#Budget allocation for Farmers
townpostin · 2 months
Budget Has Nothing for Jharkhand: State Congress President Rajesh Thakur
State Congress chief decries lack of focus on crucial sectors Opposition leader claims Union Budget neglects state’s needs, favoring corporate interests over public welfare. RANCHI – Jharkhand’s Local political figures have expressed strong criticism of the recent fiscal announcements. Rajesh Thakur, the President of Jharkhand’s Congress, has strongly opposed the Union Budget 2024. Thakur…
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hi i saw someone talk about how liga F is looked on as a "farmer league" and all that yk what i mean and i was wondering how it is rfef's fault? i know they've done bad things but this is the only thing i don't get😭
like how is it rfef's fault barcelona is better than the other teams? (genuine question please don't think i'm being rude or anything lmaoo)
hi anon - so you raise a lot of different issues in your ask. first, it's not rfef's fault that barça is the best team in the world, but they are part of the blame for the general state of liga f and the fact that there is a significant drop in quality of the other teams.
also, i think you may be thinking that rfef and liga f are two separate organisations, but unfortunately with the corruption that is spanish football, they are way too connected in the overall development and stagnation of women's football in this country, and that's the problem.
rfef doesn't just administer the copa de la reina tournament and screw up/organise tickets and sales for different events like the champions league final in bilbao. instead if you look at the statutes and articles of liga f, rfef is completely intertwined with the founding and organisation/running of the league.
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in the recent referee strike, rfef agreed to pay liga f €350,000 over three years through the coordination agreement to allocate it to the clubs as aid for refs. rfef also stopped players from wearing armbands honouring women's day in liga f matches. so you can't blame only liga f for its failures without also including rfef.
next topic: why is liga f (minus barça) still considered a farmer's league?
we lack a competitive pay structure for the majority of teams, and players are being poached by other leagues and countries (ana tejada, rachael kundananji, leicy santos, esther, maitane, lucía garcía, and others)
teams do not take their women's sections seriously and slash budgets constantly. this past year levante announced they would cut their women's team and players are leaving and going to other clubs. same thing is happening with atletí.
we don't have a good media rights deal to broadcast the matches compared to other leagues, especially wsl and nwsl
there is a huge discrepancy between teams at the top of the league and teams in the bottom in terms of facilities, pay, brand and marketing. in fact, some liga f teams play on artificial surfaces and don't even have separate social media accounts from the men.
we don't have good brand and marketing deals for the league. if you look at the official league sponsors, it's a joke. given spain winning the world cup and barça the champions league, we should be attracting way more.
what barça has single handedly done for women's football in spain has to be commended because it's been rfef and liga f that has been holding down the growth of the sport.
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yaldev · 1 year
Quiet, Stoic Strength
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When the very snow betrayed Alregmodst, there was no option left but surrender. As a reward, the Ascendants introduced chemical countermeasures to slow the ecological damage, but what arable soil existed here would never be as fertile again. In distant Pelbee, High Commander Apian eased public controversy with a public address announcing an indefinite pause on steelflake development. These weapons presented deeper long-term consequences than previously believed; going forward, they would be weapons of last resort. Civilian eyes were on the speaker, but soldiers were watching a brigadier who stood in the background with the other top Army officers, who made eye contact with no one.
Alreg pride was hibernating, not dead. The colony bore its new status as it bore the siege: with quiet, stoic strength. Ascended entrepreneurs saw in Alreg endurance immense potential for unskilled labor. Industrial complexes sprouted up on flat acres. General Cosal, temporary provisional governor, answered local complaints by pointing out that nobody was forced to work in the factories; they always had the option to compete, manage their little cottage industries more efficiently than Ascended companies, or run a subsistence farm in the tundra.
Free of chains yet enslaved by circumstance, farmers, weavers and strongmen abandoned their villages for the largest towns, where the only work would soon remain. The largest factory was situated along the Reytep River, where proud warriors toiled alongside automatic processors to refine ore, forge it into steel, and shape it into the weapons that would break Fluuschia. Wood used to be processed here too, but as the remaining trees receded away, production slowed to a crawl. Sustainable ecology was not their responsibility, but General Cosal's, and he had allocated more than enough of his budget cleaning up the steelflakes.
Yaldev is a sci-fantasy worldbuilding project by Ulysses Maurer, with art by Beeple. By looking at narratives, stylized loredumps, bad poetry and little details, we'll witness the story of a planet filled with magical power, the nation which tried to conquer it, this empire’s dramatic collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. Along the way we'll meet the characters who live here, and we'll explore questions about nationalism, rationalism, the natural world and the quest to master it. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned posts at r/Yaldev!
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winterrose527 · 1 year
Wait, can I have advice? What is your advice for me?
hmmm advice I always give to myself & will give to you too (since I tend towards feeling a sense of renewal in late spring and late summer rather than the end of the year) is to make a real assessment of your operating vs actual budget. Use it as an opportunity to figure out where you are maybe hemorrhaging money you don't need to be, and places where you noticeably feel better when you allocate funds in that direction. I'm a huge advocate of seasonal finances, the things I know that I'm going to spend a lot of money on in the summer are not the same as the winter.
