#but he will come out and go crazy to his favorite ts songs
winterwhisperz-blog · 6 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 천사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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mialikeshockey · 1 year
Adore You - Mark Estapa
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Based on the song “Adore you” by Harry Styles :)
bowling date night with Mark and you can’t do anything but adore the man in front of you.
“You don’t have to say you love me, I just wanna tell you something. Lately you’ve been on my mind. Honey, I’d, I’d walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you. Like it’s the only thing I’ll ever do.”
You hear Mark come home after spending the day with the guys. Your puppy was barking like crazy while you could hear Mark saying hi to them.
He went to the lake with them while you and your friends went too but went home sooner. Mark stayed back to help everyone clean up.
Tonight was also date night. Almost every weekend was. No matter how late. It always happened no matter what.
“You ready, love?” Mark questioned walking into the room. “Almost…give me like five more minutes.” You say as you finish up washing your face. He smiles, while sitting down on the bed.
You and Mark went on dates almost every weekend. Either out to restaurants or just going to places like the bowling alley. The bowling alley was a personal favorite.
Seeing his face light up,as he smiles after making a strike. You couldn’t help but adore him. He was honestly the best boyfriend you can even remember having. He’s extremely sweet.
“All ready.” You take his hand, pressing a kiss into his fingers. While heading out the door Mark grabs his keys still not letting go of your hand.
The drive wasn’t to far. Mark mostly just talked about how we wanted to go to the beach again soon. He loves being out in the water. He sometimes reminds me of a man child. He gets so excited over the smallest things and it’s so adorable.
As we got to the bowling alley, we get our shoes and put our names into the board. Mark just put his as “stop sign” and you put yours “ts lover”. You and Mark always joked around with saying you were a puck bunny for him, even though you actually met Mark at a hockey game.
As the night continues, you and Mark were full of giggles and laughs. You loved nights like this. Practice and hockey free. Non of the team there. Just you and your favorite boy.
“LETS GO BABY!” Mark yells after making another strike. You giggle as he turns over all smiley. Mark sits down next to you and you put your head on his shoulder. “Wanna go get ice cream am after this?” He asks softly.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smiled. “We can finish this game up if you want, or we can go now. It’s up to you sweetheart.”
“We can go now if you want too.” You say turning to him. After you guys returned the shoes and got back to the car.
As the night went on it got pretty late. You and Mark were sitting outside of the ice cream shop. “The sky looks so pretty. All the stars…they are extremely bright.” You say while finishing your ice cream.
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liked by markestapa, edwards.73, rutgermcgroarty, and others
yourusername i love you but maybe I love our puppy more 😁
markestapa the puppy ain’t even all that but I love you more THAN THE PUPPY. 🥲
^ edwards.73 aye don’t do my bud like that Estapa.
^ markestapa be•tray•al : the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery. "the betrayal by the king by his daughter"
rutgermcgroarty why didn’t I get icecream.
^ luca.fantilli bro fr like??
^ mackie.samo we just ain’t cool enough man 🤧
^ markestapa why do u guys comment on all my gfs posts 😐
^ lhughes_06 bc she’s better than u?
^ markestapa bruh my own teammate.
^ edwards.73 dw bro ur still my bf
^ markestapa good 😍
^ yourusername damn. My bf js got taken 😪
hi sorry ik my posts have been rlly bad lately I have had no motivation whatsoever and anything I come up with I don’t like and I hide in my drafts but Lunas over and when she’s over she forces her motivation on me 🥲 (not rlly she just talks about writing and than I think of something)
But anyways me and her are doing face masks rn and listening to music and it’s 4am 😍 alr bye bye ilyg
tagging some ppl - @lunaaaaaa-nothere @jeromes-scars
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In honor of you going to see TSwift in a few weeks, I’m begging (read: demanding) to know which TS album each Weasley couple is. 😘
Molly & Arthur:
Debut - the OGs, they have lived through two wars, raised seven kids, lost one child, seen their family be killed off, lost friends that were like family, and yet can still open their hearts to love.
Favorite song from the album: I’m Only Me When I’m With You
Bill & Fleur:
Fearless TV- these two keep their hearts on their sleeves and try to live a life of adventure! They are brave and open people, and nothing can stop them, even dancing in the rain in their best dress.
Favorite song from the album: Fearless
Victoire & SJ:
Speak Now - all they ever want to be is heard! So an album written by one and only one person sticks out to them. They ran away to start a life together, and yet resettled close to their siblings to keep the family together.
Favorite song from the album: Speak Now or Long Live
Dominique & Lorcan:
Lover - they got together in the middle of tragedy, they spent their nights thinking of each other and also what was coming next. They spent so much time fighting opposing forces, only for the same outcome to happen. At some point, they asked the traffic lights if everything was going to be okay, only to hear…‘I don’t know’.
Favorite song from the album: Paper Rings
Louis & Anamika:
Red TV - passionate, beautiful, colorful. Louis loves Anamika in red and she’ll sit for him for hours with the album playing. Sure it’s all about a relationship ending, but it just makes them feel more secure in their own.
Favorite song from the album: Safe & Sound (from the vault)
1989 - it’s fun, it’s adventurous, it’s addictive, it’s 1989. It’s an album he can hum under his breath around the dragons that won’t cause them to go crazy and he can listen to it with his nieces and nephews with no complaints, it’s a little dated, but so is he and no one can revoke his “cool uncle” title anyways.
Favorite song from the album: Shake It Off
Percy & Audrey:
1989 - for all of its highs, this album also has its lows. While they hated it when it was the only album the girls played on loop for about a year, they grew to love the music and messages of love behind the lyrics. Don’t tell anyone but they are the secret Swifties of the family.
Favorite song from the album: This Love
Molly & Artie:
Red TV - it took them a few tries, but they finally nailed it down. They took all of their anger, all of their love, all of their unyielding passion, and they came together and found love and can’t let that love go.
Favorite song from the album: Come Back…Be Here
Lucy & Devon:
Evermore - she’s the sister album to Folklore, but the cousin to Red, which is enough for Lucy. Her story with Devon is spent so much in secrets and quiet moments, that Evermore resonates with them. Often they also feel like the forgotten couple because they keep their issues to themselves instead of bringing the whole family in too.
Favorite song from the album: gold rush
George & Angelina:
Speak Now - I don’t think I could pick anything else for them. After the war, after all of their losses, they both turned inward, losing their voices until they found each other again.
Favorite song from the album: Last Kiss
Freddie & LeeAnne:
Midnights - they keep a time stamp on their relationship because time spent together is their love language. Time together whether in the middle of the night or not, is important to them, intrusive thoughts and all.
Favorite song from the album: Sweet Nothing
Roxanne & Sean/Sasha:
Lover - with Sean it’s all about young love, sweet and innocent, while Sasha it’s about growth and change and acceptance. Both sides are seen in this album.
Favorite song from the album: Sean is Lover, Sasha is Daylight
Ron & Hermione:
1989 - bright, hypnotic, new. Their relationship thrives on challenging each other and making each other grow, finding adventure even while standing close. Also they love to dance.
Favorite song from the album: Wildest Dreams
Rose & Scorpius:
Red - they are passionate and loud and young and they feel it as they laugh and dance and sing together. They fall in love at the wrong time for all the right reasons and together they lift each other up. Also they are hopelessly romantic, and nothing is more romantic than a break up album.
Favorite song from the album: Red
Hugo & Lyla:
Folklore - she’s anxious and he can’t stand still, but together they’re calm, cool, and collected. They find the summer to be their best season and time seems to slow down just for them and their love for one another.
Favorite song from the album: Invisible String
Ginny & Harry:
Reputation - because isn’t that what they’ve always been fighting for?
Favorite song from the album: Call It What You Want
James & Katie/Marci:
Reputation - with Katie, James is trying to protect his reputation for her, and it still makes her cheat on him and leave him at his lowest.
Lover - with Marci, James is trying to recover from Katie and the damage she caused him while also falling in love. She makes him let go of his reputation and just start thinking about love.
Favorite song from the album: Look What You Made Me Do / Afterglow
Al & Maggie:
Evermore - dark and heavy full of failed love stories and also stories full of love and wanting, it reflects both halves of their relationship. The anger of not wanting to be in love at seventeen and the hopelessness of being in love at twenty-two.
Favorite song from the album: champagne problems
Lily & Ryan:
Midnights - the beginning of their relationship is spent hiding away from the world in their own quiet space, in the hours between midnight and 3am. Lots of stories and thoughts and adventures are shared that maybe shouldn’t have been, but that’s the beauty of the nighttime hours, the sun is coming soon.
Favorite song from the album: Lavender Haze
Teddy & Annabelle:
Speak Now - this album is what made them Swifties, and in many ways made them realize that they’re not just friends. Playing music and writing songs together is how they became friends and fell in love, so they see the strength in doing it all alone.
Favorite song from the album: Mine
If anyone wants me to explain the song selection, just send another ask, but for right now I’m going back to bed.
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sheerioswifties · 6 years
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Hi! I’d like to request a Tom imagine where he becomes distant and not the same Tom you knew before so when you lay in bed on opposite side facing different directions, you start to silently sob and he doesn’t notice. It goes on for a couple of nights and you leave early in the morning but one day Tom wakes up and sees the tear stained pillow and feels awful because he’s been so cold to the reader. Thanks :))
False God
A/N : This took me forever apologies for that. Based on the song ‘false god’ by TS. Hope you like this.
Pairing : Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : angst 
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Everything seemed perfect until it wasn’t. Your rather happy and prosperous life was crumbling in front of your eyes and you didn’t know what to do. A rift has been forming between you and Tom and it is getting wider day by day. 
Since the day Tom has returned from filming he has been acting distant. Your long late night conversations where he used to pour his heart out to sharing each and every thing that happened with him while he was away has come down to bare minimum only if it's necessary. His hugs no longer had the warmth you were familiar with; neither were his kisses. It felt forced and deliberate.
You knew that being in a relationship with a world known actor like Tom would be tough. He is always travelling to different places around the world to make more movies but never you’d imagine that distance would become the weak point of your relationship. Everybody had warned you about times like this when the distance between you would feel way too much as if you don’t know the person anymore. It made you question your decisions, maybe it was crazy of you to rush into a relationship. The promises you made to be there for each other now feels stupid and childish.
After finishing all your daily chores you headed to your shared bedroom. Tom was already in bed glancing at the ceiling lost in his own thoughts as you walked to your side of the bed and laid down. Everything was so still only the shallow breathing of yours could be heard the silence cutting to your core. You tried to take the initiative and went to wrap your arms around him and snuggle close as you always used to do. 
“Not tonight baby I’m tired” to your surprise Tom pushed you away with a hint irritation in his voice as he turned to his side facing his back to you. You retracted your hands in guilt of coming off as clingy. You turn to your side as you sob silently, the fact that you were so close to each other but it felt he was out of your reach.
You hoped that things would get better, maybe he needed some space but it just got worse for you. It looked like he was avoiding you as he spent most of the time outside of the house. Is this what everybody warned you about? The guy who used to follow you around like a lovesick fool suddenly you feel you have become an eye sore for him. But still you wanted to hold on to the last straw. You were blinded by the faith in him and the love you had that made you keep your hopes alive that this shall pass and soon he come running back to you.
You didn’t want to give up so easily as you tried to make him talk to you about whatever it was bothering him but he was always cold and resilient about it.
“Hey hon let's go out for dinner tonight what do you say?” you ask thinking that you both needed to blow of some steam and enjoy.
“Nah I'm good babe” he turns down your offer plainly engrossed in watching whatever was playing on the TV while sitting on the couch.
“Oh ok” you say gloomily as you turn to go back to your room when you hear his phone ring.
“Hey Haz what's up mate?” Tom sounded cheerful as he talked to his best friend.
“At the pub? Yeah sure why not. I'll be there by seven” he confirms before hanging up the phone.
