#scandal westeros characters
synchodai · 3 months
HBO's Continued Insistence on Dumbing Down Westerosi Politics
So there have been countless thinkpieces already on how GOT simplified the feudalist politics of Westeros (by giving a lowborn sellsword lordship over The Reach, by having no consequences for destroying the Sept of Baelor, etc.), but I haven't seen a lot of people talking about that for House of the Dragon.
The worst being that the show presupposes that Rhaenyra is the lawful heir when the books showed there are plenty of lawful arguments why she wouldn't be.
Mind you that I've been enjoying the show a lot so far. This is just to vent out my frustration with the writers' failure to fully engage with the values and protocols of the Middle Age-inspired setting. The show seems uninterested in laws of the Realm in a story ostensibly about politics, save for when they're using it as an excuse to amplify depictions of sex and violence.
Blacks vs Greens wasn't a matter of misunderstanding of who each side thought Viserys wanted on the throne. It was the Targaryens' belief of their absolute authority clashing with the Realm's established traditions. Everyone always knew who Viserys chose as heir. In Fire and Blood, Grand Maester Orwyle said as much when he was parleying with Rhaenyra on behalf of the Greens.
Rhaenyra heard his terms in stony silence, then asked Orwyle if he remembered her father, King Viserys. "Of course, Your Grace," the maester answered. "Perhaps you can tell us who he named as his heir and successor," the queen said, her crown upon her head. "You, Your Grace," Orwyle replied. And Rhaenyra nodded and said, "With your own tongue you admit I am your lawful queen. Why do you serve my half-brother, the pretender?" Munkun tells us that Orwyle gave a long and erudite reply, citing the Andal law and the Great Council of 101. Mushroom claims he stammered and voided his bladder. Whichever is true, his answer did not satisfy Princess Rhaenyra.
(For non-F&B readers: Munkun is the Grand Maester who served Aegon III, the king who came after this civil war. Munkun's book, The Dance of the Dragons, A True Telling, is one of Fire and Blood's source texts. Mushroom is the King Landing court jester from Viserys I to Aegon III's reign. One is a source written with academic rigor but is secondhand at best. The other is a firsthand eyewitness account but is from a literal fool who will take every chance to make things more scandalous and sexual to please the crowd.)
In House of the Dragon, they replaced Orwyle with Otto and Orwyle's discussion of legal precedent with Otto handing Rhaenyra a book page from Alicent. It's quite evident here that the writers, much like Mushroom, thought a discussion on the actual laws of the Realm were negligible in this story about a succession war.
Even Alicent made no pretense that Viserys chose Rhaenyra over her children and I have no idea why the HBO writers decided to make her mistakenly think otherwise. Maybe they thought a queen regent pushing her son to take the throne over another woman made her appear unsympathetic as a character, but if anything, this only makes show!Alicent less politically savvy and more delusional than her book counterpart, fully believing an addled king's vague muttering on his deathbed was sufficient grounds to change heirs last minute.
Book!Alicent following Andal laws instead of her husband's wishes makes sense given her Andal upbringing, her devotion to the Faith of the Seven which enforces said laws, and her desire to protect her children from Rhaenyra given that Rhaenyra has shown she's not above murdering family (see: Laenor).
In the books, there was a long discussion between the former king's council on who should succeed Viserys.
Here are the arguments for Rhaenyra:
Rhaenyra was older than her brothers and had more Targaryen blood
the late king had chosen her as his successor, that he had repeatedly refused to alter the succession despite the pleadings of Queen Alicent and her greens
hundreds of lords and landed knights had done obeisance to the princess in 105 AC, and sworn solemn oaths to defend her rights.
Here are the arguments for Aegon II:
many of the lords who had sworn to defend the succession of Princess Rhaenyra were long dead [...]
Ironrod, the master of laws, cited the Great Council of 101 and the Old King’s choice of Baelon rather than Rhaenys in 92
the hallowed Andal tradition wherein the rights of a trueborn son always came before the rights of a mere daughter
Ser Otto reminded them that Rhaenyra’s husband was none other than Prince Daemon, and “we all know that one’s nature. Make no mistake, should Rhaenyra ever sit the Iron Throne, it will be Lord Flea Bottom who rules us, a king consort as cruel and unforgiving as Maegor ever was [...]”
Should the princess reign [...] Jacaerys Velaryon would rule after her. “Seven save this realm if we seat a bastard on the Iron Throne.”
Once again, the show chose to cut out this long political discussion. Instead, the council had already made up their mind and decided to stage a coup (when in their perspectives from the books, it would definitely not be a coup).
For all their marketing how two sides are equally grey, HotD is actively delegitimizing Aegon II. The strongest argument for him is how his claim follows the laws of the Realm, but the show doesn't seem to care about the laws of the Realm or the political need to maintain a more predictable/tested transfer of power.
Instead, the show focuses on Viserys's relationship with his daughter and the mysticism of the Targaryen bloodline. In doing so, they emphasize Rhaenyra's strongest arguments for succession — that she's more of a Targaryen than her half-brother and that her father prefered her.
And what for? Because in our modern-day, we don't have male-prefered inheritance and people can only imagine misogyny as the only injustice here? What about the injustice of a monarch exercising absolute control, thinking that his "superior" heritage makes him above the established laws of the native people?
This is not to say Aegon II is unquestionably the heir. But this is to say that the show removed the political nuance of why people are questioning in the first place. Precedence isn't the end-all-be-all of succession, but neither is "because daddy said so".
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wxstros · 2 months
Bonds Forged in Fire
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In a world where dragons did not dance and Rhaenyra reigns unchallenged on the Iron Throne, her legacy endures through her three valiant sons, with the Targaryens having bowed to their rightful queen. You, a traveller in this medieval tapestry, have at last discovered the opportune moment to seek solace in Essos, intending to live out your days unburdened and free. No longer are you compelled to mend the fragile bonds among feuding cousins, having already nurtured a brotherhood among the Velaryon and Targaryen youths. Freed from the duty of attending to Alicent, appeasing your father Daemon, or strategizing for the benefit of the realm and its beloved Rhaenyra, you stand on the cusp of true retirement... or do you?
warnings: typical targcest/inc*st. DARK CHARACTERS; controlling behavior, manipulation, gaslighting. cursing. reader is a modern human. dance of the dragons did not happen. canon typical violence. yandere behavior!
pairings: hotd x reader, daemon targaryen x daughter!reader (platonic)
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Quiet and Commanding. Graceful and Bloodthirsty — you were both the calmness of the sea and it's tempest. In a desperate act of survival, you reshaped the fate of Westeros; a no ordinary feat by all means, and you bore the scars of fabricating this delicate peace.
You sought to end a war before it grew to become one. Tearing the heart of the dragon so it no longer bore heads, you suffered the consequences of your meddling, self-preserving nature, from the curse of Targaryens.
Madness. Delusions. Paranoia..
Paranoia is ever common among people of power, and in your whimsical rendition of the present, you found yourself ensnared in the very web you sought to untangle.
Your knowledge of the succession of events was vital in its formative years; you were the weaver of histories yet unwritten, the keeper of secrets that shaped destinies. In the quiet chambers of the Red Keep, where whispers carried more weight than steel, you stood as a sentinel of wisdom amidst the unfolding of ambition and intrigue.
Once, you navigated the tapestry of Westerosi politics with a sure hand, guiding alliances and decisions that now lay woven into the fabric of a new era. But the future you once knew, predictable as the turning of seasons, now unfolded with unpredictable swiftness.
The absence of war reshaped the contours of power, leaving uncertainties where once there were certainties... and you had become one of it's unfortunate casualties.
"If I may speak, my lady," she began, her voice a whisper that hung in the air like the fragrance of roses in bloom. You turned to face her, your expression calm yet attentive, silently inviting her to share the secrets that threaded through the underbelly of courtly life. A strategically placed informant, a madame you kept in your good graces, for her valuable informations.
With practiced ease, you gestured for her to continue as you returned to your preparations, the delicate clink of jewelry punctuating the quiet conversation between you. The madame hesitated, her words measured and cautious, betraying the weight of the information she carried.
"I've come upon certain... revelations," she finally ventured, her tone laden with the gravity of her disclosure. She recounted, with a waver in her countenance, the princes' preferences— their specific demands echoing through the chambers like whispers of scandal. Each word revealed a world hidden behind closed doors, where fantasies intertwined with the obligations of royalty and it's stifling constraints.
Your hands paused momentarily, the silver earrings poised between your fingers as you absorbed the implications of her words. You feared the unspoken consequences of such desires. One that transcended the boundaries of rank and decorum, casting shadows upon the noble facade that adorned the princes in public.
"They call for you," she had confessed in a hushed tone, her eyes troubled yet resolute. "Not just any women, but those with your likeness. They cry out your name in the throes of passion, seeking to recreate a semblance of what they know in the sanctity of their chambers."
With a nod of dismissal, the madame withdrew, leaving the chamber with a bow of deference. Alone once more, you resumed your preparations, the morning light seeming dimmer now as you contemplated the delicate balance between power and discretion within the heart of the Red Keep. Yet, the madame's parting words lingered, her voice tinged with an urgency that unsettled you.
"Forgive me, if you must call me insolent." she had said, her eyes wide with concern, "Leave this place once you get the chance. These princes... they are not what they seem. Their love is a dangerous thing."
The weight of her warning wasn't missed, nor unrewarded. Leave, she said. And you almost wept at your desire to do so. The thought of escape had always been present, but now it seemed more pressing, more necessary.
The Targaryen madness... a curse that had plagued their bloodline for generations, was not a mere myth. It was a living, breathing beast that lurked within the halls of the keep, a beast that had ensnared even the most unsuspecting hearts.
The tales of their ancestors, the whispers of dragons and fire, echoed in your thoughts.
You had seen the cracks in their facades, the fleeting moments when the mask slipped, revealing the turmoil beneath. It was in the soft utterance, in a mad whisper of devotion.
with me, no harm shall come your way; rhaenyra, whispers.
i would kill anyone who tries to take you from me; daemon, vows.
you must always have me in your heart. it must have only me; aegon pleads.
It was devotion that threatened to consume you. It was in the quiet plea for acceptance. It was in the vulnerable displays, where the attachment grew into something you could no longer control.
never leave me; jacaerys utters with conviction.
tell me you need me; aemond, grips you.
tell me you love me; heleana whispers.
tell me you're mine...
The madness was not just in their blood; it was in their very souls, a consuming fire that threatened to engulf all who drew too close.
As you finished your preparations, you pondered your next step. To outmaneuver the most powerful people in the realm; to extricate yourself from their grasp, required more than just cunning. It required a keen understanding of the intricate dance of power and madness that played out within these walls.
As you stepped into the corridor, the weight of the madame's warning heavy upon your shoulders, you knew that your journey was far from over. The road ahead was treacherous, but with each step, you inched closer to the freedom that lay beyond the reach of the dragon's fire.
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The small council was filled with nobles loyal to Rhaenyra's claim. People who were wise, honest, and unbearably scheming. Aemond was among the council, a concession to allow for unity and to placate those who supported his family. Yet, his presence was more than strategic; Aemond had always been smart and decisive, qualities that made him a valuable asset in matters of governance and warfare. His sharp mind and keen insights often cut through the labyrinth of political machinations, bringing clarity and resolution to complex issues.
Jacaerys, the crown prince, also held a seat on the council. As Rhaenyra's eldest son, it was imperative that he learn the intricacies of rule and the delicate balance of power within the realm. His participation was both an educational experience and a symbol of continuity, showing that the future of the realm was in capable hands. Though Aemond and Jace had a fraught history, they had reached a tenuous truce, understanding the necessity of cooperation for a shared cause. Their interactions were civil, even if not genuinely friendly, a testament to their shared commitment to the greater good.
Aegon, noticeably absent from the meeting, was occupied with securing an allegiance with a rich noble visiting. His transformation from a reckless youth to a responsible leader was a surprising deviation from the expected path, proving that even the most unlikely individuals could rise to the occasion when the realm demanded it.
Where there was once dignified discussions had unravelled into a heated one...
"A marriage allegiance, to the North?" Daemon repeats incredulously, a frown marring his features at the absurd suggestion from one of the lords in the small council.
