simpalert · 11 months
w-when ur ocs r in luv
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more iris and hazel cus why not
og screenies
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ashte-au · 1 year
Brandon Roger's "A day at the park", but it's Audrey tearing apart the studio looking for Bendy.
"Has anyone seen my son!?"
"Oh God, BENDY-!?"
"I'm gonna have a stroke!"
(anon thank you for this beautiful idea)
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inkmachine7 · 1 year
2 things for the the CK AU:
1. I think I saw a little Bendy clinging to Bendy, does Bendy have more of these little guys? (I’ve never seen the word Bendy written so much in one sentence)
2. Has Cuphead ever gone to the circus? Are he and Bendy well aquatinted or??
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
@knightinink WAIT REALLY? /GEN?
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Whelp, time to ramble
TW for implied torture
Instead of trying to gas her, the Keepers decided to lock Audrey up with the rest of the Cyclebreakers
The barrier curtains that cover the cells? Outta here! Audrey interacting with Henry and Sammy (and Norman, he's there too) more then in-game!
During this stint in prison, Audrey sees one of the communication-radio thingies that Allison talked to her on nearby and goes for it while her cellmates cause a distraction!
She speaks into it only to hear instead...Porter?!
He was in the nearby area of one and heard her voice coming out of it and decided to strike up a conversation!
Obviously, she's like, "h e l p m e" and Porter, while kinda not getting the fact that her life's in danger, promises to come save her!
Audrey gives him instructions to find a woman with a sword named Alice and that he has to find a way to take out the power, because his powers would be canceled out.
But then the Keepers come and take Audrey away!
And they uh...let's just say that her punishment was exactly what Bendy was trying to prevent
And that everyone in the prison heard her screams.
And there was a certain someone with incredible hearing far away from the prison who heard her.
A n y w a y s, the next day, there's a power outage! So Audrey, Sammy, Henry and Norman take this opportunity to escape! (With Henry carrying Norman's head)
During the chaos they manage to unite with Porter, Allison, and Tom (the latter two have to be told that Sammy is an ally, so don't curbstomp him please-)
But then the Keepers corner them, and when it seems like they're dead just when they had a chance, the Ink Demon comes and takes advantage of the lack of power to f*ck em up!
While the others want to use Bendy's rampage as cover to escape, Henry, Audrey and Sammy aren't so inclined.
For Sammy, it's relatively simple; he can't abandon his lord! Not at his grand revival! What kind of prophet would he be?
For Audrey, she's having an internal debate. On one hand, she knows the Ink Demon could kill her, if stories from her cellmates are true and he had. On the other hand, he came here, even after what had happened to him here.
(Wilson spilled what he did to Bendy when he came by in a attempt to get Audrey's trust. It Did Not Work)
He wouldn't have done that just for no reason, and the reason that a part of her wanted to believe that it was to help her. (That part of you is right Audrey~)
Henry's having a similar debate, with the knowledge of the Cycle and the fact that's Bendy's one of Joey's pawns too.
The party's left in a stalemate until Porter just straight up yells to Bendy, "Hey silly! We're leaving soon! You don't wanna be left behind!"
And Bendy? He actually listens and heads towards the group
So now we have Allison and Tom trying to run away from Bendy but also trying not to leave Henry, Audrey, and Porter behind, Bendy in his massive Ink Demon self running behind him, Porter quick teleporting and having the time of his life, Sammy frantically screaming about Bendy, Norman screeching into Allison's ears, and Audrey and Henry just trying to keep up and wondering "how did my life get to this point"
It all comes to a climax when they're almost out of the prison when the power comes back on! And the Keepers found them
Bendy's shrinking into Benders and the Keepers are making a move on him and that's when Audrey makes her choice...
...by scooping him up in his arms and yelling at everyone to keep running
A long and heavy chase ensues, until the group manages to hide and shake them off
Weary, Audrey prepares to head off, knowing the group probably don't trust her or Bendy, but everyone's like, "hold the fuck up"
Sure, a large majority of the group definitely don't trust Bendy, (and Tom definitely doesn't trust Audrey now) but they're also pretty attached to Audrey and aren't just gonna let her face the rest of the studio in her current state!
Plus, now that they've seen Benders, they got questions. And Allison's got a feeling that Audrey and Porter got answers
So, Allison makes a deal; the group can stay and her and Tom's safehouse while they sort things out, but if they even TRY to pull ANYTHING, then at best, kicked out. At worst, Tom punts an axe into your skull a la BATIM chapter five.
