#mother of sarella sand
westerosoliviapope · 2 years
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Jolona Qo, Mother of Sarella Sand | Scandal Westeros
They ran her photo beneath the headline "Snake Charmers: The Red Viper's Intercontinental Coterie of Concubines," and named her, simply, "Number Four."
Her mother believed a well-lived life required three marriages. The first for youthful passions. The second for raising a family. The third for growing old. A fine approach. Jolona imagines it would have worked fine. But faulty birth control during a two-month station in Oldtown led her down a different path. So went her assignment on the SS Feathered Kiss. And her plan to follow in her father's footsteps as an officer in the Summer Isles Federal Navy. Instead, she found herself co-parenting at age 20 with a magnetic Citadel student who caught her fancy one night over darts and rum.
There's no such thing as a right or wrong decision—you make your choice, then you make it right.
You tap into your village of family and friends to finish university as you raise your curious-eyed, precocious little darling.
You refuse to let your child's father take her to his homeland until you've seen it—and the family who lives there—yourself. You don't care none of his other daughters' mothers made this request. How they raise their children is their business.
You spend untold sums staring down teams of Dornish attorneys. Negotiating custodial arrangements that send your daughter out of the country every summer. And saddle her with a last name that isn't her father's, but denotes her Dornish heritage. If the entire Martell line vanishes from the face of the earth, taking her elder "bastard" sisters with them, she'll assume Dorne's royal throne.
You endure your law school classmates' whispers when an international tabloid publishes your photo in a line of unnamed playthings. And build your reputation on the backs of those who assumed you were nothing more. Until the Dornish Prince who fathered your child is an afterthought. A footnote in the biography of Summer Isles Federal Chief Justice, the Honorable Jolona Qo.
Scandal Westeros - Episode Seven
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ghostofpalestonesword · 8 months
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the mothers of the elder sand snakes
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missglaskin · 2 years
House Yandere Martell Family (Platonic) HCS
Note-Some inconsistent timeline 
Characters-The sand snakes, Doran, Oberyn, Elia (Brief), Ellaria, Arianne, Quentyn, Trystane 
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There was not a hint of surprise in Doran’s features when his brother was told to arrive with a little child in his arms. She must be another daughter of his. Yet that was not the case. The child apparently tried to steal something from the red viper but was caught. Oberyn has taken much interest in her and wanted to bring her to Dorne. 
Oberyn first showed you to Elia who was accompanying him at the time. She immediately fell in love with your cuteness. The sight of her doting on you encouraged Oberyn further to take you with him. They are eager to present you with their home and shower you with all the lavish things they can offer. Elia also convinced Doran to let you stay with them in the sunspear. 
Ellaria and the sand snakes were curious to see you. Ellaria knew you meant a lot to Oberyn because of how often he spoke of you and was willing to accept you into the family. Within such a short time, she grew fond of you. It made Oberyn ecstatic to hear her ask about you. Meanwhile, the sand snakes had varying reactions to their father and aunt bringing a child home. 
Initially, the oldest three were the most distant and hesitant. Tyene was the first of the three to open up to you, laying in the grass next to her as she read her book or sharing a cup of tea with you. Nymeria follows, and the servants report seeing her dress you up and dote on you. True to their word, you now wear shimmering lilac robes like hers. 
Even though she's not as affectionate as her other siblings, Obara made it clear that you would always be protected and would fight anyone if you so wish. Sarella took a little time getting used to you. Your willingness to listen to her, even if you were not particularly interested in the ruins' history, made her happy and quickly fond of you. 
Ellaria’s daughters didn’t take long either. Their mother very much encouraged them to approach and accept you as one of them. Her oldest daughter, Elia shared her love of horses and picked you the best one in her eyes. With Obella, there is nothing she won't do to get your attention. Dorea loves to hand you little things such as fruits or flowers she picked. Loreza, her youngest daughter, was often found leaning against you, at times even sleeping. 
Oberyn's heart was melted by all of this. His daughters mean the world to him. Oberyn enjoys watching you play in the water gardens with his daughters, chuckling when Obella would jump on top of you or when his daughters would pick you up and drop you again. It’s not long before the sight warms Doran’s heart as well. 
While Doran kept his distance as reasoned, you crept into his heart as you did with all his family. Doran eventually demands  that you uphold your studies and dress in his house colors. He was alright with you playing and running around while he went about his business, and he could tune you out until you wanted to show him something.
