not bad with a sword either and you loved spending time with the pegasi in the stables but none of that made you a child of Apollo.
Which is why the four of you were on the archery fields now. It was the last of the activities you had to try from your fathers plethora of patronity and you hoped it would be the one you were at least semi decent at. The sun was setting on another day at Camp Half-Blood, there was still time before dinner though so Will had decided to take you out to the fields and see if you had merit as an archer.
With him was his ever faithful boyfriend, Nico and Leo Valdez, a chipper son of Hephaestus who had actually volunteered to come help.
Why, you would never know, it was probably just going to end in disappointment.
Still, you stood with your legs parted, exactly as Will had instructed. Fingers pulled the bowstring back taut, the arrow nocked and ready to be sent flying. Just you and the target, you could do this. Before you could think anymore about it, you released the arrow and it soared… for a few seconds before promptly hitting the ground.
Seriously? It was like your dad was intentionally picking on you, making you bad at the things he was good at on purpose just to get a rise out of you. 
“Hey, that looked pretty good! You should try raising the arrow a little higher next time,” Will said from your right, shooting you an encouraging smile before turning back to helping Nico with his shooting. Nico wasn’t an archer, nor did he have any interest in shooting. He probably just liked the excuse to be close to Will.
You let out a groan as Leo stuck his thumbs in the air, grinning encouragingly as well.
“Come on, try again! I know you can do it! You make the… the preparation look so easy!” He was clearly trying his best to be supportive, but had no idea how to be so. It was annoying, he was too chipper. Plus, the two of you barely knew each other. Why was he even here anyway? This was one of the few rare occasions you’d seen him outside of his cabin or workspace. He spent hours there, according to Will. Supposedly he was working on something special, but nobody wanted to ask what it was yet.
You glared at him, but it didn’t seem to deter his attitude. His stupid face was really starting to bother you.
“If you think it’s so easy, why don’t you do it yourself.” You shoved the weaponry into his arms and stomped off. It was childish and uncalled for. You knew it, but you couldn’t take it anymore. Coming to this place was the worst decision of your life. Someone called out to you, probably Will, but you ignored him and kept going.
Hot tears pricked the back of your eyes as you made your way to the dock to sit and relax, clear your head. The dinner bell rang shortly after but you didn’t join them. It would be too embarrassing to see Nico, Leo and Will after your outburst. Plus, you weren’t hungry anyway. You just wanted to fit in somewhere, belong. Do something right.
As the sun began edging closer to the horizon, you realized though that you’d have to go back to your cabin eventually. Miserably, you picked yourself up off the dock and began the walk. Maybe if you were lucky, Will wouldn’t be back yet.
As you neared the cabins, your shoulders relaxed. You could hear the sounds of singing coming from the amphitheater. That meant everyone was distracted with a sing-along. You could sneak off to bed and nobody would even notice you missing.
“Hey! Wait up!” A voice said from behind you and you turned, immediately a wave of guilt flooding into you. Leo Valdez was making his way toward you, in his hand what looked to be a case. He probably wanted an apology for your freak out earlier, after all, none of it had been his fault.
You slowed so he could catch up, avoiding his eyes as he fell into step beside you. 
There was silence for a few beats, then he broke the silence; “Are you alright? You ran off really fast, I called out to you, but Will said it was probably better to give you your space.”
Somehow, he was only worried about you even though he had every right to be upset.
“I’m fine. Wouldn’t you rather be at the sing-a-long?”
His face turned slightly pinker, like he was almost embarrassed about being there with you and not with everyone else.
See the full post
317 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
From Afar (Bruno Madrigal X Reader)
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Request: None! This is my gift to you all for being gone for so long. This movie cured my writer's block and made me feel really good so I really wanted to write something for it. Hope you all enjoy! Looking forward to reopening the request box soon!
There was something odd about Bruno Madrigal.
Not in a bad way, no, heavens no! You had been fascinated with him as long as you could remember. Growing up in the Encanto meant you saw him quite often, but he was always tailed by his sisters, Julieta and Pepa. Even when he wasn’t, he was surrounded by other villagers, who lined up to have their futures read. If you were braver, maybe you would have joined them, just to be able to talk to him. But you weren’t, so you watched from the sidelines as he did his thing, then continued on doing yours.
