#But also the Coca-Cola t-shirt pictures
melchiordommik · 6 months
what are your favourite eddtord headcanons
Cracks knuckles
Tord is one year younger than Edd, and he's also shorter. I think constantly about Edd teasing Tord about his height or carrying him around
Tord stealing Edd's clothes, which are way too big for him. Tord wears Edd's T-shirts, hoodies, pants, bro thinks he owns everything Edd does
Edd is a texter, Tord is not really. Edd sends Tord tons of texts and Tord responds either with random images or pictures of himself. (Tord will send tons of I love you texts to Edd while he's offline)
Both of them are autistic (Edd is AuAdhd and Tord is autistic)
Tord is the only person Edd actually offers his coca cola to
Edd fell first, Tord fell harder. Tord cannot possibly be MORE in love with that man for real
UHHH Idk if this was what u asked for, my brain is dying but here are some of my thoughts
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Mrs. Villaumbrosia cleaning out the beach house and just sending all Lilith’s notebooks to her professional address which Lilith is used to and not bothered by except there’s a graduate assistant who goes through all of it and digitizes all the data Lilith has kept since she was, what, 7? when she started really overcoming her writing difficulties. The GA compiles everything Lilith has; esp. roughly two decades of lumpfish data and emails Lilith a copy to approve for publication. Lilith’s only edit is to add Michael as a coauthor.
It starts with dozens of emails from her overeager grad student, taglines full of exclamation points, all caps, conga lines of commas ,,,,,,,LUMPFISH!!!!
Her mother sends it over in an old orange crate she found in the basement, and Lilith would have felt her hands shake if it had been her - and not Michael - who cracked the lid. If she saw how neatly her mother packed each notebook, adding wads of fabric to stop them from falling over.
Inside, also, are her father’s binoculars in their green leather case; old film and videotapes; an adult’s snorkeling mask that’s been cannibalized to fit a child’s head.
One of her old hoodies for stuffing, with a picture of a cartoon crab on the front. Tourist rubbish, given to her by a stall owner who saw her walking up off the beach in a t-shirt and shorts at the advent of a storm, shuddering from the chill and drenched in saltwater. He handed it to her, along with a can of Coca Cola he’d been saving to have with a cigarette after closing up the stall.
The notebooks are held shut with rubber bands so none of the loose pages escape. Her mother would have done this by hand.
But it’s not Lilith who finds this silent “i love you” hidden in an old crate, specially couriered from their old beach house. It’s her grad student, but the sight does at least arrest him.
(and Lilith won’t know this for another decade, but her mother was cleaning up the house to sell it. instead she puts it in Lilith's name. just… gives it to her, slots the keys into an envelope: to be delivered upon my death)
Michael describes how he shook sand out of some of the notebooks, the smell of the ocean dried into the pages when he cracked the spines again to sift through a summertime of drawings.
They’re precise, for the most part. Practical, with neatly described dimensions, notation in a scrunched-up hand because writing hurt, but even then it was impossible not to do it. She had to record what she saw underneath the water.
Sea urchins chewing through the holdfasts at the bottom of kelp, their bodies so bright with the water fleshing down past the moving canopy. Lilith, diving to the seafloor to watch them, armed with the ruler from her father’s old geometry set. Lilith, finding their fivefold symmetry, noting the length of each spine and gently prizing their tube feet from the rocks to carry one of them ashore.
And Michael is like her so he doesn’t balk when she describes slotting her penknife into its shell, little notes on how the spines still moved, and for how long. Observing them down on the sea bed and noting in a scrawl surrounded by water droplets “spines used for locomotion?”
There are drawings of her octopus friend. One, from memory, of her wrapped around Lilith’s arm, trailing her suckers up towards the elbow joint. She finds, scrunched in against this drawing, an almost indecipherable note that Michael mistook for a child’s attempt at an artist’s signature. But it’s not that - when she was eight she never dreamed that anyone would read her notes, or care as much as she did about the ocean. There, in tiny writing, she finds a note (to herself, perhaps?) that reads “me and Octi in july. it was warm.”
It’s a charter of one small stretch of coastline, every species hunted down and documented. She only dissected a few of them, just crabs and sea urchins, comb jellies and sea sponges and, once, a dead pyjama shark.
The others she only observed, diving until she was dizzy and only for as long as a breath could hold her.
Michael sends her the proof, and it’s beautiful. her coloured sketches and her simpler ones arrayed around the sections of commentary she sent him in return emails, over months and months and months. Next to that, her childish observations - crude science, but some of it astounds her. It’s almost poetry, or maybe it only seems like it, to her.
Because she lived it, lungs aching in the aching depth, watching the kelp sway and cast shadows. An octopus wrapped around her arm, following the span and clench of her fist with its little arms, watching the waves crash overhead but sitting calm in the drag of the undertow. It was the only peaceful place in the entire world, back then.
Lilith has found another one since then.
The proof copy of the book arrives festooned in bright customs stamps, stickers haphazard on the cardboard. Lilith scatters packing peanuts across her office floor when she opens it, makes a mental note to pick them up before paprika tries to eat them. The cover is what she expects, but it steals her breath. It’s the drawing of her octopus, tangled around the thinness of Lilith’s seven-year old arm. She can almost feel the water moving around her, the pressure of the suckers on her skin.
Camila finds her staring at it, coming gently into the room with a thermos of soup and half a plastic-wrapped loaf of bread under one arm. Hearing her, Lilith looks up, and there are tears in her eyes.
She blinks, slow, and Camila is there, leaning down to take Lilith's jaw in her hands, thumb swooping over her cheeks.
“It's here,” Lilith mumbles, inarticulate in the presence of her own tears.
And she can’t explain it, really.
Only that she was happy, back then. Curled up in her crab hoodie with her notebook, sketching the sea stacks that you can spot from on top of the cliffs. Her coloured pencils scattered in the sand as she switched between them, trying to capture the deep green of the kelp suffused in sunlight, the red trail of innards from the pyjama shark she hauled up onto the sand. Sea urchins and the quiet rustling of their spines. Jellyfish in their medusa-phase trailing their tentacles.
The peace of floating with them, of following fish and watching sessile creatures creep over the seabed. It was her home, her safest and most sacred place.
But she was also alone, and it was also lonely. Walking home to her unlatched window, she’d sneak down to steal crackers and cheese from the pantry, or cold cuts of ham from the refrigerator - bathed in that cold glow in her bare feet, hands covered in tiny punctures from handling sea urchins without care. She used to pour alcohol-based hand sanitizer over them in the kitchen sink, wincing, and then find the aftertaste of it on the crackers and the cheese.
“I just…” she leans into Camila's touch. “I miss being there, and I don't.”
Camila nods - and Lilith thinks she does understand, growing up poor, hungry, looking after her little brother when the money ran out mid-week.
She leans down, and Lilith rises to meet her, feeling for an instant like she’s back home, surging up towards the air and the light.
Cam kisses her, and Lilith lets her eyes flutter closed because this is it. Her second, sacred, peaceful place. And maybe she’s a fool for finding it in Camila's mouth, but Lilith is a lover of short-lived creatures.
And this one, at least, can also love her back.
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bombshelllblonde · 2 years
so a huge thing happened today
my favorite person in the world has announced his next album drop
if anyone from the wonder years on tumblr remembers me and my OG url, lonelylullaby13, knows that i am the biggest owl city fan and have been for over a decade now. i grew up with him on tumblr and twitter and tinychat, and i’ve made so many wonderful friends because of adam young.
i saw him as my first concert in november of 2011 as a present for my 14th birthday and it was so magical. i was front row and he talked about how he had gotten kidney stones and how badly they hurt. then he told everyone to drink a lot of lemonade because that helps. then he started playing setting sail by port blue and i called out to him the name of the song, and he pointed to me and was excited i knew the name. after my concert in 2011, i looked up his tag on tumblr and that was the beginning of something beautiful.
metropolis altered my DNA. i will forever be changed because of that song.
beautiful times is one of the biggest reasons why i stuck around in college. a sticky note on my mirror with the lyrics “this fight of my life is so hard, but i’m gonna survive. these are beautiful times”
also the lesser known covers of certain songs that only OG hoot owls would know if you were around for johnwaynepizzaparty. his cover of garden party really stuck with me as well “it’s alright now, i’ve learned my lesson well. you see you can’t please anyone so you gotta please yourself”
also i have single handedly convinced myself bombshell blonde was written about me. because duh. you can’t tell me otherwise.
we’ve had a couple interactions on twitter (me just waiting for him to post and then spamming his replies until he noticed me). one time i said “tell me where is gandalf, for i much desire to speak with him” and he replied “i think he’s in the john”. as if i was a LOTR fan????? bestie no.
and one time he commented on my instagram photo asking me where i got my coca cola sweater in my profile picture at the time. he said “i used to work for coke and i never even got a t shirt”
i fell out of touch for a while because you know, it happens. people grow and their tastes change and what not. i had just graduated college when cinematic came out and i just wasn’t feeling the vibe of it except for a couple songs (shout out fiji water and cloud nine).
anyway, i have no other social media presence since i deleted my instagram and facebook a couple years ago, so i’m here to shout from the rooftops—
adam young is dropping a new album this summer and i’m going ABSOLUTELY FERAL. i hope you guys join me on this incredible journey.
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renlyslittlerose · 2 years
Tag Game to Better Know You
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by @ragnarlothcat and @bi-wan 💖
What book are you currently reading? Currently reading through ‘The City and the City’ by China Miéville! I’m going through his collection of works at the moment and enjoying myself.  
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? I only went to see the re-release of Rogue One so... I guess that! 
What do you usually wear? At home it’s a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and leggings or sweats. At work I look like a librarian from the 1930′s. 
How tall are you? 157 cm or 5′2. I’m short stuffs
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Aries! Share my birthday with Eric Idle, Marina Sirtis, and Lucy Lawless. And according to Wikipedia it’s also the day that the Royal Albert Hall was opened, and the first batch of Coca-Cola was produced! 
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? Full name irl, nickname online. 
