#But I AM going to be alone. I AM going to miss you. I AM going to want to talk to you whenever I get the chance.
risuola · 2 days
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ENTRY #11 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // I starve for your touch yet fear to savor it.
contents: arranged marriage!au, nudity, reader discretion is advised — wc. 1690
a/n: there was no way i wouldn't write a fic based on this picture. just no way.
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series masterlist
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Satoru loves to sleep naked.
The beauty of his innate technique, the blessing that he mastered to no end, has stripped him off one of the most basic human needs — touch. He wasn’t missing it that much, he thought, but there was something in letting go of everything and allowing himself to be wrapped in the silky layers of bedsheets that made his body crave the feeling.
He has always picked expensive garments, the ones with soft fabrics and luxurious feel, despite everyone telling him it’s unreasonable to spend so much on a shirt or a pair of trousers, but to him, it did matter. To him, that was the only thing touching his body when a thin layer of infinity effectively forced everything else back. To Satoru, touch was forbidden, threatening. It was a vulnerability that he, the strongest, couldn’t afford.
But that until he’s met you. Until he’s married you.
You were one of not many people he’s made an exception for. You were able to touch him whenever you wanted because the protective surface of endless matter let you in. Because he himself altered his technique to make you capable of laying your hands on his body.
He longed for your touch. So soft, and delicate, and warm. He craved more of it and yet, despite being shameless and confident, he has not allowed himself to sleep bare even once since the day you and him were bound by the knot of matrimony. It would cross boundaries he wasn’t sure you’d wish to cross; it would make you uncomfortable, awkward maybe — and he liked the way your relationship looked like now. He liked the late evenings you talked quietly, alone and intimate in the warm embrace of sheets and your own house.
For you, he let go of the way he used to sleep before because you were worth the sacrifice, but now, you were gone for few days. You were sent on a mission away from Tokyo and the hours Satoru spent alone in bed, thinking of nothing more but your fingertips on top of his skin, made him desperate — and so, he allowed himself the comfort of soft cotton and silk.
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You were tired. Exhausted even, by the intense fight you had to pull through, by the uncomfortable nights spent in the dingy hotel room, by the humid weather and rains. In moments like this, there was nothing you envied more in the world than your husband’s ability to warp from one place to another, but you got lucky. Incredibly so, because Ijichi offered you a ride home two days earlier than you were supposed to head back and you thanked all gods and devils for that man’s kindness. He was willing to put on some more road just to get you home.
“Thank you so, so much, Ijichi,” you kissed his cheek — a ghost of a peck that made him all red and steamy and you felt giddy for a moment, seeing the tips of his ears turn crimson. Adorable. You liked him, he was dutiful, polite, trustworthy and constantly terrorized by your husband, so you were determined to at least be the Gojo he likes.
“You’re very welcome,” he mumbled and fixed the frames on the bridge of his nose, pushing them up with the tip of his pointer finger. “Have a good rest.”
“You too, Ijichi.”
Then, he was gone and you were stepping into the house with a deep sense of relief washing over you. Home sweet home. If you were to guess, it was most likely somewhere around 4 am, way too early for anyone to be up — especially your husband — so you gave it your all to stay as quiet as possible. The sun was just showing its first rays from way below the horizon line, crawling up with golden hues and breaking the nightly, navy darkness.
On your toes you moved across the house. It seemed as if Gojo was spending his time alone quite ordinarily — you saw a modest stack of empty takeout boxes, much less humble pile of candy wrappers and his uniform jacket thrown over the couch backrest, along with few other little items that you struggled to differentiate in the nocturnal haze.
You put down your bag, hung up your coat and pushed off the shoes. Ghosting your way towards the bathroom, you were desperate to wash away the combat residuals. You lathered up the shower gel in a rush, desperate to rest and sleep in the comfort of your own bed and then, wrapped in the towel, you tippy-toed to the bedroom, but—
“Came back earlier?”
—you truly didn’t expect to be met with a sight like this. Your husband was awake, just barely, most likely awaken by the water running in the bathroom. His eyes were closed, hidden underneath his forearm and shielded from the lights that were slowly creeping inside, between the dark curtains and onto his face. His body seemed relaxed between the sheets. The softest, gentlest lines of golden glimmer that painted its patterns over his uncovered chest and leg, his hip and one of the muscular arms. The duvet was covering less than half of him, hiding a part of his stomach, the other leg and—
“You’re staring.”
Satoru didn’t even have to look at you to know that your gaze was lingering on his frame. On his very, very naked frame, just barely concealed by the comforter.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, feeling the heat creeping up your cheeks and reaching the tips of your ears and you thanked the darkness for hiding it away. You walked around the bed, hoping to find your pajama where you left it and trying to force your head out of the gutter. You heard your husband letting out a deep exhale and then, a soft hum. His voice was as melodic as always, though you could tell how much sleepiness was laced into it.
Satoru should’ve notice you when you entered the area of your house, but he didn’t. Tired by his own job, by the classes and all of the meetings, he allowed himself to lower his guard and when he realized you’re home, he contemplated for a moment getting up and dressed, but he just didn’t want to.
“You’re exhausted, screw pajamas, just come here,” he said before he managed to think twice about it. It was a daring offer, inappropriate even and he opened his mouth to apologize for it, but then, you rendered him speechless.
Your weight felt good on top of him. You lay your body over his own with feathery gentleness and carefully maneuvered your way to rest on his chest completely. The touch of your skin flush to his own made his brain to short circuit, it felt divine, too good to be true and just so very right, he couldn’t say a word.
“Is that alright?” You asked quietly, pressing your ear right above his heart and letting out a breath that you held for a little too long. Your face felt hot, you were flushed and flustered but also oddly at ease with the current position and you wondered for a moment if it was the tiredness that made you so bold.
“More than that,” he replied, pulling the covers to hide you beneath them. He allowed one of his arms to snake around your waist and his lips to kiss the top of your head. “Rest. Sleep well, wifey.”
“Good night.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10:19 AM
Satoru thought he was dreaming, but the weight on top of him felt too real. The soft scent of citrusy shower gel that lingered on your skin filled in his lungs each time he took a breath in and there was a tickle, he realized — every time his chest raised, a strand of your hair seemed to be moving against his jawline. You were not a dream.
He opened his eyes, blinking few times, adjusting them to the bright light that forced its way into the bedroom and then, he looked at you. You were still very deep asleep, he could tell based off the long inhales you were taking, slow and relaxed, fanning against his peck rhythmically. Your body was mostly on top of him, you were on his chest, your leg was between his and only your hips were resting on the bed. He still had his arm around you, as if making sure you were as close as possible.
It felt incredible. Intimate. It was everything he could have wished for. A touch, skin to skin, so intense it almost took his breath away. He felt nauseous at the thought, realizing that it’s the first time in his life, he’s that close to someone. So impossibly close that just a little bit more and you’d become a part of him. His heartbeat quickened.
It was so right. So awfully correct and at the same time, so very threatening. He felt helpless. Vulnerable. He was at your mercy, he was robbed of everything what made him the strongest, because at this very moment, he was bare. Uncovered before you, wrapped in an embrace that felt loving, that felt soothing, addicting, but if you only wished to hurt him, you’d—
You moved, shifting your weight a little bit, adjusting the position and the way your hand run down his side made him shiver. A soft sound escaped your throat when you let out a deeper exhale. He felt your fingers squeezing the flesh above his hip and then, you relaxed again.
“Your heart is beating so fast,” you whispered, not bothering to open your eyes, and Satoru held his breath. “Relax…”
And he chuckled. His chest vibrated below your ear and the adorable sound of displeasure you let out made him lose all of the tension. He turned, twisting his body inside your embrace to face you fully and he squeezed you with both of his arms, pulling you close. So impossibly close, and you whimpered, suddenly enclosed in a tight hold of your husband’s limbs. That was it for your sleep.
You could get used to it.
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taglist: @kinny-away @anan-baban @lotomber @netflix-imagines @kawliflo @nishloves @ghostfacefricker6969 @thejujvtsupost @yozora7154 @cherrycolabarbedwirebedpost @stuckinmoilalaland@ae-mius @ropickle @chokesonspit @lansy-4 @mo0sin @just-pure-trash @foliea @bakarinnie @big-booty-joe
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astralis-ortus · 2 days
you're always enough
✱ boyfriend!bc x fem!reader
— losing you was not an option.
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w.count → 2.3k genre → angst, fluff, a dash of comedy warning → mild cussing, mention of infidelity, insecure chan :( a.n → based on this request! it honestly was a challenge for me hahahㅠ i think it's been a while since i wrote something with this quick of a vibe change in a while but i'm glad i got to try again!
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the clock at the bottom right part of his monitor shows its lingering around the 1pm mark—a mere 2 hours since he had stepped foot inside the building—and yet, he’s already stressed.
one block and straight to another, work hasn’t been looking good for him so far. he’s so ready to call for another break—but the soft knocks to the melody of twinkle twinkle little stars on chan’s studio door could only mean one thing.
“well hello there, miss producer,” chan’s frown turned into a smile in the split second you peeked your head between the crack of the door, eyes turning into a pair of beautiful crescents you oh-so adore. you couldn’t even stop yourself from smiling—chan just looked so adorable with his messy natural curls decorating his forehead, beanie discarded somewhere on his leather couch. “come on in. i missed you.”
4 years ago, you were graced with the opportunity to participate in a song camp with the 3racha—one of, if not the, biggest producers in your company. it was a great experience—you got to learn a lot of new things, and somehow, your luck seemed to prolong as you kept in touch with the boys; occasionally called in for inputs while some other time just to hangout while grabbing a bite when the three realized the unidentified voice bleed turns out to originate from your producing room.
“oh really?” your smile easily mirrored his as you stepped inside the cold room, not forgetting to close the door behind you, “you missed me?”
taking his extended hand, the wide grin painted on your face soon met the end of its reign as your boyfriend pulls you into his lap—tiny yelp involuntarily left your lips while chan had his arms wrapped around you in a tight hug. you couldn’t even continue with the witty remarks on the tip of your tongue when his complimentary dozen of butterfly kisses fell across the span of your face; all replaced with the series of giggles and ‘oh my god—stop!’s as you attempted to free yourself from his trap.
you thought your little crush on the oldest of the three was going to remain as a silly little crush—but as life turns out, it has somehow been around 2 years since chan asked you to be his girlfriend, and a little over a year since you two gradually came clean to your closest friends and coworkers; though the thought only came after repeatedly being caught secretly meeting up or sneakily holding hands during your increasingly overlapping recording sessions.
“you little monster!” a high pitched squeal slipped past your upturned lips when you finally caught his rosy cheeks between your hands, keeping him still as you brought your lips onto his for a few quick pecks—which seemed to work, seeing how chan’s antics now reduced to a simple giggle as he held you close.  “you really missed me that much?” you hummed, gently running your thumbs on his freckled cheeks.
“of course i do,” chan pursed his lips in protest, warm hand gently running down your side, “it’s not every day i couldn’t see my girlfriend both at home and at work. 24 hours a day alone wasn’t enough, and now it’s reduced? of course i’m bound to miss you!”
swarms of butterflies fill the hollow of your chest while you let laughter echoes through the familiar green walls, feeling both warm and ticklish from chan’s cheesy line. “gosh,” your wide set grin now completed with a tinge of rose-colored flush on your cheeks, “you’re so head over heels for me, aren’t you?”
chan’s reverberating low hum became his reply, nodding his head confidently. “of course i am,” he smiled, eyes twinkling as the pair of deep brown eyes peered right into yours. “aren’t you?”
“well,” you grinned, arms wrapped around your boyfriend’s neck, “maybe if—”
your train of thought was forced to a halt when you felt a buzz in your pocket, quickly hopping off chan’s lap after a quick glance at the name. a short apology was muttered before you finally took the call outside the studio, leaving chan feeling a little dumbfounded and… hurt.
chan knew it’s probably work—despite the promised time off since the artist you’re working with is on their vacation, as someone who works behind the scenes, you’re never actually off duty. there’s bound to be urgent matters you need to deal with, and chan understood that.
he's just… confused.
and his confusion certainly multiplies in size when he heard another voice laughing with yours, right outside of his studio.
“no! geez, didn’t i—oh!” your attention instantly shifted when you heard the studio door crack open, eyes catching your puzzled boyfriends’ as he looked at you and the figure across. “channie, this is kyungho sunbae. he’s a new addition to the team but i met him in college. kyungho sunbae, this is—”
“bang chan-ssi, of course,” kyungho cheerily greeted chan, extending a friendly hand. “i’ve heard a lot of good things about you!”
“oh,” the confusion on chan’s face turned into a tight smile—which equally reflected on his grip on the stranger’s hand. even through a quick scan of his eyes, chan notices a lot. “couldn’t really say the same, but welcome. i hope you’re adjusting well so far,” chan continued, returning his hand to the small of your back.
“i am, thank you! i—”
“i’m sorry i can’t really talk much right now, i have my things to return to,” chan was quick to cut kyungho off, surprising both you and the latter. “it was nice meeting you, though,” chan quickly bowed before disappearing behind the metal door, leaving you slightly bothered.
“well, i gotta get going too,” kyungho finally broke the awkwardness between you. “i’ll text you later about the details?” he smiled despite the peeking confusion behind his eyes, to which you nodded before sending him off.
it was unlike chan to behave like that. sure, he might grow a little rough with his actions when work hasn’t been going the way he wanted things to be, but he was doing just fine. he was all lovey dovey with you less than 5 minutes prior, wasn’t he?
