#Bursera graveolens
gruenes-archiv · 7 months
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mockva · 8 months
Bursera graveolens
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crystallogicshop · 2 years
Palo Santo – Sustainability and Disambiguation
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For the past couple of years, Katie and I have used Palo Santo in our practice and invested more for it to be ethically sourced. We know some of you don't use Palo Santo at all because you heard it is endangered. Hopefully this article will shed some light on what Palo Santo is, help with some disambiguation, and give you the opportunity to make a more informed decision when purchasing Palo Santo in the future.
What is Palo Santo?
Palo Santo, a.k.a. Bursera graveolens, is a wild tree native to the countries of Ecuador & Peru. It is most often encountered in the form of its heartwood or essential oil. The wood is commonly burned in nature similar to incense by allowing the smoke to cleanse an area. Its essence is believed to energetically clear a space of any lingering stagnant energy. Diffusion of the essential oil may be used for those sensitive to smoke. The essential oil can also be externally applied to the body via dilution with carrier oils to activate its pleasantly therapeutic qualities and increase one's relaxation. This heavenly aromatic wood has been used for generations, and we work passionately to protect its place within contemporary conscious culture.
Not to be confused with…
“Palo Santo” is a common name that is used for several different & distinctly unrelated botanical species. Another species, known as Bulnesia sarmientoi is also referred to as "Palo Santo" in its native countries of Argentina & Paraguay.
Bulnesia sarmientoi was listed as endangered in the 2018 publication of the IUCN Red List, due to the deforestation of Gran Chaco and a strong global demand since 2001. IUCN estimates indicate that over three generations the global population will decline by around 50%.
Bulnesia sarmientoi is still listed as an endangered species.
They are two distinctly separate species, native to geographically different regions of South America & utilized for different applications. Bursera graveolens used in aromatherapy and various spiritual practices is a tree that originates in the dry forests of Ecuador & Perú, while Bulnesia sarmientoi originates from Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
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We offer sustainably sourced Palo Santo as a single stick, as well as bundles of 2 and 6 sticks, and as 1/4lb bag, which contains approx. 20-25 smudge sticks.
Wanna know more?
Visit our website to know more about Palo Santo, what both species are used for, the IUCN Red List of endangered species, sustainability, and our commitment:
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quinnlarrabee · 1 year
Palo santo 101
Before you click play on the audio recording and blithely ignore the written guide, be sure to review the important science-based charts and insight-rich visuals sprinkled throughout it.
If you’ve ever walked into a party hosted by someone under 40 in Brooklyn, Lisbon, California, Condesa or Roma Norte, or Venice Beach and not smelled palo santo, then you probably had covid. Over the past decade palo santo has become the official scent of good vibes. It is an olfactory assurance for anyone who recognizes the scent that conversation will be limited to polyamory, regional burns, and adaptogen supplements. Despite the fact that no one ever doesn’t want to smell palo santo, it’s important to know when to use it and when to relegate your surroundings to their default odor. This guide will ensure that you know exactly how to make the most of the palo santo you carry in the shoulder bag you purchased at the Sant Jordi flea market in Ibiza during the off-season.
Like most cultural appropriations, no one who burns palo santo knows what it is, where it came from, why they use it, or why it’s even called palo santo. Let’s uncover the facts. 
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Bursera Graveolens is a tree native to the dry tropical forests of South America. Its discovery by white people dates back to 1972 at a now defunct swingers resort in Quito, Ecuador, where a guest from New Jersey named Paulo Santonicola noticed a stick with a burning ember on the end of giving off a fetid, wispy trail of smoke. He pointed at the burning stick and asked the guy holding the cocaine tray, who would now be called a consent educator, “por que?”
“Plaga,” he replied, and gnashed his teeth and made a flapping-wing motion with the hand not holding the cocaine tray. Paulo brought the wood back to his central New Jersey home as a last-ditch effort to ward off the deer that were eating the tomatoes in his garden. He started burning the wood around the clock in the steamy summer of 1972, during which he and his girlfriend hosted dozens of play parties. 
“I didn’t care if people at my parties had a problem with the smell,” recounted Paulo. “Those frickin’ deer were jumping my fence and chewing through wire to eat my tomatoes. When I caught a whiff of that wood down in Quito, I thought, ‘they won’t come near my garden if I burn this shit.’” 