For instance, in the spring/summer my produce bill is through the roof, but it's because that is the time to eat all the expensive berries and peaches and plums and scallions and bouquets of Bibb lettuce, whereas towards the end of fall through the winter I actually save a tremendous amount because so much of the produce I'm eating is from frozen (this is also my plug to everyone to BUY FROZEN PRODUCE. It is so good for you, flash frozen at the height of nutrient richness and it is SO insanely cheap in comparison). In the summer it is worth it to me to buy the beautifully marbled cherry tomatoes from the farmer's market, which means I cut back in other areas.
Spring & Summer is also when I spend my most on travel, etc. which means I feel the need to cut back on funds I'd usually put towards socializing during the week. The great thing is though that this is the season for cheap activities, take a walk, go to the beach [if you live near one], make smoothies with all that wonderful produce rather than pay $12 for someone else to add lots of sugar to it.
It's super easy to feel financially out of control and I've found that this lends itself to feeling out of control in other areas [though I'm pretty sure that is because of my astrological chart], so it is one of my favorite things to take stock of when I need a reset button.
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adarakimb · 2 years
‘Self-sufficiency over liberalization’
 Although liberalization has good effects in our country, we cannot deny that it has a more significant adverse effect on agriculture. So I believe in the call of farm groups to prioritize self-sufficiency over liberalization. The lack of support for farmers and fishermen has been a problem for us for years. Many of them lack resources, which makes it also difficult for them to have enough food on a daily basis. I also think that the government should allocate a competent budget for each farmer and fisherman so that they will not have to sell their crops to exploitative buyers. Many cannot even have their crops bought at a fair price, which is always the reason why most of them stop planting. If this kind of system continues in our country, we will not be able to achieve the self-sufficiency that we seek.
The rising cost of commodities is another issue our farmers and fishermen currently deal with. The idea that these people provide food for our table while they have nothing to eat is sad. Things got much worse when the pandemic broke out since "everything appeared to stop," and there was inadequate government assistance for the people.  For that reason, our government should increase the agricultural budget which will be an avenue to create new programs that covers all agricultural products. Being self-sufficient means that the country can support itself and is not dependent or reliant upon other countries, so it is crucial that we do not only focus on one area of the overall sector. Moreover, I believe that our government needs to be strict on agricultural product smuggling, as the malpractice in our agriculture industry is constantly reported in the press, but it seems that nothing has been done about it. That is also why I do not believe the stereotype that the poor are lazy, for the reason that farmers and fishermen are examples of how, no matter how hard one work if that person does not have a voice and privilege, they have a lower chance of succeeding in life. That being said, I concur that our nation's agricultural policy has to be fixed, and in order for us to have food security and for our agriculture sector to become more productive and self-sufficient, our government should provide financial help to the famers and fisher folks alongside imposing harsher punishment for those who smuggle agricultural goods.
Utilizing the capabilities of government agencies like the Department of Science and Technology, which have technologies that can boost crop production, is another option I see to improve our agricultural system. Additionally, there are State Colleges in our country that can aid in performing research and development, as the students at these universities are the ones who are most familiar with the local agricultural condition. It is also time for us to listen on our scientist and researchers, even better if our government will appoint these professionals on the positions where they are needed.
All in all, we need an organized plan from all levels of society so that we can fix our flawed system because through that, we will be able to fight inflation, lift our domestic production, and eventually, make our country less food insecure and more self-sufficient.
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mckenziepost · 18 days
Flavors of the Season
Planning a wedding menu can be a joyful task, especially when you incorporate seasonal ingredients. This approach not only supports sustainability but also delights your guests with fresh, flavorful dishes that reflect the time of year. In this blog post, we'll explore how to craft a menu that celebrates seasonal bounty, from spring's vibrant produce to winter's hearty offerings. Whether you're an eco-conscious couple, a wedding planner, or a culinary enthusiast, you'll find valuable insights and inspiration to create a memorable and sustainable wedding meal.
Why Choose Seasonal Ingredients?
Freshness and Flavor
Seasonal ingredients are at their peak in terms of taste and quality. Utilizing them ensures your dishes burst with natural flavors, offering a delightful dining experience for your guests. For example, spring's asparagus and strawberries bring brightness to salads and desserts, while autumn's apples and squash add warmth and depth to main courses.
Support Local Farmers
By choosing seasonal produce, you also support local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting out-of-season ingredients. This aligns perfectly with the values of eco-conscious couples and sustainability enthusiasts who strive for eco-friendly weddings. Sourcing locally fosters connections within your community and lends authenticity to your menu.
In-season ingredients are often more affordable due to their abundance. This can help manage your wedding budget without compromising on quality. Planning your menu around what's readily available allows you to allocate resources thoughtfully, benefiting both your wallet and the planet.
Creating a Seasonal Wedding Menu
Spring Delights
Spring is synonymous with renewal and freshness, making it an ideal season for vibrant, light flavors. Consider incorporating fresh greens like arugula, peas, and radishes in your salads. For a unique wedding dish, you might feature a chilled pea soup or a citrus-infused fish entree that captures the essence of spring.
Tasting Note: Pair citrus dishes with white wines or light rosés to enhance the seasonal flavors.
Summer Bounty
Summer's warm weather brings a profusion of juicy fruits and colorful vegetables. Think ripe tomatoes, sweet corn, and succulent berries. These ingredients lend themselves beautifully to grilled dishes and refreshing salads. A tomato and mozzarella salad drizzled with balsamic glaze or a grilled peach dessert could be show-stoppers at your eco-friendly ceremony.
Tasting Note: Consider serving iced herbal teas or seasonal cocktails to complement these vibrant flavors.