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? At first I wanted to be an ancient Greek warrior. Suffice to say that didn’t work out. Then I wanted to be a vet but then I realized I sucked at math and science and faint at the sight of blood. So. No, I did not.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? I’m aro/ace
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?  I’m good being stupidly stubborn and sticking to things, even when I’m at my wits end. I’m bad at maintaining contact with people, even those I really care for. Sometimes its because of medical stuff, other times it’s because I just keep forgetting and don’t make the effort to send a message and check in. 
Dogs or cats? Kitty-cats 😻 I like visiting friends’ dogs and meeting them on the street, but I could never care for one like they’d need. 
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? It’s not been posted yet, but it’s an upcoming section from my WWII AU Obikin fic ‘Moonlight Serenade’
“I love this song,” Padmé said. Her voice sounded distant. Hazy, like the setting sun on the horizon.
“Me too,” he said, resting his chin on the top of her head. He closed his eyes and thought of Obi-Wan, freely and without shame. Thought of his smile, his voice, the tender touch of the fingertips as they brushed together. Thought of how important he was to Anakin, to his identity. His heart ached and he held on to Padmé a little harder - a little more forcefully.
She didn’t even flinch.
What’s something you would like to create content for? I’d like to get back to working on my original novel. It’s been on hold since the summer when I was put into an obikin chokehold and slammed into the wrestling mat. 
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Star Wars. Formula 1. My cat. My upcoming trip to Disneyland. 
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? Nothing! I was lucky this year; even the shitty stuff had a silver lining. Let’s hope that holds over for 2023...
What’s a hidden talent of yours? I’m really good at forgetting names and forgetting my keys behind locked doors. Do those count?
Are you religious? Nah.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? Certainty about the future of my health. And a pair of really warm winter boots - all my boots are more fashionable than practical because I’m vein and dumb.
I tag: @moitey @vulpesarctica @kyberkenobi @the-nuup @voidsteeth @gray-sparrow @dininginspace @benegesseritwitch (no pressure if you’re not feeling it!)
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castielsparkle · 2 years
tagged by @saintedcastiel tysm!!!! 💙
What book are you currently reading?
i am supposed to be reading american psycho but its in storage, my dad got it for my bday... like seven months ago askknjksa we were supposed to read it together and have a little book club so hopefully soon ill do that!! :3 also. i want to reread my dexter books!
What’s your favorite movie that you’ve seen in theaters this year?
ive only seen one movie in theaters this year which is megan but GOD so good!!!!! loved it so so sos o much
What do you usually wear?
when im at home i wear my Autism Clothes so sensory friendly sweatpants and a t shirt usually, occasionally a hoodie/sweater but when i go places i dress like. hang on. i dress like this :3
How tall are you?
i believe at the most five foot four... :3
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
gemini!!!! :D also not either of those but my birthday is on the same day luca was released!!!!! (i kin. alberto i love that movie.)
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
i go by a lot of things!! my primary name is dexter (usually shortened to dex) but i also go by cas/castiel, twi/twilight, and dusk!!!
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child?
hmm. i wanted to be an artist so in a way yes! but profession wise i did want to be a veterinarian for a good while, i just wouldnt be able to though. i would get too sad and also personal reasons lol. i would love to be an artist full time one day but! for now im looking into captioning :)
Are you in a relationship?
yes!!!! my beloved wife loml @t4tdexter we are also girlmutuals and soulmates hehe 💋
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
ok so i wanted to say im good at art but i feel like the parameters on that are perhaps a little skewed in my mind compared to the average person. personally i think many things about what being "good at art" constitutes (as in i believe most anyone who creates is good at it lol) so ill just say that. i am very good at organizing and categorization! (probably the autism :P) and i suppose i am bad at. starting new media and actually paying attention lol. my brother is always asking to watch shows and movies with me and i am just. always incapable of doing so 😭
Dogs or cats?
cats!! i appreciate dogs but as a pet owner i do quite enjoy having cats :) i have two at the moment! peach and apricot! they are both types of calicos :)
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line or favorite etc. from something you’ve created this year?
ooh!! i am very very proud of this post! (be warned for artistic nudity) its def my favorite from this year so far ^_^
What’s something you would like to create content for?
ive been wanting to make a lot of spn content lately but i also miss my mlp art!!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
supernatural....its the sound of the summer its so hot rihgt now its totally in
What’s something you’re excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
actually nothing so far! :D
Are you religious?
definitely not by typical terms id say!!
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
i am. so good at not dropping things and balancing things. i was quite an outstanding waiter at one point. :)
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
coca cola. im gona go get one
whoever wants to do it feel free!! (if u want me to add u in a tag to this post just dm me :P)
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eddystshirts · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 90s Vintage Distressed Always Coca-Cola Classic Logo T Shirt USA White Large L.
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
How long can they hold out?
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June 19, 2023
For people who complain endlessly about "cancel culture," the MAGA bobbleheads sure enjoy shunning anyone and anything they think betrayed their bigoted beliefs. Which constitutes a surprisingly large number of people, products and companies.
For instance, a boycott was declared against NASCAR in 2020 after the organization banned the Confederate flag from its events. And when the clothing company Carhartt required employees to get vaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic, many conservatives burned their Carhartt clothes and called for a boycott. Plus, only last summer, MAGAs were boycotting Walmart because the chain went “woke” and stopped carrying Mike Lindell’s stupid pillow.
In April, Bud Light beer partnered with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney to encourage customers to enter a promotional contest. And MAGA lost its collective mind. Has-been musician Kid Rock posted a video of himself firing an assault rifle at cases of the beverage. Country music's Travis Tritt said he was banning the brand from his tour. And Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light's parent company, received threats that bombs had been placed at various company locations.
But this year's Pride Month, celebrating the LGBTQ community, seems to have especially triggered the Magadonians. Walmart is once again being boycotted, this time for its Pride & Joy collection of gender-inclusive t-shirts, accessories and home decor. Facing threats for prominently displaying Pride-themed merchandise, Target moved those items to the back of its stores. Kohl's was also subjected to the hate campaign, but unlike Target decided to stand by its Pride merch.
Upon discovering the company's tolerance of the hated gays, conservative commentators are even calling for Fox News to be boycotted. Fumed outraged pundit Matt Walsh, "Fox Corp is celebrating Pride."
Then there's Chick-fil-A, the fast food chicken sandwich purveyor beloved by right-wingers for its public anti-gay marriage stance. That is, until they learned the company had a vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion (all of which are anathema to MAGA). Calls to embargo the franchise ensued.
Companies boycotted over their criticism of Georgia's racist anti-voter laws include Citigroup, Merck and Home Depot, as well as Georgia-based Delta Airlines, ViaComCBS and Coca Cola. And in recent years, Keurig coffee makers, Kellogg's cereal, M&Ms, Oreo cookies and Cracker Barrel restaurants have all been the targets of anti-woke boycotts. In Cracker Barrel's case, because (among other sins) they posted online a picture of a rainbow-colored rocking chair.
But all this boycotting creates a real problem for the maniacs of MAGAland. Without beer, clothing, high-calorie snacks, Walmart, Fox and fried chicken, how are these people ever going to survive?
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witlessficcer · 3 years
Movie Night
Summary: Natasha invites Peggy to the in house movie theater at the Avengers compound for a special date. 
This fic is for @blazestarninja13. She requested a movie night for Peggy and Nat. Though I didn’t get to Kate Hepburn’s striving against sexism, I think this still fits into the fun of 
When Nat asked for a third time to have movie night, just the two of them, Peggy finally relented. She certainly didn't have anything against watching movies, but had a hard time with how people acted in movies in the present. She had been assured by Nat that the movie they watched would not be violent; she agreed that the two of them had had enough of that for a lifetime. However, there was something to be said for a good crime movie. She had really enjoyed Laura, with Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney. Twisted stuff. She had no idea what movie Nat had in mind, but ultimately, sitting in a dark and empty, Stark engineered home theater, with her best girl at her side or in her lap, sounded pretty good.
Leaving her quarters, wearing a  v-neck, feathered, dark grey t-shirt and jeans, she wondered if she would be too cold. She never had been before. The Avengers compound was always just the right temperature. Even if she did get cold, Nat wouldn't have it. Goosebumps were a God given invitation for Natasha Romanoff to heat things up. Not that Nat needed a reason, God given or otherwise. She wondered what Nat was wearing.
Peggy had to admit, it never felt right walking into a genuine, if small, movie theater like she used to walk into her living room to listen to the radio. She had to admit that the sound and the picture and the ambiance were nice, but walking down the hall from her room into a movie house felt dodgy. No, not dodgy, but self serving. Did she really need or want all the opulence Stark provided? Shaking her head to cast off that strange tangent, she entered the low lit theater and was immediately drawn to the blonde bob sitting in the center seat of row 8. It was Nat's seat. Everyone knew. In fact, last she heard, Tony was supposed to have added a plaque.
Walking down the aisle, she was gratified to see Natasha put an arm over the seat back next her and look back expectantly. The woman had a beautiful smile. Shared it so rarely with the world. Peggy was also thankful that such a dangerously talented and gorgeous woman had chosen her.
“I saved you a seat,” Nat called back. “It was getting crowded.”
“It was the least you could do given you asked me on this date,” Peggy shot back, turning into the aisle. Nat rose from her seat at Peggy approached. She was wearing black jeans, big surprise, and a fitted, low cut, field green t-shirt that showed more cleavage than Peggy was comfortable with others seeing. “Aren't you worried, all the boys will be watching those bazooka's instead of the movie?”
“Speak for yourself,” Nat retorted. “Those torpedoes would would feed any kids dream for weeks.
The Black Widow patted the seat next to her and waited for Peggy to sit. As soon as she did, the blonde woman pulled her close and brushed her lips against her lover's as sheb moved off to the right and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. “You look fantastic. I love the ponytail.”
“I know you do,” Peggy added, with a playful scowl. “That's why I wore it. And, by the way is that dinky kiss all I get? Definite weak sauce from the Widow.”
