#But we're gonna get there ladies and gents
doggiewoggiez · 7 months
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Well, as soon as we got back on our feet enough to be able to make rent, we're losing our home. We have to move on short notice (short in the scale of the rental application process). I have like eight dollars in my bank account. We're gonna have uhauls to rent, security deposits to make, application fees to pay (for the 4 of us, applying to any property costs $200-400 and we don't even know if we'll get approved). I called the property manager probably half a dozen times trying to see if we can work something out, but... Nope.
We're totally fucked unless we can get your help. Please, if there's anything, anything at all you can do to help, please please do. There's a couple places we're looking at that seem like they might be solid bets, but no matter what we're looking down the barrel of thousands of dollars we don't have and many days of work missed. Please share this, we're in more danger than we've ever been in before.
If there's anything you can spare, please... We're boned otherwise.
PayPal / Ko-fi / $app
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wileys-russo · 7 months
dancing the line, what are we? II g.clinton x reader
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she's such a cutie, request here dancing the line, what are we? II g.clinton x reader
you tried to hide the happy smile on your face as you noticed grace walk into the change rooms for training, the dirty blonde catching your eye and sending you a beaming grin as she sat down at her locker to change.
"who you eyeballing?" you jumped in surprise as mary dropped down beside you with narrowed eyes. "no one, creeper keeper." you chuckled, attention shifting down to your feet as you laced up your boots. "mmm i know you're hiding something from me, and mark my words child i will find out what it is!" mary warned as you rolled your eyes.
"sorry to disappoint you mum, but there's nothing going on in my life you don't already know far too many details about." you patted the older girls shoulder who had taken you under her wing the moment you made the senior team, mary only scoffing at your choice of words.
"excuse me what have i told you? i am your cool older sister, not your mum! honestly the cheek of you." mary pulled you into a headlock as you whined and tried to pull away, the keeper forecefully dragging you away for training not letting you out of her tight hold.
but your annoyed frown melted away as you again caught grace's eye, the girl glancing up from where her own head was ducked down lacing up her boots, pulling a stupid face at you making you grin before mary yanked you out of the room.
out on the pitch now mary finally let you go, called over to begin training with the other keepers as you lingered around waiting for the rest of the girls to join you being one of the first outside, starting to stretch before warm ups at marcs orders.
"good mornin gorgeous." you smiled as grace appeared beside you, mumbling the last word quietly so only you would hear as the two of you exchanged a soft smile, continuing with your stretches in a comfortable silence as the rest of the girls wandered out.
"gonna be a warm one today." you sighed, closing your eyes as the warmth of the morning sun bathed the training field. "always is when you're round babe." grace retorted quickly, enjoying the blush that crept up your neck at her words, her thick northern accent your favorite sound as you shoved her playfully.
"someone call the babysitters, the children are fighting!" ella teased as you and grace pushed and smacked one another around, you jumping onto her back and wrapping an arm around her neck as she struggled to throw you off.
"oi! stop messing about, the pair of you." alessia warned, smacking both of you on the back of the head sternly as the whistles blew for everyone to huddle up. "sorry mum!" grace mocked, the two of you slinging your arms around one another and marching off as alessia rolled her eyes, her and ella following.
"do'ya wanna be me partner?" grace asked hopefully, practically running over to you as you all returned from your break, pairing off for some passing drills. "nah." you shook your head with a blank face, faking as if you were going to turn away.
"oh how very funny, she's a comedian now ladies and gents." grace clapped sarcastically as you took a bow, the two of you grabbing a ball and wandering off so you were a little more out of earshot of the rest of the team.
"would you like to get dinner tonight? maybe see a film?" you asked the blonde after a few minutes of silence had passed. "is this your way of tryna ask us on a date?" the midfielder teased, but agreeing eagerly right afterwards.
"i think we're past dates clinton once someones tongues been in my mouth i like to think i no longer need to use that word, its just implied." you shot back, smiling victoriously as for once she was the one to blush, forever normally the more confidently cocky out of the pair of you.
"i'll pick ya up later babe, round six or so?" grace proposed, murmuring in your ear as she hugged you goodbye and you nodded, the embrace perhaps lasting a second or so too long as you felt eyes on you.
"we've got an audience." you warned quietly, catching a wary looking alessia and mary clearly speaking about the pair of you as they looked to one another and then back to the two of you.
"let them look, we're only huggin." her taller form vibrated against yours as she chuckled. "besides i'll save what i'd rather be doing with ya for later tonight if you're lucky." she pulled away with a wink, kissing your cheek and darting away before you could hit her for the cheeky comment.
"can i help you?" you bluntly questioned the two older girls whose eyes seemingly refused to leave you as you sat down to pack up your bag.
"don't know, can you?" mary retorted cryptically as you gave her a weird look, quickly stuffing away grace's training jacket you'd stole the other day which poked out the top of your kit bag, trying not to make it obvious you were hiding it.
"that was a...long hug." alessia hinted, leaning back and narrowing her bright blue eyes at you. "do you and tooney not hug enough? oh i'm so sorry lessi, you must be touch depraved." you leaned forward and patted her knee with mock sympathy, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"is that grace on your lockscreen?" the blonde striker questioned again, pointing to your phone as you rolled your eyes and tucked it under your leg. the picture in question was her holding you up as you took a photo in the mirror which was in the entry way of her home.
"none of your business russo." you quipped, the older girl huffing at the use of her last name. "anything you'd like to tell us kid?" mary questioned with a raised eyebrow as you paused to ponder, looking off thoughtfully in the distance.
"umm, you need a shower cause you smell like a wet dog and you need a crash mat taped to your ass since you fell on it so many times today?" you guessed, pointing first to mary and then to alessia.
grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder you sprinted out of the change rooms as they lunged for you, hearing their footsteps and angry shouts after you fade as you were known to be one of the quickest on the team, waving at them with a grin from your car.
"yeah thats right you little shit you better run!"
you tapped your phone screen as you heard a knock at your door, the time showing 5:41pm meaning grace was early.
she wasn't your girlfriend, but she was definitely more than your best friend. though neither of you had dared to even have that conversation with one another yet, much as it bore down on both your minds about what the two of you actually were.
you'd not grown up playing on the youth national teams, as much as you knew that was a huge goal for most professional footballers playing for your country wasn't something you'd ever really dreamt of, much to most peoples surprise.
you'd grown up in a football mad household, which had meant every single game you'd played was always over analysed, if it be by your older brothers or your dad you were always given some sort of harsh ribbing or yelled at for some silly mistake in the car ride home.
that pressure to be perfect, to play as best as you could and leave it all out on the pitch meant your relationship with football had become quite strained at one point, falling out of love with the game entirely for awhile.
but then you'd started at the manchester united academy, making your way up the ranks and slowly starting to adore it once more. but with that lingering pressure in the back of your mind, you'd always opted out of playing anything more than for club even once you made the senior womens team, however still endlessly proud of all your friends and teammates when they put on the kit for country.
with you and grace it all started off harmlessly enough. when she had signed on with united in the summer you were more than thrilled, finally having someone your own age to mess about with, growing tired of all the relentless teasing that came with being the baby of the team.
the two of you had clicked right away, paired up for drills her first training and both talking one anothers ears off you found you had a lot more in common than you'd anticipated beyond just your shared age.
which lead to you eagerly inviting her over for a movie night when you discovered your shared passion for 'childrens' movies, and the fact she had never seen cars which to you was basically committing a crime.
from then on the two of you developed a routine of sorts.
movie nights on wednesdays, going out for breakfast together on sundays, cooking dinner together on mondays, carpooling together to training and grabbing coffee, seated together on the busses to away games making shared playlists or binging whatever show you were hooked on.
then one night curled into one another clutching your stomachs with laughter at some dumb comedy on the tv you were half paying attention to, it happened.
you'd both shared a look as you'd come down from your laughter, not anything uncommon, but unlike any of the others this was the look.
and in that look you suddenly realized the feelings you had for your best friend grew beyond that of being friendly, and you found yourself lifting your chin up a little, hesitating slightly unsure if you were misreading anything.
thankfully you weren't, and so when grace moved to clear that few centimetres left between you, soft lips pressed finally against yours as she'd been wondering about for awhile now, the course of your relationship was altered.
from then on your shared routine shifted slightly. wednesday movie nights were still the same but now were accompanied by lazy makeout sessions as you grew more and more comfortable becoming intimate with one another.
lovesick giggles would fill the air as you mumbled against one anothers lips the most stupid of comments as you cooked dinners together on a monday. somehow still maintaining whatever conversation you were having prior to one of you making a move to commence an onslaught of soft kisses in between each word.
you'd been out together on a few dates but normally preferred the cozy comforts of one anothers homes and your usual routine, falling into step with one anothers habits and personal practices. though either of you were yet to spend the night together at one of your houses.
grace learned you'd often go to the local markets on a saturday, usually accompanied by some of your team mates it was no issue she tag along, but as she noticed you'd buy the same few things each week she learned to map out your usual route.
so when it was just the two of you she would take your hand, interlocking your fingers with hers and guiding you both around, knowing which stalls you'd want to stop at and sometimes darting ahead to purchase you something before you had the chance.
though most times one or two of your teammates would come with and you'd adapt, no longer holding hands but still exchanging knowing looks or flirty little comments in one anothers ears when you had a fleeting moment alone. locking pinkies under the table and playing footsies with hidden grins of glee when you'd all sit down for lunch together afterwards.
you'd learnt giving gifts was one of grace's love languages, little trinkets which evidenced that littered your home like the small jar full of sea shells she'd brought back with her after going away with her parents for the weekend to the seaside.
presenting them to you with a toothy grin and a story of how she'd made sure to hand select only the most beautiful of shells for the most beautiful of girls you'd smacked her for the cheesy comment but still rewarded her with a soft kiss and a thank you, her heart soaring as you did.
given that quality time was one of your own love languages you treasured the time the two of you got to spend together like your movie nights, dinners and little market dates. you could honestly spend every day with the taller girl and not grow bored, the two of you seemingly never running out of things to talk about.
but despite all of that neither one of you had actually come forward and asked what the two of you were, not quite dating but not quite friends you'd danced around the line of making it more or less.
it had seemed that one kiss had seamlessly shifted your already shared routine into one much more intimate, domestic and cozy, but both terrified of actually verbalizing that you'd not dared not to speak about it with one another.
leaving your straighter on to warm up you ran to the door as she knocked again. "hi! i'm not ready yet but technically you're early." you rushed out, stepping aside to let her in with a smile.
"dunno why you bother with all this crap, ya always look beautiful anyway." grace smiled back, gesturing to your half finished makeup as you hit her shoulder lightly.