“baby,” cracking the door open, you were met with a stern-faced chan—eyes locked to his monitors with a muffled bass resonating from the headphone over his ears. the sight led you to a defeated sigh; you knew better than anyone to not bother the lion when he’s in this state.
but little did you know,
when you decided to back away and close the door, chan felt as if his worst nightmare had come true.
he knows it’s stupid to think that you’d ever cheat on him, but there’s also no guarantee that you would never fall for someone else and realize that maybe your happiness wasn’t with him. it terrifies chan to realize that maybe one day, you’d meet someone and realize that there’s someone better than him—someone better looking, someone who could treat you better, someone who could give you everything that you could ever wished for.
chan is scared that he’s not enough, and never will be.
for someone who’s been in his seat for so long, chan understands that at times his life does feel rather fleeting—like he’s simply going through the motions as he tries to stay afloat. everything—everyone—goes by so fast, and along the way, chan somehow learned how to shut down his feelings just so he could survive. he knew—he hoped, that as life gets better, he’ll come to find the opportunity to learn how to feel again.
but then, again, not everything he knows he needed to do proves to be easy.
it took him a while, but when he finally reached a point where he felt like life’s doing better for him, chan finally realizes that he now has love within him to give. he tried sharing them with his bandmates, he tried sharing them with his friends and family—hell, he even tried to share them with every single soul he met, but nothing fills him with the sense of content he was looking for…
until he met you.
chan knew he shouldn’t—you were his coworker, but despite him trying his best not to view you in a special light, he couldn’t help but return his gaze to your bright smile whenever you’re in the room. sure, you’re passionate about what you do, and it sure inspires him—but to see how your shoulders relax whenever you pop open a new book, or how happy you looked browsing through the convenience store aisles while trying to find what kind of new snacks you’ve never seen before,
it feels like he finally found what to be at peace felt like. he finally knew what love should look like—and it’s you.
a soft touch on his shoulder snaps chan out of his trance, eyes wide as it met your worried pair. your gentle smile was the second thing he noticed, and his eyes finally trailed down to the box of pineapple juice and a few snacks along the roll of kimbab perched on his desk.
“i know you’re busy,” your voice finally came clear as soon as chan took off his headphone, “but you need to eat first, okay? it’s almost 2, and i know you didn’t eat much earlier before you left. i’m not gonna bother you again if you eat now—i’ll even head home if you need time to focus, but that’s as long as you eat. okay?”
“…then i’m not eating.”
“i don’t want you to go home,” chan reiterated—and that’s when you finally see the tinge of sadness behind his eyes. “i’m not eating if you’re gonna go.”
“oh baby—what happened?” your voice turned gentle as you took his face in your hands, gently grazing the pads of your thumbs over his skin. “are you okay? do you—”
“i’m sorry.”
“sorry?” you tilted your head, now confused. “for…?”
“just… everything,” chan exhaled, arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close and rested his forehead on your stomach. “i know i’m difficult, but please. don’t leave.”
“baby you’re not difficult,” you furrowed your eyebrows, puzzled. what happened in the 30 minutes you were gone? did something terrible happened? all sorts of thoughts were running through your head.
“and i’m not leaving,” your voice were stern, and you felt the way chan slightly tightened his arms around you. “where am i supposed to even go anyway? i’m already home.”
if chan wasn’t tearing up before, then he sure is now.
“even if i’m not perfect?” he quietly muttered—and you’re slowly piecing the puzzles together. “even if i’m not tall enough? even if my hair is always messy? even if i’m not fashionable? even if—"
“stop right there, mr. bahng,” you stopped him, peeling yourself off from chan and gazed right at his flushed face, “why are you being mean to my boyfriend? where does this came from, hm? no one’s allowed to say shit to my boyfriend like that!” your pursed your lips and gently lowered yourself to place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, only then smiling when chan let out a soft giggle.
“were you upset about me talking to kyungho sunbae earlier?” you questioned, and despite the lack of reply from your boyfriend, you’re pretty sure you knew what his answer was based on the minuscule shift on his face.
“i’m sorry, baby. i thought our interactions wasn’t important enough, so i never really brought him up to you. had i known you’d feel differently about that, i would’ve told you right away,” you apologized, smiling as you noted the faint glint returning in his eyes. “we did met in college, but he was just a senior i came to shadow a couple times when i started out in the industry.”
“i was really surprised when he turned out to be the new guy in my team,” you continued, fingers gently tracing his features, “but what really shocked me was turns out, i actually know his wife.”
you watched as your boyfriend connected the dots, jaw falling upon realizing the tiny detail he had skipped through despite catching a short glimpse of thin silver band on his finger.
“i met his wife a few times since we were pretty close in high school, and he’s been trying to dig out some information from me since their anniversary is just around the corner and he wanted to surprise her. he was just making sure he got the details right without texting me since his texts are synced to their shared device,” you explained, letting a giggle slip when you caught the blush creeping up your boyfriend’s face.
“…i see.”
the echo of your laugh only grew in volume when your boyfriend began to avoid your eyes, resorting to him burying his face on your stomach. adorable.
“it’s okay, baby. i understand why you’d get jealous,” your lips were set into a wide grin as you held your boyfriend close. “i’m still really sorry, though. i really wasn’t trying to hide this, i promise. i’ll tell you straight away if anything like this ever happened again.”
“so…” reducing your giggles to a smile, you gently run your nails on your boyfriend’s scalp, trying to soothe him, “am i forgiven?”
a muffled whine and a nod after, chan finally gazed up at you and added, “if only you’re eating with me.”
“oh baby,” cradling his face in your hands with a smile, you inched closer and placed a light peck over his pouting lips, “i’ll even stay here and cuddle all day with you.”
only then, chan finally allowed himself to laugh.
“well, then don’t mind if i say yes to that.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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maxsimagination · 2 days
Can you do smutty Kim little maybe
𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣 - 𝙠.𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚
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warnings: light smut. 18+ under the cut.
a/n: i am so sorry this took so long
“kyra, she said to get there at 7. it’s now 7:30 and we still haven’t left.”
“i swear i’m ready, just gimme a sec!”
the aussie shouted from wherever she was in our apartment. i quickly sent a text to kim saying we’d be more than a little late because the midfielder that i lived with had no sense of time management.
kim was understanding, she always was, and told me that the girls had only just decided on a movie.
“kyra if you don’t get down here now, the girls will start the movie without you!”
hopefully that got her moving.
“i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming!!”
she came barrelling down the hallway and raced to the front door ready to go.
it only took her an hour.
i drove us to kim’s place, which wasn’t too far away thank god. i could already hear the raucousness from inside the house, which made sense considering katie was in there with vic and lessi. finally we had made it to the team bonding night.
katie was the first to come and greet us, as usual, however her focus was on kyra and dragging her into whatever chaos her and vic had created.
kim walked over to me as i placed my things down on the kitchen counter.
“i’m sorry we’re late, kyra was looking for god knows what for an hour.”
“it’s kyra, we don’t expect anything else.”
she laughed along with me before we walked to the lounge room with the rest of the team. almost everyone was there; leah, frida, katie, caitlin, steph, kyra, stina, vic, lessi and of course kim. we piled onto the various couches and chairs and started watching the movie.
once it was finished, kyra had the bright idea to play truth or dare.
“oh oh oh! katie, truth or dare?”
kyra volunteered to go first, and it was no surprise who she picked.
“dare, kyra.”
“kiss your girlfriend.”
kyra didn’t miss a beat, and katie had to have known it was coming. this was kyra we were talking about. but she leaned over and pressed a quick peck on caitlin’s lips anyways, turning back to grin at kyra.
then it was katie’s turn, and she turned to kim.
“truth or dare, kimmy.”
what i didn’t expect was for kim to then choose dare.
“i dare you to do seven minutes in heaven, with yn.”
my jaw dropped, just a little bit. but katie was insistent, she pushed both me and kim towards the other room and closed the door.
“i’m starting the timer you two!”
i stood frozen like a stick once we were in the room alone. i wanted nothing more than to kiss kim for the seven minutes straight, but i would rather die than admit that to anyone.
“we don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable.”
kim’s voice was soft, her scottish accent peeking through. i smiled,
“i’m comfortable kim, but only if you are too.”
the captain blushed a little at my words, but leaned closer to my anyways.
her hands naturally found mine, as we just started at each other for a bit. it was almost like a scene out of a romance movie, we both leaned closer and closer until our lips found each other’s.
her kiss was soft, sweet, and she tasted like strawberries. when we separated to breathe, i was the first to lean back in.
“i could stay here with you forever.”
my arms went around her neck this time, while kim’s hands trailed around my hips. her fingertips danced around the edges of my shirt, playing the the hem and tracing tiny patterns on the exposed skin.
what started out as a gentle kiss turned into a heated make out session as we quickly lost track of time and the rest of the team was banging on the door.
“times up lovebirds! come back to the real world now.”
that was katie, and then suddenly the door was opening. kim didn’t was time and zipped over to the doorway.
“i’m not done yet. give us another seven hours maybe.”
she shut the door and came back to me with a cheeky grin.
“desperate are we, captain?”
“don’t get me started. come here.”
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periluvr · 2 days
jujutsu kaisen x bridgerton
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which confession from the bridgerton’s universe would say jjk’s men to their future wife/wife?
ft. geto, gojo, megumi and yuji
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Geto Suguru being the king George, y’know, i really feel like what the king George said to queen Charlotte would be something Geto would say because of his mental issues. I think he’d rather suffer alone than talking to his issues to his wife not to worry her.
Suguru stands up, raises his voice and looks at you, "I’m a madman. I am a danger. In my mind, there are different worlds creeping in. The heavens and the Earth collide. I do not know where I am!"
you raise your voice back, your face is firm, your brows are furrowed, "Do you love me?"
he doesn’t respond to your question and continues to talk about his issue, "You do not wish a life with me for yourself" — he stops — "No one, wishes that".
that’s bullshit! your think to yourself, what the hell would he think that? "Suguru! I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth. I will tell you where you are. Do you love me?"
shouts echo through the room, the argument keeps going, "I love you! from the mo—" he takes a deep breath "from the moment I saw you trying to go over the wall—" tears begin to form in his eyes "I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you, yn. My heart calls your name."
both of your breathing are synchronized, Suguru comes closer and kisses you, desperately.
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Gojo Satoru being Anthony Bridgerton, i just know sooo well this man thinks he’s THE gentleman of the season, every seasons. I think he doesn’t want to find a wife since he’s the head of his family and he just does what he’s supposed to do but when he first saw you, an inner conflict began.
You’re both in the library, he really wants you to leave or he’s going to do something he’ll regret instantly. He hates you since the first time you met but he doesn’t know why. You just told him you’re leaving for your country and he can’t help but feels betrayed, sad and angry.
Satoru closes his book and looks at you firmly, "do you think there is a corner on this earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment?"
you look at him completely confused, what the hell is he talking about? you start talking but he cuts you off.
"I am a gentleman, my father raised me to act with honor but that honor is hanging on a thread that grows precarious with every moment I spend in your presence."
"Satoru I—" he comes closer and whispers to your hear "You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. Night and day I dream of you."
You can’t even say a word. He steps back, takes a sip of his whisky "My mother is waiting for me" he quickly bows to you and leaves the room. You’re now all alone in the library thinking about what he just said to you.
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Fushiguro Megumi being Simon Basset, i really think this man wants a partner who can be his bestfriend too, even though he never wanted to get married at first.
both of you are no standing in front of your majesty, wishing she’s going to accept your marriage. Megumi has always been a good man to you, but he never wanted to marry you, until that day. Today, you have to convince the queen to marry you.
"You see your Majesty, it was love at first sight—" you start but Megumi cuts you off, "It was not your Majesty" — he looks at you, and you just look completely stunned by his words — "the young lady flatters me, it was not love at first sight for either of us. There’s attraction certainly, at least on my part and Miss [last name] thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere, all fair really." — he pauses and breaths heavily, "And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings, not to mention the sister of my best friend and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us but in so removing it, we found something far greater." — Megumi looks at you once again — "We found friendship." — The queen looks more interested now — "You see Miss [last name] and I have been fooling all of Shinjuku for quite some time, we have fooled them into thinking we are courting, and really all along, we simply enjoyed each other’s company so much, we could not stay away from one another—" you look at him, mesmerized by his words and presence in front of the queen. "I’ve never been a man that much enjoyed flirting or chatting or indeed talking at all, but with yn—" he clears his throat, "Miss [last name], conversation has always been easy, her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend and the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart…"
Everyone is looking at Megumi absolutely stunned by his confession. He really just said you two were fooling all of Shinjuku by pretending a future marriage?
You didn’t say anything and just keep listening to Megumi, excusing himself towards the queen and the prince.
When you go out from here you look at Megumi and ask him "Did a just say that to the Majesty for her to accept our marriage or—" he sighs, "I think all of what I said. I really think that."
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Itadori Yuji being Collin Bridgerton, idk why but Yuji really gives ‘friends to lovers’ vibe and i’m HERE for it! I think this man doesn’t understand signals when someone likes him.
After helping you to find a man, Yuji starts feeling jealous of men trying to court you. When he saw you leaving the ball with your ripped dress, he couldn’t help but feel bad for you. He followed you to your coach and asked you to get on.
"Yuji, what are you doing here?" you ask him, this is definitely not why a gentleman he’s supposed to do, even though you two know each other since eight or nine.
He looks at you and starts telling you what’s in his mind. He talks rapidly because you’re going to you’ll soon reach your estate.
"I have spent so long trying to feel less, trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be. And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded. But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings." — he takes your hands in his — "Feeling like a total inability to stop thinking about you—" he looks at your lips, "about that kiss. Feelings like dreaming of you when I’m asleep, and in fact preferring sleep because that is where I might find you. A feeling that is like torture!" — he takes a deep breath — "But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up"
Tears start to roll down your cheeks, "please, do not say things you do not mean" — "I do mean it. It is everything I have wanted to say to you for weeks".
You’re now looking at each other. Yuji caresses your cheeks with his thumb and he finally kisses you. The kiss is delicate but rough at the same time. You wanted this for so long!
Once you arrive in front of the Itadori’s estate. He gets out of the coach and offers you his hand to get out too.
"Yuji?" — "Are you coming with me?" he smiles, "What? Your family will see me!" he comes closer, "For God’s sake, yn [last name], are you going to marry me or not?"
You take his hands and goes to his estate, with him.
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i wanted to write this for soooo long!!! i had this idea with two of my friends @sunelia and @nycteis17 (look at her fanfiction of sukuna in ao3 : the irony of fate)
i put the one who have a netflix season because i didn’t read the books yet and i didn’t want to put fake things or whatever coming from the books.
i’m trying a new style of header, tell me if you prefer this one or not !!!
english isn’t my first language ;)
divider by : @saradika
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jinwoosungs · 1 day
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{ 179 }
academy arc
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
{ let's end each other's lonely nights | be each other's paradise | need a picture for my frame | someone to share my reign… }
you walked to school in the early hours of the morning, simply looking down at the novel you were reading in your hand. a smile paints your features the more you basked and read each scene, and as you were in the midst of turning the page, you felt a strange sensation creeping up on you-
the sensation of being followed.
your steps begin to slow just then, unaware of the large hand that reaches out to you-
as sung jinwoo lets out a rich chuckle of your name, wrapping an arm around you as he brings you closer to the front of his chest.
