petervintonjr · 1 year
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"A first-class citizen does not beg for freedom. A first-class citizen does not plead to the power structure to give him something that the whites have no power to give or take away. Human rights are human rights, not white rights."
Meet "Glorious" Gloria Hayes Richardson (later Dandridge), the first woman to found and lead a grassroots civil rights organization outside of the Deep South, the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee (CNAC). Born in 1922 Baltimore, Maryland during the Depression, Gloria was fortunate to be born into a reasonably privileged Black family --her father's family, the Hayes, owned real estate and operated businesses; and her mother's family, the St. Clairs, were politically active and well-connected --her maternal grandfather was the sole Black member of the Cambridge, Maryland city council. Gloria graduated from Howard University in 1942 and worked for various Federal agencies during World War II, but was unemployable in social services after the war due to her race. In 1948 she married schoolteacher Harry Richardson and spent the next 13 years raising their children, where the story might be expected to end.
It was her own teenage daughter Donna that changed Gloria's life trajectory. In 1961 Donna became involved with the Freedom Riders and then the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), in an attempt to desegregate Cambridge's public accommodations. Gloria also joined in the efforts but pointedly did not subscribe to, nor endorse, the SNCC's prevailing commitment to non-violence. When desegregation actions faltered, Gloria instead created the aforementioned Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee (CNAC) as an adult-run SNCC affiliate. With the advantage of being in a so-called "border" state rather than in the Deep South, the CNAC was able to expand its scope of grievances, such as housing discrimination and health care. It also pursued its protest actions more aggressively (and with more violent consequences) than was the hallmark of the SNCC. In the summer of 1963 protest actions were sufficient to prompt Maryland Governor Millard Tawes to enact martial law. In an iconic photo (the basis for my illustration), Richardson visibly and angrily pushes back against a National Guard bayonet rifle. In July of that year Richardson actually landed a face-to-face meeting with then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and made it plain to him that the civil rights movement was not just about desegregation and voter registration drives, but also about systemic poverty and joblessness (Black unemployment ran to nearly 40% that year). In the aftermath of that meeting, the Treaty Of Cambridge was negotiated, which proposed to desegregate Dorchester County public facilities, establish provisions for public housing, and create a human rights commission.
Unfortunately Richardson's unapologetic means and methods, while certainly inspiring and headline-grabbing (and also placing her at No. 2 on the Ku Klux Klan's target list, just after Martin Luther King), also bore a cost: barely a month later, while she and five other women from the CNAC had been specifically invited to sit on the stage with King at the March On Washington, she was not allowed by its organizers to actually speak and only managed a quick "hello" to the assembled crowd that day, before her microphone was cut.
After the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, after two years of near-continuous demonstrations, an exhausted Gloria resigned from the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee and moved to New York. In later years she divorced Harry Richardson and married Frank Dandridge, a freelance photographer. For the rest of her life Gloria remained steadfastly committed to pushing back against entrenched white supremacy, and never compromised in her advocacy. Notably she did not support Barack Obama's presidential campaign, viewing him as lacking the same depth and background of the civil rights advocates of the 60's. However she did live to the age of 99 --long enough to be able to watch from her New York apartment window the hopeful spectacle of a new generation of angry protestors taking their outrage to the streets, after the murder of George Floyd. Gloria died shortly afterwards, on July 15, 2021. The city of Cambridge, Maryland now features her likeness on a 50' x 20' mural, just adjacent to a depiction of a fellow Dorchester County native, Harriet Tubman.
