poopiefart420 · 5 months
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So when i said i was gonna make Ozai and Ursa as 2000s baddies i meant it
(ursa is the only one with a actual 2000s outfit, ozai is just whatever. Ursa deserves it more than he does it’s payback for his war crimes)
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miutonium · 1 year
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Im so sorry @jils-things but you made me want to go on a tangent about art supplies in a bit cuz I'm a nerd andhekqkwkdjwoqo i lov u pls dont go away- 😭
Anyway yes I usually make a very light sketch with my pencil so that I could erase it easily for me to retrace it but I am here to make a very important public announcement and I feel that it is my duty to inform the public on something that could be beneficial to the society.
Behold: Kneading Eraser
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This fucker have multiple names; Putty eraser, gummy eraser, kneaded eraser,clay. It's going through a phase, please don't judge it, let it change name every 10 seconds.
What I need is that I want everyone to put everything down and listen to what I say: You run to the art store, Michael's, Art Friend, soup store, whatever store you get your art supply at. You ask the store clerk you want a putty eraser and if they dont give you a putty eraser, tell them they're a loser in malay (it's mak kau hijau. The more your learn folks) and then go to the next store and find a putty eraser until you get them. Its not expensive, it cost me less than 2 bucks for 1 pack of putty eraser.
Why you may ask? Well, I can assure you as someone who draws, putty eraser is much much MUCH better than a normal generic eraser.
First of all, there's no dust. When you erase a line with this boy, there wont be any rubber shit nugget clumping on the table and making a mess on your bed (i know you hate your spine too and likes to draw on bed i live in ur walls u guys better sleep with 1 eye open). I'm so serious like I have 0 eraser shavings in my house since I use a putty eraser. Please stop sleeping covered in eraser shavings.
It's also malleable. You can literally shape it to whatever shape that you want so you could erase a a tiny spot that you couldn't reach without disturbing other lines. And it works sooooo well as a stress ball or a toy. People actually knead it into animal shape. Can you shape a normal rectangle eraser into a giraffe? CAN YOU? DO YOU SEE MY POINT?
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Do you suffer from loneliness? Do you need a conversation opener? Are you tired of kneading an eraser to shape it into a friend? Believe it or not, putty eraser is a great conversation starter when you dont want to start a conversation! As a personal anecdote: whenever I sketch in school, if anyone I know sees me sketching, they will always ask me what the fuck is the clay thing I use to erase my lines and then I have to explain to them what is a kneadable eraser and then whenever I demo'd the eraser, an amusing OOOOOOO will come out and they will play with my eraser for like 5 mins. Am I mad that my eraser is taken away? No because the eraser can also be s e p e r a t e d . Black magic fuckery. Please go buy a putty eraser.
Anyway for the pencil, I swear to god if you ever get this pencil, you will never use a normal mechanical pencil ever again.
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The pencil I'm using is called a drafting pencil, specifically Pentel Graphgear 500. There's tons of drafting pencil in the market but just look at this one because other's are expensive and you will cry. This pencil had a plastic body but the base is made of metal so its pretty heavy. It feels v e r y c o m f o r t a b l e on the hand, like the moment you hold it, you will believe that this is how mechanical pencil suppose to be. It just fits so perfectly with the contour of you finger. The weight feels so nice on your hands and the grip is very comfortable. The pencil sleeve also doesnt budge so you don't and won't have any issue of lead breakage (unless you press your pencil really hard)
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It's also very long-lasting. I have 2 of them in my pencil case. The one on the left were bought in 2021 from Muji. The one on the right were bought in 2015. It still works fine despite being 8 years old. I don't think I ever have any mechanical pencil that is long lasting like this one. This is legit one of the product that I would say would last a lifetime if you take care of it well.
This ends my sleepy deprivation fueled post for today.
TL;DR: Please go buy kneaded eraser and a drafting pencil I am on my knees rn-
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procrastinova · 9 months
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art summary 2022 vs art summary 2023
individual 2023 artworks below (plus some thoughts on them because why not. Said thoughts will include me critiquing some of the pieces, especially the ones from earlier in the year.)
also here's a link to all the artworks from my 2022 one if anyone wants to see them
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JANUARY - Art piece i did right before For the Future aired of Luz and the rest of the hexsquad having a much-needed group hug. I didn't really look at any references for this one (apart from for the character's designs) so the poses look really awkward and stiff tbh 😭. That being said, I'm still glad I gave it a shot, and it looks a lot better than the one I did before Thanks to Them's release, since I was more used to drawing the characters.
I'm not going to go too much into some of the... questionable... anatomy choices I made, since they aren't exclusive to this artwork in particular, nor is this the worst example of them (*cough cough* my old King's Tide screenshot redraw).
Overall I think this is an okay art piece. Definitely could have been improved by actually using references for the pose though.
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FEBRUARY - This one is actually another redraw of a REALLY old piece I drew in 2021. With my finger. Not a good combination to say the least. This one is miles better especially in terms of anatomy, facial expressions and composition.
That's not to say that it's without it's flaws. I do think that lining up Betty and Amber's poses better would have improved the overall look of the piece. Another thing that I did end up changing a little while after I drew this was removing the shine from the black parts of the mirror to make it look like it was actually cracked, which I didn't do in the original version (that one's on my scratch account if you want to see it). It's a subtle difference, but I think it makes the piece look a lot better.
Again, I think this is an okay piece overall. Looks like the mona lisa compared to the 2021 version, but honestly I think anything would.
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MARCH - Yet another Owl House artwork (bet u guys cant guess what my favourite tv show is). This one I created for a zine which I was working on for my multimedia class (this artwork in particular was supposed to be an advertisement for the finale). You can kinda tell I still wasn't that confident in drawing King, since his pose is pretty stiff (I don't think I ever really got used to drawing him tbh).
I do think this piece would have benefited from some more shading and lighting that wasn't the singular multiply layer I placed over the characters then erased some parts of. (There is some other shading but there's no other lighting).
Most of the other issues I have with this pieces are just issues I have with my old art in general so I'll leave it there.
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APRIL - This is the last Owl House artwork I promise. I made this one for Zeez Vov Gee 2's watching and dreaming art contest. I actually do still quite like this one, which might partly be to do with the fact that I really like all of the character's timeskip designs, but whatever.
Some of the proportions on the hands are a bit weird, and I REALLY wish I put the shading on the lineart as well, considering how light of a colour it is.
One thing I do really like which I didn't notice while I was drawing it, is the pose Luz and Amity are in forms a sort of heart shape, which is really adorable akdjfhskhdf ;w;
Anyway, overall a pretty good piece, might remake it later. Who knows 👀
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MAY - as you may immediately be able to tell, I did not make that much art in May (I might've had a few tests on at the time. Or I was just lazy). This one is actually OC art for once (wow shocking never seen before).
It's kinda just a doodle/a more doodley art piece, but it's pretty alright. I actually really like the pose that Robyn (the OC in the drawing) is in. This is also kinda the first time I drew their design, so yeah. The background isn't great, but I can't really expect that much from a doodle -v-
overall, pretty decent doodle. (for anyone wondering if I'll ever post more about Robyn... maybe? I'm mainly using their story for writing practice, but I think I posted something from it on here)
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JUNE - June was literally the polar opposite of May. I'm not kidding, there were like 3 artworks that I was debating putting for June (this one, some deltarune fanart and a TOH screenshot redraw). I eventually went with this one because HOLY CRAP am I proud of that background.
This one was really heavily influenced by cartoon backgrounds (in particular ones from Gravity Falls and Hilda), and while I do think there are a few things that could be improved (like some of the trees), this was the first time in a while that i'd tried drawing a background that wasn't grass and a couple of trees (and i think the first time ever that i'd done something this complex).
I think another reason that this one turned out so good is that it was a birthday card for a friend. And if there is anything that I am constantly trying to do better at every time I redraw it, it's birthday cards (probably bc they're for my friends, love you guys sm /p).
anyways, overall a really good piece, 11/10 background.
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JULY - behold... the first artwork I posted on Tumblr! I drew this shortly after seeing Across the Spiderverse in cinemas (which I have to say was one of the greatest experiences of my life).
I wanted to mess around with lineless art a bit on this one, as well as sort of try to give it a watercolour feel like earth-65. And I gotta say, I think it turned out pretty good. Though I did spend a good 15 minutes looking for references because ATSV wasn't out digitally yet ;w;
overall, I like this piece, I tried something new and I made fanart for the greatest movie of all time (in my opinion)
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AUGUST - I don't think I drew nearly enough Omori fanart when I was super into the game, so I'm making up for it now. I wanted to redraw one of my favourite photos from the photo album for this one.
I probably could have put a bit more detail into the background for this one, but I really like the warm lighting, and the dappled light effect that I used for the characters. The lineart is also a bit sketchy, but I was (and sort of still am) in the process of figuring out how I actually want my lineart to look.
overall, I really like this one, nice colours, nice lighting, has the omori characters being happy in it :]
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SEPTEMBER - like in May, I didn't get as much Art Stuff TM done, so it's just a doodle of some of my OCS (except this time it's Copper, Lapis and Peg, who I have posted about before).
I kinda just wanted to draw something cozy, so I didn't put too much effort into the background and stuff. One thing I will say, is that I wish I drew them looking a bit older, since they are all 16-17 lol.
overall, this one's ok. Could be better, but it's just a doodle.
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OCTOBER - ohohohohoho we are SO back. Yet another birthday card. I love the perspective and poses on this one (because, you guessed it, I used references for them). Everything about this artwork was really fun to draw (especially the characters).
Overall, really good artwork, 11/10
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NOVEMBER - redraw of an artwork from 2021 part 2: electric boogaloo. I remember being so proud of the original artwork, so I wanted to make this one an artwork I was proud of too (which was a success).
One of the main things I wanted to do for this one was to actually draw a background, instead of getting one off google. The one I drew was simple, but I think it really works, because I wanted the focus to be on the character, not the background. I also added some slight perspective to the drawing to make it look a bit more interesting.
Overall, amazing, especially compared to the original
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DECEMBER - and finally... December's artwork! Aka my banner. I wanted to do something kinda simple for this, because I'm probably going to redraw it or make a new one later. I really like the contrast between the colours in the foreground (which is supposed to be inside a train, but it's kinda hard to tell), and the background.
Also something I've started doing for a few artworks is making a duplicate of the artwork, blurring it slightly and lowering the opacity, which makes it look a lot more visually interesting :0
overall, love this one, good artwork to end the year off with :] (i'll prolly still draw more stuff tho)
(fun fact - I was going to put the redraw I did of the 'get in loser we're going shopping' scene with the characters from TMC for December because it's the highest quality meme i've ever made but it looked weird next to the other ones bc it was in black and white 😭)
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identityarchitect · 1 year
ouughhfgh i am eating your oc lore its so GOOD omnomonmonmonm
i cant think of any specific questions rn thoough so uhhh. do you have any particular thing(s) you especially like about your ocs ? like a certain trait or story theme, smth along those lines
if you cant answer that, then just share any songs you associate with your guys !!!!!
i like their designs!! hold on wait ive never ctually posted them HOLD ON. post is going to the drafts so i can collect images
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^ heres awakening winter his design is stupidly complicated but i love it a lot
text reads "this man is tall; religious colony; no ur so sexy dont ascend urself without telling me the solution first; triangulator (believes the solution is dangerous to directly comprehend); manipulated peace into trying to find the solution for him; what happened to his local group?"
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here's peace!! (her design is slightly outdated here because i wasnt great at drawing iterator antennae when i drew her)
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heres fibres of silence!! text reads "sibling figure to peace; not very talkative; this 4'8 thang can hold so much rage; would kill winter if they could; not depicted here but their puppet arm is kinda busted - when they found out peace was just her puppet they tried to do it too so now some wires are torn out + puppet arm kinda broken"
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heres hallows of fate & her beast!! text reads "thing thing can fit so much religious trauma; babygirl you look like a bird; believes the cycle is a punishment from a higher power; v religious colony that she ended up failing somehow"
text for her beast says "messenger; it has wings; cannot fly, only glide; designed to catch air currents from iterators"
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and here r some guys
text next to alive peace says "man i sure love being alive i hope nobody manipulates me into ascending and changes the trajectory of my + my friends lives forever"
everyone below the cut isnt from peace's group :3
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heres bells of other ballads! text reads "WHY ARE YOU SO FANCY; music enjoyer; not that interested in ascension; more interested in longevity; has a slug she's training to become a technician; 'if they can use tools they can be engineers' -BOOB probably; not that social - trusts the others to reach out to her if anything noteworthy happens"
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and heres collector of caged kismet! text reads "disappointed in you; science, tech, the void sea; get this man some coffee and a nap; contrary to pebbles, he /is/ a slugcat ascension machine (for one specific slug); those bags under his eyes arent real btw. he draws them on w/ eyeliner"
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and here is a commission of my guy stormclouds overhead done by the wonderful @murrittimeswithscar (btw u should go commission cal)
and here is rising birds (+ storms is there also)
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zyafics · 5 months
omg hi!! hope ur doing well i love ur writing btw, (play fake is one of my fav fics ive EVER read!!)
could u do a fic where rafe and reader are like best friends, and they’ve always both kinda liked each other but they dont really act upon it, until rafe gets a buzzcut and reader starts acting like real shy and clumsy around him bcs she’s shocked abt how he could get even MORE attractive, and then he gets linda confused so he asks her why she’s acting so different and then she tells him? make it as smutty and fluffy as u want! 🫶🫶
first off, ily 🥹 and omg, YES!! i've been thinking about this ever since i got your req in my inbox, so here's my very earnest attempt at doing it justice 🩷
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MASTERLIST (full-story fic) | x BSF!Female Reader
Word Count — 5.3k.
Content — 18+, fluff, smut, soft!Rafe only to reader, protected p in v, oral (female receiving), lots of banters, and nicknames used: baby and wildflower. Reader is a Kook, spontaneous, loves adventures, hates silence, loves noises, doesn't exactly like her reality, friends with Topper and Kelce, but is only close to Rafe.
Dedication — to @mintforadollar for helping me with the nickname and to @erwinsvow for her lovely fic, which i drew inspiration from and have been obsessing over for the past two weeks!
lıllılı Wildflower by 5 Seconds of Summer
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"I want to run away."
It takes a moment for Rafe to register your confession and his response is a drowsy laugh. "Buy a guy dinner first."
You let out a groan, slumping against your wrinkled sheets and abundant pillows spread across your bed. "I'm being serious, Rafe. I'm tired of this house. It's too empty and quiet. I can't stand it. At night, I think I can hear my skin buzzing."
Rafe is accustomed to your sporadic calls regarding whatever issues you had with the world. Last week, it was about the insufficient amount of family portraits that frame the halls of your mansion.
"Maybe you just need to change your sheets."
"Stop!" You chastise. Rafe chokes up with another beat of laughter, low and rich with the deep timbre of his voice. The sound temporarily draws you away from your rant, igniting a small ember in your stomach. You brush away those tingly thoughts. "You're not listening to me."
"I think I'm listening to you perfectly fine, wildflower." He reassures, the solemnity of his tone takes you off the edge. Rafe shuffles on the other line, moving to a sitting position against his headboard. "What do you want? Do you want me to come pick you up?"