So the group heads to the safehouse, and try to figure out where things go from here
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gothikangelica · 1 year
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I did the meme! Finally!
I was brainstorming for what I could do with this meme, and getting discouraged as well. Until @askthewolfsquad posted hers on DA, it finally sparkled. a BATDR themed meme! So this is like a sequence, where we have Bendy half transformed and, obviously, sh*tting bricks. He gets very nervous when in trouble, especially in this scenerio. But when he becomes the Ink Demon, that gets replaced to "I don't give a sh*t. I don't give a f*ck!" and just jokes about it. And possibly something else since... the walls have... ink?
Oh yeah, if you look closely, the plaque is the exact same. The only difference is being splashed with ink and written "Ink Demon". And yes. Bendy is THAT smol! XD
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Btw if you can't see in the first photo they're crimes are
Bendy: conspiracy, vandalism, torture, murder, manslaughter, manipulation, attempted murder, assault,theft, terrorism, psychological abuse and cannibalism:)
Cuphead: theft, breaking and entering, assault, attempted murder, (and under age gambling?)
Sorry for the bad quality 💀
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Pt.13 (2/3) ~
Moirai Albarn : Phew! I think that's the last one of them.
Waddle Dee : No doubt about it! Hopefully we just destroyed every single one of them being kicked in the d*ck! Not surprising that an army of Inky people were trying to take us down! But it's a good thing that we managed to take the army. But they will rise up again and I bet it's no surprise!
Inky Albarn : (growls angrily) You! You'll regret this one day! You may have beaten my army of lost ones, they would handle the power of Inky Darkness that will make Soul World in Nevada of becoming the new world of Bendy! But I'll be back and there will be no victory for you, but a victory for your demise and despair. But in this case, I'll let you go this time for a while.
Moirai Albarn : You have my word, and for the reason? That'll be this cause of your actions!
Inky Albarn : Quite certainly! Cause I will be having the last laugh when I fix my love's mistake and see how will they like it!
Rosalina : (broadcasting) So you're the one responsible for all the outcomes on earth, huh?Shame on you, Inky Albarn!
Moirai Albarn : Rosalina!
[Scenario : Navigation - Fumie Kumatani]
Inky Albarn : Well, if it ain't the b*tch of the stars! I see that you knew about my movements that you monitored every situation on the planet, you knew this exactly from the beginning and I knew that I was going to overthrow the Kusakabe legacy! So what if I did, after all, both you and the stars will be falling down to Earth, along with that Obversatory of yours, it'll be the hands of me that are red with all of your blood!
Rosalina : (broadcasting) So what's you're deal of taking down the grandson of the Kusakabe? Why do you think that he is the one that brought outcomes on the the planet? Why do you want him to be destroyed with all that power he got? More importantly, What do you intended to do bringing your courage to Bendy?
Inky Albarn : It's simple for me to Ask, the answer is that is about bringing order and balance to the real world, and the insane world that Bendy has left for me! I could bring a major conquest on taking over America, Japan, and the rest of the planet itself! Inky Darkness will be the blood of everything!
Rosalina : (polishing her nails while broadcasting) Oh, really? Let me tell ya something, Inky. When it comes to the insanity of your mind, a demon psycho like you couldn't bring order or balance, but others will. They will succeed in achieving of protecting this planet they live on and I will not let you going to destroy it, by your hands!
Inky Albarn : (chuckles) Oh, the irony! You really are too kind that will be the last of your hero's world and every inhabitant will make me their's! So long as you have courage of watching over the planet to not let it be destroyed, I could savor you a fact that you wanted everyone to stop me. So how about I make those stars a little taste like starburst? (Hears a warping sound)
Maka Albarn : Hey, sister! Sorry for the delays!
(the group turns and sees Maka carrying the unconscious Spartoi counterpart of her)
[Jaden Yuuki's Theme by Yutaka Minobe plays]
Moirai Albarn : Sister! Right on time!
Inky Albarn : Maka?! You? It can't be you! I framed you for good, I put the blame on you, I even made you the traitor that world would made a good riddance to you! But I...
Maka Albarn : Let me go? The Mobian Death God knew it all along. I knew that you were responsible for outcome on earth by the likes of you! You have no rights to frame the hero you're looking at! That's right, I'm Maka Albarn, the "real" Maka Albarn!
