#But i dont have the cd that i used to and the site i used doesnt have the norwegian dub so
rigelmejo · 9 months
Some learning apps I've liked (in no patrticular order)
Renshuu (japanese): good lessons, a bit slow paced for me
Readibu (chinese reading app): free version is good, paid version includes full sentence audio and translations I think which may be useful.
Pleco (chinese dictionary and reader app): top level app, get it now if you study chinese and use your phone at all. Its free version includes a huge great dictionary, and Clipboard Reader which has ALL the Reader features just that you have to copy and paste the chinese text in (their paid Reader you can upload epub txt files etc directly). Their paid features are nice because they are all 1 time fees: pay 5 dollars once and have the purchased item forever. I hate subscriptions so i love that this app does single purchase instead. I bought some graded readers on this, and expanded dictionaries. Its Dictate Text text to speech feature is nice in the Reader/Clipboard reader because it highlights the word as it reads and shows translation, making it easy to follow along.
Duoreader: a free basic app, has a few parallel language books for many languuages. It includes text to speech audio and click word translation. Excellent for free reading with parallel text set up.
Smart Book by Kursx (also under the name Parallel Translation of books by kursx on the app store): it uses mtl, but you can search for books or import books, and it will show sentence translations or make an entire parallel text for you, it also has click translations, word saving, progress information (which is motivating to me), and text to speech read aloud function. Its currently what i use the most for reading. Trahslations are as good as Lingq or Google Translate so NOT always reliable but useable and the sentence translation helps for figuring out grammar. But Pleco and Readibu have BETTER translations. For chinese this app is good, for japanese its useable if youre upper beginner but if you dont know basic grammar and particles then the japanese individual word translations are often wrong and unreliable - sentence long translations are useable though.
Tofugu: good hanzi study app.
Anki: great app especially if you import decks made by people around the internet. I look up decks by going to a search engine and typing in something like "4000 hanzi mnemonics anki deck" or "common chinese words in sentences anki deck." I have recommended some anki decks I've used on this blog. A tip about anki: their website works fine in mobile browsers, you do not have to pay for any app to use anki on your phone, you can just use the site if you'd prefer. For initial uploads of flashcard decks created by other users, you will need to install anki on a computer, then download the anki deck from the deck's page online, then put it into your computer anki program. After you do that, you can sync your computer anki to the website one. Then you can use anki either online or on the computer or on both. I use anki only on my phone mobile browser. It seems the main benefit of anki phone apps over using the internet mobile browser, is flashcards are easier to Make if you end up wanting to make your own anki flashcards on your phone.
Immersive Chinese: chinese lessons. I haven't used it much but I like the structure
Glossika: I specifically recommend getting the old cds, possibly through your library, or finding the mp3 files online. I think the audio files are easier if youre not good at focusing on consistently doing SRS flashcards, since spaced repetition study sentences are the new glossika model and require a monthly subscription. Plus side to the new model: most languages have around 6000 sentences where the old cd courses often had around 3000 sentences. Plus side to the old cds/mp3s: can be found in many libraries for free, and online, and if you do buy them theyre a one time cost. Excellent resource if you like audio review (i do), with common grammar and vocabulary taught. I like that even the 3000 word old courses will get you at least to upper beginner or lower intermediate, enough knowledge to start learning by reading or watching shows and looking words up, and enough words to have some conversations. Pimsleur is similar but tends to cover less vocabulary, so afterward you need to learn more words on your own before you can immerse and look up words to study.
Japaneseaudiolessons.com: a website with free japanese audio lessons, a free textbook, free notes. They also have nice kanji learning books with pre written mnemonics and sentence examples for sale.
Your local library: a lot of libraries have deals with language learning sites/apps, your specific library may provide some courses for free. In addition, apps Hoopla and Libby have a lot of courses and digital textbooks and audios you can check out. You can use those apps with a library card. If you are a college student, a lot of college ebook collections include MANY textbooks and independent study books for languages. Nearly every Tuttle book I got for studying Japanese and Chinese, I was able to check out the ebook version first using my college library and only bought those books because I ended up finding them so useful I wanted print copies. (For that matter, some under $20 dollar reference books I owe for teaching me hanzi and kanji: Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters: HSK Levels 1-3 - this book gave me a foundation in hanzi and was the easiest guide for learning hanzi for me and learning HOW to remember them. I found it more useful than Heisig's Remember the Kanji/Hanzi books by far, although they utilize a similat idea, and less effort to remember than Kodansha Kanji Learner's Guide - although I like that reference book as a reference. Runner up is Tuttle Learn Japanese Today: The Easy Way to Learn 400 Practical Kanji by Len Walsh. It was more basic than the hanzi book, less in depth, but a very approachable understandable and quick to learn kanji book to start out with when studying Japanese, that will not overwhelm you the way say Heisig or KKLG might. For hanzi I used my Learning Chinese Characters book for a few months, then an anki deck "hanzi 2000 mnemonics pinyin" while also just regularly looking up new words while reading graded readers then chinese show subtitles then webnovels, and making up my own mnemonics which got easier over time. For japanese, I followed up with a vocabulary deck as I found vocabulary easier to remember than isolated kanji, and kanji.koohi.com was a useful site for free user submitted mnemonics to remember kanji when I struggled to remember. Its also a good site for free flashcards and study of kanji generally.