"i see that eyeliner and concealer gracie, hypocrite." you teased, squishing her cheeks in your hand making her roll her eyes playfully and smack your hand away. "do you want a drink or anything?" you offered as she followed you to the kitchen.
"i'll take a tall glass of you? or well a short one maybe." you turned and her body melted into yours, your back just digging into the edge of the counter as she looked down at you with a pearly white grin, hands gently gripping your waist.
"always with the height jokes, get some new material for your stand up show woman really!" you sighed with a shake of your head. "i'll wear heels and we'll see eye to eye." you challenged as she only laughed.
"no ya won't." "no i won't, i hate heels and i'll be wearing trainers." you grinned, arms coming to wrap around her neck as the two of you just stood in silence for a moment, both with that same look of lovesick pining in your eyes as she leaned down to kiss you.
"oh shit i left my straighter on!" you remembered with wide eyes, pushing her off before she could and running to your room as the sound of her laughter followed.
"would forget ya head if it weren't attached to your body." grace tutted, laying down on your bed as you continued to get ready, the two of you chatting about the upcoming game against leicester city on the weekend.
"oh what film did we wanna see?" grace remembered, pushing her hips up to grab her phone from her back pocket, googling what your options were. after she'd listed them off you hummed and suggested two, telling her to make the final decision.
"why! i hate it." the midfielder groaned, head thumping back against your pillows as you finished your hair, tying half of it up into a loose bun as the rest cascaded down your bed, nodding in satisfaction at your appearance.
"cause i picked where we're goin for dinner. so you choose the film!" you smiled, poking her nose as you rummaged around in your bedside table looking for your favorite perfume. "here." grace reached over and grabbed it from the other side of the bed, holding it up.
though as you smiled gratefully and reached for it she moved it out of your grasp. "think i deserve a proper thanks." she grinned cheekily, tapping her lips with her free hand, still holding your perfume captive in the other.
"such a child." you teased, ducking down and pressing your lips to hers a few times sweetly, stealing your perfume before things went any further. "scuse you babe i'm three months older!" grace scoffed, pulling herself to sit up.
"so you never cease to remind me." you tutted in amusement, arms moving to hug her as you looked up with an adoring smile and her hands gently cupped your cheeks. "ya look gorgeous." grace complimented sweetly, ducking her head and kissing you again, though one hand moving to the back of your neck this time making sure it lasted a little longer.
pulling away once air became an issue, both your cheeks flushed rosy pink you pecked her lips a few more times before you mumbled the two of you would be late, interlocking fingers and heading out to her car.
"oi! is that..." alessia whined through a mouthful of ice cream as mary punched her arm to gain her attention, halting suddenly at the older girls words. "mary!" the blonde scolded, punching her back but following where her finger was pointing.
"sneaky sneaky children." ella whistled with a somewhat proud grin, the three of them spotting you and grace tucked up together in the back of the italian restaurant looking awfully cozy.
"you don't think..." alessia trailed off, looking from mary to ella and back to the two of you again with a raised eyebrow. "what? this surprises you? nah less come on!" ella laughed, though she stopped once she realised it seemed she was the only one not shocked.
"youse two are some of the closest people to them! how did ya not catch on they're seeing one another? thick!" ella smacked both girls with a shake of her head. "how did you know before we did tooney?" mary scoffed, throwing away her now empty cup and spoon.
"cause i've got eyes! you don't see the way they look at each other? stupid little shit eating grins, always hanging out together, always whispering about something, always hugging or touching or holding hands thinking they're being subtle about it." ella rolled her eyes at the secret which was apparently not a secret, her and maya having made a bet from the very first week grace signed on that the two of you would wind up dating.
a bet which it now looked like ella would win and be twenty pound richer because of it.
"oh my god surely they're not about to-" marys eyes widened. "oh but they are." ella nodded knowingly. "how did we not notice?" alessia huffed, nostrils flaring in annoyance at their ignorance.
"lady and the tramp, how disgustingly cliche." ella tutted as you and grace shared a piece of pasta, pecking lips at the end and grinning at one another stupidly.
"i'm just going to the toilet." you spoke, grace pulling a face of mock disgust as you shoved her with a roll of your eyes, the taller girl tugging on the back of your dress and leaning up to kiss you goodbye.
"clingy." you teased, dodging her hands which reached out to pinch you, ducking away to use the bathroom.
finishing up you made sure grace's attention was on her phone as you snuck past the table and to the front to pay, thanking the waiter with a smile as he handed you the receipt.
though that smile was completely wiped off your face as a strange feeling you were being watched settled over you, goosebumps prickling at your arms as you looked around, and thats when you spotted them.
mary shook her head with a unreadably firm stare, ella gave you a proud grin and a thumbs up and alessia quite frankly looked like she wanted to murder you, the three of them all outside on the street by the door clearly awaiting the two of you to leave before they pounced.
hastily turning around you hurried back to the table, dropping down beside grace who scoffed at the docket in your hand. "what'd ya do that for!" she groaned, having wanted to pay for the two of you.
"we have much bigger problems right now." you warned, grabbing her chin and turning her head to lock eyes with the three older girls at the front window as they widened in fear.
"well fuck." "fuck indeed. what do we do? sneak out the back?" "nah they know we're here now. but i don't really fancy a tellin off tonight, do you?" with that she gave you a grin, fear melted away as you tilted your head curiously and she filled you in on her plan.
again thanking the waiter you both exited the resteraunt, hand in hand and shrinking slightly under the unwavering glares of the older girls standing across from you.
"evenin girls." grace grinned, squeezing your hand and making a point to bring it up to her mouth placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "whats all this then?" alessia questioned, narrowing her eyes. "just two best mates gone for a feed." grace answered with a sly smile.
"bullshit. you two are in some serious trouble." mary warned sternly, alessia smacking ella who was pulling faces and still giving the two of you a proud thumbs up.
"serious trouble." alessia echoed marys words, fixing you both with a glare as grace squeezed your hand twice like you'd planned. "ah thats a shame. look we'd love to stay and chat girls but-" with that the two of you turned and sprinted off, chased quickly by both alessia and mary as ella stayed behind to cheer you both on, finding endless amusement in the situation.
"c'mere." rounding a corner grace tugged you into her body, ducking the two of you down and out of sight behind a large bin. "where the fuck did they go!" you heard mary huff angrily, trying to catch her breath.
"you two little shits can hide for now but you can't hide forever! we'll see you at training tomorrow." alessia yelled out menacingly, both you and grace holding a hand over one anothers mouths and waiting until you were certain that they'd left.
"where the fuck did they go!" you mocked mary. "we'll see you at training tomorrow." grace mimicked alessia as the two of you collapsed to the ground laughing, clutching at your stomachs. "guess the secrets out." you smiled, head resting against the wall behind your head as you caught your breath.
a comfortable silence fell between the two of you, graces eyes roaming your face with a tender smile, a surge of emotions flooding her body at the thought of the entire team soon knowing you were...well, what exactly?
"will ya be me girlfriend?" the midfielder blurted out suddenly, face flushing bright red at its abrupt nature. "nah." you declined before your face broke out into a grin and you launched at her. "of course." you mumbled against her lips, pressing a searing kiss to them and sending the older girls head into a spin.
"could have asked me somewhere a bit more romantic than on a dirty sidewalk behind a bin though babe."
“we were runnin for our lives together, what’s more romantic than that?”
“good mornin girlfriend!” grace sang out happily as you jumped into her car to go to training, taken aback by the withering glare you sent her way as a greeting.
“whats wrong?” she questioned with a frown as you huffed and moved your hair off your shoulder, clearly showing off the two bright red and purple hickies littering your neck.
“oh!” you mocked, sinking into the chair with a groan, burying your face in your hands. “sorry?” grace smiled sheepishly, wincing at the murderous look you gave her and quickly focusing her attention on the road as she reversed out of your driveway.
after the high of finally making things official last night you’d both opted to ditch the movies in favour of going back to your place to watch one together instead.
however you hardly spent more than five minutes watching whatever grace had put on, still riding out the high of being girlfriends you’d quickly moved to makeout and well, things escalated slightly from there.
it was the first time grace had ever left any sort of mark on you, feeling a brand new sense of possessiveness as she’d hovered over you on the lounge, her face pressed into your neck only encouraged by the noises she’d coaxed out of your mouth, exploring the sensitive area with her lips, then with her tongue, then her teeth.
and well, here you were.
“they’re really not that noticeable babe.” grace tried to assure you, taking your hand as you walked into the training centre and headed for the change rooms.
“plus they’ll be too busy yellin at us for runnin away anyway!”
sure enough the moment the two of you entered the change rooms you were met with an onslaught of teasing which you both brushed off, sitting down together to put your boots on.
though no sooner had you sat down did two shadows loom over you both, alessia and mary. they shared a look and a nod before wordlessly grabbing the two of you, alessia tugging you away by the collar of your training top as mary did the same with grace.
"less! come on it was a bit of fun." you whined as she pulled you forcefully out of the change rooms and down the hall, grace and mary dissapearing out around the corner down the opposite end.
"how long?" the older girl sat you down on a bench, folding her arms over her chest and fixing you with a glare. "since last night." you answered honestly, the blonde raising an eyebrow clearly expecting a different answer.
"honestly!" you shrugged. "i am not in the mood for games." alessia warned sternly causing you to let out a sigh. "we've been...hanging out for about a month now? but she only asked me to be her girlfriend last night, truthfully." you promised with a nod.
"if you hurt her...i will hurt you, and i will make sure it is the last time you ever speak to her. yeah?" alessia warned seriously, leaning down closer to you as you nodded repeatedly.
"i wouldn't, i promise."
"okay. well now thats all out of the way!" you almost had whiplash as the taller girl pulled you up into a tight bear hug. "our little babies all coupled up, so cute." she pinched your cheeks harshly as you grunted and pushed her off.
"why didn't you tell us though! that was the most hurtful part of all." alessia slung an arm over your shoulder with a shake of her head, pulling you into her side as the two of you walked back toward the changing room.
"it wasn't anyones business, it still isn't!" you rolled your eyes, spotting grace and mary returning in a similar position to you as all four of you walked back into the mostly empty changing room.
"you get a shovel talk too then?" grace chuckled, the two of you sitting back down to finish putting your shoes on. "if you hurt her i will hurt you, and i will make sure it is the last time you ever speak to her." you mocked alessia.
"i got; if you harm a single little hair on her head i will not hesitate to break both your legs, you treat her with respect or i make you dissapear." grace did her best to mock mary, but her northern accent made it near impossible as you let out a small laugh.
"idiots, the pair of them." you whispered to her, grace humming in agreement and kissing your cheek causing them to warm up with a slight blush as you kissed hers back.
