#Buuut it's slowly starting to come back again lol
crushedsweets · 6 months
so I can't find it, but when the proxies were helping clocks, you mentioned that Tim doesn't like it when she screams or cries. Something about it bothering him. I wish I could recall.
OK SO i also cant find the post (cuz of tumblrs tagging system) buuut i'm gonna use this to ramble about clocky meeting the proxies again, since i sorta adjusted it...
in my au, O/S syndrome refers to slender sickness. it usually starts with the operator taking COMPLETE control over someone's body and mind, and then slenderman 'stealing' them and making them do his bidding (clean up operator problems) which results in them having a 'proxy mode' vs their 'normal' mode
so clockys backstory goes as usual, then towards the end she starts slowly getting O/S syndrome. i sort of want her introduction to toby/the proxies to be ALMOST a reflection of how toby and clocky canonically met. (her getting hurt cuz of him, him helping her as an apology)
so around the time natalie replaced her eye with a clock, O/S syndrome fully set in. while sick, she couldn't form memories, she had inhuman strength, an insatiable bloodlust - just became a general menace, and because bodies started dropping all around tuscaloosa with operator symbols slashed into walls, the proxies had to intervene.
it started with toby stalking her while she's stalking her next victim. her and toby get into a huge tussle and she locks onto him as her next victim. he chooses to play cat and mouse and run off to the forest, having her follow. i'm imagining an almost comical scene where she's slashing around branches and stuff with a machete and he's like 'ahhh cant catch meeeee' and she's screaming obscenities. . .
then by time he ends up at the cabin, tim or brian probably knock her out since she's, yknow, a huge threat. a bat to the back of her head.
and she would wake up in their spare 'storage' room thats filled to the brim with boxes, old bikes, massive stacks of newspapers, cds, etc. she'd probably have her wrists zip tied to an exposed pipe and she'd be losing her fucking mind. screaming at the top of her lungs, thrashing around, whatever. "LET ME GO YOU FUCKING FREAKS LET ME GO ILL KILL YOU ILL FUCKING KILL YOU"
the way to slowly heal O/S syndrome is being around slenderman(aka in his forest) for a long time, until the Operator loses grasp. the way to quickly deal with O/S syndrome is to um.. no nice way to put this. slendermans jaw unhinges and he oozes this gross fucking black tar-like goo, and drinking it (or putting it into pill capsules and taking those) makes the operator let go. it doesnt really have a taste, thank god, but it is thicker than water.
so it would be a whole ordeal of toby coming in like heeeeyyyy... lol... and he would think shes REALLY BADASS because he's never met a woman like her (so strong, loud mouthed, violent, etc). plus he's kinda lonely in general so LMFAOOOO . so he wants to befriend her, and is kinda ignoring the fat that she's mad as hell.
but she's in so much agony. from the O/S syndrome to getting hit with a bat, she's screaming and crying and never shutting up. throwing up, trying to literally bite and kick the proxies if they even bring in water. so toby would be 'designated' to her because "well youre the dumb fuck who brought her here, you deal with it"
he'd probably have to trick her into taking one of the pills or putting the sludge into an opaque water bottle or something. after the first bit is ingested, she quickly gains more clarity. he'd try getting a cot or air mattress set up for her. bring a book and drawing supplies. he wants her to trust him. within a day or two, she'd already start feeling immensely better and the operator is letting go - and toby would stupidly trust her, and completely undo the zipties, and she'd run the fuck off, and he'd be like FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK. and not even a week later, she'd come back. because she's horribly sick again. and she'd beg for the stupid pills.
and she'd start to trust toby, and eventually kate. . and a little bit brian. but she would still not fuck with tim cuz it is true, he would hate all the screaming, and would occasionally bang on the door and shout at her to quiet down.
but yeah . . thats how she gets situated with the proxies and her O/S syndrome is healed. :3
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sparklinpixiedust · 3 years
Welcome to yet another post on the famous 'ultimate kevin arc' , the arc most people love to hate. I don't think this theory has been done on why Ben wanted to kill Kevin so quickly, I mean i haven't really come across it but who knows maybe it's been done before.
more below the cut......
Alright, so I thought of this after I read a comment on a post a few weeks ago and finally decided to sit down and write this out.
Ben's a hero yad yada yada we know, and we know he wanted to kill Kevin so he wouldn't hurt people. But for someone who wanted to keep people safe, he sure took his sweet time in deciding whether to kill Kevin or not. Like ultimate Kevin was around for what, weeks? I've said this on another post too but if Ben wanted to he could've gone after Kevin the day after the mutation, he didn't really need to have Gwen tag along and give her opinion on what to do. But he did.
My headcanon is that while yes ben did want to save innocents, the reason he was so serious this time was because he was trying to save Gwen.
There have been so many villains attacking the earth but he never really hunted them down like he did with Kevin.
Someone's [ I genuinely don't remember who so if it's yours let me know] post said it was because other villains had a more calculated approach and Kevin was running around crazy but personally I don't think Kevin ever went insane like that even though its implied in the show. He always had some sort of goal, did it always make sense though? Idk.
Like in the ultimate Kevin arc, he was clearly going after those who wronged him, and when that was done he went after those whom he could take power from. Anyone else who wasn't in these criterias but still got hurt were just collateral. They weren't his goal. Kinda like how other villains show up to kill ben or whatever. Normal people most of the time get hurt in the process.
Unless of course the villain wants to kill everyone, that's another thing.
Even as kids, it was kill ben or steal money or something. Kevin didn't go on a rampage for fun, there was some goal present.
Back to my main point. Ben's probably gotten a lot more protective of Gwen, not just her but his family in general.
He lost her once back in secret of the omnitrix, and then he almost lost his mother to zombozo.
Especially after becoming famous, Ben's started to realise despite everything he does for people, not a lot of them actually care for him. They think he's a menace or threat. Even his "fans" who care for him really don't.
They want pictures and autographs but that's it. I don't remember if the whole stomping on him while he was goop happened before this arc, if it did then I'd count that too as how his admirers don't respect him as person.
What got me thinking of this angle was the whole Jennifer Nocturne thing. She liked Ben, took him to parties and hung out.
But as soon as it was Kevin who saved her in the end, she turned to him and started hitting on him.
Ben was forgotten.
And I think Ben realised at that moment how fleeting and superficial his fame really was.
Fame made him feel more alone. He can never know who is being genuine to him and who's just using him.
He knows how important his family and friends really are now, they are the ones who truly care for him.
Ben didn't want to kill Kevin. He knows Kevin cares about Gwen but it was only a matter if time before he lost control and came after her.
All that seriousness and negativety was to get Gwen to warm up to the idea that Kevin had to be stopped. Because out of everyone, she's the one who going to get hurt the most.
He had Gwen admit that Kevin was going to kill them, and he even said " I know you're going to fail". Ben's never been this pessimistic before, not from what I remember anyway.
He did this as a back up. One thing I noticed, Ben didn't really start looking for Kevin till after his goal was no longer revenge but was now more about absorbing energy.
That's when he actually fought Gwen about it and decided to go off on his own. Kevin was going to come for her, sooner or later and that scared him.
Ben did everything to convince her and probably would've spent more time on it if she wasn't at immediate risk all of a sudden.
He had to decide, it was either his best friend or his cousin.
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hanmaenthusiast · 3 years
Always and Forever
“I like the sound of that Angel.”
inui x f!reader
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warnings - mdni🔞, praise, mutual pining?, sofa sex, oral (female receiving), cunnilingus, unprotected sex, riding, body worship, creampie, basically vanilla smut, slight fluff, profanity, use of pet names such as angel and darling, one mention of blood.
synopsis - you and Inui had been living together for a while, one night he comes home wounded after being attacked at work, you have no choice but to help him out in one way or another.
a/n - this is my first post on tumblr & first time attempting smut! apologies for any mistakes, i’m hoping to write more in the future & get better at it lol, anyway the lack of inui on this app is killing me >:(
wc - 2,950
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It was late, much later than usual. Seishu still hadn’t come home considering his shift finishes around 4 on a Saturday, you kept your gaze on the clock which continued to tick past 7pm. You found yourself worrying again, worrying about all the possibilities that could’ve happened to him. I mean it was normal to be this concerned, especially since your long term roommate was an ex gang member.
Once again you started pacing around the room, fingers etching to send another distressing ‘where are you?’ or ‘tell me you’re not dead’ text. Seishu’s stern words replayed in your mind ‘Stop worrying about me Y/N, focus on yourself for once’ as you remembered his constant lectures.
Finally gathering yourself together, a set of keys jamming into the front door caught your attention. Sprinting down the stairs your eyes glued onto Inui’s figure as he stood slightly hunched with a prominent bloody gash on his forehead.
“Seishu what the fuck?” you exclaimed, almost passing out at the sight in front of you. It was like you had premonitions about this scenario only seconds before he made his apperance.
“Agh, not so loud, my head is sore.” he groaned, running a hand through his hair after locking the door behind him. He shuffled his way into the room latching onto your arm for support.
“I can quite well see that, sit down over there i’ll clean you up.” you helped him over to the dining table, placing him down onto one of the wooden seats.
Inui told you what happened, how he was suddenly attacked by a group of presumed male gang members at the motor shop unbeknownst to why it played out. Your gut tightened at the story, afraid of any future encounters with them.
“Jesus, they got you good huh. You have to be more aware from now on, where was Draken hm? You better tell him i’ll-“
“Y/N.” Seishu let out a low sigh, he cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
His gemlike pearls fixed onto yours, exchanging a sombre look. You could tell he didn’t need to hear your berating.
“Sorry.” you muttered continuing to clean up his wound.
Ever since you met Inui, you stuck together like glue both having similar interests and mutual acquaintances made it easier to find a blossoming friendship. Of course, you felt a little more than friends towards Inui continuously expressing your feelings from early on.
“Y’know you’re super cute Seishu-“ you tilted your head, hovering it above his “no wonder there’s tons of people feening over you, me included.” you added, tracing a finger over his scar as he lay his head on your lap.
“Yeah? Same goes for you Y/N.” he replied with his tone full of sarcasm, according to him you were making a joke.
This continued for months, constantly sharing flirty remarks but never pursuing one another. Some people had their suspicions, Draken especially, always assuming you’re both in a secret relationship.
“Oi, Seishu your girlfriend’s outside.” Draken nodded towards the entrance of the shop, wiping his hands clean with a rag.
Inui exhaled followed with a roll of his eyes. “She’s just a friend Ken, i’ve told you this multiple times.”
“Seriously just a friend? That mean i have a chance ‘nupi?” Draken giggled, elbowing his colleague in the arm.
“Don’t you dare even try it.” Seishu warned him.
“There, all cleaned up. There’s some leftovers in the fridge too if you’re hungry.” you declared, but before you could retreat back to the sofa, a soft hand grasped you wrist.
“Thank you, genuinely Y/N. I hope you know i’m grateful for everything you do.”
His glossy eyes stared into yours as his sincere words spilled from his mouth. Seishu’s gaze left you with butterflies, a feeling of comfort you would admit, it was odd to see him so thankful seeing as you should be considered a burden to him for how often you seek his safety.
“I know you are, buuut all that praise will have my ego inflating, on another note it was kinda hot seeing your face all bloody.” you laughed kissing above his wound gently before finding a seat on the sofa.
Moments later Inui joined you, resting his head on your shoulder making use of the rest of the couch as he sprawled out his legs. Once he was settled, you both shared a mutual silence watching the TV.
Your narrowing eyes scanned over your phone, squinting at it’s bright screen shining into your pupils as you attempted to read the time. ‘Shit, must’ve fell asleep.’ you concluded, shifting your weight onto your elbow as you propped up.
You noticed the familiar blondie sleeping tirelessly beside you, an arm positioned lazily over of your waist. Seishu was sound asleep, or so you thought, his ruffled hair tickling your cheeks as you found yourself laying back down facing towards him.
“So precious.” you whispered, lifting your palm gently onto his face as your thumb rubbed slow circles against his pale skin. This was probably the closest you and Seishu had been, cuddled together, bodies attached to one another seeing as the sofa wasn’t roomy enough.
“That feels nice.” Seishu whispered, his soft spoken voice breaking the silence. He brought his hand to yours, placing it on top as he matched your movements, fingers delicately tracing your skin.
“Oh- uhm, well it looks like we fell asleep, i hope you feel somewhat better after having a nap.” you croaked, suddenly feeling the heat rush to your face from embarrassment. Before you lingered around any longer, you sat upright as your back faced Seishu’s figure “I’ll let you rest a little longer-“
“No, stay.” he grabbed your wrist once again, restricting you from fleeing the scene. “Please…for me?” he pleaded, one arm resting on top of his forehead as the other hand was still wrapped around your wrist.
You hesitated, only for a second until you shortly gave into his innocent eyes face paired with a soppy look. “Anything for you Seishu.” you lay back down, again facing towards him on your side.
“Perfect.” he muttered a breathy whisper, a small smile formed on his face along with his emerald eyes flexing a lustrous stare. A dainty finger of his trailed across your cheek moving a strand of hair from your face.
You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed again, almost tongue-tied especially in this situation. You and Seishu were admittedly always close but never this intimate.
Once again the atmosphere grew silent but before you could mutter a word, Seishu let out a sigh. “You’re…perfect.” Inui murmured, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Seishu…” a soft exhale escaped your lips.
Inui’s hand found it’s way to your chin, gently lifting it upwards so you were eye level to him. “Can i kiss you, Y/N?” his thumb swiped a slow stripe along your lower lip.
You nodded in reply, discreetly trying to hide your inner enthusiasm as you closed your eyes allowing Inui to take the lead. Seishu’s lips planted a longed for soft-lipped peck against yours, gradually finding motion as he continued kissing your lips.
The thumping of your heart increased, focusing only on the rhythm of how soft and velvety Seishu’s lips felt against your own. His a hand gripped your waist, pulling you closer against him without breaking contact.
Your free hand grasped his blonde locks, running your fingers messily through his hair. Your lips begun to plump, meshing together with Seishu’s perfectly as he slipped his needy tongue into your mouth.
“You- don’t know…how long i’ve- wanted this.” his voice muttered between kisses, claiming your lips after every word. You felt yourself grinding ever so slightly against Inui’s thigh, hoping to release the friction caused by his tongue senselessly invading the depths of your mouth.
Faint whimpers escaped your lips as you continued to slowly rock yourself against Inui’s lower half. “Seishu~“ you panted quietly “N-need more.” your hand balled up his shirt, gripping onto it for support.
Inui’s hand which recently held onto your waist found itself sneakily travelling under your cami, fingers fumbling with the clasp of your bra. He made quick work of removing your shirt slowly followed by slipping off your undergarment.
“God, you’re gorgeous Y/N. So fucking gorgeous.” he admitted, lips tracing along the outline of your jaw as his eyes glistened at the sight of your naked breasts exposed in front of him. “Prettiest tits ever.” His soft hands ghosting over your breasts, thumb and pointer finger capturing one of your hardened nubs beginning to knead the flesh of your mounds.
Seishu slowed his pace, a small string of saliva connected your lips as he broke the kiss. “Tell me what you need angel. Although i must say, the rutting against my leg isn’t very discreet darling.” he joked letting out a small chuckle, eyes glancing down to your clothed needy cunt.
“Want you to…“ you struggled to express your needs, unable to finish your sentence as you buried your face into his chest out of embarrassment. “Don’t go all shy on me now angel, use your words for me okay?” Seishu placed a hand over your tight shorts, pads of his fingers rubbing against your clothed pussy as moved them up and down ever so slightly.
“Ngh! Want more of that, please Seishu.” you choked, almost begging on your knees asking him to please your throbbing cunt. Seishu made quick work of removing your lower garments, pulling down your shorts as he was met with your drenched panties.
“Look at that mess darling, you got this wet just for me?” he caressed your face again, helping you lay underneath him as he moved further down to your lower area, delicately peppering kisses along your stomach.
Inui’s hot breath fanned lightly over your clit “May i?” he questioned. “Yes Seishu.” you replied almost immediately, lifting your hips a little higher to allow easier access to your heat.
Inui’s hands spread your things, gripping onto them for support. His tongue licked a stripe between your folds, coating your cunt with his spit. “Mhm, just how i imagined.” Seishu continued to speak careless whispers into your cunt, his tongue twirling it’s way onto your throbbing clit ultimately forcing you to grind your hips on his face.
