yellownicky · 2 years
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czechforrain · 1 year
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“A pyrrhic victory is a victory that comes at a great cost, perhaps making the ordeal to win not worth it.”
After the Weiss simping scene I just had to make this
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lethiepie · 1 year
“Does Yang’s new arm have a vibration function ?”
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It’s a good time to remember this heh
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starlightsaphron · 7 months
Y’all think the bees try to reenact senes from terrible smutt books?
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owl127 · 1 year
Two times Weiss Schnee regretted finding the bees, and one time she did not
"We should wait until morning to cross the bridge." Jaune had a tone of finality when he spoke now. Weiss wasn't sure if that was because of his age or his suffering from loneliness and betrayal. Maybe both. "There are wolf-boar scouts at night in the Dark Acre."
That sounded as confusing as any other threat in this place, and Weiss had learned to respect them. At least a little bit more. She stretched her neck and winced at the knot there, massaging it with a gloved hand. The small clearing they called a camp was damp from rain and quiet with just the three of them. "Hey, are you cold?" Weiss asked Ruby, who blinked and shrugged, but her skin was cool to the touch. "Where's Yang with more firewood?" Weiss didn't ask anyone specifically, but Jaune shook his head anyway. One look around, and Blake seemed to also be suspiciously absent. Groaning, Weiss set out to the task of being the only responsible and mentally stable huntress in their party.
She knew what she would find before she heard the muffled laughter, and Weiss missed home a little bit more, even if the thought of home made her feel sick. But right now she really missed doors with locks.
"I don't mind it." Weiss heard Blake's voice, low and raspy, and she never wanted to hear it again. "It's part of you."
"But don't you think it's too cold? Or too hot? The heat transfer is insane with the metal," Yang responded, giving more information than Weiss was willing to process.
"I'm approaching this area!" Weiss yelled from about ten feet away from the giggling couple. "I repeat, I, Weiss Schnee, perfectly capable of hearing and sight, am approaching this area!" she repeated, to which the giggling increased. The nerve of these dorks.
Weiss crossed a tree line to find Blake's boots just hitting the ground, her jacket rumpled, and Yang's arms still shamelessly around her.
"Heya, Weiss," Yang greeted with a grin while Blake had the decency to blush.
"Unbelievable," Weiss murmured, arms akimbo. "You left a while ago looking for firewood," she accused Yang, who shrugged and pointed to the forgotten heap at her feet. "Ruby's cold," Weiss added with a drop of teasing, satisfied with Yang's furrowed brows. "I know this is exciting and new for you," she continued, "but not everyone is in the mindset to enjoy your honeymoon phase. So please keep your hands to yourselves."
"We were about to head back," Blake offered with a small smile. "Care to give me a hand?" There was a glint in her eyes as she asked Yang, but it took Weiss a second too long to catch up.
"No problem!" Yang responded, detaching her prosthetic while Blake piled it along the firewood.
"I can't," Weiss said before walking back into the tree line without a second glance in the direction of her adorable but insufferable teammates. "And you have a hickey, Belladonna!" she added triumphantly, marching back to camp.
The rain never stopped. It fell mercilessly, and they haven't seen the sun in the Dark Acre for days. Ruby had barely been speaking, and the tension between their group was palpable, like a constant heartburn in the back of Weiss's throat. They had been taking turns watching Ruby, and tonight it was Weiss's time to try and convince their broken leader to eat.
"It's not that bad," Weiss said as she chewed on stale carrot-cheese, offering a piece to Little and another to Ruby. "It's aged cheese, if you think about it."
"Yeah," Ruby answered apathetically, turning her back to Weiss. Impromptu naps were another thing Ruby had started doing, which Little celebrated at first but then understood that it was a problem.
"Rest." Weiss tried to adjust Ruby's hood around her, but the girl shrugged her off. "I'll check on Blake and Yang for more food."
"I'm not hungry."