Autumn Harvest
Autumn's harvest offers rich, comforting flavors perfect for a cozy celebration. Root vegetables like carrots and beets, alongside apples and pears, provide the foundation for hearty dishes. Roasted vegetable platters or an apple-cider glazed pork roast add warmth and seasonal charm to your menu.
Tasting Note: Red wines and spiced ciders are excellent pairings for these robust flavors.
Winter Comforts
Winter calls for nourishing, warming dishes that evoke comfort. Ingredients like potatoes, squash, and dark leafy greens are abundant. Consider serving a butternut squash soup or a savory stew as part of your unique wedding ceremony. These dishes not only satisfy but also showcase the bounty of winter.
Tasting Note: Rich, full-bodied wines or warm spiced teas enhance the comforting nature of winter fare.
Benefits of a Sustainable Menu
Allergy-Friendly Options
Planning with seasonal ingredients allows for flexibility in accommodating dietary restrictions. You can easily create allergy-friendly wedding dishes that cater to various needs, ensuring all guests can enjoy the meal without worry. Thoughtful menu planning demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and hospitality.
Eco-Friendly Officiants
An eco-friendly wedding isn't just about the food; it's a holistic approach that includes eco-conscious ceremonies officiated by sustainable officiants. This adds a meaningful layer to your celebration, reflecting your values throughout the event. Partnering with like-minded professionals strengthens your commitment to sustainable love.
Unique and Memorable
A menu that changes with the seasons offers a unique dining experience that guests are sure to remember. It highlights the creativity and care put into your wedding planning, leaving a lasting impression. Each dish tells a story, adding depth and personal touch to your special day.
Choosing a seasonal menu for your wedding is a delicious way to celebrate your love and commitment to sustainability. It enhances the dining experience, supports local communities, and aligns with eco-friendly values. By focusing on seasonal ingredients, you not only craft a memorable meal but also contribute to a healthier planet.
For those ready to explore further, consider consulting with a sustainable wedding planner or chef who can guide you in creating a bespoke menu that reflects the seasons and your personal tastes. Your wedding day should be as unique and vibrant as the love you share—may it be a day filled with flavor, joy, and sustainable choices.
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rakeshblog · 1 month
Regional Ring Road Hyderabad Action Plan 2047: Latest Update
The  Hyderabad Regional Ring Road Latest Update (RRR) is a pivotal infrastructure project to enhance connectivity and foster economic growth in the Hyderabad metropolitan region. Spanning approximately 350 kilometers, this ambitious project will serve as an outer bypass to the existing Outer Ring Road (ORR), further easing traffic congestion and improving access to key areas around the city. The RRR is part of the Central Government’s “Viksit Bharat” initiative, emphasizing its strategic importance in national development plans. With the construction divided into northern and southern sections, the RRR is poised to become a significant catalyst for regional development, boosting industrial, commercial, and residential growth in the surrounding areas.
Central Government Fast-Tracks Regional Ring Road Project
The Regional Ring Road (RRR) that would connect to Hyderabad’s Outer Ring Road has been given top priority by the Central Government. The Ministry of National Highways recently included the RRR in its Action Plan 2047, highlighting it as a key infrastructure project under the “Viksit Bharat” initiative. This decision has significantly accelerated the project’s development, with construction expected to gain momentum soon.
Also Read: Hyderabad Regional Ring Road 2024: Latest News, Budget Allocation & Project details
Planned Construction and Funding
The Regional Ring Road will cover approximately 350 kilometers, divided into two segments: the northern and southern sections. Both the central and state governments have agreed on this bifurcated approach. The northern segment, stretching 161.52 kilometers, has already received alignment approval and been designated as a national highway. Meanwhile, the southern segment, spanning 189.20 kilometers, is still awaiting final approval. According to a recent report submitted to the Central Government, the total estimated cost for the RRR project is approximately ₹27,000 crores. The northern section is expected to require ₹14,000 crores, while the southern section will cost around ₹13,000 crores. The Central Government will fully fund the construction, with the costs of land acquisition to be shared equally between the central and state governments.
cost and length of each section of the Regional Ring Road (RRR):
Length (in kilometers)
Estimated Cost (in ₹ crores)
Northern Section
161.52 km
₹14,000 crores
Southern Section
189.20 km
₹13,000 crores
350.72 km
₹27,000 crores
Land Acquisition and Project Initiation
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, recently announced in Parliament that construction will begin as soon as the land acquisition process is completed. The state government has directed district collectors to expedite the land acquisition, aiming to complete it within the next three months. Senior officials have confirmed this timeline, indicating that preparations for construction are already in progress.
Also Read: Brief Info of Regional Ring Road, Hyderabad
The estimated land requirement for the Hyderabad Regional Ring Road (RRR) project:
Length (Kilometers)
Estimated Land Requirement (Acres)
Northern Section
4,000 – 5,000
Southern Section
4,500 – 5,500
8,500 – 10,500
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Challenges in Simultaneous Construction
The feasibility of constructing both segments of the RRR simultaneously was discussed during a review meeting between Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. While land acquisition for the northern segment is nearing completion, legal challenges and opposition from local farmers remain. Efforts are being made to resolve these issues promptly. In contrast, land acquisition for the southern segment has not yet begun, necessitating the issuance of notices and addressing objections from affected farmers. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has instructed district collectors to ensure fair and humane compensation, working closely with Central Government officials. However, the delay in initiating the land acquisition process for the southern segment raises concerns about the feasibility of constructing both sections simultaneously.