Nat looked at her as if she would look at a child left alone for five minute, now slathered head to toe in peanut butter. She tilted her head for effect. “It's about the speed of the movie we're going to watch.”
“You may not like it as much, but I'm just fine with family movies. They make me feel good. Or are they called feel good movies these days?”
“Don't hurt yourself, Cap,” the shorter woman said. “The movie we're going to see is more of a classic.”
“I love classics!” Peggy said, excitedly, a grin growing ever larger across her lips. “Star Wars, The Goonies, Toy Story.”
There was a sudden pain in her sizable shoulder. “Shite! What was that for?”
Natasha retracted her fist and pinned Peggy with a powerful side eye. “No pain. No Gain.”
“You didn't just say that,” Peggy said in mock horror. “You didn't.”
Nat took a deep breath. “No. You heard nothing. That was awful.”
“Whew!” Peggy said, checking her Apple watch. “I was afraid I would have another commitment if you let that one stay out there.”
“Just shut up for a minute, you Big Oaf,” Nat said, playfully placing her hand high on Peggy's left thigh. “The movie is about to start.”
“But we don't have any snacks?” Peggy said, anxiously. “I have to have a Coca-Cola.”
Natasha laughed at her girlfriend's frenzied state. Nat reached to her left and produced a silver champagne bucket filled with ice and four bottles of Coke. From Mexico. With real cane sugar.
Peggy gasped at the simple gesture of love. Her cheeks flushed and her eyes glistened. There was enough wetness that she removed her pale blue glasses and wiped the tears away. “This is amazing, Nat.”
“But wait,” Nat said, drawing out the mystery. “There's more.”
Nat also produced another large bucket, this one paper, and filled with popcorn and real movie theater style butter. Peggy took it gladly She set it in the seat next to her as she allowed the ice cold silver to burn her inner thighs. Reaching over, she place a hand on Nat's neck and pulled her strongly into a kiss. The Widow's lightning fast reflexes shot an index finger between their lips before they could meet. “Not done yet. Reaching to her left one final time, she brought forth two large movie size candy boxes. She handed Peggy a box of Junior Mints while she kept a box of Dots for herself.
“You really thought of everything,” Peggy said, staring happily into her lover's eyes.
“I did,” she said, leaning forward and pulling a large soft baby blue blanket from the chair in front of her. “I'm sorry we can't snuggle while we watch, but we can be warm and we can hold hands. We cant touch shoulders and tilt our heads together like an old Norman Rockwell painting.”
“I love Norman Rockwell,” Peggy said.
“I know you do,” Natasha replied. “I love it when you hold my hand.”
“I know you do,” Peggy said, reaching over and taking the hand of the former assassin.
“Jarvis, start the movie,” Nat called to the empty room. The lights lowered and the red velvet curtains drew away. When the silver screen flickered to life, it was in black and white. The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo appeared on screen. The Lion Roared. As the music rose, Natasha watched Peggy closely. Her chest was rising and falling more quickly and her grip on Nat's hand had tightened. Her eyes were wide and glued to the screen. When the title “The Philadelphia Story” lit up the screen Peggy let out an an excited scream and jumped from her seat, pulling Nat up with her. She pulled night into the tightest hug. Really tight, lifting her her off the ground. Setting her back down, she cupped her lover's face in her hand and made to mash her lips with abandon. Instead, she brushed her lips against the other and moved off to left to right and planted a firm kiss on Natasha's flush cheek. She continued to the other woman's ear and whispered passionately: “This is amazing. I love it. I love you. I want you.”
“I guess it's my turn to make you wait,” Nat replied, breathlessly. “But I don't think the movie is that long.”
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the-finch-address · 3 years
15. The overall aesthetic of a character (colours, sights, sounds–things that represent them!) also hi, Finch.
hello hello! Going to use tDY characters for this as an excuse to do the Saints as well!! >:)
JUDAS | black [red] // big dogs // teeth and tongue // the taste of steel - of barbed wire // streets with flickering lights // old t-shirts // loyalty loyalty loyalty // twigs snapping underfoot // this picture
FARROW | the color of dawn // chain-link fences // hands and laughter [grief] // thread bracelets // dust in the sunlight // a limping bird // old furniture // photographs // savior complex // this picture
ROMAN | pink // coca-cola // bare feet // the chime of a grandfather clock // anger [fire] fire [warmth] // vhs tapes // old musty blankets // the space beneath the bed // whispering - screaming // this picture
HAVARD | afternoon sky // stolen beer // all of the throat // leather seats in the summer // the pinch front crease // motor oil // claustrophobia // ash tray // the whine of a dying radio // this picture
SAM | [ocean] blues // eyes and ears // highlighter ink [smearing] fresh notes // buses walks home [alone] // hospital rooms // marble statues // the deep end of the pool // paper receipts // this picture
SHIRLEY | silver // strong cologne // arms [holding] // unread messages // family disappointment // fancy suits [dyed hair] // money and cash and coin // dark humor // covered bruises // this picture
ELIAS | royal purple, silk // desolate fields // scuffed - bruised knees // [holy holy holy] // sunlight through broken windows // old voices // paint that has peeled away // the stink of a furnace // this picture
FIRST | desire // snake fangs // smoke // unlocked doors // the first bite of an apple // lilies // echoed voices in old, empty rooms
SECOND | insatiability // eagles // motion sickness // chaos // marrow in bone // grotesque indulgence // creaking bed springs
THIRD | excess // bulls // hands that are full // classical music // to have and to hold [and to keep] // gloves // frowning deeply // silence
FOURTH | exhaustion // the smell of chlorine // standing still // mumbling alone // weighted desolation // rooms at night // death
FIFTH | vengeance // broken noses // anticipation - feet coming down the hallway // pointed fingers // a whip // the taste of sweat
SIXTH | jealousy // man // naked hearts // broken beaks - torn feathers // cotton mouth // sunflowers turning towards the sun
SEVENTH | vanity // lions // old - bleeding wounds // shallow waters // bloodied teeth // self fulfilling prophecies // to conquer // to fall
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maybankiara · 4 years
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead.
w/c: 3k
a/n: ah. the bittersweet taste of our own flaws. -- probably addie in this chapter tbh. basically marianne being very british and making addie Question Everything, as best friends do
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Virgin Mary | 3:47pm so the gang is planning a night out this week, you free saturday?
Me | 5:07pm why this saturday? Me | 5:07pm is it someone’s birthday?? Me | 5:07pm pls say no
Virgin Mary | 5:08pm Tom’s is in two weeks and you better not forget that
Me | 5:08pm ffs marianne i won’t
Virgin Mary | 5:09pm you better not bitch I need your help with the present Virgin Mary | 5:09pm can’t give my boy anything less than perfection
Me | 5:10pm wow what a way to not put pressure in your about-to-burst-from-stress friend
Virgin Mary | 5:11pm you mean my overdramatic friend? Virgin Mary | 5:11pm get your hole and you’ll be fine
Me | 5:11pm MARIANNE
Virgin Mary | 5:12pm BITCH WHAT Virgin Mary | 5:12pm you need to shag Virgin Mary | 5:12pm when’s the last time you got your hole
Me | 5:13pm I’m busy okay i don’t want a boyfriend rn
Virgin Mary | 5:14pm so that’s totally why I’ve been hearing about Holden for the past three months 👀
Me | 5:15pm you do realise we work at the same place right Me | 5:15pm i can’t just hook up with a guy i have to see every day for at least 8 hours
Virgin Mary | 5:16pm fucking hell you’re a tuff nut
Me | 5:17pm go make me some tea pls Me | 5:17pm I’m home in 20 and I’ve got some late emails
Virgin Mary | 5:17pm whatever bitch Virgin Mary | 5:18pm you’re a freaking workaholic Virgin Mary | 5:18pm shag Holden
Me | 5:19pm shut up Me | 5:19pm ur blocked ❤
Virgin Mary | 5:20pm so are you free on saturday or not? Virgin Mary | 5:33pm ur cancelled❤
The music coming from their apartment is loud enough that Addie hears it as she walks up the staircase. She can’t distinguish the song, but the beat’s there, and she’s either imagining Marianne singing along, or it’s actually happening. One is just as likely as the other. 
  It gets louder when Addie walks through the door, and she figures it’s safe to assume it’s her friend rather than her imagination. The door closes behind her, sound swallowed by whatever rock song Marianne is blasting through the speaker – this is what Addie is used to. 
  She leaves her purse on the drawer at the side of the hallway, one that’s filled with trinkets they’ve got nowhere else to put, and she hangs the raincoat right next to it. Her shoes are the next to come off – the loss of the three inches that the burgundy platforms come with comes as soon as she steps out of them. Her feet are grounding her on the floor, now, and a moment’s break is all she gives herself. It’s peace after a tedious day of relentless work; it’s the calm from the scent of cinnamon candles, Earl Grey tea, and the dish Marianne is making that smells very Italian – this feels like home. 
  Addie makes her way to the kitchen. Her roommate is singing her heart out to music coming from the speaker on the round table, stirring whatever’s in the pot in front of her. Marianne doesn’t notice her come in, so Addie walks over to the speaker and tunes it down, low enough for them to talk. 
  ‘Honey, I’m home!’ 
  Marianne turns around with a big smile on her face. Her ginger hair is pulled into a high ponytail, loose from what Addie assumes must’ve been a kitchen concert. This is paired with sweats and a loose crop top, and Marianne’s demeanour is enough to tell her she’s ready to tackle the weekend ahead of them. 
  ‘Honey, welcome home’’ She points behind Addie. ‘There’s your tea. I’m making lasagna and it’ll be ready in about half an hour.’
  ‘Shit, I've actually been craving that today.'
  The girl goes back to stirring the pot, swaying her hips to the tune of the music. ‘Sixth sense, Addie. Bruce Willis had it right.’
  ‘I told you that movie creeps me out!’
  ‘It’s a masterpiece and you’re a pussy.’
