gender-euphowrya · 1 year
how long until the amount of spam and procedurally generated garbage content and overabundance of ads and dead links and poorly optimized platforms and spam and things that require you use an app that is incompatible with your device's OS or doesn't exist anymore and fucking spam before technology straight up becomes unusable
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syoddeye · 6 months
~1.2k words. Price x gn!Reader. CW: controlling behavior, stalking/location tracking, brief sexual content
After your abrupt ‘engagement’, you argue. Refusing to unpack your things at John’s place—your place, now—you explain it’s normal for couples to discuss things like living together and marriage before they happen. John disagrees.
It’s supposed to be a surprise, sweetheart. And isn’t my place better? Bigger?
He watches you pace around his flat, a little smug when you finally set out your toiletries. Isn’t this much simpler, he whispers, rubbing your shoulders as you tearfully list your couch for sale. No more back and forth. Significantly lower bills and rent, as he insists on paying for more than half. His furniture is newer, too, though the place could use some color. He’s happy to take you shopping and let you pick new decor. 
It’s not the couch you’re upset about. It’s the loss of your own space. Again, you attempt to explain. John shushes and comforts you in his favorite way, on your back, buried deep in a slow grind. He holds you at the knife point of pleasure, at the very edge, and asks if you really hate his place so much or miss your lumpy, old furniture. Guilts it out of you, withholding, until you concede you don’t hate it and please please please—
The first week runs long. He bends you over in the kitchen, joins you in the shower, and pushes you against the door when you get home from work. Where you once complained of not having enough of his attention, you find yourself barraged. You stop by a new bookstore at lunch on a Friday, and he calls, voice tight, the jingling of his keys louder than any bullet. Where are you? Who are you with? A bookstore? Lovely, send a selfie. You nearly die of embarrassment when an employee catches you awkwardly holding up your phone in the romance section and scuttle out.
It happens whenever you go somewhere without him. A coworker’s birthday happy hour. A short visit to meet a friend’s new puppy. A long walk at the park. Even when he is occupied, John finds time to badger you. After he hounds you at a work dinner, demanding a photo with your boss, you decide enough is enough. The mystery app needs to go.
Through careful fishing and research, you learn your coworker's girlfriend's best friend knows a tech guy. You set up a dummy email, exchange a few messages, and agree to meet at the coffee shop across the street from the office. It's not the most brilliant location, but it's believable enough when you mention to John that you're treating a coworker to lattes that afternoon. He squeezes your thigh when he drops you off and wishes you a good day.
The man—no names, for everyone's safety—is overcharging you, but it's worth it if it works. You don't want to think about what will happen if it doesn't. He meets you at a table with a small toolkit. He's fidgety and quiet, but polite and more interested in the puzzle of the app than the circumstances. The fewer questions, the better. He asks you to order drinks while he gets to work. You order, pay, chat with the barista about their handmade earrings, and when you turn to check his progress...He's gone. Phone and all.
You panic. 
John will know. He will call and text. Your mind leapfrogs to the worst scenario—what if he follows the thief, thinking it's you? How could you be so stupid. You abandon the coffee, barely hold off the waterworks, and sprint back to your office. Shoving into your manager's office, you beg to use their landline. It's an emergency.
For the first time in weeks, John doesn't pick up the phone. You try twice before your boss's worried side eye forces you back to your desk, tail tucked between your legs; so much for an emergency. You think of borrowing a coworker's phone to at least call the police and report the theft, but you know it'll make things worse with John. Your only option is to wait until five o'clock.
Like always, John waits out front. You force a smile and slip into the passenger seat with a knot in place of your heart. Your chest has never felt tighter.
He's on the phone and shoots you an apologetic smile, then points at the digital display. Laswell. Work. You suppose it gives you more time to find the words to explain what happened.
John misses the first turn on the usual route home. Then another. Your eyes dart to him, but he's absorbed in the drive and his phone call. They're talking about Urzikstan, his words clipped and terse as they typically are on calls when you're present. You grip the edges of your seat, your stomach turning over when he gets on the road leading out of town and into the hills. You rake your memory, thinking of where he could possibly be taking you.
Eventually, forty-five minutes into the drive, the town far behind you, he ends the call. He drops his phone into the console and pats your knee. The jolt from his palm prompts you to blurt out the lie you concocted, not wanting to give him a chance to become upset over your errant location.
You tell him: It all happened so fast, John. At the cafe with your coworker and set your phone down on the corner of the table. As a man left the shop, he grabbed it on the way out and ran off. You tried calling, upset he didn't answer, and you didn't know what to do.
John hums, his expression unreadable in the dimming light of day. He answers your frantic confession by pulling off the road onto an overlook and telling you you've arrived with a small smile.
It's a little chilly, but he tucks you into his side and marvels at the view of the valley. He still hasn't addressed the 'theft'. It worries you, thinking of his festering anger. He glides his hand down your back, squeezes your waist, and then quietly tells you to quit your job.
I don’t think that place is good for you.
You look up and find John staring, smiling, but you’ve seen those eyes before.
Those people are a bad influence. You’ve never been careless like that. I make more than enough for the both of us, anyway.
Before you think of a response, he drops to one knee, and pulls a ring from his jacket. In front of the sunset, he professes his love for you in a real proposal.
Make me the happiest man in the world, and I will do everything in my power to keep you happy.
You're unsure if you imagine the emphasis on 'keep', but you are suddenly quite aware of how far away you are from civilization, without a phone, with a man trained to kill. Tears slip down your cheeks, and when you accept, the words shudder out of you on the exhale. He kisses the rest of the air out of your lungs. Despite the open sky above you, it's suffocating.
See? You like surprises, sweetheart.
Deep breaths. Smile and nod.
Will you get the champagne out of the boot?
The weight of the engagement ring on your finger feels like an anchor. You stare at it, glinting in the fading sunlight, and wordlessly open the rear door to find a picnic basket. Champagne, chocolates, flowers—and nestled in the center, your phone.
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skzhua · 9 months
Caroling to my Heart
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Pairing: Lee Minho x Female!Reader
Genre: Inspired by A Christmas Carol, Christmas love story, angst, fluff.
Word Count: 14,653
Warnings: Swearing, talks of regrets, mentions of alcohol, heartbreaks.
Summary: Christmas is meant to be spent with your loved ones. Minho stopped loving a long time ago.
A/N: Credits to my boyfriend for the general idea of the plot (story is all me, though)
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November nearing its end, Chrismas was approaching quickly. Children playing in the snow, shops filled with decorations to sell for the holidays, sales everywhere for presents shopping, music playing everywhere you go; truly the most wonderful time of the year.
At least, that's what most people think.
Chan has always loved Christmas. He always took it as an opportunity to gather up with his college friends with whom life was always enjoyable. Jeongin had recently gotten a promotion at work which he took very seriously, Hyunjin finally opened his dog rescue center a few years back, Felix was happily getting married in the following spring, Seungmin had finally started to get recognition for his stand up comedy shows, Changbin had entered a production company with Chan, and Jisung was finally seeing someone after not daring to date for years.
And then, there is Minho.
Him and Chan used to be the closest friends ever, and Minho was always the life of the party. He messed around in college, got good grades, made his way up to become a successful lawyer. Overall, things had turned out pretty well for him.
What Minho considered as his biggest accomplishment was his lover. The apple of his eyes, the prettiest woman he had ever laid eyes upon, the sunshine of his life. Y/N was in the same major as him, one of the top students. It started out as a very typical college love story. He was annoying her, she found him funny, they were paired for a project, they got closer, and they got together in a matter of weeks. From that point, life was perfect. They moved out together after college, adopted a ton of cats, went on so many trips outside of the country... they even got engaged.
That was until Minho messed it all up, losing everything he loved the most in one go.
Ding dong.
Jumping at the sound, Minho takes a second to recover and puts the movie he was watching on pause. He checks the clock; it is 7 o'clock in the evening. He wasn't expecting anybody to visit him. Nonetheless, he goes over his front door and looks into the peephole. He isn't surprised to see Chan waiting patiently with a plastic bag in hands. He rolls his eyes in annoyance before letting his friend in, greeting him boringly.
"Hey, Chan," he says before yawning loudly.
The older man looks him up and down, analyzing every bit of his friend's appearance. "Wow, you look like shit."
Minho doesn't answer, giving Chan the death stare instead. "What do you want?"
"Well," he starts while allowing himself to get comfortable on the couch. "Jisung is presenting his new girlfriend to us and because you didn't answer in the group chat, I thought I would check on you."
"Tonight? No, I have to get up early tomorrow."
Chan's shoulders drop as Minho, once again, declines an invitation. "You haven't come to see us in months."
Minho shrugs, visibly not seeing a problem. "I'm just very busy. I have cases coming in all the time and I can't trust my associate to work on them."
"You're overworking yourself, a break would do you some good. Besides, we miss you."
It's not that he doesn't want to see his friends, of course he does. He just knows very well he'll only end up ruining the night by not being the funny guy he used to be.
"I don't know."
Chan takes a nicely ironed shirt out of his plastic bag and puts it on the coffee table in front of him, and stands up to walk to the door. "You're welcomed to drop by if you change your mind. It's at the restaurant we used to go in college."
"Why the shirt?" Minho's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Consider it as an early Christmas gift from me."
After throwing a small smile his way, Chan opens the door and leaves. Minho finds himself alone again, perplexed. He approaches the shirt and scrutinizes it. It's a designer piece which does not surprise him, Chan has always been the kind to go an extra mile for his loved ones. Looking at the clock again, it indicates 7:20 P.M. Does he still have time to go? It would mean he has to shower, get dressed, drive all the way to the restaurant... Right, that specific restaurant.
He will visit his friends, just not tonight.
2 years ago.
Christmas was the most important holiday to Y/N. It brought so much nostalgia to her and she absolutely adored every aspect of it. Baking cookies and go ice skating were part of the many activities she loved doing in December.
This was also the first year she had to spend it away from her family. She didn't regret choosing to study so far away from home but it hurt nonetheless. It would be difficult and Minho knew that.
Y/N had to work an extra shift that night if she wanted the day of Christmas Eve off. It was ridiculous, she thought. As if the restaurant really needed her to stay so late. Coming home, Y/N was so glad to finally be able to relax as she climbed up the stairs.
Meanwhile, Minho was waiting excitedly at the front door of their shared apartment. He made sure the gingerbread cookies were all ready to be assembled to construct a house, checked if the Christmas lights were working fine, and put a playlist of Y/N's favourite holiday songs on his speaker.
"Soonie!" he yelled frantically at his cat as he saw him get on the counter. "You don't want to ruin your mama's night, do you?"
He picked him up and brought it close to his body, petting his head lovingly. Needless to say, this couldn't be a cuter sight to have when Y/N walked in.
"Hey, my two favourite boys," she chuckled at them before taking in how well-decorated the home was. "Min, did you set up all this?"
Her boyfriend put his pet down before bringing her into his arms. "I did. You've been feeling off recently, I thought it'd be a good idea to cheer you up. And since Christmas is next week, why not decorate cookies for the occasion?"
"You made gingerbread cookies?!"
Y/N's eyes lit up from seeing the baked goods and she rushed to go sit at the counter. Minho smiled at himself, proud he had managed to lit up her inner light just a little.
"Thank Felix for these."
"Well, thank you Felix."
Minho remembers every night she came home from that workplace. He always tried to make her feel better each time, Y/N despised working so late but she somehow always stayed positive.
How much he misses her.
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Minho gasps for air, sweat all over his body. He had another nightmare, nothing unusual. What is odd is the phone ringing nonstop at this hour of the day; 4 o'clock. Who in their right mind would call someone so early?
The person on the other side of line doesn't respond, Minho can only hear them breathe unsteadily.
"Minho," Jisung finally speaks. "Sorry to bother you this early."
"It's 4:00 A.M."
"I know, I know. Just, I'm getting worried about you and I can't call you tomorrow –well, today–  or you'll say you're busy with work as always. You're not okay and I think you could use a friend."
Although not wrong, his statement fueled Minho with annoyance and frustration. He doesn't need help, or anyone for that matter.
"Minho?" Jisung speaks up again as he doesn't get a response.
"Good night, Jisung," he simply says with the intention of hanging up.
"Wait!" he hurries to stop him. "If you don't want to talk for your own sake, at least do it for mine. Not just mine, the other guys' too."
Sure, Minho hates talking about his feelings. Still, he's not a monster and cares a lot about his friends nonetheless. Feeling a bit obligated, he agrees.
"So, uhm, who's your new girlfriend?" he asks, getting uncomfortable already.
"She's a friend of Jeongin. Remember that girl he worked with in college? Well, that's her. She's so nice, I wonder why Jeongin hadn't introduced me to her sooner. She kind of reminds me of..." he trails off but stops himself before stepping out of line.
"I'm happy for you two. I'm sorry I couldn't come."
Jisung lets out a huff. "Thank you but I know you could have, you just didn't want to."
"That's not-"
"Don't lie, Minho," he cuts him off. "You didn't come because of her, am I right? Because of Y/N again?"
Minho can feel his heart tighten while his friends keeps going at it, insisting on speaking about her. He doesn't want to, is it so hard to understand?
"Let's not talk about her."
"That's the problem, Minho. You never want to open up about it."
"She left. What is there more to say?"
"How you're coping with all, how we can help-"
"The only thing you can do to help is leave me alone. I'm doing just fine. Talking was a bad idea, I should go back to bed."
"Min..." Jisung says in a desperate voice.
"Good night."
As he hangs up, he can sense it might have gone too far. Regardless, he discards his phone on his nightstand and buries his body in his bedsheets. He hears meowing coming from the entrance of his room. A second later, his cat Dori jumps on the mattress to come and lay next to him. Minho reluctantly cuddles the cat back, his last one he got with Y/N. Dori is technically her baby but she left so suddenly that Minho had no other choice but to keep him.
"Where are your brothers?" he whispers affectionately to the ball of fur who replies with some more purring. "Are Soonie and Doongie sleeping too?"
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Chan is probably the only one able to get Minho out of his house, especially during Christmas time. Maybe it is guilt or shame that he feels, but Minho hasn't been so great ever since he had his early chitchat with Jisung. Shopping for presents wasn't what he had in mind when he thought of making up for it but Chan insisted it would be a good idea.
"Look," he says while pointing at the pig plush on the top of the pile. "It looks like Changbin."
Minho shrugs. "I guess it does."
"What about this?"
He looks boringly at the shirt Chan is showing. Yeah, maybe he should have done something else to make the most of his day off. A good meal at home seems so much more appealing to him.
"Come on," Chan encourages him. "Enjoy a bit."
"I am enjoying, look," Minho tries to convince him with a forced smile.
