#But I don't see almost anything from my shipp
bjorngr · 11 months
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whokilledjared · 6 months
the sluttiest thing a man can do is be himself. (& takes on social media)
I'm lonely.
The moment I got "two weeks off school" in sophomore year, life went to 4x speed & I can't turn it off no matter how hard I try.
Maybe COVID-19 adolescence did numbers on me. Somewhere between the iPhone 5c and ChatGPT, 14-hour screen times have live-streamed to me a steady, homogenous death of culture.
Nothing is cool anymore. Nothing is sacred. Every movement is a trend, and every cult classic a sequel.
The value we place on things being beautiful, on being "cool," and our gatekept appreciation of how hard these things were to find: it's been co-opted, or perhaps stolen. It's been stolen by the new merchant class. "Disruptors" and "innovators" turning our lives into a burgeoning black mirror prequel. Soon, we'll graduate too, and we'll wring every morsel of value in each others' lives dry for cash.
Plain and simple, I think we're being manipulated.
Your dates are an algorithm. Your music is a social signal. And Zuck knows when you sleep.*
God. What the fuck are we doing???
“Individuation is becoming the thing which is not the ego, and that is very strange.” — Carl Jung
Recently, I deleted Instagram. My first impulse was to post a story or something, announcing my departure. But then, I thought that would be lame.
I got rid of my account, too. Kinda. Over 1 year, over 800 followers removed, and what remains of me is a little grey icon, and "JM_0000000010" where my name and face used to be.
There were many people I wish I could have been friends with, but I wonder, too, why I find myself so drawn to the validation of others. Does social media affect me worse, or do we all just choose to ignore it, languishing in private?
At any rate, this last year has almost felt like re-learning how to be a human being.
Personally, I think one of the biggest markers for maturity is when you become willing to disappoint the people you know in favor of what feels right to you, when you start to unravel the stories you’ve told yourself (or been told) about who you are and what you should be. In short, the sluttiest thing a man can do is be himself.
And sometimes, I think about every college student that has ever lived. My grandmother, my dad, and so on. Just consider for a moment all kids who graduated before 2010:
What was it like for the ones in 1940? To walk around, before a campus had computers? In 2006: To meet someone pretty, but forget their number? In 1999: To cram into dorms, and watch Seinfeld live on-air?
Would I, like my dad in 1988, have braved cold night, brisk wind, & landline phone-call just to knock and see if my friends were too busy to hang?
What stories could I tell if there was even the slightest chance of getting lost on the way home from a party?
Humans are social creatures. We crave our friends like water. To me, the clearest difference between Dasani and Instagram is that one of them comes in a bottle.
Yet despite these distractions and comforts we have in 2024, somehow, we still have engineering students. People who carve out time in their day to sit down, look at paper, and solve differential equations. But then, that's not so hard, is it? It just takes time. Precious, fucking, time.
At Meta, leagues and leagues of these engineers power behavioral scientists, who are competing for the highest salary. Their benchmarks? Your FOMO. Guilt. Anxiety. Obsession. The worse you feel, the more you engage with their content. The more you engage with their content, well, you're starting to get the point.
Try something for me: Open up Instagram, but don't tap anything. What happens? How many little animations? How many tiny nudges prompting you to get lost? Our home-pages are billion-dollar diving boards, hoisting us over engineered catacombs of subconscious quicksand.
My homepage is my FOMO, my envy, and my crushes. The pain and struggle of trying to be someone who I am not. My little existential crises, bundled-up, packaged, and shipped with a like button.
To abandon your social networks entirely, however, requires a safety net of close friends. After all, your friends are online, and you'd be miserable without them.
This is the problem with our monkey brains. Millennia of sociological natural-selection have made us quite great at feeling terrible. We're damn good at making tribal status games to play with, too.
Seeking refuge in quirked up septum piercings and boygenius listeners, my time in counter-cultural, alternative "scenes" between St. Louis and Tampa has shown me that even the weirdest of folks and the most removed can accidentally find themselves reduced to nothing more than high-school popularity contests. Even if I love them. Even if they're amazing people. We're human.
We can't "quit social media" as much as we can't "quit bottled water" Sure, we can, but it's inconvenient. And even without a bottle, we're still drinking water.
So I lost touch with my friends. I got no new updates on their lives. I forced myself into the inconvenience of not having a phone to reach for in fleeting moments of boredom. Suddenly, I was out of the loop. Suddenly, I was bored. And suddenly, nobody missed me. My only friends were the ones I had the time to text. Everyone else ... does not exist.