That hurted you immensely has your relationship come to this where he’d rather not go out spend a little time with you. Has his dislike for you gone to that extent? you thought fighting back your tears. The last blow came when the other day you accidentally overheard him while he was in the study speaking to someone on his phone.
“No I can’t do this anymore. I’m fucking tired!” Tom said with distaste in his voice.
That was it you couldn’t bear to hear anymore as you ran to your bedroom with tears in your eyes. You sat on the bed as your eyes went to the framed photographs of you and Tom as memories flashed in front of your eyes. You looked so happy around each other everything seemed so perfect but now he is tired of you. You are no more his favorite thing to look at. If it is so then why pretend? If he’s eventually gonna break your heart why not get it done already you don’t want to be a burden in someone’s life.
With these thoughts you cried yourself to sleep only wishing if this was a bad dream and once you wake up you will find yourself in his arms. 
Next day you woke up early in the morning to find Tom sleeping next to you peacefully, a loose curl falling over his eye. A smile formed on your face as you went to brush it off but stopped when the memory of last night returned back to you. You felt suffocated as the air in the room felt heavy. You wanted to scream and vent out everything you had inside you, you just want an answer to why is he acting like this? What was your fault?
Your head started to ache and after a lot of thought you decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air to clear your head.
Tom stirs in his sleep and turns around on his side, his hand reaching out to pull you closer out of habit but he is met with thin air. He pats around your side of the bed with his eyes still closed to find the sheets cold. His eyes shoot open realizing you weren’t there as he sits up.
“Y/N” he calls out, rubbing his eyes. His eyes went to your pillow, the fabric of the pillow case covered with wet blotches as realization dawned upon him. You were crying and he was the reason behind your tears. 
“Shit..” he was overcome with guilt and slid off the bed.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Tom called out to you rushing down the stairs but you weren’t in the living room
“Love, where are you?” he frantically searched everywhere for you in the house but you were nowhere to be found. He dropped down on the couch letting out a deep sigh in regret. He himself knew that he had been distant to you for a reason that he cannot say to you which was eating him up from inside. He hurt you to the extent that now you are gone. He had no idea what to do now, where to go and find you. He was about to call Harry when the front door unlocked and you walked in with Tessa by your side.
“That was a nice walk isn’t it Tess?” you say catching your breath as you slip off your running shoes when your eyes went to a very devastated Tom.
“Tom are you alright?” you ask with concern. His eyes darted towards you as he stands up and sprints to you engulfing you in his embrace. Oh how much you missed this you thought closing your eyes in content face nuzzled into his chest as you inhaled his faint cologne. You pull away after some time and gazed into his eyes red and puffy. A few tears of joy of seeing you again slipped down them.
“Is everything ok bubs?” you ask him again cradling his face wiping his tears with your thumbs affectionately.
“Where were you?” his voice comes out broken.
“I woke up early so thought to go on a walk with Tess. Plus I was feeling very cooped up in the house so needed some fresh air”
“I-I saw the empty bed then I saw your pillow I-I thought you left, I got so scared Y/N” he sniffled.
“Truth be told I was actually thinking of leaving. I can't live like this anymore, Tom. You and me living under the same roof acting like strangers it’s becoming mentally strenuous for me” you finally vent it out.
“I know- I know I have been a complete jerk to you lately. I was so wrapped up inside my head-”
“It’s ok Tom if you don’t want to be in this relationship anymore just say it I won’t bother you anymore” you say bitterly.
“What are you saying love?” Tom looked at you in disbelief.
“Last night I heard you, Tom, that you’re tired of this, of me. Tom you should have just told me I would have left then and there”
“No that wasn’t what I was talking about” Tom shakes his head dismissively as you tried to stay calm.
“It’s ok Tom people fall out of love I’m not blaming you but you should have told me first instead of telling about it to someone else”
“You don’t understand Y/N. I-I…” he slumps on the couch holding his forehead feeling mentally drained out. You sit beside him holding on to his arm.
“Then make me understand Tom. What is it? Just talk to me baby” you pleaded your hand went to cup his face as you made him look at you.
“Derek, my PR manager wants me to break up with you” he finally lets it out as you gave him a confused and surprised look.
“What? But why?”
“Apparently he thinks our relationship is affecting my social image” he sighs sadly.
“Do you think that too?” you mumble looking down.
“What? No, love. I would never. You are the best thing that has happened to me” he reassures you “Since the day he told me had me so stressed I didn’t know how to handle this whole thing and in that process I pushed you away, I hurt you...” he rambles.   
“But what are you gonna do?”
“Nothing. I told him I can’t do this and I’m tired”
“So you weren’t..?” you looked at him with doubtful eyes.
“Yes honey I was telling him that I can’t do whatever he is asking me to do” he cradles your face with his large palms “I can never get over you, not in this lifetime at least. And I’m sorry I acted like that. Can you forgive me love?” he looks at you with guilt in his eyes. You break into a soft smile as you hold to his hands.
“I can never be angry at you dummy. Just please don't do this again if anything bothers you just talk to me okay?” Tom nods in understanding “I don’t like to see you like this. You mean the world to me you know that right?”
“And so are you to me love. I promise this won't happen again” he says pulling you in his embrace.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Illicit Affairs - Rafe Cameron
Request: can i request a rafe x reader where she is john b's older sister? like they're trying to keep their relationship on the DL, but get tired of it after a year or so?
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get to, just getting back into writing more regularly again. 
The TS Anthology Series | Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ you showed me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else ✰
_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._
Your brother had left you a text just before the news began cycling their storm watch, warning everyone to stay inside and be careful of Agatha, the incoming hurricane sitting off the coast of the Outer Banks. The text said simply that he and Pope were heading out to surf the surge. You texted back a ‘come back in one piece’ and sent the same sentiment to Pope before leaving the Chateau.  
The hurricane should have warranted a reason to stay inside for both you and John B but you knew better than anyone that your dad’s disappearance had left him restless and grieving. Running into something seemed the only way he knew how to cope, even if that something was a massive hurricane. You were probably running into something too, if you were totally honest with yourself. And it was just as deadly as a category five storm.  
A midyear rager at the boneyard, that lacked the usual buffer created by tourons in the spring and summer, meant more kooks, or just more kooks crossing the line onto pogue territory. Nothing that should’ve inspired any real issues, but Rafe Cameron was hovering closer to the keg than you would’ve liked so you took it upon yourself to move him.  
“Don’t you guys have like...a yacht party or something you could go to?” You asked, stepping into the semi-circle Topper, Rafe, and Kelce had seemed to make. All three of them looked at you, Rafe’s eyes travelling over you appraisingly. You grimaced, “if my brother sees you hanging around-”
“What’s he gonna do?” Rafe challenged, “its a free beach.”
“You know the boneyard is on the cut.”
“What are you, beach patrol?” Kelce laughed. “Go bother someone else.”
“Just get off the cut...you aren’t welcome here.” You replied, stepping away from the three of them. You turned, heading away from the group in search of any of your friends, you knew that Rafe was right, you couldn’t actually kick anyone off the beach, but you also knew that John B had been in rare form since your dad died and seeing them would only give him an excuse to get himself into trouble.  
You were practically a yard away from the keg when you felt someone grab the waistband of your shorts. Turning, you jerked away from them and slammed your hand against their wrist.  
“Shit, those self-defense lessons at the club really paid off.” Rafe commented, rubbing his wrist.  
“What do you want Rafe?”  
Ever since you had taken the job at the island club it had become Rafe Cameron’s personal mission to drive you crazy. He seemed hellbent on bothering you on a near constant level. At least away from work you rarely had to see him, this night being a rare and unwelcome exception.  
“Have you thought about-”
“No.” You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. In the last two weeks he’d asked you out nearly a dozen times. You always said no but you were all to aware of that split second before the no when you considered saying yes. It was just John B that held you back. If anyone in the world took the pogue/kook shit seriously, it was your brother and his friends. There was no way they would be cool with you dating Rafe Cameron.  
“Just one date...you don’t have to tell anyone. If that’s the issue?” He suggested, as if he could read your mind.
“Maybe the issue is that I don’t like you.” You challenged, watching the way he smiled, knowing that he knew you were bullshitting him. You wanted to wipe the smug grin off his face.  
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself.” He replied.  
You wanted some brilliant comeback to throw back at him but when you opened your mouth the only thing that came out  was, “do you even date?”
“For you I’d make an exception. We could go over to Chapel Hill if you’re worried about your brother.” He offered, always ready with an answer.  
You were worried about John B, he would be livid. He was so consumed with the idea that your dad was out there somewhere, stranded at sea and people should be looking for him. You had been placating him since Peterkin told you that he was lost at sea, presumed dead, but in all honesty, you had moved on already. Maybe it was heartless but you weren’t fooled into believing that the loss of your dad was a tragedy.  
“Let me show you a good time,” Rafe said, hooking a finger through the belt loop of your shorts and moving closer to you.  
“You can try,” you said, pulling away from him, “but I doubt it’ll work.”
You should have known then, even as you agreed to the date, that there was no need to try on Rafe’s part. He was an asshole sometimes but you had certainly never been accused of having great taste in guys. That might have been the most surprising thing about Rafe, not that he was exactly the kind of guy you would usually go for on paper, but that off paper, behind closed doors, he was different. Softer. It made sneaking around the island to see him completely worth it.  
And as Agatha bared down on the island, the decision to drive to his house as the hurricane was on the horizon seemed like a good one. It was already raining heavily when you parked your car two houses down from his, walking through the downpour to Tanney Hill. The power on the cut was on its way out, you’d driven passed already dark houses and you were sure the Chateau had lost power by now. The eight seemed to be hanging onto its power and the lights on the patio flickered as you knocked on the door.  
Wheezie, the sole secret keeper of your very secret tryst with Rafe, was the one who opened the door. Though you knew she had a tendency to double cross people, so far, she hadn’t told anyone about the two of you, a possible record in her books, and you couldn’t help being thankful. As much as you hated sneaking around, there was no way John B was going to take this development in your life lightly.  
“My brother’s upstairs.” Wheezie supplied, pushing the door wide enough that you could walk through.  
“Thanks,” you skirted passed her, taking the steps two at a time and heading down the hall to Rafe’s closed door. Wheezie had decorated hers with a wooden sign and Sarah’s had a cork board on it. Rafe’s was always blank though, just a plain white door that blended in with everything else in the hallway.  
You didn’t bother knocking on the door, pushing it open. Rafe was laying on his bed, eyes fixed on his phone, the sound of the stereo playing some R&B song you weren’t entirely familiar with. When the door opened, he turned his head to the side, confused for a split second before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side.  
“Hey, what’re you doing here?” He asked, already reaching his hand out to pull you closer as you walked over to him. He grabbed the zipper of your hoodie and tugged, getting you to step between his legs.  
“John B’s surfing with Pope and JJ’s still at work so I figured I’d sneak out and come over. See how you rich folk are faring in this storm.” You teased.  
He hummed, nodding, as he placed his hands on your hips. “Your concern is overwhelming,” he laughed, tilting his head up so that you would lean forward and kiss him. You complied, placing your hands on the sides of his face as you did. When you pulled away, he smiled, “you should stay over.”
“My brother will freak out if he gets home and I’m gone.” You replied, stepping away from Rafe just so that you could climb on his bed, pushing his phone away to make yourself comfortable.  
Rafe opened his mouth to say something before thinking better of it and shaking his head, going with a simple, “I doubt he’ll notice.”
“That a massive storm is slamming into the coast and his sister is missing from the house at the peak of it? Give my brother a little more credit babe, he’ll notice that I'm gone.” You replied.  
“Then tell him you’re here and you’ll see him in the morning.” Rafe said, turning to face you. He put his hands on your ankles as if he was grounding you there, “You know this sneaking around thing is shit.”  