"Hmm, maybe it's time to go to the food court and take a break."
Dragging his friend behind, Chan moves from restaurant to restaurant in search of a meal for his lunch. After a while of debating internally, he settles for a hamburger. As for Minho, rice with pork seems to be tasty enough. They sit at a table and start to eat in silence. Minho looks around the place, watching people chat and laugh. He sees one couple in particular and they remind him too much of Y/N. Adverting his gaze from this spot, he focuses back on his food before speaking.
"I was thinking of buying a new hoodie for Jisung."
Chan is surprised his friend is even conversing with him but smiles. "A hoodie? Doesn't he have plenty of them already?"
"He does but he sent me a picture of one specifically the other day."
"Then you should buy it for him. Have you heard from him, by the way?"
Minho gulps. "No."
Although suspicious, Chan doesn't push it. They quickly finish their lunch and decide to head towards a clothing store to find Jisung's present. At a certain point, they unconsciously part ways as they look at different pieces of clothing. Minho would look for Chan but he has the hoodie to find. Chan is fine on his own anyway, he tells himself. He goes to the right section and begins to browse through each item. He frowns as he inspects them, not convinced these would be appropriate for his friend.
He freezes in place. Has he gone crazy or has he just heard Y/N's voice?
"Minho," she says again.
Finally turning around, he is somewhat relieved that it isn't his former girlfriend, but her sister. "Deena," he greets her politely.
"It's been a while, wow. How have you been?" she asks cheerfully, too much in his opinion.
"Nothing much."
She seems taken aback by the short length of his answer. Minho used to be the nicest man she knows. Of course, she doesn't know the full story about what happened. Nonetheless, she still considers Minho as family. So seeing him so lifeless in front of her is quite a shocker.
"I'm in a bit of a rush but we should go grab coffee soon and catch up," she suggests but from the look on Minho's face, she knows she shouldn't have.
"I'm pretty busy."
"Alright," she answers, uneasy. "I'll see you around then."
Without adding anything, he resumes to looking through the hoodies. Deena eventually leaves and Minho feels like he can breathe again.
He has nothing against his former "sister-in-law" but seeing her so unexpectedly is not something he has prepared himself for. He will go grab a coffee with her when he feels ready to.
Chan comes back a few minutes after with a couple of black shirts and an oversized pair of jeans he picked for Jeongin. As they wait to pay for their things, Minho can feel that Chan has something to say. It wasn't an abnormal occurrence but this time feels like it's eating him inside.
"What is it?"
Chan hesitates for a second. "It was Deena, right?"
He hums. "Yes."
"I'm running out of ways to tell you appropriately but you need to get your shit together. The girl did nothing to you and she seemed to be on the verge of crying when she left the store."
Minho rolls his eyes, like always. "What do you want me to do? Run after her and apologize? I didn't do anything."
"Exactly. Dude, everyone around you is getting sick of your way of dealing with what happened. Sure, your feelings are valid. This doesn't mean you have to inflict your pain onto us. We only want to help," Chan responds, not realizing his tone is increasing more and more.
"Always wanting to play the good savior, uh?" Minho scoffs. "In front of strangers too? Look, I don't need you to tell me how to be. You're not my dad or anything."
"I took you under my wing in college, of course I'm still looking out for you."
"That was back then. I don't need your pity anymore."
Chan's jaw clenches as the two men stare right into the eye. The cashier awkwardly calls for them to proceed to payment which breaks their staring contest. They hurry to pay before storming out of the mall, both of them fuming with anger. The moment they get into Chan's car, the latter explodes.
"This has lasted long enough. How long has it been now? A year?"
"Eleven months," Minho corrects.
"Whatever, same difference. My point is that it might be time for you to move on or at least stop being such a pain in the ass."
Minho's eyebrows raise as he lets out a chuckle. "I didn't know such strong words could come out of your mouth."
"Minho," Chan says in a warning tone.
"So what if I'm not as easygoing as before? You don't understand how it feels anyway."
"Help me understand, then!"
"You just wouldn't!"
He surprised himself by yelling so harshly. The hint of regret creeps up but he tries to hide it by looking away. They both know this is the end of this conversation, neither want to continue anyway. Chan starts the car and the ride home can't be any worse. The tension is so heavy, he swears he feels his body crushing.
Still in silence, he drops Minho off in front of his apartment complex and drives away. Face blank, Minho goes in his building and lazily enters the elevator. It's like he's in a daze, not fully aware of himself. Before he knows it, he's back home sitting at his counter with three cats waiting patiently in front of him as they expect him to fill their bowls with food. But he remains still and stares at nothing in particular. Has he gone too far this time?
In all of the people he knows, Chan is the last one he would have thought to snap at him so harshly. Most importantly, he never thought he'd yell at him for no reason. For the first time in a while, Minho allows one single tear drop from his eye.
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Christmas has come. Well, almost. Work has been the same and no contact have been made with anyone for the last week or so. The lack of human interaction felt both good and bad, but mostly aching.
Every day is the same, Minho realizes. Waking up, eating a very mediocre peanut butter toast with coffee, scrolling through his feed on social medias, getting dressed, going to work, bossing his ass off in return of a less than decent pay, coming back home, eating, washing up, going to bed, sleeping, only to do the same all over again the next day.
In a way, he loves not having to think about planning things out. On the other hand, his life is becoming more and more dull with less of a purpose. Why is he alive for if it's only to do the same task over and over again?
For a change, Minho decides to start a Christmas film instead of rotating watches of the same five movies. A mistake he does is not reading the synopsis before pushing play on the remote. He settles comfortably on his couch while Soonie and Doongie cuddle next to him. Dori is somewhere nearby, playing with a piece of paper Minho had dropped on the floor earlier that week.
At first, the show is boring he thinks. The more the story develops, however, the more he sees the resemblance between himself and the protagonist. The movie is A Christmas Carol, one Y/N once had begged him to watch with her. Scrooge is very unlikable, there is no denying in that. But Minho tries to ignore the similarities he shares with him and keeps on watching the screen in silence. At some point, it simply became impossible to ignore the tightness in his chest. In an abrupt move, he turns the TV off, picks up his two cats, and heads to bed.
Christmas is so near, he thinks as he is watching his alarm clock getting closer to midnight. He really does his best to not make a big deal out of it but his mind can't stop having these images of Y/N, his friends, Christmas... everything. He can't escape pain, no matter what.
Thankfully, Dori comes in his room to join the other felines which distracts him for a second, just long enough so he can finally fall asleep.
The clock indicates 11:55 P.M. when Minho is in a deep sleep and the only sounds that can be heard throughout the whole flat are the appliances running and the cats snoring. Maybe some snores are coming from the man himself but they are faint. Slowly, Doongie wakes up. He wiggles around to find a new comfortable position but fails and falls off the bed. Luckily, cats always land on their feet. He was going to hop back on the bed but a weird sound catches his attention. It sounds like a bell. Curious, he comes out of the room in attempt to find where it comes from. But nothing. Or maybe there is something.
A faint light can be perceived from the bottom of the front door. The cat carefully gets closer, lowering his body. In a single snap, something flies right from under the door and moving straight into Minho's room which scares Doongie well enough to go hide in his cat tree and let out a cry.
This immediately wakes Minho up as his instinctive cat dad senses take over but it is soon replaced with an unsettling feeling as he sees the bright light in front of him. He squints as it almost blinds him but he wants to know what it is. He can feel his heartbeat increase by the second as the source of light gets closer and closer. Holding his breath, he shut his eyes closed and moves his head away from whatever that is. Until he hears a sigh too familiar to his liking.
He dares to open his eyes and his shoulders drop at the sight. "Chan?"
It's not exactly Chan, it is more of a ghost-like version of him. He wears a very formal suit with his hair styled with gel and his body is translucent, making Minho very skeptical. This is a dream, he thinks. Chan is very much alive and very much not in his apartment. Certainly not after the events of the other day.
"I see you didn't even reach out to me."
Minho frowns and looks around the room as if to make sure he really is speaking to him. "What do you mean?"
Chan chuckles, his voice sounding more like an echo. "After our fight, dumbass! Come on, you weren't going to leave things as it is until Christmas."
He checks his alarm clock quickly. "Well, it is Christmas."
"In five minutes," Chan smirks at him. "I know the past few months have been hard on you."
"Great, even my subconscious is trying to fix me," he whispers to himself, loud enough that the ghost-like figure hears it.
"As in a dream?" Minho nods to the question only for Chan to laugh some more. "You're funny. Anyway, I'm not here for fun. I'm here to help you."
"You tried that already," Minho grumbles in an annoyed voice but receives a shook of the head as an answer.
"My human self tried, I haven't tried yet. You see, I only appear if I'm really needed and your case is a pretty severe one."
Minho tries to protest but is quickly shushed.
"Look, this is a night shift on Christmas Eve, I don't want this any more than you do so let's do it quickly. I'll send you three spirits tonight before it hits midnight. They'll guide you through your entire life and help you make the right choice. Got it?"
"Midnight is in five minutes."
"I know."
"You'll understand," Chan cuts him off. "As for now, bon voyage."
Not even conscious that he had been awake —or dreaming— Minho hears a snap of fingers before opening his eyes widely and gasping for air as he wakes up. He is still somewhat confused, but rather glad this was simply a dream. He can feel that the sweat has gone through his pyjamas and makes a face out of disgust.
Quickly, he eats breakfast and freshens up before leaving for work. Yes, he is working on Christmas day. This might be the only way he can get distracted from everything going wrong in his life.
As he approches his work building, he notices a young man. He looks awfully similar to Jeongin but not quite. Curiosity gets the best of him, however, and Minho instinctively walks up to the man. He takes a moment to scan his appearance: he's shorter than Jeongin, has light golden hair and wears loose white streetwear clothing. He also takes notes on the grey of his eyes.
"Lee Minho!" he says cheerfully before Minho could let out a single word.
The man jumps in surprise. "Jeongin?"
He shakes his head as a no and smiles brightly. "No, my name is P."
"P..." Minho repeats slowly, slightly confused.
"Shall we go in?"
He doesn't wait for an answer as he begins to walk and Minho automatically follows him into his building, assuming this boy might be a new worker in his firm. They hop onto the elevator together and P pushes the button to level 7. As Minho is about to look for his own floor, he notices something odd. The building has 26 levels. So why the hell are the numbers going up to 30? He slowly turns to come face to face with the younger man who keeps a wide smile on his face, fear creeping in.
"Who are you?" he dares to ask.
"I told you, I'm P!" the boy repeats with an even bigger grin, almost creepy. "Short for Past."
Oh. Oh no. It all suddenly clicks in Minho's head. Either this is a dream occuring because of the movie he had watched before going to bed or this is his own story of A Christmas Carol. He pinches the side of his arm, hoping he would be back in his room but it only results to him hissing in pain.
"Do you remember your Christmas when you were seven years old?" Minho can only glare at him but P doesn't seem to care. "This might refresh your memories."
The doors of the elevator open right after and not only are they not in his workplace anymore but the setting is exactly as he remembers it from his childhood. They are right on the street of his parents' home. The street is empty, understandably so because of the light snow falling down and the cold weather. It is early in the morning and his childhood home looks much smaller than he remembers, and in a much poorer state.
P walks out first before turning around, encouraging Minho to follow. "Can they see me?"
The answer satifies Minho and he finally steps out of the elevator, letting himself get led by this Jeongin look-alike. He wonders why this specific time was chosen in all of his years of life. He ponders the idea of asking P but it soon vanishes when he spots his younger self coming out of the house with his parents observing him in a loving way. A knot forms in his belly. He hasn't talked to his parents since Y/N left. Are they doing okay? Maybe he should have called a few times at least.
"Can we bring one home?" younger Minho asks his mom, eyes full of hope.
"Do you want a kitten as your Christmas gift?" his mother asks and the child happily nods. "We'll go see the cats and I'll think about it, okay?"
Satisfied enough, he skips down the street while humming a Christmas song. Oddly enough, it is Y/N's favourite: Winter Wonderland.
Minho watches his former self with nostalgia. He remembers the moment perfectly. This was the first time he ever owned a cat after begging his mother to get one years after years. He had named her Nala, which he thought was very clever at the time.
"Can we follow them?"
P takes his hand, much to Minho's surprise, and they begin to float just slightly above ground and fly right to where his past self is. He doesn't question the spirit about how this works and resumes to watching himself coo at the cats. For a brief moment, his eyes advert from the scene and land on his parents. But there is something catching his attention. He sees his father emptying his wallet as well as his mom before they give it to the worker. His breath gets heavier as he looks back and forth from them to himself.
"Is this why my mother stopped going out for tea with her friends? And why my father couldn't take my mother out for dates? They used to argue so much about it..." Minho almost whispers.
"Parents make great sacrifices for their children," P says longingly.
"Why didn't they tell me?"
P shrugs. "Probably because you were a literal child but also because they didn't want you to feel bad."
"My grandmother would have helped us in an instant if she knew."
P shrugs again. "They didn't want help."
He easily catches on why the ghost brought him at this exact moment. Just in time, Minho gets a hold of himself and says in incoherent words that he won't fall for P's tricks. The latter isn't nearly fazed by this statement and he takes the man's hand to bring him back to the elevator in a quick flying trip.
After the door closes, Minho is relieved that he can finally go back home. That is until P pushes the button for level 18 which earns a frown from Minho.
"Aren't we done?"
"No, you have other things left to see before I send you back. Well, a few more years to see."
"And me at 18 years old was an important year?"
P sends him a knowing look but he acts clueless, as if he doesn't know what happened back then although it's painfully obvious he does. Denial is the best way to cope, isn't it?
The doors open to the hallway of his college dorm he used to share with Chan. He can instantly recognize the said-man and Changbin joking around before they walk in his dorm. Without waiting for P, Minho follows and freezes when he stumbles upon Y/N. This moment was merely over two months into their relationship but he could tell he already knew she was his everything at that time.
Y/N greets the two boys and encourages them to put their wrapped presents under the mini Christmas tree she had insisted on making to display in his small living room. Meanwhile, a nearly adult Minho is unwrapping takeout as he watches the scene with a huge smile.
"What took you two so long?" he asks, walking towards the group with the food in hands.
"Chan's fault," Changbin immediately accuses, earning a stare from the older man.
"Not true."
"I'm not the one who lost Hyunjin's present."
Hyunjin's eyes lit up. "You got me a present?"
A small smirk appears on Chan's face. "I got all of you a present."
"Even me?"
Minho's heart tightens. He still struggles to listen to your voice and because you were there physically in front of him, it pains him so much more.
"Even you."
"Can we open them?" Felix asks, eyes lighting up.