"This Supreme Court is backward and extremely right-wing. They did a job on affirmative action and will certainly go after Roe v. Wade."      --from a disturbingly prophetic interview in 2008
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raoullemercier · 3 months
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2024 Grenoble, Céline Kopp, directrice du magasin-CNAC lors de l'inauguration de l'exposition Étoiles ou Tempêtes de Benoît Pieron
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Lawrence Weiner, «Une Boite Faite en Bois Batie sur les Cendres d'une Boite Faite en Bois» / «A Box Made of Wood Built Upon the Ashes of a Box Made of Wood», (one of two cardboard stencils in an original envelope), Centre national d'art contemporain de Grenoble (CNAC), Grenoble, 1987 [© Lawrence Weiner]
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mlleclaudine · 1 month
Visit Tamara de Lempicka’s First U.S. Retrospective in San Francisco This October
by Kate Mothes - Colossal, August 13, 2024
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“Young Girl in Green (Young Girl with Gloves)” (c. 1931), oil on board, 24 1/4 x 17 7/8 inches. Digital image © CNAC/MNAM, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, New York, courtesy of Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Nearly one hundred years after Tamara de Lempicka (1894-1980) first exhibited her work in San Francisco, a sweeping survey of the storied and glamorous artist opens again in the city. This October, at the de Young—part of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco—the show marks the artist’s first U.S. retrospective and illuminates new details about her life.
de Lempicka’s bold, stylized figures have become synonymous with the 1920s, an era characterized by opulence, sophistication, and youthful optimism. She incorporates Art Deco design elements, like geometric facets, tonal contrasts, and city architecture framing idealized faces and flowing, fashionable garments. She sought to create recognizable paintings with a freshness and clarity that set them apart from what she called the “banality” of art she saw around her. And among other Art Deco-era painters like Diego Rivera or Rockwell Kent, who often painted large murals featuring crowds of people, de Lempicka distinguished herself by focusing predominantly on portraits.
The artist’s early life has long been a source of fascination. For years, she was thought to have been born Tamara Rozalia Gurwik-Górska in 1894—although she claimed variously that she was born in 1898, 1900, and 1902—but recent research reveals her birth name was Tamara Rosa Hurwitz. She moved to Saint Petersburg, where she married a prominent Polish lawyer named Tadeusz Łempicki, and then traveled to Paris, where she studied painting. “At the beginning of her career, de Lempicka chose to sign her works using the male declination of her surname, ‘Lempitzky,’ effectively disguising her gender and adding to the confusion surrounding her origin story,” says an exhibition statement.
By 1928, de Lempicka had become the mistress of Baron Raoul Kuffner de Dioszegh, a wealthy art collector, and she divorced from Łempicki in 1931. When Kuffner’s wife died, the artist married Kuffner, and she became known in the press as “The Baroness with a Brush.” The couple moved to the U.S. in 1939, and although her work fell out of fashion during World War II, a 1960s revival of Art Deco style ushered in a comeback. She eventually moved to Mexico in 1974, where she died in 1980.
More than 120 of de Lempicka’s works will go on view in San Francisco, including her most celebrated portraits, early experimental still lifes, rarely seen drawings, and a selection of Art Deco objects from the Fine Arts Museums’ collection. Tamara de Lempicka runs October 12, 2024, to February 9, 2025, after which it will travel to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, from March 9 to May 25. Find more on the de Young’s website.
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“Brilliance (Bacchante)” (c. 1932), oil on panel, 14 1/4 x 10 5/8 inches.
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“Portrait of a Man (Thadeusz Łempicki) or Unfinished Portrait of a Man,” (1928), oil on canvas, 51 x 31 7/8 inches.
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“Arums” (1935), oil on canvas, 25 7/8 x 19 3/8 inches.
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“Irene and Her Sister” (1925), oil on canvas, 57 1/2 x 35 1/16 inches.
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“Saint-Moritz” (1929), oil on panel, 13 3/4 x 10 5/8 inches.
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“Portrait of Ira P.” (1930), oil on panel, 39 3/8 x 25 9/16 inches.
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Thérèse Bonney, “Tamara de Lempicka working on ‘Portrait of Tadeusz de Łempicki'” (c. 1929), gelatin silver print, 9 3/8 x 7 inches.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 22 - China Airlines
China Airlines, not to be confused with China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, China United Airlines, Air China Inner Mongolia, China Eastern Yunnan Airlines, Grand China Air, China Express Airlines, China Flying Dragon Aviation, China West Air, China Cargo Airlines, China Postal Airlines, China Southern Cargo, China Air Cargo, China General Aviation, China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC), China Northern Airlines, China Northern Swan Airlines, China Northwest Airlines, China Southwest Airlines, China Xinhua Airlines, China Xinjiang Airlines, China Yunnan Airlines, Great China Airlines, People's Aviation Company of China (CAAC), or China's flag carrier Air China, is the flag carrier of Taiwan.