The man, while relatively small in stature, held his stance despite receiving hostile glares from multiple pairs of scathing gazes. He was certain they wished to command his head off, but the loyalty to your cause remains in him. "The princess is of the right age to marry; it would strengthen our ties with the North and ensure their loyalty," the lord persisted.
Aemond tensed, repressing the urge to draw his sword and cut the insolent bastard's tongue for his brazen suggestion. His dear, sweet cousin, would not debase herself to a mere wolf when she had the blood of a dragon coursing through her veins!
Jace had a similar, quiet indignation. You would not marry to distant mountains, let alone to a foreign man. It was one thing to share your affections among their family, an entirely different one, should it be directed to another entirely.
Rhaenyra, at the head of the council, was first to voice her dissent, her expression calm yet resolute. "The realm is at peace. What need have we for an alliance with the North? We do not need to complicate matters with alliances that may bring more harm than good."
"Peace reigns now, the future is uncertain. Strengthening our ties with the North ensures stability in times of unforeseen turmoil. The marriage alliance is a precautionary measure, one that could safeguard the realm," the lord insisted, gathering murmurs of support around the table.
Daemon slammed his fist on the table, his voice booming. "We have dragons! We should be the ones feared, not groveling for alliances like beggars. The North should be seeking our favor, not the other way around. This talk of marriage is a distraction, a needless concession."
"We do not need to rally more support. Our house is strong enough without resorting to such measures," Jacareys adds, stoic though his eyes blazed with unspoken fury.
The defiance in the room was palpable, a wall of resistance against the idea of your marriage to a northerner, the famed Cregan Stark warden of the North.
Every time the notion of marriage was presented, they always had an excuse, a reason to dismiss it. Their hatred for the idea was unmistakable, rooted in their desire to keep you close, to maintain the unity of the family within the confines of King's Landing.
You never much bothered to disagree. Marriage was never your priority; you were trying to stave off the extinction of the Targaryens, where could you find the energy and time to please a husband?
However, this time, you decided to break the pattern.
"I agree," you said, your voice steady and calm. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to you in shock.
"You what?" Daemon's voice was low, dangerous, a silent threat hung in the air as if begging you to repeat your agreement.
"I admire Cregan Stark," you continued, ignoring the rising tension. "He is known to be handsome, domineering, strong, and capable. Such a match would be beneficial for our house."
And he lives in the desolate cold. Far from King's Landing. Come winter, and no dragon, however mighty, could cross its threshold.
Rhaenyra was speechless, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to find words. Daemon's face turned a deeper shade of red, his anger barely contained. Aemond and Jace looked as though they were on the verge of losing their composure, their fists clenched tightly.
"You would leave for the North?" While emotionless and composed, Aemond was anything but.
"This is absurd. You can't possibly mean this," Jace added, his tone equally tense.
You met their gazes with unwavering resolve. "This alliance is strategic. It ensures the realm's continued prosperity and stability. It is a decision made for the greater good."
Daemon's expression darkened, his frustration palpable as he struggled to reconcile his paternal instincts with sound reason, and not violent tendencies. He thiught it much easier to wield a sword and conquer cities.
"Whoever wove these tales, planting fairy-tale notions of a prince charming into my daughter's head, is a deceiver. They think they can trick her, make her believe in an idyllic fantasy. My daughter is naive and innocent in their eyes, easy to sway. But I will find this manipulator and have his head for daring to poison her mind with such nonsense!" He uttered, voice laced with venom, a final threat to whoever disagreed with his judgement— Daemon thought you naive, and gullible to suggestion, believing it was not your own will, but a treacherous cunt's ideas.
Afterall, you would never desire to leave him; your poor father... and the rest, whoever they may be. He still has no idea which was whom; he kept a tally of one or two silver haired kid, and the rest were lost to him.
Rhaenyra took a deep breath, her composure returning as she placed a hand on the table, grounding herself.
"We must weigh all options, think of the ramifications. A marriage... it is not a decision to be taken lightly."
Despite her words, you knew her mind was already made up. She had always been fiercely protective, and the idea of you leaving King's Landing, leaving her side, was something she could not easily accept.
The path to freedom was fraught with peril, but you had come too far to falter now. Your nod to the Arryn lord, was subtle— indicating he back down from his duel of wits. It was an issue for another day. Rhaenyra had made it so.
With a determined breath, you resolved to tread carefully, to gather the strength and allies needed to break free from the chains that bound you.
The Targaryen curse was a formidable foe, but you were no stranger to battles fought in the shadows.
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rappaccini · 4 months
do we need to like. talk. about how grrm taking so long to complete asoiaf means the original subversion of daenerys targaryen's character has been basically lost.
because aside from the show massively fucking the ending up, you also have to consider the seismic shift of the perception of fantasy as a whole since asoiaf hit the mainstream and since more intersectional perspectives and deconstructions of white saviorism have risen in prominence.
like it's a good thing that we're collectively critiquing and sideeying dany's storyline for the questionable, orientalist and often outright racist elements, and that the girlboss dany idea is being challenged. but uh guys. take a look at grrm. do you really think he was setting out to write a paul atreides style deconstruction of white saviorism with dany. or is it not more likely that he put those things into his story by mistake and didn't realize those problematic elements were there until decades later-- especially since girlboss feminism didn't fucking exist when he started writing asoiaf. is it not more likely that he missed the points he was trying to make about dany being a foreigner interfering in eastern politics and the white savior vibe her story sometimes puts off is completely accidental.
people do not seem to realize what the climate of fantasy was when grrm was writing asoiaf in the 90s-00s. the moral grays and grimdark elements of modern fantasy were in part popularized by asoiaf. grrm wasn't subverting the idea of dany being a good ruler. dany being a good ruler was the subversion.
daenerys targaryen is a deconstruction and subversion of the almost comically evil sorceress-queen antagonist of a fantasy novel that would never be written today.
think through what dany looks like from the outside:
she's the daughter of the mad incestuous king who terrorized westeros only a generation ago, and she's back to get his throne for herself.
she's going to make her arrival by invading from the Savage East and killing the one true lost heir, the son of the prince everyone loves and wishes were king, who was raised among the people, who's a boy, who practices the faith of the seven and will marry a westerosi lady. and she's going to destroy the shining city that he's going to rule from.
she rides a black and red dragon that spits black and red fire. she has two other dragons with her and used blood magic to hatch them. she killed a house full of warlocks, has prophetic dreams, talks to mysterious sorcerers and witches and is linked with magic.
she comes from a family of incestuous, weird-looking, magic-using, dragon-riding conquerors who are the last survivors of an empire that conquered half the world and decimated and enslaved an entire continent by using dark magic, dragons and horrifying experiments. and her family in particular is infamous for having a tendency to go insane.
she's so beautiful men are throwing themselves at her. she dominated one husband and killed another. her dragon set poor sweet quentyn martell on fire when all he was doing was trying to honor a betrothal agreement. she has sex with both men and women where she's in control of the encounters. she had a sexual relationship with her brother. she 'bewitched' the most powerful warlord in essos with her sexuality, convinced him to kill her brother for her, took over his following, and will come to westeros with control of the most deadly cavalry in the world who are already considered to be 'savages' -- and her association with them has already started rumors that she fucks horses because she's so insatiable.
she's infertile and sacrificed her one pregnancy (gasp, the Firstborn Son!) to hatch her dragons.
kinslayer allegations: her brother, her son, and her (fake) nephew. even her mother, to an extent.
she has very tanned skin, spooky silver hair (that's very short) and purple eyes, a tyroshi accent and wears revealing clothing that would scandalize westerosis.
she's the savior figure for a Foreign Religion that's spreading in westeros and competing with the faith of the seven.
she's either the savior figure for the 'barbarian' nomadic raiders, or the mother of their prophesized savior.
she's leading an army of foreign (brown) slave soldiers, sellswords and 'barbarians.' she's being advised by foreigners. her handmaids aren't Nice Noble Girls-- they're nomadic horsewomen who are stereotyped as unmannered and promiscuous.
and the westerosis in her camp are the ones westeros hates: pirates that just destroyed oldtown, westeros's beloved center of trade, faith and knowledge. specifically euron, who wants to marry her. the dwarf that killed king joffrey and escaped and is now back because he wants to burn down king's landing. an ugly westerosi lord from backwater bear isle who was banished for selling slaves. a westerosi knight who refused to accept the king's wishes for him to retire and ran off to serve the opposition... and probably marwyn, a controversial maester.
she destroyed the essosi economy, has sacked multiple cities, turned the ruling class out of their homes, crucified a bunch of nobles, and will probably burn the volantene tower full of nobles on her way west.
she's a woman, specifically a teenage girl, who has power in her own right, who wants to claim more of it. and who has no more powerful man to answer to.
daenerys is the embodiment of everything westeros hates and fears to such an extent that even if she does everything right, or doesn't do anything at all, westeros will never accept her.
we spent five books following dany off on her own in essos because that plotline's all about giving you context before she arrives: here's the Evil Queen's backstory, so by the time she does what she does, the reader completely understands and empathizes with her, even if they disagree with her actions. and when all our heroes hate her, and she decides to strip them of their power like she did in essos with the slavers, we don't know what to do.
the subversion is: what if our view of this evil antagonist is xenophobic and sexist, and all the things we're scared of her for were taken out of context or twisted to villainize her. what if the foreign culture she's from isn't evil, and what if her slave army is actually freedmen who chose to follow her, and she opposes the legacy of slavery her family sources their power from. what if she's 'mad' because she's understandably angry and upset, and not ~craaazy~. what if the nobles she was killing deserved it, what if the system they depend on was evil and deserved to be destroyed. what if our system that we've been fighting to preserve isn't much better and needs to go too, even if People We Like are in charge of it. what if she's a teenager who doesn't always make the right decisions, especially when much older adults with their own motives are manipulating her.
the subversion is: what if the evil sorceress-queen who's going to invade our wonderful fantasy realm and bring all her big bad scary changes with it is a complex person with good intentions who actually has a completely legitimate reason to burn it all down.
so if dany genuinely does go evil when she gets to westeros... there's no subversion anymore because the trope is played straight. therefore, she won't. but it won't even matter. we'll know that dany isn't a monster, but nobody else will see her that way.
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queenvhagar · 2 months
I believe Rhys Ifans’ statement “Both sides are genocidal war criminals… I think we should all enjoy seeing how they die[,]” would be wrong because the entire time the story HOTD is fundamentally about how one group, the greens, IE Alicent, Otto, and Aegon Hightower, seek to maintain the status quo of an oppressive power structure versus Rhaenyra, the blacks, whose very existence seeks to jeopardize that power structure (the patriarchal society of Westeros).
It is made explicitly clear that the chief architect of team green in the usurpation of Rhaenyra’s throne that the only reason that they cannot have Rhaenyra on the throne is explicitly because she is a woman. It’s a theme that is present throughout the entirety of HOTD’s season one as this conflict builds up.
For instance, the conversation between Alicent and Rhaenys at the end of season one where Alicent justifies why she is participating in the usurpation of Rhaenyra’s throne to Rhaenys by saying that it is not a woman’s place to rule the Seven kingdoms and instead it is a woman’s place to gently guide the hand of the men who do rule.
The story of HOTD, the civil war for the succession of the Iron Throne following the death of Viserys, the Dance of the Dragons, is fundamentally a conflict that is built on the foundation of misogyny and the writers are making that explicitly clear.
The weird false equivalency when ppl imply that both sides are equally genocidally crazy, that treads to reduce the nature of this conflict down to just simple good old fashioned greed which it really isn’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Rhaenyra is perfect and of course I understand that over the course of the war, she’s going to do some pretty terrible things but it’s been made pretty clear that Rhaenyra’s done everything in her power to avoid this turning out into a war in the fist place.
I just don’t think by any stretch of the imagination regardless of what Rhaenyra does throughout this war, that you’re supposed to enjoy watching her die. I don’t think that’s how her character is written and I don’t think that’s what the narrative goal of her end is supposed to be. Her character is a character by all accounts some victim of the patriarchal society that she lives in. Even if she does go down the “mad queen route,” it will only be to explore how the patriarchal society has completely twisted her. How this war that was started because she dared to be queen of the seven kingdoms completely ruined her and ruined her family.