The Total project details for the Regional Ring Road Hyderabad Latest Update :
Project Component
Total Length
350.72 kilometers
Northern Section (161.52 km), Southern Section (189.20 km)
Estimated Total Cost
₹27,000 crores
Cost Breakdown
– Northern Section: ₹14,000 crores
– Southern Section: ₹13,000 crores
Land Requirement
~8,500 – 10,500 acres
Construction to begin post-land acquisition completion (expected within three months)
Fully funded by the Central Government; Land acquisition costs shared equally between Central and State Governments
Key Authorities Involved
Central Government, State Government, Ministry of National Highways
Initiation Timeline
Construction to begin to post-land acquisition completion (expected within three months)
The Central Government’s prioritization of the  Hyderabad Regional Ring Road Latest Update (RRR) project as part of the “Viksit Bharat” initiative is set to enhance infrastructure around Hyderabad significantly. With clear funding plans and an accelerated land acquisition process, the construction is expected to commence soon. However, challenges in land acquisition, particularly for the southern section, may impact the timeline for simultaneous construction. Successful execution of this project will not only improve connectivity but also stimulate economic growth in the region.
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Overview of the Finance Budget 2024: Key Highlights and Takeaways
The Finance Budget 2024 has set the tone for India's economic trajectory in the coming year. With a focus on sustainable growth and innovation, the budget addresses critical areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, MSME support, and green energy initiatives. This budget is designed to boost the economy while ensuring that the benefits reach all sectors of society.
Key Highlights of the Finance Budget 2024
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1. Economic Growth and Tax Reforms The 2024 budget has introduced significant tax reforms aimed at stimulating economic growth. By restructuring tax slabs and offering incentives for businesses, the government aims to create a more conducive environment for investment. These changes are expected to drive growth, particularly in sectors like manufacturing and services, contributing to the overall economic stability of the country.
2. Infrastructure Development A substantial allocation has been made for infrastructure development, underscoring the government's commitment to building world-class facilities across the nation. This includes investments in highways, railways, and urban infrastructure, all aimed at boosting connectivity and facilitating trade. The emphasis on infrastructure is a clear signal of the government's intent to create long-term economic value.
3. MSME Support The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, often referred to as the backbone of the Indian economy, has received a significant boost in the Finance Budget 2024. New initiatives and funding have been introduced to support MSMEs, ensuring they have the resources needed to thrive in a competitive market. This move is expected to create more jobs and increase productivity across various industries.
4. Green Energy and Sustainability One of the most forward-looking aspects of the budget is its focus on green energy initiatives. The Finance Budget 2024 includes provisions for substantial investments in renewable energy projects, with the goal of reducing the country’s carbon footprint. These initiatives are in line with India's commitment to sustainable growth, ensuring that economic development does not come at the cost of environmental degradation.
5. Digitalization and Innovation Digitalization continues to be a priority, with the 2024 budget promoting further advancements in technology across various sectors. This includes initiatives to enhance digital infrastructure and support for startups in the tech industry. The focus on digitalization is expected to drive innovation and efficiency, particularly in areas like finance, healthcare, and education.
6. Agriculture and Healthcare The agriculture sector, which remains a critical part of India’s economy, has not been overlooked. The budget includes measures to support farmers, improve irrigation facilities, and promote sustainable farming practices. Additionally, the healthcare sector has received a significant allocation, aimed at improving public health infrastructure and ensuring access to quality healthcare for all citizens.
Takeaways from the 2024 Budget
The Finance Budget 2024 is a comprehensive plan that balances the needs of different sectors while laying the groundwork for future growth. The focus on tax reforms, infrastructure development, and digitalization reflects the government's commitment to creating a robust economy. Simultaneously, the emphasis on green energy, MSME support, and healthcare highlights the importance of inclusive and sustainable growth.
For businesses, including those in fund-based financial services, the budget presents numerous opportunities to expand and innovate. At Virtual GGC, we see the 2024 budget as a pivotal moment that could reshape the financial landscape, offering new avenues for growth and investment. As the economy evolves, staying informed and adapting to these changes will be key to long-term success.
In conclusion, the Finance Budget 2024 sets a positive tone for the future, with its wide-ranging initiatives poised to drive economic growth and ensure that the benefits of development reach every corner of the country.
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mediagraph · 1 month
Budget 2024 through the Lens of Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi: Sensitivity and Economic Aspirations
In a recent post-budget dialogue, we gained insights from Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi, managing partner and founder of Ravi Rajan and Company, and former chairman of the Bombay Stock Exchange. The discussion centered around the new budget announced by the Finance Minister, highlighting its potential impact on India’s economy. Here’s a summary of Mr. Ravi’s expert analysis on key aspects of the budget.
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Key Takeaways from the Budget
Abolition of Angel Tax: The removal of angel tax is a significant boost for startups. This move is expected to encourage investment in early-stage companies, fostering innovation and growth in the startup ecosystem.
Focus on Employment: The budget places unprecedented emphasis on job creation, particularly targeting labor and employee-related areas. This focus aims to address high employment concerns and provide relief through various initiatives and incentives.
Taxation Adjustments: Changes in long-term and short-term capital gains tax reflect a broader strategy to manage investments more effectively. The introduction of higher taxes on certain transactions signals a shift towards encouraging long-term investments over speculative trading.
