#But I was so focused on Inukag Week
shinidamachu · 2 years
Hi! I love following your meta and detailed analyses and I swear you had one somewhere about the actual chapters/instances that had InuKik in the manga as compared to the anime but I can't find it :( Did I imagine it? (Why I'm asking is I'm writing one of my fics IWFA and I had someone ask me why I write InuKik the way I do and I was about to say cuz in the manga they give off the impression of being distant like that. Then I second guessed myself and wanted to reread the parts... anyway I blab.
Hi! Thank you so much! This means a lot because I do love writing meta. Unfortunatelly, I don't think I made the post you're looking for.
I'm still in the process of reading the manga and even though I use a panel here and there to make my points across, I refrain from going into deep, side by side comparisons because I feel like smarter people than me have already done it to exhaustion. And with a level of coherence I can only dream to achieve.
One of these people is definitely @inukag so maybe you'll have more luck asking her? If Cynthia didn't wrote it, she's still your best shot at figuring out who did.
And for whatever is worth, I think your interpretation of manga Inukik is actually pretty spot on. In fact, I'd go even further and say that anime Inukik was almost just as distant. The difference is that at least Sunrise tried to give them some substance, which in my opinion didn't work at all, since it butchered their characterization (Inuyasha's especially) by omitting very important scenes and adding meaningless fillers that in my opinion only made more obvious how superficial their relationship really was.
To me, love is something you build and trust is the foundation in which you're building on. To trust — and consequently to truly love — takes time. On top of that, a strong relationship requires efffort, honesty and fully acceptance from both parts, none of which I believe Takahashi or Sunrise showed us.
Boat dates under the sunset and passionate kisses are just bells and whistles. Yes, it looks great on screen, but it doesn't necessarily equal to real love. Infatuation, sure. But love? It's easy to make you characters go on boat dates under the sunset. It's easy to make them kiss passionately. It's even easier for the writers, for the audience and for characters themselves to confuse it for love.
What's hard is to actually take the time to create, develop, test and expand a romantic connection. To show how deep it runs instead of just telling. To make it unfold and progress and grow stronger before our eyes. To make it dynamic rather than stagnant. Inuyasha and Kikyo didn't have that at all, be it in the manga, be it in the anime.
Their relationship was based on mutual loneliness, on seeing each other through rose colered glasses and of the fundamentally wrong idealization of the life they thought they'd have together.
That being said, here's my unsolicited advice: if you're anything like me, I can totally understand why you'd feel the need to try and defend your point of view, especially if the person asked you to explain it in good faith.
However, even if your interpretation of the Inukik relationship was way off — which, again, I don't believe it is — remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation for your writing choices, but you do owe it to yourself to write what feels right. It's your story to tell and you can tell it any way you see fit.
I know our takes on this matter aren't particularly popular within the fandom, but they are just as valid. I lost count of how many Inukag fanfics I've read where Inukik was written to be a much bigger thing than I personally believe it originally was, but even though I disagree with that interpretation, I'm also not entitled to an explanation other than... that's the author's vision. And that's okay.
The important thing was that people had fun and were proud of what they wrote. As they should, because it takes courage to post your stories online. And if I'm bothered by an specific story to the point of not being able to enjoy it, that's my problem and I should probably search for something closer to my own interests to read.
Anyway... I can't wait to read If We Fall Anyway. It has been on my to read list for a while now and I'm sure I'll love it.
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justafewsmallsteps · 1 month
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Another quick art and ficlet for @kagomes-hanakotobamatsuri ! This one focused on Week 3, Fertility and I used the Yellow Rose (new beginnings) as my inspiration flower. I started writing this while I was pregnant 2 years ago, but didn’t get around to finishing it until now.
Title: Potatoes Word Count: 1113 Rating: T Pairing: Inukag Warnings: Pregnancy
Try as she might, Kagome couldn’t help the uncontrollable (and unreasonable) flood of negative emotions that came with her unfulfilled pregnancy craving.
Wacdonald’s, of all things. Of course she was craving one of the most unobtainable foods possible in Sengoku and one of the easiest to find in her modern Tokyo. 
She didn’t really feel regret at leaving the modern world behind, not with Inuyasha and a life of friends and nature to surround her, and yet… 
Kagome found herself seething in angry tears. Angry at her body, angry at her attitude, angry at life. While she was always an emotional person, this hormone-induced storm was driving her crazy. She felt everything stronger, and no amount of logic or sleep was pulling her out of it because when she really really thought about it, it was all so unfair. She was raging at the world for making her choose between one family and another. The past was her future, and the future was now her past. But why did she have to choose? Why couldn’t she have a child with the love of her life and introduce her baby to her mother and grandfather and brother? Her righteous sorrow and her selfish cravings swirled into an indistinguishable mass of feelings. One second there was joy, another pain, the next irrepressible annoyance. She was guilty that she felt this way, upset as a tantruming toddler over a greasy burger and salty fried potatoes. 
And ultimately she was sad to be so far from her mother. 
Her thoughts turned to her poor husband. 
Inuyasha had been very sweet since she’d gotten back, and her pregnancy ramped up his doting completely. From warming her bath, to fetching her the ripest fruits, to building her the most comfortable approximation of a mattress possible, she felt spoiled and grateful. But her pregnancy-addled brain and hormonal body had her feeling so at odds with her heart. She loved being here. She loved her friends and the family they found in each other. She loved Inuyasha. 
Yet she longed for the crepes at the Shinjuku station mall, ice cream from a stand, steak from the grocery store cooked at home… her mouth was practically a waterfall at the thought. But by far the biggest craving was a Wacdonald’s cheeseburger with extra cheese and a side of fries dipped in ketchup. Make that two sides of fries. She could cry thinking about it, which she knew was stupid. 
It didn’t help that so many things made her feel nauseous. She’d helped out with pregnant mothers before, giving them herbs to help, learning from Kaede the rough timeline. She’d given reassurances and her best empathy, but in the throes of morning sickness Kagome wished to strangle her past naivety—and as much as she adored Kaede, the woman never actually had to go through pregnancy. 
Sango helped the most, understanding her anger, giving practical advice to give her the slightest relief. After all, carrying the twins had been an ordeal.
But Kagome was tired of ginger root and plain rice. 
She was tired in general. It has been such a joy to find out she was pregnant, and the first few weeks were a breeze. Then the morning sickness kicked in and subsequently kicked her ass. Morning sickness. God, it was unending sickness. Any time of the day sickness! She huddled under her blanket, willing the fatigue and nausea away. 
Then Inuyasha emerged from the door with her requested pile of potatoes. His look was apprehensive. He wanted to help her in any way he could, knowing that his wife often repressed cries for her mother. 
“I scrubbed ‘em already, and the pan’s good to go.” 
“Thank you, Inuyasha.” 
“I’ll cut ‘em too. It’s supposed to be like sticks, right?” 
She nodded. “Not too thin though.” Her husband was really good with a knife. She might be envious of his skills if he wasn’t such a good partner. 
Before he could start chopping, she stopped him. “Wait! Maybe cubes are better. They’ll move around the pan more easily.” 
“‘Kay,” he replied easily. 
Kagome stifled a groan as she slowly got up. Inuyasha had set the pan to heat already, so all she had to do was add the oil. 
“This look alright?” Inuyasha asked, checking in with her about the size. 
“Those look good.” 
Something about the sound of him chopping away triggered something. Everything triggered some emotion or another—but the domestic simplicity of their lives came at her full force as she heard the rhythmic sounds of their knife hitting their wooden chopping block. 
“It’s wonderful,” she whimpered, tears gathering in her eyes. 
“Woah, woah!” The hanyou turned around in concern, his hand immediately at her back to try to comfort her.  “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she lifted her head and sobbed, unable to hold it back. “It’s just the hormones, but I do think you’re wonderful. I’m so lucky to have you!” she wailed. 
His entire being was on high alert since she got pregnant, and even though he knew emotional outbursts were bound to happen, he still went into overdrive trying to make sense of it and fix whatever he could. “T-thanks.” 
“Thank you for getting me potatoes so we could try making fries. I’m sorry I’m probably going to hate it or throw it up but it’s the closest thing I have to Wacdonald’s.” She wiped her face with her sleeve and sniffled. 
“I told you, woman, I’ll do anything I can. I’m sorry we don’t got wako’s or whatever here.” 
“I’m being unreasonable.”
“It’s normal. You know it is. I know it is. You shoulda seen Miroku while Sango was having her cravings. Damn near swindled every ingredient from every vendor in every town just to find something she couldn’t remember the name of.” 
Kagome gave a watery laugh. “That makes me feel better.” 
“We’ll make something good, and if you hate it and retch I’ll make you two something else.” 
‘Us two,’ Kagome thought in awe, placing her hand on her belly. “We appreciate you.” She sent him a smile and got on her tiptoes to kiss his jaw. 
“Yeah, yeah. If you’re done, I’m going to go finish cutting now,” he brushed off, trying to hide his blush as he turned around. 
“Okay, but we’re following you,” Kagome declared. As her husband resumed chopping the rest of the potatoes, she wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her cheek against his back. 
“I’m gonna be done in five seconds, you know.” 
“Go slower.” 
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, but the quick beat of the chopping slowed to a different, sweeter ballad, and Kagome hummed contentedly along.
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Inukag Week, day 4: Modern
Fun fact! I came up with this story idea over a year ago! Thank fkn inukag week for giving me a reason to bang out the details!
Even funner fact? I DID NOT MEAN FOR IT TO GET THIS LONG 😅 My coworker really came in clutch so I could write during my shift today. Everyone say thank you Angel
Wish on a Star
"Pleeeease, Inuyasha! It's just one evening!"
"No way in hell!"
Kagome trailed after him as he stomped away from the well, jaw clenched in irritation.
"Y'know, usually, this is all reversed," Sango pointed out from where she, Miroku, and Shippo watched the other two. Miroku nodded in agreement, remembering how just the day before, Kagome and stomped to the sacred well, Inuyasha demanding that she stay and ignoring her annoyed refusals.
"Come on! I've spent all week investigating jewel rumors! It wouldn't kill you to spend one night with me back home!"
"You're right. And now we have to go out and actually look for all those jewel shards! We don't have time to screw around in your weird world. And even if we did, I have better things to do!"
The tense silence was broken when Kagome scoffed.
"Y'know what? Fine!" She huffed, turning on a heel and storming over to the others.
"Finally- hm?" Inuyasha watched as Kagome stood in front of Miroku, crossing her arms.
"Miroku? How would you feel about coming on a double date with my friend and I back in my era?"
Inuyasha and Sango's jaws dropped, and Shippo's eyes bugged out of his head, but Kagome didn't acknowledge any of them, keeping her eyes focused on the monk.
For Miroku's part, he looked a bit surprised, but smiled after a moment, turning to slide up beside Kagome and slip an arm around her waist.
"Why lady Kagome, I'm flattered that you thought of me! I would be honored to accompany you and your friend-"
Three different hands seized Miroku's wrist before his hand could slide any lower on her hip, and Kagome stepped out of his grasp before releasing her hold.
"Yeah, a move like that'll get you arrested back home, so keep your hands to yourself."
"You cannot! Bring Miroku!" Inuyasha insisted, turning his glare from the lecherous monk to Kagome.
"I can bring anyone I damn well please, if you don't want to go! Sango could come with me!"
"You can bring other people through the well now, Kagome!? I'll go!" Shippo cheered, jumping from Sango's shoulder into Kagome's arms. Catching him easily, Kagome's gaze shifted away.
"I mean, in theory…" she hummed, offering an apologetic smile when she met his eyes. "But a double date is… well, it's for people closer to my age. I'd love to bring you, but you're a little young yet."
He'd begun to pout, but did giggle when she playfully booped his nose.
"What's this double date business about, anyway, Kagome?" Sango asked, interested now that time travel was on the table and Miroku wasn't.
"My friend Ayumi got asked out by a guy from our school. She doesn't know him very well and didn't want to be alone with him right away, so she asked me if I could bring my boyfriend and make it a double date. Since I, apparently, have the most relationship experience in my friend group," she admitted with a wince. It wasn't even technically the kind of relationship they thought it was, but it wasn't like she could lay out all the gory details for her fellow modern highschool girls.
"Do you really think you could bring someone besides Inuyasha to your time?" Sango asked. 
"Well, back when Inuyasha and I first met, a demon comb sent a bunch of hair through the well. We had to fight it in the well house before passing back through," she recalled, tapping her cheek thoughtfully. "And then when Inuyasha sent me back without my jewel shards, I couldn't pass through, so maybe that's the key?"
Glancing over her shoulder at Inuyasha, she smirked just slightly.
"Hell, maybe I'll track down Koga! He's got shards built in, and I'm sure he would love to hold my hand at a festival for a few hours."
"Why you-!" Inuyasha growled, turning away and crossing his arms. "Even if you could find him before tonight, you wouldn't dare."
"Mmm, you're right," she admitted, earning a smug smile from the half demon. Until, of course, he caught sight of the taunting look on her face. "It'll take too long to find him. Probably faster to bring him here."
Turning to the fox in her arms, she batted kitten eyes at him.
"What do you say, Shippo? You got any little tricks we can use to get ahold of the wolves? I'll bring back all kinds of tasty festival food for you!"
"No. Nope, nu-uh, not happening," Inuyasha stated, snatching the kit out of her arms and covering his mouth. "Fine! Fine, I'll go! Just don't show that flea-bitten wolf where we live! We'll never be rid of him once he knows where to find you!"
"Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!" 
Kagome threw her arms around him, causing warmth to erupt across his cheeks. Taking Shippo from his hands, Kagome pecked the kit's forehead before handing him to Miroku.
"We'll be back first thing in the morning, you have my word!"
And with that, they were off again, Kagome hauling the grumbling half-demon back through the well.
Brushing a bit of cat hair from her light cotton shorts, Kagome popped the door to her room open, smiling when she spotted Inuyasha on the bed, messing with Buyo's paws.
"So what exactly is it we're doing today?"
