#But Frank gave him his actual location this time
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pengujoon · 1 year
content: oikawa x reader, iwaizumi is their best friend. angst, hurt/no comfort. none at all. cw: suicide. (not elaborated in detail but some descriptions may be triggering). oikawa and reader were best friends before things went south.
a/n: of course this was written by me when i'm almost drunk and realising that i have a crush on my friend for 4 years but knowing that he doesn't see me like that i was feeling sad and thus this story was created. as such, enjoy.
part i
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Everyone in Aoba Johsai knew that there was an inseparable pair of best friends, and it was none other than you and Oikawa. 
Even after Oikawa was ostracised by his teammates of the volleyball team, you stood by him and gave him all the help you could’ve possibly gave. Even after his fangirls physically abused you to the point of hospitalisation, you still stood by him. 
Even after all these troubles you’ve gone through, no one could understand why you were so resilient on being Oikawa’s best friend -  other than you yourself, of course. Who could’ve possibly known that you’d develop a crush on the volleyball captain since an impossibly long time ago? 
This very thought was ruled out a long time ago, with the fact that you had a boyfriend when you stayed by Oikawa’s side when his closest friends left him. Apparently that was enough proof to your very own group of haters that you didn’t see Oikawa that way. 
They couldn’t have possibly known that the boyfriend that you had was just a façade you convinced a random classmate of yours to put up with to get away from their beatings, could they?
Shaking your head, you glanced at the empty cup in your hands.
You came to this party with one goal in mind: to confess to him before he left for Argentina. 
Deep down you knew that it wasn’t the right place and time to confess; being in a party with the noisiest crowd and everybody being all drunk and high on different substances just made the setting way worse than you’d expect a confession to take place in. 
But you knew that you could blame this on the alcohol if you confessed. It was basically the April Fools Privilege. You could easily get away with it and claim it as your drunk self talking. Maybe even a sleep talk? 
You came back from the open rooftop and headed down towards the kitchen to grab yourself a cup of water to clear your mind. However as you stepped onto the last few steps of the stairs, you knew that the very person that you were about to confess to was right in the kitchen with someone else, seemingly to be discussing highly confidential information with the way they whispered cautiously as though to protect their words from peering ears. 
You decided to stay by the stairs and lean against the wall to hear them properly; thank goodness they stood rather close to the entryway, but not close enough to actually see the outline of your figure. Your current location was pristine, to be frank; you figured out that even if they left the kitchen towards the living room, they wouldn’t even have noticed your very presence, and thus you stood by there trying to piece together bits and pieces of the conversation that you could hear. 
Initially, it wasn’t anything much as far as you were concerned: it seemed like they were discussing the party and how well it went, but you suddenly heard your name in the conversation, bringing your attentiveness up to another level. 
What could they even be talking to need to saying my name? You thought to yourself, looking upwards to the ceiling with hopes that it’ll be something good. 
Out of all the possible topics that you thought they could be discussing of, you definitely did not expect that the very centre of the topic was you. You’d thought that maybe it was about school in general, and talking about the friends he had. Or maybe even his heartfelt emotions towards you?
“What do you think of your best friend? You know, the one that always follow you around no matter where you go.” 
“Oh,” you heard him say, “that person.” 
Although no names were mentioned, you knew very well that he was referring to you. After all, who would have the guts to follow the famous captain of the volleyball team around like a hopeless puppy? 
But with such distaste over mentioning you? 
“I hate them.” 
To say that your heart broke was an understatement: god, no words could describe the heartbreak you felt at that moment. Was it anguish? Grief? Sorrow? You couldn’t even tell what you were feeling right there and then.
At that very moment, you have never wanted to run away this badly from a situation in your entire life before. Your rationality screamed at you to run, to leave this hell; but it was as though your body rooted itself to the ground judging by the way you stood as still as a statue. 
Maybe he was just saying it to pretend to be cool? you thought, knuckles turning ghostly white from the sheer force of you holding the railing, as though it was the only thing that grounded you to reality. That it's not a dream.
But deep down, you knew very well that it was a lie. There was literally no one in the kitchen. No one - just them both.
No one was even in the same room with them. 
There was no point for him to lie.
You knew that he wasn’t drunk, given the way he articulated his words smoothly. 
But soon you realised: did you even know him? Did he ever trust you enough for you to see him in a drunken state even after being ‘friends’ for more than half a decade? Did he even bother to talk to you if it wasn’t for you initiating the conversation every time?
“God, imagine how tired I am having to deal with my ‘best friend’.” His mocking tone reached your ears, tearing your already broken heart into a million pieces more. 
“Imagine having to be nice to the person or else your reputation will be broken. Imagine having to act like you like someone for years.” He took a breath. 
“I should get an Oscar’s award for my acting skills, don’t you think?”
The way they both burst out laughing after he finished that very sentence made your eyes water. Your knees felt weak, it was as though you could fall to the ground any moment were it not for your arms holding you up as it held tightly against the railing of the stairs. 
How badly you wanted to believe this was all fake - it was just a dream! A hallucination! Maybe you drank too much. That’s it! It must be the alcohol playing with your ears and mind!
But no matter how hard you try to lie to yourself, you knew it was undeniably the truth. You’ve guessed it from the very start: he hated you with every fibre of his being. He never wanted to be your best friend in the first place. 
Ok, maybe he did. 
Or maybe not. 
Maybe he just wanted someone who he could toy with, who he could tease just for the sake of passing time. Who else could he do such things to? You were the only one that stuck to him mindlessly even after others left him.
You were stupidly in love and available. 
It was just as simple as that. 
You couldn’t even remember anything else that happened after that - everything was a blur. 
And that’s why you never knew how you ended up back at the open rooftop, sitting by the very edge, your legs dangling off the building held back by nothing. 
Supposedly - unless they both knew that you were standing by the door - no one could’ve possibly known why your body laid lifeless by the pavement, bloodied with body matters scattered all over from the sheer force of your falling body hitting the concrete ground. There was no explanation for your sudden death.
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a little bit of my mental illness took over me so the ending was not something i could control. but ngl i thought the ending was executed really well and i was genuinely surprised when i finished the story. i'm posting it now because i'm almost drunk (as mentioned) and i have no idea if i'm doing anything right atm. but i want to be productive.
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witchersmistress · 1 year
the down fall of Eros
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Hello my darlings!! worked on this beauty while i was on the beach today.
Trigger Warning: Swearing, Violence, alcohol, soft Sy
Word count: 2.4K
Sys pov
Dragging my feet back inside, I couldn't face the thought of being in my office not where her scent lingered. So I went to the bar and ordered a whiskey neat from Theo.
He gave me a look as I downed the whiskey and he filled the glass up again. " Boy, if you have something to say, say it. I am not in the mood for games" I drawled. He swung the rag he was wiping the bar down over his shoulder and picked up his drink and tipped it in my direction. "May I be frank with you Mr. Stone" I grunted at him and he continued. " You are a goddamn idiot" the pateron to the left of me choked on his drink as I glared daggers at Theo.   He began to wipe down the bar as he watched me " what did you say to me boy?" I sharply asked, I heard him the first time but I wanted to see if he had the balls to repeat himself. 
"With all due respect sir, you are my boss, but you are a goddamned idiot. Even a blind man could see how much you care for Rory, why else spend 100 thousand dollars on her to keep her out of the hands of that Irish prick O'Malley? She was clearly on cloud 9 when she left but you just put her in your car without a second glance, that's cold even for you boss." Draining my whiskey again he pours me another " is she really worth losing over, something she can't handle, cause let me tell you, that girl is one tough cookie, nothing could stop her or slow her down” he tossed the dirty rag in with the dirty dishes and took off with them to the back.
Looking at the bottom of the glass as if the amber liquid would hold all my answers “He’s right you know, Syverson” a dark and sinful voice purred in my ear, i turned to find Liliana standing next to me, her long dark hair cascading down her back, her warm caramel colored skin, glowing under these lights and her dark eyes looked like obsidian from this angle. I downed what was left of my whiskey, turning in my seat to face her. She was in a long white dress, a stark contrast to her naturally dark vibe she gives and as per usual, she had Bambi wrapped around her arm, with her head resting on her chest just above the swell of her left breast. Why she insists on carrying that damn snake everywhere she goes, i'm not sure but it gives her an edge that most men wouldn't dare cross and has most women bowing at her feet.
She beckoned me to follow “Come Logan, take a walk with me” I threw a 50 down on the bar for Theo, he may be a smart ass kid but he is always a wise one for his age. Catching up to Lil with ease, we walked through the club, to the seething underbelly, located downstairs. Down here, people could be who they wanted to be, from voyeurism to reverse harems, to public sex, there  was something for everyone down here. With a lot of trust, safe words and limits, the world is yours for the taking down here. I followed Lil to her dark corner of the room, she walked with such pose and grace as she sat down in her throne, with a particular young man attached to the wall by a long chain and collar.
 It wa s Mikey, my nephew, i sat across from Lil while she got comfortable in her chair with a heavy sigh i pointed at Mikey ``I'm not going to ask but be gentle he is a kid” she clucked her tongue at me “Please Logan you worry to much, besides i'm holding on to him as a debt from you beloved brother, once he pays up he can have his son back” Mikey went to protest but she pulled on his chain “ Shh my pet, the adults are talking” he quickly shut up and looked back at the floor. “He is an odd one that is for sure” she just gave me a knowing smile while stroking his hair “So why did you kick that poor girl out like she we was yesterdays trash, the poor thing was in tears as they pulled out” wide eyed i studied her “How in the actual fuck did you know i did that?” she winked at me and gestured around the room with her hands, “I have eyes and ears everywhere doll and don't you forget it” she was our silent partner in the business so she could come and go as she pleased. She was not my cup of tea but she was a fascinating woman.
“ Liliana, I have to protect her, she is my best friend's daughter and the stuff that Walter, August and I are involved in could get her hurt or worse even killed.” she scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Bullshit excuse, you and i both know that you would move heaven and earth to protect that girl, hell look at what August has done to keep Addie safe” she had a valid point, “This is Rory we are talking about'' i countered “She isn't like Adeline or Amelia'' Liliana snorted at that remark. “That is true, Amelia’s father is a damned fool if he thinks he can hide her from Walter, that man will find her and there will be hell to pay when he does' ' Mikey snorted but didn't say anything else. Leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees.
“What can I do? I might have pushed her away for good, how can I fix  that?” she tsk tsk me like a child. “Seriously Sy? You really are a goddamn idiot, you get on your knees and worship her the way you should have, honestly boy you should have grabbed her at 18 and never let go, so you may lose your best friend but if he truly wants his daughter to be happy, he’ll come round” whatever weight that was holding me down suddenly lifted and spark of clarity came in “Thank you Lil, i don't know how to thank you” she waved me off “Anytime sugar, now go get your girl, your bike is still in the garage if you need it” bolting up the stairs and to the elevator. My phone pinged.. It was fucking Walter 
Walter: Now hold on, where is Rory and where is the damn fire cousin??
Not responding to him, I don't want to play his games. 
August: “Now now brother i'm fairly certain, he scared her off”
Sy: 🖕🖕🖕
Rushing off the elevator, I changed from my monkey suit, into jeans and a t- shirt with my leather jacket and bolted down the stairs, racing over to my bike, I started it and bolted out of the parking garage. Speeding in and out of the LA traffic, desperate to reach Rory in time. I drove into the parking garage of the hotel and made my way inside, passing the front desk. The  lady behind the desk stopped me "Mr. Syverson sir?" I turned to look at her " Yes ma'am what can I do for you?" Striding towards the desk. A slight flush appeared on her cheeks. Clearing her throat, she continued " we are giving you a partial refund for your stay, since your second guest checked out a little while and went. Poor thing she was distraught, but she had a lovely young man with her" she continued to rattle off but I stopped listening. She was gone, she had left. With another man… I had officially lost her.
Thanking the woman, I made my way to the elevators and up to the 14th floor. Trudging back to my room, I opened the door and a folded piece of paper was under my door, picking it up, I'd recognize Rory's handwriting anywhere, she loved to leave me notes as a little girl.
Sy, I'm leaving. I'll be back Monday morning to fly home but not a moment beforehand. I'm safe and that's what matters. Don't bother trying to find me, I don't want to be found especially by you. We will fly home Monday but I never want to see you again Logan Syverson. Rory
Sitting on the bed I read that note over and over again. She's gone, and I've lost her forever. Standing up, I paced, my blood boiling at the thought of her off with another man, him touching what's mine. I pick up the lamp on the bedside table and throw it across the room with a roar, punching my fist into the wall. Reaching into the mini fridge and grabbing my bottle of Jack Daniel's I chugged sip, after sip, until all I saw was a black drunken rage.
Rorys’ POV
I climbed out of the car at the hotel and made my way inside. I can't believe that I was so stupid to think that Sy would actually have feelings for me the same way I did him. He is an excellent faker. He told me all the right things, did all the right things, he played me like a cheap piano.
Making my way to my room, i grabbed my suitcase and started throwing my stuff in there, i couldn't stay in the next room to that man, my cell phone chimed and i grabbed, it was Jesse
Jesse: Hey bonita, heard you were in LA, would you be interested in getting dinner?
Rory: Loved to, i'll text you the address for the hotel im staying at.
Jesse: see ya soon 😘
I smiled and finished packing up my things, i left Sy a note a slipped it under his door not that he even deserve that much, i told the lovely woman behind the counter that i was leaving as Jesse walked in, he was 6’2, shaved head, dark eyes, plump lips that are just damn near kissable. He was in a dark button down shirt with the first few buttons undone. Black dress pants that made his ass look phenomenal, black shoes that shined, I expected nothing else from a navy man. He gave me a warm genuine smile, kissing me on my cheek as he took my bag and placed it in the trunk of his Tesla. Opening my car door for me, my heart broke a little, he is always such a gentleman. Getting in the driver's seat, he pulled away as I looked out the window as he drove, he had one hand on the steering wheel, the other one gripping my left thigh in his large hand “Bonita, talk to me” his voice was soft and gentle. I told him about what happened at Lux. he pulled into his apartment complex, he gripped the steering wheel as I finished my story. He got out of the car, grabbed my bag and he opened my door for me. “Come let's order in and watch a movie” he placed an arm around my back and made our way upstairs. Opening his apartment, I followed him inside. “ I’ll put your bag on my bed, go get comfy while I order food, your usual?” he asked over his shoulder, i followed him into his guest room, which was plain, a bed, nightstand, a mirror, and a desk. He was very simple, he believed that bedrooms were for sleeping and sex.
Valid reasons, I always thought, walking into the ensuite bathroom, I turned on the shower as hot as I could handle and went back to my bag to get my bathroom stuff. Jesse had laid out on the bed for me one of his oversized t-shirts and my black booty shorts. “This isn't a booty call Mr.” i teased as i grabbed my shower stuff, leaning against the door frame “I know sweet girl, there is time for that later” winking at me as he left the room, walking back into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes and to the hot water to commune with my demons, tried like hell to wash Sy from my skin but it was no use i could feel him everywhere. I pounded my fist on the black tile wall till my knuckles ached. A full body sob racked my chest as I slid to the floor and cried. I felt so many things, but I couldn't process my thoughts.
I felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me closer into their chest, clinging to the  shirt clinging to their chest, whoever they were, they reeked of whiskey and bergamot, jasmine and cedar. I'd recognize that cologne anywhere, looking up, I saw into the blood shot eyes that belong to one Logan Syverson. At this moment I wanted to do so many things, hit him, punch him, rip him a new one but the look in his eyes told me more than the big burly man had ever spoken to me. My anger replaced my sorrow and I got out of the shower wrapping myself in a towel and went to go find Jesse to yell at.
I was barely out the door when a strong arm grabbed me around my waist, hauling my back and slamming the door. I struggled against his hold, he let me go and I just spun around and pounded on his chest, like a child throwing a temper tantrum. “ I hate you Logan Syverson, I cursed the day I realized you meant so much to me” I continued to beat him and he just stood there and let me, my punches became slower and slower till they finally stopped. He grabbed my arms wrapping them around his neck as he picked me up and carried me over to the bed, sitting me on the edge. He pulled a t- shirt over my head and the towel before he undid the towel and dropped it to the floor. He stripped off his wet clothes and put on a pair of black boxer briefs as he pulled back the covers, scooping me up he climbed under the covers and pulled them up. Tucking me into his chest, he rubbed my back as he kissed my head. He murmured the bedtime story that he used to tell me as a little girl, as my eyes grew heavier by the minute. That last thing I heard before the world faded around me was something I never thought I heard. “ I've loved you since I can't remember when, and I'm going to love you until I can't forget how.”
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
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WIP Whenever (since I'm way late for a Wednesday check-in)
Popping in with a new OC reveal this week, mwah. Meet Sébastien as he runs headfirst, or shall I say falls, into trouble.
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"And above all, keep your feet and legs together.", the faint droning of the instructor rang in the background as Sébastien regarded the picturesque scenery below him through the opening of the small plane, "You listenin'?" He let out a chuckle before sending a smile the man's way, same one he would offer his father's investors anytime he'd be forced to sit into a meeting with them and pretend he knew all about running their family business. "Of course, m-", he racked his brain, trying to remember a name, first or last, anything, at the end coming up empty, "my dear newfound friend." The bored look he received as a reply wasn't promising, but he wasn't there to impress anyone, rather than seconds away from plummeting down from 10 000 feet up, if luck had it, gracefully and without a hitch. "You sighed the waiver.", the man muttered under his breath before continuing, "From your demeanor, I take it you're not worried?" "No.", Sébastien lied as he braced against the side of the plane, completely suited up, wondering if the truth would stop him from his most recent adrenaline seeking spontaneous trip. His forged license ensured him passage, a seat on the plane, almost making him forget he had to also act the part, doubting money would slay the person in front of him with how much weight he put on the rules even before take-off.
"Good.", a mumble sounded from the front, followed by a wave from their pilot aimed at the instructor. "-clearance.", he strained his ears, trying to catch whatever the two were hunkered down and whispering about. "Okay. Showtime, Mr. King.", it took him a lot of willpower to not instinctively correct the fake name he had given upon meeting the man and signing a stack of documents before his dive. His father would always talk about how much pride he had to have in the Gallagher-Kerring name, the legacy it carried, same one that gave people a pause and made it super easy for him to be tracked down. "I thought we weren't due for a couple of more minutes?", checking his watch was close to impossible, with all the gear he had on, but eventually he managed to confirm his suspicion. The scenery wasn't of much help location wise with the fields and various small structures scattered between winding roads signaling, he could have been anywhere over Montana. The body of water they passed reminded him he wasn't exactly listening to that part of the lecture. Just aim for anything that's not water. Easy. "Time flies.", was all the instructor offered before bracing his hands on his hips, "Usually we would need the equipment back by Friday, or else you lose the deposit, but seeing how you have your own and didn't request retrieval…" "That won't be an issue?" The plan was to skydive, land near Missoula, maybe hitchhike there if he felt extra adventurous. Everything he wore was practically brand new, purchased after he had stormed the closest specialized store he could find the moment he had left the most recent gathering Frank Gallagher-Kerring had bestowed upon him. The bright yellow and black piece covering his lean body wasn't exactly his first choice, but he was assured it was the best and most expensive one they had.