His children also adore you, but it didn’t come quite easily except for Trystane. Eager to welcome you into the family and after some time, he started referring to you as his ‘sister’. He loved playing Cyvasse with you, and didn’t mind when you would win.
As mentioned, Arianne and Quentyn didn’t immediately welcome you with open arms. But by the end, they have grown to love and protect you just as much as the others. The one who enjoys dressing you the most is Arianne, and Doran notices this more when he also smells the perfume you have is similar to hers. And while Quentyn was told not to smile easily, he of course did when he was with you. 
There is a lot of competition for your attention when it comes to the sand snakes and Doran’s children. Oberyn is the only one who finds this amusing, and it’s left for Ellaria and Doran to find a middle ground/schedule for everyone to agree on. Though that doesn't stop them from breaking it. Arianne claims she needs you for something important only to be found with you on the balcony eating treats or Nymeria pretending to teach you, but you are caught playing around instead. 
They all share a fierce protectiveness when it comes to you. Your safety is something they all agree on. Gods forbid anyone who ever dares to lay a hand on you. There will not be much hesitation with Oberyn and his eldest daughters along with Arianne. Even the calm Doran and the negotiator Ellaria are ever more furious and will demand justice for what has been done. 
In Elia’s death. It only makes the family shield you further. Doran wasn’t thinking of marrying you off as ambitious as he was. But Elia’s tragic death gives him all the more reason to never do so. With Oberyn, he found some solace in you. Oberyn not only taught his daughters to fight in order to protect themselves but to protect you as well if he were ever gone. 
Your safety wasn’t the only thing that matters but your happiness as well. They hated seeing you upset or worse cry. Ellaria, Nymeria, and Oberyn rush to hold you in their arms, their soothing words reaching your ears. Doran, Tyene, Arianne will wipe away your tears, listening to whatever is troubling you. Quentyn and Obara assume someone did this, but calm down when you assure them it’s not. 
They are supportive of whatever you pursue. You love painting? They will provide every color and brush possible. You love sewing? They will bring endless storage of yarns. You love dancing? They will throw feasts every now and then. The family loves to see the excitement on your face when you get to do what you love the most. 
Speaking of pursuits. They are also complimenting you on everything you do. It doesn’t matter if you give them the most horrendous painting or bake them the worst cake they ever tasted; you are still showered with praise. Anyone who says otherwise will be silenced by the glare the whole family gives them. 
It allows you to basically get away with anything. Doran, while he sees everything you do, pretends that he doesn’t and if he does scold you-it’s usually just for a show. Ellaria makes excuses for you. Oberyn just laughs and claims you are taking after him. There’s also the younger children joining and causing more mischief. With the older finding it all amusing and encouraging you further. 
The Martells are quite affectionate with one another. You hear the word ‘I love you’ more times than you count. There are also the head ruffles, the squeezing of your cheeks, them holding your hand, and clutching you tightly to them. More often than not, you are found in a cuddle pile. All the sand snakes or Doran’s children on top of each other, embracing you or sandwiched between Ellaria and Oberyn. With Doran, he has you seated next to him, your head leaning against his shoulder. 
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houseofpendragons · 3 months
The Sand Snakes
[Most characters cut; those who remained were changed to some extent]
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Obara Sand - Prince Oberyn’s first born; A prickly, hot-tempered woman, long legged, calloused hands, rat brown hair tied up in a knot, and nearing 30. When her father came for her in Oldtown he threw down a spear and told her to pick her weapon, to which she chose the spear, leaving her prostitute mother behind whom not long after drank herself to death
Nymeria Sand “Lady Nym” - She is 25, slim and slender, with long jet black hair usually pulled back in a braid, which pronounces her widows peak. Her mother was a Volantene highborn woman of the noblest blood. Whilst Nym stole all the beauty from Obara she was no less deadly and has been described as vengeful
Tyene Sand - Born from a Septa, she is described as having golden hair, deep blue eyes, dimples that bloom on her cheeks when she smiles, fair of skin, and her voice is both gentle and sweet. Though her hands were not calloused as with Obara, they were just as deadly due to her adeptness for poisons. She and Princess Arianne Martell are as close as sisters, having grown up together, and even bedded the same man together whom took their maidenheads
Sarella Sand “Alleras the Sphinx” - The daughter of the Summer Islander Captain of the Feathered Kiss. She has light brown skin and an insatiable curiosity which strikes up a love for Oldtown in her. It is theorized that she is currently in the Citadel disguised as Alleras the Sphinx (Alleras is Sarella spelled backwards, both characters are half Dornish and half Southern Islander) studying to become a Maester
Elia Sand “Lady Lance/El” - The oldest child of The Red Viper and Ellaria Sand, named after her late aunt Princess Elia Martell. She has her father’s eyes and also wears her hair in a braid. She and Obella are described as worshiping their elder sisters, such as they are worshipped by their younger sisters. Her weapon of choice is without question a lance
Obella Sand - the second daughter of the Prince and his long time paramour, she is described as a terror in the pools of the Water Garden, and is currently a Cupbearer to the Castellan of Sunspear, Manfrey Martell
Dorea Sand - She, like most of her siblings, share the shape of her fathers eyes and is named after her Uncle and the Prince of Sunspear and Dorne, Doran Martell
Loreza Sand “Loree” - The youngest child has just turned 7 and is accompanying her mother Ellaria to Hellholt, which is the seat of Lord Harmen Uller, her grandfather
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kyuremking · 21 days
I think I'm back with asoiaf so I want to give my fem!jon x male hightower a once over.