Whenever Rafe wanted you to do something that you didn’t particularly want to do, like stay the night at his house or go somewhere that someone might see you, he always claimed to think that sneaking around was shit. A circumstance of the relationship that he hated when it was convenient to him, you knew as well as he did that admitting to anyone that you were dating was something neither of you had the luxury of doing.  
“I can’t, he’ll freak out.” You replied, “this is just...a difficult time for him and he doesn’t need any new issues.”
Rafe fell back onto the bed, turning his head to look at you, “he’s 16, he doesn’t need you to hold his hand through every little thing.”
“I’m not ‘holding his hand’ Rafe, he’s my little brother, I’m worried about him.” You reasoned.
“Yeah, maybe, but here you are. Every free moment you get you spend here...this isn’t just an escape when you don’t feel like dealing with your brother and his antics. You know John B and his friends aren’t my favorite people but I’ve kept my mouth shut about them. I think the least you could do is be honest with yourself...I know you want to tell him, you wouldn’t have come here in the middle of the storm-”
“I wanted to see how you guys were doing.”
“Bullshit.” Rafe replied, “you know it’s getting worse out there and there’s no fucking way I’m letting you drive back to the cut in this weather.”  
You sighed, you had known that Rafe wouldn’t let you leave once you got here. They were already advising people to stay inside and not leave the house when you decided to drive to the eight, there was no way it was safe to be out. And there was no way Rafe was going to let you risk your safety driving all over the island because John B might get upset that you weren’t home.  
“I know.”  
“So text him, tell him you’re staying at a friend’s.” Rafe urged, “it doesn’t have to be my house...you can tell him that when you’re ready.” he conceded.  
“I’ll tell him soon. I don’t like sneaking around,” you admitted, pulling your phone from your pocket and texting John B that you had gone to a friend’s house for the night and would be home once the storm passed. You sent a mirrored text to JJ, in case he was already at the Chateau, before laying your phone on the nightstand. “I don’t want us to be a secret...it’s just, complicated.”
“I know, trust me.” Rafe sat up, scooting closer to you on the bed so that he could kiss you. Keeping this secret forever was impossible, you’d have to come clean soon and Rafe was right, you had been handling John B with kid gloves ever since you had found out that your dad was dead. Telling him you were dating a kook, and Rafe at that, was an unavoidable conversation that you had been trying not to have for the past year almost. And every time you stepped out of the house you considered telling him all over again. Eventually you’d give, but it didn’t have to be tonight.  
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kurohoely · 3 years
always (daichi x y/n)
Maybe a second chance doesn't sound so bad
part 1
genre: exes to lovers, slow burn(?) idk how genre works, sfw, daichi!timeskip
wc: 942
a/n: i'm posting this part first because i love to tease haha how long this series will be, who knows? likes and reblogs are appreciated :D enjoy!! :) ushiten if you squint REAAALL hard
this was a request from my beloved moot and irl @oikawaisamood
part one, part two , part three
“And you flashback to when we said forever and always”
Why does this song have to be the one that’s playing right now? You swear you put it on shuffle. Whatever, you let the song finish first before skipping to a more upbeat one. How long has it been? Five, six months? You’re doing pretty okay for someone that got dumped. It could be worse but you’re still here and alive nonetheless. Daichi was history and there’s nothing that both of you could save whatever’s left. You thought you were his ‘forever and always. You held onto his words, from a true man he is but words are still words. But it was words as well that made you guys fall apart.
“Y/n, I’m tired. This is not looking well. I think we should have a break”
“Daichi you might as well just ask me to break up with you instead of having just ‘a break’”
“You know what, maybe we should. We’re over”
You can still feel the burn, the despair that made your whole body weak and wobbly what happened that night. Three days before your anniversary and you had to choose to fight before it. What’s done is done. God, you can’t even remember what the fight was about. Through these six months you replayed that scene randomly over and over again, thinking what you could and should have said to tone down the situation but how can you? Anger got the best for both of you and it ended up at the worst timing ever. Wait, why do you still keep repeating this?
You heard a honk from the car behind you. How long has the light turned green? You stepped on the pedal and started cruising your way home in the night. You took the longer route, going through the concrete jungle of downtown, seeing the lights and skyscrapers glimmering as if they're the stars of the earth as to how the ball of gasses is for the skies. Some stores are still lively and some are starting to close for the day. Work has been driving you crazy but you’re grateful for it. At least it kept you busy from a long post-break-up crying session. It’s not like you didn’t cry, you did across the weekend but tears don't pay the bills. You still need money to live in this God-awful costly city. You didn’t do the dramatic move in movies or novels where they moved out from everything.
You moved on or so you think you did.
“God y/n I swear I don’t know what will happen if you’re not on this team”
You smiled at your boss. Only a few days until you can finally wrap up the project and have your well-deserving staycation at home but first, report. Ugh, why do we gotta do reports? You typed it anyway. Money will and can buy you happiness, even if it’s temporary because forever seems never to work in your favor. Halfway through you decided to take a break. Walking down the lobby to get your favorite pastry from the confectionery shop next block, you saw a too familiar figure, one you could recognize even if someone took away all of your senses. Why, why in all of the days, why the universe loves seeing you in pain, begging on your knees to let it stop. You looked straight ahead, ignoring everyone, strutting your way out from your building.
What you failed to notice while trying so hard to put up that façade was a pair of eyes widened and trailing your frame until it was out of sight. God, how many months has it been since he saw you? The last time he did was when you packed your things away while he just sat there on your - oh no - his couch. He was brought back to reality by the continuous tugging on his hands. I forgot y/n works here…
You walked to the bakery, fast. As fast as your heartbeat drumming to your rib cage, screaming to let itself out. Why was she holding Daichi’s sleeves? All it took was a breakup and a few months for him to get back on his feet and be all lovey-dovey with a girl.
The small bells rang as you pushed the door. You were greeted by the sweet smell of chocolates and freshly baked pastries. This place is magical and the food here? Immaculate. You saw the red-headed owner over the counter, making your way to greet him.
“Hi, Tendou! How’s business going?”
“Y/n-chan! Good good! Wakatoshi is coming soon so I’m taking a half-day off to hang out with him. What can I get for my favorite customer?”
“Ushijima-san has been so busy huh since the season started. I saw a few of his plays and he’s so good! Oh yeah, can I have my regulars?”
“Right up”
Tendou rang your order and placed everything into a cute paper bag that has his face as the logo. At that time, Ushijima walked in. He greeted both of you, exchanging some small talks and you excused yourself, exited the shop. It was a nice change of air what happened in the shop. But now, work. You entered your office building and scoured the lobby, hoping to bump into the figure. Wait, hoping? You snapped yourself back and stomped your way up to your space. You placed the paper bag down and began to unpack the insides. You noticed a small box filled with macarons that you clearly did not order, alongside a note.
My treat. Looks like you deserve some. -TS
next >
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anim3tingz · 3 years
'Match-Up' for 011tsukishima
Good morning, Amelia! (At least, it’s morning when I’m writing this. Lol.) Sorry, it took so long for me to get your request done. Thank you so much for being patient with me.
I just wanted to say thank you for getting me back into KPOP. Lol. Mamamoo’s HIP and 4Minutes’ Crazy are total bops. I used to listen to KPOP so much back when I was in HS. I was crazy into BigBang, 2AM, 2NE1, and Boyfriend. I was in love with Taeyang from BigBang. God, that man is fine asf. I recommend watching ‘I’ll Be There’. Ugh. ToT
If you have any more song recommendations, girl, I’m all ears.
Also, I’ve never seen The God of High School before, is it good? I might have to add it to my list of animes to watch. :3
And, quick... your favorite horror movie(s)? (Not my favorite movie, but I highly recommend ‘The Uninvited’.)
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Now onto the ‘Match-Up’.
I match you with...Rin Okumura
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Relationship Song: Kiss Me More (feat. SZA) - Doja Cat/ Boy Friend - Boy Friend
Rin is an absolute sweetheart. Like, hands-down the best boyfriend you could ask for. He may be a little clueless from time-to-time, but this guy does his damnedest to show you he loves you.
For instance, if you’re on your period he’d be a little confused why all the sudden you turned into a devil in the shape of his girlfriend. Normal things he would do or jokes he made just seemed to aggravate you. This would lead him to just storming off, confused as to what had gotten into you. He’d confide in Yukio for help on what to do. It’s at this point, thanks to his brother, he realizes what’s going on. To make up for it plans on surprising you with some home-made sweets and a stuffed animal. At the time, he was new to all this stuff. So, he was a little caught off guard.
However, now he’s able to pick up on it and will instantly surprise you with little goodies and cuddles because he’s aware of just how miserable that time of the month can be for you.
One of your favorite things to do with Rin is cuddle with him on the couch as ya’ll watch movies. Now Rin’s up to watch anything, but more often than not you guys end up watching some horror movie, which isn’t exactly Rin’s favorite. At all. Truth is Rin actually scares pretty easily. It’s a bit funny really. Him being the son of Satan and all. Nonetheless, he’ll just sit there with you leaning up against his chest trying his darndest not to show just how terrified he actually is.
So, why would he watch horror movies if he doesn’t like them? He knows you wouldn’t mind watching something else, but he just likes seeing you happy. So, if gripping you tight every time a jump-scare happens is what has to happen, then so be it. To be honest, that’s why you always choose horror movies. You love how the more scared he gets the more he clings onto you. Lol.
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You tend to hangout in his dorm while he’s studying. You’ll be lounging across his bed, listening to music (Headphones in, of course. You don’t want to distract Rin from his studies because Lord knows this boy gets distracted easily.), either drawing/writing/reading. Overall, just vibing out as he’s hunched over the desk studying. In these moments ya’ll don’t talk, but simply just enjoy the company of one another. To be honest, having you around actually helps him focus more.
On the weekends, the two of you tend to head out into town. Neither of you ever really have any destination in mind. You guys mainly just end up walking and talking enjoying the sights and sounds of the city around you. Occasionally, you guys come across some cool places like a specialty cafe (cat cafe, anyone?), arcade, or a nice little park. Just some mini adventures that end up holding really special memories for the two of you.
The two of you are sarcastic little sh*ts, especially toward each other. However, you reign supreme everytime. Rin has nothing on you. Your comedic timing is flawless and your comebacks are *Mwah* magnifique. Hell, you even get Ryuiji and Yukio to bust out laughing. Meanwhile, you’re just standing there like...
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Rin is a handsy MF
While Rin gets a bit flustered when it comes to interacting with girls, I feel when in a relationship Rin isn’t shy to touch his S/O.
The way your curves feel in his hands drives him wild. So, you can just imagine he’d always find a way to touch you in some way throughout the day.
When he’s kissing you his hands will wander. He’ll start off with grabbing your face, pulling you into a kiss, and making his way down feeling you up until he makes it to your butt.
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His favorite kisses are wall kisses. He especially loves it when you end up wrapping your legs around his waist. That way he’s able to grip your thick thighs as he presses you up against the wall further.
Kisses with him are very passionate. Bite, his lip and he’ll be a goner. ;)
However, he does love to give you forehead kisses when ya’ll are out in public. He saves the passionate ones for when the two of you are alone.
Rin loves hugs.
Now while he definitely is not afraid to initiate one he absolutely loves it when you hug him first. Baby boy, will turn into a blushing mess. He just can’t get over the fact that someone as cute as you loves him.
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Now Rin does tend to get lost in his thoughts from time to time and can get a little down. In times like this he looks to you to be his rock. All he wants in these moments is to just hug you. Don’t try to push him away during these times. Just pull him in close and hug him tight.
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Overall, the two of you just have a very sweet and fun relationship that, honestly, most people are jealous of.
Speaking of jealousy...Rin gets jealous easily. Lol. He gets very pouty when he’s jealous. Hey, Ame! Where’s my hug...What’s so special about that baka?...I can do that too. *whispers* I just don’t want to. He’s adorable when he’s jealous.