"We're going to the star festival! There's a parade and food and games- Maybe I'll win you a prize. If you loosen up a little by the time we meet Ayumi, you'll have a good time."
"Not my forte," he bit out.
"Unfortunate," she sighed. Pausing for a beat, she reached out to carefully pull a longer strand of hair away from his face and tuck it back with the rest. "Have you ever thought about tying your hair back?"
"Only when it's hot out. Why?"
"You should try it," she hummed, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, letting the sideburns hang while pulling the rest gently away from his face. "You'd have to leave some down to cover for not having human ears while we're here, but I think it'd suit you."
"Whatever. Worry about your own hair," he said, batting her hands away. He was already fighting a flush, no need to make it worse. With a shrug, she let his hair fall from her fingers and moved to her bureau, picking up her brush. With another huff, he continued, "I don't know why I'm letting you drag me into this. Bad enough we're losing another day looking for jewel shards."
"Listen!" Kagome groaned, watching him in her mirror as she pulled the brush through her hair. "Between jewel hunting and studying, I don't actually get a lot of time to hang out with my friends from this time period! Despite how little I see them, they're important to me. Ayumi's never been on a real date before, and Yuka and Eri don't know much about this guy. She needs me, and I'm not going to let her down!"
She saw Inuyasha roll his eyes in the mirror, but blessedly, he stopped whining.
"And," she hummed, pushing back to her feet. "If that means we get to hang out eating festival food and playing some games while neither chasing nor being chased by demons, well, all the better, right?"
Inuyasha blinked in surprise, not missing the mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She handed him a bandana, scratching gently behind one ear to make it clear what he was meant to do with it.
"Now, I just need to get dressed and then we can go. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes - mom's gonna help me with my yukata," she stated, turning for the door. "I can never get the bow right…"
Inuyasha watched her head back out through the door, waiting until he heard another door close behind her before he stood from the bed. Looking in the bureau mirror, he hesitantly reached up, pulling his hair back as she'd suggested, holding it in a high ponytail as he examined himself.
She'd left out some hair ties. It couldn't be that hard.
Another moment passed, and he picked up the brush.
"Hey, you tied your hair back!"
Inuyasha looked up from the cat, the words "let's get this over with" on the tip of his tongue, until he actually spotted Kagome.
She stood in the doorway, summer yukata hugging her shape. It was a pastel green, dotted with dark lily pads, pink flowers, and bright red and white koi fish. He kind of got what the guy from that play Kagome was reading was on about now: It is the east, and Kagome is the sun.
"Uh, yeah. Figured I'd try it."
"I was right, it totally suits you," she beamed, stepping closer while her mom followed her into the kitchen.
"Alright, do you have your wallet?"
"Got it!" Kagome nodded, holding up her little drawstring purse. "Thanks again for the help, mom."
"Of course, sweetheart," the older woman smiled warmly, resting her cheek in her hand. "Oh, the two of you look so cute together. Let me get my camera."
"Mom! We gotta go!" Kagome insisted, blushing as her mother went to a hall cabinet. 
"It'll just be a moment, Kagome. And how often do you have the occasion to wear more traditional clothes?"
"More than you might think," she muttered, sighing but smiling fondly when her mother returned.
"In this time period," she amended, looking through the viewfinder at them with a grin. "Alright, smile!"
Kagome did as asked, automatically reaching out to wrap an arm around Inuyasha's. She let her mother click the camera a few times, winding the dial in between.
"There, see? Barely a minute," she smiled, winding the dial one more time so she wouldn't forget. "Ooh, I can't wait to get these developed!"
"I'm sure they'll be great mom, but we've got to go meet Ayumi now."
"I know, I know. Here, you know how some of those games can be," she reminded her daughter, pressing a few extra bills into her hand. "You two have fun."
Kagome paused, shaking her head as her smile softened. She wrapped her arms around her mom, holding her tight.
"We will." 
Inuyasha, feeling a bit awkward, moved to head for the door, but mama Higurashi was faster, seizing the shoulder of his robes and pulling him into the embrace.
"That goes for both of you."
"Um. Yes ma'am."
Giving a soft sigh, she released them.
"Alright. Alright! Get out of here before I go for the camera again!"
"Kagome, hey! Over here!"
The clack of her sandals on the pavement rose above the din of the street as Kagome ran to embrace her friend as quickly as she could in her more restrictive yukata.
"Oh my God, you look so beautiful. You're gonna knock this guy's socks off!" Kagome grinned. Ayumi's yukata was pale blue, with a yellow obi and flowers, and her dark curls were pinned up and back with matching flowers, and if Inuyasha thought it was far inferior to Kagome's, well, he kept that to himself, letting the girls exchanged greetings. 
"Right. Well, Inuyasha, this is Ayumi. Ayumi, this is Inuyasha."
"The famous boyfriend! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
"Uh, yeah, you too." Inuyasha awkwardly shook the hand she offered.
"Kagome's told me so much about you! Is it true you nearly killed a guy that hit on her-?"
"AlrightwellAyumi, I think we should try to find this date of yours! I'm excited to hear more about him!"
"Takaoji's going to meet us closer to the festival," she assured, taking Kagome by the arm and dropping her voice to a smug whisper. "So we have a few blocks for you to tell me why you didn't spend more time telling us how freaking hot your boyfriend is!"
Kagome felt her face go warm, and though Inuyasha's expression didn't change, she did catch his ear perking at Ayumi's teasing. 
The trio headed towards the colorful banners and loud chatter, Ayumi keeping hold of her friend and Kagome keeping Inuyasha's hand in hers so he couldn't run off.
"We have all the time in the world for that! I've heard hardly a thing about this guy of yours!" she defended, hoping to turn focus from herself and Inuyasha.
"Well…" Ayumi smiled shyly, going along without complaint. "His name is Mikoshiba Takaoji. Our year, class B, starter on the basketball team…"
By the time they reached the festival, Kagome knew all the sordid details. Takaoji was old fashioned but very romantic, and left a candied apple in her shoe locker along with the letter where he'd asked her to meet with him. They had met in the West courtyard after their chorus and basketball practices, respectively. He had timed it so the light of the descending sun had just started to go golden. He'd even brought flowers. Kagome gushed with her over the whole story, endlessly happy for her friend to have caught the eye of someone so thoughtful and considerate.
When they finally found him, Kagome already had a very high opinion.
"There he is! Hey Takaoji!"
The boy who turned at her call was a bit taller than Inuyasha, dressed in a simple navy yukata. He had mousey brown hair and sharp, handsome features that softened the instant he spotted Ayumi. Kagome could see just how infatuated the guy was. He clearly only had eyes for Ayumi, and Kagome could swear she saw hearts in them.
"We didn't make you wait long, did we?" Ayumi asked, a little worried at his lack of greeting.
"... Wow," was all that came out, breathless and smitten. "I mean, ah, no, not long. I just… wow. You look amazing." 
Ayumi giggled, her face going bright red, and Kagome wished that she had thought to ask to borrow her mother's disposable camera.
"Oh! Um, thank you…" she murmured, getting a bit shy. Kagome wanted to stand back and give them another moment to be adorable, but her first backward step drew their eyes, and she cursed herself.
"Oh! Takaoji, this is my friend Kagome, and her boyfriend Inuyasha."
"Nice to meet you! I've already heard so much!" Kagome grinned, flashing Ayumi a teasing look. "All good things, I promise!"
"I'm relieved to hear it. Same to you." He turned to Inuyasha, offering a grin and a fist. "Good to meet you, man."
Inuyasha looked at the offered fist until Takaoji awkwardly lowered his hand. Shooting him a glare, Kagome elbowed the half-demon in the side.
"You too. Man."
Kagome sighed, knowing it was the best she was going to get.
"How about something to eat and drink before we get started? Gotta stay hydrated, and I think this one's a bit hangry," she teased, linking her arm with Inuyasha's.
"That's a good plan! I've been craving takoyaki since they started setting up the festival!" Takaoji agreed, offering his arm to Ayumi, who took it with a giggle.
They went to the first takoyaki stand they could find, and got a few bottles of ramune (water for Inuyasha - the carbonation turned him off) to drink while walking around, enjoying the decorations and atmosphere.
It didn't take long until they ran into a line of trees decorated with colorful papers.
"The tanabata are already pretty full, huh?" Kagome observed, watching an attendant refill the tables with the slips of paper.
"Well, it is half the fun of this whole thing," Ayumi stated, drawing the eye of her date. Takaoji flashed her a sweet smile.
"Do you wanna write something for the wishing tree?"
"Oh, definitely!"
The pair slipped away toward the table, chatting happily. Inuyasha's brow furrowed and he leaned down to whisper to Kagome.
"What's a wishing tree?"
"Exactly what it says. You write down wishes and tie them to the tree, and at midnight they're burned to send the wishes to heaven."
"Ain't it faster to just, y'know, make a wish?"
"Yeah, but wishes you just say out loud don't decorate trees for festivals," she pointed out, pulling him towards the table. He scoffed, but did stay close while she stopped to write her wish. His eyes scanned the other people around the table - kids and elderly and all ages in between. Ayumi and her date were a little further down, but there was a pair of girls in pink and orange yukata across from them that caught his eye.
"What are you gonna wish for?"
"The same thing I wish for every day; one more day with you~"
The first girl called her companion a cornball and threw a pen at her, and Inuyasha's gaze shifted down to the colored papers on the table. 
When Kagome stood to tie hers on, Inuyasha stooped, scooping up a pen and a green strip of paper before he could talk himself out of it.
When he stood from writing his message, doing his best to ignore how warm his face felt, he suddenly felt boxed in.
"What'd you wish for?"
Inuyasha jolted at Ayumi's sudden presence, whipping around to look at her.
"I-I was just- uh.." His gaze flickered to Kagome by the line of wishing trees, and when he looked back, Ayumi's smile was a bit more knowing.
"I knew you were more romantic than she was letting on," she sing-songed, taking a step back to let him breathe.
"You- what?"
Ayumi set down her pen, humming thoughtfully. 
"Yuka and Eri think I'm pretty naive. And I know I can be sometimes. But I've known Kagome since we were kids, so I know better than most that she's an amazing person with a good head on her shoulders. If she's kept you around this long, there must be something there worth sticking around for. I know you guys fight a lot, but she clearly cares about you. And when you make her happy, you make her really happy."
Inuyasha winced a little at the mention of their fights. He couldn't imagine that she had painted him in the best light to her friends after storming down the well in a huff so many times. He followed Ayumi's gaze, spotting Kagome now chatting with a (mildly terrified) Takaoji. 
"Kagome wants to be with you," Ayumi continued, looking back at Inuyasha. "Even when it's hard or painful. Which is why I need you to make it as easy and painless as you can."
Inuyasha felt his ears droop under the cloth on his head. 
"That being said," She hummed cheerfully, her smile turning somehow cold. "I have also heard plenty about this ex of yours. Beautiful, talented, nasty in a breakup? I understand that feelings about past relationships can be complicated, but get a clue. Kagome deserves nothing less than devotion. Figure your crap out. Because if you hurt her bad enough, I'll find you before she gets around to giving you another chance. I don't care how elusive you've been till now, I'll find you, and I'll ruin you. Are we on the same page?"
Inuyasha found himself swallowing hard. He generally wasn't scared of humans, but he could tell that Kagome's friend meant business. And no matter how much he liked Kagome's family, he didn't expect them to keep the well a secret if Ayumi's concerns about him were realized. 
"The situation with Kikyo is… messy. We're working on it. The last thing I ever want is to hurt Kagome."
Her expression relaxed again, and she looked to her friend and her date again.
"Would have been better if you kept the element of surprise, though. Why warn me?"
"It's only fair. Besides, shovel talk begets shovel talk," she added, nodding to the others. Kagome looked as chipper as ever, but Takaoji was pale as a ghost.
"You guys ready to check out some games?" Kagome asked, innocent as could be. Takaoji gave her a wary sideways glance, and Inuyasha wondered just what she'd told him. They started towards the game booths, and Inuyasha slipped away for just a moment, sliding the string on his paper around a branch before quickly returning to the group.
Behind him, a festival attendant, curious at the secrecy, couldn't help but check the slip.
Let me keep her. As long as possible.
"Do you guys wanna do die cutting?"
"Die cutting?" Inuyasha asked, eyes lighting up as he reached for his sword. Kagome stayed his hand, glad that Ayumi's enthusiasm for the suggestion covered his excitement at the thought of pulling his weapon.
"Inuyasha," Kagome hissed, pulling him a step away and keeping her hand firmly over his on the hilt of his sword. "This does not require magic demon weapons! You cut out little shapes out of delicate candy!"
Inuyasha frowned, clearly disappointed. Kagome sighed. 
"I don't know what you expected. It's a festival. There are no demons in this era, so there's no reason to expect a fight on your scale!"
"No demons? I seem to recall a certain Noh mask-"
"The Noh mask is an exception, not the rule. The worst that'll happen is we'll get mugged, and you don't need to draw a massive, physics-breaking sword to fend off a human mugger, right?"
Inuyasha pouted, but sighed.
"Thank you. Now do you want to try playing the right way?"
After that, things went much more smoothly. Inuyasha took the games a little seriously at first, but by the third stall, he'd loosened up. Kagome hadn't seen him have this much fun since he and Sango started really letting loose while sparring, and that had been a while ago. They got through fish-scooping, yoyo water balloons, and super ball scooping without incident. Kagome wiped the floor with them all at the shooting range, no contest, and draped the long green dragon plush she won over Inuyasha's shoulders.
They stopped for grilled squid at another booth in between, and Inuyasha declared the yakisoba they got later "the next best thing to cup ramen", which Kagome had to explain was high praise coming from him. They even found a few more modern carnival games mixed in - Takaoji had Inuyasha beat at free-throws, but Inuyasha obliterated him at the High Striker. And sure, the guy running the thing was pretty miffed that Inuyasha had sent the bell flying. But when Inuyasha handed Kagome the giant plush shiba he had won with a look of such excitement and pride, well, she couldn't even find it in her to be mad.
"Man, where do you even get muscles like that?" Takaoji asked, somewhere between envious and awestruck at the display as they left the test of strength, the machine now closed for repairs.
