#CEO Yoongi
bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
They Reject You (hyung line)- part three
Pairing: BTS x Reader
Word Count: 8K
Warnings: swear words here and there, a little kissing scene.
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"I told you, you should have done this sooner."
"Hey, if I had known this was gonna be this much fun, I would have."
"I did tell you, you just didn't believe me."
You huff. "Okay fine! You were right all along and I was wrong. Happy?"
Blair chugs down another shot and winces at the bitter taste. "I'll be happy when you listen to my advice."
"Asking for too much, now. Aren't you?" 
"Cool then, mop over a boy for over a month again. Why don't you?" She retorts with no real bite, rather genuinely enjoying the glimpse of the old you back. 
A wave of sadness hits you when you're reminded about the said boy and you sigh. "He isn't just a boy, he's also my best friend."
Blair immediately regrets her words when she notices the look on your face. "I understand that you would need time but if I hadn't dragged you out today, you would have not made any efforts to move on for at least another six months."
You feel an instant urge to deny it but end up not protesting because you know how true her words are.
Moving on would have been easier if you knew the answer to this one question; how does one move on from their best friend? 
How do you forget the moments that made you fall for him? Moments when he was the only one you could confide in. When you two would spend hours talking on the phone about random things. When the two of you would sit on the balcony and judge every passerby. The inside jokes, the tears, the hugs, the words of comfort. How do you forget those and tell yourself to not feel the way you do?
And even if you manage to do so, will the two of you really ever get back to being as close as you once were? Won't that result in you falling for him all over again?
You take hold of another glass of shot when you realise that you were overthinking again. Today your plan is to get enough alcohol in your system so that you do not overthink the little things.
"What is he doing here?" Blair whispers to herself.
"Who?" Your tipsy mind gets distracted by that and you start checking left and right to catch sight of the person she's talking about.
Your eyes widen in shock and you freeze in your seat. "Jin is here?"
Blair nods, feeling the same amount of disbelief as you. 
"Should I hide in the washroom?" You whisper shout. You don't even know why you feel the need to run when you and Jin have had a civil conversation just a few weeks ago. All you know is that you do not wish to face Jin. You are not ready to face the stir of emotions Jin would inevitably ignite.
"Fun fact, his eyes are fixed here," she quips with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I'm also pretty sure, he's aware that we are talking about him."
You shut your eyes and groan audibly. "Fuck. Just what I needed."
"Fun fact part two, he's coming here."
As soon as she completes her sentence, you hear your name being called. 
"Jin!" You put on a fake smile and try to seem as excited as you possibly can. You won't allow your spirits to dwindle so easily. "What are you doing here?"
Jin thinks for a brief moment if he should lie and say that it was a coincidence but then decides otherwise. "Well, Jimin texted me that you're here and I had something important to tell you, so,"
"Well, I don't feel stalked at all." You grin sarcastically.
Jin smiles. That's the first stage of you getting drunk; getting sassy. "Well, I'd be hurt if you were to call me a creepy stalker."
He says it with such a soft look of adoration that Blair has to clear her throat loudly to announce her presence.
"I'm Blair," she introduces herself.
Jin understands that Blair's words are directed at him and he politely puts his hand forward in greeting. "I'm Jin."
Blair nods and shakes his hand. From the look in his eyes, she already has an idea about why Jin might be here and if what she's assuming is right, she should really get out of here as quickly as she can. 
"Well, it's good that you are here, I have somewhere to go. Take care of her," as soon as the words are out of her mouth, Blair quickly leaves the spot knowing very well how you are going to react. 
You gasp dramatically, concerned about how quickly she changed her colours. What a traitor you have as a friend. 
Jin sits on the stool next to you before you can recover from your shock. "So what have you been drinking?" 
You look at Jin with your mouth parted open, still having a hard time understanding what just happened in the span of a few minutes. How you came to the club to temporarily forget about Jin and how now, you are sitting right next to him.
You blink a few times to let the shock subside and with Blair gone, you feel your adrenaline rush fade away.
"I don't know, Blair ordered it," you shrug.
He hums, fiddling with his fingers on the table. "Any special reason you are out here clubbing on a weekday?"
"Nah," you say just as casually as you had uttered the previous sentence. Maybe it's because of the alcohol but you don't find yourself feeling anxious in his presence. There's only a very little amount of unease but that's only because you don't want to get too into your emotions. 
Jin watches you closely. You don't look drunk, just tipsy. And thankfully, for him, you don't seem to be too bothered by the fact that he just invited himself. 
Someone might say that he's being overdramatic coming all the way to say something he could have said any other time. But when Jimin texted him that you're here, his thoughts started getting a little wild.
What if you were in a club trying to get over him? What if some hot bartender catches your eye? What if your friends are telling you that you deserve better? (The last one, Jin agrees with) 
It's fair to say that those thoughts made him rush to this place so that he can finally say what he figured out in the last few days.
Jin inhales deeply and asks the million-dollar question. "Do you– do you still love me?"
You choke on your drink and a series of coughs that follows. Jin immediately asks for a glass of water and helps you calm down.
"What kind of a question is that?" You ask in a raspy voice when your coughing fit subsides.
"A very important one?" He asks you back, his brows now furrowing in nervousness.
You mimic his expression, only that your brows furrow in annoyance. "What kind of people do you hang around with to get the idea that people's feelings change in the span of a few weeks?"
Ah, yes. You're sassy right now.
Jin's features soften and he looks at you with a look of disbelief.
"So you still love me?" He asks in a whisper, too scared to say the words out loud.
"Unfortunately, yes." You nod.
Before you can take hold of another glass of shot, Jin's hand comes to rest on yours. You look at him in confusion, wondering what even is he up to.
"Well, I love you too," a wide smile breaks out on his face as if the thought of you is enough to make him happy.
This time, you choke on thin air. "Excuse me?!"
He takes your hand and brings it to his lips. "I'm sorry it took me so long, but now that I know, I just want to be with you forever."
Your eyes follow his movements and you find your breathing getting shallower and only one question coming to your mind; Is this really happening?
Jin notices the way you seem to have run out of words. It makes him want to smirk in satisfaction but at the same time wrap you in his arms. Had he known you would react this way, he would have done this way sooner. But he was busy being a fool back then. 
You were always by his side, through the worst and the best. You were his only constant in the world of variables. He always felt so at home with you, that the thought of changing the dynamics never occurred to him. You two were perfect being best friends and he thought that was how it was going to be forever. 
But then he's also a hopeless romantic at heart. He has always dreamt of his perfect partner and what life with them will look like. He has also had his fair share of crushes and relationships but never did the faceless person from his dreams appear to be one of them.
Now that he thinks of it, he knows why that was the case. 
"You don't have to say anything," Jin adds, not wanting you to stress about it. "I just needed you to know that I love you and I'm sorry for realising it so late."
Now as sassy as you are when you're tipsy, you're just as bold. Without thinking any further, you lean forward and kiss him. It's odd and something your sober self would never do, but right now you're definitely not sober. Plus, you can leave the overthinking for her when she wakes up tomorrow. At the moment, the only thing that matters to you is that the man you so irrevocably love, loves you back. 
Jin freezes and his eyes widen in shock when he feels your lips on his. 
He knows you are only doing this because you are drunk. He knows that had you been sober you would have asked a million questions by now. He also, knows that he shouldn't be kissing you back but when he hears a whine of complaint from you at his lack of enthusiasm, his resolve crumbles. 
He gently puts his palms on your cheeks and kisses you back passionately. The warm sensation of your lips on his makes his head spin and he wonders how on earth has he gone so long without doing this. 
However, he pulls back when he feels your tongue against his lips. "We should get you home."
You shake your head like a stubborn child. "No, I don't want to go."
Gosh, he wants to kiss that pout away. How did he not realise that it's been you all along? 
Blair watches from a distance as you throw your hands in the air like a small child and a smile makes its way onto her lips. Guess, she won't have to worry about you moping anymore. 
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As soon as the doorbell rings, you freeze. That must be Yoongi.
You have been looking forward to this moment and at the same time have been dreading it. But it's one of those things that you know just needs to be done.
You haven't had a single moment of peace since yesterday. It's tiring honestly. You don't know how the conversation with Yoongi will go, but you at least hope that after this you won't feel this heavy weight on your shoulders and will be able to have a good night's sleep. 
With that hope, you open the door and you're greeted by Yoongi in a purple suit and the sight itself makes you swallow. You really wish you could marry him.
Shaking the thought away, you welcome him in and ask him to take a seat on the couch. 
"Would you like some tea or coffee?" You query
Yoongi shakes his head. "Nothing really. I had coffee before leaving."
Well then, guess you won't get the time to figure out how to start the conversation. 
You take a seat on the opposite couch and play with the rings that adorn your fingers. "I called you at my place because there's something important we need to talk about and I thought that a public place isn't suitable for the conversation."
Yoongi nods. He won't lie but he shares the same view. It's difficult for him as it is to talk about his emotions. He doesn't want to imagine having to explain why he came across as nonchalant to your confession and how he respects your honesty, more than he could show.
However, nothing could have prepared him for the next words that leave your mouth.
"I think we should not go forward with this marriage."
Your words cause Yoongi to choke. Out of all the things he wanted to discuss with you, he never saw this coming. "What?!"
Seeing Yoongi react like this catches you slightly off guard. Usually, he always has his emotions in check and is unreadable. It always makes you feel like he's out of reach. However, right now, you can read him like a book, which oddly enough gives you a sense of satisfaction.
"We should not get married." You repeat your words and wait for Yoongi's shocked features to subside. 
Yoongi looks at you and notices how determined you seem, as if you have thought about this long and hard and only then have you come to this decision. The thought that there's probably no changing your mind, scares him. 
Clearing his throat, he tries to sound as calm as he can. "Why though?"
Now it's your turn to be surprised. Isn't it obvious why the two of you shouldn't get married?
Chewing on your lower lip, you ponder how you should frame your words. After a brief pause, you start with a gentle tone that somehow comes out sad.
"When two people love each other, they get married. Not because they have to, but because they want to. It's like this celebration of their love, where they declare to the world that they are each other's for the rest of eternity. But you see, that's the most important factor–" you look up to lock eyes with Yoongi. "–love."
It's a word Yoongi has hardly ever given thought to.
Yoongi knows what it feels like to be loved. His parents love him, his sister loves him, his friends love him, his dog loves him. He also knows what it is like to love someone because he loves these people just as much. But love in the way you describe it? Yoongi has never felt that.  
From a very young age, he has known that it will be his parents who will choose who he is to marry. Which is why he has never felt or given much thought to what it is like to want to spend his whole life with someone. 
But clearly, you have. 
It looks like you know exactly what you want and he won't lie, he envies that. He wonders what it's like for someone to know what they want so clearly that they won't settle for anything less. 
"We can always fall in love," he says with a small shrug as if it's not a big deal. The gesture makes his words look insincere and although it's true that he doesn't realise the intensity of his words, it's also true that he had shrugged simply to hide how uncomfortable he feels. He has never had to talk to someone about falling in love with them. 
You chuckle humorlessly. "I don't think you realise what falling in love really means." 
Yoongi wants to feel offended by your words but he can't. Because you're right. "Well, it's never too late to learn."
You can tell that Yoongi is being genuine. But you don't know how you should perceive his genuineness. Should you feel flattered that he's willing to give your marriage a try? Or should you feel sad that he has to try falling in love with someone? 
You don't know what the answer to that would be but the thought of him falling for you because he had no other choice, does not sit right with you. Even if you two were happy one day, maybe somewhere at the corner of your mind will be the thought that he fell for you only because you two were forced into this marriage. 
"I don't think it will work, Yoongi," you say with a sigh.
Yoongi's brow furrows in frustration. Why are you complicating things like this? "I don't understand what exactly is the problem?"
Here goes nothing.
"We have been on ten dates so far and on none of those occasions, did you ever seem interested in getting to know me on a deeper level. You are a closed book and I respect that it might not be easy for everyone to be open, but what counts is the effort. We have never had an open conversation or proper communication." Your voice comes out even, not a speck of anger or disappointment lacing your words. It sounds like you're only reading out observations from a science experiment. "Why do you think that is? If you were to ask me, and I might be wrong, but it's because you were never interested in the prospect of marrying."
"Had I not asked to break the marriage, things would have been pretty much the same and I would have never voiced these thoughts. You would have made no effort and I would have been trying way too hard to fulfil my wishes. Don't you see how wrong that could go?" 
Yoongi remains speechless with his mouth parted. 
"It's not only that, though," a small smile appears on your lips. "When you believe in love as much as I do, you'd know that love is inevitable. Everyone deserves it, including you. And I hope that when you do fall in love, you get to walk with them with your head held high without worrying about the wife you had to marry to boost your business."
With each word that comes out of your mouth, you feel a weight being lifted off of your chest one by one. Last night, you stayed up with countless thoughts running through your head. Countless reasons and scenarios why this marriage won't work and would be painful for both of you. Especially you.
Yoongi takes a deep inhale and lets the silence linger. 
What else is even there to say? You have given this a whole lot of thinking while he has hardly ever thought about it. Which only goes on to prove your point and how different both of your views on marriage are. 
Indeed, he has never shown much effort towards establishing a connection between the both of you. There's no denying that, but he wishes he could tell you that it's not because he wasn't interested in forming one but rather that he does not know how to. 
He knows there's no point in clarifying that now though, it will only sound like he's making excuses. Hence, he settles for responding to you with the only sentence that he thinks is relevant. 
"We can't break this alliance."
"I know," you nod. "It won't be easy but I'm sure we both will come up with a way to convince our parents."
Yoongi huffs, sensing that you are underestimating his words. "Do you know that the deal has been signed?" 
Your eyes widen in shock and disbelief. "What?! H–When?" 
Your reaction is enough for Yoongi to know that you indeed, had no idea about the papers being finalised and signed. Your previous words make much sense to Yoongi now and why you thought that the two of you even had any other option but to get married to each other. 
"About a week ago," he replies, expression now turning sombre. "I got to know about it only a couple of days ago."
A week ago? That would be around the time you and Yoongi went on your last date where you had confessed to him your feelings. Was it around the same time that both of your doors to escape were closed? 
Panic shoots through your veins when the thought that there might be no way out, comes to your mind. No, no, no. There has to be some way. 
But is there really?
Yoongi's company is way bigger than your father's. If the two of you back down now, the deal will be cancelled but it will be your father's company that will suffer the most whereas Yoongi's will recover in a few days. It was one thing if the deal was not signed. No gains, no losses. But now, it would be no gain, only losses. 
How can you do that to your parents knowing how much stress it will cause them?
You can't.
"I don't have any other choice, do I?" Your voice comes out small, highly in contrast with how confidently you were speaking a few minutes ago. 
"I don't think we do," Yoongi sighs, a deep sadness looming over his chest at how dejected you look. "But if it makes you feel any better, we can make a deal."
An abrupt chuckle escapes your lips. "Another deal? Haven't we already had enough?"
"This deal gives you the choice to be free," he comments, noticing how a small hopeful glint appears in your eyes.
"Let's stay married for a year, if you still want an out after that, we will get divorced." 
Yoongi's words give you a pause. 
You can't say that the deal is ideal but it is better than nothing. It gives you the hope that the two of you won't be stuck in a loveless marriage. It also does not create the pressure of being happy with each other because that's the only option.
After thinking for a few moments, you realise that this indeed is what it has all come down to and you'll have to accept it whether you like it or not.
"What about the business deal?" You query, your brain jumping to the concerns of the after-effects of having a divorce.
"By that time, the majority of shares will be transferred to me, I'll take care of it so that there is minimal loss."
You nod and sit back, feeling exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster this conversation has been. You just wish things were simple. That you both could get married to people you were in love with. Or that you both were in love with each other. 
The thought makes you look at Yoongi. You can still feel the butterflies in your stomach but there's also this dread that tags along.  
Last night, you had considered every possible scenario, and each one of them convinced you why this marriage is not a good idea. But out of all those, there was one which stood out, one that scared you the most and was the most heartbreaking. 
The possibility of you falling in love with Yoongi but his response being the same as it was on your last date. You know that the pain you went through this time, would be nothing compared to the pain you would experience then.
You don't want that.
The thought scares you so much, that you make a promise to yourself to not let your guard down so that the situation never occurs. 
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"You went a little too hard on us today," you say, breathless as you take a bottle of water and uncap it. 
Hoseok chuckles. "You say that after every class."
"Do I?" You ask with a small smile, knowing very well that you indeed do. But can you be blamed when Hoseok loses track of time when it comes to dancing and the only thing he focuses on is perfection?
He raises a brow as if asking you to stop pretending and you raise your arms in the air in mock surrender. 
He chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. "That's what I thought."
"Oh by the way," you say all excited. "I binge-watched little women during the weekend."
Hoseok's grin widens at the thought that you took the time to watch his recommended show. "Did you enjoy it?" 
A thoughtful look appears on your face. "I think it would have been better if the girls had more wins throughout but then I guess it wouldn't have been realistic."
Hoseok hums, understanding where you're coming from. That's an emotion he shares as well. While watching the show, he too wished that the girls didn't have to go through so many ups and downs.
"But you know what I liked?" You say with sparkling eyes. 
"What?" Hoseok asks, the gleam in your eyes doing something to his heart. 
"Choi Do-il's character!" You say with a small smirk on your lips.
Hoseok finds your behaviour amusing. "Liked him huh?"
"How can I not? He's so cool! He was so loyal to In-joo and he has such a sharp mind, made such tough decisions on the spot." You blabber. "I wish there was someone like him in real life, I'd fall for him in the blink of an eye."
"I wonder what Henry would have to say about that," he replies in a teasing tone, trying to pull your leg. But his smile fades when he sees that your excited expression has now turned sombre. 
You shake your head with a soft smile. "Well, we have broken up, so I don't think he would have anything in particular to say."
Hoseok hates that his first reaction is that of joy, which is soon followed by a feeling of guilt. He had convinced himself that he wasn't waiting for this particular day but now, his reaction clearly proves otherwise. 
For the time being, he puts his emotions aside and puts your feelings first.
"Do you want to talk about it?" 
You sigh. "There isn't anything to talk about. The relationship had run its course."
And that's the truth.
Things were pretty smooth at first, but when the honeymoon phase faded, somewhere down the line, both of you realised that you two weren't right for each other. 
The breakup wasn't painful for either of you and maybe that's what acceptance is supposed to be like. It was coming to this understanding that the both of you make great friends but there isn't much hope when it comes to something more than that. 
Hoseok chews on his lower lip and wonders what's the right thing to say. 
It has been six months since that day in the club and five months and three weeks since he realised that his feelings for you run deeper than he had initially thought. 
The first three weeks that followed after his realisation was not easy for him at all. He tried his best to be in denial but with time, he couldn't deny it anymore and he felt anger. Anger towards himself for having the audacity to accept that he has any form of romantic feelings for you after you had been so brave about yours and had put your heart on a plate only for him to be a complete dumb wit. Which was soon followed by the feeling of loss. He lost the opportunity when he had it and won't probably ever get it again. 
But after that, it started getting better. 
He accepted the fact that you have moved on with someone else and are happy with them. But that doesn't mean he did not get jealous every once in a while when he stumbled upon a picture of you and Henry on Instagram. That little spark of jealousy would serve as the reminder that somewhere deep down, he still wishes for you to be his. 
There have been times when he had thought about what he would do if someday, years later you and Henry were to break up. But never did he prepare himself for it. Plus, now, he finds it ridiculous that he had always thought that this would be an opportunity for him to correct his mistake when you could have very well removed any feelings for him from the very root. 
Before he can figure it out though, you sense the awkward silence and make an effort to break it. "I'm over it though, it does not bother me."
Hoseok nods softly, his thoughts still muddled. "How long has it been?"
"About a month."
Hoseok observes you closely from his peripheral. He notices how relaxed your features are and concludes that the topic of your breakup isn't necessarily a painful one for you. You also seem, pretty okay with the idea of the two of you having broken up, which makes him hope that you have moved on from Henry. And if in case you haven't, he will wait as long as it takes for you to let someone new in and he will do everything he possibly can to be that someone.
"This might be inappropriate but are you planning to return to the dating world?" Hoseok tries to look as casual as he can by pretending to arrange the CDs on the shelf.
