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The other night at Drumslinga was low key a movie and the word is officially being spread through the LA drum&bass underground community. It's become a regular spot for all the homies to gather and hear new tunes from some of the scene's most talented up and coming producers and djs, and experience intimate yet poppin sets in a 420 friendly lounge setting. Next week's lineup coming later this weekend, but if you're in Los Angeles on a Tuesday night, come thru and hang with the crew. 🔥👑💯
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westerosoliviapope · 3 years
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Scandal Westeros | The Federation of the Summer Isles & Summer Isles Characters
The Federation of the Summer Isles is an archipelago in the Summer Sea that forms a democratic federation operating under central leadership. They have a traditional three-branch government (executive, judicial, legislative) with current President Donta Rho as the head of the executive branch.
Its capital city is Tall Trees Town on the island of Walano. Its largest city and commercial base is Ebonhead on Jhala.
The Isles are known for their gorgeous beaches, world-reknown Festival Season (a tradition imported to the Isles by Rhoynish immigrants who settled on the Isle of Women), and lively dance culture that has inspired musical styles all over the world.
While they mostly stay out of global conflicts, they occasionally ally with Dorne and Westeros, as they did when Volantis and its allies invaded Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh in 2005 AC.
Main Industries/Exports in the Summer Isles
Cigars and spices
Vintage rum distilleries and wine vineyards
Tourism with an emphasis on hotels and cruise ships
Weapons manufacturing (while guns are outlawed for Summer Isles citizens, the Summer Isles exports weapons all over the world with Westeros as their biggest customer)
Summer Isles Characters So Far
Sarella Sand - Owner/CEO of Sphinx Consultants in Oldtown. Daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice Jolona Qo
Jolona Qo - Mother of Sarella Sand & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice; from the Sweet Lotus Vale region of Jhala where her family runs the Sweet Lotus Rum Distillery.
Chataya Zo - Former proprietor of Chataya's, the most exclusive escort service in the Republic of Westeros. Recently retired and moved back to her home island of Jhala
Aliyaya Zo - Chataya's daughter; current proprietor of Chataya's. Lives bi-coastally between Oldtown and King's Landing.
(O/C) G. Zharro Zo - Secret son of Chataya Zo and Hoster Tully. An attorney living in Ebonhead (the "G" stands for "Grover")
Jalabar Xho - World-famous rapper from the Summer Isles who currently resides in King's Landing.
Tobho Mott - Half Qohorik/half Summer Isles welder and smith living in King's Landing; adoptive father of Gendry (Waters) Mott
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ssanimehour · 2 years
4/6/22 - “Spring Favorites” ;D
1. ​Piece of Art by KIRA feat. Gumi, cover by Rachie (actually Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, Cover by ShirazukiOkami feat. Fukase)
2. Housewife Radio by GHOST feat. Gumi, Cover by Oktavia (actually dead memes dubbed by hatsune miku by  MinnemiMinnemi feat. Hatsune Miku)
3. Bitter Choco Decoration by Syudou feat. Hatsune Miku, Russian cover by Sati Akura (actually Smile, Smile! by Wolfy Animates feat. Hatsune Miku)
4. Paradise by QueenPb feat. Meika Hime, Cover by devvie feat. Gumi (actually Amazon Echo Kokichi Ouma Edition by GummyBearVA)
5. In Iolite by GHOST feat. LUMi, Cover by scenikeight feat. Avanna (actually I Swear (Date a Live Opening) from Date a Live 3, Cover by Sandy C)
6. i tried to make a vocaloid original again lol by fmwaves feat. Diana (actually it's dark! by GHOST, Ponko, Aria, and Umber feat. Oliver, Fukase, Kagamine Len, and Utatane Piko)
7. ​sleeping beauty by 164 feat. Hatsune Miku, Cover by Oktavia (actually luka luka night fever but every time luka says luka luka it gets faster by samfree feat. Megurine Luka, Version by madotspooki)
8. I Feed by Steampianist feat. Oliver and Gumi ​(actually i am not eating bugs by GHOST, PRiNZ, I0LITE, and Monstrosity)
9. Not Photogenic by Utsu-P feat. Hatsune Miku (actually The Cabin by Zyla Zo feat. Chris and Cyber Diva) 
10. Winter in Me by Skylar Grey, Nightcored by Brianna Kitty Bear MUSIC (actually HOW TO BUY VOCALOID!!! by Unholy Quartet)
11. Heaven by Jayn (actually Cold winter, One step closer by Kathy Hatsune feat. Oliver)
12. Two of Us by Ayako Ono (actually ALL STAR BUT HATSUNE MIKU SINGS EVERYTHING by Smash Mouth, Cover by Ctrl Ult Delete feat. Hatsune Miku)
13. Breaking Things into Pieces by Kikuo feat. Hatsune Miku (actually Spider on the Wall by GHOST feat. Prinz and Nessa)
14. Entomologists (Original Version) by GHOST feat. Hatsune Miku (actually Doki Doki Literature Club! But the OST Is REALLY Annoying by ohitscosmo)
15. Machine Gun by KIRA feat. Gumi (actually ASMR Yandere Len Kidnaps You by LenRinTwin)
16. Candle Queen by GHOST and Lauren Estes feat. Gumi (actually Baldi's Basics The Musical by Random Encounters)
17. Brain Fluid Explosion Girl by rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku & Gumi (actually Kokichi Ouma laughing over 53 times and each laugh is different compiled by MaxDoodle)
18. Future Diary OST - Ultimate Love Conceives Madness by Tatsuya Kato (actually It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder by YandereDev feat. Princess Rizu)
19. Cold from RWBY by Jeff Williams feat. Casey Lee Williams (actually Getting Rekt by the Kagamines, V4 Style by 2nd Ezmyth feat. Rin, Len, and Miku)
20. Death Parade OST - Game C by Yuuki Hayashi (actually Trickster Puts You To Sleep...But.. by LenRinTwin)
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kimberblog · 4 years
Het jaar 2020
Aangezien dit jaar zo anders was dan alle anderen, is het des te fijner om deze traditie erin te houden. Dus net als  2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 en 2019, hierbij het invullijstje voor 2020.
1: What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before?
Ik was zwanger. Ik ben bevallen. Ik ben moeder geworden. Ik heb sinds mijn werkende leven nog nooit zo lang achter elkaar niet gewerkt.
En ondertussen was het leven buiten de zwangerschapsbubbel ook nog drastisch gewijzigd: Ik droeg voor het eerst mondkapjes in openbare ruimten. Ik ben meerdere keren in lockdown gegaan. Ik heb vanaf eind februari thuis gewerkt (waardoor ik, in combi met mijn verlof, het kantoor al 10 maanden niet van binnen heb gezien). Ik leidde vergaderingen via Zoom. Ik leerde standaard 1,5 meter afstand te houden.
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
De goede voornemens waren: Rust, reinheid, regelmaat. Meer vakanties en momenten van reflectie inbouwen voor mezelf.
Die grote vakantie is gelukt, maar daarna viel alles een beetje in het water, al zijn we nog wel weekenden weg geweest. De rust, reinheid en regelmaat zat er met een lockdown, zwangerschap en een kleine baby aan de ene kant veel meer in, en aan de andere kant staat het leven er zo door op zijn kop dat van een nieuwe balans nog niet altijd sprake is.
Voor 2021: Durf voor jezelf te kiezen, wees lief voor jezelf (minder schuldgevoel!), dan kun je dat ook blijven naar anderen.
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
Ikzelf dus. Maar daarnaast: een vriendin van een meisje, een andere vriendin is momenteel zwanger, een collega en een vriendin van mijn man zijn rond dezelfde tijd bevallen, en er zijn teveel kennissen in onze omgeving die momenteel ook zwanger zijn/net zijn bevallen, nu we zelf ook in die bubbel zitten.
4: Did anyone close to you die?
5: What countries did you visit?
6: What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
Rustmomenten voor mezelf zonder dat ik me er schuldig over voel. (Deze zin is al 2 jaar niet gewijzigd, maar krijgt alleen maar meer betekenis.)
7: What dates from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory?
Begin januari: Ik kom erachter dat ik zwanger ben.
Half maart: lockdown in Nederland, terwijl wij nog in Zuid-Afrika zitten.
9 september: Bram wordt geboren.
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Bevallen, zwanger zijn, en de hormonen de baas blijven (en af en toe ook niet). Solliciteren terwijl ik 7 maanden zwanger was.
9: What was your biggest failure?
Ik heb heel veel moeite gehad met het loslaten van de verwachtingen van mezelf en anderen met betrekking tot zwanger zijn, bevallen, en het moederschap. Dit leidde tot onnodig veel onzekerheid en stress.
Een andere “failure” was een sollicitatie waar ik het helaas niet ben geworden.
Daarnaast heb ik afscheid genomen bij een politieke partij waar ik me niet op mijn plek voelde.
Eigenlijk voelen al deze drie dingen niet per sé als falen, meer als een beetje wat minder leuke dingen het afgelopen jaar, waarvan ik had gehoopt dat ze anders waren gelopen.
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
De bevalling gebeurde door middel van een keizersnede, wat niet voor niets een grote buikoperatie wordt genoemd. Daarnaast was mijn zwangerschap zelf behoorlijk ziekte-vrij. Wel was ik heel moe. Daarnaast nog wat gaatjes gehad in mijn gebit.
11: What was the best thing you bought?
We hebben veel nieuwe spullen moeten aanschaffen voor de baby, maar bij het meeste was het de kick om het tweedehands te scoren. Plus, van die dingen word ik niet per sé superblij, eerder megatevreden dat we een goede deal hebben kunnen maken.
Daarnaast is er veel geklust in huis, dus de nieuwe badkamer is wel iets waar ik heel tevreden over ben. We hebben de vloerverwarming “gekocht”, dat is denk ik de beste koop van het jaar geweest.
Voor Manlief heb ik een bandschuurmachine gekocht, om al het klussen in de tuin te vergemakkelijken. Zelf ben ik net trotse eigenaar van twee nieuwe brillen.
En er is een nieuwe zitbank aangeschaft. Zeer luxe, na jaren op een doorgezakt marktplaatsexemplaar te hebben gezeten.
12: Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Mijn man en mijn naaste omgeving, toen ik behoorlijk last had van zwangerschapshormonen.
13: Whose behaviour made you appalled?
De Amerikaanse President, pro-Zwarte-Pieten, mensen die niet geloven in Corona, mensen die niet geloven in vaccinaties, mensen die ongevraagde meningen geven over moederschap en opvoeding.
14: Where did most of your money go?
In het huis. Met name in de badkamerverbouwing, maar door Corona ook in heel veel andere huisklussen.
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Het huwelijksaanzoek van mijn broer aan zijn vriendin. De geboorte van onze zoon. De gedachte aan het eind van Corona 😊
16: What song will always remind you of 2020?
“Last Great American Dynasty” van Taylor Swift, van het album Folklore.
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter?  c.) richer or poorer?
a.       Sadder
b.       Thinner
c.       Poorer
18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Meer genieten van mijn zwangerschap of beginnende moederschap, door me minder aan te trekken van wat andere mensen zouden vinden.
19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Me druk maken om dingen die nog komen gaan en waar ik niets aan kan veranderen. Klagen.
20: How did you spend Christmas?
We zouden dit jaar Kerst vieren bij mijn schoonfamilie, maar door Corona en de recente lockdown is dit toch afgezegd. Daarom gaan we nu naar mijn ouders op eerste kerstdag. We hopen tussendoor nog te kunnen eten met vrienden. Wellicht eten we 2e kerstdag nog met mijn schoonbroer en schoonzusje.
21: Did you fall in love in 2020?
Op mijn zoontje.
22: What was your favourite TV program?
Wie is de Mol, de serie Parks and Recreation die we opnieuw zijn gaan kijken, Kamp van Koningsbrugge, The Queens Gambit, Tiger King en Draadstaal.
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nee. Ik kan sommige mensen wat minder goed uitstaan, maar over het algemeen heb ik mensen dit jaar zo weinig gezien dat je wel heel veel moeite moet hebben gedaan als ik je nu zou haten. Ik haat een aantal systemen en een aantal manieren waarop de wereld schijnt te werken.
24: What was the best book you read?
Ik had gehoopt met een grote vakantie naar Zuid Afrika en een zwangerschapsverlof dat er veel tijd voor lezen zou zijn, maar niets was minder waar: tijdens mijn zwangerschap viel ik constant in slaap tijdens het lezen, en erna was er weinig tijd door de baby. Maar desondanks nog prima pagina’s geslurpt: 18 boeken en still counting.
Aanraders: The Penelopead van Margaret Atwood was een hele fijne pageturner en een hele vernieuwende kijk op het klassieke verhaal de Odyssee, net als “Silence of the girls” dat was over de Illyas. “De lange weg naar vrijheid”, de biografie van Mandela, zorgde voor heel veel achtergrondinformatie tijdens onze vakantie in Zuid Afrika. En “A beautiful foolish endeavor” van Hank Green was een hele mooie sequel.
Maar het beste boek van 2020 was tot nu toe “The 7 husbands of Evelyn Hugo”.  
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
Geen echte ontdekking, als na 3 jaar op een rij hier Taylor Swift wordt genoemd. In 2020 kwam ze met twee verrassingsalbums, Folklore en Evermore. Folklore kwam een maand voor mijn bevalling uit, en ging daarom mee naar het ziekenhuis. Heerlijk dromerige liedjes om het puffen en de weeën even bij te vergeten.
26: What did you want and get?
Een kindje dat gezond ter wereld kwam. Een huis dat op orde was, met een verbouwde badkamer en nieuwe spullen.
27: What did you want and not get?
Een relaxte borstvoedingsperiode. Een natuurlijke bevalling, maar dat was niet per sé heel belangrijk achteraf.
28: What was your favourite film of this year?
Ondanks de lockdown half maart heb ik 6 films voor die tijd nog in de bios kunnen zien. Daarvan waren “De beentjes van St. Hildegaard” en “Little Women” het leukst.
Thuis voor de buis sprongen “Emma”, “The 13th”, “Coco” en “Enola Holmes” er het meeste uit.
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Dat we achteraf gezien op het laatste moment (vanwege zwanger worden en vanwege corona) nog een hele mooie reis hebben kunnen maken. En alle steun en gelukswensen van iedereen om ons heen.
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020?
Alleen als het de buik niet knelt, draag ik het. Lang leve thuiswerken.
31: What kept you sane?
Slapen. Heel. Veel. Slapen.
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Taylor Swift denk ik. En Sam Heugan?
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
Het coronavirus, de Amerikaanse Verkiezingen en de informatiefuik door social media.
34: Who did you miss?
Technisch gezien hebben we iedereen kunnen spreken wanneer we wilden, zij het via Zoom of Whatsapp. Het was niet per sé “wie” ik miste, in 2020, maar wát ik miste: Knuffelen, mensen een hand geven, met elkaar kunnen eten, de kroeg in kunnen gaan, een filmpje pakken of gewoon chillen zonder dat het gevaarlijk of verboden was.
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020.
Je moet niet altijd in de wat-als gebeuren (Vaak zijn het namelijk hormonen).
Als je basis goed is, spring je hoger.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Can I go, where you go? Can we always be this close? Forerver and ever…
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yrahcaz-arataz · 4 years
Let’s Do the Time Warp
SUMMARY: After an argument with his cousin, Zachary vents to an imp and accidentally makes a wish to send his whole club to an alternate universe in 1693 Salem.
TRIGGERS: Alcohol, death mentions, 
MENTIONS: @zztophat, @of-hexes
 St. Patrick’s Day was a night for all kinds of drinks and party-goers. As a club owner, Zachary was responsible for making sure his club, the Ritual, was festive for the holiday and that it never ran out of alcohol for his guests. Responsibility wasn’t exactly something that Zach was great at until it benefited him, primarily when it got him more attention. A night like this was sure to bring in a crowd, but he made it all the more tempting for them. Every seventh drink served was free, and if anyone happened to have a real four-leaf clover, all their drinks were free for the night. Anyone caught not wearing green was charged extra.
The club was adorned in all kinds of festive decorations for the holiday. Green confetti rained down on the crowd every hour at the hour. Streamers hung all around the club on every wall and ceiling. There was a fountain that looked like a glass of beer pouring over, and an actual rainbow went from one end of the club to the other where two pots of chocolate gold sat. All of the servers were dressed like leprechauns. Even Zach himself was decked out in an all green suit and tophat.
He performed throughout the night, doing small tricks while maneuvering through the crowds, but his real show didn’t start until later in the night. The main performers until then were the Hex Girls. They kept the crowd alive with their music and kept everyone dancing, but they weren’t the only form of entertainment that would draw people in. The Ritual promised to deliver a show-stopping performance starring Zachary and Zatanna Zatara. It didn’t happen too often, but Zatanna had agreed to do a joint show with her cousin. Zachary tended to enjoy them a lot more than she did, and once the show started, it was obvious why.
To Zachary, the show was great. The crowd loved it, and he delighted in the applause. However, it was at the expense of his cousin. Zachary failed to mention to Zatanna that he changed parts of their show. As a skilled entertainer, Zatanna was quick to roll with the punches and catch up each time, but it also put her in a much more difficult position each time. Even through her bright stage smile, those who paid attention could tell she was frustrated, but it was only once the show ended that she really spoke her mind.
She was understandably upset. He’d ignored cues and just done things on a whim while leaving her to pick up the pieces. She lectured and argued with him for longer than Zach could keep track of. He mainly zoned her out in favor of talking to other guests at the party, but he got the gist of what she was saying. He was unprofessional. He didn’t take things seriously. He had no attention to detail. The list went on and on and on. He argued back a little, pointing out that the crowd was happy about the performance and that a few little changes weren’t going to kill anybody. That of course, didn’t help anything and only prolonged the argument. They went back and forth like this until Zatanna just left the club. Zachary huffed as she stormed away, and he just went to his bar, getting many drinks for himself as he complained about his cousin to the current bartender.
“She’s always doing this,” Zachary explained as he downed another glass. It was quickly refilled as he continued talking. “Literally, anything and everything I do is met with ridicule and disappointment. She never has anything good to say. It’s always Why can’t you take things seriously, Zachary? Or It’s not all about you, Zach! Or What were you thinking, Zach? Or or or the one she really loves to shove in my face now: Your inattention to detail is going to get you killed, and the world doesn’t need any more dead Zataras!” Despite how he acted, Zach did listen to what Zatanna said, at least some of it. How could he not? She was so loud when she was angry with him, and it wasn’t as if he didn’t know how she felt. He hadn’t been there when her dad had died, but he had been there for the aftermath of it. She usually took care of him, not that he asked her to, but it was the one time he’d taken care of her. She’d been so broken over it, so he understood why she didn’t want to see it happen to him too. He’d been conflicted over that thought at first. He knew that he could be reckless at times, and he didn’t want her worrying about him dying like her dad had. He dealt with that with a mixture of arrogance and denial, both working to push her away as if that would stop her from worrying and then just refusing to acknowledge that he was as much at risk as she thought he was. If she would just give up on him, she’d stop worrying about him all the time, and if he actually took the time to think about how he was acting, he might’ve realized how little sense he made. Both were just as unlikely to happen. He told her constantly that there was really nothing to worry about despite his actions proving otherwise.
He sighed. “Why can’t it ever be You did a great job, Zachary! Or I’m proud of you, Zach. Or even That was a great show tonight, Zachary. I mean, I know I changed some things up last minute, but I knew she could handle it. The crowd still loved it, and it was a great show. You don’t get a standing ovation for a bad show.” He grumbled as he drank another glass. The bartender filled it once again.
“It really was a great show.” Zachary turned in his seat to look at the guest who had spoken to him and was now giggling. If Zach was just a little more drunk, he would’ve thought he was talking to an actual leprechaun. The man was extremely short. He didn’t look like he was much more than three feet tall. He was balding at the top of his head with a large amount of grey hair puffing out on both sides. He wore a purple bowler hat with a flower poking out of the brim and a purple and gold suit with a green bowtie. He had a smile that was a little too wide to seem like he was just being friendly, as if he’d smiled for too long and it had just gotten stuck that way.
Despite the signs that something wasn’t quite right with the man, Zach continued talking to him, just happy someone was agreeing with him. “Right? Thank you! I thought we did a great job.”
“You did! You did!” The man laughed. “Oh, how I’d love to see it again and again and again. How many changes do you think you could make before she just couldn’t keep up anymore and would just burst?! What do you think would come out? Butterflies? Confetti? Fireworks?”
“Fire ants, a volcano, locusts,” Zachary supplied monotonously. If Zatanna was that angry, he knew it wouldn’t be anything pretty or anything anyone would want to stick around for.
The man burst into a fit of uproarious laughter. He sounded more crazed than amused, but Zach just took another drink to get him through this interaction, only chuckling a little in response. “I like you,” the man decided. “You know how to make things fun in a way that lasts. Me, all you have to do is get me to say or spell or write my name backwards, and then all my hard work? Gone-zo. Poof! . . . Anywho, you were saying about your cousin?”
Zachary blinked. “Right . . .” His mind was feeling the buzz from the alcohol a little more now, but something was weird about what the man said. Zach still was in a foul mood though, so it wasn’t hard for him to get back on track to airing his complaints. “I just hate having to be yelled at by her all the time. It makes me wish I was dealing with literally anything else. Hell, I’d rather be living through the Salem Witch Trials than this. The only people who might actually miss me are in this club right now.” They probably wouldn’t even miss him, just the parties and alcohol he offered, but that was beside the point. At least then he wouldn’t be Zatanna’s problem anymore.
“Well, that sounds doable,” said the man brightly. Zach wasn’t sure what he meant and just rose his brow at the man. “The name’s Mister Mxyzptlk!” He announced. With a wave of his hand, the name appeared in the air above them in bright sparkly letters. Zach was sure that if he blinked, those letters would still show up behind his eyelids. “Just shake my hand, and your wish is my command!”
Zachary stood up, nearly falling over from the alcohol in his system, but he kept his balance. “What wish? I didn’t make any wish. What the hell are you talking about? What is this?” He gestured wildly around him, swiping his hand through Mxyzptlk’s name in the air. In the process of that, Mxyzptlk took his hand, shaking it. Zachary ripped his hand away, but it didn’t stop the following events from unfolding.
Mxyzptlk started giggling and singing to himself. “Oh what a glee it is to be, in Salem sixteen-ninety-three.” He snapped his fingers repetitively while doing a little dance. The entire club started to shake. It jerked forward and back. Zach and the other guests inside the club were knocked to the ground as the lights cut out.