“morning, angel.” he purrs into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you give him a playful pout, lightly pushing yourself away from him.
you missed the lost expression seen in his gaze the moment you pulled away from him, trying to calm down your racing heart as you smoothed down the skirt of your uniform.
with a cough, you put your novel back within the confines of your bag, choosing instead to walk side-by-side with jinwoo to school.
you and jinwoo had a special relationship-
this didn’t mean that you two were a couple or anything, oh no.
what you meant was that you still had memories of another life with jinwoo…
where you and him were both hunters, taking on raids while supporting each other throughout it all.
jinwoo was your best friend during those times; he helped train you, a mere b-rank hunter, making you more proficient in your raids as you slowly rose up the ranks, given you freedom to attend more high level raids despite never being able to level up like he could.
your memories became a little hazy after the war, and once jinwoo used the cup of reincarnation one last time-
you found yourself being 14 again, living with your parents and little brother in your humble home. perhaps what came as the most shocking to you was how you retained all of your memories.
which was why you felt so happy when you and jinwoo ended up going to the same high school together. he was a great source of comfort during the times when memories of your past life became too much to bear.
ah, but you were getting ahead of yourself-
you’ve since then gotten better at dealing with the hardships of your past life, even getting the tiniest bit upset when jinwoo admitted to taking on all the monarchs on his own, spending a total of 27 years within some strange, dimensional rift. you knew that he had won the war all on his own while telling you how he succeeded his mission, now living his life as a normal human despite how truly godlike he was.
jinwoo’s knuckles were suddenly felt being gently placed against the top of your head. “you’re dozing off again.”
“what? i am not dozing off, woowoo.”
a blush immediately paints his features when you refer to him by that stupid nickname. “h-hey, that nickname is dumb as hell, and that’s not even how you pronounce my name! the ‘woo’ in ‘jinwoo’ is more subtle than that, like a soft ~u.”
“heh, whatever, woowoo…!”
you giggle when his eyes flash purple in annoyance, running to catch up to you, but all while hiding his grin.
you would never know the depths of his feelings for you, and that fact alone was killing the shadow monarch on the inside.
{ … }
you and jinwoo end up enjoying lunch together back in the classroom, with you taking casual sips of your juice.
“so do you have track practice today?”
jinwoo takes a rice ball from your lunch box as you stole a piece of his bulgogi beef. “yeah, i do.”
“hehe, did you want me to hang out with you on the field?”
a soft smile paints jinwoo’s features, “if you don’t mind, then yeah. i could use your company.”
a teasing grin paints your expression, “you still trying to get with cha hae-in?”
jinwoo chokes on his rice ball, “w-what the- you know about that?!”
“what? it’s so obvious that you’re still into her! want me to look her up and give you her number or something?”
you giggle in response, basking in jinwoo’s embarrassed expression. you recall how jinwoo was pretty much dating cha hae-in in the original timeline, and they were truly such a cute couple in your eyes!
two of the most renowned s-rank hunters taking on high level gates, never once failing their missions or goals. because of jinwoo’s blossoming romance, you, being simply labeled as his best friend, took a step back and gave them the space they needed in order to let their romance bloom.
and now, with time going backwards due to jinwoo’s actions, you were certain he was going to try and capture her heart once more, leaving you more than willing to play as his wingwoman once more.
despite your playful words, jinwoo appeared uncomfortable, shifting his rice around his lunch box with his chopsticks, eyebrows furrowed in response. noticing the change in his demeanor, you softly ask him, “are you okay?”
your question snaps him out of his reveries. “i’m fine. here, you can have the rest of my lunch… i’ll be right back.”
you could tell something was wrong with jinwoo, watching as he stood up a bit too fast for your liking when you stop him, allowing your hand to wrap around his wrist. “wait, where are you going?”
he looks down at you with gentle grey eyes, allowing the pad of his thumb to grace at your cheek as he wiped away an imaginary stain. after that simple touch, he points to your empty juice bottle.
“i was going to get you more juice. are you opposed to it?”
your eyes go wide, but you shook your head in response. “no, i don’t mind it.”
jinwoo gives you a nod, shaking your grip off of his wrist, leaving you utterly confused as you kept staring at his quickly retreating form.
“how strange…” you look down at your shadow, seeing a few, glowing purple eyes glancing back at you.
at least he still wanted to protect you-
even when you knew you did something to upset him.
{ … }
jinwoo told you he didn’t mind you watching him at practice-
but you didn’t feel like your presence was warranted after upsetting him at lunch earlier. so, you hid out at the library, working on some assignments while doing your readings for your classes. you had thoughts about going home first, but deep down, you knew that avoiding jinwoo wouldn’t help with making this whole situation any better.
as you were writing, you immediately became aware of the shadow looming over you, a pair of solemn, glowing violet eyes staring down at you with a neutral expression.
“why didn’t you join me at practice?”
you tremble a bit, detecting the accusation in jinwoo’s voice as you let out a sigh.
“how could i join you when you’re mad at me?” you whisper back at him.
hearing his scoff tones down your anxieties the tiniest bit, and you felt your shoulders visibly relax at the sound of it. you finally gather the courage to meet his gaze, seeing jinwoo leaning closer to you while placing a hand on the table.
he was dressed in his track uniform, consisting of a purple and white shirt with matching shorts. he taps the top of his sneakers against the linoleum floors, giving you a nice view of his muscular calves.
you were ready to tease him about it, your lips puckered up as a low whistle escapes from them when jinwoo suddenly wraps an arm around the back of your head.
your words die against your throat, eyes going wide when your face was pressed directly against jinwoo’s chest. he runs his fingers through your hair, a pained whisper heard coming from him when he asks,
“do you really not feel a single thing from me? am i doomed to remain just friends with you in this timeline, too?”
your mouth goes dry when you hear his question, and you were uncertain as to how to respond to him. you felt your lips open and close, yet still, not a single syllable would come out.
jinwoo lets out a disappointed ‘tsk’ then, shoving you away from him as he gazes down at you with a neutral look. “forget about it. just… forget about it.”
you watch helplessly when jinwoo picks up his duffel bag and backpack, facing away from you as your heart clenched painfully in response.
if you didn’t stop him now, then you’d lose him forever.
shoving back your chair with such intensity that it nearly falls to the ground, you grab jinwoo’s wrist once more. his eyes go wide, and you catch his shocked expression momentarily before standing on the tip of your toes to fully kiss him.
his reaction was immediate- instinctive even when he wraps his arms around your back, bringing you achingly closer to him all while deepening the kiss.
you lost track of time, uncertain of how many kisses you shared when you finally found the strength to pull away from him. he keeps both of his arms wrapped tightly around you, purple eyes gazing down at you in amusement and love, all while running his hands through your hair.
“i… i always thought that you always deserved a girl like cha hae-in… because, well, you know… she was pretty powerful… and gorgeous, too.”
jinwoo scoffs at your admission, but remains quiet, wishing for you to go on and explain yourself.
“that’s why, i kept all my feelings hidden for you.” unable to meet his gaze, you play with the front of his shirt, smoothing the fabric while picking away at the imaginary lint. “i always figured you deserved better than me-“
“tch, stop.”
jinwoo then gently pulls you back by your hair, eyes becoming more passionate when he crashes his lips against yours. you could only whimper in response to his sudden kiss, hands remaining curled up against his chest as jinwoo presses you even closer to him.
he pulls away first, lightly panting before admitting to you, “please… i never wanted hae-in… but you were so determined to set us up that neither one of us knew what to do.”
you blink up at him in complete shock. “what…? but, she had such a huge crush on you…?!”
jinwoo chuckles all while tracing the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. “well yeah… she liked me, but that didn’t mean that i liked her. how could i like her when i already had you?”
your head was spinning, yet despite it all, you couldn’t stop the smile from forming. “eh? but didn’t you say you wanted to join track to meet her someday?”
jinwoo lets out a huff, bringing your frame into his chest once more before coming clean to you. “forgive me and my poor attempts at making you jealous. joining track was just an excuse, really.”
his admission finally earns bouts of laughter from you, feeling so relieved and happy that your feelings were requited after all. after spending a few more minutes in each other’s embrace, jinwoo gives your body one last squeeze before pulling away from you, giving your forehead a gentle kiss.
“how about i walk back home with you, then, we can talk about our plans for our upcoming first date.”
you giggle, watching as jinwoo packs up your notebooks and assignments before carrying your bag for you, giving you a lovesick expression while you cling on to his side.
perhaps dreams do come true after all…
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a.n. - this is so self indulgent, but oh so much fun to write! (/ω\)
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 days
Reckless (4)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warning: Violence.. smut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 2.5k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @seungminsapuppy @chanbahng29
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
“What to wear, what to wear.” You sigh, scanning the clothes in your closet. It had been a few days since Chan had asked you to go on a date and you immediately agreed. Jisung was happy for you, he wanted you to find someone you liked and who would treat you right and Chan was absolutely that guy.
You groan loudly, as you sit at your little makeup table, staring at yourself in the mirror. You sit in your bra and panties, glancing back at your closet, who knew it would be so fucking hard to pick an outfit? You had butterflies in your stomach as you did your make up, you were getting very excited to go on this date tonight.
Your bedroom door opens, making you gasp. Your arms try to hide your almost naked body, you look over at your door and see Minho standing there, leaning against the now closed door.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“What do you want, Minho?” You ask, getting up, going back to your closet to grab your little black dress.
“Where are you going?” He asks. His eyes trail up and down your body as you slip on the dress, it hugs your body in all the right spots.
“On a date.” You smile, grabbing a pair of heels.
“With who?” He scoffs.
“With Chan.”
“You're seriously going to go out with him?” Minho asks, pushing himself off the door, walking towards you. You can see the anger and jealousy in his eyes.
“Yeah I am. And why do you care?” You ask. “Didn't you tell me to stay away from you? And here you are barging into my room. Not to mention, you're going out with Maya.”
“I like her.” He mumbles. “And I can't stay away from you.” He whispers. His face makes you wonder how much truth there was to that.
“Well I like Chan.” You say. and you did. But you were in love with Minho.
He chuckles as he walks closer to you, he reaches out, the tips of his fingers caressing your cheek. Your eyes close without hesitation at the feel of his touch. It had been days, you missed him so fucking much but you knew you shouldn't.
He moves closer, the palm of his hand cupping your cheek. You lean into it, you can't help it. He moves his face closer to yours, his lips hovering right by yours, you can feel his breath on your face.
“He can't make you feel like I can.” He whispers, crashing his lips to yours. You fall into the kiss, it quickly goes from passionate to sloppy, your mouths moving against each other as he shoves his tongue down your throat. His hands roam your body, slipping into the waist of your panties, moving down between your slit. Your knees buckle as his finger gently rubs your clit, pulling your body in closer to him.
“Please.” You whimper. “I need more.” You breathe. This man. You could not resist him, no matter what was happening in your life or who was in your life, it would always be him and you needed to accept that.
“What do you need from me, baby?” He whispers in your ear. Just as you were about to tell him, his phone began to ring. He pulls it from his pocket, seeing the name, he pulls his hand from your panties.
“Hey Maya.” He says, clearing his throat. “Shit. I'm sorry, I got distracted.” He says. You walk away from him, adjusting your dress as you finish doing your makeup.
“I'll be right there.” He says, hanging up the phone.
You glance at your phone, seeing a text from Chan.
[7:48pm From: Chan] I'm here, coming to the door for you.
You quickly finish up, as Minho hangs up his call, you slip your shoes on. “We'll finish this later.” He whispers in your ear.
“Enjoy your date with your girlfriend.” You snap, leaving him alone in your room. You hated that he made you feel like this. You raced down the stairs, the door was already open and Jisung stood there talking to Chan.
“You guys have fun tonight.” Jisung smiles as Chan hands you a small bouquet of flowers.
“They're beautiful, thank you.” You smile, smelling them.
“Here, I'll put them in a vase for you. You get going, you crazy kids.” Jisung laughs. You give him a weird look, it was strange to see him acting like that. Chan holds out his hand and you take it, he takes you out to his car, opening the passenger door for you. You slide in, buckling yourself up as he walks over to the driver's side.
The entire drive the two of you talked. There were no awkward silences, he had you laughing hard as he drove to the restaurant. It was honestly a great start to the date. The two of you walk into the restaurant, being taken to your seats immediately. The two of you sit down, you order a glass of wine and then two people are sat to your left. You look over and have to do a double take. Why the fuck were Minho and Maya here?
You groan and roll your eyes, trying to focus on Chan.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. It's nothing.” You smile. He reaches across the table, grabbing your hand. He rubs his thumb over your wrist as he smiles at you.
“What are you studying in school?” He asks.
“Psychology.” You say. “It's making me go crazy.” You laugh.
“What about you? What do you do?” You ask Chan.
“I'm actually taking a lot of Mechanical training. I love cars so I figured why not? I'd like to eventually open my own shop.” He smiles.
“That's so awesome.” You grin. You hear a scoff from across the way. You turn to look, Minho is staring right at you, while Maya quietly sits there, waiting for him to pay attention to her.
“I'm just going to use the bathroom.” You say, getting up from your chair and walking to the bathroom.
You come out of the bathroom and see Minho standing against the wall, his arms crossed and head down. Until he hears the door close.
“What are you doing here?” You snap.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Minho says.
“I didn't pick the place. Chan did.” You say. Minho laughs.
“Not surprising, this is where we all take our dates. Especially if we know they're going to give it up at the end of the night.”
“What?” You scoff.
“Is that what you're gonna do, Y/N? You gonna fuck him tonight?” He asks. You can feel the rage burning through your body as you move closer to him.
“If I do fuck him, it'll be none of your business. At least he's not afraid to be in public with me.” You snap.
“I'm not afraid to be in public with Maya.” He smiles.
“Fuck you, Minho. Leave me and Chan alone.” You spit, walking away from him. The waiter stood at your table when you arrived back. You quickly picked something from the menu, trying to focus only on your date with Chan. That was proving harder to do as you could feel Minho's eyes on you the whole time. You could see that Chan noticed it as he glanced towards Minho and you. You tried to keep your eyes on Chan the whole time but he saw the strange amount that Minho stared at you.
After dinner and drinks, you and Chan were in his car and he was driving you home.
“Can I ask you something?” He asks you.
“Of course.”
“Is there something going on with you and Minho?” He asks.
