#CA musings
mestos · 8 months
CA headcanons that im too lazy to draw or have no idea how to write
Putting them together to keep my brainrot ongoing and ONE DAY draw them...
- i am a firm believer in glasses shinichi. i know glasses for this character is stupid lore integral but i literally don't care. My basis is that repercussions of being shrunken takes form in the slightest ways, such as weaker immune system plus weaker vision. it was inevitable anyway as well, given his bad screen practices and genes. he wears circular glasses though as shinichi and only wears it at home, and vehemently refuses to be seen outdoors with glasses.
- that post that's like, "i love my men with blood on their hands and traumatized"? i love to hc b.o takedowns where he actually kills gin. shoots him. Fucking murders him and destroys his principles. i need him to actually face a stake in his life and be it this sort of loss??? so much room for growth.
- contrary to how hes portrayed, even if he praises holmes as his god, he genuinely does read other mystery novels. often seen with a pocket mystery novel
- tbh. i think of them as different people but not haibara/shiho as different people Hahahah!! I love the idea of growth in the form edogawa conan. I think in a no antidote route, conan is less serious, still snarky, but more willing to tease. exceptionally casual and confident, but humbled with scars. Understands his limits but also very sweet to his gf
- in a no antidote route, i also hc conan to be more explorative. my conan experiments everything with his two bros mitsuhiko and genta, praises them both, and actually wants to find a seperate hobby that makes him different from the shadow he once was
- in a no antidote route he also dyes his hair a lighter brown to be different
- hes closer to mitsuhiko! in fact he is so proud of mitsuhiko very often, and supports him where he can. they study together. he and genta are both in soccer teams, and they go to practice together and hang out with the team
- also i am in firm belief he can be a romantic if hes not thinking about it. but sometimes he does know what hes doing. and is pretty damn good at it.
- unsurprisingly easily jealous but isn't that petty about it
I have lesser HCs for haibara bc i actually am fine for the most part with the canon supplement material. i just feel bad for her lol i want to save her from the show's canon...but!
- her self destructive behaviour can sometimes cause a wedge between them. he is very patient with her all things regardless, but they have had a fight about it before—and she knows she needs to do better, in order for their relationship to work. He cant always be the only one apologizing
- despite being the one who seems unfallible she's just very good at hiding when she's embarrassed/affected by shin/con. he gets pretty good at figuring this out a few years into their r.s.
- (SA mention) i definitely think she has some kind of unprocessed SA trauma behind her, but contrary to what people may think, she isnt sex-repulsed or unwilling. they have healthy times for it and both of them explore things at their own pace together. she trusts her partner with herself and has found her own autonomy after everything
- i double as a seraran stan but i think she and ran would actually be good friends too!!!!!! even if she wouldn't be as close to her as shin would ever be, they have lunch together once a month as adults and often talk about their partner's tendency to get sucked into cases and their fangs...
- i strongly hc shiho as demisexual/demiromantic. even supposedly if in any canon of mine she doesn't get w shin (unlikely) she takes time to herself and live freely independently until she finds her own partner. i dont think its some cut off goal of hers to get one anyway, she feels loved as she is and is fine with that
- she has trouble voicing when she's touchstarved. he tends to notice, though, and acts quickly. she avoids the feeling vs him being needy about it
- in a no antidote route she experiments growing her hair out once. it felt foreign, and difficult to maintain her curls, so she cut it the next summer. shin liked it either way though
CoAi/ShinShi :
- ShinShi move in together at age 20-21. he proposes relatively early—only after 3 years of dating—but they dont get married until they are like 26. they just kept putting it off lmao
- penthouse apartment in the city. Its luxurious but shiho constantly jokes about the idea they get bombed. shinichi doesnt like it.
- Shin gets his license immediately after turning 20. Shiho tends to do most of the driving still, but they take turns during road trips with the kids
- If ShinShi revealed their identities to the kids (whether the kids figured them out on their own or not), shinichi puts on his conan glasses for them and shiho puts on a similar, adult sized sleeveless turtleneck whenever they're together. they assume the roles of Conan and Ai with them (even going as far as introducing themselves as such to other people with the kids). It gives them a state of normalcy even if they have a larger age gap, intergenerational friendship alongside some parenting.
