#mirabel and the rats are besties now
jacarandaaaas · 7 months
here I present to you: a completely unnecessary look at how mirabels reaction to Bruno’s rats has evolved!
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ravenaboutfandom · 2 years
more madrigal hcs
hi everyone who keeps liking my posts pls drop asks for more hcs or specific hcs i guess idk
luisa is pretty agile, like, surprisingly agile, but you wouldn’t know it because she tends to just like move stuff out of her way. like she’s walking and mirabel is sitting on the floor there? she is so gentle and she plops mirabel down on the floor a little bit to the right
antonio kind of like idk projects his needs onto the animals a little like “the leopard says that it’s too cold in my room” or smth
i feel like pepa doesn’t really get jokes or expressions like how she flipped out over bruno saying that she was sweating at her wedding it’s hard for camilo to talk to her sometimes bc he has to explain himself differently
hmmmm do you think julieta’s food would help dolores with headaches bc i bet she has them a lot
julieta’s feet hurt all the time bc she’s always pacing around in the kitchen mixing ingredients and baking
agustin probably gives her foot massages because he is the best
isabel and pepa work together in fields to grow produce for the village
camilo is besties with all the moms in the village and also all the kids
“one of us here has a seven foot frame camilo” “tío bruno i was five years old would you please drop it i am literally as tall as you”
alma brushing and braiding isa’s hair for her bc its the same texture as hers and no one else really has that texture so she doesn’t know how to do it the same
antonio realizing camilo’s like a chameleon and that he has chameleons on his clothes and being so excited
bruno and camilo coming up with more rat choreography
someone walks up to mirabel and casita pulls up a chair and a couch and mirabel sighs and sits down as whoever came up to her flops on the couch psychologist style
probably luiza and pepa and dolores mostly
mirabel and camilo were rlly close when they were little but kinda drifted when camilo got his gift but now they’re trying to start being buddies again
camilo cannot reproduce the baby head baby hands thing when he tries, so when you see that you know he’s rlly stressed or something is very wrong
mira sees him like that and calls over the therapist couch herself
even after returning bruno likes to get around using the walls and people still jump when he talks to them from within the walls but he’s comfortable and that’s all that matters
antonio being the person family therapist mirabel vents to and just quietly climbing on her lap or giving her a squeeze
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peaachie · 2 years
encanto crossover ships
im here for the inevitable isabela x elsa crossover crackship for blatantly obvious reasons but also consider:
luisa x kronk: now that’s a power couple idc!! luisa seems the type to like himbos as much as dolores does. plus kronk can cook almost as well as her mom. he would adore her, embrace her emotional side and wait on her hand and foot which is exactly what she deserves
mirabel x moana: why? because why not?? both come from tight-knit families & communities they love and have a responsibility to, but still desired more from their life and have a sense of adventure. also close with a lovable outcast that has god-like abilities and a complicated reputation. it’s meant to be 
camilo x violet parr: goofy showoff shapeshifter w/ shy invisible girl that’s secretly a superhero. both are snarky teenagers that are still finding themselves, it’s a fanfic that writes itself. violet’s canon love interest (toby? timmy? who cares) is lame and she’s also the only age appropriate option for camilo from Disney/Pixar films (i know alberto is like 14 but he looks 12 im sorry i dont see it, plus he got luca). they both come from families with powers that serve their communities, i know y’all see the vision
antonio is a child and obviously not interested in romance yet, but could very well be besties with boo from monsters inc who has monster friends or bonnie from toy story who has talking toys. they’d introduce all their little non-human pals to each other and have a great time
bruno x hector rivera:  because you know exactly why, quirky outcasted latino men with tragic pasts and big families they love (and that still love them despite everything),  forged a close bond with a relative that meets them for first time and re-unites the fam again. also consider bruno x linguini from ratatouille even just as bros, because they’re both socially awkward guys that are besties with rats and imagining a convo between them makes me laugh 
i wasn’t gonna add pepa and felix or julieta and agustin to this list because they are already perfect for each other but if you wanna get wild they could swing with the incredibles parents or something, idk. dolores and mariano are also a perfect match but just for the hell of it, dolores x tiana  and mariano x naveen because I think they give similar energy and would all get along well. 
if you have any more crackships and crossover ideas feel free to add them! pro-shippers please keep your incest and pedo ships away from this post 
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dikanamai · 2 years
I'm both excited and terrified about the "Encanto franchise" thing, tbh. A lot of mixed feelings here.