"ugh no kissing before at least ten in the morning please." alessia fake gagged as the four of you stood to head toward the pitch.
"yeah lets not forget you're both children, our little babies." mary added on with a coo, grace grabbing you suddenly and pulling you into a proper kiss as loud retches echoed around the change room and you smiled against her lips before pulling away.
"oi excuse me what are these? did you do this to her gracie?!" mary grabbed you suddenly, moving your hair out of the way and pointing accusingly at the hickies then back to your girlfriend. "no!" grace scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"you got them from someone else!?" alessia glowered, balling her fists as you shook your head. "of course not!" you shot grace a glare as she sent you a wink, taking your hand and tugging you out of marys grip.
"better get used to it you two, now she's me girlfriend we can do whatever we want."
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g0lden-diety · 11 months
How abouut…. Bakugo with black reader grumbling about getting dragged to the club but you try to convince him that it’ll be fun bc he’ll be with the guys while you stick with the girls and it’ll be a cute lil outting for y’all. he gets irritated but figures he should go bc you’re looking like 🔥sin🔥 in that black dress and he would want to be around just in case anyone tries it but he honestly gets more than he bargains for when he sees u throwin it back w the girls and it’s over when he sees someone approaching you and now he’s tight bc he’s gotta drag u out the club and show youre his 👀👀, just a thought 👉🏽👈🏽🥺
Oh...oh hell yeah, this is perfect!!! Like this was my face when I read the request:
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Little Black Dress ┆ K. Bakugou
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Pairing : Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Black!Reader
cw: alcohol mentions, unprotected sex, choking, cockwarming, oral (fem. giving), overstim, fingering, impact-play, slut-calling, some aftercare, praise, some degradation, smut (obviously) MDNI
All characters are aged up!!
Author’s note: soooo, this was originally gonna be a headcannon/drabble post, but I REALLY liked this request so I decided to turn it into a short fic, I hope you enjoy‼️<3
Minors Do Not Interact // 18+
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“Why the hell are we even going?” Katsuki uttered loud enough for you to hear, causing you to sigh from the bathroom.
“Katsu, c’mon! Mina invited us out so we could finally get a fuckin’ break. You can hang with the guys, I hang with the girls, we all can drink, dance, get lit. It’s gonna be fun,” you said as Katsuki made a ‘tch’ sound from your shared bedroom.
Mina had invited you, Katsuki, Kirishima, Deku, Ochacco, Kaminari, Jirou, Hagakure, and Sero out to the club to get sort of an escape from the day-to-day hero life. Obviously after tonight, and the morning after you nursed your hangovers, it would be back to business.
“Ok, how do I look?” Katsuki’s eyes almost bulged out of his head when he saw you. Your curves filled out the silk, black dress, it stopping at mid-thigh, dipped low in the front, backless, and only held up on you by a few strings.
Katsuki looked at you like you were straight up sin, and goddamn, did he wanna be a sinner right now.
“Still don't wanna go?” you asked cockily, leaning against the doorframe, resting your hand on your hip. You could see him subtly shift in his seat as his eyes flit from your chest, to your hips, then slowly up to your face.
“Tch, c’mon n’ let’s go, ya cocky lil shit,”
So there you all were, the smell of sweat, sex, and alcohol wafting through the air. You and the crew stood in front if the bustling club, live with energy. You and Mina we're going to practically buzzing with excitement. Glasses of sickly sweet drinks were poured, making the person who ingested them feel light and airy, like they were on top of the world.
“Alright ladies n’ gents, let's go get some shots cause I'm tryna drunk n’ nasty,” she spoke, sending a wink to Kirishima, making him wink right back.
“Do not make babies on the dancefloor, I beg of you,” Sero mumbled as you laughed, grabbing Mina’s hand, then she grabbed Ochacco’s, who grabbed Hagakure’s, who then grabbed Jirou’s as you all head to the bar, leaving the guys stuck.
Soon, drinks were poured, music was bumping, people were dancing and having a good time, as they should. The honey-colored liquid made your head float as you moved your body with your friends to the bass thumping through the club.
You were feeling the music, the fun, having a great time, but there was one issue. Katsuki hadn’t been paying you attention all night. He only really conversated when you stopped at the bar to get another drink, or whenever you and the girls took a break from dancing. The thought made you subtly pout in frustration.
You began to move your hips provocatively, wining and twisting your lips, hypnotizing anyone who looked. This caused a bit of an uproar, seeing as more and more people began to crowd around you, hyping you up. Katsuki heard the commotion on the floor, eyebrow raising as he wondered what the hell was going on. He moved past the people, subtly not-so-subtly shoving past people. Once he saw, his eye twitched in irritation.
You, his girl, his woman, was in the center of the floor putting on a show for everyone to see. You were throwing ass so disrespectfully in that dress, he was surprised the cops weren’t called for disrespectful-ass throwing. Katsuki watched silently, feeling his blood boil while perverted eyes watched you, lusted for you. How dare they? You were his, and his only.
His final straw was when someone, a man, slinked closer to you. Katsuki couldn't tell who he was, or what he looked like, due to the lighting of the club. He watched as the guy stuck out a hand, reaching for your ass.
“Oh, hell no,” the blond thought to himself, angrily trudging over to you. You glanced, seeing Katsuki getting closer.
“Shut up, we need to talk,” you couldn't even get a word out, you were too busy being dragged to the back of the club, down the dark hallway, and into the bathroom, the door licking behind the both of you.
“Have you lost, you're fuckin’ mind?!” he exclaimed as you winced at his tone, it making your head pound.
“Shhhhh, you're so loudddd. Besides, don't even know why y’ care. Y’ haven't been payin’ me no attention allllll night. What, cause I put on a little show, it's an issue?” you asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes shut as he breathed out deeply.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, obviously being over this bullshit.
“Mmkay, while you're in here havin’ your bitch fit, I'm gonna go out n’ continue to par-” his hand slammed up, blocking you from the doorway. You looked at his hand and arm like it was a foreign object, wondering what the hell he thought this was.
“Uh, excuse me? I don't know who the hell you think you blo...” you sentence trailed off as you looked into his eyes, them darkened with lust. He looked down at you, the way your brown skin looked in the red lights of the bathroom, the way that little, black dress fit tightly in all the right places.
“You,” he gripped your waist, turning you and pinning you against the sink counter.
“Ain’t goin’ nowhere. You wanna put on a show for everybody to see what's mine? Fine, I'll show you why you're mine,” all of a sudden, your hands were being pinned on the counter, hissing as a shooting pain going up your spine, asscheek throbbing.
“Shut it, slut. I obviously gotta remind you who you belong to since you wanna act out,” he bent you over farther, smacking your ass again, earning a shocked gasp from you. There was something different in his eyes, something feral. It made your thighs mush together as you felt your core pooling with heat.
He smacked your ass again, a slight moan escaping your mouth from the pleasurable pain. His hand trailed down your spine, flipping up the back of the dress, seeing your panty-less behind.
“N’ you got the nerve to not wear panties either? Oh, baby,” he leaned down, close to your ear while grabbing your hair to pull you back.
“I'm gonna fuck you nice and good,”
Katsuki’s hand tightened around your neck, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. You squealed loudly as you felt Katsuki’s fingers plunging into you, curling and hitting against all the right spots.
“Ngh! Kats-shit!” You exclaimed, biting your lips as Katsuki’s fingers moved faster and faster.
“Look at you, takin’ these fingers like a fuckin’ slut. Show me how good it feels, baby,” he commanded in your ear as your eyes rolled, letting out a loud moan, clutching his hand that was placed on your waist.
He bit his lip at the sight of you, his lover, melting at his touch and begging him to slow down. It made his bulge throb against the fabric of his pants.
“Mmm, look at you babygirl, look at how pretty you look,” your head hung low as you breathed deeply, your legs shaking and your core throbbing as you juices ran down your legs and onto his fingers.
“You heard me, slut,”
Suddenly, your head was yanked up by your hair, Bakugou forcing you to look at yourself.
“When I tell you to fuckin’ do somethin’, you take orders like a hood little slut, you hear?” He asked as you mumbled something unintelligible.
“Oi,” he smacked the side of your face, yanking you back roughly and then gripping around your jaw, holding your face class to his.
“You should know, I don’t like fuckin’ repeatin’ myself. When I tell you to fuckin’ do somethin’, you do it. You fuckin’ understand?” He asked, gripping around your neck.
“Yes!” You cried as Katsuki smacked your ass with thunder hard force.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes daddy!” You exclaimed as he chuckled menacingly, licking his lips mischievously.
“Good, goood girlll, such a good girl. In fact,” you heard the sound of a zipper unzipping and something, thick, hard, and throbbing against your asscheek.
“You feel what you do to me, slut? Hmm?” He asked, smacking his shaft against your ass.
“Answer me,” another hard slap to your ass.
“Fuck! Yes!” You exclaimed.
“You want me to fuck you? Hmm?” He asked, biting his bottom lip as he rubbed the tip against your swollen, wet folds.
“Yes,” you muttered, barely audible.
You yelped out in pain as he smacked your ass.
“I can’t hear you, slut. Say it again for me, you want me to fuck you?” He asked.
“Yes,” you spoke, a little louder this time.
Another smack, a burning hot sensation that brought tears to your eyes.
“Louder, baby,”
“Yes!” Another hard slap again.
“Louder, slut,” he smacked your ass roughly as you choked back a sob, feeling your ass throbbing.
“Yes! God, fuck me!” You whined loudly as Katsuki chuckled, subtly rubbing your abused ass.
“Of course I’ll fuck you, babe. But first,” you were forced on your knees, gripped by the back of your neck, and forced to look up at Katsuki.
“You’re gonna take care of the shit you caused,” he said, smacking his tip against your lips.
“Open,” you obliged.
“Get to it, and if you stop, I’ll face fuck you until you’re fuckin’ crying,” you immediately got to it, working both your hands, mouth, and tongue around his shaft, teasing his tip and gagging around his length.
“Ahhhh, fuck, baby. That fuckin’ mouth,” he groaned, his head falling back in pleasure as he held your hair back in a makeshift ponytail. You moaned around the base of him as you deepthroat him, not helping but to touch yourself as the faces and noises he was making.
“Yeah, that’s it bitch, c’mon. Suck that dick like your life fuckin’ depends on it,” you gagged again as you pulled back, globs of spit and precum dripping down your chin.
“C’mon, sexy bitch, keep goin’ until I cum all over that mouth and those pretty tits of yours,” you began to suckle his balls, jerking him off and massaging the tip of him, his head falling back as he let out a loud moan.
“Yeahhhh, baby, c’mon, c’mon, just like-AH!” Katsuki felt himself throb in your mouth, him hunching over you and letting out a slight whimper as he came down your throat, pulling out of your mouth as cum came spurting out onto your lips and chest.