ChinesePronunciationTrainer: a really simple free app. It's biggest usefulness is practicing pronunciation. You can record yourself trying to pronounce a sentence after hearing the chinese pronunciation, then play back your recorded attempt compared to the chinese pronunciation. The app makes shadowing easier to evaluate, so you can compare and notice if you're making pronunciation errors and work on them. It's also very simple low feature speaking practice.
LingoTube: free app, uses machine translation. If you want to watch youtube with dual subtitles, or click translations on subtitles, or instant replay/loop of dialogue lines, this is an app that can do that. Very useful for immersing with youtube videos like youtubers and shows on youtube.
Idiom app: it is orange with an i on the icon. Click skip for the "helm" offer when you first download it, helm is a paid add on for better translations and you may not want it right away. The core app is free (helm add on costs a subscription). This app is basically Lingq but free. Translation quality is the same, which appears to be google translate quality on Lingq and Idiom. So some errors, but useable especially as you hit upper beginner and above and can notice when you may want to reference a word in an external dictionary (like Pleco app for chinese, yomiwa app for japanese, etc).
Satori Reader: a graded reader app for japanese, absolutely amazing quality material. I recommend exploring the free content on the app. If you decide you'll use it a lot, or plan to get into a reading kick for a few months, it's worth getting a subscription for a while. I plan to get a subscription once I have the time to read japanese 1-2 hours a day for a few months. Satori Reader has tons of reading materials branching from approachable to an upper beginner (say you can read Yostuba manga a bit, or are in Genki 2, or know around 2000 words) to you're almost ready to read webnovels or regular japanese novels but the difficulty bump is just a Touch too steep. If you go through the various reading level material on the app, you shpuld be prepared to handle at least some japanese novels for natives once you can handle some of the higher reading level stuff on Satori Reader. In addition: the translations are done by professional translators with in depth notes on grammar points (incredibly useful and the best explanations on Japanese Graded Readers Ive used), fully narrated stories by real people, and many of the graded readers are designed to be enjoyable long reading material in their own right. There's also some multiple difficulty versions of reading material if you'd like to read an easier version before trying a more complex version of the same story. There is so much reading material on the app you can get significant practice and vocabulary/grammar improvement if you have time to read. I lnow a few people who got through a few hundred+ chapters on this app, and generally they went from N4 or N3 reading level to N2 or N1. Then they transitioned to reading novels for natives. As far as high quality well made well explained plentiful graded reading material for japanese, this is one of the best resources I've found. (The other 2 great graded readers I have are textbooks, one being a Tuttle Read Japanese book that goes from basics through to being able to read 2000 kanji, newspapers and documents, formal and informal, and is dry af to read but generally leaves you fairly prepared for japanese reading, and a more basic Beginning Japanese Reading book thats part of a 4 part textbook collection and absolutely drills the basic 500 most common kanji and many words, hiragana and katakana and many words in them, for 500 or so pages).
Microsoft Edge. I know, weird. Edge on computer and mobile internet browser has a Read Aloud tool. It is the best sounding text to speech Ive heard. This Read Aloud tool is also in Microsoft Word if you copy paste text into Word. I find going to sites in my target language, and using the Read Aloud tool, is a nice way to get audio in with my reading when I can't find an audiobook. The tool also highlights the word as it reads, helping you keep up with the reading, and for me it helps improve my reading speed. In addition, ANY web browser (and any phone/tablet Reader app like Kindle, Moonreader, Kybooks etc.) often has the ability to click or tap or highlight a word to look up the translation. So when reading on any of those internet browsers/Readers, you can look up words just like you would on Lingq but free.
Japanese.io: a site with japanese graded reading material, and tools like click translation and saving words.
https://www.sosekiproject.org/about.html If you like the author Soseki, this site is awesome. It features full audio of his works, full parallel text translation, and individual word translation.
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coliepng · 1 year
When you switched from spotify to an ipod, what was that process like for you? How do you find new music nowadays and how do you add it to your ipod (if I recall correctly, itunes isn't supported anymore)?
so i actually have a collection of music from back when classic ipods were still in production, so that helps. however, that's clearly older music!
for new stuff -- i enjoy hunting down cds in thrift stores. there's also sites like depop where folks sell off cds they don't want anymore, tho i haven't purchased any from there myself. but the thrift method was how i used to get my music -- occasionally i'd hit a great sale at a department store or best buy, but usually i'd see what would turn up on the shelves at goodwill. or rip cds from my parents and friends.
i still do utilize spotify to keep track of new releases, but i also just try to follow my fav artists directly on their preferred platforms to keep an eye out for announcements. and tbh tiktok is weirdly great for discovering indie artists who don't have a label promoting them. (or even those that do!)
also, i have an absolutely amazing local radio station that plays everything -- and of course focuses on local music as well. most of my life this has been the best way for me to discover music i like that i never knew existed.
as for itunes -- apple still has the download on their website! i think i just searched it on bing/google and it was among the first couple of results. i have version if for some reason you can't find the link on apple's website directly, im sure mirrors of the installer exist.