I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this and would like to learn more if this take of mine is confusing and blinded.
I think this take might be correct if you're solely going off of the show and its interpretation of Team Black as modern feminists attempting revolutionary societal change led by divinely ordained and pure Rhaenyra vs Team Green as conservative misogynists led by incompetent and unorganized abuser Aegon...
Fire and Blood is not this, though. Sexism and misogyny is one element of power and power imbalance in Westeros but it's not the only one, nor is it the only factor into why Rhaenyra's claim was disputed, despite what the showrunners are trying to portray on screen.
The reality is two ideologically different sides with fairly equal claims to the throne are trying to seize power, leading to a war that ruins the land and the family that started it. Team Green has Aegon, firstborn son of the last king, following Andal tradition going back thousands of years and most recently reinforced in the Council of 101 AC that made his own father king. Team Black has Rhaenyra, eldest daughter named by the previous king but not supported by precedent. Rhaenyra unfortunately also had some political scandals that went against her in having bastards, having Velaryons killed and mutilated, and marrying Daemon despite fear of him in power being the reason she was named heir in the first place. Any of these are valid reasons why some people might be against her coming into power. It's more than "she's a woman and I don't like women."
Rhaenyra did not press her claim to raise up the women of the realm, nor did she do it out of a desire to save the world. She wanted it because she wanted power that was promised to her. But the show can't let women simply want things for themselves. Rhaenyra has to be an advocate for peace and want the throne for some higher purpose instead of just wanting power for power's sake.
The Greens were motivated by power to push for Aegon's claim, and surely misogyny in the society helped to get Aegon on the throne, but they also put Aegon on the throne out of fear for the lives of all of Viserys' sons, who would have to be taken out of the picture to secure Rhaenyra's atypical claim lest war and rebellion potentially break out against her at any point in her reign, and Team Black had already shown willingness to resort to violence to help themselves (Rhea's death, Laenor's death, Vaemond's death, Velaryons' tongues getting cut out, Aemond's eye cut out without any punishment and instead Aemond threatened with torture over speaking the truth about Rhaenyra). It's not just "we hate the idea of a woman ruling, we hate women, and we're terrible, incompetent people."
Fire and Blood is a tale of two sides fighting for even more power than they already have who are willing to do horrible terrible war crimes against each other and innocents in order to obtain their end goal of the Iron Throne, and realistically you are interested in seeing all of them die and face the consequences of their actions. The story has weight, the characters are real and human and messy and tragic, the war is unjustified in its means and methods and purpose. It's the failure of Viserys' legacy and a reflection of the flaws of monarchy and specifically the ideals Targaryen supremacy. No side is right and the other wrong. Nobody's a hero.
This is where the show has failed in its adaptation. It has abandoned its themes, along with several characters, characterizations, and plot points, in order to create their own narrative that fits a story that they think will sell best to the casual modern viewer: essentially, redemption for Daenerys fans after the catastrophe of Game of Thrones' ending. By making up prophecy and dream stuff to give to Rhaenyra and also giving her some of that Dany "change the world" mentality that was absent in the source material, the writers can cut apart the character of Rhaenyra and make her into a new Daenerys, and this time they can give the fans want they wanted for Daenerys. Except Rhaenyra is not Daenerys at all, and their only similarity is dragon riding queen seeking to inherit their father's throne. Changing the narrative so Rhaenyra becomes the new Daenerys and a true hero of the story ruins the underlying themes of Fire and Blood and specifically the Dance.
Rhys Ifans likely read Fire and Blood and actually knows what he's talking about. The point of the Dance isn't "heroic woman attempting to overthrow the patriarchy is burned and destroyed by the patriarchy and agents of the patriarchy." The takeaway isn't just "misogyny and sexism are bad and hurt women" like the show hammers in so heavily every single episode. It's "the pursuit of power by the already powerful comes at the cost of innocents, war is never justified no matter what (and certainly not justified by manifest destiny, someone's dream of saving the world, or even 'misogynists stole my throne') and the violence of war destroys indiscriminately." There should be catharsis when gray characters who have done good but also horrific bad in the pursuit of power finally face the consequences and die early deaths. Like, for example, the end of Succession: none of the Roy siblings get what they want, and we understand why, and even though parts of their character are sympathetic and tragic to us, we can objectively view them as flawed and selfish people whose decisions led to this ultimate, inevitable conclusion where they don't get what they want, and it's deserved. This is what House of the Dragon should have been. Tragic, flawed characters on both sides acting selfishly but realistically to seize power from each other and ultimately failing. But the writers opted for an oversimplified morality tale of good vs evil to push their version of feminism into the story where it doesn't belong, at the detriment to the characters and the story to the point it goes against the themes and messages of the source material.
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midnight--sadness · 2 months
this stupid ass show's timeline is so fucked up omg
according to the wikia, the year is 132 AC, which is already stupid in and of it itself but whatever, moving on.
I think it was last episode that they say that Daeron is 16, which is fine, okay, but then you remember that according to the timeskips and the wikia, Helaena is 17 and Aemond is 17-16. Jaehaerys & Jaehaera are 4 years old, so Helaena had them at 13, which is just.... yikes. But did Alicent have three children in two years? Why is Aemond's birth so uncertain when all the other major characters have birth years?
Alicent says that Gwayne was 8 and motherless when she and Otto came to court, and yet in episode 1 of the first season, Daemon mentions that Otto's wife died recently and we see Gwayne was old enough to participate in the tourney.... are there two Gwaynes or did the writers forget that they had already introduced his character? Also, him saying that he is the oldest son and should be raised at Oldtown is so stupid, because Otto is the second son and none of his children will inherite the Hightower, not unless his brother's kids all drop dead, which we know doesnt happen in the books (though they could do that in the show, who knows).
the writers make such stupid choices in regards to the timeline. Why did they make Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II so young when it is going to create so many problems for the narrative later on? How is Aegon going to flee on dragonback when Stormcloud is the size of a cat? Is someone going to rescue him and leave Viserys behind? One of the reasons Aegon III was so broken is because he was forced to abandon his brother and he never forgave himself. how can that happen in the show when he doesnt even have the ability to properly eat by himself?
and now they made Hugh Saera's son, when he looks like he is the same age as Daemon, and Saera was only 14 when Daemon was born in the books? hell, when he was born she hadnt even had that whole scandal business.... not to mention that they make it see like Hugh was born in Westeros, probably the Crownlands or even King's Landing itself. Are they trying to say that Saera worked at a brothel in the city while her father was king?
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rynnthefangirl · 21 days
The thing about people in the ASOIAF fandom claiming “everybody would feel differently if the genders were reversed!!!” is that it ignores the very real factor that gender inequality in Westeros has on these situations.
For example, yes actually reversing Rhaenyra and Criston Cole’s genders does in fact change the situation. Because a Prince can bed whomever he likes and sire however many bastards he likes with zero social consequence. Whereas Rhaenyra having premarital sex would be a massive scandal that threatens her position as heir and her reputation for the rest of her life. That means that Cole also has leverage over Rhaenyra and the capacity to hurt her, should he tell people of their affair. Whereas— say— a lady-in-waiting would not have any such leverage or power. Rhaenyra cannot turn on Cole without damning herself, while a Prince (like her brother Aegon for instance) has no such concern.
Reversing the genders says nothing about a given situation unless we also entirely reverse the gender roles/expectations, and gender-based oppressive social structures that the characters are subject to.
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Se Zaldrīzoti' Prūmia Masterlist (Daemon Targaryen x Reader)
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“the gods have yet to make a man who lacks the patience for absolute power.” -the hand of the king, house of the dragon 1x01 
‘se zaldrīzoti' prūmia’ - the dragons’ heart
Daemon Targaryen’s Masterlist | HOTD Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: The chronicles of Lady Y/N Tyrell’s life at court told in various stages, and of the lessons and pain she goes through due to her close bond with the members of the Targaryen dynasty. And at the center of the tale, is her intertwined fate with the Rogue Prince, Daemon Targaryen, and their progression from childhood enemies to become something more. 
Rating: 18+
Tags: EXTREME slow burn, childhood menaces to lovers, sexual tension, court politics, examination of societal roles in Westeros, Daemon being an asshole, reader and Daemon being dumbasses a lot of the time
lovely dividers credited to @firefly-graphics ! 
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Act I: The Arrogance of Youth
Synopsis: Growing up in the Red Keep, Lady Y/N Tyrell has had the fortune of being well acquainted and loved by the members of the Targaryen royal family. All except for Prince Daemon Targaryen, who makes her blood boil furiously ever since they were children. However, a series of tragic events soon dispels the way of life as they know, and they must now find their footing in the game of thrones, or be resigned to being nothing but a puppet in their destiny. But be warned, the game of thrones is never easy to play. 
Cast of Characters
Chapter 1: A Platter of Grapes 
The Red Keep is graced by an old, familiar presence. 
Chapter 2: A Mere Lady 
Daemon has returned to King’s Landing. Yet it is not in his nature to sit idle. 
Chapter 3: When The Lance Fells The Falcon
The day of the Heir Tournament has finally arrived, and what is a joust without some bloodshed? 
Chapter 4: The Orange Lilies Bends Its Head In Grief
The time has come for mourning, old memories, and harsh truths. 
Chapter 5: The Withering of Hearts 
The Seven Kingdoms is plagued with a succession crisis, and drunken impulse never leads to a good end. 
Chapter 6: The Secrets of The Red Keep
In the Red Keep, it’s not just the rats that creep, but secrets too. And in the game of thrones, secrets kill as much as rats carrying plague do.
Chapter 7: Father and Daughter
A hunt, a reunion, and a conflict. A normal day in Westeros then. 
Chapter 8: The Woes of Womanhood
With the return of Prince Daemon, and Princess Rhaenyra, the Red Keep braces itself for the inevitable implosion of scandal once more. 
Chapter 9: The Ticking of Time
The primal urge to survive oft drives decisions made in haste.
Chapter 10: coming soon!
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Taglist: @drwho-ess @graniairish @urmomsgirlfriend1 @thelittleswanao3 @animelover18 @llovinjoonie @gracielikegrapes��@salembridger @itszzmoon @kmmg98 @travelingmypassion @zae5 @norestfortheshelbywicked @soleilgrec @anehkael @midnightprincess18 @lilith--666 @saay-karani @dumbhxeredrose @syviiss @nyenye @ahristata​ @hiraethrhapsody @babypink224221 @mckenziewhite2005 @justrybca @omgsuperstarg
those who are bolded are those who couldn’t be tagged! let me know if you wish to be added to the taglist in the comments or through this form! if you wish to be removed or if i have accidentally tagged you in the wrong taglist, please let me know in the comments. thank you for your support 💗
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Hey I thought for a long time and this is what I came up with Do you remember the moment when various lords come to woo Rhaenyra in Dragonstone? So. Could you write something where Rhaenyra's daughter (Strong girl, of course) is in the same situation where her mother and Daemon are trying to find her a groom. And she's terribly bored and awkward and disgusted by all these idiots who are just annoying. But then an unexpected character appears who wants her hand and heart. who could it be? Aemon? Aegon? JACAERYS?! choose who you want)
Why not all three dear anon😏 I want to develop more on Jace anyways. I know we’ll get more of his dutiful ass in S2. My Aegon loving hopped out but here you go, thanks for asking and enjoy mwah xoxo
Winner takes All
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The bastard’s ball, the mummer’s called it down in Flea Bottom. The occasion was reminiscent of Rhaenyra’s revolving door of the lords of Westeros. She ended up marrying her cousin of course. Now her daughter is of age, striking and witty at 8 and 10 years. Though the whispers still ran on account of her thick curls of dark brown. Some dare would say she had her father’s curls and usually got their tongue cut out for it.
But today was going to be a good day, whether the Velaryon was ready for it or not. She huffed while Baela and Rhaena along with a slew of handmaidens prettied the girl up. She grumbled, “Do I have to be so layered in finery I cannot move? They’re after my station, not the girl who carries it.”