"Years of training," he shrugged, brushing off the compliment but clearly enjoying the attention.
"Training in what, whacking boulders in half?" he laughed, taking a seat on a nearby bench. Ayumi settled beside him, happily cradling the smaller tanuki plush he'd won for her before Inuyasha broke the game. Inuyasha sat at the other end of the bench, with room between himself and Ayumi for Kagome. Kagome, however, stayed standing, setting the large dog plush in her seat.
"I think I'm going to grab a shaved ice. You guys want one?"
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Ayumi cheered, and Takaoji laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Great! What flavors?"
"Melon if they have it, red bean if not," Takaoji asked, pulling out his wallet. "Here, I'll cover Ayumi and I."
"No worries, my treat!" She assured, waving away the offered money. "Inuyasha?"
"Surprise me. I trust you," he assured, not missing the way her expression went fond at such a simple thing. After a moment, Ayumi stood back up.
"I want to see what they have before I decide. I'll go with you."
"We can all go, then."
"Nah, you guys can sit. We'll be right back," Ayumi insisted, giving Takaoji a sweet smile that silenced any argument. 
As the girls disappeared into the crowd, Inuyasha waited just a beat before sliding closer to the other boy, moving the dog but leaving one seat worth of space between them.
"Listen kid," Inuyasha sighed, ignoring Takaoji's mutter of "we're the same age..". "I don't know Ayumi from Adam. She's Kagome's friend, I just met her today." His gaze shifted to the other boy, pinning him to the bench. "But she's important to Kagome, and that's important to me. You've been all good and sappy all day, and that's great, but you better stay that way. Between me and Kagome, if you do anything at all to hurt that girl, you won't live long enough to regret it, are we clear?"
"C-crystal…" The taller boy promised, giving a nod. Inuyasha was a little annoyed that he didn't look half as scared as when Kagome threatened him, but it was probably for the best. He could already see the girls through the crowd again, and he'd rather not have to explain why this guy looked sick.
"See? You barely had time to miss us," Kagome laughed, plopping down on Inuyasha's other side and very pointedly not asking about why he'd moved, instead offering him a cup of shaved ice. "Here, I got you mango. I don't think you've tried it before."
"You've never had anything mango, Inuyasha?" Ayumi asked, sitting a bit more cozily with Takaoji and giving him his cup.
"Haven't really thought too hard about it," he said, figuring it was better than saying he'd never even heard of mango. He couldn't remember Kagome bringing anything with that flavor, or if she had, Shippo got to it before he had a chance.
He took a bite and hummed, smiling around the spoon.
"Hey, that's pretty good!"
"Told you so."
"Did not!"
"Whatever you say," Kagome sighed with an eyeroll, holding up her spoon and cup in surrender. "Oh, we've got to stop at a taiyaki stand before we leave. I promised Shippo I'd bring him back something sweet."
"Who's Shippo?"
"A bratty pain in the ass," Inuyasha smirked, taking a large spoonful of dessert.
"His little brother," Kagome amended, patting Inuyasha's shoulder as he groaned through his brain freeze.
Once the shaved ice was gone and the taiyaki purchased, the group figured it was time to disperse for the evening. Takaoji and Ayumi's curfew was fast approaching, and the last trains would be leaving soon.
"You sure you'll be okay getting home?" Kagome asked as they reached the station.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Takaoji's gonna walk me once we get to my stop," she assured, a bit shy but clearly pleased with how things turned out.
"He seems like a really good guy. I'm happy for you, Ayumi."
"Right back at you!" She chirped, giving Kagome's hand a squeeze and smiling warmly. "For all your gripes about him, it's obvious you both really love each other. Eri and Yuka were super worried, you know."
Kagome felt her eyes widen and her face warm.
"Ayumi! The train's leaving!"
"Call me as soon as you get home!" Kagome ordered, pulling her into a final hug.
Ayumi hugged back quickly and rushed off with a nod and a wave, jumping through the doors moments before they closed. Kagome hurried back towards the entrance where she'd left Inuyasha. She hadn't felt like explaining that the train was not, in fact, a demon, and was glad for her foresight, after what Ayumi had said.
She knew she could be a bit obvious with her feelings for Inuyasha. Even if he didn't see it, everyone else seemed to. But Inuyasha? Sure, she hoped, and occasionally had moments where she really thought, but she didn't really believe it, did she? He was her friend. He protected her, got defensive of her, even trusted her, which not many people could say, though the number was growing. But love her? So obviously that Ayumi, who'd never met him before that day, could see it?
"They gone?"
She looked up from her musings, spotting Inuyasha leaning on one of the handrails at the top of the stairs, massive stuffed dog at his side.
"Yep. We can head back now," she nodded, letting him fall into step beside her as they turned for home. "Thanks for being such a good sport about all this. I know you weren't really enthusiastic about it at first, but you ended up having a pretty good time, right?
"Yeah, I guess that wasn't so bad."
"... Still think it would've been more fun with Koga?"
Kagome rolled her eyes.
"Okay, you know I was never actually going to invite Koga, right?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"I mean it! I asked you to come with me first because I wanted you to be my date. I wouldn't have even thought to ask Miroku if he hadn't been right there while you were making that whole big stink about it," she insisted, pulling him to a stop by the arm so he would look at her. "Besides, those wolves might live in a waterfall, but they've never bathed properly in their lives."
The scoff he gave this time sounded more like a laugh and she smiled at him.
"I wanted you here. I still want you here. And… as fun as it would be to have the others visit my side of the well, if only one other person can pass through, I'm glad that it's you."
Her hand slid down Inuyasha's arm, fingers lacing neatly between his. Inuyasha felt his face go warm, but he closed his hand around hers and gave a soft squeeze. 
"Yeah," he murmured, "me too."
Kagome beamed at him, pulling him back into the sparse flow of pedestrians with their hands still linked.
They only made it about ten paces before Inuyasha stopped.
"What's up?"
He pointed upward.
The electric sign overhead flickered, a dark spot in the top reflecting the colored lights.
Wedged into the sign, Kagome could make out the outline of the bell from the top of the high striker.
"Oh. So that's where it ended up."
"Didn't go as far as I thought."
Kagome snorted. Inuyasha's shoulders shook. All it took was a glance at one another before they devolved into raucous laughter, leaning into each other in an effort to stay standing. 
Funnest fact: when I originally came up with this concept, I doodled the high striker bell stuck in the sign with Kagome and Inuyasha looking up at it, and the sign said kung pow penis
Edit: grammar/punctuation/wording
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inu-mothership · 5 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: Holiday Edition! Week 6: Holiday Parties
Hello everyone! We here at the @inu-mothership are back with our final week of holiday fic recs. This set is focused on the theme of holiday parties. From Feudal Japan to modern AUs, we hope you will enjoy the festivities!
Stories are arranged in alphabetical order, with ships, ratings, and status (ongoing or completed) in the parenthetical.
The mods would like to extend a thanks to our membership for all their help putting together these lists. We look forward to bringing you more lists in the new year 🎉
Behind Closed Doors (SessKag; E; complete) by @sereia1313
Against his wishes, Sesshoumaru's mother throws a lavish Christmas party. The reason for all his arguments? She's using it as an excuse to get him and a certain miko together.
Christmas Bonus (InuKag; T; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
Kagome never expected a work event with her boss would end up this way.
A Christmas Favor (InuKag; T; complete) by @anxietyaardvark
Inuyasha and Kagome are great friends and have known each other for years. When Kagome's work decides to host a Christmas party one of her coworkers won't stop pestering her to be his date. She runs to the one person she knows will be able to get the guy off her back-- Inuyasha.
Dropping the Ball (TogIza; M; complete) by @dawnrider and @nartistadigital
The New Year's Eve gala was supposed to be a wonderful night, a culmination of a year's hard work and a chance for Touga and Izayoi to have a good time. Instead Izayoi finds herself in her best friend's bathroom wondering how everything went so wrong. How did they drop the ball?
Ginta & Hakkaku’s Excellent Christmas (Gen; T; complete) by Zeonianking (FFN)
Being wolf demons in feudal Japan, Ginta and Hakkaku had never even heard about Christmas. But once Kagome explains it to them, they become enchanted with the holiday and convince her to throw a Christmas party for all their friends. As the day of the party draws near, Ginta and Hakkaku decide to travel through the bone-eaters well to the modern era to find extra special presents.
Holly Jolly Good Golly (InuKag, TogIza, MirSan; T; complete) by @dawnrider
The family construction business has been struggling all year due to the economy. Touga and Izayoi want their employees, their family, to take time to celebrate the holidays together. A company party sets the stage for some end of the year resolutions.
Secret Santa (InuKag; T; complete) by @willowandfog
Rin hosts the Christmas Eve party; cards, Christmas cocktails, snowball fights, singing, mistletoe kisses, and Secret Santa gifts are all found at this cozy party.
Stuck (MirSan; E; complete) by @clementinesgulag and @lavendertwilight89
Sango meets a mysterious man with indigo eyes at her office holiday part and they get off on the wrong foot, can he win her over?
Ten Minutes More (InuKag; E; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Kagome and Inuyasha had fully intended on going to Sesshōmaru and Kagura’s annual New Year’s Eve party. They really had.
But then Kagome had come out of the bathroom, smelling so delicious, and Inuyasha’s lips felt so divine on hers…
Really, what was ten minutes more?
You’re (Not) the One I Want (TogIza; T; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl and @nartistadigital
Inukimi doesn’t like her son Sesshōmaru’s girlfriend, Kagura. In fact, she doesn’t like any of Sesshōmaru’s girlfriends, ever. So when Sesshōmaru says he plans to ask Kagura to marry him, and he doesn’t need Inukimi’s approval, she decides to get a little revenge on him, with help from his half-brother, Inuyasha. And at Tōga and Izayoi’s annual New Year’s Eve party, she decides to put her plan into action.
Too bad that Tōga and Izayoi figure out Inukimi’s plan, and decide to concoct a scheme of their own, to teach both Inukimi and Inuyasha a lesson.
As the clock finally strikes midnight, will everyone finally end up with the person they truly want?
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happyocelot · 1 year
The Same Sky and Moon and Stars
Happy Inukag Week!
I didn't realize it was InuKag week until now 😅
Not sure if this fits exactly with the prompts as it's more focused on Kagome's friends and family dealing with her returning to the past to be with Inuyasha, but I think it goes well with Day 1: Love Languages.
If it doesn't fit the prompts too well, please forgive me and ignore this 🙈 (Too nervous about tagging haha, what if it doesn't match the prompts well?)
I always wondered what Kagome's friends and family thought of her vanishing into the well, and how they dealt with her absence after years and years. This is my interpretation of how that might have been. I haven't seen more than a few clips of the sequel series yet and I am not too familiar with the storyline, but I saw a clip of Moroha hugging grandpa and maxing out Sota's credit card and I thought that was so cute. Please tell me what you think! :)
"His family had gotten on well enough, knowing that his sweet, beautiful granddaughter was safe and happy in her new home, but even so, he could detect longing and anguish for her phantom presence. He knew better, though. She hadn't gone anywhere. She was right there with him, under the same blue sky."
Kagome, and the world she left behind. Post-series.
Be sure to come to Wac's at noon! Eri had told Kagome, beaming brilliantly. Then we can go to the arcade, and then we can watch a movie.
After months and months of cram school and late nights studying, entrance exam torture and nervous breakdowns.
They'd graduated.
Yuka would move all the way down south to Kyushu for college in a few months, and Ayumi would go straight north, north, north, right into the depths of the snowiest mountains. Eri would remain in Tokyo.
Kagome still hadn't said what she was planning to do after high school, but as her grades had somehow drastically improved three years ago soon after starting high school, Eri was certain that Kagome, too, had gotten into a prestigious institution.
She hadn't said where that was, but Eri was sure that she would spill the beans after a couple of burgers and milkshakes.
Truthfully, she was hoping that at least Kagome would stay in Tokyo with her. It would be lonely with Ayumi all the way in Aomori, and Yuka in Fukuoka. Notwithstanding her strange illnesses and absences back in the ninth grade, Kagome had been dependably the next desk over in class, sharing notes and lunches and smiles for years and years and years. Eri didn't want her to go too soon.
Noon became 12:15, and 12:15 became 12:25.
Eri ordered a heaping of fries, and Ayumi an extra-large milkshake.
Yuka had taken the liberty of ordering for Kagome the extra extra extra large burger that she liked, and tapped her foot impatiently. By 12:45, she had crinkled her brow in a blend of irritation and concern.
"You don't think she suddenly got sick again, do you?" Ayumi asked. "Hang on, I'll call her house."
She pulled out her brand-new Nokia flip that Ayumi's parents had gotten her as a graduation gift. (They would all color-coordinate their phones soon. Ayumi had insisted.)
"Yes, ojii-san, this is Ayumi. I'm calling to ask about...oh, really? He's back so suddenly? She's gone to meet him?...Well, tell her to come to Wac's soon, please, her burger is getting soggy."
She hung up, her face clearing, her brow smoothing, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"It's her delinquent boyfriend again! He's back from that three-year trip and he's gone to meet Kagome!"
Their table erupted in squeals and applause.
"So Kagome isn't in a long-distance relationship anymore!"
"Ooooh, this is way more interesting than college plans!"
"Think he's still not as good a match as Hojo-kun?"
"You think she's gonna bring him here? We need to check him out!"
"She better!"
One o'clock came and went.
Kagome still didn't come.
They shrugged their shoulders, not all that concerned. She and her boyfriend were all lovey-dovey. She was constantly getting piggyback rides from him and all. They had probably lost track of time after three years in a long-distance relationship.
Eri wrapped up the burger and dropped it off at the Higurashi house with a friendly, teasing note that Kagome would never read.
Five years had passed since high school graduation, and honestly, Ayumi was still a bit miffed at Kagome.
You would think that Kagome's best friends would be invited to her wedding. You would think that they wouldn't suddenly elope out of nowhere right after the last day of high school. Really, what were they thinking?