Inky Albarn : I see. Both you and Moirai are the daughters of that alien race, the Phantonians! Hardly to keeping your secret identity as the sworn protectors of earth, the Phanto sisters! But I guranteed that you are willing to risks your lives, fighting for your ideals! Humph! Doesn't matter now. But this time, it will be something different. You'll be part of the extinction event when I plunge the planet into darkness. Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen! By the way, there's one more thing to tell you this. Demon Vibe got his eyes on you, Maka. (Teleports away)
Waddle Dee : Drats! She got away.
Meta Knignt : As long we keep this up, we might get her chance another day to rule the world for herself.
King Dedede : Hope the queen will might wait to acclaim her Victory when the Grandson of the Kusakabe will be destroyed. (hears Phone ringing)
Waddle Dee : Phone call, Mrs. Albarn.
Moirai Albarn : (answers the phone) Hello? Oh hello. Say aren't you the guy that is responsible for the creation of Soul World? Oh yeah, I see. Hey, sis. May I recognize the phone that I am currently talking to, I believe it's for you.
Maka Albarn : (talks into the phone) Hello?
Shinra Kusakabe (via phone) : So, I heard that the hero of Soul World has been an imposter and the real one I'm looking for is on the phone.
Maka Albarn : Is this the creator of Soul World?
Shinra Kusakabe (via phone) : Yes, you are correct. I am the one responsible for your world's creation, or perhaps is the same world that I once lived for about 1000 years before my death. I was the one who created my man-made son, Death. And took the profounding body that proclaims to be the kid named Shotaro, the dokeshi that is responsible for the demon weapons' creation.
Maka Albarn : So I finally recognized who you really are? You're the person who really created Soul World? So where are you at?
Shinra Kusakabe (via phone) : Oh yes, I know exactly where I am currently at, right now.
Maka Albarn : Really? like what?
Shinra Kusakabe (via phone) : Like I'm currently looking at you, straightly face to face! (Maka turns and sees the Devil Chaos Chao piloting the Dark Chao Walker)
Moirai Albarn : Oh no, it's him!
[Advice - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka Albarn : What!? A Chao in a machine?
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : Maka Albarn! We finally meet at last after my 1000 years of death. So, what did you agree on saving Real World AU, after you were framed for your actions against humanity?
Maka Albarn : No way...You're Shinra Kusakabe?
~ Sixty-Fifth Scene : The Creator's Return ~
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ask-thebackrooms · 1 year
can I make out w quest 😅
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he’s dating Bendy from the same source. be nice to him, he’s a bozo. - 🏳️‍⚧️
f*ck you, ice cream is good.- 🍮
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inksquish · 2 years
ShipAhoy x reader x Ink Bendy🔞 part 1
You are ready to battle a Scary thing since Wilson got chopped by his machine and turned into a huge scary giant Sailor boy toon. 
You noticed him looking at you like it’s in heated. “No you dumb thing kill her!” Wilson says in Ship Ahoy’s mind. You saw him pull out Wilson’s soul so you banish him after he did that then Ship Ahoy grabs you. “Hey mind letting me go?” you said nervously but it purrs at you and nuzzles your head. 
Ink Bendy growls at the Sailor toon’s with jealousy so he joins in. 
“She’s minee not yours...” Ink bendy said with a growl. The Two toons take turns nuzzling you and taking your clothes. 
“And these guys are going to f*ck me huh?” You tried to cover your breasts but Ink bendy licks them. You moan in pleasure so Ship Ahoy lays you down and wraps you up with his chains.  “That’s a yes...” You blush hard at the two then shudder at the cold. 
You lay down then see Ship Ahoy Dudley making a huge member by using ink powers that Wilson gave him. 
“Fine You’ll go firsssst...” Ink bendy said while he stares at Dudley and he purrs at you. 
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amberablerambles · 6 months
🌸It's that time of month!
April is the month of SAAM, SA awareness month. A month pretty important to me because of many reasons I will go over and even how you can hopefully try to prevent it & how you can help a family member or loved one.. So that being said-
tw: Mentions of SA, Forced Incest (unfortunately I'm not joking), Pedophilia, unwanted sexual advances, Stalking.