"I know." Weiss took a deep breath and stood on the moist ground. Her fighting skirt had seen better days, but she was Weiss Schnee, and she patted her thighs with grace and elegance as she set into the task of finding more food. Rain kept its ruthless pace, though as she walked farther from camp, it seemed to slow to an annoying trickle. Her hair was not doing well either way.
She found a tree with fruits Jaune would have to clear for them before eating, and as she spotted another fruitful tree, she heard a sound that made her stop in her tracks.
Not a grimm; not a Jabberwalker. Right now, not even Salem's laughter would make Weiss this instantly mad. Weiss groaned out loud at the sound of moaning.
"What have I done to deserve this?" Weiss expressed to the picked fruit in her hands. She located the source of the sounds, a small cave to the side of a clearing. Part of her wanted to ignore it and bleach her brain, but Ruby was alone and they needed food. Someone needed to knock some sense into those two. She expected such abhorrent behavior from Yang, but pulling Blake into it was too much. She left the fruit outside the cave and took a deep breath.
"Too much, too much." Weiss heard Yang's voice echoing in the cave, followed by a hiss. "Slower, Blake."
Weiss froze on her way inside because there was absolutely no way they were up to that.
"I'm sorry," Blake replied, her voice low and calm. A sound of kissing followed, and Weiss gagged. "I'm going to try again. Try to relax."
Weiss wanted to die.
"But you also need to push a little harder on the way out, or it won't work."
Scratch that. Weiss was dead.
She jumped inside the cave, her rapier in the air as her other hand covered her eyes. "I can’t believe you two are even in the mood for such lewd behavior!" she yelled, brandishing her weapon at nothing. "I’m giving you ten seconds to look presentable before I open my eyes!"
"Weiss, open your eyes," Yang deadpanned.
"Are you both dressed?" Weiss pressed further.
"Yes," Yang confirmed in a similar monotone. 
Weiss opened one eye first, scanning the cave quickly. Both Yang and Blake were indeed wearing pants, and while Yang had her jacket off, intimate body parts were 100% hidden. Yang’s arm was detached, and Blake’s hands were around the base connected to Yang’s scar. 
"It’s been bothering me since I got it back," Yang explained. "I usually need help when detaching the base."
Heat flared in Weiss’ cheeks. "Well, I see you already have assistance." Weiss nodded at Blake, her cat ears betraying the laughter her mouth managed to dampen. "I will be heading back to camp, then."
"What did you think we were doing?" One golden eyebrow was up, followed by a half-smirk. "Weiss Schnee, did you really think Blake and I were having s—"
"You have no limits, Xiao Long."
"How dare you"—Yang placed her left hand over her heart—"I would never."
"Is everything okay back in the camp, Weiss?" Blake asked before the teasing escalated.
"We’re looking for food."
"We won’t take long," Blake amended with a small smile. Weiss frowned at Yang, who grinned innocently as she left.
"C’mon, let me tell her," Yang said once Weiss was out of earshot.
"Don’t you dare."
"It’ll be good for her!"
"Yang, no."
"It was just some hand stuff," Yang said while shaking her prosthetic.
Blake couldn’t hold her giggles, leaning to kiss Yang’s cheek. "I love you… but let’s tone it down around Weiss. She might explode."
"We should set her up with Jaune."
"Yang, no."
Through the sandstorm, Weiss heard the familiar shriek of a Nevermore. Wyvern and Lancers also took the sky, attacking at random intervals.
"Ruby. Ruby, open your eyes!" she begged her unconscious teammate. After using her eye power, Ruby had fallen limply, and it took most of what was left of Weiss' aura to clear the path to her friend. "Ruby!" she yelled, sand entering her eyes and mouth. "Ruby, talk to me!"
"We gotta bounce!" Nora yelled from behind Weiss. "I’ll help you carry her!"
"Wait, where are Yang and Blake?" Weiss asked with Ruby’s arm around her neck.
"They were the ones distracting the big flying chicken."
"The Nevermore?"
Nora shrugged, shooting a flying grenade in the direction of an approaching flock of Wyverns before helping Ruby up from the other side.