Your stomach sinks. Yes. No? Did you tell him you occasionally fucked and you were in love with you but he was an asshole who refused to acknowledge it? How did you explain this?
“No.” You say. “I think he's just protective. cause he's Jisung's best friend.”
“He stared at you almost all night.” Chan says, tuning down your street.
“I'm not sure what to tell you.” you half chuckle as he parks in front of your house. You open your door, Chan gets out too. He walks you to your door, the two of you facing each other.
“Thank you for tonight.” You smile. “I had a wonderful time.”
“So did I. And I'm sorry.. for the questions.” he sighs.
“It's okay. I know it was strange.” You laugh. He looks at you, raising his hand and placing it on your cheek, your mind flashes to before the date, Minho’s hand touching you in the same place. Chan leans in gently pressing his lips to yours. You kiss him back, his lips moving against yours. The door swings open, Jisung gags at the site. You giggle as you pull away from Chan, thanking him again before walking inside and he goes back to his car.
“I'm going out with Jisoo. I'll be back later.. maybe tomorrow.” Jisung chuckles, waving to you as he walks away. With nothing else to do, and it already being 11pm, you decided to go to bed. You get changed and crawl under the covers, only for your phone to ring. You look at it, it's a text from Chan.
[11:16pm From Chan]: Brunch tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 10? 😊
[11:17pm To Chan]: Brunch sounds wonderful, see you then!
You put your phone down, getting all snuggled into bed. You were almost asleep when you heard your door creak open. You ignore it, pretending to be asleep. There's a dip in the bed, a body now snuggled up next to you.
“I know you're not sleeping.” He whispers.
“I'm trying too.” you say.
“I'm sorry, baby.” He groans, grinding his crotch into your ass.
“Sorry for what this time?” You ask, sitting up, sighing.
“For everything I said earlier. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. Please forgive me, Y/N.” He whispers. He was your weak spot. This entire man knew how to get you to cave, barely even lifting a finger.
“What about Maya?” You ask. He sits up, crawling in front of you.
“Don't talk about her.” He whispers. He leans in to kiss you, laying you back with his lips still attached to yours. He slides your shirt up with his hand, cupping your now bare breast. He rolls your hard nipple between his fingers as you gasp, grinding yourself up onto him.
“Are you needy baby?” He whispers.
“Just for you.” You pant, desperately needing more.
Minho pulls off your shorts, running his fingers between your slit, grazing your clit, making you moan. He does it again and again, making your clit throb. You could feel your entire body heating up as he began to gently play with your clit, as he kissed up and down your neck. You can feel his hard cock against your leg, he grinds against you as he rubs your clit faster. He goes in for a kiss, sloppily slipping his tongue in and out of your mouth as he moves his fingers from your clit. He gets off of you, prying your legs open as he licks a long strip up your already soaked pussy. You could feel your juices seep out of you as he sucks your clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue.
“I'm so fucking close.” You pant, grabbing your tits.
Minho removes his mouth from you, Undoing his pants. “I need you to cum on my cock.” He grunts, pulling his pants down to let himself spring free, his tip dripping with precum. He pulls you closer to him, holding your legs up as he slowly pushes his cock inside you.
“Fuck.” You groan, tightening your cunt around him. He lets go of your legs, laying on top of you, face to face as he slowly thrusts into you. He kisses your neck, collarbone, moving down until he takes a nipple in his mouth, sucking as he begins to pick up his pace.
“Please.” You beg. “Please give me more.
Minho chuckles as he sits up, harshly thrusting his cock into you. “So fucking tight.” He groans. “I'm the only one that can make you feel this way.” He pants. “This is my pussy.”
“Yes, yes, fuck its yours.” You cry out. Minho reaches down, rubbing your swollen bud, making you twitch.
“Say my name.” He grunts, ramming his cock into you.
“Minho.. fuck.” You cry out
“Minho.. I'm gonna cum.. fuck Minho.” You scream, your orgasm taking control of your body. Minho grunts as he moves faster, his impending orgasm right behind yours. You keep moaning loudly as he pounds into you until he finally cums, thrusting his cock into you even deeper than before, spilling his seed inside you, throwing his head back as he works through his high.
Minho pants as he pulls his cock from inside you. You lay there huffing, trying to catch your breath as he buckles his pants back up. He helps you up so you can go to the bathroom. Once you are done cleaning yourself up, you head back into your bedroom only to find an empty room. You can't help but feel used at the fact that he fucked you and left. You crawled into bed, quickly falling asleep. You fell asleep so fast, you missed hearing the creak of your door opening again, and the voice whispering “I'm sorry.”
The next morning you're finishing getting ready when you hear the doorbell ring. You rush downstairs, opening the door to see a handsome Chan standing there.
“Good morning.” He smiles.
“Morning!” You grin. “Do you mind waiting like 5 minutes? I just need to finish up.”
“Sure! No problem. I'll be right here.” He smiles. You run back upstairs to finish your last minute things. You were rushing around your room, too busy to hear the footsteps of someone else going downstairs.
“Chan.” Minho says, greeting him.
“Minho.” Chan responds. He's fighting the urge to ask Minho the question. He wants to, but he's unsure if he wants to hear the answer. “Can I ask you something?” He blurts out.
“Are you fucking around with Y/N?” Chan asks. “You stared at her for almost our entire date last night.”
“So?” Minho asks. “Ask her.”
“I did. She denied it. But I don't believe it.” Chan says.
“What does it matter if I say yes or no? Either way she'll never be yours.” Minho chuckles.
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“It means that she comes to me no matter what. She can't stay away from me, it won't matter if you're her boyfriend or her husband, she'll always run back to me.” He says, patting Chan on the chest.
“She deserves better than you.” Chan laughs. “You're using her. Keeping her as a secret as your own person cock warmer, right?”
Minho sees nothing but red. He lunges for Chan, fist raised, punching him in the face, knocking him back. You come down the stairs just as Chan hits Minho back.
“What the fuck are you two doing!?”
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How did it end?
Summary: A flashback to the night that changed your lives forever.
Pairing: past Joel Miller x fem. reader
Wordcount: 2.4k
Rating: T
Warnings: angst (so much angst), flashbacks, some really hurtful words, cursing, crying, pregnancy tests, Joel being a dick, Calvin being the best supportive brother
A/N: somehow I feel in my mind like this should have been worse, but I am sure you all do not feel like that at all so I'm sorry lol
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
part three of invisible string
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Even before the outbreak you dealt with your anxiety or with big life decisions the same way.
You were stress cleaning. 
After walking out from Joel you made your way into the town centre, picking up your kids and then got back home where your brother Calvin was already trying to cook something but you mutually made the decision that you were gonna cook while he bathed the kids. 
You both did not want him to burn the house down.
He wanted to ask you how it went, having run into Maria on his way home from the Patrol meeting, who had told her that you had been at the clinic to see Joel. 
But this wasn’t the time or the place. 
It ended up being a nice evening all things considered. 
You had dinner, played some boardgames, read a good night stories to your kids and watched them sleep in their little beds until the nervous energy in your body left you walking back downstairs.
Once the house got quiet after the kids and you brother were asleep (he had an early morning with his first big day on Patrol the next day) you were alone with your thoughts. 
And your thoughts were loud, and demanded to be heard. 
So you went into the kitchen, took a look at all the cleaning supplies that were still stocked under the kitchen sink and got to work. 
You started with the top of the kitchen cabinets, standing on the counter as you scrubbed what felt like centuries of dust off of them until you were satisfied and moved to inside the cabinets. 
What a picture it would be if one of your new neighbours caught the crazy lady next door deep cleaning the kitchen at 2 am during the literal apocalypse.
Cleaning usually had the power to make the thoughts inside your head shut up. 
But as you emptied the cabinets so you could clean them inside, your mind drifted to the last time you had tried to deal with whatever was going on in your life by extensively deep cleaning every surface around you. 
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The Outbreak might have been an excuse for many people to let things like cleaning the place where they lived become unimportant. 
Which deep down it was of course.
Why have a clean kitchen when just down the street, behind the fences and walls the so called new government had pulled up, there were people and what once were people dying or fighting (or eating) each other?
But you always lived by the mindset of clean home, clean mind. 
And what you desperately needed right now was a clean mind. 
Two ten year old positive pregnancy tests you took this morning after feeling off for the last couple of weeks and missing you period were enough reason to freak out. 
But you couldn’t freak out. 
Joel would do that for you, you were sure. 
That was, if he ever decided to come home to you again after being on a run with Tess for the last four days. 
He hadn’t even told you or kissed you goodbye this time. 
You had woken up to a note on the kitchen table telling you that he’d be gone on a run with Tess and he didn’t know how long.
Something about your husband had changed in the last few months. 
It changed ever since Tommy left and Tess was his only influence outside of you. Not that you had much influence on anything he did nowadays. 
It wasn’t like he was the most attentive men to begin with. 
But you fell for him. 
You fell for the complicated, traumatised and closed off man who to this day was the most handsome man you had ever met. 
And deep down you knew he fell for you, mumbling his confessions of love into your skin when he thought you were asleep. 
It was the way he looked at you. 
The way he brought home a new book to read whenever he went out of the QZ. 
The way he made you forget about the fucked up word outside of the walls you made your home whenever he gave you his full attention. 
He wouldn’t have put a ring on your finger years earlier as you laid in his arms, asking you to be his until the day you both died, if he did not love you, would he?
You loved him, you loved him even when he seemed to make it his personal goal to make you hate him. 
He used to be home every night in the beginning. 
He used to love to spend time with you and you with him. Staying up just talking for hours if he wasn’t making love to you. 
Because even when he was fucking you, it felt different. More… intense. More passionate.  
He used to smile at you. 
By now you couldn’t remember the last time he smiled at you now. 
And by the time you had practically polished the whole shitty apartment you and Joel lived in it was dark outside and he still wasn’t home. 
In hopes he would be home and it would lift his mood you had made dinner that now sat cold on the stove.
It was after 11pm and you were tired, having been in the bathroom brushing your teeth when you heard the door unlock and open. 
A nervous flutter in your stomach made the dinner you had earlier almost come up but you took a deep breath, looking at yourself in the small mirror over the sink. 
You were wearing one of Joel’s old worn flannels, his familiar scent in your nose. 
What was the worst that could happen?
It was not like you could just turn back time?
You were pregnant and he just would have to deal with it. 
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You would never forget the way his eyes hardened once you said the words
„I am pregnant.“
He had been in a relatively good mood when you joined him in the small kitchen, having already taken his shoes and coat off, his hair damp from the rain outside. 
It made you reconsider telling him for a tiny moment, wanting to just enjoy this with him. But maybe he would not react like you thought he would? Maybe he would be happy?
You wanted to ask a million question about how it went but you were too nervous, having instead kissed his cheek with a whispered „I miss you“ and then offered to warm up some food for him. 
He had put his hand on your waist, his fingers brushing over your stomach as he went into the bathroom, his lips against your temple telling you that he would just take a quick shower. 
It was after he ate, the table cleaned that you told him. 
Sitting across from him at the tiny shitty table you had, your hands flat on the surface, the silence after you told him the news sickening.
His whole face had changed, expression hard, by the time he opened his mouth to speak. 
„Is it mine?“ He asked and you just blinked at him, speechless, your head falling back as if he had slapped you, before you answered. 
„What do you mean? Who else would it be? We’re married,“ you said and he scoffed. 
„Doesn’t mean you don’t open your legs for anyone else while I’m gone,“ he sneered and you flinched at the accusation and the tone he used. 
Sucking your bottom lip in you looked at your hands, still on the table, nodding your head slowly. 
„Good to know what you think of me after all these years,“ you whispered, still trying to process his words. 
„What did you think would happen? That I’ll be happy? Newsflash darlin’, this isn’t one of your dumb romance novels you keep reading,“ he said, before he brought his fist down on the table, making you jump. He got up from where he was sitting, walking over to the cabinet that held all the liquor he scavenged, opening the one bottle of original Jack Daniel’s and taking a long sip. 
„You gonna get rid of it,“ he said and you looked at him. 
„Excuse me?“ You asked. 
„Don’t want no kids of mine in this fucked up world. And especially not with you,“ he said and you felt slapped again. One blow after the next coming from him. You crossed your arms in front of your stomach protectively. 
You had imagined his reaction would be bad, but this wasn’t bad. This was destroying you.
„So that’s it, you don’t want a kid, and I have to just comply?“
„That’s exactly how it is, sweetheart,“ he grinned darkly at you, shaking his head and leaning against the wall and you desperately tried to find the tiniest part of the person you had fallen in love with as you looked at him. 
But there was nothing left. 
Maybe you just had been too blind to see it until now.
„I thought you loved me,“ you whispered, tears in your eyes. 
„How can someone love you? You thought because I put a ring on your finger everything would be okay? We’d be a happy little family and live in this shitty apartment in this shitty QZ while the world around us is fucking dying? How did you think this would go?“ He asked. 
„You made it sound like I planned this. Do you think I like this? Do you think I like being pregnant by a man who even though treated me like the fucking dirt beneath his shoes for the last months, was still the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with?“ 
„Then get rid of it and we can get back to it,“ he said and you scoffed.
„You really think things are gonna get back to how they were after you said all that?“ You asked. 
He shrugged. 
„Where would you go? You have no family. No friends. All you have is me,“ he said. 
„And you’re so different? Who do you have? Tommy left because…“
„Do not talk about my brother,“ he threatened and glared at you. 
You shook your head, taking a deep breath. 
He was drunk. 
This was not going anywhere. 
This would never go anywhere.
„Things are not going to go back. I can find someone better than you on every corner,“ he said and you could not stop the sob that shook your body and you were pretty sure you could hear your heart breaking. 
„I don’t love you. I never did,“ he said and the tears you had tried to hold in finally fell. 
„Get rid of this, before I take care of it,“ he said, and a chill ran down your spine at his tone. 
„And then get the fuck out of my life.“
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You were in the last touches of finishing cleaning the kitchen when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 
You hadn’t even noticed the tears until Calvin pulled against his chest, his hand running soothingly up and down your back. 
„You wanna talk about it?“ He asked and you shook your head. 
„Not yet. Not ever if I’m honest,“ you mumbled and he chuckled. 
„Need to talk to him though,“ you said and leaned back, turning around to turn on the stove to heat up some water and make some tea for the both of you. Looking at the clock hanging on the wall you noticed that it was just before 5 am. 