🌸And a reminder, I am heavily against this shit. I am a victim of all that's listed above ever since age 6. It's been years since my last encounter, so either you can believe me or not, genuinely I don't have much to prove. This is my experience and wanting to put my hand out there and let others know they're not alone.
🌸I have been SAed since I was 6, all through elementary school by three family members. By 2 male cousins (I got lucky I wasn't penetrated), and by my sibling who obviously lived in the same house. In the same room as I was.
🌸They were also kids, does this excuse this however? No. No it does not. Because with each and every instance of each, I was told to not say a word. To pray our sins away.
🌸Also in elementary, even through middle school, apps like Kik- Google plus- anywhere you could chat with a strange was becoming more and more of the norm. I was a child with unlimited internet access and I was preyed upon a lot- even when I was 15.
🌸A lot of people might not know that I have had a romantic relationship with a mun of a Bendy roleplay account- which got rightfully called out on the behavior but of course I was a kid and still was conditioned to think everything was alright.
🌸Then it was a person who was into the same fandoms as me, a 25 year old man. Dating a 15 year old (that being me). Did he get caught? Hell no- and he's even had HISTORY of dating younger teens, because he was still friends with his Ex who was also 15. Who made me, an at the time 15 year old, send n-des. Who sent d-ck picks back and moaning out my preferred name which still fucking haunts me to this day.
🌸People who had no business preying on teens, on children. And Unfortunately when I was in these situations, especially when younger, the world was still figuring out how the hell to protect children like me from predators.
🌸 From them sending us suggestive pictures. Doing suggestive roleplays- it's so terrifying and horrible to remember, and that's why even now I strive to keep my friends who are two, three years younger than me safe. To keep my little cousins safe- because holy shit-
🌸I don't want them to go through what I did.
🌸Of course there were also advances from people like Letecus (woah, name drop), who has sent minors NSFW pictures after claiming to not be a p-dophile.
🌸Unwanted and Sexual advances by Jamie, a person who I thought was a friend that turned out to be a twisted person- and one who was infatuated by me and even when they had partners still decided to try to hit on me
🌸To make me roleplay with them- so desperate to have me for God knows what. And then proceeding to stalk me even when they hit adulthood. Literally a few months ago they tried to add me on discord- and honestly I'm still fucking terrified that they're still stalking my accounts!
🌸I unfortunately have to point out that at a young age this has severely fucked me up: I have trust issues, either I can be very hypersexual or absolutely dreading the thought of even being touched. The mental effects that this shit has on people isn't a joke- it's not even funny to joke about, to write about.
🌸the hots and colds of it all still hasn't left me.
🌸But, how can you help yourself or others when these situations are arising? Oftentimes, the person facing these challenges can have a difficult time reaching out- possibly even finding people to help them.
🌸My best advice is to try to get in contact with authorities, anybody you know that's in your inner circle- if you're the one helping the one being in these situations, you must step up if the authorities won't do anything.
🌸I unfortunately don't know anything about the legal grounds with court hearings, as I never had the funds and was too young to even do much about it, my parents and grandparents never knew. I wish they did but what's done is done.
🌸I only hope that, to anybody reading who could know someone/is in this situation, or wanting to prevent it- will use this as a warning. About how people may act. The possible signs. And who to reach out to if possible.
🌸 Remember to stay safe please- especially nowadays.
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simpalert · 2 years
batim tapes from the characters+ocs
"It's been years...so so many years since I've seen someone that looks sane... someone other than me and what's left of the butcher gang...I miss bendy...I miss Boris...I'm tired of doing this. but I have to be perfect, if I become perfect then they might come back. things may turn to normal, bendy will be back, Boris will be back, and things will be better...I can only hope."
"I miss my friends.... everyone's gone missing or insane....why did joey do this...i...I can't believe he did this...it hurts too much to think about. I miss bendy and Alice....I wish they could just snap out of it, I wish I knew how to help but I don't...I wish henry was here, he'd know what to do, he always used to...I miss him....."
"what is going on?! why was joey hurting BORIS?! why did joey hurt ME?! i..it doesn't make sense, why did the universe do this? what wrong have we done?! please make this stop!!PLEASE..please....please....why does this have to happen....why is alive and boris getting hurt....why can't I help them...I want this to stop....the cuts still hurt so much...they burn so much....please...any almighty deity out there...make this end....please...it hurts..."
"what day is it...whats my name.....I honestly don't know anymore. the pain I feel is horrible...I miss hazel.....I miss her so much....where even am i...all I can see is wood....help me..."