His tongue toyed with your bud, circling hearts as he pleasured your arousal. Inui slipped a finger into your entrance, slowly pushing it further before adding a second finger in to accommodate it. “Seishu! Fuck!” you cried out, moaning into you palm.
“Let me hear that voice of yours Y/N.” Inui encouraged you, his eyes staring from above your seeping cunt fingers pumping into you at an increasing speed. “Ngh! Seishu- i’m close!” your hand pushing his head further into your pussy.
Inui’s fingers padded against your sweet spot, curling in motion as he pumped them in and out of your cunt. His tongue continued licking your throbbing clit sucking onto it simultaneously. “Fuck, Y/N, gonna make me cum from that look on your face.” he moaned, fingers scissoring into you faster.
“Fuck~ Seishu- i’m-“ you were cut off by your own moans, legs shaking from the sudden orgasm as your wet slick spilled from your entrance. “Good girl.” Inui let out a hoarse whisper as he pulled his fingers out which glistened in the dim light covered from the tip of his finger to his knuckles in your own cum.
Inui stuck his digits into his mouth, sucking off every last drop of you. “You did so well for me angel, i’ve waited so long for this exact moment.” he exclaimed, hovering above your face before kissing you on the lips again.
“Seishu…i need more of you, right now.” you demanded, a hand palming the tent growing in his pants. Seishu picked you up, resulting in you straddling his lap on the sofa as he sat beneath you. You lifted your hips before quickly pulling down his shorts letting his cock immediately spring free.
Your eyes grew wide. You never expected Seishu to have such a pretty cock, nevermind larger than you’d have imagined. “Like what you see? Seem’s like you underestimated me darling.” he caressed your waist “Lift yourself up for a sec.” as he tapped the outer side of your thigh.
“Wait- wait…i’m on birth control.” you mentioned stopping Inui from getting a condom from the drawers. “You sure about this?” he smirked somewhat enjoying the fact he gets to fuck you raw the first time.
You nodded again, his tip begun toying against your wet folds before casually slipping the head into your dripping entrance. “Agh~ Fuck Seishu!” you let out a breathy moan, eventually taking the full length of his cock. “So tight, ngh- oh fuck.” Inui spoke, guttural whimpers releasing from the depths of his throat as he buried himself deep inside your cunt.
His hands gripped your ass, kneading the soft flesh as he pulled you gently down onto him. You both adjusted to the position, flashing Seishu a look of encouragement as he slowly started to bounce you on his cock, his hips slightly lifting along with yours.
“You like that yeah? Look at those pretty tits.” he mewled as he buried his face onto one of your exposed breasts, tongue ravaging your perky nipples. “Faster- please.” your hand finding its way to the back of his neck.
Inui bucked his hips into you, bouncing you faster onto his rock hard cock. The smacks of your ass echoed throughout the room as they collided with Seishu’s thighs, your tits bouncing along with every movement as Inui pounded further into your cunt. He quickened his pace again, this time you begun grinding faster matching with his speed in which your legs almost turned to jelly from the fastened movements.
“G’na cum so quick baby~.” you whined, dragging out his pet name whilst throwing your head back as he plowed into your pussy. The adrenaline mixed with arousal was too much, your eyes beginning to roll back from the way Seishu’s tip prodded against your g-spot like he was a miner digging for gold.
Seishu kept a firm grip on your ass, still pounding into you as he continued sucking on your tits giving each one equal attention. “Need- agh- your cum on my cock darling.” manoeuvring his hand to your pulsating clit as he thumbed your nub generously. “Yes ngh~ want you so bad Seishu, want your cum inside me.” you choked out, drawing out your moans from the stimulation his cock was causing as he abused your sex.
Inui flipped you over, cock still fucking your tight cunt as you lay on your back, legs wrapping around his waist. “I’ll fuckin’ give it to you Angel, fill- agh- you up with my cum real good.” he cooed, voice almost gravelly from his own moaning.
He smacked his hips against your ass, cock slipping from your hole a few times. “Wettest cunt I've had.” Inui quipped. “The only cunt you’ll ever have from now.” you sent another remark back. 
“I like the sound of that Angel.”
His fingers padded against your clit, vigorously rubbing against it paying close attention to the nub. “Shit- g’na cum gorgeous.” Inui let out another guttural moan “Let’s- cum together.” he ordered you, quickly intertwining your fingers with his as he took your hand. 
Seishu somehow gathered his stamina letting out a few final hard thrusts along with you bucking into him, your walls gradually spasming around his cock. “Agh- Fuck~” you simultaneously croaked, Inui came inside your cunt. Your wet slick spilled all over his cock along with your insides overflowing with Seishu’s seed.
A slow and steady pace allowed you to both ride out your highs, Seishu caressed your cheek removing your hair stuck to your face. “My god you’re gorgeous Y/N.” he pulled himself out, the mess inside leisurely spilling from your entrance.
“Hold on Angel, I'll clean you up.” Seishu grabbed a rag from the washroom, helping you gently as he tided the mess. He came back in his nightwear, seemingly grabbed a shirt that was his which he placed over your head, covering your exposed body just before he lay beside you on the sofa. 
Inui held you tight against him, wrapping his arms around your figure. He knew how to make you feel safe and extremely comfortable, only two of the things on your never ending list of praise for him.
After a short lived moment of silence, you exhaled out a tired sigh “Seishu...I think I lo-”
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You jolted. Almost speechless at his sudden confession, dumbfounded even, burying your face away from his vision once again “No fair, I was gonna say it first.” you complained, lightly pushing his chest. “I wanted to be the first to say it-” he reassured your complaints “I was just looking for the right time.”
“Crazy how it was after you fucked me, eh?” shooting a cheeky wink towards his face. “Yeah right it was a spur of the moment, you were about to say it too.” he spoke in defence, giving you a kiss on the forehead as an apology.
“Not sure why I waited so long, I guess I was just afraid of hurting you.” his answer was sincere, stroking your hair tenderly “I really do love you Y/N-”
“Not to mention how my head no longer hurts, all thanks to you.” Inui gloated.
You sighed, probably in relief after realising the love you shared for him wasn't just some one sided waste for all these years. “I love you too Seishu-” you replied.
“...always and forever.”
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tehrevving · 2 years
Have you ever considered writing an opposite monster cock situation? Like Dante's s/o is not able to take him in or if they try it results in injury because he's too big and gets even bigger in the process?
Honestly, the only reason I’ve never really done this is because my insatiable size kink includes being able to finally take it lol. Buuut, that's not to say I can't get absolutely behind this. There's probably more angst here than you intended for me to put in….. Oh well.  
You’re so god damn small. Dante likes it of course, he loves it, most of the time anyway. He loves how he can engulf you completely in his arms, and the way that you grumble affectionately when he uses the top of your head as an armrest. Of course he wouldn’t have you any other way. But right now, when once again he’s kneeling between your thighs, staring at the obscene jut of his erection throbbing between his legs and comparing it to the size of you. He hates it. 
Your pupils are blown and you’re looking up at him with the most stunning, blissed out expression on your face. He’d feasted on you, working you open until you’d begged for him to stop. Now he strokes his cock, already dripping with precome, smearing and mixing it with the lube that remains on three fingers he’d had inside of you. He struggles not to buck his hips into his fist. He’s desperate, cock oversensitive. He’s too damn wound up over the way that you moan his name, the way you beg for him, the way that you squeeze so damn tight around his thick fingers.
He tries to calm himself down, takes in some deep breaths. He tries to talk himself down, to temper the approaching shame and disappointment. It’s ok, he tells himself, if this ends up just like every other time. He doesn’t blame you, it’s not your fault that his body is ridiculous. He’s just angry at himself for being so worked up, angry at how he can’t deliver, regardless of how desperately you’re begging for him.
He moves slowly, carefully and by some insane miracle you end up managing to take him halfway. Fuck, it’s more than enough for him, almost more than he can take. You’re squirming underneath him, your body rubbing against him. Your hands are pushing gently at his hips, to stop him from pressing any further forward. You’re so tight around him, fuck. He praises you with breathless words, while you whine his name. His cock jumps at the sound, desperate for more, and the way that you gasp every time that it does is almost too much to take. 
It’s too difficult for him to attempt to maintain any sort of rhythm without moving his hips too much. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He does his best, pulsing his hips slowly and carefully. He focuses on playing with you, on trying to relax you, on trying to rile you up. You cry out his name, breathless and begging. Your body grips him like a vice.
He feels when you’re about to come. He can smell it, taste it. It’s too much for him to handle. He’s managed this, and it should be enough, but it’s not. He’s going to trigger. He rips himself from you when you start to come. The gasp you let out makes him ache as you clench desperately around nothing. He watches all of it, from behind his eyes, a passenger in his body as the heat and power overtakes him. 
He spills across your front, marking you with his seed. He’s still human but only just, his skin far too tight, desperately trying to contain the beast. He can’t touch you, can’t risk hurting you, can’t risk using too much strength. But he wants to. Instead he watches as you whine desperately, reaching down and touching yourself, working yourself through the orgasm that he almost certainly ruined. Dante’s heart aches, he wants to stop disappointing you. He wants to be there for you when you come, completely there for you. Instead of growling and fighting back his instincts while you beg for him. 
He decides he needs to practice, even though he’s not quite sure how. He appreciates it how later, you make sure to reassure him. That you’re proud of him for knowing his own limits, for pulling away when it all good too much. He appreciates it, you’re wonderful, perfect, but he knows that you deserve better, and he's going to be better. Somehow.
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cupofangst · 2 years
Ok so here’s this little fic idea that’s been swimming around in my head the last few days now. Whether or not it becomes a fanfic remains to be seen, and I don’t know that people would even want to read it, but i’m just putting it out there to get it off my chest because it’s bugging me lol
So this idea does focus a lot on Dar’s character, but Jason and Salim are also heavily involved. In this particular story, Dar survives, buuut everyone else besides the main five are dead. And this is toootally not payback for all the ‘everyone lives’ fics where Dar is left out. Nooo, not at all. What are you talking about? *whistles innocently*
So an idea struck me that as Salim and Dar are leaving after the big showdown during the eclipse, the two sort of have a heart to heart. The subject of Dar’s wife comes up again and he reveals to Salim that she is 2 months pregnant. Imagine Salim’s shock, as he hadn’t even known until just a few hours ago that his captain was even married. This sort of prompts Salim to chew him out, as he can’t believe this man would be running off to keep fighting a war that was already done when his wife was sitting at home with a child on the way.
Dar confides in Salim that he feels like he’s not cut out to be a father, that he’s already too old. And to make matters worse, his wife tragically dies shortly after giving birth due to complications, so now he’s left alone to raise this child, unable to properly grieve for his wife because now he has this tiny little being who depends on him twenty-four-seven and he just doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. He inevitably reaches out to Salim, desperate for help. By this point, Jason has come to live with Salim, so when both men show up at his home, Dar doesn’t know whether to be shocked or surprised that this foul-mouthed jarhead is now shacking up with his former lieutenant. And under normal circumstances, he would have promptly slammed the door in Jason’s face and told him to go fuck himself, but he’s tired, depressed and can’t summon the strength to give a fuck right now. He’s certainly not happy about him being there. Oh, no. These two butt heads quite often, with Salim having to always be the adult in the room during their squabbles.
So Jason and Salim take it upon themselves to help Dar raise this child, as he is suffering greatly with depression and can barely take care of himself at this point. They both end up growing quite attached to her, Jason especially. Dar sees this and starts wondering if it’s in his daughter’s best interest to just give custody to Salim and to let him and Jason raise her, since they’re pretty much doing that already.
Things get so bad for Dar that it gets to the point where he doesn’t have the money to care for himself and his daughter. He can’t get a job and his savings are dwindling fast. On the verge of having to live in his car, Salim insists that he come to live with him and Jason.
Does Dar develop feelings for Salim? Yes. Does it worsen his depression because Salim is clearly head over heels in love with Jason? Also yes. And while there’s still that distrust and hatred simmering for the American under the surface, it becomes a lot harder as time goes on for Dar to keep hating him. A foundation of respect was laid down when Dar saw Jason go back into that hell to save his lieutenant. And this allows them to both warm up to each other and grow closer as time goes on...even if they still may bicker like children from time to time.
But yeah...that’s the jist of it. Haven’t started actually writing it and i don’t know if I will. It’s just one of those ideas that hits me hard...though it may not go anywhere. I get a lot of those ideas sometimes.
Working title: Three Idiots and a Baby (lol)
Dar: *holding his daughter* Say ‘baba’! Ba-ba! You can do it!
Baby: Fff...Fff...
Dar: No, baba! Say ‘baba’!”
Baby: Ffu...Fuck.
Dar: *slowly turns to glare at Jason*
Jason: Wweelllp, guess I better be hittin’ the ol’ dusty trail!
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doomed-prophetess · 2 years
I've come forth with another AU of DITOEFTV based on one of your posts,hope you saw I'll change the Ending of the Villainess:
Penelope the Wicked Lady of Insanity AU
Penelope decided to take revenge on every single MLs who wronged her, starting with Kallisto. She used her magic to make a strong love potion to make Kallisto her pawn, became his lover in order to manipulate him to do her biddings. Kallisto is madly in love with her. Of course, Penelope always have to act so sweetly toward him as it's easier to manipulate him
First is Reynold,she used her magic to make him terribly aggressive then have him commited a crime worthy of a execution.
Second is Derrick, she spread rumours that he has affection for his own stepsister which ruined his reputation and made him unable to inherit the Duchy.
Third is Duke Eckhart, she was slowly poisoning him by adding hallucinations drugs in his food. In the end,he died with an arrow in his heart
How strange that the Duchy suddenly went off in flame,no one knows who's the culprit
And Leila/Yvonne, she was already "taken care" of thanks to Iklies
Fourth is Vinter, she managed to frame him for illegal crimes and have him executed. Funny how he was "in love" with her for such a few sweet words,but she eliminated him instead (you can decide this part if you want lol)
All of the above got Kallisto's help in it
Penelope saved the best for last,Kallisto. Penelope told him she wanted to become Empress so that lead to Kallisto killing his family to usurp the throne.
In the end, Kallisto was snapped back to the reality,yes the potion seeped deep into his heart meaning that he loves Penelope dearly but she decided to kill him instead. Betrayal is a dish best served cold, is it not? The final words he heard was:
"Darling thank you so much for everything you have done for me, this is what you deserve for killing me"
The ending afterwards is up to you ^^
love potion..oh this is evil. I feel almost bad for Callisto.
Actually I once asked a history major on tumblr if Derrick being in love with Penelope could cause a scandal and they said no since they aren’t biologically related, but it would be considered weird. What would definitely cause a scandal is if he was engaged to someone else and rumors about him pursuing his stepsister would circulate. Though I doubt that the duke would disinherit him even then.
My ideal ending would be Iklies and Penny ruling together and building up Delman, buuut now I’m not sure if the court life is suited to Penny. My second suggestion would be that Iklies and Penelope part ways for a time being and do their own thing Iklies destroys the racist system and executes the elite of Eorka and Penelope travels the country and becomes an archeologist, a scholar or a teacher. (she did say she liked children. She could help caring for the war orphans.) And years later they meet again. Maybe Iklies hands out medals for the people who helped Delman prosper again and he recognizes a familiar face when approaching the lady who was a leading force in the fields of education and science?
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What are your favourite headcanons about ToA, and/or Rott? you can list them all if you want to :)
Ooooh this might be long! xD
Claire has always had shadow magic her whole life but it was dormant and she unlocked the ability to use it when she got the staff. So this is based off of the scene in Trollhunters season 1 where Claire sensed Angor Rot's presence and this was before she even knew what the shadow staff was.
Claire was training and using shadow magic before Wizards. This somewhat builds up on the previous headcanon but I remember seeing that Claire's white hair streak grew when she used shadow magic untrained. This along with the fact that she was able to make shadows and blasts in Wizards leads me to think she had been doing this beforehand and perhaps she did some kind of stunt that lead to her whole bangs becoming white. We also know by the end of TH that she was able to summon the shadow staff which requires her own use of magic, this could've been the result of Morgana possessing her and her magic growing too. A part of me gets the feeling that maybe Merlin could've been teaching her more magic while they were on route/in Hoboken. She just wasn't able to make portals yet since that requires very advanced magic, which she does get the hang of in Wizards.
