#jalabar xho
warsofasoiaf · 2 years
It’s mentioned how at one point Robert proposed conquering the Summer Islands and adding them to the realm. Clearly he doesn’t have the discipline or follow through for this. But under a competent King how hard would it be for the Iron Throne to secure some form of loose control over the chain?
What steps would you take to do so: both with the dragons and post dragons.
It would be very difficult, logistically speaking, because Westeros is so far away. Sending an army by ship across the wider ocean (as opposed to the much shallower and calmer Narrow Sea) would be very difficult. Invasions across the water are difficult over short distances but incredibly hard to establish anything larger than a trading post over large ones; Aquitane was held by England for generations but that was an incredibly short distance across relatively narrow and shallow waters, nothing like the Summer and Sunset Seas. The Golden Company struggled with just a relatively short journey across the Narrow Sea. An invasion would be very difficult without a friendly local force and nearby ports to resupply, neither of which are likely. Even a dragon would be difficult, you can't make the trip there and back on a dragon, so you need a friendly location to secure yourself for the times that you and the dragon need to sleep.
If I wanted to conquer the Summer Isles, I'd do more than just work with Jalabar Xho, you'd need to reforge the idea of the unified Summer Isles that had fallen since Chatana the Arrow of Jhahar, and work to secure that with one of the primary islands to conquer the other two. Given how far away the Summer Isles are, taxes and tribute are unlikely, so instead I'd look to secure port rights and lucrative trade contracts for spices and gemstones, to treat them as an equal power and the new King of the Summer Isles as a fellow monarch and trusted ally. Logistically speaking, it'd just be too difficult to invade.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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westerosoliviapope · 3 years
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Scandal Westeros | The Federation of the Summer Isles & Summer Isles Characters
The Federation of the Summer Isles is an archipelago in the Summer Sea that forms a democratic federation operating under central leadership. They have a traditional three-branch government (executive, judicial, legislative) with current President Donta Rho as the head of the executive branch.
Its capital city is Tall Trees Town on the island of Walano. Its largest city and commercial base is Ebonhead on Jhala.
The Isles are known for their gorgeous beaches, world-reknown Festival Season (a tradition imported to the Isles by Rhoynish immigrants who settled on the Isle of Women), and lively dance culture that has inspired musical styles all over the world.
While they mostly stay out of global conflicts, they occasionally ally with Dorne and Westeros, as they did when Volantis and its allies invaded Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh in 2005 AC.
Main Industries/Exports in the Summer Isles
Cigars and spices
Vintage rum distilleries and wine vineyards
Tourism with an emphasis on hotels and cruise ships
Weapons manufacturing (while guns are outlawed for Summer Isles citizens, the Summer Isles exports weapons all over the world with Westeros as their biggest customer)
Summer Isles Characters So Far
Sarella Sand - Owner/CEO of Sphinx Consultants in Oldtown. Daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice Jolona Qo
Jolona Qo - Mother of Sarella Sand & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice; from the Sweet Lotus Vale region of Jhala where her family runs the Sweet Lotus Rum Distillery.
Chataya Zo - Former proprietor of Chataya's, the most exclusive escort service in the Republic of Westeros. Recently retired and moved back to her home island of Jhala
Aliyaya Zo - Chataya's daughter; current proprietor of Chataya's. Lives bi-coastally between Oldtown and King's Landing.
(O/C) G. Zharro Zo - Secret son of Chataya Zo and Hoster Tully. An attorney living in Ebonhead (the "G" stands for "Grover")
Jalabar Xho - World-famous rapper from the Summer Isles who currently resides in King's Landing.
Tobho Mott - Half Qohorik/half Summer Isles welder and smith living in King's Landing; adoptive father of Gendry (Waters) Mott
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mrsjadecurtiss · 7 years
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Sansa dancing with Jalabar Xho on her wedding
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
What do people think Ned spent his days doing? He wasn’t executing people most of the time. He was running the castle and the North by way of diplomacy and managing his lords. Did they not read Bran’s chapters where the feast happens? You know a super politically important event that secured loyalty but is basically about “calming people, serving food, arranging chairs, babysitting”. Do they not think keeping people calm is important when you’re figuring out how to deal with issues? Did they miss that the Manderlys are so loyal to the Starks because of the food and shelter they were once given? Or how arranging chairs is about ensuring no one feels disrespected and people work together well?