"After eating," younger Minho says in a stern voice. "Otherwise, you'll get your dirty ass hands on the gifts, or on anything for that matter."
Y/N glances at Jisung with a knowing smirk that his friend returns, something he hadn't caught onto back then. She still hastens to give Minho a hand with all of the food dishes, not forgetting to give a napkin to each person. He knows he can be a bit peculiar with keeping his place tidy and he never wanted Y/N to feel pressured with that. Still, it visibly seemed to have been a common issue she and Jisung had with him.
"Y/N, I thought you were supposed to go back home for the holidays," Seungmin tells with food already being chewed in his mouth.
"I was," she confirms. "Minho and I determined we wanted to spend our first Christmas together and, sorry, but I rather be here than with my aunts. They were going to be all over me about not knowing what I want to do with life, I can spare myself from it."
The whole group lets out a laugh as they go on with their feast before discussing all sorts of things. Hyunjin and Chan are in the corner laughing their asses off, much to Minho's dismay who is keeping a close look at his white carpet. Hyunjin has always been clumsy and this wouldn't be the first time he spills something.
Present Minho watches it all, fully aware of what is about to happen. He never regretted getting mad at his friend for a small spoil but this kind of behaviour is one of the many that contributed to his separation. He sees what P is trying to do by showing him this.
"I get the point, can we go?"
P chuckles. "After you know what."
In shame, he observes from the corner of the eye himself exploding at Hyunjin for staining the carpet, Chan nagging at him for doing so, the boys uncomfortably watching the scene as they back away from him... and he catches a glimpse of Y/N getting the necessities to get rid of the sauce stain, not even complaining.
"I think we're good here," he tries again to convince P.
He receives a playful smirk from the spirit. "Are you sure?"
Minho groans but, nonetheless, nods. "Please."
P is quick to grab his hand and fly right back into the elevator, doors shutting behind them. He does give Minho a minute or two to recuperate from the sight before pushing the button 24. Minho's eyes are stuck on the lit up number and gulps, feeling suddenly hotter. That was last year.
"Don't you have another Christmas to show me before..." he trails off.
He is met with no answer and has to settle for the tranquility of the metal box going up. Anxiety keeps letting itself known through his body the more the number rises. Finally, after what felt like eternity to him, the ding sound signals that they have reached the level.
"You might want to prepare yourself for this one."
Minho huffs and glares at the ghost as to tell him "no shit". The doors slide open and they are already in his apartment. At least, P was kind enough to spare him from reliving what triggered the actual argument.
His cats are all doing their thing as normally. All seems out of the ordinary until he feels footsteps through the ground. He takes a deep breath in and watches Y/N barge into the place, hair messy and tears streaming down her face. The guilt pit down in his stomach when he sees himself step inside after you, throwing his scarf carelessly on a chair.
"Are you going to talk at least?" he asks, looking down at Y/N who scoffs at her boyfriend's question.
How dare he is the one demanding explanations from her?
"Are you going to talk about it?" she questions back, crossing her arms on her chest.
"Oh, come on, I didn't do anything."
"Telling everyone you want to call off the engagement is something."
P hisses in a disapproving way. "Man, you outdid yourself with this one."
"Shut up."
Y/N still waits for Minho to speak up but nothing comes out of his mouth other than his unsteady breathing. In a swift manner, she walks behind the counter and fills their cats' bowls in the meantime of waiting still for her lover to say something. But the man stays where he is, observing his surroundings in awkwardness.
"Minho," she finally calls out.
"I didn't call off the engagement."
"Really? Saying getting married is bullshit isn't telling everyone you don't want to marry me?"
"It's not like that. I meant it's not a necessity for us to know we love each other."
"You don't get that marriages can mean something other than that, it's so much more."
"It's an excuse to spend thousands of dollars on things that will last a day or two at most."
Y/N buried her face in her hands as she let out a groan. "You've always been like this."
"No, a grumpy old man. You can't see the beauty in anything."
Minho smirks for a second. "I see beauty in you."
"Don't try with your sweet words, Lee Minho," she says, raising a finger up at him. "You know exactly what I mean. I can give you so many examples. Firstly, you never buy me anything on Valentine's day because it's a marketing holiday. Then, you want every single aspect to be perfect and at their exact place although life isn't like this. And finally, you just see the negative everywhere, always pointing out what is wrong. What happened to my sweet Minho who would smile at the slightest thing?"
He remains quiet as he sits on one of the dining table's chairs. Not knowing what to do next, Y/N copies his actions and gets seated in front of him. They don't dare to look at each other just yet but Minho most definitely wants to. His ego too big, he doesn't budge.
"Minho, please," she begged.
"Alright, it's enough."
P lets out a huff. "The action barely started."
Clenching his jaw, he doesn't insist more and settles on looking at the ground while the scene he had been trying to forget about for almost a year was happening right in front of him. Minho hates it, his heart is bleeding in pain.
"I've grown, maybe that's something you should consider doing as well," he hears himself say.
Curiosity gets the best of him and he can't contain himself from looking at her, he never knew how she had reacted to his words. The view he has in front of his eyes makes his heart shatter in an instant. He swears he can see her soul leave her body just now. Had he really done this to her?
"What- Min, I-" she tries to speak, but struggles.
"Y/N, we want different things now."
She chokes out on her tears, the ones that she finally lets stream down her face since she had been containing them. She hated crying, especially with Minho.
"No, we want the same things," she affirms, her voice breaking. "You've just become too obnoxious and focused on your career that you don't see it anymore."
"You think I'm the obnoxious one? Y/N, have you seen yourself?" Minho asks in a loud voice as he gets up from his chair. "You're so full of bullshit with your positivity and ignorance towards actual problems, it makes me sick. Take the cat, for example. We don't have space for a third one but yet, here is Dori who can't even behave properly. And your Christmas decoration is taking too much space too."
"This is about space now?"
"Yes, I need space! And I'm sorry I cancelled our last date but I just can't deal with you right now. You're in the way and I can't work and- Fuck, I don't know how to tell you but we can't keep on going like this."
Her breathing is becoming more unsteady while the tears are still flooding out of her eyes. Present Minho approches her and tries to put a hand on her shoulder, but it goes through. Right, he forgot. He is not really there.
"I didn't want to call off our engagement. But maybe I do now."
Slowly, she gets up and walks towards their shared bedroom which leaves a perplexed and helpless Minho standing alone in the middle of his dining room. He hears unknown noises and hesitates on whether he should go to you or wait. But again, his ego takes over and he stays right where he is.
Soon later, only a couple of minutes, he sees Y/N walk out of the bedroom with one bag and two suitcases full of her belongings. His face dropped immediately.
"You're leaving?" he asks, desperate. No answer. "For how long?" Still silent. "Y/N, please, I know we can figure it out."
Her lower lip quivers as she sobs some more, trying her best to ignore the man in front of her. She dares to walk towards their front door, not acknowledging her lover for one second.
"My love, please," Minho tries once more.
And just like that, she walks out, door shutting quietly behind her.
"We've seen enough."
P is about to say no when he catches Minho's watery eyes. He taps himself on the back mentally, he didn't think he would break down so fast. Taking him by the forearm, he leads him towards the elevator. The doors slide shut rather fast, which Minho is thankful for. In a careful move, P presses the ground floor button and the elevator goes down.
Once arrived, the doors reveal Minho's bedroom. It looks the same as it did the night before. Minho takes notes on that, it means his night is far from being over.
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep."
"You will," P reassures. "I'll leave you alone, now. It was my pleasure being your guide for tonight."
As the two men exchange a small smile, more as a form of respect, P begins to glow, brighter and brighter. So much that Minho can't even look at him anymore and is blinded. He tried to look away but even then with his eyes closed, the light goes through.
Suddenly, there's nothing.
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The morning is brighter than he thought it would be. He swears he saw on the news the day prior that Christmas day was going to be gloomy. The blue sky with the sun shining is definitely a pleasant surprise.
Enough with admiring the weather, Minho finishes rapidly his coffee, grabs his briefcase, and heads out to work. As he walks towards his building, he can't help but think of his dream from last night. He did expect dreaming of Y/N but not having to relive the day she left so vividly.
As he is about to cross the road, he feels his body collide with someone which is soon followed with the feeling of burnt. He curses out loud and is considering telling the other person off. Only, it is someone he hasn't seen in a while and who has a face he definitely recognizes.
The man cocks his head to the side and frowns. "Are you Mr. Lee?"
Minho, as equally confused, nods. "You don't recognize me?"
The Hyunjin look-alike seems to take notice of his whereabouts and clears his throat. "I apologize, sir. This is my first year working as a guiding spirit. Shall we start over? Hi, my name is P."
Suddenly, Minho has flashbacks of his encounter with the boy of the same name. Was he still in the dream? Or was the Chan spirit saying the truth? He feels a lump growing inside of his throat as the P man in question goes on about himself.
"I'm sincerely sorry about the coffee I spilled, let me fix this," he says before splashing Minho's figure with gold dust. The stain instantly disappears. "Now, where was I..? Oh, right! I'm P, short for Present. I was assigned to you to review your Christmas of this year."
At this point, Minho doesn't have it in him to protest. Without saying a word, he walks in the building as P follows him behind. This one spirit is much giddier than the previous one. The moment he steps in the elevator, he does nothing but look around nervously. It is with a heavy sigh that Minho empresses himself to push the button next to 25.
"I thought I forgot something, thanks," P laughs nervously, receiving a glare in return.
The ride up is quiet and awkward but when the doors open, they both step out in sync and walk along the trail of snow. The Christmas market is an event that the real Hyunjin takes part in each year. He always contributed with an animal rescue center to help them give puppies up for adoption.
This year is especially important to him, it is the first time he does it with his own dog rescue shelter. For the occasion, a few of the boys promised him they would come by to encourage him. Including Minho.
Far from the distance, Minho sees Felix and Seungmin arguing about whatever while Chan greets warmly their friend who has just finished setting his booth up.
"Guys, come look at the doggies," he calls the younger men who rush to pet the furry creatures.
"I'd call this one Seungmin," Felix jokes as he picks up a baby labrador.
Hyunjin laughs at the comment. "Her name is Daisy."
"Not very original," Felix allows himself to point out to which Hyunjin chuckles again.
His laughs trails off while he looks around, brows furrowed. "Didn't Minho say he'd come too?"
Chan sighs heavily, giving one of the poodles some scratches. "I called him but he didn't answer. Plus, we had an argument last time I saw him so I don't think he'll come."
"About Y/N again?" Seungmin asks and Chan nods. "The number of times I told her to talk it out with him, she really should call him. The guy is getting on my nerves."
Minho's heart stops for a moment. Not only because he finally knows what his friend thinks of him but also because he apparently has been in contact with Y/N, without his knowledge. He thought all of his friends haven't heard from you since.
"I told her too but what can I say? They're both stubborn," Felix shrugs. "I thought of stopping by her place today to see how she's doing but Minho would kill me if he discovers."
"Oh, please. He'd kill you if you even mention her name."
The four men share a sad laugh before changing topics. Hyunjin is careful with each dog as he introduces them one by one. All of it becomes a blur for Minho, he doesn't know if he wants to leave now or listen more to it. As much as it hurts him, he can't help but be curious.
"Did you know this?" he finally says, turning his body towards P.
"I did read it on the report paper before meeting you but, hey, I don't know you all," he responds with his hands up in defense. "We can go see her if you want."
Minho ponders for a moment. Was he ready to face her once again?
"No. Not yet."
"As you wish. Your friends are having a party tonight if you didn't know. We have to see that."
"I know, yeah."
P takes his hand as they float away all the way to Changbin's house. Before setting foot on the ground, he can already see all of his friends with Felix's fiancé, Chan's wife and Jisung's new girlfriend. Everyone is there. Except him.
He carefully approaches the group inside the living room where the girls are busy putting the presents under the Christmas tree. What takes him aback the most is seeing a tall and beautiful woman coming down the stairs before placing a kiss on Changbin's cheek. Since when is he seeing someone? It takes everyone a few minutes to settle down and serve themselves drinks. Once everyone is sat, they hold their glasses up for a toast.
"Who wants to do the honours?" Jeongin asks and Jisung immediately gets up.
"Merry Christmas, guys! Thank you for this year and thank you to Changbin for hosting the dinner tonight," he says, bopping his head towards him. "And let's have a moment for our Minho. He might not be here but he's in our heart. Let's hope he can get back on the right track next year."
There is a pause in the room, everybody suddenly feeling a wave of guilt and sadness. They know they've done everything for their friend, but they still feel like they should have tried harder.
Minho, this time, doesn't try to contain his cries. He walks up Jisung and smiles, just a little.
"Thanks, Hannie," he whispers.
"To Minho," he cheers, holding his drink higher.
"To Minho."
P lets out a cough, grabbing Minho's attention. "Not to be a mood breaker but I think you should see Y/N."
"What do you mean?"
"See what she is doing at this exact moment."
He surprisingly agrees with no hesitation and they both float away to another neighbourhood of the city. One Minho isn't too familiar with. This must be why she chose to move there, somewhere she knew she wouldn't encounter Minho. They float down at the apartment's balcony and Minho can see her right away through the window.
"You can go through walls," P informs and he does as told.
He's surprised to see her alone with her sister. She used to be a social butterfly, he wonders what happened. Deena sets the table while humming to Christmas music and Y/N finishes up with cutting the ham. It's not as Christmas-y as it should be, it's rather sad. The atmosphere is sad.
"Need help with that?" Deena offers.
"I'm good, thanks," Y/N answers as she brings the dishes on the table.
She looks paler than he remembers, maybe because of the lighting. Her hair is longer and she seems to have dyed it brown. She's also much skinnier.
"Thank you for cooking," Deena smiles warmly at her.
"It's nothing," she smiled back and begins to serve herself a plate. "I would have definitely given a piece of ham to the cats if they were here."
Deena shakes her head. "How many times did I tell you that I can go get them back?"
Y/N shakes her head too and sighs. "He loves them as much as I do, maybe even more. Who knows how he would survive without them."
"He's not really surviving, if you want my opinion. You should have seen him at the mall the other day."
Y/N shrugs while playing with her potatoes. "He's coping in his own way."
Her sister lets out a groan, desperate. "Jeez, you two are so sad to see, it's depressing."
Well, if Minho wanted to be sure Y/N is still struggling with getting over their separation, he has his answer right there.
"I'll be fine and so will he. Besides, it's not like we lost everything. I still have you and he has the boys."
Deena deadpans at her and then points at her ring finger. Minho looks at it more attentively and allows himself to gasp quietly. Y/N still has the ring, the one he proposed to her with. After what he said to her, she still wears it?