Excited because yay, more content about the Madrigals! But also terrified because… what kind of content we're gonna get? Another movie? Please, no. Whatever plot they could come up with will probably mess up what they accomplished in this one. A series? Ok, but only if they choose the "slice of life" approach, because I'd say that's actually what most of us are yearning for, right? But even so, what kind of things are they gonna make canon?
I don't know, I really love when stories leave a lot of room for the fandom to explore what the original source didn't explore. Now we have a lot of headcanons about the triplets, about the relationships between the cousins and siblings, even between Bruno and his niblings. And I really like it that way, even though many people have different headcanons about the same aspects, because that's the magic of headcanons: everyone has their own and everyone's happy. Like, would I like JK Terfing to write something about The Marauders in the HP universe? Hell no. They belong to the fandom. So would I like Jared "Pedro died the same day the triplets were born" Bush to write a whole series about this family? I'm not sure, man. What if everything's horrible?
It'll still be a Disney thing, so I'm sure they'll keep it low key, but they'll have to make some decisions anyway. I personally would get super upset if they give Bruno a love interest, for example (so I hope they reserve that kind of content for the Madrigal grandkids and leave the old uncle alone with his rats and his family). But the thing that worries me the most is how much weight Mirabel is gonna have as main character. I mean, a series would be the perfect excuse to make the story actually choral (I'm not sure if it's said this way in English? When a story doesn't have a single protagonist, but a group of people with the same relevance?). If they keep everything revolving around Mirabel and just Mirabel, making her the fav daughter, the fav sister, the fav nieta, the fav cousin, the fav niece… urgh. Pepa's family will keep its side-character syndrome? Their relationships between each other and with Bruno and the cool colors family will be set aside because the focus will be always on Mirabel? I love Mira, but that would be… sad. And also a waste, imho. I don't want the characters existing just around Mirabel and her actions, because everyone has their own story. Let Pepa and Bruno catch up after 10 years of being apart and reminisce about the previous 40 years they spent together. Show me Isa and Loli being besties. Let the older grandkids catch up with their tío. Honestly, I don't wanna live in a world where Dolores and Isa aren't Bruno's favorite nieces, LOL. It would feel just… wrong XD
But the most important thing is: if they're not gonna keep the story Colombian af, what's even the point? I'm very, very afraid of the hypothetical USA-fication of Encanto's tone to make it more appealing or easier to produce as fast food for the audience, with random plots made in USA copypasted from any other random D+ show. That would be awful and utterly heartbreaking.
The more I think about it, the more I believe the better option would be a series of shorts, just picking funny moments of the past and present of the family, as if they were telling us stories of their lives. Something simple that allows them to keep the original tone of Encanto and still leaves room for the fandom to create.
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Since you got into Encanto, what would you say would be an interesting crossover beetween Encanto and She-Ra?
OOOH okay so this gives me so many ideas, let's see
- i feel like catra and mirabel would get along. mirabel would teach her how to sew and embroider and at first catra would be pretty closed off but like mirabel's personality is so welcoming, you know? they've get to talking about how mirabel was messed up because of her lack of a gift, how catra felt abandoned and left behind too many times to count, and they'd feel a sense of understanding. 'this one gets it' they both think.
