#Bucklemming wank
blacknidstang · 7 months
I still so pettily have beef with Robbie's writing when it comes to sam he so fucking annoys me yet he is kinda great when you take big picture but yeah sometimes he makes me wanna grab him by the collar and shake him violently
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suncaptor · 2 years
Jared being like trying to be polite like. Yeah a lot of new writers must not know everything. This is why they're making Sam and Lucifer like that. They don't get the history. As if. As if that isn't entirely foundational for the entire character theyre supposed to write in a show they should know. and as if buckleming haven't been there since before season fucking seven.
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fingergunsbidean · 4 years
Quick episode thoughts:
I’m not a meta writer/ a reviewer, so this is just a little summary. It was...a bucklemming episode lmao. It was messy, the pace was off, it was rushed, Lucifer served absolutely no purpose, but to give jack some extra juice. Honestly, he was a waste of COVID space.
I LIKE how they ended Chuck, I think that was brilliant and very ATLA. I like the idea. I just don’t like the execution. Again it was so rushed, and the black and white flashback was cheesy as hell. 
I’m not surprised the love confession wasn’t mentioned and Eileen didn’t even exist given the writers, but I’m still disappointed lol.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I’m annoyed such an important episode went to them, but the one thing getting me through is they gave us the pseudo bros ending so the next one can be about the real ending, aka getting their own lives with the loves of their lives. 
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
Those guys taking the piss out of Buckleming’s script in the church scene was GOLD.
‘No Cas, you and Jack just stand there!’
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tinkdw · 7 years
Look I really don’t want to be negative, you know I am SPN positive like, pretty much all the time and there were good things in this episode, hence my immediate post watching list of good stuff.
But seriously. They just need to get their shit together on coherent story telling. Plus most of the good stuff is stuff that is clearly a season long arc and not their choosing. Sigh. So... 
Bucklemming appropriate wank below the cut
Somehow Lucifer and Jack can hold a bible but Kelly, the victim can’t? What level of making the victim of rape the dirty one is this? WHAT THE FUCK?
Danneel is brought in to play a badass business woman but she still ends up using her “womanly wiles” to seduce Lucifer into keeping her around in a very sexual manner where this was totally un-freaking called for and would have been so much more powerful if she had done it just with her words, which were pretty good, like, fair play Bucklemming her speech was good, it did not need sexualising.
So, Lucifer stabs Gabriel with a blade that looks like a normal Angel blade but is hyped for 8 seasons as an Archangel blade (in canon, ignoring theories that he wasn’t really dead because that still makes no sense re Lucifer’s idiocy of not being able to tell). Then now we see a real, apparently, Archangel blade, that looks totally different. So what, Lucifer is a moron and couldn’t tell the difference? It somehow got changed? It’s from an AU? Every Archangel’s blade looks different and Gabriel’s originally looked like a normal blade or he created a fake one that didn't even look like his real one? I MEAN? NOTHING HERE MAKES SENSE. The next competent writers are gonna have to fix this.
Ketch. Saving. The Poor Helpless Winchesters. No.
Angel grace recharges itself? So what about Cas in season 9? Given that in theory in canon given Gadreel he should have a little grace left, this only works if he really has ZERO left. If he does have a smidgen as per canon implies he would then there are roundabout ways around this in particular sure but they need acrobatics and metaphors to work physiologically and this just opens a huge can of worms tbh. You have to go with he had zero and forget Gadreel or make it a different situation through throat slitting / vessel habitation. You have to MAKE it work.
There genuinely is no valid reason I can see at all for Cas being bloody in his mouth and on his collar, falling down in a heap and passing out after that Lucifer “fight scene”. Lucifer nicks him slightly and he is fine and stabs him back. There is nothing here that shows Lucifer getting the upper hand. There is no reason for Cas to be banished into a field. Lucifer shouldn’t even have that power yet. Even then if he is banished, he’d then in theory based on past canon be MILES away from the place he left Lucifer and why would he bother going back, he’d be LONG gone. Also the demons wouldn’t be prowling? Also Lucifer was fine in his cell, just depowered, for weeks then he gets out and suddenly is dizzy, something big happened to him too. Like - there has to be a deleted scene here. OR the only thing that makes sense is that we don’t see it happen but Lucifer manages to get some grace power together to banish Cas (without a sigil) and this depowers him. But this isn’t shown. And why would it make Cas bleed from the mouth and wander around in agony? It never has before. I’m willing to let go of this from Bucklemmings’ pov this could be an editing error not theirs but honestly who is putting this all together and making sure it all works and is clear? THEY SUCK AT THEIR JOB.
Basically it’s not an awful ep because there are good themes and there are good one off bits, but the general gist is a shit show of crappy writing and omitting of canon, sometimes even their own, in order to insert problematic material. I’m sorry, I’m usually positive and I will be about the good bits in this ep and this is what I will focus on but I will not let people perusing my blog think that I forgive them for the rest because I really don’t. This is not acceptable. Even the stuff that is potentially explainable you have to really think about and that’s asking too much of the GA who don’t even think about the obvious stuff most of the time let alone these acrobatics of canon fuckery.
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thayerkerbasy · 7 years
I just saw you're still not over Crowley's death and I wanted to say, me neither. It was pointless and stupid and cruel and I miss him so very, very much. You're not alone
The thing is, I see what they were going for.  He was in love, it was unrequited, he had nothing to live for without that, so he killed himself for The Cause.  Unfortunately, that storytelling trope is so ten years ago and we’re not so willing to buy it as we were back then.