Hello @catofadifferentcolor It's been a while
I'm going to go with the branch of fem!jon disguises herself as a male and goes to the Citadel, but this time she's N+A=J. Her name will be Jonquil Sand.
Jonquil is raised in Dorne I'm not sure if by Lady Dayne(Edric's mother) or Ashara who I don't know whether to kill her or if she manages to recover and move on with her life.
As a bastard in Dorne that means her life is better than it would be in the other realms and she has many more opportunities than the average person. So her desire for knowledge and for solving mysteries can be fulfilled.
And during her time in the water gardens she became friends with Sarella Sand because of their shared interests. The two of them decided to disguise themselves as men and join the Citadel, but Sarella a couple of years earlier because she was older.
I would like to explore life in Oldtown, its clash of religions as the most traded city in Westeros, as well as the clash of feuds between Reachmen, Dornish and Stormlanders.
The most important plot point I want to stress is that Jonquill, Sarella and Sam with the sponsorship of Hugor and Mallora Hightower manage to find the cure for the Greyscales.
This would open up other branches such as the legitimisation of Jonquil (although Robert does it more because she is Ned's daughter than anything else).
As romances we have:
JonquilxHugor Hightower - which starts as a partnership relationship so Jonquil and Sarella can get a sponsor and because Hugor wants people he can trust in his new position as Keeper of the Citadel. After a while it turns into a romance that neither is sure if they should continue because of their status differences and their origins as coming from houses that have historically been at odds with each other.
We also have Humfrey Hightower's continued attempts to court Brienne and failing in all of them because Brienne is in love with Renly and stays away from other courtship attempts because of past bad experiences.
ShireenxTrystane Martell who meet at the Citadel and their relationship continues to develop from there overcoming the difficulties of their family grudge.
And others that I can think of.
I'm going to make it clear. This will be a fic with Queen Shireen awakening dragons after being cured of greyscales.
Robert dies, Ned loses his head the war starts between North/Riverlands/West/Crowlands and while that's happening the Reach, Stormlands and Dorne are too busy wondering what to do with Shireen awakening dragons.
In the future Daenerys will accept that despite her origin and family legacy what she can do in Essos is much more than in Westeros and bid farewell to Shireen as equal queens who will possibly unite their bloodlines one day.
And young Griff ends up roasted.
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thepalaceofmelanie · 8 months
Martell week: Character(s) of the day: The Sand Snakes (feat Ellaria and Oberyn)
Tag: @adriennegabriella @tashastrange89 @morby @candycanes19 @elvinaa @wingsoftheangels (A/N: Doing some jot downs for this one, Since there are eight Sand Snakes, this would be the easiest way. This one is with a Reader!Stark and using more of the Sand Snakes from the books then the show.)
Character(s) of the day: The Sand Snakes (Feat. Oberyn and Ellaria)
Song inspired: “Teenagers” by: MCR
-When you learned that you’d be meeting the Sand Snakes, you were a bit worried; more so that they didn’t approve of you since you’re from the North. You’re mainly quiet and more introverted but when you speak, people listen.
-Of course Oberyn and Ellaria would reassure you the whole time. They knew you’d be liked but, understood why you feel anxious. They also remind you that it’s normal and you’d be okay. __
-First one you meet is Dorea, she’s knocking off oranges in a tree at the Water Garden. She’s nice to you and really just kept to herself; she’s young, about eight from what you understand.