She is quick to pull her hand off the table and cover it with her sleeve. "It's a pretty ring."
"It means more to you than that and you know it."
"He didn't want to get married and it's alright. We grew apart and it is what it is. Can we talk about something else now?" she says in annoyance.
"Y/N, Felix, when he called-"
"Stop," she cuts her off. "Felix doesn't know what happened. He doesn't understand."
"Okay, I'll stop. But just so you know, this is doing no good to anybody, especially the two of you."
Minho can't hear any more of it. In a second, he turns around and goes back to the balcony which indicates to P that the visit is over. The ghost throws some of his golden dust in the air and the elevator magically appears next to them. They step inside and press the button to the ground floor.
As it goes down, Minho is looking away from the spirit, he has a certain pride to maintain. P hesitates but decides to put his hand on the man's shoulder.
"Can I just say? In my whole year of working, this might be the only case where I really empathized with my client."
Minho moves his hand away from him and grumbles something under his breath. P doesn't hear it properly but it goes along the lines of "I don't need empathy, don't act like you care".
When they get to his room, the spirit is quick to take a leave, leaving Minho alone in his cold room. At least he has his cats. He has them because of Y/N's kind heart knew he needs them.
At least, maybe she still cares a little.
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The formula is the same this morning. So much that Minho knows he isn't going to work and is still trapped in this weird loop of exploring his life. He doesn't bother dressing properly nor bringing what he needs for his job. He doesn't even change his cats' water.
The moment he walks in his workplace, it doesn't even take him a second to spot the ghost of his future. It's Jisung this time. Well, not him exactly.
"Hello, my name is-"
"F, I suppose? For future?"
The spirit, stunned, slowly nods. "Usually, people are happy to see me."
"I had a long night, buddy. Just show me what you have to show me and I can move on with my life."
F doesn't argue with him and he leads him to the elevator when he presses the button 30 right away. "We'll do the quick version since you're in such a rush. I would have gone through 26 beforehand but-"
"What happens next year?" Minho interrupts him.
"No, you want this to be quick. I respect that. It's Christmas anyway, I can make an exception."
"What happens next year?" he repeats.
F smiles knowingly before glancing at the button 26. Minho, hesitantly, goes ahead to press it himself to which the ghost responds with a satisfied smirk. Before he knows it, they already reached the level.
As the doors open, Minho soon recognizes Jeongin's penthouse. Looks like that year's Christmas is settled to be at his place. Jeongin is alone with Changbin as they seem to be preparing food and drinks for the guests they are expecting. It is soon confirmed when Jisung walks in without knocking, alongside with his girlfriend. In the following minutes, each of his friends, sometimes with a significant lover, come inside and the party gets louder and merrier. However, after Hyunjin arrived, it dawns on him that his future version himself won't take part on that year's dinner.
Just like the previous year.
After chatting some more about what they are up to in their lives (nothing much other than Felix getting married but everyone knows as they attended the ceremony), Changbin calls everyone for dinner and they sit around Jeongin's dinner table.
"Can I make the toast this year?" Jisung asks, earning looks from his friends.
"You did last year, I say our host of the night does it," Seungmin suggests and they all seem to agree.
So, a bit uncomfortable still, Jeongin gets up with his glass of wine in hands. "Thank you for another year of our usual Christmas party. I'm really glad all of you were able to come. Of course, we still have a thought for our Minho who won't be joining us, yet again, tonight." The guests exchange glances in agreement and let the youngest continue. "Merry Christmas and let's enjoy our meal!"
They cling their glasses together, wishing a merry Christmas to one another, and don't lose another second to attack their plates. Although it pains him to not see himself enjoy the feast with them, Minho is somewhat happy. At least, they still have each other.
"Why couldn't he make it, anyway?" Chan asks around the table, looking at anybody who might have the answer.
The only person to answer is, unsurprisingly, Jisung. "The last time I saw him was in September and he said he had some issues with the cats. I don't know if he was making up excuses but he seemed to be alright."
"It was a miracle he even showed up for my wedding," Felix scoffs, making Minho huff. "An even bigger miracle was that he didn't make a scene when he saw Y/N there."
"They left together, no?"
What Seungmin just said gives him some kind of hope. Wanting to be sure he would hear every detail, he gets closer to his friend who continues to speak on the matter.
"I know they drank a lot but has someone seen what they were doing?"
"He was cuddly," Jisung answers. "No, clingy as hell. Poor Y/N who had to drive him home."
"They could have made up then?" Chan questions and Jisung nods.
"But we all know him, he missed his chance to fix things again."
"I really thought inviting both of them would have put an end to their mishaps," Felix sighs, discouraged. "I'll send Minho a message later."
"We could call him all together?" Chan suggests but by the reactions of everybody, this is not an option.
Just like that, they change subject and continue to discuss cheerfully about everything and anything. F gives a sad smile to the man, who watches the scene feeling beaten. There must have something really wrong with him that his closest friends wouldn't even wish him a merry Christmas.
"Where am I while all of this is happening?" he asks the ghost.
Carefully, he is transported away from the penthouse and directly to his apartment. The moment he takes in the sight of his place, he sees how nothing much changed in a year. Everything is still where it was during the present year.
His hair is longer, he notices. Not only that but he grew a bit of a beard, a choice he questions a little. His cats are still doing their thing, none of them appear to be sick. What particularly catches his attention is the glass filled with a bright yellow liquor that is set next to him as he scrolls down through his feed on his tablet.
Is he drinking? He does have a few occasions where he'll consume alcohol but a glass full of whiskey is new.
Soonie jumps on the counter and, unlike what Minho would automatically do as of right now, his future self pushes the cat off. He gasps in horror and runs to catch his pet. Only, he did forget he isn't actually there and that things pass through his body. Fortunately, Soonie is fine.
"I should text her, at least," he hears himself say.
The man he sees is far from being remotely close to what he is. Hair messy, tie loosened and a beer belly growing; he wonders what caused him to let himself reach this point.
Future Minho opens his e-mail app and clicks on New Message. He is quick to find Y/N's e-mail address, which real Minho takes as a sign he must have done the same more than once in the last year. He tries to read what he is typing but the amount of typos is quite overwhelming. Despite that, he manages to make out a somewhat coherent note.
I know I should probably not be writing this but it is Christmas today so, merry Christmas. Remember how we used to go out with the others and play stupid games until late? Then, we'd come home and I'd make you a hot chocolate before going to be? You remember all of that, don't you?
I miss it, and I miss you. I know I said I'll stop writing but you broke my heart, Y/N. How can I forget and ignore what happened? You left so suddenly for no reason. I should be furious, maybe I am. No, I know I am. I still can't help myself but longing for you.
Have a jolly holiday, even if it's without me,
Min xox
"Wow, that's pathetic," Minho breathes out after reading. He turns to face F and frowns. "That's a year from now?"
"No, it can't be. I'm alright, I moved on."
F visibly tries to contain himself from speaking on that, but he can't. "You're one oblivious man."
"I am okay!"
F scoffs. "Sure. Now, shall we visit you at 30 years old? It's Christmas and I have others plans after this."
Minho keeps finding it ridiculous how these ghosts continue to act as if they are actual people. He's still dreaming, why would he bother imagining spirits with personalities?
He is soon led to the actual elevator of his apartment building where F presses the button quickly. Once the level reached, the doors open to a beautiful wedding reception, leaving Minho confused. He does not know anybody other than Felix, who is supposedly already married by then, who is engaged.
The two men walk around the room, recognizing a few faces, and Minho finally spots himself sitting with his friends. At least he isn't alone, he tells himself. He goes straight ahead to observe the scene where he is obviously bored and sick of being there. He does notice how his appearance seem much better than before with gel in his hair and a tuxedo well ironed on.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Chan asks him in a concerned voice.
"Stop with that, I'd leave if I wasn't fine," Minho rolls his eyes.
"You haven't spoken to her, though."
"You really are good at observing, Chan," Minho responds in a mocking way and the older man simply sighs.
Suddenly, the entirety of the room begins to cheer loudly and clap. Minho tries to follow their gaze to find out who they were waiting for. After moving around to see through the dozens of head, he finally spots her. And him.
Y/N. It's her wedding. And she invited him of all people?
His brain short-circuits and he feels his heart pounding faster and faster. He can't think properly anymore, the only thing he can vividly see is her. How she smiles at every single person who congratulates her. How she clings onto this man as if her life depended on it. But most importantly, he sees how her smile just gets sadder when her eyes stop on him.
He knows time stops for the two of them before they walk towards each other. He knows so many things are still left unsaid. Gaining back his consciousness, he follows himself to watch what is about to happen.
She hugs him, a bit awkwardly. "I didn't think you'd come. Thank you."
"Congratulations," Minho says, retracting from the hug as fast as he can. "You two make a fine couple."
"Thanks," she chuckles. "Look, Min-" she starts but Minho shakes his head.
"Don't, it's okay. Enjoy your day."
Grateful, she sends him one last smile and moves to thank other guests. Chan, at this point, can do nothing else but pat his friend's shoulder. Surprisingly, Minho doesn't budge. He does, however, let one single drop fall from his eye.
"That's it?" he exclaims, now looking at F. "I'm not even trying? I just gave up? What even happened between then and that moment?"
"I've shown you plenty, you can figure it out by yourself," F says calmly and then begins to walk back to the metal box.
Minho, refusing this as an answer, runs to join him hastily. "Who's this guy, anyway?"
"Does it really matter? You two are not together anymore."
"Yes, if it can help me to prevent this."
"So you don't want her to be happy?" F perks an eyebrow making Minho groan in frustration.
"I'm asking you what I need to do to change this. It can't be like this. I'm the one who's supposed to marry her."
F smirks as they walk in the elevator, presses the button to the ground floor and finally looks at the man. "You know what has to be done, you're just afraid."
"Of what?"
"Oh, please. Stop with the act. How has the last year really been like for you?"
Minho gulps, already feeling himself choke up. "I-" he starts. "It's been hell."
F nods. "What else?"
"Y/N was right, as she always is... I'm the one who lost myself with time. I did want to marry her and I did not think she was obnoxious. Certainly not..."
He starts to cry, heavily this time. There is no more hiding or denying, he just said it all out loud. Regrets and pain, that's what's been eating him. He sobs as everything finally hits him so brutally. He lost Y/N for good. Or he will lose her for good if he keeps acting the way he does.
And his friends, the only people who stick with him through everything. The ones he keeps pushing away in fear of himself.
"You're home," the spirit says, interrupting the moment.
Minho doesn't hesitate to crash into his bed and sob some more. Even if F wanted to leave so badly, he doesn't think he should just yet. Cursing at himself, he comes to sit on the bed and pats the back of the broken man.
"It's alright, let it all out. You've had a rough night."
Minho hiccups and sniffles before glaring at the ghost. "No shit."
"You know, I think you can fix this."
Minho shrugs. "I've been horrible to everyone."
"You acknowledge it, that's a start. From there, only you can decide how things will be." F looks at his watch for a second and gasps. "I'm late for my next human! Good luck with everything."
Minho doesn't watch him leave. He is still crying but he has no more energy. He desperately wants to wake up, but mostly, he wants to see Y/N.
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Minho doesn't wake up until the later morning. With the dream he just had, the sleep deprived guy seriously needed more than eight hours of resting. He does miss out work but, honestly, is not bothered the slightest. In fact, he is grateful he won't be working today.
After feeding Soonie, Doongie and Dori, he determines he should catch up on the gifts he planned on offering to his friends. Walking to his home office, he pulls out the wrapping paper he hadn't touched in a while and begins to wrap each and every single one of the presents he bought. He is definitely happy to have made some purchases the day he went shopping with Chan.
The task does grow tiring and boring after a while. To keep himself motivated, he plugs in his speaker to play some music and hums alongside the lyrics. He hasn't done that for a long time. As he is about to skip the current song playing on his playlist, his solo karaoke session is interrupted by a call coming in.
Not bothering to look at the contact, he answers happily. "Merry Christmas, you joined Lee Minho. How can I help you?"
The other side of the line is silent but he can hear that there is someone. Frowning, he repeats himself to encourage the person to talk.
"Minho, it's Changbin."
"Oh, hey! How are you doing? I was about to call you to ask what you wanted me to bring for tonight."
He senses that his friend is quite taken aback and he smiles proudly to himself.
"You're coming?"
"Unless I wasn't invited-"
"No, no," Changbin cuts him. "You're always welcomed, you know that. I'd just expected you to say you have work or something."
"I was supposed to clock in but I didn't feel like going to the office. Oh, by the way, can I ask a favor from you?"
"Uh, yeah, go ahead..." Changbin replies, skeptical.
"I know you're still in contact with Y/N."
Changbin, on his side, freezes. "How did you- Min, I swear we all wanted to tell you-"
"I'm not mad. I just wanted to know if you could possibly invite her and Deena for dinner, please? Don't tell them I'll be there, though."
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, I want it to be a surprise."
He doesn't say anything for a minute, processing what is happening. "Then, I'll invite them and say you aren't coming."
"Good! See you tonight! And tell your girlfriend I'm excited to meet her!"
He doesn't let Changbin question him on how he learned about his girlfriend and hangs up. Resuming to his activity, he stops when he sees Soonie playing with wrapping paper. Filming him, he coos at him before giving him loving scratches.
"I won't ever hurt you, I promise," he tell his cat, recalling what happened in his dream.
When he has finished with wrapping his gifts, he goes to his closet to find an appropriate attire for the night. For the last year, he hadn't wore anything other than work clothes and sweats. The nice shirt Y/N once bought him catches his attention. The dark green buttoned blouse seem to be a perfect match for his black clean pants. He changes fast and does not forget to add a few pieces of jewelry to finish his look.
He is all set to go. But one look at himself in the mirror at his entrance stops him for a moment. It suddenly clicks that he is a couple hours away from seeing Y/N again, for real this time. Although terrified, he has found some peace with it from the events of the previous night. He wants to make things right.
And one thing he can do just now is call his parents, the ones he has been ignoring for a year. He did expect his mother to cry but certainly not his father. Both incite him to come to his hometown in the following days and he can't refuse the invite. Not when they are begging with their puppy eyes.
"I'll come for New Year's, does it sounds okay?"
His mother nods vigorously through the screen of his phone. "Will Y/N be coming with you?"
He might have left out that he isn't with her anymore. Seeing the look on his parents' faces, he does not have the heart to tell them yet. Instead, he goes with a safe answer.
"I'll see with her if she can clear her schedule, but no promise."
"Tell her she's always welcomed here whenever. Merry Christmas, son!" his father wishes him adoringly.
He smiles, feeling suddenly nostalgic. "Merry Christmas to you two!"