You cower from his offer, tucking one of your pillows under your chin. "You don't have to..."
"Don't get all shy with me now. You can't act this way when you're waking me up in the dead of night to report about your getaway plans."
"I feel bad."
Rafe sighs, getting off his bed. He knows the outcome of this conversation and rather prepares himself for the short drive. "I'm heading over."
"I could walk."
"It's freezing outside."
"Your house is down the block. I can survive."
"I'm already out the door. Just stay put." Rafe announces and before he's about to disconnect the call, he adds. "I'm serious."
He arrives in record time. Honking his truck with no regards for the nearby neighbors and you pad downstairs with a bag, descending down the driveway to the passenger side of his truck. A little shiver travels down your spine at the cool North Carolina weather.
"God, what did I tell you?" He scolds, noticing your lack of outwear, and reaches for the blanket in the backseats he keeps just for you. He throws it at your face, suffocating your air with a fluffy white fleece. You roll your eyes, covering your shoulders with it as Rafe reverses. "Where do you want to go?"
"Thought I'm supposed to buy you a meal first."
He doesn't bother entertaining your retort with a glance and flicks the side of your head with his fingers. You giggle. "We're not running away."
"Who said you're included in this adventure? I remember it being a one-person job."
Rafe scoffs. "You can't run away. You'd miss me too much."
"No, you'd miss me too much." You tease back, watching his lips pull to an upward curve at your words. It makes your heart flutters, knowing you always manage to get this side of Rafe. To the rest of Outer Banks, Rafe is seen as a precarious, self-absorbed playboy, but to you, he's your best friend.
And a little more.
The truck parks on the roadside of Tannyhill, the silhouettes of the estate surrounded by shadowy oak trees and a deep reflection of the moon on their waterfront view. Rafe doesn't make a move to leave, nor turn off the engine, before he turns to you.
"You okay?" He asks gravely, all humor stripped off his handsome features. You feel the air of your lungs stolen, at the amount of attention he's paying you, and the atmospheric change turns you to a bashful version of yourself.
"Fine." You answer, looking to your lap. "You know..."
Despite your house being a near-identical model to Rafe's, you hate yours. It's nothing about the architecture but rather the emptiness of the hallways. The cold floors sweep with minimalist decors. The echoes in the chambers where you can hear every little whirl in the air conditioner and creaks in the pipes. You'd rather be at Tannyhill.
Rafe doesn't say anything for the next few moments, observing you, before conceding a sigh. "Tell you what. I'll take you out on the Druthers tomorrow. We'll go bright and early, sail out for a couple of hours, watch the sunrise and it'll be something."
You lift your head, eyes lit up. "Is this our escape?"
"We gotta come back, though."
You frown but the offer remains enticing. It's better than nothing.
"Okay, deal." You nod, holding out your pinkie finger. Rafe scoffs at your gesture, but nonetheless, returns it. "Don't look so glum. You get to hang out with me."
"You do realize we have about three hours of sleep?"
You glance at the clock on his dashboard. He's right. But, you don't want to hold it off till another day. "I can go by myself. Just give me the keys for tomorrow."
He rolls his eyes, as if he would even consider that suggestion, and shakes his head. "I'm coming with you."
"Aren't you afraid you won't get your beauty sleep?"
"Shut up and get in the house."
You laugh and hop out of his truck. When you enter through his bedroom, you throw your bag to a random corner and stroll over to his closet in search for one of Rafe's tees to sleep in.
When you settle on something, you strip out of your clothes—in the middle of his bedroom, just as Rafe enters—and exchange it for his shirt. He had little regard for your act, having grown accustomed to you changing in front of him and vice versa. 
All Rafe does is pull off his own shirt, because he likes to sleep naked, and turns back to you. Unlike him, you're never going to get used to seeing him naked—the defined muscles of his chest, the toned planes of his abs, all those hours spent at the gym are clearly not wasted.
You flush, realizing you're ogling him longer than appropriate, and lift your gaze to find a smirk curving his lips. "Oh, shut it," you push his shoulders, causing him to laugh. He takes the opportunity to capture your hand, pulling the both of you onto his mattress, and you yelp.
Rafe changes your position so you're facing him, an arm sprawls over your waist, and there's about a couple of inches of space between the two of you. Here, in the low streams of the moonlight glistening through the veiled curtains and the faint aroma of his cologne on his pillows, you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears.
You say nothing. He says nothing, You stare into his cerulean eyes, knowing all this little emotions you're feeling all over—the light pricks on your skin where he touches you, the lapse in your breathing from how attentive he is, and the sharp incline of your heart rate pulsing through your veins—is because of him.
His voice is low when he says, "you know you're my best friend, right?"
You couldn't find it in you to answer. You just nod.
Rafe swallows hard, not having the ability to string together the next sentence. Instead, all he does is nod along, leaning forward to place a light kiss on your forehead, before falling asleep.
The next morning, just an hour before the sunrise, Rafe and you head to the ports to board the Druthers. Despite the lack of adequate sleep, you were giddily and strumming with high energy. He holds out his hand to guide you up the stairs, afraid your enthusiasm would cause you to miss a step. 
When the Druthers is far enough from shore, it pulls to a halt, gently bobbing on the ocean waves of the tame morning. You settle on the deck and Rafe slides into the spot next to you. Here, you have the perfect view of the sun slowly rising from the horizon, painting the sky in a palette of red, orange and yellow.
You're grinning. You're feeling much better, especially after your melodramatic episode. Your head rests on Rafe's chest, observing the skyline until the sun reaches its acme, while he watches you. Something about you, happy, content, and with him brings a warmth no one can replicate.
"We have to go swimming." You announce suddenly, twisting your head to look at him with excitement bubbling on your features, doe eyes pleading with a want.
His expression is flat, trying to contain his emotions. "It's seven in the morning."
"So? When has that stopped me before?"
"It's freezing cold."
"That's your excuse for everything." You scoff, before tilting your head in a challenge. "Are you scared of a little water, Rafe Cameron?"
There's a twinkle in your eyes, something about the way you talk to him, he would never allow from anyone else. It's just you. He had to look away, pretending to shake his head from the idea but knowing, at the end, he lost.
With a long dip into the ocean, you swim around the Druthers with light splashes thrown in his face, causing Rafe to chase after you for your little stunt. When the pair of you returned to the boat, dripping wet on the floor deck, laughter exchanging at the break of dawn.
"You cheated!" You accuse, grinning.
"I did not. You're just slow."
When you change out of your bikini and Rafe changes out of his swim trunks, you return to the cockpit where Rafe dons a new attire: khaki pants, a polo shirt, and his backward baseball cap. The air shifts, a more solemn expression on his face.
"You had enough now, wildflower?" He tips his head to your direction, as you approach him. "Ready to return back to the real world?"
You groan. "What's so special about that place?"
"Nothing that matters to you," he declares, "but I have a couple of errands I have to run today. I have to get back, but I won't leave until you're feeling better."
"Hm." You consider your satisfaction. Standing before Rafe, you watch as his lips curl in amusement at the way you're mauling through the finer details. The itinerary of your day and whether it was enough. When your eyes lock with his, you offer him a sweet smile, albeit a little reluctant.
You don't answer him, reaching for his hat and taking it off his head, before plopping it over your own as a keepsake souvenir. "Now, I am."
After spending your afternoon with Topper and Kelce at the Country Club, distracting them from their tee time with your commentary about their swings, Rafe finally arrives to join you.
But it's different.
When Rafe said he had a couple of errands to run, you didn't ask for their specifics. He just said he'll join you later and you were content with that assumption.
You should've prepared yourself.
Rafe got a new haircut; a buzz that took away his dirty blond locks and a clean fade on the sides. For some reason, it makes your heart accelerate. Your breath shortens. Rafe has always been attractive before but now, you couldn't even look at him.
When he tries to approach you in greeting, you dip out of the way and return to Topper and Kelce. However, in the middle of your path, you nearly tripped over some hazardously-abandoned golf club one of the boys threw out, but Rafe caught you. A hand on your elbow, his brows drawn together in concern.
"You good?" He asks. You can't help but let your eyes stray up to his hairline, finding it voided of the curtain bangs it previously occupies and the strands you like to mess with. Your gaze instantly drops to the ground.
"I'm–I'm fine." You stutter, heat rising to your cheeks from the embarrassing fact that you couldn't even make a clean getaway. Rafe helps you find your balance and you slip out of his grasp as you excuse yourself back to the other Kooks.
That's how the rest of the evening went. Through another round of golf and a dinner at the restaurant inside the Country Club, you try to ignore Rafe to the best of your abilities. It was a difficult task but a necessary one. Your emotions were fuzzy and harder to control. You couldn't even look at your best friend without flushing or revealing everything on your face.
You thought you could wait it out till you get home.
"Come on, wildflower." Rafe grabs your wrist, just as you're about to join Topper in his car, and you turn to face his contempt expression. Annoyance written over his features. "I'm driving you home."
"No, it's fine. Top said he can give me a ride—"
"We live nearby each other. There's no point for Top to do all that. Right?" Rafe cuts a hard look to the blond in the driver seat, to whom easily backs off with two hands raised in surrender. Coward. Rafe turns back to you. "Let's go."
You end up in the passenger seat of his truck. On the long drive back to Figure Eight, you were uncharacteristically quiet. Often, you would fidget with the stereo, messing with Rafe's presets on country and rap stations, to which he always has to swat your hands away. Today, you sat obediently in your seat, hands tucked between your thighs, looking anywhere but Rafe.
"You're not going to listen to music?" He asks, trying to cut the silence. You shake your head.
"I'm not feeling it."
You try to count the seconds. You try to distract yourself by looking out the window and listening to the chirps of crickets coming out, but all you can focus on is the sound of yours and Rafe's breathing. The acute awareness of something in the air. The amount of space between the two of you. The way something deep in you changed about him.
It isn't his fault. Whatsoever. It's all yours. All those times spent at Tannyhill, stealing his shirts to wear to sleep, cuddling up in his bed after sneaking out of your estate, running around with Rafe doing god-knows-what. You developed something for him. A crush. An inkling.
You always told yourself you could control it. It's natural for best friends to like each other at one point. It'll fade away eventually.
But, unfortunately for you, that isn't the case. it got worse. It grew more desperate. With each inching territory into something else means a larger consequence it can have on your friendship.
You can't lose him.
"Hey." Rafe calls out, his voice softens considerably from the aggression he used with Topper a while back. You don't turn to face him, despite that being his sole objective, and you respond back with a light hum. "Am I driving you home or Tannyhill?"
To you, those are the same things. Home is where Tannyhill is, where Rafe is. But, you knew what he was referring to.
"Tannyhill." You answer in a chipped tone. "I forgot my bag."
"Of course, you did." He teases, trying to break the tension with some lightheartedness. It doesn't work. You don't answer, too lost in resisting the urge to look at him.
Rafe sighs when you refuse to acknowledge him and turns back to the road. That's when you spare a glance from the corner of your peripheral; just a small peek.
And there he is: Rafe with the fresh shave that is such a strange yet welcomed sight. It brings out a clearer definition of his handsome features, the planes of his sharp profile, the cut of his jawline and the wrinkles around his eyes you always adore. It's too much for you.
You can't let him know that.
He's your best friend.
When he reaches Tannyhill, you leap out of the moving vehicle and race up the porch. You take the hidden key from under the mat and turn the lock, slipping into the familiar foyer and up the large stairwell.
Racing against an internal clock, once you enter the bedroom, you search for your bag, but you can't seem to pinpoint its location. When you manage to miraculously find it underneath the covers, you throw it over your shoulders and sprint to the exit.
Only for Rafe to block it.
"Why are you in such a rush?" He asks, his brows furrowed together as he examines you. You quickly drop your gaze to the ground, pretending to be interested in the patterns on the marble.
"I just..." You stammer for an excuse. "I just got to get home."
"Why? You hate your house."
"I don't hate it." You lie. The conversation tips into an awkward tension—the exact thing you were trying to avoid. You think you need to spend a day, or two, or a whole week, to collect yourself and force yourself back to normal. Back to when you can look at him without revealing everything on your face.
"God, what is it? You don't like it?" Rafe laughs with an ounce of nervousness and the sound takes you back. You look up, finding him running a hand over his buzzcut. "It's my hair, isn't it?"
He didn't know why he decided to buzz it off. He just did. He didn't care if his father didn't approve or if Wheezie would make fun of him for the sudden change in appearance. That didn't matter to him.
But your opinions did.
"What?" Your lips part. Were you that obvious? "I never said that."
"You didn't need to. This entire evening, you've barely looked at me."
He's right.
"I was busy."
"Playing golf with Top? You hate that shit." He retorts, dropping his hand to his side, clenching them into whiten knuckles. "And when we were at the restaurant. You were sitting with Kelce. Why the fuck were you sitting with him instead of me?"
You swallow hard. Your throat is tightening with all the words you can't reveal.
"Maybe I just want to change it up. I am friends with them too—"
"But you're my friend first."
You scoff. "Possessive much?"
"Very." He answers nonchalantly. Your heart skips a beat. He can't say that; it's not fair. "And knowing you for so long, I know what you're telling me is complete and total bullshit."
His hand slides under your jaw, lifting your gaze to meet his, and you can't help but feel your walls crumbling. You're afraid. You're so afraid.
"Come on, wildflower." He murmurs softly, swiping his thumb across your cheek. "Tell me the truth."
You have always been able to do that. In ways. When Rafe asks something of you, you're always able to tell him straight. It's one of the qualities he likes about you. Now is the first time you're going against your nature. Because it's too close, too real, that it can change everything.
Your throat grows dry and you lick your bottom lip, causing Rafe to glance down.
"I..." You begin, trying to string together a coherent sentence that won't damage everything. He raises a brow, waiting. "Sometimes it's hard for me to look at you."
You close your eyes after the confession. Your heart is in his hands.
All the air in the room stills, as if the air conditioner turns off and you're all left with a tense, palpable silence. You can't bear it. At least, at your house, you can blast your speakers on full-volume to create some level of noise and block it out. Here, all you can hear is the thumping of your heart in your ears.
"Say something." You urge.
"Sometimes it's hard for me to look at you too."
Your heart drops. You think he doesn't understand. He thinks you can't stand him physically, especially after his haircut, and this is a similar sentiment shared by him about you.
He doesn't feel the same way.
You open your eyes, trying hard not to cry. You can feel them swelling with hot tears but you blink fast, trying to not let Rafe see.
He immediately recognizes the look, drawing back his hand. That’s not what he meant. "Don't cry."
You're not doing a good job at hiding anything today. "No, it's okay," you say with a crack voice, "you don't have to—"
"No, fuck," he swears, "what I mean is that, sometimes, when you look at me, I just—" He couldn't explain himself, not in time, not in the way he wants, that he covers your eyes, flooding your vision with darkness and heightening every other sense.
Rafe releases a deep exhale, collecting himself. "Those eyes..." He mumbles, the resonance of his voice so close, it's as if he's right beside you. You feel his breathing fanning against the curve of your neck, raising goosebumps. "They drive me fucking insane."
Then, he kisses your neck.
The act jolts you by surprise.
"Everything about you drives me insane." He confesses against your heated skin, the vibration of his words sending straight tingles through your body. "I can't go a day without thinking about you. About wanting you."