From outside the club, it appeared just as eventful. The club was loud and bright. It shook while all of the other buildings nearby remained still. Then, in a flash of blinding light, everything sucked inwards towards the club. It looked as if it imploded, disappearing into a single point along with everything that was within five feet of it. Windows nearby shattered, pulled outward into the streets. Then, the air that filled in the space blasted back out, and everything was still once again.
Debris littered the streets. Any pedestrians nearby had been roughly tossed about by the implosion of the club and the following explosion of forceful air. Some pedestrians were even less lucky and had disappeared along with the club. From an outside standpoint, there wasn’t much concrete evidence to tell what had actually even happened. The lot where the club had been was empty, removing the complete foundation. Pipes and other electrical lines had been pulled apart as if the club were simply ripped out of the ground, but there was no real trace of where it had gone.
Inside the club, it was dark. Cut off from all of its sources of electricity, the club allowed no light in. Zachary stood up, using the chair from support. His head was still spinning, both from all the shaking and all the alcohol in his system. “Tel ereht eb thgil!” He cast his hands up, and the room brightened once more, all the lights filling with a magical glow. As the guests all started to get their bearings, Zachary used his magic to help the injured. He was weaker like this, and there was no spell he could use to cure himself of his drunken state since his powers didn’t work on people. He just did simple things like making sure glasses of water were passed around and pulling out first aid kits for people to get access to. He didn’t really know what he was dealing with here, and that crazy imp was nowhere to be found anymore.
“I’m either really drunk, really high, or I’m dead,” Zach heard someone say near the doors to the club. He didn’t like the sound of that. He quickly pushed through the crowd to get outside. There was no big city. No cars or big buildings. No smoke polluting the sky, nothing recognizable from where they’d been before. Instead, there were trees and wildlife of a forest. “Where the hell are we?”
Zach sighed. He had a bad feeling that he knew the answer. “Salem. 1693.”
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gehoorwurm · 7 years
Ik heb laatst de hele dag Nog minder gedaan dan m'n kat Zelfs m'n kat die dacht: Wat een relaxte gast is dat
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eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
T.D.D LEGEND by The Dirty Dawg Music: Kohei by SIMONSAYZ and R・O・N Lyrics: Kohei by SIMONSAYZ Arrangement: R・O・N
Yo Come on!
The Dirty Dawg is in da house, Yo! Give it up for MC Brothers
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
始めようか今夜のFunky lesson one Hajime you ka konya no Funky lesson one Let’s get started, tonight’s Funky lesson one
M-I-C容赦なくぶっ放すWord M-I-C youshanaku buppanasu Word M-I-C One word to kill them all
吠えてみせろ!この現状に! Hoete misero! Kono genjou ni! Let me hear you bark! As you are!
適当にかませよHey show me! Tekitou ni kamase yo Hey show me! Now’s the time to bite, Hey show me!
易々引き下がってくれるなBoy Yasuyasu hikisagattekureruna Boy Don’t back down so easily, Boy
ステージ立つなら覚悟みせなオイ! Suteeji tatsu nara kakugo mise na oi! If you’re gonna stand on the stage, show me your resolve, oi!
"知らねぇ"とか言わせないぜ “Shiranee” to ka iwasenai ze You can’t say things like “I dunno”
The Dirty Dawg
いくぞ!Hardcore! Ikuzo! Hardcore! Let’s go! Hardcore!
Ha? 準備いいか? Ha? Junbi ii ka? Ha? You ready?
完璧だ!聞きな!誰にもの言ってんだ? Kanpeki da! Kikina! Dare ni mo no ittenda? Perfect! Listen up! Who do you think you’re talking to?
ウォーミングアップできてるぜこの拳は Woomingu appu dekiteru ze kono kobushi wa I’m warming up my fist
俺の前に立つならタイマンだ Ore no mae ni tatsu nara taimanda If you stand in front of me, we’re going one-on-one
度胸のあるやつYeah快感だ! Dokyou no aru yatsu Yeah kaikan da! Guys who got the guts, Yeah, feels good!
暴言?いやNo joking! Bougen? Iya No joking! All bark? Nah, no joking!
コーキングで埋めてやっから今すぐ置いてけその残金 Kookingu de umete yakkara ima sugu oiteke sono zankin I’ll plug it up with caulking unless yoou hurry up and put your money where your mouth is [1]
帰ってきたぜThe Dirty Dawg from underground Kaette kita ze The Dirty Dawg from underground Coming up, The Dirty Dawg from underground
テッペン取るからEverybody jump around!! Teppen toru kara Everybody jump around!! We’re headed to the top, Everybody jump around
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
T.D.D a.k.a レジェンド! T.D.D a.k.a rejendo! T.D.D a.k.a Legend!
手をあげな!声あげな! Te wo agena! Koe agena! Put your hands up! Get your voices up!
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
準備いいかい?Don’t Freak Out! Junbii ii kai? Don’t Freak Out! Are you ready? Don’t Freak Out!
Yeah, yeah
C’mon! 騒げpeople C'mon! Sawage people C'mon! Make some noise, people
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
行くぞ! Ikuzo! Let's go!
“勝者”とは裏腹に“負傷者” “Shousha” to wa urahara ni “fushousha” There are the “victors,” and then, the “injured”
なぜ勝てない戦するチャレンジャー? Naze katenai ikusa suru charenjaa? Why fight a war you can’t win, challenger?
“慈悲”“熱い意思”持った“医師” “Jihi” “atsui ishi” motta “ishi” A “doctor” of “mercy” and “ardent intention”
そう私がレアなThe Dirty Dawg因子 Sou watashi ga reana The Dirty Dawg inshi Yes, I am the rare factor of The Dirty Dawg
ノリが悪いとか言わせない Nori ga warui to ka iwasenai Say not things like “I won’t be swayed”
自分は自分の世界あるんでね Jibun wa jibun no sekai arun de ne You are in your own world
無駄に吠えることはそうしたくない Muda ni hoeru koto wa soushitakunai I’d rather not waste my breath
何があっても Soただ Go my way Nani ga atte mo So tada Go my way Whatever may come, so I’ll simply go my way
いやいや盛り上がりにマジ欠けてない? Iya iya moriagari ni maji kaketenai? No, no, you’re seriously not pumped?
やる気ないならそのマイク渡してくれない? Yaruki nai nara sono maiku watashitekurenai? If you’re not feeling it, then hand over that mic, won’t you?
難しいことは後にして Muzukashii koto wa ato ni shite Do the hard stuff later
So楽しもう Let it go Party people さわげ So tanoshi mou Let it go Party people sawage So let’s have fun! Let it go! Party people make some noise!
easy R! easy R! Call my nameお姉さんら easy R! easy R! Call my name onee-sanra easy R! easy R! Call my name, Onee-sans!
ピンク色のそのワンポイントファッションが Pinku iro no sono wan pointo fasshon ga That all-pink fashion is
本当いいね!いいね!かわいーね! Honto ii ne! Ii ne! Kawaii ne! Really good! So good! So cute!
僕のLove lyric届けたいね! Boku no Love lyric todoketai ne! I hope my love lyrics reach you!
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
T.D.D a.k.a レジェンド! T.D.D a.k.a rejendo! T.D.D a.k.a Legend!
手をあげな!声あげな! Te wo agena! Koe agena! Put your hands up! Get your voices up!
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
準備いいかい?Don’t Freak Out! Junbii ii kai? Don’t Freak Out! Are you ready? Don’t Freak Out!
Yeah Boy...
C'monさわげ! People (Hey Ho) C'mon sawage! People (Hey Ho) C'mon, make some noise, people! (Hey Ho)
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
準備いいかい?(Hey) Don’t Freak Out! (Ho) Junbii ii kai? (Hey) Don’t Freak Out! (Ho) Are you ready? (Hey) Don’t Freak Out! (Ho)
Uh huh That's right, that's right Word up Yo!
ダレの番だ Dare no ban da? Whose turn is it?
お前の番だ? Omae no ban da? I’nt it yours?
いや、ちがうって Iya, chigautte Nah, can’t be!
みんなの番だ Minna no ban da It’s everyone’s turn.
おめーらの番だ C’mon 1 2 3… Here we go Omeera no ban da C’mon 1 2 3… Here we go It’s you guys’ turn. C’mon, 1, 2, 3... Here we go
Everybody say T.D.D!(T.D.D!)
Yo! 手をあげな空に(空に) Yo! Te wo agena sora ni (sora ni) Yo! Put your hands up to the sky (To the sky)
Everybody say T.D.D!(T.D.D!)
Yo! Hip Hop感じろ共に(Once again) Yo! Hip Hop kanjiro tomo ni (Once again) Yo! Feel the hip hop together (Once again)
Everybody say T.D.D!(T.D.D!)
ついてきな僕らに(俺らに) Tsuitekina bokura ni (orera ni) Come along with us (With us)
Everybody say T.D.D!(T.D.D!)
皆の愛刻もう心に(Hey Ho) Mina no ai kiza mou kokoro ni (Hey Ho) We’ll carve love into everyone’s hearts (Hey Ho)
(Ladies and gentlemen, here comes our superhero of this new era!)
そろそろ本気出しちゃうけど大丈夫? Sorosoro honki dashichau kedo daijoubu? I’mma go all out, is that okay?
おさわがせしますよ Osawagase shimasu yo Apologies for the interference.
マジで来ねと後悔するぞ Maji de kone to koukai suru zo Seriously, you’ll regret it if you don’t come.
俺らDirty Dawgいっちょかますぜ! Orera Dirty Dawg iccho kamasuze! We’re The Dirty Dawg. Come at us!
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
T.D.D a.k.a レジェンド! T.D.D a.k.a rejendo! T.D.D a.k.a Legend!
手をあげな!声あげな! Te wo agena! Koe agena! Put your hands up! Get your voices up!
The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Hey! The Dirty Dawg ain’t nothing afraid of, Ho!
最高最上級のチャンピオン Saikou saijoukyuu no chanpion The greatest, best of the best champions
準備いいかい?Don’t Freak Out! Junbii ii kai? Don’t Freak Out! Are you ready? Don’t Freak Out!
「喰うか喰われるか」この新時代! “Kuu ka kuwareru ka” kono shinjidai! This is the era of “eat or be eaten!”
決して顧みることはできない! Keshite kaerimiru koto wa dekinai! You can’t ever look back!
Soヒプノシスマイク 究極の Vibe So hipunoshisumaiku kyuukyoku no Vibe So Hypnosis Mic, the ultimate Vibe
レッドゾーンまで響かせろ!(Hey) Reddozoon made hibikasero! (Hey) Resound ‘til the red zone! (Hey)
「百戦錬磨 4MC! “Hyakusenrenma 4MC! “The veteran 4MC!
行く手塞げば容赦なし!」 Yukute fusageba yousha nashi!” If you’re in the way, you’ll get no mercy!”
そう覚悟はいいかい?ついてこれるかな? Sou kakugo ii kai? Tsuite koreru kana? Alright, have you made up your mind? Can you follow us?
脳内Hardcoreテッペン取るぜ(Hey) Nounai Hardcore teppen toru ze (Hey) A hardcore mind, we’re taking the top
「喰うか喰われるか」この新時代! “Kuu ka kuwareru ka” kono shinjidai! This is the era of “eat or be eaten!”
SoヒプノシスマイクおまえらのVibe So hipunoshisumaiku omaera no Vibe So Hypnosis Mic, with you guys' Vibe
ここまでもっと届かせろ!(Hey) Koko made motto tokokasero! (Hey) Bring more of that here! (Hey)
「百戦錬磨 4MC! “Hyakusenrenma 4MC! “The veteran 4MC!
行く手塞げば容赦なし!」 Yukute fusageba yousha nashi!” If you’re in the way, you’ll get no mercy!”
そう覚悟はいいかい?ついてこれるかな? Sou kakugo ii kai? Tsuite koreru kana? Alright, have you made up your mind? Can you follow us?
いくぜみんな声あげろ!(Hey) Ikuze minna koe agero! (Hey) Let’s go, everybody, raise your voices! (Hey)
(It's the meeting of the new society)
Aw, yeah
translation notes. [1] Put your money where your mouth is. Samatoki works for a loan shark, thus this line gets a double meaning!
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offtoljubljana · 5 years
35. Onverwachts drukke dag
Hallo vanuit dat mega bekende plein waarvan ik nog steeds niet de naam ken. Die man met zijn accordeon is weer aan het spelen, maar er is ook een coverbandje aan het zingen. Queen en accordeonmuziek gaan niet samen. Het is 17:09 en wat een dag.
Ik werd wakker en ik wist dat ik om 16:00 les zou hebben (lmao). Ik had het gisteren gecheckt en ja de les ging door. Alsnog, de leraar is chill. Misschien iets te chill.
Ik was dus van plan om niet veel te doen, want ik had les. Maar de zon scheen weer eens zo mooi en het was zelfs tussen de 15 en 18 graden. Toen zag ik dat het morgen en overmorgen weer slecht weer zou worden, dus ik nam de beslissing om toch naar Metelkova te gaan, want dat ligt grotendeels buiten.
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Alsnog, jullie zien nu een foto. Ik moet het later toevoegen.
En er is een kind keihard aan het janken.
Metelkova is een alternatieve kunstgelegenjeid vol met graffiti. Blijkbaar is het ook een doelwit voor Sloveense neo-nazi's wegens de progressieve ideeën. Lovely. Het was dus ooit een Joegoslavische militaire basis en de Sloveense overheid wilde het slopen, maar een menselijke ketting heeft het in 1992 gered van de ondergang. Sindsdien is er veel controversie over de status als kunstgelegenheid. Lees de Wikipedia pagina als je meer wilt weten.
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Overdag is er alleen niet veel te doen. Je kan foto's maken en wiet roken met vrienden. Wel waren kunstenaars vandaag de muurschilderijen op de buitenmuren aan het vervangen en dat zag er mooi uit. Er is blijkbaar ook een bar en een kleine galerij en een hostel, maar die vond ik niet allemaal. Ook zijn er evenementen en workshops, maar niet op het moment dat ik er was.
Ik wilde eigenlijk alleen buiten kijken, maar ik was best snel uitgekeken. Dus toen besloot ik toch maar om naar het Modern Art Museum Metelkova te gaan. Ik had namelijk nog 2 uur, want ik wilde rond 15:00 weg. Alsnog, les om 16:00.
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Uiteindelijk was ik om 14:30 weg. Dit museum is onderdeel van het andere moderne kunst museum. Je weet wel, dat museum waar ik een heel kunstverslag over heb geschreven.
Zoals verwacht vond ik het niet geweldig. Gelukkig kreeg ik nu wel uitleg, dus ik kon de twee rubberen handschoenen op de grond wel meer waarderen.
Oh my God de twee mannen achter me zijn uitgebreid aan het praten over Jezus. "Jesus has walked everywhere" aight mate.
Eén van de hoogtepunten was "Made in China". Dat was een modern kunst museum en het hing vol met kopieën van bekende kunstwerken en het was allemaal gemaakt in China. Ze hadden zelfs The Fountain.
Oh. Creep alert. Een vreemde man sprak net een tweetal jonge vrouwen aan, vroeg hun namen en wilde perse een foto met ze. Gelukkig waren ze zelf ook een beetje oplettend en toen hij zijn arm op één legde om een foto te maken, waren ze er niet gediend. Toen kwamen hun vriendjes uh oh en liepen ze met z'n vieren weg. Je ziet nog eens iets hier.
Helaas wordt mijn verhaal wel de hele tijd onderbro- oh nee de accordeon is terug.
Maar ja het was best grappig, want de Chinese kopieën waren een kritiekpunt op het feit dat westerse kunst meer aandacht krijgt. Zij kunnen het namelijk ook in massa's na produceren. It ain't special.
Er waren dus heel veel rare dingen, zoals een foto expositie van een naakte vrouw die borstvoeding gaf aan puppy's (... wha), maar een ander ding dat heel goed was, was een tafel met 26 objecten. Een vrouw ging ergens voor 6 uur zitten en ze legde die objecten voor zich neer. Voor 6 uur mochten mensen doen met haar lichaam wat ze wilden zonder enige verantwoordelijkheid en daar werden foto's van gemaakt. Het begon dus onschuldig, zoals mensen die poeder op haar gezicht deden. Toen werd het minder onschuldig. Mensen gingen haar uitkleden en betasten en sommige gevaarlijke objecten werden ook gebruikt. Sommigen zetten bijv. een geweer tegen haar hoofd aan. Op sommige foto's zat ze ook stil te huilen en na een moment ben ik gaan stoppen met kijken naar de foto's, omdat ik niet wilde zien of iemand de bijl of messen had gebruikt.
Het interessante is dus dat ze na precies 6 uur is opgestaan en ze liep naar de mensen die gebruik hebben gemaakt van de spullen en ze renden allemaal weg, want ineens waren hun verantwoordelijkheden teruggekeerd. Nu was de kunstenares geen object meer, maar een mens. Dit is nu alternatieve kunst die echt iets laat zien damnit.
Als laatste interessante was een tijdelijke expositie over film. De films zelf waren niet geweldig, maar het werd allemaal geproduceerd in een enigszins onafhankelijke gedeelte uit Syrië. Een paar kilometer verderop werden mensen door IS gemarteld terwijl zij films maakten. Ik ben de naam van het gedeelte kwijt, maar ik heb de informatie van het museum meegenomen.
Uiteindelijk ging ik naar huis want ik had honger en ik wilde dus eten voordat ik college had. Hoera, instant noodles. Ook kookte ik alvast wat rijst, want de les zou tot 20:00 duren en dan zou ik daarna nog moeten koken.
Ik zat in de keuken op mijn telefoon met Merel te appen (hoi als je dit leest) toen ik ineens een mail van Arts kreeg met het nieuws dat de rector alle lessen had afgeschaft.
Huh? Waarom kreeg ik dat alleen van Arts? Toen keek ik online en toen zag ik dat mijn les dus last minute was geannuleerd. Al dat gedoe van timing voor niets.
Wat nu?
Nou, ik wilde eigenlijk een trui kopen met lange mouwen maar met een iets dunnere stof, dus het kwam toch wel goed uit.
Oh. Creep alert. Twee mannen die nu een groep jonge vrouwen aanspreken. Dit moet toch wel een soort challenge zijn? Proberen ze te kijken wie als eerste een selfie met een meid kunnen krijgen zonder de meiden te vertellen dat het een challenge is? Hebben ze nooit gehoord van creep alert en girl code?
Haha loser. Het heeft niets opgeleverd. Oh God nu is een andere weer een meid na aan het roepen. Ze hebben dit niet goed doorgedacht.
Oké. Ik nam de bus terug naar de stad en ik heb de hele H&M doorgelopen, maar ze hebben geen leuke shirts met lange mouwen.
Oh God. Wat is het met de religieuzen deze keer? (Het is zo fucking ironisch dat ik de hele tijd "oh God" gebruik). Net werd ik aangesproken door iemand die kaartjes voor een gebed uitgeeft. Ik zag haar aankomen en ik zag ze van tevoren praten, dus ik heb gewoon gesproken. Ze probeerde echt te bonden. Ze vond het jammer toen ik aangaf dat ik niet wilde komen, maar ze bleef tenminste niet doordrammen.
Dus ja, geen shirts. Er was alleen een geweldige sweater maar a) ik heb al te veel sweaters en b) het was €20 en c) het hele punt was om iets lichts te vinden voor op mijn grijze broek.
Toen ben ik even rond gaan lopen en ik heb aan het water gezeten. Er was een schattige hond, maar die liep alle kanten op. Of de hond was alleen, of het baasje lette niet op. Er was wel een halsband en op een bepaald moment t was ik bijna achter de hond aangelopen om te kijken of er een telefoonnummer op de halsband stond, maar het was optie 2. Het baasje riep hondje lief terug. Het was wel een schatje.
Het was goed weer, dus meerderen zaten aan het water. Eén iemand zat ook te lezen. He knows where it’s at. Ik had het idee om mam te bellen vanaf het water, maar ze was bezig.
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Zie je al die bogen? Dat zijn allemaal ramen van kleine café’s, eettentjes en winkeltjes. Ik weet alleen niet wat op de onderste verdieping te zien is. Dus ik heb even gezeten en toen besloot ik om me te verplaatsen.
En toen... nou toen zat ik hier. Ik had weer een beetje hetzelfde als eerst. Het weer zorgde ervoor dat ik naar buiten wilde, maar eenmaal buiten had ik niet veel te doen.
Het is net na middernacht, dus een nieuwe dag! Ja, hoi, ik ben mijn slaapschema nog steeds aan het verknallen.
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Oké, ik heb dus een meme template generator gevonden. Houd dit in gedachten. Maar serieus, luister naar Laura’s (Madison in glee) nieuwe nummer. Jammer dat glee haar nooit een solo heeft gegeven.
Ander nieuws in muziekland: mijn koptelefoon is gesneuveld. Ach ja, de audiokabel was €1 van de Action, dus ik ben verbaasd dat die het zo lang heeft uitgehouden.
Verder is er weer een bot die mijn posts liket enz. in de hoop voor aandacht. Porn bots op tumblr zijn nu begonnen met het spammen van hartjes emojis. Natuurlijk is de geweldige tumblr staff er mee bezig.
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Ah. So much love on this site. Maar ja, serieus. Dit probleem is al minstens 3 jaar bezig 🤷🏻‍♀️. Ik voeg dit gedeelte toe omdat sommigen misschien wel in de krant hebben gelezen dat tumblr miljoenen heeft verloren wegens dit hele fiasco en dat gebruikers er niet blij mee zijn. Dit soort posts zie ik geregeld en dit is nog een rustige versie. Als je het hele verhaal wilt horen, geef het aan en ik vertel het met genoegen. Ik heb namelijk leedvermaak.
Sorry voor de mega onduidelijke en rommelige blog post. Ik laat de music recs nu expres weg. Terug naar het verhaal.
Nadat ik klaar was met schrijven, besloot ik een ijsje te halen. Ik had zin in ijs en hey, het was goed weer, maar ik had net instantnoodles gegeten. Daarom had ik niet meteen ijs genomen.
Hilarisch genoeg begon het koud te worden toen ik ijs ging halen. Op een bepaald moment begonnen mijn handen zelfs te trillen van de kou, maar ik had goed ijs. Het was duurder dan verwacht. Er stond “1 scoop - 2 flavours” voor €2,30. Ik nam 2 scoops met verschillende smaken, niet 1, dus ik betaalde €3,80. Ach, het was goed ijs en het was veel ijs.
Maar ja, ik had een ijsje gehaald bij Cacao. In de introductietour zeiden Ana en Tadeja als dat deze plaats goed ijs had.