  Instead of a reply, Addie huffs with an eye roll, taking a sip from the cup. It’s midnight blue with a quote from one of the books Marianne likes, imported straight from the British Isles. The colour is faded on the holding part of the mug, but it remains the girl’s favourite mug despite a variety of prettier, newer mugs she’s acquired over the time. 
  Marianne is simple. She’s got things she loves and doesn’t stray from that. 
  They chat for a bit, Marianne preparing the lasagna to go into the oven and Addie drinking her tea. Addie learns that the firm Marianne is interning for has gotten a new project for a family home on the outskirts of Atlanta and the interns are being allowed to try out their hand at designing it, and the firm will end up critiquing their work and possibly giving one of them the chance to have their design turned into reality. 
  It’s an exciting thing – the most Marianne has gotten in the past three months of working there. 
  The lasagna is put into the oven and Addie announces her shower time, and promises Marianne she better tell her about her day after she scrubbed off all that reminds her of the office. Taking her contact lenses out and getting into the shower after a long day is the one feeling Addie cherishes more than just the arrival home in itself. Her showers are long, with steam rising and fogging up the blurred glass sides of the shower and the mirror in the bathroom. 
  When she gets out of the bathroom, she’s wearing an outfit that mirrors her roommate’s. Her hair’s wet and wrapped into an old T-shirt, basking in a curl-defining product she got the other day. She’s got a facemask on, too, and Marianne sighs at the sight of it. 
  ‘Bad day, huh?’
  Addie walks up to the counter beside the oven, taking out some cutlery and begins to set the table. ‘I envy you. All your bosses are so self-absorbed that they don’t even notice you guys. Mine are self-absorbed and narcissistic, so we get all the work nobody can be fucked with.’
  Marianne taps on the table with the fork she’s just been given. ‘No swearing, missy.’
  The brunette raises an eyebrow, trying to figure out if her roommate is joking. Then she remembers her resolution from a few days ago -- “I will swear less because I’m not a fucking sailor.” “That’s a quarter in the jar, Miss.”
  ‘Whatever,’ mutters Addie. She places the last of the dishes on the table and plops into the chair across from her roommate, resting her head in her hands. ‘I’m so tired of Harrington. The divorce isn’t going well because his ex has actually got a brain, which he hadn’t anticipated, and now he’s literally just throwing the worst shit at us. And to complete it, Patty is just being her regular cruel self.’
  ‘That’s horrible.’ Marianne scrunches her nose. ‘That’s also three quarters now.’
  ‘I’m allowed to say shit!’
  ‘Well, you’re the one who decided to swear less.’
  ‘Saying shit isn’t swearing. It’s basically a normal word.’
  The look Marianne gives her is full of friendly scorn. Addie sighs and fishes three quarters out of her wallet that’s on the table—she can’t believe saying “shit” alone cost her two quarters—and throws them into the jar that's on the part of the table closest to the wall. There’s hardly anything in it, but Addie reckons that’s more because of the fact that she’s hardly both home and awake anymore, as opposed to her not swearing a lot. 
  Marianne walks over to the oven, checking the lasagna. She pulls the door open and hot air fills the small space, alongside the smell of a beautifully done Italian dish – or Addie is just really hungry. 
  ‘Patty made Holden and I work on a budget plan for some Grubson’s subdivision upstate. We did budgeting. He majored in finance and I majored in economics and we’re doing damn accounting.’
  ‘You’re interning for a law firm,’ notes Marianne, putting oven mittens on. ‘You shouldn’t expect to do exactly what you want to do.’
  Addie’s lip curls into a bitter grin. Her friend is right, and she knows it and she hates that this is what her career has come to -- wasting her actual talents because the industry is shitty as it is. She’s got to put in triple the effort her white male colleagues do, and even then, her brilliance is hardly registered. 
  The lasagna is on the table. Marianne gives each of them a piece and Addie fills their glasses with some Coca Cola-ripoff they got at Tesco. The music from the speaker changes to something more dinner-appropriate. 
  ‘This looks delicious, Marianne.’
  ‘It better be. Took me nearly three damn hours.’
  Both girls blow on their slice before taking it, and both of them still end up having to half-blow through the food while it’s in their mouths, bursting into laughter as they watch one another struggle. 
  ‘I don’t know what’s your excuse,’ says Addie, having finally swallowed the piece, ‘but mine is that I’m absolutely starving.’
  Marianne pretends to chuck some food at her. ‘My excuse is that I invested a lot of time in this.’
  ‘Fair. It’s amazing.’
  At this, the girl beams with happiness, and Addie can’t hold back a smile even as she struggles through the heat of another piece, her stomach grumbling. 
  ‘Anyway, it’s shit. It got so bad today that I ended up spending nearly all of my time with Holden— No, hush, I’m not having it— Seriously, Marianne, we’re literally work colleagues!’ Addie sighs in exasperation, one finger raised in the last effort at getting her friend to stop nagging her about her colleague. 
  Marianne pouts, then gives away an innocent shrug. ‘All I’m saying is that there’s something there.’
  All Addie can do is roll her eyes and focus on the plate in front of her. Her fork pierces through the lasagna with a little too much force than warranted, and the brunette concludes that’s enough to show how irritated Marianne got her.
  Despite her hardest attempts at denying it, Marianne’s kind of got a point. Addie’s been at the internship for over three months now and it’s not like she has gotten close with anyone – at least, not enough to call them friends. Her career and education have always taken the priority over friends and temporary relationships, and it’s never hurt her in any way. Sure, she might’ve been lonely from time to time, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t end up with great friends, regardless. 
  With the internship and a Master’s degree to work on, Addie doesn’t really have time for personal connections that won’t last. 
  Addie shakes the thought out of her head. The lasagna bit is steaming in her mouth and Marianne rolls her eyes, but it eases the tension between the two. 
  ‘There’s nothing between us, Marianne,’ says Addie, once her mouth isn’t burning anymore. ‘We’re a good team. Patty and Harrington noticed that we get more done than any other teams.’
  ‘So there’s work chemistry. You don’t have that with just about every other person, Addie. Especially not you.’
  Especially not Addie, who likes to have her work done at specific times of the day, filing it in a specific way, handling her responsibility like a drop of water. Again, Marianne’s got a point. 
  ‘Plus, he’s pretty good looking.’
  The memory of showing Marianne pictures of Holden makes her chuckle. ‘You flipped out. I was scared for Tom.’
  ‘Please,’ scoffs Marianne, waving her hand. ‘There’s no one better than Tom. But after I spent a whole month listening to how well you’re getting on with this Holden guy, how much better it’s to work with him than other people, how much he’s helped you join the group… How else was I supposed to react when I found out that he’s a hot piece of blonde-hair blue-eyes?’
  ‘I just…’ Addie’s fork moves some of the lasagna around the plate. ‘I don’t know. I didn’t want you to think he’s hot.’
  Marianne huffs. ‘All I’m saying is, don’t write him off.’
  ‘I’m not writing him off. I just don’t have the time to focus on anything romantic right now.’
  ‘That’s bullshit and you know it.’ Marianne finishes the last of her slice and puts her fork down, leaning back in the chair. ‘Addie, you’re the most organised person I know. You never have a problem making it to any of the things our group organises, so why do you always say you don’t have time to hang out with people from work?’
  For a few moments, the only sounds in the kitchen/dining area are whatever’s coming out of the speaker, Addie’s work scratching the bottom of the plate, and her chewing. 
  She knows Marianne’s got a point, again. It’s starting to annoy her.
  ‘Things are good the way they are,’ she finally says, the admission heavy across her lips. ‘I get closer to any of them, it’ll become more difficult to point out what they’ve done wrong, or do my own work if I want to know about their day. It’s already difficult enough with Holden, and we’re just friends.’
  ‘That’s different. You want to shag him.’
  ‘I don’t—’
  ‘Are you seriously trying to deny the fact that you’re attracted to someone who looks like a damn nineties movie star?’
  Addie grunts, burying her face in her hands. ‘Fine. He’s hot.’
  There’s a pregnant pause and when she finally dares look at Marianne, the girl has a tired smile on her face. She knows this look -- a combination of I told you so and I could be your therapist, you don’t need to pay for one. 
  Marianne taps her hand, her smile widening. ‘I know your career means a lot to you, but you’ve got to loosen up. You’re going to burn out.’
  ‘Everybody burns out.’
  ‘Yeah, but you’re gonna do it at, like, thirty.’
  Not dignifying this with a response, Addie rises to her feet, taking her plate and Marianne’s, then stacks the cutlery on top. She’s acutely aware of Marianne waiting for a reaction, even if she doesn’t want to give her one. Instead, she gets to washing the dishes. Running water drowns out the tension easily enough for it to slip into the back of her mind.
  She hears Marianne’s chair let out a squeak a moment later. Her ginger hair appears in the corner of Addie’s eye, and she sees her put the uneaten half of the lasagna into the fridge, wrapped up in aluminium foil. When finished, Marianne rests against the counter with the small of her back.
  Neither of the girls says anything. Addie is trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that’s trying to convince her Marianne is right.
  She sets the washes dishes aside, letting them air dry on the dish rack.
  ‘All I meant was that you could go out with them, for a change, not turn your life upside down,’ says Marianne. ‘Just think about it.’
  Addie presses her lips together. ‘Okay. I’ll think about it.’
  ‘Great! Anyway, you need to come out with us on Saturday. Leanne spent fifteen minutes of our coffee date today just freaking out over the fact that you met Drew Starkey.’ A beat. ‘She binged Outer Banks yesterday.’
  ‘I can’t believe my life is finally interesting to you guys.’ Addie puts away the last of the dishes and wipes her hands with a kitchen towel, smiling. ‘All it took was meeting an actor.’
  Marianne pushes herself up on the counter, grinning like a fox. ‘It’s not just that you met him, Addie. It’s been three months and you still talk.’
  ‘Not really. We haven’t talked in’—she counts the days in her head—‘about two weeks.’
  ‘Oh, so you haven’t talked since he read your essay and shared it to his hundreds of thousands of followers and said how much he liked it?’