Then one day he disappeared and the entire town moved on, including the rest of the Madrigal family. In fact, the only real proof he still existed was the mural of the Madrigal’s that was painted in town. If not for that and the fact that you had practically grown up with him from afar, you might not have ever known he existed in the first place.
You tried to forget him during the decade he was gone, but you couldn’t. It was hard to forget an unrequited crush like that. Especially when you never got the chance to see if he felt the same way. You tried your best to move on, living your life as best as you could.
“Hey, (Y/n)! Are you coming?” Your friend popped up from behind the shelf you were stacking things on, scaring the hell out of you and causing a large amount of the stuff in your arms to fall all over the floor. Slightly annoyed, you bent to pick the stuff up.
“I have to rearrange the store, remember?”
She pouted, helping you pick stuff up off the floor. “But the Madrigal’s need us, they’re rebuilding their home! And I heard some rumors floating around that Bruno Madrigal is back…”
You groaned, what a dumb rumor. He was definitely long gone, probably somewhere where nobody knew his name. He’s definitely out there happy somewhere… but the curiosity got the better of you, dropping your things on one of the tables.
“I guess I can do this later…”
She whooped, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the shop into the crowd of people heading to help the Madrigals with their home.
By the time you reached the rubble of what was once the Madrigal family home, your friend had disappeared into the crowd. People were getting to work all around you, finding things to do and making themselves useful. This was a mistake! With all these people working, it would get done twice as fast, they didn’t need you! You’d just drag the workload down.
“Hey! Are you here to help?” Mirabel Madrigal was bouncing around, helping in any way she could. She must’ve spotted you standing awkwardly not knowing what to do.
You were about to make an excuse about having to do something back home when she pointed over her shoulder. “Camilo could use your help with the foundation stuff!”
You followed where she pointed, searching for her cousin, mentally kicking yourself for not turning around and going back home. The only reason you’d come here in the first place was because Bruno was potentially here, and that clearly hadn’t been true at all….
“(Y/n)?” You hadn’t even noticed you’d nearly walked right into someone until you were stumbling back to not hit them, hands reached out to steady you. At first you thought it had to be your friend, she was the only one in town who really talked to you. But the hands gripping your arms were too slender to be her.
Slowly, you raised your head to see who it was that caught you and your stomach dropped. Bruno had a concerned look on his face, he was clearly worried about you. Words, you needed to say something but nothing would come out. His eyes darted away uncertainly, looking at something or someone over your shoulder.
“S- Sorry. I should’ve been watching where I was going. I nearly knocked you over,” he finally broke the awkward silence. Part of you wanted to laugh, this was insane. You’d been pining for him for a decade (longer than that) and this was the first thing he’d ever said directly to you. Not only that but he’d said your name, he knew your name? It wasn’t that big of a village so that wasn’t crazy, but you’d always kept to yourself and assumed he hadn’t noticed you.
“No! It’s my fault!” You pulled your arms away, laughing nervously. God have your palms been sweating this entire time? “Didn’t know you knew my name…”
He flushed, suddenly becoming very interested in the sandals on his feet.
“The foundation isn’t going to build itself!” Someone called, drawing your attention away from your long time crush and Camilo walked by, giving you a knowing look as he passed, yelling “On it!”
You directed your attention back to Bruno, expecting to see him awkwardly staring at the ground still but he wasn’t. He had his hood pulled over his head to cover his eyes.
“I’m Hernando! I’m not scared of anything!” He was making his voice deeper. There was something odd about Bruno, but you couldn’t help but be amused by it.
You laughed. “Sorry, Hernando. My apologies. I was just wondering if I could talk to Bruno though. It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen him and I’ve finally worked up the courage to tell him something important.”
There was a hesitation, his voice wavering between Bruno and Hernando as he spoke next.
“Wouldn’t you rather talk to someone else?”
“Not really.”
See the full post
446 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Being in a Poly Relationship with Naveen and Tiana
Request: Poly relationship hcs with Tiana and Prince Naveen? (Princess in the Frog)
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First of all, these two would be the most supportive and loving in a polyamorous relationship
Tiana is super ambitious and loving, her father taught her that the most important thing is to love those close to you. So she will take care of you.