I’m almost certain that whoever sent that anon worships Tyrion, so I’ll use his own POV to prove why Sansa is good, “She is good at this, he thought, as he watched her tell Lord Gyles that his cough was sounding better, compliment Elinor Tyrell on her gown, and question Jalabhar Xho about wedding customs in the Summer Isles. His cousin Ser Lancel had been brought down by Ser Kevan, the first time he'd left his sickbed since the battle. He looks ghastly. Lancel's hair had turned white and brittle, and he was thin as a stick. Without his father beside him holding him up, he would surely have collapsed. Yet when Sansa praised his valor and said how good it was to see him getting strong again, both Lancel and Ser Kevan beamed. She would have made Joffrey a good queen and a better wife if he'd had the sense to love her.” Ned was a good lord because he knew the people he ruled, inviting people to sit beside him at dinner. That’s what Sansa is good at, charming people. Her name literally means charm. Lancel brightening up after she compliments him shows how she could win soldiers to her cause. Speaking to Jalabar shows she knows how to have good conversations. That’s how alliances are made. And anon also neglected to mention some of Sansa’s other skills including her knowledge of history, sigils, and reading and writing skills which are better than Robb’s who is 3 years older and the heir. These are Arya’s thoughts on this, “the fierce, bearded young man who liked to walk the battlements alone in a black cloak patterned with white suns had been taken by some hedge knight who meant to get rich off him. Sansa would have known who he was, and the fat one too, but Arya had never taken much interest in titles and sigils. Whenever Septa Mordane had gone on about the history of this house and that house, she was inclined to drift and dream and wonder when the lesson would be done.” Because of Arya’s lack of knowledge about sigils, she’s unable to identify him as a Karstark, one of the Starks most important bannermen, and admits that she was uninterested in history, which is important for a ruler. Sansa is shown to be able to identify sigils and has a good memory of history which is good because that’s how you learn what ways to emulate and what to avoid when it comes to leading. Sansa also has a keen eye for what’s politically important, “Sansa noted that neither lands nor castle accompanied the title, which made the alchemist no more a true lord than Varys was.” Understanding of what actually gives someone power. Sorry for sending this in. The anon you got just made me really mad and I now feel the need to write a meta about Sansa’s leadership skills.
Please don't apologize, this was lovely to read and I agree with everything!
Some readers make the mistake of expecting them to be a finished product when we are witnessing them all on a journey. None of them are done yet, and none of them will ever have all the ideal talents and skills to make one perfect ruler, but I'd say an instinct for calming, charming and instant recall of the details of historical relationships is especially important in a ruler rather than an administrative assistant like a steward. 
A credible spirit of reconciliation and respect needs to flow from the very top to be effective, and it's not something you can just learn if it doesn't come from within. 
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Sansa Stark and The Exile Prince
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seeing you out (...) I'm not your problem anymore So who am I offending now? You were my crown, now I'm in exile, seeing you out
—Exile ~ Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver (*)
At the end of Game of Thrones, the TV Show, Jon Snow is a prince, but he is exiled from his homeland. Sansa fought for Jon's release after Daenerys’ murder, but he was sent to the Night's Watch. 
Then at their farewell, Sansa regrets she was unable to gain Jon’s release, but he comforts her by saying the North will be in good hands under her guidance. 
That’s why the new Taylor Swift’s Folklore song: Exile, featuring Bon Iver, is making all our wounded jonsa hearts bleed again... 
[Let’s cry together while watching this beautiful Exile Jonsa fanvideo...]
Last year, Sansa’s fight for Jon to be released reminded me very much of her pleadings for Ned’s freedom:
The king! Sansa blinked back her tears. Joffrey was the king now, she thought. Her gallant prince would never hurt her father, no matter what he might have done. If she went to him and pleaded for mercy, she was certain he’d listen. He had to listen, he loved her, even the queen said so. Joff would need to punish Father, the lords would expect it, but perhaps he could send him back to Winterfell, or exile him to one of the Free Cities across the narrow sea. It would only have to be for a few years. By then she and Joffrey would be married. Once she was queen, she could persuade Joff to bring Father back and grant him a pardon.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa IV
GRRM has said that the major players’ endings will be similar in the Books, and yes, he has also called Sansa a major player, so Sansa Stark being Queen of an independent North opens the possibility that she could grant Jon a pardon, so he could go back to Winterfell.
Asoiaf Books are full of exiled characters, especially Targaryen ones, like Maegor, Daemon, Viserys, Daenerys, all of them obsessed to claim the Iron Throne for themselves, and that’s the big difference with Jon Snow and the reason to be hopeful for some kind of pardon, reconciliation and returning home to, at last, enjoy some peaceful time at home, a true Dream of Spring.   