Minor one but I like to think that at the end of TH, Jim, Claire and all the trollmarket Trolls walked to the nearest active gyre station and took the gyre to Hoboken since NO way on Earth can you walk ALL the way from Cali to NJ by the end of summer. NO WAY!!
Jlaire related but I love to think that while Jim and Claire were in Hoboken, they danced to Eres Tú (I believe this was in @dreaming-in-seams fanfic?). And that in the Stricklake Wedding, Jim will have it play and dance with Claire. ❤❤
I like the headcanon by @nattikay where Troll Jim was able to take his armor off and wear other clothes. I also like the idea of him choosing to become a half-troll again but with the ability to walk in sunlight and eat more human food.
Building up on that headcanon, I also like the idea of Jim being sorta like a changling and being able to change from human to half-troll or full troll whenever he needs to (saw this in group chat). This too could be a result of Douxie making him some potion for that lol. I feel like this gives him tons of freedom!
So we all know how I got mixed and heavy feelings about ROTT, particularly the ending and I like to pretend that ending NEVER happened and that Steve NEVER got pregnant and was instead a knight gathering the round table as per this post.
Another one I came up with recently were that Nari, Skrael, and Bellroc were the children of the titan Kronos (yup! From Greek mythology since TOA takes from Arthurian myth so why not) who was like their predecessor in keeping the balance. Kronos gave up his life to end a massive war during ancient Greece or something. While he was dying he told his children to carry on the responsibility and that there will come a time their titans will rise and if all else fails, the Kronisphere will be their last option to reset all of time (based off your fix it where the Kronisphere is a dangerous weapon instead). And a reformed Nari in the future tries to warn the gang to keep the Kronisphere away from the order.
As much as I hate the ROTT ending with the timeline reset and prefer to think of it as Jim's fever dream or bad storytelling lol, I do have an ideas as how to play around with it. So basically Jim and Claire practice the kiss scene for Romeo and Juliet but when they kiss, Claire gets flashes of memories from her past life of her and Jim's love story and starts to panic and run away. Jim tries to help her but she pushes him away. Like she does slowly regain her memories of them and her using shadow magic (the latter via dreams ofc) and goes back to Jim and kisses him telling him she remembers everything. Ofc everyone will get their memories back like Aja and Krel will go back to Earth based on their "feelings" or something. And Tobes probably gets horrified by the memory of him dying, idk.
There's probably more but can't remember all. Might post them some time later. Buuut thank you so much for asking! This was so much fun to answer! ❤❤
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.5 Sakamaki Laito [Track 3]
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Original title: 鏡の中に映るのは
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 5 Sakamaki Laito [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (26:35~37:53)
Seiyuu: Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: Three tracks in and Laito is finally starting to show that perhaps he doesn’t enjoy this situation quite as much as he initially thought. I’m honestly surprised that the MC is staying relatively calm being around this guy with none of her memories intact. I feel like she was much more scared in some of the other CDs. Maybe it’s just me, but if I was suffering from amnesia, Laito would be the last person on my list to spend time with lol. Anyway, I feel like the next track will be an emotional one so we might be in for a wild ride guys.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 3: Reflected in the Mirror is...
“...Bitch-chan~ ...Bitch-chanー Wake up...Wakeー upー...~”
You slowly stir awake.
“Are you still sleepy-sleepy? (1) Good morning, Bitch-chan~ I didn’t think you would just faint on me back then. Although I suppose I’m in no position to judge you. I was overcome by dizzy spells as well, and by the time I came back to my senses, I found myself here.”
You look around.
“Seems like a House of Mirrors. Come on, take a look. Your anxious expression is reflected both on the walls and the ceiling...Nfufu~ Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”
You try to escape his grip. 
*Rustle rustle*
“Oh come on, don’t throw a fuss! I’m being so kind to hold you in my arms! You should be a little more happy about it!”
You protest.
“Hmー I wouldn’t mind letting you go buuut...~ Either way, there’s no way of escape~”
Your eyes widen in horror.
“Fufu~ Your face of sheer despair excites me as well. Say, Bitch-chan? We were teleported here as part of the illusions created through your Paraselene Syndrome. Doesn’t that mean that deep down, you want me to tend to you here?”
You shake your head.
“Is that so? In that case...Shall we put it to the test?”
He pins you down.
“Come on, take a glance in the mirror. There’s a girl who seems anxious, unsure what I’ll do to her now that she is pinned down, yet at the same time, looks awfully eager, don’t you think? In the end, she ends up yearning for the pleasure. That girl...is you.”
Laito bites you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“...Aah~ No running~ You have to look closely, without averting your gaze.”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Nn...At yourself, as you drown into the pleasure given to you by my fangs.”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Mm...Ah~ ...Oh dear? You’ve calmed down quite a bit, considering how loud you were screaming earlier. I knew it...You do feel good. Fufufu~ You really are such an easy girl, aren’t you~?”
You deny it.
“Fufu~ I’m not wrong. You’re a ‘Bitch-chan’ who just loves anything which pleasures you after all.”
 You insist that is not the case.
“Hmー You’re still denying it? Darn...I’m kind of sick and tired of having this discussion, you see? So listen up...Just admit to it already.”
He continues sucking your bood.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Haah...Hah...Just focus on my fangs...As you relax your body...and take deep breaths...”
*Gulp gulp gulp*
“Hah...See? You already...can no longer fight back. Even without your memories, your body clearly remembers. This works in your favor, no? Look, you’ve already got that dreamy look in your eyes...”
You close your eyes.
“Oh come on, BItch-chan~ How could you close your eyes like that? Mmh...”
“Come on, open your eyes. You’re making such a lovely expression right now. Look in the mirror. If not...I’ll thrust in my fangs somewhere much more...’risqué’~”
You open your eyes. 
“Nfu~ Mmh...~ Good girl. Come on, lift your face. Bitch-chan...What can you see reflected in your eyes?”
You flush a dark red. 
“Fufu~ You’re embarrassed? You love this sorta stuff too, right, Bitch-chan~? ...Fufu~ I’m having fun as well! It’s really funny. You’re giving me the exact same reactions as back then. Say? Try and enjoy it a little more. You just love this kind of thing, don’t you?”
You shake your head. 
“Haah...Bitch-chan...Didn’t I tell you I’ve seen enough of your innocent reactions? I think it’s about time you have some fun with me.”
You insist that you truly don’t like this.
“...Well, I guess that makes sense. Your past self would have obviously opposed to this. But you know, you can drop that attitude now. I’m already more than satisfied.”
“Lately I had been feeling like our relationship was missing that ‘unf’, so I got excited by seeing you fight back for the first time in a while, but I’m honestly over it now. In the end, it has to be my usual Bitch-chan, or I can’t enjoy it from the bottom of my heart. I wonder how long this illusion will continue on for? Don’t you think it’s taking a little long?”
You ask if he is okay.
“...! Oh...Haah!?”
You explain.
“What has gotten into you all of a sudden? Why would I look sad?”
You frown.
“Haah...Don’t look at me like that. You’re usually so dense too, so why are you awfully sharp at times like these? ...Right. I’m probably...lonely. Because you’ve forgotten about me so easily. This isn’t like me but...I honestly don’t know what to do. If my past self was watching me right now, I’m sure he’d feel disappointed. ...Oh well, telling that to you in your current state doesn’t actually solve anything though.”
You comfort him.
“You finally called me ‘Laito-kun’...I’m happy...I guess we should quit the sentimental talk here? Your memories still won’t come back, so I guess we really have no other choice but to enjoy this situation. We will reinact impactful happenings within your memories. By doing so, these illusions will eventually come to an end. ーー In that case, I will just have to summon a vivid memory from within you. Where should I suck from next~? Say, which place would you prefer?”
You fail to reply.
“Well, I guess I shouldn’t have expected a genuine response. In that case, I just have to make a real mess out of you until you feel like becoming a little more obedient~ Bitch-chan...You like it when I bite your ear, don’t you?”
Laito tries to bite you when the dizzy spells suddenly hit again.
“Uu...Argh...Kuh...!! Ugh...Haah...Ah...Haah, haah...My head is...This...again...!? Almost as if...I’m being...mocked...Where will it...take us next...? I hope it’s...someplace a little more interesting...Uu...!”
Translation notes
(1) おねむ or ‘onemu’ is baby/toddler talk in Japanese. You wouldn’t really use it to adults all that often. However, Laito likes to use these kind of ‘childish’ or ‘cutesy’ words a lot. For example, in a lot of early era drama CDs, he would refer to kissing as ‘chu-chu suru’. 
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miyaniacs · 4 years
i already cried today, so i will thirst w/u instead 😡😤 can i pls get some hcs for my bois kuroo, akaashi, teru/oiks (you pick, luv) with their bsf/crush who’s never had their first kiss suddenly asking them to teach her? and yk it leads to them all tangled up in bed 😏 it just happened to me a month ago n’ now i gots me a bf 🥺 anyways, i hope you have an immaculate day, sending ya lots of luv, boo! xx
There’s a Part 2 now !! 
okay so First of all : Congrats on getting yourself a man this way haha that's actually so cute !! ❤️🥺✊🏼 
warnings : some slight nsfw 
Oikawas is a bit longer and less nsfw buuut I just had to I'm sorry lol 
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YAAA BOY KUROO is first: 
you walk up to him after his practice and straight up ask him. you told him all your friends are talking about kisses etc and you feel left out and also finally want this experience 
on the outside he's totally chill but inside tho. he's freaking out. 
he’ll be so confused but also proud??? like this was his fucking chance to make you his!! 
your at his, sitting on his bed, awkwardly starring at each other 
but he was a nervous wreck at the beginning 
but after you ensured him that you do want this his cocky self is backkkk 
his lips are millimetres away from your but he stops and looks you in the eyes to make sure AGAIN that this is what you want
yes he has a crush on you but that doesn't mean he’ll do anything you are not 100% sure of. 
after you nod he’ll softy kiss you, moving slowly so you’ll get used to it. His hand is softly grabbing your cheek stockig It while the other on is on is resting on your waist. 
yes he will tell you if you can do something better or tells you what he personally likes and he will show you how its done 
its like he’ll be presenting a whole powerpoint where he will SHOW you exactly how every single point is down - with every variation included 
after some time you'll get used to it and things start to heat up
he’ll be nibbling and softly biting on your lower lip making you moan
yes he did this on purpose because now his tongue is in your mouth and you're fighting for dominance. 
yes he wins lol 
but soon after, his lips are on your jaw, moving down to your neck, sucking and biting down on your skin, leaving marks for everyone to see. 
gathering your strength you flipped him over, sitting on top of him. 
he’s still smirking until his face drops and you can now only see pure love and lust in his eyes as you start to talke off your shirt 
originally you planned to leave marks on his neck too.. but his lips just magically force you to kiss them 
so your back again making out lol 
you start to tug on his shirt and he’ll gladly let you put it off of him 
now its your turn to stare bc this guy is ripped. you can't convince me otherwise 
you wanted to kiss his neck and down his abs but NOPE not today hny 
daddy mode is actived 
he flips you over again 
he’s living for it. seeing you lay under him, looking up through your lashes it drives him wild 
probably saying something like : “ nah babygirl, you wanted daddy me to teach you - so let me show you the real fun “
he’ll move down and kisses your neck again while his other hand is opening your bra / if you’re a guy or like me and takes every opportunity not to wear one, he’ll gets straight to work and starts messing with you even more 
uhm the rest is up for another HC lol 
you will end up sore af, with marks you won't be able to cover up, laying on his chest, his body wrapped around you, his hands stockig your back while he kisses your head. 
“you’re mine “ you mumble before falling asleep
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you probably start the conversation 
“hey Akashi, Bokuto told me you’re a good teacher, can you teach me how to kiss?”
he’ll blank stare at you and walk way lol 
so you'll run after him 
“akaaaashiiiiii please “ you whine the whole time 
after the 20th time he’ll stop and look at you 
The two of you are currently behind the gym
within seconds you're pinned up against the wall, his arms on each side of you, his face centimetres apart from yours 
“Y/N are you sure you want me to do this?” he ask in a low voice 
“ y- yes” you stutter taken back by his sudden change 
“Kitten I can teach you, but I need you to be absolutely sure if this is what you want”  because he is a respectful daddy ok?
after telling him again that you are sure of it he smirks 
“ let’s have some fun then” 
and his lips are pressed against yours 
he. is. so. soft.
he’ll be gentle af until he feels that your comfy 
then his dom! is starting to show
similar like Kuroo hell bite and suck on your lips 
trying his best to make you moan because that's what he always dreams off 
and now he hears you moaning his name and he goes crazy
he kisses your neck, sucking and leaving wet kisses 
your hands are wrapped around his neck pulling him closer 
he’ll probably lift you up so your legs are wrapped around his torso and he starts attacking your lips again 
as his tongue slips in your mouth you start to tense up. 
so he breaks the kiss and asks what's wrong
after you tell him that you have no idea how to frech kiss he’ll smile and say that that's what he's here for
hell guide you trough every step 
and yes he's a pro 
while catching your breath you ask him the one thing that's still in your mind 
“you got the keys to the clubroom right?” 
“thought you’d never ask” he smirks 
yes he taught you even more that day. and yes you continued this little arrangement  
for Study reasons. I mean. you wont become a pro with just one training session right?
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okaYY last one I decided to do OIKAWA because this will be fun 
he’s your best friend and he has a big as crush on you ( vice versa ) 
and basically every girl has a crush on him 
and yes he went on dates ?? and had a few girlfriends ( not for too long tho) but you can say he's experienced right?
so on this Saturday night, you're having your normal movie night
and you kept on looking over at him not sure if you could ask him or if you were running your friendship 
but then the opportunity came. 
the couple in the movie started kissing. 
“ I wonder how this feels” you sigh 
“ feels what?” you looks at you confused 
“ Kissing “
“ohh you haven't kissed anyone yet y/n” he smiles 
“no,.., can you teach me how?” you blunt out 
“ Nawww finally taking advantage of me” he teases 
but rn he IS PANICKING
“yes. so please do me this favour tooruuuu” you whine 
“uhm.. okay I can do that” 
Sooo he moves closer 
and awkwardly places his hand on your face  
his face is moving even closer now 
you close your eyes ready to finally be kissed
but nothin happens? 
you open your eyes again 
and see sweat dripping down his forhead? 
“Tooru? are you okay?”
“ I - uhm - I - i just - I don't think this is right? I want you to do it with a person you have feelings for” he tries to save himself 
“that's why I asked you” you mumbled 
and he chocks on air 
“I like you trashy” you mumble und look up at him again “so please just kiss me” 
yes he is extreme happy to hear that, he likes you too. but there is one bis problem left. 
“Tooru? it’s not that you don’t know how to do it so just do it?” you joke. but you hit the nerve. 
“ um you see I like you too .. but ..,... I never ac-” 
“Dont make fun of me :( all the girls think I'm so great so I normally need to be good kisser - but I haver 0 experience so I never let others kiss me so no one would know about it and tell every one at school” he mumbles 
and you couldn't help it he was so cute???
you grabbed his face and kissed him 
after he overcame the shock he kissed you back and accidentally bit your lip lol 
but this made you moan and your moan switched something inside of him and he MAGICALLY knew what to do
so his kisses are soft, and still a bit awkward but he got better with every second 
so now he's kissing your neck, leaving marks while his hands grab your back and pull you down with him 
now his hands are on your ass and you’re making out again 
to get to the leaning part : you tell  each other what you like and what not 
because communication is KEY 
his hands are under your shirt, tongues fighting for dominance, you both knowing that you will not only be each others first kiss
but not today hny 
because his mother walks in his room 
dropped the cookies on the floor and slams the door shut 
yup mood is ruined  
you’re both tomatoes now and you will not come to his place anytime soon again
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Lost on you
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Reader x Sebastian Stan / Reader x Jake Gyllenhaal smut/angst
Hey, guess who’s back! (Hope y’all won’t hate me for this...) Buuut I had this idea and I really liked how it turned out, so I decided to share!