Weekends have become more valuable than ever. Without the empty social calories of seeing my friends' pictures, I find myself planning hangouts as often as my schedule allows. I have more lunches, more study sessions, and more is done in the company of less.
And I have the time to breathe.
And in this calm, I think I found my answer: it's my misplaced ambition. These fears of anxiety and people I thought I would miss, they seem represent something I want to see more of within myself. Something I want to develop, lean into more deeply, as an individual. And I think that's quite normal; to look out into the world and feel attracted to things we want to see more of. This is, I think, how everyone develops their own definition of beauty — and of coolness. It's largely the intersection of what we find most interesting, and what we want to see more of in the world. Because beauty and coolness, by definition, are rare and hard to find. If they were everywhere, nothing be beautiful, nor would anything be cool.
When we all turn into wrinkles and cataracts, bad backs and heart attacks, for a brief, glorious moment, our lives are going to flash before our eyes. In this moment, you'll see your story. The ultimate progression of you.
How much of that will be skibidi toilet and reaction clips? How much of that will be arguing on the internet? Can you tell me, just how much of your life will you have skipped over to pacify your intentionally-lowered attention span?
That girl whose number you couldn't find Those passing questions over coffee that you couldn't search on Google The boredom of a subway ride
Those are not inconveniences, they're what the older generations refer to as "life."
* (oh, but if you can't sleep, consider this aside: Google knows the angle you walk at, how fast you're walking, and they've got crowdsourced pictures of everywhere around you at all times of the day. fun bedtime thoughts <3)
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knific · 7 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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ericmicael · 1 year
Elsa + Queen Disa VS Elsa + Honeymaren
A conversation about this before it turns into a discussion beyond what I'm seeing in my social circle.
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The look of Queen Disa from the "Frozen Podcast" was recently revealed, and due to her interaction with Elsa in it, a new shipp is being born in the Frozen fandom: Elsa + Queen Disa.
I haven't watched the entire podcast yet, but I've seen some analyzes and in fact Elsa and Disa have a lot of interesting scenes: they start off having problems with each other because of their thoughts about magic and technology, they eventually end up helping each other (especially Disa helps Elsa), and in the end they really become friends, promising a new moment for them to meet. It's almost like "enemies to lovers".
And because Elsa + Honeymaren is the current shipp, it is obviously leading to a certain principle of rivalry. And a lot of people jumped on the theory that Elsa is a lesbian because of Elsa + Honeymaren, and now we have a new girl to steal some of the spotlight.
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I went through this myself in "Frozen 2" with the appearance of Elsa + Honeymaren to the detriment of Elsa + Marisol. As I said before, I had certain problems with "Frozen 2" at the beginning: I hated the separation of the sisters and that Marisol was technically replaced by Honeymaren. It took me a while to understand "Frozen 2" and accept ElsaMaren, and especially to understand that Honeymaren is the mainstream version of Marisol, the version that Disney could take to the cinema.
And so today we have an absence of the Northuldra tribe in material that precisely addresses the Enchanted Forest, and in Honeymaren's place we have Queen Disa who is appearing on the "Frozen Podcast" alongside her sisters.
A few days ago I made a post talking about the possibility that in “Frozen 3” instead of having an approximation of Elsa with Honeymaren, there would be an approximation of Elsa with an original woman, a more mainstream character and free for Disney to use in merchandising. And therefore be different from a woman linked to a tribe that exists in real life and that perhaps has some control over her image, as is perhaps the case with Honeymaren. And now we have Queen Disa.
I really don't believe that Queen Disa is in "Frozen 3", although a podcast released close to the franchise's anniversary is more mainstream than a book or a comic, I still don't think it's relevant enough to be the gateway to a character that it will be in a film... but I could be wrong, I never rule anything out.
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But unlike my initial problem with Honeymaren, I don't intend to create any resistance to the possibility of a new woman for Elsa. As long as it's a woman I have no problem.
And one last text about Elsa + Queen Disa vs Elsa + Honeymaren. Queen Disa and Honeymaren are almost opposites:
Disa seems to be much more extroverted while Honeymaren has already demonstrated that she has some problems speaking in public (Disney Magic Kingdoms).
Disa is a book girl, Honeymaren is a warrior.
Disa is knowledgeable in technology while Honeymaren has some knowledge in magic.
Disa is the girl of the city and modernity while Honeymaren is the girl of the forest and traditions.
Whether it was a coincidence or not, I found this interesting, and it's really easy to see Elsa pairing up with the two women: friendship beginning until an eventual romance.