"@@#$%$@%$^#$%-help-332432543335-can't see-2@#%$3@5$-everything hurt-@$#%#@%#@%%@#$#@@#" [rest of audio can't be recovered]
tape 1-"I can't even believe it....why did joey drew attack us? he looked like he was possessed, with this glossed-over evil look in his eye...i couldn't save missy...I'm going back for her... let's hope she's okay"
tape 2-"... she gone... she's dead....turned to ink...all I could find was her bracelet.....when I find that joey drew, he's gonna pay..."
hope ya'll like these, these were just made up on the spot soooooooooo ye :]
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hope ya enjoyed it and have a good day/afternoon/night
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pey-up · 2 years
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I posted 349 times in 2022
That's 349 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (6%)
328 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 161 of my posts in 2022
#fnaf - 27 posts
#batdr - 14 posts
#the owl house - 13 posts
#batim - 11 posts
#sundrop - 7 posts
#art - 7 posts
#michael afton - 7 posts
#daycare attendant - 6 posts
#toh - 6 posts
#bendy - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#unfollow now because this is all im gonna talk about until november 15th this is all ive wanted in life what the f♡ck
My Top Posts in 2022:
My main idea for a Golden Guard/Grimwalkers au is that all of the golden guards are dead (besides hunter), and they have their own little world. It's a forest almost and a house (it's comedicly big to fit all of the grimwalkers) All of them are just chilling in their huge house and maybe one day hunter 'dies' or has a near death experience and finds it
And then one day Philip/Belos dies. He finds it and all of the previous grimwalkers+wittebro+wittewife are all traumatized and ready to fight
44 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
I WAS TALKING ABOUT FLAPJACK (because hes wonderful) AND SHE ASKED "Do you think its because hes a bird? And he flaps?" AND NOW IM RETHINKING EVERYTHING
47 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
49 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Welcome to my slightly crack theory, i dont really believe this but i still thought it was cool
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Remember this guy? Looks like the collector (we kinda established that a while ago) but it doesn't look quite like ours, you know the eclipse sun/moon chaotic child. This one seemed more... mature? If that makes sense? Nothing about being bored, wanting games, or anything (if he did and I didn't catch it let me know!) Also, he's so tall??? For being a child (in kings tide he was about luz's height or shorter in the top photo he's super tall. So what am I getting at here? I think I have an answer to the question everyone's been wondering. Does the collector have parents? I think it's a Ranboo situation. A sun-themed god and a moon-themed god had a chaotic child and possibly couldn't take care of it, or something happened and the Collector was alone.
52 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Luz:Why do you hate titans?
Collector:I don't???
Luz:Really? Because your cult hated them
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3,777 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I also started on tumblr this yeah but oh wellll
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His family cut him off financialy. So
joey : …
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inkmachine7 · 1 year
So, CK!Cuphead, does Bendy work for you or does he just do his own thing? Also you like the Circus? Seems like something you would enjoy.
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quillsinkwell · 2 years
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I posted 352 times in 2022
That's 340 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (7%)
327 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 195 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#quill's reblogs - 111 posts
#batdr - 55 posts
#ace attorney - 42 posts
#misquillaneous - 31 posts
#signal boost - 16 posts
#quill talks - 15 posts
#batim - 14 posts
#bendy and the dark revival - 12 posts
#bendy and the ink machine - 8 posts
#batdr spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#this is what happens when you turn all your queer employees into ink monsters joey
My Top Posts in 2022:
The animation was really good, even for Illumination. You can really tell Nintendo *put a lot of money in to make this look good (read: held a gun to Illumination's head to make sure they didn't fuck this up)
So, fun fact about me, before this trailer, I have never heard Jack Black's voice. I didn't even know who he was until he got cast! Still, I gotta, you can tell he put a lot of effort into Bowser's voice, to make it that perfect mix of villainous so you can see why he's seen as a threat but also cartoony enough to be funny.
Speaking of funny, the scene with the peinguins? Hilarious!
Also, internet, can we bully Nintendo into getting rid of Crisp Rat? That man IS not Mario. We did for Sonic's design, we can do it for this.
Toad was pretty ok, he wasn't a dead ringer, but he also wasn't Crisp Rat.
Also, once again, My Boi Luigi is getting buried under the rug! But, at least there's confirmation they didn't fuck him up so....