Prompt: You’re Jake’s girl, but you’re slowly falling in love with your co-star Sebastian. ALSO: this was inspired by “Lost on you” by Lewis Capaldi! Warnings: Little mention of age gap, smut in the end, but mentions of it in other parts too... and maybe a little sadness? Maybe a lot... Like 5k words... hope from the bottom of my heart that you like it, I’m kinda anxious lol
Everyday I'm a slave to the heartache And you're wasting away every night I don't wanna leave you lonely But I've run out of love this time You know that I adore you Though I couldn't give enough Hope you'll be safe in the arms of another 'Cause I can't take the weight of your love
We said goodbye with a cold kiss. He said "good luck", but he didn't say "I love you". His mistake was assuming that I knew he did. Now I was in a taxi in L.A. and Jake was in our apartment in New York. The taxi stopped in front of the studio and I took a deep breath. I always got so nervous before starting a new project. Now I was about to meet the cast for the new movie I'm starring. It was a romcom, shouldn't take too long to finish, and soon I'd be able to go back to New York and start working on another project... but not professional this time. Jake and I have been together for four years. Three wonderful ones. But the last one was based on fights and the two of us getting more and more distant. But God only knows how hard I fought to be with that man, and I'm not going to give up on him like that. That's why the plan is to be away for a while, shooting this movie until we miss each other so much and realise we're acting stupid... and the moment I step in New York again, we're going to make this work. We have to make this work. "Y/N!" I heard the director walking in my direction. "I'm happy you're here. How was your flight?" "Hi, nice to see you gain, Susan." I greeted the woman I had worked with a few times with a hug. "The flight was okay, I even had time to leave my bags at the hotel before coming." We had a nice conversation, but nothing really important was said. After a few minutes, she took me to meet the set and the part of the crew that was already there. Then she left me there talking to them and excused herself to go meet the ones who were still arriving. I was still a bit tired because of the travel, so I wasn't paying much attention to what was happening around me. Suddenly, I feel someone touch my arm and I turn around, imagining it was Susan. But no, it was another familiar face. "Hey." The man smiled at me and offered a polite, but kinda awkward hug, since he caught me off guard. "Susan told me you were already here. I believe we were on the same plane from New York, but I got stuck on the traffic..." "Oh... Yeah, L.A..." I rolled my eyes and smiled back at him. "Sorry, I didn't see you on the plane, we could have met before. I'm Y/N, by the way..." "Yes, I know your work, it's a pleasure to be able to work with you now." He said. "I'm Sebastian." "I know that too." I left out a little laugh. "I'm a huge Marvel nerd. I also loved your performance in I, Tonya, the Oscars really slept on you..." He got all flushed and left out a word you couldn't really understand. "What?" I mocked him. "You gotta learn how to take a compliment." He raised his eyebrows at me, but before he could say anything, Susan interrupted everyone's conversations by asking if we were ready to start. In the movie, Sebastian and I were best friends slowly falling in love. The classic: my character had a finacé, played by Richard Madden in this movie, and Sebatian's was running out of time to make mine change her mind about the wedding... that same movie we've seen a million times, but always makes us cry, even though we all know how it ends. The last scene we had to shoot today included a big kiss scene between Richard and I. I definitely wasn't mentally prepared for this on the very first day, but it was my job. "Alright, this is the last one, before we all can go home." Susan sat back on her chair and announced as Richard and I were trying to concentrate. "Ready, guys?" I gave her a quick nod. I looked beside her and saw Sebastian paying close attention to the scene as well. "Okay, then, action!" I turned to face Richard and we started to say our lines. It was all flowing perfectly, we were absolutely focused on what we were doing. When the time came, he looked me deep in the eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me close, and brought his hand to my face, caressing my cheek a few times before we both closed our eyes and started to kiss each other hungrily. I'm not sure how long it lasted. But only when I heard Susan scream "cut" for the second time I realised I lost control a little bit... I mean... when was the last time Jake had kissed me like that? I was so needy, and all I got these days were cold, emotionless kisses. "Sorry, was that a bit too much?" I whispered to Richard, a little embarassed. "No, don't worry." He laughed. "It has to look real, right?" I nodded and gave him a smile before walked towards Susan, in desperate need to be excused. "I'm so excited." She announced before I could say anything. "Everyone did a great job today, I feel like this movie will be so beautiful..." She didn't even look at me and walked away to check the cameras after that last scenes. I was left alone with Sebastian. "That was really convincing." He said, noticing there was something bothering me. "Thanks..." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "But I... I don't think so, it was just... you know?" "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm telling you, you did a great job, don't worry about it." I looked him in the eyes and saw that he was being honest. He was really worried about me. But he had no idea of the kind of problem I was dealing with, and it had nothing to do with my acting. "Thank you." I looked at the floor. I needed love and reassurance so bad that the fact that Sebastian was that nice to me almost made me cry. --- Back to my hotel, I kept walking in circles with my phone in my hands. I should call Jake and let him know I got here safely. But, at the same time, part of me was telling myself "You left several hours ago and didn't get a single text from him asking if you were okay". But you know what? I would feel a lot worse if I got a lovely text from my boyfriend after kissing my co-star like he was the love of my life. I just need to hear his voice... A little wave of courage hit me and I called him before it could disapper. "Y/N?" He replied quickly. Maybe he was waiting for me to call? That thought brought a smile to my face. "Hey." I said, trying to control myself to not sound like a fan meeting their idol, even though that's how it felt. "Just wanted to let you know I'm fine. I'm in my hotel... we already shot a few stuff..." "It's great to hear from you." He said in a sweet voice and I melted. "How is the cast like?" We spent half an hour talking about my day and it filled my heart with hope. He also told me about his play, that would debut in Brodway in a few months. I was excited for him as well. "Alright..." I said, a bit sad. "Listen, I gotta go now... it's getting late and we'll shoot really early tomorrow." "Okay. Call me again when you can." He told me. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" I replied. "I love y-" Before I could finish the phrase, he wasn't there anymore. I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't let that last minute ruin the good conversation we had... but would it hurt to tell me he loves me?
I was waiting for my taxi in front of the hotel, when I heard someone talking to me. "Come here often?" The man said. I was ready to turn around and kick him in the balls, when I realised it was Sebastian. We both laughed. "Be careful how you approach me. I'm warning you." I tried to sound serious. "You gave me one look and my life flashed before my eyes." He told me. "Trust me, I won't do it again." "Good." I smiled triumphantly. "But, answering your question... Yeah, I'm staying here." "In this hotel?" He looked at me confused. "Me too. How were we on the same plane and now at the same hotel and we never see each other? Are you some kind of spy?" "You just suck at following me." I shrugged. "But, luckily, always end up at the same place, right?" "Luckily?" "You gotta learn how to take a compliment." He repeated my phrase from the day before. "I-" I felt my cheeks burning. Alright, that looked like a fun game to play. "Well, you gotta learn how to compliment me first. That hardly counted as one." "Why are you blushing then?" He smirked. "I hope you know that I have a boyfriend." I decided to cut him before things went too far. "Of course, you're always on the news." He replied with the same smile on his face he had before. He wasn't being serious at all, and that relaxed me. "He's one of the greatests actors I've ever seen, by the way." It was true, Jake and I were always on the news. But not usually for good reasons. We met about 10 years ago and I fell in love straight away. The problem is that we have a (kinda big) age gap... and he obviously didn't take me serious 10 years ago, when I was barely 18. But I've been obsessed with that man all those years. Until 4 years ago, when we were cast on the same movie, I finally showed him I am a big girl and I know what I want. The problem is that the media just doesn't understand that and they just keep making up the most disgusting theories about our relationship. They know nothing about us. Sebastian and I shared the taxi to the studio, and decided it would be a nice thing to do everyday, since we were going to the same place, anyway. And so we did. Day after day we started to grow very close as friends. And we continued that stupid joke, flirting with each other every chance we got. But one day, I noticed Seb was a little different during our ride to the studio. A bit quiet, didn't really reply to my flirts. I thought he was just not in the mood that day, and I should respect that. I wasn't given the script for that day's scene until I got to the studio. Then I sat there to read and Richard sat beside me. "Are you ready?" He smirked. "For..?" I asked, still focused on the pages in my hands. "You'll record a sex scene with Sebastian today." He replied calmly, but it felt like a punch in the stomach. So is that why he was so weird? Was he nervous? "No big deal, we're professionals." I didn't know if I was trying to fool him or myself. Sebastian was such a good friend during these hard times... some nights I tried to call Jake and he didn't reply or was too cold on the phone, and I knew I could simply knock on Seb's door, or somedays it felt like he could read my mind, and he would knock on mine first, so we both went to the hotel's bar or just sat in each other's bedroom and talked for hours. Laughed for hours. He told me everything about his childhood, moving from country to country, and I, after drinking a little too much, told him all about my situation with Jake. God, he was so good for me. And I didn't want things to get weird like they got when I kissed Richard... without Seb, I would have gone crazy alone in this city. I felt like my heart was going to explode as I watched the crew prepare the scene. Seb was standing beside the couch of the fake living room as Susan explained to him how things would work. He looked as nervous as me and I hated it. "Y/N?" Susan called. "Can we start now?" I stood up like I was going to a funeral. I just hoped it wasn't our friendship's funeral. After hearing a few instructions as well, I sat down beside Seb and gave him a little smile, and he gave me a even weaker one in return. Sebastian's hand landed on my thigh and he added preassure very slow and gently. My eyes were on his fingers until he moved his body a little closer to mine on the couch. Then my eyes met his blue ones, deeper than I've ever seen them before. "You should be with someone who never makes you feel alone." He whispered as his lips got closer to mine. "Not even when he's not around." Maybe my head was really fucked up, but he didn't seem to be talking about our characters. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, so I felt Seb's lips on mine for the first time... and I swear, it tasted like heaven when his tongue rolled agaisnt mine. His hands went to my skirt, bringing it up a bit, then worked on unzipping his pants. For a moment, I forgot his underwear wasn't coming off too. But that was only when I felt him grinding against me, and he was so deliciously hard that we both moaned at the same time. That would look as realistic as if he had actually entered me on the movie... cause that's why we are doing this for, anyway... When the director said "cut", Sebastian lips were on my neck and I heard him mutter the most frustrated "fuck" ever. I was so wet that I was terrified that I would leave a mark on the couch for everyone to see how extremely much I needed Seb. The whole studio was dead silent. I wanted to vanish in the air. Took Sebastian a moment to get away from me. The atmosphere was terrible, everyone was uncomfortable. But maybe it was just the way I was feeling and, in my imagination, everyone felt the same. --- I didn't even look Seb in the eyes until the next morning, in the taxi. I thanked God he was such a good actor... we both simply pretended none of that happened, no word about that was spoken. Maybe I was overreacting and nothing really happened to our friendship. --- The weeks seemed to fly and we finished shooting. Next step was doing a bunch of interviews to promote the movie. I don't remember having all that fun in a while... all Seb and I did was joke around and run away from the questions during the interviews. The critics loved the movie and there were entire essays about our sex scene online. People just couldn't believe two actors had all that chemistry. Well... we were a great team, me and him. That's all. We just had to ignore the fans shipping us and ignoring the fact that I had a boyfriend. When it was finally time to go back to New York, I thought I would be a lot happier than I actually was. I had a great time and didn't want it to end so soon... everything was so tense back at home... "At least Seb and I live in the same city." As soon as that idea crossed my mind, I felt absolutely terrible. I was actually sad about going back to my man, and what made me feel better was that I'd have Seb to come back to when I needed? It wasn't fair. Not for me. Not for Jake. Not for Sebastian. That's why I had to solve this situation as soon as I got home. --- But I only knew how fucked up I was on the moment I opened the door at our house. Jake was there and he smiled at me.   And I had no idea what I wanted anymore. Half of me was so happy because he was there. Half of me wished he wasn't and I had an excuse to walk away. His hug wasn't as cold as I expected, but it was far from being as warm as I needed. We went to the bedroom kissing each other and bumping into everything that was on the way. But when he laid on top of me, I didn't see the same fire in his eyes. Neither did I feel it between my legs. And it didn't matter at all how big he was, when he entered me I felt so empty. At heart. We were completely out of love and both of us knew that. He fucked me so hard, like he was trying to feel something that wasn't there anymore. --- Seb tried to contact me several times, but I kept ignoring him. And God only knows it hurted me more than him. But I didn't want to give up on Jake. Even though the situation was getting worse everyday. Now I was sitting in our bedroom, doing my make up to go watch the first night of Jake's play on Broadway. Preparing myself to act like we were in love in front of the cameras. --- When we finally got rid of all the empty questions and the flashes, Jake took me backstage, where he received a few special guests. Tom Hiddleston was there. Maggie too. I spotted a few other familiar faces, until a special one made you freeze. "What are you doing here?" I walked til where Sebastian were. "Hi. It's nice to see you again too." He said seriously. "Well, Jake invited me. Didn't he tell you he's producing a movie I'll be in?" "He doesn't tell me much." I shrugged. The play had started. All the guests went somewhere else to watch it, but I stood there in the backstage with Seb. "Why did you disappear like that?" He asked as soon as we were alone. "Because I wanted this to work. Me and him." I admitted. "And what does it have to do with me?" He said angrily. "I never did absolutely anything to tear you two apart. I accepted your choice from the start." "There's no choice, Sebastian." I defended myself. "Of course there is." He rolled his eyes. "You chose to keep things the way they are because you're scared of changes. You think it's comfortable to stay in a place that doesn't make you happy, because it once did, and if you move on, you may break your heart again." "Why do you think you know me so well?" I was shocked at how he just threw all the truth I was hiding right on my face. "Because we spent months opening up to each other. Every single night. I don't know about you, but I told you things nobody else ever knew about me." He admitted. "And I have no idea why I trusted you so easily, but I surely wasn't ready for you to just walk out of my life like that." "Seb..." I felt tears starting to come. "I'm so in love with you,Y/N." As soon as those words left his lips, a bunch of people started to appear out of nowhere and fill the backstage. I realised the play was over. I spotted Jake coming in my direction and quickly dried my eyes. --- It was a big night. I tried my best to be proud of Jake, but I couldn't focus on that. That made me feel so selfish... I just couldn't be here to support him anymore, so what am I even doing here? Jake was laying in bed, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I sat beside him and told him: "We need to talk." "We do." He agreed. "We probably should have done this before, right?" "Since you stopped telling me you love me." I felt the tears coming back. "Hey." He sat back and used his finger to wipe my tears away. "You know I'll always love you. Just... not like this anymore. I thought we should give it another try, but..." "I'll always love you too." I gave him a little sad smile. "I'm so happy for the times we had." He added. "But we don't wanna ruin it waiting for someone to cheat or be unhappy forever." "Jake... I think I'm in love with someone else." I admitted. Both for him and for myself for the first time. "It's not that hard to tell." He chuckled. "I saw the interviews. I've met someone too. I'm not sure if it's love. But I know that you and Sebastian..." "I swear we never, ever, had anything before this conversation." I interrupted him. "And I don't think I will now. He's really hurt." "Go after him." He encouraged me, making my heart stop for a moment. "What?" --- It was cold in New York. Nearly 1am and I absolutely couldn't believe I was sitting in my car, parked in an empty street. I grabbed my phone and didn't think twice. "Hello?" Sebastian answered and I knew there was no turning back now. "Seb?" I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" "No, it's fine, I couldn't sleep..." He sighed. "Listen, Y/N, I'm so sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier, you owe me absolutely nothing and I..." "I was stupid and ended up making the three of us suffer." I cut him. "But now I'm in front of your house, and if you don't forgive me, I have nowhere to spend the night." "Wait..." He said, confused. "You're in front of my house?" None of us said another word. When I saw the front door open, I got out of my car and we looked at each other for a moment. Suddently, I wasn't thinking anymore. I ran to his arms and he pulled me inside the house, closing the door behind us. His lips were pressed against mine and his hands were absolutely all over me. And, God, it was better than before, because now it was us. Just us. And we didn't have to stop anymore. He guided me towards the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling me with him, so I fell on his lap. Without breaking the kiss for a second, I adjusted, keeping one leg on each side of him. His hands went straight to my ass, squeezing it hard. My hands went to his abdomen and he helped me remove his shirt. I didn't even wait for him to do the same with mine. His eyes landed on my breasts as my bra fell on his lap. He grabbed my waist and broght me closer to him, burying his face and my chest and spreading open mouthed kisses on my breasts. I began to moan and grind my hips against his lap, feeling him getting hard under me. I remembered the last time I felt this and how frustrating it was... "Y/N..." He called. "Please, don't stop." I begged. "I just have to be sure you really want this." He smirked. "But I don't think I have to ask, do I?" I shook my head and helped him remove my pants, quickly sitting on his lap again. His fingers slowly trailed my underwear, until he decided to slide them inside it, caressing my folds very gently. "But what if I want to hear it?" He teased. "Do you think it's that easy? You ignore me for weeks, but then you just knock on my door and I give you what you want?" He slid one finger inside me and I left another moan escape. "Look at how wet you are." He slid another finger in, but didn't move. "If you were my girl, I'd do something about it... but you know very well I don't play with what is not mine." "Seb... please..." I tried to move my hips, but he hold my waist with the other hand so strongly, I would see a mark there tomorrow. "Fuck... if you were my girl, I'd treat you right." He removed his fingers from me and used them to pull down his pants and palm his hard cock over his underwear. "I'll be your girl. I came here to be your girl. Your good girl." I promised, feeling my mouth water just from seeing how big he looked. "I've been yours, and only yours, since the day we kissed for the first time, I know you felt that too..." "You have no idea how long I waited to hear that." He told me, returning his hands to my underwear, to take it off and throw it somewhere else in the room. "And you have no idea how long I waited to tell you that." I bit my lip as I watched him pull his underwear down, and seeing his hard cock already leaking. The look on his eyes gave me the permission I needed before his lips could. I raised my hips and he pulled me close and entered me, guiding my hips up and down with no time to adjust, cause we needed each other that much. I always imagined Seb as a gentle lover, but right now we just needed to fuck. Hard. Fast. Loud. We just had to let all our frustrations out. I came first, falling on his chest, seeing stars. He slowed down his pace a little, but didn't stop until he came inside me. And none of us really cared about that at the moment. I was there, laying on his chest while he ran his fingers through my spine in silence. And that was the first time in months I felt completety in peace. "Do you mean what you said?" He asked calmly. "Every single word." I smiled and snuggled closer to him.