Especially in terms of food, she would make you all your favourite dishes
Naveen on the other hand would like to spoil both you and Tiana with things he buys
Even though neither you or Tiana are hugely materialistic, you understand that it's Naveen's way of showing love and so it makes the items special
Dancing to Naveen's music at the restaurant while Tiana is working
Teaming up with Naveen to slightly annoy Tiana, who usually laughs your pranks off and offers you both food
Naveen is definitely a touchy feely guy, he will definitely have his arms around you and Tiana as much as possible
Whenever you have an off day, you somehow find yourself wrapped in a blanket with a bowl of Tiana's dad's infamous gumbo somehow (usually because Naveen tackles you and makes you take it easy)
And you never feel left out because whenever you even start to feel left out they remind you how loved you are
Stealing Naveen's hats, much to his annoyance and Tiana's amusement
Naveen teaching you how to play ukulele. At first it's really frustrating and you almost give up, but he's a really patient teacher and it does feel great when he wraps his hands over yours to make sure you get the notes right
And Tiana definitely teaches you to cook. The two of you spend hours in the kitchen, giggling, dancing around each other, taste testing each other's work.
You love visiting Tiana's mother, the three of you make her so happy. Happy that her daughter has found not just one, but two people who make her daughter feel loved and special
"When are you thinking about having children?"
And yeah, the three of you definitely share a bed. You can't tell me these two wouldn't love cuddling all together.
521 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dating Prince Naveen Headcanons
Request: I am hyperfixating on Princess and the Frog rn so I was wondering if I may request dating Prince Naveen headcanons?? (Fem or gn reader please) A/N: Written/put together by the amazing @fo-babes who always comes through for me in a jam haha. Enjoy!
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Huge huge huge flirt, even before he knows your name. He flirts with everyone but once he saw you, you were his main target for his flirting.
Before he knew your name, he always used cute nicknames for you. Love, darling, doll, etc. He definitely would stop if you asked him to cause consent is key.
When you two finally got to know each other but you were still friends, every day he would try to get you to fall for him. He never minds making the first move but he also loves it when the other person makes it. It makes him feel wanted and loved.
Now when you two are officially dating, the flirting only intensifies, but only for you. Now that he’s in a committed relationship, he flirts with you and only you, no one else.
Every single day when he’s out doing whatever, he’s always looking for stuff in store display windows that you might like. One of his love languages is gift giving. He’s gonna spoil you, no matter how much you protest. 
He would like to have a kid or two, but it’s not something he absolutely would love to have. If you don’t want kids, then he doesn’t want kids. 
Consent is everything to this man. He may be a bit forward but he will stop immediately if asked to. If you don’t want to do something, then he doesn’t want to. And he would expect you to treat him the same. 
Late night dancing in the kitchen while waiting for the cookies in the oven to be done. Enough said.
He’s actually such a gentle lover. One of his favorite things to do is to cup your cheek so softly and press the softest, gentlest kiss on your lips that still leaves you breathless afterwards. He treats you as you are made of glass. He will do anything and everything to keep you safe.
You’re literally an angel to him and he could not ask for more. You’re the best thing in his life and he plans to keep you in it. 
Tiana and Charlotte love you two to bits. At costume parties, they purposefully put you two in the spotlight cause you two are the cutest couple ever. Of course they won’t do it if you’re uncomfortable with being the center of attention.
Naveen always always dips you after a dance and kisses you so passionately. One time he lost himself in the kiss and lost his balance and fell on top of you. Both of you had bruised lips for a couple days and laughed about it. 
He can and will worship the very ground you walk on. He treats you like the king/queen/royalty you are. 
Oh you’re going out to eat? Don’t you dare touch that check. Naveen pays for everything. He even insists on paying on his birthday.
One of his dreams is to marry you, or be in a seriously committed relationship with you. You are the light in his life. He would love to spend the rest of his days by your side. 
710 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
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weaversweek · 9 months
Fear of Mu21c - the top 261
This is the conclusion to #FearOfMu21c, a crowdsourced attempt to find the most popular singles of the 21st century. An index post explains further.
108 people put in their lists of singles, awarding 10 points to all of them, 11 points to the top five, and 12 points to the favourite. Contest runner Arron has wrangled these together, broken ties, and compiled a full chart. It's below the cut.