And he hangs up.
Before going to Changbin's place, he doesn't forget to stop at the Christmas market to pay his friend, Hyunjin, a visit. Mentally preparing himself to face a pissed off Chan, he strolls between the booths and stops at a few of them. Some are selling soaps, a lot of them in fact. Others sell clothes they crocheted themselves and a few offer samples of their baked goods.
A few minutes later, Hyunjin's golden locks are easily found from afar. Minho also spots Chan, Seungmin and Felix. He has a heavy case of déjà-vu when he sees the four of them discuss with frowns on their faces.
Discreetly, he walks towards his friends who don't take knowledge of his presence yet. That is until he arrives right behind Felix.
"-stopping by her place today to see how she's doing but Minho would kill me if he discovers," the man is telling the others, oblivious that Minho is hearing everything.
Seungmin gulps and nods his head towards him but Felix cluelessly frowns. Hyunjin does the same which finally makes him turn around and come face to face with Minho. His eyes grow twice their sizes and his mouth opens slightly in shock.
"Hi, Yongbok," Minho says, unbothered. "Cute puppies you got, Hwang."
Hyunjin smiles, thankful. "Do you want to pet one? I've got this chihuahua that looks like Kkami."
He doesn't have the time to answer when a small dog is suddenly placed in his arms. With no complaint, he pets the puppy affectionately. The four men look at him, rather confused, and say nothing. They simply have no idea on how to react to this.
"Minho, what I said about Y/N- She- Uh... We-" Felix stammers out his words but Minho interrupts him.
"I know and it's all good. She is your friend too, I can't be mad at her for wanting to keep you all around."
"I see you've made some thinking," Chan finally speaks up, eyes stern.
"You can say that... I'm sorry about the other day, you were right. I shouldn't have shut you out of my life," he admits, much to his own surprise.
"Apology accepted," Chan grins. "A little birdie told me you asked Changbin to invite Y/N and Deena for dinner."
Seungmin's eyes lit up. "So you changed your mind? You'll come?"
Minho huffs. "I never said I wouldn't come."
Hyunjin sneers. "I know someone who'll be ecstatic about that."
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The girl paces the floor nervously, biting her nails as she waits for her sister to arrive. Even if Changbin assured to her that her ex-fiancé wouldn't be attending the party, she can't help but feel like he will find out. She already feels guilty for keeping contact with his friends, who knows how he would react if he learns she went to celebrate Christmas with them.
As Deena finally walks in the apartment, she lets out a heavy sigh of relief. "Finally!"
Her sister rolls her eyes. "It took me barely five minutes to get here."
"Still," she chuckles sheepishly. "Thank you for coming with me."
"What would you do without me?" she exclaims dramatically. "For real, it's very nice for them to invite you. Especially after last year. Plus, it's better than our sappy sister date night."
Y/N lets out a small laugh but resumes automatically to biting down her lower lip in nervousness. Deena notices it but doesn't comment on it. Instead, she rushes her to leave, saying they will be late otherwise.
In the car, Y/N can't wait any longer. She has worries and needs to let them out or she'll go mad.
"What if Minho ends up showing up?"
Deena gives her a look but answers nonetheless. "He won't. And if he does, he'll have to suck it up and be an adult about you being there."
"Do you think he'll get mad when he discoverd that I still talked with the guys?"
"Y/N, for fuck's sake, it's not your problem to deal with! He's the one being a little bitch. Besides, you're not with him anymore."
"It doesn't mean I want to hurt him... and..."
She doesn't complete her sentence since she knows Deena must have understood right away. Y/N is still hopelessly in love with Minho. As much as she believes that leaving was the right thing to do, there were so many instances where she tried to convince herself that he'd change if she goes back to him.
She knows, deep down, she might be right on that.
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"I can't believe you're actually here with actual presents!" Jisung almost yells as he brings his friend into a warm hug.
Hyunjin scoffs. "Let the man breathe! See, Min? I told you."
Minho taps Jisung's back a few times as to tell him to let go but he refuses, tightening the embrace. Jeongin is the one to break them apart to be the next in line to hug Minho. Everyone is baffled by his change of heart but they look past it and are simply grateful to have gotten their friend back.
"So? Is she coming?" Minho asks Changbin once he greeted everybody one by one.
"She confirmed she is."
Chan frowns and takes him by the shoulders. "Are you sure you want to talk to her?"
"Things were left unsaid, I need to clear this out once and for all."
Ding dong.
Oh. Now things are getting a bit too real, and panic begins to settle throughout his entire body. With once glance exchanged with Chan, it somehow reassures him. Still with his heart beating fast, he retreats himself behind the group as Changbin goes ahead to open the door.
She looks just like he remembers, stunning. There is, however, a hint of something he can't quite understand. She is paler and shyer. Past that, she is the same. While hugging everyone with her bright smile on her face, she shines. Minho is not too sure if he wants to ruin her brightness by letting his presence known. Looking around nervously, we wonders if this was a bad idea after all.
Before he can escape, he hears his name being called from afar; Jisung. Cursing at him mentally, Minho steps aside from behind Hyunjin and waves, embarrassed.
To no one's surprise, there is a moment of awkwardness settled in the room. While Minho is too ashamed to look back at her, Y/N can't rip her gaze away from him. She can't believe he is actually there. She has to make a mental note for later to smack Changbin for lying to her.
The moment is interrupted by Deena, thankfully. "Hey, Minho! I didn't think you'd be here."
"Hi Deena," he replies in a small voice.
This seems to be enough for the others to resume to their thing: Changbin taking his guests' coats to the other room while his girlfriend offers drinks, Deena putting the presents under the Christmas tree, Chan's wife and Felix's girlfriend sitting in a corner to discuss... Y/N, however, does not budge. Not until everyone leaves the entrance, revealing Minho standing in front of her.
"You dyed your hair?" he finally says, more or less to break the weird tension between the two.
She chuckles and runs her fingers through her longs brown locks. "I did, I thought a change might be good."
He nods as he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking his body back and forth. Now what? He knows he wants to talk about the obvious, but how?
"You're wearing that shirt," she points out with a smile. "It fits you well."
"Thank you. Your dress is cute."
"Thanks. I haven't wore this in a while."
"In a dress or not, you're cute either way."
She blushes. It's not as bad as she thought, they can at least do small talk. Still, this is far from being what she was used to with him. It suddenly snaps in her mind how much she missed him.
"I'll go get a drink, you're welcomed to come along," she offers which makes Minho smile.
Changbin's girlfriend makes no complaint when Minho asks her to make a specific drink, one Y/N would always get when they were together. It does not get unnoticed by the latter and she is amazed he remembers such details even after not speaking to each other for a whole entire year.
"You seem to be doing good," he comments once they get a hold of their alcoholic drinks.
"I'm not too bad. I joined a new law firm and, hopefully, they'll let me work on a case on my own."
It pains him to know she is still struggling with work, this was never an issue for him. "One day, someone will recognize your competence."
"Easy for you to say. I've heard you climbed status and have your own office?"
"Which one of the boys told you that?"
By the look on her face, he has managed to surprise her. "So you know."
He takes a sip of his glass and shrugs. "It did hurt a little that nobody told me but it's alright. You needed them as much as I did."
Her eyes soften. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm the jerk here. I pushed you away to the point you left and after you did, I was so close to losing all of my friends. You did nothing wrong."
She moves her head to the side, unsure on how to react. "We both made mistakes."
He scoffs. "Maybe, but you have to admit I did things way worse than you."
"It's alright, we're okay now. It wasn't meant to be."
His heart tightens and he scoffs once more. "What if it was?"
"No, Y/N, listen to me for this one. Please." The gleam in his eyes convinces her and she nods for him to continue. "I don't know exactly what happened, it might be work, but I lost myself at some point. I never thought weddings were bullshit, not once in my life. My dream the moment I met you was to put a ring on your finger."
Minho stops himself and gives a scan around to make sure nobody is watching. He is thankful when he realizes his friends are busy with watching a funny video on Felix's phone. With no hesitation, he takes Y/N's hand and moves her sleeve up to reveal her engagement ring, still beautifully worn on her finger. Embarrassed, she is quick to retract her hand back in hiding. How did he know if she has been hiding it as soon as she saw him?
"And I think you might still want that."
Her eyes get watery when she forces herself to stare back at him. "This year has been... a lot. I was not ready to remove it just yet and, I guess I just got used to wearing it."
Although tempted to correct her as he know the truth, Minho does not insist any more. Instead, he sends her a look that says he understands. Almost as if it was planned, Chan calls everyone in the living room to open the presents and to, as they do every year, make a toast.
It takes a few minutes until everyone is sat and silent but once they seem good to go, Chan nods his head at Minho. "Why don't you do the honours this year, Min?"
"Oh, um..."
"I think it won't be appropriate if it is anybody else other than you," Seungmin adds to which the others seem to agree on.
Reluctantly, he gets up from his seat and clears his throat. "First of all, I'd like to apologize for the way I've been acting. I was going through a lot and I shouldn't have imposed it on you, I'm sorry. Second of all, thank you all for sticking by my side although I was a total asshole."
"Heck yeah, you are," he hears Changbin jokingly respond.
"Something else I want to mention," he continues, ignoring his friend, "is how much regret I've felt this year. Y/N?"
All eyes move to her figure by the mention of her name. She looks at Minho, feeling a bit intimidated, but smiles to let him know she wants him to go on.
"I've never loved anyone else more than I have with you. I am aware things were not ideal but you brought the best out of me. I'm sorry I had to be the one ruining this for us. I love you still and I can only wish you the best from now on." He gives the others a last glance before raising his glass. "Thank you Changbin for hosting this year's party, and merry Christmas!"
Even though the entire room cheers and applauds in response to Minho's sweet speech, Y/N is not mentally there anymore. Her mind going wild, she can't think straight other than what Minho has said. She undeniably still loves him, more than she'd like to admit. But is she ready to let him in again?
"Hey," Deena calls her out, shaking her away from her thoughts. "You might want to figure some things out with lover boy."
Her face grows red. "You think so?"
"He just left outside to go for a walk but I'm sure he isn't too far yet. Go join him."
"I don't know..."
"Y/N, stop being in denial. You still love him, he still loves you, he obviously wants you back... Just go get him already."
Slightly intimidated by her sister, she doesn't need to be told twice to go grab her coat and boots, and walk out the door. She expected for him to be at least further away on the street but it is definitely a surprise to see him sitting down on the porch. His back facing her, she quietly approaches him and sits beside him.
There is a moment of quietness before he finally looks at her. "It's snowing."
She chuckles. "Thank you for the info, Mr. Obvious."
They share a laugh and both go back to watching the snowflakes fall. It's calm and peaceful, Minho loves it. It painfully reminds him of many occurrences where they'd watch outside the window for no reason on snow days.
"That was a good speech you just made."
He smirks. "I know."
His playful demeanor is something she doesn't remember seeing in the last moments of their relationship. It feels nice to see him back, as himself.
"What you said earlier, did you mean it?"
He frowns. "The part about regrets? Yeah, I mean, I was an ass and it didn't help me getting better so... I just know I want to fix it."
She shakes her head. "Not just that. The part about still loving me."
He moves his eyes from the snow to her own and she looks at him expectedly. She is so pure, he hates himself from even thinking he had hurt her. Carefully, he takes her hands in his and sets himself just a bit closer to her while still giving her space. He feels the sweat on his forehead, waiting for either getting rejected or getting the love of his life back. Either way, he has to say it. He's been putting it off for too long.
"I meant every word I said, I still and will always love you. How can I not? You're sensitive, smart, beautiful, and so caring. You always put me before yourself. So far, you were ready to give up your cats so I could have them because you knew I needed them."
"No, you don't get to interrupt me until I'm finally done saying what I have to say. Y/N, never once did I think you were obnoxious. You see beauty in everything, something I'm incapable of doing and that's what bugged me. It bothered me how you are so perfect while I am not even close to be as loving as you are."
She scoffs with a knowing smile pending on her lips. "Now, I'll have to cut you here. You don't see yourself how I see you, Minho. Why do you think I fell in love with you in the first place? You have your own little ways of showing affection, each cuter than the other. I don't mind the rest because I know you do love me."
"I hurt you," he argues sadly.
"And I forgive you, just as long as you don't do it again," she grins, tightening her grasp on his hands.
Minho raises an eyebrow in confusion. "You forgive me... As in-"
"Don't make me say it, I have my own pride too."
Minho wipes away his tears he hadn't realized were starting to fall on his face and doesn't lose another second to bring her close to him and crash his lips onto hers. They're just like he remembered and maybe better, sweet and soft. At that point, both of them are crying. Only this time, it's not because they are hurting. So many feelings are said through the kiss and not a single one is coming from pain. It's sereine and warm, Minho can feel his whole body get lighter.
"Fuck, I missed you so much," he says when they break away, holding her close to his chest. "I'm never letting you go again."
"You better," she chuckles through a sniff.
The door behind them opens wide with more than seven pairs of eyes on them. Minho blushes while Y/N hides herself in the crook of his neck.
"So we good? Everything is sorted out? Please, the food is ready and I'm starving," Jisung complains, receiving a smack from Changbin.
"You're not starving and let them have their moment!"
Jeongin sighs. "I think the moment was already ruined.
The couple, who are still sitting, explode in laughter before getting up and joining their friends in the warmth of their home where Changbin's girlfriend has selected a nice Christmas playlist to complete the ambiance. Music Minho recognizes to be Y/N's favourites. A coincidence? Probably but he likes to believe it isn't.
While the boys congratulate him for being back together with his love, Minho looks outside through the window one last time. He isn't too sure if what he sees is right but four figures seem to look at him proudly.
While nobody is watching, he mouthes a "thank you" before the silhouettes fade away in the wind.
Minho still doesn't know to this day if what happened that night was real or not. One thing for sure is he can't be any more thankful for these spirits. Most importantly, he is finally in a happy place.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
Adventures in Cooling
The 5-star rated HVAC repair service I used kind of depressed me.
It was almost... too good?
Like, they offer 24/7 service. They have a text message system that lets you know when the tech is coming. Every tech has their own custom van that serves as a giant advertisement. The entire process is documented with a tablet computer. Every serial number and model number must be photographed. He has to follow a diagnostic checklist. And an upsell checklist. And a repair checklist. He had so many checklists that at one point he pulled a card out of his wallet to make sure he didn't forget one of the steps. He had a poorly memorized speech for every upsell. You could tell he didn't have "his" tools, but the company's tools that he borrowed.
None of this was "bad" as far as a workflow. The service was flawless and nothing was forgotten. But you could tell that every detail was micromanaged and if the tech didn't follow the procedures to the letter, he would probably get some kind of demerit.