however, if you get a modded ipod, odds are you'll need to use something like rockbox to load music -- i dont believe itunes works with SSD. mine is not modded. i think it's only 30 gig too, tho i have my friend's old one SOMEWHERE and it's 80 gig so i hope i find it before my collection exceeds 30 gigs lol
if you're up for it, i did most of my research on reviving my ipod usage on reddit. they've got great resources and most of the questions i had were already answered. if you don't have one already, or need parts to revive it, or want to purchase a modded one made for you, i recommend Elite Obsolete Electronics. quality work with the best prices around imo (at least in the continental US). you can also check out ebay, esp if you want one of the cute lil nano 3s that are also seeing a popularity resurgence.
and if you're wild, theres always 🏴‍☠ lmao but i can't give any advice on that, sorry. im too anxious to break laws
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usamingif · 1 year
How do I get into THE IDOLM@STER?
...is a very frequent question we idolmaster fans get!
I recently got a message from someone asking me if I could make a post answering this question, and I said I would try. I'm very bad at explaining things, but idolmaster is my biggest special interest, and I am always really happy to try to get people into it.
Before we start, I want to remind you that Idolmaster has no localization. All translations are fanmade. Please remember to support translators. I'll leave as many resources as possible. If you have any translators or sites you'd like me to mention, please let me know.
If you're willing to try and get into it, please open the readmore. I wont only be including Cinderella Girls, I'll try to include every branch.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Cinderella Girls?
Alright, I know I said I wouldn't only be including CG, but this is still a deresute gif blog. I know what most of you are here for.
Cinderella Girls is a huge branch. There's 190 idols. I see some people backing out when they realize this, but I don't think that should discourage you! With that many idols, you're guaranteed to find someone for you. And please, just because you think the voiced girls are more worth your time, please check out the unvoiced ones as well.
Alright, but how do you get into it?
There's a lot of Youtube channels that translate different commus from it. From card lines, to memorial commus, to entire events. Simply search "deresute translation" if you'd like. HNKM_days on Twitter also translates most of the events as they come out.
CG's music is great! there's tons of uploads on soundcloud. My soundcloud playlist has about 200-ish songs. You can find a bunch by just searching "idolmaster".
To find more information on a song, search it up on project-imas.
Project-imas is *the* best idolmaster resource I can think of. It's entirely in English, it has every single song, CD, card — anything you can think of. I use it everyday of my life, which might sound sad but I assure you it isn't. Probably.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Million Live?
Sankyuu ML subs on YouTube does a great job at translating mirishita related content! Another personal note I wanna add is that million live has an amazing discography, and full versions of pretty much every song are on Spotify. Even tho the cast is way smaller than Cinderella Girls, there's still a lot to love about the branch. I dont play Mirishita as much as I do some of the other games, but I still consume lots of content from it and it's a lovely branch I definitely recommend you get into. As of writing this post, Mirishita is celebrating it's 6th anniversary! It's a good time to download the game. Remember, you will need a Japanese VPN or Japanese Apple ID to play it. This goes for every imas mobile game.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER SideM?
Well, this is where we're gonna have to start getting into the thorny dark side of being an idolmaster fan. SideM is a great branch which I absolutely adore, and all of it's producers are so passionate about it, however.. Bandai Namco has never been kind to it.
This year, it was announced that it's only current running game, THE IDOLM@STER SideM Growing Stars, will be ending it's service. This was extremely sudden, and hard for everyone to handle. This means that there will basically be no way to properly produce the idols. SideM won't fully die, with there being lives and such, but producing the idols is such a big part of this franchise. I don't want to make this post gloomy out of nowhere, I swear. It's just a bit touchy for now.
There's a huuuge translation masterdoc for SideM, if any of the units or characters catch your eye from the project-imas wiki page on SideM, I suggest you search for whatever idols intrigue you most in the doc. As well as the doc, you can search up "#sidemTL" on Twitter for more translations not on the doc. There's so much to love about every unit and idol, I swear it's worth your time! Even tho it's current state might steer you away, I think it's important to still appreciate the branch for what it is. Oh hey, SideM's discography is also on streaming services! Please stream Piece Montee and Secret Ornament.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Shiny Colors?
Here's ones that's been gaining traction! Luckily, it's actually a pretty accessible branch to get into, if you're willing to download the English patch. The gameplay might seem complicated and scary at first, but even that has tons of guides. I think a lot of this post is motivated by my emotions on the franchise, and I'm sorry about that, but I really mean it when I say the writing is incredible.
You can play Shinymas on your web browser here. If you search up "Shiny colors English patch" on google, you can download it using the instructions. If you're still hesitant on playing for whatever reason, you can read episodes recorded in the English patch on YouTube. I'm not exaggerating when I say the writing is amazing.
p.s if you dont care about that then I should let you know there's unlimited free ten pulls when you start the game
How do I get into the original idolmaster games? (765AS + Dearly Stars)
If you specifically want to get into the console games, there's English roms and translations of routes on Youtube, as well. Dearly Stars is currently in a very weird state, tho. You see, the 765AS girls are all in Million Live, and there's a lot of consolemas games they appear in. But for Dearly Stars, there's only one game. Which is, well, Dearly Stars. And 2/3 of the Dearly Stars just.. havent gotten content since?