Reduction in Custom Duties: A notable reduction in custom duties for minerals like lithium underscores the government’s commitment to supporting sectors reliant on these critical materials. This move is expected to enhance the domestic mineral ecosystem.
Investment in Clean Energy and Infrastructure: With capital expenditure set at 3.9% of GDP, the budget highlights a strong commitment to clean energy and infrastructure development, aiming to drive sustainable growth.
Detailed Observations
Employment and Skill Development: Mr. S.Ravi BSE praised the focus on job creation and skill development but stressed that the success of these initiatives will depend on effective implementation. The budget’s promise to improve skilling, especially in rural areas, and enhance small-scale manufacturing is seen as crucial for long-term economic stability.
Agricultural Sector: The budget’s emphasis on agriculture reflects its importance in job creation and economic growth. Significant allocations are intended to boost productivity and support farmers, with a particular focus on improving rural infrastructure and reducing custom duties on agricultural equipment.
Stock Market Reaction: Despite the balanced nature of the budget, the stock market’s reaction was tepid. Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi attributed this to the market’s sensitivity to increased taxation on short-term gains and derivatives, which impacted traders and speculative investors.
Private Sector Participation: The budget’s static approach to capital expenditure reflects a reliance on government spending due to insufficient private sector participation. Encouraging private investment through schemes like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) is critical for expanding manufacturing and job creation.
In summary, Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi described the budget as “sensitive,” acknowledging its responsiveness to public and market feedback. The budget has set a foundation for future financial planning, balancing immediate needs with long-term goals. The Finance Minister’s focus on job creation, skill development, and strategic tax adjustments reflects a nuanced approach to managing India’s economic aspirations amidst global uncertainties.
Final Thoughts
The budget’s emphasis on various sectors indicates a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering growth and stability. As Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi noted, while the budget sets a positive direction, its success will hinge on effective execution and continued private sector engagement.
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newsarticle4u · 2 months
Key Highlights of Telangana Irrigation Projects 2024-25
The Telangana government has unveiled an ambitious Rs 10,820 crore plan for the fiscal year 2024-25, focusing on various irrigation projects across the Godavari and Krishna basins. This comprehensive plan, announced by Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, aims to create new irrigation potential and stabilize existing infrastructure, thereby enhancing agricultural productivity in the state. Telangana Irrigation Projects With significant capital investment allocated in the financial budget, the government is poised to address both immediate and long-term irrigation needs, ensuring sustainable water management and support for the farming community.
The Telangana government has outlined an ambitious Rs 10,820 crore plan for various irrigation projects in the fiscal year 2024-25, aiming to boost agricultural productivity by creating new irrigation potential and stabilizing existing infrastructure.
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Comprehensive Plan for Irrigation:
On Sunday, July 28, Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy announced the state's detailed expenditure plan focused on irrigation projects across the Godavari and Krishna basins. During a review meeting with advisors, secretaries, and senior officials, Reddy emphasized the critical role of the irrigation sector in the state's development.
Focus on the Irrigation Sector:
Uttam Kumar Reddy highlighted that the irrigation sector has received significant attention in the financial budget, with a capital investment of Rs 10,820 crores. He also addressed potential flooding issues during the rainy season, stressing the importance of precautions for reservoirs and tanks.
The government aims to create an additional 30 lakh acres of ayacut in Telangana over the next five years, marking a new era in the state's irrigation sector. This initiative is set to benefit farmers and the public substantially.
Also Read: Union Budget 2024-25 Telangana: Key Allocations & Strategic Investments for Telangana’s Future
Ensuring Adequate Funding:
Reddy reviewed the progress of priority projects and measures to expedite work. He assured that there would be no shortage of funds for these projects, with adequate allocation for the irrigation department. He stressed the importance of completing field-level work on time and adhering to targets, warning that negligence would not be tolerated.
Godavari Basin Projects:
Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Stabilized Ayacut (Acres)
Chinna Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS)
Modikunta Vagu Project
Lower Penganga (including Chanka Korata LIS)
Sripada Yellampally LIS
JCR DLIS Project
Sita Rama LIS
Note: The "Stabilized Ayacut" refers to the areas where existing irrigation infrastructure is enhanced and stabilized.
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Also Read: Top 10 Mega Projects In Telangana 2024: A Detailed Overview
Krishna Basin Projects:
Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Koil Sagar LIS
RBLIS Project
JNLI Project
Kalwakurthy LIS Project
Dindi LIS
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Kaleshwaram and Associated Projects:
Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Kaleshwaram Project (12 projects)
Narayanpet-Kodangal Lift Irrigation Scheme
Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Project
- (expected after March 31, 2026)
Note: The Narayanpet-Kodangal and Palamuru Rangareddy projects are focused on land acquisition and related works, with the latter's ayacut expected to be realized after March 31, 2026.
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The Telangana government's Rs 10,820 crore plan for irrigation projects in 2024-25 marks a significant step towards bolstering the state's agricultural infrastructure. The plan aims to provide substantial benefits to farmers and the public by creating new irrigation potential and stabilizing existing systems. Despite criticism from previous administrations, the current government's commitment to transparency, timely project completion, and responsible resource management highlights its dedication to fostering sustainable agricultural growth. This comprehensive approach is expected to usher in Telangana's farming sector's new era of prosperity, ensuring long-term food security and economic stability.
Also Read: Hyderabad Budget 2024: The Rs. 10,000 Crore Plan for City Innovation and Growth Source: Images used in this content were sourced from
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1.What is the total budget allocated for Telangana’s irrigation projects in 2024-25?