It takes a few moments for you to think about the question before you can come up with an answer.
Are you looking for someone you can date? Not really. 
When you had downloaded Tinder all those months ago, it was simply so that you can find a distraction from Hoseok and move on. Fortunately, you found that and more in Henry. But now, that chapter is over and you don't find yourself actively looking for someone to be with.
"Not at the moment, no," you reply honestly. "Maybe a few months later, I'll reinstall Tinder," you laugh at the thought.
Hoseok hums, with his back facing you. "When you decide to reinstall the app, do tell me."
You don't think much of his words and innocently ask, "Why?" 
The whole of Hoseok's body heats up in anxiety and he starts putting the CDs on the shelf at a much high speed. "Because then I'll install tinder too and will search you up."
Your frown morphs into an expression of surprise and your lips part to form a small 'o'. 
Is…..is Hoseok saying what you think he's saying? Is it his way of saying that he would like to take you out on a date? And say, if the answer to these questions is, yes, what will you do?
In the six months that you have been with Henry, you haven't thought of Hoseok in that way. The intensity of your feelings lessened and you could let yourself be friends with him without letting your feelings get in the way. 
But are your feelings for him gone? 
You don't know.
Hoseok is a great friend of yours. He is nice, charming, kind, helpful and talented. Not to mention that he is utterly gorgeous. Anyone would be lucky to have him as their partner. But do you still want him as one?
You look at Hoseok and realise that the thought of being with him doesn't feel weird. If anything, it causes a little bit of excitement to stir up in your stomach.
It's true that your crush on him is not as deep as it once was and you're not looking for a relationship at the moment, but for some reason, you feel like when you're ready, you may just fall for him harder than you have ever before. 
Clearing your throat, you come up with a response that you think is just right. "In that case, I'll have to make sure that I don't forget to tell you about it." 
Hoseok turns around immediately to look at you with a surprised look as if that was the last thing he had expected you to say. But when that surprised look turns into that of relief, your previous questions about Hoseok's intent are answered. 
A smile appears on his lips when his surprise fades and he makes a promise to himself to not waste the chance you have been kind enough to give him again. "I'll eagerly wait for that day"
Something in your heart blooms at the soft look he gives you and you nod. 
After that, both of your chit-chat resumes and you two giggle and laugh like never before while you pack your stuff. Once you're done, you get ready to leave. "I'll get going then?"
With a gleeful smile, Hoseok responds, "see you next Saturday."
As you're walking out of the door, a thought appears to you. "Oh, also, you can't search for people on Tinder."
And then you're gone. 
Hoseok watches your retreating figure and he has to try really hard to stop smiling like a fool. 
Maybe there will be no need for Tinder after all. 
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"I love Y/N," as soon as the words are out of his mouth, he winces, anticipating and dreading Yoongi's reaction. 
Yoongi, on the other hand, merely blinks at Namjoon's words. ".....and?"
Out of all the reactions, Namjoon thought Yoongi would give, this was not one of them. This makes things way scarier for him because he thinks this is Yoongi's version of 'calm before the storm'. 
"Listen, you can be mad at me all you want. I understand but I just wanted to let you know." Namjoon rambles, his voice coming out high-pitched. 
A small frown appears on Yoongi's face. This is it, Namjoon thinks.
"Why do you assume that I'm mad?" Yoongi's question, however, leaves Namjoon perplexed. He searches for any form of pretence on Yoongi's features but when he doesn't find any, he sighs.
"I don't know–" Yoongi's frown deepening is enough for Namjoon to backtrack and start speaking the truth. "–you told me that if I were to ever try to show interest in your sister, our friendship would be over."
"I mean, I don't recall saying that but it does sound like something I'd say," Yoongi nods. 
Now it's Namjoon's turn to frown. Is Yoongi mad or not? "What am I supposed to make of it?" 
"Nothing," Yoongi shrugs. "I should rather ask you, what was your purpose in telling me that you have feelings for Y/N? Was it because you felt like you had to ask for my permission? Or were you scared that it would affect our friendship?" A chuckle escapes Yoongi's lips. 
Namjoom sighs, feeling his muscles relax as he finally lets himself realise that Yoongi isn't mad. "I think it's more of the latter."
"So you won't ask for my permission, before pursuing her?" A scowl appears on Yoongi's face which immediately makes Namjoon stutter.
"I–I–I didn't mean that. Of course, I would ask for your permission." 
Yoongi tries his hardest to hold back the satisfied smirk that tries to make an appearance. It's nice to see Namjoon being scared of him every once in a while. 
"That's better," Yoongi hums. "And you don't have to worry about ruining our friendship and all that shit. That's very high school."
Namjoon feels like he can breathe again. After weeks, it feels like he can finally be honest with himself and most importantly with you, without being scared. A wide dimpled smile appears on his face at the thought of finally confessing to you. 
"Gosh, that's annoying," Yoongi huffs, with no real annoyance in his tone. If anything, he's glad to see the wide grin on his friend's face. "If she does reciprocate your feelings and the two of you become a couple, I do hope that the two of you don't turn out to be one of those intolerable ones."
You find almost everything intolerable. That's the thought that comes to Namjoon's mind but before he can speak those words, a much scary thought appears to him which takes his breath away. 
"What if Y/N does not accept my feelings?" His voice comes out in a whisper, too scared to speak those words loudly. 
Yoongi thinks the chances of that happening are very low. But he chooses not to say it. It's your feelings, you're the only one who knows where they lie. Yoongi does not wish to assume. Instead, he chooses to assure his friend that even if he were to get turned down, he will be there for him. 
"I will order a bottle of champagne and soju, each. If things work out, then we will celebrate with champagne. If they don't, then we can have soju." 
Namjoon is grateful for Yoongi's words, he really is but the fear that courses through his veins makes it impossible for him to think straight. "You don't get it. She confessed to me and I turned her down."
This time, a genuine scowl appears on Yoongi's face. "Why would you do that?"
Namjoon lets out a heavy breath. "I thought you'd be mad and our friendship would get ruined."
Yoongi tries his hardest not to let his eyes roll but ultimately fails. "Now I remember why I had told you not to pursue my sister."
Namjoon's heart drops at the comment. Is Yoongi about to change his mind? 
"One because it was high school and you were going through your fuckboy stage," Yoongi says, with squinted eyes that make it obvious that he's judging Namjoon. "Second, you were dense as fuck at times. Which, clearly, hasn't changed even now."
That had been two days ago. 
After the very scary chat session with Yoongi, Namjooon needed some time to recover. Two days to be exact. Now he has finally managed to grab the courage to talk to you and be honest. 
His hands hover in the air for a few moments before he knocks. He hopes and wants this to go well, otherwise, he thinks, he won't be able to forgive himself.
You frown when you hear the knock. Who has decided to bother you on a fine Sunday? 
You set aside the book you were reading and begrudgingly get up. With heavy steps, you head towards the door and swing it open. The regret that hits you is instantaneous. You should have checked through the peephole before opening. 
Namjoon notices your features drop and it makes him feel terribly guilty for his actions and words. With that guilt, also comes the strong need to make things right. 
"Do you need something?" You keep your tone cold to avoid any display of emotion. It's not that you are mad at him for the rejection. You're hurt about it, sure. Mad? No.
However, you feel incredibly embarrassed about confessing the way you did. You are aware that you were under the influence of alcohol but that doesn't make it any less humiliating. 
"I need to talk to you," Namjoon replies shakily as he finds his anxiety increasing. What if you have decided to move on or have come to the conclusion that he isn't worth it? 
You'd really like to make an excuse as to why you wouldn't be able to talk right now but something in you makes you decide otherwise. Maybe it's because you don't want things to be awkward between the two of you as it would put Yoongi in a tough spot. Or maybe it's because you hate seeing Namjoon so anxious, that you find yourself moving out of his way.
"Can I take a seat?" He asks awkwardly, with his index finger pointing at the couch, when he realises that you are simply waiting for him to start talking about whatever it is that he is here for. 
You are aware that you are being rude but you honestly don't know how to behave 'normally' around him, anymore. So, you simply hum and wait for him to take a seat. 
"Uhm," he clears his throat, "I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the party."
"We can talk about anything but that," you say pointedly. There's no way you are going to talk about that night when all you want is to leave that memory somewhere far behind. 
Namjoon notices the discomfort that etches your features despite your attempts at hiding it and sighs. "Okay, then I won't bring that up but I need to tell you something."
"Go on."
Namjoon takes in a deep breath before closing his eyes to grab the courage to let the words spill out. "I'm in love with you."
At first, the words don't sink in. 
You stand there, leaning against the wall, watching Namjoon. However, when you see the scared and anxious look on his face, you replay his words in your mind. 
I'm in love with you.
He's in love with you. 
The thought makes you angry.
You scoff. "Do you expect me to take you seriously?"
Namjoon shakes his head. "I don't expect you to but just hear me out."
"I don't want to." You declare stubbornly.
"I know but give me just one chance to explain myself." He pleads gently, not wanting you to feel as if you have to hear him out. He has already caused you enough pain and if you choose that you do not wish to hear him out, he is going to respect that. 
You want to laugh at Namjoon's request. You can accept the fact that he does not have feelings for you, no matter how hard that might be. But accepting that he is in love with you after the pain that you have been through? You can't accept that.
You'd very much like to close this topic and never have either of you mention it. But you can't say no to Namjoon when he looks like that. He is one of your biggest weaknesses and not hearing him out would cause you pain as well.
Instead of telling him verbally that you will hear him out, you look out of the window and stare outside blankly, which is enough for Namjoon to know that you're listening.
"I never thought that my feelings would be reciprocated. Which is why, I did not know what to say and said what I thought was right, at the time," his voice comes out vulnerable. 
You feel your annoyance flaring. If that really were the case he could have just said the truth. Why lie? Whose first instinct is to lie about their feelings, upon realising that they are not one sided?
Namjoon's next words answer your unasked question. "After my last two relationships ended the way, they did, I thought that all my relationships were destined to be doomed. I was scared to commit to anyone, especially you."
He sighs. "If we were to date and break up, it would change everything not only for the both of us but also for Yoongi. And if that were to happen I'd never be able to forgive myself."
It was around the time that Namjoon mentioned his last two relationships, that you stopped pretending to not care about what he had to say. You know how sensitive the topic is for him and for him to bring it up now, it must be serious. 
To put it simply, his last two relationships ended terribly. But each time, Namjoon blamed himself and thought that it was entirely his fault, which you know isn't the case.
Now that Namjoon breaks it down to you, you find your anger fading and find yourself sympathising with him. You may not agree with his actions but you can understand where he was coming from.
What you don't understand, however, is why he is telling you these things. If you're understanding him right, he said what he said at the party because he was scared. But now, he is here, telling you that he loves you. But why?
"Why are you telling me this?" You ask and you are surprised by the lack of coldness in your voice. Maybe it's because he's being vulnerable with you that gives you the courage to put your embarrassment aside for the time being.
Namjoon smiles softly. "I had a chat with Yoongi and it made me realise that I am the only one who thinks this way."
He was indeed scared shitless of his feelings affecting the friendship between him and Yoongi. He had taken Yoongi's cautionary way too seriously and while he was under that impression, what scared him even more was that he would take the risk of being with you only to later wish that he had stayed in his lane. He thought that maybe Yoongi too shares the same viewpoint as he does and hence had asked him to stay from you.
When he had gathered the courage to talk about it to Yoongi, it was with the intention of getting Yoongi's approval. Namjoon already knew that he wasn't going to listen to the voice in his head and that you were worth the risk. 
However, when Namjoon went back to his dorms and thought about the conversation he had with Yoongi, it made him realise that he was the only one who was holding these beliefs. Not only that, but Yoongi's reaction made him believe in himself, because even if Yoongi won't ever say it out loud, his calm and nonchalant behaviour was him letting Namjoon know that he trusts him.
"Plus," Namjoon continues, "I know I would regret it forever if I were to let you go simply because I was scared." 
You swallow at his words as any remaining trace of anger is washed away from your body. 
You know it can't be easy to do something when your insecurities are constantly telling you to do otherwise. But him doing just that, serves as a testimony of his love for you. Hence, even though at the beginning you weren't willing to accept his declaration of love, now you find your heart melting.
"So," you fiddle with your fingers. "What does all this mean?"
"Well if you have forgiven me for my stupidity, I'd like to take you out on a date." Namjoon hopes it isn't too soon to ask you out. But more than anything else, he wishes for your forgiveness. 
His words make your chest hurt and you immediately rush to make things clear. "There's nothing to be forgiven, I never held a grudge against you."
"But you wouldn't even look at me?" He asks, with a pained look.
Your heart sinks further. You had thought that it was only painful for you clearly that wasn't the case. "That's because I was embarrassed. It's just incredibly stupid to get drunk because you saw the man you love kissing someone else and then going and confessing like that."
Right, that whole him making out with someone, thing. He now remembers you mentioning it at the party. 
"Sorry to break it to you, but I did not kiss anyone," a small amused smile plays on his lips. "I was only helping the girl to get rid of something that had gotten into her eyes."
Your eyes widen when you hear that. Gosh, could you be any more stupid? You close your eyes tightly and groan in annoyance. 
Namjoon gets up from the couch and slowly walks towards you. He understands why it might have looked like he was making out with someone, after all, parties have the worst lighting. But he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed about it. After all, if it hadn't been for that misunderstanding, you would have never confessed and neither would he. 
After a small moment of hesitation, he puts his palm on your cheek and urges you to open your eyes.
"Hey," he whispers. "I'm really glad you misunderstood things that day. But I can assure you, that yours are the only lips I would ever want to kiss."
His words make you gulp. Here you were drowning in embarrassment a few moments ago and here you are now, breathless from the close proximity.
"Prove it," you whisper back. 
Namjoon's eyes fall on your lips. As much as he would like to feel how soft your lips are, he wants to do things right. 
With great willpower, he brings his eyes back to yours and kisses you on the forehead. "Trust me, there's nothing more I want than kissing you right now. But I want to take you out on a date first."
You chuckle at his words. "Well then, take me out on a date and at the end of it, kiss me like you mean it."
Namjoon's heart does a little dance at your words and he already feels his mind coming up with ideas of how he can make the date one that you never forget. "I'll make the date as perfect as you are."
Maybe you two will indeed be like one of those couples, Yoongi finds intolerable.
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A/N: I definitely plan to write a Ceo Yoongi series with these two, hence that's how I decided to write them for this part!
For early access to maknae line and for choosing what characters you want the maknae line to play, head over to my patreon! Hope you enjoyed reading this part!
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btsstaysgold · 3 months
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When min yoongi gives you CEO vibes>>>>>>>
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yoongi-sugaglider · 1 year
Coffee Stained Armani Suit
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Fashion can be a killer of an industry and when a young personal assistant finds herself being promoted to the new Head Secretary position for the CEO of one of Korea’s premium and top selling fashion magazines, she finds out just how stressful fashion can really be.
pairing; Yoongi x female reader
genre: Fashion, modern era
Warnings: fluff, angst, I know nothing about working in an office except what I’ve seen in dramas lol, occasional course language, a lot of office grunt work
Word count:3100
A/n: Hehe, it’s been a while since I wrote for this story but a passing fancy reminded me that this chapter was almost finished. So I figured I’d go ahead and edit it up and pass it off to the ether. Enjoy!~~
<<Chapter 2
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Thankfully the rest of my week turned out to be a lot calmer than I could have hoped for. The conversation in the stairwell was never brought up again and Mr. Min somehow became just a little bit more pleasant. Of course, the workload didn’t ease up much. But when documents or reports were turned in a bit past their deadline he didn’t make a fuss about it. Just accepted it and told me to push on with his next set of orders.
By the time Friday rolled around, I felt much more relaxed, though pretty damn ready to enjoy my weekend off.
Lunchtime found me with my usual group. Seokjin and Jungkook and I sat together in the breakroom enjoying another of Jin’s fabulously cooked meals.
“Did you know that Youngmin in accounts and management had 4 dogs?” Jungkook spoke through his mouth full of food, causing Jin to chastise him for speaking with his mouth full.
He paused in his gossip to chew and swallow before continuing. “I saw him walking his dogs the other day and about lost it over how cute they are!”
On and on they chattered while I smiled along, enjoying my meal and inserting opinions and comments where appropriate.
As we finished up and cleaned up our mess Yoongi walked into the breakroom, silencing any chatter that had been going on. A heavy weight fell over each of us, unsure as to what it was he could want or which of us he could possibly have been there for. His eyes darted here and there before landing on me with quite an intense gaze.
“Miss l/n, I need you in my office.” Without another word to anyone else he left, leaving us all in a state of mild shock. It was very rare, if ever that Yoongi interrupted my lunches and his sudden appearance confused me to no end.
“I’ll catch up with you boys later.” I muttered, grabbing the remainder of my lunch with a few hastily thrown apologies and darting out the door after Yoongi.
“Miami fashion week starts this coming Monday.”
I made my way over to the chair in front of his desk, watching as he sorted through his paperwork and attended to a few emails on his computer.
“I’m aware. Taehyu...ah Mr. Kim is sending a few reporters over along with several of our top photographers. Was there something missing in his report on the topic?” I leaned forward, pulling up the information on the tablet I used for notes.
“No. Not particularly. But I was invited to be a key speaker for the benefits gala. Which means I’ll have to attend the entirety of the experience.”
“Ah, I see. I’ll get to booking your flight details and hotel accommodations.”
“No need. They’ve already taken care of it.” He paused in his work, reaching forward on his desk to pick up an envelope and tossing it in my direction.
I stood, taking the envelope and pulling out what looked to be two plane tickets along with the information on two hotel rooms booked side by side in one of the most luxurious-sounding resorts I’d ever heard of.
“Sir?” I looked up at him questioningly, tickets still in hand.
“I can’t very well go without my head secretary now can I?”
His words didn’t register in my mind for a moment as I just stood and gawked at him. “Sir I…”
“I’ve already taken care of all of the arrangements. You’re to accompany me to the gala as my plus one, along with anything else I’m required to attend. Outside of that, consider it a minor vacation from the stress of office work.”
He smiled as the look of shock on my face slowly morphed into one of awe and dare I say, hope?
“But Sir, I...I’d stand out. I’m not high fashion. Aren’t the people required to attend almost obligated to be good-looking and have expensive clothing?”
A quirked eyebrow was his only response for a moment as he leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other. Steepling his fingertips before him he looked me up and down. “Where’s the confident assistant that’s been manhandling my entire staff into complying with her every demand?”
I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off, “Where’s the secretary that knows what I need before I even have the time to complete a thought? The confident woman that, despite everything being stacked up against her has always pulled through and ended up on top no matter what life throws at her?”
A fierce heat rose in my cheeks as my hands gripped the envelope in my hands. “I…”
“What you wear has no bearing on your position in my company. And if it’s that much of an issue…”
He stood from his chair, pushing the papers he’d been looking at into a messy pile and grabbing his wallet and keys. “Get your things.”
“Mr. Min?”
“Grab your purse, wallet, or bag. Whatever it is, go and get your things and meet me out in the lobby.”
His tone left no room for questioning as he marched out the door and I had no choice really but to comply.
It was my job after all...
“Mr.Min?” I stared wide at the store before me, mouth agape at what I knew the frosted glass windows held within.
It was bad enough that I’d been made to ride in the back seat of his fancy chauffeured car on the drive over here. Sitting side by side in tense silence with the man who signed my checks was one thing sure… But to think that my boss intended me to walk into such a high-end store with him? 
Absolutely not.
“Let’s go Ms. l/n. We don’t have all day.”
Yoongi moved smoothly past me, nodding to the fancy doorman that held the massive door open for him. He paused at the entrance though, turning to give me a questioning look as I hastily wiped the expression of shock and confusion off my face.
“Ah, right…” I rushed forward, ducking my head as I clutched my purse close to my chest in case anyone within 30 feet of me decided to notice its lack of value and kicked me out of the store for not being classy enough.
“But Sir, why are we even here? I mean, there’s no way I can even afford to look at any of these clothes, let alone be anywhere near it. I….I might taint it with my poorness or something.”
Yoongi snorted, turning his head away from me so I couldn’t see the glitter of mirth in his eyes. “We’re here to get me a new suit. And you...something better than what you’ve got on right now.”