"Yeah. Any further questions, Mr. King?" "No. Thank you.", he paired the words with another grin while wishing for the man to already stop talking. With a final clearance and another quick whisper session with the pilot, Sébastien found himself threading air, all his instincts screaming at him he would die. Instead of listening to the pesky voice, he focused on his surroundings and how the small dots that were in reality trees and other buildings became large, closer as he spread his limbs face-to-earth to avoid spinning out and actually making true on that fear. "I'm alive!", he screamed on top of his lungs, absorbing as much of the giddy sensation as he could. There always came a time during whatever dangerous endeavor he partook where his mind would seem so much clearer, though usually he had others with him, drowning out the tranquility. "3000 feet.", the altimeter attached to his helmet announced, kicking him back into action as he recalled his instructor's word about the moment he needed to open his parachute. His right hand grasped the rip-cord while his left came to rest across his waist. A sudden jolt followed as the canopy unfolded, making his breath hitch. He pushed through the shock as a satisfied smile spead over his features. "Piece of cake.", he muttered while his eyes zeroed on a white shape speeding down one of the roads he could see from his position. He had no idea how much time passed where he descended towards the clearing he believed was good enough for a landing with the alternative of ending up in one of the trees nearby, slightly worrying him.
Then he felt it, trying to convince himself the adrenaline was playing tricks on him - something flying past him as smaller forms that looked almost like ants came into view. Whatever calm had taken over his body left him at once when the whoosh happened again, followed by another. A stinging sensation registered in his arm as he gripped his parachute risers tighter. His gaze widened in horror at the tear in his suit as another bullet flew past and missed him. The multiple holes marrying the previously intact material of the bright yellow and black canopy only fueled it. "No fucking waaaaay.", he let out a string of curses as panic swooped in together with the realization he was being shot at. That the shapes that previously looked like ants were people with guns and coming in closer as he descended down. In his attempts to avoid getting killed by something that had nothing to do with his questionable choices, he focused on the road next to the clearing, hoping the maniacs would let out if he landed outside of what he assumed was their private property they were so dead set on defending from an innocent skydiver. Their angry yells mixed until they were indistinguishable as he began plummeting down faster thanks to his parachute being turned into swiss cheese. The wind worked in his favor somewhat, granting him a lead on his pursuers. More bullets flew, all missing him by mere chance, making him glad whoever those men were they certainly had worse aim than him at his very first shooting lesson his father had dragged him to when he was but 10.
"Come on. Come on, baby.", he chanted as his luck ran out and his hopeful descent turned nightmarish, faster, out of control. It was becoming clear making it to the safety of the road wasn't in the cards for him when his trajectory shifted dramatically despite him trying his hardest to keep steady. "FUCCK.", ripped out of his throat as he calculated his chances of making it over the tree line separating the fields from the road. No way. It was going to take a miracle. All he could do was close his eyes while his elbows locked together to instinctively protect his face from the incoming collusion. A part of him wondered if he should pray, if anything would even consider saving him with his track record of mayhem. "I wanna live. I'd donate all my money if I have to.", spilled out as a promise, thought he meant just the first part, letting go of his usual lifestyle felt impossible, out of the question. It's all he had and considered deserving off after surviving being raised by a Gallagher-Kerring. Sébastien had no idea how his landing actually unfolded as he kept his eyes shut, chanting reassurances under his breath, all he knew was that one second he was facing certain death, the next he felt his parachute hook onto something. "What the-", he could still hear faint shouts behind him, as his harness pulled at his body, feet dangling uselessly midair instead of touching the ground below, "I'm alive? Fuck. Gotta move." His hands shook as he grasped at the buckles, willing for his fingers to cooperate and undo them before whatever advantage he had on his attackers would vanish entirely.
"It's not that high. Nope.", he lied to himself, feeling idiotic for fearing such small drop after having literally dove out from a plane and risked his life for thrills. He held his breath as the final straps keeping him suspended gave way and gravity brought him down, his not so graceful but loosened stance softening his fall to a degree. With racing heart he relaxed into the grass beneath him, his victory becoming shortlived as he looked up and met a pair of angry eyes, then his gaze lowered, stopping at the rifle cluthed in the bloody grip of the unkept man looming above him. "Friendly, kind sir.", he whispered and shimmied back until his helmet made contact with something solid. It's just a big stone. Yeah. Not a leg connected to a person. It's what went through his mind despite suspecting reality was different and granted, when his head twisted to glance at what he had run into in his attempt to retreat, another just as equally furious seeming man greeted him by sneering his way. He would have bet a good chunk of money they were brothers, with the one behind him looking like he had been eating his vegetables and then some. "Fried-", a hand pulled him to his feet like he weighted nothing and made the word die before it formed fully, especially with how the longhaired Berserker wanna-be was holding onto his helmet, making him wonder if his grip would squish his head if nothing stood in its path. The fact he was taller than Sébastien didn't help, either. "We should call this in. Otis, get me Brother John on the line.", the shorter brother barked an order, attention shifting past the two. And then there were three?
His captor let out a low grunt, "We should, Bo… but he said he is to not be bothered today. Under any circumstance." "With the exception of anything related to the Deputy.", a third voice presumably belonging to Otis added, or at least it's what he hoped - that he wasn't about to be surrounded by a whole gang of trigger happy locals that took trespassing way too seriously. I wasn't even touching the ground. His hand inched up to his face, aiming for the clasp under his chin while Bo rubbed his dark beard, contemplating their options. "This Sinner fell from the sky.", he pointed his rifle at Sébastien, making him hold his breath in anticipation of the worst, "What if this is part of the Father's prophecy? A sign?" Sinner? Father? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? Did I travel back in time? Sébastien forced a laugh, "It's called skydiving, have you people not heard of it? You know, plane, jumping, freefalling, then parachuting the rest of the-" The Berserker shook him in warning, its threatening tone not halting his concealed efforts at freeing himself, "SHUT UP." "Sorry. Just-" "I said shut your mouth, Sinner before you become an Angel.", the sentence was uttered through gritted teeth, before the man addressed his shorter look-alike, "Or the Sinners are sending in reinforcements, airdropping them, hoping we'd be caught off guard." Like I have a chance at taking you all out. I've been hitting the gym, but not that HARD. "Call this in, Otis. Brother John would like to know.", Bo concluded with a nod.
The second the command was spoken out loud, the clasp securing the helmet to Sébastien's head came undone. Before any of the three men could blink, he was making a run for it, discarding the piece of equipment as years of running track in highschool came back to him, but instead of running to impress his father, he was running for his life. "GRAB HIM.", the scream Bo released pushed him to speed up, his calves and whole body really aching from the fall while his eyes remained glued ahead, knowing glancing back would do him no good. Only add to his raising panic, feeding a different level of adrenaline. With the rustling behind him signaling the nearing recapture, he vaulted the fence that stood between him and freedom, leaping onto the road and almost getting ran over by a white truck in the process. His hands rose up as to shield him as Sébastien saw his life flash before him for a second time that day before whoever was behind the wheel hit the breaks hard, forcing the vehicle to an abrupt stop inches away from him. "I'M CROSSING HERE, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.", he yelled and hit the truck's hood for good measure, and he would have been embarrassed by how high pitched the words were, if he wasn't absolutely furious. I'm a Gallagher-Kerring. His brain didn't even fully register the strange cross painted on the vehicle or how it matched the one on his pursuers' sweaters. "Get down.", a deep voice responded before a shot rang out and he ducked without a second thought, scrambling towards the side of the truck as bullets began flying. A rumbling noise sounded from the treeline, followed by a red light exploding in the sky. A flare.
Sébastien watched in horror, suspecting more trouble was headed his way when the gunfire died down as fast as it had started. "Hey.", a door slammed shut, making him move further away from the passenger's side of the truck while the same voice from before added, "You alive, jaywalker?" Boots crunched against the gravel as he rounded the front of the vehicle, his determined approach and the fact he was armed activating Sébastien's fight or flight instincts. "Stay back.", he hollered as a blond man, who couldn't have been older than him, came into view. "Easy now.", a laughter escaped him when he shoved his gun in the waistband of his jeans, his palm circled his own face then pointed at him, "Did you fall into a bush?" "No." "Got caught in the cattle fence as little ducky was crossing the road? Where's your mama?", Sébastien eyed his outstretched arm with suspicious before reluctantly grabbing it so he can help him up. He shook of the man's hold, putting safe distance between them as he braced for another attack. "Skydiving into a tree.", he muttered under his breath and a realization dawned on him, "YOU- YOU- DUCKY?" The stranger shrugged as he regarded him from head to toe before swiveling on his heel, "Yellow. Duck. Wasn't me who picked that outfit, chief. Would you rather me call you baby chick? That was option B. Felt too on the nose."
His anger rose back to the surface as the man climbed back into his truck and he spun to stare at him through the rolled down window, "You have no idea who you're talking to!" All he got initially was a slow, unimpressed blink, "Do tell, your Majesty?", he tapped his watch, an old looking thing, "But make it quick." "I-", his mouth snapped shut. A smirk came over the man across him, "Well? You shy? I'd start first, name's Calahan. Calahan Hartley. Your turn." "Sébastien Theodore Phoenix Sawyer Thatcher Landon Nicholas Gallagher-Kerring.", his full name spilled out, making him feel like he was at the front of his class, confusing everyone and then himself by the reaction it always got out of people. Blond eyebrows twisted in confusion before Calahan released a chuckle, the usual of recognition upon speaking the Gallagher-Kerring name nowhere in sight, "Wait. Are you actually for real?" "It's my name." "Jesus. Your parents hate you or something, bud?", he leaned back into his seat, giving him a first look at the bodies laying on the road a few feet away from them, the pools of blood making him woozy. In turn, Hartley seemed completely at ease, like he hadn't just taken out three men and potentially saved his life. Sébastien frowned, "No." Silence took over before Calahan cleared his throat and nodded at the passenger's side, "You need a ride?" "I will pass." "Be my guest, your Majesty, just a friendly word of advice… that red flare? Means more of those fuckers are coming as reinforcements and I ain't sticking around to play your bodyguard, I'm on a tight schedule. When they roll up, just say you're ready for your Cleansing and praise the Father."
"You're not one of them?" "Hell no." A sigh left Sébastien before his fingers lowered to the door handle, "They shot at me." "Their usual modus operandi with all of us locals. Where?" He pulled at his sleeve until the place where one of the bullets had grazed his upper arm peeked through, crimson marrying the yellow material. "Have seen worse, far worse." "Are you serious?" Mischief shone in his eyes, "You're gonna live, bud, I promise, giving ya the word of a Hope County Deputy. Last chance, are you hitching a ride with me or going for a Peggie pick-up? John is going to have a field day with ya." As he said that, he stepped on the gas enough for the vehicle to inch forward, clearly enjoying the precicament Sébastien had found himself in and how riled up he got at his words. "Who's John?", he asked as he settled into the passenger seat. "It's a long story, short one is: someone you don't want to mess with. How about you start tellin' me how you ended up here and why these three were chasing you?" "It's a long story.", Sébastien parrotted back, finding himself unable to shake off the bitereness at the man's previous comments. "Cheer up, your Majesty. I should be sulking at you for almost denting my truck, after the hassle it was to steal." "I have a name. And you stole a truck?" Calahan rolled his eyes, "Among other things. So, what should I call you for short because I ain't reciting that long-ass name back to you…"
His hands crossed over his chest as Calahan put the truck into drive, "Nothing." "Rubber ducky it is, then." "Maurizio's fine.", he grumbled, causing the Deputy to laugh again. So happy to be providing entertainment for you. "That wasn't even among the names you listed, chief. I think." "It's what friends call me." "Uh-oh, did I get upgraded to a friend?" "Absolutely not." "Ouch.", Calahan rubbed his chest, "Hurts almost as a bullet. You part of a dynasty?" "Something like that. Why were they shooting at me?" "Cult took over after we tried to arrest their leader, has the whole county on lockdown and communications cut off, hence why I was askin' how you got here." "What, I don't look like a local?" He snorted, "Do I start with your outfit, posh accent, or long name that won't fit on a name tag?" "I'm regretting my choice to hitchhike already." "Hey, no offense. You asked. Plus, you need to flag me down first, not jump out in the middle of the road like you're trying to trap me into paying you damages." Sébastien ignored the apology, "How do I get to Missoula?" "You listening to anything I just said? Or did you hit your head as you fell down? Lockdown." Denial seeped into his system at the fact he was stranded in the wrong place, "I need a ride to Missoula." "Can't do."
"I will pay you.", he patted the inside pocket of his suit, the wad of cash he carried around for emergencies giving him a sense of comfort. "As tempting as that sounds, we're in a middle of a holy war, so I can't be your personal driver." "I need to make a call then. You got a cell?" He had left his own behind, knowing his father would immediately track him down otherwise, now he kind of wished he would have left a trail to follow. Certainly, would have solved his 'stuck in the middle of a hostile conflict' problem promptly. Calahan groaned, "You truly ain't listening." The truck drove past a sign announcing they're entering 'Fall's End.', and his attention drifted off again, forcing his reluctant driver to call out his nickname. "What?" "I asked if you're fine making a quick stop on the way to the doctor's. I know you have to get that fatal wound treated ASAP." "Stop where?" Various structures lined the road on both sides, some burned down, others appearing like they had housed a face-off or two. "Here.", the vehicle rolled to a stop in front of a relatively spared building, the neon sign of a woman in just her bikini and a set of wings drawing his gaze. "A bar? It's barely past noon." He had no idea why he had even muttered that, considering he himself had participated in far worse activities in his lifetime, ones that often created a media storm Frank Gallagher-Kerring paid a fortune to bury. "You can stay in the car, posh boy. I won't be long."
Calahan didn't wait for his reply, quickly exiting the car without sparing him a look as he strutted inside the bar. "Fuck this.", Sébastien slammed the door with way too much force, contemplating if he should try to track down a working phone line, no matter how much he dreaded crawling back to his father that soon. This is hardly a proper rebellion. At the end, he dragged himself towards the bar, the bell's jiggle cutting off whatever conversation Calahan was having with a woman and by the knowing look she gave him, he was most likely the subject of it. "Mary May, this is…", Hartley paused, expecting he would just introduce himself, then turned around to shoot him a glance, "Humor me. I saved your life." "Sébastien Gallagher-Kerring." "Hilarious. You forgot like 20 names." "Whatcha drinking?", the blonde nodded his way. "Organic tea?" Before he knew it, she was placing a quick kiss against Calahan's cheek before backing away with an annoyed expression, "I hate you, you know that, Rookie?" "The feeling of being right.", he sighed and locked his hands at the nape of his neck, leaning back in the chair he was occupying. "Sorry, I'm lost.", Sébastien uttered out as he slid into the seat next to his. "You're in a bar in Montana.", Mary May began and placed an empty glass in front of him, "Closest you'd get to me making you tea, even at lunch is serving you lukewarm water with some of my spit in it. Organic." Calahan leaned in, whispering loudly, "Also known as blatant disrespect. Which I would advise against." "Damn right. You order liquor.", she chimed in as she poured him a drink, "With how pale you are, it might even do you some good."
"Man went through his first Peggie encounter, Angel." "And then Zorro got to his face and bold choice of outfit, too?" It was the second time someone had commented on his face, making him wonder if he wanted to see the damage done by his landing while his hand ran across his clean-shaven cheek. "Skydiving." At the same moment Calahan said, "Maurizio hugged a tree… and it hugged him back." "No wonder he asked for organic tea." "He is also in the room.", Sébastien retorted back before he brought the glass to his lips, hoping the alcohol look make his situation seem less hopeless, or at least take care of the constant dull pain in his arm. The bell chimed behind him, and while he ignored the sound, choosing to wallow in his bad luck, Hartley spun around in his seat and let out a low whistle directed at whoever had arrived. "Chief! Come meet a noble." "Noble?", there was humor in the newcomer's voice as he slapped his back and leaned against the bar. Sébastien could feel him staring and he reluctantly lifted his gaze, meeting a pair of friendly blue eyes. "See this face, ducky? You see someone like him but covered in tattoos and rambling about sin and the Power of Yes,", Calahan waves his hand towards the man's face like he was giving a lesson, "you run the other way. Preferably not in front of my truck." "Very funny, Cal.", the dark haired man grumbled out, before reaching his arm across him for a handshake, "Leslie Parish. Don't mind him. I look nothing like John." "Still in denial." "Sébastien Gallagher-Kerring." "Well, now that you two are acquainted, Les, do you feel like givin' me a hand and taking this one to the doc? Peggies gave him a boo-boo." After blowing a kiss to Mary May Calahan jumped out of his chair, pushing the door open just as Leslie finally realized he was being entrusted to take care of a complete stranger, "Should I expect trouble?" He smirked at the question, "From me or him? Both debatable."
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Tagging @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @direwombat @purplehairsecretlair @jillvalentinesday @unholymilf @florbelles @madparadoxum @strafethesesinners @nightbloodbix @voidika @theelderhazelnut @clicheantagonist @wrathfulrook @dumbassdep @cassietrn @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @harmonyowl @aceghosts @shegetsburned @onehornedbeast and anyone that would like to share anything this week <3
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yo, do you think Netflix could make a better Moon knight show than Disney plus?
And other than Oscar Isaac, who would you cast as Moony?
I mean daredevil Netflix is better than most mcu movie so a Netflix moon knight show might be better than the Disney one
Alright, thank you for your time :D have a nice day!
Oh that's a tough question.
I absolutely adored the Netflix Daredevil. Specifically season 1. The hallway fight scene is my happy place. Netflix is known for blowing it out of the water When They Want To. Not to mention the casting was the single best casting job I've ever seen. And Frank Castle? They couldn't have done better.
Since Disney has not actually taken the reigns of Dare Devil yet, it's hard to say how they will choose to carry on the story or what different choices they will make.
But the real difference in the two? How much they are willing to invest. Because it really was all about the script, the direction, and the cast.
You see, Marvel (And Disney) tend to have very strong opinions about what happens in their movies. And these choices have affected many of the movies in very negative ways. Often leaving the directors, writers, and actors very frustrated.
