#But success will vary greatly depending on who is approaching her
deathinfeathers · 1 year
//Dunno if sinday stuff will ever be any real fun with this particular muse so might have her sit those days out.
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raitrolling · 2 years
and of course kat's ex and her uhhh friend, G E R L & S U H A I lmao
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G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
She got worse LMFAO But really being put through the wringer did a number to her self-esteem, self-image, and everything else. She was always shy and awkward, but she never used to be so withdrawn to the point of isolating herself every time things start going wrong (or start going too well that she can't handle the inevitable fallout). She's very much aware that she's in a bad place, but the best she can do is accept that things won't get better because she won't put in the effort, so might as well keep trying to get through every night.
She's always been a risk-taker because she's prone to having Bad Ideas that she tries to act on thinking they'll get her whatever she wants, but now she'll also engage in more self-destructive behaviour. Sometimes you just gotta try stealing from a dangerous individual just to feel something, y'know.
E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others?
Pickpocketing, theft, scavenging for spare change, and maybe getting a paycheck from the Clinic if Ullane is willing to compensate her knowing that money is leaving her hands the moment she's given it. She can't hold onto money for long, and more often than not it ends up getting spent on alcohol and snacks rather than things she actually needs.
She would always be willing to do something risky if there's a chance she'll end up earning a decent sum of money in the end. She's very easily swayed by money, and has no clue how to cut a good deal so she'll take things on face value.
R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive?
Kat keeps quiet about her views on the hemospectrum, as she thinks it's unfair but also knows there's no way it'll ever get changed. She's always trying to break rules if she thinks she can get away with it and the end result will be beneficial to her, with varying degrees of success (mostly none).
She probably feels more comfortable around rebels because she knows their values will align, but she also knows how dangerous that can be. But she also greatly values people she perceives to be 'good' and follow the rules, even if it makes her feel horrible because she knows she can never do the same.
L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love?
She tries, but she's really awkward about it. She gets flustered easily by open displays of affection, and she's a lot more lowkey about her affections. She might try and offer some food or water to someone she likes who might need it, or let her friends stay at her hive if they want (while feeling embarrassed because she cannot keep that place tidy even if her life depended on it).
She absolutely does not love herself at all, and she'd like to believe that all you need is love, but she doesn't think she deserves it.
S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves?
Kat is not proactive at all, and more often than not she'll think she's come up with a solution to whatever she needs to know and will just act on that. Who needs research when you've got a good imagination?
She doesn't really feel the need to test out anything other people have told her either. She'll just accept things as is, and if she disagrees with it will think it sounds fake but not try to challenge it.
U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves?
I don't think Katrin really thinks about what she finds unattractive in others, as she's too preoccupied with thinking about what she hates about herself. It's okay if other people are rude or greedy or parasitic or don't know how to connect with others, but when she does it it makes her a bad person.
H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic?
Kat thinks the only heroes are like, Literally Superheroes lmao. She likes reading comics, but also thinks that all the heroics her favourite characters can do are limited to fiction only. How can she pull off all those impossible feats to help others? She doesn't have the powers, or the fighting abilities, or the gadgets...
She has a tendency to put people she likes on a massive pedestal to both admire their best qualities while also making it clear that she's nowhere near their level and doesn't deserve to be. She still thinks of Gerrel as being the best troll she's ever met, which is exactly why someone like her shouldn't be burdening him with all her awful qualities and bringing him down to her level.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
She... Doesn't really lmao, she doesn't know how to and feels awkward doing it, like any supportive words don't sound right coming out her mouth or people might question why she's trying to be supportive. So she prefers to hang back and watch people from a distance, letting them decide if they consider that 'support' or just her being present.
She doesn't really care about supporting any causes, apart from the cause to Give Her Things.
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
Kat has a wild imagination that has never done her any good. She tends to get all these bright ideas about how to get rich or solve all her problems that are in no way rooted in reality but seem to make sense to her, and will act on them believing that they will work out exactly as she thought.
She doesn't like to seek out the opinions of others because she doesn't want other people to know she needs help or advice, because that would mean burdening them with her own problems. Combined with the above, this is a recipe for disaster.
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felicityivf · 9 months
IVF Treatment Cost for Fertility
IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization, is a medical procedure used to help individuals or couples who are struggling with infertility to conceive a child. It's one of the most well-known assisted reproductive technologies. In this article, we will dive into the world of IVF and the best IVF treatment in Hyderabad. 
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Why IVF Cycle?
The Natural IVF Cycle has several advantages worth considering. Firstly, it tends to be more budget-friendly. Since fewer eggs are involved in the process, the overall cost is lower, and there are no additional expenses for fertility medications, as there is no stimulation of the ovaries. 
Furthermore, this method is less invasive, which can be appealing to those who may feel uncomfortable with the idea of multiple egg retrievals from their bodies. 
Understanding the best IVF treatment 
The first step is monitoring the woman's ovaries throughout her menstrual cycle, typically through ultrasound and blood tests. The aim is to detect signs of ovulation, such as an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH). 
Once the egg reaches maturity, it is retrieved by a doctor and then gently transferred to the uterus using a thin catheter. This is where fertilization with sperm takes place.
While generally safe, the Natural Cycle does carry some risks, including the potential for infection and ectopic pregnancy. But in this case, due to the retrieval of only one egg, the likelihood of success is lower compared to conventional IVF.
IVF treatment cost in Hyderabad
The cost of the Natural Cycle can vary depending on the clinic and the type of care provided. Generally, it is more affordable than conventional IVF due to the reduced number of eggs retrieved and fertilized. Many clinics offer financing options to make this treatment accessible to more couples.
IVF Treatment Costs in Hyderabad can start as low as 75,000 and go up to 2.5 Lakh Rupees depending on the additional measures that one may need to take. It's essential to keep in mind that IVF costs are typically broken down into several components, and the total expense can add up. 
Since IVF costs can vary widely from one clinic to another, it's advisable to research and consult with multiple fertility clinics in Hyderabad to get a clear understanding of the expenses involved. They can provide you with a detailed cost estimate tailored to your specific situation.
It's important to note that the success rate of the Natural Cycle varies greatly depending on factors such as the clinic's expertise and the woman's age and fertility health.
The World of Comprehensive IVF Centers
Comprehensive IVF centres offer a holistic approach to fertility treatment. They provide integrated care throughout the entire IVF journey, from preconception preparation to post-delivery care. 
Services offered include preconception counselling, fertility testing, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, and comprehensive support services such as financial counselling and emotional assistance.
These centres are staffed by a team of experienced fertility specialists dedicated to helping couples achieve their fertility goals. They aim to ensure that the IVF process runs as smoothly as possible, offering the necessary guidance and support.
Navigating the Emotional and Physical Challenges
Embarking on an IVF journey can be both physically and emotionally taxing. Fertility medications used to stimulate egg production can result in side effects such as bloating, cramping, and mood swings. 
The egg retrieval procedure, though done under sedation, can cause discomfort. Waiting for the embryo transfer and the subsequent pregnancy test can be nerve-wracking and stressful.
The emotional toll is significant. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, from hope and excitement to disappointment and grief. The fear of failure and the uncertainty of the outcome can lead to anxiety and depression. The financial burden can strain a couple's relationship.
The Importance of Compassionate Support
Compassionate support is a vital component of the IVF journey. It provides emotional and physical assistance, helping couples navigate the ups and downs of the process. This support can come from healthcare providers, family members, and friends.
Healthcare providers offering compassionate support take the time to listen to patients' concerns and provide information, guidance, and reassurance throughout the IVF process. They understand that IVF is not just a medical procedure but a life-changing experience.
Recommendation: Felicity IVF & Fertility Centre
If you're facing fertility challenges and considering IVF treatment in Hyderabad, we highly recommend consulting our experts at Felicity IVF & Fertility Centre. Our team of experienced fertility specialists can guide you through the IVF treatment process, providing personalized care and unwavering support. Reach out to them today to schedule a consultation.
Felicity Fertility Clinic prioritizes creating a supportive environment. We understand the emotional impact of fertility challenges, particularly for women with PCOS, and provide empathetic support and guidance throughout the fertility journey.
With a track record of high success rates among PCOS patients, Felicity Fertility Clinic offers hope to women struggling with this condition. Our personalized treatment plans focus on addressing hormonal imbalances and optimizing ovulation, making the dream of pregnancy a reality. 
Embrace the path to parenthood with the support of Felicity Fertility Clinic's skilled fertility specialists, cutting-edge technology, and compassionate care. Contact us today to begin your journey to a joyous and fulfilling pregnancy.
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Duties of a General Contractor
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A general contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction project. They coordinate the work of trades and vendors on a construction project, and communicate important information to all parties. The duties of a general contractor are extensive. Here are some of the duties of a general contractor:
General contractors are required to have insurance and bonding to perform certain types of work. In most states, contractors are required to carry workers' compensation insurance, even if they do not have any employees. General contractors are also required to have surety bonds, which protect them financially. Some jobs require these types of bonds, so it's important to check with your state's laws before hiring a general contractor. You can find a general contractor insurance policy online, or call your state's licensing department for more information. Here's a good read about Esco Builders Inc., check it out!
In addition to managing the labor and subcontractors, the general contractor is responsible for maintaining the relationship between the general contractor and other contractors. Many construction projects require skilled laborers. A general contractor may also have special certifications in some fields, but he or she will need to contract others to do the work. Keeping in touch with suppliers and wholesalers is also essential for a successful project. If one of these critical elements is late, it could cause the project to stall or even sit idle. To gather more information, click here to get started.
While a general contractor can coordinate subcontractors, he or she cannot make decisions on the quality of work. Ultimately, you will be responsible for paying the general contractor, who will mark up labor and materials costs and make a profit. A typical profit margin for a GC is between ten and thirty percent. However, this can vary greatly, depending on the state's licensing requirements and the project's complexity. As a result, hiring a good general contractor is essential to a successful project.
As part of his or her role as a construction manager, a general contractor works closely with the owner to collaborate on the design of a project. This collaboration helps him or her deliver a more accurate estimate of the cost of a project. This reduces the need for a competitive blind bid proposal and enables a general contractor to provide a realistic proposal based on the design insight. You may be surprised by the benefits of this approach. Kindly visit this website https://www.britannica.com/topic/job-description-of-a-general-contractor-2163154 for more useful reference.
A general contractor will typically submit a project proposal outlining the details of the project. This will require a great deal of work from the contractor, including quantity takeoffs from the project specs. Typically, this document will include billing for materials, equipment, labor, insurance, and worker's compensation. A general contractor will also charge for any markups and overhead expenses that are involved with the project. If you pay in advance, you are taking a significant risk.
A general contractor is the primary point of contact between the building owner and subcontractors. He/she coordinates the work of subcontractors and oversees the quality of their work. As a general contractor, he or she will ensure that the building meets the specifications. A general contractor will also ensure that payment is timely, and that all work is completed according to specification. A general contractor will have a strong reputation for delivering quality work within the timeframe quoted.
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Cause a scene (Poe Dameron)
Requested: NO
Warnings: just some cursing, jealous drama queen Poe and him being a tiny bit too okay with PDA 
Summary: Poe’s not one to be too possessive, he knows his place. It just seems as if one of the newbies does not know his place and Poe is pretty much determined to set that and some other things straight. 
A/n: i’ve got this idea whilst pretty much gushing about angry poe in that particular scene with the lovely @damnyoudameron​ I hope you enjoy it! She’ll probably release something similar too, so make sure to check her work out if you have time:) all the love<3
My Masterlist 
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Of course he had no right to be jealous, he knew that. It wasn’t like the two of you were dating, whether officially or unofficially. Certainly, you flirted like your life depended on it and you sure as hell were all over each other all the time – but you weren’t really a thing.
Yet he had been pretty sure that he had gotten his point across that you were not to be approached by anyone because quite frankly, you were his and the other way around. And Poe didn’t wanted to be a possessive lover – again, he wasn’t even your lover at last – and he knew that you weren’t really his even if you were an item…but he couldn’t help himself at times. Same thing with jealousy: even though Poe knew that he wasn’t in the place to be jealous, whenever he saw you with Brody, his jaw tightened and he had to either look away or leave the room. Brody was new at the resistance, a newbie and still quite green. He’s been assigned to Poe’s unit as Blue five (a thing Poe was at odds since the beginning of time) and served and flew under Leia’s (and ultimately Poe’s command) for a month now. And when Poe was an understanding and patient commander, known for not only his tendencies to do the opposite of the task given but also caring greatly for his squadron, he found himself struggling to cope with the newest addition to the team. The problem was not that Brody was one to talk back when he absolutely wasn’t in position to do so – though it obviously contributed to the loathing Poe felt against the man – but also the constant complaining about certain things. He seemed to know better about maneuvers, formations, weak spots of TIE-Fighters, tactics and even X-Wings at times. Constantly talking about the importance of not overheating the compressor system or the cryogenic power generator, when Poe clearly couldn’t give a shit less about that. Sure, an exploding power generator wouldn’t be fun, but Poe would surely not stop on some foreign planet just to check the eventual bad state of a generator. Either the whole thing blew up in his face or it did not, and as long as BB-8 or any another astrodroid didn't report on anything, overheated power plants were not Poe's biggest concerns. Especially not when hunting down a bunch of TIE-Fighters in the vast blackness of space.
True hatred for the fellow pilot had however only truly sparked when that annoying prick started to notice you, as you worked your way through every X-Wing after the landings. The quick check-ups with your team were not only a necessity but also where you could spend some quality time teasing the hell out of Poe. And he loved it, every snarky remark and cheeky wink you gave him, every smile and silent eyeroll of yours. It had went so far that you usually approached Black One first, letting your team take over the rest before you moved on to Oddy or Jessika. You had even started to teasingly call his X-Wing your very own child and always made sure to scold him about damages and dents he brought home. Like a caring mother you always patted the titanium alloy, giving Poe a disapproving look whenever you discovered a new scratch in the black ferrosphere paint. He’d always grin and either wrap his arms around you, or flee from your unbridled rage whenever he had completely messed up the shields again. Not that you would actually hit that mischievous little bastard, you’d admittedly died every time he took off and prayed for his return.