But Sansa Stark has already crossed paths with an Exile Prince. Let’s see: 
Back in AGOT Sansa introduced us to a very particular courtier of the Red Keep: Jalabhar Xho.  
Jalabhar Xho is the exiled Prince of the Red Flower Vale, likely exiled for losing a highly ritualized war as per the tradition of the Summer Isles. Following his exile, Jalabhar came to King's Landing in the Seven Kingdoms to request gold and swords from King Robert I Baratheon to help him regain the Red Flower Vale. Robert always entertained the notion of conquering the Summer Isles, but continuously told Jalabhar and put it off until the next year. Although Robert always put off Jalabhar's request for help, he never firmly declined him, telling him "Next year" instead of "No".
Jalabar Xho has a strong bird imagery that connects him with Sansa, since she is mockingly called a bird of the Summer Isles: 
Flowers of a thousand different sorts bloom in profusion on the Summer Isles, filling the air with their perfume. The trees are heavy with exotic fruits, and a myriad of brightly colored birds flitter through the skies. From their plumage the Summer Islanders make their fabulous feathered cloaks. 
—The World of Ice & Fire
Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. "Some septa trained you well. You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite."
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
The denizens of Joffrey's court had striven to outdo each other today. Jalabhar Xho was all in feathers, a plumage so fantastic and extravagant that he seemed like to take flight. 
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
Sansa is the POV where this Prince of the Summer Isles is most mentioned. Out of the 22 mentions of Jalabar Xho in the Books, 8 of those mentions are in Sansa’s chapters, followed by the 7 mentions of the exile prince in Cercei’s chapters. But what is really curious and very interesting is the fact that most of those mentions are in a romantic context linked with love and weddings:  
Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho, an exile prince from the Summer Isles who wore a cape of green and scarlet feathers over skin as dark as night, but when she saw young Lord Beric Dondarrion, with his hair like red gold and his black shield slashed by lightning, she pronounced herself willing to marry him on the instant.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
He was one of the few spectators at Joffrey’s Name Day Tourney:  
Most of the spectators were guardsmen in the gold cloaks of the City Watch or the crimson of House Lannister; of lords and ladies there were but a paltry few, the handful that remained at court. Grey-faced Lord Gyles Rosby was coughing into a square of pink silk. Lady Tanda was bracketed by her daughters, placid dull Lollys and acid-tongued Falyse. Ebon-skinned Jalabhar Xho was an exile who had no other refuge, Lady Ermesande a babe seated on her wet nurse's lap. The talk was she would soon be wed to one of the queen's cousins, so the Lannisters might claim her lands.
—A Clash of Kings - Sansa I
Jalabar Xho was present at Sansa’s wedding with Tyrion Lanniters, he said something to her in the Summer Tongue while they danced together:
Merry Crane took the floor with the exile prince Jalabhar Xho, gorgeous in his feathered finery. 
The music spun them apart before Sansa could think of a reply. It was Mace Tyrell opposite her, red-faced and sweaty, and then Lord Merryweather, and then Prince Tommen. "I want to be married too," said the plump little princeling, who was all of nine. "I'm taller than my uncle!"
"I know you are," said Sansa, before the partners changed again. Ser Kevan told her she was beautiful, Jalabhar Xho said something she did not understand in the Summer Tongue, and Lord Redwyne wished her many fat children and long years of joy. 
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III 
[Here you can find a fanart of Sansa and Jalabar Xho dancing together]
Jalabar Xho and Sansa met again during The Purple Wedding and they talked about the Wedding Customs of the Summer Isles:
Tyrion led Sansa around the yard, to perform the necessary courtesies.
She is good at this, he thought, as he watched her tell Lord Gyles that his cough was sounding better, compliment Elinor Tyrell on her gown, and question Jalabhar Xho about wedding customs in the Summer Isles. His cousin Ser Lancel had been brought down by Ser Kevan, the first time he'd left his sickbed since the battle. He looks ghastly. Lancel's hair had turned white and brittle, and he was thin as a stick. Without his father beside him holding him up, he would surely have collapsed. Yet when Sansa praised his valor and said how good it was to see him getting strong again, both Lancel and Ser Kevan beamed. She would have made Joffrey a good queen and a better wife if he'd had the sense to love her. He wondered if his nephew was capable of loving anyone.
