weirdasshomo · 1 month
the moment i got Charons keepsake n saw this my delulu ass went straight back to charmes train
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dt75artblog · 7 months
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Ran home from ANYC with merch inspiration. Double sided wife guy charms. Elden ring edition art is PENDING but you can preorder both here!
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sovamurka · 9 months
I cannot describe the joy I felt when I realized that Lera and Altan are gonna meet again in their pretty clothes with their pretty hairstyles and in a very pretty place
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pucksandpower · 7 days
Breaking the Ice
Happy Nation: A Series of Standalone Fics
Lando Norris x Räikkönen!Reader
Summary: a boy who never shuts up meets a girl who rarely wastes the energy to speak … it doesn’t go as expected (or in which not having much to say runs in the Räikkönen family)
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Lando shifts his weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting nervously as he awaits the arrival of the other drivers for the pre-season press conference. His gaze darts around the stark concrete room, taking in the harsh lighting and the row of empty chairs on the raised platform.
This is his sixth season in Formula 1, but the thrill of the new year and the prospect of racing still sends butterflies fluttering through his stomach. He sucks in a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.
The door opens and you stride in, Valtteri Bottas at your side. Lando’s eyes are immediately drawn to you, the rookie driver already capturing attention despite your quiet presence. You move with the casual confidence of someone who has grown up in this world, unbothered by the lights and cameras.
Lando finds himself staring, captivated by the way you carry yourself. The famously reserved Räikkönen genes clearly run through your veins.
Before Lando can gather his wits to introduce himself, you slide into the chair at the end of the row, Valtteri taking the seat next to you. Lando blinks, realizing he’s been caught gawking.
Smooth, Norris. Real smooth.
He clears his throat and makes his way over, mustering his most charming grin. “Hi there! Lando Norris. Welcome to the circus.”
You turn towards him, your expression unreadable. For a beat, you simply regard him in silence. Then, “Hey.”
You give a small nod of acknowledgment before turning away, effectively shutting down the conversation. Lando’s smile falters as you refocus your attention on … absolutely nothing at all.
Well, that’s a bit rude. He frowns, stung by the brush-off. So much for breaking the ice. Maybe you’re just shy around new people? Lando decides to give you the benefit of the doubt as the other drivers begin filing in.
He takes his seat a few chairs away, sneaking sidelong glances at you. You haven’t so much as glanced in his direction again, adopting the same thousand-yard stare as the Iceman.
Like father, like daughter, Lando muses with a shake of his head.
When the press conference gets underway, question after question is lobbed at the drivers. Lando fields them with his usual charismatic charm, unable to resist hamming it up for the cameras with comedic flair. In contrast, you remain stubbornly curt whenever the mic is passed your way.
“I don’t know.”
Your terse responses draw titters of laughter from the audience and press corps alike. Lando watches in amazement, unable to fathom how anyone could be so … so ...
“Boring?” He blurts out before he can stop himself.
You cut your eyes towards him, holding his gaze for the first time since your noncommittal greeting. Lando feels himself flush, suddenly uncertain if he’s been too cheeky. But then the corners of your mouth tug up in an unmistakable smirk before you turn away again, leaving him to wonder if he’s imagined it.
By the time the press conference mercifully ends, Lando has decided you’re definitely an odd duck. But also … kind of fascinating? In an eccentric, robotic sort of way? He’s not sure what to make of his swirling thoughts as you all rise to make your exit.
Lando hangs back, angling to get one more shot at conversation. “Hey, uh, Y/N? I know you’re still getting your feet wet here, but if you ever need any advice or, you know, someone to show you the ropes, I’m always around.”
You pause, glancing back at him over your shoulder. For a fleeting second, Lando thinks he detects … what? Amusement? Disbelief? It’s impossible to tell with your trademark poker face firmly in place.
“Thanks,” you reply, your tone mild. “But I’m good.”
And with that, you pivot on your heel and stride away, leaving Lando to stare after you.
“Huh,” he mutters to himself. So much for breaking the ice.
As the next couple of days of testing wear on, Lando can’t seem to get a read on you. Oh, you’re perfectly courteous whenever your paths happen to cross in the paddock. You’ll return his greetings with a respectful nod or murmur of acknowledgment.
But that’s as far as it goes. You’re polite, but also totally inscrutable. Lando has no idea what you make of him, or really anything at all that might be going on inside that head of yours. All he knows is that his curiosity about you has been thoroughly piqued.
One morning, Lando spies you sitting alone, sipping from a a mug of coffee as you study a stack of data printouts. He ambles over, determined to try chatting you up again.
“Y/N! How’s it going?” His voice is cheerfully upbeat. “That coffee from the hotel? Because let me tell you, it’s rubbish. If you want a proper brew, you’ve got to venture out and find a decent cafe. I know all the best spots around here if you’d like some recommendations ...”
He trails off as you simply look up at him, silent and unblinking. Lando clears his throat, feeling oddly off-kilter beneath your steady regard.
“Anyway,” he blusters on, undeterred. “How are you finding testing so far? Not too overwhelming, I hope? If you ever want to debrief or go over data or anything, I’m happy to lend an ear. Or even an eye, I suppose, since it’s more looking at numbers than listening to-”
The single syllable cuts through Lando’s babbling. You set down your coffee and rise to your feet in one effortless, graceful movement. Lando blinks in surprise as you turn and walk away without another word.
“Oh. Erm. Sure, just … ignore me then,” he mutters, feeling his cheeks flush hotly.
He shakes his head as you disappear around the corner, baffled by your total indifference. But then a wry chuckle escapes his lips as the truth dawns on him with crystal clarity.
You’re not rude or shy at all. That’s just … who you are. Curt, to the point, unconcerned with frivolous chitchat and social niceties. You’ve got laser-focus, and nothing is going to distract you from your pursuit of speed.
In that moment, Lando feels a swell of admiration. He gets it now — you’re carved from the same uncompromising bedrock as your old man. Refreshingly authentic without any affectations or pretense.
Most people would find your blunt aloofness off-putting. But not Lando. No, he finds the prospect of unraveling the mystery that is Y/N Räikkönen irresistibly intriguing.
He grins to himself as he ambles off to get ready for his own session out on track. Just you wait, Y/N. He’s going to get you to crack a smile yet, even if it kills him.
After all, whoever said being a woman of few words was a bad thing?
Lando is in the middle of his pre-race routine, trying to center his mind and get into the zone, when you appear out of nowhere and thrust something at him.
“Here,” you say brusquely.
He blinks, puzzled, as he registers the scraggly bundle of wildflowers gripped in your fist. They look like they’ve been unceremoniously ripped out of the dirt, roots, soil and all.
“Uh … what’s this?” Lando asks.
You meet his confused gaze head on, your expression typically unreadable. “Flowers. For you.”
“For me?” Lando repeats dumbly. He glances around, as if expecting a hidden camera crew to jump out at any second. “Are you … giving me these?”
“No, I’m giving them to the other idiot who won’t stop yapping at me every single day,” you deadpan.
Lando feels his cheeks grow warm at the mild rebuke. He knows you’re referring to his persistent, if extremely one-sided attempts at conversation over the past few weeks. All his friendly openings and invitations have been met with a string of indifferent brush-offs and noncommittal hums.
Can’t blame a guy for trying, right? At least he’s being polite, which is more than he can say for-
“Well?” You break into his thoughts, arching one coolly expectant brow. “Are you wooed or not?”
This time it’s Lando’s turn to stare at you blankly. “I’m … sorry, what?”
“Wooed,” you repeat flatly. “You said the girl of your dreams would woo you with flowers or some nonsense. So I got you flowers.” You give the bedraggled bouquet a little shake for emphasis. “Now you’re wooed. Happy?”
It takes a moment for the words to click into place in Lando’s brain. Then a strangled laugh bursts from his lips as he remembers the foolish, offhand comment he made in an interview a few days ago. He’d been prattling on about his imaginary ideal partner, somehow painting the ridiculous picture of himself being “wooed” like some lovestruck Victorian lady.
Leave it to you to take the whole ludicrous scenario at face value. Lando can’t decide if he’s more charmed or bewildered by the fact that you’ve actually gone to the trouble of physically wooing him with … weeds?
“You cannot be serious right now,” he sputters out between residual chuckles.
You simply stand there, utterly unfazed as you hold out the world’s saddest excuse for a bouquet expectantly. “Well? Am I doing it right or not?”
“Doing what right?” Lando shakes his head, chortling again. “This whole wooing business? Y/N, that was just me rambling on like an idiot, as usual. You didn’t actually have to-”
“But I did,” you interject, effectively cutting off his protests. “So. Are. You. Wooed?”
Lando opens his mouth, then closes it again as he searches for the right response. There’s no menace or mockery in your expression, just that same intense focus and matter-of-fact bluntness that you apply to everything. Somehow, he gets the distinct impression that you won’t be deterred until he gives you a straight answer.
“Uh … no?” He ventures at last. “N-Not really, I guess?”
You stand there for a beat, Processing his words. Then you give a curt nod of acknowledgment. “Okay. That’s a you problem.”
With that, you turn smartly on your heel and stride away, leaving Lando gaping after you in a stupor. He stares down at the shoddy little bundle of greenery still clutched in his hand, not sure whether to laugh or just shake his head in amazed disbelief.
“A ‘me’ problem?” he mutters, a wry grin tugging at his lips. “Well, you’ve got me there, Y/N.”
Because the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that you respecting him enough to even entertain his absurd hypothetical … that might just be his new favorite problem.
The roar of the crowd is deafening as Lando brings his car across the finish line in fourth place. Not his best result, but respectable points in the bag. He allows himself a tight smile as he peels into the pit lane and kills the engine.
Until the unmistakable bright green and black livery of your Kick Sauber fills his vision, that is.
Lando does a double take, his jaw dropping as the implication sinks in. No way. There’s absolutely no way you’ve … you’ve won this race, right? In that underpowered, aerodynamically-challenged shitbox?
He can scarcely believe his eyes as you glide to a stop behind the large “1” board. The cheers and applause swelling around the track leave no doubt — somehow, against all odds, you’ve just taken the top step of the podium.
Lando scrambles out of his own car, tugging off his helmet and balaclava as he hustles across parc fermé in a daze. The first thing he notices is the sheer confusion and shock etched onto the faces of everyone else milling around. Even the marshals look gobsmacked by this upset for the ages.
In the middle of the chaos, you’re casually unfurling yourself from the cockpit with your trademark nonchalance. Like this is just another ho-hum Sunday drive for Y/N Räikkönen instead of, you know, the most spectacular overachievement in recent Formula 1 history.
Lando stands there gaping at you, unable to fully process what’s just happened. He vaguely registers the rest of the top finishers pulling in around you, their body language radiating bewilderment and disbelief as they all turn to stare, dumbstruck.
No one can quite seem to believe that an underdog backmarker has just eclipsed them all in a car that typically struggles to score points, let alone wins.
For your part, you’re projecting indifference to the chaos swirling around you. You simply grab a water bottle and take a long, unhurried pull, seemingly oblivious to the escalating frenzy.
Then, you casually turn in Lando’s direction and arch one brow ever-so-slightly. A silent question.
“I … you ...” Lando sputters uselessly, his brain still stuttering to catch up. “Did you seriously just ...”
The corners of your lips quirk upwards, hinting at a suppressed grin. “Well?” You prompt him calmly. “Are you wooed yet or what?”
It takes a moment for the light to flicker on in Lando’s mind. Any other time, he’d be delighted by the playful ribbing, eager to keep the back-and-forth banter flowing.
But right now, something else cuts through the haze of astonishment clouding his thoughts.
“Wait … is this ...” Lando squints at you searchingly. “Did you just win this race … for me?”
The words slip out before he can stop them. Because that would be such an impossibly, endearingly you thing to do, wouldn’t it? To dedicate achieving the unachievable all because of an offhand remark about wanting to be wooed?
His heart does a strange little flip-flop at the mere idea of you going to such outlandishly romantic lengths, all for the sake of who-even-knows-what is brewing between you two these days.
For a long beat, you simply stare back at him, your expression unreadable as ever. Then, “What?” You let out a faintly derisive snort. “No, of course not. Why would I do that?”
The words detonate like a slap in the face, momentarily winding Lando with their blunt force. “Oh. Well, I just thought maybe since I mentioned the whole wooing thing, and then you ...”
You shake your head impatiently, cutting him off. “You’re not the one who won this race, Lando.”
With that, you turn on your heel and stride away, dismissing him with a curt finality. Lando is left speechless, mouth agape as he watches your retreating back.
Around him, the rest of the drivers and crew are still buzzing with perplexed whispers and incredulous looks. No one can seem to wrap their minds around what they’ve just witnessed.
A sudden boom of laughter from Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber garage shatters the tension. Lando glances over to see your grizzled race engineer doubled over, tears of mirth streaming down his face as he wheezes helplessly.
“That’s my girl!” He chortles, shaking his head in amazed delight. “Leave it to a Räikkönen to blow the entire fuckin’ field away and just shrug it off like it’s no big deal!”
Lando feels the corner of his own mouth twitch upwards, the pinpricks of embarrassment fading as quickly as they flared. Of course he wasn’t on your mind out there today — you’re a laser-focused competitor brimming with the same single-minded intensity as your father. No thoughts, just pure, unbridled velocity.
You don’t crave grandstanding or glory, you’re simply out there doing what you were born to do, with ruthless, unsentimental precision. No fuss, no frills. Just inevitable, undeniable greatness through sheer force of will.
For now, that’s more than enough to leave him feeling utterly, deliriously, irrevocably … wooed.
Lando flops back on the hotel bed with a contented sigh, still basking in the post-race glow. P3 on the podium is a stellar result, made even sweeter by the fact that you claimed second place.
He grins lazily as you emerge from the en-suite bathroom, having shed your team wear in favor of a comfy t-shirt and shorts. Even with your hair tied up in a messy bun and your face scrubbed free of makeup, you’re still the most beautiful sight he’s ever laid eyes on.
“There’s the champion,” he rumbles affectionately, reaching out to snag your wrist and tug you down onto the bed beside him. You allow yourself to be pulled into the circle of his arms with a quiet huff of amusement.
“I didn’t win, you dork,” you point out mildly, making no move to extract yourself from his embrace. “That was Max on the first step today, not me.”
“Mmm, true.” Lando hums his agreement, nuzzling against the crown of your head. “But you’ll get there again soon enough. Then we can really celebrate.”
He punctuates the promise with a languid kiss, smiling against your lips as you melt into him with a soft sigh of contentment. These tender, unguarded moments are rapidly becoming his favorite part of any race weekend.
You allow the liplock to linger for a few long, blissful seconds before finally pulling back with a faint smirk. “Speaking of celebrating ...”
Then, without any hesitation whatsoever, you deftly roll off the mattress and sink down onto your knees in one fluid motion, effectively pitching Lando’s heart rate into a gallop.
“Whoa, hey now,” he sputters out a nervous chuckle, propping himself up on his elbows to gawk down at you in surprise. “What are you doing down there, trouble?”
Rather than answering directly, you simply arch one eloquent brow and ask, “Are you wooed yet?”
Lando blinks, needing a second to parse your meaning. Then a bark of laughter escapes before he can stop it, finally realizing where this is going. “Oh my god, you cannot be serious right now. Are we really still doing that stupid bit?”
There’s no missing the impish glint in your eye as you regard him from your knees, clearly quite pleased with yourself for managing to get the upper hand. “Well? I’m waiting for an answer here.”
Lando shakes his head in amazed disbelief, unable to smother his grin. “Y/N, love, you have got to be the most impossible woman on the planet sometimes.” He reaches down to brush an errant lock of hair out of your eyes, cradling your face tenderly. “But lucky for you, it’s impossibly charming as hell.”
You lean into the caress ever so slightly, regarding him with an impish glint. “So? Do you feel wooed yet or not?”
Something warm and gooey blossoms in Lando’s chest as he studies your features — the amused quirk of your lips, the slight flush on your cheeks, the fire dancing in your eyes. You’re such an endearing contradiction, managing to be the most formidably stoic badass on the racetrack while also being irresistibly playful when it’s just the two of you.