He’s not beneath hugging you protectively in front of others like so:
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*Btw, if you haven’t seen this anime ^^^ Omg. You should. It’s so good. (Junjou Romantica)*
You think you talk a lot? Rin doesn’t mind, he loves to talk a lot, too. To be honest, ya’ll tend to get so caught up talking to each other you sometimes forget about the rest of your friends you guys were hanging out with.
That and sometimes when you and Rin get to talking ya’ll get a little too animated. Because of this Yukio has to make sure to separate ya’ll in class and on certain missions. Otherwise, work might not get done and besides things are just quieter that way. Lol.
It’s not unusual for others to see Rin looking at you like this:
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The boy is just hopelessly in love with you.
Because of this it’s not unusual for his tail to wag when you’re around.
He’s legit like a puppy when it comes to you.
And, you can bet if you ever get threatened or mistreated he’d be right there to save you. No one messes with his loved ones, especially you.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
dont do this jace
there is something wrong with raziel
if you raise him now...
He remembered how mad he had been at Alec when the man had decided to go to Idris and had hoped to ask Rafael to keep an eye on Max and Magnus.
It was an unfair thing to ask a child.
But now, he had asked the same from Selena.
He had asked her to look after Clary and Lexi.
Max looked up at that, his eyes shocked - blue eyes that were different from David’s.
Max’s blue was the color of the deep ocean. David’s was the color of the morning sky.
But Jace loved them both equally.
But there was another set of blue eyes he loved.
Blue eyes that were the color of midnight.
Blue eyes that were now tired and worn and were threatening to shut permanently.
“No,” Max said. “Everything is shit.”
true but at least we have red taylor version
“Crazy,” Max whispered and then stared at the duffle bag. “How are you going to take him to Idris? Do not put my brother inside a duffle bag!!!”
Jace smiled.
He remembered a time when both Max and Rafe had been small enough for Jace to put them in duffle bags and sneak them out to missions.
can we please use some time travel shit about now 😄
stop nope nope nope
i think im gonna go study some biology now
i have seen too much in too little time...
i, prepare to be shocked, did not go to study bio but continued reading
“If I find out, I will kill them myself,” Max said, Max, who had never killed anyone.
ah yes me
But love made you want to do crazy things.
Love made you a reckless fool.
or maybe not and im just going crazy
“Holy shit,” Max gaped. “Where did you find it?”
“In my bedroom,” Jace chuckled. “I’m the guardian.”
“My dad is going to regret making that decision,” Max said awkwardly.
you bet he will
jace bouta be the next major character death i know it
oh right jace, death, necromancy, bad decisions
just jace and alec's brotp
He made sure Max looked at him. So, he raised the boy’s chin and stared him in the eyes. “This is a one-time thing, Max. I don’t want to do this. I need you to understand that. If there were another way to save Alec, I wouldn’t break the law or do something so reckless. But I don’t know what else to do. All I know is that I need Alec. The world needs Alec.”
bestie we all need alec
you aint special
“Max, I already kidnapped one son,” Jace pointed out. “If I take the other, Alec might actually kill me.”
Forget the assassin or the disease jace gonna die like this
i mean alec's gonna murder him, not raising raziel
oh right focus
“First, breakfast,” Jace grinned. “Then I go raise Raziel.”
sure just a normal monday
ok enough ts
“You’re useless,” Georgia stuck out her tongue.
“But you’re not,” Roman said – his voice earnest.
get me a roman please and thank you
Usually, since they lived far apart, when he said cute things on the phone, she would bury her face in her pillow and giggle or scream or both.
But she didn’t have a pillow right now. And she didn’t want to scream and freak out the other passengers.
they are the smart duo and IM HERE FOR IT
“So, if I point this at Harry Styles and record him, you’re telling me it’s possible to have a have a miniature Harry Styles inside my pocket?”
“Or a sixty-feet Harry Styles,” Roman chuckled.
“We don’t create things because they will be useful for someone,” Georgia said. “We create things because we can. You’ve created an excellent resource, Roman. Maybe someone else might find a use for it.”
“Keep it. You’re always making stuff for other people. I wanted to make something for you.”
Georgia blinked.
It’s not like people didn’t buy her things or give her gifts.
But no one had made her anything – except for her parents.
For Georgia, making things meant something personal
Because you put a part of yourself into that gift.
Your love, your creativity, your mind.
You give them a part of yourself.
this is alice's song LEAVE ME ALONE
ok anyway
she leaped back and held out a scalpel.
“I’m basically 16,” Georgia said, who was totally 15.
Camila I love her so much I have a huge crush on her I love her she's so smart and so amazing
and this making me consider taking up medical
“So what?” Camila asked. “You injected this into yourself?”
“No. I ate it.”
“Why the fuck?” Camila asked in alarm.
Yup. that's our gigi
well you shouldn't experiment on guinea pigs either...
potentially i dont know im hyped up on too much dopamine
bad song choice...?
“When taken by mouth, medication does go to your blood, but it has to go through your digestive system first.”
“You people and your complicated histories,” Camila rolled her eyes. “If y’all are anti-vaxxers, just say it.”
i think im gonna switch the song...
this is getting serious and im just realising
the science talk yes smart people i love
they figured it out i am just so so proud
ok but you kept me like a secret when i kept you like an oath
i will go listen to the 10 minute version again-
the last time was a masterpiece but it got better
“Now that the angel blood is no longer dropping, it can start regenerating,” Camila told them carefully. “This means the immune system of those who are sick will be back to a functioning level again.”
“So they’ll be able to fight back the illness!” Roman said, looking amazed.
“Exactly!” Camila grinned. “That’s why you don’t get sick, right? You have a superhuman immune system thanks to your angel blood?”
“Yeah,” Georgia nodded. “Is this why I can see now? Because my immune system is normal again?”
“That’s my theory,” Camila nodded. “But your immune system wasn’t affected much in the first place. That’s why the reaction was instantaneous. But for someone like Anjali, it should take at least a few hours to get rid of all the effects.”
“A few hours?” Roman asked. “That’s fast.”
“I know, dude,” Camila sighed. “Y’all are lucky. Your angel blood is insane.”
alright now tell alec
bestie better be the first one
“That is not all that you are – marks and weapons. You are people.”
this is going to save so many lives...
very emotions
“Just some theories about how demon ichor can be useful for treating cancer cells,” Camila said, her eyes on the phone.
“Oh?” Georgia’s eyes widened.
“If it can act as a stabilizer for you, then it can do wonders for us,” Camila whispered. “Cancer works by flooding the blood with abnormal cell growth. If demon ichor can stabilize those abnormal cells, then we can…This can revolutionize medical research.”
im so happy
i feel like it's a little too early to celebrate but i still will
i have turned it down to focus on the chapter BUT OH MY GOD
Georgia had wanted her ichor experiments to change the lives of shadowhunters.
But it seemed that it was going to change the lives of mundanes.
It didn’t matter really.
Georgia had only wanted to make a difference. She didn’t care if her work benefited shadowhunters or mundanes, as long as it helped someone.
you did it guys... gigi your demon ichor experiments, rafael your stupid determined will, roman the ultimate supporter and camila...oh my god mila you...
i dont even have words
she helped so much
wait this song when everything settles down...
but obviously the dead wont all come back
idk dude
im crying
sad beautiful tragic fits somehow it does
anjali you cant die
im crying just
they're gonna be ok
“What were you thinking?” Alec had yelled his heart out. “You could have died, Jace! Rafael could have died even more!”
“I was just-”
“I don’t want to hear it,” Alec had snapped. “We wasted half a day looking for Rafael. We wasted our time and resources.”
“I was trying to save you,” Jace had said quietly, looking at Rafael. “I don’t care about anything else.”
Alec had punched him then, not holding back. And then he had hugged Jace tightly and told him everything was going to be okay.
rafael could have died even more- PLEASE WHAT
another oc-
“He is lucky I wasn’t there,” Magnus said from next to him. “I would have buried him underground.”
Alec turned to his husband and smiled. “You did blast him with magic.”
“Can you blame me?” Magnus demanded.
brb gonna go cry first
Magnus chuckled at that. “Lightwood women are something else.”
“Probably the only reason our family survived,” Alec chuckled.
true dat
Alec wanted to believe that. But for some reason, he couldn’t.
gigi reminds him of max...
Alec closed his eyes and braced himself. He felt the needle prick his arm and felt an explosion inside him.
He opened his scream out in pain, but the pain ceased immediately. He opened his eyes and saw that he was enveloped in Magnus’ magic.
“I got you,” Magnus whispered and squeezed his hand.
Alec held on tightly.
fine if they wanna die because they're too proud then so be it
those proud little shits
“Hey,” Alec said softly. “I am very proud of you.”
“Oh,” Georgia said, looking surprised. “Thank you."
“You have done something incredible,” Alec said, his heart full. “You should be proud of yourself too.”
fuck it's 3 pm i need to take a shower, study, complete my art project, and get ready for a dinner we're going to
is the chp long or is time slipping by too fast...?
i think it's me freaking over taylor swift and i didnt notice
Rafael, I am so sorry.
My baby. I am so so sorry.
Rafael had dated a mundane.
Alec hadn’t known that.
He wondered what else the boy had kept from them.
He wondered why.
He knew he wasn’t the go-to parent when it came to discussing relationships and sex. He knew Magnus had taken over that role in the family.
But Alec had hoped that one day he would get to chat about love with his children.
He wanted to know about that part of their lives.
He wanted to know how they loved and how it made them feel.
But now…It was too late.
Max had lost David. And Alec had lost Rafael.
starlight is not helping anymore. i am now close to tears
It felt like he was cheating. It felt wrong to figure everything out without Rafael, who had started it all.
it does doesnt it...
why does it feel he's bouta make an announcement
like how lexi did
just walked in and shouted she was gay
“And finally, my sincerest gratitude goes to Georgia Lightwood Lovelace and Roman Penhallow for making this discovery,” Alec smiled.
“YAS!” Emma yelled from the back. “Go, Team Lovehollow!”
Alec pointedly ignored that.
after i give my last exam im gonna sit there the whole day and watch all ts mvs and lyrics videos
they are so beautful??
but i never got the chance to see them
“What’s more important than our home?” someone else demanded.
“My son,” Alec said, his voice raised. “I will attend Rafael’s funeral, and then I will depart to Idris.”
oh right the funeral now
since the body is back
“Why would Asmodeus want to hurt your family?”
Well you see-
he's salty no one invited him to meet his grandchildren
so he killed one
None of them would be here if Rafael hadn’t broken the law.
im crying he doesn deserve this
max you're going to edom then
ok but come back
“What exactly is your plan? You’re going to kill Asmodeus on your own? Princes of hell cannot be killed, Max! No one has been able to do that! Ever!”
“Maybe they just didn’t try hard enough,” Max mumbled.
do it
“Max, you don’t have to anything!” Mina groaned. “Christ! Your family has a pathological need to fix things!”
they really do
“Hopefully it’s not a goodbye,” Max smiled. “I love you. You are the coolest person I know. Not the hottest though. That’s your dad.”
“Go to hell,” Mina rolled her eyes.
“Pun intended?” Max grinned.
“Fuck off.”
“As you wish,” Max said and opened up a portal.
don't die. please
“It is a terrible thing for a child to be separated from the parent,” Gabriel said, their voice pensive now. “Your brother has been separated from your family long enough. It is time for him to go. And it must be done properly. It’s a basic right – criminal or not.”
they're right...
you noice...?
oh god max
Max had drawn Rafe with a tail, something Rafael had grumbled about the whole time.
“But you said you wanted to be a warlock!” Max had said. “This is your warlock mark!”
“A tail?” Rafael had asked. “I want something cool!”