I think that it's still a game you should check out, tho! There's not a single bad song in it, and even tho 3 idols might seem like an underwhelming number, they're all brilliant and very lovable. As with a good chunk of consolemas games, there's Dearly Stars translations up on YouTube! A really dedicated RyoP posted them all and I am eternally grateful to them for it.
Alright, phew. I wrote half of this at 11 am and procrastinated for a few hours then wrote more at midnight. Remember that project-imas is an insanely good resource and I encourage you to tell me if I should add more things onto this post. 100% of this post was made off the top of my head and based off of my own experience with the games. I want to mention that there's also a channel called "アイマスSUBS" that covers all the branches in terms of translations, and they've got a bunch of those. Have fun, producers!
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you-need-not-apply · 8 months
dude I’m so pissed rn
itunes actually sucks like that’s literally 30 spotify streams and when I buy a song I listen to it a lot more than 30 times.
bandcamp has nothing on it that’s actually the original
I didn’t believe you when you said they get all the money from the cds! I was like DONT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THE PLASTIC AND SHINY ?!?! but no??? the platforms cost more than the plastic and shiny?? and the printing for the pretty booklet? all the extra waste and shipping emissions UGHHHH plus they don’t all fit on my shelf
I’m gonna use 5sos5 as an example bc it’s on my mind rn when it came out the extended version cd with the full 19 tracks was in one of those weird dvd style cases and I didn’t want to miss out on the extra tracks by getting a regular version of it and that’s 9x19c which is $1.80 split between FOUR PEOPLE and I just. thought they were a big enough band that it didn’t matter but apparently not?? like idc that I saved $15 by not getting the cd this is just UGHHH because I could spend HUNDREDS ON THERAPY or I could listen to easy for you to say and they got. NINE CENTS THATS 2.25 EACH CENTS NOT DOLLARS I can’t with this. I can’t win. I’ll probably buy a physical copy of the cd anyway but I hate having double ups.
okay I’m not done yet imagine they get $25 selling a cd from their site?? and if I were to rip the cd on the computer and give it to TWELVE FRIENDS to do the exact same thing instead of buying/streaming their own it would still be more money for them??? REMEMBER WHEN WE WERE TOLD NOT TO DO THIS??
im so sorry this got lost its an amazing rant
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sukimas · 10 months
hi this is going to be embarrassing. i saw you reading touhou from the wiki formatted site, i am interested in touhou because the universe seems really fun to explore outside of just the games. i dont think my computer can play the games, and i would spend more time losing than progressing through stories. would it be weird to read online instead to get into the touhou world
No, it would not be weird at all. I personally know at least one other person who has only read the game scripts rather than playing them, and I'm sure that there are many more out there. Do be aware that there are plenty of print works not available on the wiki (such as, for example, the manga, such as Forbidden Scrollery, my recommended intro to the series) but the majority of things on the wiki that are canonical (AKA: translations, not plaintext wiki articles) will be fun and helpful to you. If you're interested in the universe itself, try Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, Memorizable Gensoukyou, and Symposium of Post-Mysticism. (All three must be taken together to understand what's going on). Oh, and if you're going to spend lots and lots of time wikidiving, consider reading ZUN's E-mails from long ago. They have some useful extra info. (I can give recommendations on specific works if you send another ask, but if you're happy just wiki-diving enjoy yourself to your heart's content. Oh, and read the music CD stories afterwards.
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vanweezer · 5 months
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come what(ever) may - stone sour
took me by surprise seeing this at my local book/physical media store. idk if anyone remembers google play music but that was my everything in middleschool (along w pandora bc it was the only site not blocked whenever id listen to music) and i remember being in the "slipknot"/"nu-metal" "radio" stations pretty often, and stone sour popping up every now and then. obvs as a little angsty rat i didn't always care to listen to their more ~melodic~ or acoustic stuff, so i ended up skipping their songs in favor of slipknot + the like. didn't even know corey & james were in stone sour as well! didn't even know who corey and james were. different times i spose
some of these songs i do remember from my tweens/recently watching corey's live in london show (bc thats just a rite of passage for me isnt it) and hearing them on my cd put me in 2007. sure i wouldve been like four. but still. the composition of these tracks alone just puts you there. its like a wormhole through a higher grade nickelback discography. and i mean that in the most respectful way possible. if you can imagine.
standout tracks are obviously through glass, cardiff, 1st person, and hell & consequences. i didn't get a chance to really pay attention to the lyricism this listen but i just love hearing corey sing. who doesn't. the man literally made a career out of it. wild. i know there's jokes to be made about stone sour being slipknot: 2 (very justified btw, what with the acoustics paired with the industrial/death metal tones we're so used to hearing from them in slipknot) but now i get why they were able to reach icon status in the aughts. i always say there are bands that define a genre to a time and bands that are a product of a genre in their time, and stone sour (to me, at least) is definitely the latter. however, it isn't a bad thing here ? like you'd expect any band that shares similarities with nickelback or creed or godsmack or any beloved pioneers in buttrock to be the same degree of "corny turned cult classic" but there's something about stone sour that cements them as just a genuinely good rock band, period.
and dont even get me started on the artwork & art direction on this foldable, it took a lot of strength to not just scan and post everything. whoever was in charge of cd foldable artwork from 2006-2010 needs to have their work studied in the same way we used to run over picasso's greatest hits in art history class. it's like the entire spread was printed on acid washed jeans. it's like no matter where i look there is an embossed edge. it's like even the png clouds above them have a tactile texture as i turn and read lyrics. it's straight up male casual wear section in the department store-green city. it's so cinematic that way. also i wonder if the album's title itself is a reference to annie? i know corey's into theater, and the whole "come what may" thing is like a lyric or phrase from something else. feel free to correct me though 🫶
im glad i gave my 12 year old self a new listen today, and as always im glad to be able to share my listens and findings to the 2 people interested in my cd tag.