They also tend to heavy hand things and put a lot of pressure on directors. Not to mention that Marvel has an ultimate goal to reach and when you start interconnecting things, it's going to get MESSY.
My biggest joy in Moon Knight was how it was a stand alone and not involved in a larger messy plot with an end goal of tying him into a larger franchise to make movies and more money.
It's a big worry. The more big characters you have involved, the less time you are going to have to establish and develop each individual character and their relationships. And since Moon Knight has his own inter-system relationships to deal with first, there is a HEAVY chance things are going to get overlooked or underutilized or cast aside in favor of a quick fix or sloppy story telling (Looking at you End Game).
I think that the Moon Knight we got in season 1 was absolutely amazing and that was in large because of the freedom that was given to the cast and crew and director of the show. The absolute freedom and research and care they put into it. I'm not sure they would have had that financial ability if Netflix had done it. Not to mention they would have put limits on the set design and location. Disney has that lovely ability to just go "You want the Wadi desert? Let's go."
And OSCAR. This man MADE Moon Knight. His own research, input, and creative suggestions. He was the one that gave Steven the accent. He cast his brother as his body double. He even chose to do the single shot mirror dialogue with Marc and Steven. That's a flex that a lot of actors can't do. There have been MANY that have tried to play multiple characters and complained about how hard it was the whole time. Oscar took it as a fun walk in the park. I honestly can't imagine anyone else doing a better job or even as good a job as he did. If they had used anyone else, it couldn't have been a well known name. It would have had to be a new person. (All though I did just try to imagine Ryan Gosling as Marc for the briefest of moments and it gave me some serious Smallwood vibes. That Smallwood scrunkle on that face? Yes.)
And trust me, when I heard they were making a Moon Knight show with Disney, I was skeptical as hell going in. I'm super protective of my boys. I feared the worst. I have never been happier to have been wrong. I hope I continue to be wrong with season 2. I WANT it to be just as amazing. I want it to blow me out of the water and destroy me like season 1 did. So I'm just sitting here holding my breath and trying not to think about all the ways they could seriously mess it up. (there are so many).
Uh... Did that answer your question?
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
Hello my love! I love the way you write Frank (AND Matt, but im in a Frank mood tonight). I’m not sure if you’re taking requests rn, but if you are, I love to submit one!! Tbh I’m so sick of how douchey guys are these days on apps, and the “oh you just wanted a free meal” behavior and dating rn is the fucking worst. What’s your take on a situation where you’re friends with Frank and you complain about how badly men behave these days, and he offers to take you on a real date and treat you right? Bc I could use a Frank to rescue me and treat me right rn 😫
hello my darling! thank you so much, omg. you're too kind🥺
ok first of all when I say you are PREACHING to the damn CHOIR !!! I tried a few dating apps and I loathed every single one of them. straight up was not having a good time. it was an absolute travesty, so I feel for you so hard right now angel.
this is my first time doing a headcannon so this is super exciting and i'm happy we get to do this together!! because you absolutely DESERVE a frankie to rescue you and treat you right because you are a goddamn CATCH you are a GLOWING GODDESS and anyone should be so heckin LUCKY as to go on a date with you ❤️
headcannon is going to be below the cut bc y'all know I get carried away, especially with my baby frankie
frank castle & dating apps
first things first: frank castle is very old fashioned, so the idea of a dating app probably not only confuses the fuck out of him but also makes him grimace. like the man without a doubt hates texting, preferring an actual phone call instead, and most likely comes up with a million different threats to your security and worst case scenarios when you teach him about online dating
"don't you wanna meet someone the old fashioned way? how can you tell they're not a complete asshole just by a picture and a few words? what if they ain't who they say they are? you still got that knife I gave ya?"
frank already made you share your location with him a long time ago for safety reasons but now makes you text him the address of wherever it is you're going on these "dates" as well as check in with him every hour
he would probably be adamant about coming with you and sitting in a corner somewhere so he could keep an eye on you but you quickly shot that down bc it's frank and he's very hard to miss and you would have a hard time explaining to your date why that big guy across the room looks like he's seconds away from committing murder (you know exactly which look i'm talking about)
frank requests you send him a picture of whatever guy you're meeting just in case he needs to hunt him down find him if you don't check in or something happens, and never hesitates to offer a look of utter disdain and merciless judgment when you finally send it
"really? you're goin' on a date with this? the options on them apps that goddamn bad, sweetheart?"
frank is extremely shameless in verbally eviscerating every single guy you show him or tell him about and never misses an opportunity to make his opinions known
one night you storm into his apartment without knocking (a common occurrence he's finally gotten used to) and plop down next to him on the couch with a glass a wine (he made a mental note to keep the kind you like on hand at all times) and start to vent about your latest disaster date
the guy made you drive nearly an hour out of your way to meet him at a sketchy dive bar, spent the whole night talking about himself and cutting you off every time you spoke, and then had the AUDACITY to ask you to cover the tab because he "forgot" his wallet at home (this actually happened to me once)
frank can't take it anymore. this online dating thing has been going on for months and every time you vent to him about these assholes, it gets harder and harder for him to control his feelings for you because he's supposed to be your friend and the guys you've been going out with look nothing like him and as much as he wants to be with you, he's scared to ruin the one good thing he has. so, frank hatches a plan
"alright, I can't take this shit anymore. don't make plans friday night. we're goin' out."
he says it so nonchalantly, you almost don't catch what he means. you splutter out your wine, staring over at frank because there's no way he just asked you out on a date??? frank catches your look and offers a timid smile, reaching over to squeeze your knee gently
"relax. i'm just gonna show you what a real date should be like. you've been on so many shitty ones, I don't even know if you know what a good one is. let me help you raise your standards a bit."
let me tell you something, frank castle knows a thing or two about romance. this man goes ALL OUT. picking you up at your door (on time, early even), flowers in hand (your favorites bc he actually listens when you talk), is the most dressed up you've ever seen him (it's a dress shirt and jeans but he's usually covered in blood so), opens all the doors for you and pulls out your chair, takes you to a restaurant he knew you would love bc he knows your favorite dish & dessert, spends the whole night asking you questions about things he's always wanted to know about you, makes you laugh with silly jokes and stories, and tells you several times throughout the night how beautiful he thinks you look
you've always had a crush on frank (how could you not honestly) so you were a nervous wreck about the whole thing and what it meant for your friendship and if he was just doing this to be nice because he felt sorry for you or if he actually liked you back
but the date is not only the best one you've ever been on but also the easiest because it's frank and he's your best friend and you've never felt more comfortable or at ease with someone and when the check comes it makes your heart sink because you never want this date to end, even if it isn't real
the entire walk back to your apartment there's a palpable nervous energy between the two of you and his hands are in his pockets but you desperately wish they were holding yours and when you stop at your door there's a million thoughts racing through your head that you wanna say but the look in frank's eyes steals the oxygen straight out of your lungs
"listen I uh...know I said this was just to show you how a real date should be and what not, and I did mean that but...I really just wanted to show you how you should be treated ya'know. how...how I would treat you, if you'd let me. i'd give you the goddamn world if you asked, sweetheart. I don't know if I read tonight wrong, but I know I could be the right man for you, and I think you know that too. at least, I hope you do. there's nothin' I wouldn't do for you, honey. I understand if you don't feel the same way-"
you don't even let frank finish that sentence before you're dragging him down by his collar and crashing your lips together because holy shit frank, your frank, wants you just as much as you want him
needless to say you invite him up and show him just how much you want him despite his weak attempt at trying to continue to be a gentleman
"sweetheart, we can take it slow. I don't mind-" "frank I swear to god if you don't take your pants off right now, i'm never kissing you again." "yes ma'am."
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muppetsbunker · 1 year
Can you tell us more headcanons for Frank and Eddie in college AU?
sure thing! i'll list them all here! ^_^
frank wasn't born in nyc - he moved in from yorktown around junior high, while eddie comes from new orleans, lousiana! he often forgets the name of places, but not the appearance and streets of a location. it's why he tends to call new orleans by other names.
eddie volunteers at an animal shelter in his spare time, writing letters to adoptees congratulating them on their new best friends! he spends time with all kinds of animal, usually playing with the dogs or petting the cats. eddie's favorites have to be the kittens - he loves holding them in his large hands...
frank rides a 1973 oldmobile omega to work. it has fuzzy dice and this bumper sticker that one of his students gave him as a present. he fucking hates it, absolutely DREADS the fact this is a thing. and yet, he placed the sticker on his car to make them smile.
eddie gives nicknames to everyone in his phone, and then forgets who they actually are 60% of the time. so, he calls them by what he named them in his contacts. he nicknamed frank as 'sunshine', so eddie refers to frank as 'sunshine' during their phone calls.
frank tends to brew tea, rather than coffee. tea is delicate and gentle, it doesn't blast his tastebuds like coffee. his favorite type is mint tea!
frank thrifts his clothes to save money and collects coupons to use before they expire. he budgets in order to afford saving for his taxidermy butterfly collection!
eddie and frank share the kitchen together, usually chatting when they're prepping and cleaning.
when frank isn't in his office, eddie stops by during his lectures to hang out. his constant visits to frank's lecture halls and offices were caught onto by the university's students, kick-starting a rumor that they're an item. (an accurate prediction!)
i don't want to keep going on and on - but, those are some headcanons!
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foreversecrets · 2 years
Foot In Mouth
Rogers Family Expansion
Paring: Frank x Daphne
Summary: Living together Frank encouraged Daphne to explore hobbies and acitivies she'd enjoy but doesn't have the most encouraging response once she finds her passion.
Despite Frank and Daphne being one of the earliest couples to get together, they were nearly the last to get married. For the longest time Daphne ‘lived’ in Franks’ guest room though she  frequently found herself having sleepovers in his bedroom. Shortly after the divorce they sat down and set boundaries and laid out their relationship. They both acknowledged their affection towards one another but mindful of the neglectful marriage Daphne had just escaped from, Frank put the progress of their relationship entirely into her hands. She didn’t want to fall back into the loop of marriage, though he hadn’t meant James had caused her so much mental turmoil she was almost afraid of marriage. 
She wanted to make her own decisions independent from the expectations of everyone else, she didn’t want to be the woman her parents raised her to be, didn’t want to be the homemaker marriage had made her out to be, but the problem was she didn’t know what else there was to her. Everything in her life had been decided for her up until she fell in love with Frank so now she was stuck at a point where she didn’t believe she had any individuality. She struggled to branch out at first, her ideas being small like trying a recipe for dinner she found online instead of something she knew how to cook, or teaching herself how to properly iron Frank’s button up shirts. 
While Frank was trying to be supportive he gently advised her that her branching out should be activities outside the ones outside the house maintenance. 
He suggested she assisted Chloe get things rolling for the bakery she wanted to open, right now Chloe was working out her and Curtis’ house while she tried to find a location and place a bid. She’d been so excited but after day two she solemnly told Frank she wouldn’t be returning to help Chloe, too many customers had complained about incorrect change or products being damaged in transit. Ever encouraging, he asked Annie to show Daff some of her skills thinking maybe she could become Aria’s personal assistant as she’d been looking for one since she’d been more focused on her modeling agency lately over her actual modeling. But an incident with burnt coffee being spilled all over Aria in a one of a kind gown had the designer screaming at Daphne, Aria tore the man a new one and terminated her contract with him but she had to let Daff go. Aria was frustrated by the situation but she reminded Daphne that no one had the right to speak to her in that manner. Then Curtis offered to pay her to help him work in his garden he’d let go during Chloe’s recovery from the Rumlow trail leaving an overabundance of weeding to be done. And while there was no disaster there she found she hated it, so she hopelessly gave, returning to things she knew. Cooking and cleaning for the Adler household, which Frank didn’t mind but he knew it was important to her to find someone for herself, to help her grow outside of who she was forced into being. He had to ride the line of being encouraging without making her feel like he was nagging her because he was content to just have her in his arms.
Returning to a schedule of housekeeping she finally found something she was passionate about and was moderately good at, unfortunately Frank’s response was poor. 
Watching house flipper shows with Frank and playing sims with Mary she found herself enjoying the decorating of a home or businesses. She started picturing what types of furniture would look nice in their house, which colors would set certain moods like:a warm welcoming living room, cozy comfortable bedroom, clean and orderly bathroom, lively and joyful kitchen. She loved it but she was lacking in confidence so she decided to try her skills out on the Adler House, Frank had said he wanted her to treat it as her own house when she’d first moved in but all she’d brought was clothing and her toiletries so far. But now she was ready to push the limits of her skills and change the vibe of their home.
When Frank came home the day she redid the kitchen aesthetic (she wanted to remodel but she wasn’t sure that was something she should do without Frank’s input), he put on a bright smile and offered positive words for her. But 3 weeks into the room by room changes, he snapped. A rough day at work reviewing Delilah and Ransom’s months allowance had left him with a massive headache. Why the hell did Ransom need a $600 leather keyboard and why was his sister subscribed to a month-to-month dog treat box-she didn’t even have a dog! Rough day followed by him coming home and tripping over the new shoe rack that was supposed to add organization and distress to whatever had his fuse rising dangerously close to blowing. When he entered the kitchen he saw the crock pot out and on, hoping seeing dinner would bring his anger down slightly he leaned over to look but his gaze was instead drawn to a receipt for $1500. Fucking what?! She did their bedroom today, what could she have possibly purchased!
“Daphne!” He called out.
“Bedroom, honey.” she sang out. He walked the path to their bedroom, reading off the items on the receipt until he entered the bedroom that was done up with neutral tones, more photographs of the now three person family but all the furniture was the same as it had been. “Do you like it?”
“Like you? You spend $342 on decorative pillows.”
She nodded eagerly, “There was a bogo so I got two!” 
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with a decorative pillow!”
“Well it helps bring ….” she trailed off not really knowing what to say and finally picking up on Frank’s foul mood. 
He’d never directed his ire at her and he was right, the price was ridiculous for a decorative pillow now that she thought about it. It wasn’t even her money, it was his, he had every right to be mad at her. Though he’d given her that card to use how she wanted, this was taking advantage of his generosity. 
“I’m sorry, you’re right.'' The crack in her voice diluted Frank’s anger as he realized what he’d said and how he was mistreating her. “I’ll fix it tomorrow, but for now I think the beef stew is ready.”
“Daff wait!”
“Mary, dinner is ready. Come help me set the table please.” 
Sighing, Frank threw the receipt on the dresser and changed into his loungewear. He’d apologize after dinner and make things right, her food always put him in a better mood so he’d be more equipped to handle the situation delicately. But after dinner Mary had needed help with homework-turns out she hated English. Then when he went to fix things, Daphne had locked herself in the guestroom, so he pushed it off until the morning. Again she distanced her by using Mary, taking the kid to school before Frank emerged from his bedroom. He called her at lunch and she led the conversation, not letting him get his apology out by focusing on what he wanted for dinner the next week. He thought maybe things had resolved with time but when he came home from work that night, when he went to put his shoes in the rack, he found it missing. In fact every change she made to the house apart from her personal belongings had been reverted back to how it looked when she first moved in. Panic surged, thinking she’d left altogether, a relieved sigh slipping out when he found her in the kitchen cooking. 
“Honey?” when she turned to look at him he instantly picked up on her despondent eyes. The look on her face was reminiscent of the first day they met, the melancholy he hadn’t seen since the divorce had been finalized. “What’s going on?”
“I’m making dinner silly.” she forced a smile and a giggle. 
“Don’t do that, please.” Slow tears started falling down his cheeks. “Don’t pretend to be happy. Don’t let our relationship mirror your previous marriage.”
“I’m not,” she gently patted his check and went back to breaking up the hamburger meat. “I just realized what I do best is in the home and that's where all my energy should be.” 
“No, honey!” 
“I thought you liked-”
“No you are good at that but that’s not all you’re good at! The changes you’d made to the house were nice.”
“I shouldn’t have changed anything without your permission and I shouldn’t have used your money. I’m sorry Frank.” 
“Daphne, the changes you made helped this house truly feel like a home. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you and your efforts.” 
“My intentions weren’t to make you angry.”
“It wasn’t you, I just directed it at you because you were there. It was wrong and I am sorry.”
“Did you actually like the changes?” she asks, sounding hopeful. 
“I did,” he places his hands on her hips. “I didn’t understand all of it but I liked the additions.”
“Can I put everything back?” she rocked a bit on her feet. “Most of it is still in my car, I only had time to return the bedroom stuff.”
“You can and maybe once we put everything back you can help Chloe renovate the bakery? She found and closed on a building but it needs a lot of work. It would be a good opportunity to start building a portfolio.” 
“That’s a great idea.”
Together, as a family, Frank, Mary, and Daphne brought back the items Daphne hadn’t returned and placed the items back where she’d originally placed them. It took most of the weekend but it was the perfect chance for Daff to finally fully move into Frank’s bedroom with him.
This minor hiccup in their relationship being resolved was the reassurance she needed to progress in their relationship, though she still wasn’t ready for marriage. It wasn’t until she began to gain notoriety for her small design business that changed. After redoing the bakery, Frank had her do his office at work which led to Aria asking for her to do the lobby of her modeling agency. With Aria’s approval of how well she’d done, she gained her support publicly which brought in clientele far too quickly for her to manage the projects she received. Within 6 months she had a year-long waiting list. 
For the first time in her life she felt like her own person, not dependent on anyone else and successful all on her own. She didn’t and would never again have to rely on someone else for her survival. Though Frank still made more than her, if their relationship ended she would land on her feet, only having to deal with the heartbreak of loss. It was her financial independence that finally had Daphne giving the go ahead for marriage, putting the ball back in Frank’s court. But she told him to take his time and ready himself, adjust to the changes in her life before determining if he wanted a future with her. 
His first instinct was of course he was ready but he’d been patiently waiting on the sidelines during her character development-staying stagnant-so he considered her advice and waited. He went to Sarah and Annie for their sage wisdom to know when he was ready and when to propose. They told him to picture two lives one with Daff and one without but he couldn’t imagine the second option, when he’d voiced it the women smiled and told him he was ready. The next day he picked up Daphne’s best friend, Blair, and his sister-in-law Annie to aid him in his ring shopping though he wouldn’t propose for several more months. 