Hear it all! Spotify playlists of the top 250 in chronological order by release date... and the top 50 in countdown order
266 pts 1 - 1 thing - Amerie
223 pts 2 - Paper planes - MIA
215 pts 3 - Hey ya! - Outkast
212 pts 4 - Can't get you out of my head - Kylie Minogue
198 pts 5 - Biology - Girls Aloud
194 pts 6 - Crazy in love - Beyoncé ft Jay-Z
188 pts 7 - 212 - Azealia Banks ft Lazy Jay
186 pts 8 - Dancing on my own - Robyn
176 pts 9 - Back to black - Amy Winehouse
175 pts 10 - Umbrella - Rhianna ft Jay-Z 11 - Freak like me - Sugababes
154 pts 12 - Video games - Lana Del Rey
150 pts [inc 10 in bonuses] 13 - BOB (Bombs over Baghdad) - Outkast
143 pts 14 - Get ur freak on - Missy Elliott 15 - Overload - Sugababes
142 pts 16 - Take me out - Franz Ferdinand
137 pts 17 - Hurt - Johnny Cash 18 - Bad romance - Lady Gaga
133 pts 19 - All my friends - LCD Soundsystem
132 pts 20 - Feel good inc - Gorillaz
131 pts 21 - Since I met you - The Avalanches 22 - The fear - Lily Allen
124 pts 23 - Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 24 - We live here - Bob Vylan
121 pts 25 - I bet you look good on the dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
120 pts 26 - Toxic - Britney Spears
114 pts 27 - One more time - Daft Punk
113 pts 28 - Mr brightside - The Killers 29 - Destroy everything you touch - Ladytron
112 pts 30 - Time to pretend - MGMT 31 - Do you realize?? - The Flaming Lips
110 pts 32 - Stan - Eminem 33 - Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
106 pts 34 - Crystal - New Order
105 pts 35 - Christine / Tilted - Christine and the Queens
102 pts 36 - Pure shores - All Saints
101 pts 37 - Roscoe - Midlake 38 - Tightrope - Janelle Monaé
100 pts 39 - Blank space - Taylor Swift 40 - Chaise longue - Wet Leg 41 - Song 4 Mutya (out of control) - Groove Armada
94 pts 42 - With every heartbeat - Robyn
93 pts 43 - Fell in love with a girl - The White Stripes
92 pts 44 - Make me feel - Janelle Monáe 45 - Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 46 - Witness (1 hope) - Roots Manuva
91 pts 47 - Ms Jackson - Outkast 48 - Theme from sparta f c #2 - The Fall
90 pts 49 - My girls - Animal Collective 50 - Chewing gum - Annie 51 - Milkshake - Kelis
83 pts 52 - Archie, marry me - Alvvays 53 - Blackstar - David Bowie
82 pts 54 - Bad guy - Billie Eilish 55 - Where are we now? - David Bowie 56 - Seven nation army - The White Stripes 57 - King kunta - Kendrick Lamar 58 - Wildfires - Sault
81 pts 59 - Blinding lights - The Weekend 60 - The rat - The Walkmen
80 pts 61 - Green light - Lorde 62 - Somebody that I used to know - Gotye ft Kimbra 63 - Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers ft Q-Tip 64 - Pagan poetry - Björk 65 - This hell - Ria Lina 66 - I don't feel like dancing - Scissor Sisters 67 - Blind - Hercules and Love Affair
73 pts 68 - Alright - Kendrick Lamar
72 pts 69 - You want it darker - Leonard Cohen 70 - Heartbeats - The Knife 71 - Seasons (waiting on you) - Future Islands 72 - Losing my edge - LCD Soundsystem
71 pts 73 - Uptown funk - Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars 74 - You are the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve - Johnny Boy 75 - Sunrise - Pulp 76 - I love it - Icona Pop ft Charli XCX
70 pts 77 - American boy - Estelle ft Kayne West 78 - Out of time - Blur 79 - Boys in the better land - Fontaines Dc 80 - Portions for foxes - Rilo Kiley 81 - Work it - Missy Elliott
66 pts 82 - Come on, let's go - Broadcast
64 pts 83 - Everything is embarrassing - Sky Ferreira
62 pts 84 - House of jealous lovers - The Rapture 85 - The look - Metronomy