„Don’t need to do anything,“ he said and opened the fridge, getting the lunch he had prepared the day before for his day out and grabbing some stuff to make himself a sandwich. 
„I can’t ignore him forever. As much as I would like to. He’s…. He’s here and he won’t go anywhere. Neither will we. So we have to…. Co-exist somehow.“
You both get to your tasks before you both sat down at the table, you with two mugs of tea, one for him, him with two sandwiches, one which he pushed towards you. 
„You still love him,“ your brother said after a while and you sighed, looking up at him. 
„Yeah. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t think I’l ever be able to forgive him for everything that happened,“ you smiled sadly. 
„Well,“ your brother said before he got up and put his plate in the sink.
„Then you should talk to him and tell him that so you can both move on with your lives.“
You followed him towards the front of the house where he put his shoes on and checked if he had everything in his little backpack for this first patrol. 
„What if he wants to be in their lives?“ You asked, nodding upstairs to where both your children were still sleeping. 
„Do you think he wants to? He made himself pretty clear from what you’ve told me,“ Calvin said. 
„I don’t know. It’s been a long time and he seemed…. He seemed really sorry? I just….“ You took a deep breath, shaking your head.
„Nope. I am not gonna spend any more time thinking about Joel Miller. I’m gonna go upstairs and take a two hour nap and then I’m gonna go and explore our new home while my children are learning stuff in an actual school,“ you said. 
„There you go!“ Calvin grinned.
„Be safe today!“ You said, grinning back and hugged him quickly. 
„You too,“ he smiled, before he opened the door, your face falling as you saw Joel stand on the porch, his hand held up in a fist as if he was about to knock. 
„I’m here to pick you up for patrol? Tommy’s gotta stay home today,“ Joel said as he looked between you and your brother. 
„Well that is gonna be fun,“ Calvin said, winking at you, before he stepped out and pulled the door shut behind him, giving Joel no chance to try to say anything more if he wanted to.
You watched them through the window next to the door as they walked down the porch and then down the street until they were out of sight. 
Letting your shoulders fall while you exhaled with a sigh you shook your head before you made your way upstairs. 
This was gonna be a long day. 
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 24 hours
I also see your a fellow Vaggie appreciator. As am I. Tell me, in full analysis mode, why she's your fav?
she gay
devoted to gf BECAUSE of shared world view / goals
not charming in an honest and blunt kinda way
grumpy bc of worry and wanting things to go RIGHT
oh she threatens with spear <3 <3 <3
oh she do it again <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
trying to be a better person, capable of doing horrible stuff and choosing Not To Anymore thanks
would rather sing her heart out alone on a ship's mast than fucking talk about her feelings
oh she do it again
so soppy around and with her gf
cute pet names for the gf~
What's The Point Of Me I If I Can't Help The People I Love
enabler of dreams via constructive reality checks
miss "i learned how to trust ppl on the battlefield now go befriend each other or die trying"
the femme "I'll fucking kill you" energy
smol protecting her tol
she so happy when her gf hold / smooch her
grumpy one who gives hope to her sunshine gf when things get hard
low raspy voice my beloved
if she ignores her problems maybe they'll go away- oh whoops no
realized she was a monster one day and was terrified
WOULD! NOT! HURT!!! A!!!! CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!
no not EVEN if heaven itself commanded it of her
not even if that child had sharp cannibal teeth and lived in hell
permanently marked by the choices she's made
for real happier being gay down in hell
i just think she's Neat ^////^
im gay
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tetrakys · 2 days
Hi Tetra 😘 have you played chapter 4 of NewGen ? Personally I’m disappointed by this chapter, we wait a month to see what happens with Jason and then we don’t even have a photo with him, I understand it’s a secret flirt but every time he only appears for LITERALLY 2 minutes !! 😔
Nooo anon we do have an illustration with him! You probably missed it but it exists trust me! I haven't played the episode with him yet (I always start with Thomas) but I know you have to pick a choice about snooping through his instagram when you're on your phone.
I understand what you mean by seeing him very little, it's frustrating I know, I came prepared because I remembered the other secret ruote we had in the past, Leiftan, he didn’t show up for many episodes and only became a proper crush by episode 17!! A while ago I made a collage of all his appearances from the beginning to ep17 and the video was just 40 minutes long! Yikes! So if I compare Jason to Leiftan, I am glad we always get to see him even if it's just for a short scene.
Chino said that she struggled to include Jason in all episodes because technically at the beginning of the game he had no plot reason to appear, as these first episodes were mostly an introduction, but she still wanted his players to have an illustration with him and don't feel forgotten. However this should be mostly solved from next episode onward, where we're going to start having our real alone interactions with him, so that’s good news!
Of course we should keep in mind that the other crushes are always going to be more present than him, since they are our coworkers and friends, but from ep5 onward Jason should indeed have more interesting scenes!
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diqldrunks · 2 days
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dancing with your ghost — s.reid (dwyg series masterlist here)
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summary: spencer reid struggles to come to terms that you, the one he was supposed to marry, to have and to hold, died in his place. (based off the song sasha alex sloan!)
a/n: this is an au that i adore so if you have any ideas for it please let me know!
cw/tw: spencer struggling with reader’s death. no graphic violence (fem!reader)
“reid,” jj’s voice called out as she rushed to catch up with spencer as he made his way to the kitchen. “are you sure you’re okay to be here? you don’t have to come back yet — you can still have more time if you need it—” jj stopped, noticing the amount of coffee that spencer was pouring himself before looking up at his face, and noticing the dark purple circles under his eyes. she sighed.
“spence — i’m telling you this as a friend, not a coworker, okay?” jj looked for any sort of recognition from her friend, but continued even after receiving none. “you’re not ready to be back here. you may think you are, and think that staying off longer is selfish, but it’s not. do you hear me?”
spencer barely spares the blonde a glance before walking away, back to his desk, coffee in one hand and the file that he hadn’t taken his eyes off since he got it in the other. everywhere he went, he took it with him, searching for answers whilst simultaneously trying to figure out if there were any questions he missed as well.
jj follows him to his desk, taking away the file from his grasp. “spencer reid don’t you walk away from me when i am trying to help you.”
“jj,” spencer speaks up — his voice sounding dry from lack of use and not enough water, “give that back.”
“absolutely not. i have the right mind to give this to hotch so he can not only remind you that you are not on this case, and shouldn’t be having anything to do with it, but also that you shouldn’t be here at all. you haven’t had a psych eval or even any counselling spencer — you must know how important it is for you to have that right? surely there’s a few statistics floating in your brain.”
jj takes a deep breath, looking around the near empty office. it was late — so late that soon it was to become ‘early’. she had watched for hours from her desk the shell of the once put together man she called a friend. she watched as he glanced longingly at your desk, and looked towards the picture frame there that held a picture of the two of you that you had taken after one of your first dates.
“i know that you loved her spence — we all did — but this is not the way to go about it—” jj stopped talking, her hand going to her mouth as spencer pulled a ring out of the top drawer of his desk.
“is that?” spencer nodded.
“she was going to marry me — said yes and everything. we were going to start dropping hints this week to see who would figure it out first. we had bets on who would go the longest without noticing.”
jj barely noticed her own tears rolling down her face, let alone spencer’s. after a moment of silence, jj spoke up.
“who did she think would go the longest?” spencer smirked slightly. it wasn’t a particularly large smile, but still the most jj had seen in weeks.
“well morgan, obviously.”
jj let out a watery laugh.
a/n 2: this is a re upload from a few months ago!! i literally do not remember writing this but i do have a few other parts of it that i’m going to upload later! sending my love <3
spence taglist (lmk if you want to be added!); @maroon-winestain @loveeharrington @garfieldsladybird @rotten1angel @tracymbcm @fclklqre
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The Rutabaga (The Surprise, Part 15)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, sex, fingering, oral, explicit language, pregnancy times, pregnancy bodies (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.6k
Summary: As your body changes, you're feeling self-conscious and worried that it might never return to "normal." Emily is, thankfully, very good at reminding you that you're beautiful.
Week 25: The Rutabaga
You stared in the mirror as you brushed your teeth, eyes roving over your body. The pimples that had sprung up and never seemed to go away–it was like being a teenager again. You lifted up your shirt to look at your baby bump, but choked on a mouthful of toothpaste at what you saw there. Your belly button poked out over the rise of your belly, a direction which it had never, to your knowledge, gone before. And what was that? A line?! A line from your belly button all the way down to where you couldn’t even see it anymore. You vaguely remembered Dr. Delgado mentioning it but, you hadn’t actually thought it would happen.
You spat into the sink, looking yourself over more critically, still trying to cough up all the toothpaste you’d inhaled.
“Honey!?” Emily called from the bedroom.
You kept coughing, but croaked out a response. “I’m good! Just breathed some toothpaste.”
“Em, look at this,” you said, standing in the bathroom doorway, shirt lifted up over your belly.
Emily lowered her book to look at you. “Yeah, babe. You’re pregnant, all right.”
“No!” You huffed, waddling closer. “Look at my belly button. What the fuck is going on here!? It’s popping out like a little jelly bean or something.”
Emily chuckled and sat up, setting her book aside. “A little jelly bean… Honey, I think that’s normal. Don’t you remember Dr. Delgado talking about it?”
“Yeah, but…” You sighed and ran your fingers over the dark line that ran beneath it, the stretch marks that lashed themselves tight over your belly. “I guess I didn’t think I would look like this.”
“What do you mean?” Emily asked, taking one of your hands and running her thumb over your knuckles.
You shrugged and exhaled. “Everyone’s pregnancy photos always look so cute and I look… I don’t know, there are lines everywhere and I’m all pimply and my baby bump looks weird.”
“Hey,” she cooed, pulling you down to the bed. “It doesn’t look weird. It looks beautiful. You look beautiful.”
You shook your head slightly, looking down. “You’re just saying that because you’re my wife.”
“I most certainly am not,” she protested, tilting your head up.
When you didn’t respond, she pulled you down next to her on the bed. “Come here,” she said softly. “Come lay with me.”
You lay down and stared at the ceiling, feeling inexplicably sad about the ways your body was changing. Such mixed feelings. Just like you would never be the same after the baby was born, it was likely that your body would never be the same either. It made you a little sad, even though you knew, when all was said and done, it’d be worth it.
“Let me tell you,” Emily said, caressing your face, “what I love about your body.”
“Em,” you protested, blushing a bit.
“Shh,” she ordered, silencing you with a kiss.
She started at the top of your head, running her hands through your hair.
“I love your hair,” she said. “I love the way it sticks up in the morning.”
She kissed your forehead. “I love your head because it houses your beautiful mind.”
She planted kisses on either of your eyelids. “I love your pretty eyes.” Another kiss. “Your nose.” Then a real kiss, your favorite kind, where she held your head in her hands and gently pressed her tongue into your mouth. Your stomach fluttered. “I love this mouth,” she said, kissing you once more. “So kissable. Good for so many things.”
You giggled as she continued kissing her way down your body. “I love your neck. It’s also very kissable.”
You whined and arched your back as she swirled her tongue around your nipple, her touch alone hardening them to peaks. She let it go with a pop, using her fingers instead to squeeze them gently. “I think you know exactly how I feel about your tits.”
You’d have blushed if you weren’t so damn turned on. She’d barely done anything and you were pretty sure your underwear was soaked through.
She moved to your stomach, pressing her hands lovingly on your baby bump. “And, god, do I love your stomach. Look at you, honey. You see these marks?” She kissed them gently, only her hands, grasping at your waist, betraying just how aroused she was. “I love these marks. I love your little jelly bean belly button. I love that you’re letting your body change so we can start a family.”
She moved to your thighs and you let out a moan, your hips pushing toward her. “I love these strong legs,” she said, and then paused.
You shuddered when you felt her breath close to your center.
She chuckled, smug. “I love that you get so wet for me, just from my words.” She licked a stripe from your center to your clit and you grasped at her head, breathing heavily.
“I love that you come undone for me,” she continued, planting kisses all over, except the one place you really wanted her.
“Emily,” you moaned.
“I love that I can make you feel the way you make me feel,” she said, finally pushing her fingers inside of you and scissoring them so a bolt of pleasure shot up through your spine, making you writhe and gasp.
“I love you,” she finished, before diving in like a woman starved. Suffice it to say, Emily knew what she was doing with her mouth, but the mouth/hands combo? She could have you coming on her fingers in thirty seconds flat, and she knew it. But she wanted to take her time tonight, building you up to your peak, and then backing slowly away. After a while, you were quite literally dripping, begging for release.
“Come on, Em,” you groaned, bucking for more friction. You just couldn’t quite get yourself there.
She lifted her head, wiping her face and smiling at you. You whined at the loss of her mouth against your clit. “You feeling beautiful yet?”
“Jesus Christ, yes,” you confirmed, annoyed. Your body was shaky from riding her fingers for so long. “I’m a fucking goddess. Now finish me already.”
Emily pressed the flat of her tongue against your clit, hard, and curled her fingers just at the spot she knew would have you falling apart. And sure enough, your orgasm flared through you like a flame set to a line of gasoline laid the length of your body. You trembled as Emily finished you off, pumping her fingers slower and slower to bring you back down, then finally easing out of you and licking your arousal off her fingers.
She moaned and her eyes rolled back as she flopped onto the bed next to you. “The taste of you, that’s another thing I love.”
“Point taken, love,” you said, kissing her quickly and snuggling into her. “I’m stunning.”
“And don’t you forget it.” She kissed your forehead, resting her hand on the side of your head and her chin on top of your head. “Or I’ll be forced to remind you again.”
“Oh, no,” you replied drily, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Emily’s other hand rested in its usual spot on your baby bump, and you pressed yours over hers, appreciating your wife, appreciating that soon there would be three of you.
You felt a fluttering inside your stomach and then, so quick it took you by surprise, a tiny little kick, so hard it poked the edge of your stomach out, right under Emily’s hand. She gasped, barely moving.
The baby kicked again and Emily shot up like a cannon, pressing her face against your stomach.
“Honey, I can feel him!” she said, her voice high and giddy.
You put your hand on the side of her face, brushing your thumb along her cheekbone. She was so happy. God, you loved to see her happy. You loved her so much.
“Hello!” she said softly, lips centimeters away from your skin. “Hey, little guy!” The baby kicked again, right in Emily’s face, and she laughed. “I hear you, baby. I hear you loud and clear.”
She looked at you, absolute joy written all over her face. “Does he always move this much at night?”
You shook your head.