After all, Poe Dameron had an effect on you, like he had on every one, varying from never ending annoyance (definitely General Organa), hatred (the first order), a headache (Leia again), admiration (literally the whole hangar and piloting community) to faster beating hearts and sneaky glances (all the female and some male members of the resistance). And as much as you hated to admit it, the latter definitely applied to you.
When first you had tried to brush his flirting and compliments off, telling yourself that he basically did this with everyone, you too had soon sensed a change. The flirty comments became more recent and you were distinctively often aimed at you and you only, he had his eyes on you across the cantina or walked you to your dorm. He waited for you after lunch to take a walk like you mostly did, never let his X-Wing get checked by anyone but you. He had the habit of staring off people, wordlessly telling them to back up and not approach you ever. His hands were always somewhere on you, resting on your lower back, around your shoulders, in your hair, around your waist or his pinkie linked with yours. Now, Poe’s always been a touchy one, but when even your friends started to point out how incredibly handsy he was with you, you began to wonder. Maybe even hope, a bit.
Especially when he started to display some slight jealous behaviour whenever you talked to other guys longer than he found necessary. Not that he ever said it out loud, his body language just spoke for itself: straight back, tensed shoulders and a muscle in his jaw constantly clenching and unclenching. To your own amusement he always stayed quiet until the end before either walking over and dragging you to his X-Wing for some “changes and stuff” or wrap his arms around you somehow, indicating the conversation to be over now.
It was no surprise then when as Brody started to chat you up after missions, he was ready to flip a table.
He couldn’t believe his eyes when one day after another successful mission, the one person he disliked the most had the audacity to prevent you from coming over to him first. Smoothly pulling you into a conversation and swiftly distracting you from your intention to walk over to the now fuming commander first.
He was charming, you had to admit that. His attempts on hitting on you by complimenting your skills and whatnot didn’t go unnoticed by you, though they had little to no effect on you. Firstly because you sure as hell didn’t needed any confirmation from some newly recruited pilot, you knew your profession and your shit, besides, you were leading your team not because of luck. Secondly, as charming as Brody may seemed to be, you did have your eyes on someone else. Someone who’s wit and charm outmatched the blonde’s by far. But he was nice and you acknowledged that and saw no reason to treat him any different.
Quite the opposite of Poe actually, who was totally ready to smash in his control screens with Brody’s face, to get your attention back again.
After ten minutes of jealously waiting for you to finally come and check up on his ship, he decided to just simply get you himself. After all, he was the commander and he wanted you to himself for at least five minutes before having to share you with some irritating asshole again.
When you had seen him approach, your eyes lit up immediately, much to his satisfaction. You’d placed the clamp down immediately and met him halfway with a warm hug.
“Hello there flyboy.” Your voice muffled by his flying suit and arms still around his torso, he felt a wave of relief flooding though him.
“Evening love.” He had only managed to whisper before gently letting go to inspect your face. “You good?” he earned an eyeroll for that one comment. “Me? Which one of us just returned from a deadly mission from space? You or I? I should be asking that question, dumbass.”
Long story short: the two of you were cute, and everybody knew and shared that opinion. Everyone except maybe Brody, who had a knack of ignoring the obvious and after similar episodes of him simply trying to snatch you away from Poe, Poe actively despised him.
So when he caught the two of you around one of the large holo-tables, after a mission that had been demanding anyways, he simply snapped. He’s already had a long day, he was already a bit needy for you especially after you had spent a ridiculously short time at his X-Wing. And when Brody rose his arm to place it softly around your waist, he saw red. That was the last straw and he was ready to strangle that fucking know here and there.
“Poe?” Finn sounded alarmed as Poe rushed past him, his eyes following his friends burning gaze to you. He immediately understood and extended an arm towards him, trying to hold the furious man back.
“Poe hold on a minute…” he tried, finding it hard to sound somehow like Leia, knowing about her being one of two people having the actual power to stop Poe from something. Though, not even Leia could, not always. The only one to truly control his extremely impulsive friend was you, and you were occupied right now.
“Let’s not have a scene now, yeah?” he tried again, Poe’s sleeves slipping from his fingers as the pilot angrily continued his way towards the two of you.
“No, let’s.” his voice was hoarse of anger and jealousy as he finally reached you. Eyes ablaze and fist clenched, and everybody made sure to stay out of his way.
“Y/N…” his voice made you snap around, immediately seeing it as an opportunity to shrug off Brody’s hands that had again settled on your waist. You turned around to Poe, eyes wandering over him with an amused sparkle in your eyes. He had already changed into a dark leather jacket, similar to yours actually and a greenish shirt. His hair was curled unruly still, single strands of black hair falling into his stern face.
And, you had never seen Poe so tensed up and ready to eventually riot, and you would lie if saying that it wasn’t attractive. With his eyes basically burning a hole into Brody and he hands clenched tightly he radiated the energy of a panther about to snap.
“Engine’s down again.” He only pressed out, his mind not even bothering to make up a good explanation why he was prone to end this conversation now. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You asked, in wide eyed innocence. “Forgot about it. BB-8 just reminded me.” He muttered, getting momentarily distracted by you adjusting his jacket. 
“Poe Dameron. When will you finally stop wrecking my beloved ship?” you mused, looking up at him with a twisted smile.
“Probably happened during that one moment when we split formations. In my opinion a tactical error, clearly that only…” Poe growled lowly, tensing up again and you quickly placed a hand on his chest.
“Oh yeah?” he snapped, his whole hatred against Brody laced with his spat out words. You raised to your tiptoes trying to get Poe’s attention back on you. It worked, but only for a split seconds, until Brody decided to open his mouth again and broadcast his wisdom.
“Yeah, every child knows that TIE’s attack in squadrons and therefore have the strength in blasting away a whole squadron easily. There is protection in a crowd, that also applies to the rules of space…” “The rules of space? That if an X-Wing explodes next to yours, the flying scrap simply goes around your engines in the process of getting hurled through space? Are those your rules of space?  By staying close you literally endanger the whole goddamn team you fucking…” you simply reached for his hand, silencing him quickly.
“What the fuck do you see in him.” he hissed under his breath, eyes darting down to you whilst Brody was trying to actually argue about that now. You sighed softly.
When you were highkey amused and smug about Poe’s obvious jealously, it bugged you that he actually believed you could feel anything more than mere friendship towards Brody. Not only because you literally had Poe Dameron around you twenty-four seven, but also because he just wasn’t your type. You were sure that there were people who were into lean, know it all, messy blond dudes with buzzcut, it just wasn’t your piece of cake.
Your eyes trailed over his angry face again. You made another attempt by carefully brushing over Poe’s jacket again, trying to flatten out wrinkles and just generally calm him down. You knew him well enough to know that if you couldn’t distract him soon, he’d have his hand at Brody’s throat in no time. Not that you could really blame him for it though.
Poe almost immediately reacted to your touch, shoulders slumping down a tiny bit. His hand finally found his place on your waist, his touch letting chills run through your body. You reached up to his neck, adjusting the thin silver chain with the ring that had caught itself in the collar of his jacket. He shivered softly at your touch and you couldn’t help but grin softly at his hyperawareness of your fingers on his soft skin.
“Let’s check up on my baby then.” You said softly, innocently tilting your head at him. The way you said it insinuated the possibility of you not only talking about the black starfighter but perhaps…Poe let out a breath he had not been aware of holding, looking down at you.
“Make sure to come back quickly after that. The conversation was just about to get good!” Brody winked with a laugh and Poe…it was enough, definitely and finally enough. Without hesitating a second, he cupped your face with both of his hands before smashing his lips down on yours. You froze for a second, overwhelmed and surprised by Poe’s sudden snap of character, but you quickly recovered and returned the kiss eagerly. After all, it was long overdue. A fire danced from his lips to yours, the warmth and neediness of his lips sending shivers down your spine. He bit down on your lip just lightly, enough to make you gasp softly and part you lips. But it was enough for him to quickly sweep over your bottom lip with his tongue as if to ask if you were okay with that. Of course you were, it took you a millisecond to grant him access and deepen the kiss. You could almost feel him smile against your lips before he backed off suddenly, looking satisfied and smug as ever. Then his gaze hardened, falling on Brandon again. 
“We’ll see about that.” And with that he turned around, hands still on your waist and making sure that finally everyone knew, to who the hell you belonged to.
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tejkohlifoundation · 4 years
Tej Kohli: Profile Of A Technologist
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Tej Kohli is a philanthropist who is well known for his worldwide mission to eliminate corneal blindness from poor and underserved communities by 2035.  In 2006 he sold a company that he had founded just seven years earlier as part of a high value sale.  The company specialised in online payment gateways for high risk sectors and also in the acquisition, turnaround and trade sale of online gaming properties.  Since this 2006 liquidity event Tej Kohli has been actively engaged in building the not-for-profit Tej Kohli Foundation.
Tej Kohli is also an impact investor focused on artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnology ventures that have the potential to drive positive human impact.  His impact investments include proprietary technologies that have the potential to have a transformation impact in a variety of applications.  Ventures backed by Tej Kohli are engaged in activities ranging from resolving the treatment gap that leads to poverty-driven blindness through to solving the logistical challenges of organ donation and even using machine learning to dramatically increase the efficiency of plastics recycling.
Tej is a father to two teenagers and has been married to his wife Wendy for over twenty years.  He is a keen esports fan and an unashamed supercar enthusiast.  He is also an avid ballroom dancer who has competed in international events.  Tej Kohli regularly shares his thoughts and wisdom in a series of #TejTalks blogs and is an active user of social media.
Here we find out more about the colourful technologist…
What is #TejTalks?
Tej Kohli - #TejTalks is where I share my thoughts and also important information about the things that matter to me or which have captured my attention.  I blog using Medium and I also post a lot on Twitter and Facebook.  I am not that well known and I am not a public figure, so I do not have much of a platform elsewhere.  The beauty of place like Medium and to a lesser extent Twitter, is the ability to make unmediated connections with experts.
The Tej Kohli Foundation for example, is entirely depending on forming new partnerships and coalitions all around the world to solve big challenges.  So #TejTalks is a great place to zone in onto some of the constitute parts of those challenges or the underlying factors that are causing them, and to connect and share ideas with relevant experts.  A huge proportion of corneal blindness for example is a poverty-driven ailment, and so you cannot solve it without also looking at the underlying causes of poverty.  Female inequality also plays a big role in poverty blindness, and so recently I have been learning and blogging about that too.
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You recently published ‘Rebuilding You: The Philanthropy Handbook’.  Why?
Tej Kohli - My own approach to philanthropy has been heaving focused on rebuilding people and communities around the world.  And one of the things that I have learned on that journey is that in becoming a philanthropist you cannot simply become a kinder and more benevolent version of yourself.  You also need to behave differently, think differently and change your outlook.  I wrote ‘Rebuilding You’ as a guide for others who want to use their wealth for good, so that they can avoid some of the common pitfalls and have a greater impact more quickly.  
I have organised the ‘Rebuilding You’ handbook into key decision areas.  Each area will enable would-be philanthropists to combine some of my experiences with their own to synthesise new ideas about how to define a brand of philanthropy that will best achieve their goals.
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned during your career?
Tej Kohli - I am about to turn 63 and I have led a rollercoaster life.  People often tell me that my life story would make a great movie, but I tell them that if it was a it would do badly it because the story would not seem believable!  I made a single youthful mistake in 1988 that I have regretted ever since and which I still feel great remorse for.  I think what that taught me is that sometimes the important thing is to know what not to do.  
At the same time if you want to achieve something you need to aim higher and go further than almost every other person is prepared to go, and if you start young like I did, it is inevitable that you will make some mistakes.  I feel bad for young people these days as so much of their lives are recorded and documented online.  I counsel my kids and their friends to aim high but also to be very careful as any indiscretion could follow them forever.
But the biggest lesson I think I have learned is that you will always have your critics and not to let them detract from what you are doing.  It’s best not to give them the satisfaction of allowing them to diminish who you are and what you are doing.  The best thing to do is to simply keep going, keep doing good, keep giving back and keep helping others.
What for you have been the key moments in your life?
You know my mother is 86 now and if I am anything in life then I owe it to her.  She has always been there for me and that consistent love and support has been more important to me than any particular moments, except of course for the birth of my son and daughter.  I had my children quite late in life, but my kids are by far the thing that I am most proud of.
In terms of my career, my first job after graduating in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology was installing tachometers.  I was installing at a facility owned by Rabocomtel and realised that I could design a process controlled which would significantly increase the efficiency of their facilities.  It’s a long story, but ultimately, I was able to pitch the idea to the CEO who placed a big order with the company that I worked for.  That gave me my first real affirmation of my desire to become an entrepreneur.
When the company that I launched in 1999 reached $100m of turnover was also a key moment for me too.  It affirmed my belief in what was possible, and we quickly expanded to employ hundreds of software developers and began buying and turning around companies too.  And obviously when that company was sold in 2006 it was a life changing moment.
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You graduated in from the Indian Institute of Technology with a degree in Electrical Engineering.  Do you still consider yourself an engineer?
Tej Kohli - Today I would call myself a technologist, but I think that to be an engineer you now need to be a technologist and vice versa.  It was 1980 when I graduated in Electrical Engineering and ‘technology’ as we know it today did not really exist.  The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) remains today one of the top educational institutions in the world and it has become famous for the problem-solving abilities of its engineers.  
When the COVID-19 crisis hit in 2020, India found itself with a catastrophic shortage of ventilators, but within weeks engineers at IIT had created a low-cost ventilator that could be manufactured using off-the-shelf parts.  They made their design open source so that local manufacturing companies could turn their resources to manufacturing ventilators, which they did.  That is an elegant example of engineering and technology coming together.