“Get up, ‘n turn the fuck around, I’m not done with you yet,” you stood, turning so your back faced him and he bent you over, the cool ceramic porcelain of the sink making you nipples hard because of the cold.
Without warning, Katsuki slammed into you, making you scream. He pulled you back by your neck, choking you as he thrust roughly into you.
“Ahh! Katsukiiii!” You whined as your ass clapped and jiggled against him.
“Yeah? That feel good?” He asked as you moaned, nodding.
“Tell me,”
“Feels so good! Your d-dick ‘s so good!” You moaned as he bit his lip, groaning lowly in your ear.
“Yeah? I’m the only one who can give you dick this good, huh?” He asked.
“Yesss! Only you-FUCK!” You yelled as he hit that spot, making you take it.
“Mmm, you’re the only one I want, the only one I wanna give this dick to, the only one who I know can take it like a good girl,” Katsuki praised as you moaned, feeling a knot in your stomach building up.
“K-Kats! ‘M ‘gna cum!” You mewled as Katsuki tilted your head back, kissing you sloppily.
“Cum for me then, baby. Keep takin’ that dick, just like that. You take it so good, baby, I’m so proud of you. Cum, cum for me,” he gently coaxed as the knot in your stomach finally realeased, your vision scattering with white dots and your voice leaving your body as you began to orgasm, Katsuki still stroking in and out of you.
“Take it, take it baby, ‘cause I’m not stoppin’ til I cum in that sweet, pretty little pussy of yours,” your eyes rolled back as you begged him to slow down but he kept the pace.
“Ahhhh! Katsukiiiiii!” You cried, feeling your legs shake as you creamed down your legs and all over his dick.
“Yessss, yes baby, fuck!” He hissed, leaning forward and pressing his chest against your back, holding you close, massaging your tits as he came inside you, shooting his load into you as he groaned in your ear, catching his breath.
“K-Kats,” you slurred, feeling drowsiness overwhelm you.
“I know…I know. Here, lemme clean you,” Katsuki then grabbed a few paper towels and wiping up the mess on your legs, face and chest.
He then kissed your swollen ass, softly rubbing the abused flesh. He then stood up, kissing your softly.
“You ok?” He asked as you slumped forward, breathing deeply against his chest. He chuckled, kissing your forehead. He slipped off your heels and fixed himself, picking you up bridal style as he carried you out of the club bathroom.
“Where have you guys be-ohhhhh,” Denki wiggled his eyebrows as Katsuki knowingly as the blond mouthed ‘shut the fuck up’, and his ignored all of the playful taunts towards him.
“Jeez, Bakugou, knocked her out, huh?” Kirishima asked as the blond scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah, but it just lets all these other fuckers know that nobody can have her, also,” Bakugou smiled smugly.
“Nobody can beat the pussy up like me,”
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 5 months
He's so creep, but he's so good
Percabeth power couple, yes pls
"It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in to 1990's" nah, but that's the fastest way to make me gag about a smell I can't smell 🤣
"No one comes baaaaaack" I love this man so much ❤
"I just think it's safer if I'm not the one holding them all." That's fair. ya know, as someone who drops her phone regularly, that's relatable.
Those pearls sound ✨ c r u n c h y ✨
IT'S THE SCENE - BABY PERCY 😭😭😭 aww my baby I just want to hug him. I can see it now, I'm gonna bawl like a baby in a few mins
"Not in Kansas...", "Hey, focus, we left Kansas four days ago." Reminder she hasn't seen a movie, points for continuity ❤
Grover squeezing that ball omg
Poor Grover, it's ok 😭
"Only suckers wait in line" 🤣🤣
"You're not dead.", "I mean, we're all dying... To some extent." He's a comedian 🤣
The silent whistle admittedly gave me chills; I can just see the horror on Annabeth's face. CERBIE!!!!
i just screamed a little... Oh, my sister is gonna cry
aww, Cerbies TOO cute, the little whines omg I'm gonna DIE. Annabeth giving him scratchies aww even though she's terrified. Percy is impreased
I am a Rottweiler lover at heart, so I'm just obsessed with Cerberus I'm not sorry
OH GROVER EW; Thank god he's okay
Oh, ik how they get separated I bet 😭 JUMP SCARE OH
Aww Annabeth threw him the ball such a good puppy omg
Is. Is Cerberus wearing a leather jacket? Or is that leather armor? I can't tell 🤣
Annie lore drop 🥲 grovers so impressed tho
"I think it's... It's in the dog." His name is Cerbie. /jk
Percy, baby, what did you draw that upset someone so much? He's just a BABY. I WILL FIGHT THIS HEADMASTER TOOTH AND NAIL IT'S A PEGASUS SIR.
Grover, stop guilting yourself sir
OH jeez what tf.
Man I guessed Asphodel, and I was fucking right. My Mythology teacher would be so proud. This is such a haunting take on Asphodel omg. That's terrifying.
"I trust your dad." Athena ain't gonna be happy about this one, ladies and gents. 🤣🥲😭
Annie's gone, and i stg if we lose grover I'm done
Nah, Riptide looks sick tho. Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen it in good lighting
so r we not gonna see Hades..?
"Is this?", " No.", "I, I mean it looks like-" "it, it absolutely is not.", "Okay. So... what is it then?", "Yeah, that's the master bolt!" This exchange was so funny 🤣
The pieces r fitting together... Hehe
"Zeus is just gonna have to wait." HELL YA, STICK IT TO HIM, GROVER, THAT'S MY BOY!!! Grover reminding Percy exactly why he chose Grover, his best friend, to come on this quest in the first place. ❤
Sad Baby!Percy 😭 that's a lotta ice cream for such a tiny boy
sally avoiding the topic and crying, I wanna hug her too. She's trying so hard.
Hades palace is gorgeous, damn.
Are we gonna get to see the Furies again???
Percy's hands must hurt from how hard and how constantly he clenches them fists damn.
Who tf-
HADES IS SO NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I was expecting a rocker dude, but I love the "silk robe, manicured hair". Man's got class.
"I admire the cut of your jib." Ok maybe not what WAS that 🤣
He's way less scary than I expected, tbh.
Is he wearing heels? It sounds like he's walking in heels
SALLY'S A GOLD STATUE NOW??? Sally reaching out for him 😭 I'm done. I'm done.
"What did you do to her?" I can sense the rage coming
Percy 😭
babe, Hades was so confused. He just wants to be left alone, such a mood tho. Percy's so confused
"But that voice, it definitely did not sound like you." That an insult or a compliment, I deadass can't tell 🤣
Ok... Hades is being very generous, but what's the catch here? This feels sus. Oh. There. Run. pearls. now.
"Hold fast, mom." HOLD FAST MOM YESSSSSS
Sad Sally 😭 What's happening rn
"Tell me why", "you don't wanna hear why." Fair, fair 🤣
Nah, Poseidon's actor fits the bill so well in my mind. Like. Mm.
Poseidon rlly does care.
"His mother raised him well." Damn right!
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kodaiki · 4 months
honestly, i think inumaki would be a streamer if he didn't have his cursed speech 😭 mf would be the type to yell all the curse words he can think of when he loses or dies in valorant and or get attacked by baby zombies in minecraft LMAO he wld eventually invite yuuta or yuuji (definitely yuuta) to play with him as well.
"ladies and gents, welcome my LOVING boyfriend to the stream :D"
"inumaki how many times have i told you, we're not dating!"
"okkotsu, you're gonna play minecraft with me, make a house with me, mine with me, attack zombies with me, that's like asking me if i wanted to get married!"
"you're just delusional."
LMFAOOOO NO HE WOULD (i need him 😩😩) AGH the way id have him on all my notifs 😭😭
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Ladies, gents and enbies, we're getting a prequel miniseries! And Telecom's involved, so you know the animation's gonna get UH-MAY-ZING!!
Quite a bunch of Part 5's crew return for this one. We have Daisuke Sakou in the director's seat, who was the chief animation director on Part 5's divisive yet visually stunning finale (and also wrote and storyboarded the pinkjacket episode), Ichirou Okouchi returns for series composition, and character design is supplied by Asami Taguchi, who was the assistant character designer on Part 4. One interesting change is the music composer: Instead of Yuji Ohno, Otomo Yoshihide will be filling in, and judging by what we hear from the trailer, it will be harkening back to the more eclectic style of jazz from Part 1.
Needless to say, I'm beyond excited!
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queenofbaws · 25 days
I know I said my previous request would be my last one for the cable car series, but with each prompt fill being better than the last, I can't help but come back for more. I've been eatin' good so far, so I'm gonna double down and ask for dessert - a fifth and final part to the saga! I'd love to see a post-kiss heart-to-heart/true confession from Chris and Ashley. Something that dialogue-heavy might be a bit much for six sentences, though, so maybe save it for one of those long prompt weekends?
not-quite-six sentence weekend :P
(once upon a time, in a cable car not so far away...)
"So," they somehow managed to say at precisely the same time - Chris and Ashley, Ashley and Chris - neither the cold nor the heights nor the earth-shattering reality of what had just happened in the dimly lit cable car proving enough to override the wavelength they so often shared. The moment led to another (both telling the other to go ahead), led to another (both saying no, no, no, you first), led to another still (averted eyes and vague hand gestures, half-formed words that all sounded suspiciously like giggles). Then the cable car was quiet.
For a moment, anyway.
"So," Chris tried again, "how about this weather we're having?"
Ashley groaned, or sighed, or did both at the same time, it was hard to parse. Still, she found it within herself to sit up straight, all her earlier worries about this trip long forgotten. "Really, Chris?" she asked, keeping her voice playfully flat. "Really?"
"Really! I mean, check it. It's really, uh, weathering out there. As far as the eye can see."
"Sure is."
"I mean, someone should call the news. This weather? This right here? I mean...someone's gotta report on this stuff, Ash. It's not every day you see something like this." It took him longer than he would've liked, but he scrounged up courage enough to glance her way, feeling his insides do the usual flip-flop as he watched her shake her head, roll her eyes, laugh. It bolstered him enough to swallow that last bit of anxiety down, and that, along with the memory of her lips warm against his, ended the crummy joke. "Also? That was, uh, nice."
Ashley nodded slowly, waging a very similar war inside herself. "Yeah. Yeah, it was."
"The kind of nice," he continued, feeling a little bit like one of those bomb defusers crime shows loved using for some reason, "thaaat I could...get used to. I-If you also could...get used to...it, I mean."
She dropped her face into her hands for an instant, still laughing, still nodding, and when she sat back up, she forced herself to meet his eyes. "I could also get used to it, yeah. Super used to it, in fact."