She'd been meaning to call for years now, hoping to give Kagome a piece of her mind. Kagome's mother had given her a phone number, but whenever Ayumi rang, there would only ever be a beep and a polite, robotic voice, telling her that the number was invalid and to please dial again.
"Mama, who's that?" her daughter asked one evening, pointing to a gaggle of smiling schoolgirls in Yuka's old, yellowing photo album.
"Hmm? Those are Eri-san and Ayumi-san. They settled down in Tokyo last year. You met them at that party, dear."
"No, mama, I mean this person."
Yuka rubbed her aging eyes and blinked.
It had been decades, but something in her heart lurched even so.
"Well, that's Kagome-san. She was a good friend of mine in high school. Don't know what she's up to now. I haven't been in touch with her for years."
Every once in a while, she would call the Higurashi shrine and ask about Kagome, if she was busy, and if Eri and Ayumi were in town, if she might want to stop by at Wac's and take a selfie and a burger for nostalgia's sake.
Kagome never was home. Her mother would always sigh softly and say that Kagome was "abroad." Whichever country she was in now, the Higurashi family definitely didn't seem keen on telling her.
It was life, she supposed. You moved on.
Still, a part of her would close her eyes and drift back to sleepy, golden afternoons and biking back home, happy smiles, and rapid-fire discussions of Kagome's strange, delinquent boyfriend.
There used to be a girl he liked, back in high school. Higurashi, wasn't it?
She was quite beautiful, and though he had been happily married for thirty years now, her bright, smiling face crossed Hojo's mind sometimes.
She had fallen quite sick in the ninth grade. All sorts of strange illnesses. Economy class syndrome and swine flu and chicken pox and even a bite from a potentially rabid dog.
Yet through those bizarre and alarming-sounding ailments, Higurashi's face always seemed to glow. She certainly didn't have the look of a sick person. Hojo hoped that meant all the get-well cards and medicines he gave her had worked.
He'd gone to an all-boys school after that and didn't get to see her as much, but every few weeks, he would run into her on the street and she would always greet him with a nod and a smile. They'd even gone to the movies once or twice, but soon enough, Hojo could tell she never saw him as anything other than a classmate. He was dejected for a while, but soon enough recovered his good cheer, and was happy that she still enjoyed his friendship.
She'd vanished after that.
Just one day, out of the blue, he stopped seeing her around on the street. He supposed she had moved away for college and a job.
Was she doing all right now? Hojo hoped that, approaching late middle age as their generation was, that Higurashi was taking care of her fragile health.
He touched the missing button of his shirt and smiled.
It was true, he had been happily married for years and whatever romantic feelings he had for her had long since faded into the breeze. But he hoped that Higurashi would always have a bright, smiling face, wherever she was, enjoying good health long into old age.
She did say that they could be friends forever, and surely it wasn't wrong to wish his friend well.
Her scent faded from the house slowly and steadily.
First downstairs, then upstairs, from the kitchen and living room and eventually from the shrine grounds. Her room stopped smelling like her long, long ago.
She used to give him good ear scratches and let him lie on her chest. She filled his food bowl much more copiously than did her brother, and she was always ready with treats from the supermarket for him.
The memory of her face was fading at the edges. Buyo was getting on in years.
He'd never forget her scent, though. Fading though it was, it lingered at the well and at the foot of the huge, old tree.
Lately he would venture down there, down that well, hoping to catch a whiff of her distinctive scent. He'd always get stuck, and her brother would pull him out.
It didn't hurt when she wasn't at his high school graduation. It didn't even hurt when she wasn't at his wedding. Once she went into that well, she couldn't come back out.
He knew that. And he knew that nee-chan was happy over there with her new family and friends. He couldn't begrudge her happiness. It wasn't like she was walking home after school one day and vanished without a trace, in potential danger. He knew exactly where she was, on the other side of the well.
Sota knew that she loved him all the same, whether she was here in the present or in the Sengoku Jidai with his new brother-in-law.
But –
He turned to his left and caught a wrinkle on his mother's forehead, and he turned to the right and caught the slow shuffle of his grandfather's feet –
And suddenly his eyes blurred with crystal tears.
New family.
New friends.
They were all getting older and older, and she was already gone, new and ancient all at once, somewhere in the distant past, before any of them were even born.
The day she became a mother was the happiest day in her life.
The day she learned she was a grandmother was yet happier.
Her tears wet the earth and soaked into the roots of the Goshinboku, all the way to her daughter.
Thank you, Kagome.
Some of Kagome's friends were sad. Others were mad. His family had gotten on well enough, knowing that his sweet, beautiful granddaughter was safe and happy in her new home, but even so, he could detect longing and anguish for her phantom presence at the kitchen table, at the hospital, at the shrine entrance greeting visitors.
He knew better, though.
He rested his aching back against the tree and breathed deeply, sensing her peculiar power.
He wasn't worried. He didn't miss her. Why would he? She hadn't gone anywhere.
She was right there with him, under the same blue sky.
Kagome stilled, her palm against the tree.
A light night wind made the branches sway and rustle under the starry sky.
She could feel it.
Feel them.
Old family and new, all at once.
The tree always did have a special power.
She wrapped an arm around her sleeping husband and daughter and smiled.
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memilylove · 1 year
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✨New Chapter✨
The Cabin on the Mountain
“See any good movies lately?” An easy shot for small talk, but Kagome figured it would be best to start somewhere. Shaking from his thoughts, Inuyasha grunted before responding. “I don’t watch much T.V. in general.” He finished by bringing his mug up for another sip of coffee. “Oh,” Kagome hesitated for a moment before continuing, “Do you read books or listen to music?” Books. Music. Movies. All topics of generic conversation that he all too often would get dragged into. Every time, the answers were the same. Nothing. Outside of reading his texts to hopefully keep up with his course work, he didn’t spend much time with things like television, radio, or even picking up a book to read. It never seemed like there was time to engage in hobbies or idle activities.
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Thank you for tuning in! I will be focusing on completing the cover art and Inukag week art, so next chapter will be delayed.
Read it from the beginning - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43469482
Chapter 7: The Cabin on the Mountain - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43469482
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clearwillow · 1 year
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So uh...hi. Here’s the start of that body swap fic? It’s also very likely tags will be added on ao3 as I get further, but right now those are all of the ones I know will show up. Also mad props to @dchelyst for being a second set of eyes and catching things I didn’t make clear/continuity errors ❤ this has already turned into more complicated than I imagined, so it’s a blessing to have someone not in my head that can see where something doesn’t read right thank you~
Summary: Inuyasha doesn't understand planetary orbit but he knows what it means to be filled with chaotic energy, especially when he's around Kagome. Too bad he was more focused on her scent than her words when she explained what a retrograde was and how it affects the body. Maybe it's a good thing they have at least three weeks to reflect on their lives and make sense of moving forward, because Mercury's retrograde won't give them a choice.
Rated: E
I do early posts on patreon as a thank you to supporters. Hoping to get chapter 6 ready this week.
@keichanz @lemonlushff @dawnrider @mamabearcat @inuykago @sailorbabydoll92 @zelink-inukag @itzatakahashi @superpixie42 @sticky-llama-perfection @the-rebel-alchemist  @digitl-art-monstr @theinuyashareader @eternalnight8806-3 @cstorm86 @sarah-writes-stories @animelove1313 @nartista @smmahamazing @xfangheartx @cyncyn981 @bluejay785 @witchygirl99 @lady-dark-69 @kazeinori @willowandfog @lavendertwilight89 @gaysonthefloor @senneth-pendra @ruddcatha @pinkpigeonstudio @shinidamachu @cammysansstuff @little-inukag-obsessed @arcprz @liz8080 @trying-not-to-loveu @wulfintheforest @memusicmuse @princessinume @hnn-wnchstr @that-weird-kid-charlie @cannibalsforbreakfast @mr-fairywings @nsr0716 @eringobroke @ladyphoenix0711 @malditamigs @fawn-eyed-girl  @littlestuffstohide @smh1821 @karina-inuphantom @dreaming-of-soup @irrationalandimpossible  @boostyourmind-blog @anisaanisa @inussunflower @sacred-arrow @nillavanilla21 @yusukesmomjeans @lordofthechips @bluehawaiicat @kawaiichan67 @kagometaishostory @hopidoodle   @omgitscharlie  @themusicalshoo  @heynikkiyousofine @preciouslyours @roseheartwhitefox @brokenangelwings22 @banra-yar @knittingknots @scaponigifs @shardetector @fudalfighter @dchelyst  
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Hello!! Im looking for inukag, canon first-interactions fics rec! I don't know if I made sense but reading how their love towards each other develop brings me so much comfort! sfw please!, I'm really so grateful for this blog.
Hello Nonnie!
We previously made a list exclusively for First Kisses , so for this list the team searched for SFW canon fics that focused on relationship development and other firsts, like hand-holding. And if these don’t fully satisfy your craving, you can also check out our recently-posted SFW Canon list for even more recs!
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Firsts by @soliska (T)
More realistic glimpses into Inuyasha's first taste of seemingly mundane life experiences and Kagome's first impressions of the chaos in the Sengoku Jidai. A story of budding friendship and love told in short stories of the beginnings of trust, before anything became 'normal'.
All Of Your Pieces by @mustardyellowsunshine (G)
She learned to love him slowly, cherishing each new piece of him.
Time To Train Or Not by Monan (T)
What happens when Inuyasha tries to teach Kagome fighting skills on a rock in the middle of a lake? 
What The Future Holds by Sakura715 (K+)
What happens when Inuyasha helps Kagome out with an extra credit project? Something he'll never forget.
My Heart, Always by My-Crazy-Awesome-Sox (T)
InuKag oneshot: A lullaby Kagome sings to an orphaned inuhanyou gives InuYasha the confidence for a confession.
A Matched Pair by EverythingIsMagic (K+)
InuYasha realizes that sometimes having Kagome help him with things isn't so bad after all... One-Shot Fluff
Just Wanna Hold Your Hand by @mustardyellowsunshine (T)
Inuyasha had never faced a challenge like this one. Nothing else he'd ever come up against compared to the sheer heart-pounding terror of the task ahead of him. He was going to try holding Kagome's hand.
Baby Steps by Bee_Tawon (T)
In which Inuyasha feeds Kagome for the first time.
No One Else by @goshinote (G)
After exterminating a yokai in a small village, Inuyasha finds himself as the focus of a local woman's attentions. Since when is Inuyasha a ladies' man? Well, maybe that's stretching it. 
Learning To Love (Again) by authoressstarlight (T)
For Inukag Week 2020. A small series of oneshots depicting both the growing emotional bond between Inuyasha and Kagome throughout their journey and the difficulties it has to face and overcome.
How To Be A Boy Friend by @neutronstarchild (T)
“So what are you doing to make sure you are a worthy boyfriend to Kagome?” That was the question that Kagome’s friends demanded that Inuyasha answer. He didn’t know what to say, he always thought he was a great boy friend to Kagome. But when Hōjō-kun gifted Kagome smelly ointment, Inuyasha realized that he had to do better. It was time to show everyone just how great a boy friend he could be, after all, Kagome deserved it. But does Inuyasha really want to just be Kagome's boy friend?
Mistaken Intentions by @fawn-eyed-girl (T)
When Inuyasha overhears Kagome's wish on a dandelion to be with him always, he's confused. Aren't they already together, committed, forever? He decides to try and figure out what she means, and how to tell her how he really feels.
Kissing Game by Sleep Walking Chicken (T)
[Oneshot] Kagome asks Inuyasha an unexpected question.
Toddler Tizzy by @clearwillow (T)
Inuyasha's the unfortunate recipient of a misguided spell. Now he has to deal with the consequences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But how is he supposed to communicate when he can barely form a simple sentence? InuKag
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xoxopandapanda · 3 years
InuKag Week 2021: Day 7
Day 7: Marriage
He had never explicitly asked her to marry him. He had just sort of told people they were getting married.
Sango was the one to tell her that she was getting married on nice summer day as she held the new baby.
“Kaede wants to know when you want the wedding. Miroku wants to officiate it, but Kaede said she has dibs because she was there when you first met.” Sango was mending one of the girls’ kimono sleeve that had torn in a tussle match.
Kagome looked up surprised. “When I want the wedding?”
“Inuyasha said it was up to you. He’s too busy building the house.”
“Inuyasha is building a house?”
Sango wasn’t catching on to Kagome’s confusion in the least. She nodded. “Miroku is getting ideas from him about what to add to our house, so I suppose I’ve got you to thank for that.”
Kagome blinked rapidly and tried to process the information her best friend had just laid out. She instinctively bounced the baby in her arms when he began to fuss.
Sango continued, moving to grab a different color thread to match the pattern of the kimono better – and to hopefully hide the mending she was doing. “I personally think you should just have two ceremonies because I don’t want to hear from Kaede or Miroku about how disappointed they are if they don’t get to officiate it. I mean, they are two different ceremonies, so it shouldn’t matter. Besides, the village could use two weddings, even if it’s the same people getting married.”
Kagome finally sputtered out, “I’m sorry, but who told you I was getting married?”
Sango looked up, her face showing confusion as well. “Inuyasha did. He’s been having Miroku barter for fabric to make you a wedding kimono.”
“Inuyasha told you I’m getting married? To him?”
“Well, I’d presume so. Unless there’s another man no one but Inuyasha knows about.”
Kagome didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry from the absurdity of it all. “Inuyasha told you we were getting married without even asking me to marry him? That man, I swear.”
Sango’s face went white as she realized what her friend was saying. Her tone was low and quiet. “He hasn’t asked you to marry him?”
Kagome shook her head no, finally laughing.
“Oh my god. I’m going to have my husband beat some sense into him.” Sango put down her sewing and stood up. “What an absolute moron! He’s been telling everyone you two are getting married for weeks!”
That got Kagome’s attention. “What do you mean everyone?”
“He told all the men in the village when they were rebuilding the roof to the shrine last month. We’ve all been getting ready for it, and you had no idea.”
Kagome took Sango’s hand as she went to leave. “It’s fine, Sango. It’s honestly fine.”
“You’re going to marry him?”