Lately I'm getting lost on you You got me doing things I never thought I'd do Never spent so long on a losing battle But lately giving up don't seem to matter
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-Seven: She’s Better Than That ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Given his popularity through high school, Sasuke’s been used to people trying to cozy up to him for all the wrong reasons. Especially girls. Even someone like Sakura - who chased him (and drove him up the wall) since their first years of elementary school only gave up in the latter parts of high school. Students would come and go, and with them would be an almost inevitable crush on the moody, broody dark-haired Uchiha.
His brother had suffered the same fate when he was in high school, having to brush admirers aside since he was young. Though...of course, Itachi had been a bit more gentle and polite about it. Nowadays, Sasuke is all but rude depending on the circumstances. While most advances are brushed off with just some light exasperation, others take a more...firm approach.
And lately...he’s needed all the more reason to keep them aside.
Ever since Hinata approached him, he’s been...unsure what to think. He’d been keeping his admiration of her secret for so long, knowing she was so attached to his dumbass best friend. Then he let it slip that day after practice...and she’d given him that odd look. When she actually showed up to his game - even after her bike got a flat - he was pretty taken aback. And of course it was his mother who ended up giving her a lift.
Then, well...he got smacked in the face with a flyaway bat, and she’d just happened to be there to see it and take him to the nurse. He’d never been so embarrassed in his life...but at least she didn’t seem to think he was an idiot. She was just...worried.
And just a few days ago, she actually waited for him after practice, making small talk before...asking if he’d like to go out. Needless to say, he’d been completely blindsided. Her getting over Naruto apparently went a lot easier for her than he thought.
But then again...it sounded like she’d been slowly dwindling hope on the prospect, anyway. Still, for her to make the first move? With how shy he knows her to be? It honestly impressed him.
...and now he’s not sure what to do.
There’s not much of their senior year left, now. He hasn’t asked her what her plans are. His own are just to go to the local university a few cities over and major in business while also (hopefully) playing baseball. Hinata has played volleyball and tennis all four years, but she hasn’t mentioned if she’ll pursue it after high school...or anything about what she’ll do.
...he’s worried they might end up apart so quickly after finally making it together.
Sure, they don’t know each other that well yet, but...he’s always admired her from afar. Soft-spoken, kind, smart, and ridiculously adorable. To say that he’s smitten is putting it lightly. On his side of things, at least, he knows he’s pretty serious. Hinata, on the other hand, hasn’t really seen him the way he’s seen her until...pretty recently. Her attention has been elsewhere for quite some time.
So, he’s been paranoid about what they’ll do once Summer is over. Or even the school year itself, depending on her plans. What if she doesn’t end up feeling as strongly as he does? What if she slips through his fingers?
...he’s not sure what he’d do. He’s had so much ill luck with girls, he doesn’t want this one chance that he wants to pass him by…!
And eventually, someone notices his melancholy.
“What’s been up with you, dude?”
“You’ve been mopey. Well...I mean, more than usual,” Naruto replies, hopping up on the brick wall out front of the school beside his friend. A bag of chips is clenched between his teeth as he settles himself.
Sasuke wrinkles his nose. “...we have a game tomorrow. You’re really gonna put that garbage in your gut?”
“What? Nothin’ wrong with it! I’ll be fine - I eat crap all the time and never feel it!”
“...that habit’s going to bite you in the ass in a few years,” the Uchiha mutters.
“Now quit tryin’ to change the subject! What’s eatin’ you, dude?”
“Just...thinking a lot lately.”
“Well yeah, I figured. What about?”
“...the end of the year.”
“Aww, you gonna miss me?”
Sasuke deadpans.
“M’just kiddin’! Seriously...what’s wrong? I haven’t seen you look this out of it in a while.”
Sighing, Sasuke runs a hand back through his hair. “...Hinata asked me out the other day.”
Just stuffing chips in his mouth, Naruto suddenly blows a shower of food out over the sidewalk as he chokes, struggling to breathe. “S...she w-what?”
“Yeah. Just straight up asked me.”
“Well...what did you say?”
“I said sure. We haven’t had any time yet with practice and homework, but we’re thinking maybe this weekend.”
Blues blink, regarding his friend with a furrowed brow. “...okay. So...why’re you so glum if you’ve got a date? Got cold feet or somethin’?”
“No! No, that’s not it. I just…” He sighs, burying his face in his hands. “...look. I’ve liked Hinata for a long time. For like...all of high school.”
“Whoa...I had no idea.”
“Cuz I didn’t want anyone to know. She’s liked you for so long, I just...didn’t want to say anything. And now I might actually have, like...a chance. But…”
“But what?”
“But I dunno what’s gonna happen when we graduate! We haven’t talked about Summer plans, or college, or...anything.”
“Well, I mean...you haven’t even been on a date yet. Kinda jumpin’ the gun, aren’t ya?” When Sasuke doesn’t reply, Naruto hesitates. “...you like her that much…?”
“...well shit.” Setting his snack aside, Naruto goes quiet, thinking. “...you sure she’s not, uh...y’know…”
“It’s just...I mean, you said it yourself, right? She’s been on my tail for a long time! I just...don’t want you chasing someone who’s just...settling for you.”
At that, Sasuke’s expression quickly hardens. “No. That’s not how it is.”
“...but -?”
“Hinata’s not like that. She’s better than that! If she didn’t think this would work, she wouldn’t have asked me. She’s not settling -!”
“Okay, okay! I just...was worried, that’s all. You’re my best friend, dude. I wanna be sure you’re only using your time on someone who deserves you.”
“...I’m not worried about that.”
“...all right. Well…” The blond sighs, rubbing the back of his head in thought. “...maybe you can talk to her when you get together. Just kinda, y’know...casually bring it up. See what she says. I dunno if she’d be kinda freaked out if you suddenly started planning out your college choice because of her when you’re both still new to this, right?”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. You’re right, I’ll just...ease into it. Try to be nonchalant. See how it goes from there.”
After a pause, Naruto can’t help a grin and a snicker. At Sasuke’s questioning glance, he admits, “Never thought it’d be you comin’ to me for dating advice, huh?”
Sasuke’s face sours. “Hey, I didn’t come to you, you just showed up! And I...needed to vent. Don’t get it twisted.”
“Yeah, yeah...well, I bet it’ll be fine. If Hinata’s as good of a person as you seem to think she is, then you’ve got nothin’ to worry about. Have your date, test the waters, and see how it goes. Just don’t start talkin’ about moving in together and havin’ kids, okay?”
“As if!” Sasuke rebukes, going a bit red in the face.
The pair then fall into a thoughtful silence.
“So...you ever ask Sakura out?”
“Yeah, like a thousand times!”
“I mean recently.”
Sipping his soda and pouting, Naruto mumbles, “...I was gonna wait until we win the game tomorrow. Y’know, since we’ll be goin’ to state that way. Maybe it’ll, I dunno...help change her mind.”
“...well I hope she says yes.”
“Yeah. You’ve liked her a long time, man. Maybe we’ll both have better luck this time around.”
Naruto blinks. “...it’d be nice.”
“...well, speaking off, I better get home,” Sasuke then offers, hopping off the wall. “I gotta get my homework done and get to bed early so I’m not tired for the game.”
“Hey, you wanna do mine, too?”
“Yeah, right. Just go home and do it! There’s only a few more weeks left, you can tough it out, dude.”
The blond pouts. “Yeah, yeah...see ya tomorrow.”
“Later.” Hands in his pockets, Sasuke makes his way around to the parking lot, mind still abuzz with what-ifs. Maddening, he knows...but he just can’t help it.
...Hinata’s a nice person. He’s sure she’ll take it well. He’s just, well...a little afraid. This is his first time opening up like this, after all. He wants to do it right...and hopefully not have to deal with the fallout of things going south.
...he has a plan. Now to just...execute it.
     (This is a sequel to days 149, 168, 183, and 271!)      More sportsverse! Not...very much sports in this one, or even Hinata, but it's more of a like...transitional piece.      I wanna say I've tackled this notion (Hinata 'settling' for Sasuke) before, but it was in the canon AU verse I write, so...different context, lol - and Sasuke's not about to stand for it here, either. I don't think Naruto means anything by it, he just wants to be sure Sasuke's feelings aren't one-sided. He's just trying to be a bro!      Buuut, on that note, I reallllly need some sleep. I'm still two days behind and likely will be for...quite some time. At least through October with my other fanfic challenge going on. And irl has been...rough ^^; So thank you guys for your patience. One way or another, we'll make it to the end of the year, I promise! Some might just...be a lil late. We'll see~ But either way, thanks for reading!
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Classic literature vine compilations - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde pt. 05
(A/N: Another compilation, because there are too many single vines and incorrect quotes)
Lady Summers: How many times do I have to tell you not to wear the red dress, when we go to a party? Alma: Come on, this is my best and favourite dress! What do you have against it? Lady Summers: If you want to walk around like this in Whitechapel, fine. But we're going to a court ball! You can't dress in red! Hyde: Awww, why not? It looks so gorgeous on her! Jekyll: Only fallen women wear red. Hyde: So? She's not one and still looks like a goddess in red. Alma: Damn right! Thank you, Mr. Hyde! Also, sister dearest, did I mention that this Romanian Baron Cleranescu will be there? Lady Summers: … Lady Summers: Never mind, dress like a vile temptress. Alma: *smirks* Gladly! Hyde: *grins* This is going to be fun! Utterson, Lanyon and Jekyll: … Lanyon: I have a sense of foreboding … Utterson: Me too. Jekyll: I bet fifty Pound Sterling, that this evening will be a disaster. Hyde: *smirks* I'll take that bet! 
Jekyll, after Lanyon left him: My boyfriend of 15 years broke up with me. Utterson: That's rough, buddy. Utterson on the inside: Perhaps now I have a chance …
Poole: Bradshaw, we need to hide all the wine bottles. Bradshaw: Another domestic with Dr. Lanyon? Poole: No, a full on fight. Bradshaw: On a scale from one to ten, how bad was it? Poole: An eleven. Dr. Lanyon broke up with him. Bradshaw: Oh crap. Poole: Yeah. And knowing our master, he will drink himself into a stupor for several days and nights, before burying himself in his work. Bradshaw: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go hide the bottles.
Simon Stride: Lisa Carew, can this be you Simon Stride: What is this man that you have taken- Lisa Carew: Simon, shut up and listen here- Lisa Carew: You think you're cool, but you're mistaken.
Utterson: I'm the calmest person in the group. Hyde: Some twats hurt Lanyon. Utterson: … Utterson: Mr. Hyde, would you do me a favour? Hyde: Fine, because it's you. Utterson: Kill them all. Hyde: *smirks predatorily* Gladly.
Lady Summers: Alma, you need to come out, we're going to be late! Alma: I'm a lesbian! Lady Summers: Not what I meant, but I support you!
Some rando: *pointing at Hyde* Lol, look at that kid! He has women's hips! A prostitute: Are you suicidal? *quickly backs away* Hyde: *slowly turning around* What did you just say about me?! Hyde: *grabs the guy's ankle and flings him around like a ragdoll*
Lanyon: Who's in our bathroom? Utterson: I hired a drunk gremlin to compliment us. Hyde, to Lanyon: Are you a model? Lanyon: … Yes.
Lanyon: Why do we even need coming out day? I mean, everyone's a little gay- Jekyll, with Utterson in his arms: Well, I'm a big gay and today I'm coming out as the world's biggest gay!
Lady Summers, to the gentlemen and her siblings: Hey, everybody! Today my second cousin Wilhelm pushed me, so I'm starting a kickstarter to put him down. Lady Summers: *opens a chart* Benefits of killing him would be I would get pushed way less.
Lanyon, after breaking up with Jekyll: Gha! I still can't believe he did that! Lanyon: But then again, what did I expect. When was the last time he actually treated me like his boyfriend. Lady Summers: Precisely five months and seven days ago, when he surprisingly remembered your anniversary. Lanyon: *sighs* Why did I date him? Lady Summers: Because he dabbed it up with you. Lanyon: Why did I let that happen? Lady Summers: Because he got you both full up the knocker. And because you were wild young men in love. Lanyon: Why am I even discussing this with you right now? Lady Summers: *shrugs* Beats me. 
Utterson: I think I see now how it happened. Utterson: Last evening at dinner, when the baron saw Her Ladyship give her rose to Dr. Lanyon, he was furious. He dropped a steak knife into his purse- Hyde: Big deal, I took a whole plate set! Utterson: NOT NOW, EDWARD!!! 
Alma: Listen, you punk! You wanna fight with someone, you're gonna have to fight with me! But I warn you: I did time in Newgate. Some prisoner: Newgate's a men's prison. Alma: I know, it took my sister bailing me out a month later for them to find out. Hyde: … This was amazing! However did you pull that off?! Alma: I live and work in Whitechapel, it's not that different. 
Jekyll: And that girl's father still wouldn't leave me alone! What is that with all these people thinking that a bachelor would be eager to get married at the age of fifty?! Hyde: Gee, I dunno. Maybe it's because you're rich and good-looking and a doctor? Or because of everyone is expected to marry? Then lead a dead boring marriage with a dead boring woman, while pretending that everything is sunshine and rainbows? Oh, and as the frosting on the cake, make a bunch of screaming, annoying brats? Jekyll: *chuckles* I don't need a wife to have all that. Hyde: *ignoring the last jab like a boss* What about the girl? Was she at least funny? Jekyll: She was cute and nice to talk to, but she was clearly not on board with her father's intention to make her marry me. Besides, she was seventeen! If I ever got around to marry (which will never happen), it would have to be someone closer to my age. Hyde: *winks* Like your lawyer? Jekyll: *blushes* That … that's illegal … Hyde: *smirks* But you would, if you could, right? Jekyll: … If he wanted me. 
Jekyll: Babe, do the thing! Utterson: *genuinely smiles* Both Jekyll & Hyde: *breathless* Holy shit … 
Hyde: I don't do other emotions besides anger and excitement. Utterson: *exists* Hyde: *blushes* Oh no, he's making me feel other emotions! 