“A tail is cool,” Max had stuck out his tongue. “You look like a little monkey.”
im not gonna change it though
ok but it would fit so much better if max died
max, bestie, i need you to die
nothing personal
i just found the perfect song
“You think I am alive right now?” Max asked. “You think I want to live like this? Waiting for one of you to drop dead next?”
oh that one hurt
fights make me nervous
that shit is anxiety
what the fuck
what what what
oh my god no no no
At this point I dont have anything to say...
Babes omg this was WILD cause I was reading this while I was vibing to folklore (we are legally not allowed to listen to other artists today)
Hope you is okay.
Take it easy this week and show those exams who is boss!!!!!!!!!!
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After COVID-19 put a pause on live entertainment, your favorite artists are ready to hit the road and entertain audiences safely with brand-new tours and experiences. And regardless of where you are, we're offering an all-access ticket to every must-see concert of the summer. Welcome to E!'s Backstage Pass.
There's no dancing around the truth: Val Chmerkovskiy's new tour with brother Maks Chmerkovskiy deserves a perfect 10.
As the wait continues for a brand-new season of Dancing With the Stars, the professional dancers from America's most watched ballroom are hitting the road and treating fans to a special dance party. Titled "Stripped Down," the 19-city tour promises to be a unique experience that will bring guests closer to the boys than ever before. But if you ask Val, the title of the show shouldn't be taken too seriously.
"A lot of it is stripped down creatively, in the sense that it's a much more intimate experience," he exclusively shared with E! News. "It's just the two of us. We have two incredible female dancers coming with us, but it's a two-man show. It's an hour and a half of theatre, comedy, dance, spoken word. It's just a really feel-good evening and we feel really grateful that we're going to be the first act a lot of people are going to go out to theatre for."
While the brothers have collaborated countless times together on Dancing With the Stars, Val explained that there's a special connection that happens whenever he joins his talented family member on the road.
"I don't think we could bond beyond the bond we already have," he explained. "It's just about strengthening that bond. To be able to collaborate with someone that has been my partner on stage for close to 30 years, it's crazy…At first, it was great to perform together. Then, it became a feeling of finding my own individuality and now it's come full circle where I realized how special it is to be able to share the stage with my brother."
Once two eligible bachelors, Maks and Val are now happily married and focused more than ever on their family life. Maks is raising 4-year-old son Shai with wife Peta Murgatroyd. As for Val, he's focused on being the best dog parent with his wife Jenna Johnson.
When it's time to touring, however, Val admitted that married life has an impact on how much he commits too. "It's just a much more important consideration now than ever because now there's another human involved in my life who I have to consider. That's saying it lightly," he explained while attending Jeannie Mai x Owl's Brew Boozy Tea Party. "Hopefully, they're gonna be more humans in our life for both of us to consider and it changes your relationship with work."
That family bond is something both Maks and Val hope fans feel when they watch their show, which runs through August 21. While the Jonas Brothers sell out arenas thanks to their hit songs, Val argues that there isn't a brother duo that creates such a unique combination of dance, theatre, stand-up comedy and storytelling.
"It's a family show, because we celebrate each other," Val shared. "We celebrate camaraderie between siblings. We celebrate our love for our parents. A lot of this show is reflected on time and how it's passing us and to make time for our loved ones. This last year, that was really the silver lining that we learned is that there was a lot of anxiety and stress and a lot of loss, but there was also a lot of time to realize who you love and how you want to spend it once you have that time back."
If you ask Jenna, she's more than excited to see her husband hit the road for the rest of the summer. And while the Dancing With the Stars pro is pumped to be in the audience for a few shows, she can't wait to watch Val shine in front of his loyal fans.
"Val's number one fans are some really hot fierce grandmas," she joked to E! News. "So, I'm all about it. They really love him."
Val added, "I'm your grandma's favorite. Before Jenna, that was my best game. I didn't have to go beyond that. If I have your grandma's co-sign. It's a wrap."

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virareve · 4 years
Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange Recommendations
The time to cram has come! T-minus 12 or so hours until the author reveals so I thought I’d make a little plug for some stories I enjoyed that came out of the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange
First off, I am VERY behind on reading the collection. I received a concussion around the time that the fics came out so my reading has been limited first by the light sensitivity, then the work catch-up in week 2 ( I had to take off work due to the concussion), and now me on short weekend vacation (yay!). I’ve perhaps touched thirty fics at this point (I still have to get to my gift fic which was posted today :D ) so this is by no means a whole evaluation of what’s been put out. The whole collection has been extremely high quality and I hope to come back later and post some more recs. I thank the mods for taking the time to wrangle with keeping this so organized. It’s been a blast.
Modern AU:
Man With a Heartbeat  You’ve likely seen this story come up in recs a million times but it’s Just. That. Good. With a unique writing style, and a cast of characters that includes some cameos by some personal book faves (minor as they are), this one is sure to sweep you off your feet with it’s very different take. I mean...antique dealers? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fanfic touch on this before and I was 100% here for this. Also Brienne was highly relatable lol.  Lesson Learned: ALWAYS plan your proposals or at least make sure the desire for marriage is clearly communicated and understood between both parties. #rip
To a Distant Stranger Jaime is super hot rocker who runs into Brienne again and again and again, despite her attempts to create distance between them after their implied (crazy off the charts, soul-mate inducing chemistry) hook-ups. Eventually he drops his rocker life and takes up as a bartender and true lurvvvveeee blossoms. :D  Lesson Learned: No bartender experience is needed when the course of true love doesn’t run smooth.
all these people think love’s for show (but I would die for you in secret) The author wouldn’t know this but the majority of my first bookmarked fics on AO3 were spy AUs. This sexy piece hit a very weak point for me since spies and schmexyness makes me go weak in the knees. (Also this title is prob my fave line from my fave TS song, did Author have to go so hard at me like that? It was a double whammy T.T) Jaime and Brienne are BRIMMING with sexual tension and from the first meeting I was already sitting on the edge of my seating thinking “Now kiss!” The author makes it worth it with some very bonding, emotional adventures that make the payoff feel so worth it. 
if one thing had been different (would everything be different?) I just adore the premise that Jaime is Brienne’s landlord here. Lots of sexiness going on and feels where Jaime’s been nursing a crush for one LONG hot minute (read: several years) on B and our girl is sure he’s been bullying her FOREVER (tbr Jaime’s flirting isn’t as clear cut as the boy would like to believe)
Just as Sweet (just as thorny)  OOOHHH this had me feeling many things because I just wanted Jaime and Brienne to be in love but man, many feelings having to be sorted out since Jaime and Brienne met and developed feelings under the cover of Jaime’s fake persona. Selwyn Tarth also makes a fun cameo that helps Jaime’s chance at making it with his girl and Brienne’s life at the end of the story is on the up and up (romantic relationship aside. Did I mentioned I love spy AUs? This read is a MUST.
My Best Friend’s Wedding Brienne hires a professional party date who is (of course) our man JamLan. I have a huge weakness for fake relationships so this just knocked me down after all the spy AUs I read from the exchange. It’s all the parts you love about the movie The Wedding Date and more. The fic also gave me a lot of feelings about one of my favorite places in the world Mackinac island which I was delighted to find out in the AN actually served as a source of inspiration for this fic. :D
Backpfeifengesicht I know you’ve seen this recc-ed before so I’m going to say that what everyone says is accurate. It’s funny, it’s sexy and the friendships are top notch. I’m personally rather proud that I posited a question about the type of table mentioned in this fic and sparking a discussion that descended into who the author might be based on height of various authors around the fandom. Yes, I will take credit for that madness XD 
The Knight and the Thief Cat Burglar AU. There’s a bunch of sneaking around here that hit’s me the same way as it does with Spy AUs. Of course Jaime wins the day with his biggest steal yet, one sapphire-eyed wench. 
The One That Got Away Jaime and Brienne meet in College after knowing each other in high school. Reading Jaime try and fail to convince Brienne of his affection was a humorous trial and half. Favorite line in this fic: “You’re not just the one that got away. You’re the one. Period.” A very swoon worthy story that builds up perfectly. 100% worth the read!
Jaime, Brienne, and the Bachelor Party on Wheels Having attended uni in a college town where partying was the main event, seeing these bicycle drinking carts was a common occurrence and I knew as soon as I saw the title, this fic was going to be a must read for me. Jaime and Ygritte as good friends was the friendship I didn’t know I needed and I am totally taking notes now to put it in fic at some point. There’s a lot of rowing references I wasn’t familiar with but all the innuendos were very clear in their intentions. ;)
Book Canon AU:
A Matter of Honor Oh man this one is sexy as hell. This fic delves into ‘what if the Tarth’s were the wealthy noble house with royal favor and the Lannisters were the disrupted, down-on-their-luck Lords Paramount?’ A lot of fun is involved in this battle of wills, whether it’s Brienne, deciding to stick by her vow to marry despite her reservations about her husband-to-be,  Selwyn Tarth, trying to convince to break her betrothal, or Jaime, trying to decide if maybe he actually is into his potential new wife. There is so much fun and sexiness here that I couldn’t get enough. I may have also read this three times...XD
A Wench’s Kiss Have I ever mentioned how much I love a clearly communicated  sex scene where both parties involved know each other’s needs? Well you do now! While the roles here are clearly defined as to who is who in this Dom&Sub role-play dynamic, it is very clear that every action done is done as communicated by the partners preferences and needs. 
Other AU
Brienne Tarth and the Quest for the Lost Swords  Brienne is Indiana Jones and Jaime is the Nazi lady from movie three with a better heart and better intentions (in the end). Fortunately, the end for these two is much better then it was for Indy and his doomed lady love (Jk I was always team Marion but stillll). 
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carlyfrombleachers · 4 years
Liveblogging of TS6 (reputation)
Okay. Let me preface this by saying I don’t like Taylor Swift. I think she’s a boring artist, who brings close to nothing to the table. The reason I’m even listening to Reputation is because I keep getting recommended an interview of Jack Antonoff where he talks about New Year’s Day (which is a song on Reputation) and I really want to watch that but I also want to know what the fuck he’s talking about. So here we are. Don’t expect more stuff like this from me. I expect this to be just a one-off thing. Swifties, don’t fucking come after me or I will cry. The only other TS album I listened to was Lover, and I thought it was trash. Absolute garbage. And apparently this one is worse than Lover. I don’t know if I’ll regret this.
Let’s begin, I guess.
...Ready For It?
I keep thinking of that one voice clip from the Hannah Montana intro (?) where you faintly hear a girl say “are you ready for it?” and that’s my first impression just by looking at the title.
I’m hitting ‘play’ right now.
Oh nevermind, I forgot to pay Deezer this month. YouTube it is.
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Hey look, Ajay is in my recommended. Queen of reactions.
Help what is this
rockstar taylor??
what the fuck is up with the beat
chorus felt weak. this is my first opinion im not done with the track
i looked at the music video for 3 seconds and i saw a horse bye
i was distracted by the music video help i dont like this
since i looked at the music video for just a lil while i should say it looks weird. it is weird in a bad way it looks like some knockoff cyberpunk thing.
why didnt she just name this “Are You Ready For It?”
I’m... not particularly blown away by this track. It’s fine. I wouldn’t bop to it but I wouldn’t object to it playing somewhere. It’s like... it’s decent.
End Game (ft. Ed Sheeran, Future)
I don’t know who Future is.
she said reputation haha thats the name of the album
ok future is a rapper i dont listen to rap thats why i dont know him
after listening to lover i cant believe this is the same woman this is so weird
not looking forward to the ed sheeran part
“i wanna be your end game” this wasnt really what i was expecting
fuck off ed sheeran (i just reached his part)
according to some tabloid lady gaga mistook ed sheeran for a waiter? i would do the same thing if i saw this redhead fuckface on the street as well lol
“big reputation, big reputation, you and me got a big reputation” so deep!!!
I guess I should take this time to-- is she rapping?
Sorry, I got distracted. I don’t think every song needs to be this huge deep piece that must be deeply analyzed for centuries, but I do expect some interesting message or context for a track at least. If it sounds good, I’d also give it a pass. 