I felt sorry for my tech. He was in his 60s and clearly had a severe chronic knee injury. He walked slower than I do. He was quite monosyllabic and difficult to make conversation with. Not unpleasant, just not great at communicating.
At one point I asked him if I was a good candidate for a heat pump and he was like, "Everyone is."
End of advice.
Oh, and the uniform.
The uniform was very silly.
Every square inch of his shirt was meant to assure people they have a qualified technician. The one sleeve listed his certifications from some Alphabet Association that certifies such things. And then the other sleeve made sure to let me know my technician was drug tested and background checked.
The entire visit I kept trying to imagine how being stoned might negatively affect HVAC repair. I mean, if he was on a little cocaine perhaps we could have wrapped things up 30 minutes sooner. Marijuana might have helped him communicate. Opioids could make his knee feel better. I don't think shrooms would have been a good idea. If he hallucinated an angry fan monster in my A/C unit that could have been really awkward.
He was a terrible salesman—but for some reason, I fell for every upsell. Actually, I sold all of the upsells to myself in my head. I got a new filter and had him install it because I worried I would forget or I would install it improperly (not really possible, you just stick it in). But for the price I paid I could have bought 6 years worth of filters.
I just wanted everything sorted. I am so stressed and do not have the bandwidth to deal with A/C troubles. So I just said "yes" to everything. But the price kept inflating as we went along and every time it inflated he required a signature on his tablet.
This repair business had been corporatized to death and it made me miss all of my dad's friends from the old days who he would ask for favors. He always "knew a guy." He would trade car repairs for discounts on things we needed around the house. And they all worked for themselves and had their own tools and their own shitty truck and they all said, "There's your problem!" with the same masculine affect.
Their uniform was a flannel shirt and jeans and I bet some of them were high as fuck.
And this elderly gentlemen with the bum knee kept checking his checklist to make sure he checked every check because he feared managerial discipline.
He got to the sales pitch for the fluorescent dye. He was like, "Do you want this? You don't have to buy it." And I started selling it to myself in my head despite his assurance it wasn't really necessary. I worried if I had a big leak and I don't discover it until the middle of July, I would regret saying no in this moment. But then I realized he hated the dye injection process. And his poor salesmanship was mostly him not wanting his hands to be fucking radioactive yellow for the rest of the day. He tried wearing gloves to avoid it, but he still ended up with yellow hands and grumbled, "I really hate this stuff." Which was one of the few unrehearsed things he said to me the entire time.
Once the checklist was complete and the house was already starting to cool, he had one final sales pitch for me. He asked that I give his company a 5-star review and to make sure I mention his name. He told me that in July all of the techs with the most 5-star reviews will have their names put in a hat. And "the boss" will give one lucky employee a free vacation.
This vacation thing sounded like such a manipulation. And I'm sure "the boss" has instructed his techs to tell this tale of the free vacation so customers will be like, "Well, shit. I don't want this poor old guy with the shitty knee to miss out on that."
And it was then I realized just how this company got so many 5-star reviews.
But the good news... my house is cold as heck.
And I keep shivering because I can't figure out the perfect setting on my thermostat. I guess I was used to the inefficiency and I will have to recalibrate.
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jiminsass-istant · 9 months
This post was triggered by an anon moving around in these spaces trying to explain away the hickey/bite moment as something trivial. I will save my thoughts on the hickey for the end of this post.
First of all, to that anon- Get off your high horse. Not being a shipper doesn't make you superior. You are probably one of those cringey people cancelling queer armies on tw!tter these days. Now readers, sip your drink as you read this short think piece-
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OT7 Captains in the fandom bubble:-
I really don't get the superiority complex of so called OT7s who love to live inside this cute little bubble they have created for themselves or as they call it nowadays:- " a curated tl". Cancelling people everyday and actually driving people away from the fandom. Every bio says "multis, solos, shippers dni". What are you afraid of? Little pixels? I have personally followed solo fbs of all members and boy the things I have found! They can get extreme at times, but it takes 2 minutes to fact-check their claims and draw your own conclusion.
I follow wholesome ship pages too, they are a great way to not miss out cute moments between various duos. If you are blocking them out, you'll be swept into whatever the OT7 decide the important interactions are. 🤷
Have y'all watched 'The Social Dilemma' on Netflix? I would actually want all bts fans to give it a watch. A very prominent tech figure admitted that she follows a good number of Tw!tter accounts that disagree with her to ensure that she gets to see all sides and all opinions. When you deliberately 'curate' a timeline to feed only your opinions, to make a 'safe' space that doesn't trigger you, without letting new thoughts penetrate it..THAT! That's the beginning of a cult.
Army is not a cult for defending BTS or for calling out billboard and other big authorities, but army is indeed a cult with the way they move against people within the fandom.
I said what I said.
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With a curated 'OT7 captain' timeline, you start internalising things about the artists that the people you follow want to believe:-
1. All true army are OT7 and non shippers. 💫💫
Sure some of them are. But biases exist for a reason, right? If you think people don't run their bias's playlist more than the other 6, you are so deluded. Spotify wrapped'23 was a prime example. With the solo era, the rise of solo fanbases was unavoidable.
2. Your favourites are spotless, impeccable people. 💌💌💌
They are so not. They date, they make mistakes, they hurt people (like we all do). Heck, they might even offend certain groups of people, unknowingly or knowingly. Being ignorant is also a flaw.
3. Everything they say on camera is true.🙊🙊🙊
Everything they say on camera is what they want you to know. As Park Jimin of BTS, as Kim Namjoon of BTS and so on. And yes, your perception of them should be built based on their words alone, but it doesn't mean that you purposefully stay blind in a way that serves your personal projections onto the members. As Jimin once said " please take our words as they are"(Festa 2022). Read between the lines, and you get- "please do not make assumptions about us, please do not project past or future narratives onto us." No matter how much it makes BTS look like a saint, DO NOT paint them as perfect human beings just because they are your idols.
Once you get into the fandom bubble, you start rejecting all opinions that threaten to puncture that perfect bubble. In that process, you end up never getting to know about how some member promotions were horribly managed, how company delayed certain stuff, the obvious company agenda and different business strategies for different members. It's not about victimising members, but calling out the company when they make obvious mistakes. You do not see when hate against a particular member gets aggravated to the point it affects streams and sales.
And musical preference? The way the fandom just collectively decided that if you hate any song except 'ON ft Sia", you are basically an anti. I have no words.. I'll come out and say: I don't like DNA. SORRY JIMIN. Sure it's a great concert song, or maybe at a party, but it's never making it to my down-time personal playlists. Cancel me?
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Top Social Artist?
This is my personal opinion. BTS having a huge presence on social media is both a boon and a curse. While it ensures that new fans are made everyday, the bts social media presence is an uncontrolled monster right now. Millions of insta, YT channels- most of them spreading a superficial image of BTS. It's for this reason, there are so many 'fans' out there who just love BTS for the few members and their visuals. I can guarantee you that they don't even know how streaming works, but they'll be sure to have an insta name like "mrs.jeon jungkook". If you made it to this part, I don't need to tell you how certain ships inducted their shippers through these very channels, spreading misinfo about the group dynamics and a completely manipulated idea of the boys, as if it's not real life, but some shitty bl drama.
While the company is obviously doing nothing about this mess, it is YOUR duty to focus on what's important as a fan and participate in projects that plan to counteract this mess. ( Of course only if you have time)
So..what does the hickey have to do with all this?
When you finally grow out of your perfect pure breed OT7 agenda, who considers this group of men a picture perfect family who can do no sin, you'll be ready to view the hickey/bite mark as a normal functioning member of the society who's in touch with reality.
Did I just write "pure breed"..
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Let's say the hickey/bite does not actually mean anything intimate in a romantic sense. Sure. Even I think it was probably not an exclusively romantic thing. And this is coming from someone who ships them, but I do not see them as 2 people who are dating each other (because I don't claim to know their personal lives).
An older person biting the neck of a younger person long enough to leave a mark is NOT A NORMAL LEVEL of skinship. For friends, for family, for brothers. And this goes for Korea as well as at a global level. Not only k-jikookers but also k-armies had raised eyebrows when that happened. If you didn't raise your eyebrow at this, you need to go out more, have a social life, hang out with long term friends, idk.
But I'm sure if it was a man and a woman, you would have already declared that they are f@cking.
If you have observed jikook through the years, they have had an abnormal level of skinship that even surpasses skinship within their own group. Reminds me of the Butter photoshoot behind, where JK's hands so naturally slid under JM's crop top, like it was a usual thing. Now if one of them reacted differently or in a goofy way, I'd still brush it under the rug. But what had me scratching my head was the indifference. How close do 2 people have to be, for someone to SEARCH for familiar skin to touch?! Let's not forget how JK always touches JM's neck like a habit, massaging, holding, or just caressing, usually a little inside the collar.
Now if they were a man and a woman, you would have already declared that they are f@cking.
If you don't at the very least, acknowledge that it's an abnormally high level of skinship, and that jikook are at the very least, a highly interdependent, symbiotic, close, 2 souls-1 body entity, the closest duo in bangtan..then you are the delulu here. 🫵
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I would advice such anons to stop visiting shipping spaces if you are bringing nothing to the table. (As I always say, opposing views are always welcome as long as you bring receipts and not hate). Maybe spend some time talking to real life people, couples, friends, you know?
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simmearly · 6 months
A Sims 4 Players Guide To The Sims 3 By Simmearly
I am putting this together based on my own gameplay experiences and expectations, so some of this is purely my opinion.
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I recently decided that with my new PC I would re-install The Sims 3, and All EPs, to see how it ran and play around with the features I miss in TS4,
I followed this guide on steam to set the game up to run smoothly.
To paraphrase just a little, this includes a TON of information, but basically, it shows you how to replace the launcher, and run the game on modern machines without issues.
Gameplay would not be possible for longer than an in-game week or so without the fantastic NRAAS & Lazy Duchess Mods.
I Use, Nraas Overwatch, Master Controller, Register, Error Trap & Traveller, which is my personal favorite, as it allows you to travel to more worlds for vacations, and own vacation homes in them etc. It also allows for you to move to a new town and retain relationships from the other town(s) you've lived in.
I recommend good default skin and eye replacements, as well as default replacements for Eyebrows and Beards, I Recommend Checking out @brntwaffles on Tumblr, as they have these as well as lighting mods to brighten up the in-game lighting and water!
Gameplay Mods,
I really enjoy TS3 Vanilla gameplay, so this list is short (For Now) however I do want to expand upon it, the Growing Pains Mod - adds a lot to the child stage and I feel like it integrates so well with Vanilla that it could have been in the game from the start.
Smaller Quality of Life mods,
Nectar Glass Replacements
Sim Drinks - Adds Buffs For Bar Drinks
Shop For Clothes at Clothing Rack, TS2 Style
That's it For Now, I will probably update this post as my Legacy continues, I am currently on Gen 4, and am having a BLAST!
Also - I do own quite a bit of the Store content and I have found myself using it more than expected, I bought a lot of it years ago, and I failed to realize then just how much gameplay is involved,
The Steam it up sauna is currently my favorite object due to its regenerative properties, but the Business-as-Usual industrial Oven, placed on your home lot allows for you to basically have a private chef! (Don't pay full price for any store content, wait for a sale or find it on other avenues) ;)
Thank you to all the amazing creators mentioned, none of this would be possible without YOU!
Edit - TIP! Reset your town using Nraas every few sim weeks to keep things running smoothly
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
Leo is streaming, lounging on the big beanbag chair again. His model is in space themed comfy clothes, with slippers, and a star covered mask.
He was playing through a rouge like game, not fully sure what he needs to do yet, but still having fun fighting off the multiple waves of enemies. It's noted that he's sticking to the sword based weapons, even if there are multiple weapons available from the beginning.
Suddenly the graphic of a cartoony slider riding a skateboard, rolls across the screen followed by "Thank You Chaotic_CinnamonRoll for the $10, 'Why did you decide to go into the medical field? You might've mentioned medical books in the past?'"
Leo let out a nostalgic sigh, "Well, that was part of why I got into medical stuff, let me tell ya. I think Dee mentioned how we didn't have legal identification for years, so if something happened with us Dad couldn't really take us to any medical facility. But he got ahold of as much supplies, and field medic training manuals, and medical guides as he could find." Leo has a smile on his face as he continues, "And while Dee is big on science, they don't like viscera, so Pops started to show me how to help. It just goes from there."
Leo spys a comment in chat, "For the person asking about Pops not using insurance, well after his sudden retirement, he didn't have insurance anymore, and he didn't know how to apply." Leo lets out another sigh, "Plus he wasn't familiar with how things worked, because he had a manager or assistant to do all that stuff for him. He was just a confused father of 4 who was trying his best while dealing with his own depression! I'm not trying to justify anything, just stating a fact."
Leo suddenly stretched himself out to grab something and rolled over onto his stomach, facing away from the camera, he's grabbed his phone to check a notification that wasn't heard over the mic, for once. What ever the message was it made his happy, because his tail was wagging a bit fast. He spends a few minutes messaging back and forth with who is assumed to be Leo's boyfriend.
He eventually remembered that he was in the middle of a stream, and sheepishly apologized for ignoring them.
"So since this game is newer than most that I've played, there aren't many guides on what I chould do yet. Sooo I gotta keep throwing things at the enemy and see what's most effective. Like that, wait was he a Croc, or and Aligator? Either way he was the first mini boss! Image how hard the other will be until we get more upgrades!" Leo says excitedly as he goes over the upgrades menu after returning to the start after dying right after the boss, from low health. "We also got this new 'Side Scroller Beatem Up' game because it and the DLC was one sale. Though that might be better played with more players, and our schedules don't always line up multiple people being on the stream. Plus I promised Dee our next game would be his choice."
Leo is half focused on going through the upgrade menus, and talking to the characters around the hub area. Thinking that the blue guy he was playing as could lighten up a bit, be more like the orange dude, but hey their Dad is missing and everything is tense. And where is the last person of the group, or do they only appear after going a certain distance in the game?
"Though I do like the look of that spikey turtle dude, reminded me of Red, though he's wearing, was it dark blue or a deep teal, either way cool dude. Hope he shows up in the hub area. Now do I want to switch to one of the other 3, or just continue as my blue guy?" Leo is rambling, if only because the analytical part of his mind is currently at war with the 'Oh Shiney! What was I doing?' part of his mind. "ALSO! What is with the odd element system that the flavor text is talking about, not the water I get that, this Utrom thing, it's kind described as tech based, but what is an Utrom? Why am I asking chat when they mostly say they've never seen this game before?... Did I forget to take my medicine, because I don't usually ramble my thoughts out loud this much."