Jekyll, holding a human heart in his hand: Edward … what is this?! Hyde: A heart, obviously! I thought you're a doctor, you ought to know what a human heart looks like! Jekyll: I do, but why is it in my office?! Where did you get it from and-? Hyde: Well, today is Valentine's Day, right? I wanted to give you something special and since I couldn't cut my own heart out, I took the one of the guy who humiliated you last week. Jekyll: … Jekyll, trying his best to hide his disgust: Uhm … thank you, Edward. You shouldn't have … but flowers or a box of chocolates would have done it too. 
Alma, on the telephone: Y'ello? Lady Summers: What did you do. Alma: Alright, but you can't be angry at me. Lady Summers: What. Did you. Do?! Alma: Well, first: I was minding my own business- Lady Summers: SCHWACHSINN!!! Alma: I waaaaas! Lady Summers: And what exactly happened, while you were "minding your own business"?! Alma: Well, I was on my nightly walk through Whitechapel, doing a class, when suddenly these scumbags blocked my path! Alma: And one of them said: "LIE ON YOUR BACK!" And I responded with: "I'm not your wife last night!" And they took exception to that. Buuut, you know how that song and dance goes. Alma: So I castrated all but one of them! Lady Summers: What happened to the last one? Alma: Pussed out like a bitch! Silver lining: They will never pass on their disgusting rapist genes! 
Utterson, to Jekyll: So, Lady Summers told me that Hyde can take a corporeal for to a certain degree, when you're in control. Jekyll: Yes, but it only works in my lab. Why? Utterson: Where did you get that hickey on your neck? Jekyll: *blushes* Wh-wha-I-uh-I, uuhhhh- *Jekyll suddenly turns into Hyde* Hyde: *grins* Oh yeah. I totally did that. Utterson: *blushes* So … uhm … did you two … you know … Lanyon: Did you fuck each other? Utterson: Lanyon! Hyde: Nah, but we would, if we could! Utterson: … Lanyon: Whelp, there goes my mind- hey, are you okay, Gabriel? Utterson: *on the verge of tears* Oh my god, why, oh the pictures in my head, I'll never- 
Jekyll & Hyde: *yelling at each other like a dysfunctional couple having a domestic* Utterson, Lanyon & Lady Summers: *watching* … Utterson: I'm slowly losing my will to live. Lady Summers: I'm slowly losing my mind over their idiocy. Lanyon: I already lost both. -_- 
Lanyon: *singing* When I think about my worries and I think about my strife, here is what I simply say- Lanyon: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! 
Hyde: uwu uwu uwu uwu uwu … Jekyll, slowly losing his last shred of sanity: You know, I'm this close to killing myself just to spite you. Hyde: *falls silent immediately* 
Jekyll, about Utterson: Sir, that's my emotional support lawyer. Utterson, about Jekyll: Sir, that's my emotional support mad scientist. 
Lady Summers: Your most exalted Majesty, I would like you to meet my emotional support physician. *points at Lanyon* Lanyon: *blushes like no tomorrow* Queen Victoria: Awww! Congratulations, dear! He's not the most handsome fellow, but he's definitely a keeper! ^_^ Lady Summers: I know. <3
Hyde: It’s time for your daily dosis of pain! Jekyll: Oh no, please don’t! Hyde: *injects him a liquid* Jekyll: *whimpering* Ow.
Jekyll: Where were you when my entry got only four likes?! Lanyon: I was making four accounts, bro. Jekyll: Bro!
Henry, about Edwina Hyde: Sir, that's my emotional support delinquent. Edwina: Huh? *oblivious and confused as heck* Gabriel: *concern for husband and new friend intensifies*
Utterson: Do you want more tea, Edward? Hyde: Nah, thanks, I'm good. Utterson: Anything else? Hyde: Well, now that you mention it, there is one thing … Hyde: *points to a nearby bush* Could you tell Dr. Lanyon to stop stalking us?! He’s starting to annoy me! Lanyon: *pops out of the bush, armed with a rifle* Ohhh! You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Mr. Hyde?!
Lady Summers: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And rats. Those little bastards will getcha. 
Utterson: I have a problem! Lanyon: Throw the ring into the fire. Utterson: I don't have a ring! I have Hyde! Lanyon: Then throw the Hyde into the fire. Utterson: But I can't throw Hyde into the fire! Lanyon: *shrugs* Well, then you have a problem. Utterson: … Thank you. 
Hyde: *looking at Sir Carew from afar* Hyde: How about I beat that old geezer to death? Lady Summers: *unsheathes her sword* How about you don't?
Hyde: My evil knows no bounds! Also Hyde: *witnesses child molestation* EW, WHAT THE FUCK, THIS IS TOO MUCH!!! 
Lanyon: I'm pleasantly surprised. Hyde: Huh? Why? Lanyon: So you do have standards after all. Hyde: o_e Hyde: You're referring to my reaction to that pedo bullshit, aren't you? Lanyon: Yes. Hyde: … Hyde: Dr. Lanyon, do you realise that by suspecting me of pedophilia, you would accuse Jekyll as well? Lanyon: *thinking* Holy shit, I didn't think of that! Hyde: Think next time, before you jump to conclusions. You're lucky Jekyll holds you so dear. Lanyon: Mr. Hyde, I'm so sorry! Hyde: *frowns* Yeah, you better be. 
Lanyon: Milady, I would die for you. Lady Summers: … Lady Summers: Listen, I know that this is supposed to be romantic and all, but please don't die for me. How am I supposed to live without my doctor? Lanyon: *speechless*
Hyde: Wait, how many lovers could an asexual doctor possibly have had? Two? Three?  Lanyon: Well, it depends, what is your definition of a lover?  Hyde: *grins* Any person you bring to a fevered pitch of uncontrollable ecstasy! Utterson: *stares at him* Lanyon: Oh! Fifty-six. Utterson and Hyde: *stare at Lanyon* Hyde: *lowers his tea cup* … Excuse me? Lanyon: I had about fifty-six lovers. Of course that was before I began to seriously date Henry. I probably would have had more, but I wasn't allowed to start dating till I was sixteen. Hyde: Fifty-six? Fifty-six?! Utterson: Oh god, stand back! He's gonna blow!  Hyde: What do you mean, you had fifty-six lovers?! You told Henry you were a virgin, when you hooked up with him!  Lanyon: Hey, you can have a lover without having to go all the way!  Hyde: You cannot! If that were true, Hastie, that would mean you were a slut!  Utterson: Oh come on, Edward, how can you say that? So the man had fifty-six lovers in one year, he's not a slut.  Lanyon: Thank you, Gabriel- Utterson: He's THE slut! Lanyon and Hyde: *stare at him* Utterson: He's the grand Poobah of slutdom! He's the easiest man in this room! Hyde: Gabriel John Utterson, you take that back! Utterson: The slut is dead, long live the slut! *points at Lanyon* 
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nobodies-png · 6 years
ORG XIII Bullet point lists win. Instant follow. Have you already done a thing about when you [reader] play with their hair. BC BIH I wana get my fingers on Xaldin's sideburns!
hIS SIDEBURNS ? ?  wHAT AN ICON - okay but a lotta dudes in the org have long hair and oH BOY IM JUST HERE LIKE O O F, loVE ME SOME MEN WITH LONG HAIR
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also big soz for the inactivity, i’ve been trying to get a lotta drafts done to fill up the queue and empty the askbox wheeze
Xemnas :
You must have balls of steel if you can ask the s u p e r i o r if you can play with his hair without stuttering - but nonetheless, you manage to do it! And you don’t seem to be in any trouble, considering Xemnas’ intrigued grin. “Go on, then” he’d tell you and you’d just stay there unsure like “Uhhh for real ? right n o w?” He probably gets a kick outta this, seeing how far you’ll go before chickening out (like a c o W A R D).
But you’re way too curious to figure out how the fuck his hair works to back out now. While you occupy yourself unraveling the m y s t e r i e s, he’ll merely watch - maybe chat with you . You know how pretty much everyone has a personal scent ? This guy lives up to his title, cause he’s got none. His hair is also super thin so you feel like you’re just trying to grasp n o t h i n g.
Xigbar :
The first thing he does is nudge your side, jokingly asking you shit like “aren’t we a bit too old for that cutesy shit?” while untying his ponytail and making himself comfortable on your lap. W h a t ? It’s not fair that you’re the only one having fun, right ? You can’t help but just roll your eyes at his smug sneer - maybe you should’ve chosen s o m e o n e else for this.
We know how Xigbar is. He’s not gonna shut the fuck up no matter what you do or how many times you ask him - so you just end up having some s a s s y friendly banter, with you pointing out his grey hairs or giving him ridiculous styles while he pretends to be offended. It’s an overall fun time ! Until he refuses to move from his spot on your lap because he’s “too comfortable there”, that is.
Xaldin :
The chances of him willingly letting you get your way are lower than Demyx’s motivation to work. Unless it’s a life or death situation, he’s not going to let you play with his hair - the trick is to ask him when he’s too busy to actually realize what he just agreed to, catching him by surprise. A promise’s a promise, dude, can’t go back on one !
Unlike many others, he won’t let his hair loose just so you can have the pleasure of playing with it. Xaldin will probably give you like 10 minutes cause he has better things to do than to watch you use his hair as a moustache. If you’re brave enough to go for the sideburns, he’d p a n i c and get slightly flustered cause that shit tickles - but he’d try to endure it until you’re done.
Vexen :
I’m torn between Vexen never noticing whenever someone touches his hair cause it’s suuuper long and he just doesn’t give two fucks about it. Or him being hella aware of it cause LONG LOOSE HAIR IN A LAB IS A DANGER HAZARD AND A CATASTROPHE WAITING TO HAPPEN. So I g u e s s I’ll go with the l a t t e r.
Vexen is used to having his hair toyed with because of Zexion (the boy could be a little r a s c a l when he wanted) so he’s not even surprised when you ask him. Well, okay maybe a little. He’d tell you to do as you please, as long as you don’t distract him from work - in the end, he’d enjoy the feeling of your fingers running through his hair ! Maybe he’ll let you do that more often. Y’know, for s c i e n c e.
Lexaeus :
Lexaeus has no problem letting you play with his hair. His only concern is finding a decent position for you to reach his head, without him having to b r e a k his back bending or you having to do some sick parkour. Once that’s settled, you can do whatever you want while he just silently observes or solves one of his puzzle thingies.
Even though neither of you are talking, the atmosphere it’s pretty pleasant and lighthearted. Sometimes you just call out his name from time to time, to make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep lol. Like Luxord, Lexaeus also thinks this situation is kinda comical - like come on he’s the biggest dude in the Organization and here he is, having his hair played with.
Zexion :
At first he’d be startled and cower away in surprise like “e x c u s e me?? WHAT are you doing ?”. Like he’d gladly let you play with his hair, but he’s not used to people touching him so suddenly - just try to give him a heads up the next time. At first it’ll be awkward, cause he just c a n ‘ t stop fidgeting around, extremely aware of the sudden intimacy and closeness of the situation. No he’s definitely not blushing, get some g l a s s e s.
It might take some time for Zexion to get used to it. Mostly cause he feels so n a k e d with the other half of his face exposed - He’ll have his nose buried in his lexicon to avoid eye contact. I can see him totally warming up to the idea and just letting you mess with his hair while he reads a book outloud for the two of you.
Saix :
If you try to ask for permission, Saix will probably say no, so just go for it and pray that he rolls with it. Surprisingly, he does ! Well, more like he hasn’t bitten your hand off - yet. If he’s in a bad mood, prepare for some q u e s t i o n i n g. A half-assed smart sounding explanation will do the trick. If he’s in a good mood, he’ll let you do your thing as long as you don’t distract him too much.
Most likely to purr or just make barely audible b u t hella cute little noises when you play with his hair (i’m getting Saix Puppy flashbacks now, great) You could probably get away with making little cute braids and he won’t notice at all. Try not to be in his field of vision once he does cause he’ll go b e r s e r k on your ass and take away your hair fiddling privileges.
Axel :
Kinda reluctant. He’d poke fun at your eagerness to play with his hair to cover the fact that he’s KINDA embarrassed about this. Probably will let you have your way but only if you two are alone at the Clock Tower - he doesn’t want Xion or Roxas to try and imitate you if they see you. Like come on, there’s a r e p u t a t i o n here to mantain !
Thanks to the latest KH3 trailers we’ve confirmed that his hair is not just a bunch of deadly spikes stuck with hot glue to his head, but instead it’s S O F  T. So yes, playing with Axel’s hair is f u n - even with that permanent scent of fire and burning wood he emits. He likes to see what kind of new style you can come up with. Manbun ? Pigtails ? Braids ? Valid. He’s partial to the low ponytail and will often wear it around the castle.
Will strongly refuse at first - mostly cause he puts a L O T of time and gel ever day to perfectionate …whatever the fuck his hair even is. And he doesn’t want you ruining it ! With enough nagging and puppy eyes, Demyx will eventually give in and let you do whatever you want. Okay but his hair has a w e i r d texture with all the products he uses ?
Your hand will probably get stuck there too, so you better wait until like, he takes a shower to wash it all off. THEN you can just play with that fluffy mane. Demyx looks like a completely different person with his hair down, so he’ll be a bit hesitant, afraid you’ll laugh at him - but then he’d discover that he l o v e s when you play with his hair ! He’d pester you to do that whenever you two hang out cause it’s so relaxing.
Luxord :
His first reaction is to just laugh. Well, y’know not a full blown laugh but like a Polite Amused British Chuckle™. W h a t could you possibly want to play with ? He doesn’t have crazy long hair like most of the members in the Organization so he finds this kinda silly - buuut if you’re up for a quick game, he might just indulge you. Only if you win of course.
…Obviously, he lets you win. But you c a n ‘ t really complain about it cause now you get to play with his hair ! Huzzah ! Luxord is a talker, so he’ll just ramble on and on about how endearing and funny this situation is, joking about how lucky you are to have this privilege and b l a h b l a h. You don’t have to worry cause you’ll soon start to hear his light snores.
Marluxia :
Marluxia takes pride in his hair and overall appearance, so he k n o w s how badly you wanna play with that p i n k fluffy mane. If you’re gentle, he’ll gladly grant you the honour of touching it, enjoying your little surprised gasps and hearing you mutter things like “so fluffy and soft !” under your breath. It doesn’t matter if you’re his S/O, he’ll never tell you his secrets !
But he will give you some unsolicited tips and advice on how to take care of yours cause that’s just how he is. His smug and condescending attitude slowly dissipate as he starts to relax, though. Like the others, he m i g h t start to doze off while you do your thing, but Marluxia will try to keep up his cool façade - brushing you off with the excuse of being busy, with the sleepiest expression on his face.
Larxene :
Y e a h - No. Larxene refuses to be seen without her iconic hairstyle, she’ll let you play with those w e i r d antennae she’s got going on but that’s it. Take it or leave it. You don’t know if this is just normal or if she does it on purpose, but sometimes you feel a little s h o c k whenever you reach out for those two strands of hair. But hey, you’re the only one allowed to get that close to Larxene so, kudos to you.
You c a n, however, play with her hair while she sleeps ! Don’t worry about waking her up, she’s a heavy sleeper. Unless you come in banging pots and shit, she’s not waking up any time soon. Larxene will unconsciously lean into your touch, her face visibly softening while you mess with her thin locks. Just never tell her that you do this or she’ll forbid you from entering her room ever again.
Roxas :
Roxas is c o n f u s e d, he’ll move away on instinct and ask if you were trying to pull a prank on him or if you stuck something to his hair. When you tell him that you just like playing with it because the spikes are fun to touch, he’ll pout and get slightly flustered - but will let you continue anyway. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to mess up his hairstyle, it always returns to it’s original s t a t e. It’s like m a g i c.
Since you started doing that, he’s noticed he has been paying more attention to his hair. Roxas never cared about appearances, but the fact that you like something so specific as his hair pretty much inflates his ego a bit. He’d put a little bit more care into it, spending more time in front of the mirror every morning - lowkey hoping you’d notice.
Xion :
Also confused, but instead of stopping you, Xion would imitate your actions - twirling one of your locks around her finger with an amused smile on her face. After a while she’d innocently ask “what exactly are we doing?” and you’ll have to explain the entire concept to her between laughs.
When you tell her that you like playing with her hair, she’d totally blush and feel a bit self-conscious. What if your hands get tangled in a knot or something ? Did she brush it properly ? Wait - She doesn’t even have to with how short it is ! Maybe she should try letting it grow - But yeah, Xion would l o v e this. She’d sit on your lap or between your legs letting you make little braids and whatever while you two chill and talk during breaks.