Kagome nodded. “Yeah, I think I’ll marry him. He, after all, did the hard work of informing everyone for me.”
“He forgot to inform you. The bride.”
Kagome shrugged. “I mean, Miroku just asked you to have his babies. Can’t say either of us got very romantic proposals.”
Sango sat back down with a huff. “I suppose.”
“Besides,” Kagome settled back to rock the baby boy to sleep, “we’ve got great stories to tease them with when the kids are old enough.”
“My daughters will not know how Miroku got me to agree to marry him. They will not think that a man can just roll up and ask them that question.”
Kagome smiled softly. “Fair enough. We’ll have to tease them with Inuyasha’s proposal story only then.”
Sango smiled back. “I can agree to that.”
“Good. Now, seriously, I need you to help me figure out what I’m supposed to do for a wedding. What do I need to plan, and does Inuyasha know two people want to officiate it?”
The women settled into a jovial conversation about wedding planning, wedding kimono sewing (Sango had not had a special one made for her wedding, but wanted to help Kagome make one), and what kind of food needed to be prepared for it.
When the sun fell low into the sky, Inuyasha came back from working in the forest. Kagome hadn’t known what he had been doing the last few weeks, but now she was suspicious he was building the home Sango had mentioned.
Miroku also returned with Inuyasha, eager to see his babies again after a long day of being without them. He scooped them up in his arms and kissed his girls’ cheeks. They squealed and chittered at him about their adventurous day of collecting rocks and bugs.
Kagome watched Miroku scoop up his baby boy while still giving his twins his attention. Sango waved her and Inuyasha off as they began to walk toward Kaede’s hut – where Kagome had been staying for the time being.
“Have you ever thought about having babies, Inuyasha?” The sight of Miroku with his children burned the question into her mind, and since they were apparently getting married, she felt bold enough to ask him.
Inuyasha’s arms went up quickly and crossed tightly over his chest. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I have.”
“You have?”
“Sure,” Kagome slipped an arm around his bicep, pulling him closer to her. “I’ve always wanted some babies of my own.”
Inuyasha relaxed enough for his arms to loosen for her pull him closer to her and rest her head on his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She responded. “I think we should get married first though.”
“Miroku says fall harvest time will be the best time to get married.”
Kagome’s brain stopped for a moment. She thought that he would ask her if she prompted him. But no. He breezed past that part and went to talking about the wedding as if it was a sure thing.
Okay, maybe it was a sure thing. She wanted to marry him and spend the rest of her life with him, but still. She kind of wanted to be asked.
Kagome was struck by the realization that if she wanted there to be a proposal, she was going to have to give it.
She stopped in her tracks, causing Inuyasha to jerk to a stop and look at her confused. “I told him that if you wanted a spring wedding, we could wait a year.”
Kagome ignored his comment, but it wasn’t lost on her that he was willing to wait until next spring if she wanted. He could really be a sweet guy.
But she was more focused on the idea of a proposal to comment on it.
Kagome dropped on one knee, taking Inuyasha’s left hand in hers. “Inuyasha,” she started.
“What are you doing? Got a bum ankle or something.” Kagome resisted rolling her eyes at him. He was good a ruining a moment, but she wasn’t going to let him ruin this.
“Inuyasha,” she started again – only to be cut off again.
“That’s my name. Glad to know you’ve finally got it down.”
Kagome’s head dropped as she sighed, composing herself. He wasn’t going to deter her from her mission of having a proposal. She looked up and made eye contact with him again.
And nearly burst out laughing at how confused and scared his expression was. He was clearly uncomfortable and trying to figure out what she was up to. His ears were pinned down against his head, and his mouth twisted into a grimace.
“Inuyasha, willyoumarryme?” Kagome spit it out so quickly that the words blurred together, just so he wouldn’t interrupt her again.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened. Horror flashed across his face. Kagome asked again, this time carefully and clearly. “Will you marry me?”
Inuyasha’s face was such a mixture of thinking, confusion, fright, and shock that Kagome snorted out a laugh that she couldn’t contain.
“The guy’s supposed to do that, isn’t he?”
Kagome shrugged. “Don’t think it matters at this point. But it’s a yes or no question. Will you marry me?”
Inuyasha’s hand began to feel clammy in hers. She had frazzled his nerves big time.
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Answer the question.” Kagome couldn’t stop the annoyance from crossing her face.
Inuyasha recognized that he might be getting into hot water with not answering, so he gave the only response he had ever given Kagome before. “Keh.”
“I’m going to take that as a yes.” Kagome dropped his hand and stood up, brushing off her knee. She was going to take his arm again, but this time he grabbed her hand and dropped to his knee. He tenderly kissed her knuckles, before looking up at her and whispering in an uncertain voice. “Will you marry me?”
Kagome’s heart began to race. She had just asked him herself, but there was something so magical being on the other side of the question. She started to tear up, causing Inuyasha to look panicked, before she yelled at the top of her lungs.
She pulled him up to his feet and kissed him firmly on the mouth. She had never felt so happy in her entire life, nor ever so in love.
The next day, she told everyone who walked past her that she and Inuyasha were getting married. Even though they gave her rather confused looks, as they had known for much longer than she did, she couldn’t care less.
It wasn’t the most romantic way to get engaged, but it sure set the tone for their future together.
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lady-agni · 3 years
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Fanwork: Inuyasha
Pairing: InuKag FF // AO3 // ko-fi
Raiting: M
After a three year absence, Kagome finally returns to the feudal era. Yet her high hopes for a happy future are crushed and made more difficult by the warring sanctions that are wreaking havoc in Japan. People are dying, disappearing, and something strange is happening with the well
Shout Out: thank you @neutronstarchild for the lovely story cover!
Kagome kept crying, flashes of burned bodies and her arrows striking flesh replaying over and over. The screams, the smells. ‘I killed them.’ She felt like she was drowning, the horror of her actions taking over. They had come alive in her mind, accusing her, reaching their charred limbs in her direction, asking her why. In the darkness, it felt like she could still see them. It was like being swallowed into the void with the shikon jewel.
Kagome panicked, clutching at Inuyasha’s robes frantically. “Light,” she pleaded, “I need light, please.”
The sound of Inuyasha’s robes kept her attention, and she hyper focused on him to drive away her fears. The sound of flint scraping echoed by her ears, and then a lantern came to life. Inuyasha brought it close to them, but kept it a safe distance enough to not knock it over. Without hesitating, he returned to her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight, wiping away her tears and fears, whispering to her until they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Body’s tangled intimately, comforting, deep into the night.
A warmth spread slowly over Inuyasha’s skin, waking him from slumber as his body contorted into a lazy stretch. His thick blanket twisted around his toned legs. A toothy yawn escaped him, loud enough to send birds outside his window fluttering away in fright. Golden-skinned muscles tensed and relaxed from the leisurely release. Absolutely content, he turned his sharp nose towards a swirling mix of silver and black tresses, the endearing scent drew him closer, and he took in the soft, sweet fragrance greedily.
Kagome continued to sleep serenely on his chest. Inuyasha’s sun kissed eyes opened slowly, adjusting it’s focus. The vision of her clearing within seconds.
She seemed to glow at that moment as the blur of his eyes receded.
Reaching a clawed hand across them, Inuyasha brushed away the dark hair that had spilled across her face.
It was like a dream, having her there with him again. And not only that, but Inuyasha felt ready. Ready to provide, to nurture, to love. Love without guilt, appreciate her freely without the burden of past promises to people long gone. There was no provisional chip on his shoulder with a point to prove anymore. This was him. This was the real Inuyasha.
And she said she loved him!
Inuyasha pressed his eyes shut when he felt them burn, wiping roughly away any evidence of tears he felt prickling on his lashes. He had not admitted to anyone yet, but his heart still ached.
Of course, he was so incredibly happy, but things like this never happened to him, never!
He half expected at any moment for something to go terribly wrong. Because nothing, nothing ever went right for him. And these last two weeks with the undead and Kohaku being taken away… had proven that. And, Kagome had actually put humans to death.
Inuyasha was overwhelmed with guilt. What could he possibly do to help her? He knew from experience this was not going to be something easily glossed over. It would take time, a lot of time to get over eliminating one person, let alone a whole crowd of them. What if she regretted this? What if she decided to go back home?
Way before, Kagome had a duty. She had a whole jewel she’d torn to pieces, and it had been her responsibility to return to this era and put it back together. But, what about now?
Kagome shifted in her sleep, her face snuggling more into Inuyasha’s chest. Her light snores blooming a warmth into his heart.
Then he noticed his robes wrinkling loose from her ministrations. Golden eyes suddenly dilated, his mouth went dry, and Kagome let out a hot puff of air from full pink lips that had the silver hairs on his chest standing on end.
His face grew hot with a flush. Damn it, but he couldn’t help it! Despite the trouble brewing, he was absolutely jubilant to have her back in his arms. And he’d be a complete fool if he didn’t take advantage of their time together. He had dreamt of her, wept for her, killed for her… and now, he was determined to love her.
Lashes lowering, he leaned his face close and grazed his lips on her tangled head, languidly breathing in her scent. He couldn’t help but blush. Would he ever get used to this; holding her so close and being so intimate?
A lazy smirk lifted his lips, one fang glinting as he swept a clawed hand through her hair, over her shoulder, and down her arm. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the quiet moment with her. This was worth it. Every minute they had been separated was completely worth having her in his arms again.
Absolutely soothed by her presence, Inuyasha dozed off, not really needing the rest but completely relaxed by Kagome just being with him. Her scent mingled with his, and the fresh, warm air softly strolled in through a window. A rare smile crossed his features, one only ever seen by Kagome and their close friends.
Rapid breaths and struggling movements stirred Inuyasha from sleep. Kagome had rolled from his chest and was fighting in the futon beside him. Her skin shone with a thin layer of sweat, her heart thundered in the room, and her face scrunched as she threw her arms and legs wildly about.
With sudden realization, Inuyasha leaned half over her, his silver hair spilling around them as he grabbed her shoulders firmly before she hurt herself. “Kagome,” he muttered, “Kagome, wake up!”
Eyes blowing wide, Kagome startled awake, panting as her senses returned and finally focused on Inuyasha’s concerned gaze. Her face crumpled, tears flooding her eyes as she threw herself on him, shaking with violent sobs. Inuyasha braced himself with one hand, catching them both with the other before they fell back. He soothingly rubbed her back. “Shh,” he whispered, “it’s okay.”
Kagome shook her head and took in a shuddering breath. “N-no,” she moaned.
“Yes,” Inuyasha gruffly affirmed, “you’ll be okay.” He closed his eyes and lamented over the peaceful morning, wishing she could have experienced it as well.
It had taken some time for Kagome to collect herself. She burrowed herself deeper in the warm sheets, head covered, swollen eyes pressed shut while savoring Inuyasha's scent, hoping for sleep again. She didn’t want to be up, she didn’t want to face the day. Sleep would help her forget what she had done.
No matter what Inuyasha said, she still felt like a horrible person, a monster.
Before unconscious bliss could steal her away, Inuyasha walked in with a warm bowl of miso soup and a tray of sweet *tamagoyaki. It filled the air with a wonderful aroma, but Kagome folded herself further in the sheets instead. “M’not hungry,” she mumbled miserably.
Sighing, Inuyasha sat next to her, legs crossing and then put the food down. “You need to eat.”
Kagome could hear the concern in his voice and felt even worse. He cooked for her, again. He was being so unbelievably sweet, and she absolutely did not deserve it. The thought had her eyes burning once more, her heart quaking with grief. “Please,” she mumbled, “I don’t want to.”
Inuyasha could hardly believe the sight before him. Kagome had never acted like this before. He completely understood where she was coming from... but this was going to an extent! At least… that’s what he thought.
“Just a bite,” Inuyasha pleaded, staring at the black hair that spilled out of the lump of fabric on the ground. Kagome shook her head.
Downhearted, Inuyasha eyed the food he made so carefully for her. He had folded it neatly and seasoned it as pleasingly as possible, hoping it would bring her some comfort. After all, there was nothing as delectable first thing in the morning as miso.
Not to be deflected, Inuyasha stubbornly grabbed a plate and shoved it towards her as if she could see what he was doing. “You’re going to eat this,” he growled, fang glinting and red sleeves billowing eagerly.
“Yes!” He reached across. “You.” Then grabbed her shoulder, “are!” And flipped her roughly over.
The blankets flew, and Kagome’s startled eyes found his stubborn ones as she fell back and landed sprawled before him, chest heaving. Outraged, she sat up, hair flying wildly and jabbed a finger at him, “Inuyasha! SII-”
And a chunk of tamagoyaki was shoved into her mouth.
Inuyasha smirked as she sputtered and choked down the sweet egg. Damned wench tried to sit him! “You’ve got some nerve!” he snarled goodnaturedly.
But once her stormy, puffy eyes turned in his direction; her body thundered with an energy that relieved his worry for her. And then she threw her head back and laughed. A loud, feminine, adorable laugh that shook Inuyasha’s quaint home with joy.
Despite the slight annoyance of her trying to subdue him, Inuyasha felt himself deflate with a sudden sense of ease. Kagome was back… even if for just a little while. And he would continue fighting to bring her back from the darkness consuming her. After all... he had been there once too.
Apples burning, yet pleasantly so; Inuyasha brought another morsel of tamagoyaki to Kagome’s lips. This time, her eyes sparkled with wonder, her lips fell open as she let him feed her, and then she felt the delightful dollop slip between her mouth. She closed her eyes in pure delight. Inuyasha was a damn good cook! When did this happen?!
Humming appreciatively, Kagome fell back, limbs sprawling as her taste buds tingled at each and every sweet flavor. Why had she fought Inuyasha so much about eating again?
After swallowing, Kagome realized she definitely wanted more. Slowly opening her eyes, she watched as Inuyasha cut into another egg and lifted it towards her. His mouth flitted into a goofy smile. Her heart absolutely, positively melted at the sight.