“I...wait what?” I shook my head, hoping the motion would clear the fluff out of my head as I tried to register what he’d said.
“You heard me. I can’t have my secretary represent me at one of the most prestigious fashion moments of the year wearing Walmart knockoff suits and shoes.”
I sputtered, almost choking on my spit. He had to have read my mind about my purse...or something. I mean how could he know??
“You’re wondering how I know about your wardrobe?” he glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes as he followed a well-dressed employee of the store toward the men’s suit section.
I nodded, hoping that if I stayed a few steps behind him the lady leading the way wouldn’t notice the shabbiness of my...well of me.
“I’ve been keeping my eye on you for some time l/n. You’re one of the most hard-working women I’ve come across in a very long time. That being said, as damn near the head of the Korean fashion industry I have to know where every article of clothing being made right now comes from. And that, my dear, is very cheaply made American wear.”
The heat on my face could have fried an entire ostrich egg omelet.
“You really didn’t have to call me out like that…” I mumbled to myself. Luckily for me, Mr. Min was too busy telling the retail woman that he was here to pick up a suit he’d ordered to have noticed me muttering complaints under my breath...or so I hoped anyway.
“And my assistant is going to need a few new outfits. Formal wear, a few comfort outfits, and four new suits to wear for the office.”
Before I could even register the list he’d just spewed off, let alone protest against it, the woman was leading me off to the opposite side of the store.
Standing in a line by the dressing rooms were three women, each dressed in the same slim-cut black dress as the woman who had my arm.
“These are our consultants. They’ll be helping me choose the right fit and cut for your style.”
I shook my head, too at a loss for words to even reply to the woman. I glanced back across the store, hoping to catch Mr. Min’s attention or maybe even find a way to sneak my way out of the situation.
To my relief he’d already approved the suit he would be purchasing and was walking back in my direction.
“Mr. Min...I…”
“Well? Get to it.” 
In the time I’d taken to try and plan out a route of escape the four women had already prepared several outfits. They moved quickly, dragging me towards one of the dressing room stalls.
“Wait!” I huffed, pulling my arm out of the head consultant’s grip. “Please, Mr. Min. I can’t do this.”
Yoongi frowned down at his cufflinks, adjusting them and buttoning them up before continuing to frown as his eyes trailed up to meet mine.
“Can’t? Or won’t?” He tilted his head slightly, eyes filled with challenge. “And here I thought you were the best in your field.”
I don’t know what it was about the way he spoke those words but something in me shifted. Almost as if I was rising to the challenge I straightened my spine before turning haughtily and marching my way into the dressing room area, the four women tittering as they followed close behind.
Now, hear me out. It’s every girl’s dream to walk into a high-end clothing store and put on a fashion show right? Being in the fashion industry that’s just one of those secret fantasies I’ve sort of kept locked away over the years. And with my ability to go behind the scenes of actual shows I’ve even accumulated some skills, though they’ve never seen more than the light of the inside of my crappy ass apartment.
That being said, having to parade myself in front of my boss was something I never thought I’d have to experience
“Sir? A long-sleeved double-breasted blazer. Form-fitting and high fashion, this one-piece suit dress is perfect for any occasion!”
I stepped from the dressing room as the sales assistant guided me. I couldn’t help smoothing my hands over the silky fabric, hoping that it flattered my curves a little bit more than the strangely warped image I’d spotted in the mirror let on.
I kept my eyes on the ground, walking slowly to stand before Mr. Min who’d been given a comfortable chair in order to observe my outfits and approve and disapprove of anything he deemed fit to suit me.
“Hmm…” His quiet hum caught my attention, a flame of heat forming on my cheeks as I finally dared to look up at him.
His eyes held a critical stare, darting up and down my form as if he was judging a prized pumpkin at a harvest festival.
“Well?” I could barely keep the nerves out of my voice as I prompted him for a reaction.
My heart dropped when he shook his head, waving his hand in dismissal. At the outfit or at me, I wasn’t sure. But it still stung nonetheless.
We continued on like this for a bit. Trying on outfit after outfit from suits worth more than my entire apartment building to dresses and outfits that cost so much I had to stop looking at the price tags just to save myself from the ever-impending heart attack I’d felt coming on the moment we walked in here.
The longer it went on the worse the knot of dread in my chest felt, until finally, something snapped in me.
If I was going to do this….if I was going to indulge my boss in having me paraded around like some top-tiered supermodel then damn it I was going to work it!
The next outfit I walked out in had me feeling my Wheaties. I stood tall, shoulders thrown back with confidence and my chin held high as I glared down at Mr. Min with a small amount of distaste though, in all honesty, I was just pretending.
I could tell the look had an effect on him because when he bothered to finally look up from the email he’d been answering on his phone his jaw dropped slightly and his eyes widened. He quickly shook his head to bring himself back to the disinterested look he’d been giving me before but it was there long enough for me to know that this confidence was what he’d been looking for.
And so I continued on, modeling several more outfits and getting more and more into the high-paid modeling mindset. I posed, I strutted, I vogued. I worked that little runway like it was my bitch and damn if it didn’t feel good. Years of repressing my confidence were thrown to the wayside for the simple fact that Yoongi stared me down with something akin to a primal hunger filling his features that I don’t think even he was aware of.
And there was some small part of me that shivered in anticipation of that look. Here was a man known for his disinterest in personal relationships. A single-minded drive to grow his business and get ahead in the fashion world WAS his personality. And here he was staring me down in a simple low-cut neckline ballgown number in ocean blue like I was the only thing he’d ever wanted in his entire life.
With a twitch of a sultry smile and an upturn of my nose, I made my way back to the dressing room, confidence boosted beyond the stars and a quiet glow of appreciation for him growing in my chest. It was the final outfit and the subtle growl he’d thrown my way had a shy part of my heart squealing with joy. 
“I can’t believe some low-end pleb from the streets caught the eye of THE Min Yoongi.”
“I know right? I bet you she’s just a charity case.”
“Did you see the way she basically threw herself at him in those outfits?”
“Ugh, low-class pigs should really learn to stay in their place.”
The venom dripping in those voices outside my dressing room stung, I’m not gonna lie. I paused in undressing, the once-adored dress still clutched to my chest as I leaned against the dressing room wall and sucked in a pained breath.
The twin voices tittered with mirth as their voices faded into the distance but the pain of being judged lingered. 
I know… trust me I am well fucking aware that I’m not worthy of his attention. Aware that had I not been working for him he would never have spared me a second glance. But this trip had never even been about that. I was here for my job. Not for him…
“Miss l/n?” The deep timber of Yoongi’s voice startled me and I sucked in a breath, hastily wiping at the tears streaming down my cheeks. “Is everything alright?”
“It’s fine. The...the zipper got stuck for a second is all.” I tried to force some cheer into my voice despite the hitched sob I struggled to suppress.
There was nothing but silence from the other side of the door for a moment before a low hum of acknowledgment sounded. I listened for a moment to his retreating steps before pushing away from the wall and shooting myself one last glance in the mirror. 
I’m here for my job only. Whatever high fashion fantasy I had swirling around in my head ends here. No matter how much the fact that he’d come to check on me made my heart flutter in my chest like a million butterflies taking flight.
I’m here for my job...that’s all.
I was over it. After hearing such disgusting and ill-intended words thrown at me with zero context I couldn’t help but allow my self-loathing to show on my face. But Mr. Min never said anything. After leaving the dressing room with my normal work outfit on, Yoongi took the hint and ended the impromptu shopping trip.
I stood off to the side as he paid, not paying much attention to anything around me. The clerk handed Mr. Min the receipt, which he promptly tossed in the trash without even half a thought to glance at its contents. 
“W...but Mr.Min you could write that off as a business expense!” I shuffled forward, making as if to reach for the paper but my hand was caught in his grip. Long slender fingers curled around my hand, pulling me upright as he tugged me closer.
“We’re off the clock Ms. y/n...It’s Yoongi...please?”
The way he questioned me had me sucking in about 8 lungfuls of air, begging the cosmos that this wasn’t a dream, that this might actually be real, and that the soft look in his eyes was actually meant for me.
The cloudy haze in my brain had just enough wit to nod to his question as his smirk drilled me in place.
“Good girl.” His voice rumbled, just barely loud enough to be heard by the women gathered at the register.
Forget my fogged brain, I was jello. Cotton candy in a rainstorm. A literal puddle at the feet of this man.
And he knew it. His eyes danced over my face and hunger filled them as he took in the heat rising in my cheeks. That evil smirk shifted to something far more carnal at the squeak that dared dart past my lips and betray me.
Yeah no. I am in no way shape or form surviving this weekend. Not…one…bit.
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lilprincegoo · 11 months
in the sun it looks right by bcrlin
Past Character Death, Depression, Introvert Min Yoongi, Shy Min Yoongi, Enemies to Lovers, kind of, its complicated, Min Yoongi Suga is Bad at Feelings, He's Just Misunderstood, Jeon Jungkook Being an Asshole, only for a short while, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, CEO Min Yoongi, Assistant Jeon Jungkook, Hurt/Comfort
19.9k words
rating: T
infamous ceo min yoongi is known for the icy expression he wears at any and every event, but his new assistant jeongguk makes it his personal mission to break the man's stony mask by throwing every pick-up line imaginable at him (or: jeongguk wasn't one for love and neither was yoongi, but they still fell right into it)
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redrose10 · 6 months
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Here is chapter 1! I hope you like it. Chapter 2 will come out in a few days. Comments are appreciated!
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word Count: 1,693
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
The weather outside did not match the feeling in the conference room. Outside the window you saw the bright sunny sky, not a cloud in sight. You longed for the warmth to touch your skin. Inside this room you felt cold. The walls were a dark cherry mahogany. A marble sculpture of a horse sat in the corner. You’re sure it cost more than a years worth salary for you. You chewed on your lip, a nervous habit you developed at some point. Everyone was patiently waiting for the same person to arrive so you could finally get this over with. Never would you have imagined you’d be in a position like this. Being married off to a man you’d never met. You knew of him of course. Who didn’t? Min Yoongi was the CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world. He was the sole heir to a large fortune being that the Min family was one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in all of Asia. He was dangerously handsome with an arrogant attitude. A womanizer who was constantly in the media and not in a positive way. Just a few months ago we was caught on camera being tossed out of a club for punching the bartender. The video showed him staggering around so drunk he could barely stand straight. He shouted some choice words before shoving three random women into the back of his Rolls Royce and having the driver speed off. Of course the poor bartender didn’t even file any charges knowing he’d never win against the Min family power and money.
Shareholders started worrying about Yoongi’s ability to lead the company, some even demanding he step down. People were uncertain if they should invest in a company run by a sloppy drunk with clear emotional baggage. Stocks in Min Enterprises began to plummet which meant the Min family money started to dwindle and only then did they decide it was time to step in. Which is how you ended up here, sitting across from Yoongi’s parents and some of the other higher ranking officials at Min Enterprises. They had come to the conclusion that it was time for Yoongi to settle down. He needed to find a nice wholesome woman who could help him clean up his image, turn his life around, maybe have a future heir and turn himself into a well respected family man. The problem with that was that Yoongi had never lasted more than a couple weeks with any woman since he was about 19. Often going for quick hookups with women he met at clubs or random models he got ahold of that just wanted to use his name to further their career. In his mind it was easier. No strings attached. No chance of falling in love. No heartbreak. Just sex and send them on their way.
You were a simple girl. You didn’t come from money or power. You loved flowers, blue hydrangeas were your favorite. You often enjoyed a mug of warm milk before bed or maybe some chamomile tea if you were feeling adventurous. Most of your clothes were thrifted and definitely not name brands. You’d only ever had one serious boyfriend and less than four flings. You were the exact opposite of Yoongi and the women you often saw him photographed with.
Which is exactly why the Min family thought you were the perfect match to save their wayward son and bring a good reputation back to the Min name. You had no one else to thank but your old college roommate and best friend Jimin. After graduation he moved away but you kept in touch with each other. One day you get a voicemail from your friend asking you to come visit him in Korea. After calling him back and him assuring you the trip was all expenses paid by himself you agreed. Little did you know of the secret motive. Jimin had moved to Seoul after graduation, quickly getting a job at Min Enterprises. He started as just an assistant to Yoongi’s assistant. Over time Jimin was able to work his way up and was now a member of the board of directors and one of Yoongi’s best friends. When Jimin heard of the Min family plan he immediately thought of you and threw your name into the contenders ring as a potential suitor for Yoongi. You had recently complained about wanting to get out of your small town and Jimin recalled several instances where you mentioned your ever failing love life and non existent bank account so what better way to get around that than to marry a handsome young billionaire.
Your thoughts were interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Looking up you were greeted by the handsome face of Kim Seokjin, one of the Min family lawyers. “Can we be expecting Yoongi any time today?”, he asked probably more sarcastically than he had planned. As the elder Mr. Min started reaching for his phone the large double doors swung open and swiftly slammed shut as the man you were all waiting for stomped over and took his seat next to you, clearly agitated at having to be there.
You knew that Yoongi was handsome, most of the world knew that, but seeing him in person was different than any photos you’d ever seen. Soft perfect skin, piercing cat like eyes, silky jet black hair that he had started to let grow out. He was wearing a fitted dark green suit that probably cost more than every piece of clothing you owned. His cologne intoxicating, a mix of cinnamon and vanilla. He smelled like comfort and warmth.
When he realized you were staring at him he looked over at you turning to a face of disgust before shaking his head and turning his attention back to the lawyer, “Jin, can we get this over with? I have more important events to attend to.” You watched the lawyer lay out several sheets of paper in front of the two of you. “Right so these are the basics of the contract. It’s pretty standard. The Min family will release an official statement announcing the marriage of their only son Yoongi and Miss Y/N. The wedding will take place shortly after.” You watched as Jin turned to you placing an additional paper down in front of you and pointing to the stipulations as he read them off, “Y/N you will take the Min last name. You will move into Yoongi’s penthouse. You will agree to attend all social and/or professional functions with Yoongi and occasionally you will have to go alone as the Min representative. You will be given a credit card to make any and all purchases for any thing you need or want. And lastly you will uphold a satisfactory image as to not taint the Min image. Also please be aware that a divorce is not an option and the contract will only become nullified in the event that either Yoongi or Y/N were to pass away leaving the other as a widow.” You nodded in understanding while staring down at the list of demands in front of you. Things could be worse you thought but this still wasn’t ideal, especially not having the option for a divorce.
Jin turned his attention over to Yoongi placing a similar paper down in front of him and going over his stipulations which were much simpler than yours, basically don’t get caught with other women and don’t get drunk in public. You scoffed knowing that he would struggle to uphold his end of the contract. You were blindsided though when Jin read off the final stipulation, “After the wedding Yoongi will make an initial donation in his and Y/N’s name in the amount of $5 million US dollars to ‘Little Rays of Sunshine Orphanage’ in Y/N’s hometown. Then he will make an additional $1 million donation every year thereafter for the duration of the marriage.” Your lips turned up into a small smile. You had jokingly told Jimin that you’d agree to this whole ordeal if Yoongi donated a large amount of money to the orphanage that you grew up in. You didn’t think he’d actually get it done but you were a little relieved knowing that at least going through with this was going to benefit many children in need. You made a mental note to thank Jimin later. Deep in your thoughts you hadn’t noticed how Yoongi had looked over at you with furrowed brows questioning that request.
Jin placed a pen down in front of you before clapping his hands together, “Alright now that that’s out of the way the two of you just need to sign and date here and here and we can all go on with our day.” Trying your best to hide your shaking hand you gently grasped the ivory pen taking a deep breath before signing away your life to this man you met less than 15 minutes ago. Handing the pen over to Yoongi he glared at you before releasing a loud sigh and roughly taking the pen from your grasp signing away his name. Once it was done Mrs. Min began to speak but was cutoff by Yoongi loudly pushing his chair back and slamming the pen down on the glass table, “I have places to be.” And with that he stormed out of the room loudly slamming the door behind him. Mr. And Mrs. Min along with the rest of the elders followed not long after giving you a nod goodbye. You looked up to Jin who gave you an apologetic smile. He patted your hand as he continued to pack up his belongings, “He’ll come around Y/N. Just give it some time. He puts on a tough act but underneath that harsh exterior is really a sweet kid who got lost along the way.” Going into this you thought maybe this could actually work out and the two of you could at the very least pretend to love each other. Now, after meeting for the first time, you’re not so sure.
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What if... the CEOs were hybrids? Bonus chapter | BTS OT7 au
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Welcome to the prequel, I cannot believe how long it's taken me to update this story I really hope you enjoy this <3 (the gif makes me think of the 6 in their office waiting for MC, but Yoongi’s hiding her in his office 🤣) Warnings: menstrual cycle stuff, hormones, possessiveness
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Hybrids: KNJ - Wolf, KSJ - Bear, MYG - Panther, JHS - Lion, PJM - Arctic fox, KTH - Tiger, JJK - Bunny.
“Kitten if you keep pouting so hard you’ll look like a fish,” Yoongi teases without looking up from his paperwork. 
“I’m not pouting,” you deny wearing the proverbial pout.
Hoseok snickers, covering it with a weak cough when you glare at him for a second, turning back to Yoongi with your arms crossed. 
“Flower you need to look in the mirror,” Taehyung says deeper than usual, making your heart flutter momentarily, the sound makes him smile, but you avoid his gaze. 
“Hyung stop being mean or you’ll cloud my sunshine,” Hobi pretends to berate the panther hybrid, all of their tails swishing in the air enthusiastically as you get more riled up. 
You were in the main CEO office with three big cat hybrids, most people would stand guard or scared, Yoongi thought, but of course his kitten would stand defiantly in between them with no ounce of fear.
“Just admit you did it on purpose Min Yoongi,” your pout was getting more pronounced at the accusation, a big cute frown on your face that makes Yoongi bite his lips to stop smiling but he fails. 
Hoseok and Tae laugh behind their hands or paperwork, both of them clearing their throats and schooling their features before you turn on them. 
“What exactly did I do wrong, kitten?” Yoongi asks with a dare in his eyes, a lot of people thought you both didn’t get on but they were wrong. Yes, you both argued and disagreed with each other without care about who was watching but it was only play-fighting, and Yoongi did it on purpose to see his kitten’s claws. Who else in the company would dare confront him like this with his full name on their lips in that demeanour. 
“I emailed you my report because you asked for a digital copy AND YOU CHANGED THE FONT!”
Hoseok and Taehyung both clasp their hands over their mouths as the giggles escape, you eye them both distastefully, narrowed gaze piercing them.
“And what’s the problem?” Yoongi smirks, oh you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
You groan exasperatedly, huffing loudly which only makes his grin wider. How he loved playing with his kitten, any piece of string he dangled in front of you sent you running in circles with him and he always loved the sight. 
“Why did you change it?” The pout is back.
“You’re pouting again Kitten,” Yoongi sighs, “stop it.”
You only pout harder, looking at him like a child being told off but not backing down. 
“I’m not pouting,” you argue, and your tone tickles him. For your own safety you needed to be more aware of your facial muscles, or did you not realise every time you purse your lips like that you were just asking to be kissed, and Yoongi was not a gentleman, how long did you expect him to resist?
“Hyung,” Taehyung whines, copying your expression exaggeratedly. “I can’t believe you changed the font on flower’s hard work.”
“How could you?” Hoseok joins in, adopting a childish tone in his voice as he pouts extra hard. 
The fake support only makes you glare at them, they sounded ridiculous as they struggled to keep their composure. Yoongi doesn’t hold back his soft laughter, the sound cooling your anger a little.
“You’re not funny,” you say to the duo, watching both their tails swish behind them as they mock you. 
“I disagree,” Tae chuckles. 
“We’re hilarious sunshine,” Hoseok chimes in, “and Yoongi hyung was right, you are pouting.”
“That is beside the point,” you disregard them, “the point is Min Yoongi disrespected my work.”
“I changed the font Kitten, I didn’t insult it,” he rolls his eyes but the smirk doesn’t disappear. 
“Helvetica is an insult,” you mumble, walking away with a stomp in your step. The three cat hybrids start to petulantly whine and complain as you leave, begging for you to stay.
“Kitten, I’ll change it back,” Yoongi calls after you.
“Flower come back,” Taehyung whines.