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Mr. Santonicola had achieved some level of notoriety in the adult film industry in the early 1970s, and his parties were well attended by neo-hippies, the disco elite and the first generation of yoga professionals. Over the course of the summer, a pavlovian association formed between the scent of the wood and casual sex, and his friends started asking him for sticks so that they could take the vibe home with them. At the sunset of his porn career, he saw an opportunity not only to rebrand his legacy, distancing himself from grainy adult films with problematic titles, but also to make oceans of cash: import the wood and sell it through his readymade network of yoga instructors under his stage name, Palo Santo. 
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Palo santo’s ubiquity today grew from its two foundational use cases: repelling pests and masking the odor of too many naked bodies in poorly ventilated New Jersey basements. Palo santo is still used today as a repellent of sorts to ward off bad vibes and people who do not use the word vibe in place of most nouns at the end of a question, such as scene, weather, temperature, culture, menu, rules, culture, law, opinion, suggested attire, relationship status, sexual proclivity, net worth and so on. It is also still used during group sex, but only when the group sex is intentional and/or ceremonial. There are many other ways, however, that you can improve the vibes of the world through the smoke of this wood, which was recently added to IUCN’s Red List of “near threatened” species, making it even more important to burn palo santo as a way of calling attention to its growing scarcity. 
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For a brief, blissful period during the pandemic, the only people who traveled were intrepid hipsters who had already contracted the virus and been instrumental in scaling it to global significance through music festivals, long-distance polycules and global nomadism. Commercial airlines from the spring of 2020 through the summer of 2021 were basically private air travel for people who know to always ask if party buffet chocolate is psycho-active. Air travel today is a much lower vibration experience, and it’s important that assertive restorative steps be taken by conscious travelers to make flying chill again. Hanging a dreamcatcher from the back of the seat in front of you and burning palo santo on the tray table is a great way of making a public flight experience feel more private. Be sure to light your palo santo only after the aircraft reaches cruising altitude, because tray tables must be stowed until then. 
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Other people’s parties
Not everyone with whom you may socialize is aware of how critical palo santo is to creating and maintaining a vibe. Some less experienced hosts try to make do with incense from India, Japan or other countries that have been annexed by Brooklyn or with candles from La Labo, and it may be up to you to rescue the vibe. Back when people consumed alcohol, bringing a nice bottle of wine was a way of showing a host your appreciation, but these days bringing palo santo, immediately lighting it and waving the stick around like Harry Potter on quaaludes is the optimal way of saying thank-you to someone who has invited you into their home.  
While palo santo has not been proven by any form of science to deliver the healing benefits touted by people who sell or use palo santo, be assured that it does all of the things people say it does. Burning palo santo creates smoke, and smoke is pretty to watch and - like cardiovascular exercise - creates a healthy challenge for your lungs. Medical facilities are places where people go to heal, and bringing palo santo to visit a recovering friend is a beautiful contribution to not only their journey back to health but also the recovery of every patient within a twenty to fifty foot radius. 
Conscious uncoupling ceremonies
Modifying your relationship trajectory in a direction that disappoints the person you are with might seem like a low vibe experience, but you can make it a high vibe experience by burning palo santo. While explaining that the rules that you set last week for your ENM pairing have become too confining, burning palo santo will deflect negative reactions and in some cases even seduce your partner into being amenable to a situationship that has absolutely no structure, rules or expectations. This can add to your sexual abundance and also serve as a pillar in your temple of confidence that helps you acquire new lovers at floor parties. If, rather than just undefining the relationship, you are certain there is no future with the person to whom you have exposed particles of burning wood, palo santo will prevent your ex-partner from making an opposing case or lingering too long after you have had uncoupling sex. 
During sex with someone you don’t want to fall in love with you
In a rare moment of cultural relevance, Science has proven that pheromones strengthen the bonds of attraction between two or many more people during sexual activity. Sometimes, though, it is undesirable to strengthen bonds with a sex partner. Sometimes, it is optimal to maintain a totally impartial, unattached, stoic distance between the person who you are inside / is inside of you, given that attraction can lead to unintended expectations. Burning palo santo is an excellent way of muting the potency of pheromones, leveling the olfactory playing field and creating a piney through-line for all the people participating in a sexual experience. 