Sitting up, she ignored the burns where her clothes rubbed at her raw skin and leaned forward, keeping eye contact with the love of her life as she took another bite. His own widened at her boldness and they both blushed as he pulled the chopsticks from her lips. She grabbed his lowering hand firmly, affection blooming for him throughout her body, “thank you, Inuyasha.”
“K-keh!” Inuyasha furrowed his brows and looked away to save face, but his heart was somersaulting with glee.
Smirking at how adorable and bashful he was acting, Kagome leaned forward and pecked his cheek. She absolutely cherished him.
Not being able to handle any more of the intimacy lest he pass out, Inuyasha shoved the plate back to the floor and stood up, turning towards the door. “Finish eating and dress up. We need to head to Kaede’s so she can give us something for your skin.”
It was little past noon when they got to the older woman’s hut. Inuyasha barged in like he owned the place. Kagome shook her head as she followed after him. Shippo hollered happily and jumped at her before being snatched from the air by Inuyasha.
“Leave ‘er alone, runt.”
Shippo whined as he fought the older man’s clawed hands, “let me gooo! You had Kagome to yourself all ni~ight!!”
Mortified, Kagome sputtered as Inuyasha choked back a cough.
“Aah,” Kaede breathed wickedly, “have ye moved in already?” A sparkle glimmered in her single eye.
Kagome could have died from embarrassment. Thank goodness Miroku wasn’t there, he would’ve never let them live it down!
Before Kagome could respond, Inuyasha threw Shippo towards the back of the hut, the kit merely flipped and caught himself with a trick of his floating enchantment.
Yelling with embarrassment, Inuyasha hollered, “she’s hurt!”
“What ails ye child?” Kaede motioned for Kagome to sit next to her. Kagome lifted a sleeve, showing the suddenly serious woman her splotchy arm. Reddish skin shone raw as the edges curled with peeled back skin. It looked like a first degree burn.
Shippo peeked up from between them and hissed at the sight. “What happened?” His green eyes glistened with concern.
Looking away with shame, Kagome swallowed a sudden lump before answering. “I was washing up and.. and scrubbed a little too hard.”
Kaede got up and rummaged around the containers she’d skillfully collected. “Just your arm, or-”
“Everything,” Inuyasha cut in, “everything but her back.”
Kagome closed her eyes, suddenly feeling queasy and faint. She was so stupid! How could she have done this to herself?
As if noticing her reaction, Shippo began to rub tiny circles on her back. “It’s ok,” he tried to sooth, “Kaede will fix you right up.” His little face was full of determination. Kagome felt like crying from shame.
“Out,” Kaede ushered the two males, “we’ll need privacy from ye prying eyes.”
Kagome thought she’d pass out multiple times as Kaede loosely wrapped her body in long strips of clean cloth. The pain was unbearable.
The older woman reprimanded her and made sure that she was in no way to do this to herself again. After what Kagome was sure to describe as torture, Kaede fed her an herbal tea to numb the pain. Kagome prayed it would kick in quickly.
A giant stack of baskets in the back of the hut caught her eye after a nice warm sip. “What are those?” she asked, not remembering them there from before.
“Ah.” Kaede smiled, “those are gifts for the Time Traveling Miko.”
Kagome tried not to cough from choking on her tea, “the wha?!”
“For you,” Kaede replied, “the villagers were so happy to see you back. Expect to see more soon.”
Kagome didn’t know what to do with that information. Did that many people really know she was a time traveler? Or were they just joyous at her return? Could her time traveling secret be used for nefarious reasons? If someone with enough greed found out, would there be serious repercussions? There was absolutely no way to tell. The only time she remembered the future changing was when she and Inuyasha were separated, and they had somehow communicated through the Goshinboku while her time turned white with snow.
Nervous, she chugged back her medicine and tried not to worry too much. The baskets were many, taking over a fourth of Kaede’s little hut. Some had food, tools, and even carefully picked out cloth. She never realized how much of an impact she had left on the village until now.
Shortly after Kagome turmoiled with the thought, Inuyasha and Shippo strolled back in to ask if she was okay. Kagome smiled and pulled back her sleeves and arms for them to see. “I look like a mummy now,” she laughed goodnaturedly.
They both looked at her with confusion, “a mum what?” Shippo tilted and scratched his head, looking more like the red canine that he was.
Kagome’s heart fluttered and she laughed again, wishing she could squeeze him in her arms. He was just too cute! “They’re people who’ve passed, then been wrapped up with bandages, like me!” she pointed. “Then, sometimes, they even rise from the dead!” She ‘arred’ and launched towards Shippo, then laughed when he screeched and ran away from her, scampering in silly circles around everyone in the hut.
Kohaku was in pure hell.
Unlike with Naraku, this creature had kept him conscious as it controlled his body. Kohaku had no choice but to watch as it slaughtered countless villages with its other smoke-like, possessed comrades. He’d lost count of how many people he had killed, how many homes they had destroyed, how many families were left parentless or childless. It was like reliving his past, his worst memories come to life over and over again.
Each day his spirit descended further into grief. How long had he been taken? It felt like months. Sometimes he would even black out, not being able to take the sights anymore; the blood, filth, and agony. Siblings and families were torn apart, sometimes the fires the smokey creatures rose from would grow wild and burn down whole villages. The images, sounds, and smells would be forever scorched into his mind.
Kohaku was exhausted and half-starved. Whatever it was that dominated him seemed to forget that he was human. He needed food, sleep, and water. It was a miracle he was still alive.
With a guilt so heavy, he watched as the scenery around him continued to move and change. He thought back on the mess he left his nieces and nephew in. He hoped they were okay.
He often thought of Sango and hoped she was okay, and that she didn’t worry too much about him. He knew it was hard on her the first time he had been taken by Naraku, now he was stuck in a similar nightmare, again.
The only blessing was that this creature seemed to have no interest in Sango after it had taken him. Sometimes, he would hear his distorted voice mention Inuyasha, and it would scheme with its comrades on the half demon's strength, and how much they would benefit from possessing him. Kohaku prayed that they would let the village be.
Then he would hear it speak again, discussing the priestess that traveled with Inuyasha and how it would be impossible as long as she was by his side. The plan was always dropped after that, only to be brought up again days later.
Once in a while, Kohaku would experience relief. If only for a few days, the creature would recede into him, almost as if it were resting, and Kohaku would scramble to find himself food and water. He would pray for a stream and wash his filthy body, wishing he had a change of clothes to wear. Sometimes, he entertained going back home, but he knew the creature would return and possess him again. As much as it pained him to be away, he just couldn’t risk it. So he allowed himself to sleep beside the riverbank, letting the rushing water soothe him to sleep. Finally, his body could properly recharge.
When he woke again, his body was already moving against his will, and the creature chuckled at him in his contorted voice. “You’re stuck with me kii~iid.”
So, after weeks of struggling for so long to take his body back permanently, and spirit almost completely crushed, Kohaku gave up and decided to watch. He sunk into his own body and watched the depths of his soul. It was the only thing he could do.
He decided he would figure out who the leader was, and what the goal of this madness was.
One thing he did know was that they were massing people. They traveled to villages night after night, slithering into burning fires and possessing people within their own homes. Sometimes, they would run into a battlefield littered with dead soldiers stacked so high they could do nothing more but step over them. Bloated flesh popped under his shoes, soaking his toes, bones breaking like paper, and then more bodies were taken. Even if they were dead or half alive; a soldier's body was always more valuable than a common townsman’s. And they would rise from the ground in an unspeakable way, failed clans’ flags flying around them as crows cawed at the sight.
Kohaku didn’t know what he could do with what he was witnessing. But he swore he would keep watch after returning from his countless unconscious, exhausted states. At this point, he thought, it was the only thing keeping him alive. Getting information back to his friends, keeping them safe, and hopefully regaining his body back.
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mamabearcatfanfics · 3 years
Battle Couple
I've had this little idea for a while, and then decided I could bend it slightly to fit this year's @inukag-week's first battle couple prompt. Because not all battles we face have to be huge ones against a deadly foe. Sometimes the battles can simply be standing up for what's right.
Inuyasha dragged the beanie down tighter over his head, stomping towards the exit of the store. He hated this. This is why he bought things online and had them delivered. Because then he could avoid interactions like he’d just had with that racist arsehole. He glanced down at the text from Sesshoumaru again, wondering if there was some other way he could get this gift for Rin. It was the first time his half-brother had thrown a birthday party for his adopted daughter, and no doubt it would be a big deal.
Rin has expressed an interest in this item. Her birthday party is on Saturday at 10am. Do not be late.
And of course the toy Rin had asked for was sold out everywhere online. The tiny dolls with light up dresses and a matching crystal necklace were apparently ‘the’ toy at the moment. She specifically wanted the purple one, the ‘hope’ doll, because it was her favourite colour, and she already had the other dolls in the set. This was the last one she needed. And he hadn’t been able to find it anywhere. He was failing as an Uncle. The last store he’d been to, he’d practically seen a pair of mothers come to blows arguing over the last CrystalShines doll on the shelf.
He was close to the exit of the store when an intriguing scent wafted past his nose. It was another store employee, dressed in the dark polo shirt and black jeans, with one of those ear walkie talkies they all seemed to wear. She was giggling, talking to someone using the button on her mike, her other arm full of a variety of women’s clothing that she was putting back on the racks. Her arms were a blur as she began sorting them into different sizes, working quickly to make each rack neat and tidy.
He watched as she flitted about the store, talking to a customer, smiling and waving at a baby in a pram, folding jumpers and t-shirts. His eyes were drawn to her dark ponytail; the way it swung as she moved was almost hypnotic. Her glossy hair was black, but had a blue sheen to it under the harsh fluorescent lighting, and he had a sudden urge to reach out and touch it, stroke down the length of the swinging tail to see if it was as soft and silken as it looked.
Without even realising it, he followed her, almost bumping into her as she suddenly spun around to go in a different direction.
“Oh! Good evening sir, can I help you with anything?”
There was a pleasant smile on her face, and she was looking at him expectantly. His voice didn’t seem to want to work now he was actually standing close to her, so he turned around his phone, showing her the picture of the doll.
“This is what you’re looking for?”
“Yeah”, he said softly, his eyes focused on hers as she glanced up at him again. He’d never seen anyone with grey eyes before. It seemed they were lit from within like starlight, and now that he was closer to her, she smelt even better. He cleared his throat, trying to get a hold of himself. “My niece wants one of these for her birthday, and I’m having trouble finding one.”
“Okay”, she said, reaching for the button on her headset to talk to the other employees on the shop floor. “Let me just talk to my colleague in the toy department, and I’ll see if we’ve got that item in stock.”
Kagome watched as the man in front of her visibly deflated.
“Don’worry about it then. Already talked to ‘im.”
And then she got it. Ryan was working the toy department tonight. Ryan the racist bigot who didn’t like interacting with any customers who weren’t white, male, good ol’ boys, exactly like him. Usually he worked out the back in the store room, unpacking shipments, but due to the flu going around and the shortage of staff, the evening shift manager had put him on the floor tonight. And he’d no doubt said something innaproppriate to this gorgeous man in front of her, who obviously had some sort of youkai heritage.
She’d had her own run-ins with Ryan. He’d said many cruel things to her over the past six months, since he’d found out what happened a few years ago, cruel enough to make her run to the safety of the women’s toilets to shed a few silent tears in private. He never bullied her in a place where others could overhear, he always cornered her in dark places where there was no one else around. He frightened her. Jak knew she was uncomfortable around him, and did his best to make sure they were never rostered on at the same time, so it had been a while since she’d had to deal with him.
She took in the golden eyes, fangs and the beanie yanked down hard over his long silver hair, but it was the resigned bitter look on his face that caught at her heart. She knew that feeling. Internally Kagome fumed, but outwardly she hoisted her brightest smile onto her face, wanting to make it up to him. She could fix this!
“Wait. I don’t know the toy department that well, but I’m sure I could help. Just give me a moment to put these things down.”
He followed her to a wheeled rack in the aisle where she hung all the clothing in her arms back up, and then turned to him, smiling brightly again.
“Let’s go to the toy department and see if we can’t find this doll for your niece. When’s her birthday?”
“Oh dear, that doesn’t give you much time to find one!”
“I’ve been lookin’ all week. Online stores have sold out.”
“Well, hopefully we’ll have one in stock. Let’s see, the doll aisle is around here somewhere.”
They walked together down the aisle, both scanning the shelves for the tiny dolls.
“They should be around here”, said Kagome, her finger running along the price labelling on the edge of the shelf, her eyes lighting up as she found the right tag, but sighing in disappointment as she found the shelf empty.
“Yeah”, sighed Inuyasha. “I asked the guy around here if he could find out if there were any more out the back or somethin’ and he, ah…”
“Don’t worry”, said Kagome, a determined look on her face, “I will personally go take a look in the store room for you. Just wait here for me sir.”
He coughed a little, his head turning to the side to avoid her direct gaze. “My name, it’s Inuyasha.”
“Oh. Right. Just wait here for me Inuyasha, and I’ll be right back.”
“Thanks Kagome.”
She blinked in confusion as he said her name, wondering how he’d known it, then realised he had read her name tag.
For some reason him saying her name out loud made her stomach swoop, like she was on a roller coaster, even though her feet were firmly planted on the ground. As he gave her a shy smile, she felt her cheeks begin to heat, and she whirled around, making a beeline for the storage room, talking into the mike on her headset as she left.
“Hey Jak, it’s Kagome – just going out to the store room for a moment for a customer. I’ll get right back on those returns as soon as I’m done, okay?”
“Oooh, tell me it’s the hottie with the white hair that I pointed out to you!”
“Oh it is! Take your time honey!”
“You’re incorrigible, you know that?”
“And you love me for it. Make sure you get his name and number before he goes!”
“For the customer form darlin’, what else did you think I meant?”
She could hear him still sniggering as she released the talk button on her mike, and she shook her head, grinning despite herself. He was her in-line manager and they got on really well, but rarely got to spend time together, as he was usually rostered on during the day, and her in the evenings so her day was free for lectures and study.
Kagome squeezed her way into the storeroom, scanning the aisles of stock yet to be placed out on the shelves. And then she saw it, the edge of a box with a picture of a tiny doll up on the highest shelf.