The Telangana government has allocated Rs 10,820 crore for various irrigation projects in the fiscal year 2024-25.
Q2.Which basins are targeted by the Telangana irrigation projects in 2024-25?
The projects focus on the Godavari and Krishna basins.
Q3.What are the primary goals of the Telangana irrigation projects in 2024-25?
The main goals are to create new irrigation potential, stabilize existing infrastructure, and enhance agricultural productivity.
Q4.How much new ayacut is expected to be created by the Godavari Basin projects?
The Godavari Basin projects aim to create 332,006 acres of new ayacut.
Q5.What is the focus of the Kaleshwaram project in the 2024-25 plan?
The Kaleshwaram project plans to create a new ayacut covering 5.85 lakh acres across 12 projects, with significant funding allocated for land acquisition and related works.
Suggested Articles:
Union Budget 2024-25 Telangana: Key Allocations & Strategic Investments for Telangana’s Future
Top 10 Mega Projects In Telangana 2024: A Detailed Overview
Hyderabad Budget 2024: The Rs. 10,000 Crore Plan for City Innovation and Growth
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mylavenu99 · 2 months
Key Highlights of Telangana Irrigation Projects 2024-25
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The Telangana government has unveiled an ambitious Rs 10,820 crore plan for the fiscal year 2024-25, focusing on various irrigation projects across the Godavari and Krishna basins. This comprehensive plan, announced by Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, aims to create new irrigation potential and stabilize existing infrastructure, thereby enhancing agricultural productivity in the state. Telangana Irrigation Projects With significant capital investment allocated in the financial budget, the government is poised to address both immediate and long-term irrigation needs, ensuring sustainable water management and support for the farming community.
The Telangana government has outlined an ambitious Rs 10,820 crore plan for various irrigation projects in the fiscal year 2024-25, aiming to boost agricultural productivity by creating new irrigation potential and stabilizing existing infrastructure.
Comprehensive Plan for Irrigation:
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On Sunday, July 28, Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy announced the state’s detailed expenditure plan focused on irrigation projects across the Godavari and Krishna basins. During a review meeting with advisors, secretaries, and senior officials, Reddy emphasized the critical role of the irrigation sector in the state’s development.
Focus on the Irrigation Sector:
Uttam Kumar Reddy highlighted that the irrigation sector has received significant attention in the financial budget, with a capital investment of Rs 10,820 crores. He also addressed potential flooding issues during the rainy season, stressing the importance of precautions for reservoirs and tanks.
The government aims to create an additional 30 lakh acres of ayacut in Telangana over the next five years, marking a new era in the state’s irrigation sector. This initiative is set to benefit farmers and the public substantially.
Ensuring Adequate Funding:
Reddy reviewed the progress of priority projects and measures to expedite work. He assured that there would be no shortage of funds for these projects, with adequate allocation for the irrigation department. He stressed the importance of completing field-level work on time and adhering to targets, warning that negligence would not be tolerated.
Godavari Basin Projects:
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Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Stabilized Ayacut (Acres)
Chinna Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS)
Modikunta Vagu Project
Lower Penganga (including Chanka Korata LIS)
Sripada Yellampally LIS
JCR DLIS Project
Sita Rama LIS
Note: The “Stabilized Ayacut” refers to the areas where existing irrigation infrastructure is enhanced and stabilized.
Krishna Basin Projects:
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Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Koil Sagar LIS
RBLIS Project
JNLI Project
Kalwakurthy LIS Project
Dindi LIS
Kaleshwaram and Associated Projects:
Project Name
Fund Allocation (Rs Crores)
New Ayacut (Acres)
Kaleshwaram Project (12 projects)
Narayanpet-Kodangal Lift Irrigation Scheme
Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Project
– (expected after March 31, 2026)
Note: The Narayanpet-Kodangal and Palamuru Rangareddy projects are focused on land acquisition and related works, with the latter’s ayacut expected to be realized after March 31, 2026.
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The Telangana government’s Rs 10,820 crore plan for irrigation projects in 2024-25 marks a significant step towards bolstering the state’s agricultural infrastructure. The plan aims to provide substantial benefits to farmers and the public by creating new irrigation potential and stabilizing existing systems. Despite criticism from previous administrations, the current government’s commitment to transparency, timely project completion, and responsible resource management highlights its dedication to fostering sustainable agricultural growth. This comprehensive approach is expected to usher in Telangana’s farming sector’s new era of prosperity, ensuring long-term food security and economic stability.
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currentmediasstuff · 2 months
Government's Leap Towards Digitising Farmer Details in Budget 2024
In a significant move towards modernizing agriculture, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the implementation of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for agriculture in the Union Budget 2024. This initiative aims to transform agricultural practices and enhance farmer support through digital means.
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A Vision for Digital Agriculture
The DPI will cover farmer details and land data across the country within the next three years. Sitharaman highlighted the success of the DPI pilot project, noting its positive outcomes and the government’s plans to expand it in collaboration with state governments.
Key Highlights of DPI Implementation:
Digital Crop Survey: A digital crop survey for the ongoing Kharif season will be conducted in 400 districts.
Farmer and Land Registries: The initiative will create comprehensive registries for 6 crore farmers and their lands.
Components of DPI
The DPI for agriculture consists of three main components:
AgriStack: This includes foundational registries such as:
. Farmers’ Registry: A unique ID for farmers linked to land records
. Crops Sown Registry: Based on a digital survey of crops sown
. Geo-Referenced Maps: Detailed maps of villages.