In 2018 my alma mater conferred their Distinguished Alumnus Award upon me for serving society at large through my work at the Tej Kohli Foundation.  That made me proud because part of what we do at the Foundation is to deploy technology to solve human problems.
Who has inspired you most in life?
Tej Kohli - The late Kofi Annan was by far the wisest and most inspirational man that I have ever met.  But from a more practical perspective, as obvious as it may sound, I greatly admire Bill Gates.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation approach to philanthropy has set a high standard to which all other philanthropists can aspire.  The way that Bill Gates defined very specific objectives and then intensively targeted vast resources into both grassroots activities and also major scientific innovations, has been a big source of learning for me that has continually motivated and inspired me to do even more.  Bill Gates achieved so much in business and then used that success to achieve so much for others that like me he has almost had ‘two lives’.  His example is a wake-up call for any human who has accumulated wealth to consider how they might use that wealth for the betterment of their fellow human beings.
I am also greatly indebted to Michael Milken.  His story resonates strongly with me because Milken got ‘tripped up’ by his prodigious early success, but then made a colossal comeback and focused on using his success to help others.  Today Milken is one of the biggest funders of research into prostate cancer, and the results are incredible.  In 2004 Fortune Magazine called Milken ‘The Man Who Changed Medicine’.  Milken shows that it is possible to move on from past youthful mistakes and rebuild yourself for the betterment of other people.
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You have been at the helm of the Tej Kohli Foundation for well over a decade.  When did your philanthropic ambitions start?
Tej Kohli - It was my wife Wendy who started off our journey into philanthropy when in 2005 we sponsored a group of disabled children in Costa Rica.  By 2005 we knew that a sale of my company was imminent, and we wanted to have something new to put all of our energies into.  The group of disabled children that we committed to help had varying levels of disability, and our job was to make interventions that would improve their lives.  Some had such severe disability that they would need permanent care for the rest of their lives.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, with our support one young girl eventually attended college in the USA.
That same year my wife Wendy launched the ‘Funda  Kohli’ project by establishing a series of free canteens in Costa Rica, which is where she is from.  The canteens are still operational today more than fifteen years later.  They feed hundreds of school age children for free every single day to make sure that they have the nutrition and sustenance that they need to thrive.  
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But today you are best known for your mission to end corneal blindness by 2035, where did that mission come from?
Tej Kohli - In 2010 I was invited to fund donor corneal transplants at Niramaya Hospital in India.  There is no history of blindness in my family and corneal blindness is not something that I had known a huge amount about before then.  Nowadays I consider myself something of an expert.  I was present in 2010 as the recipient of a corneal transplant that I had funded - a 50-year-old man who had been blind for decades - had his bandages removed.  The man was able to see his wife and grown up children for the first time in decades.  
That was a life changing moment for him and also for me and was my affirmation that having enjoyed so much rapid success in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, I now wanted to use that success to eliminate corneal blindness.  I felt it was my calling.  
Another one of the reasons that corneal blindness resonated so strongly with me is because it is at its heart it is a poverty driven ailment.  75% of corneal blindness is either preventable or treatable.  But when it is left untreated, it impedes the ability of entire families to become economically successful in communities that are already impoverished.  NGOs do not reach a majority of the remote and rural communities in India.  In communities that are underserved for healthcare provision due to their remoteness or poverty, there is a huge treatment gap.
The other challenge with corneal blindness, is that because it’s not life threatening, it attracts less attention than some other global health issues.  But the social and economic impact of restoring someone’s vision is immense.  It changes families forever.  That’s why I became determined to make a difference.  And by 2015 I was funding so many corneal transplant operations at Niramaya that a bigger facility was needed.  
Is that when the Tej Kohli Cornea Institute project was started?
Tej Kohli - The Tej Kohli Cornea Institute in Hyderabad was the biggest project that the Tej Kohli Foundation had ever embarked upon.  It opened in late 2015 and by November 2019 it had welcomed more than 223,404 outpatients and completed more than 43,255 surgeries.  
People living with corneal blindness or visual impairment in India were often living in total poverty and in some instances could not even afford the train fare to travel to see a doctor, let alone to pay for a complex corneal transplant operation.  We treated anyone referred to the Tej Kohli Cornea Institute for free regardless of who they were.  It meant that we were able to help people who had been economically ‘shut out’ from the life changing treatment.
There was one girl who was the same age as my daughter whose vision was so poor that she was nearly blind.  I was visiting Hyderbad and met her just after she had received her corneal transplant.  She gave me a big hug and I couldn’t help thinking how I would feel if this was my daughter.  After that I couldn’t stop thinking about how many others like her were still out there.  Knowing that I could help them felt like a big responsibility that I wanted to rise to.
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The focus of the Tej Kohli Cornea Institute is in India, but you haven’t lived in India for many decades.  What is it that keeps your focus on India?
Tej Kohli - ‘First world’ problems are invariably the ones which it would be relatively expensive to solve.  By contrast, high rates of poverty mean that many developing countries are plagued by diseases that it would cost the ‘first world’ comparatively tiny sums to control.  In 2018 India commenced the world’s largest experiment in Universal healthcare when the Government granted 500 million people the entitlement to free health insurance overnight.  
This will mean that those living below the poverty line in India will no longer have to pay for hospital treatments that would until now have pushed them into crippling debts.  But whilst on the surface this is a hugely positive step forward, too much optimism entirely ignores the fact that it will still take many decades and billions of dollars to bring all of India’s healthcare systems up to the equivalent standard of that in the West.  Until then, highly pervasive treatment gaps will continue to permeate the poorest communities.  
My own focus on India as a philanthropist actually has nothing to do with my own heritage.  Unfortunately, India is an epicentre of poverty-driven corneal blindness, and so it is the obvious place for us to be in our mission to combat this form of blindness, the vast proportion of which is either avoidable or treatable.  But closing the treatment gaps is about more than money – it is also about logistics, resources, education, knowledge, cultural understanding and having a deep reach into communities.  Does my heritage help with this?  Yes, a little.
But in 2020 you announced that you were going to shift your focus away from these direct interventions in favour of finding cures.  Why?
Tej Kohli – What has always been abundantly clear from the beginning is the sheer magnitude of the task of closing the corneal blindness treatment gap.  I have always felt that official data is incomplete and so in reality there could be ten million people in the world living needlessly with corneal blindness.  Most of them are in remote and rural communities across many different countries speaking different languages and with different systems in place.
You simply cannot eliminate corneal blindness by relying on transplantation surgery.  Transplantation is too expensive, too complex and too inaccessible for most of the people who need it.  The only way to eliminate corneal blindness by 2035 is to bring to market a novel solution that is affordable, scalable and accessible in all circumstances.  What you need is a solution that can be applied by ophthalmologists or nurses without surgical intervention.  
Finding that ‘universal’ solution is not something that we have just embarked upon: we have been working on it for years and today we have our own intellectual property which we have developed ‘in house’ as well as sponsoring the projects of third parties at major institutions.  To begin with we tried to synthesise new corneas from yeast and then later from peptides.  We were able to create them, but the rejection rate was too high, and neither solution would have removed the need for invasive sutures and expensive surgery.  
It took until 2019 before we achieved a breakthrough when we created a proprietary regenerative solution, which in theory, could be applied using a syringe and cause the cornea to ‘regenerate’ and repair itself.  Subject to regulatory approvals, this ‘universal solution’ is now years rather than decades away and could be relevant to more than one third of people with corneal blindness.
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The “major institution” where you are sponsoring projects, is that Harvard Medical School?
Tej Kohli – Actually the Tej Kohli Cornea Program resides at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston, which is a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School.  It is Harvard professors from the Department of Ophthalmology who lead the research that we sponsor at Mass. Eye and Ear, but our donations do directly to the hospital and it is they who administer the spending.
I donated $2m in 2019 to support the development of innovative technologies to improve medical diagnoses and treatments of corneal blindness.  That money is going toward two major projects, one being similar to our own in-house project, and the other utilising nano string technologies to aid early diagnostics and preventative treatment.  The funds are also used to provide seed funding to projects that address unmet medical needs in ophthalmology.  In my mind the first $2m is just the start and we will do more together in the future too.
In 2019 we also inaugurated the Tej Kohli Cornea Institute UK Centre of Innovation in the United Kingdom.  The Institute is building a research network to bring scientific expertise together and is also harnessing the best of British innovation to bridge the corneal blindness treatment gap in poor communities by awarding grants to UK-based technological and scientific projects.  Decisions are made by an advisory board of UK experts in Ophthalmology.
Recently you returned to your earliest days of feeding children by launching food support programs in the UK.  Why?
Tej Kohli - in the Spring of 2020 the world was plunged into a global crisis due to the Coronavirus.  The pandemic required an emergency response of immediate interventions to alleviate individual human suffering.  We had for a long time been formulating plans for how we could get involved in the mission to combat holiday hunger in the UK.  When the crisis hit we had to bring those plans forward and play our part in supporting the local community.
The Tej Kohli Foundation partnered with community groups to create capacity to deliver 100,000 cooked meals each week to any charities or volunteer groups who need more free food to distribute into their local community.  We also created the ‘YouCube’ box, a youth-focused food initiative that aims to ‘repackage’ food provision as an off-the-shelf initiative that existing charity and volunteer groups can adopt to combat hunger in their community.  
Now the Tej Kohli Foundation aspires to use the organisational memory that has been developed during this period and the deep community connectivity of the scheme to combat ‘holiday hunger’ amongst children.  
You also donated $100,000 toward the development of a vaccine for COVID-19, what motivated that?
Tej Kohli - I donated $100,000 of emergency funding to Harvard Medical School researchers based at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital in Boston.  They had developed a novel and experimental gene-based vaccine which utilises a harmless ‘Trojan horse’ virus as a carrier to bring a tiny piece of the DNA of SARS-CoVid-2 into a patient’s cells, building a protein that stimulates their immune system to fight future infections.  I think it is a promising solution to a major global problem, and I am hopeful that it will prove successful.
Your ‘Future Bionics’ program is funding 3D-printed bionic arms for young people in the UK.  How did you arrive at this project?
Tej Kohli – I am immensely proud of our Future Bionics project.  It captures so elegantly what the Tej Kohli Foundation is all about: making direct interventions to improve people’s lives using technology, with a particular focus on younger people with their entire life ahead of them.  The project came about when I had lunch with the CEO of the company that make the bionic arms and he told me that a lot of families turn to crowdfunding because they cannot afford to purchase one of the arms for their child, and that most of this crowdfunding fails.
The first arm was delivered to a 10-year-old from Blackburn called Jacob as an early Christmas present.  He has set a shining example and is a fine young man who is a great role model to other young people.  And since then we are working our way through to provide arms to ten young people to begin with.  I hope we can continue the program after that, but we will have to take a view on the cost versus the impact once that the current tranche is completed.
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Why do you place so much faith and emphasis into technology?
Tej Kohli – you should never underestimate the role of technology in making the world a better place.  We are living through an unprecedented time in human history where a chain reaction of rapid technological development across science and technology is unlocking unprecedented new opportunities to solve major human problems.  Technologists can look out across the vista of a hugely rich and fertile landscape of new opportunities to improve human life.  Many new and novel solutions are within grasp and simply need to be incubated and ‘proven’ to stimulate their widespread adoption.
Many technologists and entrepreneurs have built successful commercial enterprises or pioneered new technology solutions before.  It’s my belief that this expertise is absolutely critical for unlocking the potential of these new and frontier technologies in a way that can have an exponential global impact in terms of solving human problems and improving human life.  
I have long been fascinated by deep tech and new frontier technologies.  When I started my payment gateways company in Costa Rica in 1999 we were figuring out frontier technologies and combining them to build brand solutions and applications.   By the time that I left in 2006 my company employed armies of software developers.  And this experience as a technologist is now also part of the DNA of my objectives and ambitions as a philanthropist.
It was Peter Thiel who noted that “We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters”.  Is there a risk that technology will not deliver in the ways that you expect?
Tej Kohli - My real point is that we are now at a watershed moment where the opportunity is to innovate solutions that could eliminate specific areas of human suffering entirely, rather than merely alleviating them. I strongly believe that AI and ‘humanitarian robotics’ have the potential to drive innovations which will alleviate human suffering and hardship, both directly and indirectly.  I also believe that humanitarian efforts the world over will be greatly advanced by these emerging technologies as they continue their exponential growth.
That’s why earlier this year I established a new incubator to back scientific projects and commercial ventures that were targeting solutions to corneal blindness, with the caveat that those solutions must be affordable, scalable and accessible in the world’s poorest countries.
You have predicted that artificial intelligence could become a $150 trillion economy within five years, which is ten times more than the current combined output of India and China?
Tej Kohli - Artificial intelligence, and also biotechnology for that matter, are both frontier technologies that are locked into an exponential growth trajectory.  The cost of deciphering the human genome has dropped from $3 billion in 2001, to about $1,000 today and what took many months ten years ago can now be done in less than one hour.  
I believe that AI will be so manifest within all aspects of life, and that the applications are so broad, that the AI economy will worth four times that of the global Internet economy, which is today worth approximately $50 trillion.  AI is also already transforming developing countries.  In Nepal, machine learning has been utilised to map and prioritize reconstruction needs after earthquakes.  In Africa AI tutors are helping young students to catch up on coursework.  NGOs and humanitarian aid agencies are using big data analytics to optimise the delivery of supplies for refugees fleeing conflict and other hardships.  And in India rural farmers are being encouraged to use AI to improve crop yields and boost profits.  
Technological innovations like these bring us much closer to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on issues like eradicating poverty, ending health-care inequality, increasing access to schooling, and combating global warming.  And yet the world is only just scratching the surface of what these new technologies could do for human progress.  
Your Kohli Ventures investment vehicle focuses on impact investment.  Where does philanthropy end and impact investment begin?