“Y/N ...” he starts, a bemused chuckle rumbling from his lips. He presses a kiss to your forehead, relishing your quiet hum of approval. “You do realize you don’t have to keep trying to woo me anymore, right?”
You blink up at him, your brow furrowing slightly as you process his words. “What are you talking about?”
Lando nods towards the pillow behind him, gesturing vaguely. “The flowers. The race win. All the coy banter and teasing.” He grins, cupping your face in his hands. “Pretty sure that ship has sailed at this point, love.”
You continue to stare at him with a blank look, like he’s suddenly started speaking in tongues. The lack of comprehension on your face is so unguarded and genuine that it makes Lando’s grin slowly slip.
Hold on … could it be that you actually don’t realize-
“Hey,” he asks slowly, hardly daring to breathe. “Correct me if I’m wrong here, but … I thought after the whole flower thing, we kind of … you know ...”
He trails off helplessly, not sure how to broach the subject in case he’s somehow misread everything completely. Your brow remains furrowed, making him abruptly hyper aware of the fact that your lithe form is literally kneeling at his feet while wearing very little clothing.
A pregnant pause stretches between you, thick with confused tension. Then-
“Oh my god,” you blurt out, your eyes going comically wide as the pieces finally click into place. “Did you think we were … dating? All this time?”
Lando chokes on his own tongue, too stunned to respond right away. He simply gapes at you, feeling like the world’s biggest moron for somehow operating under the wrong assumption for … how long, exactly?
Now that he’s thinking back, neither of you ever explicitly defined what was brewing between you two ... you just sort of started spending more and more time together, growing more and more intimately intertwined until … well ...
Suddenly he’s laughing, helpless peals of mirth bubbling up from his core as the truth dawns on him. All this time, you two have essentially been a couple of awkward teenagers muddling through the beginning stages of a relationship, the wires of communication getting hopelessly crossed along the way.
But oh man, of course it somehow ended up going down like this between you two. Why would he have expected anything less idiotically convoluted?
You’re chuckling too, the laughter rippling through your body in delightfully unreserved waves as you sway back on your heels. And just like that, the last lingering hint of tension dissolves from the air as you surrender to the hilarity of it all.
“So … I’m just gonna go ahead and take that as a no then,” Lando finally manages to gasp out between wheezing chuckles.
“Well that would depend,” you shoot back, your eyes bright with mischief. You shift forward onto your knees, leaning in close enough for him to feel the teasing rasp of your breath against his lips. “Because according to you, I’m already spoken for.”
Lando’s laughter cuts off with a soft groan as your nose brushes teasingly against his thigh, his palms finding their way to your hips as if by muscle memory. “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” He accuses without any real heat.
“Nope,” you agree matter-of-factly before capturing his lips in a searing kiss.
He loses himself in the velvet glide of your mouths for endless minutes, his fingertips tracing maddening patterns across the sliver of exposed skin at your waist. When you finally break apart, you’re both panting softly, gazes locked in a heated stalemate.
“So ...” Lando murmurs at last, his lips brushing deliciously against yours with every word. “If we haven’t actually been dating this whole time, then what would you call … this?” He sweeps one hand up in a languid caress, hinting at the incredible tangle you’ve both willingly stumbled into.
“Hmm ...” You press another series of featherlight kisses along the sharp line of his jaw, leaving him shivering. “How about … badly in need of remedial communication skills?”
Lando bursts out laughing again — because really, is there any more succinct way to sum up the two of you? He tugs you up onto his lap, cupping the back of your head and crushing your lips back to his in a heated clash of teeth and tongues.
You willingly arch against him with a throaty sigh, hands roaming possessively across his chest. The two of you are a whirlwind of tangled limbs and shared laughter and scorching friction.
It’s all so achingly, impossibly right that Lando can hardly stand it. But as you meet his heated gaze, chests heaving and eyes sparking with unspoken promises, Lando finds he wouldn’t have it any other way. Not when the payoff is stealing heated moments like these, all tangled up in each other with boundless laughter and blazing passion.
“Y/N ...” he murmurs reverently, tracing the curve of your smiling lips with the pad of his thumb. “I adore you. You incredible, impossible woman.”
You lean into the caress with a soft hum, covering his hand with yours to hold him there. “So what now?” You arch a playful brow. “Are you officially wooed or do you need some more convincing?”
With a low growl, he abruptly flips you both over onto the mattress in one fluid movement. You let out a startled squeak quickly swallowed by his questing mouth as he settles between your parted thighs, pinning you to the sheets.
You arch up to meet him in a slick glide of fevered skin, clutching him close. Through it all, your soft laughter never ceases — bubbling up in breathless peals of delight that Lando hungrily drinks in.
Yeah, he’s pretty damn wooed all right. But from this moment forward, he’s going to spend every second making damn sure you never have to ask again.
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dqrciedaily · 2 months
baby arsenal, arsenal wfc x teen!reader
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a/n: y/n is so younger me coded minus the fact that she is german
also promise more fics coming soon x
y/n y/l/n, the sixteen year old rising star of not only the german national team but also arsenal women's football club, had seamlessly transitioned from the bustling streets of cologne to the vibrant city of london. her two older brothers, max and louis, had started her passion for football from a young age, sculpting her into the strong defender she was today. they always had her in the garden with them having a kick about before urging their father to let her go for trials at the local club, which deemed to be extremely successful.
arsenal had scouted y/n whilst she was playing for fc köln. three weeks later her and her parents were signing papers and organising living arrangements as well as the school situation. they settled on her living with lia as well as her attending the local school in the area.
as the first initial weeks passed, her once shy demeanor melted away, replaced by a vibrant personality that charmed everyone around her. she had also very quickly picked up the name ‘baby arsenal’ from fans and soon her teammates had started calling her that too. kyra and y/n had almostly instantly became friends, pulling y/n out of her nonexistent shell within two weeks, along with victoria, teyah and laura, y/n settled in quickly.
one friday evening, y/n found herself invited to a party by her school friends. eager to fit in with the english teenage life she hastily accepted. embracing the opportunity to get to know her new friends in a different environment, as well as allowing herself to fully relax since moving to the foreign country.
ignoring the cold english weather, y/n slipped on one of her favourite backless black dresses and a pair of her friend’s high heels, that her long legs definitely weren’t accustomed to. many pre drinks later they arrived at the party at nine pm, the minute the group of girls arrived at the party they were straight into the open arms of their other friends. music was blaring as y/n slowly let herself relax, she couldn’t even remember how many new people she had met.
however, the temptation of the party proved too intoxicating, the drinks flowed freely, and before she knew it, the world was slowly tilting on its axis, spinning out of control as she succumbed to the intoxicating haze. the party deemed to be a bit boring now that it had reached past eleven pm, so on her unsteady feet y/n managed to walk out the party and onto the side walk. with her vision blurred and her balance faltering, she fumbled for her phone and dialed kyra’s number, interrupting what was supposed to be a cozy game night for the rest of the team.
"ky! oh my goodness i can’t believe you picked up, i have so much to tell you!” y/n giggled into the phone, "there were like so many pretty girls here tonight and i’m bloody freezing over here. i also had so many drinks! oh and I can't get home. oh and have i ever old you how much i love you! ich liebe dich ky ky…"
throughout the phone call kyra switched it onto speakerphone meaning that everyone could hear the state y/n was in. without hesitation, steph, one of y/n’s self-appointed team mums sprang into action. definitely breaking some speed limits as she rushed to y/n’s location, she found her disoriented but relieved to see she was still standing. quickly getting out the car she wrapped an arm around her guiding her to the
upon their arrival back to lia’s house, leah, kim, lia, beth and steph gathered around y/n, their concern evident in their expressions. "y/n," kim began, her voice gentle yet firm, "you can’t be going around getting drunk, especially at sixteen! what were you thinking?" but before kim’s rant could continue leah placed a hand on the skippers shoulder, “you're young, and we understand that, but you have to be responsible, especially considering the position you're in.” kim nodded her head in agreement before saying, “you're part of this team now, and that means holding yourself to a higher standard than this.”
with a deep breath, she nodded in acknowledgment, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "i'll do better, i promise."
with that kyra, stina and laura lead her upstairs. the high heels long forgotten in the hallway as steph urged her to take them off after watching her stumble around in them. laura mumbled soothing words in german as she slipped an oversized t-shirt over y/n’s head, letting the dress fabric pool at her ankles. stina handed laura shorts for her whilst kyra rummaged around in the bathroom for makeup remover.
with tender care, kyra removed the remnants of makeup on her face, before stina tucked her into bed with gentle hands. laura laid the dress over the back of her desk chair as y/n’s eyelids drooped with exhaustion, her body finally catching up with the events of the evening as she sank into the embrace of her plush duvet.
kyra brushed a stray lock of hair from y/n’s forehead, with a final exchange of reassuring smiles kyra, stina and laura bid her goodnight, their footsteps fading into the distance as they left her to sleep. alone in the quiet of her room, y/n closed her eyes, a sense of peace washing over her as sleep overcame her senses.
but just as she began to drift into slumber, a soft knock sounded at her door, and lia entered, her face lit up by the soft glow of the bedside lamp. In her hands she carried a glass of water and a small packet of tablets, her expression one of concern and care.
"here you go, y/n/n," lia said softly, her voice a whisper in the stillness of the room. "drink this, and take these tablets. they'll help with the headache in the morning." she sat down on the edge of the bed, placing a hand on y/n’s leg, rubbing soothing circles on it. “they’re not mad at you i promise maus. let’s just keep the drinking on the cool for now, okay?”
y/n accepted the water and tablet with a grateful nod, as lia got up to leave the room she turned off the bedside table before whispering “schlaf gut maus.” the door closing behind her, the room going pitch dark allowing y/n to finally drift to sleep.
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azzifudd · 27 days
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: four times paige & azzi knew they belonged to each other
rated: teen
2.5k words
disclaimer: many made up events obviously
The ball swishes through the net, nearly soundless in the empty gym. Azzi has been taking shots for the past three minutes. She hasn’t missed yet.
She had arrived at the UConn campus only 15 minutes ago, to surprise Paige for her birthday, and after nearly five minutes of hugging, that Azzi is sure Paige would’ve turned into more if her parents hadn’t been there, she had been dragged to the gym where the other girls were in recovery after a strenuous practice.
Paige had left her in the gym, promising to be back soon with the others, and Azzi had picked up a ball to pass the time. As she takes another jumpshot, one of the doors bangs open and she flinches. Her shot goes wide, bouncing off the back of the rim.
Two boys have entered the gym, and Azzi vaguely recognizes them. One of them rebounds her ball and brings it over to her.
“Hey, I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. I’m Andre. I’m on the men’s basketball team.”
She’s heard Paige mention him once or twice.
“Y’know if you want any pointers with your jumper, I could help you out.” His eyes run over her, from head to toe.
“What’s your name?” He asks, overeager.
“Azzi,” she replies, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.
“Dude, that’s Azzi. Bueckers’ girl.” His friend has come up beside them, after hearing Azzi introduce herself.
Azzi feels a flush overtake her entire body. Part of her almost wants to be offended that this boy, on one of the top college teams in the nation, didn’t recognize her. She’s the number one high school player in the nation, and it’s not even close. But another part of her, a bigger part of her, loves that so many miles away from home, a complete stranger hears her name and knows she’s Paige’s.
“Oh shit, you’re Paige’s Azzi. Azzi Fudd!” Andre covers his mouth and groans. “I was trying to teach you how to shoot.”
His teammate cackles beside him, slapping him on the back. “She’s been in three point contests with Steph Curry, my guy, I think she’s good.”
“Damn, that’s embarrassing. I’m so sorry.”
She smiles up at him, now charmed by the whole thing. “It’s cool, I didn’t know who you were either.”
“Oh! She got your ass.” His friend laughs again before turning to her and introducing himself. “I’m James.”
“Azzi.” They shake hands.
“Like I said, I know. PB does not shut up about you.” He does a quick dribble behind his back before pulling up into a smooth jump shot that swishes through the net. “We’ll be shooting around after practice and it’s ‘Oh, Azzi never would have missed that shot. She’s the hardest worker I know.”
“You shoulda seen her a few months ago. Always tapping away on that iPad, putting together clips.”
Azzi remembers the video that Paige had so proudly shown to her family. How silly, and sweet, and how Paige it had been. It makes Azzi even more excited for dinner tonight, where she will finally get to tell Paige that she is committing to UConn.
The door pushes open again, and this time it’s Paige who rushes over to them, throwing an arm around Azzi’s neck.
“Hey, these losers bothering you?” Paige asks, laughter clear in her voice. But Azzi knows that it would only take one word from her to set her off if Azzi asked.
“No, they’ve been cool,” she says.
“Well, Coach heard you were here and wanted to say hi. See you guys later.” Paige leads Azzi deeper into the facility.
And if they’re a little late to meet everyone because Azzi pulls Paige into a secluded broom closet for some alone time, no one needs to know but them.
Azzi’s sprinting around the top of the court, rounding one screen and then another, trying desperately to get open. She’s open for a split second, and that’s all it takes for Paige to hit her with the pitch perfect pass. She rises to take the three that could tie the game when a body barrels into her legs.
She hits the floor hard. A whistle blows as the referee calls what Azzi hopes is a shooting foul. She stays on the floor for a moment longer, catching her breath, when suddenly the arena erupts in noise.
Whistles blow, and she finally looks up to see a furious Paige being pulled back by their teammates as one of the referees signals a technical foul. She is spitting furiously at an opposing player. Nika is at her side, simultaneously holding her back from causing more trouble for them and firing Croatian insults at the other team.
Azzi won’t find out until someone shows her the footage after the game, but Paige had stormed over the moment she was fouled and had pushed the offending player with two hands to the chest.
The referee points off the court. Paige has been ejected.
Coach has run over, screaming as the officials struggle to get everything under control. Aaliyah runs over to help Azzi up.
“Paige! Get your ass over here, now!” Geno’s voice somehow booms over the raucous Gampel crowd.
Paige throws her arms up, shrugging their teammates off of her. Satisfied that she has calmed down, everyone begins to back off. But instead of heading off the court like she’s supposed to, she makes a beeline for Azzi, who is still slightly shaken but standing.
Paige raises a hand as if to touch Azzi’s face, but she stops, recognizing where they are. She rests the hand on her shoulder instead.
“You good?” She asks, voice hoarse from shouting.
Azzi nods, still breathing hard. “Why did you do that, you idiot.” But even as she asks, she knows the answer.
Paige smiles crookedly. It is soft despite the noise around them, tender in a way Azzi knows Paige saves just for her.
“Bueckers!” Geno roars. They know if he could storm the court for her, he would have already.
“Go,” Azzi says. “I’ll see you after I win this game.”
“That’s my girl.” Paige leaves the court with a smirk on her face, cheers of her name following her.
Azzi sinks the free throws to send them to overtime. And when they end up winning by eight, even Geno can’t complain too much.
@bueckersbuckets35 it’s bullshit that paige had to apologize. they were targeting azzi all game. bet she’d do it again in a heartbeat if she had to
Paige Bueckers liked this tweet.
“That layup you had in the third!” Paige mimes a euro step, mimics taking a shot with her left hand. “Left hand, baby, bang!”
Hailey van Lith laughs at Paige’s antics, pushing at her playfully. “I mean, it wasn’t enough to get the win against you guys, but it’s always a good time pulling up against you.”
Even if they didn’t talk all the time, it feels like there would always be a special connection between all the girls who had played together for USA Basketball.
Hailey glances around. “How’s the wifey been? I didn’t get a chance to talk with her at the arena.”
Paige grins at that. She knows Hailey means it as a joke, that they are way too young to even think about marriage, but there is always something deeply satisfying for Paige to hear someone acknowledge that she is Azzi's and Azzi is hers.
“She’s doing aight. Her surgery went well. It’s just a shit deal y’know.” There have been plenty of tear filled nights for them both since Azzi had experienced the freak injury, but now Azzi’s ready to move forward, and Paige will be there every step of the way, like Azzi was for her.
Hailey smiles apologetically. “I was really sorry to hear about it. I remember you could never shut up about playing with her.”
“Thank you.” They both jump when Azzi pops up beside them. She gives Hailey a quick hug hello before turning to Paige.