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moghedien · 8 months
HI IN YOUR RECENT POST YOU SAID YOU HAD A WALKMAN CD PLAYER?!?!?!?! I just wamma if you like,, found it somewhere? Like a thriftstore or something?
I have two. One I found at a flea market with the original remote and headphones that just needed to be cleaned. That’s the one I use. The other one (the blue one) I found at an estate sale, and I don’t use mainly because there’s corrosion in the battery port I never got around to cleaning yet.
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But yeah they really aren’t super hard to find if you search around thrift stores/flea markets/garage sales/estate sales. They were common enough back in the day that a lot of people still have one or two just lying around in drawers and it’s just a matter of finding them. If you’re really searching, you can also try local Facebook market place or other sites like and pawn shops, just be aware of like online scammers and price gouging. Realistically you shouldn’t be spending more than around $20-30 for a good working one unless you’re buying some kind of collectors item and those aren’t really super common if we’re talking cd Walkman/discman
eBay can be fine too but kinda hit or miss in pricing. It’s really only super beneficial if you’re looking for a specific model for some reason, and honestly unless you’re like a collector or a level 1000 audiophile, the best cd walkman is gonna be whatever you can find that works for the lowest price. I would definitely suggest hunting for one locally before turning to eBay (which I say as someone who does sell on eBay). It’ll be more satisfying finding one than just buying off of eBay anyway
Other than that, if you’re looking (and I know you didn’t actually ask for advice but I’m just using this as my excuse to share information) avoid sites like Amazon and retrospeckt. Amazon will sell new no name portable cd players, and I would avoid those no matter where you find them. In general, just stick to older Sony ones. Quality wise in both build and sound is gonna be much better than the new no name brands (or the old no name brand ones). Some older ones of like actual brands can be fine too, like Panasonic, but avoid the Craigs and Jensens of the world. You can probably find an older Sony for the same price as a new no name one anyway.
And sites like Retrospeckt just straight up price gouge when it comes to retro electronics. Dont buy a cd player from them. Dont buy an iPod from them. Don’t buy a game boy from them. Their prices are ludicrous for what they’re offering and you are literally better buying from eBay at that point. Accessories and headphones and CDs and the like from them can be reasonably priced, but their prices for the actual tech is insane
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tackysapphic · 2 years
i’ve been trying to limit my time online more, like i deleted tiktok months ago and i deleted twitter off my phone and limit how often i check the desktop site. haven’t used instagram in FOREVER. i basically am only on here anymore. and i have to say, being out of touch like this is kind of enlightening. i dont know what the fuck people are talking about like 90% of the time (pop culture wise) and honestly its awesome. i dont know shit about shit and i dont want to! im just vibing by myself away from the horrors of the larger internet culture just like reading and making cds and shit. definitely recommend. my friends will mention a tiktok sound and laugh and be like you know that one? and i just smile so serenely and say “my friend i have no fucking idea what youre talking about”. i feel old and like kind of weird from being so disconnected but also like fuck it lol peace and love and light
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eriellesudario · 6 years
How to get Í Túrett Og Moll WITHOUT going to Iceland
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Let’s be real, this CD is really hard to find. I guess most of us just downloaded the songs off YouTube or bought digital copies when we first heard about it.
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But what if you want to get a physical copy of Í Túrett Og Moll but can’t afford to go to Iceland or don’t have friends who can buy you the cd there?
DONT WORRY!!! This guild will help you get your hands on what is known in the LazyTown fandom as the ‘most difficult Stefan Karl’ merch
If you have friends or know people who will buy it for you when they go to Iceland and you’re willing to pay them back… DONT!!! 
Why? Shipping!
You’re much better off contacting the store because the shipping for my CD cost $9 USD (note, this is Iceland to AUSTRALIA!!! WE ARE NOTORIOUS FOR HAVING REALLY EXPENSIVE SHIPPING!!!)
I buy stuff on eBay where the origin is in America and shipping would usually cost me $20 (JUST FOR A CD!!!). I once bought LazyTown plushies from the UK and I had to beg the seller to sell the plushies in a lower price because I couldn’t afford the shipping price (cuz Robbie was sold separately from Sport and Steph plushies).
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STEP 2: Contact the store
When I mean contact the store, I actually mean CONTACT THE STORE!!! Not add things to the online shopping cart.
Prepare that Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Messanger, or whatever email address you use as you will have to contact a store. Ebay, Amazon, Discogs, and any other music online store you can think off WILL NOT HAVE IT (Trust me, I literally pressed refresh/visited the sites each day just to see if one has it).