61 pts 86 - No one knows - Queens of the Stone Age 87 - Get lucky - Daft Punk ft Pharell Williams and Nile Rodgers 88 - Royals - Lorde 89 - Burn the witch - Radiohead 90 - The show - Girls Aloud 91 - Hung up - Madonna 92 - Bulletproof - La Roux 93 - Standing in the way of control - The Gossip 94 - Silent shout - The Knife
60 pts 95 - Last nite - The Strokes 96 - Wolf like me - TV on the Radio 97 - Dog days are over - Florence and the Machine 98 - Family affair - Mary J Blige 99 - Cranes in the sky - Solange 100 - Strict machine - Goldfrapp 101 - Rolling in the deep - Adele 102 - Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 103 - Slow - Kylie Minogue 104 - The mother we share - Chvrches 105 - Say it right - Nelly Furtado 106 - Digital love - Daft Punk 107 - Someone great - LCD Soundsystem 108 - That's not my name / Great DJ - The Ting Tings 109 - Hope there's someone - Antony and the Johnsons 110 - Wet dream - Wet Leg
54 pts 111 - I know a place - Muna
53 pts 112 - French navy - Camera Obscura 113 - I do this all the time - Self Esteem
52 pts 114 - Harder than you think - Public Enemy 115 - King of the mountain - Kate Bush 116 - There there - Radiohead 117 - Anti-hero - Taylor Swift 118 - Good fortune - P J Harvey 119 - The wire - Haim 120 - Int'l players anthem (I choose you) - UGK ft Outkast
51 pts 121 - There goes the fear - Doves 122 - Up with people - Lambchop 123 - The words that maketh murder - P J Harvey 124 - Emerge - Fischerspooner 125 - Shake it off - Taylor Swift 126 - Empire state of mind - Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys 127 - Two months off - Underworld 128 - One day like this - Elbow 129 - You ain't the problem - Michael Kiwanuka 130 - Love is a losing game - Amy Winehouse 131 - Mariners apartment complex - Lana Del Rey 132 - Myth - Beach House 133 - This is america - Childish Gambino 134 - Some girls - Rachel Stevens 135 - Lloyd I'm ready to be heartbroken - Camera Obscura 136 - Move your feet - Junior Senior 137 - Husbands - Savages
50 pts 138 - We found love - Rihanna ft Calvin Harris 139 - Damn, dis-moi (girlfriend) - Christine and the Queens ft Dâm-Funk 140 - Groovejet (if this ain't love) - Spiller ft Sophie Ellis Bextor 141 - Chandelier - Sia 142 - Levitating - Dua Lipa 143 - Don't start now - Dua Lipa 144 - Go! - Public Service Broadcasting 145 - About you now - Sugababes 146 - Since u been gone - Kelly Clarkson 147 - Heads will roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 148 - Slow life - Super Furry Animals 149 - Bootylicious - Destiny's Child 150 - This is the life - Amy MacDonald 151 - Welcome to the black parade - My Chemical Romance 152 - Pretty pimpin - Kurt Vile 153 - Go - The Chemical Brothers ft Q-Tip 154 - Days like these - Low 155 - Party hard - Andrew Wk 156 - The turning of our bones - Arab Strap 157 - Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols 158 - Pumped up kicks - Foster the People 159 - We the people… - A Tribe Called Quest 160 - Take me to church - Hozier 161 - Williams' blood - Grace Jones 162 - Geraldine - Glasvegas
44 pts 163 - The girl and the robot - Röyksopp ft Robyn
43 pts 164 - Remember where you are - Jessie Ware 165 - Chaeri - Magdalena Bay
42 pts 166 - Evil - Interpol 167 - Hoppipolla - Sigur Rós 168 - Reflektor - Arcade Fire ft David Bowie 169 - Neighbourhood #2 (Laika) - Arcade Fire 170 - Midnight city - M83 171 - Coles corner - Richard Hawley 172 - Miami - Baxter Drury 173 - Heartbeat - Annie 174 - The modern age ep - The Strokes 175 - Lose yourself - Eminem 176 - Call the shots - Girls Aloud 177 - PDA - Interpol 178 - Loud places - Jamie xx ft Romy 179 - Don't shut me down - ABBA
