#Business Pro
wishlisted · 2 months
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“Save a life! Have an abortion” teddy bear sticker from The Peach Fuzz
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artsekey · 3 months
Wishing Weight Watchers a very go out of business
likes charge reblogs cast
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kunshokunsho · 2 months
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rhehhdhdhshenrndn to lazy to finish this
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queenofqueensarcheron · 2 months
You’re telling me you Nesta was kidnapped to go and survive in these Hunger Games where she has to find her 2 friends and climb a deadly mountain while everyone else is either hunting you or are trying to kill each other for a whole week without food and weapons.They are fucking relying on rabbit and water from a river for a week straight.
Then she and her friends make it to the mountain and Nesta holds the line fighting against those males so her friends can go on top of the mountain and win ( and prove to everyone else that they are in fact ✨better✨)
AND THEN she gets kidnapped again by this wicked old queen who is trying to have her kill her own mate ( mate that she only recently accepted even after saying he was shackled to her). Instead she erupts on the whole continent to save her mate and herself and she UNMAKE someone. Keep in mind the last true meal this girl had was like a week ago. Girlie has been through IT.
AND THEN her sister is dying because the child she carries may die because they don’t know C-sections in the NC. You can heal wings and put back guts inside but they draw the line at baby delivery 🙃
She then decides to wear the 3 items of Death together (nobody has ever done it and lived) and STOPS TIME to save her sister, her brother in law and her nephew. She gives up most of her power ( which were GODS POWERS) girlie has made a bargain with the Cauldron plus she has The Mother on speed dial. Tells her sister “I love you” for the first time in her life. Feyre is the first one to ever hear Nesta say those words. Not her mate but her baby sister
And some Antis have the nerves to say that it’s not enough, Nesta should apologize more. It was the bare minimum to save the sister that kept you alive after all those years hunting in the woods. They expected more and Nesta should spend the rest of her life on her knees trying to make amends to the IC.
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zukosbangtan · 13 days
shipping zutara is soo much fun when u don't have a kataang shipper whispering in ur ear about how it isn't canon
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ladydeatharcheron · 4 months
The way everyone and their mothers got involved in the relationship the Archeron sisters had with one another contributed to them not being able to repair their bond much earlier, and I’ll die on this hill
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sillylittlegaymer · 1 month
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Alot of shipping nonesense
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xomegaman · 6 months
Kenny and his cat Dobby
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
So, a Kataang fan made a post about a week ago "asking" (rhetorically, of course) why it's a bad thing Katara acts like Aang's mom. And I just-
First of all, isn't that something that Kataang shippers have been trying to actively dispute for almost two decades at this point? That Katara doesn't treat Aang as a younger brother/son? There's literally an entire post about it from The Headband that's made its rounds on almost every single social media platform.
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So which is it, besties? Does Katara act motherly towards Aang or not?
(The answer is yes of course, as The Runaway outright confirms it multiple times. The whole premise of that episode is that Katata acts as a mother to Toph, Sokka, and Aang)
Now, why is it a problem? The fact that I have to explain this is telling for how little a lot of Kataang shippers understand Katara.
Katara was parentified. She took care of Sokka (by his own admission) as well as her entire village after Hakoda left. Even before then really, as she says in the very first episode that she's been doing all the chores around the village since their mother died which was years before that. She was delivering literal babies while basically being a baby herself.
Traveling- and being- with Aang is supposed to represent her freedom and childhood, right? That's what the first episode shows us and what Kataang is built on. But if anything, it has the opposite effect.
Book 1 wasn't terrible. Katara was very free-spirited and joyful in addition to being caring and empathetic. Her and Aang could still goof off together, even if she was doing her best to support him emotionally. You could easily see that as her being a good friend.
But somewhere between Books 2 and 3, that changed. Katara went from being his supportive friend to being his emotional crutch. During The Desert, she bears the brunt of him lashing out (he does yell at Toph once, but he's the most volatile with Katara). He also gets frustrated with her during Sozin's Comet, even though Zuko and Sokka were the ones pushing him. It's always Katara who has to bring him back when he loses control of the Avatar State, risking her own safety.