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shkretart · 11 months
Hey, just discovered your Tumblr. I saw your Art on Instagram and Tiktok, it is breathtaking! Shiping Nikolai and Price is a rare piece of loving Artwork out there and you drawbit perfectly! Keep up the amazing work:3
I wanted to ask if you Ship Alejandro with someone or Rudy? And what are you thoughts about them?
And just for the understanding do you just ship Nikolai and Price or is Laswell involved in any of this too? (Like Price being together with her at some point?)
Hello! You asked very interesting questions.
1. To be honest, I didn’t imagine that anyone would like my drawings with Nikolai and Price. Well, you know, this shipp is not that popular and I don’t think anyone thought about the two of them, and even together haha.
The fact is that I have been interested in them since the original parts of the game. I went through the old parts and saw their friendship and I thought it was very sweet. And then I saw them in the new parts, although their interactions were shown very little.
I was generally afraid to draw anything from the game. I was afraid that my drawings would not be accepted by other people who were already close in the fandom. And my first drawings with Nikolai and Price were only on friendly terms. But on Twitter, people in the comments were thinking something completely different, haha. And people pushed me to bring their relationship closer. I'm very surprised that many people like this shipp, although I don't often see art with them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is simply not popular and does not collect enough likes, I don’t know. I love almost all the ships in the fandom, but my skills don't allow me to draw them haha.
2. I can't say much about Alejandro and Rudy. I like these characters. I like the fact that Alejandro and Valeria have something in their past. That's why I'm more inclined towards them. But Rudy is a wonderful angel and I love him too. I think Rudy/Alejandro is a very cute ship. Maybe I'll work up the courage and draw something with them.
3. About Laswell. It seems that it is already known that she has a wife, this was mentioned in the dialogue with Gaz in CoD:mw2, the sniper mission (if I remember correctly). So I thought it was better not to drag her into all this. Although before this fact, I had thoughts that Captain Price is in love with her, he just cares and worries about her so much that he sometimes stumbles in his speech when talking to her. This all gave me some ideas. Perhaps once upon a time they really had something.
I consider Laswell a close friend of Nikolai and Price. The three of them just look so harmonious. All three have seen a lot and they have all known each other for a long time. I just love their dynamic.
Thank you for looking at my drawings and asking interesting questions! ❤ Sorry there's too much text. I wanted to write shorter, but I couldn't....
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babyrdie · 3 months
What do you like most about TSOA?
The answer was almost Briseis, because I like how she actually has a personality and is more prominent than just being the reason Achilles leaves the war. Initially, I was afraid the author was going to write her having an unrequited crush on Achilles because, even though the author made Achilles not have sex slaves, it would still be a bizarre decision for a retelling in my opinion. She's done something similar before with Deidamia, so it wasn't an impossibility. FORTUNATELY, not only is Briseis not in love with Achilles, she also doesn't like him (which, honestly, makes perfect sense. Even if he didn't rape her in TSOA, he's still the reason she's a slave). And since he doesn't use her as a sex slave, she doesn't need to act lovingly in hopes of gaining rights through a legitimate marriage. I liked how balanced character she was, as Briseis in TSOA is certainly a strong character, but is clearly kind as well. I wondered what happened to her after she died.
But she's still not my favorite thing about TSOA because, I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion, I'm honestly not a fan of the decision "Briseis fall in love with Patroclus". Not because it interferes with the shipp or any nonsense like that, I just don't like this decision because of her character. It's nothing to do with Achilles and Patroclus as a couple, it's about Briseis. If she didn't have this romantic interest in Patroclus, I think she would be the best thing about the book.
So maybe the answer is Chiron? He's one of the best-characterized secondary characters. I'm not a fan of TSOA's secondary characters' characterization (Agamemnon and Pyrrhus both very superficial, for example. And I hated what was done to Deidamia, even though I understand the proposal. Also not a fan of Thetis being the reason her son was raped), but Chiron was cool and I like how Pelion was explored. He had that air of a really patient teacher who teaches you interesting and essential things about life, which I think is very Chiron of him. I can't really think of anything that makes his character bad in TSOA.
In fact, I actually like it better when Patroclus and Achilles are children than when they're adults in TSOA. My favorite part of the book is from the beginning until before Skyros, I'd say. So I also like how their childhood was portrayed, it was really sweet and innocent. We don't have that in mythology and the other famous adaptation of Patrochilles (Hades) has the opposite proposal (post-death, older and more mature), so having the opportunity to see them so young was cool. I think the only thing I would change about childhood is that I would have liked it more if Patroclus had stayed longer bothered by Achilles because I think that would make the dynamic more fun, but that's more purely personal taste than anything else.