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It's funny. I always thought I loved this livery.
I remember a conversation I had with my mother at the airport in...oh, it must have been 2018. I remember saying "all these planes are so bland I can barely tell them apart - I wish more of them did something interesting or tried to be pretty, like China Airlines".
Back then I wasn't the person I am now. I didn't look at nearly as many pictures of airplanes, and not nearly as closely. Attempting to seriously review a livery actually makes me realize things I never did before. I didn't know I liked the SAS livery before I looked at it critically. And I didn't know that...I don't think I like the China Airlines livery very much.
It makes me sad. It feels a little like growing up to learn that Guinness World Records mean nothing. But I don't blame my past self for thinking so highly of them. This is a situation where the high concept is fantastic and it doesn't fall apart until you look closer.
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I think the main thing CAL has going for it is the color scheme, which is gorgeous. There aren't really other lavender planes out there and I think the plum blossom motif is very pretty. It's very easily recognizable and very aesthetically pleasing. It's not going for cool or for sleek, it's going for pretty, and that is, strangely enough, an untapped market.
And that's what I liked about it. That's what I still like about it. So it kills me when I say the implementation is very disappointing.
First off, Detached Tail Syndrome. This would have been so easy to remedy because the lavender is already a gradient. Gradients are maybe the easiest thing to ever extend off a tail, especially with a pastel color into a white body.
I feel like just having one blossom on the tail is a missed opportunity as well. A cluster of flowers across the back of the fuselage, growing over it like ivy...I can see it in my mind's eye, but China Airlines apparently can't.
I like the bit of blue, but I do sort of dislike how it's implemented.
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It looks like she's got a bandage wrapped around her nose. I don't at all dislike the sweeping lines, but only having two of them and only at the very front feels strange. Could there not be a handful of ribbon-like lines splitting out from one point to cover a larger part of the fuselage?
And did the background have to be white? Could it not be a barely-off-white lavender, a faint powder pink, anything more dynamic? There is so much you can do with gradients, so much CAL chooses not to do. They take these fantastic colors, this start of a design, and chicken out before it actually covers the fuselage.
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Look how bad it looks on a longer plane. Look how much it fades into nothingness. The blue is just vivid enough to be visible, feeling out-of-place on a stretched-out white expanse. The lavender underbelly is difficult to notice unless you're looking for it because it just looks like the shadow on the lowest part of the plane. The tail is on its own. Did you have to fly this plane between coats of paint? This can't really be the final design, can it? This wasn't even the worst example of this I found! There are longer and weirder looking planes out there and the livery looks even worse on them!
Okay. My opinion has been voiced. I have some notes about what can be done better, and both of them are going to be delivered using other China Airlines liveries.
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First, this China Airlines Cargo (not to be confused with China Cargo Airlines, which is Chinese) 747. This is hypothetically the same livery, but the shape of the 747's nose makes the blue occupy more of the fuselage, and that instantly makes it so much better. Maybe make some of those lines peek out at the tail end and/or over the wings and you've got yourself a livery there. Give the plane a ribbon hat! Anything. Literally anything.
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Second, this 'fusion' livery. China Airlines has a line of liveries which include aspects of Boeing and Airbus's default manufacturer liveries (let me know if you'd like to see me cover either those on their own).
To begin with, it's sad the degree to which this overpowers the actual CAL branding. But second, isn't this such an improvement? If you took the Boeing branding off you could mistake it for CAL's colors, and the lavender neatly cuts through the top of the fuselage instead of staying on the tail. The waves of the blue keep the elegant feeling of the blossoms while keeping the rest of the livery interesting. This looks better than the regular CAL livery and it's literally someone else's livery.
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The Airbus livery looks better too, and that's even though I don't like the carbon fiber tails on their own, but make them CAL colors and add a big logo to the blank part of the fuselage and you've got something at least interesting! (Also, she looks so fishlike with this tail. Big fan.)
Now, I don't believe CAL needs that much detail to make a good livery. I think it would only take a couple more details, another element or two and you'd have something nice. It might even be good enough that my past self's statements would be earned.