Any kind of intentional wellness space
Because the smell of palo santo is so potent and distracting, burning it during intentional experiences (e.g. yoga, journaling, meditation, tantra classes, tantric sex, facials or any kind of PRP therapy) compels participants to step up their intention-setting efforts. It forces deep focus and concentration, kind of like how the deafening emo whines of RY X at a RY X concert force you to lean in, cock your head and make that weird squinty-eyed, mouth-agape listening face to be able to hear the unsolicited story of how literally anyone you happen to be standing next to was in an intentional polyamorous relationship with RY X.
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Ancient actually sacred genuinely authentic real cultural events that were not invented by white people to extract money from other white people
Many people who attend Burning Man have begun to explore other intentional gatherings outside of Nevada that don’t involve metallic gold body paint. Some of these gatherings are thousands of years old and are led by people who have trained their entire lives to uphold traditions that have been passed down for generations within their culture. Particularly if a gathering takes place in its country of origin (rather than being exported, diluted and branded, like an ethnic fast food franchise), you may encounter native smells that don’t smell like palo santo. In these cases, it is not only permissible but even advisable to add palo santo to everyone’s experience, which you have probably been very reluctantly allowed to attend. Burning palo santo will communicate to the religious or cultural leaders of the gathering that you are on their level and (despite having never read anything about the gathering other than first few words of the top Google result you saw while standing on the Premier Access line into your Delta flight at JFK / LAX / SFO) have a deep respect for whatever they are chanting in a language that you cannot understand while you record the most intensely sacred moments for the Instagram story that you will post at the appropriate time in your home time zone so that everyone will know that you are an internationally intentionally spiritual person who gets access to authentic cultural events. 
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Despite its countless unproven benefits and its universal appeal within a very small circle, there are certain times when palo santo should not be burned. Palo santo can trigger flashbacks for people who first encountered the scent of it during acid trips. If someone walks into your container, smells the palo santo you’re burning and begins behaving erratically, just ask them to immediately return to their own container, lest they harsh the vibe you’re cultivating. The only other times that do not call for burning palo santo are when you’re alone, and no one else will see you lighting the stick and waving it around the room, bringing it within inches of everyone’s face whether they’ve invited it or not, while making awkwardly long eye contact with them, nothing but the winding trail of smoke in front of your your vulnerable gaze, thus communicating to them that you are a spiritually endowed person and care deeply about them knowing that you are a spiritually endowed person. So, a helpful rule of thumb is this: as with masturbation, you should always and only be burning palo santo when someone is watching, otherwise what’s the point.
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falangesdovento · 3 months
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Palo santo, ou pau santo, é a madeira retirada da árvore Bursera Graveolens, uma das mais perfumadas do mundo. Tem um doce aroma de pinha, menta e limão e, graças às suas incríveis propriedades aromáticas, é há séculos utilizado como incenso natural.
Energiza e Purificação o ambiente.
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conjuremanj · 1 year
SAGE & PALO SANTO & How To Use It Correctly In Your Practice.
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Before you add either Palo Santo or Sage into your spiritual pratice you should understanding the true purpose of each one.
Both sage and palo santo are similar in some ways, they both are use to cleanse the energy in you home or space and to bring about a more positive and peaceful environment.
Sage: Comes from the leaves of a sage plant and give a plant-like smell when it is burned. Sage is a good way to clean you and your space of everything. "The downside to this is, despite clearing bad energies it also removes the positive energy you want to keep".
Now you can bring that positivity back through music, dancing, meditation etc.
Palo Santo: Is taking from the Bursera Graveolens tree and the name means “Holy Wood”. "It's also helps bring back the positivity into your space where as sage removes the negativity".
"Think of it like this "Sage Clears out the bad and Palo Santo BRINGS back the good".
HOW TO BURN: Before you start burning I would suggest start with opening all doors, windows and drawers in your space to release all negative energy from the home, This step is important because you can trap the negativity in the home.