(This isn't emotional, but it was Katara who healed Aang after Azula's attack. She was the one who stayed by his side, staying awake for hours to make sure he would be okay. I like to look at it as a physical representation of their relationship. Aang's wellbeing is always put on her shoulders. If she isn't there to lift him up, he'll fall. And if he falls, the world falls. No 14 year old should be responsible for that. But it's so easy for the show- and y'all- to shove it onto her because this part of her character is never addressed. It's just used as a testament to her caring nature)
Even without Katara's parentification, this causes a major imbalance in their relationship. It puts Katara in charge of managing Aang's pain and being emotionally unsupported in return. The Southern Raiders is proof that Katara can't depend on Aang emotionally the way he does her. She's been his shoulder to cry on through everything and the one time the tables turned, she couldn't even get that from him.
And the saddest thing about this? Katara says to him, "I knew you wouldn't understand." She never expected Aang to support her. She's become so accustomed to being there for others that she's never once expected anyone to do the same for her, least of all Aang.
(But Zuko does. He's the only one who recognized Katara's pain- admittedly, mostly because it was directed at him- and tried to help her. Without being prompted. I gotta give this one to the Zutara folks)
In what world is this dynamic healthy for a romantic relationship?
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ctrl-alt-cel · 2 years
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pro duelist jou...jou keeping up with the meta... pov jock at your locals ashes your combo as politely as he can
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ivymoonstudios · 4 months
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you came for me
@elriel-month prompt 5: hold tight & don’t make a sound
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months
How is my best friend Arthur has he helped you baldur any gates
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He’s been good! My washing machine broke last week and I hauled it out the other day in preparation for the new one and he’s been loving his new Top Secret Hiding Spot.
We are taking a little bit of a Baldur’s Gate break right now just because I was getting burnt out. We’re slowly making our way through Mass Effect Andromeda for the second time. I’m very excited to get back to BG3 tho.
I left off right at the start of Act 2. I’m playing a Githyanki monk named Ez’rai and spent way too much time coming up with a backstory for them. I’m going to be romancing Wyll this time. I think Ez’rai growing up in such a harsh culture that didn’t have room for soft romance will go together in such a fun and cute way with Wyll. A noble’s son who is just so sweet and romantic and good.
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Insista em mim - Ana Frango Elétrico
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raineandsky · 3 months
The barrel of the supervillain’s weapon turns a bright white as it charges. The villain is ready for this—they’ve planned it, they’ve imagined it, they know that this has to be the thing that redeems them.
The supervillain laughs as he turns to face the weapon towards them. The heroes never really believed they’d changed. Why would they? A villain once is a villain for life. Whispers followed them, hard glares burned into their back, the odd ‘accidental’ shove followed by laughter that could’ve been as cruel as a villain’s.
The supervillain says something, but they’re not listening. Well. The villain’s about to show those stupid heroes what change looks like. They’ll die here, the hostages will have that extra time to escape, and the heroes will finally see the villain as one of them. As a person.
The villain closes their eyes. The machine in front of them whirs excitedly. This is it. This is it.
Something hard collides with their side, sending them crashing to the pavement. No! their mind shrieks. Gravel digs into any bit of skin it can find, the sharp ache of future bruises under their clothes. Painful, but not as much as this was meant to be.
The supervillain grunts in frustration as the villain risks opening their eyes. A hefty crater is smouldering in the concrete where they were just standing, puffing smoke into the air like a grim image of what they’d have ended up as—ash, at best. They can’t move; somehow, seeing the destruction that could’ve so easily been them is paralysing.
“Oh, god,” someone says from behind them. “You’re not dead, are you?”
The villain finally notices the tight hold around them and manages to wriggle out of it. “Wh—” They push away from the hero, incensed. “What are you doing?”
The hero lugs themself to their feet. “Making sure you don’t die?”