Emily thought for a minute, then her eyes opened wide in realization. “Do you think…” she started, grinning conspiratorially at you. “You think it’s because we had sex?”
You looked at each other and burst out laughing. “Oh my god, we woke her up!” you wheezed.
Your stomach fluttered, a series of baby kicks popping up on your stomach.
“Aw,” Emily cooed, resting her chin on your belly. “It’s okay, little guy. We hear you. Go back to sleep. Mommies are sorry.”
“Let her sleep, Em,” you scolded, pulling her back up to you and kissing her. She kept a hand on your baby bump, just in case, just to feel the baby move. She couldn’t get enough of it. Like magic. Every single time she felt it, she was shot through with joy.
“I can’t wait to meet him,” she whispered, yawning, and tucking herself under your chin. You could nearly feel her buzzing with excitement, with love. The same love she buzzed with for you.
“I love you, Emily,” you said, running a hand lazily under her shirt and over the bare skin of her back.
When she didn’t say it back, you craned your neck and found her fast asleep. You brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, reaching to turn off the lamp. When you realized you couldn’t reach it, you decided to leave it be. You’d happily sleep with the lights on to stay here with Emily like this just a little bit longer.
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pixleslutz · 2 days
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This was based off a dream I had last night-enjoy
“Damn it Adam how many times have I told you to stop sleeping with other women when you have me?” ..”babe I was drunk can you really blame me ?” ..
yes I can because this is your third time doing this to me and I just can’t fully comprehend why you do the things you do and I can’t even fathom why I stayed with your ass” .”woah now if it wasn’t for your “boundaries” we wouldn’t be having this conversation”
you stood completely baffled at his response how could he blame you for not wanting sex ? “I’ve had enough Adam all you want is sex and if you can’t wait till I’m ready then we’d both be better off alone “ you took your engagement ring off and put it in his hand and walked to your shared bedroom and started packing..
Adam just stood still looking at the ring .what had he just done he couldn’t just loose you like this “shit wait y/n I’m sorry please don’t leave me please I can’t loose you ?” ..”no adam i am leaving ..think about what you did and have done ..goodbye” so you walked out the door headed to lutes house ..
“Adam you complete dumb ass why would you say that to your beautiful and amazing fiancé? I mean look at yourself it’s been a month since you’ve seen each other you look like hell “ …. No answer “ if you keep drinking and don’t clean yourself up she’ll never come back “ and with that lute walked off .lute was right he did need to clean up and get his shit straight he missed y/n so much he hadn’t slept much since she left so he cleaned the house and started working on himself
Three months had passed since you left and Adam was getting nervous that you wouldn’t come back he heard some of the other angels saying that you had moved out of lutes house and hadn’t been seen since yesterday that’s when Adam started to panic where did you go? Were you ok ? So he did the only thing he could think of and started going around looking and asking if anyone had seen you it was getting dark so he headed back home what he didn’t expect to see what to see was you setting on the couch
Adam’s eyes immediately started to water at the sight of you .you were finally home “y-y/n you’re finally home and your ok please don’t leave me alone again “ he hadn’t meant for his voice to crack but he was just in so much pain from loosing you that he couldn’t help it .you got up and walked towards him “yes Adam I’m home lute kept telling me to please come back home that you weren’t doing to well and would stop sulking and to be honest I wasn’t doing much better either but I’m not letting you back in so easily this time so you will just have to work two times harder to win me back but I will stay “ .
“y/n can i please have a hug “ that’s when Adam just broke down .”of course “ “I’m so so sorry y/n I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive my stupid actions I know i hurt you I hurt us but please find it in yourself to forgive me I can’t loose you like I did Lilith and Eve “ “like I said a minute ago you’ll have to try a little harder to win me back and do better no matter what and then I’ll forgive you“
I hope you enjoyed..I know this probably wasn’t as good as I thought it would’ve been ..request are open feel free to request something much love stay safe eat something yummy and drink some water mwah💋💜
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hannahssimblr · 3 days
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I’m on my bed, fully clothed, and I cannot remember how I got here. I don’t know if I’m sitting up or lying down, or what is wall and what is ceiling. When I try to turn to my side, the room twists like a funhouse around me, the bed tilting like it's intent to slide me right off it. Am I alone? I think so.
That's my phone, the bright square of light. It lays on the sheets beside my face, and I grab it. Her name is right there. It's intuitive, too easy to find. 
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It rings three, four times, and she picks up. “Jude?” She's sleepy. I woke her. 
“I��m sorry Michelle,” I slur, and I mean to be sorry for disturbing her, but she seems to assume that I’m apologising for much more than that.  
She sighs, “I know you are, and I’m sorry too.”
“You’re sorry?”
“Yeah. Are you drunk?”
“Uh huh.” I should likely be sorry for that too. 
“Where are you? Why are you drunk dialling me?” She doesn’t seem annoyed with me, concerned, hopeful, maybe, so I tell her the truth, “I miss you.”
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I assume maybe I’ve passed out or somehow hallucinated this entire exchange because she's not responding, but then she sucks in a lungful of air and her voice trembles, “I miss you too, I wish you were here right now.”
“No, I was a bad boyfriend.”
“You weren’t.”
“I was the worst.”
“Not always.”
“...It's hard being on my own.”
“Yeah, for me too. Every single day has been horrible.”
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I feel the kind of crushing, exaggerated sadness that I only ever do when I’ve had too much to drink, like I’m tumbling into a pit of despair so deep that the sun will never warm my face again. I can't think of a good reason why I have done this. “Sometimes I don’t want to go to Berlin,” I tell her hoarsely.
“Yeah,” she says, then hesitating like she wants to choose her words carefully, “You know that you don’t have to go, though.”
“I dunno.”
“You could stay in Dublin if you wanted to, It’s not too late. If the thought of leaving makes you too sad.”
That sounds deeply depressing, but being on my own is depressing too, and then I’m so frustrated that I fear I will start crying or something, “I can’t think.”
“You’re just drunk, but I think you’re saying this because it’s what you really mean.”
“I love you,” she says, and I hear her sitting up in bed, struck with urgency, “I haven't stopped feeling the same way about you, I still love you, and I want you to stay, if you're even considering it at all then that means-”
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“Alright,” A group of guys pass by on the road outside, boisterously chanting some tuneless song and I’m conscious that I, or whoever brought me in here, never closed the curtains. I don't want other men to see me like this, and yet I'm unable to move.
“‘Alright’, as in, you’ll stay?” She says hopefully. 
“No, like, that I heard you.”
“I think we’re supposed to be together.” 
I wonder if she really believes that. Do I believe that? Maybe. “Mm. Maybe I’ll stay,” Sleep pulls at my eyes, which now rest unfocussed on a shimmery patch of sand outside the window. In the distance the waves roar against the shore, a lullaby. Sleep encroaches the corners of my vision and begins to suck me under. 
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“Please,” she says, really crying now, “I don’t want to be on my own. I’ve been imagining you finding someone else and falling in love with them and it makes me feel sick.”
“I wouldn’t do that.”
A sniffle, “No?”
“No, I don’t ever think about other people, just you.”
“Yeah. Never ever ever. You're my girl.”
She sobs gently.
“Shell, I think I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not, you just made a selfish decision. You can still fix it and make it okay.”
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My eyes are too heavy and the world is too weird and dizzy looking to keep them open, “Will you forgive me?” I manage with the last of my energy, but I’m too sleepy to listen to her answer. I pass out in three seconds, the phone warm in my palm, the speakers buzzing gently with the sound of her voice.
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In the blinding light of the morning, though my head pounds and every colour and pattern is an assault on my senses, before doing another thing, I grab my phone from my pillow to see new messages from Michelle. I don't read any of them.
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I type.
I was really drunk. Disregard anything I said, I don't even remember what we talked about.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lovingeddiediaz · 2 days
9-1-1 rant. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this season and a lot of them aren’t good. Love this show, I’ve been watching live since season 3 but yikes that finale was a mess imo definitely one of my least favorites for sure. Very underwhelming. The whole season in general was wacky.
I’ve been feeling this way for at least 2 seasons now. I feel like 911 has been trying to fit these LARGE stories that they don’t have time for or are failing to make time for in these episodes. I get that this season was shortened, but if they can’t properly flush out a story in time, they should figure something else out instead of simplifying it and cutting out so many parts that it loses the build up and the emotion and captivation.
So much happens off screen that I feel like should be SHOWN. like we didn’t get to see Chris upset in the moment when he saw the Shannon lookalike, the scene cut out after he said mom. All we see is just him in his bed telling Eddie to go away later. We didn’t see the confrontation with Marisol and Eddie and her leaving, just an offhand comment of her not coming back later. We didn’t see the phone call that had Buck rushing over. We didnt get to see Eddie at his house alone after Chris leaves, just him leaving with his grandparents and boom, cut scene. We didn’t get to see hen or Chim at Bobby’s bedside.
We don’t get to see the aftermath of ANYTHING. The show keeps cutting the scenes just short and it has been pissing me off so much. They’re missing out on so much depth bc they’re doing too goddamn much at once and too quick.
All action, no build up or payoff. Just one thing after another. You don’t even have time to let your emotions settle and follow the characters bc it’s over so soon. You don’t get to worry and grieve alongside the characters. Bobby almost died and then boom he’s fine again like nothing happened. Like what am I supposed to be emotional over? He almost died in the desert just a couple episodes before that and then he was fine, no mention of it again.
Idk it seems like this show has been doing a lot of telling instead of showing when it comes to what are supposed to be emotionally charged scenes, like Buck saying how he was worried he was gonna lose Bobby but we didn’t really see that. All we got was a teary eye when Buck told Eddie he was in the hospital. Didn’t get to see the team actually save bathena in the beginning, so seeing them get the medals held no weight, like cool we’re told they saved them but we didn’t see shit. We didn’t get to see any of the madney wedding buildup like picking flower arrangements and a venue and dress/tuxedo shopping or anything like that, just assume off screen obviously XD
Buck’s sexuality arc being reduced to background noise also sucks. He kissed a man and then they said ok cool good enough moving on now. Not even bothering to deepen/develop his relationship with Tommy (are they even together or are they still going on dates?? No fuckin clue lmao), instead of a meaningful conversation between them in the finale it’s turned into a sexual joke like come ON, besides the first kiss and the second kiss that Buck initiates, their scenes are meaningless imo and that’s sad bc I was so excited for this storyline in the beginning but again, there’s nothing there. No substance.
And don’t even get me started on henren’s storyline. How many times are they gonna recycle the ‘person gets in the way of henren expanding their family’ bullshit before they finally get creative and think of something new? What is that, 3 times now? It’s just annoying at this point lmao I’m over it.
Why is Tim so against happy storylines? I know he said something along the lines of people wouldn’t watch if the characters were happy, but I think that’s bullshit. If you can’t captivate an audience with positive stories then I think you have a skill issue. Big drama and angst doesn’t equal good story telling and writing. Couldn’t even give madney a nice wedding like wtf.
Idk. I hope next season is thought out better.
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frozenjokes · 3 days
Two Touchy Mermaids Fail To Communicate With The Most Obnoxious People You’ve Ever Met In Your Life
pronouns get a little weird. clarification in ao3 notes
Something was different today. Something was going to happen.
Grian and Scar were restless, but Mumbo was pretty sure it was an excited sort of restlessness, the type where you couldn’t sit still, where you couldn’t stop smiling.
They were trying to explain something to him as well; a thing called Etho, which seemed important, but neither of them were doing a very good job of actually telling him what an Etho was besides the fact that it was good, indicated by constant thumbs up motions. But beyond Mumbo’s own frustration, that was exciting too! They were preparing for something, someone even, maybe another human? In truth, the idea of a new human made Mumbo quite nervous, but if Grian and Scar trusted them, surely Mumbo could too. He didn’t think they’d do anything to jeopardize the safety of his cove, but humans weren’t the most intelligent of creatures.
There was something about mermaids as well. Scar kept trying to tell him something about mermaids. Yes, Scar, I am a mermaid. That is what you call me. Yes I know mermaids are good. Yes I know an Etho is good, what are you trying to say here.
Scar had also brought an extra bag that Mumbo hadn’t seen before, though unfortunately he was very protective over it, not leaving its side and making some sort of hissing sound when Mumbo got too close. Given how Grian laughed at the noise, Mumbo got the impression that it was not a normal human vocalization, just an attempt at mimicry. Scar looked happy with himself though, and that was cute. After being given a new human device (Fidget Cube, it was called), Mumbo left him alone. This tool was fascinating; it seemed to serve no purpose at all! Was it a puzzle? Oh, he adored these! It looked a little like some mermaid puzzles, but so much smaller. Mumbo would figure it out.
This preoccupied him for quite a while (making no progress- how difficult did human puzzle cubes get? Was there a human secret he was missing? At least it felt good to play with), but he jolted up when Scar yelled, waving at the water. Mumbo’s fins flicked, confused, but raised when he saw a massive ripple over the top of the water, then a dark shadow just beneath the surface. Far too big to be a fish.
“Etho! I- Mumbo-“ Scar didn’t have to say any more before Mumbo dove forward to investigate, fins raised and teeth gently bared, wariness which only heightened when he saw exactly who was on the other side of the lake.
‘I’m friendly. I’m friendly.’ Ghost whistled, fins tight against their body and head low in a submissive posture, as if Mumbo didn’t already know better. ‘I’m-‘
Mumbo launched after the other mermaid, Ghost frozen in a moment of terror before turning tail in a flurry of bubbles. But Mumbo was bigger, faster, and Ghost had to maneuver downward in a sharp turn to escape Mumbo’s teeth in their tail. Not here. Not now. No one would be permitted to enter his cove, not when his humans were present. Especially shapeshifting not-mermaids. Unfortunately, Ghost had pivoted down and away from the outlet back to the river, so Mumbo would need to corral them more effectively on the second try.
But Ghost wasn’t trying to escape to the deeper part of the lake like Mumbo had anticipated; the area with more cover, more room to swim. They were going to the shore.
The course correction was awkward, but once Mumbo straightened himself out he was flying after Ghost. The mer was sprinting like their life depended on it, but Mumbo was quicker, catching up from below just as the sand started to brush his stomach and rearing upward in a flash of teeth, tearing at Ghost's tail. Mumbo wanted to flip them around, drag them by the tail back where they came from, but unsurprisingly, Ghost did not make this easy, thrashing and snapping and being extraordinarily difficult.