- they do get two dogs. shiho allows him to name only one of the dogs and of all names he chooses its freaking watson. the other dog is named vivi. short for vivianite, a mineral that can form on decaying corpses. Watson is a german shepherd while vivi is a pomeranian husky mix
Will update if i ever think of more
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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sasanka-27 · 8 months
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suptober day 7 - black cat 🐈‍⬛
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new-austin · 4 months
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Woljif Im your biggest fan I love you I love you
Mathias belongs to @knight-commander
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saiyan-druid-art · 2 years
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trueform!cas - watercolor & pastel
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runraerun · 7 months
So I decided to continue writing my Amish!Cas fic & I just posted chapter 2! I’m very proud of it. ☺️ Please enjoy if you think it’s something you would vibe with!❤️
Salt of the Earth by runraerun
In his Amish family, Castiel is often cautioned to be wary of being a weed sown amongst the good seed by the Enemy. And so Castiel carefully tends to the garden plot of his Soul, that he may bear fruit as the good seed sown in good soil. But sometimes, he feels like he is the one being choked by weeds. When Dean appears in his life, Castiel is unsure if the man is the Sower or the Reaper, with whom he will bear fruit a hundredfold, or be cast into the fire.
Or, a Good Samaritan helps Castiel when he’s stranded on the side of the road, and a profound bond quickly grows.
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diwns · 1 year
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"There is no spoon."
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yeonban · 16 days
What if I celebrated Sethos' birthday (31.05) and release (05.06) with a graphics revamp and him as the new poster boy for the month of June...
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mintconditiondean · 9 months
I can't read top!Dean fanfiction bc I'm just like. why wouldn't you want him to be happy? in your world you're finally letting him be gay but you're not even willing to let him bottom? tragic. It genuinely makes me sad.
And this is actually why I can't read 91w
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qapsiel · 4 months
What does love feel like to you?
if there is peace, it's in the arms of your lover. you can finally lay yourself to rest; you know you're safe with them. there is nothing but the two of you. the quiet rhythm of their breath, the thump of their heart. if there is to be an end for you, you will give anything for it to be here. this will consume you. you will let it.
Tagged by: @bloodsalted & @ghstfacr
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guhamun · 4 months
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[Going to do some writing! ^ O ^ )/ Took leave today and have off on Monday since it's a federal holiday so -rubs my hands together- time to be alive over here. Also! I've been thinking about this but like -- when I eventually add a h.sr muse or two on here, if I notice that people are primarily 👀 at my male muse(s?) and Natasha / Yukong (maybe) is right there I'm going to be sus of you just saying.]
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bloomingkyras · 11 months
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Dress: Paite Dress - Valenttina Muniz
Accessories: Necklace - Serenity
Hair: Elia hair - @gegesimmer
Shoes: Asha Pump -Dallasgirl79
special tq to @mickimagnum and to all cc creator 😊😁
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ptolemvea · 1 month
i probably still have some finishing touches to do but i managed to complete a cute little carrd with my rules and updated muse list ! i added about a dozen new muses so if anyone's interested in those , feel free to dm .
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nothing-but-dreams · 2 years
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Suptober Day 17: Muse
It was the first time Dean invited Cas to watch him play in front of an audience. The show was at a little dive bar somewhere in the mid-west, and Dean told Cas he didn't have to come, but Cas insisted. When he took the stage, he already knew the song he was going to open with. Then one that always put him at ease.
"This one goes out to the love of my life, my guardian angel, and my muse. I love you, babe."
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ptolemveamoved · 8 months
pookies . . . i think i've figured out how to write on the dash . . . if anyone would like a one - liner , please like this ! if you have a muse preference , feel free to dm me or else it'll be random .
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yeonban · 4 months
How do you view love?
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Love that is welcoming, one that encompasses you in its warmth. The feeling of a warm mug after a cold day. Familiar huffs of laughter respond in the air as you lean on each other for balance. The feeling of falling on a soft bed of clouds on a nice sunny day. Of waves lapping at sand on a beach.
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NIKOLAI: All encompassing.
"The enormity of my desire disgusts me." It consumes you. Thoughts that trace the same memory every waking second. Body engrained with muscle memory at even the slightest sound. Everything that is the earth reminds you of it. Courses through your body like fire, keeps you afloat and wanting, always wanting for more.
Tagged by: @scrtilegii MERSII!! Tagging: @oneireth (Caelus, Ratio and/or Youta), @quirkthieves (Nobimaru and Mioara), @skilledsenses (Ranpo), @antinomos (Fyodor) & @achroanimus, @gonguji, @rikyos & whoever else sees this and wants to do it!
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