She’s surprised when Azzi wraps her arms around her waist, tucking herself under Paige’s arm, pressing their bodies together.
They are no strangers to PDA. In fact, if Paige had her way, she would never stop touching Azzi. But the younger girl is usually more reluctant around people she doesn’t know, and with Hailey’s teammates around, it is a surprise to see her so affectionate.
Paige isn’t going to complain. She tightens her arm around Azzi’s shoulder and presses a quick kiss to her temple. She catches a whiff of alcohol on her breath. That explains the touchiness.
They chat with Hailey for a bit longer, but when Azzi begins to zone out mid convo, Paige excuses them both and walks them up to Azzi’s apartment.
“She’s so pretty.”
“Huh?” Paige pauses as she wipes the last of Azzi’s makeup from her face as they stand in the bathroom together.
“Hailey. She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
Paige shrugs. “Mm, I guess so.” She moves in closer, nose pressing into Azzi’s head, breathing in the scent of her. “Let’s go to bed.”
Azzi doesn’t say anything else until they’re tucked in together in her bed.
“You were talking to her for a long time.”
“Huh?” Paige groans into the back of Azzi’s neck, already half asleep. When she finally registers the words, she replies, “Who?”
“Hailey,” she replies, like Paige should know exactly what she’s talking about.
“We were just catching up. It’s been a while.” Paige presses a kiss to the side of Azzi’s neck, ready to fall asleep.
“Do you miss playing with her?”
“Dude, what are you talking about?” Paige props herself up on her elbow, turning Azzi onto her back to face her. She softens at the look on her girl’s face.
She presses a soft kiss to the dimple in Azzi’s cheek. And then she kisses her nose, her forehead, and all over her face until she’s smiling.
“Hey,” Paige says, making sure Azzi is looking into her eyes as she speaks. “You’ll be back. Best player in the nation, baby.”
Azzi pulls her into a deep kiss that still sends Paige’s head spinning and heart racing even after they have shared so many. When they pull apart, they are both breathless.
“Me and you.” Azzi’s eyes are shining and clear.
“You and me.” Paige gives Azzi a roguish grin and lets her pull her down once more.
“Yo, where’s P?” KK asks, scanning the room. It’s Senior Night, and they’re all getting dressed for the game. Even Azzi has just slipped into a jersey, even though she isn’t playing tonight.
“The seniors are on the court already. I think they had to do a run through of the ceremony. Why?”
Azzi is suspicious. KK looking for Paige is always a sign of something potentially stress inducing on the way.
“Oh, no reason, I just wanna make sure I’m outta the way when Daddy Paige sees you in her jersey for the first time.” KK cackles, ducking out of the way of the towel that Azzi flings at her.
“Nah, we all know there’s no way this is the first time she’s worn it.” Ice chimes in.
“Shut up,” Azzi says, rolling her eyes, glad that the fluorescent lights hide her blush. Surprisingly, she hasn’t worn Paige’s jersey since they were in high school, and even though she’d never admit it to her teammates, she is very excited to see how Paige reacts to it.
The injured players head into the arena just before tip off. The place is packed with fans there to celebrate the players who have given their all for UConn.
Besides that though, the media presence is palpable. The entire basketball world is waiting to hear whether Paige is staying or declaring. Azzi has known for weeks that Paige has decided to stay at UConn for another season. She has unfinished business, and even if they won the title this season, her injuries have robbed her of too much time here.
Azzi feels eyes on her as soon as they get into the open. She has been linked to Paige since before they even came here, so everyone is clearly gauging her mood on such an important night. She could try to play it more coy, but she can’t fight the smile on her face when she sees Paige warming up.
She’s getting one more year with her person. One more chance to fulfill the promise they made to each other when she chose UConn. She’s so happy.
Azzi waves up into the stands where hers and Paige’s family sit together, all wearing Bueckers gear. Drew jumps up and down when she makes a heart with her hands in his direction.
She’s stepping onto the court when she feels it. Goosebumps pimple her skin and she turns to where the majority of the team is casually warming up.
Paige stands at midcourt, staring at her, slack jawed. Azzi smiles coyly at her when Paige takes a step toward her, only to be stopped by CD who is standing next to her with a clipboard and an eyeroll.
Azzi just laughs and goes to take a few shots near the others. She isn’t close to being cleared to play, but she misses it so much. Even just being on the court during game days can be emotional lately. Soon, she feels a heated presence at her back.
Azzi turns around and finds Paige standing close. Too close for such a public place, but she can’t bring herself to move. Paige runs her eyes up and down Azzi’s body, lingering on where the number five splays proudly over her chest.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful. You tryin’ to get me in trouble?” Paige asks, voice low.
“Just wanted to support my favorite player.” Azzi looks up at Paige from beneath her lashes, and finds those blue eyes fixated on her lips.
“She must be pretty damn good if she’s your favorite.”
Azzi watches the muscles in Paige’s arms and shoulders flex as she links her hands behind her back, stopping herself from reaching out to touch.
“She’s not bad.” Azzi smirks. “Could use some work on her shooting stroke though.”
Paige scoffs. “I’ll show you my str-”
Two arms suddenly wrap around their shoulders as KK comes barreling into them.
“K, what the hell?” Paige pushes at her as they fight to stay steady on their feet.
“Yo, mom and dad, y’all have got to tone it down.”
KK smiles at them. “Media girl is on the way for some pics and P looks like she’s about to jump you.”
Azzi flushes as they all separate.
“What would y’all do without me though, seriously.”
KK strikes a ridiculous pose, distracting the media girl so Paige and Azzi can rearrange themselves into a more platonic pose.
Azzi hopes no one can see how flustered she is when Paige whispers in her ear to keep the jersey on for after the game.
They take a few quick pictures before it’s time for tip off. It’s an easy win, everyone playing with joy and anticipation of the celebration after the game.
For a moment, Azzi feels deeply sad. She wants to be out there, next to her girls.
But then the final buzzer sounds, and Azzi watches Paige bask in the attention of the crowd who loves her almost as much as Azzi does, and forgets everything but the beaming smile on Paige’s face.
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Ella of Frell:
She’s had a “gift” of obedience placed on her, and her quest is to figure out how to get rid of it. I love her
he’s under a curse that makes her obey any order given to her. She met her Prince Charming (Char) when they kids, and they became friends. Her stepsisters found out about her curse while they were at boarding school, and because of that (and some things they made her do) she ran away to try and find the fairy that cursed her. When she does, the fairy says that she doesn’t do magic anymore, because she realized her gifts were actually curses, and refuses to remove it. Ella goes back, and is eventually demoted from “lord’s daughter” to “maid”. She still writes letters to Char (currently in a foreign kingdom, but before that, when he came to try and talk to her, her sister forbid her from leaving her room so she would have all his attention), but eventually stops and even writes a fake letter from her sister to convince him that she never cared/doesn’t care about him, because she realized it would be too dangerous for them to be together; with her curse, she could easily be made to hurt or kill him. Flash forward, and Char returns home. The king throws balls, and she goes, because even if she can’t be with or let him know who she is, she just wants to see him again. Char is drawn to her, and for a lot of the three balls, they’re together. At the end, her stepsister gets jealous, and right as Char proposes (because Ella, despite having to lie about her identity, is the most honest person at the ball and a friend already), she grabs her mask, revealing her identity. Char reaches her home before she can leave, and there’s a whole scene where he finds out she’s a scullery maid, that the letter was a lie, and says that she doesn’t have to be Ella if she doesn’t want to be, and she says she’s not, and he asks if she loves him, and she does– and then it’s all ruined because he accidentally orders her to marry him, and then her stepmother tells her to, and all the while she’s fighting the curse, because she doesn’t want to endanger him and their nation, and doesn’t want her step family to be rich and powerful, and finally– she says no. She gets so excited to say no, to refuse, that she didn’t even fully realize she broke the curse until Mandy (her fairy godmother) tells her. Anyway, they all lived happily ever after. Ella is one of my favorite Cinderellas ever and I really hope I did a good job of explaining her and what her story is about (it’s been a while since I’ve read the book)
I was so enraptured with this book as a kid, it had such an impact on my young mind. Got me into fantasy.
BEST CINDERELLA!!! please use the picture from the book cover and not the movie 🙏
She breaks her curse spell in such a magnificent way. Like yes she embodies the whole “kindness” and “courageous” characteristics that Cinderellas are known for, but for her she’s been forced to be obedient as well. And while she thinks can rise above anything she soon learns she will just hurt so many more people that way. She chose to be self-sacrificing because it was the one way she could express her love that wouldn’t harm anyone (then). But! But! She also ends up getting to be selfish! And that is also a great kindness! To herself and to those whom love her and she loves in return.  All that after she breaks the curse.
She can mimic languages. :) She refused to marry the love of her life and thus broke her curse. :) She fell in love via letters. :) She lied to the royal family that orange carriages are very popular in a nearby city.
brave, smart, a linguist, a nerd, she evolves steadily and beautifully throughout the book, with a sharp voice that never stops being distinctive and fun to hang with.
complex character coool as fuck premise and also. the nostalgia of it all
She spent decades searching every moon and planet trying to find her wife (Rose), who was kidnapped on their wedding day. Eventually, she found Rose, and they embraced, only for Rose to die in Cinder’s arms. And so Cinder killed the king who had kidnapped Rose by punching through his chest and into his heart.
And then Cinder got a somewhat happy ending, in which she met Rose’s clone who had Rose’s memories.
What if Cinderella was a Sci-Fi lesbian? Well here she is. She has a whole love song about searching the stars for her girlfriend after their wedding was interrupted and she was taken away. She spends years searching only to when she finally finds and embraces her watch her be shot. Cinders is so devastated by this that she plunges her wedding ring into the heart of the man who shot her love killing him.
Lesbian space princess who elopes with the terrifying soldier who was previously conquering her planet and spends decades searching for her when they’re separated. Listen to her song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6w9V-gMgBF4
I think the way she punches the evil king through the heart as revenge for her wife is pretty neat.
She’s a revolutionary married to a woman, what’s not to love? From Cinders’ Song: “ When I was a little girl, my mother always told me / “Someday your prince will come, my love” / But as I grew, I knew it was a princess who would hold me”.
her girlfriend got cloned and most of said clones were brutally slaughtered in war and she searched for her girlfriend all throughout the galaxy and when they were finally reunited on the battlefield her girlfriend died. and a clone of her girlfriend who due to technical errors retained her memories, so does that count as the same girlfriend? theseus’s girlfriend? anyway vote for cinders she’s been through hell
Lesbian!! Has to search for her lost love Rose with her glass wedding ring that changes color when its near its partner!! Gets to embrace Rose once again for one final moment before the villain kills Rose right in front of her!! So Cinders kills him in return!! And she’s left as (almost) the only surviving main character from her own album but!! She is eventually reunited with a clone of Rose, and while they cannot have a truly ‘happy ever after’ together they are the ones graced with the closest thing to it
SPACE LESBIANS (she’s in love with Rose Red, who gets kidnapped on their wedding day and Cinders searches the galaxy to find her, waiting for her white ring to turn crimson, indicating that its twin was near) She took her name from the ashes of her burning planet <3 She also killed Old King Cole >:)
shes a tragic lesbian and killed a violent dictator shes literally the best
shes gay shes traumatized she dates both rose red and sleeping beauty. badass space wanderer looking for her wife
Her wife Rose gets kidnapped on their wedding day and Cinders spend the next thirty years looking for her. She finds her (:D) and then Rose dies (D:) and then Cinders kills the guy who killed Rose (girlboss).
shes a lesbian. she lost her wife, Rose (yes, as in sleeping beauty) the day they got married bc she was kidnapped. she spent 20 YEARS looking for her. as soon as she found her wife, Rose DIED IN HER ARMS. Cinders has gone through Too Much to lose this poll
(Her info from the wiki) the Princess of a planet burnt by King Cole’s army, after it is ceded by her stepmother. She is imprisoned, meets Rose and plans to marry her. She is released by her godmother for the wedding, then flees when the attack happens, spending thirty years looking for Rose. Her half of the wedding ring will light up when she finds Rose.
“When I was a little girl, my mother always told me 'Someday your prince will come, my love’ But as I grew, I knew it was a princess who would hold me I looked to the stars for you, my love” She’s lesbian Cinderella IN SPACE. She fell in love with her wife in prison and they ran away to have a secret marriage but the empire kidnapped Rose on their wedding night and Cinders had to leave her behind. She searches for Rose for decades with the glass ring that guides her to its twin on her wife’s finger. She finally reunites with her love after Rose rips three supersoldiers to pieces with her bare hands (hot) but then then the evil king kills Rose so Cinders fucking punches through his heart. And then a clone of Rose (who is also lesbian Sleeping Beauty IN SPACE) finds her cradling her wife’s body and they have a happy reunion(?) and maybe they didn’t have a happy ending BUT WHAT IF THEY HAD EACH OTHER? HUH? AAAAAH
she’s everything. she’s a princess from a long since conquered planet. she was imprisoned to make a statement of the brutal reign of old king cole. she met her wife while she was in prison, a beautiful brutal soldier covered in scars from battles. cinders and rose fell in love, so cinders’ godmother in white broke her out of jail so rose and cinders could be together. they were going to be married, except that OLD KING COLE intervened and kidnapped rose to make her the genetic base of his unholy army. so cinders spends THIRTY YEARS searching the galaxies for her love (and sings a really cool song about it called “Cinders’ Song”) until finally she arrives during the final battle just in time to see old king cole SHOOT ROSE DEAD. so cinders punches the king so hard (with her wedding ring) that he just Crumples Into Dust. the end! (no we do not talk about the fiction.)
lesbian, for one, and for two i don’t really care i just think it’d be cool if she got in/if she made it past the first round
no one seems to have linked cinder’s song yet, so here [Link]
better yet, listen to the whole album too, for context and also what comes after. it slaps and also tragedy it’s such a good album suhc a good band too
Someone already sent the song as propaganda, so I will provide SPOILER propaganda. [Click link to see spoilers.]
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sun-snatcher · 3 months
YOUR MEDIC!READER X JET HAS BREATHED LIFE INTO ME. MAKE THEM HOLD HANDS. I BEG. THE PINING IS INSANE. The atla jet fandom is DRY so you're doing god's work out here 😭 😭 (Or anything tbh! I'm absolutely in love with your writing 😭❤️)
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summ. Jet comes into a dawning realisation. It starts with a mission gone wrong. pairing. Jet x f!medic!reader w.count. 0.7k ( just a blurb! ) a/n. Ask and you shall receive! I’m so glad you love medic!reader as much as I do!
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He figures, later, that it might have started with Operation: Creeping Cricket. 
Courtesy to Smellerbee for the unique mission name, ofcourse. 
That had involved, to date: A handful of Freedom Fighters itching for a fight, an imprisoned pair of orphan twins they’d planned to break out, a couple of dumb Fire Nation spies, and the leaky walls they called the borders of Omashu. 
Except, ofcourse, it wouldn’t be a mission without a series of unfortunate events, of which occurred: a storm that changed Sneers’ accurately-predicted course of said Fire Nation spies, which meant their little hostages that they’d come to rescue would be headed down a different path, which also meant their traps lining on the trail towards the borders of Omashu— that The Duke had spent a frustratingly long amount of time setting up— would be rendered useless.
They settled on a brute force ambush instead, much to your disdain; you were, after all, a better healer than you were a fighter.
“This was a terrible—!” You pause to dodge a burst of white hot flames from a Fire Nation soldier. The rain is quick to dampen their efforts, luckily for you. “This was a terrible plan, Jet!”
He strains to hear you underneath the torrent. “Don’t blame me, Pipsqueak started it! Duck!”
You duck. Another spy crumples behind you, thanks to the swing of Jet’s tiger blades, and as the soldier lands on the ground— that’s when you notice it; the quaking rumble of earth, the jumping of stones.
Earth Kingdom Guards have caught wind.
In the distance, Longshot produces a birdcall from high above— shrill and piercing, one that’s rarely ever been used amongst the rebellion— a warning. Retreat. The Freedom Fighters are outnumbered. Scatter. 
The ground erupts beneath you, and you scream. You practically sweep Jet off his feet as you snatch his hand and take off to higher ground to avoid the rising tempest. Hot on your heels, both of you can feel the snap and crackle of roots tearing deep underneath as the kingdom guards begin their manhunt. 