The villain follows them up, ignoring the hero’s hand held out to them, as the supervillain tuts irritably. “Heroes cannot save you, [Villain],” he calls with a cold smile. “You really think you are anything more than a stain to scrub out to them?”
The villain lurches back towards to supervillain, the hero grappling for them and missing. “Then give them something they’ll physically have to scrub out of this road!”
The hero appears next to them, their hand around their arm. “[Villain], stop.”
The villain shrugs their hand off, but it’s back immediately. “Go away, [Hero]. Let me do this.”
The supervillain’s weapon lights up. “No,” the hero snaps stubbornly. “Why are you so set on this? What is dying really going to do?”
Whirring hums in the air again. The barrel turns that heavenly white. “Because maybe then you’ll see me a little more as a person and less as a mindless criminal.” They shove the hero away. “There’s hostages, you know. Go be a hero and help them.”
“The other heroes have that sorted,” the hero says coolly, “because I’m a bit busy trying to save someone else right now.”
The villain doesn’t get a chance to pull away from the hero this time. Their hand tightens on the villain’s arm, and before they can react they’re pushed to the side and out of harm’s way a second time.
“Stop!” the villain cries, their voice barely a rasp. “You think I’m blind? You think I can’t see that all of you would rather I was dead?”
“Maybe a few of the nastier guys, sure. They don’t like anyone,” the hero says sharply, “but I promise you, [Villain], not everyone wants you dead.”
The supervillain’s weapon clicks. The villain recognises the sound; a reload, a brief respite in the war. The hero pulls the two of them behind a slab of upturned road, out of the weapon’s line of sight. Not that it wouldn’t blow this thing to smithereens if the supervillain wanted it to.
“You are a fool to think the heroes will ever think of you as one of them,” he says with a grim smirk. Another click, another bolt in. “But if you do not want to accept that, I am happy to erase the thought from your mind.”
“I need this,” the villain snaps. The hero’s still clinging to their arm. “Let go of me.”
“No you don’t,” the hero says shortly. “You need redemption.”
“This is redemption.”
“No it’s not.” The hero’s hold on them tightens, almost painfully. “This is sacrifice. For nothing.”
“I’m— I’m buying time, the hostages—”
“You realise,” the hero cuts in, “you can buy more time if you don’t keel over.”
The villain stares at them. The supervillain’s weapon clicks one final time. “Come out, [Villain],” he says brightly. “Let us relieve the heroes of their moral duties. I’m sure they’ll thank you for it.”
“Dying doesn’t fix anything,” the hero says lowly. “Don’t make amends by avoiding what you’ve done. Surviving—living with your mistakes—is the biggest atonement you can make.”
“Come on, [Villain],” the supervillain says again. The smile is audible in his voice; coy, knowing, confident. “I’ll make it nice and easy for you, I promise.”
The villain’s stare has long stopped focusing on the hero. They’re well beyond looking at anything. “Okay,” they say weakly. “Okay.”
When the shot of the supervillain’s machine crushes their hiding spot to pieces, the two of them are long gone.
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professorsta · 5 months
Hey not to be a person with opinions who sticks to them (i know ugh right) but i liked what watcher was producing. The editing was crazy good the cinematography beautiful, all things i enjoyed much more than two boys sitting behind a desk. I have adhd bitch, half the time I'd zone out during bfu cus there was nothing but talking. Aint anyone the same so don't Speak For Me motherfucker. Weird and or Wonderful is a big budget project that I love. You can love the charm of youtube videos all you want, but I can like it when shit looks fucking clean, with great cinematography, and overarching plots/ideas. I guess y'all just weren't Watcher fans. Just bfu fans. And even then i think you just wanted a friend and projected that onto shane and ryan, lol
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crushermyheart · 3 months
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Part 5 - AU wherein Yennefer is left as a baby on the doorstep of Aretuza and Tissaia takes her in. Yennefer's growing up and Tissaia's busy with her duties but they like to stay close.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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