"I - oh! Well. Neat! I guess - "
Which was of course when the slow jams Josh had been piping in over the hidden speakers suddenly cut out, giving way to the evil emcee himself. Whatever he'd used to hook the things up, the connection wasn't great, so there was a staticy, old-timey radio quality to his teasing that only made the situation feel that much more surreal.
"Heeello again, ladies and gents. This is your captain speaking, informing you that you will be reaching the summit - and the scenic Blackwood Pines estate - in about three minutes. Please be sure to dispose of all garbage in the designated receptacles, keep your hands and feet inside the ride and all times, and for the love of Christ, if you haven't already had some gross Hallmark movie moment in there, you better get that shit out of your combined systems NOW, before I have to deal with you for the whole weekend.
"Quick notes to help that process along: Ashley, I'm sure you're wondering whether I found all those darling love poems in the notebook you accidentally left at my place last week. Yes. I did. You're probably also wondering if I have the balls to read them out loud. Yes. I do. And Cochise. Sweet, precious Cochise. This is my reminder to you, my man, that there are appropriate and inappropriate things to say to a lady before, after, and during a romantic embrace. Appropriate things include but are not limited to - wow, you're gorgeous; I've wanted to do this for such a long time; and it's you and me against the world, baby. Inappropriate things, as we've been over many, many times, include - but again, ARE NOT LIMITED TO - hubba hubba awooga; aw geez; and neato!"
Ashley snorted so hard she startled herself, jumping in her seat.
Chris, on the other hand, was less amused. "...I mean technically 'neat' isn't the same as 'neato,' sooo..."
"Now, I didn't think to rig this shit up to be two-way, so I can only assume you're both saying 'Okay Josh, that makes sense Josh, you got it, Josh,' over and over again in there. When you get to this station, God as my witness, there better not be one iota of romantic tension left between you, or - "
The speakers squawked once and died out as they hit a slight bump in the line, but where there had been panic the last time that happened, now there was only relief. Chris turned to Ashley, Ashley turned to Chris, and while their faces were still much too red for how cold it was inside the cable car, things felt absolutely, undoubtedly, utterly perfect.
...for a moment, anyway.
"So...love poems, huh?"
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ghostie-ghoulie · 9 months
Hey there! I'm Ghostie-Ghoulie. I have had this app for years and always wanted to post, so here I am!
Currently, I'm obsessed with anything Until Dawn or Resident Evil related. I can't ever shut my mouth about them.
My content will either consist of possible art or my fanfiction about certain fandoms I enjoy.
This is an 18+ blog! So, if you are a minor, please, in the most polite way possible, leave my page.
These Fandoms that I am a part of happen to be:
Until Dawn
Resident Evil (a personal favorite)
Horror movies (Ghostface, Hellrasier, Chucky, IT, Etc)
The Wolf Among Us
Mortal Kombat
Team Fortress 2
Star Wars
Star Wars: The Bad batch
Ghost (band)
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Spiderman (mostly the spiderverse movies)
Dark Deception
Devil May Cry
More fandoms can be added later!
I will write Smut, oneshots, small imagines, and multichapter stories. I'm a sucker for smut, so you're gonna get that out of me once I finally get the hang of it.
Important note: I only write XReaders for now. I know that might suck for a lot of people, but it is something I heavily enjoy. I know people don't like it (Y/n, I'm looking at you), but the stereotypical cringe XReader stories that drive me up a wall will not be here. I will try my hardest to make the apperence vague, but personality might be a challenge. Though, hey! Everyone needs their practice. I can't go writing an emotionless reader, eh?
The readers I write for will mostly, if not entirely, be gender neutral or feminine. I'm sorry if this is a major letdown, but I do not trust my abilities to delve into a male reader just yet. I most write for male characters in general, and as love interests, but I can write for women when it comes to romance. I am both for ladies and gents.
Another very important note: I have a major history regarding mental health. Stress comes to me easy, and with stress comes heavy burnout. My brain gets fried, and my creativity goes down 6 feet under. All I ask is that you be very patient with me until I recover. This might mean small breaks or long breaks. Requests may be hard to handle, but if I'm ready, I'll think about doing them. You are able to send in asks! I may not be able to do full requests, but maybe some thoughts for a writing I could possibly start off with.
I am very understanding when it comes to emotional and mental related things because I have experienced my fair share of dealing with it. These topics will show up sometimes in various writings. If these bother you, worry not! Warnings will be placed.
This is a page friendly one towards everyone. I do not stand for hate of any kind. Sure, we're through a damn screen, but I still won't tolerate it. So please, no hate or arguments. If opinions differ, it doesn't mean we need to clash.
Characters that I could possibly write for consist of:
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Mike Monroe
Josh Washington
Matt Taylor
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy
Karl Heisenburg
Luis Sera
Jack Krauser
Albert Wesker
Devil May Cry
Johnny Cage
Vergil Sparda
Dante Sparda
Nero sparda
Mortal Kombat
Syzoth (Reptile)
Tomas (Smoke)
Bi-han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai liang (Scorpian)
Liu Kang
Johnny Silverhand
Viktor Vektor (he needs more love and attention. I love him sm)
Team Fortress 2
(Possibly the rest)
Star Wars
Captain Rex
(Probably will write for a bunch of clones, tbh)
Hondo Ohnaka
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf
I think that's all I've really got for now. More of course can be added later to masterlists. I'm just giving you good ideas on who I would love to write for.
(I will probably reform this because damn it looks jumbled, but hey, I'm inexperienced with actually posting on Tumblr.)
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ririchanva · 4 months
I’m getting the vibe of Marinette x Baku go but I’m not sure???
but if that is the case we’re they originally supposed to end up together?
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//A-are...are we getting...ARE WE GETTING Q&M Lore~?!
Why, yes, yes we are.
Strap in, ladies, gents, and NB pals~! Cuz we're gonna go down memory lane of this particular questions and it's origins.
Okay FIRST off...no. In the original drafts and storyboard / planning stage (back when it was called Quirks and Miraculouses...thank FUCK I changed it cuz it sounded grammerly annoying in my end), Marinette and Bakugo were NOT a thing. In total fact, they absolutely hated and avoided each other like the plague.
In fact, the first thought of a shipping pair was....
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These two were planned out due to a lot of fan art and animatics drawn of them by me. Back in the day of the original writings of the story where it was extended to DCU and MCU, Marinette and Deku both had a LOT of options of ships (This included Daminette, a very popular crossover ship when it comes to Marinette).
But due to a lot of conflict, confusion and too many characters already, the idea of crossover-ing DC and Marvel was scrapped and just stuck to the original formula of just MHA and Miraculous / Zag worlds combining.
As for the endgame for Bakugo in the original works, he was supposed to be in a poly relationship:
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...Not gonna lie, I was honestly thinking that this was a good idea at the time. But then later on realized "...Both Bakugo and Kagami don't seem like the sharing type. God, Kirishima is probably the ONLY one holding the relationship together." and so scrapped that idea too.
There was also the fact that when Alya was still a good guy in the original writing, she was supposed to be shipped with Bakugo after the poly idea was canned. But ah well, that idea went down the drain too (If you guys know, you know).
The whole "Bakunette" idea sprang up because of my Tiktok and fanart honestly. I made one joke about them that went viral at the time and well...it bled into the story.
I'll be honest with you guys, I am not even sure if they will be endgame or not. Shippings are kinda in the air right now, so who knows? Maybe down the road they aren't gonna be and will end up with someone else.
Heck, some comments before almost shipped Shinso and Marinette together in the first few chapters before Deku and Bakugo arrived in the story.
As I said, anything goes really :)
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Best friend!Argyle x male!reader x Eddie
Warning(s): weed use, threesome, makeout, hickeys, hinting of Argyle fucking you (wink wonk),
Summary: A magical encounter where your best friend fucks you in front of your crush w/o realizing that you're in love with that guy. And suddenly HE joined the two of you. (Not gonna write full smut, tho bc I'm too tired for this)
Feel free to request:
You raised your eyebrow at Argyle before crossing your arms lightly. "So... he's buying from you to test yours and you're buying from him to test his? That... sounds stupid but also smart."
Your statement made Argyle laugh his usual, goofy laugh as he nodded softly. "Yeah, well, it's not exactly buying since he rolled one for me, I rolled one for him, and we're basically just exchanging them."
You scoffed as you sat back in the van seat. "And I have to be there without getting anything? Rude."
That, theoretically, was a wrong statement in several ways.
One, you were quite happy to come along. Argyle was basically your safe place and you'd never complain about being with him.
Two, he'd share with you either way. He cherishes you more than himself, and that surely has to mean something. If it put a smile on your dlface, he'd give you wvery bit of weed he has for free.
Three, you got a chance to see your crush and even speak to him. There was no way you'd ever miss out on a chance like that... even if you were really fucking shy and would probably only stand in the back whole they talk.
Argyle leaned over to pat your shoulder lightly. "Don't worry, my dude. You know, I'll always share with you if you really want somd."
You chuckled and nodded softly. "I know, and I appreciate that."
Your eyes glanced over st Argyle for a small moment. You weren't in love with him, no way. Your full heart belonged to Eddie, but considering that you felt you had no chance either him anyway, you would totally have sex with Argyle, just to see what happens.
Though, thinking about it now, you weren't even sure if you could take him. You were half his size and a virgin. Chances were low that you could handle him. You'd never seen him naked before, but you were damn sure he was packing and not just a little.
You sighed as your eyes closed and a picture flicked into your mind. A picture that had your face growing a deep shade of red and had you closing your legs in fear of an unwanted boner appearing. Though, to your luck, it didn't.
Once you were at the trailer park, you were the first to jump out of the van, pacing around nervously while Argyle got his stuff out, in case Eddie would want more later on.
Once both of you were ready, you grabbed your denim jacket from the van so Argyle could close it before walking after him, towards Eddies trailer.
You asked Argyle to wait for a moment, so you could mentally prepare, but once you were ready, you allowed him to finally knock on the door.
A few sounds of someone falling and a soft "shit" were audible from within the trailer before the door opened. Saying your mouth went dry was what you saw was a mega understatement.
Before you stood Eddie, shirtless. S H I R T L E S S. His pale, bare chest being in direct sight for you.
You swallowed hard as Eddie chuckled and apologized before letting the two of you in. The first thing you noticed was a bunch of CDs spread all over the floor.
"Ignore those.", Eddie mumbled nervously. "I kinda ran into the counter and knocked them all over."
Argyle listened to the request, but seeing them step over the CDs made you feel all weird, so you just crouched down to pick them up.
You placed them back on the counter just to see Eddie staring at you when you looked up again. He gave you a small smile before he disappeared into the next part of the trailer.