-At a young age you can see she’s good with her Morningstar. She even offered one of the oranges, to which you did take; it was a good move because the look in Dorea’s eyes showed happiness.
-Next was the youngest, Loreza; she takes after Oberyn in the creativity department. You were impressed with how at such a young age, she has the poetic prose.
-She’s quiet and it was Oberyn and Ellaria talking for most of the time.
-Obella, was up next. She can swim very good and her partner in crime would be Elia Sand, her one Sister.
-Obella was very beautiful like Ellaria, like the rest of the Sand Snakes, she has her Father’s eyes; but Obella has her Mother’s looks more.
-When Elia came over to you all, it was like the two girls were planning on doing something to you.
-Elia (El) aka Lady Lance was found near the pools; she took after her Father when it comes to her interest; horses and jousting. You remember Arianne mentioning that Oberyn possibly gave El her lance.
-She is one-hundred percent that Sand not to mess with. Also Arianne was there nearby, just waiting for El to finish up.
-Sarella is very curious about things. She just returned home from Shandystone and was studying her notes when you three found her.
-She was telling you different stories and her notes from the trip. Honestly, you two connected on instantly. By the time Oberyn and Ellaria, wanted you to meet another one of the daughters; you had a hard time walking away.
-Tyene kinda scares you.
- She really is a lot like Oberyn and it was just uncanning. From knowledge of poisons, her chosen weapon. Just being one of the reasons, you kept really close to Ellaria. The innocent persona she has up really is creepy at times; you’re good at actually reading people. She was trying to pass persona judgment on you.
-But you find out that she like her Father, also hates the Lannisters...so do you! (Minus Tyrion though, who has helped you and the Starks at points)
-Nymeria made you double take; she looks a lot like Oberyn, compared to Sarella. Oberyn even laughed at your reaction.
-You found out you both use hidden blades. That was an interesting time comparing the blades and sharing stories of body count with them.
-She has her Father’s “madness” in her eyes, if you even step out of place, Nymeria would end you in a heartbeat. She’s that attached to Oberyn.
-Obara was the last one to meet. She was different look wise from her sisters but you can tell for sure she’s Oberyn’s. She used a spear like he does and also tells you the story about how she obtained it.
-You can’t help but to admire Obara’s strength, even if it comes off a little much at times.
-Obara’s very bright and you got to learn a few things from her.
-So you were asked by both Oberyn and Ellaria your thoughts on the Sand Snakes; if anything it was positive; to which they were happy about. You just look forward to dinner and what might happen.
-Dinner was interesting to say the least, a few fights nearly broke out...as most siblings do. You ended up with wine on you by mistake.
-Oberyn had a word with his daughters, while Ellaria took you to a room to clean up and change. You have two good partners with them. They take care of you, the best they can!
- Oberyn and the ones who caused the issue, apologized; you accepted it but you weren’t mad. If anything it reminded you of when you were younger. Back in Winterfell having dinner with the rest of the Starks. All before Eddard, Catelyn and Robb were ripped away.
-All in all, you’re glad you went through with it.
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agentrouka-blog · 9 months
Hey! Do you have any thoughts on the Alleras - Sarella theory or what that might mean for the story going forward? I recently came across the theory and it looks very mysterious with the whole “the Sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler” quote but I am not sure how it will play out. Obviously, if Sarella is Alleras, she might have a big hand in the Dorne- Aegon plot, but in what way? But if not, what could be Alleras’s story? Because he is clearly mysterious and knowledgeable and has more story to be in.
Hi there!!
I think it's a pretty foregone conclusion that Alleras is Sarella. <3
There otherwise no accounting for the fourth elder Sand Snake when the presence of Obara, Nymeria and Tyene is so emphasized in AFFC, while their absent sister is described solely through these lines:
"As my prince commands." His heart was troubled. My little princess will mislike this. "What of Sarella? She is a woman grown, almost twenty." "Unless she returns to Dorne, there's naught I can do about Sarella save pray that she shows more sense than her sisters. Leave her to her . . . game. Gather up the others. I shall not sleep until I know that they are safe and under guard." (AFFC, The Captain of Guards)
"My uncle brought me here, with Tyene and Sarella." The memory made Arianne smile. "He caught some vipers and showed Tyene the safest way to milk them for their venom. Sarella turned over rocks, brushed sand off the mosaics, and wanted to know everything there was to know about the people who had lived here." (AFFC, The Queenmaker)
Nym would sometimes join them in their sport, and Sarella was forever pushing in where she didn't belong, but for the most part they had been a company of five.  (The Princess in the Tower)
Inquisitive, determined, bold Sarella, who is busy at "games" and...