Pilots for these registries have already been launched in districts in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The aim is to enroll 6 crore farmers by the end of this financial year, with additional enrollment targets in the following years.
Krishi-DSS (Decision Support System): This system will provide customized advisory services for crop planning and management based on the data collected.
Soil Profile Maps: These will offer insights into soil conditions to aid in better farming practices.
Impact and Future Goals
Sitharaman’s announcement underscores the transformative potential of DPI in agriculture:
Enhanced Access to Services: Farmers will benefit from easy access to government schemes like MSP-based procurement, crop insurance, and loans.
Customized Advisory: Farmers will receive tailored advice based on their specific conditions.
Overhauling Estimation Systems: The digital crop survey will improve the accuracy of crop area and production estimates.
Additional Budget Announcements
In addition to DPI, the Budget 2024 includes several other initiatives for the agricultural sector:
Kisan Credit Cards: Enabled issuance in five states through the Jan Samarth platform.
Namo Drone Didi Scheme: ₹500 crore allocated to provide drones to 15,000 women’s self-help groups.
National Cooperation Policy: A new policy for the development of the cooperative sector.
Shrimp Farming Support: Financial aid for shrimp breeding, farming, and export through NABARD.
Natural Farming: Support for 1 crore farmers in natural farming practices, including new bio-input centers and crop varieties.
The DPI initiative marks a major step towards modernizing Indian agriculture, aiming to make farming more efficient and data-driven. With substantial investments and support mechanisms, the government is setting the stage for a more informed and technologically advanced agricultural sector, ultimately benefiting millions of farmers across the country.
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indiaepost · 2 months
This Budget is only for corporate sector: RJD
 Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) on Tuesday criticised the Central government over the Budget, saying allocating Rs 26, 000 crore to Bihar is not for the common people but for the corporate sector. “This budget is only for the corporate sector. The Finance Minister has not provided any idea of how the Centre would create jobs for unemployed youth. She has not addressed the issues of youth, farmers,…
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twnenglish · 2 months
Decoding Union Budget 2024: A Roadmap for 'Viksit Bharat' (Developed India)
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Decoding Union Budget 2024: A Roadmap for 'Viksit Bharat' (Developed India)
With the Union Budget 2024 scheduled for presentation on July 23rd, all eyes are on Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. This budget holds immense significance as it outlines the government's financial roadmap for the coming year, paving the way for achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious vision of a "Viksit Bharat" (Developed India) by 2047. Let's delve deeper into the key areas that may receive focus in Budget 2024, acting as stepping stones towards a fully developed India.
Top Government Priorities for Budget 2024
Building a Strong Foundation: Macroeconomic Management
As Jayant Sinha, Former Minister of State for Finance, rightly pointed out, ensuring economic stability is paramount. The Modi government's track record with macroeconomic management has been commendable, laying a solid foundation for sustained economic growth. Budget 2024 is expected to build upon this success by focusing on:
Fiscal Consolidation: Maintaining a healthy balance between government expenditure and revenue generation is crucial for long-term economic stability. The budget may target a gradual reduction in the fiscal deficit while ensuring sufficient spending on crucial sectors.
Inflation Control: The recent rise in inflation has put pressure on household budgets. The government might propose measures to control inflation, such as better supply chain management and strategic interventions in key sectors like food and energy.
Promoting Exports: Boosting India's export competitiveness will be vital in achieving sustained economic growth. The budget could introduce incentives for exporting companies, including tax breaks, infrastructure improvements, and trade agreements.
Prioritizing Social Welfare Schemes: Uplifting Lives
The Modi government's flagship social welfare programs have played a pivotal role in alleviating poverty and improving living standards. Budget 2024 is likely to continue emphasizing these initiatives, including:
Direct Benefit Transfers:
These schemes help ensure targeted and efficient delivery of financial assistance to beneficiaries. The budget may announce a potential increase in the allocation for schemes like PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (farmers' income support) and Ujjwala Yojana (clean cooking fuel for rural women).
Garib Kalyan Yojana:
This scheme provides financial assistance to vulnerable sections of society. The budget could address specific needs within the program, such as expanding healthcare coverage or enhancing skill development opportunities.
Ayushman Bharat:
This flagship health insurance scheme has expanded access to affordable healthcare. Budget 2024 could propose expanding the program's coverage, increasing its reach to a wider population, particularly in rural areas.
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georgemark099 · 2 months
Teaching Kids the Fundamentals of Money Origins
Understanding the origins and fundamentals of money is crucial for children to develop a healthy relationship with finances. Teaching kids about where the money comes from, its historical evolution, and its role in society can provide them with a solid foundation for making informed financial decisions in the future. Here’s how to introduce these concepts in a way that’s engaging and educational.
1. The Concept of Barter
Begin with the basics by explaining the concept of barter. Before money existed, people traded goods and services directly. For instance, a farmer might trade a basket of apples for a carpenter’s help in building a fence. This direct exchange system worked well in small communities but had limitations, especially when the needs of both parties didn’t match.
Use simple role-play activities to illustrate this. Have the children pretend to trade toys or snacks to understand the challenges of barter. This hands-on approach helps them grasp why a more efficient system is needed.
2. The Birth of Money
Next, explain how the limitations of barter led to the invention of money. People began using items that had universally accepted value, such as shells, beads, or precious metals, to facilitate trade. These items were portable, durable, and divisible, making transactions smoother and more reliable.