"Can you take her by yourself?"
"Weiss, we need to leave!" Nora’s statement was punctuated by Winter’s chilly attack somewhere above them.
"I’ll meet you back at Shade!" Weiss didn’t look back and ran in the direction of the fight.
"Weiss!" She recognized Winter’s voice. "You need to leave this instant!" Her sister had become overprotective since they returned, but there was a layer of fresh desperation in Winter’s voice as she landed next to Weiss.
"Have you seen Blake and Yang?" Weiss held her sister’s shoulders.
Winter’s eyes widened. "Winter?" Weiss insisted, but they had to break apart as a Lancer tried to sting her from behind. As the grimm froze to death, Weiss latched to her sister’s forearm. "What happened, Winter?"
"I saw the moment Yang’s aura broke. Blake was with her, but I haven’t seen them since. Weiss, come back here!"
Nothing could stop Wiess from finding her friends—her family. Hunters ran in the opposite direction, as it was clear they had been called to retreat. They trickled in behind Winter’s line of defense, but none of the hunters were Yang or Blake. She wasn’t going to give up; Weiss would fight wave after wave of grimm to find them.
Winter had taken Weiss by the waist when she heard the familiar sound of a high-caliber weapon.
Ember Celica.
"They’re here!" Weiss yelled before her sister carried her away. "Yang! Blake!"
"Help!" Blake’s voice, followed by more shots. Winter was gone in a flash, flying through the harsh storm in the direction of Blake’s cries. Weiss watched as Blake ran in her direction, with Winter carrying an unconscious Yang above them.
"We need to go!" Winter ordered, grimm’s growling intensifying with the lack of hunters. "Now!"
Weiss took Blake’s forearm, as her hand was occupied holding the left pair of Ember Celica. "You two need to stop running away!"
Blake chuckled a wet laugh, her eyes red-rimmed. "We love you too!"
"I’ll strangle you both once Yang wakes up!"
"Don’t give her ideas!"
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randombook4idk · 2 months
ok tbh making this post mainly because of that old tweet, where the person claims they feel like if someone likes BS but hates BB, it's due homophobia since both Sun and Yang are so similar in their eyes...
but honestly i don't agree with the idea they're "so similar", and to me, it kind of waters down Sun's and Yang's characters, also taking away what makes them both interesting on their own. (i also get that there are those who claim they're same/similar, mean it in a positive way, but even so I hold the same feelings about it)
(like imagine if i said that Whiterose shippers shouldn't have a problem shipping Nordic Winter, since "Ruby and Nora are so similar"?)
Blacksun and Bumblebly might they hold similarities, but there are reasons why ppl prefer one ship over the other. the two blonde characters in the ship are written differently. their relationship with Blake, and the moments they share with her are written differently. the plotlines/stories/tropes both ships hold are different etc. you get my point.
both ships have their own different appeals to every person. because of it, some prefer BB over BS or prefer BS over BB, maybe even like them both ships or like neither ships, and that's fine. but it's not ok to try to make it out that "oh, actually there are no differences!! :) so you should also like the other ship I like :) since they're practically the same ship :) yes even the other characters in it are :)"
positive intentions or not, you're kind of forcing ppl to like a ship they don't like by pulling the ships together in a rope. not all ppl vibe with the same ships and that's again ok.
like if both ships are the same then it shouldn't be a problem for BB shippers to like BS too and vice-versa. but they don't, because again - both ships have their own thing, and it appeals/doesn't appeal to different people.
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darkgreenfangirl · 3 months
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I saw the new official Chaggie art, and I was inspired to do a Bumblebly version. For the sash/ribbon thing, I decided to use lyrics from Worthy (Bmblb - Pt. II); aka the song that was playing when Bumblebly kissed.
BTW you can see the Hazbin Hotel Chaggie art I based it on here;
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hamliet · 1 year
Weiss and Jaune: Chemical Wedding 2.0
Weiss and Jaune have begun another chemical wedding this season, and it parallels the second chemical weddings of Ren and Nora and Blake and Yang (Ruby and Oscar have still thus far only had their first).