—A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII
The last we know about this particular character is that he is falsely accused by the Blue Bard to be one of Queen Margaery’s lovers and Cersei would be willing to send him to the Night’s Watch if he confesses:  
Behind Margaery came a long tail of courtiers, guards, and servants, many of them laden with baskets of fresh flowers. Each of her cousins had an admirer in thrall; the gangly squire Alyn Ambrose rode with Elinor, to whom he was betrothed, Ser Tallad with shy Alla, one-armed Mark Mullendore with Megga, plump and laughing. The Redwyne twins were escorting two of Margaery's other ladies, Meredyth Crane and Janna Fossoway. The women all wore flowers in their hair. Jalabhar Xho had attached himself to the party too, as had Ser Lambert Turnberry with his eye patch, and the handsome singer known as the Blue Bard.
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei VI
"I prefer this song to the other." Leave the great lords out of it, that was for the best. The others, though . . . Ser Tallad had been a hedge knight, Jalabhar Xho was an exile and a beggar, Clifton was the only one of the little queen's guardsman. And Osney is the plum that makes the pudding. "I know you feel better for having told the truth. You will want to remember that when Margaery comes to trial. If you were to start lying again . . .
Alone, the Blue Bard's confession would never suffice. Singers lied for their living, after all. Alla Tyrell would be of great help, if Taena could deliver her. "Ser Osney shall confess as well. The others must be made to understand that only through confession can they earn the king's forgiveness, and the Wall." Jalabhar Xho would find the truth attractive. About the rest she was less certain, but Qyburn was persuasive . . .
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei IX
Does the Exile Prince Jalabhar Xho reminds you of someone? Maybe of another Prince, that will probably be exiled from his homeland after some succession dispute, that is surrounded by bird imagery because he wears a black cloak, that is called ‘crow’ and knows an actual crow that repeats everything it hears, that is linked with Sansa Stark, that once imagined himself dancing with a creature that talked to him in a foreign tongue, and that once organized a foreign custom wedding of a Lady with whom he once danced? Do I need to say it? 
Damn it, George! What are you doing?
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(*) This post was written while listening Exile over and over and over again...     
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nonagaye · 7 years
Tinfoil Weddings
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This post is layered in tinfoil--beware. I believe Sansa’s wedding with Tyrion is a foil for her future wedding with Jon. As well as Jon attending Alys Karstarks wedding being some kind of foil.
"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."
Sansa was not fond of marrying Tyrion Lannister. But there were many interesting things that happened before her wedding, and at the reception.
The most tinfoil we be placed on the events before the wedding. Let’s get that out of the way. Sansa and Jon have a chapter, one right after the other.
Atop the stones of the ringwall, Ghost hunched with white fur bristling. He made no sound, but his dark red eyes spoke blood. The Lord of Bones moved his hand slowly away from his sword, backed off a step, and left them with a curse.
Ghost padded beside their garrons as Jon and Ygritte descended the Fist. It was not until they were halfway across the Milkwater that Jon felt safe enough to say, "I never asked you to lie for me."
"I never did," she said. "I left out part, is all."
"You said - "
" - that we f**k beneath your cloak many a night. I never said when we started, though." The smile she gave him was almost shy. "Find another place for Ghost to sleep tonight, Jon Snow. It's like Mance said. Deeds is truer than words." ASOS, Jon II
via wiki: A circular rampart (German: Ringwall) is an embankment built in the shape of a circle that was used as part of the defences for a military fortification, hill fort or refuge, or was built for religious purposes or as a place of gathering.
There’s a clear symbol of protection going on here--Ghost--protecting Jon and his red headed love. As well as the ringwall being an actual representative of defense. Then Ygrite saves Jon by lying to Mance that they f**k beneath Jon’s cloak.
The very next chapter we have Sansa prepping for the King’s wedding, or so she thinks.
“A new gown?" she said, as wary as she was astonished.
"More lovely than any you have worn, my lady," the old woman promised. She measured Sansa's hips with a length of knotted string. "All silk and Myrish lace, with satin linings. You will be very beautiful. The queen herself has commanded it." 
"What color will it be?" she asked the seamstress."Leave the colors to me, my lady. You will be pleased, I know you will. You shall have smallclothes and hose as well, kirtles and mantles and cloaks, and all else befitting a . . . a lovely young lady of noble birth.""Will they be ready in time for the king's wedding?" - ASOS, Sansa II
Sansa's having a beautiful dress made for the King’s wedding; satin and lace, with a beautiful cloak to match. (Foreshadowing for Sansa marrying a King) Sansa is happy, but the Lannisters have other plans...