Not just as a best friend, but as a whole. Everything about you he needs. In his life; forever. Sometimes, he can't believe you exist.
You're overwhelmed with all these new emotions. Your heart is swelling. "Rafe..."
"You're my best friend, right?" He muses, delivering kisses up the column of your throat to the underside of your jaw, and making his way closer to your lips. "But you're also the only one for me."
Before he gets to your mouth, you grab his wrist, the one holding you blindfolded. He stops in place—afraid this is your time to reject him.
"Rafe." You breathe out. "Can I see you?"
He slowly removes his hand, allowing your vision to flood back with his presence. This time, the sight of Rafe doesn't push you into overdrive. There's a new sense of clarity and calm, an elated comfort you don't share with anyone else.
You take your time drinking him in. From his face, to his lips, to the fresh haircut you're feeling entirely too grateful for. You do it all without fear.
"What?" He demands, his insecurities skyrocketing through the roof. "Don't like it?"
"I love you."
His heart lunges in his chest. He couldn't believe the words coming from your lips. When it completely registers that this is not some sweet, wet dream he's going to wake up from, his hands reach forward to cup either side of your face and he finally kisses you.
His force pushes you back against his bed and you land on the mattress with a soft thump. You laugh into his mouth and Rafe grins against your lips.
"Eager, much?"
"I wanted to hear you say that for so long." He admits, his hand travels down your waist to grab your hips and pull you closer. Rafe deepens the kiss, swallowing the little sounds you're making, until you have to pull away to catch your breath.
You can't believe this is happening.
"I didn't know you were such a good kisser."
"Yeah? You wanna know what else I'm good at?"
Your eyes drop to his pants, seeing the subtle outline of his erection straining against his zipper, and he chuckles lowly. "You want it tonight?"
You nod timidly. Your eyes dropping to your lap again, but this time, Rafe doesn't allow you to do such things.
He grabs your chin, forcing your gaze to his. "Don't do that, baby. You know how I feel about you getting shy from asking what you want. Use your words."
The new nickname is making you lightheaded. You can't believe this is real. "I want you, Rafe."
Sweetest goddamn words he ever heard.
He tips his head to your clothes. "Take it off."
"You first."
He laughs at your competitiveness, always trying to challenge him, but he doesn't resist. He pushes himself off the mattress, pulling off his shirt and removing his pants. All that is left is his boxer-briefs, which reveals the outline of his bulge. "Your turn."
You take off your shirt and your shorts and decide, last minute, to go the extra mile and unclasp your bra too. It falls over your shoulders and you throw it out onto the floor.
Rafe takes his time, staring at your tits. He has seen you naked before, the consequence of your intimate relationship that pushes the boundaries into blurred lines and the inevitable collision of morning showers in his ensuite and drunken exchanges after parties.
But this time, it's different. This time, it's a sight that's intentional—just for him.
"Do you know how long I've waited for this?"
You gawk at him, the words send a thrill down your spine. "Do you know how long I waited for this?" You gesture back to him, at his naked frame, and he smirks.
"You got an eyeful last night."
"Oh, shut up," you use your leg to kick him, but Rafe catches your ankle in the process. Your eyes widen as he uses the opportunity to spread your legs apart, sinking between your thighs. His gaze finds your soaked panties.
His thumb traces across your panties, drawing out your wetness against the fabric and collecting your arousal. You whimper, aching into his touch.
"Rafe, please." You beg. His eyes lifts to find yours in a self-satisfied grin. He loves knowing you're this desperate for him, only him, that his fingers hook under the band of your panties.
"Lift your hips for me." He commands and you obey. He pulls off your panties and hauls you to the ledge of his bed. With that, his fingers caress your wet slit, drawing out a low moan from you. "Fuck."
He has imagined that sound a thousand times over, but it's incomparable to the real thing. To know you're feeling this way because of him. He feels himself growing harder, straining against the thin fabric and begging to be inside of you.
But he wants to pleasure you first.
Rafe lowers himself and covers your clit with his mouth. He proceeds to suck, his fingers grazing your entrance before plunging a thick digit inside.
You tip your head against the mattress, reveling in the feel of his tongue against your swollen nub, the way he thrusts into you with a steady pace and the additive finger. Your legs drape over his shoulders, closing him in.
"Fuck, baby, you taste so sweet," Rafe mumbles against you, the vibration of his words stirring something inside of you. "I can't believe I haven't been tasting you every single fucking night."
You draw out with a breathy moan, feeling yourself clench at his words. "We have all the time now."
"I bet I can make you come on my face fast, though."
You don't get a chance to entertain the response before Rafe sucks harder, pumping inside of you with a determined speed that causes you to arch off the mattress and claw at his sheets.
"Shit," you whimper, squeezing your thighs together at the intense pleasure, forcing Rafe to use his free hand to push your legs apart. You feel your climax rapidly approaching. "Oh, god, oh, god."
You come on his face, as promised, and you slump back against the bed, catching your breath. Rafe removes his hand from your cunt, the emptiness causes a little whine.
"What?" He looks at you.
"Nothing," you mumble, "I just want you inside me."
He laughs. "God, you're needy," he teases, causing heat to rise to your cheeks. "Don't worry, baby, you'll get it soon."
He goes to his nightstand and pulls out a condom. Just as he's about to tear it open, he glances down at you, extending the small square. "Want to do it?"
You nod, pushing yourself upright and taking it from his hands. You rip it open, as Rafe removes his boxers, and his cock springs free, red and swollen with a bit of precum. You smile, glancing up at him with your doe eyes. "Is that because of me?"
"Shut up."
You giggle, rolling the latex over his length, taking your time to admire his size. He's big and perfect, the tip of his cock dripping with his precum that you almost wish you could take him inside your mouth instead. However, despite the recent orgasm, your body wants him inside.
"Lay back." He commands thickly. "Spread your legs."
You do as he says, throbbing from the control he has in the room. Rafe sinks his knees into his mattress, approaching you as he pushes your thighs apart and lines his tip against your entrance, causing your breath to shorten.
"Come on, wildflower, breathe with me."
You nod shakily, closing your eyes for a moment to inhale a calming breath before he plunges deep inside you, filling you to the hilt. A gasp escapes you, his girth stretching you out, but it soon fades into a pleasure unlike any others.
"God, you feel good," he mumbles, lowering himself to your mouth and capturing your lips into a hot kiss. Your hand drapes over his shoulders as he begins to thrust inside of you. "Too fucking good."
You feel perfect. All of this is too perfect. The way you press against him, your fingernails scraping his back, the way your pussy grips him with the ideal amount of pressure, and the way your lips sync with his as if you were made for him.
The air fills with your whimpers and mewls, increasing in volume with each thrusts that enters and leaves you, while Rafe is heaving in breathy grunts and moans. He pushes your legs back, forcing the new position to grant him deeper access into your sweet cunt.
He's hitting new spots you didn't know were possible. It's making your eyes roll to the back of your head, your cries coming out with desperate pleas, that he had to cover your mouth with his to swallow all the noises.
When you feel yourself reaching a familiar high, the buzz tingling between your legs, you grip his shoulders tight. Rafe feels your walls fluttering around him, and he quickened his pace, sweat breaking across his forehead.
Your breath is heavy, your heart is racing, and as you ascend into your peak, you moan out Rafe's name with such euphoric satisfaction, he comes with you, emptying into the condom.
When he finishes, he falls into the space next to you. His breathing is rough, trying to catch his own breath, that you can't help but turn your gaze to his, examining him under this new light.
Rafe catches you staring, the way your eyes lift to his hairline, and he reassures with a soft brush against your jaw. "It'll grow back, I promise."
"it's not that." You declare, dropping your gaze down to his face. You still can't believe the embarrassment you still feel by how attractive he is. "I like it."
"You do?"
"Why else would I hide from you?"
Rafe scoffs, shaking his head with a ghost of a smile on his lips. His hand drops to your waist, pulling you closer to him until you're skin-to-skin, your breasts pressing against his chest.
"You couldn't tell me the whole time?" He mumbles, kissing your nose. You giggle.
"If I did, we wouldn't be here having sex."
He takes a moment to consider your words, before finding some merit in them. "Fair." He declares, just as his eyes find yours again. This time, he can look at you, knowing you're his. "I guess next time I get a new haircut, I can propose, huh?"
Your heart drops. Your smile fades from surprise. "What?"
He laughs at your expression. "You think I'm letting you go after this? It's either us or nothing."
Maybe reality isn’t too bad. 
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hornime · 4 years
home workout | bokuto koutarou x gn!reader
“i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
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warnings: 18+, sub!bokuto, jealous!reader (i mean who wouldn’t be when bokuto, your goddamn boyfriend, is perceived by other people the fuck), also lowkey possessive!reader, lotsa licking and sucking, nipple play, some praise (from reader) and some begging, brief mention of dacryphilia, kinda soft at the end
w/c: 1.5k sheesh
a/n: bokuto brainrot has me in literal tears. him being completely clueless to people flirting w him cus he doesn’t recognize romance from anyone but you has me so soft. i luv this man w my whole heart !!!!! ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE ON THE BAKUGO FIC I JUST ABOUT SHIT MY PANTS WOOWWOWO
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you weren’t an idiot. you knew that your boyfriend was attractive in literally every aspect of the word. he was sweet, patient, and kind, and what he lacked in academic smarts was made up tenfold in his emotional maturity and ability to read people. big and beefy, bokuto was all yours and all you wanted to stay trapped within his arms forever. unfortunately, to maintain the figure you adored so much and stay in shape for the volleyball season, he had to leave the four walls of your shared bedroom far more than you liked, having a daily obligation to spend a few hours at the gym.
once again, you weren’t an idiot. the few times that your work schedule and his training schedule aligned, you’d been able to work out together. and despite your knowledge of just how good-looking bokuto was and the fact that other people could perceive him (much to your chagrin) you were shocked at just how much people shamelessly flirted with him. 
cute girls with matching leggings and sports bras practically clung to his biceps, gushing about how strong he was and how he could probably pick them up with just one hand. their incessant giggling, mesmerizing hair twirling, and teasing touches pissed you off to no end, and you’d tug your boyfriend away before their breasts got too close to him for your liking.
something else you noticed was that, no matter how blatantly obvious the girls seemed to be, the guys were somehow worse, flirting through terms you couldn’t even understand. they compared deadlift weights, bicep curls, hip thrusts; you gritted your teeth thinking about whether they’d ever compared cock sizes in the locker room—you wouldn’t put it past those thirsty gym rats. sneaky bastards.
and bokuto, of course, was oblivious to it all. how could you blame him—he was so used to being adored! you knew that, to him, all of their praises paled in comparison to yours, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous. he was all yours—should be all yours—and you hated sharing him with the world.
you woke up saturday morning with a ringing in your ears, hand smacking the nightstand trying to turn off that god-awful alarm noise, bleary eyes barely able to focus on the text notification from your boyfriend.
[5:33 AM] kou: gm babe!!!! i didnt wanna wake u up cus u looked so peaceful! im heading to the gym rn. text me when ur up! love uu
[5:34 AM] kou: should be home around 9!! gym bud wants to show me something so i might be a little late for breakfast.
just to reiterate, you weren’t an idiot. for all the annoying flirting you noticed when you were with bokuto, there was no doubt in your mind that there must be a lot more when he was at the gym alone, which, unluckily for you, was most of the time since he was a freakin’ pro athlete and all.
you couldn’t prevent the pool of envy from swirling in your gut. gym bud? are you serious? who could that be? the girl with the arm tat or the dude with the dreads? no, maybe its that yoga instructor with the ass—
you shook your head, clearing your brain. you’d be here for hours if you went through everyone at that stupid gym that had ever shown interest in bokuto. the clock read 9:53 AM and the green flame in your body only burned brighter. just as you were about to call him and ask where he was, the front door slammed open.
“babe! i’m home!”
you silently put your phone down, teeth still clenching in jealousy. for some reason, hearing his voice only exacerbated the tension in your shoulders. you needed him. now.
“babe?” his voice creeped closer as he tread through the hallway towards the room. “you up?”
you peeked your head out of the doorframe, cheery voice masking your devilish intentions, “kou!"
his eyes brightened as he made eye contact with you and flashed his trademark smile. “hey! what’s u-” he took in the mischievous glint in your eyes “-p?”
you grabbed his burly forearm, yanking him behind you and walking towards him, forcing him to stumble and fall back on the bed. “wait! i’m all gross and sweaty,” he said, “gym showers were broke-”
“i don’t care. take off your shirt.”
“wow, someone’s eager. missed me that much?”
“watch it,” you glared. “i’m not in the mood, kou.”
he gulped at the dominance radiating from your voice, scrambling to take off the t-shirt that stretched between his pecs perfectly. with the fabric off and throw haphazardly to the side, he looked to you expectantly, the epitome of innocence.
your eyes wandered over his sculpted chest, the remnants of a soft sheen of sweat from his workout making it shine in the sunlight pouring through the blinds. your heart stuttered in your chest—he looked like an angel. coupled with the way with his bottom lip was tucked under his front teeth and the wide, anticipating look in his eyes, fuck. you almost smiled how blessed you felt in that moment, to see him in such a raw, alluring position, before a jarring thought caused your lips to twitch back into a frown.
everyone else can see him, too.
your eyes hardened. maybe they can see him all big and strong, you thought, but they’ll never get to see him like this: submissive.
and so fucking sensitive.
within an instant, your lips were latched on the soft spot above his collarbone, causing him to whimper in pleasure. you continued to travel along his throat, slowly working your way to the other side of his neck and crossing back to nibble at his adam’s apple.
you unexpectedly pulled away, drawing a short whine from him, before repositioning yourself so that you were straddling his outstretched legs. slowly, starting from the hem of his shorts, you dragged your tongue between the ridges of his abs, moving up towards his pecs, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and feeling the muscles tense underneath.
“fuck,” he groaned. as your lips puckered around one of his peaked nipples, he uncontrollably jerked his hips up, inadvertently rubbing his sensitive cock between your legs. overwhelmed by the sensation, he moaned. “fuck.”
“you taste good,” you muttered, grazing your teeth over his other nipple. “just wanna taste you all the time. you’d let me, right?”
thoughts muddled by just how good everything felt, he nodded mindlessly. “i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
you paused. raising your head from his chest, you made eye contact with him, so intense he almost closed his eyes to shield himself from the blaze burning in your dilated pupils. “why’d you stop,” he begged, “i want more. feels so good and i wan’ mor-”
“say it again,” you demanded. “tell me that you’re mine.”
his eyes, glossed over and prickled with tears precariously close to falling, squeezed tightly as he spoke, unable to control the growing volume of his voice. “’m all yours. always. all yo- yours.” he gasped as you resumed your movements, pinching the sensitive skin around his v-line while fervently leaving sloppy kisses on his chest. 
“good boy.”
he keened at your praise. another light touch to his cock combined with the passage of your mouth had him trembling, and his breath hitched as he cried out in warning, tears now flowing freely over his flushed cheeks. “m’ gonna cum, ‘m gonna, gonna cum.”
“yeah?” you whispered, lips brushing against his strained abs. “go ahead then.”