Baela laughed, chestnut hands twisting the other’s hair into elaborate braids, “Who knows? Maybe some grumpy northron lord might change his mind when he sees the jewel of the Velaryons.” Rhaena added, “You’re the most beautiful maiden in the kingdoms!”
She rolled her eyes at the eager cousins.
“Wait until they see my brown hair and turn running,” she waved her hands, “Bastard! Bastard!” Some of the maidens gasped, scandalized at the blunt words. Baela hissed, snatching the girls ringed hand, “Don’t fuel the fires even more, dimwit!” She apologized quickly, “Sorry Baela, but you’re pure and more beautiful than I, Rhaena too.”
The princess settled back down into her braiding and sighed, “I know I have a choice in the matter but it all seems so…forced.”
Rhaena singsonged, “Love will find a way!”
Later the princess stood before the great Iron Throne. A dais was set for her to accept the line of lords. Her sworn sword, Ser Willis Fell, stood quietly behind. Rhaenyra and Daemon had her cornered up. The girl snapped, “I feel like I’m at a Lyseni whore auction.”
Daemon’s thin lips quirked as he laughed, “This is a much more grand affair than that, princess.”
Rhaenyra shook her head and pulled her daughter into a hug, stroking her back in soothing circles. She murmured, “I was just as distraught as you were then. Make light of the boys if you can. There’s no chance of intermarriage this time, sweetling.” The younger princess nodded grimly, clinging to her mother.
Daemon snorted derisively at the sound of boots approaching. Rhaenyra and her daughter turned to look at the hand, Otto, his face stern as ever. Rhaenyra sniffed, “I didn’t realize this was a matter for the hand considering it is my daughter.”
Otto hummed, tapping his pin, “Any occurrences revolving around the royal family and it’s dealings need the hand to be here.”
Daemon hissed under his breath, “Green bitch sent em’.”
The princess bowed customarily but her gaze held no warmth for the scheming worm. Otto was a nuisance, seeking to usurp her mother’s birthright for decades. She said, “Lord Hand, you may stand over there and offer consul if needed.” The lean man briskly nodded and took place by Ser Fell.
Rhaenyra hand swept back the princess’s flyaway curls with a soft smile— just for them only. She whispered, “Give them fire and blood, mayhap a smile, my girl.” Daemon leaned on Dark Sister and boomed, “Let the little lords parade begin!”
Otto’s face grew pinched as the others stifled a laugh. She noted surprisingly that Jace wasn’t present, the elder protective brother that he was. The princess stood proud, straightening her shoulders higher than the rigid queen could and beamed at the men filtering into the court. Queen Alicent and Helaena had slunk to the side of the hall, curious to see what the match may entail. Schemer.
The first lord was a young lad, mouth open in awe of the Velaryon’s dress. It was a fine piece of dark tiretaine wool, embroidered with the turquoise stones to emphasize her heritage. Similarly colored jewelry covered her ears and wrists, save the blood red ruby encrusted dragon on her ring finger.
The boy was decked in the garb of the Darklyn’s. The red fusily with the black and yellow diamonds. The princess scoffed and looked to Daemon. The boy chattered, “I have a strong family and a formidable keep to aid m’lady.”
The princess was mortified having to publicly shun the poor thing but said, “Thank you Lord Darklyn, I wish to bear children sooner.” Daemon waved the boy away curtly to start the whole charade over again. Another child. Great.
The parade went on and on, old men, fat men, crippled, so many boys, and even a damn hedge knight. Ser Willis handled that. The princess was going to self combust into dragon fire. Maybe if her dragon was here it would be a quicker affair.
“Next,” called Otto.
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A lean, imposing figure stalked up to the dais. The gait looked familiar. He was hooded and knelt primly at her feet. Willis and Daemon drew steel, demanding to stay back.
“It’s only family, uncles,” came a bitter laugh.
The man yanked down his hood, thick silvery strands tumbling down to cascade across broad shoulders. Gasps echoed in the great hall. The smirking face of Aemond Targaryen glanced up at the young princess. He hummed, “I thought I would try my hand at claiming your beauty and uniting the rift between our family.”
Rhaenyra glared daggers at Alicent, spitting in accusation, “Do you think this is a farce? Shame on you!”
Alicent hollered back, “I had no such intentions for this!”
Otto slammed his hand down on a table, commanding the room. The princess yelped in surprise, utterly confounded at the entire situation.
Aemond? Her uncle that hated her family so? The Aemond whose eye was gouged by young Luke. It had to be a cruel jest. The elder prince no much than gave her a curt nod around the keep. She turned to Daemon for guidance. The rogue prince drawled, “Let the princess see if the wretch is worthy of her hand. A skilled warrior, that is all I shall add.”
The princess tapped her thumb on a plump bottom lip in thought. Aemond’s intense gaze held her own— bringing a flush to her cheeks. She said, “The matter of what our families bring to the table is out of discussion then,” she raised a brow, “What inspired this brave attempt at betrothal to the Black’s you hate?”
The brown haired girl flicked her hair, “Certainly not my silver locks or anything, your grace.”
A couple of onlookers laughed, Aemond’s sculpted lips grew pinched at the raucous.
One-eye sniffed airily, chin held high in defiance as he said, “I find your darker curls quite handsome,” he smirked, “You’re intelligent— something I can match you with, hāedar. Much better than these simple spring boys scrambling in their mud-keeps.”
The princess’ lips curled up in a pleased manner. She extended her hand, the ruby catching in the light like a cut wound. Aemond took her dainty hand and kissed the ring with reverence. He beckoned her to lean forward. He murmured into the girl’s ear, “The greens, the blacks. I say nay- let us unite with fire and blood like days of old, my princess.”
Rhaenyra’s perfect baby girl, or once was, grinned wildly down at the stoic prince. Otto and Alicent stared on in horror, same as the Realm’s Delight. Daemon giggled and covered his mouth. Ushering Aemond to stand she turned to her sworn sword.
“Ser Willis? Do you find this to be a suitable match?”
He paused, awkwardly clearing his throat before stating, “The dragon riding and genius of you two is unmatched. I’d say it would be a wondrous union.”
Aemond’s eye carefully crept along her face in anticipation. She demanded haughtily, “Then I have decided. Aemond and I shall wed. Do announce it Lord Hand.” Otto and Rhaenyra simultaneously sputtered and were silenced when the princess spat, “I said announce it!” Otto did so with a frown.
In the midst of the clapping she mused, “What a surprise, dear Uncle. I thought your heart was only held for Vhagar.” They held hands and smiled at the happy crowd. Aemond replied, “Hm. It was time to tame another dragon.” He squeezed her palm gently, a flicker of warmth in his eyes.
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The poor Glover boy opened his mouth but didn’t get the chance to speak. From the entrance of the Great Hall came loud yelling and scuffling of boots. Daemon cocked his head from behind the young lady, hand flying to Dark Sister.
“Out of the way! I am your damn prince!”
Manic giggling ensued. The princess scoffed in annoyance. She knew exactly who the perpetrator was. Stupid Aegon and his stupid never ending affections. He declared his love for the princess in his cups only to proceed to smash that down in the pillow houses. She wanted to keep the pretty blonde to herself. Like a pet.
A disheveled Aegon appeared with a throughly exasperated Ser Criston. It appeared the prince had even been bathed and dressed— although still drunk as a Braavosi sailor. He shoved the Darklyn boy aside and declared angrily, “How come no one told me about this?”
Rhaenyra snapped, “Willis? Cole? Someone get this drunkard out of here, for the love of the Seven.” Alicent palmed her forehead in embarrassment, the pregnant Helaena smiling in amusement. Otto Hightower rumbled, eyes bulging in wrath, “Prince Aegon, this is unseemly. Do you forget your betrothal to Lady Floris Baratheon?”
Now halfway perched on the wide-eyed Glover lad Aegon snorted, “Ah yes! The illiterate stag bitch,” he waved his ringed fingers, “I come to claim the hand of my beautiful, intelligent, shapely, fiery Dragon niece.” Ser Criston yanked the prince aside, Aegon yelping and stumbling. All eyes turned to the princess in question.
Rhaenyra hissed in her ear, “I will send him out— just say the word. Foolish drunk has played with your heart for years. You’d be even more so the fool if you listen to this proposal.”
The girl sucked in a breath, shrugging off her mother. She spat, “If you would profess your emotions soberly I might consider it,” she sighed, “Bloody beautiful fool.” The brown-haired princess felt her heart constrict at Aegon’s sorry nature, she’d always been so endeared by his inability to fake an emotion. Aegon wore his heart on his green sleeve, no matter how intoxicated.
All Aegon had to do was flash his violet doe eyes and tremble his pretty lips and she was hooked. (Again.) Ser Criston had the prince by the scruff and hissed not-very-quietly, “A betrothal with the Strong? You must be really brain dead.” Spite settled over the girl’s pretty face, hands balling up to dig into her palm. She sat back in the chair adorned with dragons and stated, “Go on your grace, make your point and make it good. Back off Ser Criston.”
Daemon sauntered over to the embittered Dornishman and shoved him off with a playful grin. Aegon laughed in the white knight’s face before being drug forward on bruised knees with an ungainly cry by his uncle. The rogue prince gave Aegon another push and snickered, “Best of luck,” Daemon winked, “cunt.”
The tension in the air could be sliced with a blade. The princess leaned forward with a cat-like smirk, full lips temptingly pouty. She purred, “Why should I take you to be my husband? They think you’ll kill me in my sleep and usurp my mother’s gods given throne.”
Aegon shook his pale curls vehemently, “No, no, I don’t want the throne— never have. M’not fit for rule.” He clasped his hands and shook, begging, “Y’know I’ve always loved you, swear it by the seven!”
Alicent was held back by Helaena much to the Queen’s chagrin. Rhaenyra audibly scoffed at her pathetic half-brother. He knew how to worm his way into her daughter’s good graces— the girl craved complete and utter domination. Wanted a challenge to have it. Aegon was the challenger.
The princess cooed, “You say you love me but drown in whores. I’ll have your cock cut off for adultery if you stray, Uncle. You’ll be mine and mine only.”
He whimpered, “I’d only be your consort, loyal to you. Promise!”
With a swish of black wool the dark haired princess stood up. She announced, “One day for a break to see if Prince Aegon is true to his word,” she frowned, “Sober.” She clapped, commanding the rest of the hall, “If he is still willing, I will be taking his hand. Thank you.”
Aegon cracked a teary smile, clambering to her feet. The blacks and the greens swarmed behind, rife with plots and outright fear. The princess smiled and cooed at Aegon, petting his pretty silver locks. She wanted her progeny to have the same.
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She stood from the chair, bored expression morphing into confusion. The hooded figure in front of the princess was familiar— the same body she’d been around since birth. Rhaenyra knew too, mother and daughter exclaiming, “Jacaerys!”
Off came the hood and the girl’s darling brother gazed up, putting on a stern face. The princess asked, “Brother, why are you here? I thought- the North? Our cousins?”
His plump lips twitched, dark eyes searching her own. He knelt to one knee and declared, “I can’t sit back and let my lovely baby sister get whipped away by some old lecher! I want to wed her as our ancestors did. Keep the line pure, us dragonriders are closer to god than men.”
While speaking, the handsome youth kept his gaze directly on the princess. The adults were perplexed. Rhaenyra held an amused look, she had a feeling her two held more than simply sibling affections for one another. Jace watched the girl like a hawk and often got into scraps defending her honor.
Otto hummed, “Aegon is wed to Helaena, I see no reason why not.”
Daemon spat, “Because you want more silver heads to usurp the throne.”
Their voices began to raise as the princess shouted, “Let me speak! This is my choice!” She climbed down to Jace, caressing his lightly stubbles cheek, grinning wildly. The elder fondly looked down, a gloved hand on her shoulder. Rhaenyra would lie later about shedding a tear.
Jace murmured so low just for them both, “I want you, to care and love, to ride our dragons, rule the Seven Kingdoms as Jaehaerys and Alysanne. With honor.”
Tears swam in her eyes. “I love you. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.” Jace pulled her into a hug and Ser Willis, ever knowing of his princess’ wants, shouted, “The betrothal has been secured.” The crowds were half annoyed, the other half cheered. The princess didn’t care, this was all that she wanted. She captured his pretty lips in a kiss, praising the Seven.