And one last thing. One very obvious thing that I can't believe they missed.
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All those blossoms and you don't even put one behind her ear? For shame, China Airlines.
Grade: C-
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ubu507 · 6 months
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Tamara de Lempicka, Jeune fille en vert (Jeune fille aux gants) (Young Woman in Green, Young Woman with Gloves) (detail), 1930–1931. Oil on board, 24 1/4 x 17 7/8 in. (61.5 x 45.5 cm). Centre Pompidou - Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, purchase, 1932, inv. JP557P © 2023 Tamara de Lempicka Estate, LLC / ADAGP, Paris / ARS, NY. Digital image © CNAC/MNAM, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY
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cartermagazine · 2 years
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Today We Honor Gloria Richardson “The lady general of civil rights.” - Ebony Magazine Gloria Richardson, leader of the Cambridge, Maryland Nonviolent Action Committee (CNAC), was as tough as they come. Born in Baltimore, Maryland to a middle-class family with a history of local activism, Gloria’s family were the owners of grocery stores in Cambridge’s Second Ward, a predominantly Black community separated from the white neighborhood by. The men in her family worked to alleviate the oppression of poor black people. CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke #gloriarichardson https://www.instagram.com/p/CmLph3luDGk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amaaa5 · 1 year
The child, Rahma Ali, suffers from a tumor on her cheek. She now needs an emergency operation to remove the tumor
The child is from a poor family who do not have money. We invite you all to contribute as much as possible via Paypal
The amount required for the operation is $1,500 dollars
paypal link 👇🏾👇🏾
https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amalyemen7?v=1&utm_source=unp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=RT000269&utm_unptid=bb99af6e-f8e5-11ed-8a9a-40a6b727fdf1&ppid=RT000269&cnac=CA&rsta=en_US%28en -CA%29&cust=8MYDM37386BS2&unptid=bb99af6e- f8e5-11ed-8a9a-40a6b727fdf1&calc=f22b417f75c58&unp_tpcid=ppme-social-user-profile-created&page=main%3Aemail%3ART000269&pgrp=main%3Aemail&e=cl&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys&appVersion=1. 170.0&xt=104038%2C127632
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Open Your Future Today: Top CNA Classes in CT Revealed
Title:⁣ Unlock Your Future Today: Top CNA Classes in CT Revealed
Meta Title: Discover the best CNA classes in CT to kickstart your career in healthcare
Meta Description: Looking to become ⁣a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Connecticut? Explore the top CNA classes in CT that⁤ will help⁣ you ‌unlock your future in the healthcare industry.
Are ‌you‍ passionate about helping others and interested in pursuing a career in healthcare? Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ⁣could be the perfect starting point for⁤ you. CNAs play a crucial ⁤role in providing direct patient care and support to those in ‌need, making a positive impact on their lives every day.
If you’re located in Connecticut and looking to start your journey towards becoming a CNA, you’ll need to enroll⁤ in a reputable CNA program to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. In this article, we’ll⁣ unveil the top CNA classes in CT that will help you⁤ unlock ​your future in​ the​ healthcare industry.
Top CNA Classes in CT:
1. ⁣XYZ Training Center – Location: Hartford, CT – Program Duration: 8 weeks – ‍Highlights: Small class sizes, hands-on training, job ⁢placement assistance – Website: www.xyztrainingcenterct.com
2. ABC ⁤Nursing School – ​Location: New ⁣Haven, CT – Program Duration: 6 weeks – Highlights: Experienced instructors, flexible class schedules, mock clinicals – Website: www.abcnursingschoolct.com
3. DEF Healthcare Institute – Location: Stamford, CT – Program Duration: 10 weeks – Highlights: State-of-the-art facilities, online learning options, externship opportunities – Website: www.defhealthcareinstitute.com
Benefits of Enrolling ‌in a CNA⁤ Program:
– Gain valuable ‌skills: CNA classes will equip you with essential skills such as patient care, vital⁢ signs monitoring, infection control, and more. – Job opportunities: Upon completing a CNA program and obtaining certification, you’ll have a wide‌ range of ⁣job opportunities in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and other healthcare settings. – Career advancement: Becoming a CNA can serve as a stepping stone to furthering your career in healthcare, such as becoming a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN).