Tej Kohli – That’s a good question.  Impact investment looks at the double bottom line of profit and social impact.  Philanthropy is a good way to spend wealth, but somewhere along the line you need to first generate that wealth.  So why not, when the circumstances are right, try to do both at the same time?  Take for example Detraxi, a Florida-based biotech company that I wholly own.  It’s a commercial venture but could have a significant humanitarian impact.
More than 100,800 solid organ transplants are performed each year worldwide according to the World Health Organisation.  Eight lives can potentially be saved by just one organ donor.  Demand far outstrips supply, yet thousands of organs get discarded every single year though wastage due to the practical difficulties of preserving and transporting organs.  Imagine if you could solve that problem, it would be a good business that would also save thousands of lives?  Well that is what we are trying to do by bringing the Detraxi solution to the market.
But which is more important, philanthropy or impact investment?
Tej Kohli - It was Sir Ronald Cohen who said that “the world must change but we cannot change it by throwing money at old ideas that no longer work.  To change the world, we must change how we do business, starting with where and when we invest our money”.  Can you imagine a world where every investment decision made by every institution also weighed up the human or social impact of that investment?  The consequences would be immense.
Worldwide impact investment is currently was worth around $715 billion in 2018, but the International Finance Corporation estimates that based on current demand from investors’  total demand is nearer to $26 trillion, which is fifty times larger.  Impact investing already has the power to solve issues that are often beyond governments.  And I am convinced that impact investing is one of the best ways of funding the technology-led changes that the world urgently needs in order to solve some of our biggest challenges.
What have been your favourite impact investments so far?
Tej Kohli – my impact investment portfolio is doing very well indeed, but I deliberately do not disclose my investments since having my name associated can eb a hinderance.  And anyway, the focus should be the founders and entrepreneurs at those venture, not on me.  One of the largest investments I have made was in 2019 when I committed $100m into the Rewired robotics-focused venture studio ‘with a humanitarian bent’.  
Rewired is a Switzerland based organisation, so I do not have any direct influence over what they invest in and their portfolio is also a tightly guarded secret.  But based on the Rewired investments that are already in the public domain, one of my favourites is Aromyx based in Silicon Valley.  Aromyx was originally initiated by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.  The company is creating new modalities of data that have the potential to be disruptive across many sectors and applications.  In 2019 Aromyx completed a large-scale study with one of the world’s largest chemical companies with a view to deploying Aromyx into the recycling process to improve plastics recycling rates by over 90%.
Other investments publicised by Rewired include Seldon, which is at the heart of accelerating the adoption of machine learning to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems.  There is also Raptor Maps, which was founded by MIT Engineers and makes it simple and affordable for solar companies to adopt drone technology as a tool to increase performance.  Open Bionics is enhancing the lives of all humans everywhere with its next generation of 3D-printed ‘bionic’ prosthetics.  And Elementary Robotics is re-engineering automation intelligence through its deep learning artificial intelligence software.
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You have said before that you believe your children, who are teenagers, could live to be at least 125 years old.  What will the world be like by 2125?
Tej Kohli - If I look at how the world has changed since I graduated in 1980, and given the acceleration of technological and human progress, I think it’s impossible to imagine the world in 2125.  Thanks to economic growth the world is already on track to end extreme poverty by 2030, so perhaps the next 100 years of human history will see humanity unlocking the latent potential that has always been restrained by global inequality.  
Of course, there are still major human challenges such as over population, sustainability and climate change that need dealing with.  But even during the next decade AI will change every aspect of our lives.  So by 2125 I am optimistic that technology will have unlocked even more solutions to these major global challenges.
Time will tell.  What I am certain is that the opportunity is right in front of us, and it is for all of us to master it for the betterment of all of humanity.
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For more information about Tej Kohli visit:
Tej Kohli official website: http://www.TejKohli.com
Tej Kohli Foundation official website: http://www.TejKohliFoundation.com
Kohli Ventures official website: http://www.KohliVentures.com
Tej Kohli personal blog: https://medium.com/tej-kohli
Tej Kohli Foundation YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tejkohlifoundation
@MrTejKohl on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrtejkohli
@MrTejKohli on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrtejkohli
Tej Kohli Amazon Author Profile: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tej-Kohli/e/B08CY13FNR 
Tej Kohli Telegraph profile: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2019/10/04/tej-kohli-indian-tech-billionaire-plans-turbocharge-britains/
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
MHA/BNHA AU Dump (#1)
I forgot people did this!
*Ahem* And now, to cope with the fact that I'll probably never get to most of these, here's some MHA AU Plot Bunny Dumps!
#1: All Due To One Mistake [Deku (Villain) AU]
We've all seen this at some point or another, but here's my take on it: Izuku's life follows cannon... up until the [first] sludge villain incident. All Might saves Izuku, crushes Izuku's dreams on the roof, typical school day. Only, the sludge villain never leaves All Might's pocket. Katsuki never gets a reality check. Izuku walks on the street, heading home, briefly contemplating killing himself... and then he gets captured. Perfect. But... these villains are different. Sureb the hands guy is only midly annoying, but Kurogiri is courteous, and the man behind the screen, "Sensei," is completely supportive of Izuku. At such a low point in his life, Izuku never thought that villains of all people would treat him with respect... treat him like he's human.
That's the day where, instead of All Might discovering the next Symbol of Peace, All for One discovers his second successor.
Things go about as well as you'd expect. Izuku disappears completely off the radar, leaving Mama Inko in a panic and Katsuki aggitated. Izuku eventually leaves a note for his mother (no such luck for Katsuki), telling her everything will be alright, and that he misses her. Since joining the League of Villains, Izuku's changed a great deal. His analytical skills are used to disect the quirks of both heros and villains, making the villains stronger and heroes steadily weaker. Izuku merely observes at the USJ incident, and is completely unsurprised when good ol' Kacchan goes and ruins Thirteen's noble attempt to restrain Kurogiri. Shoto never learns that it's his power. At Hosu, the heros valiantly defend against the Nomu while Stain quietly kills off Tenya. Izuku doesn't witness it. Class 1-A is absolutely floored. Regardless, the final exams come and go. The training camp is quickly approaching.
The League still wants to capture Katsuki; Izuku will not help them in the slightest.
Instead, while the Vanguard Action Squad is out causing chaos, Izuku knocks out Muscular (who tried to kill Kota), delivers him to Eraserhead via Kurogiri, and proceeds to keep Himiko from cutting Ochako and Tsuyu. Unfortunatley for Izuku, Ochako strikes up conversation. In an odd OOC moment, Izuku takes the time to listen. He accidentally spills a few tidbits about himself, and he honestly doesn't see the problem... until Katsuki is successfully kidnapped. Izuku warns Ochako to either try saving Katsuki or go back to camp and tell no one of their meeting, and Kurogiri warps him away.
Kamino Ward is a lot worse.
There is no Kamino Rescue Squad, the police get lucky and find Katsuki after the battle between All Might and All for One. He doesn't seem physically injured, but mentally speaking, he's got a few bruises. Turns out All for One enlisted Izuku's help in the climactic battle, but when Izuku comes face to face with All Might, he hesitates. Izuku's admiration of heroes has been stubbornly fighting to stay alive, and that costs him greatly. Not only does All Might die, but All for One has used the last of his power in order to kill him.
Izuku is devastated. All Might's last gift to the boy he let down is a teary "I'm sorry." All for One's last gift to his successor is his quirk.
The dorms are implemented, and the Provisional Liscence exams are underway. Through it all, Katsuki is pissed. All Might is gone, Deku is still on the loose, and nobody is doing crap! Not getting a provisional liscence alongside Icy Hot doesn't help things. What really sets him off is that Round Face has been acting... off lately. She hasn't been talking to others as much, and she aewms focused on something Katsuki can't quite figure out. When she sneaks into one fo U.A.'s fake cities after curfew b Katsuki follows. What happens next shocks him to the core: Round Face has been meeting with Deku in secret.
I'll leave the rest to your imaginations; I've already said too much.
-Funfact!: This AU is called Deku (Villain) because it's one of the few AUs where another Izuku uses "Deku" as his alter ego. By this logic, the Deku (Hero) universe is the cannon My Hero Academia universe. In my opinion, there are four universes that make up the "core" of the MHA Multiverse. Here's the third one:
#2: You Can Do It, Izuka! [Dekiru (Fem-Izuku) AU]
Everything's the same, except:
Everyone's now the opposite gender than they were in cannon.
Katsumi (fem-Katsuki) actually realizes she's been a total bitch to Izuka (fem-Izuku), and she makes amends with her after their second fight.
Here's the obvious one: instead of using the hero name "Deku," Izuka instead chooses to call herself "Dekiru" because of Ochakuto's (male Ochako) personal interpretation of the name.
That's all I've got clear cut for now, but I'll leave you with this: male Midnight and Mount Lord (male Mount Lady) cat fighting and a loving father-daughter relationship between Shoko (fem Shoto) and Rin (male Rei).
-Funfact!: This AU was inspired by Horikoshi's (BNHA/MHA's creator) official genderbend artwork. Also, Izuku's female name depends on her status in the AU. If she's the main "Izuku" in her universe, she's "Izuka." If she's a relative or clone to the original Izuku, then she's "Izumi." I'm fairly certain "Izuki" could also make a good fem Izuku name.
So right now we have a Hero Izuku, a Villain Izuku, and a Fem Izuku making up the multiverse's core. What could the fourth one be? Oh, I think you know...
#3: Quirkless Ain't Worthless [Dekiru (Vigilante) AU]
This AU is a more "cannon" take on vigilante Izuku. (My own Vigilante Izuku fic is merely self-indulgent, and has a varying degree on being unrealistic.) Izuku still gets bullied and is arguably depressed, but unlike cannon Izuku, he decides to do something about it a LOT sooner. He starts teaching himself self-defense around his first year of middle-school, which catches the attention of Mr. Oguro, his next door neighbor. Mr. Oguro decides to take Izuku under his wing, and teaches him the ropes of self-defense, amongst other things.
Around his second year, Izuku discoveres vigilantes.
Well, more like he's saved by the vigilante Knuckleduster (Mr. Oguro's alter-ego), and Izuku is immediately hooked at the time. When Izuku starts getting into the mix, his first few operations are close, but overall successful. Mama Inko is oblivious, but she's aware that something's up.
Mr. Oguro moves away just before Izuku's third year. He at least tells Izuku goodbye, unlike a certain Hisashi Midoriya.
Luckily, Izuku meets Mei after rescuing her sometime in his third year, and he may have duped her into making... say, a gigantic sword, a high tech scabbard, a grappling hook, and a bulletproof hood? Mei is suspicious, but ultimately complies. Later on, Izuku also buys a new black All M bandana, dark green fingerless biker gloves, and a pair of yellow lensed pilot goggles.
No one is suspect of what Izuku does most nights.
Eventually, Izuku reunites with Knuckleduster (still oblivious of his real identity) and occasionally joins him and the other Naruhata Vigilantes (Pop☆Step and The Crawler) on several occasions. Izuku still saves Katsuki when it comes to the sludge villain incident, and he brushes off All Might's rejection of his dream; Izuku figured it would be his response. All Might doesn't catch up with Izuku in the end, and they end up going their separate ways.
Izuku doesn't go to U.A.; he's kinda given up on being a hero when he's already saving people as a vigilante.
Unfortunately for Izuku, being a vigilante isn't easy. Pro Heroes and the police alike are always after him, he barely sleeps, and he becomes a recluse to anyone who isn't his mother. Eraserhead and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi are the two most driven individuals for Izuku's case. Eraserhead happens to be passing by an alleyway during the Hosu incident when he notices the vigilante Dekiru saving one of his students from the Hero Killer. In the midst of the battle, Izuku's disguise slightly slips, revealing his bushy green hair and freckles. This is enough for Eraserhead to get Naomasa to run through the database, and the discover Dekiru and Izuku are one and the same. They'd arrest him right then and there, if it wasn't for one thing: his lack of a quirk. The two spend hours upon hours trying to figure out what to do.
Erasehead comes to a decision: Izuku will transfer to U.A. so they can monitor him.
Izuku isn't suspicious when a letter regarding his potential transfer is sent to the Midoriya apartment. To be safe, Izuku fills out the paperwork for the Gen Ed. Department. But then Eraserhead invites Izuku to the Hero Course Summer Camp, and NOW he's suspicious. He brings his vigilante gear as a precaution; Katsuki is not happy to see his former punching bag in the slightest.
Of course, then the Vanaguard Action Squad attacks, leaving Izuku with a difficult decision...
Well, that's all I got!
Hope you enjoyed my AU concepts! I'll post more later. And remember, PLUS ULTRA!
-CrimsonLion (12 March 2019)
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grimlins-chaos · 5 years
Gods and Butterflies
Story challenge for @wolfandwild‘s love is in the air writing challenge. Story is under the cut!
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He sat on the thick branch, leaning his shoulder against the trunk of the tree. Looking on out toward the mountains, and the deep forests that cover it. The sight was beautiful and breathtaking, And he knew that many that lived in the hollows would agree that the fae people are quite lucky to be able to wake up to the sight every morning- or night, depending whether or not you were a nocturnal fae. Or just a fairy that has a horrible sleep schedule, like himself. He recalled hearing the tales of a wild beast living out in those mountains, a terrifying shapeshifting beast. The ogres call him “The Mighty child killer”, whether or not that name was in jest, the fairy couldn't tell. The ogres’ neighbors, the orcs, refer to him as some great monstrous bear-like creature. The fairy hummed, softly. The great beast had many titles to his name, varying from races and their cultures, the same went to the stories to the creature's name. But one thing remained consistent with all of their tales; that those mountains was a place no-one should go, because those were his woods. And most poor fools that dared go up into his territory ever returned. A snap was heard, of a piece of bark breaking behind him. He looked behind and warmly smiled at the familiar face. “Valeera, it's good to see you.” “Likewise, Varian, Couldn't find you at breakfast, i feared you didn't eat.” She says, plopping down next to him and hands him a wrapped pastry. “So what are you daydreaming about now?” He shrugged and gratefully took the pastry. “Do you ever wonder what's in those mountains?” Varian looked back out to the mountains. “You're not actually thinking about going out to pay a visit to that great beast, are you?” The younger fairy's ears twitching as her brows furrowed. Varian stuttered. “Well- No, it doesn't help to be curious about what's in there, no? I mean what could he be guarding so carefully?” Valeera thought to herself for a moment, dragonfly-like wings fluttering softly. “You do make a good point..” She says, then looking back at him, grinning. “Why don't we go find out?” “But what about-?” “What the queen doesn't know won't hurt her, right?” He flushed a bit. "I suppose.." "Who knows, maybe we'll be able to go and investigate." "Maybe, but first we need to get ready to head out." She stretches her arms and wings. Varian broke the pastry in half and gave one half to Valeera. The two fae talked for an hour or two, laughing a bit, and talking about their lives. They heard the sound of a horn coming from down below. Time to go. Varian sighed as Valeera stuffed what was left of her piece of the pastry into her mouth as they climbed down. Occasionally using their wings to flutter from one branch to the next until they reached the bottom. There was a group of other fae down there waiting for them, and on fourth they headed out into the woods.