Me: I want to see my little boi
Nintendo: Here he comes!
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Me: *slowly lowers the gun from Miyamoto's head* ok..you may live...but i want mORE
71 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
86 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
@knightinink WAIT REALLY? /GEN?
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Whelp, time to ramble
TW for implied torture
Instead of trying to gas her, the Keepers decided to lock Audrey up with the rest of the Cyclebreakers
The barrier curtains that cover the cells? Outta here! Audrey interacting with Henry and Sammy (and Norman, he's there too) more then in-game!
During this stint in prison, Audrey sees one of the communication-radio thingies that Allison talked to her on nearby and goes for it while her cellmates cause a distraction!
She speaks into it only to hear instead...Porter?!
He was in the nearby area of one and heard her voice coming out of it and decided to strike up a conversation!
Obviously, she's like, "h e l p m e" and Porter, while kinda not getting the fact that her life's in danger, promises to come save her!
Audrey gives him instructions to find a woman with a sword named Alice and that he has to find a way to take out the power, because his powers would be canceled out.
But then the Keepers come and take Audrey away!
And they uh...let's just say that her punishment was exactly what Bendy was trying to prevent
And that everyone in the prison heard her screams.
And there was a certain someone with incredible hearing far away from the prison who heard her.
A n y w a y s, the next day, there's a power outage! So Audrey, Sammy, Henry and Norman take this opportunity to escape! (With Henry carrying Norman's head)
During the chaos they manage to unite with Porter, Allison, and Tom (the latter two have to be told that Sammy is an ally, so don't curbstomp him please-)
But then the Keepers corner them, and when it seems like they're dead just when they had a chance, the Ink Demon comes and takes advantage of the lack of power to f*ck em up!
While the others want to use Bendy's rampage as cover to escape, Henry, Audrey and Sammy aren't so inclined.
For Sammy, it's relatively simple; he can't abandon his lord! Not at his grand revival! What kind of prophet would he be?
For Audrey, she's having an internal debate. On one hand, she knows the Ink Demon could kill her, if stories from her cellmates are true and he had. On the other hand, he came here, even after what had happened to him here.
(Wilson spilled what he did to Bendy when he came by in a attempt to get Audrey's trust. It Did Not Work)
He wouldn't have done that just for no reason, and the reason that a part of her wanted to believe that it was to help her. (That part of you is right Audrey~)
Henry's having a similar debate, with the knowledge of the Cycle and the fact that's Bendy's one of Joey's pawns too.
The party's left in a stalemate until Porter just straight up yells to Bendy, "Hey silly! We're leaving soon! You don't wanna be left behind!"
And Bendy? He actually listens and heads towards the group
So now we have Allison and Tom trying to run away from Bendy but also trying not to leave Henry, Audrey, and Porter behind, Bendy in his massive Ink Demon self running behind him, Porter quick teleporting and having the time of his life, Sammy frantically screaming about Bendy, Norman screeching into Allison's ears, and Audrey and Henry just trying to keep up and wondering "how did my life get to this point"
It all comes to a climax when they're almost out of the prison when the power comes back on! And the Keepers found them
Bendy's shrinking into Benders and the Keepers are making a move on him and that's when Audrey makes her choice...
...by scooping him up in his arms and yelling at everyone to keep running
A long and heavy chase ensues, until the group manages to hide and shake them off
See the full post
115 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Thinks about ghosts as a recurring motif in BATDR. In the literal sense with Carly, the Phantoms of the Machine, Memory! Joey, etc. But also thinks about ghosts in a figurative sense. Joey haunting the studio even after dying, but not being the real Joey, just haunted by the monster the man was. Henry being created solely for Joey to haunt and torture. Audrey being haunted by Joey's legacy and not even remembering it. Alice being haunted and tormented over a false standard of perfection. Allison being haunted by Alice and what could have been. Bendy being haunted over never being good enough for Joey and being tortured and forced into what everyone else wants him to be until he meets Audrey.
god. this game heard the saying "there's more than one way to be haunted" and fucking ran with it huh
185 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
do i understand that since hunter is one of many clones of a dead guy from the 1600s him being transmasc most likely won't be canon?: yes
do i subscribe to the headcanon regardless?: also yes
289 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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jeweledstone · 5 years
wHat if
Tumblr media
And combine it with
Tumblr media
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