Dragging over the step ladder, she placed it under the shelf and climbed up, her petite size meaning she had to stand on the very top to have any chance of reaching the box. She just managed to reach the doll with the tips of her fingers, and nudged it. It tipped forward and fell, and with a gasp she managed to catch it with her outstretched hand, teetering on the top of the ladder, her other arm windmilling frantically to keep her balance.
She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her frantically beating heart after her almost fall, the box containing the doll clutched tightly against her. But she’d found one for him, a purple one, just like he’d wanted. She had no idea why that made her feel so incredibly happy, but it did.
Grinning widely as she emerged from the storeroom, she began walking directly to the toy department. She could see Inuyasha there, waiting for her. But she could also see Ryan, his arms crossed as he spoke to him, a sneer on his face. She quickened her pace. Previous experience had taught her that expression couldn’t mean anything good.
Inuyasha stood his ground, hands clenched in tight fists by his sides. He had every right to be here – he was a customer, he hadn’t caused any commotion or damage. Kagome had asked him to wait here. But apparently that wasn’t good enough for this guy.
“I told you already, we’ve got none of what your looking for. Nothing for you. Are you deaf, or just stupid?” The volume of his voice wasn’t loud enough to draw anyone’s attention to them, but definitely loud enough to get on Inuyasha’s nerves.
Inuyasha closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his hands shaking slightly as he held back. He would not punch out this idiot – this was a department store, not a battle ground. Even though he deserved it because he was a racist bigoted shit.
“I already told you to leave youkai! Do I have to call security?”
Inuyasha breathed out slowly, trying to keep any trace of anger out of his voice, even though he wanted to let rip. He’d found out the hard way that security tended to not ask questions, just see his youkai traits and assume the worst.
“And I already told you, another employee was taking a look out the back for me. She told me to wait here for her.”
“Yeah, like I’d believe anything one of you would have to say. You’re all the same. What are hidin’ under that hat huh? Some kinda weird freakish thing I’d bet. ”
Inuyasha turned, his eyes lighting up as Kagome appeared. But she wasn’t wearing the wide smile she had when she left. She was stomping towards them, a box tucked tightly under her arm, the scowl on her face impressive. Thankfully that scowl was not directed at him.
He could smell the nervousness pouring off of her, but you never would have thought it looking at the way she faced off with her work colleague, stepping in front of him like she wanted to shield him from this man's ire with her much smaller body.
“Ryan, I’m handling this customer. And I’ve already found what he needed, so there’s no reason for you to be here. I think you’ve probably said enough.”
There was the barest trace of a tremble in her voice, and Inuyasha moved in closer behind her, wanting her to feel like he was there to support her. He wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but he didn’t like it.
Ryan rolled his eyes and then sneered at her, his voice low and vicious.
“Ha. Shoulda known it would be you Kagome. Such a helpful little kiss ass. Why don’t you turn that cute little tush of yours around and head back to the ladies department where you belong, unless you’re still that desperate for some demon tail.”
Ryan grinned at the shocked expression on Kagome’s face, posturing like he’d somehow scored a point. “Bit ironic really, you working in the ladies department when you’re anything but. A human ain't good enough for Kagome, huh? Wasn’t it bad enough that the last guy you had got fired, now you’re after customers too? You really are a-“
“Don’t. Say. Another. Word.”
Both Kagome and Ryan flinched at the snarled words behind them.
“Kagome, call your manager”, said Inuyasha gruffly. “I wanna report this guy.”
“It’s my word against yours demon, and little Kagome’s not gonna say anything, are you Kagome, because you’re fuckin’ pathetic. There’s nothin’ you can report me for”, snorted Ryan.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’d probably pick being a racist arsehole, for starters”, said another voice cheerfully. "Then maybe we could add workplace harassment."
A tall man in a tailored suit stepped into view, his dark hair slicked back into a short ponytail. He was holding his phone up, obviously still recording the whole thing.
“Here I was, minding my own business in the Lego aisle while I looked for the perfect birthday gift for my little girls, and what should I hear? An employee bad mouthing a customer, when the customer had been nothing but polite and civil. Don’t worry about proof, I’m happy to be a witness. I was recording the whole thing. From the very first racist slur that left your lips.”
Kagome’s eyes were wide as she glanced from the ponytailed man back to Ryan, and Inuyasha could hear her heart beating frantically. He nodded at her approvingly as she took a deep breath, her hand steady on the button on her headset.
“Jak, it’s Kagome”, she said, her voice a little breathless, but firm. “Can you-“
Ryan lunged towards her.
“Don’t you dare, you fuckin’ bitch!”
Inuyasha ducked out from behind Kagome, his fist grabbing the back of Ryan’s shirt and lifting him into the air, Ryan’s legs kicking frantically as he tried to escape. Before Kagome could move out of the way, his steel capped boot caught her on the chin. She dropped like a stone, crumpling to the floor in a heap.
“Fuck, Kagome!”
Inuyasha swung Ryan out of the way and dropped him none too gently, all his focus on the small woman laying prone on the slightly grubby linoleum floor, still out for the count. He could hear a scuffle behind him as the man in the suit and a few other observers struggled to keep Ryan contained, but he no longer cared about him. He knelt down close to her, gently stroking the glossy dark hair back from her face.
“Kagome, can you hear me?”
Inuyasha shook Kagome’s shoulder gently, trying to rouse her, and her eyes fluttered open.
“Inuyasha?” she said groggily, her arm tightening around the box, a wobbly smile on her face. “I got your doll.”
It took a while to sort everything out. An ambulance was called, and the police. The police took statements from Inuyasha, Kagome and the man in the suit, Miroku. Ryan was fired on the spot, and Jak was positively gleeful, despite the mountain of paperwork he’d have to fill out before he went home that evening. When the paramedic suggested that Kagome should go to the hospital to be checked for possible concussion, Inuyasha had immediately said he’d like to go with her, if that was alright with Kagome, and after a few polite remarks about it not being necessary, she’d gratefully accepted. Jak had positively pushed them into the ambulance together, waving them off with a bright smile. It was the most exciting evening shift he’d had in years.
“You don’t have to stay you know. I’ll be fine, I’ll just get an Uber home.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, leaning back against the wall, his arm resting on the edge of Kagome's hospital bed.
“For the tenth time woman, I don’t mind. I want to be here when the doctor examines you to make sure you’re okay. And then I wanna make sure you get home safe.” He sighed as he looked at the dark purpling bruise on Kagome’s chin. “I’m just sorry I didn’t throw that fucker down to the end of the aisle when I had the chance.”
“But it’s so late! It’s almost 2am, and you have the party to go to tomorrow. Today I mean.”
“Eh, that’s hours away. She won’t mind if I’m a little late, Rin’s a nice kid. And now I have the perfect present, thanks to you.”
Kagome was quiet for a while. The silence grew to feel uncomfortable, because Inuyasha could sense how tense Kagome suddenly was.
“Inuyasha… I want to explain. About what Ryan said to me.”
“Hmm?” He could smell nervousness again, billowing around her like a cloud, and he didn’t like it. “Doesn’t matter, none of my business.”
“But I want to”, she said, her voice taking on a stubborn edge.
“Fine, I’ll listen. But nothin’ you can say will change my good opinion of you. You stepped up for me back there Kagome, and that don’t happen for me much. I will always remember that.”
Kagome reached out her hand to lightly grasp the clawed one sitting next to her on the bed, and squeezed it.
“Thank you.”
He squeezed back.
“You’re welcome.”
“Anyway”, she sighed. “About what Ryan said. I started working at that department store when I was still in high school, as a weekend job. And there was this training manager, a kitsune. He’d come around every so often, and all the girls thought he was really good looking. He had a little green sports car; a lot of the other girls thought was really important. They all were flirting with him, and then he asked me out. I was so surprised. I mean, me! I’m nothing special! He was so stylish, and so charming. I really thought…” Kagome laughed but it had no humour in it, and Inuyasha squeezed her hand again. She shrugged, her shoulders coming up around her ears as her face turned away from him.
“I was so stupid! It turned out I was right about being nothing special, because he was going out with a couple of girls at every store that he visited.” She flinched a little at Inuyasha’s low growl of disapproval. “There were around ten of us. And because a couple of us were under aged, he was charged. Lost his job. Ryan found out about it a few months ago and thought-“
“Don’t say it”, said Inuyasha gruffly, squeezing her hand again. “Don’t matter what he thought. It’s in the past. And the Kagome I saw tonight was amazing.”
“No I wasn’t!” Kagome shook her head, then winced as her head throbbed, realising that was a bad idea. “I was so scared Inuyasha! I’ve never been able to stand up to him before. But I couldn’t stand the thought of him being mean to you!”
“Then you’re even braver than I thought.” Inuyasha entwined his fingers with hers, and cleared his throat. “Kagome, I know you don’t know me. But I think I’d like to get to know you. Could I call you? Maybe we could go out for coffee or somethin’? I mean you don’t gotta answer, and if you don’t wanna, I totally understand, I mean-“
“Yes.” Kagome giggled at the wide toothy grin on Inuyasha’s face. “Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in.”
“Wait. Maybe you should see what all’a me looks like before you say yes.”
Inuyasha tugged off his beanie, revealing the pointed white dog ears on top of his head. “If you wanna change your mind, I-“
“They’re so cute!” squeaked Kagome. “Please give me your phone!”
Kagome woke up the next morning very late, so late that it was no longer morning at all.
It had been 3am by the time Inuyasha had dropped her home with a bag of painkillers and the Doctor’s instructions for treating her mild concussion. He’d helped her into bed, placed her medicine and a glass of water next to the bed for her, kissed her softly on the cheek and whispered goodnight, closing the door behind him.
She rubbed her cheek gently at the memory of that small kiss, a smile on her face. She still had a headache, so she took two of the tablets, then reached for her phone on the bedside table where it had been charging.
There were two messages.
The birthday girl loves her present! Attached was a picture of a smiling Inuyasha kneeling with his arm around a little girl in a checked orange party dress and sparkly sandals, her dark hair up in pig tails. A wide excited grin split her face, revealing the gap of a missing front tooth. The doll was clutched tightly in her hand, and she was wearing the necklace that came with it.
I told Rin how brave you were, and she wanted you to have some birthday cake. Can I bring some over when you wake up? 🍰
Kagome smiled almost as wide as Rin, despite her headache.
I’d love you to ❤
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superpixie42 · 2 years
💜 Most heart wrenching thing you have written?
Hey @cakeit0n !
So thank you for this ask because it actually reminded me of some housekeeping I needed to do about this fic.
Ajisai was written for 2020 InuKag Week and it was my attempt at cathartic writing and getting out all the negativity with my less than ideal pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding experience with my daughter. Uh, however I learned that writing it out and focusing so much time and energy on that negativity did not make me feel better, but actually much worse and I had to step away from writing for a bit until I could shake that negativity again. I'd meant to go back and write the second part but I've decided I am not going to. I am much happier as an escapist writer, and so the AO3 summary now reflects that the fic is done and will not be continued, which feels kind of lovely to have that off my WIP list and move on.
Fan Fiction Ask Game
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hazelhalfpint · 3 years
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InuKag Week 2021 - Day 4
Prompt: Hands
This one got away from me a bit with length lol but I hope you enjoy!
Tag list is below the cut, please let me know if you’d like on or off.
He couldn’t remember her touch. He had been visiting the well when he’d first realized. His claws digging deeper into the wooden lip of the well, sad golden eyes staring unblinking into the dark. If he closed his eyes and focused he could see her, smiling at him, telling him not to worry or be sad. Keh, what a load of shit.
How could he do anything else but worry without her here ? Kagome had come into his life like a whirlwind, dropped down and tore all the walls he built down and she left just as suddenly; sucked away down this god forsaken pile of wood. The one that now mocked him as he surveyed the area around the village, but every three days he found himself here, staring down into the dark, claws digging into the grooves he’d left from days prior. He tried to recall her touch, the feeling of her hand in his, but his brain wouldn’t allow it.
“It’s been almost three years.” His voice was hoarse with emotion as he spoke into the blackness of the well. It echoed back at him and he swallowed back his tears, “I come every three days, hoping you’ll be here, sitting on the edge of this fucking well.” He choked out a desperate laugh mixed with a sob, “but you’re not here.”
His tears were falling freely now making hot trails on his cheeks and peppering the dry wood in front of him, a rare display of raw emotion,“ I don’t want to forget,” his head hung low, ears pinned back in sadness, “please come back to me.”
That night, Inuyasha rested next to the well, his back propped against the wood, trying so desperately to remember the feel of her hand in his own.
It was a normal afternoon when the breeze carried her scent to him. He’d been helping with Miroku and Sango’s twins when it’d hit him, his eyes widening in shock. There was no mistake, he’d been quick in his departure, tossing the twins down on to Shippou before dashing into the forest.
His feet weren’t carrying him fast enough, though he bounded from tree to tree with ease. When he skidded into the wells clearing he could feel his heart thundering in his chest, eyes glancing around the area for her. Her scent was stronger now, and he slowly approached the well, his hand lingering over the grooves his claws had made in the wood. He shut his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before sticking his hand forward into the dark.
When her hand grabbed his it took everything in him to keep his emotions at bay. She came back to him. Kagome came back. He lifted her up out of the well easily, his own fingers lacing with hers and one arm circling her waist.
“Inuyasha, I’m so sorry. We’re you waiting here for me?” Her eyes were blurry with tears and she held on to him tightly. His mouth was dry, mind reeling with emotion, “Kagome, you idiot,”He smiled pulling her close and burying his nose in her hair inhaling her scent, committing the feeling of her touch to memory, “what have you been doing all this time?”
The others joined them shortly in the clearing, rejoicing in the return of the young woman they were all so fond of. That evening was filled with celebration of her return throughout the village, but as the evening celebrations dulled to an quiet end, the young couple found themselves intertwined together beside the fire.