Practical Tips for Choosing the Right CNA⁣ Class:
– Research the program: Take the time to research different CNA programs in ‌CT, considering factors such as program length, cost, accreditation, and reputation. – Visit the facilities: Schedule a visit to the training center to⁢ get a feel for the environment, meet the instructors, and see the resources available to students. – Talk to ‍current⁢ students:‌ Reach out to current or former students ‌of the CNA program to gather insights on their experiences and‌ the quality⁤ of education provided.
Case Study: Jessica’s Journey‌ to Becoming a CNA
Jessica had always been passionate about helping others and decided to pursue a career in healthcare. After researching various CNA ⁢programs in CT, she enrolled in XYZ Training Center’s CNA program. ⁣Through‌ hands-on training and supportive instructors, Jessica gained ‌the skills and confidence needed to excel as a CNA. Upon completing her certification, she secured a job at a local nursing home, where she continues to make a difference⁢ in the lives of patients every day.
Embarking on a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, allowing you to make a ⁢positive impact on the lives of others. By enrolling ⁢in one of the top CNA classes in CT, you can acquire the necessary skills​ and knowledge to kickstart your career in the healthcare industry. Researching programs, visiting facilities, and‌ learning from case studies like Jessica’s‍ can help‌ you make an informed decision and set you on the path to‌ success. Unlock ⁣your future today⁤ by‍ exploring the best⁤ CNA classes in CT⁢ and taking the first step towards a fulfilling career as a CNA.
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imaginariodigital · 10 months
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CNAC Cerrillos 2023
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naturelawyer · 3 months
Notification obligatoire avant l’expiration du délai : condition essentielle pour la substitution légale de l’avis de la CNAC à celui de la CDAC
Selon le Code de commerce, la Commission nationale d’aménagement commercial (CNAC) a le pouvoir d’examiner de sa propre initiative tout projet nécessitant une autorisation d’exploitation commerciale, avec ou sans permis de construire, si la surface de vente existante ou prévue atteint au moins 20 000 m². La CNAC peut exercer cette compétence dans un délai d’un mois à partir de la date de…
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raoullemercier · 1 year
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2023 Grenoble, Magasin-CNAC Sanstitre (Inv 22003) 2022 Djamel Tatah
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Lawrence Weiner, Untitled («Une Boite Faite en Bois Batie sur les Cendres d'une Boite Faite en Bois» / «A Box Made of Wood Built Upon the Ashes of a Box Made of Wood»), (one of two cardboard stencils in an original envelope), Centre national d'art contemporain de Grenoble (CNAC), Grenoble, 1987 [Topos Bookstore, Ridgewood, Queens, NY. © Lawrence Weiner]
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reconversionruina · 3 months
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Ensayo ganador del concurso de Ensayos sobre Artes Visuales.
Volumen XI. Archivos, territorios y temporalidades 2024
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Gloria Richardson Dandridge (born Gloria St. Clair Hayes; May 6, 1922 – July 15, 2021) in Baltimore to John and Mabel Hayes. Her parents moved the family to Cambridge, Maryland.
She enrolled at Howard University at age sixteen and graduated with a BA in Sociology. She worked as a civil servant for the federal government in the WWII era. She returned to Cambridge after the war. She married local school teacher Harry Richardson (1948) and raised a family for the next thirteen years.
When the civil rights movement came to Cambridge in 1961 in the form of Freedom Riders, the town was thoroughly segregated and the African American unemployment rate was 40 percent. Her daughter, Donna, became involved with SNCC’s effort to desegregate public accommodations. She refused to commit herself to non-violence as a protest tactic.
She and other parents created the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee which became the only adult-led SNCC affiliate in the civil rights organization’s history. CNAC enlarged the scope of grievances to include housing and employment discrimination and inadequate health care. She was selected to lead CNAC. It addressed a wider array of issues rather than the one or two that motivated other campaigns. Since she and her followers refused to commit to non-violence as a philosophy or a tactic, CNAC protests were far more violent and confrontational. Protests in 1963, for example, prompted the Maryland Governor to send in the National Guard. The Guard remained in the city, which was effectively under martial law, for nearly a year. The Cambridge Movement drew the attention of Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, who unsuccessfully attempted to broker an agreement between Cambridge’s white political leaders and Richardson’s CNAC.