So, basically that's it. I really like Chiron, Briseis and the time when Patrochilles were children (pre-Skyros). Does that mean I absolutely hated everything else in TSOA? No, but for me those were the best aspects.
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misspines · 2 years
Yes Yes. He Akimeno is a good shipp... as long as you don't think about the psychological implications behind Himeno's feelings
But he waits! Put that chair down first, okay? Before you throw anything at me, let me explain what I mean
First of all, let me clarify that I myself support this ship. In fact, the reason why I'm in the fandom is because of that image of them together in the opening theme of the anime. So, I'm not saying this because I'm a hater or something!
Ok, let's start with the thesis:
Himeno is a very eloquent and likeable character within csm. He has a very attractive personality and I'm pretty sure it's hard to feel uncomfortable around him. I dare even say that he may be comic relief for the show.
She is properly introduced in chapter 14 of the manga (5 of the anime?) and we can get to know her more thoroughly. She is presented as a relaxed and confident person who seems not to take work very seriously. Although —I insist— this last impression may be due to an attempt to relax the tense atmosphere, because let's remember that in this mission Aki and she are in charge of the rookies
A proof of my point, before you enter the hotel:
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When they find they can't get out of the eighth floor:
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From the moment they realize that they are trapped on the eighth floor, we see how Arai and Kobeni begin to break little by little. Kobeni with a little more strength xd. Even Aki is a bit stressed by the situation. But not Himeno. She maintains the same cool and calm personality with which she entered the building, almost as if the situation doesn't faze her at all
With the flashback of how she introduces Aki to nicotine and then the cigarette that they share in the present, you can see some chemistry there. "These two are cute", you even think
But we can question this cuteness from this moment on:
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Let's see. Aki and Himeno are the superiors here, however, Himeno is Aki's superior. Even though they both have novices in charge of her, Aki still calls her "senpai", which means there's still a difference in rank there. But despite this, Himeno seems to easily accept Aki's wishes. I mean, they don't even debate what to do. Come on, Himeno didn't have any affection for Denji, because she doesn't hesitate to ask him to eat later. It may be that in her work dynamics Aki is the mastermind of the operation, but I personally question this scene because, the most logical thing would be to sacrifice one to save several, right?
Despite all the commotion they are going through, Himeno remains undeterred. It's not until here she mentions using her sword that she seems to react:
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It's not a reaction you'd call "desperate." But it is immediate. Aki hasn't even finished processing the thought when she's already refusing, preferring to sacrifice Denji (when she previously didn't want to, going against Aki's wishes) than sacrifice Aki; even when the sword seems to be the only solution they have
And with this, Himeno's sanity seems to start to take a nosedive. In something slow and almost imperceptible until it happens. I didn't notice it myself until after reading and watching the anime episode several times. When Kobeni hurts Aki, she has finally reached breaking point:
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The calm personality is gone. There are no jokes anymore, there don't even seem to be clear thoughts anymore. All there is is a scared and fearful girl to be reliving trauma so directly and life. Personally, Himeno's fall in this arc is one of my favorite parts
However. I was speaking at the beginning of this incredibly long testament of the possible psychological implications behind Himeno's feelings. What do I mean by this? Himeno seems to have an attachment/dependency towards Aki. It's like Himeno is a red roof and Aki is the plug in the leak. Himeno has lost many companions, he has seen many of the rookies in her charge die. But Aki seems to be the exception to that. Aki is the only one who has survived long enough to get to train her own fledglings. Thus, having Aki alive seems to have become some kind of sick need in response to her earlier trauma. It doesn't sound quite cute anymore after reading the last part, does it?
But anyway, this does not mean that this is a bad ship (as I said before, I am here thanks to them). Nor that you stop shipping them or think differently. In fact, with this weird theory I've put together in my head, I like them better. Feels almost Shakespearean, don't deny it
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laysserre · 3 years
I don't remember the last time I saw that shipp, but since that day I haven't been able to get this image out of my head. So here I go.
//Almost pure nsfw content, oviposition, trans male character, mention of: double penetration, dacryphilia, denigration, overstimulation, kinda “non-con” (we love consent here, this is part of the character game).
Sneeg and Philza spend full time in the OSPM and it is usual to see that Sneeg made Phil's shoulder his own house, but from what I knew and remember, Sneegsnag can make his size bigger and smaller.
Philza is a villain and we love him as such, both Sneeg and Blade throw the dogs at him aggressively but Sneeg is the first to fuck him, the great and feared Philza Minecraft downgraded to quivering putty and overstimulation.