“fuck!” he whined, blabbering as you sat back and watched in awe of the beauty before you, a big strong man like him reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess. “fuck, fuck—you always make me feel so, s-so go-od, fuck i love you.”
with soaked shorts and an exhausted sigh, he dropped his head back onto the plush comforter of the bed. you flattened your palms on his quivering body, reeling from the aftershocks of his orgasm. he panted, running his fingers through your hair before nudging your face to look at him, staring at you with an expression of pure bliss and adoration. he studied you for a bit before declaring with a soft smile, “you’re the best. so fuckin’ happy that i’m yours.”
driven by affection, he sat up and reached his arms around your waist, snuggling his chin over your shoulder and mashing your chests, yours clothed and his naked, together. “kou wait!” you shrieked. “you’re all sweaty again! it’s gross!”
he chuckled. as if you hadn’t been spoiling him by licking it up just a few minutes ago. “you’re right. i‘m probably sweating more now than i was after my workout.”
at that, your ears perked up. “well maybe you should do home workouts more often then,” you teased.
“you’re right,” he repeated with a grin, “maybe i should.” if it meant more mornings like these, he’d forego the gym in a heartbeat. 
that night, he canceled his gym membership. after all, he reasoned, it’s offseason anyway.
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Soonyoung is always incredibly soft with any affection that he gives you, he loves to have his arms around you, whether it’s your waist, neck, or shoulders, he’ll take whatever he can get when it comes to being close to you.
You were instantly drawn the charming smile he had when the two of you first went to the same coffee store. He caught your eye in the queue, and you could only manage a smile back at him before the waitress called you forwards and took your order, aware that Soonyoung’s eyes were firmly watching you.
The two of you coincidentally kept bumping into each other at the store most mornings, almost as if it was fate. You never said a word to each other until one time you went to give your order only to be told it was already sorted. Soonyoung had learnt your order off by heart and paid for your coffee when he saw you walking into the store on the promise that you’d let him take you out for dinner whenever you had the time.
You’re both fond of adventuring on your dates and exploring plenty of new places. Soonyoung will drive you around for hours to find hotspots for dates and quiet places. Sometimes just driving around is enough for the two of you, especially at night. You’ll stop by a drive-thru and order yourselves from food, turn the speakers up high in the car and just go in whichever direction you decide, making the most of the peace and quiet from it all and also the time that you get to spend with each other and just be able to talk.
Soonyoung had zero dating experience before he met you, and so he relied on those around him to give him a lot of tips when it first came to impressing you. You could tell that he was nervous when your relationship first began, he often mumbled apologies out of fear that he was doing something wrong or had perhaps missed a trick. It took a lot of reassurance from you to allow him to settle and trust that what he was doing was alright, but as he learned more about dating, he definitely began to settle in your relationship more too.
If there’s ever something that has upset you or angered you, Soonyoung is always very understanding and willing to help to make a change. He’s not someone who gets upset if you find yourself wanting to argue, he’s the first to admit that he’s not perfect, and if he can do something to make your life easier, then he’ll definitely do it. Similarly, with you, if something frustrates him about you, he’ll understand that the two of you are different people and at sometimes differences can appear, it’s just about working through it and moving forwards. It takes a lot to argue with him, or at least try and create a disagreement between you both.
Finding the time in Soonyoung’s busy schedule is hard to be able to meet his family, but whenever he has the chance, he’ll take you to visit his family. They’ve heard enough about you from Soonyoung to know that they’ll love you but meeting you in person far exceeds all of their expectations for the person that you are.
He often spends more time at the studio then his home anyway, so Soonyoung won’t be too fussed wherever he settles. If it’s easier for him to head back to the dorm at night, then he will, or if yours is better, he’ll arrive there. Soonyoung is in no rush to find a place together, which you’re understanding of when he’s so busy.
When he came home from tour and reunited with you, Soonyoung couldn’t help but tell you that he loved you. He never imagined that he’d struggle as much as he did with not being able to see you, but as he thought about it, the emotions that he felt of not being able to be around you added up to one answer, that he loved you.
Soonyoung is someone who is full of confidence, so he’ll pit himself against any other guy quite happily and know that you’d pick him, therefore he doesn’t tend to get jealous too often. He also appreciates that you have other people in your life who aren’t him, and so if you want to spend your time with someone else, then he’ll understand that and won’t allow himself to get jealous. Although he can’t hide the fact that he’ll be relieved when you get home to him, and answer all of his questions about how your day was.
The two of you talked about your future from time to time, finding it important to see if you were on the same trajectories. Soonyoung loved to tell you all about how he hoped to be able to teach his children dancing in the future, having kids was a huge deal to him, but having children that would hopefully follow in his footsteps was a thought that made him very happy, and very excited for a future with you too.
There is never a bad day whenever you’re in Soonyoung’s company, he’s one of the main members who can help to create a light and happy atmosphere. He also hates whenever you’ve had a bad day and come home sad, he always works hard to pick up anyone when they’re feeling down, but especially you. He’ll work tirelessly to try and make you smile again, no matter how long it takes or how down you’re feeling. He cares a lot about making sure that you live a happy life with him, and will put all his efforts into making you laugh, cracking joke after joke and forever making cheeky remarks that will make you grin.
The true sign that the other members need to know that Soonyoung is missing you is when his own mood drops, and he becomes quiet. He’s always the one to pick the others up, so they’ll be the first ones there to pick him up whenever he needs it too. He’ll force a smile onto his face whenever he calls you, because he knows that you miss him. and he doesn’t want to make things worse for you. Not having him around to brighten the mood will be hard on all of the boys, they rely on him too, so they’ll try desperately to pick him up, not just for his own sake, but for keeping the moral of the rest of the group high as well.
You often end up calling Soonyoung, ‘energiser,’ because he just never stops. If he’s not dancing or singing, he’s talking or running around the place looking after you, he never seems to take a moment to breathe.  
He’s obsessed with your smile and making sure that you’re happy. Just the thought of you being down is heart breaking for him, so he’ll do whatever he can to make you smile.
P ⇴ PDA 
Soonyoung is confident in your relationship, so he definitely doesn’t mind about being affectionate with you in public. Whilst he doesn’t do anything to draw attention to the two of you, the way he holds you in public sends a clear message to those watching you both that he’s in love with you and a very happy guy too.
Whenever he comes up with a new routine or sequence, Soonyoung will often ask you about it and see what you think. Your opinion means a lot to him, and so any steps that get approval from you instantly go towards the group too.
His phone album is full of random photos of you that he’s taken over the years. Quite a few of them are unflattering and taken from the worst angles, but those ones are also Soonyoung’s favourites because even though you’re at your worst, he still loves the way you look. Every single photo goes a long way to helping him when he’s on tour and picking his mood up whenever he’s missing you, bringing a smile back to his face.
S ⇴ SEX 
Soonyoung has a lot of energy when it comes to getting intimate with you, he never tires, and never complains either. He’s always very physical around you, he loves to keep you nice and close and guide you into positions that he loves to get you in. There’s never too much distance between the two of you, and if you start to tire, then Soonyoung will encourage you to relax and let him do all the work to make you feel good.
If he’s not able to see you throughout the day, then he’ll often send you videos of the things that he’s getting up to so you can still feel as if you’re there with him and take note of the places he’s visits for your future date nights too.
Your support is by far the thing that means the most to Soonyoung, knowing that he has someone who is permanently backing him and pushing him to achieve his dreams is the boost he needs to make sure that he keeps going.
Going on holiday is a treat for you both regardless of where you are in the world. The two of you will often decide on a place, and if you can’t, you’ll take a globe and drop a pin in it, wherever it lands, the two of you go. As long as you’re adventuring then you’re both happy no matter where you are in the world.
Soonyoung tends to lean towards liking your attention, and whilst he can deal without it for a while, if you leave it too long, he’ll let you know about it.
Kisses from Soonyoung are always soft and sweet, whenever he has you in his hold it becomes an instinct for him to press a kiss against your cheek or against the side of your head. For him, your kisses are another form of support, almost as if you’re sealing your approval that he’s doing well and reminding him that you’re right there with him. They’re incredibly comforting and reassuring for him to know that you’re there.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You’re his number one fan, always his cheerleader on the side-lines supporting him.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
He loves to be close to you at night, it’s comforting for him to be able to feel the quiet sounds of your breath and the feeling of you wriggling beside him as you try to get comfortable, settling eventually in his arms.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hi! I really love ur writing and if u still do requests, can you make a scenario where the reader is an artist and asks kuroo, akaashi and tendou to pose for them (maybe naked hueh uee) thank you so much! ❤❤❤❤❤
c u t e- I used the aspect of paint in a lot of them tehe hope you guys don’t mind <3, the endings to these btw? Kinda hot ngl 
Plus these are kinda long to make up for me being gone for a bit aha 
Asking Them To Pose For Your Drawing w/ Kuroo, Akaashi, and Tendou 
warning(s): slight nsfw themes
“Knock knock!” 
“Um, hi Kuroo-senpai?” You say it like a question, startled from washing your paint brushes as you quirk an eyebrow at the feral captain leaning against the doorframe, jacket slung over his shoulder with a casual feel to his actions. You cock your head as he whistles, situating himself with the stool before finally meeting your eyes with a grin. 
“Yeah, so Kenma couldn’t make it.” 
“Could he not make it or did you steal this from him?” You sweat drop, a knowing grin tickling your lips as you make small-talk with your friend, hearing the feigned gasp of shock in your ears as you mildly meet his eyes. 
“I’m offended-” 
“Kuroo-senpai, you said no when I asked.” You hum, looking around for your apron before glancing back at him. “Sudden change of heart?” 
“I didn’t say no, I asked what was in it for me.” The captain protests as you resist the urge to palm your face, crossing your arms as you stand in front of your easel. 
“Nothing. Other then helping me with my piece, nothing.” You sigh, tying your hair back while narrowing your eyes. “So will you please tell Kenma I didn’t cancel? He’s willing.” 
“Oho kitten, I wouldn’t say nothing. I get to stare into your pretty eyes while you get to stare right back? That’s something.” Kuroo replies easily, jacket falling to a heap next to the stool as you will your eyes not to follow the clothing. 
“...right.” You roll your eyes at the captain’s flirtatious nature, still a little glad you were able to get your first-choice pick in the first place despite the slight hassle it took. 
“Don’t trip over yourself in excitement-” 
“Aaaand we’re starting.” You step behind the easel, beginning to situate your paints. You go to look around the easel when you’re done, eyes becoming owlish at the sight of Kuroo in the process of pulling his school pants off. At your shriek, Kuroo stops mid-way before lifting his head, a lazy smirk crossing his face before he tilts his head, 
“What are you doing?!” 
“This...this is a nude kinda thing, right?” 
You stare at him blankly before turning around abruptly, trying to keep your head straight before sighing heavily with a hand on your forehead, cursing the heat beneath your skin. How did you end up here?
“Just...I’ll give you three seconds to get all your clothes back on.” 
“All of them?” Kuroo’s voice is whiny as you grow more agitated.
“Yes.” You snap, biting the end of your thumb, feeling an unsteady beat in your chest. The sex appeal of Kuroo Tetsurou was insanely high, and most of it came from his actions- not to mention your little crush on him that had been tame for the most part, unexpected situations like these causing said crush to grow immensely. 
Still, you didn’t think he could be that bold. 
“Sir, that is not all your clothes-” 
“I’m sweaty though.” Kuroo shrugs, winking once before taking a swig of a water bottle, and you’re left dumbfounded before he stops mid-drink, a grin tickling his lips. “Are you gonna keep staring at me or get started? Or should I pour this water on-” 
“I-I’ll get started.” You huff, picking up your first art utensil to begin drawing, instructing him on how to pose. Surprisingly, you get past your embarrassment easily, your face falling to a relaxed nature with a slight furrow to your brows. 
Kuroo couldn’t help but admire the way your hair fell into your face out of it’s knot, a paint-stained hand coming up to brush some of it out of the way while smearing some on your face in the process. He liked messy. 
And that’s just what you were right now, messy and doused in color. 
You gave special attention to the sharp look to his eyes, spending more time than you thought you would after a few looks. When you go to look again, you blink in confusion to see he was no longer in his seat. Before your irritation could grow at his lack of following directions-
“That is some talent.” 
You yelp, spinning around in your seat to face the dark-haired boy who reached an arm out to steady your piece, looking down at you with a lazy grin as he saves your portrait of him, his bare chest pressing to your back while one of his muscular arms remains outreached to your side. Trapped, but not really trapped as his hazel eyes seems to pin you there, your breath hitching in your throat. 
His hands go to smudge at the paint on your face, frowning as you flinch away in embarrassment, tone falling to a serious one. 
“Tell me if I’m crazy, sweetheart, but do you like me the way I do, or am I just batshit insane?” 
At your stutter, the heat that flames your cheeks, and the rattling of the paintbrush as it hits the floor- 
Kuroo grins, cupping your face with a paint-stained hand before closing the distance, one of your hands resting on his chest as you kiss him back shyly. He lets go of the easel to cup your face with both hands to deepen the kiss, grinning when he feels you smile into it while the colors smudge your heated skin- 
the brush rattling to a stop as you pull back, sighing at the feel of Kuroo untying your apron. 
“Need help?” 
Your hands still from behind you to lift your head, smile crossing your face as the setter examines the art room, blue-eyes falling onto yours with a small greeting one of his own. His eyes fall to your hands in the midst of tying your apron as you laugh, spinning around. 
“Be my guest. Thanks so much for doing this, Keiji.” 
“I owe you, Y/N. Ever since high school started you’ve been the only one to keep Bokuto-san on his feet at games.” 
“A kiss on the cheek always gets Bo going.” You giggle, not noticing the ways Akaashi’s hands had stilled for a second before going again. “He’s like a kid, you know?” 
“Such a great kid. Wow.” Enthusiasm drains from his tone as you laugh.
“Keiji.” You begin to scold, only to feel the tightening of your strings as Akaashi hums, spinning you around by the shoulders as his blue eyes seem to keep you in place for a second, taking in your features with your hair pulled back. 
You chuckle nervously. “What?” 
Akaashi hesitates, sighing before letting you go and looking off to the side. “Is this where you want me?” 
“Akaashi, it might take a little bit-” 
“...Keiji.” You correct yourself, smiling at the way the furrow between the setter’s brows disappeared. Standing before him, you adjust the way you want him to pose, tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth as you did so. You grin when you achieve what you want, sitting in front of your easel while picking up your ink. 
“You ready? I need you to stay that way for awhile.” 
He nods, doing as he’s told as you immerse yourself in your work, ten minutes later that immersed expression becoming one of irritation as the setter takes his chance to speak. 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Clothes are a bit hard for me...don’t worry about it though- Keiji what on earth are you doing?” 
You blink, bewildered as the setter’s shirt gets flung to the side- your eyes following the material as Akaashi settles back into the pose as if nothing had happened, tilting his head at the pink that floods your cheeks. He hides his smirk with his hand at your flushed expression. 
“Better? That should be a bit easier, right?” 
“Keiji- to put it nicely, what the fuck-” 
“Shush.” Akaashi rolls his eyes playfully at your words as you try to keep your thoughts level, the look of Akaashi’s toned arms and chest complimenting his v-line perfectly. He was the perfect model. 
A perfect model you had to hide hidden feelings for with the sake of your friendship in mind. 