“Quick!” you urge, as he trips over his footing. You glance at him over your shoulder, giving him a squeeze in your intertwined fingers as you check, “Hey, you hurt?”
“I— uh, no,” he stumbles, for some reason. Nothing but superficial cuts and bruises, anyway. He’ll live. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
It could’ve been minutes or an hour of just running, he isn’t quite sure— he’s too busy noting how your hands fit awfully perfect against his, and how despite the rain and muck, you still managed to look... collected. (Collected, he thinks, because he refused to admit anything unforgivably romantic.) Jet lets himself be led across the maze of woodland and grass, and catches himself wondering whether the hand holding had been a conscious move at all.
At the time, he’d decided it didn’t matter. 
It shouldn’t, Jet had reasoned to himself, as you tugged him underneath an overhang and into a hidden crevice. Beyond the roguish charm and borderline flirtatious jokes he liked to play at— both of you were, at the end of the day, amidst an unending war. You were the Rebellions’ resident medic, and he was their token leader. There was no time to entertain fairytales and pipedreams.
“I think we lost them,” you pant, peeking over. “Do you think the others are okay?”
Jet looks at you, fights back the urge to tuck the rain-wet strands of your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better; how the light hits your profile and sets your eyes alight, down to the tip of your nose, and to your mud-stained cheeks. Collected. Capable, he reminds himself. Not pretty. Not pretty. Not—
“What’s wrong?” you ask, when you’d caught his gaze. “Jet?”
“Ah. Uh, nothing,” he blinks away— too fast; too quick to hide the obvious lie. “The others can handle themselves. Let’s, let’s wait for the storm to pass.”
This is simply camaraderie, he’d convinced himself, and stifled down the barb of disappointment that crept in him when you were the first to finally let go.
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hopeastrz · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭!, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬🤍
There are two types of 𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, one’s who might hate their mothers, and others who hate how much they love her, because deep down they know that without her they won’t function properly, these people also might kill for her, even die for her in order to protect her, and because of this much adoration they tend to gravitate away from their mothers instead of sharing a strong bond with her, and you might ask why?, well they do this in order to protect themselves from disappointment and pain, that’s what makes them build this thick wall, that some people might see as resentment, when in truth it’s just a shield.
On the other hand 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬 are attached to their mothers hips, both figuratively and literally, they are always with her, and what’s fascinating here is that If she cries, they cry. If she’s mad, they mad mad too. If she’s hurt, they feel pain more than she does, it’s such an admirable bond tbh.
People say that 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐬 get swayed easily by others opinions but hello!!!!! 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 folks also are next to us in line and i don’t see people roasting them as much as they do with us!.. so unfair smh.
Any 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭>>>> 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬
𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 might go to a foreign land to start a family, or marry and give birth out of their country + have their children born with another nationality in general.
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𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 might have a late marriage or be known for being single for too long.
𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬 might struggle with making friendships at a young age, even if they are only 3 years olds they stress on it. Once they grow up they recognize the power they hold and almost instantly charm their way through people hearts <3.
𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬 folks hate stare makes me literally shake in my boots.. you don’t know if you want to run away from them or towards them because these bitches are lowkey hot!.
𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 doesn’t only mean having problems with your family, it might indicate you changing your familys life 180°. your their savior. It’s the ‘from rags to riches’ kind of placement.
I noticed that 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 are big fame indicator in Korean female idols, all of blackpink members either have Aires rising or other prominent Aries placements. Other than them IU Is Aries venus, kim hyuna is Aries mars, Seo yeji is Aries sun, itzy ryujin Aries sun too, Chaeryeong Aries venus, literally almost everyone.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 from my opinion are the people who carries their anger silently, but once they lash out it’s over for everyone literally.. they are so fucking scary it’s not even funny.
𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬>>> 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩. They love sleeping so much, i wouldn’t be surprised if any of them married their pillows or smtg, yeah it’s that crazy😭
I have 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 and when i tell you that some people hate me for no reason at all im not lying, they just see me and expect the worst, and what makes this placement more annoying for me is that it sextiles Jupiter.. which sometimes intensifies this hate, and on top of that i have medusa asteroid in the 10th house along with my sun.. im too young to go through this istg💀.
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whitefeathers · 1 year
oh my god PLEASE write more peeta smut !!! the fic you just posted was so so good and i completely agree THERE IS A HUGE LACK OF THG FICS !!!! 🫶🏻 thanks for doing the lords work
ask and u shall receive… Peeta nation rise up we will NOT be silent any longer
content disclaimers: 18+ only, teasing, just build up really, brat taming if you absolutely squint, reader has a pussy and long hair, praise + “good girl”
Peeta oozes charisma, gentle boyish charm with a teasing undertone. As his confidence grows the more time he spends with you, the more that undertone comes to light.
He’s a giver in bed, but he won’t just hand it to you. You’re a fussy little thing at times - bratty, not wanting to admit that you want his hands on you, that the reason your cheeks are hot and you fidget in your seat is because you need him.
For so long, you’ve never wanted to show that weakness, but Peeta gives you no choice.
“Sweetheart, you just need to ask…” he’s drawling, eyes soft and trained on your face. He makes a point of flicking his gaze to your lips before meeting your eyes again.
You can feel his body heat and the painfully teasing rest of his huge hand on your thigh.
He knows what you want, he’s not silly, he can see it in your eyes that your little cunt is wet for him, but he wants you to beg.
“Ask… ask for what?” You play dumb, and he just laughs gently. His thumb starts to rub circles into your thigh, a comforting, insanity inducing touch. He’s so strong and capable. Those hands, holding you down, keeping your thighs spread and your mouth gagged on his fingers as he-
“Whatever it is you need. Sweetie I can feel you, you’re so warm…” his hand is high enough so his knuckles can brush ever so slightly over your clothed pussy and you mewl. Peeta grins.
“And responsive.”
You want to fight more, you do. To not let him win this little game of cat and mouse, to not show that weakness you’re terrified of.
But his lips find your neck and his thumb finds your clit through your jeans, and you’re fucked.
“Please, Peeta,”
You can feel his smile on your neck as he pulls away from his suckling of your skin.
“Good girl.”
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dragon-ascent · 9 months
You see Liyue's god, Morax, on the street and you lose your mind.
★彡takes place centuries ago, when Rex Lapis was said to be close with his people, Rukkhadevata still existed, etc.
In Teyvat, where gods and monsters roam the land, it is only natural that stories of the divine weave their way into daily life. As a child, you'd been accustomed to poring over books and pictures of the gods of other nations. Like Baal with her elegant, thundering might that could cleave whole islands in half in one stroke, and the playful Barbatos, who could blow away even the tallest mountains with a single gust of wind. They were all so charming, so ethereal, so complex. Your own god was no less impressive - the beautiful and divine Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, whose blessings of wisdom gave rise to your thriving nation.
The god that fascinated you the most, however, was Morax - or Rex Lapis, as the people of his nation so reverently called him.
In all the stories you'd read and the plays you'd seen, Rex Lapis was depicted as a fierce warrior god who could overcome any adversity thrown his way. He'd minted Mora from his own divine body, altered the landscape of Liyue during major battles, and bestowed blessings of illumination upon his adepti companions.
Most importantly, he is handsome.
Yes, it's a little silly to swoon over a religious deity, but...look at him. Every story you've read depicted him in the same way, be it in Inazuman manga or Sumerian amar chitra katha: long dark hair that was securely fastened by a gilded pin; toned arms that shimmered with hues of black and gold; and glimmering amber eyes set upon a face that seemed to be chiseled by Celestia itself.
Honestly, Rex Lapis is the main reason you're interested in pursuing higher studies in Liyue rather than in Sumeru, much to your parents' disdain. Why go to Liyue when Sumeru has a perfectly reputable Akademiya with well-established Darshans? But they know they cannot stop you: when your reverence for Rex Lapis has far transcended your devotion to Rukkhadevata almost since the moment you were born, why shouldn't you gain the opportunity to get closer to the god you love most?
So the day you get the acceptance letter from your dream academy in Liyue Harbor, it's a most joyous occasion indeed. After much jumping and screaming and cheering, you lay out your plan for when you first get to Liyue to settle into your dorm for the academic year:
Step 1: Find Rex Lapis.
Step 2: Woo him and become his consort...or something.
A masterfully-crafted plan, is it not?
It's not a far journey from Sumeru; the two are neighboring countries after all, and it takes about a day and a half by cart to get to the harbor. That's where Rex Lapis is most active, so you should certainly be able to catch a glimpse of him at least once during your fortnight here, yes?
Throughout almost the entire journey, your nose is buried in stories of Rex Lapis mingling with his people. Oftentimes this is done while he is incognito, his golden eyes the only thing giving away his identity.
Yes, that's another thing about him that wildly interests you - out of all the archons, he's one of the closest to his people. That's the whole basis for your master plan, no? It wouldn't work if he were to be cooped up in Taishan Mansion like he was originally supposed to be.
The scenery shifts from thick forests to vast valleys, and before you know it you've crossed the Sumeru-Liyue border. The landscape shifts to warmer colours, the ever-present green now blending with hues of red and gold. Mountains dot the horizon, and your heart pounds with excitement at the thought of Rex Lapis having formed them all himself. And, the moment you see a Statue of the Seven come into view and it's Rex Lapis instead of Rukkhadevata, you find yourself squealing for the carriage to be stopped for a moment.
Hurrying out and almost tripping over yourself with giddiness, you make your way over to the statue. "Oh my gosh!" You can hardly believe it yourself, but his stone likeness sits upon a throne, his face shrouded by a hood as he gazes contemplatively at a cube in his hand. With the way he's sitting...surely you can nestle yourself on his lap!
The carriage's coachman pulls you back before you can climb up the statue and incur your first penalty in Liyue.
Fortune is on your side for the most part, for your dorm is located in the perfect spot near your academy-to-be, and you get a lovely seaside view from your window. The rent came cheap as well, and you had a smooth and seamless moving-in experience.
The area where fortune is not on your side, however, is in the fact that you've been here for a week and haven't seen neither hide nor hair of the Geo archon. You'd been traipsing around the harbor all week to the point that you could probably point out all the landmarks like a local, but there was no sign of a certain golden-eyed man at all. (You knew this because you'd made sure to look into everyone's eyes - not long enough to be creepy but just long enough to get some confused looks.)
One consolation was the fact that the people of Liyue loved talking about their experiences with their god: how he had once used a spoon from this place to try food from that stall, how he had written a poem for this store and had personally named that restaurant...his presence was interwoven with the stories of this city and could certainly not be de-threaded from them.
So where on earth was he now?
Your question is answered when you're out buying potatoes at the market ("Rex Lapis himself had suggested this place sell potatoes!"), when the vendor nearly knocks your bag over as he bows deeply to the tall man who has appeared beside you. "Rex Lapis, it is an honor and a pleasure to see you back here again!"
You nearly drop those damn potatoes.
"Ah, think nothing of it, my friend. The vegetable arrangements you craft out of food waste are simply a delight to behold - and economical, as well. One might even say that..." As his rich, deep baritone engulfs your ears, you finally muster the courage to look up at him. The moment you do, your jaw practically drops to the pavement.
The manga and amar chitra katha weren't lying. If anything, they weren't even doing justice to his appearance.
Beautiful amber eyes set upon a chiseled face that exuded equal parts royalty and congeniality; long, silky dark hair held together by a lustrous gold pin; and through his archon robes you could make out the shape of his toned and muscular body.
You hadn't realised you'd just babbled something until the god stops mid-conversation and turns to look at you curiously.
"Pardon me, little one, I didn't quite catch that."
Your legs feel like they're made of water; yet somehow you don't fall to the ground. He's looking at you, oh gods he's looking at you. "Uhhhhhh," is all you can utter.
He offers you a warm smile that could put even the morning sun to shame. If your voice worked, you would scream "I'm in love with you" at him. "Yours is a face I have not seen around here before. A visitor to my land, I assume?"
The only thing you can do right now is nod meekly. The god's eyes twinkle.
"Well, I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Liyue has much to offer, regardless of what it is you may be looking for." You nod dumbly yet again as he finishes his conversation with the vendor and, with a nod to you, Rex Lapis begins to stroll down the street.
Clearly his presence is not an infrequent occurrence, for everyone who passes by him merely greets him with mild nervousness and reverence, as opposed to hurling themselves at his feet and wailing words of praise at him.
Finally, your legs start working again. Before you know it, you find yourself running towards him. Rex Lapis, sensing your footsteps, turns to look at you.
You pause, catching your breath. Your heart is hammering away in your chest, and it's not because of the running. "I...have something I want to say to you...m-my lord!"
"Yes?" He eyes you curiously, head slightly cocked.
You bite your lip, your mind reeling. So many things to say, so little brain juice in you... "I - I think you're very handsome!"
Saying this, you run off, leaving the god to stand there and process what had just transpired. Classy.
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ystrike1 · 6 months
Savage Castle - By 별보라 (8.5/10)
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The false King is weak. Bad for the nation, but never fear. The true King has not given up. He is in hiding. He lives as a servant, and his master is a pathetic woman. A stupid young girl who is obsessively possessive. Staying by her side was the perfect cover. Whoops. He's madly, mutually obsessed too.
Else tried very hard to be kind, but it never worked out for her. Being a good daughter brought her only pain, and suffering. Her brother, the heir, died. Her mother, her father's beloved, can no longer give birth. She is the last child they can rely on. The only one they can marry off, and sadly her noble line isn't that famous.
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Her parents eternally mourn the death of her brother. She is inferior. He was the one they wanted. Else is very sickly, and she's not very smart or charming. The only good thing about her is her looks. I'm not saying her parents are the worst parents. They don't beat her or anything. Heck, her father lets her enjoy her toxic servant lover before marriage.
It's the expectation.
Else is expected to bear a child, even though it will likely kill her. That's all her parents want from her too. They don't give her love. They played with their beloved dead son, but never her. This is the fate of a girl child in a middling noble family. If she had more siblings maybe her life would be happier, but being an only child is not her fault. It is not her fault that her parents only see her as a tool, when they're in love! It's so cruel. The Lady and Lord are in a loving marriage, but they never spared a drop of affection for their surviving child.
Even though Else is WILLING to marry and give up her life, just to please them.
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Else and "Ian" (he's actually the rightful King Sybil. Dethroned at age six. The country is currently being run by a corrupt Duke)
They were friends.
When Ian became a servant he didn't expect to make a friend. He didn't want to. Else was a total brat to him. She slapped him when she wanted attention....but when he showed her kindness she showed him kindness in return.
It was all she wanted....until she grew up and her need for affection grew too.
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Else believes Ian is in a relationship with Ivana. A maid.
Are you ready?
Ian and Else have been bed partners for 2 years, as of the beginning of the story.
Else thinks she is the villain.
She is stealing Ian from his true love, Ivana, out of desire. She sees herself as a monster. Jealousy consumes her. She hits Ivana if the maid ever dares to appear in front of her.
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Ivana is secretly a Knight who belongs to Sybil. She is extremely loyal and extremely obsessed with putting her King back on the throne. Her real name is Leina.
Leina believes the Else will be killed off when the King rises back up to his rightful place. Leina sees Else as an annoying, immature, pervert and frankly she's kinda right, but she idolizes Sybil. She's way more annoying than Else.
Else gradually becomes a sympathetic protagonist. She wants to be kind. Her life is just too harsh to allow it.
Leina is a sadistic knight who daydreams about beheading every enemy in the King's shadow. Her extreme black and white mindset is a big red flag.
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Sybil is completely willing to sleep with Else. He doesn't tell her that. He lets her suffer. He lets her believe he loves "Ivana". He encourages her jealousy on purpose.
He likes it.
When she hits him he thinks to himself...
"This feels like a kiss."
Sybil is a giant yandere, but he doesn't realize that for a while. He thinks he will leave Else behind for his throne, but his obsession gets worse, and he drags her to the capital.
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He encourages her deepest, darkest desires.
He doesn't want her to get married because of her fathers will.
He doesn't want her to love her family at all.
He won't admit it, but he's been waiting.
He wants Else to beg him for salvation.
He wants her to say she loves him more than her family.