Techno doesn't like that, Sneeg, his great “rival” had the nerve to fuck Philza first when it was clear that he would be the first. Techno is a rabbit and it is well known what they say about them *Whatsapp Moon*, Phil is a bird after all, touch his wings and you screwed him because he is sensitive and reaches his beaks very quickly, it is very easy to overstimulate him and he is also a bitch. So he doesn't care if he's crying the shit out, he's always going to challenge you to continue.
So, although Sneeg and Techno are rivals they may hit it off and a trio may happen, gossip will probably confirm that Philza didn't return to his nest the next day, or the next. Although there is a very sexy scene where Sneeg and Techno kiss and become open. Yes world, they have two hands that they can perfectly share. For Philza it's fine, if they can be a couple too, the relationship of three will work, of course.
Something that is mentioned at the beginning is that Phil is trans, and since it is my story I have decided to give him a family. A very crazy family.
The crow father becomes horny to the extreme, more than anything because of the egg that begins to form, it is very annoying to fly from his nest to Techno or Sneeg so he decides to penetrate himself in his home and surprise, there is an egg. He gets angry, his main purpose was not to get pregnant and much less not knowing which of the two bastards who fucks him is the father. Fly to them and the first to be threatened is Techno.
Say what you want, but I would avoid seeing Father Crow angry, it can be fucking scary. Not for nothing is he a descendant of the ender dragon, I mean, isn't a final boss?
Techno doesn't seem too scared, just confused, and when Sneeg arrives he gets exactly the same thing as Techno (but in miniature), a claw around his throat (or whole body) straight into the wall. Although it's embarrassing for Phil to say that his libido is triggered by his recent pregnancy it does, which for plot reasons isn't a bad thing, Techno and Sneeg claim that Phil isn't just a "sexual partner" -as Phil always believed he was-, rather it was a stable relationship between three members of the server.
And yes of course, why not, reconciliation sex. Both aforementioned take turns to get to Phil's nest and take care of him, a part of the egg formation is outside his body so eventually mother hen stays to keep it warm.
By this point they should already know who their offspring are.
So, Sneeg is blue, Philza is a big bird, their genes merge in *drum roll* A ghost, why not! (Nothing makes sense in Minecraft, neither here.)
Wilbur is the first (oops?) He flies, goes through things, he's blue, they obviously know who he is. It is exhausting for Phil to procreate babies so quickly, because a part of his body has to get used to it and also have enough nutrients for the eggshell. Spend some time where Wil grows up near the nest guarded by his three dads and suddenly.
Philza becomes irritable.
For Sneeg and Techno it's still just another normal day, but Wilbur knows his dad better than his other dads, he's spent a lot more time in his nest (or following him, like a good chick). Wilbur is the first to notice that something is wrong and that perhaps has to do with the forbidden things that his parents do (to a lesser extent, protective mother hen perhaps? He will prefer his chicken).
So yes, Avian Tommy on his way.
There is some random data that I like about this AU.
Every time they get mad at Tommy, mother hen defends him even if he wasn't right (even from his own parents). This is how he becomes a capricious Tommy.
Every bird is born an avian, but as it grows its feathers and molts into the bird it will be in the future, so Tommy will most likely change what type of “avian” he is.
Maybe, maybe not, maybe Philza has adopted more kids along the way but no matter the number of children, as long as Sneeg and Techno receive care they are happy looking after their large family.
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vlovers19 · 4 years
je t'accueille,
I appreciate your blog and your opinion so I would like to ask you something. I've been very confused about Vmin for a while (actually about Jimin). I love Vmin but I don't know what to think.
There are moments, very sensitive little things that show me how sweet Vmin relationship is. Those are quiet little things what the two do; the way Taehyung takes Jimin's hand inadvertently, or that sweet "agyo" from Jimin's side. It's all so subtle and real.
I love 4oclock, Promise, Winterbear, Sweet night (that's Vmin, I can find it there)
 But then Jimin goes to the JK. Jimin is almost always with JK, very rarely with Tae or other members. Jimin can be carried on his shoulder, sending him "seductive looks" (which I really can't understand in connection with what Jimin said about JK, namely that Jk is like his younger brothers) The way Jimin does it makes me almost sour; what he is doing this show for, he builds such an "erotic tension" (I don't know how to describe it at all), hangs on Jk's neck, lets himself be carried and his ass is touched by Jk, ears nibble etc etc ... .
Normally that wouldn't bother me at all; I'm not into shippe (I don't take Vmin as a Shipp) and I wouldn't care, but with a connection with Taehyung, I am surprised by Jimin's behavior. It comes and goes! Are months where you hardly notice Jimin and Jk and then it comes back. we see Vmin in love together and then suddenly everything is gone.