Nym laughed. "Yes, she wants to set the torch to Oldtown. She hates that city as much as our little sister loves it." (AFFC, The Captain of Guards)
Nymeria is not describing Tyene who has no stated connection to Oldtown, so... that leaves the widow-peaked, slender "riddle", who describes themselves as "no lord's son" whose "mother was a trader".
Not to mention, she would be following in Oberyn's footsteps, who also forged links at the Citadel.
(That said, the riddle of this sphinx is so easy to solve that it mostly points to the presence of a similar, different riddle in the books. The Sphinx being the creature who posed a riddle to Oedipus, a prince who did not know his true parentage, killed his father and married his mother. Something that metaphorically works with Jon and his paternal and maternal Houses.)
I suspect GRRM has several aims with Sarella. He's managed to give her connecting points to almost every single plotline outside the Riverlands. She could be relevant almost anywhere.
But since GRRM made her the key insider that Samwell can trust at the Citadel (and immediately removed Marwyn from the premises after rounding out the Targ Prophecy Exposition), she is likely going to be the westermost point of an axis of information, connection and travel for our little politician Samwell in the South. From the archival riches of Oldtown (and the Ironborn threat) to his home in the Reach, to the way Dorne and Aegon's reconquest interact with it, to Jon's probable interaction with the South in the name of the North, which is where that riddle will come in handy.
Sarella and Obara are the Sand Snakes more likely to survive, since they don't openly advocate for the murder of children and have emotionally significant maternal backstories, and both connect to Oldtown in contrasting ways. I expect there to be some kind of arc of healing on Obara's end, which may or may not end up connecting to Sarella's political/diplomatic potential in the larger picture of the humanitarian crisis shaping up in Westeros.
(If my sentences are unintelligibly long, please forgive me. I am Very Sleepy today.)
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princessnysar · 1 year
Rhaenys Ladies in Waiting:
In the Year 296: 
Lady Jynessa Blackmont, heiress, born in 276 
Lady Sarella Sand, daughter of Oberyn Martell, and born in 280
Lady Vashti Gargalen, eldest daughter of Eliana Gargalen, her heiress, and born in 284
Lady Cecilla Arryn, daughter of Jon Arryn and wife of Viserys Targaryen, mother of Rhaerys and Shaera Targaryen, born in 274 
Lady Valaena Toland, heiress, born in 277 and is here to gain trade routes for their growing port and alliances to be made 
Lady Jeyne Fowler, heiress, born in 274 and is sent to increase trade passes over through Fowler controlled routes to supplant the Yronwood as the second most prestigious house 
Lady Mariah and Mairona Drinkwater- younger twin sisters of Gerris, born in 281 and are here to keep an eye on interest for house Yronwood 
Lady Nikita and Nyssa Uller, twin daughter’s of Kerenza Uller and born in 285- fiercely loyal and as mad as any Uller could be. Both crave excitement of any kind such as wandering through dangerous places to training with curved sabers- eager to be ladies in waiting to see places outside of Dorne 
Lady Wylla Manderly, born in 277 
Lady Alia Hightower born in 286 
Lady Sansa Stark born in 286 
Lady Talia Blackwood born in 289 
Lady Johanna Baratheon born in 285 
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westerosoliviapope · 2 years
Writing Sarella's mother in the next update and her first words on the page are the following after Sarella says "What?" to her.
"Are they 'whatting' their mothers in Oldtown these days?"
Yes, she says it in a delicate Summer Tongue (aka Bahamian) accent and yes, I'm having a great time infusing some blackness into this universe.
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isefyres-archive · 7 months
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𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘:
Rolly Duckfield. Exciled from an old Dornish House, also known as Duck, is a knight in service to Young Griff. When Griff needed someone to train his son Young Griff in skill at arms, Harry Strickland sent him Rolly. A year later Rolly was knighted by Griff. Having no surname, Rolly choose the name Duckfield because he was in a field with some ducks when he was knighted, earning him the nickname "Duck".
Sarella Sand. Sarella Sand is the fourth eldest of the Sand Snakes, the bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell. Her mother is the captain of the Feathered Kiss. Sarella has a reputation for insatiable curiosity. She loves Oldtown. Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, orders Areo Hotah to take the Sand Snakes into custody, but as Sarella is outside of Dorne, he leaves her be. Sarella makes her way toward Princess Myrcella.