For The Ceremony Use: Do not skip this! (See my post on intentions). Now sometimes intentions aren't enough when doing a cleansing or working. So I want you to get some rest, meditate or pray, something to get you in a clear head space where you won't think of anything else but that working or in this case the cleansing.
If you buy your own and don't grow or pick them yourselves do a prayer overthem and an offering to them because they do have a spirit...
For Sage- If your bundle has something like a ribbon on it just remove it but leave the string on that holds the sage together. Prick fresh if you can, if you buy it pray over it before use..
After you let it burn for about 10- 20 seconds and then carefully blow it out. (Don't need the embers getting on anything and start a fire) Note- If you have a small space burn little in a burning dish, if you have a large house burn more or have heavy energies burn a good bit...
While the smoke is still going, you walk around the space from corner to corner letting the smoke hit all walls and corners, drawers everything inside that space.
Say a prayer like Psalms 91. To clean and protect your space. Once your space you can shut everything you are left open. Now you have a refreshed and new safe space.
When you are done, put it out.
For Palo Santo- Light your Palo Santo for 20-30 seconds and then blow out. Let the smoke circulate for 1-2 minutes to clear your space of negative energy. When your done put it out.
Last bit of advance you can use both herbs if you like.
When I need to rid a clients home or person of negative energy I use Frankincense and Myrrh maybe with some sage and a with prayer. Because it helps with manifesting the Holy Spirit when use with prayer". Then I may use palo to replenish all the good positive vibes and energies.
Warning. These does not remove negative spirits, demon, or other entities it help clear away unwanted energies I'd used for those types of entities these will only calm them or put them into a state of rest and when there awake they could be more violent.
If you need that help to remove a negative or evil spirit . I mentioned some of the correct herbs in this post.
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mujermedicinazenu · 5 months
El poder Espiritual y Medicinal del Palo Santo.
Conoce el poder Espiritual y Medicinal del Palo Santo para las comunidades indigenas de Abya Yala. La información que necesitas para que uses todo el poder de la Sagrada Madera de Palo Santo en conciencia! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #palosanto #Maderadepalosanto #espiritualidad #conexion #proteccion #purificacion #eliminarmalasenergias
Los Chamanes de Abya Yala desde los albores del tiempo reconocemos y honramos el Árbol del Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) como sagrado por el poder que contiene en su madera madurada: su resina, la cual al ser quemada, cocinada o extraída trabaja los planos mente-cuerpo-espíritu, sanando y curándolos; es decir producimos con ella equilibrio emocional, físico y espiritual a nuestros…
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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Kouki Palo Santo?????? I never heard of it before...let's see....
Palo Santo, which means "holy wood" in Spanish, is a tree native to South America, primarily found in the tropical forests of countries like Peru, Ecuador, and parts of Central America. Its scientific name is Bursera graveolens. Palo Santo is renowned for its fragrant wood, which has been used for centuries in indigenous and spiritual practices for its aromatic properties and believed healing properties.
The wood is traditionally burned as incense during ceremonies and rituals for its pleasant, uplifting scent. It's also used for its reported medicinal properties, with claims of benefits ranging from calming the mind and reducing stress to repelling insects and aiding respiratory issues.
Due to its popularity and increased demand, there have been concerns about the sustainability of Palo Santo harvesting. It's important to source Palo Santo from sustainable and ethical suppliers to ensure the conservation of this valuable resource and support the communities that depend on it.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in Palo Santo outside of traditional spiritual practices, with its essential oil being used in aromatherapy and its wood incorporated into various products like candles, soaps, and skincare items. However, it's crucial for consumers to be mindful of the source and sustainability of the Palo Santo used in such products.
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seoexpert-123 · 2 months
Heiliges Holz Großhandel
Ecunative is the brand created in South América in 2017 by Enbenro Group Ltd, and like a business established and located since 2019 in the European Union. Our brand seeks to  support small farms and productive cooperatives from South Amércia, standardizing concepts of high quality products and mainly based on values ​​of fraternity, develop, ecofriendly and fair price. Our main objective is to join forces and knowledge to create products that benefit all those who are part of our chain. Do you share our dream?