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beyondmistland · 5 months
I read through all your posts about Alysanne Targaryen as Maegor's daughter and am now in a rabbit hole. Thank you. I've been thinking about Maegor's wives and which one of Henry VIII's wives they represent. Ceryse is Cathrine of Aragon and Alys is Anne Boleyn. The others are hard to pin for me since there isn't a lot. What do you think? Would Maegor's reign have been more interesting if his marriages had more similarities to those of Henry VIII?
I think this is where we run into a number of problems regarding the way GRRM wrote Fire & Blood specifically and the way he setup Westeros more generally.
For one, the fairly homogenized nature of southron culture as well as the oversimplification of religious institutions and history means you can't quite get the same dynamism as from real life European history, with its dizzying array of languages, cultures, cuisines, fashions, etc., to mention nothing of the then-ongoing Protestant Reformation. I suppose GRRM could have had Maegor convert to the Old Gods a la Julian (II) the Apostate or the Drowned God (you just know the Ironborn are the one race on the surface of Planetos that would say King Maegor the Good with a completely straight face) or even R'hllor, which would be the best choice in terms of worldbuilding opportunities in my opinion.
Moving on, we run into a handful of problems with Maegor specifically, one of them being the length of his reign. Look, while I can't deny Maegor ruling for 6 years and 66 days is incredibly cheeky, it also isn't anywhere close to Henry VIII's 36 years as king. With so little room timeline-wise, there isn't a lot of flexibility when it comes to telling new stories and fleshing out preexisting ones and all that is before you factor in Maegor himself.
I won't hold back. For all GRRM's talk of moral ambiguity, the human heart in conflict with itself, good men who were bad kings and bad men who were good kings, etc., his Targaryen monarchs are, for the most part, numbingly one-note. Aegon I is a literal enigma, Aenys is weak, Maegor cruel, Viserys I a party animal, Aegon II and Rhaenyra mirror-images of each other in their disqualifying vices, etc. As I've written before with my post reimagining Maegor as more of a Ivan (IV) the Terrible figure there was room to make him a genuinely controversial figure of historiography but instead GRRM doubled down on sensationalism and apathy-inducing slasher porn for lack of a better word. The fact Maegor is also the first and last of Visenya's line just adds more salt to the wound but that's part of GRRM's more general (and for me personally, vexing) habit of keeping family trees incredibly small.
(I do recall another alternative someone once brought up to the late Steven Attewell. Namely, turning Maegor into the Westerosi version of Macbeth by way of Der Untergang.)
This brings me to my semifinal point. GRRM didn't have to write Fire & Blood as Procopius' Secret History on steroids with a dash of Suetonius' Lives of Twelve Caesars and I, Claudius (the entire Saera episode is practically lifted wholesale from the scandal that envelops Augustus' daughter, Julia) but he did, which is doubly disappointing because not only does the final product suck quality-wise as a result but also because there were so many other avenues available to him.
He could have written Fire & Blood as a proper history (with less focus on the sex lives of teenage girls for one) or as a mirror for princes or as a dialogue between two characters or even as a character study. You can even see GRRM struggling with the constraints imposed by his use of Gyldayn in certain sections like the death of Maelor and the entire Hour of the Wolf episode, where you get reams of dialogue and characterization as well as more traditional narrative trappings like build-up, mood setting, etc.
Now, to answer your actual question (lol), I don't think any of Henry VIII's other wives map well onto Maegor's. Tyanna is, more or less, his female counterpart in terms of cruelty and zero redeeming features and entirely a fantasy construct. Elinor and Jeyne are both married to Maegor for only a year (with poor Jeyne dying in childbirth because Jeyne Westerlings, like the Brackens, Peakes, and Florents, cannot catch a break in Westeros) and before said marriage takes place neither appears on the page. As for Rhaena, well, credit where its due, she was a rare (and unexpected) highlight of Fire & Blood.
Thanks for the question, anon
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westeroslive · 1 month
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the  warm  breeze  midsummer  breeze  dwindles  down  as  long  days  slowly  make  way  for  long  nights  -  autumnal  equinox  is  nearing  but  her  majesty's  esteemed  guests  still  enjoy  the  radiant  sunrays  the  reach  offers.  the  keen  eye  of  lords,  ladies  and  lieges  of  court  alike  notice  the  increased  activity  on  the  lands  of  highgarden  ⸺  something  is  brewing  but  could  it  be  more  than  just  harvest  season  ?  days  pass  and  so  do  the  lunar  phases,  nothing  out  of  the  ordinary  until  the  host  -  the  ruling  lord  tyrell  has  an  announcement  to  make  during  dinner.  under  the  approving  eye  of  the  queen,  he  speaks  poetry  of  his  wife,  each  of  his  declarations  echoing  louder  and  louder  in  his  great  hall  until  the  denouement  of  the  long  -  winded  speech  is  reached.  a  celebration  -  grand  festivities  honoring  the  name  day  of  the  ruling  lady  tyrell  ⸻  to  provoke  delirium  instead  of  misfortune  that  haunts  westeros  at  each  turn.  while  the  servants  continue  their  strenuous  performance  behind  the  scenes  -  finalizing  the  details  for  the  one  week  long  feast  that  must  make  all  forget  about  the  recent  tragedies,  the  westerosi  aristocrats  and  foreign  dignitaries  from  essos  rest  in  their  quarters  on  soft  pillows  and  poster  beds  to  brace  themselves  for  seven  days  of  celebrations.  it  is  time  for  a  new  beginning,  a  blank  page  with  an  ending  unplanned  ...  to  persist  and  thrive,  no  longer  just  survive. 
a  single  envelope  with  pale  green  seal  and  golden  rosette  stamped  on  it  resides  on  the  floor  of  each  noble  house's  chambers,  slipped  under  heavy  wooden  doors  by  attendants.  little  secrecies  revealed  by  quill  -  penned  ink  on  parchment  paper,  detailed  phrasing  on  the  activities  during  the  weeklong  festivities  ⸺  the  star  of  the  name  day  jubilee  written  in  simple  riddle,  shrewd  minds  resolve  it  with  ease  while  even  the  less  unfortunate  can  read  between  the  lines.
 "  the  heart  of  chivalry  is  not  complete  without  a  knight  and  their  crowned  queen.  "
a  grand  -  scale  event  that  will  take  place  over  several  days  while  other  endeavors  never  stop.  the  noble  guests  are  able  to  enjoy  different  types  of  activities  -  from  archery  contests  on  the  training  grounds  to  dancing  on  westerosi  tunes  during  the  lavish  feast  each  night but beware the ruling lady will have some conditions.  for  those  who  wish  to  enjoy  the  beauty  of  highgarden,  the  gardens  offer  plenty  games  for  youngest  members  of  court,  which  includes  games  of  hide  and  seek  with  sweet  treats  hidden  in  the  green  maze,  apple  biting  in  the  fountains,  plucking  the  home  -  grown  fruits  of  house  tyrell  and  bake  treats  with  them  in  the  outside  kitchens,  and  many  other  carnival  games.  even  the  highborn  who  wish  to  unwind  can  watch  a  play  composed  by  artists  unfold  with  ivy  and  climbing  roses  in  the  backdrop,  or  sail  along  with  a  pleasure  barge  along  the  clear  blue  and  calm  water  of  the  mander  with  a  cup  of  freshly  brewed  tea  in  the  hand.  one  thing  is  certain,  everyone  will  be  entertained  as  the  ruling  lord  does  everything  to  ensure  the  pleasure  of  his  guests  and  the  success  of  his  wife's  celebrations.
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our  event  will  last  approximately  two  weeks,  starting  on  friday  august  16  until  sunday  september  1st,  to  give  everyone  enough  time  to  write  and  create  some  scandalous  little  adventures.  the  event  will  be  followed  by  a  little  revelation  that  brings  us  in  a  new  chapter,  with  fun  galore.
make  sure  to  tag  all  your  open  starters  under  westeros.cake  and  not  the  main  tag  -  that  way  all  event  related  starters  will  be  at  one  place.  don't  be  afraid  to  cap  your  open  and  closed  starters  -  it's  better  to  not  overwhelm  yourself.  be  sure  to  include  everyone  when  doing  a  closed  starter  call  but  also  respect  everyone's  cap  !
as  you  guessed  correctly,  we  will  be  having  a  mini  -  event  that  is  the  joust  tourney.  members  have  until  friday  (  noon  est  )  to  sign  up  for  the  activity.  with regard to the favours typically given to joust participants, we will post more information in our server asap  !  on  friday,  we  will  post  more  details  on  the  joust  but  the  outcomes  will  be  chosen  by  the  wheel  of  fate.
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spiderlilac · 11 months
ik you said you’re writing an update but im dying to know how the other characters feature in to love is to share ….. are Aemond’s siblings aware of the nature of the relationship he’s in? how do they feel about it?
hiiii omg sorry for taking forever to answer this !
dw i got u. i’ve thought about this since posting the first part 🫡 so sorry for the long answer!!! you have been warned
tw implied brainwashing
so the whole reason this au was born was because i thought about a modern au where viserys dies, and all his money, inheritance, etc, was never properly discussed. his will was never updated after aemma’s funeral so the only one who gets anything is rhaenyra— money, the targs famous company, any proprieties, rhaenyra gets it all, while alicent and her children are left with pretty much nothing except for the targaryen family home, as an act of goodwill by rhaenyra. the hightowers used to be wealthy by buying/selling real estate but the company suffered uh….. a huge scandal (let’s say gwayne hightower was arrested several times) and their money isn’t enough for them to keep living the comfortable life they once had, and soon the horror begins = aegon almost cries when alicent tells him he should get a job.
so otto does his magic and convinces alicent that the best prospect for aemond (one-eyed, but an omega nonetheless) is marrying one of rhaenyra’s oldest sons because both will have a more than decent inheritance and therefore, moneyyyyy. westeros still has some families with pretty old-fashioned traditions, so it’s alicent as his mother who approaches rhaenyra with the proposal. surprise surprise, rhaenyra declines almost immediately because she (very rightfully) thinks that aemond will try and murder either of her sons as soon as they’re married, all too resentful for his eye. alicent shamelessly lies (he would never do that!!! he’s such a decent, kind, devoted omega!!!! and— and he cooks so well!!!) and that’s how aemond finds himself in a ‘how to be a good omega’ course, imparted at the local clinic.
they teach him the basics— how to cook, how to clean, how to please their spouses. aemond thinks it’s all bullshit— but, hey, they’re right when they say that your mate should be your top priority. and, well, they are also right when they say that if you love someone, you would be devoted to them. of course i would cook for my spouse!!! they must be so tired after work…
so who knew? it actually works. next time alicent meets rhaenyra, she shows her what a good omega her son is— aemond cooks for them, wears something that creepily looks like something alicent would’ve worn in her youth, and is all gentle smiles and soft movements. only that rhaenyra did not go alone to their meeting. jace and luke join just in time to appreciate the changes in their uncle, and now it’s not who will marry him, but when will they marry him. they’re brothers, after all— they’re shared everything all their lives. this should not be different.
now, what you actually asked (lmao! got a little carried away!) aemond’s siblings are confused. lemme elaborate:
aegon thought aemond was messing with him the first time he said he had to leave early from their night out to cook lucerys dinner. his jaw dropped when aemond also told him he could not drink any alcohol because jacaerys told him not to. don’t get him wrong, he’s glad aemond isn’t the same asshole he used to be, but now talking to him feels weird. his baby brother won’t go anywhere unless his husbands are aware. he won’t wear anything they don’t approve of. and every time aegon tries to make him see how unreasonable his lifestyle is, aemond will fight until aegon drops it. whatever. as long as he’s happy, i guess.
helaena tries to argue on that as well— she insists aemond should have his own say in his life, but her comments are softly spoken, so aemond just chuckles and disregards everything she says. he pats her head, smiling all condescending because she’s a beta, and she wouldn’t understand. after a while, helaena gives up, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t grimace when aemond takes his coat off and she can see his whole neck and wrists covered in bruises and finger marks.
now… daeron is complicated, because he still feels some of the rage aemond shared with him when the eye incident happened. at first, he glares at jace and luke at family gatherings and tells them they would never deserve his brother, and he tries convincing aemond to get a divorce as soon as he gets his hands in some of their money, but aemond looks truly concerned and explains that the past is all behind, daeron. we should not let ourselves rot with resentment, and so daeron tunes the comments off, although he still glares at the velaryon boys.
either way, their acceptance on their marriage grows a bit when jace and luke treat them for sevenmas— they get aegon and helaena an all-included trip to pentos for an entire month on the most luxurious hotel that could possibly exist, while their children get so many toys that helaena doubts they will fit all in their room. and daeron, who is now old enough to drive, gets his first car! i meaaan, they can’t be that bad, can they?