“Sunshine we were joking!” 
But your only response was the slam of the office door.
“No one tell Namjoon.”
“Hyung you were pushing it,” Hoseok berates him gently, “or did you not scent the change yet?”
“Of course I did, it’s my favourite time to play with Kitten,” Yoongi admits. “She’s extra volatile this time of month.”
Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief, “Hyung you’re sadistic.”
Hoseok just stares at the panther with a knowing look. Min Yoongi could pretend all he wanted, but the man was soft for you and your attention. 
Did their hybrid ears deceive them, or was that your heart pumping out of pace as you stared up at Jin with a spaced out look. The bear hybrid was devastatingly handsome, the whole company knew it, even you weren’t immune to it.
“Angel, are you listening to what Hyung is saying?” Jimin calls you out with a smirk.
“Huh,” you take a second to snap out of it, meeting the knowing look in Jimin’s eyes before you feel your cheeks burn. “Yep.”
It sounds like a squeak as you turn back to the file Jin was holding, trying to read the words on the page but you can’t make out a single sentence. You hear him chuckle beside you, wishing the floor would swallow you whole to escape the sudden embarrassment you felt. 
“Beautiful girl, are you feeling okay?” Jin asks with a grin, bathing in the sight of you becoming flustered. 
“Flower,” Taehyung stands from his desk with mock worry on his face, taking your hands in his as he stares you down, “your heart rate just skyrocketed, are you okay?”
Jimin and Jungkook push Jin out of the way, the trio surrounding you as they voice their concern over your health, making you want Hell to open up and take you if it meant you could escape this. 
“Ya!” Even Jin couldn’t save you now, he may have been the oldest but when the maknaes wanted something they’d get it. He sighs, shaking his head as you fight for words against their attack. 
“You don’t have a temperature,” Jungkook mutters with a pout, the back of his hand pressed to your forehead. 
“This is serious,” Jimin contemplates, his hands on your cheeks as he looks into your eyes, “there’s no reason for angel’s heart rate to shoot up out of nowhere,” he fights the smirk but you can hear it in his voice, he knows exactly why you were like this, damn their hybrid senses.
“Bunny, are you sure you don’t have a heart condition?”
“Should we book an appointment with the company doctor,” Taehyung says to the two, his acting skills better than them by far, even you were almost convinced it would be a good idea. 
“This isn’t the first time it’s happened Bunny, what if it’s something serious?” Jungkook teases, unable to stop the grin on his face. 
“Has no one else picked up on it Angel?” Jimin asks innocently before his eyes change again, a cheshire cat smile on the fox’s face forming without restraint. “It only ever happens with us.”
Your whole head feels like it’s on fire, the open mouth of shock pressing shut with annoyance. 
“Maybe I’m allergic to you guys,” you say through gritted teeth, making the boys gasp in outrage at the idea. 
It hurt like a bitch, like little fists were punching you from the inside out and all you could do was grit your teeth and take painkillers, which you swear did nothing. You try to suppress a groan, pressing your lips together hard as you get through another cramp. You wish you didn’t come in today but there was an important meeting and you stupidly thought that was more important than crying in bed in pain alone. 
You don’t notice three sets of eyes on you, looking on with worry. It's when you clutch your abdomen, eyes squeezed closed, that they know they can no longer leave you be. 
“Y/n you stink,” Suran says nonchalantly as she passes your desk, the Chihuahua hybrid dropping off some files before giving you a fake sympathetic smile and holding her nose as she walks away. 
Taehyung growls as he overhears, the chihuahua’s attention snapping to the tiger with fear widening her eyes, noticing Jimin looking at her with the same predatory hate that makes her cower away with a whine. 
You sigh when she walks away, hating the fact that every hybrid in the room knew exactly which point of your monthly cycle you were in, even with all the suppressants they had to take. At first it was weird to get used to, embarrassing even but with time it was just the way things were. Sometimes you had to admit it did have it’s benefits, like when you ranted to your panda hybrid BFF about Min Yoongi and the helvetica altercation she may have pointed out that you were PMSing and your patience with the panther was at sub zero because of it. Maybe you were overreacting about the whole font thing, just a little. 
“Noona,” Jungkook calls for your attention, the other two in tow looking at you with so much sympathy it was as if someone was dying. 
“Angel, care to follow us?” Jimin says holding out his hand for you to take.
You smile knowingly, but it doesn’t stretch very far. Every month your favourite trio found a way to distract you from work and form a cuddle nest in Yoongi’s office which he always allowed to your surprise. He would stare at the four of you while he pretended to work, both of you wishing he would just join the cuddle pile. 
“Guys I can't, I've got a meeting soon,” you say, glancing at the clock. “And you three are 20 minutes late to yours.”
They mumble feeble excuses which you silence with an unimpressed look. 
You almost crawl into the meeting room, your pace so slow your usual 30 minutes early to prep was now cut to 25, Jin had been pacing the room for five minutes wondering whether you had died, Namjoon restraining him from going to look for you telling the bear hybrid he was being too dramatic.
Of course, Namjoon eats his own words when they see you enter. Jin was normally the one to preempt your ritual of setting up, normally joining you so he could steal your time before being surrounded by your colleagues. This time round, Namjoon decided to join him and he’s so glad he did.
The protective growl is barely contained, he doesn’t know what hits him first, your palor, the smell of blood or the way you are so obviously in excruciating pain. 
“Baby girl,” his voice is on edge, “what are you doing here?”
You frown at him, wincing when another cramp makes you want to double over and die, did he have to ask you stupid questions? 
“Setting up,” you say breathlessly with a slight groan, pressing your lips together as if those two words alone just added tenfold to the agony. 
“I don’t think so,” the characteristic rise of his eyebrow tells you he’s serious, “go home, you’re in no state to work.” he turns to Jin, “Hyung, do you think you could drive-”
“I’m fine,” even through the struggle of those quiet words he could hear your stubbornness. 
He exhales, staring you down, jaw clenched. Jin glances between you both, even in your frailer than usual state he could see you weren’t going to back down, either of you. 
“Beautiful, maybe we should-”
“Nope,” you shake your head, ignoring them and starting to prep for the meeting, you were running out of time. You try to behave as normal, standing a little straighter, but your movements were slow, your head fuzzy.
“Y/n I am not kidding around, you look like you’re going to pass out,” Namjoon grits his teeth to stop himself yelling, he never yelled, but this or something similar happened every month and his patience ran out about a year ago.
You scowl at the lack of his term of endearment in that sentence, didn’t he know you were in pain? And he was going to call you by your name? The gall of the lead CEO, thinking he could just boss you around like he was… Huh, maybe your brain was suffering from a lot of blood loss, you genuinely forgot this man was your employer.
“I’m going to be fine,” you sigh, tired of everything. You just needed to make it through the day, only… 7 more hours left. You stop yourself from bursting into tears at the thought, why was time torturing you today? 
Jin watches Namjoon clench his fist, the bear hybrid taking a step back when the wolf’s eyes have that red glint in them that meant oncoming doom. You were somehow blissfully unaware, although he knew that wouldn’t last long. 
It's when you try to muffle a wince that he can hear the low growls coming from the male, his tail stiff and straight, making Jin’s instincts want to stand in front of you and defend you but the more rational part of his brain knew Namjoon would never hurt you. 
“Beautiful girl…” He tries again, nervously laughing but you seem to be oblivious to the state of the predator in the room. “I think-”
The whimper you try to conceal cuts him off, you’re clutching the edge of the table in front of you so hard your knuckles are white, your whole posture stiffening as you ride out the spasms your lower region assaults on your body. His eyes go wide when he doesn’t hear you breathe, he steps closer to you quickly as it passes and when you release the table you stumble back into his chest. 
His arm wraps around you quickly, keeping you steady as you catch your breath. Your stance is weaker, he can see your eyes are out of focus when he tilts your head to look at him. 
“You shouldn’t be here beautiful,” he sighs. “You should be at home, in bed, resting.”
“I’m taking you home,” he insists, and he’d stay with you, no way was he going to leave you alone like this. He bet you hadn’t had anything to eat today either.
“But the meeting,” you whine weakly, you put so much work into today and your biology was ruining it. “No, I’m going to stay.”
You both hear the low rumbling sound behind you, tentatively turning towards the hooded eyes directed at you. You feel a shiver shoot down your spine, Jin holding you tighter against him.
When he takes a step closer you instinctively try to take one back, unable to move with Jin freezing in response to the wolf. Namjoon lets out a deep breath, as if trying to control his instincts, instincts that scream at him to take his mate home, build her a nest and trap her in it until she recovers. 
“Baby girl you either let Hyung take you home now,” he pauses, searching your eyes for the defiance he needed to subdue. The corner of his lips twitch as if he’s almost amused, but really it's because his patience has been tested to its limits. 
You try to speak but no sound leaves, all you can do is watch the predator stalk up to you, looking up at him as his gaze almost dared you to try and challenge him.
“Or…” his smile doesn’t reach his eyes, stretched thin like his nonexistent tolerance for your attitude. 
“I call security to escort you out of the building.”
You gawp at him in surprise, he wouldn’t, there is no way on Earth he would call security on you.
“Don’t test me Y/n, it’s for your own good,” he grunts in reply to your unspoken thoughts, the fake smile gone to reveal his glare. He doesn’t back down, doesn’t flinch even when he can see your eyes starting to water. He marches over to the internal company phone when you don’t move towards the exit, Jin having released you to watch your reaction. You cross your arms, looking at the wolf with just as much contempt despite the pain you were in. The adrenaline of your standoff helped a little, but you would die before you admit it. 
He scoffs after waiting a second too long, unbuttoning his cuffs and pushing his sleeves up his arms. They felt like they were constraining him, the tie and collar would have to be loosened next once he dealt with you. He glares at you again, ready to end this stalemate, but your eyes aren’t on his with fire like he expects. Instead, they travel down his arms, breath caught in your throat at the angry veins protruding out of his skin. The smirk on his face was real this time, only when he picks up the phone do you return his stare. He wouldn’t… 
“Security,” it’s a gruff command and your jaw drops in disbelief. 
“So Bunny isn’t talking to you?” Jungkook isn’t gloating, not really, the grin he has on his face wasn’t cruel, he just found the situation entertaining. 
“Even I thought he was bluffing with the security card,” Jin shakes his head at the memory, you held back tears the whole drive home, you ranted to Jin about how Namjoon could possibly to that to you and who did he think he was, you didn’t stop for the whole afternoon and evening until Jin left. 
“I was half bluffing,” Namjoon groans, “I didn’t really call them, I just made her think I did.”
“But you would have if she didn’t move,” Yoongi challenges, a smirk evident on his face that he wasn’t buying it. 
“As if you wouldn’t have called them either,” the lead CEO huffs.
“Oh please, Kitten wouldn’t refuse me,” the smirk only grows when the wolf glares at the panther. “And if she did, she would have paid for it.”
“She was already paying in pain, hyung,” Taehyung whines, not liking the way Yoongi was talking. “My poor flower.”
“It’s been a week,” Namjoon starts massaging his temples with his fingertips feeling the stress radiate from his brain like a migraine. “When is she going to let it go?”
“Have you apologised?” Hoseok asks, not looking up from his paperwork until his question is met with silence. 
Oh if only you could see the wolf with his tail between his legs right now. He tries not to laugh at the obvious embarrassment on Namjoon’s face as he tries to come up with an excuse. 
“I don’t think he needs to apologise,” Yoongi says.
“Of course you don’t” Jimin sasses with an eye roll. “Whether hyung was right or wrong, he still hurt my angel’s feelings.”
“I think he’s paid for it enough,” Jin chuckles, “you should’ve seen his face when beautiful called him Mr Kim.”
Jaws drop, in shock and a little in second hand pain if that was ever a thing. They wouldn’t know at all how to handle you acting so coldly. 
“Not even Kim Depyunim,” Jin continues as if he was sharing a scandal. “Mr Kim.”
“Woah,” Jungkook breathes, completely taken back. “Remind me not to get on Noona’s bad side.”
“Ididitforherowngood!” Namjoon yells to his own defence, sounding unusually high pitched before groaning, planting his head on the table. 
The others snicker to themselves, the sound making the wolf bang his head lightly but repeatedly on the wooden desk. 
“Sunshine, are you still mad at Namjoon?” Hoseok asks you as you both walk to your meeting. His question pulls your attention out of the file you were rechecking. 
“No…” you deny, pouting as you return to reading.
“Sunshine…” he sighs.
“Maybe,” you try again more honestly. 
“Well then you should be mad at all of us,” he replies, making your snap towards him. He doesn’t meet your gaze, staring in front of him with confidence. “We all would’ve done exactly the same thing.”
You sigh displeased with that information. 
“But Hobi-”
That does make him turn towards you, pulling your arm and stopping you both in your tracks. Thankfully the corridor was empty, but he still glances around before giving you his full attention.
“Sunshine, none of us like seeing you in pain,” he explains, “and for some reason you don’t listen to your body.”
You open your mouth to argue but his stare makes you back down, pressing your lips closed with another pout. He chuckles softly at the sight. 
“He didn’t go about it the best way, but he didn’t do it to undermine you sunshine,” he explains calmly. “He did it because he was worried about you.”
You stare at his shoes, feeling mildly dejected at his gentle berating. You miss the grin on his face, finding you adorable. He gives the corridor another glance around to make sure no eyes could catch him, before he pulls you into a hug, chuckling to himself at how endearing he found everything about you, even the parts that sometimes exhausted them. 
“No!” he roars childishly. “I know Flower better!”
You wince at his volume, the three maknaes tended to forget about the crowd of colleagues surrounding you when they had these battles for your attention. 
Jmin and Jungkook scoff loudly, making you wince even harder, glancing at the other desks and watching people whisper in amusement. Why did they do this to you?
“Please, you don’t even know your flower’s favourite flower!” Jimin contends with just as much volume as the tiger, tail swishing back and forth faster and faster. 
“You just admitted she’s my flower,” Taehyung counters as if he’s won. 
“Guys,” you say quietly, not wanting any more attention, but needing to stop it. You pull on Tae’s sleeve to get him to stop.
“Look you can’t even read Bunny’s body language,” Jungkook stands with his hands on his hips, stalking up to the tiger as if he wasn’t a prey hybrid. Honestly sometimes you’d forget if it wasn’t for the bunny ears on his head. 
“And you can?” Jimin and Taehyung say simultaneously.
“Better than you can!” Jungkook shouts back, “you’re making Noona uncomfortable right now.”
Oh the irony obviously went over the youngest’s head and then twirled around him and yeeted for good measure. 
“Can you guys please quieten it down?” you beg, “or take it elsewhere.”
Three sets of eyes now snap and stare directly at you, oh shit this was exactly what you wanted to avoid. 
“Flower tell them I know you best,” Taehyung demands, crouching beside you and turning your chair to face him. 
“Angel don’t you dare lie to him to save his feelings,” the arctic fox growls, the sound not as impressive as Namjoon’s but you find it cute, or you would in any other situation. 
A large shadow looms over the four of you, catching the hybrids’ tongues in their throats. They audibly swallow, slowly turning to see the daggers the big bad boss wolf threw at them with his glare.
“Didn’t we have that thing…?” Jimin cowers back without taking his eyes off the lead CEO, swearing to himself he could see steam leaving his ears.
“That important thing,” Taehyung seconds as if he didn’t spend the last half an hour disagreeing with everything the fox said. 
The three of them scarper off, as if the ends of their tails were on fire, unable to leave fast enough. You shake your head at their antics but smile in amusement despite the trouble they caused. 
Namjoon’s presence had everyone turn back diligently to their work, he surveys the whole floor, making sure not a single hint of attention strayed from what he paid them to do. You look up at his glowering presence, grinning at how serious his demeanour was. His eyes catch yours when he hears your light laughter, the stern expression on his face melting away. 
You weren’t giving him the narrowed eyes of spite that he was getting used to, was it too early to sigh in relief? He watches you cautiously, words catching in his throat that he clears, but when he opens his mouth nothing comes out. You smile at him so radiately it disarms him, his palms starting to sweat, you reduce the strong alpha to a pup with that look of endearment.
“Thanks Joonie,” you whisper, “they were getting to that stage where it would’ve been impossible to stop.”
You shake your head again, looking down at your computer completely unaware of the puddle the CEO was turning into beside you. He feels his soul elevate back into place after being dragged along the floor for a week. He wasn’t Mr Kim anymore, the relief flooded through him. 
“Baby girl,” he calls for your attention quietly, standing over you with an arm on your desk. You glance up at him, caught in his soft gaze, blinking a couple of times at the sight. 
“I’m sorry for last week, I was out of line but I was worried about you.”
He leans down closer, his face an inch away from yours. He smirks when he sees your eyes dilate, an inner voice berating him about rules and etc that he ignores for a second.
“That being said,” he continues gently. “Never call me Mr Kim again.”
He breaks out into a grin at the sound of your soft laughter.
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zehakoo · 2 years
sugar | myg
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pairings » ceo!yoongi x f. reader
genre » strangers to lovers, neighbours au, fluff, smut
summary » desperately in need of sugar to make coffee in order to ease down your headache, you find yourself knocking on a strangers door who happens to be your best friend’s friend and the finest man you’ve ever encountered.
warnings » drinking, swearing, kissing, pool party, cold yoongi, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, foreplay, blowjob, fingering, dirty talk, making out, some nipple play, begging, praise kink, orgasm control, hair grabbing, penetration, teasing, just yoongi being hot
word count » 11k
a/n » some italics part indicate past dialogues and some indicate personal thoughts.
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You had just finished placing the last few boxes in your new apartment with the help of your friend, Hoseok.
“Thank you so much Hobi! I don't think I could've done this without you.” You said, smiling at him.
“Are you crazy Y/N? Don't thank me, what are friends for?” He retorted, being offended by the fact that you thought he wouldn’t have helped you, whether you asked him to or not.
“No it’s just that you’ve been busy and I didn't want to bother you. I'd feel horrible knowing you can’t rest the one day you’re free just because of me.” You explained, feeling a bit guilty.
“Hey, it’s all cool. I'm glad you finally found yourself an apartment though, it's nice here.” He replied, looking around the place as you can see how satisfied he was with the amount of sunlight approaching the room.
“Indeed it is.” You nodded, agreeing with him.
It finally feels like home, your home.
“Better treat me to a nice dinner later missy.” He joked making you chuckle.
“Of course mister. After I set up the apartment properly that is.” You joked back.
“Do you need help with setting anything up? You know I can always jus—“
You sighed before walking up to him and intertwining your hands with his.
”Hobi, I'm fine. I want to do this all on my own now. I really appreciate your help though, you’ve been nothing but a hardworking and supportive best friend. Thank you so much for always being there for me, I love you.” You blurted out.
“Now, should I take that as you officially confessing your love for me Y/N?” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, “As friends Hoseok, but seriously, thank you so much for everything.”
“Of course, anytime, I’m just a call away you know.” He said, wrapping his arms around you to pull you into a hug.
You hummed, instantly giving into his warm body with your head resting on his chest. Both of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes until the sudden ringing of a phone made you two pull apart. Hoseok fetched his phone out from the back pocket of his jeans and widened his eyes looking at the caller ID.
“Shit! I need to go Y/N. Sorry, I forgot I had to meet mom today.”
“It's fine Hobi, thanks once again and tell your mom I said ‘hi’.” You replied, leading him to the door.
“Will do.” He asserted, opening the door to walk out.
“By the way my friend lives in that apartment. If you need anything you can ask him, I'll let him know about you.” He said, pointing at a door across the hallway to which you nodded.
“Alright thanks Hobi, bye!” You beamed.
“Bye Y/N,” and with that he left. You went back inside, closed the door and leaned your back on it. You admired your apartment space and tried to figure out where to start setting up from.
After 10 long hours, you finally sat down on the sofa you had just finished arranging.
“My head hurts now.” You whined.
Knowing exactly what you need to ease it down, you made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. However, you realized that your plan of getting groceries today didn’t work out and you didn’t have any sugar left in the house.
A sudden thought of calling Hoseok to bring you some came to your mind but you quickly dismissed it knowing it’s 10pm. You didn’t want to bother him anymore. That's when your mind clicked, recalling Hoseok's words before he left.
His friend.