He then pauses the game to check his phone for his medical data. "So I need to take a break again real quick. I either didn't take my medicine, or somehow took the wrong medication. So please hold while I go check. And don't any of you go looking up the game to purposefully cause spoilers. I want to figure out enough on my own first. Okay BRB!"
The screen switches over to an animated scene of the guys cartoony turtle selves are swimming about, though Mikey is jumping between Raph and Leo, and slightly submerging Leo in the process. Donnies is occasionally trying to bite Leo for bumping into him.
The chat is talking among themselves, notifications are going off, and some jokes about the medic taking the wrong medication.
I still don't quite understand my own writing process. Like I had only the 'why I got into the medical field' part planned, then just decided to have him ramble about the game which is 'TMNT Splintered Fate' but not quite. Then at the last minute I was like 'I should make up a reason for him being very ramble-y right now'.
If I should change this, let me know. I do like feedback.
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rushingheadlong · 7 months
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Some very exciting news from Tim!!
Not only are we getting a fourth album from him (!!!) but he's starting up a newsletter as well! You can sign up for it over on his merch site at shop.timstaffell.com!
And if you haven't checked out his merch store before you really should do so, because he has some AWESOME things for sale including some really cool Smile merch!
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He's also started releasing limited edition Smile merch with seasonal redesigns, like a snowy version for winter and one with a rose for Valentine's Day, so if you want to get in on any of that you really should follow his newsletter or socials so you don't miss out!
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sparkykadachi · 9 months
A 5th Gen Hunter's Experience with Old Gen Monster Hunter
Ok, I want to preface this with my experience with the Monster Hunter series. While I consider myself a 5th generation hunter, I technically started at 3rd gen. I always had a passing interest in the Monster Hunter series, but was too preoccupied with other PS2 games like Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter (man remember Jak? I miss Jak...). But when Monster Hunter Tri came out on the Wii, I finally decided to try it. I went down to my local Hollywood Video (remember those?) and rented a copy...and then returned it three days later. I hated it. Movement felt clunky and stiff and stopping to do these long animations when using a consumable is STILL something I despise and I will DIE ON THIS HILL--
I would try again with the demo for Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS, but it had all the same exact qualities I didn't enjoy. I had given up on Monster Hunter at this point, until Monster Hunter World was announced. It looked like it was changing everything I had a problem with. So I decided to give it one last try when the beta came out...and I was hooked. Cut to me today and I have put well over 3000 hours in World alone and my entire online brand is Monster Hunter. I didn't start with the 5th gen, but it's the one that finally turned me into a fan.
At this point, I've put a few hundred hours into Monster Hunter Rise as well and while I wouldn't say I enjoyed it as much as World, it was still a great time. But I've seen and done pretty much all I want to do in these two games. I wanted... something more. Something new to experience. And it was around the time I was feeling this that I just so happened to notice Generations Ultimate was on sale for $10 on the Switch. The last "old gen" style game before World came out. I was hesitant, but maybe after all my time with the two newest ones, maybe I could finally enjoy an old gen one for what it was. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?
I decided to stick with something familiar and played Guild Style Sword and Shield. I mained SnS for a while in World and Rise, so I figured this would be a good way to ease myself into this one. As time went on, I branched out and tried other weapons and styles eventually settling on Valor Charge Blade and Adept Great Sword. Hunter Styles and Hunter Arts are a ton of fun! It was a good time. But then...old gen problems came back up. While I was able to adapt to the more stiff movement, it was frustrating having to come to a full stop and be stuck in animations when using consumables, certain monster attacks being un-telegraphed and hard to react to, some constantly running around making it hard to actually fight them, and some I would just follow to a new zone, they would immediately leave to another, I'd go there, and they'd LEAVE AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAAAAA--
So yeah...my experience with the game itself is a mixed bag, but I was having at least some fun so I was willing to put up with the things I didn't like. Sure it was frustrating at times, but it's all a learning experience, so I wasn't giving up just yet. But then came...the community...
Do you think it's reasonable to say a game's community can absolutely ruin any fun you've been having? Because I sure as hell do! I don't like referring to a community as being "toxic" or "elitist" and will usually just ignore the bad apples. But most of my experience with anyone in the GU community has not been pleasant. Very early on when I started playing GU, I was streaming it (I stream btw check me out I'm SparkyKadachi on Twitch I'm a VTuber hi) and some random chat members popped in. I wanted to have a pleasant experience with the community and explained that I came from playing World and Rise. They started to act weirdly aggressive about expressing their...opinions. Saying that World and Rise are bad games and they're glad to see someone like me play a "good" Monster Hunter game now. As if the new games ruined the series. But, to each their own. They have their opinions, and I have mine. I still prefer World and Rise over GU, but that's just me. I wouldn't actively go around shitting on the things people like for no reason, but it's whatever.
Pretty early on though, a friend of mine who had joined me in World and Rise noticed me playing GU and wanted to hop on with me. I enjoy playing with my friends, so I gladly joined him for some hunts. My friend has been playing this series for many years prior to us even meeting, so it was in this moment that I realized...he was also someone who was weirdly aggressive about expressing his opinions on the new games. As time went on, I would play GU with him and members of my small community who would say things like how GU was more "pure" and that the quality of life in the new games have "spoiled" someone like me. The term "skill issue" was thrown around a few times, which...fair. I am kinda bad at GU, but does that warrant absolutely shitting on me for not really enjoying GU as much as World or Rise?
To this day, I have not heard a single compelling argument for why Monster Hunter World is a "bad" game. People I've interacted with or watched who prefer the older games have definitely tried to explain it, but it has all been entirely subjective. People can prefer the old games over the new ones, but to say the new ones are "bad" games is just flat out wrong. I don't like old gen, but I still acknowledge the good in GU and I'm sure there are great qualities of the older titles. None of them are bad games. But I just have my own preference for the new ones.
As time has gone on, I wanted to hunt with my friends and enjoy the game for what it was, but hunting sessions would always devolve into praising GU for mundane things and shitting on the new games for no good reason. So...I think I'm done. I'm tired of hearing this endless complaining about the "purity" of the series and how the games I like and the reason I became a fan of Monster Hunter...are the ones that ruined the series. So I think I'll shelf GU at least for now and stick with World and Rise.
I hope we all are happy with Monster Hunter Wilds when that comes out. In the meantime, happy hunting, everyone!
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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I want to say a massive thank you to the queen of smut @miss-celestia13 for helping me with the smut part of this chapter if you haven't checked it her writing you need to do it now it's the best.
⚠️ This chapter does contain a lot of sexual content ⚠️
Chapter 6
MC and Jake had slowly started to get to know each other. they had been spending more time together and they had talked about finding a place to live. Cleo knew of a place that they could check out; it was in an apartment block not far from the center of duskwood. The place was perfect for them. The kitchen and living room was one big room; the master bedroom had an ensuite bathroom. Across from the master bedroom was a small bathroom with toilet, sink and shower.
The spare bedroom was perfect for Jake's computers, he did jobs every now and then for the FBI when they couldn't catch someone. Phil and MC were going through the divorce process and Phil had slowly started to move on. He had met a woman called Willow they had been dating for a couple of months. The divorce went as smoothly as it could whenever couples get divorced. "MC do you think that we could stay friends? I'll understand if you don't want to" Phil looked down at the ground waiting for MC to reply. "I'd really like that Phil you will always have a special place in my heart" they both shared a hug and went their separate ways walking away from each other.
Moving day had arrived Jake and MC were moving in together, both didn't really have much so moving in was easy. Dan told them about a furniture place that had a sale on so they could get some furniture. "I can take my work van that way you don't have to wait for delivery" Jake put his arm around MC kissing her on her forehead. "Thanks Dan that's a great idea" Dan patted Jake on the shoulder and they headed out to pick some new furniture out.
"Come on MC let's go pick out a sofa while Jake picks out a desk" Jessy took MCs hand and went over to the sofas. "There are so many to choose from, they all look so comfortable" MC went from sofa to sofa she finally decided on a grey sofa with black cushions. After writing down the order number they walked over to the beds followed by Jake who was ready to help MC test the beds. "I can't have you testing them alone baby" Jake gave MC an evil grin she knew what he was thinking. "Let's pick the bed and put it together first" MC playfully tapped Jake's arse. Giving him a cheeky grin.
After their shopping trip they got everything they needed, thankfully the kitchen already had a built-in cooker and fridge so the only things they needed were the essentials. After a whole morning of putting furniture together it was time to chill out on the sofa. "Let's order dinner, i'm too tired to cook '' MC fell down on the sofa followed by Jake he took hold of MCs hand and pulled her towards him for a cuddle. "What do you want to order?" MC thought for a moment before deciding on her favorite. "Let's order Chinese" a smile spread across Jake's face at MC saving what she wanted. He placed a soft kiss on her lips and pulled out his phone to order some food.
MC cuddled herself up to Jake while he ordered the food, she couldn't help but smile. She was truly happy for the first time in months when Jake was by her side. "I love you Jake" Jake wrapped his arms around MC and kissed her forehead. "I love you to MC I always have and always will" MC felt the heat rise up in her cheeks as they turned slightly red. "You know we still haven't tested the new bed out yet" Jake looked at MC with a grin spread across his face. "food first then we can test the bed out" Jake kissed MC on the lips soon it turned into a heated make out session they got disturbed by a loud knock at the door. "Erm MC could you maybe go" MC looked at Jake with a puzzled look then she glanced down she noticed the problem "sure I'll go answer it" MC got up off the sofa giggling as she went towards the door.
She closes the door, the food in hand and takes it to the kitchen, he’s behind her every step and when she puts the food on the counter he presses in tight against her back, nippint and kissing her neck as his hands slide around her front and tugs her into him.
She feels just how much he wants her and wriggles her ass against his crotch. MC turns and says “I thought you were hungry”, “I am, but not for food.” She turns around and his hands slip down to cup her ass and squeezes before he lifts her clean off her feet and perches her on the kitchen counter, crowding in between her split thighs and kisses her hard, stealing her breath as his hands bury into her hair to pull her even closer like he’s trying to crawl inside.
When he lets her breathe, she looks at Jake lust in his eyes “the food will get cold,” but she’s not actually caring anymore, she just likes to play with him. He says, “we better hurry then.” And pulls her down from the counter before taking her hand and leading her to the stairs. MC giggling, blushing and trembling with excitement and a little bit of nerves. It takes them a while to make it up the stairs as he keeps stopping to push her against the wall and kiss her stupid, they undress as they climb the stairs.
A kiss, shirts come off, another kiss, jeans unbuttoned and trousers unbelted. By the time they reach the bedroom they’re both panting and desperate as they shuck off their remaining clothes and stare at each other. Nothing between them now but air and tension so thick and alive she can feel it rubbing against her skin. His burning eyes trail over her body, feeling like a physical touch that has liquid lust dripping down her thighs before he pounces and grabs her.
First times with someone new and that you really like can be very fast, intense and rough. All grabbing, snatching, clawing hands. Biting, sucking, dragging mouths over overheated sensitive skin. Sweaty skin and desire pooling and burning, firing them up. Basically a complete possession and they’re just acting on instinct and want. There can be awkward, funny moments as they trip up the stairs trying to strip clothes without letting go of each other. Stumbling as her knees go weak and legs turn to jelly.
Jake parts MCs thighs giving him access to her wet pussy, his tongue dances over her folds teasing her as he licks her pussy moans escaping from her mouth. He flicks her clit with his tongue driving her insane with his touch. She could feel all her walls starting to break as he moved his tongue up and down her wet pussy. "J-Jake i-i'm close" MC gripping onto the sheets "cum for me baby" MC lost all control cumming hard in Jake's mouth. "Mmm you taste so good baby" he started to circle her hole with his fingers. She was a wet mess just begging him to slide his fingers inside her.
As he slid his finger into her wet pussy hole Jake started to play with MC's hard nipples; they were like two rocks waiting to be played with. Jake slid another finger into her pussy hole moving them in and out at a fast pace driving MC to the edge. She quickly cum all over his fingers taking every last drop from her hole. He pulled his fingers out and put them inside his mouth taking every last drop from his fingers. MC managed to sit up and take hold of Jake's cock in her hand pushing him down onto the bed.
Her tongue grazed the tip of his cock causing some pre cum to come out and run down his cock. MC was quick to lick every last drop of cum up with her tongue. She moved her tongue up and down, licking his cock. "Fuck that feels so good" moans escaping Jake's mouth as MC took his full length in her mouth her head moving up and down. She could feel his hot thick cum run down the back of her throat. She took her mouth from around his still rock hard cock and moved her hand up and down.
While her hand moved up and down Jake reached over and started to finger her pussy hole. She let out moan after moan Jake hitting her g spot each time he banged his fingers back into her. "omg!! Jake, I think I'm going to…" before MC could register what was happening she did something she had never done before. She squirts all over Jake's fingers, her legs shaking as she tightens around his fingers cumming hard. Jake pulled his fingers from her soaking wet pussy. He flipped her onto her back and put his hard cock into her pussy.
MC let moan after moan out of her mouth as Jake pounded her. Everything he was doing felt so goddamn good she never wanted this feeling to go away. Jake lifted her legs up putting them either side of his head as he fucked her hard. MCs hands traced over her nipples playing with each one she ran her tongue over her left nipple. She could see how it was driving Jake crazy; she switched to the other and did the same. Jake started to increase his movements, MC letting out screams and moans. She loved the feeling of Jake's dick deep inside of her pussy.
"Fuck me harder Jake I need this so bad" Jake responded and did as MC requested and fucked her so hard. "I'm so close don't stop" Jake smirked at the hot wet mess that MC was. "don't worry baby I don't intend on stopping" MC bit her lip as Jake pounded and pounded into her pussy. "FFUUCCKK" MC cummed all over Jake's cock his fingers on her clit as she cum again and again. He moved his fingers over her clit as she cum and squirts everywhere. Seconds later Jake cum deep inside of MCs pussy filling her up when he took his cock out a little bit of cum came running out of her pussy.
Jake fell back to the bed both a hot sticky mess sweat running down their bodies as they lay trying to catch their breath.
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keldau · 6 months
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Throwback to the beginnings of my costuming journey. Though this armor has since been retired, mainly due to my unfortunate physical growth, I think back on these times fondly. I like to think the time and care I put into my first build shows, but I may be a touch biased.
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The completion of this armor lead to a great many things in my life. Some of the most fun I've ever had, some of the best friends I've ever made, and some of the coolest opportunities I never thought I'd have.