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westerosoliviapope · 9 months
Theon Greyjoy - A Day in the Life
I loved this Theon segment so much, I want to give it room to breathe outside the other shenanigans in my latest update.
From Warrior in a Suit (Scandal Westeros - Finale) on A03
"That's the one."
Gods, Theon thinks. Don't let it be the expensive one. He flips the view on his phone so Sansa can inspect the selection of rings on the tray.
"Far right. 1.5 carat, round cut, white gold," she says. "It looks just like the one on her Pinterest board."
Of course.
He nods to Sabitha, the smiling saleswoman behind the counter. A mere six months ago, those tits peeking through her scandalously-buttoned white shirt would have compelled him to give her something more fleeting than the healthy commission she's about to collect.
He's in love, not blind—but neither Sabitha's turnips nor the significant dent in his credit card can cool the warmth in his chest imagining Jeyne's face when she sees this ring.
Theon Greyjoy. Betrothed. He's tempted to pinch himself.
You learn a thing or two watching your best mate spin out from a broken heart. Namely, you don't want to be the bloke who lets the girl—the One—get away.
Day two of their trip to wine country, having dinner on a balcony at Redwyne Family Vineyards as the sun set over rows of red grapes as far as the eye could see, when the light caught whatever Jeyne put on her face that evening to make her cheeks shimmer and all of a sudden he couldn't breathe, Theon knew.
He was done for. Over. So long to the Sabithas of the world.
Maestro, you can cue the wedding march…
The Riverlands' rains don't bother him —a walk in the park compared to the icy storms he grew up with. As far as he's concerned, it's 70 degrees and sunny as he whips his Tesla through the Capitol nodding to the sounds of Jaero Hovys. He became a fan while stationed in Tyrosh, sharing a base with Braavosi soldiers who couldn't get enough of Jae's layered, braggadocious rhymes. When you spent your days trying not to get your cock blown off by landmines, you took confidence where you could get it. For Theon, that meant chanting lines like "I will not lose" and "allow me to re-introduce myself" while waiting in the fields, rifle at the ready.
He generally prefers the earlier stuff to the recent releases with his wife, Bellegere Otherys. Since taking Jeyne to see the pair in concert, however, he appreciates the newer tracks. He doesn't even skip when "Boss" thumps out of his custom speakers.
"Everybody's bosses/ till it's time to pay for the office—"
Fucking hell. How does the phone always know to ring right before the best part of the song? His frustration is quickly replaced with a shit-eating grin when he sees the name flashing across his dashboard.
"Ms. Poole," he answers. He swears he can feel the ring burning a hole in his pocket, even though it's locked in his safe at home. She has no idea… he thinks. Or does she? Bloody hell, if Sansa spoiled the surprise—
"Are you seeing this thing with Arya and your uncle?"
He tries—actively—not to see anything about anyone in his family, except maybe Asha. But keeping the Greyjoy name out of his feeds is difficult of late. What with Euron emerging from bumfuck Asshai and casting himself as Westeros' new main character. Running around with Cersei Lannister. Going viral for shitposting celebrities and the government. Now, apparently he's arguing with Arya on Twitter.
Once he's at his desk, Theon goes through the tweets. All 319 of them. Arya listed the 318 victims of the 2002 Bear Island Attack, a name per tweet, and ended the thread with:
"The media wants you to forget, so they can use the theatrics of a suspected terrorist to boost their ratings. Please think of your Northern neighbors before you platform/share/boost Euron Greyjoy. Time changes many things—it doesn't bring back the loved ones we lost at Bear Island. #TheNorthRemembers."
In reply, Euron posted a photo from Robb's campaign with Theon featured prominently among the Stark siblings.
"Seems you aren't triggered by all Greyjoys. Just the ones who don't kiss your 'honorable' arses. Westerosi elites use every trick in the book to censor me because I tell the truth. Don't let the sob stories fool you.
How long before his phone starts buzzing with requests for comment? Theon gives it two, three hours tops.
When he left Pyke to join the armed services at 18, he thought his days of explaining his family ties were over. He enlisted as Theon Harlaw with no plans to return to the western shores of the Narrow Sea. Once the Three Daughters' conflict settled, he'd find a local Tyroshi girl—a buxom waitress, bartender, or the like—and have a stable full of blue-haired sons who'd never hear their family name associated with words like "extremist," or "cult."
He was in Tyrosh a year when a new crop of cadets came over from the Military Academy at Storm's End, and the name "STARK" appeared over one of the bunks in his unit.
When the Bear Island Courthouse fell, he and Asha were already emancipated, having won their freedom with the assistance of their Uncle Rodrik. The national media knew of Balon Greyjoy, the Iron Islands governor who didn't publicly support the Church of the Drowned God, but—conveniently—never brought the full force of the law down on its extremist sect. They knew the masterminds behind the attack, and applied the term to Aeron and Victarion without irony. And they knew of the enigmatic Greyjoy brother whose "business" took him to Qarth—known drug and money laundering capital of the world—a month before the attack.
They knew little of the wife who divorced Balon ten years prior on grounds of spousal abuse. Or the pair of teenage orphans left to fend for themselves when she died.
His mother's surname let him and Robb coexist peacefully when he first arrived. As the legend of the Young Wolf spread, Theon stayed cordial, but distant. They worked together when duty called. Otherwise, Theon spent his leisure time with the Braavosi unit. With their music, brashness, and penchant for good liquor, they were more his speed than the boy scouts from the Military Academy.
Leave it to Balon to blow it to shit.
News of his father's stroke came via letter. Addressed to "Theon Greyjoy." Like it was bloody designed for shouting in the unit for everyone to hear.
Theon learned three things that day.
One: He wouldn't receive a penny of his trust fund without the Greyjoy name.
Two: Robb has literal bricks for hands.
Three: A fist fight can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Moments like tonight—watching his name turn into a trending topic because he didn't just have "a" crazy uncle, but came from a family of hucksters who amassed power by deluding an impoverished region with the fantasy of subjugating women, never paying taxes, and attacking merchant ships in the Sunset Sea like a band of old time pirates—makes him wonder if being a Greyjoy is worth the money.
Hovys said it best. Take the good with the bad or throw the baby out with that bath water. Theon Harlaw couldn't drop $21k on an engagement ring.
Fuck waiting out the storm. He may as well steer into it. Smother this baby in the crib before it hits Robb's radar and turns into a real shit show. It's the last thing they need after that Westerling business.
And yes. Perhaps, somewhere in the back of his mind, Theon liked the idea of eye candy in the office when that bloke from the Lorathi embassy gave him her resume. How was he supposed to know Robb would lose his godsdamned head?
Before Jeyne—his Jeyne—not Slutty Fanfic Jeyne…
Well. Okay. Theon would've done the same. Or at least tried. But he didn't unzip Robb's pants and stick his cock in the girl. So, not his fault.
"WNTH. How may I help you?"
"Theon Greyjoy for Wylla Manderly."
Hound that she is, Wylla barely lets the phone ring. Gods save anyone standing between her and an exclusive. "Your uncle has half the republic calling you 'Theon Sheepboy.' Care to comment?"
Sheepboy? Oh. Wolves. Sheep. "Charming," Theon retorts, tapping his pen on his desk.
Time to earn his keep as comms director.
"I'd like to say, on the record, that I have been honored by the gracious warmth and welcome I've found within the Stark family, and stand ardently with them in support of the families and victims of the Bear Island Attack. Euron Greyjoy is a photo on a mantle in a house I barely remember. And I'd like to keep it that way."
"Got it."
"One more thing, Wylla…"
"The headline is me and my uncle. The family's been through enough without Euron goading them into a brawl." Better Euron's army of bots calling him "sheepboy" than whatever vile shit they'll say to Arya.
"Careful, Greyjoy. People might start thinking you're galant."
"Me?" Theon smiles. "Never."
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
HotD and the Golden Globes
House of the Dragon may have won the Golden Globe for "Best Drama TV Series", but it doesn't validate the characterizations, the writing, or ideas present in the writing of the show. Even if Fire and Blood didn't exist, this show is not very good once you think about it. There are too many inconsistencies of logic and the show's own internal lore to see it as a well-written story. And Ryan Condal 's "theory of accidents" is not a good or logical way to characterize or set up a character's motivations since it makes them more reactive instead of active (Seth Abramson on Substack). It also reduces both agency and accountability for characters like Alicent and Aemond, while muddling their motivation and creating doubt in their ability to reason. These are not even minor charater's, either. Both are absolutely essential to how the Dance went as it did, and the first's actions against Rhaenyra is the reason why the Dance even existed in the first place.
And then, once you do take into account that this is supposed to be an adaptation, the logic, characterizations, themes, etc actually all so different or inconsistent from those things that are unbiasedly true in the canon account of the Dance of the Dragons in Fire and Blood, it is impossible to count this as a adaptation and not a poorly written fanfiction. Especially in context of the treatment of women in Westeros after Rhaenyra's death and what Daenerys "Stormborn" Targaryen does and represents in the book series A Game of Thrones and the TV adaptation Game of Thrones. @brideoffires writes this POST and @la-pheacienne writes this ONE about ASoIaF's world's misogyny.
A show getting awards does not automatically make it a good show in of itself nor prove its excellence, since it is also clear that awards like the Globes do not necessarily hand awards because the show is well-written. The Globes is a huge culprit of dirty business or susness because the people responsible for choosing who/what wins or gets nominated for any Globe -- the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, or the HFPA-- is suspect and has a real history of being bought out or "wined and dined" and excluding or snubbing much better shows and films. And some or most of those snubbed have a pattern of being PoC-written, PoC-starred, etc. Emily in Paris over I May Destroy You, anyone?
The LA Times article that I listed has this:
Over its nearly eight-decade history, the HFPA has weathered a string of embarrassing scandals, lawsuits and often blistering criticism of its membership. The group has been the butt of jokes even from the stage of its own awards show. Hosting in 2016, Ricky Gervais dismissed the Globes as “worthless,” calling the award “a bit of metal that some nice old confused journalists wanted to give you in person so they could meet you and have a selfie with you.” In a 2014 interview, actor Gary Oldman said the group was “90 nobodies having a wank” and called for a boycott of the “silly game” their awards represent.
Yet despite all this, the HFPA has managed to carve out a unique and improbable position of influence. Its members — relatively few of whom work full time for major overseas outlets — are routinely granted exclusive access to Hollywood power players, invited to junkets in exotic locales, put up in five-star hotels and, as Globes nominations near, lavished with gifts, dinners and star-studded parties. To the studios, networks and celebrities that court its favor and exploit its awards as a marketing tool, the group is at once fawned over, derided and grudgingly tolerated. (Four years after blasting the HFPA, Oldman thanked them when accepting his first-ever Globe for his turn as Winston Churchill in “Darkest Hour.”)
Now, I am not talking about Emma D'Arcy's nomination for "Lead Actress" (despite them being nonbinary), because as an performer Emma is and was great in HotD. I am talking about the show and its writing.