Kagome was nestled between his legs, his arms draped around her shoulders, keeping her tucked tightly to his chest. She leaned her head back to gaze at him, as they discussed in hushed tones their emotions. Inuyasha’s large calloused held her own, balancing them on top of his, dwarfing them in comparison. She stroked her fingers lovingly on his palm, tracing a circle on one with her thumb.
“You know what’s silly?” her voice was quiet as she continued examining his hands, moving her fingers deftly across the callouses and grooves.
“Hmm?” he cocked his head to look down at her face as she continued, “ I missed your hands.” She was smiling softly now as she spoke,” just the feeling of them. They’re so..you, and familiar. I felt like I forgot what your touch was like.” His mind flashed back to that night he’d spent at the well and he enclosed her hands in his.
“I never want to forget what your hands feel like in mine.” His confession left her blushing, and she turned toward him pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He leaned into her, and when they broke apart his forehead rested against hers.
“You won’t ever be without me again,” she reassured, lacing their fingers once more, “ I love you.”
“I love you too.”
@ruddcatha @fawn-eyed-girl @sailorlolo @lemonlushff @witchygirl99 @dawnrider @keichanz @akitokihojo @clearwillow @neutronstarchild @liz8080 @anisaanisa @mrfeenysmustache @dreaming-of-soup @noether3 @nartista @kalcia @superpixie42 @inukag-week @inussunflower @lavendertwilight89 @omgitscharlie @mamabearcat
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katerinu · 3 years
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I have arrived at the Yashahime is Over Party! I never, ever wanted a sequel, I was much happier with my own opinions and headcanons as to what happened after the show was over. (As I'm sure many fans were.) InuYasha has always been this great, big sandbox, where you can do whatever you want. Yashahime basically came in and stomped on everybody's fun time, so now I'm just trying to rebuild what I had! This rewrite isn't exactly my thoughts to a T on what I think should have happened at the end, rather, I tried to keep in mind the premise of Yashahime and just... fix it!
I know that my likes and opinions tend to be a bit disjointed from the rest-- for example, I LOVED the filler episodes. To this day, some of my favorite episodes that I go back to rewatch have been filler. I like slow and steady, I like lots and lots of dialogue. But Yashahime? Not like this. Never like this. For my rewrite, this is no longer a fantasy romance action adventure whatever. This is slice of life.
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For my rewrite, Moroha becomes the main character. The story follows her as she travels around Japan, basically meeting old friends of her folks, and meeting some new ones along the way. InuKag and MirSan live generally happy, peaceful lives, with the Root Head demon being the last of their major problems for a long while.
I love the idea that with InuYasha and Kagome being a committed couple in an "unusual" relationship with an "unusual" daughter, Kaede's village over time becomes a safe haven for weak demons, half demons, and like-minded humans. It expands into a vast and bustling town, with plenty of colorful characters in addition.
Sango spends a lot of her day training Hisui and Gyokoto. She doesn't go out herself much anymore, and has basically passed the torch to her children and, of course, younger brother. Her time is mostly spent now creating and repairing weapons, though her real passion is in experimenting with fabrics to create stronger, more resistant material. Miroku continues to travel (so long as he stops by to say hello to his wife once and awhile) alongside his daughter Kin'u, who basically apprentices under him. He's so proud of who she's become.
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Moroha is at that age where she longs to see the world outside their humble home. She packs her things, says goodbye to her mom and dad, and sets off. I can totally see her keeping the bounty hunter job as it would be a great way for her to make money on her own. And with her being loved and reasonably fed, whenever she loses a head, it can *actually* be funny. She still uses the rouge to become Beniyasha in tough times, but without the red pearl. (No pearls in this, the pearls are stupid.) She made a promise with her momma to only use the rouge in DIRE situations, since it can be dangerous. Of course, she's looked over by grandpa Myoga... and Shippo!
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Shippo is much older now, but given that he's a demon (and I do subscribe to the demons age slower HC, despite the shit I give it) he appears to be around, or a little younger than Moroha. They're about equal in power which means they have to work together a lot to get out of sticky situations. They act as brother and sister since Shippo was basically adopted by InuKag, so there's no romance between them. It's purely familial.
Over the course of the series, Moroha meets old characters, both filler and canon, from the OG series. (Some Shippo recognizes, some he doesn't.) They help out with whatever problem-of-the-week is going on, as the episodes are primarily laid back and focused more on character interaction and development. They meet old faces like Jineji, Botan and Momiji, Kanta, Bunza, and even Shiori!
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Shiori would have an episode or two, going more in depth on half demons and their human nights.
To keep the "mystery" aspect Sunrise TRIED to do while also putting a long term goal/conflict in the show to prevent it from getting boring, I would include Towa/Setsuna. But here's the kick-- I would combine them into one character.
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Zetsumetsuko would sometimes run into our main cast and cause issues, mostly based on what the audience infers is some kind of misunderstanding or jealousy. This character will butt heads with Moroha, similar to how InuYasha and Sesshomaru were, but with her having a bit more sass.
Moroha says they smell familiar, but she can't place her finger on it. Zetsumetsuko tends to say some cryptic stuff, saying she knows some info that Moroha doesn't. This character is basically a wild card, and is to keep the audience on their toes. It is of course, later revealed that this character is the daughter of Sesshomaru. (Not that it's hard to guess, haha.) It happens when the main cast run into Rin. Zetsumetsuko appears to try and cause more trouble, only for Rin to excitedly shout, "Sister!" And begin doting upon her.
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With tensions eased, the characters manage to sit and chat calmly. Zetsumetsuko feels like she doesn't belong, and struggles to find a place in the world similar to InuYasha. They barely knew their own father, raised primarily by Rin and Jaken. She doesn't even know her own mother. Zetsumetsuko has been following Moroha out of a sense of jealousy, since they're related but their paths have been so different. She basically reveals how lonely she's been, too. Which leads to her joining the group!
I wanted to introduce Zetsumetsuko as the daughter of Sesshomaru at the same time I introduced Rin as her sister, basically cutting Rin out of the running for potential mother right away.
The mother would be Kagura, who... I don't have a design for, ah! I heard a lot of talk and rumors about Kagura having become a goddess and I think I would apply that idea to my rewrite. It would explain why Kagura wasn't around for Zatsumetsuko growing up. Ah, now I have to make a Goddess!Kagura design, hahaha.
In conclusion, my sequel would be made purely for nostalgia's sake. No retcons, barely even touching the original plot of InuYasha. It would be a way to see the old cast through new characters, who would be charming in their own right without relying on their parents, and would allow us to revisit one-off and filler characters again. The sequel wouldn't be a necessary watch to enjoy InuYasha, it would just be a way for fans to go, "Oh, I remember that character! Good times!"
That's about it! I worked really hard on the character designs and thinking about their personalities and how they fit in, so if you haven't yet, it would be nice if you took a look at the links I put in and read a bit more about their characters! Please feel free to ask questions, I'm not the best at explaining myself at length since my mind gets jumbled, haha.
Thank you!
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clearwillow · 11 months
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Here's chapter 8. A lot of last month was spent focused on something not fandom-related, and not been in a great place, so sorry for the wait...
Summary:  Inuyasha doesn't understand planetary orbit but he knows what it means to be filled with chaotic energy, especially when he's around Kagome. Too bad he was more focused on her scent than her words when she explained what a retrograde was and how it affects the body. Maybe it's a good thing they have at least three weeks to reflect on their lives and make sense of moving forward, because Mercury's retrograde won't give them a choice.
Rated: E
If you would like to read ahead, I post early on patreon. I've been doing something new called "Sunday Samplers", so patrons are getting the very first look at new stories that I don't think I've talked about anywhere. There's also out of context scenes in current wips. Yesterday's post? Charity auction. 🤭
@keichanz @lemonlushff @dawnrider @mamabearcat @inuykago @sailorbabydoll92 @zelink-inukag @itzatakahashi @superpixie42 @sticky-llama-perfection @the-rebel-alchemist  @digitl-art-monstr @theinuyashareader @eternalnight8806-3 @cstorm86 @sarah-writes-stories @animelove1313 @nartista @smmahamazing @xfangheartx @cyncyn981 @bluejay785 @witchygirl99 @lady-dark-69 @kazeinori @willowandfog @lavendertwilight89 @gaysonthefloor @senneth-pendra @ruddcatha @pinkpigeonstudio @shinidamachu @cammysansstuff @little-inukag-obsessed @arcprz @liz8080 @trying-not-to-loveu @wulfintheforest @memusicmuse @princessinume @hnn-wnchstr @that-weird-kid-charlie @cannibalsforbreakfast @mr-fairywings @nsr0716 @eringobroke @ladyphoenix0711 @malditamigs @fawn-eyed-girl  @littlestuffstohide @smh1821 @karina-inuphantom @dreaming-of-soup @irrationalandimpossible  @boostyourmind-blog @anisaanisa @inussunflower @sacred-arrow @nillavanilla21 @yusukesmomjeans @lordofthechips @bluehawaiicat @kawaiichan67 @kagometaishostory @hopidoodle   @omgitscharlie  @themusicalshoo  @heynikkiyousofine @preciouslyours @roseheartwhitefox @brokenangelwings22 @banra-yar @knittingknots @scaponigifs @shardetector @fudalfighter @dchelyst
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inukag-archive · 3 years
Hello! Post Canon recommendations?
Hi Nonnie! We have so many recs, but to keep the list manageable the fic finder team only selected one story per author. We highly encourage you to check out these author profiles as many include multiple post-canon stories.
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I Hate That Fucking Well by @kstewdeux (M)
Post-manga. Inuyasha POV. Inuyasha's inner thoughts and monologues. Rated M for fucking language
Happily Ever After by @superpixie42 (M)
InuKag Week 2021 all in one place! A series of post-canon domestic fluff drabbles for the following prompts: hands, marriage, warmth, firsts, transformation, promise, and battle couple.
Separation Anxiety by Belizar (M)
Post-manga. Following a nasty argument, Kagome leaves without telling her husband. Inuyasha follows her, determined to have the last word, but things don't go exactly as planned. Oneshot, IY/K. Rated M for mature themes.
InuKag Fluff Week 2021 by @lavendertwilight89 (T)
Post-Canon: Kagome has returned! Inuyasha has decided to court Kagome, making them both run a little wild with emotions as they reflect on their interactions they share and their past together.
After the End: New Beginnings by @splendentgoddess(X)
Welcome to my official post-manga universe! This introductory story takes us through Kagome's return to the past, and her developing relationship with Inuyasha. The first installment of what will be my "After The End" series!
Tiny Miracles by @len-barboza (doujinshi)
No summary posted.
Little Family by @xoxopandapanda/nextfoodnetworkstar (T)
Post Canon and A/U: Inuyasha and Kagome's family grows in time, starting with a little child who needs parents to teach him to love.
Homecoming by @anisaanisa (M)
Snippets of Post-Canon life, starting with the 3-year separation. Ficlet collection for InuKag Week 2021.
A Tale of Ever After by @knittingknots (M)
And they lived happily ever after - my vision of what InuYasha and Kagome's happily ever after. Picks up the day of Kagome's return to the past. This is gonna be long...
Only Her by @fandomobsessions016 (M)
"Kagome half-turned her head but otherwise didn’t stir, unworried over the sun’s position in the sky. “We’ve got time,” she answered, calmly while quietly enjoying the doting moment with her husband. Inuyasha scoffed softly then looked back at her, a tranquil and sincere smile decorating his lips as he drank her in. She was focused on his hair, the pads of her fingers occasionally brushing against his bare back causing warm tingles to ripple under his skin. Over two decades after they’d met and her touch still made his heart stutter and race with an overbearing warmth."""
Sneak by @keichanz (T)
Kagome sneaks up on a napping hanyou to surprise him with a kiss. Only it turns out she is the one that gets surprised.
Double-Edged by @omgitscharlie (T)
An unsettled Inuyasha impatiently waits for the birth of his first-born child.
You're Still Here by @ruddcatha (T)
The well was sealed for three years, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome on opposite sides of time. When the well finally reopens and Kagome returns, what is Inuyasha's biggest fear?
Light Me A Lantern by @inuyashasforest/Novaiis (T)
Picking up the pieces after being separated for three years isn't as easy as it may seem. A quiet, burning kind of chaos sweeps through Feudal Japan, and it's going to take a lot more than a fairy tale ending to put things back together. They defeated a man who would become the Devil. Can they survive a man who would become a God?
Plain As Day by @akitokihojo (G)
The three-year-long separation was finally over and Inuyasha refused to ever be without Kagome again, especially since they'd only just reunited a little over a month ago. Things were fresh, new, and agonizingly tender, but the half demon had an obligation weighing on his heart. He preferred his privacy when it came to matters involving his mother, that was no secret, but it was too soon to go venturing off alone, leaving Kagome in their hut waiting for him. So, he takes her with him without a hint as to where they're going. This is an intimate moment he's willing to share with her, but there's something much more intimate that comes along with their journey. Something much more eye-opening and heart-warming at the end of the mountainous trail harboring fields of daisies.
The Sounds of Love by @mamabearcat (G)
Inuyasha gazed down at her, his heart swelling as he took in the beautiful picture his pregnant wife made, finally resting in the afternoon sunlight.' So, I felt the need to create some art of a tired and sleepy pregnant Kagome, and a very happy and soft Inuyasha, watching her as she slept. And then I wrote this to go with it. Not much substance to it, just an extremely fluffy moment in time. All the soft Papa Inuyasha feels. Because I want them both to be happy.
Constellation Consolations by @cannibalsforbreakfast (G)
Since she's returned to the Feudal Era, Inuyasha notices that Kagome's always sleepy. What's keeping her up so late? A sweet little post-marriage InuKag story.
The Lover's Tree by @lostinfantasyworlds (M)
Remembering a special night spent under what she dubbed "The Lover's Tree", Kagome reflects on ten years of marriage with Inuyasha, and how their relationship has changed.
Noisy Neighbors by paynesgrey (M)
Some town gossip motivates Kagome and Inuyasha to reexamine their nightly activities.
Post-Canon Life (series) by @LittleKnownArtist (G-E)
All of these can be read independently, but they all fit together somewhat in this post-canon universe I have in mind.
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