Okay, okay, I'll back up. I previously wrote this about chemical weddings in RWBY. A chemical wedding is massively important for alchemy stories. It can be platonic, but is most often romantic. RWBY has, in particular, been using direct inspiration from classic alchemical art to illustrate when they've had one.
This scene in RWBY Volume 9 is no different.
Lyndy Abraham notes that
the chemical wedding... [has] the lovers frequently personified by Sol, and Luna, sun and moon. Edward Kelly wrote In this art you must wed the sun and moon.
Herb has a sun and moon symbol on him. Look at his chest. (Link goes to the more simplistic version, but the combined sun/moon is in the image below, from Manly Palmer Hall manuscript 14).
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Not only that, but the framing emphasizes that Jaune is Sun and Weiss is moon. Jaune is in the sunlight. Weiss stands in the shadows. In alchemy, shadow is associated with the moon.
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Chemical weddings also almost always involve elements of death. In fact, it is death as "Mercurius" that often unites them; in RWBY this is frequently an antagonistic character. Adam for Bumblebly, the Nuckelavee for Renora, and previous Cinder and now the Curious Cat for Weiss and Jaune.
For those who have had two weddings so far, Bumbleby and Renora, we see that their first and second chemical weddings were inverses of the first. Blake and Yang were first targeted by Adam and hurt. Then, they fought Adam and defeated him together. Ren and Nora saved each other but had to leave their village. Then, Ren and Nora defeated the Nuckelavee together.
In Weiss and Jaune's, Cinder taunted Jaune about letting Pyrrha die and about his own sense of self-importance/identity.
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Jaune: What is wrong with you...? (seething) How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!...
Cinder: (chuckling) I'm starting to remember you, you're the dense one that can't tell when he's out of his league....
Cinder: You're just a failure with a death wish.
Cinder also tells Jaune "are you going to let [Weiss] die too?" in reference to Pyrrha. She slides her gaze towards Weiss before throwing the spear at her. Guess what the Cat does?
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The Curious Cat also taunts Jaune by appearing as Penny, and then as Pyrrha, mocking him with the two women whose deaths he feels responsible for. Plus, the dialogue between the Cat and Jaune reads very familiar.
Jaune: You... you didn't. You MONSTER... you were the one who killed--who LIED--
Curious Cat: You were never a brave knight either! Just more fairy tale nonsense!
Except, instead of Cinder hurting Weiss to hurt Jaune, this time the Cat gets Weiss to hurt Jaune directly.
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These are all references to this classic chemical wedding art:
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And this one depicting a chemical wedding occurring at a tree from a 17th century Speculum Veritatus (which, for what it's worth, means "Mirror of Truth" in Latin, and Weiss's song is called Mirror, Mirror... that's quite possibly a coincidence but it's so funny I had to mention it).
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Anyways, chemical weddings typically involve most of the elements. This takes place on a tree (earth), Weiss shoots fire at him, and Jaune lands in a plume of purple air. We've got (most of) our elements.
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What happens next? Well, each chemical wedding signifies a change in relationship. Ren and Nora embark on a journey together as kids, then hold hands. Bumbleby run away from each other (separation is a part of the process) and then start a romantic attachment before their final elevated chemical wedding this season (which we still haven't had for Renora yet). Weiss and Jaune become friends and start hanging out after the first one. I would bet this kickstarts a romantic attachment, especially since we've had a couple hints of Weiss developing attraction to Jaune this season.
Besides, Jaune's whole arc has been about being remade and refined from lead into gold. He healed Weiss in the last chemical wedding; I would bet Weiss heals him in a sense this time, but also that Jaune does in fact get remade into something fully gold this time... (and also someone young lol; he's clearly not staying old). Jaune getting a new body during a chemical wedding? Is also, well, alchemically sound.