I don't understand Taehyung either; why does he stay with Jimin when he sees that Jimin is actually into JK and likes to have fun with him? (or do I just get it wrong?)
So please can you help me in any way? I don't want to give up Vmin ..... Maybe something is what I don't know, maybe I don't understand shipping at all?
I've been in the Army for almost 5 years and until now, due to lack of time (studies), I've only dealt with music. I saw Vmin in Paris at a BTS concert and since then, Vmin is my "everything" ..... "Vmin is mine" .... you understand.
Au revoir
Hello Marie! No doubt, this is quite a concern to most shippers but since you are not a shipper as you said so you might not really be versed with Vmin, then it's normal for you to feel confused but this kind of thing shouldn't bother people or cause ship wars.
I think there was a time I wrote a post advising people to enjoy whatever content Vmin was giving us back when they were a unit because it wasn't going to last and I was not wrong. Now, no one's talking about Vmin being soulmates. All they are talking about now is how Jk carried Jimin with his hands on his butt. My eyes nearly fell off but I also clearly remembered this was something Jk also did with Suga in bon voyage but no one seems to remember that because it's Jikook that's doing this.
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By the way, this was something that happened quite a long time ago and as we all know, before Friends was released. A lot has changed between Vmin recently.
As for Jimin spending a lot of time with Jungkook, i'm not surprised because I've noticed that Taehyung seemed quite distant from everyone especially in 2018/2019. If we examine the previous Taehyung with the person who he is now, there's little wonder why Jimin would prefer hanging out with Jungkook than with him.
The most puzzling part is why would Big Hit officially show such videos that no doubt seem quite 'gay' especially after the whole hype about Jimin and Taehyung's song soulmate, giving shippers reasons to fight ship wars with each other debating who is more closer than who? Giving antis and solo stans room to attack each other. They showed it all. Why do I think so? Because they are aware it will cause a reaction and things like this keeps people talking about Bts. Almost like they're flashing it right in front of everyone's faces so people notice it. It's like, there's no way you can't notice it. It's right in front of you so no doubt, people are noticing it so well, it's creating tensions on social media and before you know it, it has become a hot topic. Even the ear nibbing thing, Jungkook did with Jimin on stage is something i've noticed Jungkook used to do with Taehyung and some idols have done with each other especially the one where they swallow the other person's shoulder with their whole mouths.
Besides, I'm also quite surprised how they can act like this in front of so many cameras. It's puzzling. In public, Jimin can behave this way with Jungkook yet when in an interview, Bts was asked who he does most of his Aegyo to, the members agreed that it was Taehyung shocking even me because I was asking myself, we see him being cute with JK in cameras all the time yet how come he gets cute the most with Taehyung? Where? How? When does it happen? Proving that most of their moments aren't shown in camera.
The fact that i'm seeing all this Jikook flirtations on camera leaves me with no words. No doubt, it's stirring but it's too into your face and I don't even understand why the editors displayed everything for us to see. It's almost like they are showing the interactions of two of the famous BTS members being lovey dovey on camera. The two of them had quite a lot of screen time together.
It's obvious, it's what a lot of people wanted to see and they have gotten the reaction they expected. Jungkook no doubt gives Jimin the attention he wants whereas Taehyung seems like his head is always in the clouds. Like he's not energetic or has time to spend with Jimin so you can't really blame him.
Despite how active Jikook are, Taehyung was still the one Jimin sang a song with where they called each other soulmates. People heard the song and it was surprising because in public, they didn't seem close enough to call each other that so there was a lot of disbelief.
Taehyung didn't initiate that song, Jimin did and even personally produced it himself. As friends, Jimin naturally should be hanging out more with Taehyung like he used to especially before 2016. But why has the tables turned? Instead of being close, they seem quite distant. I guess you already know what I'm thinking. Something is very fishy somewhere.
However, like I said, this was something that happened quite a while ago and now, it's no secret to us that their relationship wasn't perfect. According to an interview they both had, they still need to work out a lot of things with each other. One moment, they are friends, the next they are enemies so it's not surprising when during such times, they would prefer to hang out with others.
But now, we are seeing a lot of changes. With Taehyung posting things related to Jimin on Social media since last year, things like 95z is love, being more vocal in his admiration for Jimin and so on. Releasing sweet night and scenery which I suspect is about Vmin. Things have definitely changed for the better between them.
However, for the fact that i see Jikook doing all these in front of several cameras doesn't convince me because in my opinion, if they really had something going on, they should be a bit more reserved in their relationship rather than being very public about it where all eyes are watching causing viewers to talk about them and indirectly provoking ship wars.