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thequietmanno1 · 29 days
Thelreads, MHA 293, Replies Part 1
1) “Oh my god man, now shit’s gonna get real! Even though he’s not gonna be able to do much against Shigaraki. Or Machia. Okay, he’s not exactly the ace that will save everyone, but we’re still glad he’s back, for Chapter 293: Hero-Saturated Society.”-Honestly? (points to the devastation wrought by each individual and the ongoing chaos) I don’t think there’s anyone who can save everybody from this. Not even All Might in his prime can stop multiple S-tier calamities like these erupting simultaneously across the country, and these poor heroes are forced to face them back to back. At this point, it’s trying to contain the damage, not stop it completely, and they need all hands on deck for that. 2) “Also, where are the girls? There’s only the boys here, also is that evil Midoriya next to Shigaraki?”- It seems to be a minor list of all the major fighters still up and running in this battle, so judging by the fact he’s standing next to Tomura I’m gonna assume that’s what Dabi would look like if he wasn’t self-cremated and still had his hair dye in. 3) “Oh yeah, there’s my baby after bringing back the power from my other baby.
Eri takes it and Eri gives it back, her power is unmatched.”- Eri’s power is so game-breaking that it’s actually pretty impressive to me how Horikoshi’s been avoiding making her too much of an OP crutch for the heroes to rely on, mangling themselves without fear of the long-term repercussions with Eri in their corner. 4) “Didn’t you saw the last panel Midoriya? Eri is the reason he’s here. Unless you meant how he knew to come to this specific location, which, being honest, is not that hard to guess, just following the trail of destruction and bodies Machia left”- To be frank, Izuku’s been so preoccupied stopping Tomura and all the little head-games that have been going on between their Quirks that I don’t think he’s fully processed the implications of what Machia’s appearance here means for everything left behind him. Gonna be a nasty shock to add to the growing pile. 5) “FUCK YOU MIRIO WE HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN AGES OF COURSE WE ARE NOSTALGIC ABOUT YOU”- It was even longer with all the weekly releases for us….well, I guess maybe not, what with finishing off the Vigilante alcohol binge for you.
6) “Also, jesus fuck man she told him about the super secret battle plan even though he was no longer a hero student and didn’t even had a quirk anymore, c'mon girl we know that Mirio is trustworthy, but that was reckless!”-She also knows him/worked with him directly as another hero intern under Nighteye’s office before the management change, so it’s like she informed a co-worker she’d known for a long time about the upcoming plan, which adds a little bit to her verification of Miro’s trustworthiness. Besides, in the same vein that having a goal to strive towards can make you push past your limits, knowing there was a big upcoming battle could have pushing Miro more into trying to regain his powers, giving her another reason to tell him. 7) “Well Mirio, hate to break it to you but you’re a bit bigger than a bug or lizard, not to say that there might be other side-effects of rewinding you half a year.
Although considering you’re here fighting I suppose that was not the case”- If there were any, I’d think they’d show up as a long-term deal, and right now, that’s a hypothetical problem they can afford to put aside whilst they focus on the present and distressingly immediate. 8) “AIZAWA GAVE THE NOD OF APPROVAL FOR HIS DAUGHTER TO LET HER POWER LOOSE
ERI SHALL HEAL THEE LIKE JESUS DID”- He’s also the metaphorical brake to her runaway powerhouse of a power, so she needs him nearby anytime she’s thinking of unleashing her Quirk in any degree, even after having better control of the “speed”. 9) “Yeah Mirio, thank you for showing up, we’re extremely happy to see you, but unfortunately you can’t do much to actually take them down. I doubt you could punch them hard enough to make them pass out.”- Miro dumped all his skill points into speed, evasion and defence, leaving him with pretty lacklustre offense against beings a jacked teenager can’t knock out in a single punch – and that’s exactly the kind of monstrous footsoldier AFO’s been honing all these years. 10) “…
Well okay, sure, I guess that the best option would be to call for help, but, who’s gonna come help you now? Everybody is already here!”- Other than his personal skills, Miro’s greatest ability is his awareness of his own shortcomings and limitations, making him a fantastic team player whenever he shows up, knowing when to delegate tasks he can’t handle himself to somebody better qualified and unafraid to show this, unlike other, more prideful heroes who might bluff about it and give a false sense of security. 11) “…
Is that Bakugo? Is Bakugo coming here? Wasn’t he already around? After he almost died that is”- Bakugo is the embodiment of “I didn’t hear no bell”…if only because he blew the bell up before he started fighting. Besides, he has extra motivation to push himself back from the brink of death, what with needing to fulfil his promise to Jeanist to tell him his incredibly serious and well-thought-out hero name the next time they spoke. 12) “fuck it was bakugo.but I swear, I thought he was there on the floor after he got stabbed by Shigaraki back in chapter 286”- He was on the floor, but then he got himself back off the floor, and doesn’t plan to hit it again until the heroes have won…somehow.
13) “Oh thank god Nejire is okay, even though she got half of her body burned like that.”- Proof that Bakugo’s not an outlier, every hero is equally capable of standing back up to continue the fight…and so unfortunately are the villains too.
14) “Also, wait, is Bakugo gonna reveal his hero name? We didn’t heard what it was so far right? In just assumed it would be Bakugo. Or kacchan. God I hope it’s kacchan.”- It’s better!
15) “what”-   Shush you, this is the greatest name he could have picked.
16) “Mirio it wasn’t meant to be funny, Bakugo is just always thinking about murder 24/7”- It might just have been because of his hang-time running out, but Bakugo looks like he face-planted in disappointment after Miro misunderstood the purpose of his name. @thelreads
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cocomanga · 3 months
The Sweetest Beat - Set 2
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Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Fem!Reader,
CW: JJK AU. Daddy Kink, Noncon, Dubcon, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Oral, BDSM, Unprotected Sex, Edging, Drunk Sex, Aggressive Sex, Overstimulation, NPD Abuse/Trauma
Note: please block me if my work is not your cup-o-tea. I do not own any of the character art.
Reader is encouraged to listen to music mentioned for context :)
WC : 9K
<< The Sweetest Beat - Set 1
The Sweetest Beat - Set 3 >>
TSB - Masterlist ~ AO3 | Wattpad | Playlist
Synopsis: Megumi Fushiguro is the leader of a fresh new rock band. They're currently playing covers and gaining a following at an alarming rate, skyrocketing his career as an indie artist. But when his best friend introduces him to a beautiful someone and sparks fly, he's challenged to navigate her fear of loving freely.
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..... Minors: You have no business here. Love you, but please don't ....
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▶ SET 2 Hozier - Too Sweet Good Days - SZA Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy Guess - Lucky Daye Facts - H.E.R. Seigfried - Frank Ocean Stand Still- Sabrina Claudio Climbing Up the Walls - Radiohead Good & Plenty (Remix) Masego, Alex Isley, Lucky Daye
wattpad ~ ao3
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"Uuuhgghhhh!! Where are you, Dori!!!" Nobara whined, far too intoxicated to be hanging off of your shoulder.
People continued to spill out of the bar as you stood out front, waiting for Itadori to come back with the car.
"OMG Nobara, you're heavier than you look, girl." you whined back. "We can always take an Uber if he doesn't come back"
"No way! You need to get to that after party asap before one of these thots out here try to take your man!" She said, waving her hands around, motioning to all the girls standing outside the bar. She was so loud.
You covered your face in embarrassment. "Nobara calm the fuck down okay?!" you complained, in a whisper that was also far too loud.
It was pretty obvious they really were waiting for the band to come out. Fortunately for you guys, you knew where they'd be. As long as you didn't just get ditched by your ride. Itadori was supposed to meet you out front and drive you to the location of the after party. You were gonna follow the band, but apparently there are way too many people hanging around for that.
"Where the hell is heeeeee!!!" Nobara wailed, just in time for him to come around the corner WITHOUT the car.
You held your hands out toward Itadori while Nobara clung to your shoulder. "Dude, Seriously? Where's the car?"
"Come with me." Itadori grabbed Nobara from you, propping her up on his back as more people trickled out of the bar gathering at the front door.
Some of them, noticing Itadori, actually began following you as Nobara screamed from his back toward them, "Take y 'all's asses home!" It was kinda hilarious.
You followed him down the street a bit to the side of the building where one of the bouncers waited at the door, cracking it open, motioning for you to hurry as groupies scurried behind you.
"Thanks man!" Itadori said as he pushed you in first.
"I'm here to support you, brother." He turned to address the others, "Sorry girls, now is not your time."
He closes the door, which led to the emergency exit stairwell. you went up 2 flights and through another door back into the building.
He led you down a hall which was full of people.
"Oh my god," you said as you saw them all standing around.
"Yeah", the bouncer chuckled. "They say when the announcement was made online about Megumi bringing the band back home tonight, it went viral in a matter of hours. Most of these people got here too late, but they still wanna see the guys. They have another show here next week though so most of 'em will just have to wait."
"This is great for them, though, right?" You asked, genuinely happy for them that the response was so positive.
"It sure is", Yuji replied, "They'll be rock stars in no time at this rate"
He opened the door to the room where the band sat. "Ill be right outside if you need me, Bro."
"Thanks Todo". Itadori gave him dap as he shut the door behind you.
The room was pretty full. There was a large window directly across from the door that gave a clear view outside the front of the building where tons of people were still standing. There was a couch on the right side of the room, and a love seat directly across from it with a coffee table between them. Alcohol bottles, papers and miscellaneous junk was strewn about on it. Behind the loveseat was a bar counter which also held bottles and such, and had 3 bar stools nestled in front of it.
Behind the counter was a mini kitchen with a sink, cabinets and a fridge where Toge stood, drinking a beer. There was a bathroom door next to the kitchen.
Yuta and Maki sat on the barstools, talking, while Choso sat on the couch with a couple girls you didn't know. Music played in the room as they waited.
Hozier - Too Sweet
A gorgeous woman with long white hair bundled into a gigantic braid stood at the window watching all the commotion outside. "Well, we've still got a bit before he gets here, this crowd will likely thin out a little more by then, so give us a few minutes if you don't mind. We'll get you guys paid as soon as he arrives." … She peeked outside again "There's a lot going on out there so, its just as well. We'll wait it out a bit."
"He texted me. Says he's about 10 minutes away" Itadori responded as he checked his phone. He plopped down with Nobara on the second loveseat which was nestled against the wall next to the door that you entered through. "You okay"? He asked her as she adjusted herself on the seat.
"Yup, I'm good. Just need some water" Nobara leaned back on the couch, looking awfully tired and wasted.
"I got it." Yuta got up from the barstool and grabbed a bottled water that Toge pulled from the fridge.
You went over to sit on the seat across from Choso and his girls. You turned to Yuta, "Thank you." you said as he handed the water to Nobara.
Choso leaned in toward the coffee table to grab his beer. "What did you guys think of the show?" He asked, staring at you while he chugged it."
"Frankly, I thought you guys were fantastic. Your opening blew me away. The fact that you took on Dave Grohl with that level of conviction, and precision, was enough to let us all know you meant business".
Choso squinted with curiosity as he listened to you. "You know Dave Grohl huh?"
"Oh my god, of course" you laughed excitedly, "well, anyone who knows anything about rock should know him. I attended the Taylor Hawkins Tribute concert back in 22. THAT was insane. I actually own all 3 of Nirvana's studio albums, and 5 Foo Fighters."
Choso's head tilted slightly to the right. "Sounds like you got lucky this band just happened to know your playlist".
"Tch", you smirked. In order for you to execute my playlist sir, you'll need to add a couple songs from Janis Joplin, Bjork, Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone and maybe a few more intricate tracks from Thom Yorke under your belt."
He sat there, glaring at you holding a gulp of beer in his mouth as he looked over to Maki, who giggled at him.
"Although", you continued, "your vocals are insane too, Choso. How long have you been singing?"
He gulped his beer and shook his head, "Since I could talk".
You smirked, "Same" and flashed him a smile.
"Looks like the crowd's dispersing a little." the woman reported as she peeked through the curtain again. "Only a matter of time before they get tired of just standing around".
You looked around the room. It seemed everyone was present except... "Um, where's … ?"
A familiar scent lightly filled your nose as he leaned over the loveseat hovering his face a mere 2 inches from yours with a "Hey." He pushed himself up, circled around and plopped down right next to you, his legs stretching out surprisingly far. He lounged back into the seat pushing your thigh with his. He leaned to the left propping his elbow on the arm of the seat, and his head up with his hand as he fidgeted with his hair, leering at you.
You blushed pretty hard as you averted your eyes, turning your head to the right toward Nobara and Yuji. They looked at you like they were "cheesing" for a picture.
Suddenly, a tall blonde figure barges into the room. "See, this is the kind of shit that gets on my nerves."
The woman at the window greets him. "Good to see you made it Mr. Kento".
"Mei." he nodded. "It took too damn long, I'll tell you that. What the hell's going on out there? This is your first night isn't it?" he dropped a thick envelope onto the table in front of Megumi.
"Yup". Megumi grabs it and tucks it away inside one of the many pockets of his cargo pants. "Thanks."
"Cash App?" Toge chimed in.
Maki agreed, "Yeah, seriously".
"I don't have time for that shit." Mr. Kento snapped back. "Do you know how old I am? Use the bank in the morning, Kiddo."
"You have the receipt right, Kento?" Mei asked from the window.
"Yeah", he walked over and handed it to Mei.
"Looks like we all received a pretty penny tonight. We can certainly thank you guys for that." She said.
"We can go now, right?" Maki asked from the bar.
"Yup". Mr. Kento replied. "Lets get the hell outta here".
After signing a couple autographs for the crowd in the hall with Todo's help, and slinking past the stragglers outside, they managed to get to their van.
You rode with Itadori and Nobara.
Mei had reserved an Airbnb for them for the night. It was gorgeous. 3 bedrooms and a gigantic balcony overlooking the city.
You had never been in one before, and definitely not with a band. Does this officially make you a groupie?
Ugh... god forbid.
And... maybe you were. Megumi's presence certainly seemed to consume you. You felt so nervous around him it was starting to become annoying. Why couldn't you just get over it already? Yeah, he was so goddamn talented. Gorgeous. Sexy. You tried to shake it off. Whatever it was besides all that that made you want him so badly.
You all spread out in the condo finding some relaxing places to lounge while Choso turned on the radio to get some music started:
Good Days - SZA
Most of the night, you'd avoided Megumi's gaze considering the fact that you were still quite drunk, and you didn't wanna make a fool of yourself.
And you damn sure didn't wanna do anything you'd regret.
Or did you?
The guys ordered pizza and you and Nobara got to know the rest of the band. Toge and Yuta were absolute sweethearts, and Maki was just a beautiful badass. As hard as it was for you to deal with the guys in your previous band, you applauded her for not only doing that well, but surpassing them with her talents... well... not all of them.
You sat in the large open kitchen with Nobara, Yuji, Megumi and Toge, while the others sat in the living room discussing where they thought they screwed up at the show.
You turned to Megumi. "Are they serious? I didn't hear any mistakes. but then, I guess I don't know what your intentions were exactly... and I definitely know all too well how to be my own worst critic so I guess I get it."
Nobara chimed in, having slightly sobered up, but not really. "No way. It was perfect. I couldn't imagine having aaaaany issues with that performance. You guys are fuckin' zeniuses."
"That's not the way they see it." Megumi says as he finishes biting into a slice. He looks at you, "yeah, we are our own worst critics, but …" He shakes his head, "complacency can be a detriment to your career. We should probably all be perfectionists within reason. I think it's good to keep pushing forward."
You watched him as he spoke, genuinely impressed by his drive and tenacity. I mean, to do what he's done with this group should take a good portion of each, right?
You thought about how you'd tried so hard for so long and failed at the same. How, you'd hoped that your attempt at reaching your goals had resulted in such success. But that... that kind of thing takes support. Megumi had that, and then some. It was admirable.
You hadn't realized you were staring until Nobara kneed you from under the table. You snapped out of it in time to see him stare back from under his new slice of pizza as he propped it up by his elbow in his hand.
god, I hope he doesn't think I'm being weird …
Or... maybe you were just being a groupie.
But the reality is, he sounded like a natural leader. He speaks with such conviction... it only made him even more attractive. You sat across from him at the table, trying not to stare as you rested your head on your fist, eating your slice of pizza. You also couldn't help but notice how he gnawed on his, stopping when he reached the crust, even though it had cheese inside.
Itadori had wandered over to the fridge and grabbed a few more beers. "anybody want one?"
"I'll take one." Nobara reached out her hand.
"No" Itadori refused her.
"Ha! Yeah, No." You chimed in, "You really don't need anymore.... I'll take hers." You reached out to grab it from Dori.
"Heeeey!" Nobara protested. "I'm not that druuuuunk".
Yuji rolled his eyes.
Megumi reached out his hand to take your beer. You gave it to him and he pulled a fancy keychain from his pocket, using it to open your bottle.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome".
Just then, a deep buzzing vibration captured your attention. Megumi's phone rang as it sat face up on the table. He looked at the screen, then looked at you.
He picked up the phone with a clear expression of frustration on his face. "What is it?" he answered in monotone. You could hear the voice on the other end. It was a woman. His brow wrinkled as he listened... The first time you'd seen him like that all night. He didn't look happy.
You decided this was a good time to go wash your hands. "I'll be right back", you said to Nobara as you stood, grabbing your beer.
Megumi's eyes immediately followed you the moment you moved, and stayed on you, as he watched you leave the table and disappear into the bathroom.
You leave the bathroom after washing your hands and brushing your teeth with one of the little disposable toothbrushes left in a basket, cleaning up any lingering garlic from the pizza.
I'm loving this Airbnb thing. I'll have to try this again alone sometime, or with my bestie.
You'd finished off your beer while you were in the bathroom before you brushed, and without a doubt, you were definitely drunk. Probably not as drunk as Nobara for sure, but still.
She was sprawled out on the couch under a blanket, while the others played poker at the kitchen table. Toge had gotten on the piano, playing:
Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy
Beautifully, too.
You weren't up for a card game, especially since it looked a little too serious for you at the moment. It was nice and breezy outside, so you decide to slip past everyone and get some much needed fresh air, and maybe take a look off the balcony.
There was a large double door with tall floor to ceiling windows on each side leading to it. As you opened it, the fresh air blasted past you. You walk over to the edge and look out toward the city. The view was beautiful. You were on the 16th floor of the building. The street and nightlife lights glistened like neon confetti and extended out as far as you could see. It felt so good to have some fresh air.
How many drinks did you have again?
You took another look at the iron railing on the balcony and noticed its quite sturdy and tall, so you felt safe enough to relax a bit out there. The breeze was amazing. The weather was perfect. You decided to free yourself from the confines of the boots you wore all night.
You look down at the ground and noticed the slightly sparkling blush colored concrete was beautifully smooth. You bend over to remove your shoes, rubbing your toes on the hard ground. The cool temperature was a stark contrast to how hot your body was feeling from the drinks.