  The sigh Marianne lets out is pure exasperation. Addie walks out of the kitchen and the girl follows suit, bringing the speaker along. Both of them plop on the couch as they usually do for half an hour after dinner, before going each to their own studying sessions. Deciding to room with Marianne, who’s currently also doing an internship and a Master’s degree (in architecture), was one of the best decisions Addie has ever made.
  Except for the times when Marianne is awfully nosy for a Brit – must be the French part of her.
  With her legs criss-crossed and an arm draped over the back of the couch, Marianne is in her element. ‘That is not your average celebrity interaction.’
  ‘I know.’
  ‘So you’re telling me you’re not trying to get on that?’
  ‘On what?’ asks Addie, feeling her irritation levels steadily rising again. ‘Jesus, Marianne. I’m not trying to get with every guy who’s good-looking and nice to me. We share some opinions on social media and whatnot, he agreed with them. It’s not that big of a deal.’
  ‘So you’re saying you wouldn’t shag him if you had the chance?’
  Addie looks away. Her cheeks are hot and body is on fire, and she’s had more than enough of Marianne’s attitude today, and that’s on top of already having had a pretty fucking shitty day in the first place.
  ‘You can’t be ser—’
  ‘I don’t want to talk about this anymore.’
  She grabs her phone and, absentmindedly, checks her Instagram notifications – none. The feeling in her stomach intensifies and she opens up her work group chat instead, and curses herself for hoping that maybe there’d be a specific person in her messages.
  Maybe Marianne isn’t that far off.
tagging. @jjmaybanksbaby​​​​ @taiter-tots​​​​ @sacredto​​​​ @snkkat​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​ @yeslifeofateen​​​​ @rudypnkw​​​​ @stfukie​​​​ @x-lulu​​​​ @sacredto​​​​ @drewstarkey​​​​ @butgilinsky​​​​ @solllaris​​​​ @hyperactive2411​​​​ @chasefreakinstokes​​​​ @surferkie​​​​ @jroseron​​​​ @k-k0129​​​​ @starlightstories​​
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tgai-spock · 4 years
Lines of ice from rolling was and subtle villains
Early Days Slumber Parties 
Chapter 10
That evening after dinner Spock was sitting on his bed flicking through some books on his tablet while he waited for the others to go to sleep, so he could mediate.
“Has anyone seen Charlie?” Christine asked as she painted her nails. Hikaru watched absorbed, a vintage game cube with cowboy sounds coming from it in his hands.
“Not since this morning” Hikaru said, his eyes on the nail varnish. 
“Why?” Nyota asked and gave a wink to her neighbour “you like him?”
“No hun, he was snoring and I wasn’t fond. I’m a snorer myself so I brought some extra snore blockers with me. I thought I’d give him them so I could get a decent sleep.”
“You snore?” Nyota grinned with a paperback book and tea in hand “you’re far too pretty for that.”
Christine smiled “well I’d agree, but unfortunately thats not how it works.”
“Now that you mention it I did hear a rumble last night” Nyota said thoughtfully “it went right through my ear plugs.”
“You brought ear plugs? I wish I’d done that, I thought I’d be the loudest one snoring though” Christine sighed. Spock hadn’t heard a rumble, he had decided since his bed was alarmed he was safe to use his ear plugs which seemed to have worked.
“…can you do mine?” Hikaru finely asks nervously. Christine grinned and patted the bottom of her bed.
“Come choose a colour.” Christine said, Hikaru grinned moving across to her bed. Pavel entered the room wearing baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt. Pavel gave a dancers twirl whilst walking towards their bed.
“I am clean” Pavel announced proudly.
“Thank you for your basic hygiene.” Hikaru said.
“You have thoroughly shamed me into looking after myself. But it’s for the best so no hard feelings.” Pavel wafted the words away.
“Maybe Charlie found that vending machine” Nyota said “and it made him so sad he went home.”
“Why would a vending machine make him sad?” Hikaru asked.
“The one covered in eating-disorder posters, and suicide hotlines” Nyota said with a roll of her eyes.
“Oh that one. Yeah, thats believable” Hikaru said picking up several types of green nail varnish “I can’t believe thats even a thing.”
“I don’t even know where it is. It’s so sad because I’d love a  biscuit, I usually eat something at night. I like a treat before I sleep.” Nyota says “also does anyone know where the gym is?”
“Yeah. I found it, you know, because I work out a lot” Christine said and gave a flex of her arms, and they were muscular arms, “but apparently we’re not allowed to use the gym until we’ve had our first P.E lesson anyway.”
Nyota glanced at her phone “not until Wednesday? That’s my streak ruined.”
“We could go for a run around the field in the morning if you want.”  Christine suggested.
Nyota shrugged “I won’t be wearing my makeup up at that time.”
“What times that?”
“Quarter past six.”
“Are you sure you don’t mean, half past six?” Christine suggested.
“Alright, I could do that” Nyota nodded “anyone else want to join us, Hikaru?”
“Not this week.”
“I don’t exercise” he said, and it was true.
“If you add exercise to your routine it’ll help you study.” Nyota encouraged with one of her beautiful smiles. Spock thought hard, he really, really, really, really didn’t want to do that. But was this some sort of human friend making ritual? He didn’t care for friends, but he did care if one his dorm-mates were going to stab him in his sleep, and apparently, that was something a “friend” didn’t do. Spock grimaced audibly.
“Sure, I guess I can add exercise to my routine this year. Let me just change my alarm to 6:30” Spock said and his katra weeped.
“Do you exercise with your hat on?” Hikaru asked. Spock pulled his hat further over his head.
“Yeah.” Spock said.
“Do you sleep with it.” Hikaru asked. Spock took a deep breath.
“Yes” he said, because he did sleep within a hands reach of his hat.
“Are you fucking bullying him?” Christine asked with a frown, as she cracked open a nail varnish for Hikaru’s nails.
“I was just wondering! It’s a nice hat.”
“You’re fucking jealous.” Spock said. A bold use of a swear word, and not at all guaranteed to work.
Hikaru’s eyes go wide “I, yeah, yeah I guess I am.”
“You can’t have it” Spock says and goes back to reading his book.
“I’m glad you’re going to come anyway, I’ve never had a group of friends to work-out with Pavel what about you, want to join?”
“I’ll exercize after I have my firzt heart attack” Pavel said taking a swig from a coca-cola bottle. Nyota gasped.
“You found the vending machine!”
“It took me forty-five minutes and six flights of stairs, but yeah, I found it.”
“Have you got any chocolate?” Nyota asked.
“I did stock up - because it turns out, that headmaster guy really wasn’t joking about all those eating disorder posters, and theres also like pictures of starving people on it, and like Tarus posters, it’s really just the worst. I feel like it should be a crime.”
“I’d just take all the posters off” Christine said.
“You can’t there’s like, laminated glass over zem.”
“I’d just draw all the skinny people to look fat.”
“I feel like thats against the rules” Pavel squinted “but I’d appreciate it. Anyway I got ‘Marshmallows’, ‘biscuits’, ‘chocolate’, cookies, and a whole bunch of ‘honey comb' bars”.
“Can I have a cookie?” Nyota asked.
“Sure” Pavel said.
“Can I have some honeycomb?” Hikaru asked wide eyed.
“Yeah, they aren’t vegan though.”
“I’m allowed a treat.” He said and Pavel handed over the crunchy bar.
“Can I get some chocolate please?” Christine asked, and was given.
“What about you Spock?” Pavel asked with a tilt of his head.
“I’m good, thank you.”
“What? No you’ve got to take one, choose or I’ll give you one at random? Chocolate? Marshmallows?” Sometime humans got offended when you didn’t accept gifts from them. Especially in the case of food. He’d read that in ‘human manners for dummies’.
“Marshmallows” Spock said, he supposed it was probably the least likely to kill him. Pavel grinned and chucked them at him.
“Thanks.” Spock said.
“No problem. The food bank of Pavel is for all.” Pavel said happily flexing their arms as though they were a hero who had fed a starving nation.
“He didn’t even want it” Nyota said.
“The food bank is for all! Wether they want it or not!” Pavel said with a clap of his hands. Spock turned the marshmallow over in his hand to read the ingredients as he opened up his alarm to change it to 6:30am.
[Chapter 1]         [Chapter 2]        [Chapter 3]          [Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]         [Chapter 6]         [Chapter 7]          [Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]         [Chapter 10]      [Chapter 11]
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
Just a Puppy Crush - Chapter Fourteen Ship(s): Violet/Clementine, Louis/Aasim, Ruby/Brody Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
When they pulled into the parking lot, Louis’ demeanor changed immediately. He craned his head to look inside the diner cautiously, then let his eyes dart between the stained glass windows of the diner and a red, beat-up car in the employees parking section.
      “Earth to Louis,” Violet leaned forward and shook her hand in front of Louis’ eyes, and frowned at his silence. “What’s up?”
“Huh?” Louis blinked absently, then took the key out and gave a weary smile to Violet through the rear view mirror. “Sorry, this heat is too much. It’s fucking October, when is it gonna start acting like it?”
     Unconvinced, Marlon pressed his face up against the passenger seat window and looked at the car. His eyes lit up, and he flashed Louis a goofy smile as he made the connection.
“Flame decals. That’s Aasim’s car.” Marlon happily noted, brushing his shoulder against the flustered Louis’. “That why you wanted to go to the diner?”
       “Purely a coincidence!” Louis stammered, gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white.
Violet and Clementine exchanged a look, and rolled their eyes as Louis went down his list of excuses.
       “Shame I don’t believe in those,” Marlon sang out, slamming the car door behind him as he marched into the diner. Still stuttering to explain, Louis followed close behind him.
“That’s.. kind of adorable.” Clementine giggled, unbuckling her seat belt and jumping out of the car. “Idiot probably has his work schedule memorized.”
        Violet snorted, and swallowed her laughter as Clem wrapped herself around the taller girl’s arm. “C’mon, let’s catch up with them.”
‘80s rock hit their ears as soon as they opened the swinging doors, and Marlon and Louis had already sat down in a booth near the jukebox.