Note – This process will be lengthy. They may not respond immediately. In fact, it took me 1 month to get a response from one of the stores I asked.
Your best bet (and the place where I got mine) is Lucky Records. The cd cost me $10 USD (w/o the shipping).
But if that store no longer has it… I don’t know any other Icelandic record/music store. If that’s the case, you may need to Google.
STEP 3: Wait
The contact between the store and you will take a while. Like I said, it took me 1 month before I heard from them again. Then contact afterwards will take a few days. But it’s worth it.
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Yep… that’s the duration of how long it takes. But I said, worth it!
STEP 4: Prepare that Paypal account
They’re more likely to accept Paypal as payment so you better have that ready.
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STEP 5: Enjoy the CD
You’ve waited for at least 2 weeks and the CD finally arrives on your doorstep! Congratulations!!! You now own a physical copy of one of the ‘hardest to find’ merch by Stefan!
Enjoy his sweet voice as you play your new disk in your card or after you’ve imported the audio to iTunes!
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bearbonespdf · 18 days
Sorry but I wanna talk more abt your cd burning adventures. Are the chapters separated to where you can click "next' on a CD player and skip to the next one? Or is it one big mb4 file on each one? Did you just sharpie each volume/chapters/parts onto each CD or did you somehow put the book cover designs on them? (Ready with a pen and notepad)
hi i also wanna talk more about my cd burning adventures. okay SO.
short answer: yes, all the files were converted into mp3s and the chapters were broken up into individual files. if you hit 'next' then it will go to the next chapter until the disc ends.
long answer: the sexy thing about converting files to mb4 is that most mb4 files will automatically separate per chapter. smth smth abt detecting breaks in the audio and finding when the narrator says the chapter number (i actually had a scare there in volume 3 where there was a 10 second chapter, turns out nope no fuck up the chapter was just straight up a sentence long)
what i did was i downloaded (cough cough pirate cough cough) the books through torrent files, found a free torrent browser, and used that to convert them to their original form. which would be m4b files. unfortunately those files were all around 12hrs long which absolutely will not fit on my cds, which can contain 80mins max. additionally, my laptops built in burning program (windows play or smth, its easy and free) wouldnt take anything but mp3 files. so i found an m4b to mp3 converter fairly easily and it gave me the option to separate all of the chapters into separate mp3 files. i managed to fit around 3-6 chapters per disc depending on the length, though some chapters were too long and ended up taking a whole disc. also be so careful to order the chapters correctly before burning, i had to throw away a couple cds cuz i did it backwards.
side note: DO NOT PAY FOR SHIT, all of the sites i used were free and efficient. if you have to pay a subscription to convert or download anything at all then dont bother, move on. you'll find smth free i promise
second note: use firefox as your browser for this. it has a ton of malware protection and allows you to actually access non sponsored free sites pretty easily.
as for the labeling, all i did was sharpie the info on. painting or generally decorating the back of a cd can damage the player and unbalance the disc. unless you have a cd printer its better to avoid fancy decorations on the disc itself, stick to the cases if you have those available. because of the sheer amount of discs i had it wasnt really practical to use standard cases so like i said in my og post, theyre all residing in a massive cd case like the ones ppl keep in their cars.
the labeling format i used was
VOL. #
Tales From the Gas Station
Chap. # - Chap. #
Disc #
with each volume i would start the disc # from 1.
ex: vol. 1 has discs 1-9, then vol. 2 starts at disc 1 again.
like i mentioned before, i made these for a friend so i catered my labeling system to what i know he'd like. do it however you please tho :3
hope this helpsssss
brief addition, pic of the cds
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moka-nek0 · 1 month
I've started collecting official Senyuu merch, but god it's so hard for several reasons
Most things are coming from Japan, so the shipping to the US can be expensive, or they don't ship to the US at all.
It is extremely hard to find anything, they're very rare to find since the manga/anime are both very obscure (it's more popular in Japan than anywhere else but even there, it's still obscure)
Nearly everything is second-hand. it's usually in good condition though!! however, today i bought the CD + DVD thing and it was missing the CD itself, so now i have to wait until next month when i get paid so i can buy the CD on amazon for 30 bucks 😭
Unfortunately, I dont think my collection of Senyuu things will ever actually be complete because there are a few things that I haven't seen being sold anywhere/being shipped to the US, such as most of the art books, and most of the things from Haruhara's JP merch store.
HOWEVER i recently found a site that has SO many second-hand Senyuu things that I can buy with US money!! most of it is expensive, but i scored 3 limited edition MQ books for 5 dollars 😭 how tf
also if anyone has any advice on finding Senyuu merch, please tell me, i live in the US so it's difficult for me to find any
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rigelmejo · 3 months
More on the glossika app japanese course journey: せつめいして 下さい. 説明して 下さい。 is "please explain" setsu mei (to me) sounds a bit like shuoming. This reminds me of jikan (time) 時間 which i think sounds slightly like shijian. Yes I know they're barely similar. Or 来週 に 出来 ます か? raishuu (next week) sounds a bit like laizhou (how it'd be pronounced in chinese). My guess is maybe this is about how similar the 2 kanji word pronounciations are to some chinese 2 hanzi words that are maybe loan words (or were once loan words).