They teased us with Crowley voluntarily offering to close the gates of Hell so he could hang out topside with the Winchesters without any other demons.  I would have loved that.  What I wouldn’t give for a Crowley who chose to become human again so he could truly feel, and then had to learn how to be a decent person because that was the only way to get Sam, Dean, and Cas to like him.  Give me a Crowley struggling with being human, learning to hunt like Cas did, maybe manning the research station in the library, becoming a proper Man of Letters to help the Winchesters.  Show me a demon who turned over a new leaf to become a better man than he was in life.
And yes, I know, Crowley was easily a better person than Fergus was, but he only ever got halfway there.  There was a whole other half to that journey and it was cut short because someone felt the need for a tragic love triangle.  Yes, we know, Dean likes Cas better.  Crowley figured that out too, which is why his song in 12x12 was Not For Me.  He knew that ship had sailed and accepted it.
Someone needs to tell the writers that friendship can be rewarding too.  Crowley just wanted someone to give a damn about him.  That’s what kills me most about his death.  He died feeling unwanted.  His mother didn’t love him, his son died, Cas wouldn’t even thank Crowley for saving his life, Sam never liked him, and Dean… Dean was his one actual friend, but because of that asinine drawn out Lucifer thing in the second half of the season, Dean was angry with Crowley (rightfully so, but I still blame Dabb and Buckleming for that), so Crowley died feeling utterly alone.
So no, I’m not over Crowley’s death.  It was a cheap way to put him in the show’s good books and he should have had the chance to earn his way there without dying.  “Bad guys” so often can only be redeemed in death, but Crowley was never a true villain.  He existed in shades of grey, and I think the worst thing is that he didn’t realize which side he truly belonged on until it was too late.
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I know we always make fun of how shitty Bucklemming treats their female characters but they really did introduce a previously unknown female character just to specifically kill her off as a plot device two whole times in like five minutes
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theythemsam · 3 years
Not people praising fuckleming for 12x02 queerbaiting because they brought up benny...
They wrote an unawknowledge rape scenes in that very episode. And then, in the next episode that they wrote... they did it again. You do realize that thats bad, right? They aren't uwu representation heroes (not that they could be with their horrific track record surrounding lgbt characters...), they are just horrible writers who use rape as a plot device.
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debatchery · 4 years
there’s no way Dean Winchester would carve Castiel’s name into the table in the Bunker’s library and walk away smiling.
there’s no way he would take out his pocketknife (likely the same one Cas used to slice open his hand and paint the warding on the door to buy them time), sit down, and go letter by letter to preserve the memory of Cas only to stand up, have a broment with Sam and go for a ride in the Impala with a smile on his face.
there’s no way he would do this mere days after Castiel died for him on the heels of an impassioned love confession. whether or not he reciprocated Cas’s feelings doesn’t even factor into this. his best friend laid down his life for him. period. it takes longer than two fucking days to go back to normalcy after something like that.
it’s ooc, and it’s bad writing. but what else is new.
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15x13 watching notes
Coming up on 11pm and WOW am I suddenly feeling like I could have been quietly playing final fantasy all day instead of watching this D: I am so sorry for everyone who has ever had to watch a buckleming episode and especially for this one. 
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wigglebox · 4 years
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suncaptor · 2 years
brad buckner and eugenie ross leming writing the worst episode of television you've seen after episode truly ultimate hand in unlovable hand.
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fingergunsbidean · 4 years
Tumblr media
I have my poorly made gif ready for tonight lmao. 
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bunnymcbunnister · 4 years
Finally got around to rewatching 15x19, and I was just as underwhelmed. I spent most of the rewatch on my phone playing candy crush, which is depressing because I would rather pay attention to exploding bonbons than the penultimate episode of my favorite tv series of all time. That being said, my main complaint (besides the “where”s the angel” insert gif here) is Adam/Michael. At first, I was mad at Bucklemming for kicking over the sand castle of another writer and the brilliant idea they had in bringing him back and then I remembered- IT WAS THIER FRIKKIN IDEA! They wrote Michael/Adam in 15x08 in such a fascinating way, and then threw it all away because they can’t write their way out of a paper bag. It gave me Jamie Lannister flashbacks to see Michael defaulting to his daddy’s boy programming. I’m so glad I can delete those two and their weirdo Lucifer boner from my life, although I’m sad I have to lose the show along with them. 
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tinkdw · 7 years
Asmodeus: sends Ketch off to kill Lucifer
Ketch: this is trickier than I’d imagined
TFW: no shit Sherlock
Asmodeus: oh actually I know I sent you into mortal peril and everything but I forgot to tell you it’s actually impossible to kill Lucifer without this particular blade wielded by a particular type of Angel which you are not
Ketch: Googling US federal laws on employee entitlements to tools for the job and lawful remuneration of loss of employment. Also Asmodeus you dick.
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angelinthefire · 3 years
like it makes sense to be mad that Jack didn’t get a chance to express what was really going on in his head in that episode. I agree with that. But I keep seeing people say that cutting that scene cuts Cas out of the episode, when the only part of the scene that was left in the episode was Jack saying Castiel’s name. It went from a scene where Jack is questioning his purpose and his place, to one where he’s just mourning Cas. Cutting all that dialogue made the scene more about Cas and less about Jack. 
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