      Louis was using one of those cartoonishly gigantic menus to cover his face, and Violet rolled her eyes as she snatched it when she sat down across from him.
“Dude, you okay?” Violet pressed, concern clouding her eyes as she frowned. Louis sighed and let a weary smile form on his face.
        “I’m all sweaty and gross after the game. I didn’t really factor that in.” Louis admitted wearily, taking the menu back from her and creating a barrier. “I.. uh.. feel kinda weird.”
Violet clasped her hands together and scanned the restaurant. A couple kids from school, but none she was really close to. Aasim was nowhere to be seen.
      “Don’t worry, Lou,” Violet pressed the menu down and offered the pouting Louis a smile. “I don’t see him anywhere. He’s probably on dish washing duty.”
After a couple tentative seconds, Louis nodded and let himself relax, fiddling with a sugar packet. “Yeah, okay. You’re right.”
        Clementine giggled, softly kicking his knee under the table. “Who would’ve thought you, of all people, would be such a wimp about your feelings?”
Louis glared, arching his brow as he glanced between Clem and Violet. “Oh, I’m a wimp about my feelings?”
         Before the girls could protest, the big red employee’s only door opened, and Aasim was practically shoved out of the kitchen. Clem turned to Louis and waggled her eyebrows, and snatched the menu before he could retreat.
“Aasim, buddy!” Marlon ushered him over to their table. “Did they kick you out again?”
       Sheepishly, Aasim nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, fuckers keep calling me bossy just because I have standards of what I’d eat off of.”
Louis had leaned heavily against the table, cradling his cheek as he wracked his brain for literally anything to say.
      “You’re just decisive,” Louis landed on a compliment, and fanned himself with a menu. “I like that in a wo- Man.. person.”
Aasim absently blinked a couple times before grabbing a notebook and pretending nothing had happened. “So, what can I get you guys?”
       “A fuckton of pancakes!” Violet jumped in with an answer before Louis could embarrass himself any further. Marlon and Clementine nodded in agreement, and the flustered Aasim turned on his heel and went back into the kitchen all too happily.
Louis immediately cradled his head as if in pain, elbows against the counter. “What the fuck was that?”
    Violet rolled her eyes and tipped his chin up, before shaking his shoulders to snap him out of it. “You are an absolute mess, Lou. Just treat him like you treat us. Like a friend!”
Louis pursed his lips and shook his head. “I’m not going to make fun of him and call him a scrub.”
      Clementine snorted as Violet sighed and leaned back in her seat, chewing on her straw. “Vi’s got a point there, you know. Just try and take it easy, okay? Be normal Louis.”
“The day I take romantic advice from you two pining nerds is the day Marlon shaves the pubes that he dare calls a mustache.” Louis clenched his dreads in his fist, as Marlon shot him a glare and checked himself on the napkin container. “Sorry man, the truth comes out when I’m panicking.”
         Clementine and Violet were too busy blushing furiously and looking at anything other than each other to notice Aasim approach their table. Struggling to hold a couple plates, he set down a stack of pancakes in front of Clem and Marlon.
He held the whipped cream bottle in his hands, and recoiled when Clem went to reach for it. “Just don’t use up the entire thing this time, okay?”
      She quickly snatched it from his hands and turned it upside down, letting it pour all over her pancakes. “No promises.”
Aasim rolled his eyes and turned towards Louis and Violet. “Yours will take a little bit longer. Chocolate chip’s your favorite, right?”
       Violet went to answer but recoiled at the realization that Aasim was staring down Louis, and that she was the last thing on his mind.
“Aw, you remembered!” Louis cooed, cupping the sides of his face to give a charmingly dorkish smile. “And my favorite drink is...”
       “Sprite.” Aasim snorted, before his cheeks reddened and he started stammering for excuses. “I only remember that because you said Marlon thinks it’s ‘too spicy’.”
“Oh, fuck you. Sprite is harsh, man.” Marlon muttered through a mouthful of pancakes, glaring at the laughing Louis across from him. Clementine and Violet giggled, letting their knees softly rest against each other under the table.
    A lady from behind the counter pushed two plates of steaming chocolate chip pancakes towards Aasim, who gingerly planted them in front of Violet and Louis.
Aasim lingered around the table for a while longer, anxiously looking over his shoulder back at the kitchen before his name was called and he scurried back to the counter.
     “Aw, look!” Clementine smiled down at her phone before tilting it towards Violet and Louis. “They’re so cute.”
It was a new post on Brody’s Instagram of her and Ruby in a costume shop dressing room, Brody’s arm slung around Ruby as she stuck out her tongue and gave a peace sign to the camera.
        Violet’s eyes almost bulged out of her head at the sight of Ruby with her hair not in it’s signature messy ponytail. She looked so nice with it down, bouncy red curls spilling over her shoulder.
Brody also looked super different. Her hair was up in pigtails, and the end of each were blue and red. She was holding a cartoonish plastic hammer over her shoulder, and wearing a red and blue bomber jacket over a plain white T-shirt.
      [The caption: “There are sweeter things to do in the moonlight.” along with party streamers and flower emojis.]
“Rubes makes a killer Poison Ivy,” Louis guffawed, taking the phone from Clem’s hands. “Brody is a really good Harley Quinn too! Those dorks are adorable.”
        Violet nodded, cupping her Coca Cola in her hands as she observed the picture. “Think they’ll get together before Halloween?”
Louis snorted, and passed the phone back to Clementine before shoveling a load of pancakes back into his mouth. “Puh-lease, they’re even more clueless than y-“
         Clem ‘accidentally’ kicked Louis’ shin under the table, and he pulled it to his chest, silently glaring.
“So, what are you guys being for Halloween?” Marlon eagerly changed the subject, swirling the straw around in his drink.
       “Sexy cat, probably.” Louis beamed, causing Marlon to choke on his straw. “Nah, I’m not really that sure. Was thinking about jumping onto the clown bus.”
“Perfect, you don’t even need to change!” Clem giggled, holding onto her sides as Louis threw a crumpled up straw wrapper at her. “What about you, Vi?”
        Violet wiped the syrup off of her lips. “I have this old pirate costume that my mom made for me. I might wear that out.”
Clementine’s eyes lit up and she grabbed Violet’s hand that was laying on the table. “We should go together! I was a pirate last year and I could totally reuse it.”
       “Uh, yeah. Definitely.” Violet’s eyes were pinned on Clem’s hands over hers, and hoped her face wasn’t as red as she felt it was. “What about AJ?”
“He’s gonna be Disco Broccoli.” Clementine giggled, tapping her free hand on the table. “He might tag along with us if Carley and Lee can’t take him out. Is that okay?”
       “Oh, abso-tutley.” Violet quickly responded, a smile on her face as she tried to imagine the little hothead of a kid playing the chill, collected Disco Broccoli. He did have killer dance moves though, so she didn’t doubt he could pull it off.
It took a couple more minutes for everyone to finish and for Louis to start scraping the plate with his fork, trying desperately to scoop up any pancake remains.
       Aasim came up and placed the bill on the table, raising his eyebrow at Louis’ odd behavior. “Is he okay?”
Marlon took the fork from his hand and put his hand on his shoulder in an attempt to console him. “Lou’s always inconsolable after a really good meal. He’ll be alright.”
        “Well, you can come back tomorrow...” Aasim wearily suggested, Louis’ head snapping up at the statement. “Only if you want to! I’ll be working tomorrow after school and I could probably sneak some extra pancakes for you.”
Louis clasped his hands together happily, and took the bill from the end of the table. “I’ll be here. You’d have to barricade the doors to keep me from coming.”
      “I’m pretty sure that’s against customer policy, but I’ll keep a stool free for you.” Assim rebuked wittily, his thumbs tucked nervously into his front pocket. Louis passed the bill back to him, and did that one charming smile that could make someone faint if they looked too close.
“Uh, cool.” Aasim stammered, just noticing the other three’s presence when Clementine cleared her throat. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
      Louis was unable to control how giddy he was when they all got into his car, humming happily and tapping the steering wheel. Marlon and Violet exchanged a knowing glance, and for the first time in all the years she’d known him, she felt a ping of solidarity.
She didn’t know why things were the way they were with Marlon. Hell, she couldn’t remember the last time they’d been alone together. As much as she didn’t want to care about what he thought, she cared about Louis too much to just create more tension between the group.
          Looking back on it, Marlon and Minnie were actually pretty close before she got expelled. The thought crossed her mind for the first time that maybe Marlon blamed her for what happened, and she instinctively tugged her knees to her chest. Shit.
The static of Clementine’s hand brushing against her ear surged panic throughout her senses. Clem was pursing her lips, and adjusting the flower behind her ear.
            “You know, I could probably make a whole flower crown for you.” Clementine pondered, a warm smile on her face as Violet let her eyes meet hers. “It wouldn’t be that hard. You’d look really cute.”
Violet’s cheeks were flushed with pink, and the murmuring of Louis and Marlon talking seemed so distant. Like nothing else on earth existed other than Clementine, who’s radiant smile was almost too much to bear. “I don’t know..”
     “See?” Clementine pointed at the blush on her cheeks, quietly snickering. “Red looks good on you. I’ll make it happen.”
Noticing Violet’s silence, she recoiled back to her seat and anxiously glanced from her to the window. “Sorry. I think I’m drunk on maple syrup or something. I’m not usually that forward.”
       Violet pursed her lips, nodding before she gently placed her hand on top of Clem’s clenched fist. Clementine relaxed at the touch, and wearily smiled up at the taller blonde.
“Don’t... be sorry.” Violet whispered, her eyes glinted with a mix of cheeriness and astonishment. “I, um-“
     The car swerved to the left frantically, and Clem smacked the back of her head against the seat. Louis quickly pulled over, and turned around to check on everybody. “Shit, there were some dumbass squirrels playing chicken. Are you guys okay?”
“Peachy.” Clementine winced, rubbing the back of her head with a scowl. “At least I didn’t lose another leg.” She joked lightheartedly.