------------------------ Valeera and Varian were gathering food and herbs for home. This was something the fae would often do, at least here in the woods of Wynoth. To the south was the mountains of Blackspell, and in the north was a small city called Oldford- Which was a city that the fae people often traded with ever since the new fae queen, Evangeline, was placed on the throne and was able to be at peace with the city. And in all honesty things have been better for the fae and humans because of it. The group of fae were split into two groups. Valeera and Varian both being in the group to go gather whilst the other half goes into the city and do trades, and get things that fae normally wouldn't get their hands on like regents that aren't common in Wynoth but could help greatly with the fae in many of their spells, rituals, and medicines. "Varian!" Valeera called out, waving him over. He closed his bag and dusted off his hands of dirt and grime before he jogged over, butterfly wings fluttering. "What'd you find?" "Slons!" She said proudly, then kneeling down to gather it. The dirt around it looked freshly dug up, and the dirt was a darker greyish color than the deep brown earth that covered these parts of the woods. Valeera stopped her own hand before Varian even said anything, she had noticed it too. They heard a gargled, whining growl.. Neither of the fae didn't even have to look to notice the foul energy coming off the creature behind them. no-one moved, and it was dead silence for a painful amount of time that wasn't long but felt like a dreaded eternity. Varian looked to Valeera, who looked pale as snow. "I'll lead it away, the moment it removes you from it's sight.. Run. Tell the queen." He whispered. She clearly wanted to protest but nodded slightly, emerald eyes looking glassy. Slowly, Varian turned to look at the creature. How did it get here, or more importantly, Why was it here, and if there are more of them out there. He felt the creature's eye upon him. Good. He thought, probably not good for him but Valeera has a chance at getting to safety. The fae waited for the right moment, before flaring out his wings wide and then dashing deeper into the woods. And he heard it immediately scramble after him. Varian grabbed the closest branch that was above him and he swung himself up into the trees, the monster's claws nearly grabbing his leg. But now he had a bit of an advantage. He ran for his life. The path he took was like he knew it to heart, but at this point it didn't matter where he was going, as long as he got the creature far from home and his friends. He jumped from one branch and used his wings to glide to the furthest one to help him gain some distance and it seemed to work for the time being. Time past and the monster was still hot on his heels but beginning to fall behind. He took a sharp turn and the monster passed by, but he wasn't gonna stop moving. The woods looked darker than they were before and colder, but still lush. The fae could hear the creature screaming in rage from a long distance away. He dared to look back, and quickly regretted it as his foot mis-stepped and a branch tore into his wing. He cried out in pain as he fell to the forest floor. Varian breathed rapidly, then started to sob softly as the pain began to settle in. He realized that the woods were so dark and unfamiliar. Fog covering the forest floor. He had to be in the mountains. He curled up, on the cold grass and whimpered. He didn't think about being able to get home, in one direction there's the monster and who knows where the damned beast is. For sure the moment he takes a single step that one of the creatures will get to him. Well, if he's gonna go down it might as well be with a fight. The fairy fluttered his wings open to see the damage the fall caused, one wing is musing a chunk of itself and torn to shreds, and the other had scratches and a few tears too, and there were scratches and cuts all over his body. He started to sob again, for his wings caused him more pain than any of these other cuts. It was beginning to subside but fairy wings were very sensitive. He got up onto his feet, only to stumble back and fall on his ass again. He tried again, more successful this time but still wobbly as he felt the adrenaline fade from his system. Varian looked around, walking to where, it didn't really matter to him at this point. He needed to get his mind off the pain and cold. He came across a old willow tree. Upon closer inspection there was a bag, it had a few things scattered about, stale and moldy food, a torn scarf strewn out on the damp grass and a knife. Varian happily took the scarf, and picked up the blade by the handle with a shaky hand. He took a deep breath and continued walking deeper into the forest.
The fog was thick and dense, the fae could hardly see a few feet in front of him. He eventually spotted a clearing but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a figure in the mist. At first he thought it was the beast, too thick to be the monster from earlier, but it was around the same size. But he was relieved to see that it was revealed to be a more humanoid figure. "H-hello?" He called out softly. The figure turned to him instantly. "Who are you? What do you want?" The stranger spoke in a deep voice, approaching Varian slowly. "My name is Varian Wrynn, P-please, i'm lost.. I was with my friend before we got attacked.." He explained, getting nervous as the figure got closer and closer. He saw the figure physically flinch and stiffen, then approached more casually, but still wearily.
Varian then saw him more clearly now. A tall and muscular man, with evergreen hair and dark lavender skin with piercing blue eyes.
“..You shouldn’t be here. You should go home.” The man says, his voice deep and gruff, almost like a bear, but it was also soft, and soothing. Like a long lost song Varian remembered in the back of his mind but he just couldn’t remember what the lyrics and title were so all that was left was just the melody. The man furrowed his brows. “Didn’t you hear me? Leave!”
The fae jumped a little and then lifted his wings to show the damage, wincing a bit at the movement. “I-i can’t.. That monster that attacked me chased me all the way up here.”
He stared at Varian’s wings, there was rage in his eyes, and he was looking upset as if he felt he had a hand in causing that.
Thankfully to help the fae’s case here, there was a horrid screech in the distance and another screech as if it was getting closer.
The stranger grabbed the fairy’s arm and then began to run, casting some sort of spell that caused the fog to grow thick to where Varian couldn't see a thing behind them.
Eventually he led the fae to a river that was at the base of a cliff. The man went between the cliffside and a large tree, and spoke some incantation to reveal a drape if vines and leaves covering a cave entrance.
Varian recognized the spell to be something used for camouflage, it was actually what the fae used to keep themselves hidden until the Blacklash hit.
The stranger led him into the cave and returned the spell to it’s place. The fae looked around in awe, it wasn’t a large cave but the man certainly made it into a comfortable and simple living space.
“You may stay here for the night and i’ll heal your wings. Soon the gaehut will fuck off elsewhere and you’ll be able to return home safely.” He says, avoiding making eye contact with Varian as he goes to get a fire going.
“Thank you, who are you?” Varian smiled softly.
“Just some nobody who just wants to live in isolation.” The stranger says, then glancing back at him in time to see the fae sitting there with furrowed brows, but immediately stiffening up, face flushed as he turned away again. “...Broll… Bearmantle.” He sighed.
“Broll.. That sounds familiar.” The fae looked confused. “As in the demigod, Broll, son of Ithys?”
Broll nodded slowly. “..Yes.” He then stood up, and walked over to Varian. “Let me see your wings.” He says.
Varian lifted his sore and damaged wings and opened them wide for the demigod to take a look at them.
He ran his hands over the wings, his hands giving off energy that was warm and soothing.
The fae shuddered a little, looking back and looking in awe as his wings began to heal and reform, the soreness being replaced with warmth.
Once that was finished, Broll looked up and his face flushed with embarrassment. He cleared his throat and stood up again, walking off. “Give yourself some time to rest, you can use my bed or just take the covers off and make your little fae bedding piles.”
“Thank you, i'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.”
“N-no, it's fine.” Broll waved it off.
The fae got up and hugged the demigod. “You don't know how much this means to me, truly.” He laughed a bit, his face blushing.
Broll seemed like all air was knocked from his lungs. He froze for a long moment, before gently pushing the fairy off of him. “No big deal, really. J-just go rest.” He says, voice strained. “I'll be back later.” Broll walked towards the entrance and went outside.
The demigod walked down to the river and followed it far up stream so he'd be alone. He sat down at the river's edge. “Long time since we last spoke, Mother..” He remained silent for a long minute before speaking again. “Why? Why have me? I'm a threat to everything you worked for, and everyone, Especially him.. I thought it'd be easy to just have him forget me, that's what the spell was supposed to do. Why does it hurt so much..?”
He shook his head. “I want nothing to do but to hold him in my arms again, to have him by my side.. To wake up to his face every morning.. Just like old times.. But life's not that simple, isn't that right? I'm a half breed, and cursed beyond salvation.” Broll slammed his hand into the earth. “Godsdamnit, Mother, HELP ME!” He then broke into a violent sob.
Back in the cave, the fae got up and fluttered his wings a bit, and wandered around before crawling into the bed. He saw a little pile of papers that caught his eye, as if he was drawn to it.
He flipped over a few and immediately furrowed his brows as he recognized some of these letters having Varian's own handwriting, confirmed when he saw his name. The other papers had a different handwriting which Varian quickly found it to be Broll's.
Varian blinked reached to pick up one of the pages until he heard Broll coming back. He rushed to put the papers away and then buried himself under the covers and pretended that he was asleep.
Broll looked at the bed, and sighed heavily before shifting into his feline form and lying by the fireplace.
He curled up, clutching the blankets tight as he took in the familiar scent that smelled of sweat, earth, and herbs.
His head began to hurt, so Varian tried to shut his eyes and cover his head.
When he opened his eyes again, he was in a warm and comfortable embrace. Varian looked up and saw Broll's face, and he looked around to see that they were in a different place before Broll soon woke up.
“Morning, love..” He says softly, leaning to press a soft kiss to Broll's lips.
The demigod chuckled and pulled the fae close, sprinkling little kisses over his neck, causing Varian to laugh a bit.
“Broll, knock it off! That tickles!” The fae squirmed a bit.
Broll pulled back and let out a hearty chuckle. “But you enjoy it.”
Varian sat up in bed and flipped his hair back and allowed the oversized shirt he wore to slide off his shoulder. “Maybe~..”
Broll grinned and pulled him back down and kissed him deeply.
“Mm..” The fairy wrapped his arms around the demigod's neck, and things escalated from there before everything faded into darkness and Varian found himself back under the blankets, breathing heavily, and he heard the demigod moving toward him.
“You okay?” Broll asked.
Varian lifted his head out from underneath the covers and pretended to look tired. “Y-yeah, just had a bit of a nightmare..” He then yawned to sell the illusion.
Broll looked concerned, even if he kept trying to hide it. “A-alright. Try to get some sleep, i'll be here if you need anything.” he says, moving back to the fireplace.
Varian watched him for a bit before crawling back under the covers, and he never felt himself blush so hard as he recalled the vision he just had. And he tried to comfort himself until he finally falls asleep.
The next day, Broll led him back to the edge of blackspell mountains’ forests. “This is.. Where we part ways..”
Varian looked back to him. “Will i ever see you again?” He asked.
Broll's breathing became uneven. “.. No.. Preferably not. It.. It isn't safe for you to be around me, so please, Make a promise to me by fae words, that today we say our goodbyes and part ways.”
The fairy's ears and wings drooped in sadness, and nodded slowly. “I promise. Goodbye, Broll.” He says, then turning to walk away.
The demigod watched him walk into the evergreen forest, holding back tears as he watches the fae go, and take all the light and warmth with him. “..I love you, Varian. But you deserve so much better than what i can offer..” He sighs and walks home.
After hours of walking, Varian returns home. The other fae looking in relief but also disbelief to see Varian here alive and well.
Valeera ran as fast as she could, then leaping at him with open arms..
They shared a tight embrace for a long moment. “What happened, after you ran off and that monster chased after you, i feared the worst, we all did!”
“I'm okay, i made it out safely.” He says, sounding a bit sad as he looks back toward the mountains.
Valeera tugged his hand gently. “Come with me, i’ll make us something to eat.” She says, he nodded in reply and followed her inside.
He explained all that happened while she made food for the both of them until she finished and sat down with him.
“You’re gonna go back, aren’t you?” She asked.
“Well yeah, if he knows something about all the memory loss of the past seven years leading up to the Blacklash. And he tried to get me to promise to never come back but with the words he used i’ll remind him of the saying ‘Goodbyes don’t mean forever.’”
She laughed a bit. “Good, before then you head off, you should talk to the queen about that creature that attacked us, now that you're home safe. And she might help with your memory loss.”
Varian smiled and chuckled. “Thank you, Val, for everything.”
“That's why you keep me around, no?” She grinned. “Comon, let's get you dressed into something else before you present yourself to the queen.” She giggled and pulled him upstairs once he was finished with his food.
When Varian went down into the deep boroughs of the hallow,  where the dark fae reside. After taking a winding path, he arrived at a tall and large door. There stood a Ekoot, black fairy. This ekoot in particular was Karma.
She looked at him and cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Varian? You're alive!” She exclaimed, and ran over. Karma's movements flowed smoothly as if she was gliding across the ground, the silks of her skirt, her long silver hair and and the tendrils sprouting from her back flowed as if she were underwater. The sight of such a being moving like that would've terrified most mortals that were unfamiliar with the fae kind.
Karma took one of Varian's hands and examined it, and when she grinned in joy it revealed sharp teeth. “It's so good to see you safe and sound, Varian, the queen will be more than happy to see you.” She used her other hand and stroked his cheek gently, her grey and semi-translucent skin showing the muscle underneath. “So tell me, what happened? We were looking for you all night!” She pouted a bit, but Karma always had a soft and sweet voice that could soothe even the most enraged of creatures.