Lady Jynessa Blackmont. is a noblewoman of House Blackmont. She is the eldest child and heir of Larra Blackmont, the Lady of Blackmont. Jynessa, accompanied by her mother and brother, are a part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing when he comes to claim his seat on the small council. Jynessa is rumored to have experimented with Quentyn Martell in their youth.
Lady Rhalla Hasty. Acting Lady of House Hasty. Ser Bonifer Hasty was a promising tourney knight in his youth, and he shared a mutual infatuation with Princess Rhaella Targaryen. When the princess wed her brother, Prince Aerys Targaryen, Bonifer the Good dedicated himself to the Faith of the Seven. Rhalla was born out of bastardy with a bedwarmer who looked like the Queen and her father legitimized her before leaving her as acting lady.
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Okay, but I have decided to add Sarella Sand to my muses. Never seen on the show or mentioned other than when Oberyn tell Cersei about his eight daughters.
In the book, she’s staying out of trouble. Nearly twenty years (probably can have age varying in certain threads.)
Her mother is the captain of the feathered kiss and from the Summer Island.
SOOOOO YES. Can just plop her in both verses I believe.
Thoughts? Opinions?
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
The Sun and the Storm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GDyceb1
by hooplahoopla
Instead of fostering in the Vale under Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, son and heir of Lord Steffon, instead gets sent as a ward to Sunspear in Dorne under Princess Loreza Martell. As well as Robert, so goes his elder bastard sister, Baris. Conflict, romance and turmoil will abound in this AU.
Words: 3582, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Oberyn Martell, Original Female Character(s), Elia Martell, Robert Baratheon, Doran and Elia and Oberyn Martell's Mother, Steffon Baratheon, Ashara Dayne, Doran Martell, Stannis Baratheon, Lewyn Martell, Original Characters, OC Canon - Character, Cassana Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Tywin Lannister, Rhaella Targaryen, Ellaria Sand, Mellario of Norvos (A Song of Ice and Fire), OC Baris Storm, Sand Snakes (ASoIaF), Harmen Uller, Arthur Dayne, Arianne Martell, Mya Stone, Gendry (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sarella Sand's Mother
Relationships: Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand/Original Female Character(s), Robert Baratheon/Elia Martell, Doran Martell/Mellario of Norvos, Cassana Baratheon/Steffon Baratheon, Princess Loreza Martell/Maron Qorgyle, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Doran Martell & Elia Martell & Oberyn Martell
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Steffon has a bastard daughter during the Stepstones war, Dorne (A Song of Ice and Fire), Polyamory, Robert Baratheon is raised in Dorne, Good Robert Baratheon, Young Oberyn is a little shit, takes place over the years, Friendship/Love, Mature Robert Baratheon, Stormlands (A Song of Ice and Fire), Dornish Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stormlands Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GDyceb1
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aurora-light-blog · 4 years
Voyages of a Man
First and foremost, this fanfiction supports and adheres to the theory that “Alleras is Sarella Sand.” How does this apply to the story about Sarella’s mom? She is skilled with a bow and highly intelligent, which are some of her qualities that Prince Oberyn is attracted to. The goldenheart bow of Alleras has a great deal of meaning behind it. Despite growing up in Dorne, Sarella must have still had a lot of contact with her mom. Goldenheart bows aren’t allow to be exported. However, her mom could have given her daughter a bow as a gift. So, I figured that though the relationship between Oberyn and the mom ended. It ended on good terms. The captain mom visited her daughter several times during Sarella’s life. Alleras’ preference for Summer Isles’ wine might be a hint to that parental bond.
Talking about families, I try to make most dialogs between family members as realistic as I can. My family teases and drives me crazy so I put that into the story. Crew and companies become like family over time, so they would also drive characters crazy. Continuing my normal rant, characters names were hard to come up with. Even worse was Oberyn’s sellsword company name, Gallows’ Eye. The company’s purpose was a little easier to figure. They and Oberyn were after the surviving Ninepenny kings members. I thought this would be a fitting reason why Oberyn was missing from Robert’s rebellion. He was trying to stop another war from happening.  
Spoilers : There were some weird tidbits thrown in the story. The story started with Storm End’s tournament. Prince Rhaegar and betrothals discussions were mentioned there. Ser Barristan thinking that Ashara Dayne is hot was put in the story because Oberyn would have noticed this. The rumor about Summer Isle exploring Sothoroys is brought up. Also, there was a reference to Leng (my own creation). This will be discuss in more detail in a future fanfiction about Leng. Stay tune.