      “My god, Lou.” Marlon groaned, tapping his fingers against the dashboard. “And you say I’m a bad driver.”
The two playfully bickered in the front while Violet worriedly kept glancing at Clem. “You sure you’re good?”
        “I’m okay, Vi.” Clementine snorted, eyes dancing back and forth between Violet and Louis. “Just a little bump.”
“First stop, casa a la Clementine,” Louis sang as he pulled into Clem’s driveway. All the lights were on, and they could see Carley and James on the back porch talking.
      Clementine paused, eyes flickering over to Violet nervously. “You want to come and say hi to AJ? And maybe play some Wii? I know it’s a school night, but..”
“Inviting me over after the first date? I’d love to, Clementine.” Louis mockingly cooed, earning a glare from Clem that made him squeak and cower in the front seat. “I’m kidding.”
      “Yeah, sure.” Violet felt herself saying impulsively, brain wiping out all of her concerns about how she’d get home and if her father would be there when she did get home. “I got laundry to do, right?”
Clem let the anxiousness wash away from her features and beamed, nodding. They both said goodbye to Louis and Marlon, thanked him for the near-death experience and dinner, and she followed a bouncy Clementine through the front door.
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lizzieparker · 4 years
trying to be careful with the words i use || mazzie.
tagging: @doveportmason​ & @lizzieporter​
location: pizza place. 
time frame: april 2.
notes: they were doomed for the start yall. 
Standing in the middle of his room, Mason tried to get himself together. He was always all over the place whenever it came to her, and she knew it. Pulling on a simple t-shirt and then jeans, he knew this would be the best way to unwind after work anyways. He made his way to Pizza Hut and didn't think twice as he stood outside waiting for  Lizzie to approach. This could go good or bad but he was praying that it would go better than terrible and him fumble over his words. Shaking his head, he sat down and waited for her to arrive.
Lizzie knew she shouldn't be doing this, at least not when the morning conversation had gone almost out of hand. She was fine with being friends with Mason, she truly loved it, but the almost factor of it all always made her uneasy. If this was any other person, she wouldn't think twice in jumping into bed, or any other surface, with him, but you don't do that to your best friend. Not with her ex-boyfriend. It was why she was so keen into meeting him in public, just in case. After a quick shower and throwing some jeans and a jacket, Lizzie made her way to the Pizza Hut and couldn't help but smile when she saw him. Mason was too cute, honestly. Grinning, she pat his head on the way to sitting in front of him. "Hope you didn't wait for me for too long!"
Whenever Lizzie walked in, Mason smiled up at her until she sat down and he  took in the view that was in front of him.  God he couldn't do that. Not to Eloise. Though, the idea was tempting because she was tempting and let's be real. The talk of top and bottom really had him slightly or very turned on. Shaking his head of his thoughts, he started to take in the view and chuckled a  little at her comment. "I've had  a drink refill three times now, Lizzie. I was about to leave, thought you were standing me up!" He chuckled then pressed his lips  together. "It's good to see you."
Lizzie faked to be completely shook at his words, not being able to hide the smile for too long. "You would never leave!"  It was so hard to not be too flirty, considering she was still hang up on their conversation from earlier, specially when she kept picturing him under her, over and over again. "It's good to see you too" Her smile soften as she reached for his hand above the table, giving it a littl squeeze. "I missed you! I want to hear everything you have been up to!"
Chuckling, he knew that she was right. He would never leave, just because he was himself and she was her and he cared about her. It wasn't in his blood - so to speak.  "I wouldn't. I adore you more than that!" He teased, then ran his free hand through his hair for a second. Squeezing hers back, he let their hands linger a while before he chewed on the inside of his lip in thought. damn it stop looking at me like that. "Well. Work. Work and more work. Oh, and some work!  I'm boring, honestly. What about you? Catch me up."
Lizzie smiled brightly at him, pleased with the comment. It was nice to know he really care for her enough to not leave just like that. "And I adore you right back!" She let her hand on his for a while, biting her lower lip as she looked at him talk. God, it was the same battle over and over again. "Well if you say it like that ot course it's going to be boring!" When the waiter approached, Lizzie let go of his hand, turning to order her pizza order and waiting until he did the same. "I have been working too but for me it's super fan. Did I told you the other day that I had to carry twins out of a second floor? It was awesome, if I say so myself "
Mason laughed to himself at her comment back and just stared over at her for a moment. She was something to see, and that was bad for business for Mason. "I would hope so," he admitted as he looked over at her. Letting out a huff of a breath, he ordered  after her but paid close attention to what she picked to have. Why couldn't he just shake her? It was like a bad habit. Bad drug. He didn't know why he couldn't get past her. "You didn't tell me that but look at  you being the hero. What am I going to do to compare to someone like you, huh?" He  teased, all while being  rather  serious.
Talking about work did make her feel a little more at ease, more in her element. "You are a teacher! That makes you a hero just like me. Just not in the action field but any less heroic" And she meant it. Teachers were awesome, if they were nice and patient and knowing Mason, she knew he was. Lizzie had to stop her mind from wondering how hot he probably looked with kids around him and, not for the first time in her life, she was glad to not be able to have a boner. "Talking about teachers, we had a whole clas at the station the other day. I think we are getting popular with the schools in the city"
Whenever she called him a hero, he smiled and just took in the moment of it all. It was calm, everything was calm and he wasn't thinking too much about anything right then. She was talking about stuff with work and he felt like it was totally fine. Right? "Hey, I do what I can to make sure that the kids totally have something to look forward to and I think that I do a pretty good job, anyways," he laughed and then he took his drink whenever it was in front of him and took a sip. "Really?" He asked, smiling as he looked over at her and took in a breath. "That's really cool. What do you guys let them do whenever they come there? Like, do you let them get on the trucks - rigs whatever you call them?"
"I know you do" The itching of holding his hand again was strong, but Lizzie was happily saved by their drinks arriving. She was quick in taking a sip of her Coca Cola, looking at him with a smile. "Well, yeah. We let them see the insides of the trucks and Matt showes them his rabbit song and usually I give a little speech with the other girls, you know? About how we can be firefighters too if we eat our vegetables and grow up super strong" It was always her favorite part, cause there were always girls that wanted to know more. She always had a feast answering all their questions. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Her hands moved to her bag, taking out the little present she bought for him and passing it. "I know you know what it is, but I still kinda wanted to wrap it"
Mason couldn't help but be entertained by how this woman was. She was beautiful, smart. She was literally everything that he needed out of the world and yet he couldn't have her. He wasn't allowed to have her and it drove him insane. Shaking his thoughts, he took in a breath and just tried to focus on the drink in front of him. "You know, I gotta admit that I love the way that you get so into it. I think that's something that is beautiful. Not many people can say that they are or even touch the feeling that you have right now," he admitted and smiled to himself. Whenever she grabbed out his present, he took it and laughed as he opened it and gave her the best fake gasp he could but in all honesty he couldn't love it more than he did. "Thank you so much. It's perfect, honestly," he admitted and then he gently squeezed her hand again as a thank you. "Sounds like you've had a busy day, huh?"
"It wasn't easy, to get here" Everyone had a family outside of their work, but for Lizzie, it was only the station. Of coursse she had her parents and her siblings, but she had never felt more at home than when she was at work, more complete. Seeing him unwrap his gift was lovely and she couldn't help but stare at him, feeling her heart give a little jump whenever their eyes met for a second. "You are the best uncle, it was only fitting" One of her fingers moved around his hand, rubbing it lightly, even when she was rolling her eyes. "It's not that hard to wrap a present"
"I know it wasn't, I'm sure," he smiled over at her and he couldn't help but look at her. She was beautiful. It was almost upsetting how much as he figured that it wouldn't be so bad  whenever they were looking at each other but he couldn't help it. "Thank you," he spoke softly and smirked over at her. His hand stayed in hers and he put the shirt down with his other before he reached over the counter, holding her other hand in his carefully. "Sometimes I wish things between us weren't so complicated, honestly."
Just like his, her smile softened and she shook her head, resting importance to the gift and letting him reach for her free hand. It was like even their hands fit together, even for a moment. They weren't so in sync however, when he spoke again, and the smile disappeared completely out of his face. "Mason..." She wasn't sure of what to say, but the pizza arrived and she took the opportunity to move her hands away from him, like they were basically burning her. "I'm starving" Was it a cheap solution? Yes, but it was the only one she could think about right there.
Whenever he went to speak again, he knew that she wasn't sure what to say either. It was all complicated. He moved his hands once the pizza arrived and he took a slice out, nodding to himself but also to answer her quickly. "I'm starving, too. I've been hungry all day and this totally hits the spot," he said, now with his eyes focusing on the food in front of him over anything else, even Lizzie.
She tried to give him a quick smile before taking her own slide of pizza, knowing that neither of them could come back to their safe and happy conversation. "Yeah, me too" Even when Lizzie tried to sound cheerful, it was obvious she wasn't too happy. Still, she ate her pizza without another word, trying her best to look anywhere else but the guy in front of her.
Looking down, he sighed and then he looked back up at her. "If you want to come over and we can totally hang out, you can. Just hang out, obviously," he spoke softly. He really meant it, seeing if they could hang out in private could be a good thing as friends but he didn't know if she'd want to. "You can play with Benji. He misses you."
Lizzie really consider it for a moment. They could go to his place and try this, but she knew how it was going to end up. It didn't involve clothes. "I don't think I should" She could make up some weak excuse but he had been honest with her and she guessed her deserved the same. "We are still us and you said the thing... It's not a good idea”
"Alright. Nevermind that then," he sighed, chewing on the inside of his mouth in thought. He was so annoyed, because he said it and he shouldn't have. He was being childish and it was something that could never happen. He knew that. "Right. Well, I should probably go. I mean, I think that eventually we have to get past it. If we're ever going to be friends."