41 pts 180 - Oblivion - Grimes 181 - Bloodbuzz Ohio - The National 182 - Düsseldorf - Teleman 183 - Such Great Heights - The Postal Service 184 - Precious - Depeche Mode 185 - I'm a cuckoo - Belle & Sebastian 186 - Somewhere only we know - Keane 187 - The rip - Portishead 188 - New rules - Dua Lipa 189 - Bring me to life - Evanescence 190 - Hard to explain - The Strokes 191 - Someone like you - Adele 192 - Star roving - Slowdive 193 - Lonely boy - The Black Keys 194 - Obstacle 1 - Interpol 195 - Not in love - Crystal Castles ft Robert Smith 196 - In for the kill - La Roux 197 - Queen of hearts - Fucked Up 198 - Stuck between stations - The Hold Steady 199 - Burn baby burn - Ash
40 pts 200 - Push the button - Sugababes 201 - Try again - Aaliyah 202 - Danny Nedelko - Idles 203 - Close your eyes (and count to fuck) - Run the Jewels ft Zack de la Rocha 204 - More than a woman - Aaliyah 205 - Feel good hit of the summer - Queens of the Stone Age 206 - Pyramid song - Radiohead 207 - Head home - Midlake 208 - Telephone - Lady Gaga ft Beyoncé 209 - Like I used to - Sharon van Etten and Angel Olsen 210 - Over and over - Hot Chip 211 - Into you - Ariana Grande 212 - Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo 213 - Archangel - Burial 214 - Emmylou - First Aid Kit 215 - Motion sickness - Phoebe Bridgers 216 - 99 problems - Jay-Z 217 - Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 218 - Sea within a sea - The Horrors 219 - 1901 - Phoenix 220 - I follow rivers - Lykke Li 221 - Whenever wherever - Shakira 222 - Fake empire - The National 223 - Sprawl II (mountains beyond mountains) - Arcade Fire 224 - Frontier psychiatrist - The Avalanches 225 - Danger! high voltage - Electric Six 226 - Ladyflash - The Go! Team 227 - Katy on a mission - Katy B 228 - GMF - John Grant with Sinéad O'Connor 229 - Kids - MGMT 230 - You know I'm no good - Amy Winehouse 231 - I luv u - Dizzee Rascal 232 - Beautiful day - U2 233 - Mykonos - Fleet Foxes 234 - Lazy - X-press 2 ft David Byrne 235 - Club foot - Kasabian 236 - Fallin' - Alicia Keys 237 - Greatest hits - Jockstrap 238 - Remedy - Little Boots 239 - I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness 240 - Lies - Chvrches 241 - Leave the door open - Silk Sonic 242 - Reagan - Killer Mike 243 - Shut up kiss me - Angel Olsen 244 - Round and round / Mistaken wedding - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti 245 - Glue - Bicep 246 - Black magic - Little Mix 247 - Hade - Charisma.com 248 - My heart is a drummer - Allo Darlin' 249 - One-armed scissor - At The Drive In 250 - Feel it still - Portugal, The Man 251 - Kryptonite - Three Doors Down
34 pts 252 - Irish blood english heart - Morrissey
33 pts 253 - Whole again - Atomic Kitten 254 - Feel you - Julia Holter
32 pts 255 - It's a hit - Rilo Kiley 256 - Papillion - Editors 257 - Summertime sadness - Lana Del Rey 258 - Everybody's changing - Keane
31 pts 259 - The middle - Jimmy Eat World 260 - Somebody told me - The Killers 261 - Editors - Munich
Performers getting at least 250 points in total were:
JAY-Z 552 pts/4 in the chart
ROBYN 465/3
M.I.A. 333/1
AMERIE 286/1
(Yes, this includes nominations that didn't make the published chart.)
#FearOfMu21c was part of "Music Twttr", an accumulation of mostly-British mostly-middle-aged mostly-male posters. It reflects a particular cultural bias: primarily The Sort Of Tune They'll Play on BBC 6 Music. Almost nothing not in English, very little folk and country and roots music.
I ended up with 17 votes counting to the top 261, 16 to the top 250. This is as much as would be expected by sheer chance.
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glitch-e-stardust · 2 years
Shoutout to Bruno Encanto for being the crazy rat man representation I both want and thoroughly deserve to see in more media.
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