It was all so wonderful. Toge was a beautiful pianist. You felt so relaxed and free. You had an amazing night with some exceptional people, with whom you felt perfectly safe. You grabbed the railing of the balcony with your hands, stretched out your arms and leaned back, turning your face up to the night sky that mimicked the lights on the ground. You inhaled deeply, allowing the fresh air to fill your lungs as the breeze caressed your skin and wafted through your hair.
"Does it feel good?" Megumi's voice startled you... again. You turned to see him standing just to the left of the door, leaning against the wall. The balcony was designed on a curvature, a half moon shape of sorts. To the left and the right of the large entrance were blind spots, shielding anyone standing there from the inside. You didn't see him.
You turned to face him with a warm smile, grabbing the balcony railing from behind your back. "I thought you were still inside." you giggled playfully, your head swaying to the side as you pushed and pulled yourself against the railing, rubbing your calf muscle with your toes. 
The high altitude caused the wind to catch your hair in its gusts, upwards across the balcony. Your eyes were heavily hooded, and you continued to giggle, likely due to a mixture of exhaustion and alcohol.
"No, I'm not inside yet..."
Megumi's figure was shrouded in the shadow that paralleled the harsh light glaring from inside the building. His features made him appear even more mysterious as he stood there quietly in the dark, watching you. His head was pushed back against the wall and his bottom lip disappeared into his mouth as his eyes took you in. He crossed his legs as his hands pressed down into his pockets.
You leaned back against the railing, stretching your arms outward along the top as he watched, grounding yourself as you slid your palms against the cool metal, yet allowing unspoken words and the feeling of his gaze to consume you. He had such a strong presence. His energy bordered on intimidating. But these moments were becoming addictive.
As his dark eyes traveled up and down your beautifully curved silhouette, you imagined what his touch is like. Are his hands warm? His arms strong? If he touched you, would he be gentle? Or rough? You pressed your thighs together, rubbing them against themselves.
Your gaze drifted from his eyes to his lips. As you slid subtly into hypnosis, you imagined his kiss. Your lips parted ever so slightly as your tongue peeked out from the corner of your mouth. Your body clenched from your core.
Megumi missed nothing.
You averted your gaze as you took a deep breath, which seemed to catch in your throat. Snap out of it. You told yourself as you turned slowly back around lifting your chin toward the sky, allowing the wind to supply more air to your lungs since for a moment, you had forgotten to breathe.
Just … deep breaths...
Probably just the alcohol.
Another deep breath.
Another song played from inside:
Guess - Lucky Daye
You supported your weight on our elbows as you leaned over the railing, just a touch. Yes, it was a way for you to distract yourself from Megumi's gaze, but it also granted him a slight peek up your skirt.
You could feel his eyes on you...
They felt so good...
That tangible gaze.
You really wanted him. And wondered if he wanted you.
Megumi's quiet footsteps approached slowly … the closer his steps, the stronger the sensation of his presence. Like a thick, comfortable blanket being wrapped around your shoulders. He stopped just shy of your back, mere inches away, yet close enough for you to feel his body heat.
You closed your eyes, allowing the sensation of his presence envelop you, as a faint shudder moved through your body.
Another deep breath.
He leaned in close to your left ear, reaching up to brush strands of your hair from your neck, pushing them behind your shoulder. Your skin burned hot where he'd touched. You enjoyed the tingling sensation over you skin, the goosebumps pressing forward, as his fingers glided across the nape of your neck, then down your arm. He gripped the railing of the balcony with one hand on either side of you, and leaned in even closer to your ear.
His warmth tickled your neck as he whispered. "You..." he began before taking a breath, "are so fucking beautiful". He took a step closer, lightly pressing his body against yours, trapping you between him and the railing. His right hand glided across your waist as he wrapped you up tightly in his arm.
His left hand slid down your thigh as he gripped the bottom of your skirt into a rumpled ball, lifting it up above your panty line as he pressed his bare palm against your flesh. You shudder as it curves around your inner thigh, his thumb pressing in, just close enough to your center to force a moan from your lips.
Your eyes fluttered shut and your head spun as his familiar scent clouded your senses.
He grips your thigh firmly in his large hand, as his right arm pulls you closer. "Don't leave tonight. Stay with me." Your body trembled, overwhelmed by the feeling of his large, hard outline on your back, and the sound of his sensual voice vibrating in your ear.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder as your eyes slowly opened to the night horizon taking in every sensation, the colors, the breeze, his touch. You fell under a heavy daze as he held you firmly his embrace.
"We..." you began, shaking your head slightly, in an attempt to clear your head of the haze. "...we just met... I c-"
Your words cut off as his hand reached up to grip your neck, turning your head towards him. His lips pressed against yours. Soft, and warm. He slowly parted them, the same air passing between you, as he slipped his tongue inside, his taste laced with Guinness.
You melted into his kiss, opening your mouth wider as if offering yourself up to him. The feeling of his hand gripping your thigh as his tongue caressed your lips and mouth sent shivers up and down your spine. Your legs trembled as if they'd give out from underneath you.
Megumi deepened the kiss, bending his knees to allow you easier access. Your hips began to move on their own pressing you harder against him as his thumb inched closer to your core.
His touch was better than anything you had imagined. More sensual, more passionate.
Suddenly, you hear laughter coming from the inside the building, growing louder as they moved toward the balcony.
Megumi grabs your wrist, pulling you toward the shadowy area he stood in. The far side of the balcony curved even deeper inward, creating a nook that rendered you practically invisible. The light from the entrance didn't reach it at this angle, and neither did the moonlight.
He guided your body as you turned around and, taking a couple steps back, you were stopped by the wall. His body was solid and strong as he pressed it against you.
The voices continued on the inside of the building, as they hadn't quite made it outside, yet another vibe floated on the airwaves:
Facts - H.E.R.
You were suddenly glad you didn't allow yourself to get so wasted you'd forget this. Yet, you were still feeling silly... dizzy... and this man was just the escape your lowered inhibitions needed. You wanted him to take advantage of this situation. Maybe even of you.
Tch... you really were a groupie.
Nevertheless... you wanted him... since the moment you saw him, you wanted him. If he weren't in this band... you'd want him. If you saw him at the fucking grocery store... you'd want him.
But... you want him past just tonight, right?
The door to the balcony flung open.
"Where the hell did they goooooooow?" Nobara was super loud, whining about finding you.
"Who knows?" Itadori replied as he held her on piggyback for the second time tonight. "They're adults. They'll figure it out. She's safe here."
"She better be, Tuzory! .. You know I'll - kick your ass and his if she isn't! - I still zon't want her to be pissed at me if I leave... I'm so tired!!"
Megumi kept his left elbow propped against the wall to the right of your head as he looked behind him, keeping watch to see if they'd notice you in the corner. You stared up at his face, marveling at how attractive he was. You could see the beating of his pulse in his neck, his skin there, appearing so soft and smooth. You couldn't help but touch it. You slowly lifted your right hand and traced the tendons in his neckline with your fingers from his jaw down to the base .
His eyes closed as he felt the sensation of your touch. He turned and looked down at you. His eyes traveling all around your skin, as if searching for the best place to touch you first. He lifted his hand up to your neck again, holding it in a firm grip. He lifted your chin with his thumb, turning your head as he leaned in to your right ear.
He rubbed his nose against your earlobe, then slid his lips down to the base of your neck, where he planted two open-mouthed kisses, his tongue making first impact.
"Well, Megumi's missing too, so I'd bet they're probably together somewhere."
As he kissed you, he pressed his right leg between your thighs. You could feel his hardness against you as your legs now straddled one of his. He pressed his body even closer to yours, grinning into your neck as he lifted his leg, grinding it against your middle ... you let out another soft moan as your body trembled and your hands gripped the sides of his tee.
"Together where, though? I'm so fucked up I didn't see where she went! I'm a terrible friend!"
Megumi quickly wrapped his hand around your mouth in an attempt to muffle your moans, his head still buried in the crook of your neck. His tongue making long strokes across your skin as you fought to avoid giving away your secret place.
"Oh my god, babe... its ok. Its Megumi. It's not like we don't know him. She's in good hands. He'll take care of her, don't worry. And I'll take care of you."
Megumi's touch was extremely sensual. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he slid his tongue from the base of your neck up to your earlobe and sucked. It felt so good, you almost came.
"Fine lets go... then I'll just have to text her and make sure sh-"
Her voice trailed off as she disappeared back into the building.
Your body continued to tremble as Megumi released his hold on your mouth. He rested his hand at the base of your neck, leaning in to whisper in your ear. "You like this don't you?" He grabbed your chin turning your head to meet his gaze. All color but pink had flushed from your cheeks. Your eyes were glazed over, pupils dilated. Your breaths hitched. Your thoughts had become completely clouded. Yes, you were drunk, but yes, you wanted him. You wanted what he was doing to you. It felt fucking amazing and you needed more.
Megumi smirked, "Yeah. You're staying with me."
Damn you, groupie.
He leaned in and spoke into your mouth through your parted lips... "you're so sweet out there." he tilted his head, "but... you're a bad girl aren't you?" he opened his mouth and, maintaining eye contact, pursed his lips around your bottom lip, sucking it slowly as he pulled away. "mmm... I've got something for you".
His kisses were absolutely fucking delicious. He massaged your tongue with his, sucking your lips in intervals. His lips were so soft, and his tongue warm, gliding lusciously across your skin.
You wanted him to do it. Whatever he was planning, you'd grant him VIP access. The level of sensuality he's displayed to you is off the charts, and you wanted nothing more than to be his special, obedient little groupie.
The lights were dimmed inside, and the only bodies you could see were Toge and Yuta. Itadori and Nobara had gone.
Megumi opened the door and sauntered in. Toge was passed out on one side of the large sectional couch. "Everything ok?"
"What happened to you? We couldn't find you guys. You were on the balcony that whole time?" Yuta asked as he laid sprawled across the other portion of the sectional, watching TV under a blanket.
"Yup" Megumi replied with a mischievous grin. "Where's Choso?"
Yuta pointed to one of the room doors. "He took the girls in that room. Maki passed out in the small one. We figured you'd want that one". he said, nodding toward the master suite.
You mouthed the words "Thank you" to Yuta as you followed Megumi inside the large bedroom.
Yuta winked at you. "G'night".
You felt totally refreshed.
"Thanks for letting me shower". You said to Megumi as you emerged from the bathroom which was nestled in the master suite.
"Of course. Here you go." He handed you a clean folded tee and a pair of boxers.
"Are you sure about this? I can just sleep in the robe". It felt so weird being there like that.
I mean, just you.
You'd been introduced to him by Itadori … and only knew Yuji by Nobara... and they didn't stay.
"No, its ok. don't worry about anything. Please. There's a laundry in here. I'll put your clothes in." Megumi always seemed to speak in a relaxed tone... he had a way of making you feel comfortable. But frankly, you wondered if that was simply because that's just how he was and really had nothing to do with you.
"Oh, okay... Thank you." you took the clothing out of his hand. As he turned toward the bathroom, you felt the need to speak up. "Um..." Megumi stopped and turned to you with curious eyes. "I'm feeling … kinda strange being here... I really don't want to impose, or give the wrong impression..."
He raised his eyebrows, "You're doubting yourself now.?"
"Uh... No, its just..."
"You're doubting me?"
You squeezed your eyes shut, "No... I... " you took a deep breath, looked down, and shook your head as you fidgeted with the neck of the tee he gave you.
He stared at you for a few seconds, then stepped towards you, sandwiching your hands and the clothes between his. "I want you here." He gently grabbed your chin and lifted up your head. "But... if you don't want to be here, I'll take you home".
Such a sweetheart. And so smooth.
He grabbed each of your arms, and looked you square in the eyes. "Hear me when I say this. I don't just want you here. I want you, here."
You slowly nodded, blushing as you looked down at his hand on yours. A warm smile forming on your lips.
What a charmer.
And with that, he disappeared into the bathroom.
You removed your robe, slipped on the shorts and put on the tee. It was terribly oversized, but very comfortable. It smelled like soap and incense.
The room was enormous and had minimalist bohemian décor. The walls were painted black, and had one large window that spanned the full length of the wall on your side of the bed. the bathroom was on the other side, along with the door that led to the living room. There was a 65" on the oak dresser opposite the foot of the bed, and various modern paintings were hung on the walls, in addition to houseplants, including a large 7ft Bird of Paradise posted near the bed. The headboard was vintage iron with an intricate design, and above the headboard was a large macramé piece laid on beautiful white driftwood. It was gorgeous. And cozy.
His fragrance wafting up from your borrowed shirt only made you feel more comfortable. The white goose down blankets and pillows were cool to the touch and plush. The fibers of the carpet felt soft under your toes. You opened the curtains and wooden blinds, and cracked the window slightly to let some of the evening breeze that you enjoyed earlier come in. The moonlight was beautiful as it shone brightly on the bed. there was a Bluetooth speaker in the room, so you programmed it to play your favorite relaxing playlist,
You laid there sprawled out on the bed, waiting for Megumi. As anxious and excited as you were to get close to him, your heavy eyes and your body's exhaustion seemed to win the contest...
When your eyes opened again, it was completely dark in the room except for the moonlight. You felt relatively well rested, and you had sobered up some, but you checked your watch to see that it was now 4am. Megumi was sound asleep next to you on the bed, one of your favorite songs played quietly in the background:
Seigfried - Frank Ocean
Damn. You thought.
It's official. He's perfect.
You turned his direction, laying your head on your hands. The moon glowed softly across his skin, his eyelashes casting a small shadow on his cheeks. His lips looked soft, and you were reminded of those amazing kisses he gave you earlier. He was so beautiful.
You watched as his chest moved up and down, air being supplied to his lungs, his breathing soft and light. You remembered how heavy his breathing was as he played at the show. How hard he worked. He must be exhausted.
I'm here with him.
you thought...
Maybe he won't mind...
you thought.
Just a little... I mean, he asked me to stay here...
He made a move earlier...
you thought...
He's so perfect... but...
I'm not.
You shifted closer to him under the blanket. You got so close, his bicep rested between your breasts as you clung to him. His arm was so firm. So warm. So strong. The arms of a drummer. The length of his arm stretched as far down as the middle of your thigh. You lifted your left leg, covering it as you inched closer. You rested your head on his shoulder, and slowly lifted your leg to prop it up over his body. your knee brushed against it.
His... dick. A faint shudder went through your body.
He had fallen asleep in his boxers and a white tee. You extended your leg down gliding it against his bare skin. He didn't have his pants on now. It felt amazing being this close to him. Touching him.
I wonder if he'll be pissed at me.
You were close before, but... not like this. It was nothing like this.
The feeling of his warm, muscular arm between your breasts was comforting to say the least. You could feel the curves of his muscles against your soft skin. His forearm which extended between your legs was now brushing up against your middle. Your breathing was becoming heavier.
You'd better be careful.
His breathing remained peaceful and steady.
He must have been extremely exhausted.
You reached your hand over and laid it gently on his chest, your fingers rising and falling over every curve of his muscular torso. You moved your hand downward, gliding it up and down his abdomen and his right arm, as his left arm was buried under your body.
Your hands explored slightly past his lower abdomen. As you begin to lift up his shirt, a wave of excitement takes over... More bare skin. You retraced all the places on his chest that you touched above his shirt... Aaaahh... the friction created from skin on skin ... felt so sensual. His was so smooth...
I hope he doesn't wake up.
I'll be so embarrassed...
but... he feels so good.
I'm just massaging him, right?
We're both adults.... and he invited me to sleep here...
If I hadn't passed out...
Another beautiful song:
Stand Still- Sabrina Claudio
"just a little more..." you whispered, under your breath.
Your hand traveled lower toward his abdomen, rubbing across his abs juuuuuust under the band of his boxers... you bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes as your hand inched lower... you began grinding your body, your breasts and your middle, against his strong arm that was nestled between your breasts and your thighs as he lay there asleep.
He felt so fucking good.
damnit... if only he would finish me off...
Your thoughts growing hazy as you whined to yourself like a child.
… Fuck, I want him...
Avoiding the risk of pulling too hard at the band of his boxers, you lift your hand to explore over his shorts...
I just wanna see... what its like...
You could feel his steady breathing under your head as you rested it further on his chest... your hand moved down lower... he was soft... but... you moved it down lower...
You could feel the tender muscle under your fingertips,
soft, and … supple...
is pretty big.
And he's not even hard...
You squeezed it a bit between your fingers, then you cupped it with your hand and .... he's getting bigger....
… he's
… also not breathing the same...
you froze....
His hand gripped your thigh from between your legs.
… Shit! …
Your eyes screwed shut as your face scrunched into a grimace. You raised your head up slowly, and averted your eyes the second they reached his face.
He was wide awake.
Fucking groupie.
"Oh my god... Megumi... I'm sorry"
… Mostly …
… you backed off as you turned beet red, completely avoiding eye contact. Now it really was time to go. You turned to leave the bed...
He quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you back, up against his chest, almost completely on top of him.
"Where are you going?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. His smile, almost making your heart stop.
His cock was now almost fully erect.
wtf? You thought, as it grazed you slightly.
You still wanted to die though.
"I really am sorry." You whispered, "I don't know what I was thi-."
"I know what you were thinking" Megumi's eyes darkened as he held your arm firmly, keeping you from escaping. "you really are a bad girl, aren't you?"
Embarrassment blended with arousal, and seared through your veins as you mustered up the courage to look him in the eye. Half terrified, half excited... You spoke just above a whisper... "and... what if I am"?
Megumi's eyes widened. After a long pause, he responded with a perfectly blank stare. "Bad girls … get punished".
As he uttered those words, It felt as if your heart skipped several beats, and thumped deep into your chest, your breathing quickening. "Then... I am a bad girl." you said, your gaze glued to his.
Megumi cut his eyes at you. He averted his gaze for a moment, forcing a smirk away as it formed on his mouth. "You want to be puni-?" …
"Yes." you replied, before he finished.
He leered at you as he slowly shook his head, rubbing his mouth with his hand, gliding his index & middle fingers across his lips. "Now I know why you wanted to leave. You weren't worried about me. You were worried about you."
You looked away as your face flushed red. Your brow furrowed at the sound of that harsh revelatory statement.
"But I already told you, didn't I?" he leaned in, still gripping your arm, mere centimeters from your ear, "I've got something for you". He planted one of his juicy kisses on your earlobe.
Climbing Up the Walls - Radiohead
He reached up and grabbed you by the neck, his grip a little more firm this time. His right leg wedged between your thighs again, but now, you could feel his cock as he hovered over you. He was rock hard. And fucking huge.