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fabioastrologo · 5 months
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chavemistica · 5 months
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 5 months
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fourvisionstribe1dCalling all Geminis, Virgos, and Aquarius folks! ✨ Do you know about “Holy Wood” for luck and protection? Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens), a.k.a. “Holy Wood” is a sacred tree native to South America used to purify and cleanse energy, and to cultivate sweetness and spiritual connection. Enjoyed by many for its cleansing and healing properties, it is astrologically associated with Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius. ✨
A strong medicine beloved for keeping our energies grounded and clear, Palo Santo provides a warm, uplifting, delicately sweet, and woodsy aroma that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation. It also allows for a deeper connection to Nature and the Source of all creation. 💫
Palo Santo is said to enhance creativity and bring good fortune to those open to receiving it. Four Visions’ high-grade Palo Santo is ethically harvested using properly aged wood from already fallen trees, the trees are never cut. These collection practices bolster the conservation of existing dry forestlands. When a tree grows old and dies of natural causes, it eventually falls to the forest floor. The tree then resides there for a number of years, untouched, allowing the rich oils within to refine with time. This is what creates the pleasant aromas we experience with this precious wood!
Our Palo Santo comes from two sources:
~ A Shipibo family in Peru who carries out the traditional ways of their ancestors by making plant medicines in a harmonious way with the Earth.
~ A farmers collective in Ecuador dedicated to the sustainable harvesting and simultaneous reforestation of native Palo Santo trees.
When you shop with us, you are helping to support conservation and reforestation, and the ethical economic empowerment of the native communities stewarding the forestlands. From our native Ecuadorian and Peruvian family partners to the world, thank you for making a conscious choice to secure the Earth’s natural habitats for future generations.
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baumistico · 7 months
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marimuntanya · 7 months
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radardemediaonline · 10 months
Und al naturii pentru sănătate și spiritualitate
Palo Santo, sau “lemnul sfânt”, este înrădăcinat adânc în cultura și spiritualitatea indigenă sud-americană. Acest lemn, provenind de la arborele Bursera graveolens, este nativ regiunilor tropicale din America de Sud, inclusiv Ecuador, Peru și Venezuela. De-a lungul secolelor, Palo Santo a fost un simbol al tradiției și al misticismului, fiind folosit într-o varietate de practici spirituale și…
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worldlyaromas · 11 months
Is Palo Santo really endangered?
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There is currently a lot of concerns in social media about the future of the Palo Santo Bursera Graveolens tree.
Unfortunately, there are several blogs and articles that have been created without a true knowledge of the facts.
At Worldly Aromas we are very concerned with sustainability and making sure the Palo Santo we sell is sustainably sourced. Our Suppliers recently issued a statement which addressed these concerns.
The Palo Santo is commonly known as a native species of the dry-tropical forests of Ecuador. The inhabitants of the surrounding communities live from the trade of Palo Santo. This means that if they do not find clients for it, they will cut it down to use the land for corn, livestock, developments, etc. (For example, La Refineria del Pacifico, where around 1000 hectares of trees, including Palo Santo, were cut down for the development of this "white elephant" which is abandoned).
So contrary to what is currently being portrayed in social media, the real threat to this wood is precisely the lack of use.
Is Palo Santo sustainable?
Our suppliers created an educational project, to involve the communities and to teach them not to cut the trees. A cut tree has no value, since it does not contain the medicinal properties of the Palo Santo, nor does it have aroma.
Our suppliers process only naturally fallen branches and trunks, without cutting down any living trees, damaging the surrounding area or making new paths. There is no harvesting of Palo Santo but recollecting (picking up) of naturally dead Palo Santo.
Facts about our supplier:
1. Annually and for 5 consecutive years they have been reforesting Palo Santo trees in a pilot project of 50 hectares. Moreover, for over 10 years they have been reforesting and donating plants to several institutions.
2. They have involved the national government of Ecuador and are currently waiting for them to declare this 50-hectare area as a "protective forest", to prevent logging, invasions and damages.
3. 4000 Palo Santo trees will be planted and other native species in December 2019.
4. This pilot forest will be open to universities and communities to learn the experience and mirror it in other areas of the dry-tropical forest of Manabi.
As a consumer it is really important to know what you're buying has been sourced sustainably and is having a positive effect on the planet. We will continue to ensure we maintain these values in everything we do.
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