Lyndy Abraham notes:
The separation of the soul from the body is to free it from its age-old attachment to the body so that it can transcend the turmoil and pull of the merely natural forces of matter. The separation of the soul is a kind of "death" to the world.... the subsequent reunion of this spiritual awareness with the new, purified body means that knowledge gained in a higher state of consciousness can now be put into action, made manifest in the phenomenal world. At this point the male and female energies are united and balanced...
Jaune and Weiss should be able to enter the world of Remnant in a new kind of equilibrium, a la Bumbleby and Renora in the past.
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anarchistauthor · 1 year
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Fun fact: If you zoom in on this plaque in Super Mario 64, it says, "Bumblebly is real."
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mikotyzini · 1 year
The best part of Bumblebly being cannon is the wave of ff coming soon
You know it! I'll be posting a very smutty bees story that I've been sitting on for over a year now 😂 soon!
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czechforrain · 1 year
How I expect the end of V9 to play out
So with what we leaned about Ever After from the Curious Cat, and how Lewis supposedly didn't return to Remnant, unlike his sister, there's been rampant speculation. The most common that there will be a sacrifice needed to get TEAM RWBY out of there.
Because of Jaune aging up, I think a lot of people assume he'll stay behind and sacrifice himself in order to save the others. But I highly doubt that'll be the case. Penny sacrificed herself to prevent Cinder from getting her power but she could have just gone through the portal to achieve that. She did it to prevent Cinder from getting the power AND to save Jaune and Weiss who were putting themselves in harm's way to protect Penny (Weiss herself was a trauma stricken scream from Jaune away from being Killed by Cinder) from Cinder.
While she made the decision herself to give up her life, I do not see CRWBY crafting a chain of sacrifice, where one after the other people keep dying to keep team RWBY safe. I think just like in Volume 8, they will discover another way to return to remnant, but this time there will not be the disastrous side effects that came from unforeseen enemies. With what Yang mentioned in today's episode, I think Blake might even use her smarts to help come up with one such way herself.
This volume is Ruby at her lowest, and I think adding Jaune sacrificing himself to save them all is something that might be tonally at Odds with Ruby Regaining her spark, her determination and her will to keep fighting. That's not to say I don't think Ruby could get to a point where she can handle a loss like this and keep moving forward but I think ultimately after all the stress and pressure, Ruby and Jaune will be in a better place. Not quite exactly the same as who they were Pre-Volume 9 but much healthier, rejuvenated and revitalized with spirit.
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hikaren vs bumblebly is just the couple who have sworn to meet again as small children and having that promise carrying them their entire lifey meeting again on the battlefield and yet still fighting only for each other and literally rewriting the predetermined path and m changing destiny, after onr sacrificed herself for the other, just so they can be together vs two girls from a badly animated and even worse written show making googoo eyes at each other for 9 years because rooster teeth couldnt commit and needed the queerbait to keep viewership up somewhat who only became canon in a last ditch effort to distract from how horrendously the staff got treated. hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
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yellownicky · 3 years
Hug 🖤🐝💛
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💛 Instagram || Twitter 💛
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naejigo · 2 years
Whiterose fans and Bumbleby fans ATE so well last night, manifesting more of these gays next week
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owl127 · 1 year
Could I possibly request some hurt/comfort bees? I just found your writing and really enjoy it (plus yang deserves all the comfort)
Blake shoots the beetle swarm on top of her group. Qrow finishes the coming beowolf with a quick swipe of his scythe. Sand clings to the sweat on Blake’s forehead, but she pushes forward, leaving an ice shadow behind as she jumps from an upcoming beetle and reloads in the air.
It happens when she lands.
Bleeding darkness opens in the middle of the battlefield, shimmering under Vacuo’s unforgiving heat. From within the portal, Ruby emerges, or more like she's thrown from it, landing square on Qrow’s chest. Yelling, Yang follows, holding an unresponsive prosthetic. Yang tries to jump back into the portal, and that is when Blake looks into it.
Yang, Qrow, and Blake watch as a hound’s overextended jaw closes over a mask. It breaks into multiple white fragments that turn crimson with blood.