For a good 7 minutes, you debated on whether you should knock and ask for some sugar or not before finally concluding your decision. You definitely need a cup of coffee or your headache will get even worse and you know you won’t move a single inch to finish setting up the left bit of the apartment.
“Fuck it!” You mumbled and quickly slid a purple hoodie over your tank top before leaving your apartment.
Standing in front of a door similar to yours, you took a deep breath before knocking on it. You don’t even know why you’re so nervous, he’s Hoseok's friend and your neighbor. Neighbours help each other right?
Not getting any response back the first time, you knocked again. Still not getting any response, you decided to leave but the door suddenly opened. You stood there in shock, seeing such a handsome man standing by the door. He was wearing an oversized white shirt over black track pants with a white towel wrapped around his neck. It looked like he just came out of the shower and was trying to dry his wet locks.
“Yes?” He questioned in a deep voice, staring straight into your soul.
“Umm hey, I don’t know if he told you yet but I’m Hoseok's friend that moved in. I ran out of sugar and I needed it this instant, so is it okay if I can borrow some? I’ll make sure to give you bac—“
What the fuck. Did he just slam the door on your face? What does he think of himself? Of course you just had to encounter another person with good looks but a shitty personality. You never knew Hobi had such a rude friend. You scoffed and started walking back to your apartment but suddenly heard the door behind you click open again.
“Where are you going?”
You immediately turn around only to spot Hoseok's friend standing, peeking out his door.
“I thought yo—“ before you could complete your sentence you saw him walking towards you.
“Take the whole pack, I'm not wasting time taking out only a bit.” He stated, handing over a whole 2kg bag of sugar.
“Oh I don’t need that mu—“
“Just take it. Pay me a quarter back later.” He retorted, pushing it further to you as you took it.
Guess he’s not that bad, just a man with a cold personality.
“Uh okay, thanks—“ before you could even ask for his name or say anything, he was already walking back to his place. You watched him stop in-front of his doorway and reach his hand out to twist the door knob, before briefly glancing at you.
“It’s nice finally meeting you Y/N, I'm Yoongi.”
It's been two days since you moved in and had that encounter with Yoongi. You remember ranting to Hoseok about it yesterday which only led him to erupt into laughter.
“He’s just like that Y/N, at least he gave you some sugar. He was probably tired from work so don't think too much. Yoongi doesn’t talk much but he’s nice.”
Although he has good looks you wish to never face him again, but here you are. Hoseok’s words ringing in your head as you once again find yourself standing in front of his door. Before you could even knock, the door opened itself revealing Yoongi. You can see that he was also in the same shock as you. I mean why wouldn’t he be? He definitely wouldn’t have expected you out of everyone to be standing by his doorway, first thing on a Monday morning.
“Good morning! I just wanted to return your pack of sugar and pay for it, here’s the money.” You said, extending the quarter and the pack of sugar to him.
“Oh, thanks.”
Your eyes then finally travelled down to his outfit. He was wearing a black blazer with a white shirt underneath, neatly tucked into his black dress pants as one of his hands carried a pair of shades. You looked back up and noticed how his hair was neatly parted through the middle.
Fuck he looks hot.
One thing about Hoseok, that man has some really good looking fucking friends. You’ve met three of them before Yoongi. If you may recall, the three being Jimin, Namjoon and Seokjin. You don’t think you have ever seen a friend group consisting of such good looking people, to be honest. He hasn’t introduced you to the other two yet but you’re sure they’re probably hella fine as well.
“Do you need anything else?” You didn’t realize that you had been staring at him so his voice slightly made you flinch.
“Huh? Uh no sorry i’ll take my leave now, thank you once again.” You smiled to which he nodded, and you left.
“Mom you didn’t have to, you know?” You said to your mom as the two of you were in the elevator, going up to your apartment.
“Don’t be ridiculous Y/N. My daughter bought her own apartment with her own money for the first time and you think I wouldn’t come visit?” She retorted.
“I don’t mean it like that, it’s a 2 hour drive away and dad is sick.“
“Your dad is fine now and just recently started going back to work, don’t worry too much.” She assured, as the both of you had walked out the elevator and made it in front of your apartment door.
“Alright, I'm sure he didn’t come since he would be busy catching up with work so I’ll go meet him at the company sometime this week.” You said, opening the door with your keys.
“Of course, he’ll be so happy to see you.” She beamed.
When the two of you stepped foot inside, your mom began scanning the whole place. Going through the whole apartment, she kept the same look until the two of you had sat down on the sofa.
“Oh my god Y/N, it’s beautiful, I love it!” She exclaimed, making you chuckle.
“I’m glad you liked it, I worked hard on arranging everything nicely with the help of Yoora of course.”
“It looks wonderful! I'm so proud of you and speaking of Yoora, how is she and Hoseok?” Your mom asked, holding your hands.
“Yoora and Hoseok are both fine, just busy these days. They sent their greetings to you though,” you replied.
“Make sure to send my greetings back, tell them that I miss them and am very thankful that you have friends like them.”
“That would definitely boost their ego but will do,” you said, making the two of you laugh.
You spent almost 4 hours talking to your mom and even facetimed Hoseok and Yoora in the middle. The two complained about how busy they were with work while you were lucky enough to have 2 weeks off. The three of you have been best friends since you were 5 so all your parents loved the three of you like their own children. Your mom and the two had the time of their life talking to each other after so long. It was almost around 8pm when you heard knocking on your door. Who would it be at this time? You wondered.
“You had someone coming over?” Your mom asked.
“No but I think the parcel I ordered came in. Let me go check,” you answered as she nodded.
You got up and walked towards the door. Once you opened it, you were greeted by the sight of a huge brown box and a man dressed in a simple black hoodie and jeans. His hair was fluffy too. Very boyfriend material of him but he wasn’t a delivery man—
“Uh hey, you actually had this box outside your door this afternoon and you weren’t home so I took it to my place in case someone takes it.” He nervously explained.
“Oh my god, thank you so much!” You exclaimed.
“It’s a bit heavy, let me help you carry it inside.” He insisted, seeing you struggling to get the box in.
“Oh thanks, I'm so sorry you had to carry it to your place.” You apologized thinking of how he might’ve struggled to carry your huge and heavy parcel to his apartment. Hoseok was right, he is nice.
“Right here is fine Yoongi, thank you once again,” you said, finally placing the box down.
“It’s fin-“
“Oh my, who might this young man be?” You heard your mom ask.
Oh shit, you completely forgot she was here.
“He’s just my neighbour, don’t assume anything mom.” You declared before she could say anything more.
“You know you don’t have to hide anything from me right?” She smiled as you saw how Yoongi's eyes widened, understanding what she meant.
“Mom. I’m not hiding anything, he lives across the hallway we met just a couple days ago.”
“Well then invite this handsome neighbour of yours for dinner at least.”
“Mom!” You whined showing her exactly how embarrassed and mad you are.
“It’s nice to meet you ma'am and thank you for your invite but I’m afraid I can’t accept it as I have other plans and need to leave sorry.”
That was so formal, he sounded so nice.
“Oh I see, such a respectful man. Please come next time when you’re free, I'm sure Y/N can cook you some delicious food.”
“Uh of course ma'am, have a goodnight, I’ll take my leave now.” Yoongi stated before locking eyes with you and walking out the door.
As soon as you heard the door shut, you immediately locked it and rushed towards your mom to rant about what just happened and how embarrassing it was.
“We should go eat Y/N,” your mom said, having enough of you rambling on and on.
You sighed, “you’re right. I'm very hungry, let's go eat!”
You were now walking back to your apartment after dropping off your mom by the car your dad had sent for her to go back from. She left a little while after having dinner and made sure to convince you to befriend Yoongi and possibly start dating him.
There’s no way you would. You two don’t even know each other and he’s too rude sometimes.
Speaking of Yoongi, you need to apologize to him about your mom. You know there’s no way you’d face him after the embarrassing situation that occurred so you texted him instead. Surprisingly he texted back in just a few minutes.
[y/n] 9:38pm: Hey, this is y/n
[y/n] 9:39pm: I just wanted to apologize for how my mom reacted. I’m so sorry, she’s just like that, I hope you understand and forget whatever happened.
[yoongi] 9:43pm: it’s okay, I already forgot
[yoongi] 9:43pm: but how did you get my number?
[y/n] 9:43pm: from hoseok
[yoongi] 9:45pm: alright, well I gtg
[y/n] 9:46pm: oh ok bye goodnight
[yoongi] 9:46pm: gn
dry texter but whatever, now that that’s cleared, you can peacefully sleep.
“Yoora, I’m on my way to meet dad right now, I’ll call you later okay.” You said, eyes focused on the road ahead of you.
“You better call though, I have some important news to share.”
“Okay okay don’t worry, I will. I need to know your tea anyways.”
You heard her chuckle, “trust me you would love it.”
“On second thoughts, tell me now.” You retorted, getting excited about the ‘important news’ she wanted to share.
“Nope, call me later bye!”
“Yoora no!” You yelled but she hung up already.
You wondered what happened in the span of 3 days that got her so excited. The last time you talked was when your mom was here. She was completely fine and normal so something big definitely happened. Thinking about Yoora and her important news, you didn’t even realize that you already reached your dad's company.
Parking the car and walking inside the tall glass building, you were greeted by the two beautiful receptionists who immediately recognized you as the chairman’s daughter.
“Hey, is dad free?” You asked the receptionist at the front desk.
“He’s in his office Miss Y/N, but I’ll call him and let him know you’re here.” She responded.
“Uh no! I actually wanted to surprise him so there is no need to inform him. I’ll just go.” You protested.
“Alright but he has someone over right now.”
“It's okay, I'll just wait outside his office till he’s done.” You said.
“As you wish Miss Y/N.” She respectfully bowed.
You returned it and walked towards your dad's office being all excited to meet him and ready to scold him for getting sick. Once you reached the hallway to your dad’s office, you were surprised to see a familiar figure and someone you thought you would never meet here of all places.
“Yoongi? What are you doing here?” You questioned as you walked up to him.
“Y/N?” He raised a brow turning towards you.
“You two know each other?” Your dad beamed in.
“Dad!” You exclaimed and jumped into his arms.
“Hey sweetheart, how are you?” He asked.
“I'm all good, how are you now?”
“Much better, especially now that you're here.” He replied, ruffling your hair as the two of you chuckled.
“Anyways back to my question, you two know each other?” Your dad asked once again.
“We’re neighbours.” Yoongi and you retorted at the same time.
“Dad, how do you know him and why are you here Yoongi?” You questioned both of them.
“He’s the CEO of Min Productions, we just finalized a deal and collaboration.” Your dad proudly announced.
You were beyond shocked. Yoongi, Min Yoongi, your neighbour, Hoseok's friend, he is the CEO of one of the biggest companies in all of South Korea.
“I was going to tell you about him to help with your work but good thing you came. Maybe we can just discuss all that right now. If that’s fine with you and Yoongi of course.” Your dad said, eyeing the two of you.
“Sure, I don’t have any other schedule for today.” Yoongi confirmed.
“Perfect! How about you Y/N?” Your dad asked.
“Oh yea sure.” You replied, still baffled about the new information you had just learned about Yoongi.
With that, the three of you went inside your dad's office and discussed a few deals, details and designs you could all work on. Your dad had two companies and you were working in the other smaller one. The companies were known for their great interior house designing. Yoongi's company being the biggest and most famous one in that field.
“I want to do something big this time.” Your dad heaved out. He was sitting on the couch beside you and in front of Yoongi, deep in thought about what he can do.
“What do you mean by that dad?” You muddled.
“Maybe a showcase-like exhibition.” Yoongi remarked, ignoring your confused state.
“Perfect! That’s a great idea, we'll do that.” Your dad happily exclaimed.
“Wait, so we’ll hold an exhibition with our new designs? Like how Ikea has those fake displays?” You asked, amazed by the idea.
“Something exactly like that.” Yoongi confirmed.
“Oh my god, you’re so smart. I’m sure this will benefit all our companies ” You exclaimed jolting up from your seat, making both Yoongi and your dad look up at you surprised.
“Uh sorry I just got a bit excited.” You murmured and sat back down making your dad chuckle.
“Yoongi, do you have any set date for the exhibition in mind?” Your dad asked, looking back at him.
“How about 4 months from now? Our company is low on furniture stock right now so it’ll take about a month to get them and 2-3 months to set all the designs.” Yoongi replied.
“Hmm, I think that’s great. Within the month you guys get furniture we can make the presentations with selected designs and a location to display the exhibition.” You suggested.
“Yea sure, we can have another meeting to discuss that later.” Yoongi said to which you and your dad both nodded.
A few minutes later your dad’s words were interrupted by a spam of text messages on your phone.
“Sorry Dad, I'm just gonna check to see if everything is fine.” You said, pulling out your phone to which he nodded and continued talking to Yoongi.
[yoora] 2:13pm: are you done yet???
[yoora] 2:13pm: please tell me you are
[yoora] 2:14pm: it’s been almost 4 hours
[yoora] 2:14pm: I still need to share my news
[yoora] 2:14pm: it’s important.
[yoora] 2:15pm: pleaseee Y/N!!
[yoora] 2:15pm: reply or i’ll never tell you.
[y/n] 2:16pm: jeez woman you need to stop spamming!
[yoora] 2:16pm: fucking finally!!!
[y/n] 2:16pm: and fyi, it’s only been 3 hours
[yoora] 2:16pm: same thing
[y/n] 2:17pm: anyways, i’m almost done here so tell me where to meet you
[yoora] 2:17pm: my place.
[y/n] 2:17pm: alright, see you soon
[yoora] 2:17pm: okayy see you soon!!
“Dad I actually have to leave right now.” You announced, closing your phone screen.
“So suddenly? Is everything okay?” He asked, face frowning with concern. Yoongi was staring at you as well.
“Yes dad everything is fine. I just need to go drop by at Yoora’s place.” You responded.
“Oh I see, take care and send my greetings her way.” He said standing up.
“Will do, I’ll leave now and please take care of yourself.” You said, hugging your dad. Your eyes then landed on Yoongi.
“Uh it’s an honour to be working with you Mr. Min.” You said professionally, extending your hand towards him.
You heard him chuckle, showing off his gummy smile before responding to your handshake. “Just call me Yoongi.”
“You have a what!” You yelled, choking on the water you were gulping down.
“I have a boyfriend.” Yoora stuttered out, playing with her fingers.
“Oh my god Yoora, this is huge!” You exclaimed, putting aside the glass of water and holding her hands.
“I know, he’s actually coming over in a few minutes.” She said, making you widen your eyes.
“Why did you call me then! Do I know him? What’s his name? How long have you been dating?” You bombarded her with questions.
“Y/N calm down, I wanted to tell you before anyone and I don’t think you know him but you’ve definitely heard of him. He’s actually one of Hoseok's friends.” Yoora said, making you frown.
“Really? Who?” You questioned.
Before she could even reply, the doorbell rang.
“I think that’s him.”
You watched as Yoora walked over to the door, opened it and got crushed by a muscular figure hugging her.
“Hi babe, I missed you.” You heard a deep male voice, followed by a chuckle and a “I missed you too.” from Yoora. You smiled at that as you were beyond happy for your best friend.
As the couple walked in, you stood up from the couch and finally saw the man's face. Hoseok's friend huh? Once again very good looking.
“Hey you must be Y/N. I’m Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, It’s nice finally meeting you.” He introduced himself, extending his hand towards you.
“So you’re the man that stole my best friend's heart and my other best friend's car. It’s nice finally meeting you too, Jungkook.” You joked whilst shaking his hand.
“I— let’s not talk about the car incident. Hoseok still hates me for that.” He nervously laughed, making both you and Yoora chuckle.
“Anyways how and since when have you two been dating?” You asked curiously.
“Uh we’d been talking for 7 months after the party we met in and started dating 3 months ago.” Jungkook said, making you squint your eyes at Yoora. She told you about meeting this hot guy at the one party you couldn’t attend, but never told you that they had been talking afterwards.
“I’m sorry, I know I should have told you sooner but we wanted to be sure about our relationship before telling anyone and don’t be mad, you’re still the first one to know anyways.” Yoora apologetically retorted and you immediately softened your eyes.
“It’s fine, I’m so happy for you both. Jungkook please keep her happy and never break her heart or I swear I’ll kill you.” You threatened him.
“I swear I won’t, I love her too much.” He confessed looking at Yoora. You saw the love he had for her in his eyes and how flustered Yoora got.
He’s definitely the one for her.
“Well I guess I’ll leave you two be, don’t want to to be a third wheel.” You laughed.
“No no please don’t. I know you’re free today and we haven’t been hanging out a lot lately. Jungkook doesn't mind, I already told him.” She pleaded. Your eyes wandered off to Jungkook for confirmation and he nodded with a smile.
“Are you sure?” You asked, still having second thoughts.
“We’re sure, we can watch a movie if you’d like.” Jungkook suggested.
You sighed and smiled. “Alright, sounds good.”
Yoora squealed and stood up, “I’ll go get the popcorn and some drinks ready!”
“Why don’t you two catch up and choose a movie while I go get that hm?” Jungkook insisted, leaving a peck on Yoora’s forehead before heading towards the kitchen.
As soon as he left, you immediately hugged Yoora.
“Oh my god! He’s so sweet and good looking, literally your type.” You quietly exclaimed.
“I know right! I’m so glad I didn't ditch that party Hobi took me too that day. The guys there and Hoseok's friends were so nice and hot. You would’ve found yourself a man as well.” She excitedly whispered back.
You quietly chuckled, “I admit Hoseok’s friends are really nice and hot but you know why I couldn’t come.”
“Right, speaking of that, I forgot to ask how it went with your dad. How’s he feeling now?”
“Much better, he’s been taking all his medications on time and started working again. Dad also sent his greetings your way.” You smiled.
“That’s great! Make sure to send my greetings back to him,” She replied, making you nod.
“Of course! Well, let's choose a movie now.” You said, grabbing the remote from the table.
“Marvel!” The two of you exclaimed.
“Spider-man!” You jumped up, causing you both to laugh out loud.
“I heard Marvel and Spider-man, I’m so ready to watch.” Jungkook beamed, coming out of the kitchen with popcorn, drinks and other snacks in his arms.
“Jungkook, you're a Marvel and Spider-man fan too!” You excitedly asked.
“No shit Sherlock, who isn’t?” He cockily responded, making the three of you laugh.
“Okay, okay, let’s watch!”
You didn’t even realize when the three of you finished watching 3 movies before ordering a take out and leaving her place. It was really fun and Jungkook was an amazing guy. You’re so happy for Yoora.
“Y/N please come to the party!” Yoora whined over the phone while you were cooking yourself some pasta for dinner.
“No buts, you’re coming and that's final.” She stated.
“I’m not sure about it though.” You sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Oh come on, Jimin literally called and personally invited you.”
“I know but we’re not so close.”
“So what? Me, Jungkook and Hoseok, we’re all going to be there as well.” She retorted, trying to convince you for the past 15 minutes now.
“Fine, but I don’t have a—“
“Don't even worry about that. I have a sexy black one piece you could wear. Just decide on a suitable dress or some shorts and a nice top to go along with it.”
“Okay, thanks.”
She knows you too well.
“Don’t thank me, you know our rule.” She said, trying to sound mad.
“Right my bad.” You chuckled.
“Oh Jungkooks here! I'll call you tomorrow and drop off the one piece.” She exclaimed.
“Yeah sure.” You replied.
“Perfect! I’ll see you tomorrow then, bye.”
“Yeah see you, bye.” With that, the two of you ended the call.
Jimin had called you three days ago, inviting you to his house for a pool party which was being held on Saturday. You weren’t sure if you’d go since you’d only met each other once and weren’t too close. However, now that Yoora had successfully ended up convincing you to attend the party, you realized it wasn’t such a bad idea. You could spend some time with Hoseok, Yoora and some other friends.
It had also been a little over a month since you had started working on the exhibition with Yoongi. As promised, you did all the research on possible locations and compiled various interior designs to use for display. You’d definitely be using this pool party as a way to unravel and celebrate the successful presentation you gave a few days prior. You’d been quite nervous as you didn’t want to disappoint your father or Yoongi. Despite your nerves, you decided to go ahead with it. Turned out that you had done remarkably well, impressing Yoongi as a turnout.