- adora and luisa would. hit. it. off. no question. they both are known for taking on wAY too much and being unable to relax and they'd be the BEST of workout buddies. i can see luisa complaining to adora about how hard it is to relax when her definition of relaxing is lifting weights and adora going like 'oh my god, same. i only relax when i'm fighting something!!!'. they would probably exchange work out techniques and discuss how things can get to heavy sometimes, and adora and luisa always walk away from each other feeling a little lighter because hey, there's someone who gets how i feel. bow and mirabel would probably conspire to get them some rest.
- bow and mirabel would also be besties!! they both have that warm, vibey feeling and bow would listen to mirabel speak, no matter what, and gives her a sense of belonging. i feel like bow and bruno would get along as well because bow's really affectionate and bruno is starved of any human contact, right? so bow takes one look at bruno and goes 'okay i'm adopting this sad man as my uncle' and they have WILD times. bruno would also make sure bow doesn't take on too much [because he can forget to take care of himself while he's taking care of everyone else] and bow would be besties with bruno's rats.
- glimmer!!! and!!! isabella!!! both are 'queens', under enormous pressure to be perfect all the time. glimmer would help isabella unwind and go crazy, and isabella would help glimmer think straight and smart. it's a good pairing and they've both got wicked sharp minds and if camilo influenced them, well... the pranks would be AWESOME. we've got glimmer's scheming mind and isabella's powers to thank for that.
- perfuma and isabella as well!! they'd have 'friendly' competitions to see who could grow the best flowers and they stumble through the troubles of growing a plant from scratch together. perfuma helps isabella understand not everything she can grow has to be perfect and isabella keeps perfuma from cracking under pressure. perfuma's there when isabella is having her crisis about liking women and isabella's the one to arrange flowers everywhere when perfuma proposes to scorpia. power couple. together with glimmer, the three of them are unstoppable.
- dolores and seamista!?!?!?!? i'm obsessed with that because dolores is constantly hearing every little thing and it probably gets overwhelming a lot and seamista is just there with an arm on her shoulder and a quiet 'let's get you some hot chocolate'. her whispered sarcastic remarks will always make dolores laugh, and sometimes they're in different room so dolores ends up laughing in the middle of a serious discussion while abuela's just like 'wtf. it becomes a game to see how loud seamista can get dolores to laugh while she's in an inappropriate environment. also: they exchange a Look while mariano and sea hawk are burning things and generally being chaotic himbos and go 'okay we're bonding now'
- pepa and entrapa!!! pepa and entrapta!!! entrapta would see pepa's clouds or rainbow and immediately flood her with questions and pepa would be so shocked that someone is genuinely interested in her powers that the cloud just goes... poof. entrapta would just interrogate pepa about her powers and pepa's just like. holy shit. meanwhile she's VERY invested in entrapta's inventions and they have fun times, seeing what they can make go 'boom' the loudest. pepa can be found poking around entrapa's robots, asking entrapta how they work. entrapta would also design some place where pepa can feel every thing without the encanto facing a hurricane or a drought and she'd just gift it to pepa without understanding what an awesome gift it is and pepa just tears up and hugs entrapa who's like 'what? oh. oh this is nice.'
- also félix + agustin + bruno + micah + george + lance. chaotic dads who have low self control and WILL aggressively embarrass and support their children. they would also gang up against hordak and take him out for picnics and swims saying 'you're too pale!!! you need sunshine!!!!' ignoring the fact that he's a. robot.
- julieta, looking at catra: that poor girl needs rest and a warm hug.
catra, looking at julieta: she... she looks like a mom
basically julieta straight up adopts catra and they have bonding sessions and julieta teaches catra to cook!! and adora is like 'hey whend you learn to cook so good' and catra's like 'i've been meaning to talk to you about that... *pulls in julieta* this is my new mom julieta'. catra also helps julieta understand she's more than what she can give to other people.