“Don’t call me a pervert.” You warn, voice uneasy before going back to your painting as Akaashi’s smirk only grows. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
The heat from your cheeks fades as time passes on, the portrait coming out quite nicely with only the minor details to fill in that can be done without the model. You give him a thumbs up after about an hour, the outline finally done and ready for color as you set your ink down. 
“Finally done.” You stretch, Akaashi falling to a more relaxed position with a short exhale, causing you to frown before pulling an icy water bottle from the fridge nearby. He looks up when you press it against his cheek, meeting his tired stare with a warm one. 
“Thanks for doing this, Keiji.” A tinge at your chest. “You’re a really good friend.” 
Akaashi stills at that word, not being able to stop the downward tug at his lips as you untie your apron before beginning to turn around so your back is to him. 
“Want to get some food? My treat-” 
Toned arms reach out before he realizes it, wrapping gently around your waist to hug you to him, a surprised sound slipping your lips as the setter’s lips speak against the small of your back. 
“Akaashi?” He whispers softly, and you shiver at the feel of it before biting your lip. You never would have imagined this situation would fall in your favor. 
“Keiji, what-?” 
“Remember when you asked me to stay like that for awhile?” He murmurs, holding you a little tighter as the messy-haired boy feels a surge of confidence at your nervous tremble. “Let me do the same.” 
You stop trembling, letting out a breath you knew you were holding before turning around, your hands resting on Akaashi’s shoulders as he looks up at you the way he always looked at you. 
With love. 
“How long?” You ask softly, the side of Akaashi’s lips quirking up ever so slightly as his arms drape around your waist naturally. 
“Since the start of our first high school year.” 
You smile, Akaashi easily pulling you into his lap as you tense up at the movement, heat flooding your cheeks yet again as Akaashi clasps his hands under the small of your back, blue-green eyes taking in your ink-stained features. He listens patiently for your response, and your voice is quieter than ever as one of your fingers trace his chiseled jaw, ink on your fingers leaving a small trail.
His chest was hot as your lips hover over his. 
“Then I guess it’s a good thing I don’t want to be friends anymore, is it?” 
“Then what do you want to be?” Akaashi’s voice is dazed as you smile, hands resting on his bare chest. 
“Best friends.” 
Akaashi rolls his eyes, putting a hand on the back of your hair to kiss you with a fervor unkown as the ink on your fingers leave marks on his bare skin as he speaks against your lips. 
“Best friends don’t do this.”
As his hand gently tugs your hair out of it’s knot, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his shirt remains forgotten against the wall. 
“Tendou, you’re late.” You sigh, looking up from adjusting your easel as the redhead pouts, coming over to help you adjust it. Tendou slips both of his hands into his hoodie pockets, frowning when he sees that you were still wearing your school uniform. 
“Hon, you’ve got paint stains already on your uniform.” 
“Don’t hon me, Satori.” You retort, mixing some colors on a pallete before narrowing your eyes at your best friend who replies with an easy grin before you look down again. “The art club sent the aprons to get washed, but I need to get this piece done-” 
“Boo you pulled out my real name.” 
Tendou ignores your shocked look when he snatches the pallete from you, holding it up arms reach before draping his hoodie across your face. You take the hooded material off with a glare, the redhead smirking in his shirtless glory back down at you. 
“Wear it. I don’t like it anyways.” 
“How kind, considering you probably stole it from Semi-” 
“Details, details!” Tendou waves it off as you shrug the material on, the scent of Tendou filling your nose as he hums, helping you tie your hair back for you in a way that was almost sweet-
“Tendou, you know you’re ass at doing my hair.” 
“You act like guys are supposed to know how, missy.” 
“Good thing you’re not a guy to me, mister.” You reply, lying as if you weren’t completely and helplessly in love with your best friend. Tendou’s hands freeze up before he pulls your hair through the final loop, clearing his throat before crossing his arms to face you seriously. 
“My body is ready.” 
“Just go sit down!” You push him, Tendou’s cackling filling the air as you roll your eyes, still smiling widely at his antics that interrupted the awkward silence. Settling down in front of your easel, you face palm at Tendou’s stupid-ass pose as he looks at you as if he had just won a prize. 
“Like this?” 
“Satori, I will walk out this door-” 
“You must be real fun at parties.” 
“It’s hard to be fun at parties when you’re the fun one at parties, so I have to be the responsible one.”
You shake your head, actually beginning the drawing and getting really far, despite Tendou’s annoying tendencies. 
“You starin’ at my abs? Should I feel harassed or complimented?” 
“Y/N...is that...a blush I see?! Because of lil old me?” 
“Y/N...Y/N I bet you’re feeling a tickle on your cheek.” 
“Y/N, you’re hot when you draw-” 
“Satori!” You groan, an hour of Tendou’s shiteating comments finally coming to a stop as you turn the portrait on him, tired look in your eyes from both him and the concentration as a proud grin crosses your lips. 
“I did it.” 
Tendou blinks at how well-drawn the portrait was, swallowing back his compliments. Was he really that...attractive? 
“...Bout time, I’m hungry.” 
“At least say something!” You swat at his bare arm, Tendou laughing chaotically as you groan and walk over to the sink, pouting over-dramatically as Tendou sighs in response. 
“Sunshine, don’t do this.” 
“Tendou I spent an hour drawing your ugly ass-” 
“Ugly ass? My ass? Ugly? Excuse me-” 
“-at least be grateful.” You finish with a huff, and Tendou stalls when you pull his hoodie sleeves up. The hoodie had been rightfully his in the first place, and the sight of you tugging the sleeves up to wash your hands had the redhead wetting his lips at the sight. The hem of his hoodie draped around the upper portion of your thighs, just covering your school skirt that gave the illusion of his hoodie being the only thing you were wearing. 
And that was all it took. 
“What do you want to eat, you jerk-” 
You’re cut off at the feel of Tendou’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind, the redhead digging his face into the juncture between your shoulder and neck with a sigh. His bare back presses against your clothed back as your chest begins to pound. 
“Satori.” Your voice comes out as a whisper as Tendou’s mumbles into your skin. 
“Do you really not see me as a guy?” 
You freeze. 
“What would it take, huh?” 
His hold tightens. 
“Can I make you fall for me the way you made me?” 
The seriousness of his tone had you turning gently in his hold, your thumb swiping over the redhead’s cheek as you eye him, fragility in your eyes. 
“Are you being serious right now, Satori?” 
“Depending on your answer, yes and no.” 
You roll your eyes, smiling as Tendou pulls you in closer by tightening his hold, your noses brushing as your voice falls to a hush. 
“You don’t need to make me fall.” Your voice falls to a hush as you smile, kissing the tip of his nose softly. 
“Because you already did.” 
And then you were placed on the counter, Tendou stepping between your legs heatedly to cup your face with one hand, his other one gripping your waist tightly as his lips capture yours. His touch was fierce and hungry, lips moving against yours like a man starved as you merely whimpered into his mouth. 
He pulls at the material of the hoodie, whispering almost angrily against your lips as his hand slides up your bare thigh.
“As much as you look all cute in my hoodie hon, let’s get it off.” 
General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @theworldupthere @itz-tooru @orangegiraffe7 @let-me-have-my-own-name
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tatestripedsweater · 3 years
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Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet
Stranger Things Taglist: @tatesimper
Warnings: Mentions of Drugs (Cannabis), Mentions of Abuse from his father
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you were another pointless one night stand then I think he wouldn’t really care for cuddling you, maybe offers your a cigarette afterwards. But if you were in a relationship then Billy would be more affectionate, stroking your back as you lay on his chest. Often asking if you’re okay and making sure he didn’t hurt you, no matter what he always smiles after sex. Always.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Like a typical guy, his favourite part about himself is his dick. Or his arms/abs, he’s worked hard to get his body where it is so he liked to show it off at any chance he gets.
Billy’s favourite part of his partners is their ass, he’s such an ass man and he’s always squeezing and pinching it. Not even caring if the both of you are in public, it’s almost to show everyone else your taken.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
As much as a fuck boy he is the boy is smart and never leaves anywhere without a condom. Billy always carries more than one in the pocket of his wallet, he rarely cums inside of anyone just incase or pregnancy (if you’re able to get pregnant) or STD’s. Billy wouldn’t mind coating his lover in his cum though, cumming all over their chest or breasts (if you have them). Also would adore to cum on your ass, he sees it as him marking his territory.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He steals your underwear, keeps them in his pocket and laughs to himself when you go on about not being able to find them. Billy is secretly an underwear sniffer and you can’t tell me otherwise on the matter.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s very experienced in the bedroom department, he knows how to get you to your orgasm and won’t stop until you’ve came at least twice before he fucks you. Billy enjoys sex very much as it allows him to get his pent up anger out without doing any serious damage.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
On all fours because he likes to grip your ass while he fucks you, but Billy wouldn’t be opposed to you riding him. But just because you’re on top doesn’t mean that you’re in control.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He isn’t really goofy/humorous during sex, but if something happens like a funny noise/ugly orgasm face then you two would most likely giggle about that. But otherwise he’s rather serious as he wants to bring you the most pleasure he can, not make you laugh.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Have you seen this boys hair? He doesn’t manscape, maybe trims what he has below the belt to keep it under control, but he never goes bald. Billy wants to feel and look like a man so he never shaves everything off.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Like I said before it depends on if you’re a one night stand or if you two are in a relationship, he’s romantic for the right person, rarely shows his vulnerable side to just anyone.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Billy masturbates any chance he can get if he’s single or by himself, he often uses porn magazines or rents a porn VHS video to watch while he pleasures himself. If Billy is with someone, just picturing them or having a photo of his lover near us enough to help him jerk off.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Goodness where do we start? He’s got a few kinks: Public Sex, Degradation, It’s not a kink but he likes when his hair is being pulled, a slight daddy kink but would rather his partner scream his name, Masturbating with his partner as they watch porn together.. the list goes on.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The Pool, Showers, His Car, Your House, The Woods... although that last one is questionable to say the least.
Anywhere that isn’t at his own house so he doesn’t have to face his abusive father.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Boy doesn’t need much motivation, all his lover has to do is bend down and he’s ready to go anywhere anytime. But the one thing that does send blood rushing to his cock, is when he sees you sucking on a lolly. His mind goes straight to the gutter.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with bodily fluids would be a big no for him (unless it was spit or cum), Billy also would like to slap you on the face. It didn’t matter if you were into that or you asked him too, Billy wouldn’t due to the abuse his father displayed towards him. He wouldn’t want to hurt you like that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Billy loves blowjobs, he would often ask for head when he’s driving for the ‘thrill’. Gripping your hair and bobbing your head until he’s practically hitting the back off your throat, but he also loves giving him oral. He could spend hours between your legs just taking in how you taste, wanting more and more until your begging him to stop. He also likes it when you sit on his face, having you grind against his tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the type of sex and who he’s with, he’s sometimes slow and sensual but nine times out of ten you’re getting your ass spanked with him pounding his cock inside you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s up for quickies if the two of you are between jobs, Billy fucking you in the changing rooms while he’s on a break. It he prefers proper sex where he can take his time with your body, taste and feel you completely.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Billy loves public sex so risking getting caught by someone turns him on a lot, he loves making you moan loudly to see if anyone hears him fucking you. He’s willing to try some things once, if he doesn’t like it then you two don’t do it again but if he likes it.. boy you’re in for one hell of a night.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go around 2/3 rounds due to him working out a lot, his stamina is pretty good. Billy won’t cum unless you do (unless he’s punishing you then he cums and deprives you until you’re begging). Billy can hold back from cumming for a while, but the first time you two had sex he nearly came almost instantly which is something you won’t let go.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Billy isn’t one for toys as he enjoys to pleasure you with his tongue/fingers and cock. He wouldn’t say no to a vibrator or a cock ring if you really wanted to try but he draws the line at a dildo. The only cock he wants inside you is his own.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is his middle name. Billy adores having you right on the edge of an orgasm before pulling away completely, he likes to hear you whine and beg to cum. He doesn’t like to be teased but he loves teasing his lover, if you ever tried to tease him he’d have you pinned down almost instantly.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Billy can get pretty loud when he wants too but he mostly moans against your skin to muffle it (he’s somewhat embarrassed by the noises he makes). Sometimes he grunts but he’s mostly a growler and moans loudly when he cums.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
High sex. There’s no way this boy doesn’t do weed, with the effect of the cannabis in both of your systems and the emotions of feeling horny would be the best sex you could ask for. Billy would most likely order pizza afterwards.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I’d say he’s a decent size, nothing too overwhelming where you’re scared it wouldn’t fit. 7.5 inches, but he has more of a girth than anything. Also not to go into too much detail but he also has big balls, they’re often slapping against you when he fucks you which only adds to the pleasure.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Through the fucking roof, very very high. There isn’t a day that goes by that the two of you haven’t had sex, and if there is for whatever reason, he’s the type of guy to complain about ‘blue balls.’
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After he’s had his cigarette after sex, Billy usually doesn’t fall asleep very quickly; it depends how rough/rampant the sex was. He usually showers first but if it was tiring then the boy would fall asleep after he’s smoked.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
hey, i was wondering if i could hv headcanons with how to fight characters? maybe when their crush's parents scold them for getting bad score at school, like that time at the end of the semester. pls do it with seong taehoon and jiyeon woo. thank you! 🥺
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The first thing he’s gonna do honestly is tell u to fight ur parents. U tell him about how u got a bad score and how it’s the end of the semester and the test/ur overall grade was important and he’s so used to living life the way HE wants he tells u to just. Fight them
And you’re first thought 2 say is idk how to fight? Bc what he said is just so sudden and kinda preposterous and ur upset and he’s like okay, I’ll teach u then and ur like I’m not fighting my parents 😭 and he goes okay then I’LL do it
And u have to rlly reiterate like” NOBODY is fighting my parents” first and foremost and after that he kind of just goes silent because he has no idea how to help you or what to do and u have knocked every idea he’s offered out of the park
Truthfully I don’t think he cares about grades too much for himself and this extends to you too. He doesn’t get why you’re so concerned, and his dad (I’m pretty sure form what we’ve seen so far) is really nice and laidback so it’s not like he’s ever being reprimanded so he’s also partfully angry at your parents bc they made u upset
Like rlly angry LMAO and as ur ranting to him ab how they yelled at u for bad grades he’s just like one day… one day he’s gna fight them 😐 he doesn’t make exceptions. He might tell u to tell them to watch out LMAO but he says it so dead seriously and u laugh but wonder if he’s even joking ?
He’s like okay well have u considered: running away
And u quickly dismiss that idea too bc u have nowhere to go and it’s literally just them scolding u ur like it’s not THAT srs... I’m just upset and he’s like u have a place to sta... nvm he’s not gonna b sweet if it’s not like absolutely necessary LOL
Bc of his lack of understanding or just overall interest in this kind of stuff, he just listens to u bc his advice clearly wasn’t cutting it for u.
He asks to see the grade and u hand him the test or the grade folder and it if ur grades weren’t even that bad, he’s gonna get frustrated w you and be like u have gotta b kidding me this is what ur stressed about 😐 what ur parents yelled at u for?? And he smacks u on the side of ur head and is like please tell me ur joking these are good. Anything above a C in his eyes is still really good
If ur grades were a D, he’s like neutral like okay yeah it was kinda bad but not the worst, don’t stress about it I’ve gotten tons of D’s.