“A monster chased me up to Blackspell mountains. I don’t think i would’ve made it until the demigod Broll came along. He calls it a gaehut, or something like that.” He replied. “I came to talk to the queen about Broll and the monster.”
Her brows furrowed, at the mention of Broll. “Oh.. Queen Evangeline knows a bit about both but for your specific case she knows very little. But i can help.” Karma says, taking Varian’s hand and leading him down a hallway and to her quarters.
“Please, take a seat.” She guides him to sit on one of the pillows at the small rounded table in the center of the room and goes to make tea. When she comes back, she sits down across from him and pours him a cup and then her own. “So what do you remember of Broll? Apart from when he rescued you from the Gaehut?”
He shrugged. “Not much, when i was at his place he went outside for a bit, i found a stack of letters that on some of the papers i recognized my own handwriting but he came back before i had a chance to read them, and he let me sleep in his bed while he slept by the fireplace and my head started to hurt, when i opened my eyes again i was in the same bed but in his arms, The interaction between us was not of strangers or friends but of lovers..” Varian’s shoulders slumped a bit and his wings sank.
Karma listened, and nodded, setting her cup down instead of drinking from it. “Long ago, Ithys had a son with a elven man. Broll’s powers grew and grew, and eventually he left his home and came to us, asking for help. He learned how to use his powers, from the Pooka, he mastered the art of shapeshifting.” She sipped from her cup.
“Quickly after, he met a fairy, and they fell in love, and they were soon to wed. Things seemed to be looking so bright for everything, especially those two.. Until the Blacklash.. When the Blacklash came.. Was when the Gaehut came. The Gaehut were dark and twisted beings created to wipe out everything, and consume all life energy and leave destruction in their wake. The kingdoms banded together to stop them. Our queen was the many to fall before Evangeline took her place. The Gaehut were defeated, but one had to strike one final blow before they retreated.”
“The Gaehut broke into Broll’s home and attacked his beloved in order to get to Broll, the fairy survived but it was enough to send the druid into a blind rage. And after the creature was wounded and was forced to retreat, Broll saw that the fairy had seen him and reached out to him before passing out of blood loss. He brought his beloved back here, after we had chosen our new queen, We healed the fae’s wounds easily enough, but Broll felt as if it was his fault, for not being there in time to prevent the monster from getting to him. So Broll came to me and Evangeline, and asked for us to do one of the most painful tasks- To put up a block and hide the fairy’s memories of Broll Bearmantle. And turn the demigod into the Great Beast of Blackspell mountains, so no one would dare search for him… And as for his beloved, now sits before me.” She sighed and looked up at him through her silk blindfold.
Varian was panting heavily, looking distressed. And Karma reached out to place a hand on his.
“If back then i knew what i know now, i would’ve refused, and scolded Broll for thinking so lowly of himself to think this was the best way to ‘protect’ you, but as you can surely see it’s caused both of you more harm than good. You are more than welcome to be upset with Broll, to be upset with Me and Evangeline.”
He closed his eyes and his head sank along with his ears and wings as he felt tears streaming down his face. “If we were to be wedded.. Does he not love me anymore..?” He choked back a sob.
Karma shook her head. “I know he still loves you more than anything in this world. But he’s going about trying to keep you safe in the worst way possible. Right now he just needs a nudge in the right direction, and you need to remind him that he’s acting like a fool!”
Varian took a deep breath and looked up at her. “W-what can i do, Karma? I can’t remember anything.”
“In Oldford, there is a human sorceress. Her name is Jaina proudmoore. She can help you with your memories. And from there,” She then lifted her blindfold to reveal her silvery eyes as she gave him a wink and a grin. “I’m sure you’ll know what to do.”
He nodded, and softly smiled. And Karma leaned over the table to hug him tightly. “I’ll tell Evangeline of the Gaehut, you go forth and show him what kind of fae you are.”
Varian wandered the city for hours, wearing a cloak to hide his wings and ears as he eventually makes his way to one of the tall towers within the city.
A old man approached him and raised a brow. “Can i help you?” Questioned the old wizard.
“I’m looking for Jaina proudmoore, i come on behalf of Lady Karma of Lashtona hallows.” Varian replied, pulling back his hood and revealing his butterfly-like wings from underneath.
He furrowed his brows. “I see, Come with me.” The old human says, turning to head up the staircase and Varian followed.
At the top was a blonde woman in robes, sitting at her desk and a book in her hands.
“Lady Proudmoore, a fae comes from the hallows, he wishes to speak to you on behalf of Lady Karma.”
Jaina looked back and smiled. “Thank you, Avius, i can handle it from here.”
The old man nodded and headed downstairs, leaving Varian and the woman.
“I’m not actually here on Karma’s behalf but my own.” He admits. “My name is Varian wrynn, i need your help.”
She tilted her head and stood up, heading toward him. “How so?” She asked.
“In Blackspell mountains lives not the Great Beast, but the demigod Broll Bearmantle.”
“Broll? I know him, We met during the war of the Blacklash.” Her face then fell. “What has come of him?”
“From what Karma tells me, he and i were to be wedded, but after the Blacklash he had Karma and queen Evangeline put up a block in my mind. But i saw Broll again a few days ago, he’s been tearing himself apart over everything. That’s why i’m here, Karma said that you could help me.”
Jaina thought for a long moment before nodding. “Broll was a dear friend, i feared he had been one of those to perish in the aftermath of the Blacklash. I will help you. Give me time to prepare the runes and we can begin.”
She drew large runes in the ground with chalk, and lit candles and placed them on certain spots of the runes except for the largest rune in the center.
“Lay down in the center, and breathe easy and try to remain relaxed. Your head will hurt as i try to remove the wall but it will subside.” Jaina explained.
“Got it.” He nodded, and laid down in the center of the circle. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe easily as Jaina then began speaking cantations. He felt the energy coming off of her and off the runes beneath him. True to her word, a pain began growing in his head, and it became sharp to where he could help but cry out and cover his head with his arms.
“Shit, Varian?!” Jaina called out, but her voice sounded different as Varian felt him fading out of consciousness..
When he woke up, he was in a room he didn’t recognize, and in a bed that was quite obviously not his own. The fae went into a full panic, almost leaping out of bed and tumbling to the floor. He felt strange, disoriented, lost.
Where was he? Where was Broll?
“Broll?!” He called out, stumbling onto his feet as he ran out into the hall. He had gotten halfway down the hall before he slumped his back against the wall and breathed heavily, remembering that he came to Oldfort to see Jaina Proudmoore to lift the memory block on his mind.
He laughed breathlessly as he realized that the spell had worked! He closed his eyes and started crying softly and once he was calm enough, he got back onto his feet and turned back to start heading back to the room he woke up in, soon finding all of his clothes and his cloak.
Varian exchanged the pajamas for his clothes and ran out with a newfound fire and determination that he had never experienced in so long.
Broll sat at the fireplace, reading over the letters.
“4/14/3045 I hope you made it across the sea safely, Broll. Not a day goes by when i miss you, and my body, wings and soul aches to be welcomed by your warmth once more. Please, come back to me safely.                    Your love,                                V.”
Broll sighed and shook his head, setting the letters aside as he got up and headed out into the woods..
Hours later, Broll is leaned over the corpse of his meal for tonight. As he was skinning, and gutting, he thought he heard a distant voice, so he stood still for a long moment, waiting until he heard it again. He didn’t have to be close to know who it was, and his body flooded with dread and longing. And it seemed like someone else had recognized the voice too, as a large, almost deformed skeletal looking beast rushed past, not far from Broll’s location.
The demigod’s eyes widened and he almost forgot to breathe. “Varian..” He then abandoned the body of the deer, as she shifted into his feline form and raced against the creature.
The damn thing was fast, but he was able to get ahead of it and made it to the fae.
Varian looked up at Broll with wide eyes and started running up to him.
The demigod panted and growled. “I told you to stay away from- Gah!” He grunted as the Gaehut tackled him from behind.
The creature screeched, digging it’s claw into Broll’s side, causing him to cry out in pain as the creature was opening it’s maw wide.
Varian ran up and pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into the back of the creature’s neck, and stabbed twice more until the creature screeches in pain and Broll kicked it off.
The Gaehut squirmed around on the ground, screeching as it tried to grab at the knife frantically.
The fae helped Broll up, and the demigod pulled him toward the forests at the bottom of the mountain.
“I told you not to come back here!” Broll scolded him.
Varian merely scoffed, pulling him toward the hallows.
The Gaehut leapt from the trees, catching up to them and made a large leap at the demigod until a spear of light went through the creature’s chest and threw it off course.
There stood Karma and a few of her ekoot maidens. “Galaxa, Wispa, Take them to the safety of the hallows. Candala, Winnie, To my side!” She commanded and led them after the Gaehut as Galaxa and Wispa led Varian and Broll down a safe path to the hallows.
After they made it to the hallows, it had been hours before Lady Karma returned with her maidens.
Broll had woken up, wincing a bit at the soreness in his side, and looked around the room. He got out of bed and headed outside to see Varian talking to a fairy he didn’t recognize.
They both noticed him enter the room fairy quickly. “Hey, Val, could you give us a minute alone?” He asked, getting up from his seat to approach Broll.
She nodded. “Sure,” Valeera smiled and walked out.
Broll watched her head out before looking to Varian. “What the hell were you doing, coming back?! That thing could've killed you!”
Varian punched him square in the jaw. It didn't really do anything to Broll but it certainly caught him off guard. “You had no right to play with my mind like that! And you had no goddamn right to make decisions for me you son of a bitch!”
Broll shook his head. “Varian, you don't understand-”
“No, i understand completely! You blame yourself for something you couldn't control, And yeah, We all have our fuck ups, That's what mortals fucking do. You are a complete damned fool who is so stupid and stubborn, You should've talked to me! Pulling this didn’t do shit to protect me, and it’s not at all healthy for you.” He reached up to cup the side of Broll’s face. “Don’t push me away, Broll.. Please..”
He sighed, Varian had never seen the demigod look so defeated in the years that they’ve known each other. “How can we ever come back from this?”
“Well.. I know one way we can start.” He smiled softly, then jumping a little, using his wings to help give him a boost to wrap his arms over the demigod’s shoulders and they shared a soft and sweet kiss..
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jtfoxxreviews132 · 5 years
Traditional Marketing VS Internet Marketing – JT Foxx Reviews
Marketing is an action that is organized to promote the products or services in an attempt to sell them and have a progressive business growth. It will include a set of processes such as publicity of merchandises, their acknowledgment to public and retailing them out with strong marketing strategies. JT Foxx Reviews described Various marketing platforms may contain both indoor and outdoor resources to make services as much visible as possible to a number of viewers. A marketing budget is specifically set with two types – Internet Marketing and Traditional Marketing. Both have their unique values and strong resources to promote goods. Otherwise, both work quite integrally, firmly leading to successful brand recognition. Marketing fund usually is allocated considering the right targets with the right methods. JT Foxx Reviews shown that the key to succeeding your business then entirely trusts on how you utilize such platforms and uphold your firm.
Often referred to as traditional marketing or outdoor marketing – applies many resources for promotional strategies such as media (e.g. radio, television, billboards, hoardings, newspaper classifieds), printing materials (e.g. flyers, brochures, posters, banners), outdoor publicity (e.g. at railway station, mall and other most visible places) etc.
Traditional marketing is demography specific, mainly targeting local markets and audience. Displaying promotional platforms may snatch viewers of specific areas. Otherwise, business will require multiple places to launch their services to achieve market targets. Else, an indirect business expansion may more likely work effectively and get repetitive profit. Again, direct selling depends on amounts of visitors viewing your services that are physically promoted to them. Although outdoor marketing grabs more eyeballs, when it comes to converting them, it has to be sound enough to achieve more traffic, trying to change them into your potential customers.
Much Pricey: Most traditional ways of marketing are proven much expensive to small and medium sized trades. Typically, media like TV/Radio, Newspapers with other Outdoor Sources are costly and do not always guarantee the results with your ROI as expected. Difficult Visitor Chase: The visitors may not always see what you want them to view to JT Foxx Reviews. Efforts put through may not always give much customer reach. It is even difficult to track your visitors who may have considered your ads or who neglected them and accordingly whom you want to target next. Thus, you would have to stick to what your branding companies explain to you.
High Staff Costing: Mainly, marketing team of people like JT Foxx Reviews working on various projects needs specific budget – an added expense to a share of company profit. Unsatisfied results may often force businessmen to flip over their staff, always causing their pressured contribution towards company’s growth. Annoying Customer Approach: At times, your promotional plan does not work the manner you want and may also irritate your visitors/viewers, forcibly dragging them to watch your service. This poses complete insignificance and may give your business negative effects amongst all. Wrongly Delivered Words: Client communication, at the time selling, echoes the right picture of what you offer to your customers; any words delivered inappropriately may make a mess, receiving distrust from listeners and getting them apart from your service.