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writingforjoy · 5 years
Decotta’s Diary
Once again, huuuge thanks to @aurikhai, @rose-of-sharon-cass, and anon for asking for this particular drabble and i apologize again for taking so long with it! the first three entries are for the asks, and then i did the last one as a normal diary entry. All typos, punctuation, and grammar mistakes are left the way they are because I wrote it as if she was typing it on her phone. @rhikasa i hope you'll enjoy this one too
Dear diary, July 22, 2016 10:58pm
We’re leaving for a ‘mission’ tomorrow. Just gathering more intel or something on this ring of productivity. Think its supposed to create whatever you want, but idk, wasn’t really listening when pH0 and zane were talking about it. I would just ask him but I don’t wanna make myself look stupid! I mean, its literally not my job as ‘king’ to know, just to make sure that we don’t use all our expenses. Anyways, tomorrow we’ll leave Moonshine Lake. I’ve never been to Arkansas before, I wonder if it’s any different from Louisiana? We’ll see...but I’m not driving lol.
Dear diary, July 23, 2016 3:47pm
The only thing worse than all these trees is Emment presence. Honestly I don’t get WHY Haiden thought it was a good idea to send Emment along. I dont care if he can heal, I can protect Zane on my own! Now we can’t share the room OR have the romantic date like I planned! It was supposed to be just me and Zane enjoying the rest of the day ALONE together just relaxing but nnoooo. With Emment here, senpai wants to ‘get this done as quickly as possible’. I’ll have to read Sixteen to see how to fix this.
Dear diary, July 23, 2016 11:15pm
If Emment’s tagging along didn’t have me pissed, I definitely am now. APPARENTLY, Zane’s been working on this BY HIMSELF FOR MONTHS, and the person that has the stupid ring now is soME GIRL HE’S BEEN “DATING” FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!! I wouldnt have known about it if Emment hadnt let it slip what Zane was actually doing tonight when he left! To make it all worse, it wont be til maybe midnight when he decides to come back! Why did you have to lie to me senpai?! I couldve been of use! It would’ve been different this time!!!
Dear diary, July 24 2016 3:42am
Just as i got ready to go out and find him, senpai comes stumbling in, reeking of what i can only guess is weed and alcohol. Thankfully, he had everything to make a purification potion. Buuut, he wasn’t...all the way there to do it himself. Emments useless ass was already sleep when he made it in earlier, so that left me to make the potion for him. i couldnt stand seeing him so out of it, so of course i made it! now he’s just puking on and off again from potions effects. ...i hope he sleeps well tonight.
Dear diary, July 26, 2016 6:42am
Ok i know im supposed to have a journal entry everyday but the night zane came in he ended up resting the rest of the day and i stayed by his side watching him and then yesterday was sooo busy! YESTERDAY WAS THE BEST. DAY. EVER!!!! Oh my god wher do i even begin??!!? Ssooo, as my reward for being the best girl in the world the other night to senpai, i had BREAKFAST IN BED!!! He ordered room service for me and brought me ROSES!! He tried apologizing for everythign but i told him not to worry about, this small gesture was enough to let me know that he still cared for me~ AND THEN. HE ASKED ME. TO HELP HIM GET THE RING!! i was BEYOND excited to help him!! But i kept my cool, and told him sure, whatever. So he went on about who the girl, maggie, was (just some uppity college bitch rebelling against her rich folks) and was telling me that when we went out that night i’d have to use a glamour (he already had his ready and dear god he only gets hotter the older he gets), and who i was going to be waltzing around as (another one of her friends who sounded equally boring as her). Anyways, her parents been gone on vacation or whatever and that night she was hosting a big party at her house that he was invited to. Haiden was going to get the girl that i was going to be and keep her busy or whatever, but she was already taken care of by the time me and zane got to the party. Oh god that party was intense, so ima make try to make this entry short cause tired as fuck.
When we got there, the party was already goin, music blasting, couples all on the couches drunk kissing, people in the corners drinking, beer pong in the kitchen, the works. To maggie, i was there to help her trap zane and oh my GOD it took ALL of my willpower to not light her ass up on the spot (though it was pretty damn hilarious when i caused a short outage and she and a couple of other girls screamed), luckily senpai was close by and was able to calm me down before i got myself caught like last time, then off they went to have a ‘private conversation’, and maggie told to let everyone know that she’ll be ‘right back’ if anyone needed her, but we both know how that went lol.
So as soon as they made it to the room i stood at the door making sure no one would be interrupting senpai...and do a little eavesdropping AND OH MY GOD THIS STUPID HUMAN! She called him a crook and a liar, and all he wanted from her was her money all while she was fake crying, and then she had the nerve, the AUDACITY, to call him a witch. Of all things! A WITCH!! Then! Ooh then she called him a low-life and a snake-FIRST OF ALL MA’AM MY BABY’S JUST DOIN HIS DAMN JOB SO FUCK YOU AND YOUR UPPITY ATTITUDE-i wanted to bust in and shout that so badly, and senpai must’ve known it too cause i heard him yell ‘calm down’ in french, and again softly in english for her (i guess). At this point my curiosity was getting the best of me and i just had to see what they were doing, so i enchanted the door so i could see in, and oh my poor baby. He looked genuinely concerned, hurt even, at her accusations. Then he cupped her chin in his hand and asked her where she heard such things, and when she told him he gave her this sad look and told her some pitiful story that i only wish i remembered to prove his innocence AND SHE FAILED FOR IT! She started wiping her eyes, stammering apologies, talkin how she ‘loved’ him but didnt wanna get hurt again, and when he did his little ‘confession of love’ for her, shE KISSED HIM! I promise to god i this close to barging in, but i saw senpai hand waving ‘stop’ while she started mumbling god knows what. then he slowly leaned (a little bit too) close to her ear and whispered something that made her redder than a ripe tomato, and this horny bitch got up faster than the sun rises and started stripping out of her clothes, what makes it sad was that she tried to do it sexily, but she wasnt as graceful as she thought she was about it at all. So drunk and pathetic, humans are so weak minded that its actually entertaining lol. Once she got her bra off and straddled him, he finally put the sleeping spell on her and laid her on the bed as he slipped the ring off her finger! We made the deliver just before we got home this morning and i am more than thrilled to be in my own bed right now and that everythings finally done.
Zane Masters, my senpai, is simply the best demon in the world! He’s sweet, charming and clever, and can easily manipulate people when he wants to, and thats what i love about him. Thats why hes the Second King, our K2, my sweet, sweet, love. One day he’ll agree to go out with me, then he’ll see that im just as much of a girl as any other one, and then he’ll fall in love with me, and we’ll finally live happily ever after!
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fantasyimmortal · 7 years
No Strings Attatched
A NSFW Vanderfic for @thwippersnapple ^^ she is amazeballs guys and her art is just as amazing! 
I haven’t written smexy in a few months so I hope it doesn’t disappoint too much ^^;; lol
               I crossed my arms and closed my eyes with a sigh. “All I’m saying is that you could at least throw away your empty chip bags when you’re finished.”
               “But it’s so faaaar.” The red-head before me sniveled as he dramatically threw himself over his keyboard.
               I could feel the vein in my temple start to pulse as my anger increased. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes. “You have a trash can right beside you!”
               His eyes widened slightly and he pursed his lips as he looked down beside him. “Huh, I suppose I do. But see?” He held out his hand, reaching to touch the rim of the wastebasket. “It’s too faaar.”
               I tapped my foot against the floor. He’s utterly useless. I ground my teeth together before letting out a long sigh and turning to finish cleaning up his living space. A top agent working as a maid for another. This is ridiculous. I picked up a trash bag and threw away the tower of empty cans on the table.
               “Nooooo!!! Not the worship center of God 707!!”
               My shoulders hunched slightly as I continued to toss the cans into the bag, feeling slight pleasure in his distress. “It’s clutter.”
               “You wouldn’t understand!” I didn’t have to turn around to know that he was pouting.
               Tsk! What a huge annoyance. “I don’t understand why I’m still here even after everything.”
               “Because with me the agency can’t get to you? Buuut I believe it’s because you would miss me too much.” His sing-song voice made my eyebrow twitch as I absentmindedly reached for the taser at kept at my waist. “Gaaah!! Okay, okay!”
               “I’m back!”
               I looked towards the entrance of the bunker and saw the woman of his affection walk in with shopping bags. He rushed past me and hugged her strongly. “I was so worried! I kept an eye on you to make sure that you’d be all right while you were out.”
               That’s a bit stalker-ish. I rolled my eyes and continued to clean up the trash around me. He was already intolerable. Then she appeared into his life and it was a mystery to me how she could handle him so well. With her around he was worse than ever before.
               “Saeyoung I told you, you don’t have to worry. And you should’ve seen that I had my cousin with me.” The woman told him lovingly.
               “But you’re all I see.”
               I looked back towards the entrance of the bunker and locked eyes with her cousin. My back straightened and I quickly looked away as she tilted her head and smiled at me. Why is she even here?!
               “She’s gonna stay the night if that’s okay.”
               I paused for a minute before tying the trash back with rough and jerky movements. Keeping my eyes downcast I walked past everyone to get outside. I sighed and threw away the trash bag before reaching into the hidden pocket of my coat.
               “Why the hell would she be staying?” I grumbled as I pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Holding the pack in one hand I hit it against the palm of my other hand a few times before pulling back the lid and pulling out a cigarette. I put the pack back into the pocket and removed my lighter. I cupped a hand around the lighter to keep the flame from blowing out and lit the tip of the cigarette.
               I took a long drag before releasing the smoke from between my lips. I watched as the smoke danced before eventually vanishing before my eyes. I flicked my thumb against the filter to remove the ash from the tip. Well, if she’s going to stay I should finish cleaning and get the hell out of here. With one last long drag I finished the cigarette and put out the remaining embers against the trash can before throwing it away.
               I rolled my shoulders and adjusted my clothes as I looked at the setting sun. “Let me get all this over with so I can leave.”
               I sighed as I stepped back into the bunker and found it pleasantly silent. Thankfully they seem to have departed to their own rooms. It’ll make this smoother. I crossed my arms and looked around at the mess that seemed to have doubled since I had been outside.
               “That red-headed monstrosity! How?! I was outside for ten minutes, at best!” I shouted as I surveyed the new piles of trash. I looked at the table and ground me teeth when I saw another stack of cans replacing the one that I had just thrown out. It’s like he hoards the garbage and strategically places it for me.
               “I can help you clean up.”
               I glanced over my shoulder at the sudden soft voice. “I don’t need help. Just…go back to whatever you were doing.” I turned away from her, waving my hand in dismissal.
               “Oh, don’t be like that. It’s really no big deal. Cleaning isn’t so bad, especially when I get to hang out with such a handsome guy.”
               “Handsome?!” I spun on my heels the exact moment she took a step forward and slipped on a discarded chip bag. Reflexively I reached out to catch her before she fell to the floor. I felt a slight rush of heat come to my face when I realized that my hand inadvertently cupped here breast as I caught her. “S-Sorry!” I stammered as I quickly steadied her.
               My eyes widened as she smiled up at me. “If you wanted to feel me up all you had to do was ask.” She pressed a finger to her cheek and winked at me.
               “Excuse me?!” I could feel even more heat rush to my face and I took a step away from her. “Why in the world would I ask such a thing?!”
               “Well I suppose that depends.” The smile stayed on her lips as she matched me step for step.
               “Depends on what?” The backs of my knees hit a chair and my body willingly collapsed into it. I swallowed hard as she put both hands on the arm rests and leaned in close, the wide neckline of her top causing the fabric to slip down her shoulders.
               “It depends on you.” She said softly as she gently placed a hand on my knee. “And if you enjoyed it or not.” She kept her eyes locked with mine as she began to slide her hand up my leg.
               “You were curious before weren’t you? I could see it the last time I was here, you weren’t being particularly sneaky.” She pulled away from me and crossed her arms. “In all honesty, I thought you’d say something then, judging by how you would look at me.” She laughed softly. “I thought I looked bad that day or something. I’ve been coming for visits in order to see you again and up until tonight I’ve had no luck.”
               “You. Why would you want to see me?” I crossed my legs as I looked up at her hoping to hide the slight arousal I was feeling.
               “Mmhmm I did. I wasn’t lying when I said you were handsome. I find you very attractive and well there’s nothing wrong with a man and woman indulging in each other, is there? And like last time you look really wound up and need some way to…de-stress a little.” Her shoulders slumped and she sighed in response to my silence. What was this? She couldn’t be serious! Could she?
               Her lips curved in a slightly embarrassed smile, which allowed me to feel like the tables had turned. I continued to remain silent as the wind seemed to leave her sails. She sighed again and shrugged before rubbing the back of her neck. “I just thought maybe you wanted me to make the first move. I guess that was just my imagination.” She chuckled softly before clearing her throat. “Duly noted. I’ll just, uhh, go back to my room.”
               She curtly nodded before turning away from me. I smiled and reached out to grab her wrist. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she looked back at me. “You’re suggesting a coupling between a man and woman, no strings attached?”
               “Yes. Or at least I thought that’s what I was suggesting…” She said as she began to turn to face me.
               I rubbed my thumb against the inside of her wrist and watched as she closed her eyes. I glanced down the hall. “And what of your cousin?”
               “It’s not her business who I sleep with.”
               “Fair enough.” I released her wrist and stood up. Without glancing back towards her I walked down the opposite hallway. I heard her hurried footsteps as she followed after me.
               “Wait, why did you just walk away?” She asked as we walked into the room she was to stay in.
               “I’m not an exhibitionist.” I said flatly as I shrugged my coat off my shoulders and laid it on top of the dresser. “This is one of the few rooms, in this hellish place, that isn’t monitored.” I began to peel off my gloves and placed them on top of my coat before turning to face her. I crossed my arms and leaned against the dresser watching her, waiting for her next move.
               “S-So me trying to come on to you was recorded?” Her cheeks flushed a bright red as I silently nodded. “Well that’s embarrassing.”
               I shrugged and gave her a smile. “It is. That red-headed devil is going to have a field day with it. It’s just more ammunition for him. So, how are you going to make it up to me?”
               “What…what did you have in mind?” She asked as she looked down at her hands. It must’ve taken a lot for her to be so bold before.
               It had been years since I had even considered having a sexual partner, and seeing her this timid and shy was stirring up a fire inside me that I thought had extinguished long ago. I’m really going to enjoy this. “For starters you could close the door.”
               She snapped to attention and turned towards the door. “Yes! Right, that would be a good place to start.”
               I took long strides, closing the space between us. She closed the door and turned the lock on the doorknob. When she turned around I slammed my hands against the door on either side of her. She jumped and her eyes widened as she looked up at me. After a few moments of silence she bit her lip and I grabbed her chin to keep her from looking away from me.
               I tilted her face upward as I leaned in, our lips almost touching. “No strings attached?” She bit her lip again and shook her head. “Good.” I took a step forward pressing my body against her and crashed my lips against hers as she gasped.
               She reached up and placed her hands on my shoulder, her fingers trembled slightly as she gripped my clothes. Inwardly smiling I deepened the kiss, my tongue slipping between her lips. She whimpered softly as my tongue danced with hers and she released my clothes to wrap her arms around my neck.
               I pulled away with a resounding smacking sound as our lips parted. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. This kind of reaction from one kiss? Interesting. I put my hands on her hips and maneuvered my thumbs underneath her shirt and touched her bare skin.
               Her arms tightened around my neck as if she was trying to keep herself upright. “You are very sensitive, aren’t you?”
               “N-No I’m not! Nnngh.” She bit her lip trying hold back a moan as I slid my hands fully underneath the fabric of her shirt.
               “You shouldn’t lie to me.” I told her sternly as I lightly trailed my fingers up her sides. She leaned back against the door as she lifted her arms above her head without me prompting her to. I cocked an eyebrow and very slowly began to lift her top over her head. I smirked as she wiggled her hips impatiently. You got the drop on me out there but in here, I’m going to remain in charge.
               I paused and twisted the material of her shirt before her arms were free and pinned them against the door just above her head. Her face jerked upwards and she looked into my eyes. “I’m only going to give you this one chance to stop this. If you don’t want this, tell me now.”