Argyle followed close behind Eddie, and you didn't let them wait long either. Your eyes scanned the room slowly.
It wasn't really dirty, but neither was it very clean. It was just... like a teenagers room was. Messy in a organized way.
Your eyes fell onto a stack of magazines on the floor. The top one had a woman on it, who only wore very short clothing. You looked away quickly since seeing it somehow made your heart ache.
You took in a deep breath to relax but stopped mid-inhale as you took in the scent of Eddies room. Of Eddie.
Argyle lightly nudged your arm, which made you looked up at him before you looked at Eddie, who now had a shirt on. "Huh? Did you talk to me?"
Eddie laughed wholeheartedly before nodding lightly. "Yes, indeed." He sat down on his bed. "I asked if you'll be smoking too and if you prefer Argyles or mine."
You gulped softly, unsure of what to say. On one hand, you didn't want to sound rude, but on the other hand, sharing a joint with Eddie sounded great.
Argyle put an arm around your shoulder gently and pointed his finger at your arm. "He's used to my weed so, to ensure he doesn't die, I'd say he smokes with you. Yknow, in case yours is stronger."
Your face turned a deep shade of red. You were actually about to share a joint with Eddie Munson, your crush for the past few months.
Eddie nodded and picked up the joint he'd made for Argyle, holding it to him. "Here ya go."
Your best friend grinned and took the joint just to replace it with the one he'd rolled himself. "Thanks, dude."
Argyle sat on the bed as well, both him and Eddie now leaning against the wall. The only problem was, he'd barely left enough space for you, which meant you wither had to squeeze up against Eddie or Argyle, and you knew damn well Argyle wanted you to squeeze up to Eddie.
Eddie pat the spot between them with a grin. "Sit, boy. Or you won't get any weed."
Your stomach twisted as you got onto the bed and sat between them, pulling your legs up against your chest with trembling hands.
You watched as Eddies lips settled around the filter of the joint and lit it, just to take the first few drags from it. Your throat dried out as your eyes focussed on his lips.
You were so focussed on the males lips that you didn't notice him grabbing your foot and straightening your legs. "Get comfortable, dude. No time to be tense here."
Your second leg followed suit as you received the joint in your trembling hands, taking a few drags. Finally, after a few minutes of passing it back and forth had passed, you felt yourself relaxing against the wall.
Eddies hand still hadn't left your leg, but you doubted that he had even noticed that, and you definitely weren't going to complain about him touching you.
You closed your eyes for a moment until you felt Eddies hand leave your leg as he stood up. "I'll be right back."
He handed the joint to you so you could finish it, which you did before squeezing it out in the ashtray, Argyle not taking much longer.
Said male soon leaned on you and put his arms around you. You found it funny how clingy he got when he was high. It wasn't always like this, but when it was, you loved it.
Your body reacted immediately when you felt Argyles lips on your cheek and jaw. You reached up to put your hand behind his head as you leaned against him.
"Your lips are so damn soft.", you said quietly and smiled when he attached himself to your neck, sucking soft kisses onto it and leaving small marks on it.
You slipped onto your back, and he crawled on top of you, leaving small kisses all over your neck. His hand slipped under your shirt and caressed your chest gently before placing his thumb on your nipple and circling it gently.
You gasped and ached your back gently as your legs tried to close, couldn't, though, because his legs were in the way.
Eventually, your shirt was off fully, and he was sucking softly on your sensitive skin. "Shit~ oh my god~", you moaned softly as your hands moved to his hair.
You flinched lightly when Eddie came back into the room, making Argyle pause for a moment.
You hid your face because, as high as you were, you couldn't help being shy and nervous about it. Argyle didn't really seem to care, though.
Your voice went high-pitched as you whined thanks to Argyle asking Eddie if he'd like to join. It happened again when Eddie agreed to join and got onto the bed.
You looked away from your best friend and your long-term crush as you were pulled up so Eddie could get behind you with ease.
His hands wrapped around your waist and rested on your lower belly while Argyle settled you into his arms before going right back to placing hickeys all over you.
Not even two minutes later, your shirt was off, and your pants had joined it on the floor. You started to feel something, but nothing good for that matter.
Your stomach twisted, reminding you how horribly insecure you were. You tried to cover yourself as you closed your eyes lightly, not allowing the two to go further.
Both stopped immediately, and the first to speak up was Eddie, pulling you into a soft embrace as he tried to get a look at your face. "What's wrong?"
You kept your eyes closed tightly as you replied to him. "D-Don't look at me."
Eddie paused for a moment before giving your head a small kiss. "But you're so pretty."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at the brunette, eyes wide with surprise. "W-What?"
Your behavior made Eddie smiled and he placed a kiss on your forehead this time. "You, (Y/n) (L/n), are fucking gorgeous. You always have been and always will be."
Your cheeks took on a deep shade of red as you stared up at him quietly. You looked down and slowly uncovered yourself, placing your arms beside you.
The twinge returned, but this time, it wasn't as bad. It got less and less when Eddie praised you again and again, calling you "Good boy" and "Handsome" without stopping.
A soft yelp escaped you when you felt a hand on your leg. It was Argyles slowly moving further and further up before his fingers hooked into your boxers and slowly pulled them down.
A few kisses were placed on your hips before his hand wrapped around your eager shaft. He then started stroking it softly which made your back arch with pleasure. "Fuck~"
Meanwhile, Eddie had started to kiss your neck while playing with your nipples. You weren't a virgin, but being touched in three spots at the same time was new to you too.
Your chest started to feel heavy in a good way while your neck burned from the constant kissing, biting, and sucking. Your legs were trembling from the quick pace of Argyles' hand, and the knot that was building in your belly felt like it would rip at any moment.
You squirmed as one hand of yours moved to take hold of Argyles arm, while the other one reached up to hold onto Eddie lightly.
Your moans were soft but lewd while the sounds of the two men kissing you and sucking on every part of your body were clearly audible to anyone who was in the room.
It didn't take you long for your body to cave in to the pleasure, so while you didn't want to cum, you couldn't hold back anymore and bucked your hand up into Argyles hand, a loud moan coming from you as your cum spread not only om Argyles hand but also your belly.
You gasped softly to calm your racing heart down as the two held you lightly, giving you comforting kisses all over.
"I think I should show ya what other pretty sounds (Y/n) can make." Argyle mumbled to which you let out an embarrassed whine.
Masterlist 1:
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
OC Interview Questions
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I saw @smilepal's post with Hiro being interviewed, thought it was cool and wanted to do as well (also goes for the idea to have the character answering for the interviewer, so I thought I'd make that as well.)
Tagging: @nervouswizardcycle @dreamskug @a-pirate @wraithsoutlaws @jaymber and everyone who want's to do this (no pressure).
Edit: Imagine his voice being similar to SPN S1 Dean's (just a lil' lighter maybe).
Vijay. — jus' V's fine, tho.
Are you single? 
I was in fact — until last week. smirks So, I'm off the market. Sorry to all the gents and ladies out there!
Are you happy? 
I'm mostly good but I wouldn't call it happy in every case. Being happy really's kinda rare. Since I live in NC and left Portland behind, yeah I guess I'm much 'happier'. But there's always room for improvememt. (bonus ask) But you seem happy to me? That's because of my face. I got a happy face. Doesn't mean I'm always the happy cute guy you see in me. Anyways: yet, I appreciate it when I'm also not happy — See, I don't think u can achieve to be the happiest either. There'll always be times u get kicked off of your rainbow shootin' unicorn, u know.
Are you angry?
Show me one person in NC who's not? Everyone's angry. Not all the time, and I believe many hide it, so they're practically lyin'. I get angry, too, at times. But I tend to vent quickly and not wasting any more time with it because I got better things to do.
Are your parents still married?
Heck do I know? Don't care 'bout 'em anymore.
Birth place?  
Monterey Bay. Scenic coastline, almost looks ike some neat painting. I used to play a lot at the beaches and swam in the ocean when I was a kid. Area is thrivin' with wild life. There isn't one day I'm not thinking about it. Once I'm gettin' tired of the city life, I'm gonna buy me one of these fairytale cottages and spend the rest of my days sitting on my porch watching the sun setting beyong the ocean.
Hair color?
Ginger. And yes, I have a soul.
Eye color?
Used to be pure green but I had to replace them with optics because of the biz, so now got a color that looks green to blueish? Depends on the lighting.
February. Close friends get the numbers.
's good for now.
I'm a male.
Summer or winter?
Well, this is NorCal. It's mostly Summer throughout the year. Even Portland didn't get much of a Winter thanks to global warming shit noone could stop yet. I don't even know what a real Winter feels like. Maybe I should take a trip to where Winter still happens to be? Then u might get an answer 'bout this.
Morning or afternoon?
Often get to enjoy mornings since I mostly work at night and come home or finish a job when it's about to get morning. Yet, I've always loved afternoons way more. The moment u can just watch the sun getting lower until it's disappearing behind the horizon has always been and is very peaceful to me.
Are you in love?
I defintiely got that strong butterfly feeling again I haven't felt in a long while. Feels great!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nuh-uh. I believe it's attraction that's drivin' people mostly when they think they are in love from zero to hundred. Maybe there are exceptions, though, dunno. But for me — there's no "at first sight". It developes after time is what I can say from my experience.
Who ended your last relationship? 
I did. Personal issus I couldn't cope with. That's all you need to know. We're still very good friends. It's not easy that easy though.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
He told me I didn't, but I think I did. His eyes do tell me that.
Are you afraid of commitments?
What kind of commiment?*
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Yeah, sure. Hugs are important. It's part of my love language.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Yah, bet I got some. But I don't — uh … really care? Come to me, talk to me — rest we'll see.
Have you ever broken your own heart?
Yup. Got to do with these people called "parents" I once had.
Love or lust?  
I like both but lust always seems to be stronger, lingering deep inside, waiting to get into action. I've got a better understanding of it than love. The latter is unpredictable and hits you totally unexpected. But the two can go along well together if you got the right person at your side and keep both balanced.
Lemonade or iced tea?
Lemonade — always a good choice. Am I gettin' some now? Don't forget to put some gin into it for me, alright?!
Cats or dogs?
Send me all them doggos u got! I love them. -happiest face ever- They are the only animals that love you unconditionally. Cats would eat u if they were bigger than us for sure.
A few best friends or many regular friends? 
After Portland I went with "few best friends". The rest is only mutuals, too me. U need to be careful with whom you talk about personal stuff — especially in this city. True friends takes a while to find, though.
Wild night out or romantic night in?
Can u stop askin' me 'this or that' stuff? It's both. Wild nights are a lot of fun but if I got someone I just wanna spend time alone with? — Fuck yeah! Nothing can beat a romantic night at home. I crave for that as well.