Online marketing refers to an action of promoting the products or services on internet, aiming to make them highly visible throughout the world. Targeted merchandises can largely go global, grabbing millions of viewers and trying to convert them into revenue. It covers both online trades and businesses that are already on physical market but want online publishing. Thus, despite internet marketing being capable of deriving the results alone, it can also go much integrated with physical marketing strategies to see expected outcomes. Benefits of Onsite and Offsite Marketing Internet marketing involves both onsite and offsite branding strategies. Website presentation is the smartest way of promoting services. It has informative means of site acknowledgment to visitors. Onsite functionalities such as classy banners, easy-to-use site features, meaningful writing and highly visible product exhibitions delight site surfers with great purposes. Offsite branding strategies include many online places where services are promoted. Service information is branded through social media platforms, sites for article/blog submissions & news releases, email marketing and other advertising bases. One can expand the business identity through educating online visitors the most. ADVANTAGES Less Expensive: Unlike the costlier methods of traditional branding, an online marketing would necessitate a little budget to achieve one’s goals. Compared to the money spent behind the projects, it pairs well with ROI. Due to less budget required, it will not widely affect if you meet any target loss. It seems almost businesses of every size can afford online marketing service. Global Customer Reach: It has no geographical barriers. Merchandises that are being presented online are sold worldwide, just because of its wide visibility to all. In cases of business expansion, the site owners would not require an actual place to buy and promote the service. Instead, they will simply take advantages of online outreach globally. Accurate Visitors’ Tracking: Fortunately with your site targeting an online audience, it is quite possible that you can trace their movements including their coming in and going out time. You can then make a plan accordingly to re-target them with more measurable data and favorable results. Little Staffing: Online vendors / marketers are not in much prerequisite of big in-house labour recruitment. Product projection does not stress much expandability beyond local terrains; as web service itself is published so virtually, not wanting any physical expansions and thus cutting down the frequent staffing provisions. Rich Content Marketing: Contrary to traditional way of communication where errors are expected and loss of customers is much likely, an online content marketing works wonders. Pieces of writing depicted on products convey meaningful, unique and valuable information and encourage the readers. This helps them to make their right decisions for shopping or surfing your sites the most. Massive Marketing Platforms: Web facilities such as social media, forum commenting, question-answer or review sites have people on them, who share their ideas and choices, may be mouth marketing the experiences they might have with site merchants or others. Search engine optimization (SEO) greatly helps in globalizing the products through its solid web networks and strategized steps. Softly Approached Visitors: Online service presentation is much directional instead of more promotive. It has a brainy sense of attracting viewers by gradually approaching, educating and then displaying them something promotional. As a result, surfers may more likely approach them with their willingness and would appreciate services. Long-Term Customer Relationship: Regular online data tracking and wide global accessibility enables online businessmen to simply be with their customers. Various communicative measures strongly help them in nurturing good relationships with their clients forever. DISADVANTAGES Fluctuated Targets: It is sometimes difficult to reach the market targets. Due to heavy visitor rush, proper strategies clicked at the right time and on right platform make the big difference and grab industrial gains. Customer’s varying buying behavior should also be well understood to better know and approach them with right resolution. Risks of Poorly Defined Web Existence: Everything online if not developed and maintained properly would definitely disappoint you. Skills varying from website development to online branding have to be very accurate.
JT Foxx Reviews is a trade show and 3-D marketing expert with nearly 3 decades of experience in exhibit design and strategy. Through her company, Excalibur Exhibits, she and her team create engaging and interactive brand experiences that inspire action.
To see more JT Foxx Reviews : https://jtfoxxreviews.blogspot.com/ please click here.
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laetro · 3 years
Archer Dougherty: Experiment to Eliminate Fear of Failure
Archer Dougherty strongly disbelieves in nurturing a “signature style,” instead of encouraging artists to constantly experiment with thought, concept, visual language and so on. Mostly self-taught while social media was still in its infancy, she dove into an exploratory approach to develop her skill and vision through a mixture of learning from failures and little successes. Not trying ensures one is not a failure but neither a success, she realised.
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For over ten years, Archer Dougherty specialised in design and 2D work, drawing being her favourite mode. Though she studied sculpting and print-making at her local state university, Archer trained herself technically in contemporary art through emerging social media. She loves football, hiking, Shiba Inus and dreams of having a farm populated with mini animals.
Q. What got you started as an artist and what path did you take thereon to grow and evolve at your craft?
Archer Dougherty: It may sounds cliché but I’ve drawn it ever since I can remember. I always gravitated toward art, so my career was simply a natural outgrowth of that relationship. I tried to pursue a formal art education but couldn’t afford to go to a proper brick-and-mortar art school and the internet wasn’t much of a thing in the late ’90s. So, I attended my local state university and studied sculpting and printmaking there but was discouraged from focusing on anything narrative.
After academia, the internet was gaining traction and the backlash in my mental space resulting from an education that didn’t ignite any real passion launched my true artistic training. Books, an infant YouTube, Facebook, and an even newer Instagram put me in touch with contemporary art which was being done in the ‘now’ and seemed important. I began my technical training through these channels and have been flying along this learning curve ever since.
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Q. What would you say is your signature style in your works and what is your process to achieve it?
Archer Dougherty: I don’t relate to the phrase “signature style.” I think it is used way too often to catalogue for branding purposes, which has a use in the larger market, but it should not be a “goal” in itself for any artist in terms of the artistic process. When younger students are bombarded with art through social media, as they are now, and see profile after profile showcasing a very polished and specific personal visual language, they grow walls around their thinking, making them single-mindedly pursue the idea of a “signature style.”
It inhibits growth and takes up way too much mental space in anyone’s head, especially for those starting. I believe in pursuing ideas and experiments, technical and conceptual stepping stones and failures, and that your language will mature as you make mistakes and learn what appeals to you both spiritually and intellectually and what does not.
Simply copying or attempting to imitate a style to follow someone’s career arc will end up making you feel like you have to wear a suit that no longer fits, though it’s what everyone has come to expect. The way my art looks and feels has come through years of absolute and abysmal failures at every technique and visual language imaginable while also recognising those small successes which add up to a rich and fulfilling personal output.
It is a massive additive compilation of preferences in art history, literature, movies, comics and illustration. These preferences are arrived at simply by trying new things all the time. A lot of artists are afraid of failure but they don’t realize that failure isn’t even a thing until you try. If you don’t constantly try, you won’t be a failure but neither a success. You won’t be anything at all.
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Q. What subjects, mediums and tools do you most like to work with?
Archer Dougherty: I sort of work with everything. My current technical preferences are oil on board, traditional, Procreate and the iPad digital. I prefer environment design and experimenting with colour psychology on my iPad. When I paint in oils, I prefer symbolist portraiture.
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Q. What do you suggest artists and clients both should keep in mind to work together efficiently?
Archer: Communication and transparency. Understanding the other party’s priorities is essential so that both can understand each other’s point of view and reach a solid mid-point.
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Q. How do you achieve a sense of 2D realism, symmetry and depth across your works?
Archer Dougherty: I’ve put myself through a decade of learning to ingrain the fundamentals of things such as an approach to realism, value structure, anatomy, light, form, mass, composition, colour, etc. I use those learnings to create from my mind when I want to. Actual symmetry is utilised in a lot of art, native art and, I suppose, one could say a great composition utilises a form of visceral symmetry.
If you don’t constantly try, you won’t be a failure but neither a success. You won’t be anything at all
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Q. What kind of projects are you currently working on and what kind are you looking to work on in the future?
Archer Dougherty: My projects vary greatly, depending on my mood. When I die, I will have so many unfinished works that my family won’t be able to sell any of them. In terms of future projects, I have many animated shorts and self-published printmaking collections mulling around in my head. Narrative painting projects and the likes, too. Pinpointing one and beginning is ninety percent of the work.
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Q. Could you please highlight some of your most notable works and why you find them noteworthy?
Archer: I have a singular notable work that no one has seen. In my opinion, it is the culmination of years of introspection, practicing self-awareness and reflection, learning largely academic techniques and then learning to be alright with abandoning them when it suited the work. It is the result of self-discipline and self-abandonment and a study of the essence.
It is the one piece in which I can say I was fully immersed, mind and body, from beginning to end and it is mine in its entirety, called “Metempsychosis: The Transmigration of Souls”, an ink, oil, shellac and wax medium on seven panels across seven feet. I’ll get it framed one of these days.
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Q. What has been your greatest insights as an artist, with time?
Archer Dougherty:
1. Discovery – that I didn’t have to look or feel or make art like anyone else to make great art was possibly this discovery.
2. Cross-discipline learning is the greatest asset you can have to make richer and fuller art throughout your life. Study the sciences, literature, poetry, humanities, etc.
3. My penchant for the “big questions” allowed me to pursue my visual language on a level that both challenged and fulfilled me. I used the thoughts surrounding these questions to ask more questions rather than be plagued by a lack of answers.
4. Art is the reflection of a thing, not the thing itself.
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Q. Who has been your favourite clients to work with and why?
Archer Dougherty: Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco remains one of my top favourites. They are generous, truly care about their artists’ wellbeing and prioritise good relationships. They are good people. Dave and Brett from Laetro have quickly made the top of the list, as well, through their generosity, vision, intelligence, and communal priorities.
I also loved working with Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio – the same adjectives tend to apply to the people who make my top clients list. I feel that communication, a mutually beneficial relationship, and empathy are important in any client relationship.
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worldviewcast · 7 years
ABOUT RACES IN WORLDVIEW : The four races are - Masic, Skeleton, Metazoan, and Mechanoid. All characters are one of these races. The genetics don't mix in WV, while all races can have healthy offspring with each other, the resulting offspring will take the trait of one parent or the other. A Metazoan and a Skeleton couple will have a child that is one or the other - even if there is a different race, such as a Mechanoid, in either parents OWN parentage, the child will still DIRECTLY after its parents. There is no skipping generations of the genetics. MASIC: Masic is the oldest race and the 'start' of life in the universe. These were the first civilations and the only 'race' around for a long time, though they did vary greatly in shape, size, skin tone, and the like (much like our normal real life earth). Masics first discovered that they had abilities and access to magic at an unknown point in time, but they were innovative enough to start developing and focusing on abilities to either benefit or hurt others... As far as abilities go, Masic's have the most 'flexible' and specialized potential out of all the races. They can have a magical 'skill set' rather than a single ability, though their power can be diluted. As a result, things such as summoners, witches, supernatural ninjas, and the like do exist, but they will never be as strong as say, someone with a single super strength ability.
SKELETON: The second oldest race and having been around for tens of thousands of years alongside Masics. The Skeleton race appeared during this universes' period of 'magical innovation and discovery', where abilities and powers were first recorded to start being 'studied'. This period of burst in magic led to the birth of the first Necromancer, who was talented in his abilities and started to play with the idea of raising the dead.  After many years of practice, he finally succeeded - but he was almost TOO successful. The raised Skeleton was deemed well enough to attract a soul, and awoke as a fully talking, breathing, opinion-creating being. The development of magic was so open minded at the time, thanks to the insane amount of practice and new discoveries being made left and right at the time, that the new creation was fully accepted in choice areas. Oddly enough, this didn't seem to happen in just one part of the world, and it was soon discovered that the Skeletons could pro create with the general populace...and eventually came to be fully accepted. Skeletons rely almost purely on the magic for survival, unlike the other races, they don't have a physical 'system' that can help run their bodies. Though, being originally raised from a dead Masic, their 'bodies' retain almost a ghostly imprint of a Masic's organ-based system. They still require proper food and care, and can get sick and need to 'breathe' as they are living, breathing creatures who LIVE. As such, having soul issues is worst for a Skeleton, which pumps and provides magic into their 'nervous' system, a main magic line that runs in the spinal canal and disperses magic to run the boy appropriatly in an invisble, ghostly and complex system of nerves and 'veins'.
METAZOAN : Metazoans NATURALLY evolved from the world itself. Places that seem to be completely OVERFLOWING with natural magic seeped into the animal life around them until they became so smart, so large, and so aware, that the wildlife naturally started to attract human souls. With Masics being the blueprint for 'life on earth', the animals started to take on a more 'Masic' shape to them - these days, the evolution point seems to have reached a 'limit', though Metazoans of various shapes and sizes tend to exist. The more animalistic the Metazoan, the closer they are to their 'roots', though some Metazoans seem to be hardly animalistic at all. Metazoan abilities tend to be simpler, as their magic assissts their evolved bodies to help distribute their animalisitc traits. For instance if a Metazoan with spider traits exists, they will be able to NATURALLY create webbing and climb on walls. But their magic adapts the masic parts of their body to work WITH these abilities so they are not hindered. A Shark Metazoan by a similar idea, would have magically assissted breathing capabilities so they could easily switch between underwater and overland life.
MECHANOIDS : Mechanoids are the 'newest' race, and again, the magic in the surrounding area seems to have affected how they came to be the most. Story goes that late one night, an early inventor was tinkering on a robotic maid to help around the house after the loss of his wife. What came to be was a fully functioning though basic robot who started blank at first...but seemingly grew more and more aware of its surroundings as time went by. Eventually, its said that the robot left the man and went on to make others like her, and approached the general populace with peace and caution. Mechanoids had a rough time integrating into the public eye for some time, and while progressive minds of Mainstay had few incidents when they first appeared, not every country was so willing to accept a 'self made' life existing. Mechanoids , because of their 'robotic' nature, exhibit more natural superior strength and perceptions, but they're soul-given abilities tend to suffer in exchange. They are not regarded as very powerful or 'useful' people at times, depending on the area.
WORLDVIEW SOULS : Every PERSON has a soul. Souls come from and are handled by the immortal plane, and every soul has a color and an ability. The colors are irrelevant - they may influence eye color, and in skeletons the soul color determines their magic color and sometimes affects their eyelights. Many Skeletons simply have blank, white eyelights, while others might have colored eyes. Soul abilites fall under many categories and abilites, an almost unlimited number of them. There are some broad range abilities such as : Dimensional Magic Spellpowers (Being a Witch/Sorcerer) General Creation Magic A Set of Skills such as being a Ninja, a Psychic, Necromancy, etc. As well as simpler, more specialized abilities. Some examples: Flight Teleportation Supernatural Strength Creation (Element) Creation (Food types) Heightened Sense (Such as Dark Vision, Supernatural sense of smell, hearing, or the like) X-Ray Vision ...etc. Anything you can think of, really. But any soul can have any ability with any color. A soul can be gifted with a high amount of power or be unfortunate enough to be defective and the person is barely able to muster an ability at all - it all varies. Skeleton souls tend to be naturally more powerful as their bodies require higher magic levels to funcion. Metazoans and Mechanoids have comparable power but Mechanoids seem to almost be oddly hindered from having more luxurious or whats considered 'lavish' abilities, as their bodies can seemingly do SO much. And Masics have the most flexible and maximum potential to do insane things - nobody seem to know why. 