This one? This was boring. I would not verbally object to this playing close to me, I would just have a grossed out look on my face during the chorus.
I Did Something Bad
I keep reading the title in Akasaka Sad’s tune. You know the part where Rina says “A-ka-sa-ka sad, I’m a sucker”? I keep thinking “I did-I did something bad”. I don’t expect it to be like that.
“i never trust a narcissist but they love me” taylor talks about her fanbase
sorry to drag swifties publicly but i will forever take an opportunity to drag a swiftie
predictable antithesis use there with “i did something bad so why does it feel so good” but okay
why was taylor branded a snake again? she pretended it was “””gone””” with lover but like. it’s weird. its not like she punched kanye on stage in 2008 or something. i dont care enough to search for evidence that taylor is a snake so lol go off i guess
dont enjoy the post-chorus part where she’s like drddddddd dddddddd it feels so distracting the gunshots were more than enough
Yeah, this one was fine. My favorite up to this point, I think.
Don’t Blame Me
lol she said “dont blame me” then it buffered bye
i was showering for the past 25 minutes hello i was listening to track 10 and melodrama
i am enjoying this one kinda
“dont blame me love made me crazy” haha wait until you find out what your next era is
“i once was poison ivy now im your daisy” this is a pretty good line honestly
obligatory katy flop moment: haha taylor could hit the high notes in daisy
this sounds like a country song especially in the chorus i dont know what to really make of it
“loooord save me” this is why your female fans are called horse girls
This was... pretty good. The chorus weirds me out still, but it had its good moments. It was nice.
stop saying reputation in the reputation album
this autotune voice bits of hers are so distracting
i say as i listen to how i’m feeling now by charli xcx
yes i did just roast myself. gotta leave the swifties with nothing
god the music video for this track has 400m views this woman is making my faves look like indie stars LOL
I keep getting distracted because this song is boring. It’s... okay. I guess. The music video was pretty cute. Nothing caught my attention in the track, but it sounds like gym music. It would play on a gym owned by a 30-something white woman during the yoga classes and you know it.
Look What You Made Me Do
We’ve all heard this song. I’m gonna listen to it and then be done with it.
I guess I’ll just watch the music video.
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Okay. I watched the music video.
Really? All the fem guys dancing with her?
I’m not going to sit here and be like “fem guys are BAD and should all die and never be represented” because… lol. But it is kind of annoying how it was literally just fem guys dancing with her and doing all those faces because you KNOW she was looking for the impressionable gays to go “omg taylor progressive!!!!” and go talk about it on social media.
But am I saying that because I don’t like Taylor? Yes. But that doesn’t make my point less valid.
The music video was pretty good, the production on this track is really good (thank you Jack Antonoff xx) and the track itself is good. Not outstanding or perfect or a serve, it’s good.
Also the ending with all her previous eras? That was cool. The uncool part is most of the “look how rich I am” parts… because we all know you’re rich, Taylor. Nice SFX.
So It Goes…
i got an ad whyyyyyyy
fuck this shit i cant keep up with what shes saying im pulling genius out for this one
this is not lyrically deep i can tell already from genius
im not a fan of love songs i already have CRJ to cover that base and Lorde covers breakup songs I guess and this song is just. boring. lol
Nothing really shocking or noteworthy here, it’s just.. okay.
I got another ad FUCK
i got a boss baby ad help
god boss baby really was something huh i completely forgot about that
why am i talking about boss baby
okay. reputation
why did a baby say gorgeous
HELP i am so disappointed this is the one track with the lyric video and god this is disappointing
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i saw this and i was like “oh shit shes gonna talk about how its gonna be gorgeous when u die” or smth and
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lol. LOL. the depth is nonexistent and the bar is in hell
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who wrote this? you lied
This song is so boring, LOL. I expected so much from it and was instantly disappointed when the pre-chorus hit. You had everything on your plate and you ate the plate itself. Girl. What the hell. Why. You could’ve given us an anthem about hating your man, and you took the easy route.
Getaway Car
im intrigued
okay im listening and this sounds very jack antonoff? the shotgun thing made me immediately go o_o
it felt a bit weak at the end but at the start i was enjoying it quite a lot… i think this is my fave
I enjoyed this one quite a lot :) It was pretty good but not an amazing masterpiece. It was better than LWTMMD and that’s all I have to say.
King Of My Heart
sounds boring haha
taylor keeps putting these trap beats in things sister youre not lorde LOL
yeah this is kinda boring
i dont. i .. i knew this would be happening but i didnt expect it to be the last one
i guess the timing is accurate ha ha ha ha
i just heard ariana grande
I keep hearing Ariana Grande on this track. Is that good? I don’t know.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
why are there so many songs in this fucking album
the beat is.. okay. it is catchy
oh i like this i think. its pretty nice
the chorus is nice. yes. i do kind of enjoy this
Yeah, I liked this one. Pretty good writing, and it sounds great.
wtf is this song why is it so horny
horny taylor is weird stop being horny please
this song is okay i would not revisit it because its just weird. do not like this!!!
when carly rae jepsen says slide on through my window it is funny but when taylor sings i bought this dress so you could take it off i die
oh that second of silence was really good
[looks at the producer] [it’s jack antonoff] :)
This song weirds me out. I don’t like it. It had its moments production-wise but it was... weird.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
I expect good things from this. With a title like that? Give me a bop.
Currently not being a bop.
Okay, it was cute. Nothing amazing. Just… fine. Cute attempt.
oh i liked the spoken part thats what i expected from this song
Call It What You Want
this is about genitalia this is my prediction
It was not about genitalia.
This song is pretty good if you remove all the mentions to her lover and her man and her baby, which are all the same person, I guess.
This is disappointing.
umm anyways
I expected so much from this track and the chorus just… disappointed me.
i love this man im gonna cry
The highlight of this song is the part where Jack Antonoff sings.
New Year’s Day
wow the reason why im doing this shit
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look at him. :)
this song was cute. nothing special. just cute. very okay.
just. okay. yeah. pretty fine.
nothing special.
Final Thoughts On The Album
It was better than Lover.
I expected this to be a concept album, all about the drama she’s gotten into? But it was just boring love songs with some extra flair. I expected great things from this album, having only heard LWYMMD from it before this. A concept album that’s just an answer/clapback to everyone’s who wronged her à la Yellow Flicker Beat (I know it’s for a movie but that song slaps and I don’t know a thing about Hunger Games) would’ve been PERFECT but it was just... love songs. I need Taylor to stop singing about love and start serving us big meals.
I would not like to revisit this. Like, 5/10. It could’ve been a lot better, but it wasn’t because you’re too afraid to cross some lines, Taylor.
Final Ranking:
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Getaway Car
Look What You Made Me Do
I Did Something Bad
Don’t Blame Me
New Year’s Day
Call It What You Want
...Ready For It?
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
So It Goes...
End Game (feat. Ed Sheeran, Future)
King Of My Heart
taylor flop stream gone now
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alexrbrooks29 · 4 years
cardigan/august/betty: a Joe,  Taylor and Tom love triangle?
Buckle up, ya’ll @jingersoll88 and I have a theory that is going to leave you shook! We think this self-described “teenage love triangle” is about Taylor’s 2016 summer with Tom, while she was secretly seeing/pursuing Joe. Taylor described the album as a way of “escaping into fantasy, history, and memory” - we know these stories are based on her insanely talented storytelling, use of imagery, and exploring different perspectives. Taylor said she “created character arcs & recurring themes that map out who is singing about who” and tries to make the love triangle seem like a boy pursuing two girls one summer, but we think it’s actually about her pursuing the two men. The point of view is blurred at times, and though the stories are told through other characters, the parallels to Taylor’s life are undeniable.
To break it down:
“Cardigan” - Taylor’s perspective
“August”- Tom’s perspective
“Betty”- Joe’s perspective
In cardigan, Taylor sings about summer 2016 where she was dating Tom, but possibly seeing/pursuing Joe and draws inspiration from her other songs. It goes all the way back to the 2016 Met Gala, where Taylor met both Joe and Tom… and had a night of dancing with Tom to Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love" and T.I.'s "Bring 'Em Out.". Taylor describes her first time meeting Joe in the song “Dress” as “Flashback to when you met me, your buzzed cut and my hair bleached.” - basically confirming they did meet at the Met Gala.
Coming back to “cardigan,” Taylor describes her very public summer romance with Tom unfold as they go on dates all over the world, where she wore “High heels on cobblestones” in Rome, but was also still thinking about Joe. “Broken cobblestone” is later mentioned in the song betty. She describes her Met Gala outfit as “Sequined smile, black lipstick”. “But I knew you / Dancin' in your Levi's” draws a reference to her line in “Delicate” with the lyrics referring to Joe, “Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you”. “And when I felt like I was an old cardigan / Under someone's bed / You put me on and said I was your favorite” After a whirlwind summer and when Taylor was feeling at her lowest, she came back to Joe and, like a warm cardigan,  he was her ultimate home .The cardigan is mentioned later in “betty” with the line, “Standing in your cardigan”. Also, Joe was in the movie “The Favourite”. “Chase two girls, lose the one” Taylor was dating Tom, but was still chasing after or couldn’t stop thinking about Joe. “Lose the one” could be seen two ways - she briefly lost Joe when she chose Tom / but in the song “the 1” she “[digs] up the grave another time” and reflects on how it could have been a fun relationship if her and Tom did end up together? The second chorus “But I knew you / Playing hide-and-seek and / Giving me your weekends, I / I knew you / Your heartbeat on the High Line /Once in twenty lifetimes” reminds us of the line in “Paper Rings” where she sang about how her and Joe played “cat and mouse for  month or two or three” (May → August?) and the line “Once in twenty lifetimes” connects with the lines from Lover, “Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?” and Daylight, “I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night” And the ending, “'Cause I knew you / Steppin' on the last train / Marked me like a bloodstain, I” sounds similar to a “wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore” talking about Joe. Then she flips the switch and talks about Tom in the lines, “I knew you / Tried to change the ending / Peter losing Wendy” about how Tom tried to keep her, but she was never his. Verse 3 is where she could be playing with multiple perspectives “I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs / The smell of smoke would hang around this long / 'Cause I knew everything when I was young / I knew I'd curse you for the longest time / Chasin' shadows in the grocery line / I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired / And you'd be standin' in my front porch light” basically saying she would always wonder what could have been if she didn’t give a relationship with Joe the chance it deserves, or looking at it from Joe’s perspective saying he knew she would come back to him once the shininess of her relationship with Tom wore off. We’ll get to the part about the porch in betty.