Origins of the Dragonseeds will be posted on Dec 4.
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Mothers of Snakes
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artist-ellen · 2 years
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Sarella Sand
Oberyn Martell's fourth daughter. Her mother is the Captain of the trading ship: the Feathered Kiss. Sarella is insatiably curious and loves Oldtown.
Which coincidentally is where she is for the majority of the books so far. Chasing down knowledge and studying furiously. It is also for this reason her clothing is much more subtle, even medieval as Oldtown exists in it's scholarly detachment what is "new" in fashion affects it less, instead people dress for functionality and temperature.
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sayruq · 2 years
All the Sand Snakes are depicted as being capable of violence, even Sarella shows up with a bow and arrow. But Obara is written differently. Obara’s the first one to show up. She's brutish, angry and quick to threaten violence. Obara wants to use her spear and even thinks Dorne should attack the Reach and more specifically Oldtown. 
"Obara would have me go to war." Nym laughed. "Yes, she wants to set the torch to Oldtown. She hates that city as much as our little sister loves it."
She's set up to look like an out-of-control wild card. Yet neither Doran nor Arianne seem to fear her, Areo does not want to hurt her either. She is repeatedly contrasted with her sisters- Obara's louder, more prone to drinking, angrier, and more tragic- her mother killed herself after Oberyn took her and Obara has been running from the grief ever since.
She snorted. "It has been twenty years, or near enough to make no matter. And I was not here long. I am the whore's whelp, or had you forgotten?"
"Tyene. Obara is too loud. Tyene is so sweet and gentle that no man will suspect her. Obara would make Oldtown our father's funeral pyre, but I am not so greedy.
"The day my father came to claim me, my mother did not wish for me to go. 'She is a girl,' she said, 'and I do not think that she is yours. I had a thousand other men.' He tossed his spear at my feet and gave my mother the back of his hand across the face, so she began to weep. 'Girl or boy, we fight our battles,' he said, 'but the gods let us choose our weapons.' He pointed to the spear, then to my mother's tears, and I picked up the spear. 'I told you she was mine,' my father said, and took me. My mother drank herself to death within the year. They say that she was weeping as she died."
Obara is too fond of wine
She's also not as sly or cunning as Nymeria or Tyene, she's not as clever as Sarella or as carefree as Elia. She's open and honest with her intentions, she speaks harshly but a lot of what she says has truth in them. A call for war isn't lauded by the text but it is true that sooner or later war would come to Dorne.
"War will come, whether we wish it or not," said Obara. "A boy king sits the Iron Throne. Lord Stannis holds the Wall and is gathering northmen to his cause. The two queens are squabbling over Tommen like bitches with a juicy bone. The ironmen have taken the Shields and are raiding up the Mander, deep into the heart of the Reach, which means Highgarden will be preoccupied as well. Our enemies are in disarray. The time is ripe."
[The time was ripe for Aegon to arrive 👀]
This is why I'm starting to think that Obara is going to be one of the eldest Sand Snakes to survive the series along with Sarella. She's deliberately framed as though she's a lost cause with some people in the fandom thinking she's capable of kinslaying and stabbing Areo in the back. Instead, I think she'll take Areo's role as captain of the guards when Arianne ascends the throne. 
The captain of guards knew the prince he guarded. Once, long ago, a callow youth had come from Norvos, a big broad-shouldered boy with a mop of dark hair. That hair was white now, and his body bore the scars of many battles . . . but his strength remained, and he kept his longaxe sharp, as the bearded priests had taught him.
When a serving girl knelt to wipe up the spilled wine, Obara left the hall. After a moment Princess Arianne excused herself and went after her. Obara would never turn her rage on the little princess, Hotah knew. They are cousins, and she loves her well.
"I know you will not fail us, cousins." Arianne went to each of them in turn, took their hands, kissed them lightly on the lips. "Obara, so fierce. Nymeria, my sister. Tyene, sweetling. I love you all. The sun of Dorne goes with you."
Obara loves her cousin, Arianne trusts her, and Obara would fiercely defend her if necessary. We have already gotten a preview of what her service to Arianne would be like.