She doesn't say that, because deep down she's still naive as hell.
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Else knows she must end their relationship. Ian is a servant. Being with her in public isn't an option for him. She took him as her lover. He didn't have a choice. She's been in agony.
Thinking about how to right her wrongs, before she marries.
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Her marriage nears, and she's excited.
She wants to show Ian her sincerity. She doesn't expect him to love her. She thinks he hates her.
She blesses his marriage.
Else opens a jewelry box. She's been saving up little gems and coins for him....and Ivana.
Right before her wedding she frees him of his slave status. She tells him to live happily with his true love. She thanks him for being a bright spot in her lonely life. She says his fake love helped her survive.
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He gets angry. So angry. I can't even include pictures, because he gets extremely violent. Obviously he takes her after he takes power. Conveniently she's pregnant with his baby too.
Sybil isn't an angel for his beloved. He's a rough guy who's been doing espionage crimes to reclaim his throne since he was like...twelve? Else is his polar opposite, but he loves her. He insults Else, because she's not evil enough. He can't believe she's still willing to go to another man, even though she loves him.
Her logic shatters. He forgets that Else was supposed to be a game. A bed parter to play with before his crown returns to his hand.
He wants her too.
More than she wants him.
The Queen, and the crown.
He'll take both.
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yeeterthek33per · 3 months
Kissin' and Kickin' Charm (Glódís Perla Viggósdóttir x reader)
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A/n not requested, but this woman does not get the love she deserves, so I'm making it happen.
Munich is a hell of a lot different than home.
Of course, you expected that, you aren't stupid...
Not entirely anyway.
There's a charm to the city. A much different one than the small Texan town you're used to, but it's a homely charm, if any.
A much broader, explorative city with ins and outs, beautiful buildings, and on the outskirts, something you've come to realise you feel more at home in than the city, areas with wide open flatlands and albeit manmade, forested areas.
It's definitely a big city, with many towns and a lot of diverse structuring.
It's a lot.
But it's your new home.
At least for the next three years, anyway.
You imagine yourself at home in the ranch right now.
Kicking up dirt, green grass and if you're really lucky, mud and puddles. All of that on your horse, Sweets, that you got for your tenth birthday.
In fact, you'd be there right now, at home on the ranch, if it wasn't for one teeny tiny detail.
For whatever reason, that was the sport your child brain picked to become your newest obsession. Except, it never stopped being that way. You lived and breathed it.
It surprised the hell out of your parents.
They'd never imagined their little, quiet, leather boots, horseback riding, ranch loving daughter kicking around a soccer ball.
But that's what you wanted.
And that's what you did in your spare time.
At first, they were adamant you didn't play it. They refused, insisting that if you wanted to get into any sport, it had to be either American football or horse riding.
But after sneaking home a ball to boot around for the umpteenth time, they relented, letting you take it on.
And take it on, you did.
It got to the point where you were severely outclassing the only all boys teams in your tiny town.
Enough so that someone visiting, who happened to have the right associations, scouted you for the youth academy in Houston.
You went up through the academy, which survived despite the rise and fall of the women's league in the US several times.
Eventually, you were contracted for the first time at eighteen.
It was a big deal.
Small town girl makes her first appearance for the big leagues and despite your parents earlier disappointment in your choice of career, they were now prouder than ever watching you take on the world.
Of course, with that growth, came your first call up to the national team at age nineteen.
That little tidbit had your Mama crying harder than the day you were born. She couldn't have been prouder to see you represent your country.
Playing amongst the likes of legends like Tobin Heath, Heather O'Reilly and even Abby Wambach for a short period, you thrived.
The immense pressure was nothing like you'd ever felt, and you loved it.
Even as reserved as you are, you love a good challenge.
With the call-up, the demand to have you increased, and eventually, at the age of twenty-four, you, rather tearfully, said goodbye to the Dash and moved to Portland to join your national teammates, Sonnett and Horan.
You've spent the past four years there, although you aren't the biggest fan of the city life. You loved the soccer fanbase.
The thorns are well loved by the people in the city and some of the greatest players you've known, to date, play for them.
Of course, playing with the greatest players of all time means you yourself catch the attention of overseas scouters.
It's not the first time it's happened.
Every year, you get calls from your manager letting you know about the offers from clubs in countries you'd never dreamed of seeing before.
That being said, you'd always turned them down, not wanting to leave your home country just yet.
Until now, that is.
When the offer from FC Bayern came through, you just knew.
You knew you had to do it, had to take that chance.
"So what do we say, Y/n?"
"... Tell I'm in if they've got a heated pitch and air-conditioning."
Had your manager chuckling at that.
Taking the time to dig into the team a bit, you end having a look at the team list.
You know the names of a few of the players there, but you'd not formally met them yet, only meeting them once or twice on the pitch.'
One name stuck out in particular though.
Of course it did, she's the captain.
Your new captain.
But there's something you admire about the Icelandic woman that immediately grabs at your soul and you end up taking the time to look up her highlights.
The perseverance, the constant drive to do better and to lift up her teammates around her.
The perfect defence with constant push and pull, defensive manoeuvres and just an overall brick wall of a woman.
The perfect captain.
So when you meet her for the first time, you're a little starstruck.
Sure, you'd done your research in advance, but actually meeting the sweetly voiced Nordic woman has you anxious in your boots beyond measure.
When Glódís meets the new signing, she's a little thrown off.
She knew you were American, that you were from Texas and that you most likely had a very different upbringing to the lifestyle you lived now, but the immediate southern charm that flows through your natural southern drawl has her a little flustered.
She doesn't expect the charming smile or the way you call her ma'am and warmly shake her hand, expressing, rather sheepishly, your excitement to meet her.
"It's lovely meetin' you, Ma'am. I've heard a lot about everything you've done for this club and your country. It's incredible, actually, not to sound too much like I'm kissin' up here, but really."
Your head ducks a little, cheeks reddening at your own rambling.
It's adorable, she decides.
"You talk me up a lot for someone of her own incredible skill."
Her smile widens at the way your cheeks darken further under her teasing compliment.
"Oh, I mean, that's... it's not everything I want to achieve. It feels like I've had it a little easier than a lot of the ladies I've seen and played with and known personally. I'm just excited to be here and to get to be a part of something this big. With y'all, at that."
"We're glad to have you on board with us, then. I think you'll fit right in here. The girls have been begging me to let them in the door for the past thirty minutes while you were doing the contract signing."
She gestures to the windowed door to the room, which, with a quick glance, you spot the eagerly waiting players, grinning and waving like kids at you.
It makes you feel a little more anxious now.
Such big names in German and international football and here they are, giddily waiting for you to finish your media duties and finally get to meet little old you.
It feels surreal.
When you turn back to the captain, she's already smiling warmly back at you, and after the okay from you and the management in the room, they let them in.
It's almost too much, the way they all excitedly introduce themselves despite in many cases not having to, with the way you get flustered as you know them well already, having maybe, quite possibly also looked the rest of them up in a bit more detail, purely out of nervousness.
Also, the friendliness of it all.
Normally, with new signings at Portland, it always felt super cold and competitive, definitely a lot colder in the introductions, done during training rather than in a room on the campus.
Of course, after a couple of months, the players did warm up to you, but there's always the cold air about the veterans on the team, all of them wary of you and your abilities.
Always the stress of having your position on the team ousted by the new and shiny youngins for so much as running the wrong way.
Here, in Munich, Germany, in the clubs training facility, in a meeting room, your new clubs teammates welcome you with warm open arms, an air of bubbly enthusiasm and many, many hugs rather than the cold and firm handshakes you're used to.
You recognise a few of them, particularly Magdalena, a regular opponent from Sweden and her national teammate Linda, as well as of course, the German players, the English player, Georgia and Jill Baijings, a member of the Dutch National Team you'd faced just months before at the World Cup.
Regardless of the rivalry held at the international level, they're surprisingly warm, quickly dragging you into hugs themselves.
At least, it's surprising for you.
It feels different here.
It is different here.
You find yourself leaning into it more and more, the more you chat with the team.
It goes on for an hour or so before you're dragged away for more media duties.
The girls are rather reluctant to let their new friend go, waving you goodbye with warm smiles, but small pouts as their chuckling captain ushers them from the room, leaving you with one last grin and a wink that sends heat to your cheeks and shivers down your spine.
You'll be damned.
That just happened.
"She's so cute! I love her accent. She's so sweet with the way she talks too."
The gushing from Giulia is quickly resounded by the other's around her.
"Right? The way she kept calling us Ma'am and Miss. It's too sweet. And her accent, it's so smooth."
"Oh my god, I know Americans aren't the most well known for being nice to listen to, but I listen to her talk all day."
"She's really good too, I've seen her highlights."
There's a few small gasps and protests from around the room.
"Oi! Syd! Why haven't you shown us yet?"
"Hold on, let me just -"
"Guys! Seriously, what the hell are you doing? I've been looking for you for ages. Put the phone away, you all have training to do."
The resounding voice in the changeroom comes from a stern looking Glódís. She's normally quite gentle toned with them, but they were taking far too long to get out on the pitch, leaving their captain wondering where the hell half her team was.
"But we want to see how good Y/n is, Syd's got the highlights here."
"No, you can see how good she is when she joins us for training after her medical assessment. Now come on, or you'll be running laps for making the rest of the team wait on you all."
There's groans of disappointment, but to their rather swift credit, they do promptly exit the changeroom and make their way to the pitch where an also stern looking Alexander Straus is waiting for them, the team's manager, followed closely by Glódís, who's small smile contradicts her rolling eyes and annoyed head shaking.
When you do join them, you're quickly grabbed by Glódís, the captain having unofficially ruled that any new signings get paired with her first to properly welcome them to the team, and to also get them settled into her captaincy style and to adapt them to the dynamic of the team.
It's a way to get you properly integrated into the very familial like nature of it all.
Glódís seems very much like the mother of the team. All of them best friends but very much like siblings and but a few of the other older women taking the younger one's under their wings as parental figures on their own.
You figure it as a way to keep some semblance of structure amongst the chaos of the team.
The captain, it seems, is at the head of this, ensuring all of them work well together, the team is lifted for their triumphs, and picked back up with every miscalculated cross and shot, and dragged back onto their feet after every tackle or mistimed step.
Training with Glódís is intense, a good kind of intense. You find yourself enjoying the calculated, focused nature of her defensive manoeuvring.
But it's also warm, the occasional chatter between you leaving you both laughing at the other person's jokes and small mishaps as you settle in.
Her giggles are nothing if not contagious, and you can't help the grin that grows more and more the more you spend time with her.
It doesn't go unnoticed by the others, them taking note of the way their normally much more drill oriented captain has relaxed a bit.
Of course, she's friendly, smart, smiley and very much welcoming, but she's never been this laid back during drills, especially not when she's always expecting to set precedents with the new signings.
But this was definitely different to that.
The lingering touches, hip bumps and tone of laughter are different from the ones she's always held with the rest of the team. It's a little lighter, more giggly and full of a tone they themselves hadn't heard from her.
It was startling to see, nearly.
Glódís was... flirting?
Intentional or not, they didn't know, but it was definitely a flirty tone.
Not that you could tell, bless your oblivious self. You had no idea.
You matched the tone of lightness, of course. But you weren't picking up on everything else, thinking she's just naturally like that.
A very friendly captain.
The other girls know otherwise though, and the knowing looks they share later when your cute celebration after managing to meg the brick wall of a captain has her smirking slightly at your adorableness.
One thing she notices is that the more excited you get, the more your accent comes out.
It's adorable, she realises.
The second training isn't much different to the first.
You don't pay it much attention outside of friendliness, but Glódís takes a quick liking to you, now having claimed you for all paired warmups and drills.
Occasionally, you get stolen away every once in a while, leaving you feeling very much like the cool kid on the block.
There's something else, though.
It's in the way the Icelander smiles at you. It's in the way she hugs you every time you score in a mini game.
You brush it off, thinking, once again, she's just being friendly.
But it's a thought that sits in the back of your mind anyway.
You feel like it's a glimmer of hope. You're not sure what for or why but it's there.
Maybe it's a sign of a great friendship blooming.
That's what it is.
Ever since that, it's been amazing training with the team.
Your first match is just weeks after signing.
Your first minutes come as a sub for Klara in the sixtieth minute.
And it's not too long after that that you score your first goal for the club against Leipzig.
It's a beauty too.
A long range effort after a foward pass to Pernille is rebounded back to you.
It was an accident really.
You were aiming for the head of Lea but instead it curls a little more than you intend it to and it bends into the upper right corner of the netting, far past the outstretched gloves of the Swiss keeper, Elvira Herzog.
It feels a little silly, but you can't help the blush when you feel your captain hug you super tightly and lift you up in celebration.
"Let's go, that's our girl!"
It's been two months with the team and two and a half living in Germany. You've got a small cottage in the outer district of Munich, with enough yard to set up small drills and other various exercises.
There's been plenty of outings for you, finding yourself socialising far more than you used to back in Portland.
You don't hate it, though.
The whole team has been nothing but sweet to you, and it seems they're already attached, each player having dragged you on outings themselves, whether it be individually or with groups of them.
You're not sure why they've taken quite such a liking, but you think it might have something to do with the fact they keep asking questions for you and you alone to answer, or just anything to get you to talk, really.
You don't mind it. Bless 'em.
They're already like family to you.
Tonight is no different when it comes to being dragged to outings and team bonding nights.
Only this time, it's to a club in central Munich, having been allowed a little freedom given they dont a match this weekend. You yourself don't drink much, but some of the other girls do, so they've let loose, of course, under the watch of their captain and a few of the older girls acting as designated drivers.
There's a small nudge to your shoulder where you're leaning against a standing table.
"Hey you."
You'd recognise that sweet voice anywhere, humming as you turn to the suddenly appeared Glódís at your side.
"Well, hello, having fun there, Sweetheart?"
Glódís' lips perk up at your words.
She takes a glance at the cup in your hand.
"Not drinking much? You can let loose a bit tonight, I'm letting you guys off the hook for tomorrow's training. Once in a lifetime opportunity L/n."
She winks at you, and you smile at her, amused.
You shake your head when she nods towards your still half full glass of vodka and soda.
"Nah, I want to be able to get up tomorrow, training or not."
She chuckles, nodding in agreement.
"Oh, to be young and dumb enough to drink like that once upon a time."
"Don't say it like that. You're only twenty-eight."
You huff playfully.
"Please, you and I both know neither of us would make it out alive if we-"
She cuts herself off, gesturing to the very rowdy girls taking another round of shots.
"Well... you're not wrong. To being old and susceptible to hangovers."
She giggles, and you hold out your glass towards hers, meeting her in the middle with a small clink and you both take a sip, her eyes never leaving yours.
"Woah there grandma. Not too hard now."
As you go to take another sip.
Rolling your eyes affectionately, you nudge her.
Turning back towards the group, you groan watching them take another round of shots.
"Oh sweet baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. How the hell are we gettin' them home."
She pats your head with a small chuckle.
"With a lot of herding and the good old divide and conquer, cowgirl."
Then she moves off to go find Pernille and Magda on the other side of the room.
"You know, you and Glódís would be a super adorable couple."
A pair of arms wrap around your neck as a very drunk Sarah hangs onto you for stability, hear head leaning on your shoulder, and your arm moves to hold onto her so she doesn't hit the floor.
"Sarah, little miss, it's really cute that you wanna include me, but you know I don't speak German."
"One, I'm older than you, Two, sucks to be you."
A poke to the cheek following that, as she sticks out her tongue.
"Aren't you taking German classes anyway?"
"Yeah, but doesn't mean I understand the dialect of drunken soccer player yet."
She pouts at you before grumbling and resting her head back on it's spot on your shoulder.
"What I said was, you and Glódís would make a good couple."
Your cheeks immediately flame up, and your whole body tenses, wondering if you even heard the Austrian right.
You clear your throat softly.
"What makes you say that?"
"You're already attached at the hip like no other. I've never seen her like this with anyone else. Even her old friend, Karólína."
"She's probably just missin' her then, Sar"
"If you say so."
It's just about mumbled into your shirt and you're beginning to realise that despite the pumping music, she's starting to exhaust pretty quickly with the way she's leaning further and further into you until you have to sit her down in one of the teams half occupied booths where she settles into another teammates arms.