- camilo!!! and double trouble!!! both shapeshifters, sarcastic, troublemakers. camilo's been having gender crisises left and right and double trouble pops in like 'hey i can help you out' and camilo's like 'i'm not sure if i want to be a girl or a boy or neither i keep changing my mind' and double trouble sits down and explains gender and tells camilo that he can be whatever gender he wants, it's his choice and they help camilo come out to their family and lends him some dresses. and camilo goes 'you're pretty neat want to help me play pranks on my family' and double trouble's like 'you're my type of kid.'
- FROSTA AND ANTONIO. frosta got the throne when she was eleven, yall. it's a lot of pressure to put on someone that young and frosta's forgotten how to be kid. she can't afford to be a kid anymore. antonio swoops in and reminds her of her childhood and in no time at all, he's giving her rides on his cheetah and asking elephants to carry her in their trunks. it's the most fun she's had in a while and she helps him with the sudden responsibility dumped on him.
- last but not least, angella and abuela. [angella is alive in this, yall.] they both look at each other and see someone so tired, tired of having to be strong all the time, tired of carrying so much grief from losing their loved ones and not having enough time to mourn them properly because they've got a kingdom/town to take care of. they're kinda careful with each other in the beginning, with abuela silently handing angella cups of tea when she sees angella withdrawing, and angella telling abuela stories about glimmer when she sees abuela returning to her shell when everything is too much, and they remind each other that it's okay to grieve. it's okay to rest when things get too much and it's okay to let your children go wild even though you want to keep them close and make sure nothing can hurt them ever again. it's okay to not be okay. even after they part, they remain the best of friends and they're still the only ones who can make the other truly laugh, a belly shaking, eyes crinkling type laugh.
okay haha this got really long hsjfhsdsj thank you for asking me this <3 it made me really happy to be able to ramble about two of my interests together!!! :DD
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sora-suna-rin · 2 years
This is completely random, and I don't know what I'm doing... so here you go
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Starting off with Mirabel
• Biromantic, Demisexual
• definitely adds to her skirt when a big moment happens
• she knows how to cook, and well. I mean, look at her mom
• I feel like her and Camilo are besties that do the randomest things together (I'll probably make something on this later
• Gender fluid, pan(he/they/she, thats just my perspective at least)
• I love this person will all my heart
• He probably gets into acting more as a hobby when he finds himself
• Owns theatrical soundtracks on disc/vinyl
• Mirabel and them are probably the most creative out of the Madrigals
• Probably straight but also she/they?
• after the rebuilding of Casita I think she'd be the most calm out of everyone, now that she's carrying less of a burden on her shoulders
• likes the fruit drinks... yes
• Straight, very supportive
• She definitely had fun during the duration of the rebuild
• she probably also missed her gift aswell, cause shes had it for so long
• I feel like she got a headache when it first disappeared and came back
• she's very talkative but can't speak loudly enough without her ears hurting
• Lesbian, simply that
• I feel like she would go on to create designs with Mirabel and create colorful dresses and stuff
• opens a garden club
• she has a lot of stored up energy, it's insane
Definitely decorates her room with succulents
• This man! Has my heart!
• omni... I don't know, I get omni vibes
• him and Camilo are the funniest people in the house
• showes his rat shows to his siblings
• rewatches all the telenovelas with Dolores so she can catch up
• he is an actor!
• he gets along with the kids real quick. He's like their best friend tío
Pepa and Felix
• bi, poly(yes for both) I'm ✨obsessed✨
• one word, power couple
• they definitely go dancing often, like a lot more
• they act like a couple on their honeymoon when out for dates
• I love them, thats all, I love them
Julietta (I have no idea if I spelled that right)
• The token straight out of the triplets
• Gordon Ramzy could never
• I feel like she has/had a dream to open up a bakery
• definitely has a cook book of recipes she's made up on her own, but never really makes them unless she's practicing
• Agustin might attempt to help achieve a small restaurant thing dream for her or something
So... yes- there's that. It probably makes no coherent sense, so sorry. Yes
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