Muffled yelling from the surface turned sharper every time Mumbo was spun above the water, Ghost writhing in desperate circles to force Mumbo to let go, but Mumbo didn’t process the movement in the water before something attached itself to his back, making him rear back above the surface in startled surprise.
“SCAR!” was the first thing Mumbo heard, the shrillest shriek he’d ever heard out of Grian’s mouth, but he didn’t have time to think when Ghost was shooting away toward the beach and something was crushing the fins on his back and wrapping around his neck-
Mumbo slammed himself into the sand, rolling through as he fought a sharp panic, but Ghost was escaping, they were going to-
All rational thought went out the window when The Something found the lip of his gills, pulling with uncoordinated movement and sending fiery shots of pain down his neck and chest. Mumbo slammed himself against the sand twice more, but the thing just wouldn’t untangle. The delayed realization that he could use his arms hit fiercely, but before he could rip off whatever it was that had latched itself onto his back, splashing outside of his own caught his periferie, the clumsiness of a human racing through the water unmistakable.
“Mumbo! Stop- stop! Fucking fuck FUCKING Scar FUCK. Mumbo!” Before Mumbo could even recognize Grian in front of him, something blunt slammed against the side of his head, then his shoulder- ow- Mumbo hissed, confusion rattling his brain more than hostility, then something else yelled, really loud directly into his ear, but the thing did drop off his back- had Grian done that?
Oh. The thing was Scar. AAA! That was Scar!
Mumbo jumped away with a start, fins tense and quivering. Scar was sitting dazed in the water, shirt torn and tattered from being crushed against Mumbo’s sharp fins- skin- most of him was sharp, actually. He was bleeding everywhere, but closer inspection revealed the injuries were mostly scrapes, the worst of it on his arms from pushing against Mumbo’s rough skin as well as Scar’s neck and upper chest area which had probably been poked and punctured by Mumbo’s hair. Goodness gracious. What was he thinking!?
‘Scars! Never in my many years have I ever met anyone as eager to die as you! What is wrong with your head? I could have killed you!’
“What is your fucking problem!?” Grian started speaking to Scar at nearly the same time, who at this point was not looking very amused, ignoring the both of them in their continued tirades as he stood up, brushing sand off his torn shirt and limping to the shore.
“That was stupid, Scar,” Mumbo whipped up when he heard Ghost’s voice, their human voice, but Scar didn’t look concerned at all, meandering right up to the bush where the other mermaid was cowering in the shade. Ghost’s tail was tucked away where Mumbo couldn’t see, but the small trail of blood across the beach indicated he’d still done some damage. “I told you. Territorial. Not sure how I’m going to get out of here now, so.”
“I’m sorry then.” Scar huffed, hunching his shoulders as he plopped into the sand. Mumbo hissed, somewhat uncertain now, but stopped with a few startled clicks when Grian grabbed at his hand to get his attention, letting go as quickly as contact was made.
“No. That’s Etho. Good.” Grian gave him a firm thumbs up, to which Mumbo returned with a thumbs down, to which Grian returned to a thumbs up, to which-
‘I’m sorry for our first meeting. I did not realize we shared idiot friends. I did not think we would meet again. Which, for the record, was not my idea. I was stuck somewhere poor. Needed a secluded place with access to land. If it’s any consolation, I thought this was a terrible idea. Humans don’t think. They only want.’ Ghost made a motion with their hand that Mumbo didn’t understand, but Scar seemed to take offense, slapping at the gesture. Ghost didn’t mind, fins unchanging.
Mumbo’s fins flicked, unsure, but above all, deeply confused. How could Grian and Scar know another mermaid- neither of them had brought it up before. Well. In fairness, Ghost wasn’t really.. ‘You are not a mermaid.’
Ghost shrugged, a human gesture, ‘Part time.’
‘This makes no sense.’
‘It’s best if you just accept that you won’t understand. I also do not understand. The bad human you met before has the power to do as he wishes with me. Usually I am human, but I have been stuck as a mer in recent days, unable to contact the bad human. Though I did grow up in this form before being trapped on the surface. I know the language, obviously. Unfortunately, I happen to be good friends with-“ Ghost stopped for a moment, ‘What do you call them?’ Ghost flicked their fins in Scar’s direction.
Ghost made an odd sound, that weird wheezing noise, mimicking a human laugh, ‘I forgot. It means the same thing in the human language, isn’t that funny?’
Mumbo blinked, fins flaring for a short moment of surprise, ‘What? That’s a cruel name for a child, you must be mistaken.’
‘He named himself.’
‘Genuinely, I do not know.’ Ghost narrowed their eyes, and Mumbo saw a teasing flick of his tail even obscured by the brush, ‘If it’s so cruel, why did you choose it?’
Mumbo puffed up, embarrassed, ‘They put me on the spot. Wanted mermaid names. Just went with the first short word I saw.’ Mumbo gestured with a soft motion to Scar, ‘They still can’t say it, but I think it would be more confusing to change. Now though, I don’t think Scars minds.’
“You two friends yet?” Scar cut in, grabbing Ghost’s attention away, but they only made that shrugging motion again.
“I don’t think he wants to kill me anymore.”
“That’s great news!”
‘Okay, wait a minute-‘ Mumbo struggled to cut in, unused to having so much competition while speaking, ‘I don’t understand any of this-‘
‘You won’t.’ Ghost cut him off, curt.
‘How do you change?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘How do you not know? Will the bad human come back?’
‘Forces beyond my control. They might, but if I’m given advance warning I will leave and you won’t have to worry about them. Assuming I will stay, which I won’t.’
“What are you saying?” Grian finally spoke up, blatant in his interruption as all humans seemed to be, but Ghost waved him off.
“I’m telling him I’m going to leave as soon as I’m healed. Shouldn’t be long now, Joel will take care of it.”
“What? Why! You’re already here!” Grian jumped up, and Mumbo sidled away from the high energy.
“Etho! Solitaire, Etho! Etho. Remember solitaire?” Scar joined in, taking Ghost’s hand in a way that made Mumbo cringe.
Etho flicked their fins. “He doesn’t want me here.”
“Mumbo totally wants you here! It was just a misunderstanding- isn’t it?” Grian turned to Mumbo, and it took a couple moments before Mumbo even realized he was being addressed. “Right?”
Mumbo flicked his fins with a short huff, and Ghost made a similar motion, whistling, ‘Do you want me here?’
“He said no.”
“To what? What did you ask him?” Grian waded back to the shore, his interest acutely on Ghost now.
“You two are insufferable and this was a horrible idea. My regrets are many.”
“No! Nononono!” Scar seemed quite distressed, touching and tapping Etho’s shoulders and face and arms and how did they stand that? “Mumbo! Etho.” Scar proceeded to point at Ghost with great urgency, giving Mumbo many thumbs up so it was clear exactly what he was trying to convey. Once Grian made it to the sand he made similar motions, equally enthusiastic in his strained excitement. Scar continued, “Etho! This is Etho! Etho is good. Good! Good guy, very good. Etho! Good!”
‘Etho’s’ fins were pinned all the way back, eyes closed in irritation. Mumbo huffed, keeping his own thumb firmly down and struggling not to be charmed by both humans’ great reaction of slapstick distress.
‘Pests.’ Ghost said.
‘Pests.’ Mumbo had to agree. Couldn’t the two of them see how much they were bugging Ghost? Or- Etho as they were called, weren’t they. That was their human name. Human. A part human with human friends. How did that work?
Scar continued babbling to Etho while Grian seemed to be trying to communicate with Mumbo, but honestly, Mumbo didn’t care that much, his wariness of Etho turning over to curiosity. Not curious enough to feel bad about biting them, but curious regardless. Anyone would be.
‘You speak human?’
Etho stared at Mumbo for a long time, entirely ignoring both Grian and Scar making fools of themselves between them. After a very long pause, Etho finally answered, ‘Yes.’
‘You can translate?’
Mumbo didn’t think Etho could look any more irritated, but he was proven incredibly wrong when Etho’s pressed-flat fins began to quiver. ‘Technically.’
“What is he saying?” Grian.
‘What are they saying?’
“You’re both asking for translations, all three of you are pests, and you have about three games of solitaire to convince me to stay.” Etho started to translate what they’d said for Mumbo, but the clearing exploded into noise before they could finish. Scar and Grian were tripping over themselves to convince Etho of- something, and one moment of shared eye contact was all it took for Mumbo to understand this was going too far. Well. Mumbo knew a place where Etho could get some space.
With a flick of his tail, Mumbo gestured to the water. Both humans missed it, but Etho got the message, bracing themself before pushing forward, pointedly slapping both Grian and Scar with their tail and shooting into the water.
While this caused quite a bit of commotion on the shore, he and Etho didn’t hear very much of it, swimming deeper where the sound of unhappy humans would not reach. Mumbo slowed his pace once they were far enough away though, partially due to Etho’s injury (which didn’t look nearly as bad as Mumbo had thought; holding on with his teeth for so long would have caused a lot more damage wouldn’t it? Now it only looked like a scratch; Etho must have really tough scales!), but also quite aware of Etho’s intent as they swam in the direction of the outlet to the river. He still had questions. Time he intended to buy.
‘You weren’t born human? You come from the ocean?’
Etho’s fins jerked in acknowledgment of the words or maybe surprise, but either way they still took their time answering. Not unusual for mermaids, but a little stressful when time was so limited.
‘I come from the ocean. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the deep, but I do not miss it.’
‘You don’t?’
‘I’ve found my place.’
‘Do you have friends? Family? Do they know where you’ve gone? I could take a message if you’re trapped.’
‘Not necessary. I left the deep of my own will long before this happened to me.’
Mumbo paused in his swimming, concern disrupting his pace, ‘And you don’t miss it? At all?’
Etho swam a little faster, irritation rippling through their fins. ‘It doesn’t matter how I feel. Nothing will change.’
Well that seemed like answer enough, didn’t it. Even setting out to leave the deep of your own will, there was still the option of returning. Of visiting, even if you don’t intend on staying. Plenty of mers venture to different seas; open skies, warmer waters; there’s plenty of reason to travel, and beyond that, plenty of reason to leave. The deep was not a perfect place. It was dark and cold and often unexciting. Not counting the time his tail was sprained, Mumbo had never eaten better than when he was near the surface- had never felt better; it was like this is where he was meant to be. Where mermaids were meant to be.
But the deep had heart. It had love and song and strangers who would fight for you tooth and nail without even knowing your name. Mumbo didn’t know many mers’ names actually, but he still knew dozens by shape, song, and skill. He was known similarly; the eccentric mer who liked to visit the surface, greeted upon his return with amused and/or exasperated chirps and clicks. And that was lovely. To have mers know you, recognize you, and swim beside you in a silently nosey gesture, wondering what you brought home this time.
‘I would miss it.’
Etho bared their teeth and Mumbo slowed his pace, letting Etho widen the gap between them. ‘Congratulations.’
‘I only say it because I have things from home. I brought them for the humans to show. You’re welcome to them. To look or to keep.’
Etho stopped short.
Their tail waved idly, keeping control over their place in space, but other than that they were still, thought rippling ever so slowly through their fins. Mumbo wondered what they were thinking. What they might be hoping to see. Etho was silent for a long while and Mumbo maintained the respectful distance between them while they processed.
‘What do you have?’
Mumbo left them without another word, motioning for Etho to stay. As much as Mumbo sympathized with the.. whatever was going on with them.. he still didn’t want Etho anywhere near his hideaway.
But Mumbo did get homesick. He couldn’t imagine not being able to go home at all.
As quickly as he could Mumbo returned with his bag, the bulky thing strapped a tad awkwardly over his shoulder. It had been a pain in the ass to lug up to the surface, but Mumbo had imagined how excited his humans would be when he showed them his trinkets, and that had made the weight feel a little lighter. This was even better.
Settling on an outcrop close to the surface but far from the shore, Mumbo undid the straps. Neither of them needed to speak. Away from humans, it was easier to remember the twitches and flicks that meant ‘it’s okay,’ ‘go ahead,’ ‘yes,’ ‘no.’ There was nothing to distract them, nothing loud and hyperactive to take the attention away from each other, disrupting an integral part of their language. A brush of fins asking ‘Can I?’ just as if they were in the dark. Of course Etho could, and Mumbo let himself drift back, still holding the bag down but giving Etho a little space.
Etho did not want Mumbo to know how they felt. They kept their fins stick stiff, not relaxed, never relaxed, but Mumbo could still see it in the quiver of Etho’s fingers, the suppressed twitching of their pale fins. Mumbo saw it in the care Etho lent to the mer tools for building and for tinkering, the children’s toys, the notoriously uncomfortable clay paint Mumbo was pretty sure all mers hated but still wore to nice events regardless. Etho stopped short at the puzzle box Mumbo produced specifically for them to see, delighted to see a wave of emotion break through Etho’s stubborn facade as they took the toy in their hands, immediately beginning to fidget with it.
‘I used to love these,’ they said, the first words between the two of them in ages. Mumbo didn’t need to speak to communicate his agreement, basking in the relief of this, of silence, of not having to speak like humans do. Briefly, Mumbo mourned the loss of his own puzzle cube, the human puzzle, but excitement overtook him once more when he realized how entertained he’d be trying to find it again. For now though, he was content to watch Etho fiddle with the mer puzzle, the child-esc joy delightfully palpable. Etho solved it quickly, separating the two pieces to reveal the caged pearl inside, the indicator you had won. They clicked the toy back together, placing it back in Mumbo’s bag before continuing to explore it with great enthusiasm, fins twitching and waving and flicking in the wake of their broken facade.
All movement stopped the moment Etho’s hand found something Mumbo couldn’t yet see, fins flattening as they pulled the small music box from the bag. The instrument was delicate of course, not just thrown haphazardly inside but stored in an intricate box, the engravings of which any mermaid would recognize. They were items of great importance; spiritual, educational tools, or otherwise, and mermaids often kept copies of their favorite songs for when they were alone, when they needed a song that no one was around to sing for them.
Mumbo had brought two, intending on giving them as gifts. For Scar he chose Healing, which he figured was appropriate. For Grian; the box Etho held now, Mumbo brought Love.
With utmost care, Etho gingerly removed the instrument from the box, winding it back with uncertain fingers. The focus they paid to the music box was intense, like they and the instrument were the only things on the planet, like Mumbo wasn’t even there. Finally, Etho let the music play, closing their eyes as they listened. It lasted a while; Etho had winded it quite far, maybe to make sure it looped in its entirety.