With a small chuckle, you leave her to it, them saying they'd be heading out soon anyways and would take her home.
As you return to your spot at the table, you can't help but think back on what she said.
Despite her inebriation, what she said held weight in your mind.
And it ends with you eyeing up the woman through the small crowd over the lip of your drink.
You catch her looking back several times, each time sheet meets your eye, you think you imagine it, but her eyes crinkle a bit, and her smile gets a little brighter.
"You know, if you keep looking at her like that, she might catch onto you there, Glódí."
She knows she's not being subtle, but she can't help the way her eyes drift over to you.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Schülli."
"I think you do."
Glódís bites her lower lip as she watches you set the very drunk Sarah down by Sam and Linda (The Swedish one) before moving back to where you were, carefully watching over the girls on the dance floor.
It seems, with even just a few months with the team, you're already looking out for them like your own.
When you make eye contact with her for the fourth time in ten minutes, she smiles just that little bit more, which you quickly match.
Though, it seems, she doesn't expect the wink you send with it.
She raises a brow at you, ducking under the cover of her glass, hoping the purple hue of the lighting masks her slightly flushed cheeks.
"Wow, she has got you already, hasn't she?"
"Shut up."
The defender quickly turns away from your direction so the striker doesn't have get given any more fuel and gives her an annoyed but small shove to the shoulder, a slight frown marring her features.
"I think you should go for it, Glódí, she clearly has something for you."
"And what if she says no? Then what? Another friendship here ruined?"
Lea pauses for a minute, watching her, as her head ducks and her cheeks flare up at the admission.
"You mean... Ka"
Glódís swiftly nods, shushing the forward.
"Is that why she hasn't-"
She nods again.
The tips of her ears burn in shame under the taller German's gaze.
She hadn't meant to bring it up, but it just slipped out.
Karólína hadn't exactly reacted badly as such, but things between them haven't been the same since then, and with her being on loan now, they really spoken, if at all.
It still hurt, the look in her eyes as she tried her best to let her best friend down gently. Even then, months later, after the international break together, it still hurt.
After that, she'd sworn off dating teammates.
Hence, she hesitates to even think about pursuing anything with you.
She can't help the pang of hope she gets when you smile so brightly at her, though.
The sweet, charming, smooth tone you hold with her.
The way you hold her just a little bit longer and tighter than you do with the others.
But that's what she thought with Karólína, too.
And she was oh so wrong there.
So what's stopping her from being wrong now, right?
"That's why it can't happen, Lea. I'm not going through that again. I can't risk losing her or risk the team possibly being affected by it."
Lea smiles sympathetically at her captain, hand resting on her shoulder with a small squeeze.
It's silent between them for a few moments before the blonde speaks up again.
"Then don't worry about it. Now come on, I think it's time we get this rowdy lot home, it's nearing midnight."
Glódís sighs in appreciation and nods, looking over to the singing and dancing group of players followed by her gaze ultimately drifting over to you once more, returning the familiar warm smile she receives.
"Alright, come on, time for you to go to bed, little miss."
There's a small giggle from the drunkenly slurring blonde as you walk her up to her front door, your hands rifling her pockets for her keys.
"You're so cute."
Giulia pokes your cheek with one finger, and you roll your eyes, ignoring the flush creeping up your neck when you hear Glódís' muffled laughter behind you.
You'd turn to give her a glare but you're a bit preoccupied.
"And you are very inebriated."
Finally acquiring the keys from her back pocket, which she giggles again and wiggles her eyebrows at you for, earning herself another eyeroll as you drag her inside finally.
"You sure you got her there?"
The amused chuckle from the doorway makes you groan as she watches your stubborn self herd the blonde woman, currently letting herself lean completely on you, into her bedroom to at least encourage her to bed for the night.
"I am perfectly capable, thank you."
You're sure she doesn't believe that, but you believe it enough yourself to give up and let the now giggling woman help you as she observes on your masterpiece of drunk person wrangling.
Said drunk person now dead weight in your arms whining about not wanting to go to bed yet, to which you just plop her on the mattress finally and despite her protests, she's asleep in seconds.
Turning to Glódís triumphantly, you catch her amused smirk.
"Yeah yeah, real funny. I'd like to see you do that."
She shrugs, shaking her head.
"You're the one that insisted on bringing her in yourself, without help."
Grumbling, you make sure Giulia is fully on the bed before dropping her keys by the door and exiting and locking it on the way out.
Now, the both of you are stood in the darkness outside, with the last of the girls dropped home already, a collaborative effort thanks to Pernille, Magda, both Lindas and Jovana.
It's just you and her, now.
It's a cool winter night, nearing the end of the season but still cold enough that you're half shivering in front of the older woman.
You're both silent, your eyes drifting over her features lit up under the faint glow of the street lamp.
You swear, she gets even prettier every day.
The subtle but sharp line of her jaw, the way her hair almost glows under the moonlight, and the soft pink tint to her cheeks from the cold all have your heart beating a little quicker.
The way her eyes sparkle as they scan yours from across the porch.
The way her lips quirk up slightly under your gaze, brow raising just a bit.
"You okay?"
Her words snap you out of your assessment, and you hum softly, quickly recovering.
"Just a little tired, let's get on home then, Darlin?"
She nods and turns to head towards her car.
It doesn't surprise her when you jog ahead of her to open the driver side door for her, having done it every single time now since leaving the club.
"Such a gentlewoman."
Apparently, she hadn't grown tired of it yet, so that's a start.
It's a soft teasing tone that you poke your tongue out at her at before jumping in the passenger side.
On the drive out to your place outside of the city, her arm rests on the centre console, lined up next to yours as you hum along to the song on the radio, gazing out the window but also occasionally glancing over at her, scanning her side profile.
If she can feel your gaze on her, she doesn't really react.
It remains quiet for most of the drive, with the occasional hum or murmur along with the music.
It's not an awkward silence, but one you both need after tonight's activities.
Every so often, your pinkies brush, and every time they do, there's a small jolt of electricity that shoots up you arm from where they meet.
The moment you're in your own driveway, you bid her a soft and sweet thanks with a gentle nudge and give her a small wink and wave as she pulls way again.
She's thankful you're not there to hear her most likely audible heart beating in her chest the rest of the way home again.
Her heart racing at everything you do doesn't stop that night.
In fact, it gets worse.
It feels like everything you do has it beating beyond her rib cage.
It frustrates her, actually.
Every time she gets placed on something she needs full focus and attention for, she's been perfect for, but if you're there next to her?
Forget it.
Media duties?
Sitting next to you, she can feel your leg occasionally brush hers, arms brushing on the table every time you set it down from making gestures and whatnot.
Coach speeches during half time?
It's like you're doing it on purpose knowing she can't focus when you're standing behind her, hands resting on her shoulders, warmth radiating against her back with how close you are.
At one point, she's convinced you are doing it on purpose when she looks back and up at you, head tilted to make eye contact with you with a brow kinked up as you look down at her with a small smirk and a wink.
The more it goes, the less she knows how to function around you.
Individual post game interviews?
Even with you just moving around her doing various interviews with different journalists. A small brush of shoulders here, a hand gliding across her lower back as you move past her there.
At this rate, she feels like she's drowning in you and she's not even trying to move away.
Paired up interviews?
It feels like she's at her wits end with this one.
You're brought in together for a two-on-one interview for some football media page she can't remember the name of. There, seated on a couch, you're not even really doing anything. Except for the arm you have over the back of the lounge, resting just behind her head.
You aren't seated so close that you're pressed together. But you are close enough she can smell your perfume and it's making her head spin a little.
Hell, she feels like she should be used to hearing you speak by now, but it still has her feeling like she can't think properly with you around.
How she plans on surviving this, she doesn't know, but all she knows if she doesn't do something, she's going to lose her mind.
You know you shouldn't do it.
There's not even a guarantee she likes you back right?
Still, you can't help teasing her a little.
She doesn't confront you about it, she doesn't tell you to stop and as far as you can tell, she's not uncomfortable.
Your captain has always been verbal about how she's feeling when she's talking to people...
But she never leans away from you, only ever receiving a flushed face or an eye brow in response at most.
You can tell it's flustering her though.
By the way she's so quick to hide her reddened cheeks.
It's in the most adorable way that she rolls her eyes at your teasing comments when she scores a pretty good goal.
Small touches here and there, innocent touches. Nothing more than brushes and occasional times of brushing away grass from her face after particularly rough tackles.
The soft smile and drawl flowing from you asking how she's holding up makes it worth it.
Even though you may not be able to kiss her, her smile? Totally worth it.
Glódís feels like she's at her breaking point right about now.
When she's getting distracted during a game, a champions league game at that, that's a major problem.
You're both lined up for offence on a free kick when you're pressed in between her and an opposition player while she pressures the player in front.
It takes one brush of your hands on her waist and she's distracted long enough to miss jumping for the header on time.
Instead, you make it to the header, the ball flying into the back of the net as you take off running in celebration, having broken the deadlock in the final minute of stoppage.
Which turns into celebrations of the win the moment the whistle blows for full time and you're piled on for saving the teams chances at a spot in the quarter final over PSG.
The screams of the home crowd are drowned out as she waits impatiently for the end of her on field media duties.
Being the captain sucked sometimes, but it had to be done.
The moment she's free, she's jogging straight over to you and you're being dragged away off the field before you can even realise what's happening.
You had your own media duties, ones that you were currently shirking right now not being out there.
The moment you realise it's Glódís, the protests you had ready die in your throat, left with minor confusion the further down the obscure hallways she drags you until you're both in a secluded area and you're shoved into a broom closet with the door slammed shut behind both of you.
"What's goin-"
It takes all of a moment for her to grab you by the collar and slam you against the door leaving you a little winded and confused.
"Whatever it is you're doing, needs to stop. You're driving me crazy."
"What are you-"
"Don't play dumb with me, every time you so much as come near me, you brush past me, you so much as stand near me, I can't think and it's like you damn well know it, too."
It suddenly clears up there. You definitely didn't weren't doing it entirely on purpose.
Well, maybe.
Okay, it may have been a little on purpose, but you had no idea she was this affected.
"Look, I can stop if it's making you uncomfortable but Glódís... I... I kind of really like you and..."
Well that changes things.
You actually like her?
You weren't just teasing her?
Before you can say much else, her hands cup your face and her lips are on yours in one movement.
Anticipating the action, your arms are around her in an instant, pulling her as close to you as possible, her body hot against yours despite the almost raging cold out on the pitch.
Her hands are firm on your face not letting you go for even a second, her lips fervent and sure as they move with yours.
It's only when you pull away for air that she finally relaxes into your hold for the first time.
Your hands are pressed into her lower back, hers now pressed into your shoulders as she looks slightly down at you, being just shorter than her by an inch.
The two of you just breathe for a moment, taking the moment in.
"You know. If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to was ask, Sweetheart."
She huffs.
"You're infuriating, you know that?"
There's a small guffaw on your face after that.
"What did I do?"
She almost believes the innocent look on your face.
The small upturn of your lips let's her know otherwise though.
"What didn't you do?"
And she kisses you again, slower and more tender this time, slowly pressing you back into the wall, slotting herself easily between your legs.
With your chest pressed to hers, you can finally feel the way her heart races, and she can finally feel yours, too.
There's always been something about you.
Guess it's just part of your charm.
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i can't get my mind off of kaeya's hangout. kaeya's unending thoughtfulness and kindness. kaeya thinking of everyone from back home while he was away, missing them and going out of his way to get all of them personalized gifts. kaeya missing his family and them missing him even more. kaeya directly quoting shakespeare and thus pleasing my classic lit enthusiast self. adelinde answering the long debated question of which ragnvindr sibling was a little menace and which was the one following said menace in every step (turns out i was right amongst many who thought the same). kaeya most certainly knowing of venti's identity and venti struggling to keep his act up around him. kaeya getting albedo and klee matching gifts, a set, further emphasizing their great found family bond and his own belonging to it. crepus indulging in kaeya's shenanigans and making him his own semi-alcoholic drink as a treat. kaeya playing all the characters (the bandit, the prince...) without needing to stay in character, for it is he himself that speaks from them. adelinde knowing exactly how kaeya likes his food. kaeya - unable to get diluc's name out of his mouth - alberich. my personal headcanon of kaeya being fond of birds (enjoying birdwatching and singing to them) proving to be true. diona wanting to curse every drunkard with anemo archon's wrath not knowing that her beloved archon is a drunkard himself. kaeya's endearing and genuine love for people and being around them. the foreshadowing for kaeya's own story in the play he acted in and him admitting it resonates with him deeply, thus explaining why he knows it by heart. kaeya canonically embodying his nickname 'prince charming' and serving as an eye candy for many. kaeya's wish to rid himself of the shackles of fate, to rise above it and challenge his destiny. kaeya proudly stating his connection to diluc and crepus, without batting an eye. adelinde reminding him that he has always been one of their own, and that he always shall be. kaeya dancing the night away in a land far from home and having genuine fun. hoyoverse giving us a jeanlisa, kaebedo and kaejean moment all in the same scene. kaeya's and klee's shared childlike wonder and mutual understanding. kaeya revealing the secret behind the coin he constantly plays with. diluc memorizing every lie and excuse of kaeya's that he uses to spend time and indulge in pleasure in his rightful home. kaeya subtly implying that he only acts part-time currently (if you understand what i'm hinting at). the ending 'the grapes of warmth' being a reference to steinbeck's 'the grapes of wrath', once again pleasing my nerdy ass. diluc being protective over his staff and dawn winery family. kaeya being a typical younger sibling and taking every chance to tease the older one. venti sneezing around diona. klee's misunderstanding of the events surrounding kaeya making the situation twice as wholesome. kaeya, once more, doing everything in his power to help jean and make her work life easier. kaeya knowing the schedule of the winery staff members and diluc despite not being around as much. diluc willing to openly display another one of kaeya's gifts inside the winery. adelinde serving us a ragbros childhood story along with a nice, home-cooked meal each time we meet her. kaeya being a beloved son not only to his adoptive father, but to many. diluc's staff trying to cover for his darknight hero vigilante persona as if kaeya doesn't know about it. kaeya helping out the people in need, out of the good of his heart, no questions asked and not needing anything in return. the ragbros nation predicting plenty of scenarios, one of them being grape picking that, as it turns out, kaeya indeed participated in. venti writing kaeya a personalized poem, once again accepting him as a child of mondstadt.
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ladykailitha · 18 days
Never Hold Back Your Step... Part 8
Hello! It does look like there is only one more chapter to write on Paper Hearts so yay!!! I'm not sure how much longer Sweet Home Indiana is but it's nearing it's end too.
Steve is never going to go to another party after this, Eddie gets book two of the Boy with a Bat, and they have a frank discussion about how Eddie gets paid for his less than legal side gig.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
trigger warning: homophobic language by an OC.
At least the swim team knew to how to throw a party. Lyle was hosting and even though his family wasn’t well off, not like Steve’s parents, there was still enough room for the whole team and a few of their friends to have a good time.
Granted there wasn’t any booze, not openly anyway, but there were ice chest after ice chest of canned sodas. And all kinds, too. Steve was on his third Coke and had already sussed out the dude with the beer and was working his way over.
Going right up to the guy was asking for trouble that neither of them wanted.
The music wasn’t too loud, but you could dance to it in the main part of the house. People were actually laughing and having fun.
Which really should have been Steve’s cue. The universe was out to get him and wouldn’t let him have a moment’s peace.
He had almost reached the guy with the beer when Ezra blocked his path.
“Hey, Steve,” he greeted syrupy sweet. “I’m so glad you made it out. I wasn’t sure if you would come without Eddie Munson.”
Steve frowned and tried to move around his co-captain. “I go lots of places without Eddie. I went to nationals without him, didn’t I?”
Ezra put his hand on Steve’s chest to stop him. “Sure you did, but we didn’t win nationals now, did we?”
Steve looked down at the hand on his chest. “We swam our hearts man, the other teams were just better. Hell, that team from Georgia was on fire.”
Ezra snorted and rolled his eyes. “They only got where they were because they were black. They didn’t have any real talent. Not like us. Not like you and me, Steve.”