She resigned from the Cambridge Nonviolent Action Committee. She married freelance photographer Frank Dandridge. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphakappaalpha
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
"Esperamos rodar (la película) el próximo año, después de la procesión de la Divina Pastora (14 de enero). Estamos hablando del primer trimestre del 2025", expresó Marialejandra Martín, directora del largometraje [caption id="attachment_107484" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Foto Prensa Zuaas[/caption] La directora de la película "¡Zuass, se fue la luz!", Marialejandra Martín y su equipo de producción, prevén realizar el rodaje del largometraje en el primer trimestre del próximo año. Así lo anunció la directora, productora y actriz de cine, teatro y televisión, en el programa de radio "Sin mucho protocolo", de la locutora Adela Sánchez Cordero, que se transmite a través de Onda 91.5 FM de Puerto La Cruz, en el estado Anzoategui. "Esperamos rodar (la película) el próximo año, después de la procesión de la Divina Pastora (14 de enero). Estamos hablando del primer trimestre del 2025", expresó Martín, en entrevista realizada a través de la plataforma Zoom. Recordó que entre finales de febrero y principios de marzo del presente año, se rodó el "teaser" (avances) de la película en Barquisimeto, donde se desarrolla la historia, una comedia romántica que tiene como contexto el evento eléctrico del 7 de marzo del 2019, que dejó sin electricidad y otros servicios públicos al país, por cerca de una semana. [caption id="attachment_107483" align="aligncenter" width="403"] Foto Prensa Zuaas[/caption] La película habla de la capacidad de los venezolanos para salir adelante en los contextos más difíciles, y hacerlo con la solidaridad que lo caracteriza, su resiliencia y humor a toda prueba. Martín explicó que rodaron el "teaser", no solamente a los fines de grabar algunas escenas de la cinta para la búsqueda de aliados, también "para ver la vialidad de rodar todo el largometraje en Barquisimeto". Luego de grabar los avances de la película, "nos dimos cuenta que es factible. Para nosotros fue maravilloso hacer el 'teaser' en Barquisimeto; claro, hay muchas cosas que aprender de ese globo de ensayo, pero nos dimos cuenta que era posible hacerla toda allí, aunque aumenta un poco más los costos" de producción. Señaló que el "teaser" se encuentra actualmente en proceso de edición, "pronto la tendremos listo, cinco minutos de rodaje de la historia", que permitirá iniciar el proceso de preventa del largometraje. Entre los actores de la película destacan Dora Mazzone, Emilio Lovera, Tania Sarabia, Marycarmen Regueiro, Rolando Padilla, Luigi Sciamanna, Alexandro Noguera (Charly Mata), Amilcar Rivero, Claudia Rojas y Alan Suárez, además de actores residenciados en Barquisimeto, cuyas escogencias se están haciendo a través de un "casting" que se efectuó a finales de enero del presente año. La historia de la película está inspiradá en el libro «¡Zuaas…! (Historias breves de la crisis eléctrica) Microrrelatos» (Venezuela, 2019), que tiene como contexto el acontecimiento eléctrico mencionado de marzo del 2019. Zuaas también es una experiencia literaria y editorial de Barquisimeto, que ya ha publicado siete libros colectivos de narrativa breve. El guion de "¡Zuass, se fue la luz!" lo escribieron Marialejandra Martín, Thaelman Urguelles y Malena Roncayolo. La cinta producida por Procine, La Caja Teatro y el Cieca, recibió apoyo del Centro Autónomo Nacional de Cinematografía (CNAC), en la modalidad Desarrollo de Proyecto Cinematografico, del Programa de Estímulo y Fomento a la Producción Cinematográfica Nacional, para la realizar el "teaser" y otros avances del largometraje, Ópera Prima de Marialejandra Martín. [caption id="attachment_107485" align="aligncenter" width="466"] Foto Prensa Zuaas[/caption] Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Zuaas
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