Lizzie passed a hand over her hair, putting it all on one side and looking at him. "I don't want you to leave" Yet, they both knew it was the smart decision. "Maybe we should go out in a group? And then just... Get comfortable with the friends thing again. No touching and stuff"
She said she didn't want him to leave and he couldn't manage to move from his spot. She didn't want something. He listened. "Yeah, I mean. I'm okay with that. That sounds like something that could be a really good plan, if you ask me," he admitted, smiling over at her. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to make this bad."
Lizzie quickly shook her head, trying her best to manage a smile. "You didn't. You can be honest, it's only fair" She shrugged lightly. "I guess I'm just... Not ready for it. I think I didn't wanna talk about it now, but that is not your fault. This is all on me and I know that"
"Stop. It's not your fault, Lizzie. It's not that big of a deal. I know better than to ever let my wall down enough to like someone so I just ignore doing that until I know it'll be safe," he admitted, shrugging a little. "We're gonna be fine."
That sounded like a lie, like a very big lie that they were both trying to hold together, so Lizzie didn't point it. "Okay then" Her eyes went back to the left of her pizza, nodding. "We will be fine. Always fine"
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streetelbow13-blog · 5 years
Various Tee shirts suggestions for your household reunion.
Custom Patches For Hats Since we have to do with midway with the year, we're well past the season where households are getting together to trade ribbon-wrapped presents and also wonderful homemade treats. Rather, we've entered the season where families are getting together to settle long term horseshoe rivalries and settle back on some smoked hotdogs. Yes, it's family members reunion season, as well as if there's one thing we understand regarding these outings, it's the essentiality of leaving annually with a wonderful tee shirt stitch on personalized embroidered patches to make it more gorgeous. We stumble upon a couple of thousand family members get-together t-shirt designs around this time annually. As well as yearly, regarding one less than a couple of hundred of those designs is a family history. We're not saying that they do not constantly end up excellent, yet if you're planning your second, 3rd, or fourth annual family get-together, you have actually probably utilized the ancestral tree prior to. If you're stuck attempting to think about one more style that would be fitting for the whole FAM, consider no more. Here are different design ideas for your family reunion t-shirts: Special Name Get imaginative with your family's name and also experiment with a pop-culture referral. We've seen families develop their own versions of lots of logos, from the Coca Cola logo, Johnson & Johnson, Campbell's, as well as Miller light. If your last name is also aesthetically comparable to any brand name logo, developing your reunion shirts with your very own version of the logo always makes for a fun as well as unforgettable tee. Household Layer Every surname has its very own coat of arms. If you do not already recognize your family crest, there are a lot of online sources or publications you might check to find out. The household crest is a trendy and timeless means to represent your family name and also show satisfaction in its background. Do you know what your household name indicates? If not, you can look it up and also include that to the rear of the t-shirts for an extra dose of household history. Program Your Development Yes, we know-- technically this is a tree. But there's nothing wrong with an old design cut a various method. The tree trunk rings picture is a terrific innovative method to represent your family members's growth with time. Complete the phrase with whatever year you can map your family members back to, or the birth year of whoever your oldest typical family member is. Allow Your Heritage Sparkle You might not always share a last name with every person at your get-together, however you still share the exact same heritage and also origins. Obtain your family members reunion tee shirts made with your race flag. If you have numerous races in your shared family-- also better! Your household's schedule of flags published together with your family members name will create an outstanding and one-of-a-kind style. Family of Outlaws If you have the kind of household that is difficult to round up, this layout may be your best choice. This will certainly be even better if you choose a fun Western motif for your reunion. We've seen this household get-together layout utilized in a number of various methods, and it can be customized by personalizing the Desired poster with names for every separate family. Jerseys for the entire Family members The family members get-together is your time to bring the whole group with each other. Obtain 'em all in uniform. For this year's t shirt, try jersey tees with Group (Your Family's Name) printed or embroidered spots on the front, and everyone's name as well as number in the household on the back. Seeing granny, the youngest baby relative, as well as every person in between in the same group attire will absolutely produce great photos-- particularly if you intend on arranging some fun games to play.
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shiggydabs · 6 years
Bad Luck (ShigaDabi Fic)
Alrighty, it’s Day 2 of ShigaDabi Week, today’s prompt was “Date Night.” I didn’t write this one in twenty minutes, so that’s a start.
Word Count: 1120 Verse: HeroSwap (the heroes are villains and the villains are heroes) Summary: Dabi takes Tenko on a date, but everything seems to go wrong.
You can also read this on Ao3.
Tenko never thought he would be going on a date. Not once in his life did he think anyone would ever be attracted to him, with his pale skin and chapped lips, his nose always in a book and his eyes always looking to the sky. It seemed like no one would ever put up with someone like him. Then Dabi showed up. And Dabi was willing to put up with him twice over. It was a miracle in every way of the word, and Tenko wanted to cherish it as much as he could...
Dabi showed up on his doorstep one afternoon. “I got you flowers,” he said.
Tenko sneezed. “I’m allergic,” he responded.
“Oh. Well.” Dabi tossed the flowers away and they both agreed to act like that hadn’t happened. Next he pulled out a small box. “I got you some chocolates–” he began, then hesitated when he realized the box had been squashed on the ride over. Perhaps placing them as he had, where he had them, was a bad idea. The pink was ruffled, the pretty little ribbon undone. It was hardly in the shape of a heart anymore. Tenko smiled and took it anyway.
“Chocolate is chocolate no matter what shape it’s in.”
He put the chocolate up then Dabi took him by the arm and lead him away, Tenko sparring only a glance over his shoulder (Kurogiri was in the door, wary but never overbearing). They walked from place to place, neither of them affording a car. Perhaps it was bad luck that it rained on them halfway to the restaurant, a sudden storm and crack of lightning. They stumbled under an awning for protection, watching as nature passed them by in thunderous waves.
“I should have brought my umbrella,” Dabi muttered.
The storm lasted far too long. When it was done they were wet but not drenched, bearable at least. Tenko joked about giving Dabi his jacket and Dabi joked about trading shoes.
“Next time, check the weather first.”
Dabi’s heart skipped at the mention of a next time and he wondered, just as much as Tenko did, if their feelings were as mutual as they seemed. They strutted with a sort of confidence despite drenched trousers, walking up to the restaurant with a table for two. “I have a reservation,” Dabi said to the waitress at the front. She looked down at her book and frowned, shaking her head.
“I’m afraid you don’t, sir.”
“Dabi” was a hard name to miss and so it might seem that she was right. “How long for a table?” he asked. She glanced through her book.
“Half an hour.”
Tenko frowned then and Dabi knew it was a bust. “No thanks.”
They walked a few blocks until they came across a food joint. It was cheap meals, greasy burgers and fries, something Dabi had hoped to avoid, but Tenko’s interest was piqued purely by the fact that there was food to be found. They waited in line, ordered, and it was only at the register when Dabi realized his wallet was missing. He was frantic then, checking everywhere it might be, fruitlessly. The cool persona faded as the focus fell to him, everyone waiting.
After an awkward moment Tenko pulled out his own wallet. “I’ll pay,” he said, and Dabi’s heart sunk.
The food was greasy, the fries were soggy, and the burgers were a bit burnt, but they ate and they talked and they enjoyed themselves. Dabi apologized about the fiasco while Tenko laughed it off. “It happens to the best of us,” he assured. Dabi found himself smiling, they both were. The smile faded though, when a passing customer tripped and his sodas splashed onto Dabi’s lap. It was sudden and jarring, causing him to jump from his seat. Coca-cola flavored syrup dripped from his pants accompanied by frantic sorry’s and Dabi nearly losing his temper... then he spotted the smile on Tenko’s face, the laughter. His temper faded to sheepish red cheeks.
Somehow, Dabi laughed too.
They left with a dozen napkins. “My pants are sticky,” Dabi complained.
“My pants are wet,” Tenko added.
“Which one’s worst?”
“Probably sticky.”
“Yeah. It feels that way.”
Then a car drove by and splashed them both, and Dabi was suddenly no more sticky than he was wet. It would seem that their bad luck was unending, and as Tenko was combing wet locks out of his face, Dabi was commenting again. “That guy was an ass.”
Then as early as they had left, they were back home, Dabi on his doorstep, Tenko at the door. They were drenched and down and Dabi wondered aloud if he would need to buy new underwear. They looked to each other and there was something missing. “I’m sorry,” Dabi blurted out. “Today was a disaster. First with the flowers and the chocolate, then the rain and the wallet and just... everything. I wanted this to be better. I had a picture perfect date at the ready. It just... didn’t work out.” There was a moment that Tenko swore he saw weakness, and it melted his heart. Dabi didn’t realize what door he’d opened until Tenko was pulling him into a hug.
“I had fun,” Tenko muttered into his soggy t-shirt. “Even if everything went wrong.”
“Well as long as you had fun,” Dabi sighed. “I swear I’ll pay you back for the dinner.”
“It was barely a thousand yen, it’s fine. Don’t even worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” Dabi frowned.
Tenko smiled. “Positive.”
They looked to each other. Looked, for a long moment, awkward and quiet, soaked to the bone, kids who didn’t know a thing about love. Dabi leaned forward, then Tenko did too, and before they knew it their lips met. It was awkward, sudden, and all too spontaneous, not quite falling together, like uneven puzzle pieces. Tenko swore he missed Dabi’s lips, pulling away after a moment, utterly embarrassed. Dabi seemed equally embarrassed though, cheeks sparkling red, and their mutual embarrassment made it all feel better. “You should come by again sometime,” Tenko said.
Dabi nodded. “Yeah, maybe I will.”
“Tenko!” someone called from within the house, causing Tenko to nearly jump out of his skin. He gave the door a knowing look before turning away.
“Gotta go,” he said with one more sheepish wave before he was opening the door.
“See you tomorrow!” Dabi managed before the door shut. He paused where he stood, glancing down at his feet. He was a mess, utterly drenched, dragging around weights of water. His wallet was still missing and just about everything he’d planned ended up being a bust. But Tenko was happy. And so, Dabi was happy.
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eddystshirts · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 90s Vintage Distressed Always Coca-Cola Classic Logo T Shirt USA Adult White L.
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