Only Ser Gerold Dayne had escaped unscathed. Darkstar. If Myrcella's horse had not shied at the last instant, his longsword would have opened her from chest to waist instead just taking off her ear. Dayne was her most grievous sin, the one that Arianne most regretted. With one stroke of his sword, he had changed her botched plot into something foul and bloody. If the gods were good, by now Obara Sand had treed him in his mountain fastness and put an end to him.
Obara is being sent with Areo on a mission to clean up the Queenmaker plot... I don’t think it’s a mistake or GRRM trying to find something for Obara to do. I’m genuinely starting to think this is her endgame.
‘But Say, Obara wants war and she doesn’t care about peace,’ I hear you saying. While Obara’s wish for war isn’t exactly morally exemplary, it hasn’t happened. It can’t happen, I suspect Obara knew that when she went to Doran, a man known for exercising caution. At any rate, rather than being discarded as a lost cause, Obara will be given an opportunity to learn an important lesson.
Prince Doran shut his eyes and opened them again. Hotah could see his leg trembling underneath the blanket. "If you were not my brother's daughters, I would send the three of you back to your cells and keep you there until your bones were grey. Instead I mean to take you with us to the Water Gardens. There are lessons there if you have the wit to see them." "Lessons?" said Obara. "All I've seen are naked children." "Aye," the prince said. "I told the story to Ser Balon, but not all of it. As the children splashed in the pools, Daenerys watched from amongst the orange trees, and a realization came to her. She could not tell the highborn from the low. Naked, they were only children. All innocent, all vulnerable, all deserving of long life, love, protection. 'There is your realm,' she told her son and heir, 'remember them, in everything you do.' My own mother said those same words to me when I was old enough to leave the pools. It is an easy thing for a prince to call the spears, but in the end the children pay the price. For their sake, the wise prince will wage no war without good cause, nor any war he cannot hope to win.
This lesson isn’t something that Arianne needs to learn, she learnt it bitterly when Arys died and when Myrcella was mutilated. It’s Obara’s lesson to learn. In fact, the children in the Water Gardens are brought up to Obara multiple times.
The captain of guards knew the prince he guarded. Once, long ago, a callow youth had come from Norvos, a big broad-shouldered boy with a mop of dark hair. That hair was white now, and his body bore the scars of many battles . . . but his strength remained, and he kept his longaxe sharp, as the bearded priests had taught him. She shall not pass, he told himself, and said, "The prince is watching the children at their play. He is never to be disturbed when he is watching the children at their play." "Hotah," said Obara Sand, "you will remove yourself from my path, else I shall take that longaxe and—"
Hotah could hear them splashing and shouting at each other in high, shrill voices. "It was not so long ago that you were one of the children in those pools, Obara," the prince said, when she took one knee before his rolling chair. She snorted. "It has been twenty years, or near enough to make no matter. And I was not here long. I am the whore's whelp, or had you forgotten?"
The prince gestured toward the pools. "Obara, look at the children, if it please you." "It does not please me. I'd get more pleasure from driving my spear into Lord Tywin's belly. I'll make him sing 'The Rains of Castamere' as I pull his bowels out and look for gold."
‘Obara, look at the children. You were once one of them.’ Repeated over and over again for a reason. When Euron attacks the Water Gardens (GRRM said Daenerys wouldn’t attack it but he didn’t say it wouldn’t be attacked. The Water Gardens like the Maidenpool will serve as another reminder of the cruelty of war), Obara will be there, trying to protect them. She’ll get to use her spear in a futile but necessarily attempt to defend those children. 
Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. "Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me."
Decades ago Obara was given a choice between her mother and the spear and Obara chose the spear. Since then she hasn’t had an opportunity to use it. Her mother died crying because of that spear and Obara has nothing to show for it until now. First, she’ll avenge Myrcella, a child who was maimed, by taking down her attacker Gerold Dayne. Then, she’ll return to her uncle and fight another man who harms children- Euron. She won’t win then- I’m starting to suspect she might be the Sand Snake that is dragged through the streets by Euron as shown on the TV show- but she won’t die. Her story won’t end there.
It will end in Dorne, in the Water Gardens. It’ll end when Arianne takes her rightful place as Princess of Dorne. It’ll end after the last war is finished and Westeros begins rebuilding. Dorne will take a lot of damage in Aegon VI’s war with Daenerys and Arianne will need support from her remaining family and from her oldest cousin to rebuild it. Most importantly the woman who felt she did not have a place will finally know that she belonged to those pools and to Dorne. She might finally be at peace with the choice she made when her father came to collect her.
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