But the waters were quiet and calm, and Mumbo didn’t mind at all. He waited until the notes tapered off to speak, gently disturbing the trance laid out over the water as Etho moved to wind the box again.
‘Do you want to sing?’
Etho, whose fins had relaxed at this point, lowered them once more, tail swishing in an uncertain ‘No’ gesture. ‘It’s been too long. I’m no good.’
‘Neither am I. Nearly failed all my classes.’
Etho looked skeptical, an expression that said ‘Really.’ without words.
‘No, not exactly. But my memory is abysmal and I can never bring myself to practice. Really bites me in the tail when I have to do.. anything at all. I keep accidentally putting those humans to sleep!’
Etho found that amusing, but their fins soon fell, discomfort twitching across their back. They glanced at the music box in their hands, fingers dancing around the crank. Mumbo cocked his chin, ‘Go on,’ and Etho dipped their head, doing just that.
This time when the music played, Mumbo sang along.
After five more rounds of winding, Etho finally joined him, timid at first, but by the sixth go, they too were singing in earnest. Mumbo felt their stress flaking away like leaves on the wind, and he too felt a little bit lighter.
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redux-iterum · 17 hours
Charred Legacy: Chapter Nine
(AO3 counterpart here.)
Fireheart, chewing on the last bite of his breakfast of robin, felt his eyes crease as he watched his nephew stomping after Bramblekit. Despite already being a good deal bigger than the ball of fluff, his brother was fleeing like there was a car barreling down on him, his back-fur flared up and his eyes bulging with fear. Brindleface was chasing them both, calling for Cloudkit to no avail.
“Cloudkit, I said leave him alone!” She reached out to try and scoop Cloudkit towards her and missed as he ducked his head just in time for her paw to sweep over him. “You’re being mean!”
“Am not!” Cloudkit shouted. “I’m being a badger!” He continued his pursuit, his paws raised almost as high as his head before being flung down to the ground, creating a small ripple of sand. “Badger! Badger!”
Bramblekit skittered away from him, looking around wildly for protection. His eyes caught Fireheart’s and he immediately scrambled over to him. Fireheart dutifully rose into a sit to let Bramblekit squish himself behind his front legs, pushing them out a little and making Fireheart bend forward.
“No fair!” Cloudkit protested, stomping all the way over to Fireheart. “He’s not playing!”
“Fireheart’s the safe spot,” Bramblekit said, much less confidently and much quieter than Cloudkit. “If I touch him, you can’t get me.”
Cloudkit frowned up at his uncle.
Fireheart held in a chuff and gently tapped Cloudkit’s nose with the very tip of his front paw. “Sorry, I don’t make the rules. I’m the safe spot.”
“Aw.” Cloudkit made a sullen face. “Then what do I do?”
“You play nicely, is what you do.” Brindleface caught up to him and pulled him to her, giving him a stern look when he flopped his head back with his nose in the air to see what had grabbed him. “If Bramblekit doesn’t want to be chased, you don’t chase him.”
Cloudkit’s scowl was admittedly pretty adorable with his scrunched-up ginger nose. He looked back at Fireheart, as if seeking confirmation.
“It is pretty mean to chase someone when they don’t like it,” Fireheart said.
The little scowl pointed to the ground now. Cloudkit scuffed some sand at his paws and muttered, “Was just playing.”
“You have plenty of others to play with,” Brindleface said, still stern. “Why don’t you go find your siblings, or Tawnykit?”
This received no response. Cloudkit just grumpily pulled himself out of her grasp and skulked off towards the nursery, where Ashkit and Aspenkit were just climbing out. They both met up with him, and Cloudkit’s attitude was completely forgotten when Ashkit tackled him with a squeaky yowl.
“I’m not sure what to do with his attitude sometimes,” Brindleface sighed, watching her kits tussle. “He gets so upset when I tell him he’s doing something wrong.”
Fireheart squinted unconsciously, studying his nephew at a distance. “I’ll keep that in mind when I mentor him. How far away is his ceremony, again?”
“Oh, four months, at least.” Brindleface immediately cheered up, her tail curling over her back. She looked down at Bramblekit and said sweetly, “And you’re not too far behind him!”
Bramblekit hesitantly wormed out from under Fireheart, his face brightening. “Really?”
“Really.” Brindleface ruffled the fur on the top of his head with a delicate paw as he approached her. “You’re going to be Bramblepaw before you know it. And you’ll have a much bigger den to sleep in.”
Bramblekit straightened up a bit and looked at Fireheart, who nodded enthusiastically. With a high, if muted purr, the brown tabby turned and trotted off towards his sister, who had just woken from her nap near the elders and greeted him with an indistinct sound. Fireheart beamed at their headbump, then looked back to Brindleface.
“I know it’s even further away, but I’m very excited to see what their names will be as warriors.” She lowered her voice, seemingly speaking to herself. “I wonder if Cloudkit will ask for another name…”
“Sorry?” Fireheart tilted his head. “Why another name?”
“Oh—” Brindleface blinked and returned her attention to him. “Well, ‘Cloud’ might not fit him forever. ‘Cloud’ is for white cats, and he’s getting more and more patched by the night. I’m curious if he’ll be renamed entirely when he becomes a warrior, or even an apprentice.”
“Huh,” Fireheart replied faintly. His mind flew to his sister, imagining her struggling to remember his many names. “I wonder now, too. That would be interesting to see. Does he have to do it?”
Brindleface shook her head. “Oh, no, of course not. It’s just an option.” Her eyes returned to Cloudkit, foggy with distant thoughts. “But what he could be named otherwise…”
The pair went silent for what Fireheart presumed was the same reason: contemplating what other names Cloudkit could have. Brindleface had a near dreamy look on her face, while Fireheart was sure he was squinting a bit, thinking hard.
What did Mira tell me about names? he pondered. She said Morning is for paler ginger cats, right? But he’s white, too. What was the one she said once…Tip? Was it Tip? But would Cloudkit want to be named for a bug? I guess he could go for Daisy, too, from what mira said. But then he’d have to be pale enough—
“Hey, Fireheart!”
The ginger tom blinked and was back in the real world. Greystripe and Ravenwing had just come into camp and were heading his way, a cheery little Snowpaw trotting along behind them. His pretty white coat was covered in soil, a few twigs clinging to his tail.
“What on earth happened?” Fireheart got to his feet and hurried to meet them. “Is he okay?”
“He’s excellent,” Ravenwing said—and for the first time Fireheart could remember, his chest was puffed out proudly. “He had hunting practice today.”
Fireheart’s ears perked. “Oh! Did he catch anything?”
“Not yet, but he’s a sneaky little bugger, I’ll tell you that.” Greystripe looked back at Snowpaw, giving him a joking tap on the head with his tail. “He’s going to go far when it snows.”
Ravenwing twitched his whiskers. “He chased after a woodrat and tried to get into its burrow.”
Fireheart snorted and looked at Snowpaw. Once the apprentice met his eyes, he cocked his head and said, “Did you have fun?”, taking care to move his mouth more than usual.
Snowpaw nodded vigorously, dirty tail jumping all over the place.
“He’s getting better at that, too,” Fireheart said to Ravenwing. “Any more signs tonight?”
“Just one.” Ravenwing turned to his apprentice and twitched his ears and jaw.
Snowpaw took a step closer, still looking at Fireheart, and then lowered his head while pushing it forward, eyes alert and ears slid sideways.
“That’s for ‘hunting crouch’,” Ravenwing explained. “I’m trying to separate fighting and hunting signs. I can already see he’s smart enough for that.”
Fireheart blinked twice and nodded—well done—at Snowpaw, who beamed and stood almost as straight as Thornpaw.
The boys flinched in surprise as Frostfur darted through the small space between them, rushing to her kit. She began plucking and brushing the soil off of him, her voice fretful. “He’s a mess! What happened?”
“He chased a woodrat?” Greystripe said, much less confident than Ravenwing and leaning back when Frostfur gave him a cross look.
Fireheart snorted (under his breath, wisely) and took a step back to give Frostfur more room. His back leg kicked into something that squawked; when he looked back, Tawnykit was behind him and scraping sand off her chest.
“Sorry, sorry—” Fireheart turned around immediately. “Are you alright?”
Tawnykit got the last grains off and gave him an expression oddly dry for just a kit. “You got me sandy.” She looked past him to Snowpaw. “Can he talk now?”
“In his own way,” said Fireheart, following her line of sight. “He and Ravenwing are making signs for him to speak with.”
“Oh.” Tawnykit tilted her head. “Can we speak too?”
“We can! We just have to learn how.” Fireheart gave her a gentle nudge with his paw. “I’m sure you could in no time at all.”
Tawnykit studied Snowpaw for a long moment, watching him sign at his mother as she pulled the twigs out of his tail. She finally deliberated, “I bet I can learn it first.”
“I bet so, too,” Fireheart said affectionately. “You know, you could talk with Ravenwing, and he can give you a head start. Then you could help teach the other kits. That would be cool, right?”
Tawnykit’s dull blue eyes lit up at this, and her growing tail did a curious up-and-down dance. “Yeah. Really cool.”
As they spoke, out of the corner of Fireheart’s eye, Cloudkit grappled with Ashkit in his grip, the two of them squealing. The ball of grey and white-and-ginger rolled a little too close to the meeting stump, where Yellowfang and Cinderpaw perched with their heads close together.
To Tawnykit, Fireheart said quickly, “Go on and ask Ravenwing about it,” and then hurried to catch the little toms before they hit the already cantankerous seer. “Cloudkit, Ashkit, hold on!”
The kits made it a few more rolls before Fireheart caught up to them. With a careful paw, he caught them and pushed them the other way, like they were a toy ball. They didn’t even appear to notice the redirection, nor did they notice when Brindleface caught sight of them and ran after them, calling for them to play nicely.
“Sorry about that,” Fireheart said, turning to Cinderpaw and Yellowfang. “They, uh…”
He trailed off when he got a good look at the seers’ eyes. They were faded and distant, not even focused on each other, though they were face-to-face. Yellowfang’s jaw was stuck out, but the few teeth that matched up to each other were tightly grit, and her torn ears were against her head. Cinderpaw did not look much better—her claws on all of her feet, even her bad one, were flexing in and out of her toes, and she was chattering her teeth ever-so-slightly.
“Uh…” Fireheart hesitated, not sure whether he should interrupt. “Are you okay?”
Yellowfang’s orange eyes sharpened again as she glanced his way.
“Sorry to interrupt, um… this.” Fireheart gestured vaguely with his paw. “Is something wrong?”
Yellowfang grunted. “We seek StarClan’s voice. The fool has seen something in her dreams.” She looked to her apprentice, who was stone still aside from her claws. “It troubles her still.”
“Can’t you help her?”
“Boy, if I help her with every sign, she learns nothing.” The old mess of dark fur snorted at him. “And I’ve my own visions to consider.”
Fireheart’s curiosity immediately got to his tongue before he could hold it. “Really? What did you see?”
“Ach. An easy and hard sign at once.” Yellowfang narrowed her buggy eyes. “Teeth and blood, I find. No secret that the dogs are about—I saw how long those fangs were.” She made a face. “But of course, the cursed stars say nothing on where they’ll strike next. I can make a guess, and that is all.”
Fireheart’s stomach clenched. “Where… where do you think they’ll be?”
“I heard the rush of water,” she replied, voice even darker than usual. “We may hear from RiverClan next.”
Fireheart’s fur lifted on his back. “We– we need to warn them, then.”
“Did.” Yellowfang sighed. “The deputy sent the quick one to their border tonight. But I know RiverClan, the airheaded poets. They’ll assume they’re safe since their land is so flat, and ‘they can see everything’.” She ground her teeth in a more tired than frustrated fashion. “It’ll take a loss for them to be serious for once. Mudcloud will be the one to heed the warning.” She shook her head and turned to her apprentice. “That is their trouble now. We’ve our own future to beware of.”
Fireheart copied her and regarded Cinderpaw. Her muscles were tensing up now, her tail tapping like she was having a bad dream.
“Cinderpaw?” Fireheart asked, then looked to Yellowfang. “Can I talk to her?”
Yellowfang squinted, then rolled a shoulder. “Wake her for a moment, and none more.”
With a bit of hesitation, Fireheart reached out with a paw and touched Cinderpaw’s shoulder.
Immediately, a shout of pain broke the peace of camp. Many eyes turned in surprise as Cinderpaw leapt away from Fireheart, hitting against the stump and panting in fear.
“Oh—” Fireheart backed up a bit. “I’m sorry, Cinderpaw. Are you okay?”
Yellowfang did not give her a chance to respond to him, nosing her apprentice. “What did you see?”
Cinderpaw’s terror passed within moments. She blinked a few times and then looked around in confusion, breathing normally again. “Oh. Wow. Okay.”
“What was it?” Yellowfang prodded her again. “Speak words.”
“Uh…” Cinderpaw tilted her head, then flicked her broken tail-tip against her shoulder, where Fireheart had touched her. “I was seeing something huge and loud, and it was really hot, and then it felt like the sun had burned my shoulder, and, uh…”
Yellowfang’s tail twitched, but she didn’t look angry. “Describe it better, fool girl.”
“Like—” Cinderpaw gestured aimlessly, then nodded to Fireheart. “Like your pelt, Fireheart, but bigger than a tree and wider than a house.” She grimaced. “And it was hotter than I think even Horoa is capable of. I could barely breathe.”
Fireheart met Yellowfang’s eyes, and her expression was pessimistic.
“And where were you when you saw it?” she asked.
Cinderpaw tilted her head back and forth indecisively. “Um… I don’t know, somewhere bright. The ground felt dry, but I couldn’t see anything in all that… bright stuff.” She fidgeted. “There was so much of it, Yellowfang! I couldn’t even hear anything, it was roaring so loud. Like a monster.”
Fireheart unconsciously narrowed his eyes as he thought. That sounds familiar…
Yellowfang croaked a grumble. “Follow, child. We discuss this privately.” She turned her wrinkled face to the cats who were still watching. “And you all, fuss not about this! Leave it to me and the girl.”
Immediately, everyone coincidentally found something else to be interested in, talking with each other or looking away at something much more fascinating than a potentially dangerous vision.
Fireheart watched the seers limp into the dying ferns that served as their den. He said nothing to anyone as he sat down and groomed his pelt, trying to think.
Like my pelt but bigger… he mused to himself. And hot. I could swear I’ve seen something like that before.
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