Also i am still dealing with Fear that glossika is not teaching correct grammar. Lol. Again, i do NOT recommend a total beginner use glossika. I recommend, if you're a beginner AND you really want audio lessons that play on their own (which is what I wanted) then use either: japaneseaudiolessons.com free lessons (i know the maker's human translated it with a native speaker and they have extensive grammar notes for free on the site), japanesepod101 (or its FREE Full version through your library which is called Innovative Language Japanese 1-9... the downside or upside depending on perspective is the lessons are classroom paced so a bit slow for me - but it goes in depth explaining well), or find the OLD cd audio glossika japanese at your local library (or free files online if you dig) as while i do think the old course had errors it was more like 5% of sentences versus the new app course's 20% sentences having errors (flaws being that the old cd course doesnt explain grammar just gives examples).
The new glossika japanese app course should not be $16 at its current quality. Clozemaster is cheaper, if you really desire an app SRS sentences experience. And Anki japanese decks are sometimes MUCH better (and free). I just... really wanted some lessons that play audio english/japanese sentences and autoplay, and autoplay my review sentences on the right day to study (per SRS), because i like hands free listening study i can do while im busy. And listening works really good for me. But at this point the quality of glossika app is irritating me so much im just trying to get done as much of it as i can in spite. I want to be able to make a very informed review of if it can even get a learner where it claims: a1, a2, b1, b2, and i know sure as hell its not getting anyone to C1 like it claims.
Like... while i think glossika is NOT worth the money unless they hire some fucking human translators to proofread their courses, i do think 20% errors is the same rate as Clozemaster or random sentences a learner finds and translates with google translate to learn, and while thats a LOT of errors there are still people out there who learned japanese with 10,000 sentences they Found like this and studied in this messy way. So i am curious if the 6400 sentences glossika has, is in any way close enough to that experiencd to get decently far... i would say, if glossika japanese app can get me to N3 and understanding some N2, that'd be a reasonable level of learning to hope for from this. With much work on the learners part ToT of parsing through the errors. I can already read some manga and play video games in japanese, but my real knowledge is like... below N5, maybe N3 in grammar i vaguely recognize but my vocabulary is like Genki 1 and 2 lol, and then my japanese understansing is artificially inflated because i studied chinese a lot and now i recognize the rough meaning of most kanji i see from the hanzi similar characters i know. So i see kanji in a sentence? I can guess roughly what the sentence means, and guess fairly specifically if i also know a couple hiragana words in the sentence and recognize the grammar. My biggest weak point in japanese keeping my level closer to N5 (or below) is that i dont know the pronunciation of hardly ANY kanji containing words lol. And i dont recognize a LOT of hiragana only words. So in reading? I do okay (like manga or video game subtitles) with easier things or things ive read before in english and know the context for. But in listening i recognize less than what one needs to pass the N5. Hence my listening-heavy study focus. (Also listening to audio sentences instead of doing SRS flashcards just... sticks way better in my brain? So far its the best im able to retain stuff i learn, when it comes to studying. At least after reading. And with japanese pronunciations not known to me for kanji words, reading just reinforces my weak spot by allowimg me to continue to Not Know the pronunciation).
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leopoldainter · 4 months
Is it safer to wait inside the vehicle or remove it fir use
What's the booklet say to do.
itsa no
on get go
so we arent friends
good riddance TK
Yeah se have remeber
so there lies hands
basicly what we'RIsland
And dance to it to now.
you and;I then a lil toypop go!
and agumonPlauge of Darkfall
ok jeez
and hair face it leopold
we can CD
walmart silvirgincinemArizona
nickles and platinum, just like michael has in his
i assume he has a restaurant of his own if he isnt rollong in ittoo
New york
Ball falls
what is it!
i put the neckkacd ahh she gonna knoRain!
whats so unfair Quincy Adams
oh met reconte l'abre la
a tree's where a sap pours from sap
moisture lock
thatd be the slogon dot midi
file klik forgot
wat c'est une rlite oar Frontenac where they find ohip dont cover chiropracters
krak it baks
just formis
6 but out in the woods
dont i stab your heart
those were his last wards
battery is dead in this What
oh thats right jewlery power
still agumon
See how glued i am
to you call me jijimon
oh thats sweet so no funny bussiness
just your basic shit
who told you to
put the balm on
skin says so
you be a man but you are not my kind of kramer
still waiting for anything
you've changed
Avril Lavigne Parody
bathroom door slam
well my last daughter had a sex change
you look like lady gaga
thanksbi just thru it on more ok
we'll shoot on site in italy
Yes, A star is born!