He forced you on your back as he drew closer. "I'm more than happy to give you what you want". His thumb slowly grazed across your bottom lip, and he suddenly slipped it into your mouth sliding it around your wet tongue. He watched your face as your arousal became more intense, goading him on.
With a mischievous grin, he released your neck, his face following his hands as he slid them down your body. He gripped the hem of your shirt, lifting it up slowly to reveal your beautifully supple skin. He kissed your belly as he raised your shirt over your breasts, blocking your line of sight.
Your hands grasped the headboard and you squirmed underneath him, suddenly feeling the warm sensation of his tongue gliding across your nipple. He pursed his lips around it, sucking hard. His body was heavy and solid, pinning you to the bed. You squeezed your legs together as your hips began to move on their own.
He responded by pressing harder against you, stimulating your clit. You could feel yourself getting wetter... you moaned even louder as your back formed an arch against him. You could hear the sounds of his sucking and kissing from the slickness of his tongue as he alternated between your breasts.
He lifted your shirt up higher removing it, revealing your expression.
Your face flushed as red painted your cheeks. You continued to writhe underneath him as your breathing hitched through parted lips. You closed your eyes and turned to bury your face in your arm.
Megumi grabbed your face, leaning into it, turning it towards him. His dick was thick and heavy as it rested on your thigh. "Mm-mhm … you don't get to hide. Let me see that pretty face you're making". He urged, planting another open-mouthed kiss on your lips, his tongue sliding inside your mouth, massaging yours more aggressively than before. His lips sucked yours repeatedly with wet caresses.
His tongue drove you crazy. You were so hot for him you couldn't think straight. And after that little fiasco of yours, now, he knew it.
"Today's lesson: Be careful what you ask for." He reached for the tee he took off of you, ripped a strip from the bottom and tied it to your wrists. He lifted them, tying them to the headboard.
His large hands traveled from your wrists and slid down the length of your arms. As they reached your breasts, and he cupped and groped them, twirling your nipples around his thumbs as he squeezed.
His hands, god, his hands... The calloused hands of a drummer. The contrast between the rugged roughness of them, against the soft, supple skin of your breasts made you feel so sexy.
It was so stimulating, It made you want to scream. Your body trembled and squirmed. Your moans came out in waves petitioning for more. His name dripped from your lips... "M-Megumi …"
He stopped suddenly...
No... Why did he stop? "Wha-?"
He leaned in close to your ear, grazing it with his lips, his cock pressing against your middle, teasing your clit. "Say it again."...
"My name. Say it again".
… "Megumi..." You felt his dick twitch between your legs your leg.
His pupils dilated as he excitedly took in the expression of need on your face... "you know... I wanted you from the very first moment I saw you. I thought, 'you're so beautiful' … and so sweet." He gripped your jaw once more, whispering into your mouth. "Sweet voice... Sweet lips..." He kissed them again, "Sweet body..."
"But when I saw the way you watched me from the bar... the fire in your eyes, the way your body moved when you looked at me... I wanted to make you cry."
He continued, seduction dripping from his lips, "I wanted to see you writhe as I slid my rock hard cock between your thighs. I wanted to make that sweet girl scream for me."
It suddenly became much harder to breathe. A deep tremor erupted from your core, your chest rising and falling hard as his deep voice and hot breath tickled your ear.
Megumi slowly pressed his lips to yours, then lowered his hands, to remove your shorts, a wet line stretching from them to your core as he pulled them off.
"Wow," a smirk formed on his lips, "you're drenched".
You turned your head again, closing your eyes.
He turned your face toward him again. "I told you not to hide that from me". He slid his right hand down your body, slipping it between your legs, massaging your hot center slowly with his four fingers. "Aaaah, you're so fucking wet for me" he rubbed faster... "I love seeing you like this. I wanna see more..."
"Haaa-aaah!" Your moans grew louder as his now slick fingers glided across your wet core. Your hips began to move against his hand, jerking as he teased your sensitive, throbbing clit.
Megumi kept his face close to yours as if recording your every emotional response as he fondled your folds. "You gonna cum for me sweetness?" He then plunged his two middle fingers deep inside your hole as he watched your face twist in erotic agony.
Your jaw dropped into a silent scream as your eyes fluttered shut. Your head pressed back into the pillows, your body convulsed, clenching tight around him with your back arched, your legs flailing around as you released all over his hand.
"aaah... yeah... that's it..." Megumi grunted and moaned in your ear as he watched you come, his eyes screwed shut as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. His long thick fingers stayed plugged inside your heat as your body shook. He curled his hand around your pubic bone, pressing his palm against your swollen, sensitive clit.
As you continued to pour over him, seeping on to the bed, he pulled his fingers from your opening and lifted them to his mouth sucking them as he held your gaze. "god, you are so fucking sweet". He laid his hand on your quivering thigh, the vibration making him even harder as he heightened his own experience from witnessing yours.
You felt like you would lose your mind. Or maybe you had already. Your body continued to tremble even after he'd removed his hand from your core. Your hitched breathing and stifled moans echoed in your own ears as your vision vaguely settled onto his beautiful face.
He whispered. "Wow..." His brow wrinkling as he tilted his head, "You're still feeling it aren't you?" Megumi watched as you trembled uncontrollably. "You really are something..." he continued, "But guess what, sweetness?"
He kissed your lips and whispered, "I'm something else".
Megumi shifted his body, positioning himself onto a kneel between your legs. You could see his enormous horizontal print carved into the fabric of his boxers, the area at his tip, soaked.
"You were curious, right?" He said as his hand gripped his cock over his shorts. He removed them slowly, a makeshift striptease that had your heart pounding out of your chest; the strong urge to look away tugging against your desire.
The band of his boxers struggled over his thickness, releasing it as it finally slid past the length. He was so big, you were embarrassed to look. You tuned your head again into your other arm, shying away from the sight, yet dying to feel him.
"You did this to me." he leaned back in to you and kissed you softly on your cheek. "And now you have to take responsibility."
His tongue slid down your neck and chest, traveling to your breast bone, the trail of saliva leaving a cool sensation in its wake as he made his way lower. His kisses peppered your breasts, his large calloused hands gripping them as he buried his face in between.
Before him, you had never felt kisses so sensual, so decadent. Your skin seemed to melt like hot wax under his lips and tongue as they danced gracefully along the supple skin of your breasts. And the sound... the soft, wet, quiet smacks and sucking, the sensations were enough to drive you wild.
Megumi really was more than you imagined he'd be. And you could not get enough of him. His face traveled lower toward your belly, his hands continuing to squeeze and press your breasts as his thumbs tweaked your sensitive nipples.
His amazing hands... rough, yet so gentle, caressed your skin as they slid down, firmly gripping your waist. His thumbs massaged circles around your smooth belly, his tongue tickling your button.
Good & Plenty - (Remix) Masego, Alex Isley, Lucky Daye
Blended into the atmosphere as he lifted his face, making eye contact with a glance and a sly grin. His his hands moved lower still, between your legs, avoiding your center. They curled around your inner thigh, pressing them outward and down. His thumbs pulled your folds to each side, widening your opening.
Megumi pursed his soft lips into a large "O" around your sex, his slick tongue flattening against your slit as he licked slowly upward from your hole to your hood, kissing then sucking your clit as he reached the top, repeating his motion over... and over... and over.
His hair tickled your lower belly and thighs. His head swayed to each side as his tongue glided smoothly across your slick heat. Low groans vibrated in his throat as he continued gathering your wetness and fucking your opening repeatedly with his tongue.
You wailed in pleasure pulling desperately against the headboard as you remained bound, up top by your wrists and below by Megumi's firm grip on your thighs.
As the sensations overwhelmed him, he shifted the position of his arms, wrapping them under your thighs in a full muscular lock, as he pressed his mouth harder into your center, sinking his tongue deeper into your hole. He bucked his hips forward into the mattress as he edged, his arms shaking almost violently against you.
His groans, his strong muscles flexing around your legs, you could tell he was close, peaking just from the taste and feel of your sex.
The thought of it made you even wetter as you edged. His moans were music to your ears, revealing his thirst. It brought you to the point of no return as you cried out in desperation, warning him of the impending wave driven by sheer erotic fervor.
"Mmmm... come sweetness... Come all over me."
A shockwave overtook you as your back arched into his mouth. You convulsed and trembled vigorously as you released, your head going completely cloudy, your eyes screwed shut. Your body tremored head to toe as you gasped for breath.
Megumi lifted himself up, wiping his mouth with the palm of his hand as he leaned in for a kiss, sharing your arousal.
He lowered his weight onto your body, whispering in your ear, his fingers running softly through your hair. "You're even more beautiful when you cum..." His eyes searched your face lecherously, patiently waiting for some semblance of coherence... "Just a little more..." He said, echoing your words from earlier, when he was supposed to be asleep.
He reached down and gripped his shaft, sliding the head around your oversensitive clit, teasing, then pressing it down between your slick folds. Then, with inexplicable ease, he sank halfway in past your swollen entrance. You wailed in ecstasy, clenching as you feel him pause before reaching the hilt.
Megumi's breaths became deep and staggered as he waited to claim you fully, calming himself down before finishing the job. He pressed his arms down against the sides of your body, as he lay on top of you, slipping his hands under you, to grip your ass firmly.
You turned to look into his eyes, breathless. The second you made eye contact, he pressed his throbbing cock further inside, stretching you to your limit as he climbed to the top of your walls. You gasped as he continued to watch your face. Your erotic, pained expressions exciting him all the more, his dick, throbbing inside.
"That's what you wanted, right?" He breathed, pressing in deeper with a ragged groan without waiting for an answer. "fuck, baby you're so tight."
A slightly painful, yet overwhelmingly sensual wave of ecstasy gripped you. He felt incredible. You've never been so satisfied, so full. You became more comfortable with his size by the second, your lips quivering as his warm body continued to envelop you.
"You feel so fucking good." Megumi slowly rocked his hips, grinding his cock into your sweltering heat. "Open up a little more for me."
You obediently spread your legs wider, relaxing your floor to welcome him as he slowly began to pound his length in and out of your pulsing core, his shaft massaging your walls, throbbing, and pressing, searching for that special sweet spot.
He reached up to grip the headboard for leverage, his right hand wrapped tightly around your neck as his muscles flexed and the veins in his arms came into view.
"Aaahhh" he breathed, "just like that..." His tongue flicked out, gliding slowly across your neck, "Yeah", he hissed. "I'll teach you to be a good girl for me."
With heavily hooded eyes, you watched him hovering over you as he continued to rock his hips, you, and the bed at a steady pace, beating into you like a bass drum, his hand firm around your neck, locking into eye contact, his lips parted slightly as he released stifled breaths. He's here. Fucking the living shit out of you, like you knew he could. Like only he could.
You could feel your climax surging from deep inside you as his dark blue eyes burned into yours. Megumi fucked his cock into you again, and again, and again, as the same air exchanged between you and you both edged toward release.
He had successfully claimed your body and your heart as he dripped sweat onto your cheek, the droplets mimicking the clear salty fluid that slowly filled your eyes, seeping from the corners, tickling your face as they fell.
"Groupie" is officially an understatement.
<Set 1 / Set 3>
Set 3 Preview: You could hardly contain your gasp as you saw him. You blushed hard and licked your lips again, your core clenched so tightly you rubbed your thighs together as you body tingled all over. You turned away, gently rubbing the nape of your neck.
Megumi missed nothing. "You're hiding from me again." He scolded. I told you not to do that. You like what you see?"
Your heart pounded hard in your chest as you replied softly, "Yes."
"Then why don't you be a good girl and show me how much you like it?" ...
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(My ADHD had me editing this repeatedly... XD)
Thanks for reading! ✨🥰✨
Notes: As always, I welcome any and all critiques, suggestions, and comments regarding my work, since I truly feel all of those may make me a much better writer! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read my little stories, and if you'd like to be tagged in releases, don't hesitate to comment below! 😊💖🎶
©cocomanga 2024 | Please do not plagiarize, copy, or distribute my work.
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Fanart Art: Courtesy of @Pinterest Ombre Caution/DNI & Animated lines: Courtesy of @cafekitsune
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project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
Only 20 films to go now!
Film number 180: Meet Danny Wilson
Release date: April 1st, 1952 
Studio: Universal 
Genre: musical 
Director: Joseph Pevney 
Producer: Leonard Goldstein 
Actors: Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters, Alex Nicol 
Plot Summary: Small time crooner Danny Wilson makes a deal with a gangster to fast-track his career. He becomes a huge success overnight, but things get complicated when Danny and his obsessively loyal friend Mike both fall for the same girl... and she has her own ties to the gangster.  
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
I was really curious to see this one, because it's notoriously hard to find, and there are legendary stories about how much Sinatra and Winters hated each other. Like screaming matches and throwing things kind of hate! The film turned out to be interesting in a few ways, even if it is far from great. It’s a musical with an unusually dark side and a love triangle that ends in a unexpected way. Amazingly, the spite the two leads felt for each other didn’t translate to the screen. (Spoilers!)
The Good: 
Frank Sinatra. Of course his singing was lovely, but his acting really stood out as well. It’s not surprising that his Oscar winning turn in From Here to Eternity was only a year away. I especially liked his lighter moments in the film, he had a very natural almost boyish playfulness that I found charming. 
The music! There was a lot of music in this, but it wasn’t only quantity- the quality of the material and the performances were top notch. It was basically a greatest hits selection. 
Shelley Winters. I enjoyed seeing a lighter side of her as well. Although her role required more serious drama as the film went on, I liked seeing her play something that wasn’t a tragedy. Her smiling jovial side was pretty irresistible. 
This musical had a darker edge that was nothing like the MGM musicals Sinatra starred in previously. It didn’t always work, but I appreciated that the attempt was made. 
The love triangle played out differently than I expected, which impressed me. 
The cameo of Tony Curtis and Jeff Chandler in a nightclub scene was fun. Even if he is on screen for three seconds, Chandler still makes me swoon a little! 
I loved that the penultimate scene was actually filmed on location at Wrigley Field. 
The Bad: 
Seeing a 37-year-old unhealthily thin-looking Sinatra being portrayed as a hot new teen idol felt kind of ridiculous to me. Yes, he certainly was back in the 30s and 40s, but it felt like a stretch for 1952. 
I adore Raymond Burr, but he didn’t work as a threatening gangster for me. There was nothing wrong with his performance per se, he’s a great actor. He just didn’t seem intimidating enough. 
The character Mike was kind of blah and milquetoast. The actor who played him, Alex Nicol, was appealing, and I understand why Joy fell for him, but the script gave him little to work with. 
The visual look of the film overall was kind of non-descript and pedestrian. The “growing success” montages were laughable trope-fests! The musical performances were also not very creatively staged or shot. The only one that stands out in my memory is the duet between Sinatra and Winters. 
Sometimes things felt a bit disjointed in tone- there was just an element of something not clicking overall. 
The plot was also pretty implausible on multiple fronts. One example? When you kill the head gangster of a local mob, your problem’s solved for life, right? Nobody else will ever come after you... right? 
The fact that Mike got shot in the back from only a few feet away and managed to survive was a most miraculous preposterous recovery. 
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the-sharlyan-song · 6 months
"The more I read through the journals Mother left us, the more I am convinced the entire Jienuex line has been nothing but a Coven of Witches." The Sharlayan's voice was tired, and from his face he removed the glasses he did not actually need his other hand rising to pinch the bridge of his nose pressing into the soft area near his eyes and gently rubbing.
"You are not the first one by a long shot to show the symptoms you have Vi. In fact you are likely the tenth or twelfth I know of since I started reading these and it seems to go right back to that relative of ours from Mhachi." His eyes opened and across the table he looked there he found her, his almost mirror image gazing back at him chewing on her lower lip as she listened to him ramble. Her features that of a little girl lost.
"In all the years I have chased the Occult, I am rarely wrong, so I am going to go out on a limb here and say that someone in the Lambs knew the family stories and they knew you carried the trait. They fed you voidsent blood to awaken the trait. I am sorry Vi but you were targeted." Dimitri swallowed hard he could see the rock hard expression start to form, the darkness in her eyes not far behind it and he prepared himself for the sounds of something in the Cottage shattering.
"So, we were betrayed then?" Viviane broke her silence with the words followed by a low snarl. "I despise the Calamity even more now. Any chance I have at solving this is buried under malms of rocks, ice and snow. It is nothing but a crater, I doubt it is even safe for us to explore not that we would even know where to start." Over the past few Moons the pair had met when neither was busy and their partners were occupied to go over the journals Saphelle had left them and this was not the first time betrayal had reared its ugly head.
"Have you ever been able to control your visions?" Dimitri asked thoughtfully, reaching to the oldest book on the table between them. The Jienuex Family Grimoire, and he flipped through the pages until he located one with an hourglass at the top and he spun the book around to face his sister. "One of our ancestors who was like you penned this. It is a bit of a taboo spell of course, rather dark in nature it uses blood as a focal point, however, an ancient practice, I do not know if you could.."
"I know how" Viviane cut him off with little effort her hand moving in an elegant motion to pull the Grimoire towards her and as soon as it was close enough she tilted her hear to read the passage that explained how the spell was conducted, leaving Dimitri to stare at her wide eyed. There was so much he wished to ask her of those lost years and while she had finally started to heal from her trauma; he still feared asking to much of her.
"It is alright you can ask" she asked out of no where as if she could hear his thoughts. This happened so often that Dimitri truly believed they were twins that were separated at birth, the way she knew what he was thinking was uncanny. She knew that too for her eyes lifted slowly from the passage and watched him closely for a minute before she offered an explanation to him.
"The rituals that the Lambs used were Ancient. Not many of them needed focis, a drop of blood was enough and a bowl even better. Those of us meant to rise the ranks were taught how not to rely on things like staves and star globes. It was not that difficult to be frank. I felt right as rain once I stopped worrying about how to cast something and stared realizing I just could."
Dimitri canted his head, the peace he saw in her as she spoke gave away how much work she had put into resolving her past. There wasn't even a stray emotion to be found in her gaze. It was remarkable how much she had changed since he had first arrived. The woman he had met back then was frail and fearful. Those things were gone now and replaced by this confidence she wore well.
"This is an interesting spell." She then admitted "It could work, I would have to do it when we are in Corethas. The distance from here to there could be a delicate matter if I did it here but that is hardly an issue. It would give me the possibilities of fishing into the past to learn more of the story, most importantly who knew that the gene laid dormant in me. Of course that makes me wonder if you have it too. I know we are only fifty perfect brother and sister but it may be a good idea to find out if you could meet my fate." Vi's eyes narrowed and she took to surveying him carefully.
"They are all dead Vi." He said with a sigh, finally putting his glasses back on to resume his reading.