Ik had geen zin om nog een uur op het beroemde plein (btw, het heet Prešeren Square) te blijven, plus de religieuzen waren nog overal mensen aan aan het bespreken. Herinneren jullie die creeps die vrouwen nariepen? Ook mensen van Jezus. Ik weet niet of dit het nu nog creepier maakt of niet. Eigenlijk wel. Dude, als je de woorden van de Heer wilt verspreiden, zou ik het echt op een andere manier doen. Ga niet een mensen naroepen en achtervolgen enz.
Ik liep maar langs het water en uiteindelijk ging ik zitten op een bankje. Er was ook een leuke vogel rond aan het vliegen.
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Toen ik weer opstond, maakte ik deze foto:
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Yeah. Het ijsje heb ik opgegeten op het universiteitsplein en toen ging ik naar huis. Ik zat goed vol, dus ik had geen zin om te koken. 
Barbara is terug naar Kroatië. Het was een last minute beslissing vanochtend, want Kroatië is van plan om alle grenzen dicht te gooien. 
Ik denk dat haar gedachtegang dit is: “Als ik ergens vast kom te zitten, dan zit ik liever thuis vast.” Ze is van plan om 10 dagen weg te gaan, maar als Kroatië dus toch alles dichtgooit, gaat het langer duren.
Een andere reden dat ik zeer actief bezig ben (who am I) is dat ik verwacht dat alles binnenkort dicht gaat. Het is best wel raar dat alleen de universiteiten dicht zijn. Alle studenten kunnen elkaar niet meer besmetten op de campus, maar wel in de stad! Het was mega druk vandaag.
Ik zie wel.
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cheezkween · 5 years
Music rec: queens don't- raelynn, dynasty- MIIA, all the king's horses- karmina, carnival of rust- poets of the fall, on my way- charlie brown, shut up and dance- walk the moon, land of confusion- hidden citizens -🌸🌼🌻🌺🙂anon
t h a n k   y o u   s o   m u c h
ahhhh i’m so flattered by the recommendations y’all.
xoxo -zo <3
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dregstrash · 6 years
By Your Side - Sade + Zoyalai for Song + Ship please 🙏
hi there lovely!! sorry this took so long to respond to, hope you don’t mind it’s set in the “kings and queens of plastic crowns” school au  
Tagging: @strummoner @ladytitaniagray @privateerrezni @thegirlwhohatesit
You think I’d leave your side, baby
Out of all the things Zoya hated about taking Intro to Guitar as an elective, the fact that she had to be tutored was the worst of it. 
She was Zoya Nazyalensky. She graduated in the top five percent of her high school class. She was on her way of being Summa Cum Laude. She was the president of the Students for Animal Protection club. She shouldn’t have had to stoop so low as to need a tutor for a class that was supposedly an Easy A. But she had to suck it up and ask her roommate for help.
Genya, for what it’s worth, kept her gloating to a minimum. She helped Zoya push through the sore finger tips, getting her hands used to the chord positions, and smiling through Zoya’s inability to keep time. Through all their late night sessions, Zoya had started to even believe that she could make it through her final performance with at least a C. 
But then Genya got sick. Not just sick. She was hospitalized with Pneumonia. Two weeks away from Zoya’s final, and she hadn’t even picked a song yet. 
She tried to be understanding and to wait until Genya was back on her feet, but this was her grade. And if she needed to harass David for constant reports on his girlfriend’s health, then so be it.
Zoya reached David’s and Nikolai’s dorm, and was about to knock when she heard the soft plucking of music being played. Her brow furrowed, as she put her ear against the door. That was definitely a guitar, and whoever was singing was definitely not David.
Without knocking, Zoya burst into the room, and came upon a startled Nikolai clutching a beautiful guitar.
“You can play.” She stated blandly, caught in between shock and envy.
“Hello to you, too.” He grinned, but now was not the time to be distracted by it.
“Since when?”
He shrugged, “On and off again through high school.”
“Why didn’t I know that?” She didn’t know why she would have known a thing like that, they never really talked of anything besides their classes and, occasionally, their families.
“Are you saying I never serenaded to you?” He said in mock-shock, “Why, I have to remedy that at once!”
He started to play something, but Zoya slammed her hand down against the strings.
Nikolai looked at her curiously.
“I need you to help me with my final.”
“Your final?”
“My Intro to Guitar final. I have to play a stupid song in front of everyone, and Genya was supposed to help me, then she got sick.”
“That’s why David’s been so much more frazzled than usual.” Nikolai sighed. “Wouldn’t kill the guy to let me know.”
“David doesn’t really talk all that much.” She pointed out. “Will you do it?”
“Will I help you pass your final, so you can once point out that my GPA is .3 lower than yours?” His grin was back and she just gave him a glare. “Fine, fine, I’ll help. But you’d owe me one, Nazyalensky.”
“Your barring is weak if you hear that buzzing sound when you strum.” Nikolai said from his place across the floor.
Zoya shot him a glare, and tried to adjust her wrist so that she could bar the B minor better, but they had been at this for hours (days, more like), and her hand was starting to protest at the motion. She gritted and pressed her fingers down once more, and strummed.
The chord sounded and that incessant buzz remained.
“If you’re thinking about hurling my guitar out the window, could you let me know because I’d really like some time to look for a replacement.” 
“Why can’t we just do it the easier way?” Zoya had no idea that her voice could sound whiney.
He smiled, “Because the song sounds better with the bar chords. Here.”
Nikolai closed the distance between them and then positioned himself behind her. His chest was dangerously close to her back, and his hand encompassed hers, while his other arm snaked around her to go to the front of the guitar.
He fixed her hand, and then pressed her fingers harder against the guitar neck. He strummed, and the note rang out perfectly.
“Try it.” He whispered in her ear, and she tried desperately to try to keep as much space between them as possible even if every cell in her body demanded her to relax.
Nikolai’s arms were still surrounding her, but he dropped his left hand and let Zoya use her own strength, but he was the one to strum again.
Another perfect note.
Zoya turned her head, and caught Nikolai staring at her. The late afternoon sun had leaked through a crack of the curtains and illuminated those golden hazel eyes that had interrupted her dreams far too often to be an accident. Their faces were so close that she felt his breath warm against her cheek. 
A memory resurfaced. An empty hallway. The sound of distant chatter. His lopsided smirk under a fake crown. His mouth moving with hers. 
They never talk about that day. It had been exactly a year since it happened, but they don’t talk about it. She supposed that was her fault. She needed to keep up all her scholarships, and she was balancing all five of her classes with all her clubs, and Nikolai just became a familiar face that brought her the occasional breath of fresh air.
She didn’t have the time for a distraction. But as his gaze flicked down to her mouth, all the reasons she had started to crumble. 
“You planned this didn’t you?” She breathed quietly, trying to find a way to fill the tense silence.
He leaned closer, and she felt his chest press further into her back. When did she lean back?
“I’d be a liar if I didn’t say that the thought didn’t cross my mind.” He mumbled.
“And I’m just supposed to go along with it?” Zoya felt her left hand drop to where his rested against the carpet. His fingers quickly lacing with hers. 
“That would be entirely up to you, Zo.” He laughed, and the vibrations of it shook to her very core. 
He was close that she could see the soft curves of his mouth. He’s always had such a nice mouth. And it could be hers. If she just closed that last bit of space. She could feel the sweet sensation no one else had managed to replicate. She could drown in the middle of his velvet lips. She could–
“Genya’s out of the hospital!”
The door slammed open causing Zoya and Nikolai to violently jerk apart sending the guitar crashing forward with a discordant thud.
“Geyna’s out of the hospital!” David said again, clearly oblivious to the redness in Zoya’s and Nikolai’s cheeks. 
“Th-that’s great!” Nikolai said shakily, managing to put a smile on his face.
“She’s meeting with her professors right now, but she is formally requesting a movie night to celebrate.” David went on, plopping himself down on the couch. “I’d suggest your room, Zoya. You’re the one with the TV after all.”
“Oh, uh, yeah sure.” Zoya said standing up trying to regain her composure. “I’ll-uh-go get that ready then.”
She forced herself to look at Nikolai who seemed intent on watching her, “Th-thanks again for all your help.”
He grinned, but it seemed more unsteady than usual, “My pleasure, Nazyalensky. If you need any more assistance, I’ll always be by your side.”
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 5 years
Popular AWOl Ships in a Nutshell
Long post ahead.
Won x Soomi
Queen of all ships
Intellectual meets philosopher
Funniest couple you will ever meet
Agdjkfdgdaf there’s just so much chemistry
Stans have like written full-length thought-out analyses on this shit
When they dance together it’s the best cause Won can dance like no one’s business and Soomi is just trying her best but they still look awesome together
Gyuri x Jinju
Both have two siblings
Both play guitar
Both are the two tallest in their group
Both do modern dance
At this point no one knows if the only reason this ship is so popular is cause they just have so much in common
But they do kinda balance each other out
Gyuri’s the drill sergeant and Jinju’s the cheerleader
Hyerin x Jinju
Leader/maknae stuff, ya know
They’re actually pretty cute together
“Oh my god, they were roommates”
These shippers will never get over the one time Hyerin made Jinju ramen when she was super stressed and helped her to take a break from working
WonderMod stans be like “I ship Hyeju” and LOONA stans be like “but with who tho”
Hanbyeol x Areum
Hanbyeol can cook and Areum loves to eat so
Also lots of dad energy for some reason 
This one’s only as big as it is from that one fanfic “I’m Trapped in a Hareum Anime”
Sangwoo x Jaegeun
It’s a duo group
Of course it’s a ship
Generates lots of enemies-to-lovers fanfiction for some reason
Sangwoo’s the flirty one and Jaegeun’s the dapper one so you get all the cute shipping dynamics
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Woori
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Scary but weak meets buff but softie 
Honestly could become real
I mean K.O.’s bi so
The fans feel vaguely justified
Lites Out:
K.O. x Lite
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: 2Woo vs. Lites Out
K.O’s stage persona is almost aggressive enough for Lite’s actual personality
Jk she’s soft for like one person and it’s him
Need to host a variety show stat
Lite x Luxe
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Lites Out vs DeLite
Fashion king and queen
They got that yin/yang thing going
Watch them like actually get away with murder tho
Miro x Luxe 
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: DeLite vs Labyrinth
The thinking man’s ship
They’re always the ones to sit back and lovingly shake their heads while everyone else does something fun but stupid
No one really sees this ship going anywhere sexual but it’s got all the good memes so
Hanbin x Joohwan
That name tho
Absolute softies for each other
If this were a fanfic it’d be a slow burn cause they’re so goddamn oblivious
Hanbin’s a sex-demon on the outside and a cinnamon roll on the inside
Let’s just say people suspect the opposite of Joohwan
Kim Woo:
Kim Gyeong x Siwoo
More leader/maknae
Try and make this one sexy and watch yourself get kicked out of the fandom by angry stans
This is why Forget-Me-Not doesn’t have ship wars
Shinyoung x Minchul
We don’t know how anyone let this happen
They’re cousins
Like not even distant cousins
I know the internet sucks
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Shincest or Mincest
Lots of pining jokes cause gEDDIT they’re in pINEAPPLE
But yeah this one gets all the shame it deserves
Gayoung x Tokki (Jangmi)
Their MV characters have a sorta abusive dynamic so
This one gets a lot of eyebrows raised
But IRL they’re both just trying to out-care for each other
So the fics are either hardcore angst or total fluff 
I would say “oh my God, they were roommates” but they’re all roommates so like
Gayoung x Sungmi
The Unpopular Ship™
Oh look it’s another enemies-to-lovers Sungyoung fic
Half the time they’re both j chilling and the other half they’re the literal definition of sexual tension
Tokki (Jangmi) x Sungmi
Technically leader/maknae but like
It feels different
It’s just really cute man what can I say
They’ve got that tsundere/genki girl dynamic going
*insert meme man* Show ALL the affection!
Yang x Sebin
All the chemistry, all the feels, and sadly also all the annoying straight girls fetishizing Asian men
But like seriously when they dance together it’s absolutely golden
Yang’s all flowing and expressive and Sebin’s all sharp and aggressive
Kinda matches their personalities too
It’s just sad that so many stans have to be all sasaeng-y about it
AB Yang:
AB Young x Yang
Who wants to bet it’s just for the name huh
But no it’s low-key cute 
You wouldn’t think they’d have too much chemistry at first
They’re like the “don’t match on paper but perfect irl” kinda couple
More platonic vibes than the Yangbin shipping content
Horang x Kyungho
Literally just Sangeun all over again
Everyone wants to protecc our precious maknae Kyungho from bad boy Horang
But they’re actually both really good for each other and Horang just gets him ya know
You know what it is? It’s Good Omens. That’s the dynamic here.
Moya x Doyeon
Also called Doya by people who are stupid
Should really start their own pranking channel
Who’s ready for h/c fanfiction~~~
No but seriously Moya has helped Doyeon through panic attacks a lot
She’s tall so she can fit all the comfort in her
And Doyeon’s short bc
Ok it’s just cute how much taller Moya is compared to Doyeon lol
Jung-ah x Duanphen
Softies trying to be baddies
Like Yangbin in their dancing styles
So much poking fun at each other it’s not even funny but like it is tho
All the cuddles, all the selcas with cutesy filters
And then BAM new set of teasers comes out and they look sexy as FUCK
JD Fang x Yuyan
No one would’ve shipped it until the behind-the-scenes vid for Midnight Girl came out
And now they’re just weirdos together
They’re like the Sith: One master, one apprentice
Yuyan is the dark mysterious inner core JD wishes she had
And JD is the stability and reasonableness Yuyan has been searching for her whole life
JD Aika:
JD Fang x Aika
It’s 99% because they kissed in a music video
Honestly gorgeous fan art for this couple
Not as much obvious chemistry as some ships but fans are always like “omg thEIR HANDS tOuChEd”
Yifei x Yuyan
There’s something about whenever they have lines or screen time together that just works
Both trying to soften each other up but in different ways
And usually succeeding
They’re just really good close friends ya know
The kind you could see accidentally developing a crush on each other
Yifei x RJ
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Ultimate good girl/bad girl ship
But secretly they’re both just nervous wrecks
We know Yifei helped comfort RJ a lot after she came out and heard back from her parents so
Get ready for more h/c fic~~~
RJ x Hoa
The actual baddies
*stifles laugh* hoe-j
Remember the “sugakookie with a cup of tae” jokes? Yeah it’s that bad
They’re both just too sexy for the fans to handle so naturally what better ship could you get it’s just basic math
Also need to host a variety show stat
Triple D:
Duanphen x DaO x Doyeon
It’s a joke ship that some people started taking seriously
Don’t ask, no one has an explanation
SET! (Korean soloists)
Jihoon x Zo
Because Jizo is an objectively bad name (ok sure it looks fine but try saying it out loud)
Also occasionally known as Jezus
Lots of uncle energy (?)
Zo would totally be Jihoon’s real life manic pixie dream girl if she wasn’t, ya know, a strong and badass woman with her own agency who also happens to have quirky hair
May x Hayoon
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Do you pronounce it like “May” or like “Hayoon”
Tbh this ship died pretty quickly
Since we’re all pretty sure now that May’s aroace
And like they’re young, we don’t get in the way of their friendship
That iconic answer-your-tweets vid where someone asked “how do you pronounce Mayoon” and Hayoon was just like “you don’t”
But for real they have the BEST FRIENDSHIP HANDS DOWN
Jaegeun x Areum
The thing with Mesmere is that there are canonical “couples” in the MVs
Which were decided based on which members were like “yesss I’m so down for this concept” and which ones were like “this could be fun to try I guess”
Jaegeun and Areum fall into the former category
The shippers tend to be very kinky
So much smut but like most of it’s inspired by Mesmere’s original concept so it shouldn’t be surprising 
Is there real chemistry? Who knows? Does it matter? Not to the fans it doesn’t
Miro x Hanbin
The “this could be fun to try I guess” gang
Everyone stans bc omg that ship name is adorable
If Jaereum is the “sweet on the outside, sexy on the inside” pair, Robin is the “sexy on the outside, sweet on the inside” pair
This one always throws AK6 and Forget-Me-Not fans for a loop because no one expects them to be THAT SEXY
Seori x Teiko
Another tsundere/genki girl ship
Except the genki girl is surprisingly intimidating in that “she’s not scary she’s just hot” way
New fans never expect Seori to be the head-over-heels type
But she is~
Someone make this into an actual book please it would be so cute
Haruna x Mega (Megumi)
1 ball of energy + 1 ball of energy = perfection
No but literally they have so much enthusiasm
They could be a perpetual motion machine where they both just survive off the other’s energy
Opposites attract more like no I love Harumi
Hiroto x Junya
Obligatory main-vocalist ship
Surprisingly pure ship until you realize you just haven’t looked hard enough
Like seriously it’s all fluff or all smut with this one
Irl they’re fairly cute together but mostly because they’re good friends
Good friends who happen to be very sexy
Yoshi x Nico
The one fans actually care about 
Partners in crime except they would suck at any actual crime
All the memes. And when I say all the memes, I mean all. The. Memes.
Wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that Yoshi and Nico made all the memes themselves
They don’t like it when fans box them into a specific romantic relationship but they’re also like “yeah we ship Yoshico too” to be funny and cute about it
Teiko x Nico
The Cute Ones™
Sometimes it seems too perfect and you have to wonder if it’s just an idol personality thing they’re putting on because they’re supposed to
Until you remember this is AWOl we’re talking about
Probably just friends but still
More food puns
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Coco vs Ho-J
Ryouga x Yuuna
So #sophisticated
Shipping Ryouna is a wild ride cause like
First of all they’re both hot as hell, especially together
And there’s just something about most Ryouga/Yuuna biases, they tend to be very hardcore stans (let’s just say neither of them are the Jungkook of their group in terms of popularity so if you stan them you STAN them)
And they are well aware of this fact
And love to tease fans with like “pretend” kisses on stage or during variety shows 
There’s just so much Ryouna content like who cares whether or not it’s real
We all know they’re gonna fall in love eventually
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Sangwoo x Siwoo
AWOL’s version of the Dinosaur Triplets
Sangwoo came up with the name himself so you know it’s legit
All flirtatious bad boys on the outside, all surprisingly courteous once you get to know them
On their own they’re genuinely cool people, but for some reason whenever they get together they all become the kind of person to (un?)ironically use the word “swag”
So of course someone’s gotta ship it
Kim Hyerin:
Hyerin x Kim Gyeong
The pure one
Kinda overdone so
You either love this ship or you hate it
And either way it’s because they’re both such caring people that it becomes an unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object problem
But everyone tends to agree that it’s at least kinda cute 
It’s also funny ‘cause in Korea women don’t take their husband’s names
Hyerin x Sangwoo
Because Sangrin is an objectively bad name
The sexy one
They did ONE performance on e.LIVE together and now no one can get over how hot they are
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Kim Hyerin vs Hyesang
No seriously the number of Kim Hyesang love triangle fanfictions is kinda insane at this point
The shippers love to pull the “they’ve known each other longer, of course they’re emotionally closer” card and then make absolutely no content that reflects that
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: is this referring to Naoko x Taizō or Naoko x Zo
Of course it’s Naoko x Zo they’re so much cuter together
Naoko and Taizō kinda go together as the two Japanese soloists but like
Naoko and Zo~~~
The chemistry~~~~~
NaoZo > Naozō
Because it’s gay you fools
Naoko x Teiko x Nico
Ok this is just ridiculous
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ghaw2007 · 5 years
Proposed TV Series
Proposed TV Series
To air on: HBO/HBO Canada, Encore, TV One, Flix, Starz, Cinemax, TNT, CBS, TBS, BET, TVGN, FX/FX Canada, USA, ABC, Showtime, DirectTV, IFC, AMC, Epix, MTV, MuchMusic, SundanceTV, Bravo (Canada), Netflix, ReelzChannel, Hallmark Channel, Hulu, Showcase, E!, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, Cloo, Ion, WE tv, Oxygen, Chiller, Universal HD, WGN America, VH1, ABC Family, TV Land, Lifetime/Lifetime Canada, MTV, Centric, Bounce TV, Comedy Central, Antenna TV, CMT/CMT (Canada), City, This TV, BBC America, Nickelodeon|Nick At Nite, Me-TV, ASPiRE, Retro TV, Pivot, Esquire Network, Cozi TV, Up, My Family TV, Tuff TV, AXS TV, Logo TV, Up, and TruTV.