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danceofdragonsrphq · 1 year
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our three year anniversary is approaching and well, the plot is definitely stirring!!! thank you to our amazing plot mods for coming up with a plot based on the third crusade which seems to be impacting all the followers of the faith of the seven in westeros. we love using history and folklore as inspiration for plots here at dod. furthermore, internal tensions seem to be swirling within the north, the riverlands and the crownlands&stormlands. 
our plot page now informs people what each region is going through. this makes it easier for you to work out what region you’d like to join!
our wanted connections tag makes it easier for applicants to scroll through all the muses we’d love to see! 
our lore page breaks down key events of each region over the last two years. check out the navigation page to make it easier.
and finally, our recent and most scandalous addition, the society page. these rumours are fun to read, and the replies even better…but nothing beats the character drama that comes from ooc chaos.
dance of dragons rp is set two years, in 142AC, after the end of our AU version of the dance of dragons, which lasted ten years in our verse. all the kingdoms have become independent, with two main exceptions: the stormlands bow to a targaryen queen in kings landing, and the iron islands were buried under the revenge of the westerlands and the reach for thousands of years of sacking. rules can be found here, as can the application form. upon entry to the group, each new member  is assigned a member of the admin team to help them settle and ask any questions to!
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crescentmooninjuly · 1 year
i’m a nepotism, baby, you can trust me (chapter 1)
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Summary: When the success of his film is threatened by a personal scandal, famous actor Aemond Targaryen has to fake-date his costar/nemesis.
Notes: Aemond & the original character from my other fic! (linked here)
Daemon is not related to Viserys in this fic to avoid incest between Daemon/Rhaenyra & Aemond/OC
TW: references to Sam Taylor-Johnson💀
Word Count: 3,118 
“So is his dick really as big as they say it is?”
  Lyra coughed on the piece of kale she’d just forked into her mouth. “What?” 
 Baela raised her eyebrows suggestively. “How long is it?” 
 Lyra rolled her eyes. “You know we didn’t actually have sex, right?”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Rhaena grinned. “That sex scene was realistic as fuck.”  
 “But you at least saw him naked, right?” Baela asked eagerly. 
 “No!” Lyra laughed. She threw a fry at her sister across the table and it clung to her silver-blonde curls. Baela flicked some of her lemon water (room temperature, obviously) at Lyra in retaliation. 
 “Would you call it a porn addiction, hypothetically, if you just want to watch the same, tasteful, “how-can-it-be-considered-an-R-rated-movie-if-there’s-hardly any-nudity” sex scene over and over again?” Rhaena asked genuinely, chin contemplatively in the palm of her hand.
 “Gross,” Lyra smirked good-naturedly, popping a fry into her mouth. “You guys are a bunch of perverts.” 
 “How can you blame us?” Rhaena giggled. “He’s so  hot."
 Lyra rolled her eyes in response.
 Their current topic of conversation (as most of them had been recently), revolved around Lyra’s costar/nemesis, Aemond Targaryen. 
 Lyra and Aemond had spent most of last year filming an epic, World War I era, tragic romance, called The Great War. The movie was scheduled to be released in two months, and Lyra had just returned to LA after seeing the premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. The lead actors were praised for their performances, earning award-season buzz for their incredible on-screen chemistry. But what the press had yet to find out, (and the production company certainly wasn’t keen on leaking the information) was that the two stars had been at each other’s throats for most of the shoot. They had constantly bickered on-set, disagreeing about almost everything. The studio had been forced to bring a moderator in during filming. But their off-screen hatred hadn’t ruined their characters’ relationship. If anything, it had elevated the passion between them. As soon as filming wrapped, Lyra and Aemond gratefully went their separate ways. And besides the film festival, where he spent most of the night ignoring her, they hadn’t seen each other since. 
  “Oh, did you see that Rolling Stone article? They placed you second on their list of favorite current nepotism babies.” Baela said. She was Lyra’s media and marketing manager. One summer, when Lyra was off filming an Indie movie in a remote part of Europe, Baela had been entrusted to update her Instagram account every few days. Lyra had gained five million followers in less than a week, and Baela had been in charge of her social media presence ever since. 
 “Who was number one?” Lyra asked, although she had a feeling she already knew the answer. 
 Baela smirked. “Aemond Targaryen, of course.” 
 Lyra furrowed her brows. “That seems sexist.” 
 “At least when people bring up the nepotism conversation, his name will always come up first,” Rhaena said. 
 Lyra’s mother was Evera Lys, an actress from the 90’s. Evera and her co-star, Daemon Prince, from the popular teen drama  Westeros High, had begun dating right after the show finished airing. Their whirlwind relationship had been plastered on every magazine cover and tabloid at the time, and they got married after only six months of dating. But tragedy struck a few years later, when Evera died from complications in the hospital after giving birth to Lyra. 
 Despite never getting to meet her mother, Lyra had had a mostly happy childhood. She had grown up in Malibu with Daemon, his second wife, screenwriter  Laena Velaryon, and their twins, Baela and Rhaena. And they had all become very close.  
 Daemon rose to even greater fame after starring in the period piece, The Iron Throne, with Oscar-winning actor, Viserys Targaryen. Aemond’s father. Hence the nepotism. Daemon and Viserys had played brothers, and became best friends during filming. After his amicable divorce from Laena, Daemon married Viserys’ oldest child, Rhaenyra, his daughter from his first marriage. Viserys had been initially hesitant about his daughter dating someone who’d been like an uncle-figure to her, but had grown to accept and respect the relationship after seeing the love they had for each other firsthand. Viserys’ second marriage to supermodel Alicent Hightower (Rhaenyra’s former best friend) had apparently caused quite the scandal back in the day. And it was rumored that Rhaenyra was his favorite child over the four he’d had with Alicent.  
  Since Lyra’s father was best friends with Aemond’s father, and Lyra’s stepmom was Aemond’s oldest sister, Lyra and Aemond had known each other long before they had been casted in The Great War. They had gone to the same private schools, and had seen each other often through the years at family gatherings and holidays. Even though Aemond was two years older than her, they had competed in the same acting classes and extracurriculars throughout their childhood. When Lyra got the part of Sandy in their school’s production of Grease, Aemond was casted as none other than Danny Zuko. And the same week Lyra had finally gotten a call-back audition for an actual speaking role in a network show, Aemond had booked his first movie. Granted, his character ended up having only two lines, but still. The small role landed him a SAG card and an IMDb page.
 Lyra couldn’t remember a time they hadn’t been competing against each other.
 “Speak of the devil,” Lyra muttered as her phone buzzed with Aemond’s contact name, sliding the screen to answer his call. “What do you want?”
 “Nice to hear from you too,” he said. She could tell from his tone that he was smirking. Asshole. “You busy?”
 “I’m having lunch with Baela and Rhaena.”
 “Hi, Aemond,” Baela cooed into the phone’s microphone. 
 Lyra rolled her eyes at her sister’s enthusiastic greeting. As if his ego needs more boosting. “So, what’s up?”
 She could practically hear the leather of his jacket crinkling in the background. Aemond had claimed it was fake, but the $800 receipt Lyra had found in his trailer begged to differ. 
 “Have you checked Twitter recently?” he asked warily. 
 “Only every hour of every day,” she said, mocking the insult he’d thrown her way months earlier.  “It’s called interacting with your loyal fanbase,”  Lyra had said defensively, when he’d scoffed that she was on her phone too much.  “You should try it sometime!”
 “So you haven’t seen it then,” Aemond deadpanned. 
 “Seen what?”
 He sighed into the speaker. “I think you should probably just look it up.” 
 That was never a good sign when you worked in the entertainment industry. “Shit,” Lyra said, putting him on speaker and opening up Twitter. She quickly went to the Trending section and her stomach plummeted. #AemondandLyra was number one. 
 She clicked on the top article, headlined  Aemond Targaryen Cheated on Ex with Co-Star Lyra Lys.
  New York Socialite Alys Rivers, 40, claims that her relationship with actor Aemond Targaryen, 25, recently ended because he was having an affair with his co-star, Lyra Lys, during the shoot of their upcoming movie,  The Great War.  It’s no secret that the two actors had amazing chemistry, with one source even stating, “They spent so much time together, even when the cameras weren’t rolling. They’ve been close for a really long time and the long distance took a toll on his relationship with Alys.” The two stars have yet to confirm the dating rumors, but were seen “hanging out” at the Cannes Film Festival last week…
  “What the fuck?” Lyra frowned, completely forgetting that Aemond was still on the line. 
 “I know,” Aemond sighed. “It’s not great…”
 “Not great?” Lyra nearly shrieked. She took the phone off speaker as some of the surrounding restaurant patrons started to glance in her direction. “Alys just told the entire internet that you cheated on her…with me.”
 Baela and Rhaena widened their eyes from across the table and immediately pulled out their phones.
 “Okay, but have you read what people are saying?” Aemond asked. “Did you see what’s also trending?”
 Lyra looked under #AemondandLyra. The second most trending topic was #HesFree. Curious, she clicked on the hashtag and pulled up the top tweets.
 Justaholeforaemondtarg: lmaoooo Aemond finally dumped granny💀 #hesfree
  Sleeplysinseattle: Aemond Targaryen is the only person i will forgive for cheating. Thank you @lyralys, our lord and savior🙏 #hesfree
 wolfdaddy12: okay but is anyone talking about lyra’s dating history?? She literally bagged Cregan mf Stark and now Aemond Targaryen, she’s really God’s favorite huh😭😭 #hesfree
 Aemondtstan4life: is meemaw really trying to make us hate Aemond for finally getting out of their toxic relationship? She literally groomed him lol, as far as i’m concerned Lyra saved his goddamn life #hesfree
  “Holy shit,” Lyra said as she scrolled through the tweets. Based on the twins’ frequent gasps and laughter, they were reading them as well. 
 “I know,” Aemond said.
 “Wait, so let me get this straight,” Lyra began, getting up from the table so Baela and Rhaena wouldn’t overhear. “Alys told the press that you guys broke up because you cheated on her…but the internet is…happy about it?” 
 “Mostly,” he answered. “Listen, my publicist wants to get ahead of this. Can I meet you at your place in an hour?”
 Lyra glanced back at the table, the twins furiously typing on their phones. She let out a long sigh. “Sure, let me text you my address.” 
 “No need,” Aemond said. “I know where you live.”
 “Funny, I don’t remember telling you…” Lyra trailed off. She supposed Helaena must have told him. As much as Aemond seemed to exist only to drive her crazy, Lyra had always gotten along very well with his siblings.
  Lyra drove through the Hollywood Hills in a daze. She hadn’t seen Cregan Stark, her boyfriend of almost three years, since their breakup a few months ago. It had happened shortly after she’d returned from filming The Great War in the UK. He was a rising Indie musician, and his album from earlier that year, Dragonfire (his old nickname for her based on her signature red hair), had been a huge success. He’d had a steady following before its release, but his fanbase had tripled in the months since. Most of the songs had been about her, of course. Love songs about their relationship. But the long months apart on separate continents had been difficult, and they would have only had a few weeks together before he was set to embark on his year-long tour. So they’d decided to take a break. 
  When she pulled into her private drive, after the security guard at the gate buzzed her through, she immediately noticed a familiar car parked in front of her expansive garden. 
 “Jace!” Lyra exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck when he opened the car door for her. “What are you doing here?” 
 “Just wanted to take advantage of your giant house and hot tub, obviously,” he grinned. But his face fell as he noticed something behind her. 
 She quickly turned and spotted Aemond’s black Lamborghini pulling into her driveway. Because of course he had one. 
  “That’s actually why I’m here,” Jace frowned, watching Aemond intently as he casually slid from the driver’s seat and made his way toward them. He threw his leather jacket over his shoulder and pulled off his Ray-Ban sunglasses. 
 Lyra internally fumed at how attractive he was. It was much harder to hate him. 
 “Like what you see?” Aemond smirked at her expression. And before Lyra could come up with a snarky comeback, he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, dangerously close to her mouth. 
 “What the hell, Aemond?” Lyra breathed, pulling away. They’d kissed lots of times while filming the movie, of course, but this was different. She suddenly felt dizzy…and infuriatingly not in a bad way. 
 Jace stared at the two of them in shock, mouth agape. 
 Aemond shrugged. “Our little secret’s out, Lyr. We don’t have to hide anymore.”
 “So it’s true?” Jace shrieked. “You guys are…together?” 
 “Jace—” Lyra began in a panic. 
 “I came over here to make sure,” he sighed dejectedly. “How could you do this to Cregan? Did you cheat on him?”
 “No! I would  never —”
 “You know how close I am with him,” Jace said, running a hand through his shaggy, dark hair. 