Jimin likes to show affection, Taehyung doesn't so obviously, their behavior is bound to clash. This little action of theirs in Bts 2019 showed the disparity
From the above, Jimin wanted to hold Taehyung's hand but he was reluctant. Without saying anything, Jimin continued putting out his hand looking quite serious until Taehyung let him hold his hand but in the end, he only let Jimin hold his fore finger.
it looks like they both really aren't on the same page about what to show and what not to show. It's like a confusion. Personally, that's what i think it feels like to have something secretly going on whether it's a secret relationship or having secret feelings.
Anyway, this is my opinion, if i look at Jimin, I see it as him wanting to be close to someone who actually accomodates his flirtations but as for Jk, he would do the same to any other member especially Jin. Jimin wouldn't be an exception. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyway, that's all I can say about this. Nothing else, only that it's really hard to ship Vmin and you need to have a lot of will power and analyze things deeply because if we look at what we see on camera, we are just going to keep on getting confused.
Anyway, have a great day and remember that 95 liners is love and they are soulmates.
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artkotaro · 5 years
Curiosities 👀
More than anything, it is the origin story of my two Aus.
What is the reason that motivated you to make your own Au?
For that, let's start at the beginning of everything.
It's funny since Undertale had gone out of fashion at the time, I really didn't know what the story was about and had the idea that it would be another boring nonsense game.
But in that I dared to investigate what his story is about thanks to a YouTuber (whom I also met through the video game Bendy ant The Ink Machine), and thus my taste for Undertale began.
Then for the Shipps, but that's another story.
After getting to know Undertale better, I thought about delving into Fandom to the point of learning about alternative universes.
Thanks to the Underverse series, there has started my taste for alternative universes.
One day when I was drawing one of the Undertale characters at the time, I came up with the idea of ​​creating my own alternate universe and Reisontale came up.
Reisontale was the first name you thought of for your AU?
If I am honest NO, the truth was it was difficult to think of a name for me AU, since I wanted it to be original and not repeated.
The first one that occurred to me was Gastertale.
But after searching that this AU already existed, I discarded the name and tried to think of another one again.
And why the Reisontale Name?
Well, that has a very clear explanation, by Reison.
Since she created this AU into a dead and destroyed AU.
Where did you get inspiration to make Reison?
In Chara and Friks, in My Little Pony Princess Celestia and Luna (at that time I was still a fan of them) and in the legends of my country of the Origin of Day and Night.
Well, I don't know if you noticed Reison has symbols that represent day and night. And this is more noticeable with the powers it has (which are Light and Darkness).
Why the name of Reison?
I chose a random name, this one is divided in two, Rei for a Sailor Moon character that I really like (Sailor Mars) and Son for my mistake, since I thought it meant Sun in English, but it actually means Son.
And well, I decided to give it a name like that, since I inadvertently made a move with the word smile in Spanish.
What is Reison's past? Will it have a story?
At the moment I will not show anything of Reison's past, nor his history.
But who will have a history if it is so.
I already have it planned from start to finish, but for the moment I will not show it, since I want Reison to continue maintaining that air of mystery that characterizes him.
But I will give basic information about her, such as her birthday and her tastes.
And what about Jackson? (the Sans of Reisontale)
Ahhhhh, I will talk very little about it, since it is not as relevant as Reison and Eight (since they will have a leading role in a project that I have planned that is called Multiverse), but I will include it despite the fact that I will not give it as much importance, it is still my favorite creation (after Reison and eight) 😌.
Did you plan to do Numbertale after Reisontale?
NO, Numbertale was not in my plans, in fact only Reisontale was only planned.
If you didn't have Numbertale planned, then how did the idea come about?
Something that if I don't clarify is that, since I was new to AUS, I thought that each AUS Creator could only create one. So I will settle for having a UA.
What made me change my mind was the Creator of Geno, Error and Fresh.
SHIT !! I create three Aus, with these Sans, with super good stories. (I loved the Aftetale U-U story 👌)
This gave me the motivation to do more than one UA, so the idea to create Numbertale came up.
Why Numbertale?
If I had trouble thinking of a name for my first AU, this was more.
But I will say the origin, since I was bored in math classes I decided to give characters a shape and without thinking I created an Undertale character.
Who was the Papyrus was the first Numbertale character to create after Sans and Friks.
And there's the name of Numbertale.
The numbers on the characters in Numbertale, did you put them on why?
Initially YES, but after delving further into the meaning of each Number by Numerology, I paid more attention to giving a number to each character and somehow fitting it according to its meaning and personality.