Blake has never seen Yang yell like that—a primal yowl of desperate pain. A long, thin grimm hand tries to breach the portal, but then it closes for the last time.
Blake reaches Yang the moment she passes out.
Weiss is the first to breach the barrier, as it usually is. They sit quietly in Yang's bed at the field hospital, exchanging words and touches in their own bubble, ignoring the chaos around them. Blake watches, her ears trying to pick up anything, but they are too quiet, and everything around them is too loud. Blake feels useless as Yang hugs Weiss close, her stump trembling.
It takes another two weeks for Salem to retreat; it's ugly—the mangled bodies, the growl of grimm, the fires. The despair. If there's a reason why Blake became a huntress, it was to prevent humanity from going through this ever again.
She finds Yang in Shade's training room. She's magnificent—not that Blake didn't think that before, but now it's out for everyone to see. She burns like late-spring forest fires, consuming and destroying while also bringing new life in its wake.
"She will come to you."
Blake turns to see Weiss also watching Yang from the sidelines. Weiss looks older; they all do.
But there's a weight that Weiss and Yang carry that Blake and Ruby will never understand.
"I know." Blake hugs herself, her ears flat on her head.
Weiss nods, her gloved hand touching Blake's shoulder. She steps into the arena, and Blake can see Oscar—more Ozpin than ever, leaning on his cane—on the balcony, observing.
Blake wants to stay but leaves the Spring Maiden and the Winter Maiden to train by themselves because watching them hurts.
It takes a month. It could have taken a year; Blake would wait. She's at the tail end of a call with Ilia, relieved to hear good news from Menagerie. Yang knocks at the Team RWBY room door with her hand in her pocket. She hasn't received her new prosthetic yet—there are other priorities on Dr. Polendina’s list in the Salem aftermath.
Blake finishes her call, and she knows—she just knows—and opens her arms, welcoming the woman who owns her heart.
In that first hour, Yang doesn't say anything. She simply cries and cries in Blake's arms, the forced facade of Spring Maiden she has to wear outside this room crumbling like Raven's mask did under that hound's jaw. Yang tries to speak, words jabbed and broken, but Blake hugs her closer, whispering into a golden mane to take her time. When Yang controls her breathing and her sobs wane to gasps, she takes the longest breath of her life.
"I shouldn't even be sad," she starts, her face hidden in Blake's neck. "She was a horrible mother. She abandoned my mom and dad. She abandoned me."
Blake tightens her hold when Yang swallows a new sob.
"But she saved Ruby. And she saved me." For that, Blake Belladonna would be eternally grateful to Raven Branwen. "And she was thinking of me when she died."
Blake wants to say that Raven loved her. She wants to say whatever Yang needs from her right now, but she doesn't know. Was that a last sacrifice to atone for a life of sin? Was it spur of the moment, based on overwhelming guilt? Was it love?
Raven Branwen was a mystery in life, and she will remain a mystery in death.
So Blake does what she's certain is true. She hugs Yang and says she loves her, misses her, and will be there for her no matter what.
"I'm sorry." Yang's voice is wet with tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't talk before. I, I—"
"Yang." The kiss on Yang's forehead lingers until she stops talking. "It's okay to take time for yourself. And even if I'm not by your side, I'm still with you. You know that, right?"
Yang leans back, her red-rimmed eyes finding Blake. Blake hopes her smile conveys the comfort Yang needs, and as lilac eyes brim with new tears, Blake initially panics, but Yang smiles too.
"I love you." Their foreheads touch, feather-light. Blake responds,
"I love you too."
"Stay with me tonight?" Yang places a hand on Blake's stomach, which shivers at the touch.
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randombook4idk · 1 year
you're worried that if sun gets brought back into the story, the writers will turn him into a bumblebly supporter
i'm worried that if ghira gets brought back into the story, the writers will have him adore yang which the shippers will use as a proof that bumbleby is a better ship than blacksun
we are not the same
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