 Lyra felt her throat start to tighten up. “Yeah…”
 Cregan was Jace’s best friend. That was how Lyra had originally met him. And up until now, Jace had done a pretty good job of not bringing him up around her. 
 “So how is he?” Lyra couldn’t help but ask. Aemond snorted from beside her. 
 “He’s not seeing anyone, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
 “That’s not what I was asking…” she mumbled unconvincingly. 
 “Well, he’s not,” Jace said. “But he thinks you’re dating Aemond now. And I guess he’s right.” 
 Lyra wanted to bury herself under her covers and never come back out. “Listen, I never would have done that to him. Okay? Aemond and I aren’t—”
 “—Aren’t ready to talk about our relationship,” Aemond interrupted hurriedly. 
 Lyra glanced at him in confusion. What was he playing at?
 “But neither of us cheated, I swear,” he said seriously. “Alys just made that shit up to get back at me for dumping her.” 
 Jace looked between the two of them skeptically for a few moments before nodding in resignation. “Alright, I believe you.”
 “Great,” Aemond said, slapping a hand on Jace’s shoulder and steering him back toward his car. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we just want to finally be alone.”
 Jace huffed in annoyance, but obeyed, sending Lyra one last, small smile and a promise to call later. 
 As soon as his car disappeared from the end of her driveway, Lyra stormed inside her house without looking back. She slammed the front door shut, but Aemond managed to stop it before it closed completely and made his way in behind her without an invitation. 
 “What the fuck was that?” Lyra yelled, turning to face him. 
 And to her fury, the prick had the audacity to smirk. “Just wanted to spend some quality time with my girlfriend.”
 He lazily slumped onto her living room couch and wasted no time in making himself comfortable. 
  She crossed her arms. “What are you talking about? This isn’t funny—”
 He sighed and leaned forward in the chair. “Okay, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. But I have an idea to fix this situation. Before it gets worse.”
 Morbidly curious, Lyra took the seat across from him and waited for him to continue. 
 “If we say nothing,” he said, “If we ignore the rumors or even try to deny them, the majority of people will assume we’re lying to cover up an affair. A spur-of-the-moment, reckless decision that resulted in not one, but  two breakups.”
 “Cregan had nothing to do with this,” Lyra frowned. “We broke up before you dumped Alys. ”
  “But no one will see it that way,” Aemond sighed. “We shot a movie together for several months. In a different  country.  As soon as filming wrapped, both of us just happened to break up our respective relationships? It’s unfortunately very coincidental.”
 Lyra just scoffed, too hurt to reply. 
 “I know, this sucks,” he said gently, his tone suddenly more sympathetic. “But we could spin this story to make it seem…romantic. Understandable.” 
 Her eyes widened, slowly starting to put the pieces together. “You want us to fake a relationship?” 
 He nodded.
 “But how would that fix things?” Lyra asked. “Wouldn’t that just confirm the cheating rumors?” 
 Aemond rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, his smug and arrogant tone from before completely gone. “You know how the media works. Once something’s out there, people accept it as fact. But if we revealed that we fell in love while filming the movie…”
 “...they wouldn’t necessarily blame us?” Lyra finished.
  “Exactly,” he grinned. 
 “But I thought the internet was already on your side.”
 He shrugged. “Some, maybe. But it’s never the man’s fault, is it?” 
 She quickly pulled out her phone and opened Twitter again. In her shock earlier, she had failed to notice some of the more negative comments. About her. Hundreds of people calling her a homewrecker. A cheater. A slut.
 Because everyone assumed Aemond had cheated on Alys, they were now questioning the true reason for Lyra’s breakup with Cregan.
 Aemond noticed her sad expression, and his tone turned uncharacteristically sad. “I know, I’m sorry. But we can fix this.”
 “You really think this would work, though?” she asked quietly. “I mean, we could barely shoot a movie without almost killing each other.”
 The corner of his mouth twitched upward. An almost smile. “If we managed to convince the casting directors that we have good chemistry, we can convince anyone.”
 She let out a long sigh, still unconvinced. “You do realize that we’d have to lie to everyone we know.”
 “I know,” he said, running a hand through his long hair. “We couldn’t afford another scandal if the truth was leaked. But we worked too damn hard on the movie for it to be ruined by this. I need your help. Please?”
 “Okay,” she finally answered. “But I think we need to establish some ground rules.”
 “Like what?” he snorted. 
 “No kissing,” she said, crossing her arms.
 He scoffed. “You didn’t seem to mind when we were filming. This would be no different, we’d be acting.” 
 Lyra rolled her eyes. “I was being paid to do it before. It would be…weird now.”
 “Fine, whatever,” he muttered. “Anything else?” 
 She thought for a moment. “We can’t see other people, even secretly. It’d be too suspicious.”
 Aemond nodded in agreement. “Deal. Should be easy enough for you,” he smirked. 
 “Shut up,” she glared, throwing one of her couch pillows at him. “I’ve been asked on tons of dates since Cregan and I broke up,”
 “Mmm hmm,” he hummed sarcastically. 
  He stood up and stretched, revealing a thin strip of his defined lower abdomen as his shirt rode up. Lyra quickly looked away before he could notice her staring and her face beginning to flush. It was bad enough she’d had to endure seeing him shirtless while having to make out with him during the film shoot. It’s just pretend, it’s just pretend, she repeated over and over in her head as she followed him outside back to his car. 
 Aemond was already busy typing in his phone, making plans with his publicist for their official relationship reveal. “I’ll keep you updated,” he promised. “See you later, baby.” 
 And with one final smirk, he revved his engine obnoxiously loud and squealed out of her driveway. 
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years
on historical context, medieval europe vs westeros:
GRRM cites the War Of The Roses and several Tudor-era figures as being inspirational for his Westeros, a semi-medieval fantasy europe. inspiration does not require accuracy but historical "fact" oft used as justification for Certain Things. sadly, commonly believed history is seldom representative of historic fact & historic fact is ever being relearned: as more sources are discovered and taken into account, our understanding of history grows, better knowing how history was LIVED rather than how these histories were written down.
so let's look at how GRRM's Westeros fares in historic context as opposed to historic "fact".
CW: potential spoilers for ASOIAF, reference to dubcon & no con, reference to child brides, brief references to historic christianity.
first off, one of GRRM's named inspirations for Westeros &, specifically, the War of the Five Kings, is the "War of the Roses". This conflict was 30-ish years of civil war in 15th century england, ending with the establishment of the Tudor Dynasty: the most famous Tudors were its last two monarchs, Henry VIII & Elizabeth I (his 2nd daughter by his 2nd wife, Anne Boleyn). The Tudors ruled England from the late 15th century 'til the start of the 17th century, having 5 monarchs in total.
my post prior to this was a reblog regarding the character Juliet Capulet from Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet", specifically her age (~14) and how understanding her age, in the context of 16th century europe, is the basis of the entire play: the play was written & performed as a tragedy and the context is greatly lost when translating the work through 500 years of retellings, societal shift, and linguistic difference. Shakespeare's plays were written in the 16th century, during the reign of Elizabeth I, and were hugely popular in that time: thusly it can be intuited that the average 16th century londoner found plays like Romeo & Juliet to reflect the morals, opinions and issues relevant to themselves and their society as a whole.
so. Juliet was the tragic heroine of Romeo & Juliet: she was 14. i will edit in a link to the post i'm referencing (which contextualizes how medieval europe viewed consent, marriage, and un/healthy maternity).
link: https://at.tumblr.com/hollowwhisperings/concerning-juliets-age/ybxrn3dtaesf
in Westeros, betrothing children from birth is not uncommon: marriage, however, is generally held off until both parties come of age. the exceptions to this exist almost entirely amongst the highborn (give or take a Tysha) and are considered Scandalous (unless you're a Targaryen or a ruthless politician). rather than medieval england or europe, the morality & maturity of the characters in ASOIAF reflect or are contrasted with the modern West (the english speaking populaces of North America, western europe, and Commonwealth countries): in Westeros, a female's consent is an afterthought or is left entirely unconsidered in a marriage. this is hugely contradictory to both catholic & tudor views on marriage, wherein female consent was considered both spiritually and medically important: marriage was a sacred institution and the good health of a wife was an important consideration. it was (& remains) the case that females who had reached maturity had fewer difficulties during their pregnancies and had healthier children; in a time of high infant mortality, it was found that children were more likely to survive infancy if they had a living mother to support them. since the endurance of a family relied on legitimate children having legitimate children, it was thusly logical to ensure that any wife was healthy & content during her marriage.
meanwhile in Westeros, girls and mature women of the noble houses (most especially & egregiously in the royal family) are consistently pressured into pregnancies (against both modern & medieval medical advice) well before they are physically mature.
there are no POV characters, thus far, in ASOIAF who are lowborn women, few secondary characters of such status & fewer still who have "typical" life experience: Daenerys has no reference for maturity beyond hypotheticals and the varying views of her advisors, living in a context of institutionalized slavery, and is a queen by conquest; Sansa is a political hostage, Arya a runaway; Brienne is a social pariah; Melissandre is a cult leader & sorceress; Cersei married into royalty; Gilly's homelife would be considered universally horrific by every society thus encountered (Free Folk, Northerners, Southron folk, Dornish, and the Dothraki would all condemn/execute Craster: it is likely that even the most traditional Ironborn would consider Craster a monster).
There are several girls (and a few boys) who are wed while very young during the ASOIAF series itself: Daenerys Stormborn (13) to Khal Drogo ("young"), 1 child born premature & stillborn; Sansa Stark (~12) to Tyrion Lannister (~27), unconsumated; Ermesande Hayford (2) to Tyrek Lannister (~14), unconsumated; Tommen I (~8) to Margaery Tyrell (~16), unconsumated; Jeyne Pool (~14) to Ramsay Bolton (~18). all these marriages were politically inspired, scandalous and genuinely dangerous (albeit unexpectedly in the case of Lady Hayford: the disappearance of her husband has proven her to be resilient and firm on the subject of naptimes).
prior to ASOIAF, there are the weddings of Rhaella Targaryen (~12) to Aerys II (~14), Tysha (13) to Tyrion Lannister (13), and of Lysa Tully (~17) to Jon Arryn (~72). both Rhaella & Lysa had traumatic, premature pregnancies and chronic health issues, reproductive & otherwise. of Tysha we can only assume that, if she survived at all, she likely suffered great & permanent injury to her person.
(i will note that, at the time of Lysa Arryn's becoming pregnant by him in 282 AC, Petyr Baelish was both 14 and very drunk)
There is a consistent disregard for female consent in Westeros, attitudes more reflective of modern societies & expectations than those of medieval europe. That said, it is also true that House Targaryen's marriage practices seem referential to similar practices in Ancient Egypt. I am as yet unfamiliar with the many thousands of years of [Dynastic Egypt] save its very last, the Ptolemaic. The Ptolemys were consistently incestuous though the extent is difficult to ascertain due to the lack of surviving records, multiple wars civil & otherwise likely affecting which records did & did not survive, the likely practice of adopting children of one's spouse [to claim credit?/legitimize the most promising?/?i'm guessing based on imperial china which was contemporary but far removed & kept its incest scandals between step-relatives, i need to do more research]... i am similarly lacking in knowing Roman history (though it, at least, consists of a much shorter time span to read up on than the millennias of imperial China or dynastic Egypt) but its mythology is as incestuous as that of the more popular pantheons throughout Egypt's ancient period, if not more so due to the frequent infidelity of Greco-Roman deities versus their decidedly monogamous Egyptian neighbours. It will be Interesting to compare House Targaryen to the Ptolemaic Dynasty, especially given the easy parallels to be found between Daenerys Stormborn and Cleopatra VII. There is much tinfoil possible in finding any similarities or allusions to Elizabeth I & her sister, Mary I ("queen of scots" in name, largely french in practice), their written histories potentially foreshadowing the fates of Daenerys and Young Griff (or Jon Snow).
This post ran away with its premise rather quickly but hopefully it has provided room for thought & critique. If I disappear before posting a compilation post on the Life Expectancies of Targaryen Kings, assume i have gotten stuck in a family tree somewhere in the centuries BC.
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