Today was Thursday, meaning you’d only have a day to prepare yourself. Most of tomorrow will be gone as you know you’ll find yourself drowning in work. The party is in the evening of Saturday so you’ll get everything ready the morning prior.
You stood by the edge of your bed, staring at the pile of mess you just made. You were frustrated and confused as to what to wear to the party later in the evening.
Not wanting to spoil your whole mood, you decided to facetime Yoora and let her decide. As you were about to call her, something clicked in your mind.
You totally forgot.
You knew it’d be rude to call her in the middle of this so you decided to break it down to two outfits. You took pictures wearing both and just sent her the pics.
[y/n] 12:18pm: Yoora I know you're having lunch with Jungkook and his parents but when you have time please choose which one I should wear.
*insert image*
*insert image*
After you quickly sent the text, you ran to the kitchen to grab some food to eat. You were really excited about the pool party. The one piece Yoora gave was indeed sexy and fits your body perfectly. You sure were going to have fun tonight.
As soon as you sat on the sofa with a bag of doritos, you received a notification. You smiled and clicked on it knowing it’ll just be Yoora but—
What the fuck!?
[yoongi] 12:23pm: Y/N? this is Yoongi, I think you’ve got the wrong person.
[y/n] 12:24pm: oh my god! I'm so sorry I think I misread yours and Yoora’s name.
[yoongi] 12:24pm: Oh it’s fine
Your heart was beating so fast right now. You accidentally sent two pictures of yourself to Yoongi. It took you about a good six minutes to calm down but as soon as you were okay, you received another notification
[yoongi] 12:32pm: If you're open to receive another opinion though, I'd say the second one.
You blinked your eyes and kept staring at the text. Not gonna lie, that did something to your heart. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
[y/n] 12:35pm: oh alright thanks
[yoongi] 12:37pm: np:)
[hobi] 5:56pm: hey I’m downstairs
[y/n] 5:56pm: give me two mins i’ll be down
[hobi] 5:56pm: okay I’m waiting
You quickly fix your hair, put on your wedges and give yourself a quick glance in the mirror before leaving your apartment.
You are going to go to Jimin's party with Hoseok today. It’s been a while since you last met him considering his sudden trip to Chicago for two weeks.
Stepping out of the apartment entrance, you saw Hoseok leaning against his silver BMW. He didn’t notice you as his eyes were too focused on his phone.
“Hobi!” You beam, running up to him.
“Hey Y/N!” He beams back, trapping you into a bear hug.
“You look nice.” He compliments, eyeing your blue jean shorts and black off shoulder crop top which show off your belly piercing and sharp collarbones.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You retort, eyeing his white shorts and blue striped shirt.
“I never look bad.” He states whilst adjusting the shades resting on his head, making you roll your eyes.
“Anyways, how was Chicago?” You ask.
“It was amazing! I met a girl there actually.” He answers, making your eyes widen.
“Oh my god what!” You exclaim, causing him to let out a chuckle at your reaction.
“I’ll tell you on the way, get in the car first or we’ll be late.” He remarks, already walking towards the driver seat.
“Oh yea let’s go.” You say, opening the car door and settling yourself in.
Once he starts driving, your curiosity grows bigger.
“So?” You start, staring at his side profile.
“So what?” He asks, taking a quick glance at you before staring back at the road. You know he knows exactly what you’re referring to.
“Jung Hoseok.” His name comes sternly out your mouth.
“Fine fine, her name is Aera. She's actually Korean and is currently studying at a law school in Chicago. She still has a year to go and then she’ll come back.”
“Stop, that's so cool. So you’ll wait till she comes back?” You curiously ask.
“Yeah we both seem to like each other and we’ve been talking ever since I got back.” He shyly replies.
“Hobi, that’s great! Omg I'm so happy for you.” You squeal as he thanks you before turning on some music.
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I’d be available to pick you up tonight so I was going to tell Yoongi to bring you along with him.”
“Wait. Yoongi’s coming?” You ask, horror evident in your eyes.
“Of course we’re all friends, he’s Jimin's friend too, did you forget?” He laughs, eyes still focused on the road.
Great, just great. Now you have to face him after accidentally sending him your pics. Can this get any worse and embarrassing? You know you had to face him on Monday for work but within 5-6 hour after the incident…
After about 15 minutes, you see Hoseok pulling up at a parking lot with a huge mansion behind it.
Jimin lives here what the fuck!
“This isn’t Jimin's house, it's his family farm house.” Hobi confirms, as if he read your mind.
“Oh I see, it’s really pretty.” You mumble.
“It is. Now quit staring at it and let’s go in, I'll finally introduce you to Taehyung as well,” he says, making you nod. You follow him to the door and watch him ring the bell. When the door opens, the two of you are greeted by Jimin himself.
“Hoseok! Hey bro.” Jimin pulls Hoseok into a hug before turning towards you.
“Y/N hey! Glad you made it, it's been a while huh?” He exclaims, reaching in for a hug which you gladly accept.
“It sure has, thank you for inviting Jimin.” You beam a smile at him.
“Of course anytime, we’re friends now.” He smiles in return.
“But she’s my best friend.” Hoseok speaks in between, making you playfully hit his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah anyways, come in and make yourself at home.” Jimin says, guiding the two of you inside.
As soon as you step in, you are hit by the smell of alcohol as the song Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars blasts loudly through the speakers. Of course the first thing you notice is the beautiful interior of the house, you were amazed by it. Then you notice people scattered all around the house.
Jimin takes it upon himself to lead you and Hoseok to the backyard even though Hobi seemed to know the way. Once you reach, you see many more bodies dancing around, drinking, smoking, making out and playing in the pool.
“The bar is right there, you can get whatever you want. Please enjoy and don’t hesitate to ask for anything else, I'll be around.” Jimin says, pointing at the bar where people were sitting and bartenders were serving drinks.
Jimin definitely seems rich. I mean, his family owns Park Motels after all.
“Yeah, till everyone actually gets here at least. We all know you’d be hooking up with someone soon Jimin.” Hoseok snickers whilst you press your lips together to try to hold in your laugh.
“Shut up! Don’t embarrass me like that. Geez don’t listen to him Y/N.” Jimin replies.
“It’s totally fine Jimin, it’s your party of course you’ll enjoy.” You assure.
“See! Y/N is so kind, not judging me unlike someone else here,” he says, glaring at Hoseok to which he responds by rolling his eyes.
“Hey Jimin!” the three of you look back to see Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook, Yoora and this other man you don’t think you’ve ever met walking towards you.
Maybe he’s Taehyung?
“Hey guys!” Jimin and Hoseok beam as Yoora comes and hugs you.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you again.“ Seokjin politely says as Namjoon agrees and passes his dimple smile towards you.
“Likewise. How are you guys?” You ask.
“Perfectly fine. How about you?” The two say in return.
“I’m fine too.” You smile and wave at Jungkook who waves back.
“Oh and I believe you two haven’t met. Y/N this is Taehyung and Taehyung this is Y/N.” Jimin adds, pointing towards the man you’d assume was Taehyung indeed.
“Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you Y/N,” his deep ocean-like voice speaks as he motions his hand forward to you. You blink your eyes and immediately shake his hand.
He looks so dreamy and handsome.
“I could say the same Taehyung, nice to meet you.”
Soon enough, the 6 boys are chatting amongst themselves and you quietly start whispering to Yoora beside you, “How the hell are his friends so good looking?”
“I don’t know. Well let’s see, Namjoon and Seokjin have a girlfriend while me and Jungkook are together so Jim—“
“Really!” You exclaim louder than you thought, once knowing two of them have girlfriends. This makes the 6 men snap their heads towards you and Yoora.
“Any problem girls? You okay Y/N?” Namjoon asks.
“Uh yeah actually, me and Y/N are going to head to the pool now, is that fine?” Yoora asks, hooking her arm under yours.
“Of course have fun! The changing room is right there.” Jimin says, pointing to a door beside the glass window leading into the house.
“Got it thanks!” Yoora beams before holding your hand and dragging the two of you towards the change room. Of course after making sure she gives Jungkook a quick peck on his lips and cheek.
You can feel the gazes being thrown at you. You’re not even complaining because damn right you look sexy and amazing tonight. Yoora told you a thousand times before the two of you stepped out of the changing room seconds ago.
Making your way towards the pool, you already see Hoseok and his friends in there, shirtless. You look away spotting Jimin making out with a girl in a hot pink bikini only to find Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook talking to one another in the corner while Namjoon and Seokjin were each talking to a girl. Maybe it’s their girlfriends.
When you get into the pool, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook swim towards you and Yoora, making sure to splash some water your way on purpose. As a reflex, the two of you bring your hands forward to block the water and look to the side.
“My girls are looking sexy.” Hoseok beams, snaking his arms around your bare waists. The two of you don’t mind knowing it’s just Hoseok and the three of you are very much comfortable with each other. I mean, you’ve practically known each other for twenty years now.
“Don’t we always.” You two retort as Hobi gives you both the ‘as if, I've seen you at your worst’ look.
“Anyways, we are going to start beach volleyball in the pool, wanna join?” Taehyung asks in between.
“We’d love to!” The two of you exclaim and so everyone gathers up to play.
After two long hours of playing around and having fun in the pool, You and Yoora decide to come out and dry yourselves up. You received a few drinks in the pool but the two of you needed to sit down to talk whilst enjoying another nice drink.
The two of you dry yourselves up in the change room before running towards the bar stools. You make sure to wear shorts over your one piece before you do though.
“One Margarita for me!” Yoora exclaims before turning to you, telepathically asking what you’d like.
“I’d like the same,” you respond, making the bartender nod and leave to get your drinks ready.
They served it in just seconds, wow.
“So how was lunch with Jungkook's parents?” You start, clinking your glass with hers.
“Oh my god I was literally nervous for no reason, they were like the sweetest people ever,” she coos.
“Really, that’s amazing! Still can’t get over how gorgeous you look tonight by the way. I bet Jungkook won’t be able to keep his hands to himself, not that he was in the pool anyways.” You tease your best friend who showed up in a yellow and purple two piece, paired with an off the shoulder, floral white dress to go over it.
As if on cue, Jungkoook makes his way over to the two of you and stands beside Yoora.
“Hey Y/N! Can I steal her from you for a bit?” He asks whilst licking his lips.
“Of course, take her for as long as you want. Have fun you two.” You sheepishly grin, glancing between the two and notice Yoora glaring at you while Jungkook stands there with a smirk plastered on his face.
“Oh we will, thanks.” Jungkook replies, eyeing your best friend before snaking a hand around her waist and taking her inside.
As soon as Yoora and Jungkook leave, you order another drink and patiently sit there while staring at the crowd. Half of them are in the pool and the other half are dancing.
“Mind if I join you?” Your eyes widen as you immediately jerk your head up to see Yoongi staring down at you.
“Uh no not at all,” you respond, fidgeting with the glass of red wine the bartender had just served to you.
“Great. A single malt scotch whiskey please,” he orders, taking a seat on the stool beside you which was previously occupied by Yoora.
For a moment you both sit there in silence while taking sips of your drinks. From the corner of your eyes, you feel Yoongi's eye on you so you slowly move your head to take a glance at him.
“Do you have something to say?” You ask, trying your best not to stutter knowing you are under his sharp gaze.
“Yes well, we have a meeting on Thursday, just a reminder.” He states to which you quietly nod.
“Right. Thanks for remin—“
“Y/N! Yoongi! Come on, don't sit around, let’s go dance.” Hoseok excitedly exclaims as he wraps his arms around the both of you before dragging you two to the dance floor.
Hoseok twirls you around before showing off some moves of his own. Taehyung being the gentleman he is, greets you before grasping your hand to sway you around a few times. You laugh and find yourself dancing along to the music. Such a nice and fun guy.
Yoongi stands there watching the three of you, well mostly you. Unknowingly he feels his heart racing. It was something about your exposed legs, collarbones, the belly piercing and wet hair. You look beautiful under the neon lights flashing over your face, swaying your hips perfectly to match the rhythm.
Soon enough, many more bodies start to join, making the space become tighter. Yoongi then realizes that your body was now pressed against his. Your hands are resting on his shoulder in need of support while his hands just stay by his side, not daring to touch you.
The two of you find yourselves lost in an intense eye lock. The loud music blasting in the background, starts fading away as Yoongi finds it harder to resist himself.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Yoongi growls, not taking his eyes off you as you don’t either.
“Like what?” You mumble, enough for him to hear. You make sure to squeeze his shoulders and biceps before slowly trailing one of your hands down to his chest. You don’t know where you got this sudden confidence from but you’re going to blame the alcohol for it.
“Fuck you’re gonna regret this,” he mumbles back, lightly flicking his tounge over his lips which you find super hot. You feel intoxicated with the tone of his voice, his strong breezy cologne and his not so minty but alcohol scented breath.
Your bodies are pressed against each other yet his hands are still not touching you. It was driving you crazy. He was driving you crazy.
You didn’t want to but you find yourself breaking the intense eye contact before moving your eyes down to his wet plump lips. You take your index finger and slowly trace it down his Adam's apple which you watch go up and down, indicating how hard he gulped from your movement.
“Y/N.” he warns. His voice, low and stern.
You look back up to meet his eyes, only to see them glued onto your lips. You were so desperate to have them pressed against his pink wet ones that you didn’t care about anything else at this point. In a swift moment, you grab his collar, pull him closer to you and smash your lips onto his.
Your eyes shut close as you feel Yoongi's lips perfectly mould into yours as if they’re only made for you. They were warm and soft just like how you’d imagine.
That’s where you finally feel one of his arms wrap around your waist and the other around your back with his hand tangled up in your damp hair. You secure your arms around his neck and slowly guide your fingers up to play with his long fluffy hair.
When you feel his hands move down to your hips giving it a little squeeze, you almost yelp and immediately pull out from the kiss.
Fuck you just kissed Yoongi.
He slowly caresses your cheeks and lightly brushes his thumb over your lips.
“You wanna take this upstairs,” he whispers, making you nervous. You may have planned on getting laid tonight but certainly not by Yoongi.
Yoongi feels your uneasiness and sighs. “Only if you’re okay with it. I’m not going to force you Y/N. We can forget whatever happened if you think this was a mist—“
“No!” You exclaim.
“I…I just…fuck. Okay fine let’s go!” You stutter and whine, being all frustrated with yourself. You know you’re overthinking but this might only be a one night thing and nothing else.
“Y/N once again I’m not—“
“Yoongi, I want you,” you cut him off, looking him in the eyes. You see them go dark with the same lustful gaze he held before the kiss. He clutches your hand and walks the two of you past the sweaty bodies to get in the house. From the corner of your eyes, you spot Taehyung and Hoseok happily dancing amongst the crowd.
They didn’t see the kiss, thank god.
Once Yoongi’s free hand slides open the glass door to enter the house, he leads you up the stairs as you mindlessly follow behind. He comes to a halt in front of the furthest door from the stairs and opens it, gesturing for you to step in.
Once you do, you feel his grip on your hand go loose as he leaves it to lock the door with his broad back facing you. When he turns around, he pauses and stares at your figure for a brief second before moving closer. He snakes his arm around your waist and quickly yanks you towards him so that both of your hands are pressed against his chest.
“You’ve been driving me insane all night Y/N,” he whispers, giving your hips a light squeeze.
“Could say the same Mr. Min,” you tease, knowing damn well how much he hates it when you call him that.
“Fuck Y/N, you sure you want this?” he asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yes.” You breathe out.
“Are you clean baby?” He asks while opening the drawer beside you with one hand, possibly searching for a condom.
“Yes and I'm on pills so no need to look for a condom.” You assure, deeply staring into his dark orbs before locking lips with him again.
This time it was more rough and rushed. Both your tongues fighting for dominance and teeth clashing, leading into a messy make out session. His hands roam all over your body as yours begins to unbutton his black shirt and slide it off his built arms.
You yelp when he lifts you up and gently places you on the bed, hovering over you. Your hands make their way from touching his bare upper half to the back of his neck as you both continue to salivate each other’s lips.
“Yoongi please,” you whine, pulling out of the steamy kiss.
“Please what? I need words princess.” He speaks in a husky tone, making you even more weak and wet than you already were.
“Please touch me. Please fuck me, I need you in me.” You beg, receiving a quick low chuckle from him.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you senseless hm?” He says, slowly caressing your thighs.
“Yes please.” You plead.
“Tell me exactly what you need then.” He demands.
“Need your dick in me fuck Yoongi just—mmph.” Your whining gets cut off by his lips that smash onto yours once again whilst his cold veiny hands begin to trace all your curves.
“Can I?” He pants, playing with the hem of your shorts. You nod and he immediately slides them off, throwing them somewhere on the ground.
He goes down to your thighs and spreads them apart, leaving wet kisses around the inner part before eyeing your clothed area. You were still in your one piece.
Yoongi hovers back up to lean over your face, gently holds your head and lifts your upper half off the bed so that you’re smug in arms. He unties the knots on the back of your one piece before sliding the straps off from both sides and completing discarding it from your body. Yoongi eyes your naked figure from head to toe and bites his lips before leaning down to your neck.
“I always knew you’d be beautiful in and out.” He whispers, biting your earlobe before leaving a trail of wet butterfly kisses from your neck, down to your pussy. You shudder at the feeling.
“So fucking wet for me aren’t you princess?”
“Hmm only for you, now take this off,” you mumble, pointing at his pants as you can already see how hard he is. Yoongi immediately obeys and takes it off along with his boxers, letting his hardened cock spring free. You almost gasp seeing his length, he was huge.
“Like what you see baby?” He smirks.
Fuck you want him. You want him so bad!
“Yoongi go on alread—shit!” You whimper, feeling his cold fingers rubbing circles over your clit.
“Need to stretch you out first.” He says, inserting two long fingers inside you.
“Yoongi oh my god.” You cry out in pleasure, pulling him closer.
“You like that baby?” He asks, groaning when you clench tightly around his digits.
“Yes Yoon— '' You moan out as he quickens his pace, fucking his fingers in and out of your dripping cunt. When you feel your orgasm approaching, you squeeze his arm.
“Fuck im so close,” you hiss as he hums in response before pulling his fingers completely out of you.
“Yoongi why’d you pull out!” You whine, feeling the sudden emptiness of his fingers in you while you were close to finishing.
“Cause I want you to cum all over my cock.” He responds, palming his member and stroking it before positioning it to your entrance.
He looks at your naked frame beneath him to ask for consent, to which you eagerly nod. When he enters your wet heat, the two of you let out a deep groan and whimper.
“Shit! You’re still so fucking tight baby. Should’ve eaten you out too,” he groans, feeling the burn as every inch of him stretches your walls to their limit.
“Fuck Yoongi, just move already.” You plead, extremely aroused by the dirty words he was throwing at you.
He is quick to oblige and nods before thrusting into you slowly. Once he catches his pace, you become a moaning mess under him. His name being the only thing coming out of your mouth while you grip his hair and sheets tightly. Yoongi loved it, loved feeling you squirm and be a mess under him, loved the sound of both your skins slapping filling the room while you chant his name over and over again. It was like music to his ears.
“You feel so fucking good baby.” He groans, using one of his hands to play with your hardened nipple before latching his mouth on, to suck it.
“Fuck Yoon you’re so good, shit right there.” You moan, rolling your eyes back while gripping Yoongi’s hair tighter as you feel him hit your g-spot. You only earn yourself a low groan from him.
“Shit shit shit so close Yoon fuck!” Yoongi hates to admit it but the way you were calling him ‘Yoon’ was making him go crazy.
“Fuck, you’re gonna cream my cock princess yea?” He asks gritting his teeth, nearly pulling out all the way before slamming back into you again.
“Yes! Please go faster!” You shriek, bucking your hips forward to feel him more.
“Faster? shit you’re making me go crazy Y/N.” Something about the way he said your name along with the amount of pleasure he was giving you almost made you dizzy.
“Gonna cum Yoongi!” You screech, shutting your eyes tight as you feel the familiar knot in your stomach again.
“Will cum all over my cock like the good girl you are?” He emphasizes each word with controlled thrusts.
“Yoongi yes fuck, please just— cant hold it.” you cry out.
“Cum for me then.” He murmurs, leaving a sloppy kiss near your jawline before pulling out of you to let you cream his cock. You wince and cry out at the feeling as your orgasm washes over you.