If you don't believe me, look up the meaning of 8 and 9, and you will know why I put that number on Sans and Papyrus.
Is Numbertale having its story too?
Of course, I already published the first page of Comic 1, the other pages I have in my sketchbook but I will pass them to Dijital later.
I take this opportunity to say that the story of Numbertale will be divided into 4 Comic, all without losing the course of the story, but it will have 4 protagonists depending on what the comic is called, a clear example is Comic 1 which is called Friks (it means that this Comic will star Friks).
The others would tell them but I do not want to do Spoilers, I put aside that I want it to be a surprise.
What was Eight's first design like?
I think so, it wasn't a great design to say since at the time I didn't know how to draw Sans well.
But that if, I had to redesign it 3 times, (the current design is the definitive one).
Did you have a character to get inspired by Eight's design?
Yes, it was six characters, but I was more inspired by Cross Sans and Delta Sans.
At first I planned to make numbertale's universe a kind of world parallel to X-Tale, but dismiss the idea as it wanted to be original.
And apart from the need to know more about the AU as X-Gaster (which I didn't know much about, since I couldn't find the comics of this Spanish-language Sempai Jael, at the time I was finishing the comic like the incredible episodes of Underverse).
Eight's first design had an almost like Cross, but with its differences, I really regret how I used to draw it
As I said earlier, I didn't want it to be a cheap copy of Cross, I had to modify several things to the character such as story, personality and design.
There are some things that your current design retains from the old one.
You may find similitides of Eight's wardrobe with Cross's, it's more of a reference to Jakei's influence on this Au. Other than that Cross is my favorite character.
What story are you going to make first? Numbertale or Reisontale?
Numbertale, since as I mentioned earlier, Reisontale is more related to Reison's story and past.
And I don't want to show any of this yet.
Besides, to better understand Reisontale's story, you have to know Numbertale's as these are related.
Why, I won't say.
You'll find out in The Multiverse Project
Are you going to do something else after you finish Numbertale and Reisontale?
Yep, The Multiverse Project where Reison, Co-Star Eight and The Jackson will be starring, because...
I see what I'm doing with him.
I have other projects, but I still don't know which one to start with first.
I'm not sure I'm going to be encouraged to do the story of my Third AU, called Wizardtale.
But first with the first thing.
Well this is all I wanted to say, if you want to continue knowing more or have doubts, encourage to ask me, I do not bite ;3.
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phoenixnakama · 3 years
Kungdom of fire chapter-3
After young Todoroki woke up he wanted to rise from the floor. But he was stopped by a sweet looking woman.
"Don't move!" Ochaco screamed and covered her mouth at the same moment. She didn't want to be rude, but she had to forestall him to move.
"Your body is still weak. You have to rest." Uraraka took his shoulder and pushed him back to the floor, but Touya slapped her hands. He was a prince. Nobody will tell him what to do!
"Nobody will tell me what to do!" He stood up and tried to leave the cave.
"No, no, no you can't go out!" Uraraka panicked. She stood in front of Touya, but he pushed her away.
"You didn't understand? I will repeat it once, because you probably saved my life. I don't take orders from some stupid little girl. I am a prince." He wanted to continue, but he stopped. Some people appeared at the entrance of the cave.
Bakugou Katsuki left village with rook in cage. She knew, that she had get rid of the stranger. She intended to gave him the bird and let him send letter to his mother country. Their island didn´t have shipps which were able to float for a long distance. They didn't need them.
Katsuki sped up her walk, when she heard Uraraka´s nervous voice. He stood in the entrance of the cave and almost collided with the stranger.
She smirked. So this man is a prince. She wasn't interested in some stupid rich boy and his bumptious personality. 
"And I am a princess and this island is my home, so you will listen to me. Firstly put your ass down on the floor and secondly apologise to this lady!" She wanted to put him to the floor herself, but she wanted to give him a chance. Of course she can hit him later.
Touya looked straight at two red eyes, he didn't see anything like hesitation. This woman was ready to kill him in one second, if he moved in the wrong way.
Of course he was strong, but she had a knife and fighted with her wouldn't be suitable.
On the other hand, she said that she is a princess. He had to be on Ambrosia, there is no other island with a princess in her age. She didn't look like he expected, but he still planned to kidnap her.
He sat on the floor and let Bakugou talk. He obeyed her and wrote a letter to his brother Natsuo.
Before Katsuki let the rook flew, she asked a stranger about his name. Touya wasn't sure what to said. Told his real name could be problematic for his plan.
"My name is Dabi." He answered.
Bakugou crinkled her nose. She never heard about prince Dabi, but she decided didn't care, as long as he will left the island.
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