“I will not have the rose and the direwolf in bed together,” declared Lord Tywin. “We must forestall him.” “How?” asked Cersei. “By marriage. Yours, to begin with.”
At this point, we have the rose[Sansa] and the direwolf[Jon](the rose and wolf are interchangeable, as Jon could easily represent the rose) in Chapters 15 and 16. Then Tyrion in Chapter 19, discussing how to keep the rose and direwolf apart. What has kept the Rose and the wolf apart has been Sansa’s marriage/betrothals. She left home to marry Joffrey, was forced to marry Tyrion, and later being pushed towards Harry the heir. 
The day of Sansa’s wedding has arrived. 
Cersei herself arrived with the seamstress, and watched as they dressed Sansa in her new clothes. The smallclothes were all silk, but the gown itself was ivory samite and cloth-of-silver, and lined with silvery satin. The points of the long dagged sleeves almost touched the ground when she lowered her arms. And it was a woman's gown, not a little girl's, there was no doubt of that. The bodice was slashed in front almost to her belly, the deep vee covered over with a panel of ornate Myrish lace in dove-grey.  
"You are very beautiful, my lady," the seamstress said when she was dressed.
"I am, aren't I?" Sansa giggled, and spun, her skirts swirling around her. "
 Cersei Lannister ignored the question. "The cloak," she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A flerce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. "Your father's colors," said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain. - ASOS, Sansa III
The bride's cloak Sigorn fastened about Lady Alys's shoulders showed a bronze disk on a field of white wool, surrounded by flames made with wisps of crimson silk. 
The girl smiled in a way that reminded Jon so much of his little sister that it almost broke his heart. "Let him be scared of me." The snowflakes were melting on her cheeks, but her hair was wrapped in a swirl of lace that Satin had found somewhere, and the snow had begun to collect there, giving her a frosty crown. Her cheeks were flushed and red, and her eyes sparkled.
"Winter's lady." Jon squeezed her hand. -ADWD, Jon II
Sansa smiling and happy on her “wedding” day, Alys smile(on wedding day) reminds Jon of his little sister. Sansa wears satin and lace, while Alys hair was wrapped in lace found by Satin. Alys also wears satin.
Sansa wears a white cloak, with a silver wolf. The cloak in appearance could represent “Lady” her deceased wolf, Ghost or both symbolically protecting her. Sansa is foreshadowed to be Winterfell’s lady, Queen of winter.
“She had dreamed of her wedding a thousand times, and always she had pictured how her betrothed would stand behind her tall and strong, sweep the cloak of his protection over her shoulders, and tenderly kiss her cheek as he leaned forward to fasten the clasp.” Sansa, ASOS III
“The Magnar all but ripped the maiden's cloak from Alys's shoulders, but when he fastened her bride's cloak about her he was almost tender. As he leaned down to kiss her cheek, their breath mingled. The flames roared once again. The queen's men began to sing a song of praise. 
"Is it done?"Jon heard Satin whisper.” ADWD, Jon II
Sansa wishes that her husband could tenderly kiss her as he cloaks her in his protection, while Jon watches this exact thing at Alys’ wedding. If you’ve read any “Grey girl metas” then you would naturally see Alys as a foil for Sansa. And if I’m not mistaken, Alys was once betrothed to her cousin--Cregan Karstark, but escaped and ran to Jon at the Wall and married to a new man to create a new house. 
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Perhaps she ought to have remained beside her husband, but she wanted to dance so badly ... and Ser Garlan was brother to Margaery, to Willas, to her Knight of Flowers. "I see why they name you Garlan the Gallant, ser," she said, as she took his hand. "My lady is gracious to say so. My brother Willas gave me that name, as it happens. To protect me." "To protect you?" She gave him a puzzled look. - ASOS, Sansa II
[Garlan the Gallant(:brave) is often described as tall, broad built, skilled soldier, honorable, modest and kind.]
Sansa’s actually dances with someone who is brave, gentle and strong.
“She had often daydreamed of how she would dance at her wedding, with every eye upon her and her handsome lord. In her dreams they had all been smiling.” ASOS, Sansa II
“Do you dance often, here at Castle Black?”
“Every time we have a wedding, my lady.”
“You could dance with me, you know. It would be only courteous. You danced with me anon.”“Anon?” teased Jon.
“When we were children.” She tore off a bit of bread and threw it at him. “As you know well.”