               Her eyes were shining with passion as she continued to look up at me. “I do want this.” I smiled at her response and tightened my grip on the makeshift bindings of her shirt as she tried to free her hands.
               “There’s no going back. You understand that?”
               “Yes, I understand Vanderwood.” She whispered.
               My smile faded as my name fell from her lips. Her voice was smooth as silk and it sent a shiver down my spine. I let go of her shirt and grabbed her hips. Lifting her she instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist as I pressed her back against the door.
               She put her arms around my neck again, her shirt slipping from her arms and falling to the floor. I pressed my lips to hers, kissing her roughly. She held onto me tightly as she kissed me back with just as much vigor. She gasped before letting out a moan as I took her lower lip between my teeth and bit it playfully.
               I pulled back and looked at her kiss-swollen lips as I licked my own. I had forgotten how lost one could get with the premise of sex. I put a hand on her leg, her skin feeling hot to the touch. I watched her face intently as I ran my hand up her leg and underneath her skirt. Her breath was coming in short pants as my fingers trailed along her pantie-line.
               Twisting my hand I pressed my thumb against the moistened spot of her panties. Her spine arched as she threw her head back. I rolled the pad of my thumb against her clit, using the fabric of her panties for added friction. She bit her lip, holding back her moans as her nails dug into my shoulders.
               I could feel her legs shake as she wrapped them more firmly around me. I pulled her panties aside and used my index finger to trace the slit of her pussy. Her hips jerked against my hand and I laughed before leisurely inserting one finger. She groaned in frustration as I removed my finger with the same speed.
               She lowered her head and pressed her forehead against mine. “Pl-please!” She whispered in desperation.
               “Please what, _____?”
               “F-Fuck me! I don’t…don’t care if you use…your fingers or your cock…just please!” She panted as she began to move her hips.
               I couldn’t help but laugh at the intensity of her words. It wasn’t until my cock throbbed painfully that I realized I had my own sense of urgency. I reached for the button of my pants and paused when I realized I had no form of protection handy.
               “It’s okay…” She spoke up, sensing my hesitation. “I have a birth control implant.”
               I felt a mixture of relieve at her words and anger at myself for not thinking of asking before things got as far as they currently were. I kissed her again, using her to release the slight anger I felt at myself. I continued to kiss her as I released my cock from the confines of my pants.
               She sighed happily against my lips and reached between our bodies to hold her panties to the side. I wrapped my hand around my cock and positioned its head at the entrance of her pussy. She pulled away from the kiss and looked down.
               “Yes!” She moaned as she angled her hips as I thrust fully into her.
               I ground my teeth as the walls of her her pussy squeezed my cock tightly. I took a few deep breaths before I began thrusting with a steady rhythm. She placed her hand on my cheek and pressed a kiss against my lips. Our tongues twisted together as I thrust harder and faster.
               I could feel the walls of her pussy start to twitch hinting that she was getting closer to her release. I kept my lips against hers as she tried to pull away, I had no idea how loud she would be and the last thing I needed or wanted was anyone’s curiosity getting the better of them.
               Using my thumb, I started to stimulate her clit with each thrust. She tightened her legs around me once more and cried out against my lips as she came around me. I thrust into her and froze as I followed her into the waves of ecstasy.
               I leaned into her and she rested her cheek against my shoulder as we both tried to catch our breaths. The minutes passed and she gradually unwrapped her legs from around my waist and with a small groan I pulled out of her. I made sure she was steady on her feet before stepping away from her and putting my cock back in my pants. I’ll shower later, too much more time off the cameras and he’ll start asking questions.
               “That was...amazing.” She sighed as I bent down and picked her shirt up off the floor. She brushed the hair out of her face and took her shirt with a smile before putting it on.
               I walked over to the dresser and put my gloves back on before grabbing my coat. “It was rather stimulating.”
               “Shall we go clean now?” She laughed as she opened the door.
               “What?” I looked at her quizzically.
               “I told you I’d help. So let’s go.” She waved her hand before disappearing into the hallway.
               I couldn’t hold back the smile that played at my lips as I looked at the empty doorway. I wasn’t going to deny that she was something else. She was like no woman I had ever seen. Being able to have sex and then carry on like nothing had happened. I followed after, feeling ever curious about this woman who had entered my life.
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Romeo x Juliet
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Sooo. Sometime during my middle school years, I was on the AMV side of YouTube. I stumbled across an AMV of the anime, Romeo x Juliet, to the background song: “Romeo and Juliet.” Out of curiosity, I searched up the anime, and I found it on YouTube. I think I watched the final scenes of the last episode first, without any context. I guess I was interested enough to start from the beginning. 
And I became obsessed. By obsessed, I mean, seriously, seriously, obsessed. I fell in love with everything -- the main characters, the music, the world. The romance was touching, the story was impacting, and it was just perfect. I cried sooo hard. It became one of those things that touched me so much to the point I thought about it for weeks and weeks. I searched up AMV’s and fanart and scoured the Wikipedia page over and over, so eager to have more. 
I even tried to burn the entire series on DVD because I wanted to watch it whenever I wanted (so I had to learn how to burn a DVD, though I don’t think I ever actually succeeded). Eventually, though, by some luck, I found the DVD at Best Buy, and my dad bought it for me. 
I shared it with my friends. I sent them all home to watch it, and I felt overjoyed when they came back to school the next day saying they binged it and cried and loved it. We became something of a fan club. Lol. 
Then time went on and I thought of it less and less, though I was always fond of the memory of watching it. I remembered it as a sad, beautiful anime that I loved so much. Actually, it impacted me so much that I’m borrowing some elements of the story for my own works. To this day, I reference the show when I’m wondering about the design of my own fantasy universes. 
These days, I’m slowly molding my Sol Verynda universe. I’ve been doing that for about four years now. I keep changing things or developing them further. Sometimes, I run out of inspiration. I’m still dragging details out of the world where I can find them. Sometimes you just need a giant push. 
I don’t remember the reason, but sometime during this past week or the last, Romeo x Juliet popped into my mind. I think I was just reminiscing the story. And then I decided to just watch it. You know. For the heck of it. 
So for the first time in a very, very long time, I watched the series. 
I’m a lot older now and more mature than I was in middle school, which means there’s a lot more that I can understand now. That means I’m also a lot more cynical now. And critical. And the devil’s always on my shoulder. Plus this raging depression that just won’t go away is in my mind. So I re-watched the anime through a different lens. 
Still me, but a different version. 
I watched the series over the course of a few days (busy with school and work). I decided to watch it in Dub because that’s the original way I watched it, and I wanted to recapture that feeling I got when I watched before. Even though my sister gave me such a hard time about it. Like, seriously. She came into my room and slapped my phone out of my hands because she was so disgusted. I retaliated. 
I like the Dub also because the script is so lovely in English. They incorporate some Shakespearian speak (I learned later that it’s really called iambic pentameter). So the characters sometimes speak like it’s the 14th or something century, and it’s pleasant to hear. I also just really like hearing them speak poetically in an American accent. 
Buuuut, I caved out of curiosity. I searched the Subbed version on YouTube and watched a few minutes of the first episode, just to see the difference. And, well. I get it. The show was made specifically for Japanese, and so that version is actually very fitting. Buuut, I still continued on with the dub. I’m thinking now, though, that I’m going to rewatch the show in the Subbed version sometime soon. It’ll be like seeing the story again, but with a different feel. So, yeah. 
Anywayyyy, so the story. The show takes liberties with the adaptation. I’ve never read the original play, but we all know how it goes. And I think I watched Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio, so I had an idea. In the original, Romeo belongs to the Montague family and Juliet belongs to the Capulets. Their families hate each other, but they fall in love anyway. After a string of events, Romeo and Juliet die together, and the family conflict is resolved by this tragedy. 
In the anime, Romeo’s father, Leontes Montague, murders every member of the Capulet family so he can take over the city, Neo Verona, as ruler. Only Juliet, who was rescued by her family’s loyalists, escapes. She’s two years old. Fourteen years later, Montague is the tyrannical king of the city, and Juliet is forced into hiding. She disguises herself as a boy, named Odin, though she was never told the reason why she had to do so. 
Montague is on the hunt to find her. In his tyranny, he allows his guards to torment the citizens. And so Juliet, disguised as a man, takes on the persona of the Red Whirlwind to defend the people. 
Eventually, Juliet winds up at the palace, dressed as a girl, for the Rose Ball. And she and Romeo meet. And it’s a love at first sight moment. 
Later, Juliet finally learns of her heritage, and her world becomes chaotic. 
One thing I didn’t realize when I was younger was just how much of a sweetheart Romeo is. He lived a rough life in the palace. His father was emotionally and physically abusive. His mother left him to join a convent (though she deeply regretted leaving him). He was alone at the palace except for his best friend, Benvolio, and his Dragon Steed (basically, flying pegasus), Cielo. Despite that, he had a big heart. He was nothing like his father. He genuinely was a good person. 
And Juliet just deserved so much better. The girl could never catch a break. She and Romeo had similar temperaments. She was really sweet and considerate with a good, forgiving heart. But she was also this badass swordsman secret vigilante who was a fearless leader and fought for justice. We see her character develop over the course of the series. She slowly matures after all her mistakes. And in the end she’s the one to save the world. 
The love shared between these two is really the driving force of the story. It’s the reason the two fought so hard to create a world of love instead of hatred. Instead of revenge, Juliet’s focus was on freedom and happiness. Without Romeo, she might have actually killed Montague and gone with the route of hatred. 
The series did get a little cheesy and naive sometimes, I felt while watching. That’s the cynical adult in me. However, the show doesn’t hesitate to admit that. For example, when Romeo’s trying to motivate a group of exiles to cultivate a dead land, his words do seem childish and idealistic. And several inmates point that out. But they do eventually try. 
I don’t know. To me, it’s a reminder that the idealism of children is so powerful. Adults don’t have that same spirit. A lot of us are always worried about the bad outcomes of things. We’re always tired. We’re so used to seeing bad things that we become cynical. But kids aren’t so used to it yet, so they still have these grand hopes. 
It can be a disadvantage, of course, such as when Juliet jumped into an opportunity out of her naivety, just to see her loyalists fall. 
But, still. We get characters like William (a caricature of Shakespeare himself), who is so childish and idealistic and perpetually inspired. 
When I was in middle school, I hadn’t yet experienced a real relationship. So it was fun to imagine what it would be like. Watching Romeo and Juliet’s relationship blossom gave me such a warm, fluttery feeling. You know. I wanted a romance like that. 
Re-watching it, post-heartbreak from my FL and other “romantic” endeavors, I view love a lot differently now. Honestly, I haven’t felt fondly about it for a long time. I’ve come to a point where I almost detest it. I detest boys and the hurt they can cause me. It’s hard to imagine myself in a good, loving, idealistic relationship again after all the guys I’ve encountered. 
Well. My heart is still too broken for a new love, but I still felt my heartstrings pulled by the anime. Maybe it’s too soon to tell, but I think my opinion has shifted a bit. I forgot, really, how amazing romantic love can be. How consuming. Even when I’m not a part of it, just seeing it unfold is so precious. It makes me feel all warm and happy inside. And inspired to write. 
One other thing that I’m really noticing now that I just didn’t before is the symbolism. That scene where Romeo asked Juliet (without knowing she was present) what flower she would prefer for a garden, she answered with a “rose.” I remember feeling confused. The entire series, the white iris was the symbol of their relationship. But why would she answer a rose?
Well. The iris is on the Capulet family crest, and the rose is on the Montague family crest. Juliet was saying she wanted him. 
Also, Leontes Montague entered the family by becoming a ward, and then poisoning his way to the top. Also, his father is a Capulet, meaning Romeo and Juliet are distant cousins. Oof. 
Also, I know more about art and architecture now thanks to Art History courses. So seeing all the reliefs and structures in the series was astounding. Seriously. Astounding. There’s this constant image of a goddess with angel’s wings in prayer. It appears in statues, reliefs, statuettes, paintings, etc. There was a goddess statue at the fountain where Romeo and Juliet first met. 
In the end, we learned this goddess is a symbol of Escalus, the grand tree that serves as a life force to the continent. 
If anything, I really really really wish there was a prequel or something that went into the history of the Capulet family and the tree of Escalus. There were so many unanswered questions. Like, why was Neo Verona floating over the sky the whole time? How? Why did Escalus keep it afloat? Why did the Capulet family have to be the one to make sacrifices? Why the girls? Who was Ophelia, really? What’s the history? When they fell from the sky, did they just rejoin the larger world? They mention Christian and Greek mythos, so how do they know about it? They say Escalus is the patron goddess of Neo Verona, so are there others? 
Sadly, we might never find out. But it’s all still very interesting. 
Neo Verona is a living, breathing world. It’s a fantasy world that we fall in love with. 
All the side characters make us care for saving the world, and Juliet mentions this, too. She decides her sacrifice would be worth it if it meant her loved ones would get to live. And we agree, too, because we come to love all the minor characters. Every single one. Even though we don’t want her to die. 
Watching it this time around, I also started to understand Montague, and admire him as a villain. He’s layered. He’s vicious. He’s ruthless. He’s a little insane. He was never loved (he says this in his final moments). His mother died when he was young. He told Romeo he deeply cared for him, which I kind of believe. In a twisted way, I believe he did love him. I believe he also loved Romeo’s mother, Portia. When he visited her, he started by saying she could have lived in luxury with him if she didn’t leave. 
Montague also seemed to genuinely care for Escalus. For some reason. Maybe he didn’t want to the world to end with him in it. He seemed to be searching for a genuine solution to the problem. 
Anytime Montague was on screen, he was riveting. Truly terrifying. Charming with some, like Hermoine and other lady nobility. But murderous. And a swordsman. Underneath it all, all his heinous acts, he just wanted love. In the end, he died in Juliet’s arms. 
The mythos of the world was incredible as well. I’m a sucker for fantasy, and the show really runs with all my favorite things. Prophecy. Ancient things. Sacrifice. Enhanced nature. 
I haven’t watched anime in a long time. Honestly, I sort of shunned it from my mind when “Asian things” became more and more shameful. Well, that thinking is shameful. Because anime is truly beautiful. It captures humans in a different way. Anime knows how to do romance. It knows how to build tension and longing, it knows how to invest the audience. Every anime I ever watched has hooked me to the romance (something American TV can’t ever do with me). 
I just love the tone of anime. The wittiness, the playful scenes, the heavy moods, the characters and their attitudes. It’s all entirely distinct. I don’t know why, but it really gets you wanting. Plus the expressiveness of 2D animation that can do absolute wonders. 
I’m a really big fan of Game of Thrones, don’t get me wrong, and maybe the show just butchered the story, but for a while I just wanted to make a story similar in spirit to Thrones. You know. The realism. The darkness. The unfairness. 
But I forgot that you can make your own worlds with fiction. And your own rules. Life is life. It’ll always be unfair and tragically beautiful, and there are lovely stories to capture that. But then there are those stories that are an abstraction of reality, like Romeo x Juliet. Not totally realistic, but spellbinding. You’re thrown into this world, and you just want to be a part of it. For a while, you can escape the real world and join this one. 
It gets one inspired about living in a different world. 
So while realism is great, fiction and world-building are just so much more fun. And impactful. And creative. And magical. And fan-service isn’t a bad thing. 
I cried during the final episode, once right after Romeo died, and again during the Epilogue. Everyone who lived got a happy ending, and I was so sad and happy seeing them all enjoying life. After all the darkness that they went through, they all ended up living in the bright, joyous world that Romeo and Juliet dreamed of. 
That’s fucking inspiring. To the max. A little cheesy, but in a way that feels so earned and so right. 
So anyway, I’m glad I decided to rewatch it. I was in my early teens when I last watched it, and now I’m 21. Oh, and the decade is ending. Seems fitting. Maybe it’ll help me set the tone for the next decade, which I hope will be one of creativity. And maybe some romance. Maybe. Maybe it’ll have that attitude. 
It’s still one of my favorite stories of all time, and I’m definitely going to rewatch it again in the future. Next time will probably be soon. I have to spend some time recovering from the emotional roller coaster that I went through. Maybe next month. I’ll watch it in Sub, the way it was meant to be, I guess. And I’ll see the difference. And I’ll probably write another post about how I felt about it. 
Until the next time. 
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