"No they aren't Dimitri. I was not the only survivor. The last I knew many of them ran to the Far East. The only thing I do not know is which ones. I can feel them sometimes." She admitted quietly "And when I do? That is when I believe they are close by."
"Vi that is dangerous, why haven't you told me that before. Do you feel like you are being followed?" Suddenly he felt that sharp pain in his stomach again, the one he got when there was a bad moon on the rise.
"I have always thought that Dimitri but I have no proof. Now keep that to yourself hmm? No need to get people worried. There has been no contact." There was a sterness in her voice that warned the Sharlayan that was enough questions for the day.
"Of course Sister." He said quietly, and in that moment he realized he would be the next betrayer in her life in order to keep her safe.
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paxtonbirthstory · 1 year
August 11th -- Happy birthday, Paxton
I woke up around 3AM feeling a little crampy. Not anything too bad, but enough to wake me up. I fell back asleep but still had the feeling when I woke up that morning. I also had a little bit of blood on the toilet paper, so I started to get a little concerned. (Ok, a lot concerned.)
I called the OBGYN department and told them what was going on to see if I should go to Labor & Delivery instead of my normal NST appointment that morning. The nurse went to talk to a doctor and came back on the phone to say I should probably get checked out, but the L&D unit is really full today, so I should probably go to the Woodland Hills Kaiser instead of my normal Sunset location -- just in case. They wouldn't want me to be stuck waiting in a hallway on the unlikely chance I was going into labor.
I said ok, hung up, and immediately started crying. I do not want to have this baby away from my doctors who know all the shit this kid and I have been through. Frank calms me down and says we're just getting checked out, it will be fine.
So I drove myself up to a foreign hospital.
When I got to the area, I navigated my way through the parking garage -- circling up to the top floor. How was I ever going to remember where I parked over here? I took a picture and tried to figure out where Labor & Delivery was.
I went through an outdoor Covid line and was pointed in the direction of L&D.
I kept thinking everyone probably thought I was just visiting because I still wasn't hugely pregnant. I was only 35 weeks along with a small baby. I haven't even taken bump pictures!
When I got to the front desk, I told them I was cramping and spotting and gave them the quick rundown. I really just wanted an NST and to be told all was good and it's time to go home.
They set me up in a room and had me change into a gown -- I think. I can't remember when I was given a gown since I'm usually in my normal clothes for the NST. And not thinking about it, I was already in my own room which is different from normal too. Hmm... I sent Frank a picture of me in the gown with a "sigh" at 11AM.
Anyway -- they hooked baby up to the monitors and two nurses kept coming in to check on me. At one point, the newer nurse couldn't find the heartbeat, which isn't uncommon because babies move. She called in another nurse who had me flip from one side to the other and before I knew it, they had pushed a button on the wall, put an oxygen mask on me and another nurse was coming at me with an IV. I start crying immediately thinking this was the moment I lose my baby.
Next thing I know, I'm on all fours waiting to hear a sound on the monitors, nothing. So they start to flip me again and a nurse is yelling "needle! needle!" The nurse with the IV backs up as they untangle all the monitor wires wrapped around me and then we get a heartbeat. It strengthens and some of the nurses leave. They tell me dad should try to get here soon because we don't want that to happen again. The heartbeat is there, but it had dipped to 60 when it should be around 140+.
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Frank gets stuck in the Covid line trying to park and I tell him we're just waiting on him and they will be delivering the baby. This was not the plan! Frank can't wrap his head around the fact that the baby is actually coming...now.
When he gets to the room, there is confusion about my blood thinner shot I took that morning. There is a young doctor telling us I'm going to have to be put all the way under -- which I definitely don't want, so I argue that the other doctor said I was fine, so now everyone is double checking everything.
Turns out, they are going to knock me out completely and Frank can't come in for the birth of our son anymore.
Being put to sleep and never waking up to see Quinley again has been one of my worst nightmares since hearing about thei baby's complications. I am terrified as I'm being wheeled into the operating room. They start taking all my jewelry off and one of my nurses -- I will never forget -- holds my head in her hands, looking at me upside down and says, "We've got you. You are going to be ok." This calms me a little bit and they put the mask on my face to go to sleep. I can still hear all the chaos around me as I lose consciousness.
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When I open my eyes, I'm lost and can't really remember where I was, but they hand me a baby and I just grab him and start crying. I can't believe he's actually here. No tubes, no wires, just so so tiny. 4 lbs tiny.
I just keep asking if he can stay with us and "is he ok?" His breathing is a little labored, but he's great.
Once we get to our room, our nurse says she's a little concerned about his breathing and wants to take him to the NICU to get checked. Of course, we are fine with this -- I'm almost relieved because I still don't believe he's totally fine after the pregnancy we've had.
So of course he gets admitted up there and they want to give him some oxygen to help him breath easier. I am told to sleep and Frank has to check on Quinley -- who, by the way, had to be picked up from school early because the school had Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease all over and they closed early. They will stay closed the next day. While I was in surgery, Frank had to arrange for our neighbor, Amy, to pick her up. Insanity!
The next 3 days were spent healing, pumping, and visiting the little guy in the NICU. It is so hard to see him on a feeding tube with a tiny little oxygen tube in his nose and wires all over his body. But he is so strong -- each day he progresses.
First day, he's regulating his body temp....next, he's breathing Room Air...then finally, they can take the feeding tube out. I was actually pumping and starting to get some milk to give to him...we were looking pretty good on the Paxton front.
Me on the other hand....
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Loyalty Lie
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Pairing: Billy Russo x f! reader (one-shot)
Warnings: Violence and Language
Summary: When a chance to see your boyfriend Frank presents itself, Billy shows up. He knows you’ve been lying about everything and he won’t let his crush on you get in the way of his money.
You rushed to your door unlocking it. Frank called you from a burner phone saying to pack up your bag and head to the location he had mentioned before. It was hard at times, pretending that your long-time boyfriend was dead.
People gave you their sympathies and after a while of not having any contact with Frank it actually felt that he truly was dead, but you knew the truth along with Curtis. Frank is very much alive.
Getting that phone call from Frank after not hearing from him in so long made your heart race. He sounded good but rough. He was getting back to his old ways but you hoped he wouldn’t lose himself in the violence once again.
There was one thing you wanted and that was to be in his arms again. There was nothing like listening to the beat of his heart as you’d lay on his chest. He lived a very dangerous life but there’s no instructional manual saying who the love of your life would be. 
He’s your motivation to keep going even when everything seems to be going against you.
You used seeing Frank again as a drive to rush inside your house and find your already prepared bag on the top shelf in your closet. You turned around only to be startled when the light in the room flicked on.
You swallowed thickly seeing Billy looking at you in question. He knew something was up and he was putting together all the pieces at once.
In the time that Frank was trying to lay low and build himself back up, there remained one constant in your life, Billy Russo. To you, Billy’s heart was in the right place. He was a good friend not only to Frank but to you as well. Then you thought back to what Frank told you briefly over the phone. That one sentence before he had to hang up.
‘Don’t trust Billy.’
He didn’t have time to explain and answer all the questions you had but that one hit you hard. Billy was the one person to lift your spirits when you were missing Frank. He had always been sweet on you as Frank called it. It was obvious with the flowers, taking you to lunch, and having a drink at the bar but you never let it be anything more than platonic.
At the sight of Billy still assessing you with your bag in hand and dressed up to leave in a hurry, he cocked his head as if thinking ‘really’. Not knowing what to say you blew out a breath of air trying to maintain your composure.
“What are you doing here, Billy?”
“Don’t do that,” he said as he squinted his eyes at you. “Don’t play stupid. You’ve been keeping something from me. Playing me a fool that Frank’s been dead all this time.”
You tried not showing any type of emotion. You’d keep up a facade if it meant keeping Frank out of harm’s way.
“You’ve got it all wrong. I just need to go away for a while. I don’t feel safe here. I fear his killers may be in the city and are watching me. You have to understand my paranoia at this time, especially around the anniversary of his death.”
Billy looked unconvinced but nodded his head. The thing about all of this is that you shared your fears with Billy thinking he was a friend and now he could use that against you at any moment. He could see through your lies, unlike others. 
He looked down at the floor in deep thought before looking back at you.
“You know I can’t protect you if you lie to me.”
Now you were the one to squint your eyes at him shaking your head slightly. You knew somehow he was involved but you needed to know how invested he was in it. How deep the betrayal went.
“You’re not making any sense.”
You could see him flex his hands into tight fists as he looked down at the floor. “I said don’t play stupid!” He huffed harshly, his shoulders moving right along with his aggressive breathing. He reached his hand behind himself and pulled out a gun, having it at his side.
He caught you off guard making you take a step back at how quickly the atmosphere had changed. You’ve never seen this side of Billy before. It was new, scary, and clearly unpredictable.
He closed his eyes before looking at you with all seriousness.
“You’re going to tell me where he is.”
“And why would I do that?”
Billy exhaled through his nose and smiled. “In order to stay alive of course.”
“You’d really kill me just to kill Frank who you once called your brother? Where’s your loyalty?”
He tsked his tongue.
“Loyalty can only get you so far in the real world. My loyalty lies in the hands that give me money in return.”
You shook your head in disappointment. He reached a new low.
“Look where it’s gotten you. No friends to have your back. Only a mercenary who at the end of the day is expendable.”
Billy didn’t take too kindly to that. He ripped the duffel bag away from your hands and tossed it aside. Then he pressed you against the wall with his hand gripping your chin harshly. You tried turning away to get out of his hold but he kept making you look at him.
“I tried making my life better and you mock me for it. I’ve kept you alive and you didn’t even know it.” His fingers now began to caress your skin. “A part of me had hoped you could overlook all of this and be with me, but I guess Frank just has a way of getting everything he wants without really trying, huh?”
He dragged his hand down towards to your neck placing his hand over your throat. “What does Frank have that I don’t?” He began to apply pressure to your neck making you grip his wrist to stop him. “Why is it always him?” he squeezed harder leaving you gasping for any type of air. You began to panic flailing your hands around trying to deter him from hurting you even more. “What makes Frank Castle so goddamn special?!”
He dropped his hold over you all at once leaving you a pile of nerves on the floor trying to catch your breath. You felt disoriented trying to gather yourself. Billy wasn’t a kind man though, he pulled you up by your hair cranking your neck until your bruised neck was exposed.
“Now I’m only going to ask you one more time. Where is Fran-”
Before he could even finish you reached towards the lamp and slammed it across Billy’s face. He screamed in pain and that was enough motivation to get you running out the door. You didn’t know how hurt Billy was but it was enough to buy you a little time to get away.
You held your breath all the way to your car and stepped on the gas hearing the tires screech. It was only when your house was in the review mirror that you exhaled.
Out of all that happened, one thing was for sure, there was no way you could meet up with Frank. Not without exposing him. The only relief was that Billy didn’t know where he was, but now he’d be on the hunt to track you down and make you pay.
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all worth it
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pairing: tom holland x interviewer!reader
summary: tom is an actor, doing interviews is a part of his job. but there’s just something about you that makes him feel like the stress that comes with press tours and interviews is all worth it.
warnings: none, just fluff
notes: literally got this idea from looking at an onward interview gif (the one where he recites the lines from back to the future, iykyk) also imagine the pandemic never happened in this jfskgh
so tom loves his job, obviously
he gets to be his number one favorite superhero, make people happy, do what he loves, and more
but that doesn’t mean that there are no downsides to his career
there is actually a lot of stress that comes with being in the limelight and that includes people constantly watching your every move, being critiqued, questioned and put on the spot
and the perfect time for all this to occur? during interviews
now some of the time, interviews are nice, sometimes they’re even fun
but unfortunately a lot of the time, the same questions are asked in each and every one, one after the other, for hours on end and it honestly gets very boring and very draining very fast
so to be quite frank, he wasn’t expecting much when he walked into the next room for his last interview of the day
but when you walked in, he couldn’t help but perk up a bit
you were pretty and you seemed very nice as well, greeting everyone, including the crew as you made your way over to tom, jacob and zendaya
some of the interviewers would just walk straight to their seat and start the questions almost immediately, no warmth in their manners––but you, you were different
you shook each of their hands, smiling wide as you said hello
you couldn’t really contain your enthusiasm, you were a big marvel fan, and a fan of each of them, so you couldn’t tame your smile even if you wanted to
your energy was infectious and tom was more than grateful for it
when you reached him, he looked into your eyes deeply and you had to snap out of your daze before you made a fool of yourself
‘hello darling’ he licked his lips as he looked up at you, a gracious smile on his face and you blinked a couple times before responding
‘hi it’s––so nice to meet you, i’m a big fan.’ you turned to look at the others, ‘of all of you, really.’ 
they all ‘aww’ed and accepted your compliments, thanking you as you took your seat
when you were given the green light to start, you gave a curt nod to the crew behind the cameras and started right away
you were professional and good at your job, making the cast feel welcome and at ease after a long day of work
you told jokes, asked interesting questions that others hadn’t and since you were a marvel fan, you were able to ask specific questions that showed your genuine interest in the comics, the films, the plots and more
tom could feel himself getting more comfortable as the interview went on and the smile never left his face throughout the entire thing
when it ended and they turned the cameras off, you all felt a bit disappointed that you would have to say goodbye so soon, you were all having a good time and genuinely laughing so hard that your cheeks hurt 
you thanked them all for their time and jacob was quick to wave you off
‘no thank you––i think we can all agree that we saved the best for last today.’ he looked to his friends and they nodded along
zendaya chimed in ‘for real, this was fun.’
you smiled, honored that you managed to make their day a little better and tom spoke up quietly, making you turn to look at him
‘yeah this, this was really great. thank you y/n.’
you could feel your cheeks heating up but you nodded, smiling as you tried your best to calm your raging heartbeat ‘my pleasure’
tom would have loved to speak with you more afterwards honestly, but unfortunately as soon as he exited the room, he and his friends were being ushered towards the next location for the day, preparing for the long week they still had ahead of them
though you had hoped to see more of tom, you only had one interview with him, so you wouldn’t be seeing him any time soon
or so you thought, anyway
your boss surprised you with a chance to go to the premiere, and interview some of the cast and other actors on the red carpet of course (since you were there for work)
you honestly thought that if tom did see you, he would only give you a small wave, maybe a slight head nod at best since you’d already interviewed him, but to your surprise, when he saw you, he smiled immediately and made his way over to you, swerving away from his entourage (which consisted of his brothers, assistant, and others you didn’t recognize)
‘hi love, how are you?’ 
his eyes were shining under the bright lights on the carpet and there were hundreds of shouts and conversations going on around you, but he somehow managed to make you focus only on him, from his voice and presence alone
‘good! how are you? you excited? nervous?’
he laughed, tilting his head, ‘both, but you know, i’m really proud of this film and i’m ready for people to see it’
you didn’t have much time to talk since there were plenty of other interviewers, journalists and on top of that he had to take pictures so you wished him good luck and he thanked you genuinely
‘i have to run, but be sure to tell me what you think of the movie afterwards, yeah? i know you’re a marvel fan, wanna see if it lives up to your standards’ he winked and you stuttered for a bit, agreeing as he walked off 
you were shocked that he wanted to hear your opinion, but granted there was a camera on you both, which you might have forgotten about while you were talking
but you couldn’t help but think, was that flirting? does he really want to know what i think?
you tried to push the butterflies down and focus on the film as you watched and honestly, it was easy to forget about everything else once you looked at the screen
the film, the plot, tom––everything was so captivating and entertaining, you couldn’t look away even if you tried
it wasn’t until after the film had ended, and you’d stayed for both end credit scenes that you realized you had no way of contacting tom
surely he would have things to do after this, after parties maybe? so you most likely wouldn’t see him outside
and it’s not like he followed you on instagram––he probably wouldn’t even see your dm if you sent one
as you were on your way out, thinking about all this, you felt a hand tap your shoulder and you turned, a smile on your face
but soon realizing it wasn’t who you’d hoped, you tried to not let the disappointment show on your face but as you looked clearly, you realized the man looked familiar
‘hi’ he smiled, ‘i’m tom’s assistant’ you nodded, greeting him a little confused
‘tom’ he started, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, ‘wanted me to give you this’ he handed you the paper and you opened it, feeling your stomach jump when you realized a number was scribbled on it, signed -tom ;)
without even realizing, you stared at the ink on the paper for a few seconds silently before his assistant snapped you out of it
‘he wanted you to know that he’s not a dick and he would have come if he could’
you laughed and looked up at him
‘honestly he felt really bad he couldn’t come himself, trust me.’
you nodded and put the paper in your bag, ‘thank you, i’ll be sure to use this’ you smiled
he smiled too, ‘tom hopes you will’ 
you had a feeling that tom would be busy that night, and probably hungover the next morning, so you waited a couple of days before contacting him
and during those two days, tom was honestly freaking out inside...and outside
were you not interested? was he too forward? did he do something wrong? did you get the wrong idea of him?
he was even texting harrison, jacob and zendaya about it in their group chat
tom: i’m an idiot aren’t i
zendaya: yeah but we already knew that
tom: 😑
harrison: i’m sure she’ll text you, maybe she’s just busy
jacob: yeah man, you’re a total catch
jacob: and anyway if she doesn’t want you, i’ll have you ��
tom: thanks babe 😘
zendaya: i’m just gonna go––
tom: but anyway, i don’t think i’ll ever shoot my shot ever again because this is just embarrassing
not even a full minute passed before the he send the next text 
tom: nevermind she just texted me
tom almost dropped his phone when he saw the message pop up
maybe: y/n: hi tom! this is y/n :) i’m free to give you my thoughts on the movie when you are
you felt like you were going to be sick when you hit send on the message––you didn’t want to bother him, it’d been several days, what if he changed his mind? 
and you––nevermind he responded immediately
tom: hi darling :) i’m glad you used my number 
tom: i’m free to talk now actually, we could facetime if that’s easier? only if you want, of course
you paused when you read his text, luckily you had showered and gotten dressed today so you didn’t look a mess but you opened the camera just to check if you looked alright
were you really about to facetime tom holland?
when you finished fixing your hair, smoothing down your eyebrows and licking your lips, you swallowed your nerves and replied
y/n: sure, i’d like that
he took a deep breath and hit the call button, eagerly waiting for it to connect when you answered
when you both came into view, you smiled, greeting each other shyly
‘was a little worried when you didn’t call me that night’ he admitted sheepishly
your brows raised, surprised ‘oh i just––i assumed you would have been busy you know, after parties and all that’ you laughed and he joined you, a small smile on his face
‘darling even if you called me during the party, i would have left just to talk to you––missed hearing your voice honestly’ 
when you paused to answer a blush coated his cheeks and you couldn’t help but think how cute he looked
‘sorry was that lame?’ he laughed nervously and you shook your head, biting your lip to suppress your smile
‘no––that was, really sweet actually. i––like talking to you too, it’s really nice’ 
soon you get to talking about the actual movie and you couldn’t stop the praises from flowing
‘honestly it was incredible tom, you were incredible, i loved it’
‘thank you love, i’m really glad you enjoyed it, i was hoping you would.’
and the way that tom smiled bashfully and blushed, even pointing the camera away from his face to hide at one point had you swooning more than ever
after that, you and tom texted here and there, sometimes even facetiming, and he wouldn’t hesitate to compare you to his other interviewers and even tell you about it
‘had an interview today, can’t even compare it to yours, love’ 
you just rolled your eyes, a smile on your face ‘oh shut up, tom’ 
you talk often but due to both of your busy schedules, months go by before you see each other again
you run into him at red carpets for other marvel movies, and there’s never a dull moment between the two of you
‘‘there’s my favorite interviewer’ his smile was wide as he walked up to you. ‘you excited for this one?’
you scoffed, fully having a conversation with tom as though you weren’t on camera ‘of course i am, it looks amazing’
‘even better than my movies?’
you raised your hands in surrender, ‘legally, i can’t answer that’
he put a hand to his chest, acting dramatically offended ‘wow well, i guess it’s time for me to go then’
‘at least save me a seat?’ you joked
‘you know i will’ he smirked
by the time ‘the devil all the time’ press came about, you hadn’t told tom that you were assigned to interview him, honestly it was a last minute schedule change 
honestly, he’d gotten good at hiding his bad moods from the public, but you’d known him for enough time now to be able to see when he wasn’t at his 100%
which is why you could see him visibly brighten up when he walked into the room and saw you
‘what are you doing here?’ he asked, clearly (pleasantly) surprised as he hugged you 
‘uh, my job?’ you joked, ‘you didn’t actually think i only interviewed for the mcu did you?’
he blushed, ‘well i uh––no, obviously not’ he said unconvincingly but you brushed him aside as you got ready for the interview
once you started, tom couldn’t help but smile as he watched you, you were just really good at your job and he enjoyed being with you, even when it was for work
‘so obviously audiences are used to seeing you as peter parker, a rather lighthearted character, despite all the hardships he’s had to face––would you say approaching a character as dark as this was challenging in any way? mentally, emotionally, or just in regards to the fact that the public would be seeing a new, more sinister, villainous side to you?’