And if it was an F he’s like oh okay yeah it was pretty bad like I get it. But this would just make things worse and ur like ur right I did so baaad and he’s like nonono oh no it’s not like that and he like stiffens and goes quiet when u get misty eyed I guess and wonders once again why this is so serious to you?? Who cares about grades?
He probably gets mad ur letting other ppl control ur life. We’ve seen that he hates other ppl living their lives for others or by others rules and he’s kinda frustrated at you and wishes he could just take over u for a day or something and tell ur parents off and ur talking about it and he’s narrowing his eyes at you but ur clearly upset so he’s not gonna yell at u rn. When u feel better ab this he probably will tell you to stop living by others standards but for now he’s kinda lost
He tries to convince u to rise up against ur parents and is like “are u gonna keep letting people in ur life control u?!” And it’s like a motivational pep talk and ur like “no!” And he’s like “are you gonna let THEM yell at you and hurt YOUR feelings?! Cause I sure as hell am not!” And ur getting more energetic and r like “me neither!” And he’s like “are you gonna let ur own PARENTS talk to YOU like that?!” And u go “no!!” Nd he’s like “we r sick of it!!” And u go “ya we r 😭” and then he thinks ur on board so he’s like good!! Let’s go beat ur parents
And ur like “what” and he realizes u weren’t on the same page the entire time so he eventually bedgrudginly will lie that idea go
And he tells you this, like he says it won’t matter in seven years, right?? So why does it matter? Pls cheer up and be doesnt outright say this but he’s like “don’t worry ur pretty little head about it” or something to cheer u up
If it works and he successfully consoles u he is rlly happy and doesn’t show it but he’ll shove his hands in his pockets and go “see?? I told you. I’m good at this advice thing.”
If it doesn’t, he’ll try to take ur mind off it and he probably just shows u his spinning back kick or something LMAO or take u to the dojo so u can either do stuff w him or just watch
But if u tell him what ur upset about isn’t grades but ur parents, he’ll listen to u tell him what they told u if it was mean or strict and if it’s rlly bad his eyes will go bloodshot and he’ll roll up his sleeves and be like okay let me at them then
Literally don’t even JOKE ab him beating up ur parents he will do it 😭😭 and worse thing is he’ll WIN. Don’t even be like “yeah I wish u would beat them up for me” bc he doesn’t draw the line between u joking and him actually doing it probably. Even if he knows ur joking, which he will bc he’s not dense he’ll use it against u and be like u have me permission and suddenly ur the instigator
He listens to u rant about them if u just want a listener and he can probably tell by ur body language… like If ur clearly wanting advice, he’ll offer u the best he can and will tell you to stick up for yourself or, if you’re really upset he’ll even consider talking to them for u. No fists to his chagrin but he’ll advocate for u and he won’t plan beforehand at all he’ll just say “I think u need 2 be nicer to ur child.” And will be like “this shit doesn’t even matter anyways” and will rip the test paper in front of them so this option is obviously not even a choice for you
If u start to cry he’ll first awkwardly do that thing that people do when they don’t know how to console someone and rub your arm and he’s like “Uhh, do u want water?” Bc he’s sad bc UR sad and doesn’t know what to do and it’s like what he’s doing isn’t that helpful but the tone in his voice is v consoling and comforting bc he’s suddenly kinda quiet 4 once
If ur sobbing he’ll hold u and u cry into his shirt and later he’ll talk about how you got it all wet but like when he goes home in the mirror and sees the tear stains it reminds him ur hurt and breaks his heart
He will study with you. And by studying it’s just him like sitting with you while you study. He doesn’t think you should study but if that’s how you want to solve this and feel better he’s down. He won’t read anything but if u have flash cards he will read them back to you and ask u questions and he doesn’t know the right answer himself (unless it’s math he’s probably rlly rlly good at math.) so u have to write them on the back. But he’s pretty good at helping u study
And if ur doing flash cards, he won’t tell u the answer until u guess it and he’s good at hinting to it and he gets annoyed VERY easily when ur not saying the answer u wrote on the back but bites it down
If ur parents make u stay home more and study as like a consequence of gettig a bad grade, he won’t have any of it
He will either confront ur parents and that either makes things somewhat better or incredibly worse
So if that’s what happens he’ll text u a lot and face time u in secret and call u a lot so even tho ur not together, every time u come home from school and open a book ur phone is hidden in the bend of it and ur fting and sometimes u don’t even talk he’s just FaceTiming u so u won’t b alone while u study and bc he misses u
Overall, he really couldn’t give a shit about grades but if need be, he’ll help u with urs, he’d be the best math tutor if ur looking, if ur parents lock u up a lot to study more bc they’re mad he will use any other option to see u, and he’ll try his best to console u despite not being that knowledgeable or understanding why you’re upset. His go to comfort option is distraction, but if it’s futile he’ll do whatever it is u wanna do. If u thank him for helping u he’ll kick something and will b like “yeah whatever I was just sick of u moping around.”
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He understands what’s going on with you all too well. When you tell him ur parents scolded u bc u didn’t do so hot in a test or ur overall grades this semester, it’s like his heart is a weight that drops into his stomach and ties his intestine into a huge knot. Like he feels the dread set in
He’s takes a muuuuchhhh more calm approach than Taehoon tbh, like while ur talking he won’t say a word and will listen. He is SUCHHH a good listener and especially now he’s just staring at you and nodding his head to let you know he’s listening to make sure u know that like he is there and present and if ur sad he’s sad too like u guys r a “team”
While ur venting, if u begin to cry he’ll let u and he’s more of a “rub-ur-back-soothingly” type of consoler so he’ll do that and if u half hug him he’ll continue do it but he’s looking at u w the saddest eyes in the world ☹️
Doesn’t rlly know what to do at first besides listen and b nice
He might even get misty eyed with u too bc he understands so much. But he won’t bring up his home situation at ALL, it’s like ur stage and he’s just a listener, he won’t make u feel like he’s comparing ur pain
His fist clenched at his side because he’s angry at your parents AND his and he’s imagining what ur parents said in his mind and even if it wasn’t that bad, he’s fuming
He might even offer to run away w u too and he “knows a place” 😭and ur like omg it’s not that bad but after reminiscing on his own home life he just assumes you’re as sick of it as him
If you’re his s/o, you obviously know about his YouTube streams, so that week at the end of every stream he’ll take a risk and unmute it and go “and don’t worry about grades too much, guys :)” and ur “guys”
Either that or he’ll do something so he will stop streaming completely for that week bc it might make u feel like he’s rubbing it in ur face how much he studies nd how studious he is and yes it gets him in trouble w his dad but when u start to feel better ab ur grades and u smile and he’s like “I thought u were upset?” And u say “oh, yeah… I’m feeling better now :)” it’s all worth it
Since he’s so consumed w streaming if u weren’t able to ever meet in person, and u had to FaceTime or text him, he probably spams u and u guys have to text at like 3am bc he’s studying all other hours of the day so he’s under his covers and reading or calling u
Like it goes
‘My parents got mad at me bc I got bad grades :(((‘ and then he sees the text he reads it and then again and is like oh no bc is it like his situation???
And then u go get a snack or something and go MIA during texting but he doesn’t know that so he spams u bc he thinks that maybe ur parents took ur phone and r locking u up like his did him so he’s like
‘Are you okay?’
‘Where did you go? :(‘
‘Are you okay?’
‘Please be okay…’
And if he suspects ur parents took ur phone and r gonna read this he sends things a very lengthy and persuasive text that explains why this is cruel and unusual and to PLS give u ur phone back and then it says seen and ur like it’s still me :)) I’m okay but thx for worrying 😭❤️
And he’s like ‘thank god…’
Since he’s a part of that newtube company (XY or something? I forgot HAHA), he has connections honestly??? So if you’re that torn over this grade he might try and pull some strings to improve your grade, make classes easier or to reach your parents even. Like he affects his parents’ boss which then butterfly effects to you
Assures you that grades aren’t that important, or tries to, but it’s so horrible coming from him because he has such good grades and it always is gonna feel like he’s just saying that no matter what
If he could he’d fail a test too to make u feel better and like ur in it together but his dad would MURDER him. So he just tries to tell u it’s okay and graders aren’t that bad
If ur mostly upset over the bad grade, he’s like it’s fine, and even if it’s a grade he genuinely considers bad he’ll look at it like “...” before going this is fine too!! :) and in his mind he’s like if I got this my dad would kill me but would NOT tell you that EVERRR. He’s gonna do anything to preserve ur feeling rn and the next few weeks he’s especially nice to u
Will study with you to make you feel better but it’s hard because he’s really far ahead tbh :(( like he explains assuming u already have some ground knowledge. BUT he’s really good at being patient so if ur like I don’t understand and get frustrated he’s like “oh I’m sorry!!! Here, I’ll go over it again.”
U guys start spending time at the library and when his dad questions him he’s like I’m studying and he really is and it’s like a study date and it actually ends up being RLLY fun
Might even print u worksheets and stuff and leaves nice notes on them when he gives them to u like every chapter has another ‘u can do it’ of ‘ur already here?! Omg! Ur far ahead keep going!’ And lots of smiley faces and hearts in the margins
He is not above helping u cheat. He will give u answers in school, risking being caught nd getting in trouble, like he’ll find a way to sit as close to u as possible in class and “drop” his pen besides u that just happens to have a paper inside with all of the answers!!!!
And when you see it you’re so happy and you look at him and wink trying it be inconspicuous and it’s so obvious and he’s like omg (y/n) pls… but he’s happy ur happy and ur grades improve so much bc he gets every answer right and so of course you are getting them right too
But u both plan on u getting a few wrong to avoid suspicion and he’s so happy when ur happy bc ur grades improve so he’ll start sending u the HW, too
Will send u just study notes if u don’t want to cheat and they r so good and he’ll also send u his flash cards and everything and lend u notes from the past
He knows ur YouTube username so if u start to study a lot more bc of ur parents’ scolding and watch his streams to “study” w him despite the million viewers it’s like it’s just u nd him and when u comment like “here bc my parents yelled @ me and now im trying to improve my grades” he is simultaneously v happy ur there but also heart broken
If it’s mainly ur parents scolding u ur upset about, he’ll listen to u talk about it for hours on end over text, FaceTime, call, etc.
Makes a joke ab sending ur parents to the nursing home he volunteers at to cheer u up 😭😭 it either makes u son harder or laugh
Overall, he cares LOTS about grades, but his not urs. And if ur worried ab getting a job he’s like dw I’ll cover u in the future :)) and he’s very understanding bc he’s in a very similar situation and hates seeing u suffer like that or go thru that even if it’s genuinely not that bad. If u cry his works just SHATTERS and he’ll listen to u rant and cry for hours on end. And if ur grades were actually considerably bad, he won’t tell u that, and he’ll help u improve them bc THATS his solution to it and he’s good at helping u study. If ur not up to it he will help u cheat despite the danger of getting caught, so he can see u happy again :(( he’s rlly so sad ur going thru the same thing as him and will do anything to make it better. Won’t offer to fight ur parents but if need be he might rough one of them up if things escalate to really like mentally abusive-like proportions. But if it wasn’t that bad, he’ll just console u and help u to feel better no matter what !!
I hope this came out well!! I’m so happy I’m getting how to fight requests tysm for that, <3 also it ended up kinda long and I lost my train of thought a few times but this felt like an emergency request and when I read those I like when they’re rlly long bc it distracts and comforts me. If it was one I hope ur okay and know u r more than ur grades!!!! ❤️❤️ ty for ur request :))
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fraidy-farfelle · 3 years
This is my attempt at the Fluff ABCs for Frankie the Undead. Please be gentle with criticism because I cry easily. I’ve taken some ideas from @lovestruck-lasagna.
Taglist: @writingfromthetomb @beebubb
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your dry sense of humor. It perfectly matches his insults and he doesn’t have to go out of his way to make you laugh. He just says what he’s thinking and you laugh and agree.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Frankie appreciates a good smile, and for many reasons. He learned to read smiles (fake vs real) early on and uses it to gauge people, so he pays particular attention by default. He’s a sucker for cute dimples, and loves the way your nose scrunches and your eyes close.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He loves late at night when you share the couch and he can read a good book, sip on some whiskey, or puff on a cigar. He really doesn’t care what you’re doing, he can tune out the TV or you prattling on about your day and make comments to show he’s listening. Put your feet in his lap, lay on top of him, make yourselves mummies in blankets, so long as he can reach his glass he doesn’t care. He just wants to be with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Stay in date nights are his favorite. He doesn’t really like to “share” your attention. He likes to either cook a meal together or order takeout and watch a movie. Particularly black and white gangster ones, or older horror films. Likes to tease you if you get scared and grab onto him. He’ll pat your head and say something like “oh there there, don’t be scared! I won’t let the big, bad monster getcha!” (Like your neighbor isn’t a 7 ft tall children murdering clown demon) If you go out, he prefers less crowded places outdoors.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He’s a spitfire and he knows it. He tends to explode and then after a few minutes apologizes gruffly and explains himself. “WHY WERE YA OUT UNTIL MIDNIGHT, THATS SUCH A STUPID THING TO DO!” “Sorry, Frankie.” “…… ugh just, please get home earlier from now on. It’s dangerous and I worry about you.” Definitely doesn’t hug you close so you don’t see the relief and worry on his face. Nope!
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
He misses Amy desperately. He wants a little girl in his life again, although he’ll never ever admit it. He’s hesitant to make relationships because he doesn’t want to be hurt again. But, if you go out with him to the living world, you’ll catch him staring longingly at parents and daughters when he thinks you’re not looking. If you ask him what he’s looking at, he’ll shake his head and spit out a line about children being obnoxious but you can tell he’s blowing smoke.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
If the underworld wasn’t so dangerous, he’d love to drape you in the finest silks with diamonds and rubies dripping off of you. However he doesn’t want you to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. So, he settles for things you don’t really see in public. He also doesn’t like to be found out about it. Your gas tank is filled, the bill you were worried about has mysteriously been paid, your favorite ice cream is in your freezer when you know you ate the last of it yesterday, and hey, didn’t you spend this $20? Why is it in your wallet? If you ever bring it up he’ll just shrug and say “How strange!”
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He’s torn about PDA because he doesn’t want you to become a target because you’re associated with him, and people stare at him enough because of his appearance. But on the other hand, he wants to show the world that someone as worthless as him (don’t say that we love you Frankie) has such an amazing person that loves him. Will absolutely grab you and passionately make out with you with one hand on your ass and the other flipping the bird to the cheeky bastard that told the broad beside him to watch out for the zombie.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Panic. Sheer panic. He’s so afraid to lose you, any injury is serious and cause for alarm.
Frankie:*bursting into a hospital lobby, screaming to be taken to f/n l/n immediately**running in the opposite direction the nurse pointed in panic**bursts into exam room 30 seconds later* “Y/N!!!!! I came as soon as I got the message, WHATS WRONG!!!”
You: *sitting on the table, reading phone* “Oh, I have a sprained ankle and they don’t want me to drive so can you give me a ride?”
Frankie:*slowly blinking* “Uh, yeah no problem…”
You: “lemme guess, you heard my name and hospital in the same sentence and ignored everything else.”