August is the second song in the trio, and is from Tom’s point of view. The song describes a summer romance that was bound to fizzle out. In the folklore album prologue, Taylor says the song is inspired by “the sun drenched month of August, sipped away like a bottle of wine.” -  it is of note that late August/early September is when Tom and Taylor broke up. The first verse, “Salt air, and the rust on your door / I never needed anything more / Whispers of ‘Are you sure?’ / ‘Never have I ever before’” describes the salty air of Taylor’s Rhode Island house, where her and Tom were first photographed together, and where she hosted the 4th of July party. “Are you sure/Never have I ever before” could imply they are wondering if they should be seen together, given her recent breakup with Calvin. Also in “august” she sings “your back beneath the sun, wishin’ I could write my name on it” If this was indeed written from Tom Hiddleston’s perspective, it would make sense. He wore the “ I love TS” shirt at the 4th of July party, but wished Taylor would wear his name too. Tom reflects on the month of August, when Taylor was slipping away; he tried to reconcile things when he visited her in mid-August, after they hadn’t been seen together in weeks, but it is too late. Perhaps, during the weeks they didn’t see each other she was pursuing Joe? “August slipped away into a moment in time / 'Cause it was never mine / And I can see us twisted in bedsheets / August sipped away like a bottle of wine” (Also, can we stop pretending this is about teenagers, what teenagers drink wine?!)  He also says “you weren’t mine to lose” meaning he knew he never really had her to begin with. “But do you remember? / Remember when I pulled up and said "Get in the car" / And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? / Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all” Hmmm this definitely sounds like a callback to “Getaway Car” where Taylor sang “You were drivin' / The getaway car / We were flyin' / But we'd never get far”  Was Tom the actual vehicle, THE getaway car for her to leave Calvin in? In “Getaway Car” she also mentions how she “switched to the other side”, potentially meaning she ultimately chose the other man, Joe. Taylor also alluded to a love triangle in that song with the lyrics, “But with three of us, honey, it's a side show / And a circus ain't a love story / And now we're both sorry”
Ah, finally to betty - written from Joe’s perspective. It’s no coincidence that “William Bowery” is the unknown co-writer of this song. Joe’s grandfather’s name is William. Taylor and Joe separately attended a private Kings of Leon concert at the Bowery Hotel in October 2016. William Bowery = Joe Alwyn. Joe may have helped Taylor see things from his perspective and tapped into that while co-writing the song together. The perspective isn’t entirely perfect in this song, but it could be the narrator describing both sides of the story. The song starts by describing how “Betty” is hurt by something that the narrator did. “You heard the rumors from Inez / You can't believe a word she says / Most times, but this time it was true / The worst thing that I ever did / Was what I did to you” - This is where it gets interesting - if Joe is the narrator, that would imply he did something to hurt Taylor. Taylor has written a few times about how she may have been hurt by Joe at some point, or maybe implying how they hurt each other throughout their illicit affair. If this is written from Joe’s perspective, it implies he isn’t completely innocent in this love triangle. Of note, Taylor also mentions being hurt in “hoax” where she says “but what you did was just as dark”  “But if I just showed up at your party / Would you have me? / Would you want me? / Would you tell me to go fuck myself? / Or lead me to the garden? / In the garden would you trust me / If I told you it was just a summer thing? / I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything / But I know I miss you” PAUSE. Cruel Summer also says, “I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you / And I, snuck in through the garden gate / Every night that summer just to seal my fate” Implying they were sneaking around that summer… in a garden. Maybe implying that her relationship with Tom was just a summer thing. Also of note, Taylor referred to herself as seventeen in the song “I Think He Knows”. The lyrics use the imagery of a high school dance to describe what we can only infer as Joe seeing Taylor from across the room dancing with Tom in the lines, “Your favorite song was playing / From the far side of the gym / I was nowhere to be found / I hate the crowds, you know that / Plus, I saw you dance with him” - further confirming Joe saw Taylor dancing with Tom at the Met Gala. The point of view gets blurry, but later in the the bridge it goes, “I was walking home on broken cobblestones / Just thinking of you / When she pulled up like / A figment of my worst intentions / She said "James, get in, let's drive" / Those days turned into nights / Slept next to her, but / I dreamt of you all summer long” This could be shifting to Taylor’s POV when she was leaving the Met Gala on “broken cobblestone” (imagery for a broken path.. Not knowing where she stands or what to do) when Tom slid in and said “let’s drive” (read: Getaway Car) and she didn’t intend for the night to go that way, but it did… and she ended up spending the summer with Tom, but thought of Joe all summer long.
In conclusion, we believe Taylor used this high school love triangle as a way to describe her love triangle with Tom and Joe in the summer of 2016. She mixed up characters and meshed some ideas, but ultimately the overarching theme is this:
Taylor is the perspective in “cardigan.” Knowing she would ultimately come back to Joe after she went off and had her fun.
Tom’s perspective in “august” is sad in a way. It’s in this song that he realizes Taylor was never his to lose, she always belonged to Joe.
Finally, Joe in “betty” admits the worst thing she ever did was what she did to Joe. Potentially they started off as friends as she sings “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this,” in “Paper Rings” then Taylor was a little lost. She explored possibilities with Tom. She may have secretly still met with Joe on weekends and at night, leading him on. Ultimately, she makes her way back to Joe. She apologizes, and she realizes he’s been there all along and he’s the one for her.
She showed up at his party. And ya’ll, it looks like he forgave her.
Broken wings officially patched.
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anewbeginningagain · 5 years
Rock The Rink 2019 - Abbotsford
I thought I might try to write about my personal experience in the show. It’s going to probably be a lot of rambling so bear with me if you’re up for it...
Tbh after watching TTYCT I never thought I will be able to watch another show where Tessa and Scott perform. Coming all the way to Canada isn’t an easy task (not to mention costly) and between work and my master’s and real-life hassles, it felt like a once in a lifetime thing. But between making several personal changes over the last few months after a personally difficult year and deciding to take some time to myself and travel in North America for several weeks I knew that I will make an effort to somehow make it work. Vancouver seemed like the most realistic option and since it was also on my bucket list, the Vancouver show was chosen. When I learned that this will be their last tour (forever? for a while? who knows) I knew I wanted to add another show and with the help of good people in this fandom it happened. It’s a good time to thank all of those who reached out and offered a ride - it’s easy to get wrapped up in the negativity of this fandom but there are also truly nice and warm people here. 
So for the interesting part - the show, I absolutely loved it. The cast is truly spectacular and the chemistry between them is palpable. I also thought the choreography of the group numbers is some of the best I’ve seen in a long time -  it felt fresh, mature and cohesive. There was almost like a linking line between every group number and the smart decision to let everyone in the cast shine during them while still somehow giving Tessa and Scott the center stage in most of them was a smart one and one that really paid off. The band part was good as well (especially when they perform the acoustic version of their song) but I will say that the decision to have a long break after their set (while understandable for production needs) is a little bit questionable. Still, once the show begins it’s 90 minutes of nonstop skating which is truly amazing.
The individual numbers (no spoilers):
I’ve never seen Jeremy Abbot skate (other than his Sochi programs) and I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable I found him to be. Plus every time he did a backflip the crowd lost it - he is definitely good as a crowd pleaser and I can totally see why he was added to the show.
 KO is always a joy to watch and I felt like her number was also about her embracing herself, physically it’s obvious she’s changed now that she’s not in elite athlete shape, but she’s just as gorgeous as she was before and she has such a warm and smiley energy that you simply can’t help but enjoy her.
Both Elvis and Patrick were a hit with the older ladies and it’s always funny to watch the ladies go crazy over both, especially over Elvis. At some point, Elvis did a move and ended up right by a group sitting on the ice level and one woman was so excited I swear she started screaming.
Tati and Max still have the tricks that’s for sure, I never noticed how impressive Tati is on the ice, but this time I definitely did. They hit some beautiful poses and overall seemed ecstatic to be there and the crowd showered them with love.
Caro. Tbh I have no words to describe Caro. It was the first moment during the night that I was close to tears, it’s basically her moving on the ice, no jumps, but it was so enchanting you just know she puts a spell on the audience.
The group numbers:
I don’t want to write much because I don’t want to spoil anything, I truly think that the experience will be at it best when you know as little as possible (though I totally get watching the HD videos some are gracious enough to share). I will say again that I think the choreography was more mature and enchanting. It was more than just skating for the entertainment value (which is perfectly fine) but there was an added layer to the choreography and the performances. It was apparent that the cast loves those numbers, they were so into it and truly gave it everything they have and I think that with more time and getting more comfortable and familiar with the material, it will become even more special. There is something to be said about the age of the cast - having almost the entire cast be in their 30s really brings a level of maturity to the skating that you rarely see. It also emphasizes how longevity in figure skating should be valued, encouraged and aspired.
The costumes:
I have to give a major shout out to Mathieu for the costumes. Every costume was well made and fitted the theme of the dance. I think one of my favorite dresses was Caro’s dress for her solo. The costumes also really emphasized certain let’s say features of the male skaters, and that’s also highly appreciated. The 20s number costumes are also absolutely to die for and I’m not really familiar with the level of success Mathieu had prior to working with TS (I know he was doing skating costumes, not sure to what extent) but with him doing the costumes for the show for the second time and also doing the costumes for BoTB I will assume his partnership with TS turned out to be very beneficial for him (as it should, I don’t love everything he does but there’s no doubt he is amazingly talented).
Tessa and Scott
Saving the best to last... Where do I even begin? There was so much being said prior to this tour, about how they will maybe phone it in, about how they will have no chemistry, about how Scott doesn’t care. None of it is true and this show is the best proof for it. Their chemistry is still off the charts and can be felt in every move they make. Their quality of skating is second to none, the little nods to past programs were a punch in the gut in the best way possible and their love for what they do could be seen and felt during the entire show. Scott’s energy levels for the entire 90 minutes of the show are something I have no idea how he even sustains, he was all in, and Tessa shines like the bright light she is. Together they truly give everything they have during the show.
As for the video, it was both heartbreaking and beautiful, they were both visibly emotional and said beautiful things. It is however not the only or even last thing they say about each other, so it should really be put in some perspective. The following Fix You number was also gut-wrenching and beautifully choreographed and performed.
And to finish on a personal note - I’ve been following Tessa and Scott for close to 6 years now. It’s been a ride I could have never imagined when I first watched them skate in Sochi for the first time. So to watch them being constantly reduced to mostly made up personal drama is more frustrating than I could put into words. It was frustrating when every little thing was being used as proof of them dating and it’s even more frustrating to watch it being used as proof they hate each other and or whatever the current narrative is. It’s bad when outside forces are being accused of being the cause of their supposed hatred for each other and it’s even worse when it’s one of them that’s being cast as the villain of their story (for a long time it was Tessa, now it’s Scott). No one is saying things are the same as they used to be, but the change was bound to happen and does not mean that things are as gloom and doom as people insist they are. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, as I said before some people seem determined to make themselves suffer, but I’ll be damned if I let it get to me. It’s easy to lose perspective sometimes and try to use this platform to fight the negativity, but the cost of it sometimes gets too high on a personal level. So for the rest of the tour, I will do everything I can to keep myself in a positive headspace only, It’s what I deserve and it’s what they deserve as well. 
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hsmtmtsnet · 5 years
It's opening night of the High School Musical drama theater production on High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, and that only means one thing: Not everything goes according to plan.
The penultimate episode of the Disney+ series' first season started off promising, with the young thespians of East High -- including Gina, temporarily back from the East Coast -- acing nearly all the musical numbers of Act 1, and Ricky and Nini's roller-coaster relationship in the best place it's ever been. But everything fell apart once Ricky, in the middle of the signature basketball number, "Get'cha Head in the Game," spotted his mother's new boyfriend in the audience during his climactic moment. To say the rest of the number quickly became a disaster would be an understatement, as Ricky
For HSM: TM: TS stars Joshua Bassett and Olivia Rodrigo, who play leads Ricky and Nini, exploring their characters' messy and often rocky friendship (and romantic complications) throughout the first season has been particularly gratifying.
"It perfectly mirrors real high school love lives. They can be pretty messy and the line is constantly blurred and literally every week, a new thing happens. I know at least when I was in high school, you're trying to keep up with what's going on and you're like, 'Wait, they're dating who now? This happened last night, what are you talking about?'" Bassett told ET. "Everything's kind of all over the place and it's cool to see the characters not only figure out their relationship with each other, but also grow into themselves as they are in their later years in high school and really starting to define who they are and what they stand for. I think it's cool to see the development of that throughout this season and seasons to come."
"Exactly that. I think it's so cool to be able to play this relationship. It mimics a lot of actual high school relationships, like Josh said," Rodrigo said to ET. "That it's just really fun and working with Josh and Matt has been amazing, and they're both lovely people. I think Rini stans are really going to want to watch episodes nine and 10, I think they're really going to love it."
While Bassett shared that his favorite Ricky and Nini moment is coming soon ("It has not aired... That's all I can say," the 19-year-old actor-singer hinted, revealing the scene is featured in next Friday's freshman finale), he offered a favorite of his that has aired between the two characters.