Introduce the concept of early money by showing pictures or replicas of ancient coins and discussing their use. Highlight how different cultures used various items as money before standardized coins and notes were created. This historical perspective shows how money evolved to solve the problems of barter.
3. The Role of Coins and Paper Money
As societies grew, the need for a more sophisticated monetary system became apparent. Governments started minting coins made from metals like gold, silver, and copper. These coins had intrinsic value based on the metal’s worth. Later, paper money was introduced as a more convenient alternative to heavy coins. Paper money represented a promise to pay the bearer a specific amount of metal, which was stored in a bank or treasury.
Create a timeline activity where children can place different forms of money in chronological order. This visual aid helps them see the progression from barter to modern currency. Discuss how coins and paper money are produced and how their designs often reflect a country’s culture and history.
4. Modern Money and Digital Transactions
Today, money has taken on digital forms, such as credit cards, online banking, and cryptocurrencies. Explain how digital transactions work and the benefits and challenges they bring. Emphasize the importance of security and responsibility when using digital money.
Use a simple online banking simulation or a mock digital transaction to demonstrate how modern financial systems operate. This interactive approach helps children understand that money isn’t always physical and can exist as numbers in a computer system.
5. The Importance of Money Management
Finally, tie the origins of money to its importance in daily life. Teach kids about budgeting, saving, and spending wisely. Explain how understanding the history and evolution of money can help them appreciate its value and use it responsibly.
Create a mock budget with categories for saving, spending, and sharing. Give children a set amount of play money and guide them through the process of allocating funds to different categories. This practical exercise reinforces the concepts of money management and financial planning.
Teaching kids where the money comes from is crucial for their financial literacy. Start by explaining concepts like earning through work, banking, and trading. Use real-life examples and interactive activities to make learning engaging. By understanding the basics of money’s origins, children develop valuable skills for managing finances responsibly in the future. 
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novumtimes · 3 months
Shiv Sena (UBT) NCP (SP) Congress to contest upcoming Maharashtra polls together: Sharad Pawar
Addressing a news conference here, Pawar also said it is the moral responsibility of the major opposition parties in Maharashtra to protect in the state assembly polls the interests of smaller allies, which were part of the coalition in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar on Sunday said his party, Congress, and the Shiv Sena (UBT) led by Uddhav Thackeray will jointly contest the Maharashtra assembly polls, due in October this year. Addressing a news conference here, Pawar also said it is the moral responsibility of the major opposition parties in Maharashtra to protect in the state assembly polls the interests of smaller allies, which were part of the coalition in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The NCP (SP), Congress and the Shiv Sena (UBT) are constituents of the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA), which was in power in the state from November 2019 till June 2022 before the collapse of the Thackeray-led government. Pawar said the opposition will keep a collective face before the people of Maharashtra. There is need for a change in the state and it is the moral responsibility of the opposition coalition to discharge it, Pawar said. “As Arjuna’s target (in the epic Mahabharata) was an eye (of a fish), our eyes are all set on the elections in Maharashtra. The Congress, NCP (SP) and Uddhav Thackeray’s Sena (UBT) will jointly contest the Vidhan Sabha polls,” he said. The former Maharashtra chief minister said talks on seat-sharing in the state have not begun, but will commence soon. The people gave a good response to the NCP (SP), Shiv Sena (UBT) and Congress in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, he noted. “But like these three parties, the Left parties, Peasants and Workers Party (PWP) were also a part of the coalition but we could not give them seats in the Lok Sabha. It is our moral responsibility to protect the interests of these parties,” he said. “So the efforts will be to go ahead with them (in the state assembly polls),” Pawar added. Asked about the state budget presented on Friday by the Eknath Shinde government, the NCP (SP) chief said, “What happens if you go with an empty pocket in a market? It’s a matter of a few days, reality will be seen soon.” A monthly allowance of Rs 1,500 to women in the 21 to 60 age group, three free LPG cylinders a year for households, farmer-friendly steps and a stipend of Rs 10,000 per month to youths for skill training were highlights of the Maharashtra government’s budget for 2024-25 presented on Friday, four months ahead of the state polls. Asked if he will participate in the Wari (pilgrimage) ‘palkhi’ procession which began here on Friday, Pawar said, “The palkhi travels to Pandharpur from my village in Baramati (in Pune district). I will welcome the Wari procession in Baramati.” The ‘palkhis’ (palanquins) carrying the footprints of revered saints Tukaram and Dnyaneshwar Maharaj set out from Pune’s Dehu and Alandi, respectively, to Pandharpur in Solapur district over the last two days. They will reach Lord Vitthal’s temple in Pandharpur on the occasion of Ashadhi Ekadashi on July 17. Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar on Friday said the state government will send a proposal to United Nations agency UNESCO for world heritage nomination for the annual Pandharpur ‘wari’ which has a tradition of 1,000 years. He said the government will also set up a separate corporation to provide facilities to devotees of Lord Vitthal (called warkaris), who undertake the annual pilgrimage from Alandi and Dehu in Pune district to the Vitthal-Rukmini temple in Pandharpur. The Deputy CM also said the government has decided to provide a sum of Rs 20,000 per ‘dindi’ (group of devotees) of the pilgrimage from this year. An allocation of Rs 36.71 crore has been made for this in the budget. (Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by DNA staff and is published from PTI) Source link via The Novum Times
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