“Are you saying Lyle and Nick held us back?” he asked with his brow furrowing deeper in his confusion.
“We’ve always known that Lyle is a strong swimmer and not a fast one,” Ezra moaned waving the drink in his other hand around. “But he’s all this shit town has on offer.”
Steve gently pushed Ezra off of him. “Hey, how about not talking shit about the actual host, man.”
Ezra rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he huffed. “That’s not even why I’m over here. I’m here to warn you about Munson.”
And there it was. Everyone in his life had felt the need at some point in the last six months to warn him off the super senior.
The other boy leaned in close, his lips a snarl. “He’s a queer, a little faggot boy,” he hissed, the spit landing on Steve’s face. “It’s the town’s worst kept secret.”
Ice slid down Steve’s spine. Oh shit. Of all the places he thought the other co-captain was going to go, that was not it. Drugs. DND. The ranting on table tops. All that slid away to sheer terror.
“And you better not bend over in the showers,” Ezra continued, “a pretty thing like you would just be his type.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Wha–what do you mean?”
“Everyone knows that if you can’t pay for your weed,” Ezra sneered, “that he’s willing to take a blowjob as payment instead.” He leaned further into Steve’s space, so that they were almost touching, the stench of weed radiating off the other boy in waves. “I saw Harry Masters sucking him off for a gram of the good stuff.”
Steve stomach lurched and swooped, bile rising up in his throat. Harry Masters was on the baseball team. He was tall, good looking, with that devil may care charm of Rob Lowe. Looked like him, too.
“What he does or doesn’t do doesn’t effect me, man,” he said, trying to aim for nonchalant and missing by a mile.
Ezra laughed in his face.
“Dude,” he cackled, “if you didn’t want people to think you’re down bad for ‘the Freak’ maybe rein in the eye fucking. I’ve seen the way you look at him and it makes me sick.”
That was when Steve got it. He had been wondering what the hell this conversation was.
“Oh my god!” he laughed. “Fuck, man, you were scaring me for a second there. You’re just jealous I don’t have the hots for you.”
Ezra pushed him. “The fuck I do, Harrington!”
“No, no!” Steve crowed. “I’ve got it all figured it out. All the times I caught you staring at me, all the times I felt someone watching me, all the times you’d try to keep me late after practice. You wanted me all to yourself.”
His co-captain turned purple with rage and swung at Steve, but before he could even flinch, there was someone at his side, holding Ezra’s wrist to keep the hit from even going anywhere near Steve’s face.
“Eddie!” Steve breathed. “What are you doing here?”
Eddie smiled at him with that soft dimpled grin Steve loved. “Hey ya, Stevie. I was just plying my wares when I heard the commotion and came over to make sure you were all right.”
“So you are my good luck charm,” Steve said brightly.
Ezra wrenched his arm out of Eddie’s hand. “This doesn’t concern you, Freak!”
Eddie leaned in close and cocked his head to the side. “It does, because you were talking shit about me and Stevie, here. And as Stevie’s good friend, I’mma gonna come to his rescue. Now, you’re going to skedaddle on home and sleep all this off.”
Ezra spat in his face. “Or what?”
The older teen just smiled menacingly. “Or else that gram you smoked will be the last you ever smoke, because I’ll report to you for doping for matches.”
Ezra paled and he gulped. “You can’t do that! I’ve never done anything but weed.”
“That’s true,” Eddie admitted. “But they’d have to do this big investigation and your name would be dragged through the mud. Or you could toddle off and go to college and leave this town in your rearview mirror.”
Ezra turned on his heel and ran out of the house as if the hounds of hell were on his tail.
Steve shook his head. “You do know this is where all the allegations about you being a devil worshiping cult leader come from, right?”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “They can think all they want.”
Eddie and Steve talked about what Ezra had said about how people make payments for their weed.
“I won’t deny that people have offer to blow me or even have sex with me in exchange for drugs,” Eddie said as they lay curled up on his bed. “But I’ve never taken anybody up on that.”
Steve twisted his head to look up at his boyfriend. “I can’t say I’m not pleased to hear that, but is there a reason why?”
“Several,” he admitted pulling Steve in closer. “One is that there is an actual fucking pandemic going on regarding gay men, and I wouldn’t trust those assholes even with a condoms. Another is that if I say yes to one, then I’ve got to say yes to next guy. And as my supplier wants actual cash for his product, blow jobs aren’t currency in any country I know of. And despite what Ezra said, most of the people offering aren’t men.”
Steve hummed as he snuggled under Eddie’s chin. “I can see that. Any other reasons why you won’t?”
“Does having a super hot boyfriend count?” he chuckled.
Steve kissed the underside of his jaw. “That’s a very good reason.” His hand slipped down his boyfriend’s side and to his belt. “A super hot boyfriend who is very grateful for the rescue.”
Eddie moaned as Steve’s fingers ghosted over his zipper. “Yeah and how are you going to show that gratitude?”
Steve slid down Eddie body and undid his belt. “I was thinking it was such a shame you didn’t get those blow jobs when your cock is so delectable.”
Eddie gasped and threw back his head as his super hot boyfriend’s breath felt hot on the front of his boxers. “God, baby. Show me what you’ve got.”
And Steve spent their evening doing just that.
Steve fidgeted nervously at Eddie’s locker after school. He had finished the most recent comic with only a week of school to spare. He had made sure that Jonathan and Nancy weren’t staying after school for any reason so they didn’t see him make the hand off. He knew he should have just done it at the trailer, but with him cutting it so fine before the end of the year, he didn’t want to make Jeff and the others wait for it.
Eddie loped over to his boyfriend and looked around. “Hey, sweetheart. You okay?”
He thrust the comic at Eddie, his eyes downcast. “It’s the most recent comic. There’s an explanation like before. But please don’t let people see that part.”
Eddie cradled the comic to his chest. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m guessing this means you aren’t coming over tonight?”
Steve shook his head. “Lucas wants to go see the latest Bond film, but his friends don’t want to go with him...”
“So you offered to take him,” Eddie finished. “That’s sweet of you.”
Steve snorted and shook his head. “His parents think I’m taking him to ‘Meet the Littles’ or some shit like that.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, that’s more like the Steve Harrington I know and love.”
“I’ll call when I get home, though...” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair.
“Okay,” Eddie murmured. “Well talk then.”
This time Eddie went straight to the back page to read the explanation first.
“Hey, Eds,
Again there are parts in between this, parts that don’t include me, that I’ll some day tell you all about. But I’m focusing on the parts I was part of. This time it all started with what the kids thought was a new species of lizard and turned out to be the beginning stages of an Upside Down monster. One they they dubbed the demodog.
I can just picture you frowning as you try to remember where you heard that from and the answer is you heard it from me. You asked me what it was and I told you it from one of their game thingies, but that’s only part of it. These demodogs have flower faces and run on four legs. They are part of a hive mind that allows them to communicate with each other.
Dustin had taken one of these things home and it ate his cat. His cat. You can be disgusted, I know I was. He had originally gone to Nancy’s for help but she had gone off with Jonathan about something related to Barb Holland. This was right after our fight at the Halloween party.
I was on my way with roses to apologize to her, when he intercepted me. And the rest is as they say is history. I would do anything for that kid now.
The other players are Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield. I don’t know if you need to know that, but I feel like you have to understand that for the rest of it to make sense.
I have so many tales to tell you but I can’t because it could get you hurt and that is the last thing I want to do.
Also, (blurred words) show you all the times I was brave, that I did the (more blurred words) when it came (blurred words) because I love you so much and (blurred words again) less of me.
Your Stevie”
Eddie hated how easy Steve had pegged him for frowning at the name like he said he would or how he knew he would be disgusted at the poor cat. He stared at the blurred words for a moment before his own eyes welled up.
Steve had tried writing over the parts with what were clearly tear drops but all it had done was make it worse. Why he didn’t just write again, Eddie didn’t know.
But Eddie could now make out the words, “Also, I wanted to show you all the times I was brave, that I did the right thing when it came to it, because I love you so much and I didn’t want you thinking less of me.”
He flipped back to the beginning and started reading. It was thrilling and exciting. That was if you didn’t know it really happened. And happened to the sweetest boy he had the privilege of knowing.
He wiped away his tears and made a promise to whatever it took to protect this boy with every fiber of his being. Because by god, someone had to.
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson
@messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi
@val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89
@vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer
@yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
@dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
@angels-of-hades @mugloversonly @y4r3luv @greeniebean911 @birbsauce
@acingthecounts @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @kultiras @ravenfrog
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tyxoxo · 1 year
Feel It
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut, pornstar!jaehyun au, 00’ dream inserts
words: 5.1k
warnings: pure filth, exhibitionism/voyeurism, degrading, choking/breath play, humiliation, dacryphilia, sex toys, ball gag, shibari, allusion to cum play, unprotected sex
a/n: san francisco armory, das the setting lolol (thanks kink.com 🫡)  also!! since the reader would have no way of knowing the names of 00’, hopefully i did a good enough job describing them for you all to know who is who sksks.
“okay, we’ll just have you sign this.” the producer with the name tag K said as he handed you a clipboard with a pen; the two of you sitting across each other in a large auditorium. 
you were fidgeting the more you sat there in the middle of the “playroom”, excitement rising with every glance of the various s&m props placed on  antique plaques. whether it was the torture rack, assorted floggers, or cattle prods, you couldn’t wait to try it all.
never in your years of living did you expect to be at an armory-turned-BDSM studio, preparing to do your first adult scene. yet here you were, only wearing a pair or your underwear, completely bare everywhere else. 
the use of a National Guard armory was oddly fitting for the company—20th century Moorish Revival architecture, albeit refurbished, still gave a sense of “grittiness” and rustic charm.
 “i know that you already submitted your online waiver but we just like to have an additional one for in-person. physical signatures are always preferred.” K snapped you out of your thoughts for a second, though your mind couldn’t help but drift back into the depths—thinking yet again to your upcoming scene.
the single sheet of paper reiterated everything you read through just a week prior:
“Mission Statement and Company Values”
typical header to start a waiver…littered with the expectations to provide a “consensual and safe space for all participants.”
your eyes scanned further down, taking a few minutes to read their “Right to Distribute Media:
By signing here, you agree to having any and all media in your presence posted to our website Kink.com, with potential distribution to other pornographic partnerships…”
you provided your signature for the two spots provided, officially sealing away what modesty you had left.  
as soon as you handed the clipboard back to K, he spoke into his bluetooth earpiece, presumably notifying the other producers of your newly sealed fate, “you guys are good to head this way.” he said before placing the clipboard on the floor next to his water bottle. 
“in a moment you’ll be able to meet your partner, and go over the do’s and don'ts, that kind of stuff.” he said, followed by a closed-mouth smile.
you smiled back, trying to hide the anxiety creeping under your skin. there was no telling what kind of man would appear through those doors, meters away from where you sat.
you kept your eyes trained on the entrance, tapping your leg up and down to pass what seemed like hours.
but then again, this was a four story building…maybe it was just taking them a while to get to where you were. 
just as you looked down at your twiddling thumbs, the heavy sound of the double-doors filled the room. the man that appeared was unlike anyone you’ve ever seen. 
he was gorgeous…
and he smiled as soon as he laid eyes on you. his dimples being the first feature that caught your attention. 
he strutted towards you, confidence exuding with every step. he only sported boxer briefs, definitely nowhere near as self-conscious as you, now that you saw his toned body. 
you tried not to make it obvious that you were eyeing his subtle six-pack. but it was hard. his body was perfect; not too overbearing, not too ordinary. still, his biceps and his quads showcased the work he put in to maintain his physique. 
the last you could observe before he stopped in front of you, was his happy trail, leading all the way to the package he had confined in his briefs. he completely ignored K, standing right in front of his field of view. 
your eyes slowly made their way to his face, still smiling so bright, with ivory teeth to match. 
“hello, my name is jaehyun. nice to meet you.” 
his voice was velvety deep, baritone. 
another surprise to you. 
jaehyun held out his right hand, but you noted the single platinum band adorned on his left ring finger, to your disappointment. 
your thoughts were outlandish, there’s no way you’d have a chance with him even if he wasn’t taken.
you returned the handshake, voice visibly shaken as you gave him your name.
“i’ll go ahead and let you guys have the floor. i’ll be back in 10.” K said with a clear of his throat. he then gave up his seat for jaehyun, making his leave towards the double-doors.
jaehyun looked back at the medieval-styled chair before sitting down, chiseled thighs growing in size once he found a comfortable position.
“so tell me a bit about yourself…”
he leaned forward in his seat, placing his hands criss-cross in between his thighs. 
the simple action of trying to close the distance between the two of you, paired with his now sultry-tone, caused you to gulp quite noticeably.
“i uhhh, this is—s-sorry i can’t form my words today.” you covered your mouth as you laughed, embarrassed by the effect jaehyun had on your intelligibility.
if only you noticed his faint smile. 
“would it be better if i asked you something different?” he spoke with a tilt of his head, bangs sweeping softly across his eyelashes.
“no its not that…i’m just not super interesting.” you pursed your lips together, shameless in admitting how average you were. 
“i highly doubt that. for you to come here, i know that you’re more interesting than you let on.”
he smirked to himself, dimples even more pronounced as he looked down at your feet.
“so what do you like…don’t like? or what are you willing to try today?” 
he looked back up at you, but the ability to maintain eye contact with him was becoming harder and harder.
but for you to have come this far, sitting almost-nude in front of a stranger…there was no use in being shy anymore.
“i’ve just always wanted to be controlled, dominated, humiliated…reduced to nothing, pretty much.” you spoke matter-of-factly, knowing he’s probably heard this all before. 
you decided to keep your eyes on his mouth, and then his sharp canine’s that gleamed under the warm sepia light as he licked his lips. 
“what about degrading?”
he continued to list everything that came to mind, making it somewhat easier for you to communicate your needs and expectations.
by now, barely 7-minutes in, jaehyun learned that you were practically open to anything. 
“one last thing. the most important.”
you raised your eyebrows at his sudden announcement, already having an idea of what it could be.
“what’s your safeword?”
“alright, we’ll go ahead and get started. if you at any time need to take a break, just let us know. remember, there is no time limit, and most of all, enjoy yourselves.” one of the producers said while adjusting his camera.
now in the auditorium with you and jaehyun, were two different producers, with the names I and N; an obvious attempt to mirror their company, which definitely made it easier to recall. K was nowhere to be found this time. but you weren’t concerned about that anymore. 
the entire auditorium was now your’s, filled with all the props to make your fantasies come true. the chairs were pushed away, and the camera’s were now rolling.
jaehyun stood face-to-face, still in only his boxer briefs. he studied the floor beneath you, seeming to psych himself up with a smirk. 
you didn’t even really know how to stand, or carry yourself, fearing that too much focus on the lesser details would ruin your adrenaline. 
just as you watched his head rise to your level, you were swept away by a kiss.
he was as spirited as you hoped, using his left hand to hold onto your cheek, and the other to rest against your hip. still through the shock of how soft his lips were, you managed to taste the balm that he chose to wear—peach with a hint of vanilla. 
you raised your hand to wrap around the wrist that kept hold of your cheek, eventually closing more of the gap between the two of you. 
despite how delicate the kisses were at first, you could hear them echo throughout the auditorium, surely to get louder once you could taste more of him.
you tried your best to keep up with the different angles that his head moved, but thinking back to the fact that these were among the first kisses you shared, you could bear the inconsistencies until you found a proper rhythm. 
so far, he did everything right. starting off slow just how you liked it… just how you told him just a few minutes prior. 
his left hand caressed your cheek back and forth, brushing against the small hairs in front of your ear. the other made its way down to your ass, gripping tightly, but not without your breath hitching through the fiery embrace.
he took the opportunity like you had guessed, to brush his tongue against your own, finally gaining more out of the subtle start towards your undoing. 
you had only known him for roughly half an hour, yet you already felt in tune with his way of leading you to pure bliss. 
he intertwined with you effortlessly, regardless of the mess the two of you made with just your lips. combined saliva pooled at the corners of your mouth, and you found yourself whimpering at his attempts to clean up the remnants with his warm tongue.