Day or night?
Where are we right now? Right – NIGHT City. More than half of the city sleeps at day and is awake around night, same goes for me.
Been caught sneaking out?
Where to? If u mean by that, as a kid — dozens of times. If on a job — I stopped counting.
Fallen down/up the stairs?
In my biz? Couple of times.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
Yup. But as I said — done with it.
Wanted to disappear?
As in getting invisible for my job? Heck, wouldn't that be awesome!? Otherwise, nah.
Smile or eyes?
Ohhh, it's eyes alright. They tell you so much about a person sometimes it's incredible.
Shorter or taller? 
Well, I ain't got anything against people smaller than me, but — nearly same height as me is very pleasing, bc you don't have to bend down all the time. I'm 6''4 so, there ain't many people taller than me. Well, Jackie is — was, tho …
Intelligence or attraction?
I must admit I go for attraction in the first place and therefore intelligence does come a bit short in some cases. But it is also very important. So, both.
Hook-up or relationship?
I prefer relationships, but hook-ups are nice, too — especially when you had enough of relationships for a while.
Do you and your family get along?
Why are there so many family related questions? U can answer this to yourself. Don't have to tell ya twice, bro!
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
It was messy alright, until I got myself together and got out of it. At least for that messed up life part. The one I'm in now is a different messed up. I don't think about that much. Pulls you only down, to be honest. Just tryin' and get the best out of it everyday I wake up. You live only once, right? So make the best out of it.
Have you ever run away from home?
Not really. U could say I did but he part at home didn't bother either? Does that makes sense? Ah fuck — just get me the next question!
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
No. I was gone before anybody could have 'kicked me' out.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Ehm… why should I hate one of my friends secretly? Your questions reaching the peak of lowness, seriously.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? 
Didn't we already have a similar question? The few friends I got, are my GOOD Friends — the rest is, already said, mutuals.
Who is your best friend? 
Was– best friend. Jackie — I still miss him. But Ryder, my team mate, is always there for me if I got somethin' on my mind. I met him about the same time as Jackie. We've been very close to each other for a while.
Who knows everything about you?
Jackie knew a lot about me. I would go that fare and say he'd know almost everything, yeah. But Jack's gone, so I'll pick Ryder. He might know almost as much about me as Jackie did. And I know he'll keep private things for himself. I know I can trust him.
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marigoldenchrys · 10 months
the unexpected date
Let's call this guy I had a date with (in my dream), John. Oh wait, that's literally his second name but anyway, here I go.
Last Friday afternoon of August 11, I had a dream. It's not strange, it's not weird, not scary, and I can't also say happy(?) because although I was happy in that dream, I knew it doesn't feel like how it should feel in real life if I was on a date with John.
Who's John? He is a former coworker, a batchmate on my first ever job. He wasn't converted as a regular employee and I'm not sure why.
What was he like being a coworker? He's cool, one glance at him and you might think he's innocent because of his face but let him talk and you'll see. He ain't the angel you think he is. He smokes, he vapes, he drinks, (so do I) and one thing that I'll forever think about him is that he gossips like a woman. I hate that part of him. I don't know him that much or more like, I didn't get to know who he really is and what he does off work, when at home or whatsoever but I think he's a bit of a good man(?). I'm not 100% sure, really.
There was one time when some of my coworkers wanted to get some drinks, it was after our shift which was around 4am in the morning, yes, and then I was originally thinking of drinking alone because I thought it's better, just me, no noisy people beside me. Just soju and peace, ya' know? Lol. Anyway, they were able to convince me to join them. It was fun anyway. But on our way to where we're gonna get drinks, the rest of the group was ahead of us, by us I mean me and John. So we actually got to chitchat a bit. I remember him sharing that he got his own air conditioner for his room when we started receiving our salary. I may or may not have asked if he has some mixed race because of his eyes. I think he has a monolid eyes(?), not sure but you know, eyes like most Korean/Japanese/Chinese people. I don't remember if he said yes or no, but I think, not sure again, he mentioned having a neighbor whose Japanese(?). And other stuff I no longer remember. Honestly, it felt good talking to him that time because he seemed like a normal guy, like he's just tryna go with the flow of life or something. I wasn't uncomfortable. Wait, I just remembered haha! He also talked about college and studying, and abroad.
So that's John's introduction. Here's the dream I've been dying to share haha!
I think we all know that in our dreams the settings are freaking weird and the way it changes is crazy. So please don't mind if I suddenly mentioned that we're in some kind of magical paradise shit playing soccer in front of millions of people with the big aliens above us watching and eating some trees as if it was popcorn.
We were in a room full of ladies and gents. Inside the room there is a big rectangular table that almost consumes the entirety of the room. It didn't matter where you wanted to sit but we were all facing each other from across the table. Some men are on the right side, some women are on the left side and vice versa.
I didn't know what I was doing there. I didn't know what was the purpose of us gathering there inside the room. And so a flashback hit me. I was talking to a girl, a friend, and my words were..
"John? No. Never! I can't imagine dating a guy like him. He's obviously a playboy! He's not serious about relationships and you know me. I don't do games with love. So, nope! Not dating him. Won't ever imagine dating him. He's probably an asshole and would only treat me badly."
And there I was, standing right next to John, who has that very, very, nice smile on his face. So I was confused, but I said nothing. I looked around and was amazed by how beautiful the place we were surrounded with. Then our date started. We went from here and there, vendor to vendor, variety of stalls and all I could hear from him was:
"Do you like this? I'll buy it for you." , "This looks good on you. Let me get it for you." , "Are you hungry? I'll pay for your food." , "You wanna get some milktea? Go ahead, order some and I'll pay." , "Let me get some pictures of you here." , "You look so good in this picture."
All throughout our date, he was annoyingly nice and gentle and thoughtful and sweet and I felt happy, comfortable, special, so loved and cared for and I wanted it to not end. Just let it keep going. I still remember clinging on to his arms. Me smiling felt like it was never-ending. I was jumpy and so excited with every new activity we tried on.
The date was done and we were calming ourselves for all the fun we had. But we both still have that smile on our faces. I can see through his eyes the pure intention he only has for me. It was unusual. The date was unexpected. I was happy and was enjoying everything but deep inside my mind there was a voice that kept telling me, "This isn't how it should be. This is not the usual. It's not right."
I was about to ask him why. Why did he do this? Why is that all of a sudden he's so nice? Why is he in my dream? When I wasn't even thinking about him in real life. But my dream started glitching and then I-
My phone was ringing. Someone's calling but I know who it was so I just declined the call and couldn't get back to sleep.
My heart felt weird. I don't like him though.
this song might not fit the content but you get it haha!
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Rusong: *walking down the street with his entourage*
However, right around the bend, there was a huge crowd around a stall.
Rong: Dianxia, was that stall always there?
Rusong: I don't think so.
A distant voice: SPICY FRIED RICE!!! Coming right up!!
Rusong: wait! That voice sounds familiar.
Rong: yea, sounds like your friend who made a hotpot in the Jacuzzi.
Jingyi: *serving food with a couple of workers* Welcome to Jingyi's spicy rice! May I take your order?!
Two bowls of eggplant rice!
Jingyi: that will be 20 taels!
I want your chili fried rice!
Jingyi: of course madam! And write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the jar!
Jingyi: its for a friend. Him and an eligible fox spirit can win a free dinner together!
I don't want to go on a blind date!
Jingyi: at least you'll get free food.
Another customer: can I have your spicy Phoenix rice!
Jingyi: sure you can. Do you want it with pork ribs?
Jingyi: that will be 250 taels. We're highly gourmet!
Ohh waw!!!
Jingyi: I'm gonna make some Omu rice for you fox spirits!
I know you love Dongying, just like your emperor.
But I don't blame you. Your emperor is hot. I mean Dongying is hot. WOMEN from Dongying are hot, I meant.
Rusong: Jingyi?
Customers: greetings Dianxia.
Jingyi: *flipping an egg in a pan.* hey bro!! What's your order?
Are you fed up of palace food?
Rusong: what's this, jingyi? *laughing* you opened a food stall. And in Jingjing too!
Jingyi: yea and I'm planning on making it into a restaurant.
Rusong: oh my! I love it! And your food smell good.
Jingyi: thank you, luv!
Rusong: what inspired you?
Jingyi: got to pay bills.
Rusong: but cultivators don't have bills. And you live in the cloud recesses.
Jingyi: ok you got me. I keep spending my money on Hanguang Jun merch. And I need more money.
I....I think I have an addiction.
Rusong: ahahhaha.
Jingyi: I hate being broke, but I love buying HGJ merch.
Rusong: who makes and sells them though?
Jingyi: some people who live around Gusu.
Rusong: ah.
Now how did you manage to open a stall here without a permit or approval.
Jingyi: I just told them that I'm friends with the prince.
Rusong: oh gosh.
Jingyi: see how much privileges I get with you. Your cousin Jinling will say, I don't know him. Lol.
Then soften up, if he feels like it.
Rusong: Ling gege is so cute when he's grumpy like that.
Jingyi: yea fairy is cute.
Rusong: lol you two.
Jingyi: Rusong. Can you tell Yao huangdi to adopt me? I have been sending requests to him, but his staff reads it instead. One person sent back a letter saying, "Stop harassing Huangdi!" Which was very rude.
Like I always see Zewu Jun as a dad. Why can't I have a second one, who's a hulijing emperor.
Rusong: *cracking up* I'll talk to him about it! Lol, did you sign your name on one of your requests?
Jingyi: yea. I put Lan Jingyi of GusuLan.
I stated my address and everything.
Rusong: I think that was uncle Su who send that. He's very savage when it comes to lans.
Jingyi: why is this sour guy so rude!
Rusong: *glaring*
Jingyi: I'm sorry.
Rusong: so Zewu Jun is like a dad to you? *giggle* I thought it was Hanguang Jun.
Jingyi: no Hanguang Jun is my God.
Rusong: makes sense.
Jingyi: I'm fed up of that cranky Lan Qiren and his long lectures! I want a relaxed life! Without punishment and class, and bland food!
I want to be a prince too!! But I still want to be an adventurous cultivator!
Rusong: don't worry, Jingyi! I'll talk to A-Die ok.
Jingyi: you're the best!
Jingyi: just imagine, the both of us living the life. Being the hottest and most powerful people in the Jianghu because of Huangdi diedie.
We'll be a team!
Rusong: yes!! I would love that, to be honest.
Jingyi: we'll both be mischievous. Yet we'll be opposites. You will keep things in order while I destroy!! As well as party with rich hulijing ladies, and gents too. I don't discriminate.
Rusong: *laughing*
Jingyi: I'll support you with everything! Gusu has the twin Jades. And the Huyao empire will have the Twin Foxes, even though I'm not a hulijing.