"In episode four when Ricky has basically lost all of his resources, he's got nowhere to go, his parents are going to be separating and the only place that he can call home is Nini's house. They have such a beautiful scene where there's nothing she can do to help him, but she's just there and that's enough in that moment to get him through that," Bassett said. "That's a beautiful scene because the romantic stuff is great, but at the end of the day, when everything hits the fan, for lack of a better word, having that person there for you at your darkest, worst moment is so important and it shows that they really care about each other in that moment in episode four. Aside from ... episode 10, that [scene], I would say, is my other favorite moment between Nini and Ricky, so far."
And in true high school fashion, Ricky and Nini's love lives are entangled with other people within their circle, namely Gina (Sofia Wylie) and E.J. (Matt Cornett). Bassett recalled being shocked that HSM: TM: TS was exploring a possible romantic pairing between Ricky and Gina midway through the season, which came as a bit of a surprise to viewers.
"I didn't even remember reading the script, and my jaw was on the floor. I was like, 'Wait, what?' I was like, 'What's happening here?' Yeah, I was just as surprised as the rest of the world," Bassett said. "But I think the cool thing is that these characters are so authentic, that you really care about them and you care about their well-being. And so, whether Ricky is there as a friend for Gina, or Gina and Nini are friends for each other, you care about them and you want each of them to succeed in whatever way they can. The audience figures it out as the characters are figuring things out, and it's cool to watch the evolution. And you know, Rick and Gina is just one of the crazy things that comes out of people figuring out who they are, who they're about and what they're about."
As Bassett and Rodrigo mused, the most inspiring and surreal interactions with HSM: TM: TS fans often involve their own covers of the show's featured songs and theorizing over what's to come for the East High Wildcats. "For me, it's seeing people do covers of the songs, whether it be people who do 'I Kinda, You know' covers or 'All I Want' covers. And 'All I Want' is viral on TikTok; it's crazy!" Rodrigo marveled. "That's cool to see people take something that we made and put their own twist on it and present it to the world in a totally different way, which is essentially what our series is doing with the original movies. People are doing that with our songs, so it's this cool creative process and it's fun to listen to people! People are so talented."
"Piggy-backing off of that, it is cool to see people finally discover [these storylines] for the first time. One of the funniest things for me is going on Twitter and seeing all the memes that people are making -- all the hilarious things they're finding and putting together and certain Easter eggs that they find that I completely forgot about or certain things they point out that I'm like, 'Oh my god!' Or fan theories," Bassett shared. "Some of them are spot on, some people literally predicted the entire season and then some people are completely off. So it's funny to see people in real time trying to keep up with the show. Watching them discover it is really exciting and really awesome to see."
Production on the second season is mere weeks away, and Bassett and Rodrigo are already counting down the days they'll be reunited with their HSM: TM: TS co-stars in Salt Lake City, Utah.
"I'm so excited to go back to Salt Lake. We've been texting and the whole cast, we're one big happy family. We get to go back to summer camp, essentially, and hang out with our best pals every day. I'm looking forward to that," Rodrigo said. "Season two, I think is going to bring a whole lot more drama. I'm excited to read in the script; I think I'm going to grow a lot as an actor and as a musician. I know I did in season one. If season two is half as good as season one is, I'm going to be in for the ride of a lifetime." "I'm really excited to see further development of all the characters because everyone gets their spotlight in season one, but it's hard to fit all of that into 10 episodes, to really give everyone their moment. We got two more episodes for season two, so it'll be 12 instead of 10, and that gives us that much more time to really give people the moment that they deserve," Bassett said. "And one thing that Tim said -- I'm totally going to misquote him -- in the last sprint in episode 10, it was something along the lines of, 'That's the end for now because there's so much talent in this cast that we couldn't fit it all into one season.' I think that is so well-said, that there's so much more that each individual in this cast has so many hidden talents, that they're really going to be able to go into in season two. As we all grow together, the fan base will grow with us through the journey and it's going to be a beautiful thing. I'm excited for everyone to get their time in the spotlight."
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bilgisticallykosher · 5 years
Sanders Asides: Are There Healthy Distractions? reaction
Pre-anything: I'm not expecting to love this one as much as the last episode. Nothing terrible, but the disgusting trash man intro is just a hard thing to beat.
I’m expecting this to be SvS part 2. I'm expecting some sort of reaction and conclusion to Virgil's reveal at the end of DWIT. I'm therefore looking for any sign of confidence from Virgil immediately pointing to him being Deceit. I think it's likely not going to be addressed until late in the episode. Virgil angst until he comes back. Will Deceit be wearing Virgil's current hoodie? People have theorized that since he took notes on Roman's advice, it's possible for him to be better at pretending to be someone else. Especially someone who pops in, as opposed to rising up. 
I'm also anticipating Thomas to come up with a different solution to the callback/wedding thing. Namely, Logan asking him if he'd just speak to Lee and Mary Lee, and ask to celebrate another time, more privately, and if he could go to the callback. Like, there's definitely a reason Deceit threw Logan in the back where he thought he'd have less influence. 
I'm also waiting on Roman angst. We needed to meet another character (there's no way it wasn't Remus) before entering Roman's room. 
OH GOSH they're doing animation, right? Or, another medium? That's gotta be for Roman's room! I was thinking maybe stop-motion or fluid animation. I'd also LIKE Deceit's name reveal, but I'm not sure we'll get that. 
Post-title screen. I thought this was an old TS & Friends I'd missed. I, didn't love Frozen. This is an understatement. Okay. Still really like the name Sanders Asides, it's funny. That's. Hm. Well, it looks like Virgil. In a different outfit? Intriguing. So, distractions, like distracting yourself from wedding/callback? Also, "Are there healthy distractions?" Almost like "Can lying be good?" (At least, I have misremembered the title as "Can distractions be good?" at least five times already.) 
Okay I'm also focusing too much on my theory and supporting it. I know Frozen has been used as a metaphor for Depression and/or other mental illnesses, so, maybe that's why Virgil's the focus in the title screen? 
WATCHING! Y'know, despite the Jewish thing, I've only ever seen two episodes of The Goldbergs, didn't really get into- YES HELLO THOMAS. What. Is this an actual ad? Why does he sound like a pirate? HA! He acknowledged it. "What the hell is that accent?" Idk, a little Remus, a little midwest? 
Okay, that was the opening? Wondering if the red jacket plays any special significance, or they just saw it and bought it. 
I like the effects of the A. Virgil is. There already. Hnnnnnm. I dunno, man. This is supposed to be part of the chronological series, right? Oh it's a skeleton onesie! Canon onesie for Virgil! 
WOAH EVERYONE! Ooh, Roman's Beast? I wonder if that'd change depending on what show either actual, or character, Thomas is in. They're all there! Different order, too!
OH MY GOSH is this taking place twenty minutes after DWIT? IS THIS DECEIT??? I failed at not pushing my theory, whoops. I'm still suspicious. (Roman's floppy horns.)
Literally nobody believes that you didn't put all Frozen answers in, Ro. "I don't wear those anymore, they're too childish." Still waiting on Logan angst, too… probably after Roman. 
"Thomas is in a bad place" Virgil looks uncomfortable, but he also didn't seem so offended when Roman pulled his "twenty minutes ago" line. Well, it's definitely Logan, "Thomas is at home." Haha. Also, Roman's hood falling down was hilarious??
Okay, screw it, I'm pushing this. Virgil did learn last episode that repressing problems isn't the way to deal with them. But I feel like Deceit would also keep pressing for them to acknowledge why he feels bad? Also, Thomas's face, wow, discomfort. 
I don't get the "Thomas in the movie" joke, it's a snowflake? "Or neutral." Burn! "This weird ice cutting song." Man, where's the Critic? "Externalization" he had a little smile, guys. 
Some Logan vs. Patton tension AND some Logan vs. Roman tension. "Fear will be your enemy." Virgil looked at, Thomas, I think? Damn guys, this might actually be Virgil. 
Okay I watched this four times, Virgil and Logan do not shout Joan. And Thomas does it sadly afterwards. "Passage of time," This might actually be Virgil! 
I just choked! Oh my gosh, you guys, he is naked my throat hurts from not screaming. I'm having trouble getting over this. This cannot be a shock to anyone, but I want to hear him say "I sleep in the buff" several thousand more times. 
"Did I screw everything up" oooh, I was wrong, it's Virgil, but who cares, buff. Thomas is looking at his phone, is it not too late for callback? 
WOAH going right for Patton's throat! Ahaha, the tallies were hysterical. 
"Why have a ballroom with no balls?" "*snrk*" Don't lie, Thomas, that's hysterical. 
Patton's sadness and "without trust issues" hmmm. Shut out [her] whole life, is this supposed to be a comparison to anyone? Logan's "hey, yeah!" Is oddly hilarious. 
Is the "he" that Virgil's talking about the director? "Well she really shouldn't be letting go of anymore of her clothing." Oh my gosh. 
Oh, today is April 13th! The wedding is at night, so is he already missing the callback? ICE TOILET!  Remus, my god. Also, just noting, minus hair and makeup, this is some easy Remus-ing for the crew. They didn't have to deal with the whole outfit. 
Good point, Logan! This is not how Roman shows affection! Especially towards Disney! You guys, what if Roman is Deceit?... No, he hasn't been pushing the callback enough. But like. Beast/Prince symbolism? Hm. I'm watching him. 
Wait, what the hell party? I, I'm confused, wait he's telling Thomas's friends? That doesn't sound like he's going to the wedding? Who is "he"? If he were missing the wedding, it'd be him talking about Lee and Mary Lee.
Unless he sent someone else to the wedding in his stead? So he could go to the callback? Did he send Deceit? That's. Unlikely. But misrepresenting his side? Idk idk. 
"If he lied on purpose." MUSIC! Wait what's this about unsympathetic judgemental jerk? Who are they talking about??? This had better be revealed at the end. I went back, judgemental jerk used twice, and combative compatriot sounds like Deceit, what other "he" is there, but the Sides can't be seen by others, so????????
The music is still going. Rico? Oh, is that the answer? So is this unrelated to the wedding/callback? Okay, party isn't wedding. That was also an incredible act of breath control from Thomas. Standing ovation, dude. 
Oooh, the grounding thing! Ice machine! Ice machine is one of my favorite Shorts characters, guys, I love him, he a loud boy. "Deodorant" *excited noise*... oh, no that's fine. 
But I mean. Couldn't he do something now? Call or text an apology? Logan "have I mentioned that you called me cool yet" Sanders. Long ice powers list. 
I just realized that the voting hat was Deceit's! I- oh, he's just literally off-screen. I'm. Fairly certain that I was wrong now, yes. Virgil hissy. Ha, they didn't want to do Deceit's makeup. Understandable. Oh, is this the animation thing? 
"Love is an open wound" ooooh, nice. That was actually a cool re-write. In the buff. Is Thomas legit writing fanfiction now? 
I do not like the holiday season, I'm Scrooge. I do love Joan, though! DARK SIDE SWEATERS I would legitimately never wear them. Ever. Because X-mas. But eyeballs and demons. 
Logan angst is still incoming. 
So, it was tied to the main narrative, but… Virgil wasn't addressed? So, is it just loosely tied, but not necessarily sequentially? It's real cute seeing them all hanging out together like on everyone's fanfics, and that had to be crazy to edit. And hey, the Frozen stuff was better with commentary. But I'm still waiting on SvS part two, I think. And post-DWIT "fallout," but I did really enjoy all of them together being (relatively) cute. 
Sorry for being really focused on one theory. And, really, it's not like I'm disappointed with the episode. In and of itself, I liked it. It's just that I was expecting a direct continuation of the last two episodes, which this was not. And that's fine! I just, I hope we get that continuation. Like Thomas said, narrative has been building up for certain things, and they've been waiting on other aspects for a long time, so I'm sure they're even more excited to show them to us as we are to watch them. And have I mentioned editing? Must have been some job to do all that. Really great. 
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