“you’re making a mess already?”
he spoke against the corner of your mouth, the smell of vanilla becoming even more evident from his suckled lips. 
you didn’t want to give in so soon to his early teasing. he needed to do more.
though you realized within a flutter of your hooded eyes, that he needed just as much as you. without any warning, he flipped his warm persona, the hand that held your cheek moving down to grip your throat tight. 
his fingertips knew exactly where to apply pressure, causing you to wince as the sting resonated on both sides of your neck. your hands immediately wrapped around his, knowing he liked to see you struggle.
you had made a point of that too. 
“you won’t say anything? what about when i do this?” his face remained mere centimeters away from you, denying you of any further kisses. 
you could see through the haze that his dimples were still just as evident from his now-sinister smile. 
his right hand cupped your clothed core, causing you to shudder against his palm. 
he would definitely be able to feel your growing arousal through the thin material. 
“maybe you don’t deserve any of this…i should just leave you here.”
he backed up his shaming effortlessly, all the while palming you through your damp underwear. 
the friction felt electric against your clit, causing you to buck against his touch.
“ride my fucking hand.” he smirked right in front of your face, like a complete switch from the gentleman you just met.
you were sure that you looked pathetic, getting off to just the palm of his hand. practically humping to get some sort of release. 
being self-conscious no longer mattered, not when he provided you with a means to an end. proving not only to yourself, but to future viewers that you were outwardly desperate.
the more zealous you got with your gyrating hips, the more jaehyun was inclined to stop and just watch you yearn for it.
he decided immediately, stilling his movements. 
for the first time, you whined.
“please let m-me cum.” your voice barely produced any sound, restricted from his hold on your throat. 
“should i?” 
“mmh, yes. please…” 
you hoped that your look of pity was convincing enough. 
“go on and show me then. show me that you deserve it.” 
he gave you free reign, lessening the hold on your throat, and continuing to keep his palm still against your aching core.
you were practically salivating, trying your hardest to hit a certain spot along your sensitive nub. with a few more hellish rolls of your hips, you succeeded, feeling that familiar high surge through your body. 
jaehyun was beyond satisfied, enjoying how you broke down from barely nothing. his eyes drifted over every part of your trembling body, mentally noting the parts that would be destroyed by the time he was done with you.
as you started to come down, he had already tugged your underwear off, even taking a moment to smell the now-ruined fabric. he could’ve spent longer doing so, showing off his guise for as long as he wanted.
but you were fidgeting quite noticeably, shifting your thighs to subdue the constant throbbing of your clit. it was obvious there was more to come.
once he tossed the flimsy fabric to the side, he ushered you towards the far left of the room where two red velvet sofas were positioned against the wall, and a small antique dresser sat in between. 
you could barely keep up with his stride as he interlocked your hands together. but you let him control your movements, until you were centered in the middle of the makeshift formal room.  
on top of the dresser were bundles of rope, a ball gag and a vibrating wand, with images of all the ways you would be ruined flooding your brain. your eyes then drifted up towards the ceiling, immediately catching sight of the metal ring hanging just above you.
the cameras were paused momentarily; had the recording continued, the producers would’ve captured your look of wonder as you watched jaehyun gather the jute material onto his arm to begin the process. 
you’d only had a few experiences with bondage, but all of the preparation seemed to come naturally as you followed jaehyun’s instructions. he was patient and soft-spoken with his directions, all the while marveling at how pretty you looked while listening to him. 
it was evident he was experienced in the art of shibari, as he adjusted the intricate designs to fit the contour of your body within minutes. your eyes were conflicted on where to look, whether it was his concentration or the way the rope cupped your breasts perfectly. either way, you felt beautiful. 
“take deep breaths for me, you’re doing great.” 
his sultry tone was enough to relax you as you felt gravity disappear under your feet.
your eyes remained shut as you inhaled and exhaled, gradually soaking in the feeling of complete ascension. 
you were in the most exposed position—frogtied. suspended upwards, arms secured behind your back, knees bent, and ankles bound to your thighs. 
even though it took a while to get into this arrangement, he made you feel comfortable, and you were still just as wet, eagerly awaiting his next move.
“how do you feel? talk to me.” he stood in front of your suspended body, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. there was anything but, you surprisingly felt purified, as if a literal weight had been lifted. 
“i feel good.” 
you weren’t the best at exclaiming your feelings, but you could tell that jaehyun sensed your approval.
“anything pinching or pulling?” he asked again, leaning in close to inspect the knots littered across your body. 
“okay good. just wanted to check before i put this on.” he replied while giving the “ok” hand signal for the producers to resume rolling. 
he stepped over to the dresser, grabbing the black leathered ball gag. your pussy involuntarily clenched around air at the sight of the large red ball, and the realization that you were now being filmed in suspension, every bit of your cunt on display for the world to see.
you licked your lips one last time before he placed the gag. the taste of plastic overtook your senses, unfortunately masking the remnants of his lips balm. nonetheless, you felt complete, relishing in your own fantasy being brought to life.
saliva managed to escape not even seconds later, dribbling onto your chin. jaehyun eyes grew dark, switching back to the sadist he truly was.
your eyes tracked his every move, watching as he finally exposed himself.
you wished you were well-spoken enough to describe how perfect he was. but you could only manage whimpers through your restraints, hoping that he heard your reaction to seeing his lower half for the first and probably only time.
you were finally able to see where his happy trail ended, branched out into a sea of nicely trimmed hair. his length stood proud, snapping back onto his outie bellybutton as he kicked his briefs off to the side.
he stepped over to the dresser one last time, grabbing the vibrating wand. you were expecting the sound of the device to come to life, even squinting your eyes to brace for the feeling of it hitting your clit. but instead he kept it down by his left side, while his right finger came up to collect the saliva that had now leaked down your neck. 
“not yet…you’ll have to prove that you’re worth my time. i don’t reward sluts that whine in my face.” his words hit you hard, but his finger worked even harder.
your body began to shake as he used his slicked forefinger to paint a trail down the center of your chest. he eventually found your nipple that had swelled through the coarse rope, pinching hard.
he released quickly, doing the same to the other. 
his right finger continued its descent, now finding your cunt that was glistening under the warm lighting. he seemed satisfied enough from the sight of your juices dripping onto the floor meters below you. 
your breathing grew ragged as you felt him group his digits together to press against your sensitive nub. he leaned further into you, preventing you from seeing him work your pussy into overdrive.
the filthy sounds of your essence sloshing against the flesh of his fingers filled the room, even overpowering the pathetic moans that tried to escape through the soaked ball gag.
“think you could cum again? hmm?” 
he cooed against your ear, determined to kick all of your senses over the edge.
you failed miserably at producing a coherent “yes” through the pleasure, and you feared this would have consequences.
the high was building up a second time, but unfortunately it was met with jaehyun’s cruelty.
he backed away from you completely, leaving you there to wiggle in the ropes that kept you hungry and docile.
“yes…i can do it.” you words were muffled at best, barely audible. but your body showed enough of your desperation, trying to move within the confines of your unrelenting submission. 
“fucking filthy whore…you’re too late.” 
jaehyun tortured you by staying back, twirling the vibrating wand in his hands. 
regardless of the fact you were granted an orgasm moments ago, you made it known that you deserved another.  
tears began to pool in your eyes, eventually flowing from your eyelids onto your warm cheeks. breathing seemed more difficult, as you sniffled and heaved against the ball gag.
jaehyun looked down at the floor, in awe at the amount of your juices that had hit the floor. you were more than soaked, practically painting the floor in an abstract design of delicious filth. usually he was able to drag out teasing for a while with his other “co-stars” but for you, his patience was wearing thin; not out of distaste, but out of the eagerness to finally feel your walls around his cock. he would have to fuck you soon, so he could see if you felt just as good as you looked.
he had done plenty of scenes, even similar to this; more than he could count. and none short of bragging, he ruined every single one of them, and you were no exception. 
without a second thought, jaehyun stepped up to you, placing the vibrator on your engorged clit. a shriek escaped through the gag as you slumped in the ropes, head falling backwards as a wave of relief hit you. 
finally, you were given more.
through your hooded eyes, you were unable to see his erect tip awaiting your entrance. 
“are you happy now? what do you say?” he gripped your jaw hard, forcing your head forward to stare into his dark eyes. 
“thank you s-so much…thank-...”
your gratitude was cut short as he pushed himself inside you. 
a guttural groan fell from his glossy lips as he paused halfway, utterly amazed by the way your walls welcomed his cock, trying his best to draw out the way you sucked him in. 
he could’ve stayed like this forever, relishing in your ability to grip him for dear life. 
“you’re so fucking tight…did you save this pussy for me?” his voice was just as shaky as yours, completely high off the energy that filled the room.
you nodded your head up and down, mind too absorbed in the pleasure that overtook your body.  
your eyes blew wide as he continued to inch himself further inside your dripping hole; beyond satisfied from being stretched full. 
you watched his jaw go slack as he bottomed out, pupils dilating not only in front of you, but the cameras too. 
the realization that everyone would witness his transformation, caused you to contract around his length; the vibrator intensifying your actions as if you no longer had control. 
he wasted no time thrusting inside you, hips snapping against yours in an immediate, steady rhythm. your body recoiled against his tireless momentum, eventually swinging from the metal ring every time he connected his tip to your cervix. 
“do you think you could hold out sweetheart?” 
you were sure that you could, but you couldn’t help but entertain the idea that it was much deeper than that. 
nonetheless, you mumbled “yes”, hoping to prove your worth so that he would never stop fucking you senseless. 
yet again, your head fell back, pitiful howls escaping through the gag as you felt your orgasm building up a second time. 
“come on, look at me. watch me fuck this pussy.” he used his non occupied hand to usher your head forward, watching you choke up as many moans as you could through the soiled gag. 
he continued to support your head, and it became obvious that it was done for a reason. the sound of the double-doors caught your attention soon after, echoing through the auditorium. your eyes looked past jaehyun’s broad shoulders to catch sight of the four attractive figures that appeared. 
their presence would be burned inside your mind forever—an aura of complete deviance, walking towards your suspended frame with an obvious intent to ravage you beyond repair. 
your eyes couldn’t look away, not even with jaehyun still drilling inside your pussy. 
you noted the two tallest, one with wavy silver hair, and bangs long enough to cover his dark eyes. he had the most  chiseled features out of the four, with full lips to complement his sharp jawline. the other didn’t look nearly as intimidating as the first, with rounded facial features despite having a broader frame. he adorned blue eyes, which you assumed to be contacts. either way, the sky blue color fit his chocolate hair, setting him apart from his yang counterpart.
the third reminded you of a sunset, with golden skin that radiated far beyond his charming presence. his jet black hair offered contrast to his warm exterior. 
the final one—the blonde, surprised you the most, he didn’t seem like the type to present himself in this type of environment, but maybe that was his ruse—to deceive anyone into thinking he wasn’t as filthy as the next. he made sure to be the last one following behind in the ensemble, but you still noted his elfen-like appearance, seeming delicate yet playful. 
they were all just as flawless as jaehyun. 
you would have to refer to them by their features, as there was no indication of their names. truthfully, the idea that you may never know, made this all the more fulfilling. letting four strangers do whatever they wanted to you, was the pinnacle of desire. 
the silver-haired boy made sure to greet you first, standing next to your right side. though you weren’t sure if gripping your chest through the rope was a proper greeting, it still caused you to whimper from his robust touch. he squeezed your nipples harder than jaehyun, watching you crumble from his assault. 
“another slut for me to fuck with hmm? you better hope you make this worth my while.” he snarled against your ear, taking the time to tug your earlobe between his teeth. the kisses that followed were messier than the brunette that stood to your left. you made sure to make eye contact with him and acknowledge his existence despite his silver-haired fiend stealing the show with his unhinged words. the blue-eyed boy had a smug grin on his face, caressing your cheek with no care in the world that your saliva had covered his fingers. 
he began to pecker along your collarbone, keeping his eyes locked onto your own, tongue swiping upwards to taste the sweat that had formed on your flushed skin. 
“i bet she’s been good so far?” the brunette’s voice caught you off guard, completely teasing, even mocking your predicament. you saw him look forward at jaehyun, then down at the vibrator that was still pressed against your clit.
you hoped to god that he would grab and use it on you. that any of them would use it on you.
“hell yeah she’s been good. taking my cock like a good little slut.” jaehyun licked along his upper lip, baring his canine’s again. 
“here...i know she’s close.”
jaehyun offered the vibrator to the brunette, the sensation temporarily leaving your core. you whined in dissatisfaction, hoping it wouldn’t be off you for too long. 
“you’re so pretty…” 
the blonde haired boy soothed your worries, coming up beside the brunette. his hands were noticeably smaller than the rest, but still just as skillful. he took his slender fingers and began to rub your abused clit in circles. the pads of his fingers were a few degrees colder, but it soon warmed up after making contact with your heated skin. 
you jumped, as best as you could, when he increased the pace, and began swiping his entire hand across your wet mound. the sounds of your juices splashing past his digits bounced off of the walls of the auditorium. 
he truly proved your point of his devious nature. 
the golden boy rushed to jaehyun’s left side, getting a clear view of the mess you kept making. his hands trailed down to palm himself through his black denim jeans. even through your tears, you watched him bite his lip, hard enough to make the skin underneath go pale.
you were so close. 
“pl…please. i’m cl…” you thought your words had drifted off into the void, overpowered by the multitude of bodies in the room, but they didn’t go unnoticed. 
“awwh, she’s gonna cum. so wet, so pretty…” the fairy teased, taking the time to lower his mouth to your knee, making sure that he had made at least one mark on your skin by the time the evening was over.
the familiar band from within your core snapped. a wave of pleasure surged from your core all the way up to where the silver-haired boy had gripped your throat. moans managed to escape through the hold he had on your neck, stinging against his palms as he squeezed harder and harder.
the sea of white that flashed across your vision had turned red when the fairy’s hand left you and the vibrator took his place. the brunette’s smile grew wide when he witnessed first-hand what overstimulation looked like, and for him to be the one to blame, made an obvious power trip show across his cheshire grin. 
you were completely ruined. it was evident by the way you began to convulse, the way you cried out, the way your walls continued to contract around jaehyun’s cock. 
“fuckkk, just like that. you're sucking me in so hard. keep doing that sweetheart…”
jaehyun chanted out, an indication that he was close to exploding inside of you.
“take that ball gag off, i wanna hear her scream…” the golden boy directed the fairy to do his bidding, not wanting to pause on his own self-gratification. he had already freed his cock from his boxers, nowhere near patient enough to pull his pants the rest of the way down. 
you weren’t still enough for the blonde as he tried freeing the clasp behind your head. eventually with the help of his silver-haired friend, you were finally able to voice your sounds of another orgasm. 
“i’m gonna cum again!!” you screamed out, making the rest of them smirk with pride.
“are you even gonna say thank you? ungrateful whore…” the same one that had been giving you the most hell, spat against your ear. his words made it all the more damning; you enjoyed how he tested your mental stability. 
“thank you! thank you so much!” 
you were sure that you looked broken, slumped from the actions of these four strangers and of course, jaehyun, who was just as close.
his thrusts were beginning to show cracks, losing the rhythm he had held onto for so long. the two of you stared at each other, in your own world as you both came. 
with one final snap of his hips, he let out a moan, pumping you full of his seed with every inhale and exhale. 
your voice gave out, vocal chords spent from all of the prior screams you produced during your time of luxury.
your mouth hung open as you felt him fill your walls to the brim, creating a salacious mixture that bubbled inside your painted walls.  
even though the vibrator had stopped, a phantom sensation caused you to tremble against the now-still wand. 
all that remained was the comedown. and you weren’t sure you wanted it to end.
jaehyun remained inside you, drawing out the aftermath of your back-to-back orgasm. a thin sheet of sweat decorated his chest, illuminating under the tan lights.
your breathing had finally calmed down, and by the time you tried to get a good look at everyone, they were already huddled around jaehyun, waiting to see the creampie. 
their eyes followed jaehyun’s every move, watching as he exited you with a single plop.
“i’m first.” the silver-haired boy spoke quickly, immediately lowering himself to be level with your weeping hole. 
it was obvious that this wasn’t over. and you were more than okay with that.
//tagging: @pradajaehyun @glitchfiles @stargrll13 @the-universe-in-you-jjh
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