But I once cosplayed one, so that kinda counts.
Rusong: haha. Jingyi you're so fun.
Jing Manor 📍.
Yao: team dimple. I'm planning on giving Huan his own staff of attendants.
Su she: isn't he lazy enough.
Mo xuanyu: why Yao gege.
Xue yang: aren't you afraid that they die of boredom.
Su she: lol they would.
Yao: oh guys, I want to give it a try. As he's Lan guifei.
Xue yang: more like Lan gui gay.
Mo xuanyu: I'm offended. But it's Lan lips, so it's ok.
Yao: *laughing* anyways! I'm feeling rather generous. Do you guys want personal attendants too?
Xue yang: never! they're annoying af. I rather do things myself.
Mo xuanyu: we're good Yao gege.
Su she: we're your henchmen. And personally I don't want anything more.
Xue yang: ....than being a simp.
Mo xuanyu: we choose simp life.
Yao: ok ok. As you wish.
Now, with a further adieu.
*claps twice* time to fulfill my duties as a hubby.
Attendants Yuyan and Yanyu enters.
Both: *bows* Huangdi.
Xue yang: Jiggy, you're such a diva.
Mo xuanyu: but a very hot diva.
Yao: *smile*
Yanyu, Yuyan, you are assigned to assist Zewu Jun.
Both: will do, Huangdi.
Yao: please, make sure that he's comfortable.
Yanyu: certainly.
Mo xuanyu: if Lan lips stresses you out, feel free to file a complaint to team dimple.
Su she: we're Team Dimple by the way.
Yanyu: *laughing* sure, officials.
Huan Hall📍
Xichen: *meditating in his room*
Yanyu: greetings, your Excellency.
Xichen: *opens eyes* oh hey.
Do you need any help with anything?
Yuyan: actually we're here to assist you.
Xichen: ohhh.
Let me guess, your Huangdi sent you.
Yunyu: yes. He ordered us to assist you.
Xichen: *nods with a smile* oh A-Yao.
Even though I don't need attendants, I can't refuse my A-Yao.
Xichen: sure you can be my attendants, but please don't be formal with me.
Yuyan: yes your Excellency.
Xichen: oh my.
I said that you don't need to be formal.
Yanyu: shall we call you Lan gui fei instead?
Xichen: ok sure. I love that one.
Yanyu: Lan gui fei it is!!!
Xichen: yea!! *goes to make tea*
Both: standing in a corner, waiting for him.
Xichen: *looks over at them* um.....
Yanyu: oh, we forgot to tell you that we brought some food for you. Lan style.
Yuyan: *claps twice, then some other attendants came with food*
Xichen: thank you so much. But Lan style?
Yuyan: why are you disappointed? Was it appropriate?
Xichen: yea it's fine, but it's just that I got accustomed to Yunping style and Jingjing style food.
Yuyan: ohhhhh.
We'll note that down.
Yanyu: we'll make over your meal.
And in accordance to Huangdi's customs, we'll donate these Lan delicacies to someone in need.
Xichen: awwww. That's what A-Yao does?? So sweet.
Yanyu: yes. Food isn't wasted in Jing Manor. As it's given to people who need it most.
Every district owned by huangdi had adapted this and ended hunger problems within the empire.
Xichen: excellent strategy
A-Yao is so talented.
(After having lunch)
Yuyan: anything else you want us to do, your Excellency? I mean Lan gui fei..
Xichen: not right now. But I would like some company.
Yuyan: sure. We're here.
Xichen: great. How about I tell you about the lan rules and customs.
Yanyu: sounds interesting, Lan gui fei.
Xichen: ehem. Rule number one.........
A few hours after~
Yao: *strolling with team D*
Mo xuanyu: *shelters him with an umbrella while Su she carried some water~ as it's a hot day.
Xue yang: *chewing on candy*
Yanyu and Yuyan: *running towards them, while crying* Huangdi!!
Yuyan: save us, Huangdi!
Yao: what happened?
Yuyan: Lan gui fei started reciting Lan rules to us!!! It was so boring and terrifying!
Yanyu: we tried to stay awake! But couldn't!
At least he wasn't disappointed that we fell asleep.
Yuyan: *crying* why are there so much Lan rules, Huangdi!!!!
Both: save us from these atrocities Huangdi!
Mo xuanyu: I thought that we were dramatic.
Yao: guys, relax. Haha, Huangdi is here.
I'll talk to him ok
Yuyan: but what if he recites it to you! Huangdi, it's a crime for you to be bored.
Su she: guys, that's how the Lans are. Plain, boring, and love to force their customs and rules on others.
Yao: *laughing* A-Huan is also interesting when you get to know him.
Mo xuanyu: he's not Yao gege so I'm not interested.
Yanyu: yea, we also love Huangdi.
Yao: love you too, my hulijing attendants.
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
Hi ladies and gent (and fairy nonnie!).
That new Charlotte/Passocorto collab shows how much you can get from a name or a relationship. Yes the sneakers are better looking than when she's doing her 3 yo drawings on it but what's that now? She wasn't even working on, this exact model exist already. They added some Charlotte signature (like bitch wtf no one cares about her) and are gonna sell it 200 or more
Kelly photoshopping her face to the point it doesn't make any sense anymore was something i put on insecurity, thinking she was doing it cause she was really insecure with herself. Why keep editing Max then? She's truly sick
Talking about Piquet, it's pretty much possible that she'll start a brand because all of that work and all of that teasing for a shooting or a campaign is weird. But also, considering her career model is inexistant maybe being featured in a magazine is such an achievement for her that she's celebrating like she's the new vogue cover star
About that Charlotte brand dms. I think it was disrespectful from the person to react like that, it's not Charlotte but a business, why acting and talking like that? Ask about the price, no answers, then move, end of it. I don't get why people expect brands to be like "so true bestie, we're gonna stop everything now"
Charles and Carlos are looking like peeled bananas. HELP
Have a nice day!🐺
You too!
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Put On Your Raincoats | Babyface 2 (De Renzy, 1986)
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So, normally I don't watch the second movie in a series before the first, but I made an exception here for a few reasons. The first Babyface has middling reviews from my Letterboxd circle, and is full of people I don't know and have no strong affection towards. It's also an hour and forty-six minutes long. Ninety minutes is the perfect maximum length for a porno, allowing for enough plot to work as a movie and enough sex to succeed as an example of its genre. Anything longer than that can be a challenge from my experience, as that precise alchemy can be harder to achieve with that extra runtime. You get too much excess fabric on a shirt and it goes from roomy to baggy and shapeless. In contrast, Babyface 2 has great reviews from my Letterboxd circle and a bunch of people who I enjoy seeing for reasons of varying skeeviness. It's also eighty minutes long. You go in for the ninety minutes and get ten of them back. You can't argue with those savings. So it is with a heavy heart that I decided to skip the first movie and go right to the second.
There is enough plot as far as these things go. The great Lois Ayres goes with her friend Lynn Francis decked out in cheerleader gear to meet her boyfriend Kevin James at the race track. (This is NOT the Kevin James who appears in Happy Madison productions, but the one who starred in such genre classics as Cafe Flesh and Taboo II.) Ayres and James drive up for a romantic rendezvous to a dirty, unkempt shed. After this, they part ways. James proves to be a pretty lousy boyfriend when he joins his friend Tom Byron and immediately hooks up with a pair of total babes. Ayres instead goes to a bachelorette party for her friend Careena Collins, where we're joined by the great Taija Rae, the great Kristara Barrington and a bunch of other people who are alright I guess. This scene is actually one of ways that the movie distinguishes itself, in that it actually devotes time to the friendship between these characters and the chemistry they have with each other. While it helps that it holds off on the sexual activity for a certain amount of time (the raciest this section gets is Ayres using a vibrator like a massager; we also get a character juggling a pair of Ben Wa balls and other wholesome sex-toy-related shenanigans), you do get the sense that these characters are actually friends and not just people who are eventually going to have sex for the purpose of the plot.
Of course, that does happen, thanks to the arrival of Jamie Gillis as a disheveled male stripper, who threatens: "If I get this thing hard, it's gonna put a spell on you. Every one of you girls is gonna be overcome with lust." In a movie with a uniformly great looking cast, Gillis looks impressively awful, seemingly in dire need of a shave, a shower and a clean shirt (he sports a stained undershirt and a pair of boxers). It turns out that Gillis wasn't kidding, and soon all the ladies are under the spell of his magical dick powers and start frantically having sex. This is witnessed by Marc Wallice, a friend of James and Byron who was supposed to be doing "homework". He breathlessly reports his findings to his male buddies, including Collins' fiance Jerry Butler. They arrive at the house trying to get to the bottom of this, and I suppose they do, in that they spend the rest of the movie fearfully running around the house as they get pounced on by the ladies, one by one. There's some heroic acting here by the gents as they try to look scared at the prospect of sex with Taija Rae, Kristara Barrington, Lois Ayres and the rest of the female cast.
Now, this movie doesn't have any higher ambition than being a good fuck film, and I will give credit where it's due and say it's quite enjoyable on that level. The second half of the movie is basically one giant orgy, a setup I've found quite boring elsewhere but found engagingly executed here. There's lots of dramatic lighting and sound effects to evoke thunder, lightning and Gillis' dick magic (we get lots of evil Gillis laugh as well), and the movie nicely keeps the energy level up while avoiding monotony with the individual vignettes. In particular, there's an intriguing improvisational quality to a scene between Gillis and Collins, where you can get a sense of his thought process real-time. The laughs come steadily and in full force, and there's a nice summertime vibe holding the thing together, making it surprisingly fun to hang out in. If you like any of the performers involved, I can report they're all quite charismatic and enthusiastic here, even Candie Evans as a narrator of suspect reliability who sadly sits out most of the action. Maybe in Babyface 3 she'll get her revenge.
Now, I must note that I always like seeing Lois Ayres, and this movie is no exception. She gets to bring some of that classic annoyed sneer, and sports a great hairdo and nice turtleneck sweater to boot. (Her new-wave coiffure stands out starkly against all the brillo pad / plasma ball 'dos sported by the other ladies.) But the movie does raise one issue with her involvement. In one scene, a character watches Ball Busters. I have not yet seen that movie (although given the talent involved, I suspect I'll enjoy it), but I understand it also stars Ayres, with an even more imposing hairdo. Now, is the Ayres in Babyface 2, who like most of the other characters goes by her real first name, the same one who stars in Ball Busters? It would have been nice if Evans, instead of spewing probable lies about the proceedings, provided a definitive answer to this question. But as it is, we will never know.
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ryansjane · 5 years
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School Rangers (2019) Opening Credits
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