Yoongi surprises you when he gives your slit a nice long lick. “Just wanted to taste you,” he beams, plopping his sweaty figure beside you.
“You didn’t cum,” you remark, sitting up as your chest still heaves up and down.
“It's fine.” He mutters, still lying down as beads of sweat drip down his chest and forehead.
“No it’s not, you’ve been working so hard for the exhibition, I think you deserve a treat Mr. Min.” You retort, looking down at him and giving his veiny cock a nice deep stroke.
“Fuck, I told you not to call me that but you’re right, I do deserve a treat. Think you can give me a head?” He jerks up, brushing his hand through his hair.
“I’d love to, Mr. Min.” You respond, your tongue reaching down to lick his pink tip, precum already leaking from it with your own cum smeared over as well.
“Don’t fucking tease baby.” He grunts. You dip your head down and take him in your mouth, moaning at the sensation as Yoongi tries to fight back a moan himself. You swirl your tongue around a bit before bobbing your head up and down to suck him off and take as much of him as you can. Only Yoongi knows how pretty you look right now and he’d do anything to see you like this for the rest of his life.
“Fuck you’re taking me so well princess.” He hisses, gripping your hair and moving it out your face so that it wouldn’t be in your way. It only makes you suck him harder.
He groans and throws his head back, “Not gonna last long fuck.”
After giving him a few more sucks, you feel his dick twitch in your mouth. You knew he’d cum anytime soon so you already prepared yourself.
“Shit, gonna cum.” He curses before shooting his hot cum straight down your throat. When you pull out, you start coughing and your eyes were glistening with tears.
“Shit sorry, are you okay?” Yoongi apologizes, worriedly reaching down to cup your face.
“I’m good, just tired.” You tell him with an amused smile.
“Let’s get you cleaned okay.” He says, pecking your forehead and lifting you off him to lay you down on the bed.
Was this the same man a few minutes ago?
You watch Yoongi wear his boxers and go into the bathroom to bring a damp towel in order to clean you up. Once he is done, he gives you his black button up to wear and tucks you in bed before slipping under the sheets, right beside you.
“Yoongi if we sleep here, I'll need to tell Hoseok not to wait for me.” You mutter, instantly realizing and moving closer to Yoongi's body so that you are facing him.
“I’ll text him, don't worry, just sleep okay.” He replies, cuddling you while playing with your hair.
“Don’t tell him that we—“
“No way I would, I'll never hear the end of it.” He adds, to which you both let out a chuckle.
“Thank you for tonight, goodnight Yoongi.” You wish him, eyes closed as you’re already half asleep in his embrace.
Yoongi smiles and mutters back, “night princess,” before falling into deep slumber himself.
It’s been 3 months since that night. Neither you nor Yoongi had the time to talk about that certain topic or anything else other than work. Things had been really hectic and busy with the exhibition being just around the corner. In fact, It was going to be held tomorrow so you were really nervous yet excited at the same time.
You were seated on your kitchen counter stool, skimming through some details on the designs you will be presenting tomorrow, when you hear a sudden knock on the door. You sigh and walk over to open it, only to find Yoongi standing there.
“Hey Yoon—“
“We need to talk.” He says in a serious tone, making you worried. You let him in and close the door behind you.
“Is the display fine? Should I change anything? All the designs are okay right? Did something happe—?'' Before you could say anything more, he cuts you off.
“I can’t anymore.” He mumbles, staring at the floor.
“Cant what Yoongi? Are you okay?” You worriedly ask him, trying to catch a glimpse of his face.
“Fuck I just— I think I’m in love with you.” He confesses, looking up at you. You were too stunned to speak at the moment. The two of you stand there in silence for a few seconds, if only he knew how fast your heart was racing right now.
“You’re what?” You question him, making sure whatever you just heard was right.
“I’m in love with you. I know we haven’t gotten the chance to talk much after that night but I can’t stop thinking about you. I was actually attracted to you from the beginning and I slowly started liking you as a friend and a colleague but that night, I just knew I liked you more than that. So can we like…you know, will you be my girlfriend?” He nervously confesses.
“Is Mr. Min nervous?” You tease him, flashing him an amused smile.
“Y/N. I'm serious.” He almost whines. Seeing such a side of Yoongi apart from his cold demeanour that he has when working makes you so happy and giddy.
“Well, I’d love to be your girlfriend.“ You giggle in response as he stands there in shock.
“Yoongi,” you call out. He hums in return, eyes boring into yours.
“Just kiss me already goddamn it.” You whine, tugging on his shirt collar so that you could press your lips against his.
When your lips meet one another, It starts off as a slow passionate kiss which gradually turns into a rather hungrier one. Yoongi being Yoongi, squeezes your ass and tumbles you both over onto your couch so that he is hovering over you.
“How about you pay me back for borrowing some sugar that day, by letting me taste your sweet little cunt.”
“Oh my g— Yoongi!” You widen your eyes and lightly slap his arm. How did he go from being a stuttering mess to being so confident?
“Oh come on, I know you’d love it.” Yoongi mumbles, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“I would but I love you more.” You giggle pecking his cheeks.
“Not more than how much I love you though,” he retorts, pecking your lips and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
“Tomorrow is a big day.” You whisper, hooking your arms around his nape.
“I know, but you did amazing. You worked so hard on this and I loved all the designs and presentations you gave.” He replies, gently holding your hand and rubbing circles over your knuckles.
“You’re just saying that because you like me.” You retort, making him lean up to face you.
“This is part of the reason why I actually started liking you baby, I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“I should be the one saying how proud I am of you. You worked even harder on this than me. You even skipped meals and went home at like 2 am,” you respond, brushing your fingers through his scalp.
“Oh, were you observing me princess?” He asks you in a teasing manner.
“Hmm couldn’t stop staring at my handsome and hot neighbour. No wait, I mean boss, or is it colleague? Or should I say boyfriend.” You reply, not even denying it.
“Whichever you like,” he chuckles in response before getting off of you and lifting you up in bridal style.
“Yoon what are you do—“
“Getting you to bed. We need to get some good sleep to survive tomorrow.” He states, walking to your bedroom and placing you on the bed.
“Nice room.” He compliments whilst looking around. He’s an interior designer himself, of course he’d say something about it.
“Thank you, wanna stay over?” You ask, reaching to the side to turn off the lights from your bedside table.
“Would love to.” He responds, sliding under the sheets beside you. You switch off the lights, embrace yourselves in each other’s arm and fall into deep slumber.
The next day, your morning was occupied with last minute touch ups needed to be done for the designs. You kept wondering how your boyfriend was putting up with everything. When the two of you were having breakfast, he informed you that his parents were going to drop by as well. The news had made you even more nervous than you already were. I mean, the two of you just started dating yesterday and you were already going to meet his parents.
Anyways, the overall day went by really fast and fairly well. The exhibition went smoothly and a lot of people showed up including your parents, Hoseok, Yoora, their parents and Hoseok’s friends. When you met Yoongi's parents, they were really nice and looked so happy to meet you. When you told your parents, they weren’t even surprised, especially your mom.
“I knew you two would have something going on, the moment I saw him at your place that day.” These were the exact words your mom had uttered to you with Yoongi by your side.
Hoseok, Yoora and the others were very surprised. Jungkook and Jimin obviously couldn’t keep their mouths shut and exposed Yoongi by telling you how he kept asking them for some girl's advice.
“Never knew you’d be into Yoongi but at least we can go on double dates now.” Yoora had whispered to you.
“Can’t believe that even when you and Yoongi would talk to me everyday, I couldn’t figure it out.” Hoseok had beamed.
You are currently in Yoongi’s black Palisade, on your way back home from the restaurant Yoongi's father had made a reservation for. It was a fun day and nice dinner with both your families and friends. Both your parents got along very well.
You were staring out the window, recalling all the events of today when you suddenly feel Yoongi’s cold hand on your thigh.
“You know my offer from yesterday still stands.” He says, making you frown.
“What are you talking about?” You question him.
“Don’t act so innocent baby, you know what I’m talking about.” Once he states that, you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“Yoon, I already paid you back.” You reply, deciding to tease him and stretch out the conversation a bit.
“Hm, but that wasn’t enough.” He retorts.
“What do you mean I gave ba—“
“You made me fall for you. Never knew I'd fall for the girl that showed up at my apartment late at night to borrow some sugar. You stole my heart so make up for that.” He claims, looking at you when the traffic lights turn red. Your eyes immediately soften.
“I love you so much.” You confess, leaning in for a quick kiss before the lights turn green again.
“I love you too.” He responds, kissing you back before you pull out and properly sit back on your seat.
“Also, I’d like to accept your offer Mr. Min.” You assert, intertwining your fingers with his as his hand was still resting on your thigh.
“Oh my love, I hope you know you’re in for a long night then.” He smirks, squeezing your hand and taking a glance at you. You look away being all flustered so he wouldn’t notice you turning red.
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fruitmins · 11 months
For You | yoongi
➭ summary: Yoongi is the son of a big business man and is now the CEO of the million dollar company so naturally he grew up distant and stern. But suddenly, his attitude changes when he meets you, a local kind hearted stripper that catches his curiosity. He finds himself lost in your smile and warm spirit, despite him being the opposite. But he’s willing to let down his walls for you..
➭genre: oneshot, strangers to lovers, stripper reader, slowburn-ish, fluff
➭warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of violence & blood, tsundere-ish tbh, didnt check the spelling, yoongi is stalker-ish but that’s ok, daddy issues
➭note: don’t ask me why this takes place in winter💀 senior year of high school + writers block + I’m lazy. i like half of this and i hate half of this. omg yoongi going to the military I’m gonna cry & throw a fit
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Yoongi put his cold hands in his pockets, small snowflakes falling from the sky as he stepped out of the dirty and vulgar parking lot. He ignored all of the horny thugs who were making out with hookers outside as he headed to the dimly lit building.
The word was lit on top of the building and for some unknown reason, Yoongi had been drawn to it for weeks. He knew there were better clubs than this one, and he’d most likely be seen and on some headline by the time he stepped in the door but tonight, he didn’t care.
His mind went back to the fight he had with his dad on the phone as he stepped through the door, some terribly made whiskey in mind.
A breeze washed over him as the door closed with a loud thud, it was at least a little warmer than the cold air outside. Yoongi glanced around taking in the symphony of multicolored lights illuminated the air, casting a vibrant palette across the dance floor. The room throbbed with an infectious energy, resonating with the beat of the music that reverberated through every corner.
Soon, his eyes found the bar, a couple of nicely dressed men sat at the stools. Without another thought, Yoongi strutted to a seat, leaving an empty space to separate himself and another man.
“Whiskey.” He said in a deep raspy voice despite how the woman working was already in the middle of making another drink.
“Yoongi!” A older sounding man suddenly called out of him, making his head turn to the man on the stool next to him. He recognized the man as one of his dad’s friend.
Perfect. He scoffed to himself, hoping his drink would came faster.
“Now what are you doing in a bar like this?” The man asked with a scratchy laugh, hitting his shoulder.
Yoongi tried to let out a small chuckle that ends up sounding dry. “Same as you.” He spoke, turning back to the bar when he hears the bartender loudly slam his drink on the counter.
He goes to take a large swig as the old man continues to chat and laugh with him, his reeking odor hitting his face as he turns to look back at him.
Behind the old man, Yoongi notices the dance floor. Bodies moved in sync with the rhythm, twisting and gyrating, surrendering themselves to the intoxicating melodies. But one soul figure seemed to catch everyone’s attention on stage.
Slowly, he started to tune out the annoying old man the more closely he watched. But unlike the other men in the bar, he watched with curiosity rather than lust. Your movements were elegant and graceful, your tight crop top and glittery skirt making every sway of your body seen.
Your hands played in your hair and caressed your body as your body moved, painting a mysterious story about you with help of the music. Your eyes closed and a bright warm smile on your face as if no one else was there.
Despite dancing in a shabby club probably to make ends meet, you were dancing as if this was your long time dream.
“Her?” The old man’s itchy voice suddenly came back to him, pointing to you on the stage. “That’s Y/N. She’s kinda a favorite here.” He said and this made Yoongi even more intrigued.
“Has she worked here long?” Yoongi asked glancing back at the old man as he nodded. “Almost a full year.” He said and everyone clapped and whistled as you suddenly came down from the stage with a warm smile.
Yoongi just hummed before quickly finishing his drink before paying the bartender and leaving, deciding to dismiss the thought of talking to you.
But at weird hours of the day Yoongi would think about you, so every time he happened to pass the club he went in and watched you perform.
This happened for weeks. He never said a word to you, he never went further than the bar. Until one day when you had stepped off the stage, looking cheerful as usual, only to be met with two men meeting you half way.
Yoongi watched, his blood starting to boil as the man surrounded you, complimenting you and touching your hair. It didn’t take them long before they got more physical, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking away as they started to trail closer to you so that their body touched yours.
Yoongi can see the panic and fear settle in your face before his vision was blocked by the taller men.
Without thinking, Yoongi practically sprung up from the stool, furious as he made his way over to where the men had circled you.
“Move.” He said, his voice deep and hoarse as the two men slowly turned around to face Yoongi.
“Mind your business, hot shot.” One man spoke, obviously trying to spook Yoongi which only wanted to make him laugh.
“I’m not going to waste my breath telling you again.” Yoongi said simply, remaining calm as he watched the two turn irritated.
“You wanna get jumped punk?” The man said, raising his voice as he stepped closer to Yoongi.
Instantly and without warning, Yoongi’s right arm swung in the air. His already clenched knuckles that were in his coat pocket suddenly flew out and connected to the guys face, all of his pent up angry unleashing.
Before anyone can react, he punched him a second time, this one making him stumble to the ground with a yell of pain.
The other man quickly backed away with his hands in the air, “I don’t even know that guy.” The man claimed before quickly rushing off.
Yoongi looked up from the ground where the other man was laid, his nose now bleeding heavily as Yoongi stepped over the body, ignoring his groans when he did so.
“You alright?” Yoongi spoke, his expression softening as he meets your eyes. His eyes glazed around your face as he inspected you, trying not to get lost in your gorgeous and unique features as he looked for any sign that they had touched you.
“I’m fine.” You muttered back, out of breath from shock as you looked at the man on the group and then up at him with wide eyes.
“Thank you.” You say with a polite bow, taking a moment to collect yourself before a small smile appears on your face.
“What?” Yoongi asked, curious on why you were suddenly smiling and chuckling despite everything.
“Well, I was wondering when you were going to come talk to me.” You say with a teasing smile only making Yoongi more confused. As if reading his expression you chuckle. “You think I haven’t noticed you always coming in here and watching me?”
Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, shrugging lightly as he looked away. “I don’t care if you noticed or not.” He spoke in a defensive tone, harsher than intended. He saw the smile on your face drop slightly in disappointment and he bit the inside of his cheek harder out of frustration. He didn’t want to be responsible for a frown on your face when you always wore a smile.
Wordlessly, Yoongi took out his wallet, taking out three hundred dollar bills and holding his hand out for her to take.
Your eyes widen in shock, chuckling nervously as you shake your head, denying it. “Why..?” You start to question, getting a little suspicious.
“For the inconvenience, and all the dances I’ve watched without tipping.” Yoongi states with a serious expression, trying to cover up any other intentions he might of had.
“You just have that much on you at all times? That’s risky.” You respond, still hesitant to take the money. Yoongi lets a smile crack at the irony, “I’ve been watching you for weeks and that’s what your worried about?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you want a favor in return or something?” You ask him, still skeptical as Yoongi rolls his eyes. “I guess we’ll never know if you don’t take the money.”
With a sigh, he watches as you slowly take the money out of his hands and put it in your pocket. “Thank you.” You mumble as he turns around and heads for the door. “Wait!” You call for him in confusion, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him as he turns around slightly.
“What’s the favor?” You ask in confusion but Yoongi just looks at you before continuing to walk out without a word.
It doesn’t take Yoongi long to wonder back into the club days after that. Despite the weird exchange it only made him want to get to know you more. But something in him grew colder when he walked in the club only to see you not onstage. Usually around this time you had already started and had a small crowd of men watching you.
“Whiskey.” He ordered in a lower tone as he sat down, tapping impatiently on the counter as he waited. “This was stupid.” He mumbled to himself, ashamed of how he had gotten caught up with this stripper and was just about ready to leave it all behind.
“Min Yoongi! You’re back!” He heard your familiar voice right next to him, causing his head to turn to the side in confusion.
“What are you doing here?” He asked his finger slowly stopping as he looked at you, sat next him in the bar.
“Aren’t you going to ask how I know your name?” You reply instead, wiggling your eyebrows playfully. “I assumed you already knew.” Yoongi spoke calmly, lightly shrugging even.
“Cocky much?” You reply, jokingly rolling your eyes with a smile. “How did you find out, if not the internet?” Yoongi asked curiously, as the bartender slams his whiskey on the counter.
“Well when the son and CEO of a million dollar company starts to take notice to the best employee in the club, word gets around.” You reply with a slight grin and Yoongi can’t help but chuckle a little.
“Cocky much?” He echos your words as he sips on his whiskey and this only widens your grin further. Yoongi stares into your smile, feeling a weight being lifted off his shoulders when he realizes it’s been a while since he actually genuinely smiled for once.
When he finishes his drink he takes out his wallet and pays for the bad alcohol before taking out another three hundred and handing it to you, not waiting for you to take it this time.
“This has to be your way of flirting with me.” You mumble in disbelief as you stare at the bills before reluctantly shoving it in your skirt.
Yoongi scoffed, shaking his head in disagreement. “I don’t have time to flirt.” He mumbled firmly while looking at his empty glass.
“You have time to come here.” You differed causing him to bite the inside of his cheek, standing up and dusting himself off. “Wait that didn’t mean leave!” You state quickly getting up with him and Yoongi can’t help but glance at the sudden look of displeasure and sadness on your face as your hand brushes against his as you attempt to stop him.
“I..actually like having you here. You make me feel safe.” You mumble sheepishly as Yoongi stood there, completely frozen as he took in your words. How had he, of all people, made you feel safe? In a run down place like this?
“Then your standers are low.” He said in a low voice, a hint of playfulness in his tone as you look back up at him, snickering at his comment.
“You say that, but under that frown and sharp eyes is a warm hearted gentleman.” You speak causing him to look away from you, not wanting to take your words seriously. He didn’t want to show any signs of vulnerability, he’d never be ready for anything heavy.
“You don’t believe me?” You challenged him, seeing his silence and he heard the heard an underlying tone in your voice when you asked. “If I asked you to walk me to my car, you’d hundred percent do it.”
Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes at you, but quickly knew not to didn’t deny it. “See! You would.” You grinned at his sour expression, knowing you were right.
“Whatever, do you want to be walked to your car or not?” He asked trying to dismiss the fact all together. He had never seen himself in a situation like this, feeling embarrassed and maybe bubbly.
You laughed at the question but nodded, grabbing your nearby coat that was filled with stains as you attempted to squeeze your shoulders in the coat.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, walking in front of you as he leaded the two of you out of the door and to your car. Yoongi sighed as he looked at the state of it, effortlessly taking out his wallet and starting to count some bills.
“If you’re going to give me more money don’t bother.” You quickly said as the two of you made it to your car, stepping in front to him and holding onto his hand so he would stop rummaging through his wallet.
“I don’t need it, I’m fine!” You tried to convince him and he simply raised an eyebrow at you, before going back to counting, taking out a couple hundreds as he did so.
“Then consider it flirting.” He mumbled in a flat tone, taking out five hundreds and getting ready to hand it to you.
As he looked back up from his wallet he felt something soft touch the corner of his lips, eyes widening in shock when he realizes how close you were to him and before he could stop it, you had planted a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips.
Your lips lingered on his skin for a couple seconds before finally pulling away from him, taking a step back.
“Come back tomorrow, okay?” You say with a warm smile, practically glowing in front of him as you spoke to him in a soft low tone.
Silently, Yoongi watched you chuckle at his reaction before getting into your car and slowly driving off, his heart thumping as he watched your car drive off onto the road.
He slowly started to move again when your car was far away enough that it was out of view, as if snapping him out of a trance.