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iconcross03 · 3 years
The Difference Between A Joiner As Well As A Woodworker
Plumbing Technician Telephone Call Out Charges For 2021
Quality Assurance.
Who Should Take Carpentry Training Courses?
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Do I Call A Carpenter Or A Joiner?
Suggest On Obtaining Brand-new Business Joinery Making Company.
Typical Pay Each Week (₤): Bricklayers And Masons.
Several landscapers like to be paid by the hr for work such as setting crushed rock borders for blossoms or mounting a water feature. They typically bill around ₤ 10 per hour, although this can range from ₤ 8 per hr for small yards and up to ₤ 15 a hr for bigger gardens. For tiny structure tasks, consisting of wall surface as well as structures repair work, you will certainly need the aid of a home builder that usually charges around ₤ 11 per hr. This rate may differ depending upon the level of the work, as easy tasks such as repointing may only cost ₤ 10 per hr, while laying brand-new structures can cost up to ₤ 15 an hour. The majority of labourers will certainly bill a per hour rate of ₤ 8, which may involve preparing the website by excavating or helping bricklayers. If you work with a labourer via a company, you might be charged anywhere from ₤ 7 to ₤ 15 an hour depending upon the skill of the labourer as well as the work itself.
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A scaffolder's job entails putting together scaffolding around a structure to guarantee it is safe for employees. They generally charge around ₤ 180 each day, however, their day-to-day rate can start from ₤ 150 and increase to ₤ 210. Daily, there's a brand-new work, and also a plumbing technician has no chance of understanding what dangers they will deal with that day, but no matter they should jump in and conserve the day.
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2 East Surry students take district band honors.
Posted: Tue, 06 Apr 2021 17:51:00 GMT [source]
Joiners normally collaborate with a range of hand tools and also power tools. To function as a joiner on a structure website, you'll require a Building Abilities Accreditation System card.
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Finding out the underpinning expertise to do the work as soon as utilized. The learner will certainly guarantee, that each customer is approached in a person-centred way as well as learners will certainly gain the expertise to operate by doing this. It is crucial that carers operate in a professional fashion in all times, for this reason the demand for privacy and also the adherence to the NISCC code of conduct. Degree 3 carers will certainly also learn more about the relevance of recording precisely and reporting properly within the policies and procedures of the organisation.
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OK, so if you're a company photographer you'll spend great deals of time in your customers' workplaces taking head-and-shoulders photos of their staff-- but at least you'll be in a various workplace daily. Related roles consist of operating in a bakeshop and also being a food producer or food caterer-- possibly working for yourself from residence, like Julia, who functioned as a chef before beginning her very own organization. Exterior trainers lead and educate teams in activities such as hillside strolling, rock climbing, abseiling, snowboarding, hill cycling, archery and also watersports. They intend as well as deliver safe as well as pleasurable activities and also frequently help to run an outside pursuits centre, for instance maintaining equipment and also facilities in excellent functioning order. Outside trainers can collaborate with children, young people, adults or a combination of ages.
Having a predictable stream of economical and exclusive joinery and also carpentry leads, offers you the confidence grow your team and your procedures without worrying where the following task is originating from. Those joinery manufacturing clients you've obtained from your own joinery organization - how did the business occur? A little background I have had a joinery business for 10 years, which has actually achieved success, as well as last year invested greatly in opening my own joinery production workshop. I have 1 employee, we are competitively priced, and also our products are of outstanding quality and solution.
Do I Call A Carpenter Or A Joiner?
The even more you can show your quality of work, the higher the tradesperson costs will certainly be that you can bill for your job. For instance an experienced plasterers wage will certainly be significantly greater than those starting off and also this coincides throughout all trades. The ordinary salaries for tradespeople in the Dublin vary between the different kinds of trade. The adhering to listing highlights the average wages that the various profession work often tend to make. This does not consider those self utilized tradesman running a service.
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Things to consider when looking for Kidderminster Fencing Quotes
     Are you looking for information about Kidderminster Fencing Quotes? Is it important for you to get the right details about Garden Landscaper Prices Kidderminster?
Do you want to get info about Replacement Garden Fence Costs Kidderminster?
If you are looking to find the best Kidderminster Worcestershire Fencing Contractors - you are off to a good start...
    10 Tips on Choosing the Best Garden Designer
A garden designer is a professional who can actualize your visions about your garden space, and give you suggestions regarding the things that you need to consider. Before you end up hiring one for your garden designing needs and beyond, you have to ensure that he is the right person for the job. Here are the top 10 tips that will help you to pick the best designer for your needs.
Look at the services
Find out whether the garden designer offers only design assistance – including evaluating and discussing the needs of clients, creating initial designs, offering revisions on the basis of client feedbacks, and giving a detailed final master plan. Some designers offer design services, as well as supervising the plant purchase process and all the setup. Some are full-service designers, who offer maintenance and design-build programs.
Check their portfolio
Check whether the portfolio of the designer includes the specific style that you are in search of. Look at his or her credentials in order to get proof of his training and knowledge to actualize your visions about your garden.
Get garden consultations
Find out if garden consultations are offered as well. A few landscape designers tend to offer consultations for 1 – 2 hours. You can find out about his remodeling ideas for your garden and property.
Look at ease of communication
Check whether it is easy to communicate with the garden designer and whether he listens to your ideas and suggestions with patience as well as response in a proper way.
Know about the estimated costs
It is important to have a clear discussion about your budget and estimated project cost. Get a range of costs from the designer for the installation as well as design.
Find out whether costs can be reduced
The more the design has hardscape, the higher the installation costs are going to be. The materials utilized for hardscape may widely vary – for the setup as well as for the product. You have to converse with the designer and check whether he has any plans to reduce landscaping costs to help you stay within budget.
Know about time for installation
Find out how long the installation process would take. Rather than asking the designer to complete the installation by a specific date, ask him for an estimate range for project completion.
Enquire about the time for garden growth
Know that skilled plant installation and careful planting are time-consuming. The time depends on the design scope, the kind of plants being proposed, how mature are the plants while being planted, etc.
Level of maintenance required
Plants and gardens of varied styles require care of varying levels. Directly discuss with your designer the level of maintenance you or the gardeners hired by you can deal with.
Your specific requirements
As the owner of a garden, you might have some special needs – such as a space with shade, room for growth of vegetables, and more amount of tool storage space. You need to check whether the garden designer can give you all these.
      Common Questions About Fencing Contractors
How much does garden fencing cost on average?
Great question!
it depends on where you are, the materials you choose, and how you have it installed.
if you are using wood, which is the most common material, the closer to the mills or a large city you are, the cheaper it will be.
Wood is a great option for materials. It is renewable, durable, and beautiful. It is also generally the least expensive.
if you have your fence installed by a professional, you will pay more, but you will get a better-finished product. You get the builder’s years of experience.
When trying to calculate costs, you need to take into consideration the cost of materials and labour. Are permits required in your area? Your contractors should inform you, but you can always call your city or county to ask.
there are websites that will tell you the approximate range of costs charged by various professionals in your area. Look for someone who has a solid reputation and reasonable price. Meet with at least 3 to have some comparison between companies. Talk to former clients about what was right, and if anything went wrong. If something happened, ask how it was resolved. This will suggest how you will be treated if there are issues with your project. Look for someone who is relaxed, confident, and happy. Rushed, stressed out or unhappy contractors don't give you the best product.
I wish you success with your fence.
(Source Quora)
How much does quality fencing add to the value of your house?
Garden fencing may not necessarily be the first home renovation project you think about when it comes to priorities in the home but chances are you will want to improve the garden at some point.
We explore some of the reasons why a professionally installed garden fence could increase your chances of receiving a higher offer depending on the buyer and what appeals to them.
It is important to remember boundary fencing for the home and garden serves multiple purposes not only to protect the outer perimeter but also, deliver a robust boundary with enough integrity to withstand the forces of nature. Will the fence survive against a large dog jumping against it most days?
Fence panels that are broken or weak in areas not only look unattractive but may cast doubts about how secure the overall property is. 
Traditionally, fence panels that are installed into concrete posts are risky, because there is no method to firmly fix the panel to the post. This means the panels can be lifted from the concrete posts with ease, leaving up to a 6ft wide gap in your run of fencing (depending on the width of your panels) which poses obvious risks for your pets. 
To improve the standard of security we recommend opting for a slotted timber post system when installing fencing so that the panels can be slotted into the fence posts, and then drilled into place to affix them. This method of installation is a preventative measure designed to ensure the fence panel is secure inside the posts and stops it from being lifted out in the first place though. 
    If you're aiming to improve the security fencing for your home consider the height of the fence panels you are installing.
The highest standard panel height is normally 6ft, this is not by chance, it is dictated by UK planning laws, which state that planning is required for any fence over 2.00 meters. This is shown in the tallest standard panels available which are most commonly available at 1.83 meters high. - that’s a 6ft panel in imperial measurements. This height still allows for a 140mm gravel board to be installed at the base of the panel to protect and stop contact with the ground.
    In addition, you can add height to your existing fencing with Trellis Topper Panels up to 2.00m high without planning permission. 
The short answer is not very much when poorly installed. Professional fence installation can really impact whether the fencing adds value to the overall value of the property or not. Whether you choose to hire a skilled professional or opt for the do-it-yourself approach, it is essential the fence is installed correctly by someone with the necessary skills and knowledge because it will greatly affect the lifespan.
Failure to correctly install the posts supporting the fence can jeopardise the overall stability of the fencing, after all the most common reason fencing becomes storm damaged, is low-quality installation.
A well-designed garden can increase a property’s value by approximately 20%.
Fencing can be used to define the space in your garden and transform its appearance to give shape, definition, and purpose to your property. If done correctly, effective use of fencing can not only attractively frame your garden but make it appear larger.
      Installing a type of fencing which complements the aesthetics of the surrounding local area is critical in finishing your property appropriately. We advise researching a varied range of both modern and traditional panels, to ensure you can find a design that perfectly encapsulates the architectural style of your local area; however, remember it's not just about designer looks, consider the function it serves too.
  You may reside in a rural area, therefore, may want a traditional look for your garden, so you may consider timber picket fencing, also known as palisade fencing. Often seen in front gardens palisade style fencing is a timeless design that offers real kerb appeal. Updating all aspects of your garden to suit any new fencing is recommended. New fence panels often draw attention to the older worn out areas of the garden if it is not updated to a similar standard. Landscape gardeners can be costly, but one cost-effective method to reinvigorate your garden is to include fresh flowers with vibrant colours in raised beds to enrich your property’s exterior.
  Whichever fence type fence you decide to purchase, we recommend consulting a surveyor to ensure you operate within your existing garden boundary to avoid any conflict with neighbours, which could ultimately slow down the sale of your home, if you’re involved in boundary disputes.
We believe in high-quality fencing with low lifetime costs, making a contemporary garden landscape a noteworthy investment opportunity.
If you live nearby the main road or in a densely populated area then a tall fence can act as an effective method of shielding your property from prying neighbours without detracting from the appearance of your garden.  Realty Times states installing tall fencing specifically for privacy purposes will likely increase the marketability for your home with prospective buyers when selling.
    The average fence height in the UK is typically 4-6ft high and can be a solid boarded, slatted, or trellis style (6ft = 1.83m). Each type of panel provides varying levels of privacy, so it depends on your personal preference, and what’s on the other side of the fence.
For example, those with small pets may be reluctant to purchase a property without perimeter fencing in the garden because not only does this represent a safety issue, but it’s a high future cost when you consider the cost of installation, materials, and time planning a project. Prices for fencing can vary immensely depending on the material, quality of manufacture, number of meters required, and the style but typically it's anything between £1000 - £4000 approximately. Prospective buyers are often willing to pay a premium for the right home with fencing already installed to remove the headache.
Solid fence panels such as our Chilham panel removes any chance of visibility, while slatted style panels like our Venetian have gaps between each pale, so they do not offer the same standard of privacy as solid fencing, but for what you trade in privacy you more than makeup in contemporary design. You may consider using slatted fence panels as screens to separate areas within your garden or hide unsightly features.
A fence can be used to define the space within a garden and truly transform its appearance to provide shape, definition, and purpose to a property. If done correctly, effective use of fencing can not only attractively frame a garden but make it appear larger. It’s not only the manufacturing process and quality of materials used that matter, but how the fence is utilised to create an intriguing outdoor space.
Sourcing the best quality fence material is paramount and, generally speaking, a chain link or vinyl fence will not prove as aesthetically pleasing as a timber one, which offers a natural appearance. 
Nevertheless, poor quality timber fencing is rife and can be unsuccessful at creating an alluring garden due to the low-grade wood and automated manufacturing processes used to produce these fence panels. Often, wooden fence panels purchased at home improvement stores will be of lower quality and begin to warp after only a few years, making the garden seem worn and unappealing.
    The lower-grade timber will likely be susceptible to weather conditions and be prone to breaking in windy conditions. We recommend installing high-quality timber fencing pressure treated, with a promise that it will complement the exterior presentation of your home for many years, such as our 25 year guaranteed timber products do.
Most homeowners want their homes to fit in with others in the surrounding area, and fencing a home in an unfenced neighbourhood can draw unwanted attention when done poorly with low-grade materials, a bad paint job, or a fence type that doesn’t match the nearby houses.
    Take time to consider your purchase, focus on choosing the best fence type for your property because being the only home in your cul-de-sac or street with completely alternative fencing to everyone else may be detrimental to the value of your property though it may also be a selling point. Before installing any fencing consult with a variety of local reputable fencing contractors or garden landscapers. They will likely have extensive working knowledge about the local area and what works well and what doesn't, so get multiple quotes and advice where possible. We recommend searching the nearby neighbourhoods to look for any noteworthy trends for houses that have sold for higher values that are similar to your own property.
(Souce https://www.jacksons-fencing.co.uk/the-edit/good-quality-fencing-can-add-value-to-you-home)
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01562 543224 For a free no-obligation quote today!
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