NOTE: NBC, A&E, Spike, Bravo (America), The CW, Syfy, Amazon Studios, and FOX are not included in the list of networks/VOD services
AmeriAfri: A mix of Twin Peaks, Desperate Housewives & The Wire. Written by Rick Famuyiwa & Gina Prince-Bythewood. P.C.S.A.: The life of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Written by Ron Hutchinson, Robert Schenkkan & Shem Bitterman. White People: Loosely based on J.T. Rogers' play of the same name about the lives of three ordinary Americans placed under the spotlight: Martin, a high powered attorney for a white-shoe law firm in St. Louis, MO; Mara Lynn, a housewife and former homecoming queen in Fayetteville, NC; and Alan, a professor struggling to find his way in New York City. Through heart-wrenching confessions, they wrestle with guilt, prejudice, and the price they and their children must pay for their actions. White People is a candid, brutally honest meditation on race and language in our culture. Written by J.T. Rogers. Pittsburgh Cycle: Based on August Wilson's The Pittsburgh Cycle. Written by Vaun Monroe. Da Brick: Contemporary exploration of what it means to be an African man in supposedly post-racial America and is loosely inspired by aspects of Mike Tyson’s youth. Written by John Ridley. Consultant: M. K. Asante. All Signs of Death: Based on Charlie Huston's The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death. Written by Charlie Huston. Wars And Battles: Loosely based on the Weather Underground and Symbionese Liberation Army in 1964. Written by Terry Green & Sibyl Gardner. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Sylvester Magee, the last American legal slave to die. Written by Joshua Allen & Sterling Norman Anderson. [[]]: About a Malcolm X type Christian and human rights activist in 1967. Written by Daniel Beaty & Anthony Grooms. Consultant: Jared A. Ball. Luke Cage: Based on the comic book character of the same name who obtained his powers in an accident that left him with near-impervious skin and superhuman strength. Written by Philip Levens & Matt Pyken. HOMO: An unflinching examination of homosexuality in America and Canada. Loosely based on the lives of Fred Phelps, Steve Drain and K. Ryan Jones' Fall From Grace. Set in Greensboro, NC. Written by Bruce Norris. Centrality: An unflinching examination of America's racial animus loosely based on the 1989 Central Park Jogger case. Written by Barbara Hall & Kevin Arkadie. [[]]: Loosely based on Before They Die and The Tulsa Lynching of 1921: A Hidden Story about the Tulsa race riot and its aftermath. Written by Daniel Omotosho Black & Marcus Gardley. Consultant: David Bradley. Concealed Destruction: Loosely based on the mystery surrounding Johnny Gosch, Eugene Wade Martin, Paul Bonacci, Jesse Dirkhising, Boys Town, NE, Nancy Schaefer, and Noreen Gosch's Why Johnny Can't Come Home. Inspired by Alternative Views' groundbreaking Boys For Sale. Written by John Zinman & Patrick Massett. [[]]: Loosely based on the aftermath of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Written by Eric Jerome Dickey & Nathan McCall. Consultant: Dr. L'Heureux Lewis. Burke: Based on Andrew Vachss' book series about a man named Burke and his battle against child abusers. Written by Dave Andron & Taylor Elmore. Parable of The Sower: Based on Octavia E. Butler's book series of the same name. It centers on a woman who possesses what Butler dubbed hyperempathy – the ability to feel the perceived pain and other sensations of others – who develops a benign philosophical and religious system during her childhood in the remnants of a gated community in Los Angeles. Written by Stephen Belber & Richard Levine & Thomas L. Moran. Shades of Black: Exploring the lives of the teachers, students, and administrators at an African centered Charter high school. Written by Robert Alexander & Kia Corthron. Consultant: Dr. David Stephens. The Jagged Orbit: Based on John Brunner's book of the same name. Set in the United States of America in 2014, when interracial tensions have passed the breaking point. Written by Ted Humphrey. Without Kings (aka American Cunts): The lives of black women living in St. Louis, MO. Set in 2006 and inspired by YouTube's 5723michael, Tommy Sotomayor, TheAdviseShowTV, Zo Williams, and Amos N. Wilson. Written by . The Syndicate: Loosely based on the Cerrito, Genna, Smaldone, Lanza, and Giordana crime families. Set in 1952. Based in Houston, TX. Written by David Goldschmid & Nathan Fissell. [[]]: Loosely based on Samuel R. Delany memoirs' Heavenly Breakfast, The Motion of Light in Water, Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. A mix of Knots Landing, All In The Family & Twin Peaks. Written by Samuel R. Delany & Harley Peyton. Tales of Hannah: Loosely based on the life of Hannah Elias, the first black female millionaire in America. Written by Ntozake Shange & Kia Corthron. Thurgood: Loosely based on the life of Thurgood Marshall. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Madam C.J. Walker: Building a Business Empire and The Black Rose: The Dramatic Story of Madam C.J. Walker about the life of Madam C. J. Walker. Written by Dominique Morisseau & Y York. Black Jaguar: Loosely based on the Black Panther Party in 1968. Inspired by All Power To The People. Set in Newark, NJ. Written by Robert Alexander. Consultant: Daryl T. Hinmon. ABORTION: Loosely based on the lives of David Gunn, John Britton, Barnett Slepian, and George Tiller. Written by Sarah Ruhl & Richard Greenberg. Burning Water: Loosely based on the life of Judith Reisman, founder of the modern anti-Kinsey movement. Written by . Oryx and Crake: Based on Margaret Atwood's book of the same name including The Year of The Flood. Written by Albert Kim & Christine Boylan. Sun Days: The personal and professional lives of a fictional professional football team in Columbus, OH. Think: Any Given Sunday meets Desperate Housewives. Written by Josh Senter & Eric Haywood. The Terrible Girls: Loosely based on Jacqueline Goldfinger's play of the same name about friendship, obsession, and Southern sensibilities. Written by Jacqueline Goldfinger. [[]]: Loosely based on the lives of Danny Casolaro, Chauncey W. Bailey Jr., Gary Webb, Alan Berg, Don Bolles, Walter Liggett, and Manuel de Dios Unanue. Written by Rafael Alvarez, William F. Zorzi & George Pelecanos. New World: 1728: About the Atlantic slave trade in 1728. Written by David Barr III & Derrell G. Owens. Consultant: Edward P. Jones. 21st Century Triad: A fictionalized exploration of Sam Sheppard's life, narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy in modern day San Diego, CA. A mix of Revenge, The Fugitive, The Talented Mr. Ripley, and Eyes Wide Shut. Written by Dan LeFranc & Chris Collins. The Eight Wonder: Based on Bill Cosgriff's book of the same name about a working–class family in upstate New York dealing with divorce, poverty, adultery, and the trials of raising a developmentally-delayed child. A dramedy that moves from the hardscrabble world of lawn maintenance to the high precincts of the Parisian art world and back again. Written by Bill Cosgriff. Humanland: Depicting daily life in a San Diego mental institution, from the perspectives of staff members and patients. Written by Thomas Gibson & Daniel Reitz. Moms.Single: An ethnically divorced family deals with issues of race, divorce, relationships, and parenting through humor and honesty. Written by M. Esther Sherman. Hammon: The life of an African college professor, Hammon Aiken, in 1949. Written by Michele Val Jean & Mat Johnson. Consultant: Richard Wesley. Words of Warner: The life of an African novelist and playwright in 1953. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Louis E. Lomax. Written by Rebecca Gilman. [[]]: Loosely based on Oscar Micheaux's The Forged Note: A Romance of The Darker Races. Written by . Zinzi: Based on Phyllis MacBryde's musical and novel of the same name. Ripped from her tribal roots in South Africa and cast into the fertile jazz world of post World War II Harlem, a young girl struggles to find her way amid the challenges of a racially divided America. Written by Phyllis MacBryde. [[]]: Loosely based on Metropia; a group of multicultural, multi-ethnic, hip and happening, twenty-somethings living in Philadelphia, PA. The series reflects the diverse cultural make up of Philadelphia and deals with adult contemporary themes - education, employment, social/cultural issues and sexual themes. Written by Jill Golick. Birds of A Feather: Based on the British comedy of the same name about two sisters whose lives had taken very different routes. Written by Sheila Callaghan. The Shockwave Rider: Loosely based on John Brunner's book of the same name about a survivor in a hypothetical world of quickly changing identities, fashions and lifestyles, where individuals are still controlled and oppressed by a powerful and secretive state apparatus. His highly developed computer skills enable him to use any public telephone to punch in a new identity, thus reinventing himself, within hours. As a fugitive, he must do this from time to time in order to escape capture. Written by . Absalom, Absalom!: Loosely based on William Faulkner's book of the same name. Written by Michele Val Jean & Judy Tate. Where The Blood Mixes: Based on Kevin Loring's book of the same name about family, loss, redemption and healing. Floyd and Mooch, raised in residential schools, must confront their past when Floyd’s daughter Christine returns to Kumsheen after twenty years, to discover her past and her family. Written by Kevin Loring, Richard Wagamese & George Elliott Clarke. Dry: Based on Augusten Burroughs' book of the same name about an advertising executive trying to get sober. Written by Augusten Burroughs. Three Days Before The Shooting: Based on Ralph Ellison's book of the same name about man of indeterminate race who assumes a white identity and eventually becomes a race-baiting U.S. senator named Adam Sunraider. Written by . Some Girls: My Life In A Harem: Loosely based on Jillian Lauren's book of the same name. Written by Christina Anderson & Sharon Bridgforth. Sold: Loosely based on Zana Muhsen's book of the same name. Written by Tanya Barfield. Amos Fortune, Free Man: Loosely based on Elizabeth Yates' book of the same name. Written by Robert Alexander. (900): Loosely based on Zakiyyah Alexander's play of the same name. A young woman applies for a job in the phone sex industry and finds herself caught up in a twisted, comedic oral-sex romp. While navigating a dark world of golden showers, dominatrixes, and overly imaginative callers who demand more than sex, we find that identity is fluid and nothing is more ominous than the sound of a dial tone. Written by Zakiyyah Alexander. Fiona Range: Based on Mary McGarry Morris' book of the same name about Fiona's attempts to clean her life up, find love in the midst of loneliness and confusion, and find balance in the midst of seemingly insurmountable emotional chaos. Written by Julia Jordan. Rolling Heads: Loosely based on Frontline's The Education of Michelle Rhee. Think: Boston Public meets The Wire. Written by Jed Seidel, George Pelecanos & Henry Robles. Wonder of The World: Based on David Lindsay-Abaire's book of the same name about a wife named Cass who suddenly leaves her husband (after discovering his sexual fetish involving Barbie heads), and hops a bus to Niagara Falls in search of freedom, enlightenment and the meaning of life. Written by David Lindsay-Abaire. Matadors: Centers on two feuding families who battle each other as one populates the Chicago district attorney's office and the other manages an influential private law firm. Written by Jack Orman. Marion: Loosely based on the life of Marion S. Barry Jr. Written by . Two Hands: Loosely based on the lives of Muhammad Ali, Rahman Ali, Laila Ali, George Foreman, Freeda Foreman, Joe Frazier, Jackie Frazier-Lyde, Marvis Frazier, Roger Leonard, and Sugar Ray Leonard. Written by . The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman: Loosely based on Ernest J. Gaines' book of the same name. Written by Lydia R. Diamond. Dress Your Family in Corduroy And Denim: Based on David Sedaris' book of the same name. Written by Kristoffer Diaz. Half A Heart: Based on Rosellen Brown's book of the same name which traces the lives of several people who participated in the civil rights movement and continue to live in its shadow. Written by Tina Mabry & Regina Taylor. Pure Poetry: Based on Binnie Kirshenbaum's book of the same name. Written by Kirsten Greenidge & Eugenie Chan. Checks & Balances: Explores the lives, loves & machinations of workers at Ambrose/Craner/Ellison, a fictional independent Wall Street investment house. Set in New York City. Written by David Adjmi & Reggie Rock Bythewood. Mich Max: The ongoings of a fictional maximum-security prison in Michigan. Think: Oz in 2008. Written by . Manchild In The Promised Land: Loosely based on Claude Brown's book of the same name. Written by . Fauxfer: The examination of cultural clashes between a transplanted philosophical Chicago disc jockey and the townspeople of fictional of Fauxfer, South Dakota. Think: Northern Exposure meets American Beauty. Written by Melanie Marnich, Lydia Millet & Jim Vallely. Fork It Over: Loosely based on Alan Richman's book of the same name as his inexhaustible hunger & unquenchable curiosity lead him into the world of professional eaters & culinary journalism. Written by Chiori Miyagawa. The Darkness of Days: The events leading up to the Rwandan Genocide in August 1993 and its aftermath. Written by . My Day, Your Day: A post Vietnam War drama set in Charlotte, North Carolina. Written by Karen Harris & Susan Wald. Brooke III: Loosely based on the life of Edward William Brooke III. Written by Kathryn Grant. I'll Have A...: Based on Debra Ginsberg's Waiting: The True Confessions Of A Waitress. Think: a scripted version of The Restaurant. Written by Robert Kauzlaric. Double Billing: An expose of the legal profession. Loosely based on Cameron Stracher's Double Billing & William R. Keates' Proceed With Caution. A mix of Ally McBeal, The Practice, Suits, and Damages. Written by Carlos Murillo & Gina Gionfriddo. Me Talk Pretty One Day: Based on David Sedaris' life & book of the same name. Written by Samuel D. Hunter. The Subject Steve: Based on Sam Lipsyte's book of the same name. A dark satire in which the protagonist, Steve, is diagnosed with a vague but deadly disease called Prexis that sounds suspiciously like terminal boredom with modern life. Written by Dan LeFranc. Easy Steps: Satirical look at the self-help industry. Written by Steven Dietz. Faces: Multiple storylines dealing with issues like depression, poverty, addiction (drug, food, sex, alchohol), abuse (physical, mental, sexual), suicide, homophobia, violence (gangs, rape), eating disorders, and learning/physical disabilities. Based in Indianapolis, IN. Written by Joshua Allen, Djanet Sears & Daniel Beaty. Consultants: Dr. Umar Abdullah Johnson, John Potash & Raymond Winbush. Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow: It's about the moments which defined yesterday, the trials & tribulations facing us today, and the outcomes which will lead into tomorrow. Blending social & political issues, love & romance, action & adventure, spirituality & mystery themes. Based in San Antonio, TX. Written by Tarell Alvin McCraney, Bobby Smith Jr. & James Christy. Dr. Kenan, Medicine Man: The life of an African doctor in 1937. Based in Raleigh, NC. Written by . Present Minds: The ongoings of an historically black college in 1973. Written by Marcus Gardley & Shay Youngblood. This Side of Paradise: Loosely based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's book of the same name which examines the lives and morality of post-World War I youth. Written by Michael Werwie. Raindrops And Sunshine: Coming of age drama about the lives of college students and recent graduates in South Carolina. Written by Cynthia Whitcomb & Jasmine Love. Topdog/Underdog: Loosely based on Suzan-Lori Parks' play of the same name chronicles the adult lives of two brothers as they cope with women, work, poverty, gambling, white supremacy, and their troubled upbringings. Written by Suzan-Lori Parks. Zubat & Clark: Best friends who host an afternoon drive home radio talk show in Washington, D.C. Dayvide Zubat is a moderate and Jon E. Clark is a libertarian. A mix of Politically Incorrect, WKRP In Cincinnati and NewsRadio. Written by Skander Halim. The Twenty-Seventh City: Loosely based on Jonathan Franzen's book of the same name. A partly satirical thriller that studies a family unravelling under intense pressure, the novel is set amidst intricate political conspiracy and financial upheaval in St. Louis, MO in 1984. Written by Jonathan Franzen. Origin/Terminus: Government agents investigating paranormal activity, unexplained phenomena & conspiracies as they encounter secret societies who are in search of the truth of the planet. Think: The X Files meets Alias. Written by Ryan Farley & Tammy Ryan. Following The Yellow Brick Road Down The Rabbit Hole: Loosely based on the play of the same name about Cissy, a young Catholic girl who challenges the church as she grapples with her own developing body and consciousness. Along the way, in her quest to crack the mysteries of religion and sexuality, she encounters older siblings, friends, mothers, teachers and clergy all brought to life in an invigorating performance by the playwright, who seamlessly transforms from one character to another. Written by Terri Campion. Silicon Follies: Based on Thomas Scoville's book of the same name - a satire of Silicon Valley and its technological trappings; portraying a world as rich with youth and enthusiasm as it is with hypocrisy and loneliness. Written by Peter DeLaurier. The Council: Loosely based on The Council, a black crime syndicate. Written by . The Town: Based on Bentley Little's book of the same name in which bizarre events begin to occure shortly after a man returns to his old hometown of McGuane, AZ with his wife and three children. Written by Nicole Burdette. Where The Sun Never Sets: A dark comedy of ideas, a married couple finds itself trapped in a perilously perfect world. Written by Bob Clyman. Outer Banks: Spoiled heiress turned hotel manager makes the best of a bad situation - learning to live with quirky beach locals and tourists. Written by Mary Carroll-Hackett. Kick Me: Based on Paul Feig's book of the same name. Think: Freaks & Geeks: Part 2. Written by Paul Feig & Bob Nickman. Who's Sorry Now: Based on Joe Pantoliano's book of the same name. Written by Joe Pantoliano & Travis Milloy. Times of Ordinary Men: An unflinching examination of the human condition in modern day America. A group of angels are tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives. Think: Touched By An Angel meets Six Feet Under. Theme song: Wendy Lands' Angels & Ordinary Men. Written by Nancy Miller. A Brief History of The Flood: Based in Jean Harfenist's book of the same name which chronicles the lives of a Minnesota family as narrated by the main character, Lillian Anderson. Written by Jane Ann Crum. The Wanting Seed: Loosely based on Anthony Burgess' book of the same name. Written by Jacquelyn Reingold. Mundy's Town: The rise and fall of an African mayor of a predominately white American town in March 1978. Written by Stephen Godchaux & Jeni Mahoney. I Am Woman: Based on Andrea Lee's Interested Women. Written by Jackie Sibblies Drury. Ray Who?: Loosely based on the disappearance of Ray Gricar, District Attorney for Centre County, PA. Written by Doug Wright. Consultant: C.J. Box. Innocents: Loosely based on Cathy Coote's book of the same name about a twisted love affair between a college student and teacher from the student's point of view. Written by Morris Panych & Keira Loughran. Plainsong: Based on Kent Haruf's book of the same name about eight compassionately imagined characters whose lives undergo radical change during the course of one year. Written by Eisa Davis & Lee Blessing. The Chronicles of Amber: Based on Roger Zelazny's book series of the same name. Written by . Cornelius aka Robert: Loosely based on the life of Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr., the longest-serving member of the U.S. Congress, in 1939. Written by . ...And I: The relationships people have with their work, friends, family & the world around them in Lexington, KY. Written by Christine Conradt & Ramin Bahrani. Strong Motion: Loosely based on Jonathan Franzen's book of the same name about a dysfunctional family, and uses seismic events on the American East Coast as a metaphor for the quakes that occur in family life. It explores themes such as abortion, feminism, corporate malfeasance, and exploitative capitalism. Written by Michael Conforti & Hal Corley. The Rulers of The Ages: Lives of those between the ages of 50 and 70. Written by Richard Russo. Welcome To Temptation: Based on Jennifer Crusie's book of the same name about two slightly twisted sisters and a town chock full of hunks, coots, and petty politics. Written by Madi Distefano. Life of The Party: Set to the backdrop of a dysfunctional DJ/Entertainment Company. Think: Arrested Development meets Party Down. Written by Robert N. King. Heart of America: Kansas City, 1961 - Former high school buddies watch their teenage marriages crumble as they face the changing times from the sanctuary of their neighborhood tavern. Written by Rogers Turrentine. Why Girls Are Weird: Based on Pamela Ribon's book of the same name. Written by Meg Bennett. The Secret Lives of Married Men: Based on David Leddick's book of the same name about homosexual men who were married - and those who still are - to women. Written by Cheryl Dunye. Sons of The Prophet: Loosely based on Stephen Karam's play of the same name. Written by Stephen Karam. Speech And Debate: Loosely based on Stephen Karam's play of the same name about three misfit teenagers who live in Salem, Oregon. Written by Stephen Karam. Sellevision: Based on Augusten Burroughs' book of the same name- A relentless spoof of cable's home-shopping mania. Written by D.W. Gregory. Tuffy: Based on Paul Beatty's book, Tuff, about the unusual coming-of-age of 19-year-old, obese african Winston "Tuffy" Foshay, who tries to rise above his rough-and-tumble life on the vicious streets of Spanish Harlem. Written by . The Camel Club: Based on David Baldacci's book series of the same name. Written by David Baldacci. Hiram: Free Man: Loosely based on the life of Hiram Rhodes Revels, the first African elected to either chamber of the US Congress. Written by . Shaw: Loosely based on David Baldacci's The Whole Truth and Deliver Us From Evil about Shaw, an operative for a secret global intelligence agency, and Katie James, a disgraced investigative journalist. Written by . Multiple Pieces: Based on David Baldacci's Sean King and Michelle Maxwell book series about two discredited agents who enter a maze of lies, secrets, and deadly coincidences, they uncover a violence that shattered their lives were really a long time in the making - and are a long way from over. Written by . Joe College: Based on Tom Perrotta's book of the same name about an English major at Yale who's stuck with the peculiarities of his roommates, a horrendous crush on a fellow student, while struggling to complete his junior year. Written by Michael Golamco. JAX: About the personal and professional lives of a fictional professional basketball team in Jacksonville, FL. Written by Andrew Case. Life As A Loser: Based on Will Leitch's book of the same name. Written by Christina Calvit. [[]]: Loosely based on Maurice Jackson's Let This Voice Be Heard about the life Anthony Benezet, an abolitionist and educator, in 1750s Philadelphia. Written by . A Dangerous Woman: Based on Mary McGarry Morris' book of the same name about a Vermont woman who is most dangerous to herself. Written by Elisabeth Karlin. The White Boy Shuffle: Based on Paul Beatty's book of the same name about a gleefully satiric gloss on black American history and culture. Written by Paul Beatty & Lynn Nottage. The Rebel Wife: Based on the novel of the same name about young widow trying to survive in the violent world of Reconstruction Alabama, where the old gentility masks a continuing war fueled by hatred, treachery, and still-powerful secrets. Written by Taylor M. Polites. His Children: Based on the British comedy, Bread, about a staunchly Catholic family. In this case, it will be a staunchly Christian family. Written by . [[]]: Slavery in Georgia during the 1850s. Written by . Consultant: Charles R. Johnson. G.L.B.: Loosely based on the life of Glenn Burke and Billy Beans' Going The Other Way: Lessons From A Life In And Out of Major League Baseball. Written by C. Jay Cox & Ira Sachs. Some Dark Places of The Earth: Loosely based on Claire Kiechel's play of the same name. In an ex-pat community in Brussels, ten-year-old Bee imagines herself inside the nightly newscasts of her radio journalist father. When her mother begins an affair with the diplomat next door, Bee recruits the man’s son to help realize her fantasies. As their make-believe escalates, a new reality threatens the fragile world the two families have constructed. Written by Claire Kiechel. Midnight At Noon: On the run after robbing a bank during the great depression, two brothers find themselves trapped in the harsh region known as the Dust Bowl where a ruthless killer hunts them down. Written by Nathaniel Halpern. Hi-De-Hi!: Based on the British comedy of the same name which was set in a holiday camp during the 1950s and 1960s. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Frederick Douglass. Written by . Last of The Summer Wine: Based on the British comedy of the same name about the adventures of three elderly, unmarried friends. Think: The male version of The Golden Girls. Written by . San Soccer: The personal and professional lives of a fictional professional soccer team in San Antonio, TX. Written by Neil Landau & Victor Lodato. Call Time: Written by Josh Woodle. American Frontier: A tale of conquest, survival, persistence, and the merging of peoples and cultures that gave birth and continuing life to America in 1817. Written by . Never The Twain: Based on the British comedy of the same name about two male next-door neighbours and rival antique dealers engaged in continuous one-upmanship. Written by . New York Day: About the lives of people working at a fictional newspaper in 1951. Written by Rebecca Gilman, David Ehrman & Travis Donnelly. The King of America: Based on Samantha Gillison's book of the same name about Stephen Hesse—loosely modeled on Michael Rockefeller, who disappeared 40 years ago in then Dutch New Guinea while collecting primitive art for his father's collection—is an excruciatingly lonely, earnest kid struggling to develop an identity under the crushing weight of his father's millions. Written by . Detroit 365: A gritty drama based in Detroit, MI dealing with social, cultural, sexual and political issues. Written by Joe R. Lansdale. Consultants: Dr. Boyce Watkins & Demetrius Darnell Walker. Recalling What Lies: Loosely based on Alice Pencavel's play of the same name about the nature of boundaries - the crossing and violation of boundaries - in different relationships and on many different levels. It also addresses the concept of memory: how accurate it is, how it defines us, and ultimately how valuable it is. Written by Alice Pencavel. North/South/East/West: A post Korean War drama set in South Bend, IN. Think: Homefront in 1953. Written by Lynn Marie Latham & Bernard Lechowick. Consultant: Russell Banks The Thin Red Line: The ongoings of a firehouse in a small city in 1998. Written by Scott Teems. Americana: Satire on American culture, media & politics. A small town businessman becomes the mayor of a metropolis. Written by Qui Nguyen & Stephen Axelrod. Forty Days At Kamas: Based on Preston Fleming's book series of the same name. Written by Preston Fleming. Some Kind of Fairy Tale: Based on the book of the same name. Written by Graham Joyce. A Long Way From Home: Based on Connie Briscoe's book of the same name about an enslaved mother, daughter, and grandmother of President James Madison. Written by Connie Briscoe. Anti-Anything: Revolving around the life of a working class bigot and his family. Think: All In The Family meets The Office. Written by . Two Trains Running: Loosely based on Andrew Vachss' book of the name name. Written by Robert Nathan. A Modern Feeling: Loosely based on Jason Kim's play of the same name about two homosexual men struggling to find meaning and direction. Written by Jason Kim. Women of The Otherworld: Based on Kelly Armstrong's book series. Written by Julian Sampson & Kelley Armstrong. Margin of Error: Centers on a workaholic campaign strategist who launches a new political campaign every season. Written by D.V. DeVincentis. [[]]: Loosely based on lives of the Scottsboro Boys. Written by . Table 21: Loosely based on T. Rafael Cimino's book of the same name. New York City in December 1999: As one millennium ends and another begins, an erratic chain of events unfold that could change the face of the Italian Mafia forever. In the turmoil, a vacuum is created when one family falls, creating an unprecedented void of power and a subsequent struggle for control of the underworld.Think: The Godfather meets Crash. Written by T. Rafael Cimino. Walls of Stone: A post-Stonewall drama in NYC. Written by Christopher Shinn & Laura Maria Censabella. Alongside Night: Based on J. Neil Schulman's book of the same name. Written by . Mr. Peters' Connections: Based on Arthur Miller's play of the same name. The title character is a former pilot who worked for the airline in its glory days. He recalls flying into a thousand sunsets and bedding eighteen Rockettes in a month, eventually marrying one of them. Now he is an aging, befuddled man lost in a world he no longer understands. Written by Jessica Queller & Thomas Bezucha. Mara Dyer: Based on Michelle Hodkin's book series. Written by Michelle Hodkin. columbinus: Loosely based on Stephen Karam's play of the same name about alienation, hostility and social pressure in high schools. Written by Stephen Karam. Tilda: Satire about the entertainment industry centering on a powerful and reclusive Hollywood blogger. Written by Bill Condon and Cynthia Mort. Juvy: The ongoings of a juvenile detention facility in St. Louis, MO. Written by James DeMonaco & Tom Reilly. When The Bough Breaks: Based on Johnathan Kellerman's book series about Alex Delaware, a forensic psychologist. Written by Nick Santora & Scott Kaufer. One Fifth Avenue: Based on Candace Bushnell's book of the same name about the residents of the prestigious building. Written by Candace Bushnell. Lambs of Men: Loosely based on Charles Dodd White's book of the same name. When a gruesome act of violence stuns the insular mountain community, father and son must journey together to see justice carried out while coming to terms with a deeply troubled family history. Written by Charles Dodd White. Man In The Blue Moon: Based on Michael Morris' book of the same name. While the world is embroiled in World War I, Ella fights her own personal battle to keep the mystical Florida land that has been in her family for generations from the hands of an unscrupulous banker. Written by Michael Morris & Angelina Burnett. Rocco Perri: Loosely based on the life of Rocco Perri. Written by Tobin Addington. Wonders of The Invisible World: Based on Patricia A. McKillip's book of the same name. Written by . American Rock: Based on the life of Nelson Rockefeller in 1957. Written by . Print Men: The personal and professional lives of workers at a men's magazine in 1953. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the disapperance of Hale Boggs and Nick Begich. Written by Nancy Noever. Gonzo: About war journalists in the 1980s searching for a missing comrade in a 24/7-on-edge Central American country rattled by corruption, greed, and political intrigue. Written by Michael Oates Palmer. Unreal Estate: Based on Michael Gross’ book of the same name Unreal Estate: Money, Ambition and the Lust for Land in Los Angeles. Written by Steve Atkinson. The Master Butchers Singing Club: Based on Louise Erdich's book of the same name. Having survived World War I, Fidelis Waldvogel returns to his quiet German village and marries the pregnant widow of his best friend, killed in action. They soon relocate to Argus, ND. When the Old World meets the New--in the person of Delphine Watzka--the great adventure of Fidelis's life begins. Written by . A Curse of Angels: Based on Janyce Lapore's play of the same name about a steelworker Salvador Vinta, an opera lover who rules his family with forbidden love and an iron hand. Written by Janyce Lapore. Canary: The residents of a small West Virginia coal mining town intersect and affect one another in surprising, often humorous ways, as their lives are inextricably shaped by their surroundings. Written by Craig Zobel. Confessions of Georgia Nicholson: Based on Louise Rennison's book series. Written by . The Corrections: Based on Jonathan Franzen's book of the same name. Written by Noah Baumbach. Wocke & Woll: The personal and professional lives of a sports agent, and his group of associates. Think: Sports Night meets The Office. Written by . Crossing The River: Loosely based on Caryl Phillips' book of the same name about about three black people during different time periods and in different continents as they struggle with the separation from their native Africa. Written by . Tree of Smoke: Based on Denis Johnson's book of the same name about a man who joins the CIA in 1965, and begins working in Vietnam during the American involvement there. Written by Jorge Zamacona & Jeff York. Nathaniel of Virginia: Based on the life of Nat Turner. Written by . Brotherhood of War: Based on W. E. B. Griffin's book series about the United States Army from World War II through the Vietnam War. The story centers around the careers of four U.S. Army officers who were lieutenants in the early 1940s. Written by . 3,600 Seconds: Behind the scenes of a TV newsmagazine in 1972. Think: The Eleventh Hour meets 60 Minutes. Written by . Common Prayer: Loosely based on Joan Didion's A Book of Common Prayer. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Joan Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem and The White Album. Written by . Night Fighter: Based on David Sherman's book series of the same name about the kind of activities experienced by the US Marines and Vietnamese Popular Forces units of the combat-outpost type of the Combined Action Program of the United States Marine Corps. Written by . Spring/Fall: Set in New York City against the backdrop of the fashion world, the project centered on the dysfunctional partnership between two women with different approaches to career, family and friendship. Written by Kate Robin. Lawless: Written by Tom S. Parker & Jim Jennewein. Black Orchid: Based on the comic book character. Written by . Cuomo: Loosely based on the Cuomo family in 1972. Written by Carla Robinson. [[]]: Based on the life of Sigmund Freud beginning in 1885. Written by . Queen & Country: Based on the comic book series of the same name about a female operative of the Special Operations Section of SIS, colloquially known as the Minders. Written by . Couples: Loosely based on John Updike's book of the same name. Written by . X: Loosely based on David Henry Sterry's Chicken: Self-Portrait of A Young Man For Rent, Confessions of A Sex Maniac, Unzipped: A True Story of Sex, Drugs, Rollerskates and Murder, Master of Ceremonies: A True Story of Love, Murder, Roller Skates and Chippendales and Hos, Hookers, Call Girls and Rant Boys: Professionals Writing On Life, Love, Money and Sex. About people leaving behind their former lives [ex-stripper; ex-white supremacist; ex-escort; ex-homosexual; ex-gambler]. Written by . The Poisonwood Bible: Loosely based on Barbara Kingsolver's book of the same name and the Congo Crisis. Written by . James Lanza: Loosely based on the life of James Lanza, an American mobster and boss of the San Francisco crime family. Written by Nilo Cruz. What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day: Loosely based on Pearl Cleage's book of the same name about a black woman who has moved back to her hometown following a positive diagnosis for HIV. Written by . The Last Thing He Wanted: Loosely based on Joan Didion's book of the same name about a woman who inherits her father's position as an arms dealer for the U.S. Government. Written by . Let It Blurt: Based on Jim DeRogatis' book of the same name. Written by . 100 Bullets: Based on the comic book of the same name. Written by David S. Goyer. Full Tilt Boogie: About a middle-aged pot pilot who juggles his life as a smuggler busting the USA/Mexican border with his responsibilities as a father and ex-husband. Written by Amber Crawford-Idell. American Vampire: Based on the comic book series of the same name. Written by Scott Snyder. The Stand: Based on Stephen King's The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition book of the same name. Written by . The Sandman: Based on Neil Gaiman's comic book series of the same name. Written by Neil Gaiman. The Catcher Was A Spy: Loosely based on Nicholas Dawidoff's book of the same name. Written by . Amnesia Moon: Loosely based on Jonathan Lethem's book of the same name. The protagonist is a survivalist named Chaos, who lives in an abandoned megaplex after an apparent nuclear strike. The residents of his town of Hatfork are reliant on a sinister messianic figure named Kellogg for food. Kellogg also has powerful dreams, which he transfers into the minds of others. Chaos's mind is especially receptive, making him reluctant to sleep. Written by . Of Lights and Flowers: About those trying to rebuild their lives in Anchorage, AK after the most powerful recorded earthquake in American history. Written by Janet Allard. 11/22/63: Based on Stephen King's book of the same name about a time traveler who attempts to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Written by . 60 Minute Man: A suburban dad suspects he's involved in a government conspiracy after he discovers his memory is erased during one hour of each day. Written by Graham Yost. The Catcher In The Rye: Loosely based on J. D. Salinger's book of the same name. Written by . All 'Bout Leguizamo: Loosely based on John Leguizamo's Freak, Sexaholix... A Love Story, Ghetto Klown & Pimps, Hos, Playa Hatas, And All The Rest of My Hollywood Friends: My Life. Written by John Leguizamo. Cane River: Loosely based on Lalita Tademy's book of the same name about four generations of slave-born females from 1830s to 1930s. Written by Lalita Tademy, Karen Hall & Misan Sagay. Hi School: Parody of high school life. Written by Peter Saji & Tami Sagher. Music for Torching: Loosely based on the book of the same name about a dysfunctional suburban family in modern-day America dealing with various issues, including sex, social consciousness, infidelity and school violence. Written by A. M. Homes. A Marriage: The anatomy of a couple’s marriage. Written by Marshall Herskovitz & Edward Zwick. Rabbit, Run: Based on John Updike's six books about Harry Angstrom. Written by . 20 Questions: There's nothing that fascinates people quite like a government conspiracy. Unless you're an innocent man caught up in the middle of one and running for your life. Written by Thomas Hines. Retribution: Based on John Fulton's book of the same name about struggle with and against the demands of family loyalty, love, loss, and sexual desire. Written by Lydia Woodward & Marsha Norman. American Man: Delving into the complex, troubling, and humorous contradictions, illusions, and realities of contemporary manhood. Written by David Brind & Merritt Johnson. A View of The Ocean: Loosely based on Jan de Hartog's memoir of the same name - unflinching look at death and the process of dying. Written by Elizabeth Savage Sullivan. William's Law: Loosely based on the life of William O. Douglas, who served 13,358 days on the United States Supreme Court. Written by . Dark Horse: Conspiracy thriller about an undergraduate who's struck by lightning the exact moment his estranged father, a respected neurosurgeon, is killed during an attempt to assassinate a politician likely to have become the next President. Written by Harald Kloser & Roland Emmerich. Downwardly Mobile: The proprietor of a mobile home park serves as a surrogate mother to all the unique people who live there in a challenging economy. Written by Eric Gilliland. Awesometown: A peek behind the curtain of modern 20-something relationships. Written by Adam Sztykiel. One Drop: Loosely based on Bliss Broyard's memoir of the same name. Written by . All Fall Down: A successful female attorney who ends up joining her father's family law practice when she leaves her high-powered big city law firm and moves home to Savannah, GA, where her crazy relatives live. Think: Family Law meets Northern Exposure. Written by Rina Mimoun. Service Included: Loosely based on Phoebe Damrosch's memoir of the same name. Written by . The Center Cannot Hold: Loosely based on Elyn Saks' memoir of the same name. Written by . Snopes of Mississippi: Based on William Faulkner's The Hamlet, The Town, and The Mansion. Written by . Of The Farm: Loosely based on John Updike's book of the same name. Written by . Counter Culture: Three aging sisters who run their family diner together in West Texas find that sibling dynamics are always getting in the way of getting the job done. Written by Stephnie Weir. The Florist's Daughter: Loosely based on Patricia Hampl's memoir of the same name. An elliptical account of family and loss. Written by Lisa Melamed & Alison Tatlock. County: Revolves around the lives of staff members in a frenetic underfunded and morally compromising L.A. County hospital. Think: ER in 2013. Written by Jason Katims. 18 & Beyond: The ongoings of a college campus and its rivalry with a local university. A mix of Felicity, Blue Mountain State and Veronica Mars. Written by Becky Hartman Edwards & Terrence Coli. Scruples: Based on the 1978 bestselling book about a rich and powerful clothes designer in a world of sex, revenge and scandal. Written by Bob Brush & Mel Harris. Laws of Burger: Based on the life of Warren E. Burger. Written by . Empire State: A sprawling drama about two battling families (one rich, one not) in New York. Written by Jeffrey Reiner & Michael Seitzman. Sold!: Exposing the hilarious underbelly of the high-stakes real estate world and finds enough sex, greed, deceit and betrayal to last a lifetime. Written by Silvio Horta. In The Beauty of The Lilies: Loosely based on John Updike's book of the same name. Written by . Bare David: Loosely based on David Sedaris' Naked, Holidays On Ice and Barrel Fever. Written by David Sedaris. The Revelation: Loosely based on Bentley Little's book of the same name. A tale of horror set in a small northern Arizona town, this first novel begins with the desecration of an Episcopal church and the disappearance of the priest and his family. Written by . Possible Side Effects: Loosely based on Augusten Burroughs' Possible Side Effects, A Wolf At The Table, You Better Not Cry: Stories for Christmas, and Magical Thinking. Written by Augusten Burroughs. The Falcon: Based on the comic book character of the same name. Written by . Black Lightning: Based on the comic book character of the same name. Written by . After Innocence: Loosely based on the documentary of the same name and the Innocence Project about men who were exonerated from death row by DNA evidence. Written by . The Invisible College: Based on the comic book series of the same name about a secret organization battling against physical and psychic oppression using time travel, magic, meditation, and physical violence. Their enemies are the Archons of Outer Church, interdimensional alien gods who have already enslaved most of the human race without their knowledge. Written by . Jupiter Fences: An examination of American popular culture, the underclass, subcultures and alternative lifestyles. Think: Veronica Mars meets Picket Fences. Written by Jeff Melvoin, Tammy Ader & Cathy Belben. [[]]: The lives of social workers in Charlotte, N.C. A mix of East Side/West Side, Judging Amy and The Wire. Written by Robert Gately & Naomi Lamont. [[]]: A mix of Once and Again, thirtysomething, My So-Called Life, Sisters, and Henry James' The Golden Bowl. Written by Barbara Marshall & Geetika Lizardi. The Basic Eight: Loosely based on the book of the same name about Flannery Culp's high school experiences. Written by Daniel Handler. Diary: Loosely baed on Chuck Palahniuk's book of the same name. Misty Wilmot, a once-promising young artist currently working as a waitress in a hotel. Once her husband is in a coma after a suicide attempt, Misty soon finds herself a pawn in a larger conspiracy that threatens to cost hundreds of lives. Written by Chuck Palahniuk. The Crusades: Based on the comic book series. set in a fictionalised San Francisco and featured a large cast of characters whose lives are thrown into disarray by the sudden appearance of a murderous 11th Century Knight in the city. Main Characters included Anton Marx, a leftwing political radio "shock jock", his fact checker girlfriend Venus Kostopikas, her friend Detective Addas Petronas and the rival gangsters Tony Quetone and "the Pope". Written by Steven T. Seagle. Advise and Consent: Based on Allen Drury's Advise and Consent book series. Written by . Black: Loosely based on the life of Hugo Lafayette Black who served as a senator and an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court for three decades. Written by . Vice Town: Loosely based on the life of Hiram C. Gill in 1892 as he deals with "open town" and "closed town" factions while being a lawyer and politician. Written by . The Gospel According to Larry: Based on Janet Tashjian's book series of the same name revolving around seventeen-year-old Josh Swensen, an articulate teen whose dream is to change the world. He creates his own website which he calls "The Gospel According to Larry" because Larry was the most un-biblical name he could think of. He writes articles on this site "preaching" his feelings and ideas about making the world a better place. Written by Janet Tashjian. Royal House: Loosely based on the Biblical story of King David, but set in a kingdom that culturally and technologically resembles the present-day America. Think: Kings in 2013. Written by Michael Green. Brew City: Written by Wendy Calhoun. Paradise Palms: Written by Shelley Meals & Darin Goldberg. 2197 AD: Written by Marina Alburger. Bad Apple: Written by John Francis Whelpley. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of James Strom Thurmond in 1946. Con: Written by Dawn Comer Jefferson. The Bullring: A Mexican American businessman investigates the murder of a farm labor union organizer and uncovers a conspiracy between the union, a drug cartel and the company where the businessman works. The businessman must risk his career and his life to bring the murderers to justice. Written by Luke Garza. Cities in Flight: Based on James Blish's book series of the same name. Written by . Say Something Funny: His family's Lower East Side deli is both a job and a refuge from reality for a jokester with a broken heart. 10 years ago, his father committed suicide in the next room. Now, he must reconcile himself with loss or go down the same path his father did. Written by James Francis Nevins. "Fuck Your Parliament": Satirical look at American political relations with Canada, South Africa, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Think: The West Wing meets Veep. Written by . Chasing Alice: After a series of mysterious child abductions, a young FBI agent's obsession with the supernatural leads him on a wild adventure into a magical fairy tale land, where he befriends famous characters, outwits villains, rescues children, and rediscovers his long-lost sister. Written by Keiko Tamura & Tasha Hardy. BLITZKRIEG: A wannabe crime lord dreams of building an empire in Toronto, but he never counted on the array of thieves, killers and cops who are out to stop him. Written by Schuyler Willson. Thesis: A grad student's thesis research unintentionally gets him caught up with the mob. Written by Richard Averill. Red Rover: A teenager from an abusive background is drawn into the violent world of a charismatic stranger who promises he will never be a victim again. Written by Philip Landa. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Hilmar Moore, the longest-serving elected official in America, and Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Written by . Stockholm, Pennsylvania: 19 years after her kidnapping, Leia is returned home to her parents where she discovers her name is Leanne and her birthday isn't in March. As Leia longs for the life she remembers and the man who made her who she is, Leia's mother works harder than ever to get her daughter back by any means necessary. Written by Nikole Beckwith. Victoria of Homer: Loosely based on the life of Victoria Woodhull. Written by Liz Tigelaar. Living Life: Based on David Soleil's experience as a motivational speaker who has lost his motivation to live. Theme song: Kate Bush's Part Heart. Written by David Soleil. Our Brothers: Inspired by Why I Hate Abercrombie and Fitch: Essays On Race And Sexuality. Written by . Consultant: Cleo Manago. Tubman: Based on the life of William Vacanarat S. Tubman, President of Liberia from 1944-1971. Written by . Moodyology: Loosely based on the life of Raymond Moody and his involvement in parapsychology. Think: Medium meets The X-Files. Written by . [[]]: Based on the United States Army Intelligence Support Activity, a unit tasked to collect actionable intelligence in advance of missions by other US special operations forces in counter-terrorist operations. Think: The Unit meets Army Wives. Written by Paul Redford, Sharon Lee Watson & Carol Flint. Mister J.J.: Based on the life of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States. Written by . Steele's Land: How civilization comes together from chaos by organizing itself around symbols in 1890s Oklahoma Territory. A mix of Deadwood, Cimarron Strip, and The Lazarus Man. Written by . Doktor Sleepless: Loosely based on Warren Ellis's comic book series of the same name about a trust-fund baby and boy genius who is shunned by the counter-culture he helped found. After disappearing from the city of Heavenside three years ago, he suddenly returns having undergone some changes during the interim. Upon his return, he's transformed himself from a relatively mundane man into what he describes as a cartoon mad scientist. Written by . JEG: Loosely based on the life of James E. McGreevey. Think: The West Wing meets Citizen Baines. Written by Karyn Usher & Paula Yoo. Humanial: A mix of Moonlighting, Seeing Things, Remington Steele, and Medium. Written by Glenn Gordon Caron. Think, You Are: A mix of Now and Again, Alias and The Prisoner. Written by Daniel Arkin & Rick Eid. [[]]: The personal and professional life of Isaac Wint, pastor of a non-denominational megachurch in Austin, TX. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the lives of Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, Gianni Versace, and Calvin Klein. Written by Sally Sussman Morina. More Than Kin: An adaptation of Less Than Kind about a family struggling to operate a driving school out of their home in Omaha, NE. Written by . American Century: Harry Block, a World War II veteran, fakes his own death and makes his way to Central America to create a new identity for himself as Harry Kraft, a hard-drinking smuggler. During a war in Guatemala, a CIA operative blackmails Block into assassinating Rosa de Santiis, a popular leader in opposition to the CIA puppet dictator General Zavala. Afterward, he heads back to the United States, taking a road trip from Hollywood to Chicago to New York, exploring myriad avenues of 1950s American culture. Written by Howard Chaykin. Transmetropolitan: Based on the comic book of the same name. Spider Jerusalem dedicates himself to fighting the corruption and abuse of power of two successive American presidents; he and his assistants strive to keep their world from turning more dystopian than it already is while dealing with the struggles of fame and power, brought about due to the popularity of Spider via his articles. Written by . Deadenders: Loosely based on the comic book series of the same name about a post-apocalyptic future in New Bethleham. Written by Ed Brubaker. [[]]: The ongoings of a Motown-esque record company in the 1970s. Written by Trey Ellis & Travis Donnelly. Southern Ranch: Loosely based on the Dumas Brothel and Chicken Ranch in 1952. Written by . Oh! Calcutta!: Loosely based on the musical of the same name. Written by . Rule of The Bone: Loosely based on Russell Banks' book of the same name about a teenage drug dealer living with his mother and his abusive stepfather. He runs away from home to live with his best friend and a biker gang. Bone, although a hardened drug dealer on the outside, is revealed to be quite compassionate, wanting to free an abused girl named Froggy from her captor and to return his mentor I-Man back to his home. In the end he gives up on family. Written by . The Motion of Water: Loosely based on the Galveston and Florida Keys hurricanes. Written by . Breath & Blood: Loosely based on the life of Herman Webster Mudgett, The Torture Doctor, and H. H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer in 1917. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Mike Resnick's Distant Replay about a man who sees a woman that looks exactly like his deceased wife. As he gets to know her, he discovers that she has too many things in common for this to be a coincidence. Think Dollhouse meets Now and Again. Written by . The Fortress of Solitude: Loosely based on Jonathan Lethem's book of the same name about two teenage friends, one European and one African, who discover a magic ring. It explores the issues of race and culture, gentrification, self-discovery, and music. Written by . Chip Off The Old Bloch: An examination of father/son relationships loosely based on Michael Chabon's Manhood For Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son. Written by . You Don't Love Me Yet: About alternative music in modern day Los Angeles. Written by Jonathan Lethem. Chronic City: Based on Jonathan Lethem's book of the same name about a circle of friends including a faded child-star actor, a cultural critic, a hack ghost-writer of autobiographies, and a city official. Written by . Thicker Than Blackwater: Loosely based on Brian Azzarello's comic book series, Loveless, about the dynamic relationship between Wes Cutter, a sheriff, and the townspeople (most of whom hate him), the fate of Cutter's wife, and the lingering feelings of animosity between North and South after the end of the US Civil War. Written by Brian Azzarello. Tenth of December: Based on George Saunders' book of the same name. Written by . Werewolves In Their Youth: Loosely based on Michael Chabon's book of the same name about problems arising in marriages. Written by . Husband & Wife: A fictionalized version of Married in America set in Louisville, KY. Written by Linda Gase, Anthony Sparks & Jeffrey Stepakoff. Philyations: A mix of Babyfather, Sex & The City and Manchild in 2002. Set in Philadelphia, PA. Written by Thomas Bradshaw & Alexa Junge. Faces of January: Loosely based on Patricia Highsmith's The Two Faces of January, The Glass Cell, Those Who Walk Away, and the life of Joseph Weil. Written by . The Sense of The Past: Loosely based on Henry James book of the same name about an American who trades places with a remote ancestor in early 19th century England, and encounters many complications in his new surroundings. Written by . Black Fury: Loosely based on the comic book series of the same name about Miss Fury. Her alter ego is wealthy socialite Marla Drake. Written by . Thomas/Tommy/Tom: Loosely based on Patricia Highsmith's Tom Ripley book series. Written by . The King of America: Loosely based on Rod Glenn book of the same name. Set in an America where the future merges with the past, the king is betrayed by his closest friend, plunging the nation into a civil war.As the two sides collide, the king is cast into a desperate chase across America as Lexus dedicates every resource to the hunt. Written by . Women of Manhattan: Loosely based on John Patrick Shanley's play of the same name about the lives of three NYC women: one has recently split up with her boyfriend, one is married, and one is considered a fag hag by the other two. Written by . The Authority: Based on Warren Ellis's comic book series of the same name about a team of superheroes who get the job done by any means necessary. Written by . Shock & Awe: Loosely based on Keith Harmon Snow, a former genocide investigator who is considered persona non grata in Rwanda and Ethiopia. Written by . Crooked Little Vein: Loosely based on Warren Ellis's book of the same name about Michael McGill, a burned-out private investigator, who is hired by a corrupt White House Chief of Staff to find a second "secret" U.S. Constitution, which had been lost in a whorehouse by Richard Nixon. What follows is a scavenger hunt across America, exposing its seedier side along the way. McGill is joined by surreal college student side-kick, Trix, who is writing a thesis on sexual fetishes. Written by . Black Summer: Loosely based on Warren Ellis's comic book series of the same name about The Seven Guns, an association of politically-aware scientist-inventors, who create their own superhuman enhancements through extreme body modifications experiments. Written by . Global Frequency: Loosely based on Warren Ellis's comic book series of the same name about an independent, covert intelligence organization headed by a former intelligence agent. The purpose of the organization is to protect and rescue the world from the consequences of the various secret projects that the governments of the world have established, which are unknown to the public at large. The people on the Global Frequency are chosen and called on for their specialized skills in a variety of areas, from military personnel, intelligence agents, police detectives to scientific researchers, academics, athletes, former criminals and assassins. These threats that the organization deals with are equally varied and usually world-threatening, ranging from rogue military operations and paranormal phenomena to terrorist attacks and religious cults. Written by Scott Nimerfro & John Rogers. Dangerous Bill: Loosely based on the life of Bill Hicks, a stand-up comedian, satirist, and social critic. Written by . 13th Grade: A slacker 18 year old as he navigates the world of community college after just being dumped by his girlfriend. Written by Derek Waters. Cripro: A spoof on crime procedurals about a washed-up TV action hero - who at the peak of his career was ceremonially deputized by local law enforcement - falsely believes he can solve crimes in real life. His student, Jason, becomes his sidekick. Think: Lookwell meets Reno 911!. Written by Conan O'Brien, Robert Smigel & Andy Richter. Consultant: Peter Blauner Tear A Bull (aka Double T): A satirical look at the personal and professional lives of a low-level member of the Texas Legislature and his staff. Written by Larry Wilmore. Consultant: Lee Blessing. Infinite Jest: Based on David Foster Wallace's book of the same name about the missing master copy of a film cartridge, titled Infinite Jest and referred to in the novel as "the Entertainment" or "the samizdat". The film, so entertaining to its viewers that they lose all interest in anything other than viewing it and thus eventually die, was the final work of James O. Incandenza before his suicide by microwave. He completed it during a stint of sobriety requested by its lead actress, Joelle Van Dyne. Quebecois separatists are interested in acquiring a master, redistributable copy of the work to aid in acts of terrorism against the United States. The United States Office of Unspecified Services is seeking to intercept the master copy of the film to prevent mass dissemination and the destabilization of the Organization of North American Nations. Joelle and later Hal seek treatment for substance abuse problems at The Ennet House Drug and Alcohol Recovery House, and Marathe visits the rehabilitation center to pursue a lead on the master copy of the Entertainment, tying the characters and plots together. Written by . I Am Monica Saunders: A fictionalized version of Martha Stewart in 1996. Written by Bob Bartlett. Addicks: A pair of recovering addicts: one's an ex-drug dealer/gigolo, the other's an heir to a fortune he can't collect until he's sober. Written by Jason Dean Hall & Justin Spitzer. American Darkness: A man relocates his family to a town run by a powerful, but mysterious tycoon. They soon realize that not everything in the town is as it seems. A mix of Picket Fences, American Gothic, The Dead Zone, The X-Files, and A Clockwork Orange. Written by . Beat Generation: A group of American post-World War II writers who come to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena they document and inspire. Central elements of the beat culture include rejection of received standards, innovations in style, experimentation with drugs, alternative sexualities, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and explicit portrayals of the human condition. Written by . American Post: The personal and professional lives of staff at a Huffington Post-type website. A mix of The Eleventh Hour, and The Newsroom. Written by Cherie Bennett & Jeff Gottesfeld. Consultant: Gerald Early The Marriage Plot: Loosely based on Jeffrey Eugenides's book of the same name about three female college friends beginning in their senior year in 1982. Written by . I Do, Sometimes: Exploring mixed-orientation marriages. A mix of Far From Heaven, Once & Again, Mulligans, A Single Man, and Shortbus. Written by Todd Haynes & Eileen Myers. Big Machine: Based on Victor LaValle's book of the same name. Ricky Rice is an ex-junkie African bus station porter survivor of a suicide cult whose life is changed when a mysterious letter arrives summoning him to a remote compound in Vermont. Written by Victor LaValle. The Broom of The System: Loosely based on David Foster Wallace's book of the same name about an emotionally challenged woman questions her own reality as she navigates three separate crises: her great-grandmother's escape from a nursing home, a neurotic boyfriend, and a suddenly vocal pet cockatiel. Written by . Scalped: Based on the comic book series of the same name about the residents of an Indian reservation in modern-day South Dakota as they grapple with organized crime, poverty, alcoholism, local politics and the preservation of their cultural identity. Written by . All That Is: Loosely based on James Slater’s book of the same name about a naval officer who returns to America and finds a position as a book editor. In this world of dinners, deals, and literary careers, Bowman finds that he fits in perfectly. But despite his success, what eludes him is love. His first marriage goes bad, another fails to happen, and finally he meets a woman who enthralls him—before setting him on a course he could never have imagined for himself. Romantic and haunting as it explores a life unfolding in a world on the brink of change. It is a dazzling, sometimes devastating labyrinth of love and ambition, a fiercely intimate account of the great shocks and grand pleasures of being alive. Written by . With or Without You: Loosely based on Domenica Ruta’s book of the same name. Domenica grew up in a working-class, unforgiving town north of Boston, in a trash-filled house on a dead-end road surrounded by a river and a salt marsh. Her mother, Kathi, a notorious local figure, was a drug addict and sometimes dealer whose life swung between welfare and riches, and whose highbrow taste was at odds with her hardscrabble life. And yet she managed, despite the chaos she created, to instill in her daughter a love of stories. Written by . The Glass Castle: Loosely based on Jeannette Walls’ book of the same name. Written by . Where'd You Go, Bernadette: Based on Maria Semple's book of the same name. Once a revered architect, Bernadette has become such a neurotic mess that she outsources her simplest errands to a virtual assistant in India. When Bernadette suddenly disappears, Bee follows her mother's unusual paper trail to track her down. Written by Maria Semple. Triburbia: Based on Karl Taro Greenfeld's book of the same name about a group of families in a fashionable Manhattan neighborhood wrestling with the dark realities of their lives. A hip group of fathers meet every morning for breakfast and banter while glossing over the dysfunction festering in the privacy of their airy lofts: affairs, bad marriages, bad kids, accusations of fabricating a memoir, etc. These one-percenters appear to have everything, but they're ruined by too many options; as a result, their lives end up looking like those of dissatisfied suburbanites, only a bit uglier. Written by . We Only Know So Much: Loosely based on Elizabeth Crane's book of the same name about a dysfunctional family: Jean, the people-pleasing mother who's having an affair; her husband, Gordon, an insufferable know-it-all who's losing his memory; Priscilla, a text-a-minute brat who dreams of becoming a reality TV star; and Otis, an offbeat loner longing for love. Our narrator is an omniscient We who reports the goings-on of the family with the breathless glee of an incurable gossip. Written by Elle Triedman & Nikki Toscano. Inside: Based on Alix Ohlin's book of the same name. A therapist rescues a man from an attempted suicide only to fall in love with him; a deeply troubled aspiring actress takes in the homeless runaway sleeping on her doorstep; a divorcée starved for connection leaves one hopeless situation for another. Written by . The Expats: Loosely based on Chris Pavone's book of the same name. When her husband, Dexter, lands a high-paying job in Luxembourg, Kate Moore gladly quits her secret life as a CIA agent to reinvent herself as an expat housewife. But she has to put her espionage skills to use again when another American couple arrives in town and tells her that Dexter might have a secret life of his own. Written by . Ten Thousand Saints: Based on Eleanor Henderson's book of the same name about a group of friends, lovers, parents and children through the straight-edge music scene and the early days of the AIDS epidemic. Written by . Drop City: Loosely based on T. Coraghessan Boyle's book of the same name. It is 1970, and a California commune has decided to relocate to the last frontier—the unforgiving landscape of interior Alaska—in the ultimate expression of going back to the land. Armed with the spirit of adventure and naïve optimism, the inhabitants arrive in the wilderness of Alaska only to find their utopia already populated by other young homesteaders. When the two communities collide, unexpected friendships and dangerous enmities are born as everyone struggles with the bare essentials of life: love, nourishment, and a roof over one’s head. Written by . Wonderland: Loosely based on Joyce Carol Oates's book of the same name. Written by . [[]]: The exploits of a record label. Written by Dan Ahearn & David Caudle. [[]]: A mysterious institute which studies the human mind. A mix of Dollhouse, The Second Lady, The Manchurian Candidate, The Pretender, and Now and Again. Written by Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Juan Carlos Coto & Dean Widenmann. [[]]: Loosely based on the Atlanta Child Murders and Charles Sanders. Written by Geoffrey S. Fletcher. [[]]: Loosely based on the lives of Alfred Kinsey, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Havelock Ellis, Magnus Hirschfeld, Kurt Freund & Vern Bullough. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Ralph David Abernathy Sr.. Written by . [[]]: The exploits of the sex industry in 1973. A mix of Boogie Nights and The Fluffer. Written by . [[]]: The personal and professional lives of the Kentucky Supreme Court justices. Think: First Monday meets The West Wing. Written by Evan Katz, Ellen Herman & Christopher Ambrose. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Harry Belafonte. Written by . [[]]: A former football player, Redde Wycel, is charged with the murder of his ex wife, and tries to uncover the truth about her death. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the Breckinridge family in 1797. Written by . The Man: Loosely based on Irving Wallace's book of the same name about the socio-political consequences in U.S. society when a black man becomes President of America. Written by . Ooh! Ah!: The lives of sex therapists and their clients. Written by Jim Leonard & Kate Robin. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of George Edwin Taylor. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Sam Cooke. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on The Jackson 5 in 1975. Written by . Pause: The ongoings of a Rolling Stone type magazine in 1977. Written by Jon Harmon Feldman & Dana Baratta. [[]]: Comedic look at married life. A mix of Mad About You, Married People, and The King of Queens. Written by Michael J. Weithorn, David Litt & Rob Ulin. News Rock: The ongoings of a fictional TV news station. Think: Cop Rock with journalists. Written by Bob Lowry, Michael Hollinger & Adam Gwon. [[]]: The lives of hospice care workers. Theme song: Audra Mae's My Lonely Worry. Written by Dahvi Waller & Joan Binder Weiss. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Brad Blanton, the man who developed radical honesty. Written by . [[]]: The lives of a Spice Girls type group. Written by Mike Herro & David Strauss. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Stokely Carmichael. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of James Bevel. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of James Arthur Baldwin, a novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic. Written by . [[]]: The life of a Marilyn Monroe type woman in 1964. Written by Josh Reims & Bruce Miller. [[]]: A fictionalized version of The Phil Donahue Show. Written by . [[]]: A spoof on court shows about two judges. A mix of Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown. Written by Jennifer Celotta & Anthony Q. Farrell. [[]]: The complexities of open relationships. A mix of Swingtown and Once and Again. Theme by Melissa McClelland. Written by Mike Kelley & David Schulner. [[]]: Loosely based on Lisa Arends's Lessons From the End of A Marriage. Written by Victoria Morrow, Coleman Herbert & Scott Teems. Private Nature: The ongoings of an escort agency in San Francisco. Written by Gina Fattore & Tom Kapinos. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of David Vitter. Written by . [[]]: The life of a Vince McMahon type man. Written by Daniel Chun & Phil Johnston. [[]]: The life of an Estée Lauder type woman. Written by Katherine Fugate. American District: The ongoings of a Washington, D.C. based public relations firm. A mix of The Good Wife and The West Wing. Written by Barry M. Schkolnick, Steve Lichtman & Alexandra Cunningham. [[]]: Loosely based on the lives of Ted Haggard and Paul Barnes. Written by . American Politricks (aka American Complex): Satire on American politics and the mainstream media. A mix of That's My Bush! and Veep. Theme song: Morrissey's Let Me Kiss You. Written by David Bickel, Halsted Sullivan & Ken Urban. [[]]: The lives of members of a Ku Klux Klan type of group in 1924. Written by Keith Josef Adkins. Seasons of Life: Coming of age 1965 drama in San Francisco, CA. Written by Toni Graphia & Jill Gordon. Flycatcher: The life of an Anita Bryant type woman in 1979. Written by . American Tabloid: Loosely based on James Ellroy's Underworld USA Trilogy about political and legal corruption. Written by . Fill In The Blanks: An espionage team of former members of the FBI, DIA, DEA, and CIA. A mix of Counterstrike, The Equalizer, La Femme Nikita, Alias, and The Unit. Written by David Mamet & Lynn Mamet. Consultant: Stephen L. Carter. American Tycoon: Loosely based on Harold Robbins' Tycoon about an entrepreneur who builds an empire in broadcasting. Written by Anne Kenney & Daniel Steck. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Theodore Roosevelt Mason Howard, a civil rights/fraternal organization leader, entrepreneur and surgeon. Written by . American Blaks (aka So Blak!): A no holds barred satire on black life in America. Loosely based on the lives of Richard Pryor, Dick Gregory, Patrice O'Neal, and Steve "The Dean" Williams. Written by Warren Hutcherson, Malcolm D. Lee & Lamont Ferrell. Cookbrity: The life of a Bobby Flay type celebrity cook. Written by Peter Ocko, Allison Silverman & Vijal Patel. [[]]: The life of a Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/Mark Levin type radio talk show host. Written by Angus MacLachlan. American Peaks: Loosely based on the Thurston County ritual abuse case, Dissociative identity disorder, File 18, and the lives of John DeCamp, Elizabeth Loftus and Valerie Sinason. Written by . International Cunts (aka i-Cunts): A blistering look at humanity. Written by . K Is For Killing: Loosely based on Daniel Easterman's book of the same name in which America is ruled by a coalition of the America First Committee and Ku Klux Klan. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Jim Jones. Written by . [[]]: A mix of Nowhere Man, The Prisoner, The Pretender, North by Northwest, and Three Days of the Condor. Written by Laurence Andries & Sam Humphrey. To Live & Die In Tucson: An unflinching look at mental health issues in America. Set in Tucson, AZ. Written by Davey Holmes. [[]]: Based on the Black Arts Movement. Written by . 21st Century Matches: The life of a Patti Stanger type woman. Written by Melanie Marnich & Barry O'Brien. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Ralph Waldo Greene Jr.. Written by . [[]]: The lives of a White Panther Party type political collective in 1968. Written by . The Broken Hearts Club: A coming of age drama loosely based on The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy. Written by . [[]]: The life of an Ann Coulter type woman. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of the Allegheny County council. A mix of The West Wing and Boss. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Eddie Noel. Written by . [[]]: The life of a JFK Jr. type socialite. Written by Roger Wolfson. [[]]: The ongoings of a non-denominational Christian college in Bakersfield, CA. Written by . [[]]: The life of the governor of Ohio and his staff. Think: The West Wing meets House of Cards. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a Christian Voice type political advocacy group. Written by . Peachtree Lines: The personal and professional life of Lincoln Rylan, mayor of Atlanta, and his staff. A mix of The West Wing, Boss, and House of Cards. Written by . The Fake & The Fakest: A fictionalized version of The Real Housewives. Written by Linwood Boomer & Matt Hubbard. [[]]: The life of a George Wallace type politician. Written by . Polialk: Satire on American political talk shows. A mix of Crossfire, Firing Line, The McLaughlin Group, and The Chris Matthews Show. Theme song: Lydia Taylor's Love A Little Harder. Written by Robert Carlock, Bob Brush & Norma Safford Vela. [[]]: The life of a Daniel Keenan Savage type man. Written by . Phantom Stranger: Based on the comic book character of the same name with unspecified paranormal origins who battles mysterious and occult forces. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Ella Fitzgerald. Written by Darnell Martin & Michael Elliot. [[]]: The ongoings of a public-access television station. Think: Public Access meets Alternative Views in 1999. Written by . [[]]: The life of a Steve Forbes type publishing executive. Written by Taylor Elmore. [[]]: The life of a David Geffen type record executive, screen/theatrical producer, and philanthropist in 1982. Written by R. Scott Gemmill. [[]]: The life of a Matthew Nathan Drudge type man in 2003. Written by . [[]]: A mix of Regarding Henry, Marvin's Room, Bringing Out the Dead, Wit, Closer, The Squid and the Whale, and Margot at the Wedding. Written by Noah Baumbach, Rick Moody & Ann Patchett. [[]]: A mix of White Sands, The Man Who Knew Too Much, North by Northwest, and Freedomland. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle about poverty, the absence of social programs, unpleasant living and working conditions, and the hopelessness prevalent among the working class, which is contrasted with the deeply rooted corruption of people in power. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a National Review type magazine. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Orval Faubus. Written by Gregory Poirier & Paul Redford. Atomic Knight: Loosely based on the comic book character of the same name. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of an interior design firm in Minneapolis, MN. A mix of Designing Women, Will & Grace, and The Office. Written by Carrie Kemper, Graham Wagner & David M. Matthews. [[]]: The ongoings of a venture capital firm. A mix of Profit, Revenge, and Chinatown. Written by . The Royal Tenenbaums: Loosely based on the film of the same name. Written by Anthony Q. Farrell & Derek Ahonen. Sidney's Window: Loosely based on Lorraine Hansberry's The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window about a man named Sidney, his pitfalls within his personal life, and struggles in Bohemian culture. Written by . The Good Widow: A mix of The Good Wife, The Brethren, The Confession, and the D.C. Madam scandal of 2006. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the events leading up to Ruby Ridge. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a Bank of America type bank in 2005. Inspired by The International. Written by . Drof Men: The ongoings of a multinational automaker in 1987. Think: Mad Men with cars. Written by Will Rokos. [[]]: The ongoings of a pharmaceutical corporation. Written by Melinda Hsu Taylor & Robert L. Rovner. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Joe Francis, creator of Girls Gone Wild. Written by . [[]]: The rise and fall of a pop music group in 1966. Inspired by Paul McCartney Died In 1966 urban legend. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a male revue in 2008. Written by Rob Fresco, Jill E. Blotevogel & Jason Ning. Undisclosed: Loosely based on Michal Milstein & Marlin Marynick's Undisclosed: Secrets of The AIDS Epidemic. Written by . American Krime (aka Krime In The USA): A mockumentary-style parody of law enforcement documentary shows and crime procedurals. A mix of Reno 911!, Miami Vice, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, and the CSI franchise. Written by Sean Abley, Liz Duffy Adams & Jeffrey Adams. It's Just Sex: Satire on the American sexual revolution. Written by Thomas McCarthy. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Andy Warhol. Written by Michael Dahlie & Allison Lynn. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Walter Washington, the first mayor of the District of Columbia. Written by . American Fluff: The life of a male fluffer. Written by Steve Hely. [[]]: Set against the backdrop of the Holy Week Uprising. A mix of I'll Fly Away, Homefront, Any Day Now, and Crash. Written by Gregory Allen Howard, Gary Hardwick, Rob Hardy & Brian Bird. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Johnnie L. Cochran Jr.. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a cosmetics company in 1992. Think: Mad Men with makeup. Written by Amy Herzog & Lisa Joy. [[]]: The personal and professional lives of clinical psychologists. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a modeling agency in 2006. Written by Annie Weisman & Natalie Krinsky. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Tina Turner in 1987. Written by Janine Sherman Barrois & Elizabeth Hunter. [[]]: The ongoings of an upscale lifestyle company and fashion retailer. Written by Wendy Mericle & Sara Parriott. [[]]: The ongoings of a real estate firm. Written by Adele Lim & William H. Brown. [[]]: The life of a cultural critic. Written by Thomas McCarthy. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of James Brown. Written by Reggie Rock Bythewood & Gina Prince-Bythewood. Empire: Based on Orson Scott Card's book series of the same name about a possible second American Civil War, this time between the Right Wing and Left Wing in the near future. Written by . [[]]: A spoof on primetime serials centering around a wealthy clan. A mix of Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest, The Colbys, Titans, and Pasadena. Written by Matt Whitney, Jeanne Leitenberg & Annemarie Navar-Gill. [[]]: Based on David Wellington's werewolf series Frostbite and Overwinter. Written by . [[]]: A mix of The Parallax View, The Domino Principle, Blow Out, No Way Out and Enemy of The State. Written by David Ayer & John Sayles. Animal Man: Based on the comic book character of the same name. Bernhard Baker acquires the ability to temporarily “borrow” the abilities of animals. Using these powers, he fights crime as the costumed superhero. Written by . Philly Blues (aka Bluesidelphia): The lives of the Philadelphia Police Department's officers. A mix of The Chicago Code, Southland, Miami Vice, and Robbery Homicide Division. Written by David Graziano, Angela Amato Velez & Todd A. Kessler. Etta Jenks: Loosely based on the play of the same name about a young woman who chases her dreams to sun-soaked LA to become a movie star, but soon the shadows of this city rear up to claim her. Etta aspires to succeed but is sucked down into the porn industry, a world which seduces and abuses, and can illuminate your name in dirty neon. A dark comic thriller about sex and survival. Written by Marlane Gomard Meyer. [[]]: The life of Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States, in 1837. Written by . Jack: Loosely based on the life of John Arthur Johnson in 1933. Written by . Dayworld: Loosely based on Philip José Farmer's book series of the same name about a dystopian future in which an overpopulated world solves the problem by allocating people only one day per week. For the rest of the six days they are 'stoned,' a kind of suspended animation. Written by Rand Ravich, Far Shariat & Hans Tobeason. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Joseph Nicolosi, founder of the NARTH. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a Peoples Temple type religious organization in 1991. Written by . [[]]: A satirical look at suburban life with an examination of the Christian left, Christian right, social conservatism, and libertarian conservatism ideologies. A mix of Polyester, Celebrity, American Beauty & Desperate Housewives. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Richard Wayne Penniman aka Little Richard. Written by . [[]]: The lives of U.S. armed forces members returning home from the Afghanistan and Iraq War. Written by Lydia Woodward, Moira Walley-Beckett & Nancy Hult Ganis. [[]]: The lives of political consultants, campaign managers, lobbyists, and advocacy journalists. A mix of Lou Grant, The West Wing, Breaking News, and The Eleventh Hour. Written by Adam Johnson. [[]]: The ongoings of a Minor League Baseball team in Ohio. Written by Jamie Gorenberg & David Schladweiler. The Tales of Alvin Maker: Based on Orson Scott Card's book series about a man who discovers he has incredible powers for creating and shaping things around him. It takes place in an alternate history of the American frontier in the early 19th century, to some extent based on early American folklore and superstition. Written by Orson Scott Card. Congorilla: Based on the comic book character of the same name. Written by . The Rule of Fate: Loosely based on the play of the same name about a Hollywood film family. Written by Marlane Gomard Meyer. Mister Harding: The life of Warren G. Harding in 1920. Written by . [[]]: A fictionalized version of The Day the Music Died in 1999. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a casual dining restaurant chain. Written by John A. Norris & Terrence Coli. [[]]: The life of a federal judge in Texas. Written by Carol Flint, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich & Peter Noah. Sharp Teeth: Based on Toby Barlow's book of the same name about packs of werewolves struggling for power in the underbelly of Los Angeles. Written by Angelina Burnett & Sarah Thorp. Teendom: A parody of teen television series and films. A mix of Election, Heathers, Varsity Blues, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Bring It On, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Never Been Kissed, Cruel Intentions, Mean Girls, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Clueless, Dead Poets Society, Lean On Me, Juno, Veronica Mars, Dawson's Creek, My So-Called Life, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Ready or Not, Popular, and But I'm a Cheerleader. Written by David B. Harris, Austin Winsberg & Emily Whitesell. [[]]: The life of a Helen Kendrick Johnson type writer and prominent activist opposing the women's suffrage movement in 1911. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, pioneer of the modern homosexual rights movement, in 1935. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Leonard Matlovich in 1991. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a Philadelphia private club in 1962. Loosely based on the Yale Club of New York City. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of an alternative medical practice in Omaha, NE. Written by Yahlin Chang, Tom Garrigus & Patrick Harbinson. Polymerican: The lives of polyamorous people. Written by Tracy Letts. [[]]: Loosely based on the lives of Kenneth Bancroft Clark and Mamie Phipps Clark. Written by Diane Ademu-John. [[]]: A man runs for elected office after a 20 year break. A mix of Citizen Baines, The Wire, and Boss. Written by James Yoshimura, Robert Schenkkan & Jesse Stern. The Geography of Luck: Loosely based on the play of the same name about a former rockabilly star who is released from prison on parole. He was serving a sentence for murdering his wife. Written by Marlane Gomard Meyer. Little, Big: Loosely based on John Crowley's book of the same name about the intertwined family trees of the Drinkwaters and their relations—from the turn of the twentieth century to a sparsely-described dystopian future America ruled by a sinister despot. Written by John Crowley. Four Freedoms: Loosely based on John Crowley's book of the same name centering around a fictional aircraft manufacturing plant during the 1940s. Written by . The Story Sisters: Loosely based on Alice Hoffman's book of the same name: a dark family saga of three sisters plagued by uncommon sadness. Written by Alice Hoffman. Women and Men: Loosely based on Joseph McElroy's book of the same name about the life, the partly mythic ancestry, and the partly science fictional future of James Mayn, a business and technology journalist. Written by . Mister Roosevelt: The life of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1911. Written by . [[]]: Mystery surrounding the death of a deputy mayor in 1989. Upon his death, shoeboxes and briefcases with more than $900,000 in cash are found in his home along with 19 cases of whiskey, 8 transistor radios, and 102 packs of cigarettes. Inspired by Paul Taylor Powell. Written by Salvatore Stabile. The Wicked Years: Based on the book series of the same name which are a revisionist take on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and related books. Written by Gregory Maguire & Chris Provenzano. [[]]: The life of a Washington, D.C. socialite and philanthropist. Written by Tristine Skyler & Kath Lingenfelter. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of John Nance Garner IV in 1979. Written by . [[]]: The life of Abigail Adams. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Cordell Hull, the longest serving U.S. Secretary of State. Written by . The Color of Water: Loosely based on the memoir The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother. Written by James McBride & Craig Brewer. [[]]: Life in the Confederate States of America in 1861. Written by Andre Jacquemetton, Maria Jacquemetton, Michael C. Martin & Tanya Hamilton. [[]]: Life in the Roman Empire. Written by Scott Buck & John Milius. [[]]: Loosely based on Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Henry Gerber, a homosexual rights activist, in 1931. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Idi Amin. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Robert Mugabe in 1973. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Don Mellett in 1929, a journalist who was assassinated after confronting local organized crime. Written by Steve Lichtman, Rob Ackerman & John Mankiewicz. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Patrice Lumumba. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Walter Liggett in 1946 who exposed a criminal syndicate between organized crime and the Minnesota political establishment. Written by Shelley Meals & Darin Goldberg. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Dulcie September. Written by Becky Mode & Karyn Usher. Outline of My Lover: Loosely based on Douglas A. Martin's book of the same name in which the central character has a long term romantic relationship with the lead singer of a successful southern alternative band. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Louis Botha, the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Philip José Farmer's A Barnstormer in Oz in which the Hank Stover, a pilot and the son of Dorothy Gale, finds himself in Oz when his plane gets lost in a green cloud over Kansas. The Oz he discovers is on the brink of civil war; he encounters Erakna, the new Wicked Witch. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Leslie Lynch King, Jr., the first unelected President of America. Written by . [[]]: A journalist with close ties to the Mafia in the 80s. Written by Brian Burns & Edward Fitzgerald Burns. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Jan Smuts who served as Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa from 1919 until 1924 and from 1939 until 1948. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Elijah Parish Lovejoy in 1849. Written by Lewis Colick & John Pielmeier. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Hendrik Verwoerd, the man behind the conception and implementation of apartheid. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of America. Written by . Fade: Loosely based on Robert Cormier's book of the same name about a teenage boy who discovers he can "fade". "Fading" is the term used for becoming invisible. Written by James Stoteraux, Chad Fiveash & Abby Gewanter. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of F. W. de Klerk, the last State President of apartheid-era South Africa. Written by . In The Middle of The Night: Loosely based on Robert Cormier's book of the same name about a teenage boy whose father was involved in a tragic accident that killed several children. He's not allowed to drive or answer the phone and his family moves so often he's always the new kid in school. But one afternoon, Denny disobeys his parents and answers a phone call, after which he finds himself drawn into a relationship with the mystery caller...someone who wants revenge. Written by David Fury & Frank Renzulli. [[]]: Based on Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves and The Whalestoe Letters. Written by Mark Z. Danielewski. [[]]: Based on the actions of the African National Congress in 1912. Written by . Here On Earth: Loosely based on Alice Hoffman's book of the same name about a woman who returns with her teenage daughter to the Massachusetts town where she grew up. After returning to the town that she grew up in, she finds herself reunited with a lost love. This dark and twisted tale tells of the capabilities of love and how far one is willing to go for it. Written by . [[]]: Based on the actions of the National Party, the governing party of South Africa from June 1948 until May 1994. Written by Ann Peacock, Troy Blacklaws, Mark Behr & Shawn Slovo. [[]]: Loosely based on the British series Absolutely Fabulous. Written by . [[]]: The life of a Jesse Woodson James type man in 1897. Written by Kater Gordon. [[]]: Loosely based on the American Indian Movement, a Native American organization in 1968. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the British series The Vicar of Dibley. Written by . Are You Served?: Loosely based on the British series Are You Being Served?. Written by . [[]]: Based on William Edward Burghardt Du Bois's Black Flame trilogy. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Mark R. M. Wahlberg in 1993. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the British series Only Fools and Horses. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Charles Lindbergh. Written by Rolin Jones & Robin Veith. 191: Based on the Southern Victory Series by Harry Turtledove which depicts a world in which the Confederacy won the American Civil War. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Robert George Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party. Written by . Resurrection Day: Loosely based on the book of the same name where the Cuban missile crisis escalated to a full-scale war, the Soviet Union is devastated, and the USA has been reduced to a third-rate power, relying on Britain for aid. Written by Brendan DuBois. [[]]: Based on Philip José Farmer's trilogy A Feast Unknown, Lord of the Trees and The Mad Goblin. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. in 1982. Written by Andre Jacquemetton & Maria Jacquemetton. [[]]: Based on the Civil War book series by Newt Gingrich, William R. Forstchen, and Albert S. Hanser. Written by . The World Next Door: Loosely based on the book of the same name. It takes place in the mid-1990s, at two interlinked alternate realities. In one of them, the Cuban Missile Crisis had escalated into a major nuclear exchange. What was left of the United States disintegrated into numerous virtually-independent enclaves, though President John F. Kennedy is still alive in a bunker somewhere. Written by Brad Ferguson. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Pocahontas in 1829. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on Replay. A radio journalist dies and awakens back in 1963 in his 18-year-old body. He then begins to relive his life with intact memories of the previous 25 years. This happens repeatedly with different events in each cycle. Written by George Mastras. 1—9—9—0: An examination of life in the 1990s. Set in Austin, TX. Written by Patrick Sheane Duncan & Paul J. Levine & Gennifer Hutchinson. Codex Alera: Based on Jim Butcher's book series of the same name. It chronicles the coming-of-age of Tavi in the realm of Alera, an empire similar to Rome, on the world of Carna. Every Aleran has some degree of command over elemental forces or spirits called furies, save for Tavi, who is considered unusual for his lack of one. As the aging First Lord struggles to maintain his hold on a realm on the brink of civil war, Tavi must use all of his intelligence to save Alera. Written by Jim Butcher. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Rajmund Roman T. Polański. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Lena Horne. Written by Kasi Lemmons & Vondie Curtis-Hall. [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Lucille Ball. Written by . [[]]: A time travel comedy/drama/musical reimagining of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 2000. Written by . [[]]: A parallel universe inhabited by humans, werewolves, ghosts, legendary creatures, and genetically engineered animals with human characteristics. Written by Scott Nimerfro & Sebastian Gutierrez. [[]]: Based on the life of Heracles, his consorts and children. Written by John Shiban & Sam Catlin. The Spellman Files: Based on Lisa Lutz's book series of the same name about a family of private investigators, who, while very close knit, are also intensely suspicious and spend much time investigating each other. Written by . [[]]: Based on George Pelecanos's Derek Strange and Terry Quinn, private investigators in Washington D.C. Written by . In The Garden: Loosely based on Norman Allen's play of the same name. The lives of four urban sophisticates are rocked by the arrival of a young man who is everything but what he seems. With unworldly charisma, the man constructs a web of seduction and theology grounded in the lessons of the New Testament. With high comedy and thought-provoking drama, it blends sexual conventions, high fashion, Nietzsche, and Christ in an uber-theatrical rollercoaster ride. Written by Norman Allen. The Good Spouse: A satire on American political scandals and how marriages are dealt in the midst of controversy. Inspired by The Good Wife. Written by . The Good Council: A satire on American politics in a small sized city. Written by . The Good State: A satire on state politics. Written by . The Bad Wife: A controversial female mayor deals with her personal and professional life amdist a sex scandal. Inspired by Linda Lusk. Written by . The Blue Code: A spoof on law enforcement shows. Think: Reno 911! meets The Chicago Code. Written by . American Special: The personal and professional lives of a top secret special forces team. A mix of The Unit, Last Resort, Strike Back, and Homeland. Written by . The Good Ambassador: A satire on American international relations. Think: The Office meets The West Wing. Written by . [[]]: The life of a polygamist family in Utah. Written by . Passing Seasons: A contemporary western about American social issues with drugs being the central focus. A mix of American Beauty, Far From Heaven, American History X, Six Feet Under, and Breaking Bad. Written by . American Dysfunction: Exploring the dynamics of dysfunction among American families. Written by . A.B.U.S.E.: The impact various forms of abuse (drug, sexual, physical, psychological) has on the lives of Americans. Written by . [[]]: A mysterious man's quest to join high society in 1983. Explores themes of reinvention, social upheaval, decadence, and personal, sexual and racial politics. Written by . Good Families: A satire on primetime serials such as Dallas, Knots Landing, Falcon Crest, and Desperate Housewives. Written by . The Good Couple: A satire on modern relationships. Written by . American Circuit: The ongoings of an American private military company. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a publishing company in 1977. Written by . [[]]: Homosexuality from 1949 to present day. Written by . Crime, She Wrote: A spoof on Murder, She Wrote. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the Hatfield–McCoy feud in 1974. Written by . Good Health: A satire on the American health industry. Written by . The Good Company: A satire on corporate America. Written by . [[]]: The personal and professional lives of lawyers in the field of family law. A mix of Family Law, Judging Amy, and The Good Wife. Written by . [[]]: A deep exploration of sociopolitical themes and African American culture in Detroit. Written by . [[]]: The adult entertainment industry in 1973. Written by . [[]]: The life of an addiction counselor and recovering drug addict. Written by Jeffrey Lieber & Scott Erik Sommer. [[]]: The personal and professional life of a sports writer. Written by . Tales of The City: Based on Armistead Maupin's book series of the same name. Written by . American Collar: An examination of social classes. Written by . [[]]: An examination of dissociative identity disorder. Written by . Insatiable: Set in a small town where everyone has some sort of addiction. Written by Liz Brixius. [[]]: An examination of male prostitution. Written by . Blue In The USA: A mix of Sex & The City. Written by . Diary of A Manhattan Call Girl: Based on Tracy Quan's book series of the same name. Written by . [[]]: Loosely based on the life of Xaviera Hollander, a former call girl and madam. Written by . [[]]: An examination of intergenerational warfare through the lens of the 2007 financial crisis after a Michigan mayor files a Chapter 9 bankruptcy petition. Written by . [[]]: An examination of international criminal law. Written by . [[]]: An in depth look at personality disorders. Written by . [[]]: An examination of Christianity in America. Written by . T.H.R.I.L.L.E.R.: A legal, medical, political, and erotic thriller. Written by . U.N.D.E.R.G.R.O.U.N.D.: An examination of the underground life revolving around a team of rogue individuals: a journalist, a doctor, a lawyer, and a police detective. Written by . [[]]: An examination of the Reconstruction Era. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a fictional American airline set in 1970 and headquartered in Philadelphia. Written by Mike Daniels & Nick Thiel. [[]]: An examination of the impact of various political, sports, racial, sexual, and educational scandals in St. Louis, MO. Inspired by the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal. Written by . [[]]: The life of a travelling salesman in the Birmingham, AL area. Revolving around the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice in 1974. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a Columbus, OH team in a fictional Canadian football league expansion in 2004. Written by . [[]]: Based on Karen Marie Moning's Fever book series. Written by . [[]]: An examination of anthropology and sociology in modern America. Written by . [[]]: The events leading up to Arizona Territory becoming the 48th state in 1910. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a multinational retail corporation based in Missouri. Written by . [[]]: The events leading up to the California Gold Rush and statehood in 1847. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of a mysterious boomtown in 1988. Written by Ted Mann, Kem Nunn & James D. Parriott. [[]]: The ongoings of a multinational mass media and entertainment company. Think: Profit meets Mad Men. Written by . [[]]: The exploits of the judge advocates in the Department of the Army’s Office of the Judge Advocate General. Written by . [[]]: An examination of the Iraq War. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of an academic health science centre in San Antonio, TX. Written by Regina Corrado & Nichole Beattie. [[]]: The ongoings of a sundown town in Texas during the 1940s. Written by . [[]]: The life of a professional golfer. Written by . [[]]: The world of professional and amateur handball. Written by . [[]]: The life of a freelance security consultant and trainer. Written by . [[]]: Based on Gregory Benford's Galactic Center Saga book series. Written by . [[]]: The ongoings of the United States Department of Justice Criminal Division. Written by . [[]]: A suburban gothic about the ongoings of a picturesque city with themes of naturalism. A mix of Twin Peaks and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Written by . [[]]: An examination of hip hop culture in 1980. Written by . [[]]: An examination of African-American culture in Philadelphia during the 1990s. Written by Charles Murray, Ryan Coogler, Nelson George & Dee Rees. [[]]: The ongoings of a Los Angeles full-service talent and literary agency in 2004. Written by . [[]]: Based on Jack Womack's Dryco book series. Written by . [[]]: An examination of masculism in America. Written by . [[]]: The life of a business magnate in 1977. Written by Mitch Glazer & Eduardo Machado.
Will This Make You Laugh?: Stand-up comedians performing. A modern version of One Night Stand, ComicView, Premium Blend, Def Comedy Jam, and Comedy Central Presents. Hosted by Alonzo Bodden. Mysteries of The World: Profiling mysteries and featuring reenactments of unsolved crimes, missing persons, conspiracy theories and unexplained paranormal phenomena. A mix of Unsolved Mysteries, History's Mysteries, Encounters With The Unexplained, Conspiracies, Conspiracy?, Unsolved History, Ancient Mysteries, and Final Witness. Hosted by . ********************************************** Cinnamon Girl: About the lives of four women at the crossroads of the late 1960s political, artistic, social and sexual rebellions. Written by Anthony Tambakis & Renee Zellweger. The Return of Daniel Shepherd: A family thrown into disarray when their son returns home after thirteen years missing. When his abductors turn up murdered, he is the prime suspect. That further shrouds the mystery surrounding this family: the boy’s father, a former FBI operative-turned-college criminology teacher; his mother, a stay-at-home-mom-turned-congresswoman; and his fraternal twin brother. Written by David Hubbard. The Viagra Diaries: Based on Barbara Rose Brooker's book of the same name about Claire who, after her husband has a mid-life crisis and leaves her, struggles with being single for the first time in three decades. Written by Darren Star. The Escape Artist: Siblings who help people disappear. Written by Rina Mimoun & Scott Foley. Stuck In Reverse: A father who has a near-death experience attempts to reconnect with his estranged children. Written by Scott King. Generation Ex: Explores second marriages and co-parenting. Written by Moe Jelline. Taxi 22: American adaptation of Taxi 0-22 about a politically incorrect taxi driver in NYC struggling to keep his life together. Written by Brett C. Leonard. Just Say No: A family dealing with co-dependence and addiction. Written by David Seltzer. Blanco County: Based on Ben Rehder's book series of the same name about a baseball player who becomes sheriff of his small Texas hometown. Written by Rob Thomas. Shadow Counsel: Ethan, a former JAG attorney now working as a criminal lawyer in NYC, is recruited by the FBI to crack an ongoing investigation. He serves as a shadow counsel – a secret lawyer who operates behind the scenes and completely off the record to circumvent existing roadblocks in classified cases. His life rapidly descends into chaos as he finds himself on the run, unsure of who his friends are or who he can trust. Written by Barry Schindel. Powers: Based on Brian Michael Bendis's comic book series of the same name that combines the genres of superhero fantasy, crime noir and the police procedural. It follows the lives of two homicide detectives assigned to investigate cases involving people with superhuman abilities, who are referred to colloquially as "powers". Written by Brian Michael Bendis & Charlie Huston.
TV Revivals *[[Quantum Leap]]; Written by [[Donald P. Bellisario]] & [[John C. Kelley]] *[[Picket Fences]]; Written by [[David E. Kelley]] & [[Christopher Ambrose]] *[[Homefront|Homefront (U.S. TV series)]] ; Written by [[Lynn Marie Latham]], [[Bernard Lechowick]] & [[Jeff Gottesfeld]] *[[Freaks and Geeks]]; Written by [[Judd Apatow]], [[J. Elvis Weinstein]] & [[Mike White|Mike White (filmmaker)]] *[[Traders|Traders (TV series)]]; Written by [[Hart Hanson]], [[David Shore]] & [[Peter Blake|Peter Blake (writer)]] *[[The Eleventh Hour|The Eleventh Hour (CTV series)]] ; Written by [[Semi Chellas]], [[Ilana Frank]] & [[Jonathan Igla]] *[[Touched By An Angel]]; Written by [[Luke Schelhaas]], [[Ken LaZebnik]] & [[Brian Bird]] *[[Falcon Crest]]; Written by [[Scott Hamner]], [[Christian McLaughlin]] & [[Valerie Ahern]]
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vietnamstar · 2 years
Cải lương artists battle in music competition
Cải lương artists battle in music competition
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kimberblog · 5 years
Het jaar 2019
De recepten voor kerst zijn klaar en de schoonfamilie landt binnenkort op Nederlandse bodem. Tijd voor tradities, waaronder het invullen van het overzichtslijstje. Net als in  2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 en 2018.