‘i mean it was a little daunting, definitely. but i was excited to sort of branch out mentally and challenge myself emotionally for this role––the story was fascinating to me and i was just so proud to be a part of this project, i tried not to think of any downsides.’ 
he paused and licked his lips, a glint in his eyes. ‘and honestly, we all have a little bit of a dark side, don’t we?’ 
you paused. of all times to flirt––
‘well hopefully not to the same extent of your character,’ you joked and thankfully the conversation smoothly transitioned elsewhere
now the fans took notice of your bond with tom
they noticed that tom seemed to smile the brightest and laugh the loudest during your interviews, even jumping into other conversations and answers to questions that were directed to his costars
there were dozens of videos, hundreds of edits––
‘tom falling for his interviewer for 9 minutes straight’
and you’d seen them––it was sort of impossible for you to not
you’d been tagged in so many of them, even your friends sent them to you
i mean you weren’t blind, tom was attractive and he did make your heart flutter but you assumed that he didn’t want a relationship since his career was only progressing, skyrocketing either––it would probably be difficult to maintain a solid relationship, or maybe he just wasn’t interested in you so you said nothing
it wasn’t until he had a break from filming that he asked you to hangout, and still you thought nothing of it, until he asked what time he should pick you up
you paused, and he even thought that you froze when really you were just processing what he said
‘like a––date?’ you asked hesitantly
he smiled, scratching the back of his head nervously, ‘yeah? yeah i––like a date.’
you smiled, ‘i would love to tom. but aren’t you worried about pictures spreading online? headlines and all that? i wouldn’t want to add any more stress––’
‘i promise love,’ he interrupted your worried rant, ‘you make it all worth it.’
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Divination Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 占卜之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released on 16 September 2021 ]
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MC: Gavin, I’ve been way too unlucky recently! I fell down while riding a bicycle, the water supply was cut halfway during a shower, and last week, three flights were delayed by more than two hours within the span of three days... Sob sob, life is so difficult...
It’s a Saturday, and Gavin has come over to my house to kill time as usual. The moment we meet, I can’t help but wail about how I painstakingly got through the week. 
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As though he’s comforting a small animal, his palm gently covers the top my head.
Gavin: You’ve already told me these things.
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He pulls me over to sit on the sofa, then leans over to look at my knee. Knowing his intentions and feeling afraid that he’s genuinely worried, I hurriedly wave my hands.
MC: Actually, it wasn’t a serious fall, and my skin didn’t tear. There were a few red cuts, but they're gone now.
Even after confirming the veracity of what I said, Gavin doesn’t straighten up. His fingers rub my knee, conveying his belated consolation.
After a while, he rests an arm on the sofa while turning his head towards me.
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Gavin: Want to drink milk tea or eat cake? Didn’t you say that with these two things, even the worst of moods can be turned into the clearest of skies?
With this reminder, a location instantly flashes past my mind.
MC: Let’s drink coffee!
I reach for my phone on the coffee table. Tapping on my saved searches, I show Gavin a shop.
MC: This one - Witch Café. The name’s a little outdated, but it’s really popular recently. I’ve seen many people checking in on Moments. 
MC: The manager of this shop knows divination, and the reviews mentioned that she’s really accurate... 
MC: Also, if the results from the divination aren’t that great, she could help turn my fortune around. 
MC: The shop sells lots of objects used for changing one’s fortune, such as crystal rings and bracelets. 
MC: I think what I need most right now, aside from you... would be a change of fortune!
Gavin bursts into a laugh, then lifts his head to look at me.
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Gavin: It’s my fault for not learning divination to change your fortune for the better. Otherwise, you’d only need me.
Gavin’s quick wit causes me to do a thumbs-up.
MC: Wow. Your logic... makes a little bit of sense.
He scrolls down my phone screen, taking a casual look at the café’s introduction.
Gavin: Mm, it looks really interesting and isn’t very far.
MC: It’s really nearby. It’s only a few kilometres away, and there definitely won’t be a traffic jam at his hour. But it’s the weekend, so I’m not sure if we’d need to queue.
Gavin takes my phone from my hand, then pushes me on the back gently.
Gavin: Get changed. I’ll give them a call to make a reservation.
I immediately get up, giving him a deliberately formal bow.
MC: Understood.
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The internet-famous café is even more popular than I imagined. Although it isn’t time for afternoon tea yet, the shop is already fully packed.
Fortunately, we’re seated in a relatively quiet corner next to the window. However, we can still hear a few ladies from the neighbouring table fervently discussing the results of their divination.
I tug on Gavin’s sleeve from across the table.
MC: Gavin, you’ve never believed in such things, have you?
Gavin: Divination?
Gavin nods frankly, then suddenly chuckles.
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Gavin: I initially wanted to say that I didn’t believe it. But I suddenly remembered that an Evolver who can predict the future is sitting right in front of me.
MC: ...that’s true?!
Realising this, I sink into a deep contemplation. Gavin reaches out to scratch the tip of my nose.
Gavin: I meant that as a joke. It’s impossible to meet a second Evolver with a precognition ability.
I glare at Gavin angrily. He shifts his gaze, looking at the manager who is currently talking to patrons.
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Gavin: But she is an Evolver.
MC: Really? 
I turn my head to look. The manager is wearing a black apron, and she’s bending down as she patiently explains the divination symbol to a patron, her smile warm and amiable.
She exudes an aura which makes whatever she says very believable.
Just as my anticipation is hooked, Gavin stifles it with his words.
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Gavin: But it definitely isn’t related to precognition.
MC: I see...
When Gavin sees that my anticipation has dampened, he pushes a blueberry cake in front of me.
Gavin: Don’t feel disappointed yet. Divination has never needed to rely on Evol. You’ll know if it’s accurate after giving it a try.
He digs a small piece of cake with a spoon, then brings it over to me. Munching on it, my eyes widen as I look at him.
MC: Incredibly! Delicious!
The cake exceeded my expectations. Thinking that the coffee might be pretty good too, I quickly lift the cup of coffee from the table.
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In the meantime, Gavin picks up the explanatory card the manager had just brought over, and starts reading from it.
Gavin: It says that once you’ve finished drinking the coffee, you have to press the bell to call for the manager. The manager will obtain the divination results after observing the shape of the coffee sediments. 
Gavin: Before the divination, you could think of the contents of the divination first.
Gavin: If you have a ring or another token, you could prepare it beforehand. Place it at the bottom of the cup afterwards to increase the effectiveness.
After reading this, he rests his chin against his hand while chuckling softly.
Gavin: It’s almost the same as the tarot cards we tried the last time.
I take the explanatory card from him. Opening it up, I give it a sweeping glance.
MC: ...so it’s tasseography. I did research on it when we were playing with tarot cards the last time. Afterwards, I realised how complicated it is to interpret the divination results, so I gave up on learning it.
Finishing the rest of the coffee in one gulp, I press the copper bell at the corner of the table.
Upon hearing the bell, the manager looks up and shoots me a smile while washing a coffee cup. After wiping her hands, she walks over to us.
Manager: Are the both of you done with your coffee?
Seeing me nod in anticipation, she picks up the serving tray on the table, placing it next to the coffee cup.
Manager: May I know how I should address you?
Manager: MC, lift the coffee cup and sway it gently while contemplating on your divination question. Once you’re done, place the cup upside down onto the tray.
I follow her instructions.
After a short while, she uncovers the cup, displaying the shape of the coffee sediments inside it.
Manager: Based on the results, you seem to have been going through a rough time lately, and your mood hasn’t been great. Is this correct?
MC: !!!
I immediately look at Gavin, thinking that this is far too accurate.
The manager seems to detect an affirmation from my expression. She sets down the coffee cup, then retrieves two wrapped chocolate cookies from her apron.
Manager: I made them this afternoon, and they’re for you. Based on the shape of the coffee sediments, although you might have experienced some rough moments recently, all the unhappy moments have already passed. Over the next few days, you’ll receive good news in succession, and you’ll be happier.
While saying this, she leans over, her slightly curled hair exuding a floral fragrance which refreshes the soul, causing me to be left in a mild daze.
Gavin suddenly speaks up.
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Gavin: You’re using Evol.
The manager pauses in fright. For a moment, she’s at a loss, and has no choice but to bow slightly with her hands by her side.
Manager: I’m sorry, have I offended the both of you?
Seeing her frantic expression, I hurriedly shake my head.
MC: I-it’s fine... we don’t discriminate against Evolvers. And I’m sure you didn’t have malicious intentions.
The manager’s shoulders slump in resignation, admitting her “little magic” to us candidly.
Manager: ...I just wanted to send a flower into your memories.
MC: Send a flower?
Seeing that I didn’t understand what she meant, she explains patently.
Manager: Sorry, that’s a phrase I use in the shop.
Manager: Through tasseography, I can truly tell that you haven’t been in a good mood recently. But it’s very difficult to change your future fortune. 
Manager: In order to lift the spirits of patrons who do divinations, I use my Evol to alter their memories slightly.
Manager: However, my Evol has its limits. The only thing I can do is add something small that’s worthwhile of happiness into their unhappy memories, such as a flower. 
Manager: Are you willing to give it a try?
Considering how frank she is, I can’t find a reason to refuse. Furthermore, no incidents will occur with Gavin around.
MC: Mm...
The manager’s hand gently glides across me. Although I feel as though nothing happened, she signals that she’s done. Gavin stares at me curiously.
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Gavin: Are there any changes to your memories?
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I inexplicably recall the time when I fell off the bicycle, and images beginning from the moment I fell surface in my mind -
The path in front of me is tilted, and I can’t control my plummet towards my left side. 
These images are exactly the same as what actually happened, but in the very last snippet -
In an unremarkable corner of the crosswalk, a blue wild flower sways along with the breeze.
MC: A flower? There’s really a flower!
For some reason, seeing this flower enveloped in sunlight causes my emotions to become much more composed, reducing the annoyance I felt about the fall.
The manager releases a joyful sigh, then continues her soft explanation on why she does such things.
Manager: People often have a deep impression of negative things, while happy moments are fleeting. Unhappy memories linger much longer in memories.
Manager: So I thought - if I could add an element of happiness into the unhappy memories of patrons, such as a flower, or a ray of sunlight...
Manager: Their unhappy memories may become a little brighter. On a subconscious level, their mood would naturally become better.
Manager: With a good mood to lift them up, they’d focus on the positive aspect of things the next time they face something else. That’s why they’d find that their fortunes have truly turned for the better.
After saying this, the manager looks at the both of us before apologising again softly.
Manager: Even though I use Evol on patrons, I don’t have malicious intentions. Could you be magnanimous and not report me?
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I toss a glance at Gavin, hoping that the Captain would close an eye this time.
After pondering for a moment, Gavin nods calmly at the manager.
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Gavin: I won’t report you, but don’t use Evol on patrons in the future.
He looks at me from the side, then reaches out to grab a tissue before wiping it gently against the corner of my lips. Lowering my head, I spot blueberry coloured cream on the white tissue.
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Gavin: I believe that your coffee and snacks are enough to bring patrons happiness.
The manager grabs my hand in relief, thanking me repeatedly.
Manager: Thank you both for liking my coffee and cakes. I’ll give another present to the both of you.
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By the time we leave the café, it’s still early. Gavin and I aren’t in a hurry to go back. Holding hands, we take a stroll beneath the shade of trees.
We can’t help but bring up what happened in the café earlier.
MC: It turns out that it’s so simple to change one’s mood. Adding an element of happiness into unhappy memories is enough.
Surrounded by the chirping of cicadas, even Gavin’s voice reveals a refreshing and carefree touch of summer.
Seeing his slightly sweat-damped fringe sticking to his temples, I retrieve a tissue from my bag and wipe it for him.
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Gavin: I remember that you once mentioned that the secret to maintaining a happy life is to focus on the positive side of things.
While saying this, Gavin takes the tissue in my hand and stores it into his own pocket.  
MC: Mm, that’s right! Actually, such forms of self comfort are pretty effective. 
MC: Even though I fell while riding a bike, I told myself that it was fortunate that it wasn’t anything more than a fall. 
MC: When the water supply was cut while I was showering, it only happened because I didn’t pay attention to the announcement by the property management... 
MC: I’d just learn from this experience and check the announcement board more often. 
MC: Also, the flights were delayed due to torrential rain. It was an objective reason, and nobody could have expected it.
MC: A lady from the airline company even gave me orange juice and a small gift.
Gavin chuckles leisurely, meeting my gaze from the corner of his eyes.
Gavin: Many things may not have happened according to how you wished over the short span of a week. Immersing yourself in the state of mind that everything wouldn’t go smoothly made you forget to look at the positive side of everything.
MC: Mm, but I can’t help it... Maintaining an optimistic outlook is really difficult. It’s inevitable to feel discouraged.
While saying this, I tighten my grip on his hand.
MC: But now, I know that if I face any unhappy moments in the future, I just have to search for a flower.
Gavin stops in his footsteps, lowering his eyes and giving me a smile.
Gavin: Have you thought of a new method to cheer yourself up?
I release a matter-of-fact “mm”. Pulling his collar, I give him a gentle peck on the chin.
MC: Whenever I face an unlucky incident, all I have to do is tell you immediately, and I’d immediately be comforted by you... 
MC: That way, I’d no longer be unhappy.
Gavin is taken aback momentarily. Then, he smiles faintly while looking at me.
MC: Whether it’s a fall or a delayed flight... The moment I share these things with you, the moodiness in my heart vanishes like smoke. The reason why I specially complained to you today was just to play coy.
I draw closer to him, swinging our interlaced hands.
MC: In the café earlier, I didn’t take the crystal bracelet she offered to change my fortune for the better... 
MC: I already have a bracelet which can bring me the greatest luck in the world.
I lower my head. Fragments of sunlight fall onto the ginkgo bracelet, refracting resplendent and exquisite faint light.
MC: This ginkgo leaf makes me happier than any other flower. No matter when, simply looking at it lifts my mood instantly.
Gavin doesn't release my hand. Instead, he pulls my hand to his back, bringing me into his arms gently.
The verdant trees and chirping of cicadas intertwine. The clean fragrance of shower gel from the side of his neck causes me to wrap my arms around him tightly.
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Gavin: I knew that you were playing coy. Trivial matters have never influenced your mood. You’re always very good at comforting yourself and seeing the positive side of everything. But the bracelet alone isn’t enough. The next time you come looking for me, I’ll definitely do something that’d make you even happier.
After saying this, he can’t help but release a resigned chuckle.
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Gavin: ...even though I haven’t thought of what I’d do.
I burst into a chuckle, then bury my head into his embrace completely.
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Gavin: But there will definitely be things that I can do to add an element of happiness into your unhappy memories.
Dense green hues and shadows fall on his shoulders. Lifting my head, I see faint light riding the wind through crevices of large clouds in the faraway sky.
Leisurely and carefree ants pass by the slabstone road, winding around a fallen green leaf, and I can’t tell if they’re taking a stroll or scavenging for food.
Summer is flourishing, and this moment is incomparably tranquil.
My heart is filled to the brim with contentedness and happiness. Even my tone is relaxed and at ease.
MC: Gavin, you have to promise me one thing. If you’re unhappy about something in the future, you have to tell me about it immediately, okay? I can add many, many elements of happiness into your memories so that you wouldn’t even have half a second of unhappiness. I can guarantee that.
I lift my head to look at Gavin. With our close proximity, I can see his amber eyes reflecting large swathes of lush branches and leaves belonging exclusively to midsummer.
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The gentleness flowing from these eyes aren’t stingy at all as they land on my face.
MC: We have to be the ever-fresh and blooming flowers in each of our memories, forever swaying in the wind.
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Gavin releases a soft “okay”. He rests his chin on my shoulder, tightening his grip around my waist.
He murmurs at my ear.
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Gavin: There’s no need for a guarantee. Your existence has always been the most brightly-coloured flower in my memories.
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Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: In order to clear the existing stock in the fridge, it’s time to have supper!
Gavin: Pick between mala crayfish and barbecue?
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Soda is always the best!
Gavin: Although that’s true, it’s best to drink fewer cold beverages.
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Pick between white peach and tangerine!
Gavin: I’ll pick the one you like less.
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☕ Call: here
☕ Support the café (not the one mentioned in the date) by dropping by the tip jar!
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