Yoongi could feel himself getting lighter, warmer. He could feel his muscles relax as he took his hands out of his coat pocket.
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Whoever is doing these edits you need to seriously staph😭
Caus you are singlehandedly causing enough destruction
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kawaikisses · 7 months
m.list ; Reading list.
Updated. Jan 22, 2024.
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Note : I read k-pop idols x reader/ orginal female character fics, so this list is organized keeping that in mind, I do not personally have any issues with other genders, this is just my preference. Thankyou. If you hate unnecessarily, sincerely, no fucks will be given.
(everything is organized by alphabetical order)
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angst .
fluff .
smut .
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artist au .
arranged marriage au .
assassin au .
baker au .
bartender au .
BDSM au .
best friend’s brother au .
best friends to lovers au .
best friend’s sister au .
boyfriend au .
camboy au .
camgirl au .
camp counselor au .
CEO au .
chef au .
childhood friends to lovers au .
club au .
college au .
coworker au .
crime au .
dad au .
doctor au .
dancer au .
detective au .
divorce au .
enemies to lovers au .
established relationship au .
exes to lovers au .
fantasy au .
farm au .
father au .
friends to benefits au .
friends to lovers au .
fuckboy au .
fuckgirl au .
forbidden au .
gamer au .
god au .
hitman au .
horror au .
husband au .
hybrid au .
idiots to lovers au .
idol au .
king au .
lawyer au .
mafia au .
magic au .
medical au .
musician au .
neighbours au .
noona au .
one night stand au .
photographer au .
pirates au .
professor au .
prince au .
rich au .
road trip au .
roommate au .
royalty au .
second chance au .
secret relationship au .
sex worker au .
single parent au .
social media au .
songwriter au .
soulmate au .
spy au .
superhero au .
supernatural au .
tattoo artist au .
teacher au .
unrequited love au .
vampire au .
werewolf au .
wife au .
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kim namjoon .
kim seokjin .
min yoongi .
jung hoseok .
park jimin .
kim taehyung .
jeon jungkook .
ot7 .
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drama .
hurt/comfort .
magic .
mutual pining .
mystery .
romance .
slow burn .
thriller .
age play .
crack .
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Note : please let me know if any of the links are not working. Thankyou.
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Note : since Tumblr only allows 100 links per page, so this list will be continued in another page, which is linked down below.
↬masterlist continued .
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sopekooks · 1 month
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243/638 days of missing yoongi
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bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
They Reject You (hyung line)- part three
If the link doesn't work, click here.
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i-am-baechu · 4 months
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f) Reader / Jungkook x (f) Reader
Genre/Tags: CEO! Seokjin, Store Manager! Reader, arranged relationship, slow burn, angst, drama, fluff, and smut
Series Warnings: Foul language, alcohol consumption, family drama, ableist, talked about past accident, injuries, doctors, anxiety, insecurities, and sexual content
Status: Coming this year
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Summary: Choi Y/N was used to being the background character to her older sister's life. Yuri was everything that her parents wanted and Y/N was left by herself. It wasn’t preferred but she managed her life perfectly fine. It wasn’t until Yuri asked “Can you do me a favor?” that her life changed and she became the main character.
Y/N stared at her sister with a confused face. Whatever her sister wanted it was urgent and it was clear with her eyes. Yuri sighed and took her phone out. Y/N watched anxiously and waited for her sister to show her the phone. She glanced at the rectangle and then at her sister, “Can you do me a favor?” 
She tilted her head and nodded her head slowly. Yuri smiled nervously and typed another sentence out, “I need you to go on a date for me.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened at this and shook her head. Yuri frowned and started begging at her sister, “Please, mom and dad set this date up for me. They just wanted one of Choi's daughters and they just picked me because I'm older.” 
Y/N took her phone out, “Who is it with? I’m not saying yes but I am curious...” 
“Kim Seokjin.”
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jmdbjk · 13 days
Bangtan Chaos™️
Honestly, they should trademark it.
Bangtan Chaos™️ in action:
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The scene: Jin leaves the military base upon his discharge, a momentous occasion with media coverage from all over the planet made especially newsworthy because all the members of the group (except Yoongi) are present.
(cue the Bangtan Chaos™️)
Jin: HEY ARMYYYYY I'M BACK!!! (idol mode kicks in and he waves to every angle of the bank of photogs across the street, like its a military red carpet event)
Namjoon: 🎶so I'ma light it up like Dynamite🎶dyna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ayyy🎶dyna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ayyy🎶light it up! Dynamite! whoa oh oh!🎶l
Jungkook and Jimin: (in the background jikooking probably thinking about the ramen they're gonna eat that they talked about in the car on the way over)
Yoongi (back at the Hybe building): (looks at the throngs of people surrounding the Hybe building from the comfort of the 15th floor--and don't remind me, this is supposed to be a happy day) "Hey guys, we should probably call in some local police for security, also, what happened to my cat pillows on the sofa in my Genius Lab?"
Delulu mode on: Joon being somewhat proficient on the sax. Tae plays trumpet and saxophone. Yoongi plays guitar and piano. Jin and Jimin both play guitar too. JK was serious about the drums in 2022 and he's learning guitar.
Bangtan Band could be another step outside the kpop bubble. At least one song or performance playing instruments would be awesome. Please universe, make it happen!
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ladymorrie · 1 month
—𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.
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—ᡣ𐭩 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: ceo/mafia!bts x fem!reader
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: police are corrupted by the underworld. so for some time now, an organization has been in place to arrest real criminals, not just people of different origins. This time, the mission is to find out whether the bts group, which is well known is the underworld but also in the business, if they do child trafficking. and there's no one better suited for the task than agent [name.]. who, compared to other agents, doesn't have her heart protected by barbed wire, but rather by a wall of money.
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰(𝓼): violence/murder/blood, psychology like reading someone body language, manipulating, cursing, feminist and mention of how women are mistreated in the current system. (Maybe more later)
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: please keep in mind that english is not my first language, im french. If you see a mistake or anything else, don't hesitate to let me know !
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓼: ongoing
• will be updated every month
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 (open) :
—ᡣ𐭩 𝓟𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
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— 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝒻𝒾𝓁𝑒 —
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redrose10 · 6 months
Chapter 4
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Here it is! I was nervous to put this out here so I hope it lives up. Yoongi realizes some things in this one but it might be a little too late. Chapter 5 should be out within a few days!
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word Count: 3,404
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Waking up with a long stretch you were more than surprised to wake up in your hotel bed. The last thing you remembered was falling asleep on the beach but you have no memory at all of walking back to the room. You figured that hotel security probably found you and thought you were just a drunk so they brought you back to the room after finding your room key on you.
Looking over to the empty space next to you memories from the night before came flooding back to you. The delicious dinner you had and the joyous company of the waiter Hoseok. The sight of Yoongi and the brunette that was all over him. How he lied and called you his sister instead of his wife. How you felt lonely and betrayed and you just wanted to wish everything of the past couple months away.
Suddenly as if your brain finally caught up you realized you were sleeping in the same bed that Yoongi and that woman most likely hooked up in and that caused your skin to crawl. You jumped out of bed like something bit you tripping over your suitcase in the process and landing on the ground with a loud thud. You’d never been so happy for a vacation to end before. Getting in the shower you scrubbed your skin so hard you’re pretty sure you did damage but you wanted to scrub until you no longer felt dirty. After packing up your few belongings you walked out to the living room of your suite. Yoongi was already sitting at the dining table. You scanned his body for any new marks but nothing was visible even with the v neck tshirt he was wearing that caused you to internally scold yourself for staring at him a little too long. When he finally noticed you standing there he pointed to the seat across from him,
“It’s a chai tea. Jimin said you don’t really like coffee so I didn’t know what else to get.“
Sitting down at the table you noticed that the selection of food was all of your favorites. Chocolate chip muffins, a bacon croissant sandwich, crispy potato hash, strawberries, pineapple, a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Yoongi cleared his throat, “Jimin also told me some of your favorite foods so I had them bring what they could.” Unable to hide the shy smile nodded before taking a bite.
“Umm do you know when or how I got back to the room last night? I don’t remember walking back so I wanted to go thank whomever brought me here?”, you awkwardly chuckled trying to break the silence but also piece together last night. He took another sip of his coffee, “Yeah actually I carried you back to the room and put you in the bed.” His statement caused you to choke on the strawberry you had just popped in your mouth, “I’m sorry you did what?”
He repeated, “I saw you laying on the beach so I went down and brought you back and put you in the bed.” You looked at him with wide eyes, words escaping you. You ate another strawberry trying to stuff your mouth before saying something you’d regret.
“Why is your skin so red? It looks like you washed yourself with sandpaper?”, he asked looking you over.
“Oh when I woke up in the bed I felt kind of gross, you know since you hooked up with some woman in there, and I’m sure the sheets weren’t changed afterwards. Guess I got a little carried away.”
Yoongi nodded before taking another sip of coffee, “I didn’t hook up with her.”
You laughed, “Come on Yoongi. I saw the two of you. If you didn’t hook up then what did you do with her in here? I know you guys didn’t play a game unless it included clothes coming off.”
“I told her to leave.”
“I told her to leave.”
“I know I heard you the first time but why?”
He returned back to his bagel without a word and you rolled your eyes, “Okay fine. Don’t tell me. I don’t really care at this point anyways.”
Yoongi let out a long deep sigh, “After a while I realized that you didn’t come in the room with us. I didn’t know where you’d be able to go at that time of the night and I didn’t think it was a good idea for you to be wandering around by yourself so I told the woman that we should continue somewhere else and that I’d book us another room so you could come back to the room. So when I went to grab my wallet on the table next to the balcony I saw you laying out on the beach. It looked like you were sleeping and I didn’t want you to stay out there like that because it was late and it’s dangerous and you might get eaten by a crab or something so I told her that we were done and that she needed to leave. I walked down to the beach to bring you back. I was gonna wake you up but you looked really comfy so I just carried you here and put you in the bed and went to sleep myself.”
You were dumbfounded at his story. Your face was full of disbelief. Taking a bite of your muffin you nodded, “Oh well uh thank you for bringing me back.”
He nodded.
“Also if there was a crab out there big enough to eat me I think we’d have some major problems.”
He rolled his eyes before he walked off to the bathroom trying to hide the blush creeping down his neck. You continued to eat but confusion plagued your mind. You just can’t figure him out. One minute he’s hooking up with some random woman on your honeymoon and the next he’s going out of his way for you and trying to be kind, almost seeming kind of protective. You really weren’t sure what to make of him but you wished he would just make up his mind because you’re starting to get whiplash from the back and forth.
The flight back home was uneventful. The two of you sat in comfortable silence other than the occasional statement. Yoongi sipped on a whiskey and you even decided to get wild and sip on some champagne.
The car pulled up to an extravagant looking building confusing you as to where you were and then it hit you. You had to move into Yoongi’s place and of course he lived in the most luxurious building in the whole country. You thought spending a week in the same hotel room was awkward so you had no clue how living together was going to go but part of you hoped that maybe the two of you can finally work on some things in your relationship.
Once in Yoongi’s penthouse he gave you a very brief tour. The home was incredible. Jimins apartment was nice but didn’t compare to the penthouse. Floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city. All the furniture appears to be high end and high quality. You’re pretty sure your entire apartment back home could’ve fit in the kitchen alone.
Thankfully Jimin was able help you coordinate with the movers to have your stuff shipped over. You didn’t have to bring much since Yoongi already had a fully furnished home. You just brought some clothes and a few sentimental items.
“My office is the third door on the right. If I work from home I’ll be in there but please keep interruptions to a minimum and only if necessary. My bedroom is the second door on the left. Don’t go in there. Your room is right here.”, he said opening the door. You were thoroughly confused. “Wait we have separate bedrooms?” Yoongi sighed irritation evident again, “I have the space so I figured why should we have to share a room. This way we can stay out of each others way.”
When you saw his eyebrow move up you knew what he meant by that. You sat on the edge of the bed staring down at the floor. Sure it was a nice room and bigger than any room you’d ever had before with it even having a private bathroom. But that didn’t stop the loneliness and hurt that you felt. You were more like a roommate or even worse, a nuisance that that he just wanted to shove away so he didn’t have to look at you.
That thought made you chuckle though, “Good thing you don’t have any staircases in this place or I’d be stuck sleeping under there I guess.”
Yoongi looked at you with eyebrows furrowed.
“What you’ve never seen Harry Potter before?”
“Do I seem like the kind of guy that watches Harry Potter?”
“I guess not but you sure have a lot in common with a certain he who shall not be named.”
“What are talking about?”
“Nothing never mind.”
Yoongi noticed your change in demeanor. Stuffing this hands into his pockets he spoke, “You’re welcome to paint or decorate the room however you want.” You met him with continued silence. He continued, “I have to go into the office to catch up on things. I ordered some groceries to be delivered later. Jimin told me about you liking to have a mug of warm milk before bed and I was out so that’ll be here later along with some other things for you.” You nodded in acknowledgment whispering a thank you before he turned and shut the door behind him.
Due to your small amount of belongings you were unpacked in no time. Luckily you just put your last piece of clothing away when the doorbell rang signaling the grocery order arrived. Taking the bags from the delivery driver and thanking him profusely you set to work putting everything away while also familiarizing yourself with the kitchen. As you pulled out the groceries you chuckled a little more each time. There was the milk just like Yoongi had promised. There was also a large package of chocolate chip muffins, multiple containers of strawberries, your favorite ramen, some cookies, a box of popcorn, and cookie dough ice cream. All of your favorites. You made a mental note to thank Jimin and maybe also send a thank you to Yoongi depending on how he was acting later.
Over the next few weeks things between Yoongi and yourself didn’t improve much. The two of you barely spoke other than the occasional question or statement and that was if you even saw each other at all. You spent most of your time in your bedroom while he claimed to be at the office or other work functions. The one time you did venture out and sat in the living room your movie was interrupted when Yoongi came strolling in with a woman in each arm heading towards his bedroom after giving you a quick nod like you were just one of his friends who he was trying to brag to about his “score”. Suddenly not feeling so well you turned off the tv and got in bed. It didn’t take long to hear moans and a headboard banging against the wall from down the hallway so you grabbed your headphones hoping to block out the sound and fall asleep as quickly as you could.
The next morning Yoongi and his new friends were long gone by the time you got up. You set out on checking off some things on your to do list that you created. One thing you wanted to work on was learning Korean. You knew a few phrases thanks to Jimin but now that you were living in Korea you thought it would be a good idea to get to know the language in a proficient way so you started calling around to different companies trying to find someone to give you lessons.
That’s how a few weeks later you were sitting at your kitchen table with the teacher the company you chose had sent you. Kim Namjoon was a handsome man no doubt about it. He was tall with broad shoulders. The cutest dimples you’d ever seen. His glasses framed his face perfectly and they looked great with his caramel colored hair. His cologne the complete opposite of Yoongi’s cinnamon and vanilla scent. Namjoon smelled light and citrusy. It was clean and refreshing and somehow managed to take the stress away from you. The way he spoke was so elegant. It was nice being able to have a full conversation with someone. You loved Jimin but you guys mostly just goofed off and went on rants to each other and trying to have a conversation with Yoongi was like pulling teeth. You hadn’t realized just how lonely you were before Namjoon came into your life. This was only your fifth session and you found yourself really excited that you were getting to spend some time with him again.
“I don’t know Y/N. How will baking cookies help you learn a language?”, he sighed trying mask his playfulness. You giggled, “Well I could learn all the names for the ingredients and I can try to give YOU the instructions in Korean while you make the cookies.” He sat there and pondered before you continued, “Come on Joonie. Back home I’m famous for my double chocolate chip cookies and I know you can’t say no to chocolate.” Finally he ran a hand through his hair, “Alright but you have to tell me each step in Korean.” Excitedly you jumped up running around to collect the ingredients.
Watching Namjoon try to make cookies was one of the funniest things you’ve ever witnessed. He told you he had no business being in the kitchen but you didn’t think it was this bad. He was currently trying to mix in the flour to the chocolate batter and you couldn’t stop laughing as you watched half the flour fall onto the counter which covered him in a puff of white smoke.
“Here Namjoon let me help you.”, you said placing your hand on his much larger one so you could guide his movements to slowly mix in the flour. You looked up to see him smiling down at you dimples on full display. His lips looked soft and warm. The thought of kissing him definitely crossed your mind. Yoongi hadn’t kissed you since your wedding day and the most physical he’s got with you was carrying you to the room from the beach and to be honest you wouldn’t let him touch you anyways without seeing some test results first to make sure he didn’t pick up anything along the way. The ring on your finger caught your eye before you could act on your thoughts. Yoongi may be an insufferable adulterer but that didn’t mean you had to be one too. Two wrongs don’t make a right in your book but damn if Namjoon wasn’t making you think about doing all the wrongs regardless of the rights.
You were so focused on trying to explain to Namjoon how to add the chocolate chips in Korean that neither of you noticed Yoongi walk in. He watched you gently grasp Namjoon’s hand while smiling up at him. You looked so cute in your daisy printed apron. Namjoon said something that made you burst into a fit of laughter. Yoongi felt a pain in his chest. He had never heard you laugh like that before. You looked so happy with Namjoon. He knew that was all his fault so he didn’t understand where this jealous feeling was coming from and why his brain and heart were betraying him.
He watched you reach up to wipe away some of the chocolate that had gotten onto Namjoon’s cheek. The two of you definitely sharing a moment and Yoongi felt his heart rate increase. He quickly pushed that feeling aside as he had no right. He had slept with multiple women since you got married and he was the one that told you that you were welcome to see other people so if you took Namjoon to your bedroom right now he had nothing to say.
He thought back to that night he carried you back from the beach. You looked so adorable with your lips slightly parted, your skin a beautiful hue of pink thanks to the sun, the way you wrapped your arms around his neck nuzzling your face into his shoulder. At that moment on the beach he realized how harsh he had been and that you didn’t deserve any of it. It’s not your fault that at 19 years old another woman ripped his heart out and stomped on it and then lit it on fire and he decided he’d never allow himself to go through that ever again instead choosing to be the breaker of hearts. The night after he carried you to the hotel while laying in the bed next to you he made a decision that he’d change if not for him then at least for you. Obviously, he failed once he returned to Seoul and he was introduced to the two female interns that he brought back home while you sat innocently watching a movie waiting for him. He knew he was a coward. He was too scared of getting his heart broken again that he decided to continuously break yours and now it looks like you found someone to help mend it and who was he to take that away from you. Deciding he saw enough he rushed off to his bedroom before you could find him standing there.
Once the cookies were baked and cooled you packaged most of them up before handing the box to Namjoon.
“Here take these. There’s no way I’m going to eat them all.”
He smiled but shook his head, “What about Yoongi? I’m sure he’d love to have some of these. I don’t want to take them all.”
You chuckled, “Yoongi never eats anything I cook. He’s probably worried I’ll try and poison him or something so I could get out of this marriage.”
Namjoon laughed at your joke and then confirmed again he was okay to take all the cookies before thanking you and heading out the door. You did a quick clean up of the kitchen before heating up a mug of warm milk and grabbing the two cookies you had saved and headed off to your room for the evening after shutting off the light.
Later that night you woke up hearing a loud bang come from the kitchen. It sounded just like a cabinet closing so you assumed it was Yoongi making himself something to eat. Not being concerned you turned over and went right back to sleep.
Yoongi however, had checked every cabinet and drawer looking for the cookies you made. He always snuck little tastes of your food in the middle of the night when you weren’t there even though you always offered him food each time. Part of him being too stubborn and not wanting to give you the satisfaction of eating the food you cooked and another part of him just felt like he didn’t deserve your food and was too embarrassed to eat it in front of you. He had heard all about your famous cookies from Jimin and he was really looking forward to trying one when he saw you and Namjoon baking them. Giving up he turned to shut off the light and that’s when a little baggy on the counter caught his eye. Inside a perfect looking double chocolate chip cookie with a stick note attached to the bag saying ‘Yoongi’. He took one bite and was in heaven. He thought back to you and Namjoon looking so happy together. Like a real couple. How you smiled and gently touched him. How Namjoon made you laugh. Yoongi finished off the cookie but he was no longer enthralled by the chocolate goodness. Suddenly the cookie tasted like a mix of heaven with a pinch of jealousy and a dash of regret.
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