“My lady should dance with her husband.” - Jon, ADWD
“A snowflake danced upon the air. Then another. Dance with me, Jon Snow. he thought. You‘ll dance with me anon.“ – Jon XII, ADWD
Sansa dreams of her husband dancing with her and smiling. If we connect the two quotes from Jon and Alys, who’s just a foil for Sansa. This is foreshadowing for dancing at a wedding.
Speaking of Snow flakes
When the last of the riders had disappeared into the trees, Jon Snow rode the winch cage down with Dolorous Edd. A few scattered snowflakes were falling as they made their slow descent, dancing on the gusty wind. One followed the cage down, drifting just beyond the bars. It was falling faster than they were descending and from time to time would vanish beneath them. Then a gust of wind would catch it and push it upward once again. Jon could have reached through the bars and caught it if he had wished.
Let me point out that Jon is in a cage, he’s a crow. Metaphorically we could say he’s in bird cage. Jon sees the snowflakes dancing once again. But one separates, and seems to fall but is pushed back up to him. Possible Foreshadowing for another caged bird? Sansa?
Ser Sweetrobin,” Lord Robert said, and Alayne knew that she dare not wait for Mya to return. She helped the boy dismount, and hand in hand they walked out onto the bare stone saddle, their cloaks snapping and flapping behind them. All around was empty air and sky, the ground falling away sharply to either side. There was ice underfoot, and broken stones just waiting to turn an ankle, and the wind was howling fiercely. It sounds like a wolf, thought Sansa. A ghost wolf, big as mountains. -Sansa, AFFC
Could it be that Sansa is that snowflake, at the vale?
One more thing about Sansa’s wedding:
“Jalabhar Xho said something she did not understand in the Summer Tongue” - ASOS, Sansa II
[Jalabar is an exiled Prince from the Summer Isles, that came to Westeros to plead for help in retaking his homeland.]
What could he have said to Sansa? He can speak the common tongue as he’s pleaded with Cersei for help, so what could he have said to Sansa day, that he had to say it in a different language?
All in all there is clear foreshadowing of a happy wedding and marriage between Jon and Sansa.
I hope I wasn’t too longwinded and all over the place, and anyone that’s reading this is able to see the points that I’m trying to connect.
Inspired by the ‘Rose and the Direwolf’ meta by @shinynewrevulsions
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westerosoliviapope · 3 years
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Scandal Westeros | The Adventures of Aurane Waters Fuckboi of the Narrow Sea
Son of cruise ship magnate Vic Velaryon and Larra Xhaq (of the Omburu Xhaqs), Aurane Waters came to fame through his two-year stint on Rich Kids of Westeros, where he appeared alongside then-girlfriend, real estate heiress-turned-reality TV star, Taena Merryweather.
Since then, he's leveraged his celebrity into a career in entertainment, hosting exclusive, highly-publicized parties at nightclubs along the Narrow Sea.
Though publicly single since splitting from Taena, he's been linked to women such as Bella Rivers and Alayaya Zo. There are also rumors of an affair with an older, married woman from Westeros's 1%. Aurane will neither confirm nor deny.
Frequent attendees of Aurane's parties include: Prince Viserys Targaryen, Harrold Hardyng (of WKLN's The Bachelor), rapper Jalabar Xho, Essosi futbol star Daario Neharis, and Braavosi pop star, Bellegere Otherys.
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warsofasoiaf · 6 years
Hello, I keep seeing that Viserys and Daenerys lost their right to rule due to their father's tyranny, but what should they do in Essos? Give up the throne and become wealthy magisters? Is that even possible? I mean how would Robert react if the Last Targaryens aren't suffering and impoverished? I can easily see him assassinating them out of spite. Thanks.
For what they would do, probably the same thing exiled dynasts did in medieval Europe, or what Jalabar Xho did.
The suggestion that Robert would murder them out of spite doesn’t really mesh up with the evidence as presented in the novel series. Robert was convinced to do nothing about the Targaryens when they were in Braavos, far more comfortable than after Willem Darry died and they were forced out. The move to assassinate them came after Viserys made moves to attack Robert with the intent of restoring himself to the Iron Throne, their relative wealth or poverty never had any impact on his decisionmaking. His speech about the matter confirms it, he considers their political threat, not their livelihoods. He rages and blusters all day about how much he hates Targaryens, but at the end of the day, what he actually does bears no correlation to their prosperity.
Thanks for the question, Nerd.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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