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In 2016 I was invited to attend a convention in Salt Lake where I met the man himself, big boss Boba Fett, Jeremy Bulloch. While it was a brief (but incredibly cool) opportunity, he wasn't the only hero I got to meet that weekend. While attending a panel for Mark Hamill, I also got a high five from Jason David Frank (RIP). Another man I've loved and respected for as long as I can possibly remember.
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While manning the Star Wars Costuming Clubs booth that same year, along with a new friend, we were blown away by a random surprise visit by Michael Rooker. Though I regret missing this opportunity to get a picture, the conversation we had without a massive group of people interrupting him, is all the memory of the event I need. What a genuinely cool guy.
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Over the years my armor evolved and grew with me, but continued to open doors I never thought possible. Growing up in the middle of nowhere, no real money to my name, and no opportunities to truly geek out with the people left in my hometown, I never thought that Comic Cons and costume groups would be part of my life. I had followed what the 501st Legion was doing since I was a kid, and was truly blown away when I saw them on tv marching in the Rose Bowl Parade in 2007. Still, I never thought anything like that would exist in Montana. At that point, the Mandalorian Mercs were just starting, so I hadn't even heard of them yet.
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By the time I started college, I was made aware of the existence of the MMCC. Sitting in my dorm dreaming that I'd have the money, time, space, skills, etc, to start a build of my own some day. Then one day in 2015, I saw this helmet for sale from Headshot Props, and I knew it was time. I had to make this purchase. I checked my accounts, moved some stuff around, skipped getting groceries for a few weeks, and 2 months later, there it was in all of its glory. Sitting at my doorstep when I got off work, I don't think I had ever been that excited. I took it inside, ripped open the box, knocked off just enough of the sharp edges to put it on without cutting myself, and low and behold... it didn't fit.
Motivation: demolished. Faith: gone.
I was, frustrated, to say the least. I'm the type of person to take setbacks like this extremely personally because of how often it seems like it happens to me. I set it on the shelf and looked at it for a few days. I knew there was nothing I could do about a return because the dimensions were posted, and I measured my head. It should have fit. I didn't take into account the cheeks of the helmet being a tighter spot, and my bigass fivehead just wasn't gonna do it without breaking the helmet. I had to do something though. I sanded the hell out of the inside of the cheeks to the point that you could see light through them, and I could get the helmet on, though it wasn't a pleasant experience. I then took my heat gun, thinking there's no way this will work, heated the resin just enough to push the cheeks out that little bit extra, and I'll be damned. It was just enough. The helmet was still tight, but it fit, and it was back to game on.
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The course of the next few months brought on a ton of changes. I was lucky enough to be working at a sign shop at the time I began this journey, and that shop had a seemingly endless supply of foamed PVC board and a flatbed CNC machine. I was able to trace out my armor design and just have it cut right there! Barely even had to trim and sand anything! It was amazing! I started learning skills I never even knew I wanted. Using a heat gun to form shapes, learning to paint, kit bashing parts to make in-universe looking props, it just never seemed to end! Halfway through my build, I moved, but I didn't let that move ruin my motivation. In that tote was a pile of loose parts and a helmet. Within a month of moving into my new place, it was wearable. Rough, but wearable. Around Halloween that year, I had met up with some local guys that were also building armor, and we handed out candy at the Zoo! It was amazing, and I had so much fun. Met some of my future best friends that day.
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Over the years of doing local events, I've been humbled on a few occasions. Mostly from people who joined the group later on that have told me their journey started when they saw me at one event or the other. That's such an incredible feeling and honestly makes all the time, effort, money, stress, blood, and love I've put into this build worth it.
If you've stuck with this post this far, I applaud you. You can probably tell I'm not much of a writer and I'm all over the place with no real conclusion to any of it. I'm really just reminiscing. This weekend I will be parting out this original kit, or at least most of it, in order to help new costumers, new friends, get a foothold in their build, and hopefully motivate them to continue.
If you've ever wanted to build a costume, regardless of what fandom it's for, don't let anyone tell you not to do it. Buy it, build it; piece by piece or all it once, it doesn't matter. Just do it. Solid chance you'll never regret it.
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pancakeke · 2 years
Im deeply invested in your work stories, what do you mean bad part numbers? Like bad setup done inside them? Wrong BoMs n stuff?
Comiserating with my own problems lol, yesterday i confirmed that our 3PL (3rd party logistics) entered our product data so badly into their system that they overcharged us at least 780% on transports costs.
they set up the item attributes totally wrong, like
creating new PNs for items that are already set up because they were too lazy to search the mfg sku
adding incorrect quotes to PNs
incorrect/missing manufacturer names
incorrect attributes (entering a socket type and not CPU model for a system that currently has a CPU installed. socket type should only be used alone if a system does not have a CPU in it)
not following attribute naming conventions (EX: NIC cards have a field for size. there's a note beside it that says use FL for full length, HL for half length, FH for full height, and HH for half height so 4 letters should be entered like "HHHL". yet they enter shit like "half height HL" instead)
entering "N/A" for required attribute fields to skirt around actually filling them out
putting all item attributes in the item description rather than the fields specifically designed for them
entering an item description as both the description and the item name (which makes the name field extremely long so I have to truncate it or my reports look like shit)
entering the item name as the mfg sku
adding inventory locations that shouldn't be available for specific parts
using the category "accessory" for everything because they don't want to take the time to find a more accurate category on the list
checking a "serial required" box for things without mfg serials, like ethernet cables. also not checking it for things that need to be serialized.
attributing parts to the wrong customer account (visible only internally thank god but again, makes data bad so my reports are shit)
not checking vertical market boxes on CBOMs so I can't fucking track what market the product sales went to
making CBOMs that allocate parts from the wrong locations. and then they refuse to fix them because CBOMs can only be changed via ECO which takes forever (zero sympathy though it's their fault)
also senior engineers will buy stuff with their company credit cards and then fill out expense reports that book the purchases to my department so we lose our funds. they did this with a limo to the airport once. these guys fucking suck.
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9 Easy Tips for Managing Moving Packing!
The idea of ​​moving to a new house and creating a new comfortable space in a brand new city is overwhelming. Although this brings great joy because it adds a new perspective to our lives, it also creates fear. The same can happen if you are planning an upcoming move, for example from your hometown Bangalore. But if you do things in advance, hire professional packers and movers in Bangalore and follow the 9 tips below, you can make things go more smoothly and have fun while traveling.
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Read the tips below in detail and organize the packing task smoothly.
• Sell things you don't want to change: There would be quite a lot of things you would like to give away or sell. Make a separate list of each of them and then decide how you want to deal with them. The best thing you can do if you are going to sell them is to have a garage sale. Although planning takes some time, you can achieve at least two things - not only will you finally get rid of excess (unwanted) things, but you will also make money.
• Prepare the necessary key documents: Moving requires a lot of formalities. All personal and office documents must be kept properly organized in a folder. Be sure to bring copies of all important documents (birth and marriage certificates, employment certificates, household documents, real estate documents, home insurance, vehicle insurance, transfer certificate, vaccination certificates, school or university documents, etc.) and passport-sized . photos of you and each member of your family. You can also save them in your disk, cloud or just phone memory, because it would be easy to access.
• Keep one room free for packing: Packing requires a lot of clean and bright space. So, before the packing professionals come to you, make sure that you have prepared a space where they can carry out the task of evaluating and packing the goods. It even helps you work with things you could pack yourself. Just make sure you keep the basket/box in the same area so everything is easy to navigate and you're not running around the house looking for things here and there.
• Get more packing materials: When we move home, the most important thing we care about is the safety of your belongings, which simply depends on the quality of the packing. And if you have professionals handling your affairs, make sure they do it well and exactly the way you want. Suggest they get extra packing materials so you don't run out while you're at it (even if you decide to do it yourself). You can also check out some packing tips and hacks so you can incorporate them right into the process.
• Don't forget to pack an overnight bag: You can pack it as soon as you start getting ready, or you can pack it at the end after you've done important usage. Include all the items you need for daily use - toiletries, skin care, medicine, shower supplies, baby supplies, a few pairs of comfortable clothes, diapers, etc. You can even pack another large bag with all your survival gear. (things you may need or want during your first week in a new house.)
• Prepare a separate bag for your children: If you are a parent with young children, you will relate to us when we say, "moving." it becomes more difficult when you have children." They are very awkward because they do not take this change as a positive thing and stay within themselves. But after they are gone, put together a bag for the children's things such as clothes, toys, books, etc., so that at least the transport route remains light and comfortable for them at the same time.
Prioritize listing for every major task: You may have designed a major, comprehensive checklist for all the important to-do tasks that you want to close for your move, but you can prepare separate checklists for certain specific tasks as well. This will help you align everything related to that particular activity and you will be able to close it without any hassle. Revisit the lists from time to time to ensure you do not miss out to attend anything.
• Keep key things handy in plastic bags: Zip-lock bags, plastic kits, and pouches serve multiple purposes, and having them in different sizes can help you to use them for several jobs – you can keep the essentials in them so you can carry the pouch along. You can even pack your medicines, lock, keys, or other tiny articles (like screws, pen drives, key-chains, flashlights, markers, scissors, and cutters) or things that you feel can get misplaced easily so that everything remains within easy access.
• Clarify everything with the movers: At the time of booking the moving company, you must discuss and clarify everything with them everything that you want to. For instance, learn about the rates, the list of services they provide, and the special assistance they offer for high-value items, etc. There are certain things that you as a customer must take into account – like the insurance coverage policy and the reimbursement option. With that, you must also inquire about the mode of payment that the company has in place, etc.
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Hiring a professionally trained team – the movers and packers in Bangalore would further guide you on things that you may be uncertain about. So, just go easy and take note of the quick tips we shared in this post so you can enjoy a flawless move.
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lindajenni · 9 months
jan 9
perhaps a last chance at laughter
"then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing." psa 126:2 when your pastor stops by for a visit a new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.  at one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.  therefore, he took out a business card that had printed “revelation 3:20” on the back of it for just such an occasion, and stuck it in the door.  when the offering was processed the following sunday, he found that his card had been returned. added to it was this cryptic message, “genesis 3:10.”  reaching for his bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.  revelation 3:20 begins “behold, I stand at the door and knock.”  genesis 3:10 reads, “i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid for i was naked.” when God answers prayer after starting a new diet i altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery.  i accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as i approached, there in the window were a host of chocolates, donuts, and cheesecakes. i felt this was no accident, so I prayed... “Lord, it’s up to You.  if You want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery.” and sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was!  God is so good! the Word is indeed a sword an elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of religious service when she was startled by an intruder.  as she caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables, she yelled, 'stop - acts 2:38!' (...turn from your sin...).  the burglar stopped dead in his tracks.  the woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.  as the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, 'why did you just stand there?  all she did was yell a scripture to you.'  'scripture?' replied the burglar, 'she said she had an axe and two 38's!' and now, some quick one-liners the sermon this morning: 'Jesus walks on the water.'  the sermon tonight: 'searching for Jesus.' ladies, don't forget the rummage sale.  it's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house.  bring your husbands. don't let worry kill you off - let the church help. miss charlene mason sang 'i will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered. the church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. ------ laughter does indeed do good like a medicine.  remember to laugh whenever you can.  this coming year may carry few chances to do so.  keep the word ever ready on your lips and in your heart.  "anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." prov 12:25 no, we have not passed this way before, but we know Who holds the future, and we know He holds our hand.  "so we may boldly say: 'the Lord is my helper; i will not fear.  what can man do to me?" heb 13:6 "behold, I am coming quickly!  hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." rev 3:11
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paypant · 9 months
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two-oaks-farmstead · 10 months
Unbelievable KitchenAid Cyber Monday Deals - Don't Wait!
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Kitchenaid Deals for Cyber Monday If you have followed me here or on Two Oaks Farm Talk, then you know that KitchenAid is in my kitchen, and if it's not in yours then this is a great time to grab some! Here are a few KitchenAid Cyber Monday Deals that you need to grab while they're around...because they won't be for long! KitchenAid Stand Mixers I simply cannot do without mine! In fact, I have 2 just in case, a 4.5 qt and a 7 qt. If I had to give up my appliances, this is one that would never go! ...and you will see why! KitchenAid Classic Series 4.5 Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer K45SS, White KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer with Pouring Shield, Passion Red KitchenAid® 7 Quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer, Blue Velvet KitchenAid Stand Mixer Attachments This is where you find out just how wonderful your KitchenAid mixer truly is. And that is because it is so much more than just a mixer! It can do just about anything! Metal Food Grinder Attachment I butcher and process all of our meat and I cannot sing enough praises about this powerful little grinder! Ice Cream Maker Attachment Shave Ice Attachment Food Processor Attachment All Metal Grain Mill Attachment Pasta Roller Attachment Spiralizer Plus Attachment with Peel, Core and Slice Fruit and Vegetable Attachment Strainer Additional KitchenAid Small Appliances Variable Speed Corded Hand Blender, Empire Red 9-Speed Digital Hand Mixer with Turbo Beater II Accessories and Pro Whisk - Candy Apple Red 6 Speed Hand Mixer with Flex Edge Beaters, 6 Speed w/Flex Edge Beaters, Contour Silver 3.5 Cup Food Chopper, Empire Red Blade Coffee Grinder - Onyx Black 3.5 Cup Food Chopper, Pistachio Burr Coffee Grinder - Black Matte, 10 Oz Digital Countertop Oven with Air Fry 1.25-Liter Electric Kettle - Empire Red, Small Cordless Variable Speed Hand Blender with Chopper and Whisk Attachment - Empire Red, 1 Liter CHECK OFTEN FOR UPDATED SALES – WE WILL KEEP THEM COMING! MORE WAYS TO CONNECT We also, as a homesteading family, have a variety of blogs that might interest you. A Life on the Farm focuses on the more personal side of the homesteading life. We discuss subjects like family, parenting, relationships, homeschooling, cooking, canning and so much more. Two Oaks Farm Talk concerns the more technical side of homesteading. We discuss subjects like gardening, food prep, and farm building and construction with lots of tutorials! Farm Raised Family is basically a hub for everything under the Two Oaks Farmstead umbrella. You can learn a great deal about all parts of the farmstead there. The Farm Raised Family blog focuses on financial matters such as budgeting, saving, and more and on current events affecting families. You can also have a more in depth look at all that we do by visiting our Two Oaks Farmstead YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss a thing! Farm Life and Freedom is the new podcast we are in the process of launching! It is going to be so much fun! You could also check in with our Farm Life and Freedom Youtube Channel. Two Oaks Farmstead is the farm store… the one that holds the umbrella! Check us all out and join us, not only on our blogs and Farm Life and Freedom podcast but come join the fun on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… wherever you get social! Read the full article
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