Frankie:*hanging his head* “go wait in the car, I’ll go apologize….”
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Not actual jokes, but he loves to sit with you and insult people. He’s an incredibly sweet person to you, but no one else. (Except service people, like nurses and waitresses. Just the general public) he doesn’t think pranks are funny or practical, which is one of the many reasons he and LJ butt heads. If LJ or Will prank you or him, he’s raising hell.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Love kissing your lips. He’s actually really self conscious about his mouth stitches and constantly frets they feel weird to you. Neck kisses are another favorite and are extremely private to him. He also likes to hold the back of your hand against his lips and tell you what he’s thinking, no matter how mundane. Kiss his stitches. Please. Just do it.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He has trouble saying it to your face. He’ll whisper it to you when he thinks you’re sleeping, and he’s been known to leave little notes around for you to find. He thinks protecting you is the best way to show he cares.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
The day you finally broke down and told him you loved him. He knew as soon as he looked into your eyes and saw your smile his goose was cooked. He was very abrasive and hoping against hope that you’d leave him be. He knew you deserved better. He was so afraid to build a relationship and love again, he wanted to distance himself and if he was an asshole to you, it would be justified and you’d do it on your own. What he didn’t expect is for you to be so kind to him. Upon your initial meeting, he had been a little harsh, but helped you (if there’s enough interest I’ll do a fic about it) and so when he subsequently was a jerk to you, you were curious and determined to find out what he was hiding. He finally had been mean enough to make you cry. He had never regretted something he did before. He immediately wanted to cradle you to him and beg your forgiveness. Normally when he insulted you, you’d have a snarky retort in reply. But not this time. You fell to your knees and clung to his legs and demanded to know why he treated you so poorly and proclaimed your love for him. It was probably by accident and you were so distraught you didn’t even know it flew from your mouth, but hearing it, he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care about the consequences, he just wanted you. Hearing that you loved someone like him made him so happy, he knew he’d treasure the memory forever
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Losing you. Period.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
What ISNT odd about this man?! A cute one is he always winks with his green eye.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
I HC that he was born in the 30’s, so he calls you “doll” a lot but only in private. He uses your name otherwise so it’s not as obvious to people watching you’re together. He will absolutely refer to you as “the dame” to others. The equivalent of “the boss” or “old lady.” “William! The Dame is trying to take a nap, so shut up or I’ll shoot you!” You call him stitches to tease him in private and are the only person allowed to do so.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Either taking naps or couch potato time. Also, low key likes to cook with you. He can’t cook for shit, but likes to “help” by handing you things or chopping things for you. Is a super good taste tester, self appointed.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Stitches by Shawn Mendez (PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!)
We don’t have to Dance by Andy Black (referring to how he can’t really show you affection in public but he loves you)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s open about himself and what he’s thinking, and will always take what you say into consideration. He doesn’t like to keep things from you, but he does omit some detail about his jobs if you ask about them. He just feels like you don’t need to be stressed about it.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
LJ picked up on Frankie’s fondness of you almost instantly. He and Will decided to do what they could to get you together in the interest of making Frankie less of a grouch. If it hadn’t been for them insisting that he was good guy to you, you probably WOULD have let Frankie’s prickly nature drive you away. It took a year or so for you to break down.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?) A powder keg of insults, foul language, and bullets. Has actually never called you a name outright, and would absolutely never physically hurt you. When he was deliberately being rude to you, he’d insult your actions rather than you. “Stop acting like a dumb broad!” Vs calling you a bitch to your face. He usually calms down quickly, and is hardly ever angry at you, only when you put yourself in danger.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He likes that he’s scary and tough looking so that when you’re with him, other men scatter pretty fast. Has had many occasions where he stepped away and someone came to flirt with you and he came back and had the pleasure of scaring them.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
You are not allowed to do anything dangerous, ever! Will teach you how to use a gun and how to counter things like chokeholds, so you’re less vulnerable. Will absolutely lose his mind if he learns you’ve put yourself at risk. He will shoot someone so fast for you. Takes every person as a threat to you and will pick fights with somebody that accidentally bumped into you. Do NOT test this man.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
You are an open book to him. He’s learned to read people well, and he takes his time studying you. Can tell if you’re getting sick before you can. More than once he’s handed you a bottle of Tylenol, leaving you bewildered, and shrugged and said to take them because you’ll have a headache in a few minutes. He can pick up on your emotions easily and has learned what to do to handle them.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Honestly, marriage isn’t that important to him. He’s not opposed to the idea at all, but like you’ve been together for this long, you love each other, is it really necessary? You’d have to tell him you want to be officially married. He’ll buy you a ring, to show that you’re taken, if nothing else, but he’ll wear his around his neck under his tie so it’s not obvious he’s attached to anyone to discourage his rivals using you to get to him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
The smell of your perfume. Holding you in his arms and taking deep breaths makes all of his troubles go away.
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kvgehiras · 3 years
hiii can i request kuro relationship headcanons?? (i’m so soft for the delinquent looking but actually very sweet trope wwww please tell me i’m not alone)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• kuro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCREAMS
• u guys def met at like . a convenience store or smthg
• nd he takes One look at u from the aisle across nd his brain malfunctions??????
• his brain literally goes !'+_+_(&((_(293940)3(_?')392(_9(&?&)'!'?:???!
• but he Keeps Calm bcs if he suddenly went up to u nd said smthg like "hello stranger ur rlly pretty can we be friends" ur probably gonna get a Bit weirded out
• so he just kept on walking nd went up to the counter to pay nd reached into his pockets to grab his wallet
• nd there's….nothing….?
• o no
• o no no no
• kuro audibly sighs bcs WHY NOW
• he could've looked cool to u too but NOOOOOOOO HE JUST HAD TO GO ND FORGET HIS WALLENG ND NOW-
• "hello! may i pay for his stuff too?"
• "? i mean sure…? here's the bill"
• "thank u ^^"
• kuro looks at the nice person nd he prepares all the nice things he has to say bcs this person literally saved him nd OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME PERSON FROM BEFORE!'!'?'??'?'!';
• kuro forgets everything he prepared to say bcs of u (what r u doing to him </3)
• but he soon realised ur looking at him like a confused puppy (the cashier has left at this point . even he realises that Smthg Is Up pls)
• nd so he manages to say "thank u!!!!!" a lil too loudly nd u laugh nd oh god ur so cute
• he also manages a chuckle nd says "uh…. how should i pay u back…..?"
• u think abt it for a moment before going "hm….do u wanna have some food here w me?"
• so yall had ramen o(〃^▽^〃)o
• since then he learnt ur name was y/n ("what a pretty name ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙") nd u guys have been meeting in the same convenience store for…..several weeks? months probably
• he also learnt that u like sewing nd he !!!!!!! hes abt to ascend pls help him HDBDBBD
• ANYWAYS!!!!!!! the others catch on v quickly bcs of the way he grins whenever u call him nd his eyes become crescent shaped
• the funniest part is keito is seeing all of this unravel nd he's just. he's tired HDNDNDN
• "kuro, i'm sure they like u back, yk? yall literally meet up every day, it can't be that bad."
• "but they can do so much better :( i'm not worthy of someone like them :("
• keito Knows this is v shoujo manga-esque
• so he decides to solve it that way ヾ( ์ ω ์ )b
• if u think he calls u from kuro's phone nd let u hear it while kuro spills out his feelings for u to keito aka an indirect confession ur absoluteley correct
• so knowing that he's not gonna do anything, u call him to the convenience store the next day nd confess instead!
• he...he stutters alot….gets VERY blushy…..nd blinks alot bcs he genuinely can't believe ur asking him out
• but he agrees!!!!!! finally!!!!!!!!!!!
• anyways !!!!! u soon learn he's very doting. v cheesy. but he's nice
• he sometimes makes u a scarf bcs it's too cold outside nd it reminds u of him so u do wear it
• but whenever yall r at home sometimes he'll shyly wrap it around both of u nd place a kiss to ur head then ruffle ur hair
• the way he looks at u at time……..why is he DOING THIS TO U !!!!!!!!! SO MEAN HES LITERALLY KILLING U ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
• he also likes making u food!!!!!!!! loves loves loves cutting up fruits for u before u come home so u can have freshly cut fruits too!!!!!
• he just ….. he spoils u SO MUCH
• but do u mind? absoluteley not!
• he also likes playing w ur hand at times!!!!! like if yall r going shopping or smthg together he'll swing ur hands…..
• nd the thing is he also usually….. doesnt talk abt himself yk? so if he is, like if he's talking abt his day, or how much u make him happy while yall r sipping tea peacefully, he'll take one hand of urs in his own nd like….play w ur fingers? if that makes sense?
• he also sometimes grips them a bit tight when he's talking abt smthg that's a bit uncomfy for him, but when u place ur other hand on his cheek nd draw these lil lines, he instantly calms under ur touch
• i think the conclusion is u guys r a v domestic couple . it's v nice
• some might even say that u guys r married!!!!
• nd while ur denying it now as u laugh, he hopes that u actually agree when he asks u this question in a few years
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rukanrin · 4 years
Heyya it's me again, how r u btw? Just gonna make dis quick- I was wondering what would u think da boys' reaction to their s/o who is a shinobi. Much like Naruto i think. Can jump pretty high, run super fast, throw their kunai & shurikens even doing their (quick) hand movements to make doppelgangers of themself. Don't know about da power/energy blasting part cuz i don't watch naruto much but u can add dat as well if u don't mind
Tsm for ur hardwork, hope u have a nice day :))
I did a quick mind map about this and I'm pretty impressed,I've never really written this kind of stuff but it was pretty fun! I hope you have a nice day/night too! -Ruka
-.....Y E S.....
-Lets say you kept that a secret till your first mission together
-He nearly got hit by Riot because he was so amazed
-Demon In Red never saw anyone do anything that fast,not even Vergil
-Dante finds himself looking at your strategy,from jumping high in a form of evading attacks to using your doppelganger to ambush packs of demons
-Dont let him get to your weapons,please don't,or he will deal a massive amount of damage to his surroundings and possibly the weapons too
-Expect him to brag about you 24/7
-will definitely make jokes and pick up lines linked to your status
-to sum it all up, he's very happy about it
-you know the drill folks
-This man will act like he's not impressed but is literally adoring everything about you on the inside
-feel free to let this guy use your weapons,he's a fast learner after all,just make sure Dante doesn't walk into the room while he's using the throwing knifes,or its game over for him
-Hes quite keen on trying out your tactics during missions,sometimes literally being your shadow
-He speaks very highly of you
-his doppelganger and your doppelganger once had a face off while you and Vergil read poetry like its a normal boring day
-theres one new book on his bookshelf about shinobi's
-he's 10/10 satisfied
-Sparda take the wheel
-once you tell him hes jumping around like a bunny who found the sugar bag
-Will make sure to keep an eye on you and see how you use different techniques during battle
-He always wanted to watch movies about shinobi's with you,till you got to watch the first one and pointed out all of the mistakes,leaving a very pouty nero to try to make you stop commenting
-hes like a child,always trying to sneak a peek or use your killer tools, usually earning a 'HEY WHO LET YOU TOUCH MY STUFF' from you
-you once used your doppelganger to hug him twice as much, leaving the poor lad confused as hell
-will do those silly ninja poses to cheer up the mood
-he a little confused,but he got the spirit (i had to use that joke)
-Hes quite fascinated by this
-Will make up or find poems linked to your weapons/outfit/skills
-one nearly got a heart attack when he saw you jump that high and fall without harming yourself
-he likes comparing your weapons to his cane,stuff like what material its made from,its quality,speed,offence and defence ups and downs
-Griffon will call you 'Miss/Mister Ninja ripoff' in the beginning,just to tease you
-you challenged shadow to a jumping contest three times,all of them ended with a draw
-rounded up,he's very happy that he ended up with someone like you
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keigosbirdie · 4 years
Birdie’s FAQ
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General Questions
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Q. Do you have a Patreon?
A. Firstly, thanks to everyone who has asked me this. It means a lot that you guys wanna support me! However, I don’t feel comfortable monetizing my fanworks. I don’t have a Patreon and I don't plan on it, sorry! ;u;
Q. Do you take requests or commission?
A. Nope! I may open some art requests or commissions maybe if I ever get in a really hard spot, but I don’t accept money for writing. Sorry! ;u;
Q. You didn't answer my ask/pm!
A. Frankly, I'm shy ;u; im far more likely to answer an ask than I am a PM, just cause im scarrrreeed. If I don't answer an ask, it's either already been answered here, it was mean spirited or forceful, or i just havent looked at my asks in a while hhaha. Please keep in mind I'm exceptionally introverted and don't usually talk much oof im sorry :(
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Q. What do you use to draw and animate?
A. I draw and animate with paint tool SAI v.1! The program isn’t meant for animation. I just draw all the frames in paint tool sai and then run them through a gif compiler to make them move. 
Q. Can I use your art for headers, icons and emotes?
A. As long as you credit me in some way, you can definitely use my animations and art as icons, header for your blog, and discord emoji. 
Q. Can I repost your art on other sites?
A. Sure, as long as it isn’t tumblr or twitter, since I’m active in those places already and reposted art will be reported. However, if you want to post it on your Instagram, Pinterest, or what have you, feel free as long as my signature is visible and I’m linked somewhere !
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Fanfiction FAQ
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Q. Can I use your fics for my fanfiction readings? (ex. Youtube)
A. Ask me! Most fics I probably won’t mind as long as I am credited and a link to the fic is posted in the description. However, there may be a select few I would rather not, so drop me a line and we can talk about it!
Q. Do you write for any other fandoms/characters?
A. Nope! I’m only interested in Hawks from BNHA, so that’s all I write! Hah. Eventually one day I may become interested enough in another character to write something for them, but also probably not ;u; 
Q. Do you write “dark” content, like Yandere or non!con?
A. Generally speaking, no. If I ever got a really good idea I can’t shake down the road, the “Yandere” dynamic may be a lightly used possibility. To the point it probably wouldn’t even be yandere tbh tho hah. Non!con will never appear in my fics, though. Anything generally abhorrent you can be sure I won’t write about. HOWEVER, I do occasionally reblog fics others may find triggering. Always read the warnings authors leave before taking peeks!
Q. I don't like that you often describe things about the reader in your fics. Such as cheeks going red, pink nipples, or their gender.
A. All of my fanfictions are written about myself with me in mind. I try to stray away from outright describing reader by physical traits, since i want everyone to feel included! But at the end of the day I am one person with a world view limited to my own experiances. There will be times its obvious I have fair skin/certain type of hair/particular body features in my writing. I try to be as vague as possible, but please keep in mind the author here is a fair skinned cis female, and I write as a form of escapism with myself in mind first.
Q. You haven’t posted anything in a while! Are you still writing?
A. Yes! I like to take my sweet sweet time with my fanfictions, and im never rushing or in a hurry to update. Sometimes I work on a piece and decide to keep it for myself and not share at all, if its too personal or special to me. I love writing a lot, and if i havent updated in a while be sure to know I havent stopped. Im just enjoying the process of creating without worrying about any deadlines, and that can take weeks to a few months.