1: What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?
Ik ging bij een naaiclubje. Ik ben (iets) politiek actiever geworden. Ik ben op bezoek geweest bij mijn oude middelbare school. Ik mocht in het stadsarchief Amsterdam een presentatie geven over vrouwenkiesrecht.
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Absoluut niet: een nieuw ritme vond ik wel, maar dit is nog niet het gezonde ritme dat ik wilde hebben. Ik heb wel veel geklust, maar totaal geen opgeruimder leven. Alhoewel, nu ik er zo over nadenk heb ik misschien wel opgeruimder qua spullen geleefd, maar niet qua hoofd.
Voor volgend jaar: Rust, reinheid, regelmaat. Meer vakanties en momenten van reflectie inbouwen voor mezelf.
3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
Ja, een vriendin (meisje). Verder nog eentje zwanger die a.s. zomer bevalt.  
4: Did anyone close to you die?
5: What countries did you visit?
Curacao, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië en Polen.
6: What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
Rustmomenten voor mezelf zonder dat ik me er schuldig over voel. (hahaha ik hoefde deze zin niet te wijzigen!)
7: What dates from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory?
14 maart: presentatie vrouwenkiesrecht in het stadsarchief Amsterdam
20 en 21 juli: groot verjaardagsweekendfeest.
15 oktober: een vast contract bij de gemeente Haarlem!
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
2 Nota’s schrijven over onderwijskansen voor 2 hele verschillende gemeenten, terwijl ik me ondertussen nog aan het inwerken was bij beide gemeenten.
9: What was your biggest failure?
Ik kan nu een heel verhaal ophouden over hoe ik had gepland dat één van die nota’s in juni zou worden goedgekeurd, en dat dat niet doorging, en hoe ik daar van baalde. Maar in feite lag dat buiten mijn eigen invloed. Het enige waar ik in faalde was dat ik dat bij tijd en wijlen niet kon verkroppen en me persoonlijk aantrok. Dat ik niet zo goed om kon gaan met tegenslag omdat er veel te veel hooi op mijn vork lag.
Een ander voorbeeld daarvan was het regelen van een vrijgezellenfeest en balen van het feit dat het regende en ik (en anderen!) achteraf sommige dingen niet goed hadden doorgedacht.
10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
Ik ben afgelopen zomer meerdere keren ziek geweest van een oorontsteking. Na lang zoeken waar de oorzaak lag, bleek het door tandenknarsen te komen. En dat kwam natuurlijk weer door de grootste silent killer… Stress. We kunnen geloof ik wel concluderen dat ik daar behoorlijk ziek van ben geweest, met burn-out achtige klachten en af en toe een huilbuitje.
Afgelopen week nog gevallen met de nieuwe fiets.. Aangezien ik dat vorig jaar ook op deze plek tikte, denk ik niet meer dat dat heel bijzonder is.
11: What was the best thing you bought?
Oei, zoveel keus! Voor een jaar waarin ik probeerde "groener" te leven, is er verrassend veel aangeschaft en niet allemaal even groen.. Het begon met de keukenmachine, waardoor we de rest van het jaar alleen nog maar eigen brood hebben gebakken. De droger deze zomer leverde heel veel extra vrije tijd en ruimte op, net als de robotstofzuiger die recent is aangeschaft. Verder nog een ladder voor het snoeien van de appelboom, en een racefiets voor naar het werk. Ja, die ene waar ik dus net hierboven van vertel dat ik ben gevallen.
12: Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Mijn man, die duidelijk meer geduld heeft dan ik.
13: Whose behaviour made you appalled?
Een collega en een partner uit de stad die veel te laat met op- en aanmerkingen kwamen, waardoor één van de nota's bleef hangen.
14: Where did most of your money go?
In het huis! Na een jaar officieel huiseigenaren te zijn, blijkt dat we het financieel allemaal goed redden en zelfs extra konden aflossen. Daar ben ik best trots op. 
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
De robotstofzuiger. Drie huwelijksfeestjes deze zomer en het vrijgezellenfeest van eentje ervan organiseren. De vakantie naar Rome. Nieuwe muziek van Coldplay en Taylor Swift. De bizarre hoeveelheid appels uit de boom. De spontane acties in de keuken die een positief resultaat hadden, zoals het maken van druivensap.
16: What song will always remind you of 2019?
"Lover" van Taylor Swift. Eigenlijk het hele album.  
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter?  c.) richer or poorer?
a.       Sadder
b.       Fatter
c.       Richer
18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Tijd voor mezelf nemen zonder me schuldig te voelen, zodat ik niet me steeds zo "op" voelde.Veranderingen aanbrengen in routines.
19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Ongezond eten als het niet hoeft. Overwerken voor klusjes die niet functioneel zijn.
20: How did you spend Christmas?
Ik ben dit jaar vroeg met het invullen van deze lijst, dus Kerst ligt nog in het verschiet. Op 6 december was het kerstdiner van de club8 2010. waar we hebben gegourmet.
Morgen (20 dec) komen mijn schoonouders vanuit Curacao en blijven een week bij ons slapen. Eerste kerstdag gaan we naar mijn ouders en tweede kerstdag eten m'n schoonouders, schoonbroer en -zus en oom hier kerst.
21: Did you fall in love in 2019?
Was ik natuurlijk al. Verliefd ben ik wel geworden op een paar goede muzieknummers. En op de appelbloesem in onze tuin.
22: What was your favourite TV program?
Vroege Vogels, Heel Holland Bakt, Good Omens, Zondag met Lubach, Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen. 
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Ik sta er inmiddels een beetje versteld van hoe grof iedereen met elkaar omgaat op wereldniveau. Dus probeer ik zelf iets minder te haten, maar dat is nog best lastig als haten om het haten bijna normaal wordt.
24: What was the best book you read?
Ik heb dankzij de e-reader zoveel boeken gelezen dit jaar! 41 boeken and still counting! Een kleine greep die me bij zullen blijven: Met Circe, van Madeleine Miller, verbaasde ik me weer hoe mooi de Griekse Mythen waren. Born a crime van Trevor Noah deden me beseffen hoe erg het racisme was in de apartheidsperiode in Zuid-Afrika. Gratis Geld voor iedereen van Rutger Bregman gaf stof tot nadenken en alle boeken van Holly Bourne waren de perfecte combi tussen feminisme en chick-flick. Maar het tofste boek dat echt bijna een obsessie werd qua fanfiction zoeken toen het uit was, was "Red, White and Royal Blue".
25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
Geen echte ontdekking, maar zoals gezegd kwam Taylor Swift met een nieuw album dat ik na een maand uit het hart kende.
26: What did you want and get?
Ons huis is een thuis geworden. Niet alleen door de aanschaf van nieuwe dingen, maar ook door de tijd die we erin steken. Dat hebben we gevierd toen we dertig werden met een groot tuinfeest met vrienden en familie. Verder een hele leuke familievakantie naar Curacao.
27: What did you want and not get?
Geduld. Ik had van te voren te hoge verwachten over hoe snel je op een nieuwe werkplek went en liep mezelf daardoor voorbij. Ook mag het leven wel wat avontuurlijker. Maar misschien is dat het ongeduld dat spreekt.
28: What was your favourite film of this year?
Zoals altijd kan ik niet kiezen. Goede films waren in ieder geval Booksmart, Vice, The long Shot en On the basis of Sex. Verder ook best genoten van Frozen 2.  
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Een uitje met de club 8,het spontane samenzijn met familie of vrienden. O ja, en dat ik tijd (en geld) durfde uit te geven aan hulp voor 1 van mijn hobbies, nl kleding naaien.
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
Ik wil het zelf kunnen maken, waardoor ik beter weet wat me staat en niet. Maar ik wil ook zo lang mogelijk in bed liggen smorgens, dus als ik me kan opmaken in de bus naar werk is dat een pluspunt.
31: What kept you sane?
Weinig. Als ik probeerde een schema te volgen werd het ietwat obsessief.
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Kristen Bell, Taylor Swift.
33: What political issue stirred you the most?
Global warming. En via Rutger Bregman het minimum inkomen.
34: Who did you miss?
Een aantal vrienden die wat verder van ons af kwamen te staan.
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019.
Je zal vaak in dezelfde valkuilen vallen, zoals overwerken. Dat is niet altijd onvermijdelijk. Eruit op krabbelen gata hopelijk wel steeds sneller.  
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
I’m so sick of running as fast as I can.
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whatsinabag · 6 years
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In 1 weekend ukelele leren spelen is misschien te hoog gegrepen. Ik probeer elke avond samen met mijn dochter een uurtje te spelen, wat een lol en gezelligheid. 🎼 pling, pling, plong. We kunnen al een c, f, g, am akkoord. Daarmee kan je al heel wat liedjes spelen en wat is dat leuk en gezellig. Zo heb ik vannacht Cracklin Rosie van Neil Daimond gespeeld, nog niet helemaal op tempo en af en toe een glitch waar ik enorm om moest lachen maar ik was best trots op mezelf. Met behulp van dit boek en een app komen we al heel ver. Hiervoor heb ik een concert ukelele en voor mijn dochter een sopraan aangeschaft maar een beginner is niet zo duur. Wil je ook beginnen, begin dan met dit boek, en ja, verkrijgbaar in de winkel en online. #supertip #zondag #verlangzamen #uke #ukelele #uked #breinyoga #music #plingplong #samen (bij Haarlem, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpeNCaliohe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nd8v8avao7gc
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offtoljubljana · 5 years
21. Reflectie
Ten eerste, ik ben zo blij dat mensen mijn blog leuk vinden. Mam en pap zeiden dat mensen dit graag lezen.
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Ik had niet gedacht dat mensen mijn enigszins ongestructureerde blog interessant zouden vinden.
Aangezien ik net nummer 20 heb gepubliceerd, staat Starkid Homecoming nog steeds op. (Inmiddels bij de Holy Musical B@man medley. Jammer dat Dylan niet het openingsnummer heeft gezongen, maar Nick C. doet het goed. De overgang tussen Rogues Are We naar Super Friends is heel nice.)
Ik ben wel even gaan koken voor de lunch. Gewoon simpelweg een omelet met spek. Ik had wel te veel boter te warm opstaan, dus het spetterde alle kanten op. 
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Caroline sprong weg om de vliegende boter te ontwijken.
Ten tweede, blijkbaar was mams verjaardagsfeest gisteren. Oeps. Ik was van plan om te bellen om hallo te zeggen, maar ik was onder de impressie dat het vandaag zou zijn. Ik weet dat mam zelf foto’s had gestuurd van de hapjes, maar ik dacht dat ze die hapjes (zonder bescherming) neer had gezet als voorbereiding. Ja, Galaxy Brain moment nummer 3. Deze week gaat goed 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Ten derde, misschien vraag je je af: Yuè, where’s the tea?
Well, here’s the tea: zowel de kwantitatieve als kwalitatieve onderrepresentatie van F/F ships in queer media en hun bijhorende fandom spaces is toe te schrijven aan de problemen van complexiteit, identificatie (zowel internalised als externalised misogyny), interactie (alhoewel, aanvechtbare deductieve hypothese) en aanwezigheid in statistische zin.
Oh, wacht. Foute soort tea.
De thee-reviews zijn voorbij. Ik heb alle soort thee die te vinden was in dit huis geprobeerd. En dit liet me weer denken: het was best wel leuk om dat extra onderdeel toe te voegen aan mijn blog. Ik schrijf dit blog grotendeels voor mezelf, vandaar dat het zo ongeordend is en vandaar dat alle random muziek recommandaties tussen mijn verhaal zit.
(De speech van Denise voor de Starship medley is best wel awkward. Ik snap ook nog steeds niet waarom Mariah en Alex Status Quo zongen, aangezien ze beiden niets te maken hebben met Starship. Ik klaag niet, tho, ze klinken geweldig.)
Dan denk ik toch: het is toch wel leuk om zoiets extra te hebben, ook al is het puur voor mijn eigen amusement. Maar vinden de lezers dit ook leuk?
Ik zat er aan te denken ok de quotes terug te brengen, maar de quote die vandaag in mijn hoofd zit is "CHRIS? Is that a WEED?" en toen schrapte ik het idee maar weer.
Maar ja, dit is niet echt een blogpost maar meer een reflectie op de blog? Zoals ik al zei, ik hoor van mijn ouders dat mensen dit graag lezen en dat liet me denken. 
Eén van de enige goede dingen van tumblr is dat het onmogelijk is om beroemd te worden op deze site. Alle andere social media hebben hun celebrities en influencers, van YouTubers, naar Viners (rip), naar Instagram influencers, naar de nieuw TikTok stars en op tumblr heb je wel “notes” (vergelijk het met Instagram likes), maar er is geen manier om echt te zien wie op je blog zitten te kijken en de mensen die je blog bezoeken kunnen ook geen follower count zien. Je kan ook geen geld verdienen aan deze shit site, dus mensen zijn ook niet geneigd om zich te profileren voor een monetaire redenen.
Alsnog, normaal is dat heel handig. Op tumblr zie ik ook geen reden om andere mensen de pleasen. Mijn eigen tumblr is gewoon een shout into the void. Alle dingen die ik post zorgen voor een grote mengelmoes tussen fandom, shitpost, social justice, memes enz. Ironisch: de laatste tijd heel wat YouTubers content.
Maar nu vind ik het toch wel jammer dat ik geen beeld heb op wie mijn blog leest. Niet wegens een ego-reden, zoals bij Instagram influencers, maar omdat ik me af vraag wat mensen vinden van mijn *kuch* avonturen in Slovenië. Bij al mijn andere 11 (yeah) blogs, houdt het me totaal niet bezig wat anderen van mijn quality shitposts(TM) denken, maar het doel van dit blog is toch iets anders dan die van, bijvoorbeeld, mijn blog over Avatar. Ja, ik heb een blog toegewijd aan Avatar: the Last Airbender en Avatar: the Legend of Korra.
(Me and My Dick medley is zeer goed, wat interessant is, want de soundtrack van Me and My Dick is mijn minst favoriete soundtrack. Maar de nummers die ze gekozen hebben voor deze medley zijn toevallig een paar van de kleine groep nummers die ik wel goed vind. Me and My Dick is gewoon hilarisch, A.J. zingt geweldig in Listen To Your Heart en Ready To Go is juist één van de beste Starkid nummers in het algemeen en zoals ik altijd zeg, it makes me go apeshit.)
Dus ik zit te denken: is er een manier om een vorm van interactie toe te voegen? Er moeten toch wel third-party widgets zijn die er voor kunnen zorgen dat mensen zonder tumblr account commentaar kunnen achterlaten. Ik heb het eerder gedaan voor een aardrijkskunde opdracht uit de derde (shout out to my former blog staphdawater!).
Want is er interesse in feedback? Ik heb van sommigen wel iets gehoord, zoals Marleen die me een F wilde geven, of Leon die de zin “kort antwoord: niet” grappig vond, maar hebben mensen vragen over mijn geweldige avonturen in Slovenië.
(We zijn aangekomen bij deel 2 van het concert: nummers van de Potter Musical Series (A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel en A Very Potter Senior Year). Hier is er niet echt meer een volgorde, maar nummers van de drie shows gaan door elkaar heen. Nu zijn we bij het grote Going Back To Hogwarts/Get Back To Hogwarts/Gotta Go Back To Hogwarts/Getta Back To Hogwarts (?). Niemand weet meer zeker wat nu de echte titel is. Dylan overtreft zichzelf met zijn langen noot en dit nummer is ook de terugkeer van Bonnie Socha, vandaar het lange applaus voor Bonnie.)
Of misschien is er interesse in vragen of commentaar in het algemeen. Misschien leest iemand mijn blog en denkt diegene iets zoals “Huh, wat bedoelt ze met winkelen voor haar sims?” (I just wanna talk about my sims they look banging) of “Wat is nu de P!ATD consparicy theory?” of “Wat is nu je favoriete thee smaak?” of “Welke waterverf raad je aan?” of “Wie tf is Ed the Cat ook alweer?”
Of misschien hebben mensen wensen voor de obag store! Er is nog steeds tot 70% korting op bepaalde producten.
Alsnog, mijn blog is best wel een rotzooi dus ik kan me voorstellen dat mensen sommige dingen lezen en wtf moment hebben. Disclaimer: mijn blog blijft waarschijnlijk een rotzooi, dus mogelijk commentaar over de rootzooi-ness van mijn blog... meh. Het formaat wordt niet veranderd.
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De beste manier om commentaar achter te laten is door een account te maken, maar iedereen weet inmiddels wel dat ik dat niet echt aanraad. Alsnog, je kan het doen, I ain’t judging ya, but don’t tell I didn’t warn you.
Dan alsnog, als je puur een account aanmaakt om me te volgen, denk ik niet dat je de meer chaotische kanten van tumblr tegen gaat komen.
(Harry Freakin’ Potter. Dit nummer hebben ze op YouTube gezet als een sneak peek. Ik vind het een leuk extra dat Brittney “I just can’t stop dancing y’all” roept, zoals ze deed in de show. Alhoewel, in de show is het op een ander moment. Oh en er is een hele saxofoon solo toegevoegd!)
Het is volgens mij wel mogelijk om berichten achter te laten als je geen account hebt via “ask”. Ik heb de ask box en de submit box aangezet. Als je een account hebt, kan je zeker een bericht sturen. Anon staat aan voor als je niet wilt dat anderen meteen een link krijgen naar je blog.
(To Have A Home. Goede versie met verbeterde instrumentatie, maar niet de beste versie imo.)
Herinner je post 13. Hoe werkt deze site? nog? Op de desktop versie kan je de link naar mijn ask box (plek om berichten te sturen) aan de linkerkant. Op mobile heb ik het later toe moeten voegen, maar het staat nu naast de link naar het archief. Op app... ga ik niet eens uitleggen want a) het is best onduidelijk (shocking) en b) ik wil niemand motiveren om app te gebruiken 🤷🏻.
(Different As Can Be en de reprise. Unpopular opinion: maar ik ben nooit de grootste fan geweest van dit nummer.)
Dus ik denk dat je wel je e-mail adres moet opgeven, dus dat is een keuze die je moet maken in deze Big Data platformsamenleving, en je ask wordt automatisch geanonimiseerd, dus je kan het beste je ask ondertekenen, zodat ik tenminste nog weet wie je bent.
Iemand moet het voor mij uitproberen, want ik weiger om uit te loggen want... uh.... ik weet mijn tumblr wachtwoord niet meer 😅😅😅. Ja, slim hè. 
Replies staan ook aan, maar daar heb je zeker een tumblr account voor nodig en het is non-anon. Ach.
(The Coolest Girl!!! Zoveel te vertellen! De terugkeer van Bonnie Socha née Gruessen! De toevoeging van Meredith, die haar nummers en rollen grotendeels heeft overgenomen na Bonnie’s vertrek!!! De strijkinstrumenten!!!!!)
Alsnog, dit is allemaal onder de impressie dat mensen geïnteresseerd zijn in interactie. Mij lijkt het wel leuk. Dit wordt niet een gestructureerd fan driven media, zoals influencers gebruiken, maar het lijkt me dus wel interessant. Zo niet, dan negeer dit hele stuk.
(Cho’s Song en The Dragon Song. Huh. Darren blijft er natuurlijk doorheen praten.)
Een ander ding dat ik me ook afvraag: is mijn Nederlands te volgen? Ik ben nu niet in de stemming voor een groot debat over de verengelsing van de Nederlandse taal en samenleving, maar ik merk van mezelf dat ik soms het gevoel heb dat ik de zinsconstructie van de Engelse taal probeer toe te passen op mijn Nederlands. Soms vertaal ik in mijn hoofd mijn blogposts in het Engels voor de lol (yeah... I do that) en dan denk ik dat er sommige dingen zijn die beter werken in Nederlands, maar andere dingen werken weer beter in het Engels. Ik geef ook toe dat ik Google Translate Engels naar Nederlands te vaak open 😳.
Dus ja, is mijn taalgebruik duidelijk? Kan je geloven dat ik mijn posts ook nog filter? Does profanity still exist in the digital age?
(Granger Danger! Het grote nummer van Lauren en Joey, the LA people, en dit is één van de beste versies. Alweer, de instrumentatie is geweldig. Dit is de eerste keer dat Starkid hun nummers uitvoert met een live 13 deels concert. Clark en A.J. hebben nieuwe arrangementen geschreven voor en het is het zo waard. Ik geniet oprecht zoveel van de instrumenten.)
Als laatste wil ik misschien een paar reblogs toevoegen aan mijn blog. Op de dag van het broekenfestijn kwam ik zo’n goede strip tegen op mijn dashboard en het paste precies bij mijn frustratie. Ik heb meerdere soorten posts (blog post, ramblings, photoset), maar die zijn allemaal gecreëerd door mij. Je kan reblogs vergelijken met shares to own timeline op Facebook, dus het zijn posts van anderen. Sommigen passen gewoon goed bij het verhaal en sommigen zijn gewoon leuke kattenvideo’s, maar ik wil mensen die tumblr amper kennen ook niet verwarren. Eh, misschien moet ik het proberen.
Herinnering: als je het overzicht kwijt bent, of je vraagt je af of je iets gemist heb, check mijn archief. Dit is de meest overzichtelijke manier om bij te houden wat ik post. 
(To Dance Again. Voldemorts grote balletnummer van AVPM. Goede lyrics update! Helaas kneusde Joe W. zijn enkel tijdens één optreden.)
En ja... dat is het. Alsnog, dit was meer een reflectie. Ik ben nu precies 2 hele weken in Slovenië en ik zit al op post 21 zonder te weten wat er aan de hand is aan de andere kant. Ik studeer Communicatiewetenschap, damnit. Ik als geen ander weet hoe belangrijk het is dat communicatie via media wederzijds is.
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Sommigen zouden “message” en “encoding” omruilen maar.... whatever.
(Gilderoy, het grote nummer van A.J. en ik ben blij dat ze dit nummer gedaan hebben. A.J. klink geweldig, as always.)
Ik bedoel maar... ik steek belachelijk veel tijd in deze dingen. Ik begon het schrijven van 20 en 21 en het luisteren van Starkid Homecoming op hetzelfde moment. Ik ben al ongeveer anderhalf uur aan het luisteren naar Homecoming, dus ik schrijf al anderhalf uur. Ach, ik heb de tijd.
(Guys Like Potter. Zo fijn om te zien dat Tyler en Joe M. ook tijd in de spotlight hebben. Dat kan ik niet zeggen van Sango, Nico en Richard en helemaal niet van Lily en Elona 😒. Dat is denk ik mijn enige kritiekpunt van Homecoming.)
Maar ja, ik ga weer chillen en ik ga Homecoming afkijken. Peace out ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻.
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