and stephine gsrmablabla is no korean bbq
what kind of gym
hits the trackUranus
digital reference remember me not your friends
jijimon's jouset a couple try get one off surface
and drill cave
To burry Upwards is canyon
fishing instructions koelmon if you can catcj
marineangemon you are watching youtube
try a tims flyer and get arrested
jerk you got bits
house zelda do it see through Window lookin frame its mario ok Easter eggs fair game
amd hp chip nice amd agumon the item cointer
destinarion assured I have the space you need
for all your extra items
but button head flash
he traded his butterfree on the ss anne but alas
was it not caterpie that reminded misty that frogs
dont dance
eat and be merry
gotta catchem all its tips excluded
then moonlight sonata by beethoveb
so claire de lune
fountain bublé
im not refilming the motor
cycle seen flips out
thats where you rest an hour and sure enoiugh
you got
that one
jolt you need
at the gym before
poops or bed time
what a board the waterfall
run then beg to guess luck
so another melody punchline
And thats HP.some attk maybe
settle the sclre20
nice rox
and put onder the front mat if i have tp hear what my feet thinks so welcoming id go broke
she has to plexiglass everywhere now
then she tries from eraser
gomme et facile its french for
me im who my mom hired for your party
planer itchy zStop poochie
Tess was looking at Dalia Royce alone on her bed now
just a sec my moms calling espresso from the back seat
do you have cups
the little cups for espresso of course i do get in here.
and so they were there lost in space.
Dallas Royce and removes sunglasses.
its duck hunt now or we hit the poconos
actually tessa architect moved from the city
so they made you switch schooldumas
michaelBedmas and first off dial it for long distance break off and comply
i kapeesh
careful hot espresso
careful power windows child lock in door it seems
but another hand and its too good to bedsm
Then her dad gets up and walks out if I'm not dead by then either
Walks home a box of elephant Mines for basic yard chores I could just get a pet and then there was a new baby came along cancer funeral arrangements sally you did good keep up the goof
Crying a little
Packing peanuts and nails at an angel I'm an unlicensed driver
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caeliflammae · 6 months
checked out 20 CDs today and 20 movies and got my library card renewed and also got an octavia butler book (kindred)
im trying to reduce my use of spotify and so im working on expanding my actual media library, im gonna burn some physical copies and then just download the rest. very overjoyed. found most of my favorite albums and its just very rad to have physical copies of them. i want to directly support some artists by like buying their stuff on bandcamp or buying cds from their merch sites, but most of the albums i got are from pre 2000 or are by people i dont really want to support financially, or their all just dead. or its the beatles and cmon they do NOT need any of my money!!
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hekkoto · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Im open for COMMISSIONS~! Also please check out my links https://linktr.ee/hekkoto , Im in quite hard financial situation and I try to make it work >.> If you are interested, I have fundraiser, Patreon, Kofi, sites where I offer my arts on stuff and such Right now due to my health problems only my husband has job and makes money; I wanna do my best to make money with my arts. We not only struggle to pay for neccesities, I also had to borror quite a lot of money cause I needed new graphic card. I try my best with selling some of stuff I own [my huge CDs and vinyl records collection saved us lolz] and I hope to be able to get some commissions as Im able to draw and post again :> I will be honest, Im a bit terrified of future >.> I know what I want to do and I believe in myself but what will happen of we wont be able to make it? My situation is shitty as Im adult already, Im small artist and I dont have huge community. I know that when help is needed for smol kiddo or someone famous they get tons of help, but me... welp, who would like it help me? ^^' I would be super super grateful for sharing it, i gonna fight till the end tho I would prefer to postpone end ;p wanna support my evil dark empire? Im accepting souls on Patreon and Ko-fi! -> Hekkoto Huge thanks to all of my Patrons and people who donate ?
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sims1lostsets · 8 months
You will find loads of lost sets uploaded here, Link to Websites added and other things added and hope you enjoy this page.
Some interesting stuff below
This Site is always updated with new content and Website links use the Navigation tabs above to find what you are looking for my Sweeties on the site x
Some of the content from this site is in the tabs with its own created Tumblr Page tabs, not just on the main site wall when you find this site. All you have to go to is Artist/Sets tab and it will have links to Artist/Sets Tumblr pages on the Tumblr main Website
Link To Main Site
It will take you to main blog page site - With navagation tabs to find the content on here
2. Sequels To This Site
These are the other pages with Lost sets, as I just love the classics, not keen on The Sims 4 as it looks nothing like the other titles as i think they ruined The Sims 4 as thats just my opinion
4. Money Cheats
Use rosebud – 1000 free simalons
5. Where To Download The Sims 1 Complete Collection from
I have it on a Tab in the main Tumbr page - with the link
6. The Sims Complete Collection - No Cd Patch
Its in the Sims 1 Complete Collection Iso folder you download and use to install the game in the folder called Crack
7. Play Any Sims Title - 1, 2 or 3
Play whatever Sims game that YOU WANT to play, if you just want to play the old 1, 2 or 3 Sims titles then go ahead and never STOP ANYONE from stopping you or letting you do so, its your LIFE not THERES as it just a GAME
8. Dangrous Website alert
i have norton security for my web and its just blocked http://sims-new.my1.ru saying its dangrous, so dont go on it as it has malware and any HTTP sites are not 100% sure, so dont risk it
9. Achived Sites
I have add the Http Sites to wayback Achive so you dont have to put up with that side thing on the address bar saying (Not Secure) as it can get annoying at times so the wayback Achive site will make the site with Https on it from wayback mashine. that way i dont steal active sites content by uploading it on here sweeties.
10. Adding Content
If any of you want to add something to the Lost Sets or have a file you would like to add or share then you can always message me and let me know what it is as this is a commuity page for all people.
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