Q. There was something in one of your fics I think there should have been a warning for!
A. Tell me !! I try to add warnings for anything that I can think could be upsetting to readers, but if you have a suggestion for me to add more warnings in the future, feel free to send me a message. I would appreciate it ;u;
Q. Do you have a tag list for your fanfics?
A. Sorry, I no longer use a taglist! I do post all my fics on my AO3, Keigosbirdie, however. You can get emails when I update by following me there :)
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I may add to this later if I get repeats of other questions! Thanks for reading ;u;
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morimallow · 4 years
Hi hiiii. This is my first time requesting but... would you mind writing Kita's NSFW Alphabet? MY MAN DESERVES THE HYPE ;) Thank youuuu <3
I didn't proof read this so feel free to correct any of my mistakes.
I'm so sorry I didn't make this GN, it's so hard to go into detail. 😥
NSFW Alphabet (Kita Shinsuke)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
King of aftercare. This guy won't leave you unattended. He'll draw a nice warm bath for you. If he's feeling it, he'd take a bath with you. Gives you a body massage, which usually leads to another set of rounds, when he was extra rough that day. Will whisper that you did good taking him in, you won't even know if he's praising you or teasing you. Every thing he does for aftercare just makes you wanna have sex with him all over again.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his arms and back because that's where you usually hook on for support which also means he likes you marking him. He wouldn't even care if someone saw your scratch marks, he's low-key showing you off. He likes the way you grip on him like he's your only source of strength. He doesn't have a favorite part of your body though because that's all you. It's all his, you're all his. Why would he want a favorite? He loves every inch of your body and makes sure they receive equal attention.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This guy wears condoms. Cleanliness. To avoid unwanted pregnancy. Cum? Straight to the condom. Sometimes when he's close, he'd pull out his dick, remove the condom and cum on you while his fingers do wonders to your hole. He does it raw with you sometimes ─ either you insisted on doing it and after asking if you’re sure many times, he’d comply or if he’s extra horny and he’s sure you’re on a safe day and on your pills.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
His left ear is extra sensitive and he likes it when you nibble on it and suck on the area behind it. He doesn't know you've figured it out, he just thinks it's your favorite spot to suck on.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
At first, since he solely relied on knowledge on paper and sites, he tested those out and it came out bad. He used to read sex articles and stuff found on the internet. He’s intelligent enough to know vaginas don’t smell like roses and taste like sweet candy as they described them to be. He then started to listen to the twins’ conversations and eventually got caught up in those said conversations. You won’t change my mind that they exchange sex tips and tricks. Kita came to be their master or something. His dick kind of makes up for his lack of techniques and such during sex but still! He pleasures you. He does his absolute best to make you feel good. He asks you if you want him to go deeper, if you want him to thrust harder. He'd probably do anything and everything you want him to do as long as you're pleased.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Side fuck because he doesn't skip leg day. /j
Yes, side fuck — second to missionary. The side fuck but not really…? God, I hate this, I don’t know what it’s called. Basically, he’s on his side and you’re lying on your back. The first time he did you in this position, he had leg cramps and it was extremely painful but he enjoys this position nevertheless. He likes that you’re so close to his body, that he can see how your hole devours his cock, and of course, your lips are so close to him he can just turn your moans into heavy breaths in his mouth. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He takes everything seriously and, of course, this isn’t an exception. Okay, so, his grannyma tells him someone's always watching but he stopped caring. He doesn't get nervous about things he does regularly, on a daily basis. But y'all don't have sex daily (who does tho?), so he's kinda nervous and giddy (he doesn’t show it). His top priority is to make you feel good always. He’d usually whisper to your ear some lines that go like, “you’re squeezing me so tight, I won’t go anywhere, I’m all yours, baby” without knowing this turns you on so fucking much.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Having black and white pubes would be weird so I'm saying it's black.. and thick. The aesthetic kind of thick (LOL, WHAT?). Okay, he's clean. He doesn't shave it fully but trims it every month because he knows the benefits of keeping your pubes. Neat guy, neat privates.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kita showers you with compliments and words of assurance but it always comes out as dirty talk? He’d say you’re so good ─ that he wants to come inside you so bad because you’re just begging for him to do so with how you squeeze him so tight. But then again, the way he whispers those three words turns you on more than any other thing he had said. His hands never leave your body. He doesn't seem like the possessive type but he want you to remember his touches.. and only his. He won't grip the sheets or the headboard whenever he pounds into you. He places his hands on your cheeks, neck, your waist. He pulls you close and moans in your mouth as he comes. Always.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Believe me, he doesn’t jack off that often. It’s not because of what his granny says that someone’s always watching him but because he knows you’d come to him and you’d come for him. When you’re far away from each other, he can’t help but miss you and your touch and that’s where his trusty right hand comes into play. He always calls you when he jacks off. If you’re not available, he’d leave a voicemail so just be careful not listening to it in public.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise kink but reverse? LMAO, is this a thing? He likes it when he praises someone during sex, he likes the mewls coming out of your mouth whenever he calls you a good girl.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes to do it on the bed because a.) you’re both comfortable and b.) unlimited sex positions. He likes the way you grip on the bedsheets, the way your heels dig onto the mattress, how he can feel your warmth everywhere. The bathroom is another thing. He likes the coldness of it and the only source of heat is each other’s body, he likes the way you make lewd faces when he fucks you in front of the bathroom mirror, when he eats you out while sitting on the toilet and how intimate you get under the running water.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He gets harder even more that it hurts not to come inside your cunt when you try your best to not let out moans because his granny might hear you next door so he asks you if you if he can and you’d nod your head frantically because the way his cock throbs inside you as he comes makes you think that your hole was made for him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He kind of likes spanking you but caning is just a no-go.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Did you expect this? He prefers giving. I mean, come on, he solely relied on porn clips which are far from real sex and his performance was just a little below average before so he likes to think that giving the best oral to his current partner is an apology to what his previous partner/s had/have suffered but this doesn’t mean he thinks of someone else during sex. It’s just that… Fuck it, that’s it. He prefers giving.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This depends on the mood and occasion. I mean, I personally think people have the other side hidden in their deepest desires, they just didn’t find the person to be with yet but in you and Kita’s case, you communicate very well. You want him to go hard and fast? He’d say okay. You want to be slow and sensual? He’d start off with a sweet and passionate kiss.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He thinks it’s convenient and risky but hot. You guys don’t do this often though because what’s worse than getting horny in public and Kita locking you in a cubicle to calm yourself down because he suspected this would just be a wholesome date? But you have sex every once in a while, in their backyard garden and that was wonderful.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn’t usually ride with you whenever you suggest something in the sexual aspect because he sticks to what he knows and he only believes that certain things are possible when a witness or trusted articles support the claims. You’d think he just doesn’t want to do things with you but he’s actually considering your likes and dislikes. He, for sure, knows what you’d like and dislike because he closely keeps an eye on you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for two to four rounds in average. How long it lasts usually depends on you because he knows he can handle himself well, thrusting into you nonstop.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t like toys and doesn’t understand why it doesn’t make him feel things like how they described it to be in the articles he had read before when you guys tried toys but you insisted in giving him a cock ring just in case he wants to wait for you to call back when he masturbates.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kita usually doesn’t tease you although he’s already kind of teasing you when he compliments you during sex but he does once in a while. He’d delay your orgasm as much as he can control himself not to ram into you faster and harder when he knows your horniness is out of the meter and whenever he senses you want some kind of teasing. How he knows when you’re like that? He says that’s his sixth sense.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kita Shinsuke never fails to let out a loud moan when he comes, it’s literally the best thing you heard from him. It’s hot and deep just like how his dick is inside you. If he was going rough, you’d probably hear more of those moans, every spurt of cum from his dick makes him emit more of his beautiful sound.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He sleeps naked. Send tweet.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His dick is so pink and pretty ─ the best shades of nude and rose, I’m not even kidding. He takes care of his body so much and you both take care of his dick. A six-inch dick is good enough, no? his biceps are everything, arms so strong he can fuck you standing for a long time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is on the average level. He’d have sex with you if you want to, you’d have sex with him if he wants to because somehow, your desires always match so it’s like your minds are saying you want to have sex… at the same time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As the king of aftercare, he only sleeps when you're taken care of already, when you're neatly tucked against him. Letting his lips curve into a smile, he can only then go to sleep.
M. List
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blu-joons · 4 years
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He enjoys using his tall frame to wrap you up in his arms, he’ll definitely use his height to his advantage and will often rest himself against you as he knows how much it annoys you. His affection is always very teasing.
It took a while for you to really pick up on anything from Jooheon, to begin with, you were a little confused by him when you first started working for the company, but over time you began to realise how nice he was. Jooheon loved spending time with you, and that was often made obvious by how he always requested you worked with the group.
At the end of a shoot one day, Jooheon decided to make his move. Whilst you were busy tidying things up, he appeared beside you and made you jump. You thought he was just going to let you know that you worked hard, so when he asked if you were free and if you wanted to go to dinner with him that night, to say you were surprised would be an understatement. But of course, you agreed, and got to know more about him.
Your dates were often very different, one evening the two of you could be out in the city all day and night doing plenty of doing things, other times the two of you would barely move from the sofa playing video games and watching movies. The two of you were very casual with your time together, as nice as the finer things in life sometimes were, you both also appreciated that sometimes the best way to enjoy each other’s company was just by doing absolutely nothing and shutting yourselves out from the rest of the world.
He’d only ever really had a few relationships during his school days, but never since his debut. For a long time, he’d been very focussed on his career, but as he got to know you, and also that you worked in the company, he began to wonder if he was at a stage where he could begin to consider dating. He was nervous to begin with, for a long time, he was desperate to protect you as best as he could, the last thing he wanted to do was risk your career, but eventually, he began to realise that he had nothing to worry about.
The two of you don’t argue often, but when you do, sometimes it can get quite heated. Jooheon is quite a passionate guy, and if he believes strongly enough about something, he won’t be afraid to raise his voice a little and get his point across. It often takes you by surprise when he gets fired up, you don’t tend to match his tone, you just sit back and let him go off. Once he’s done, and calm, he’ll be quick to apologise and admit that maybe he got a little bit out of hand. You’ll try and convince him just to forget about things, but when he raises his voice around you, it takes a little bit of time for him to be able to forgive himself.
He couldn’t wait to introduce you to his friends and family, he’d told them plenty about you which left them with no option but to like you. He was very quick to ease your worries in the build up to meeting them, and once you had met them, he took great delight in proving to you how wrong you were to ever worry about things.
Jooheon hated that he had to bring you to the dorm often, especially with the others around. Whilst he didn’t want to rush into moving out, he also didn’t want to wait too late and reach a point when you’d get up of being at the dorm. After a few months, he’d definitely start to think about finding a place for you both.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ when you were giving him the silent treatment. He was running out of options, and whilst you doubted if he meant it, thinking he just said it to get you to talk, he was quick to ease your doubts and assure you that he said it because he meant it, and that you talking again was just a bonus.
There weren’t many occasions when Jooheon would get jealous, he was confident enough in himself to know that he could handle most occasions. If he’s feeling jealous, he won’t kick off or doing anything stupid, you’ll usually find that he just appears a little closer towards you, and if there’s space, then he’ll definitely move at least one of his arms so there around you. He won’t ever like to talk about it with you though, if you bring it up afterwards, he’ll do whatever he can to try and change the subject and drop it.
He definitely envisions children in his future, and with you, he truly begins to think that it will become a reality. You’ve seen him around Olive plenty of times before, he’s more than proved himself to you as a great potential dad in the future. Similarly, he loves to see you around Olive, seeing how close of a bond the two of you have will definitely encourage him to start thinking about the future a little bit more.
There’s not much that Jooheon won’t do to try and make you laugh. His favourite thing to do to try and make you laugh is definitely aegyo. As much as it makes you cringe sometimes, it’s also a guarantee to get a laugh out of you. At times, he’s guilty of having a bit of an innocent sense of humour, a lot of your jokes will go over his head which will unintentionally make you laugh too. He doesn’t mind though, as long as he’s got you laughing, then he sees no reason to feel bad about not quite getting the joke.
He’s another member that will pretend to be alright whenever he’s away from you. He’ll be a little bit colder around people to try and keep the act up that he’s not missing you. Just like with his jealousy, if someone brings up your name around the table or at a fan meet, he’ll try hard to change the subject otherwise he’ll find himself stuck in a loophole of thinking of you. Whenever the two of you call, he’ll take a little bit of time for himself after to recompose himself. It takes it out of him, being away from you, he never imagined that he’d miss anyone as much as he misses you. He always tries to be the one that can cope, but everyone, including himself, knows deep down that he struggles being away from you.
With all the aegyo that he does, you’ll often call him ‘cute,’ or ‘adorable,’ anything that plays up to his habits of being sweet around you will do the trick and only encourage him to do it a little bit more to please you.
He’s obsessed with your chest; he loves to lay against it when he wants affection from you and will often rest his hands there when he’s hugging you tightly.
If it’s appropriate, Jooheon is not afraid to be affectionate with you in public. He’s not too bothered about what other people might have to say, no one is going to stop him from being close to his partner if that’s what he wants to do. There have definitely been a few times when he’s gone over the top, but usually he knows when to draw the line.
When the two of you plan things, he’ll always make sure to ask what you want to do. He often pushes his own interests and wishes aside in order to make you happy, as long as you’re happy, that’s what is most important to him.
The moment the two of you moved out, Jooheon definitely began to drop plenty of hints about marriage. He’d often start calling you ‘wifey’ completely out of the blue, even around his friends and family. No one ever quite knew what to make of it when he’d call you it, most of the time even you were quite frozen in your reaction. He’d never really explain it, all he’d tell you was that he wanted to get some practice in for the future.
Jooheon loves to dominate, he loves to be the one to take control and lead you. He’ll wrap his body around you as best as he can during intimacy to make sure that you feel as safe and protected with him as possible. If he’s in a playful mood, he won’t be afraid to act cute around you in order to get what he wants. He knows what he likes from you, but he also knows exactly what you like from him too.
You receive texts quite a lot from Jooheon, usually voice notes. If he hasn’t seen you for a while, he loves to send you reassuring messages and encourage you to smile, letting you know he’ll see you as soon as he can.
He loves having someone around that he can really be himself around. He trusted you more than anyone, ever since he met you, he knew you were going to be a special part of his life, and you most definitely were.
There wasn’t much time in his schedule for the two of you to find the time to go away, so when you did, Jooheon made sure to make it special. Whenever you spoke about holidays or places you wanted to visit, he’d pay close attention. So, when the opportunity came for some time off, he’d be able to make your dreams come true.
His whining tended to consist of aegyo yet again. He knew that you found it irresistible, if he tried hard enough then he’d definitely get what he wanted from you.
Jooheon loved to kiss you as often as he could, whenever he had the chance to kiss you, he’d definitely make the most if it. He never cared where the two of you were, he’d kiss you, it didn’t matter where he could kiss you either, he’d kiss you there anywhere. Kisses were his way of constantly letting you know that he was there beside you and loving you without needing any other words to let you know his feelings.
You were his mirror, the two of you together spelled out trouble for others.
Every night, he’d always be the big spoon and make sure to hold onto you as tightly as possible. He loved to make you feel protected at night, his arms would always be around you, and his voice would often whisper you into a sleep.
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