#COBRA Saboteur
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on dossier art for Firefly, COBRA saboteur and antagonist to G.I. JOE, artwork by Ron Garney, from the pages of "G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero" Vol. 1 #117. October, 1991. Marvel Comics.
File Name: Classified
Birthplace: Classified
Primary Specialty: Sabotage, Demolitions, and Terror
DOSSIER INFO: "No one knows what Firefly's real name is or what he looks like. He is known by his work. Expert in all NATO and Warsaw Pact explosives and detonators. Always places his charges in the one place that affords maximum damage. There is no question about his infiltration skills since no one has ever reported seeing him enter or leave any target area."
"Even COBRA Commander doesn't know much about Firefly. His fees are paid into a numbered Swiss bank account and are always payable in advance. He makes no guarantees and gives no refunds."
Source: www.yojoe.com/comics/pinup/117.shtml.
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gijoe-forever · 2 years
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hate5sixofficial · 4 months
Saboteur 2023-07-20 Cobra Lounge Chicago, IL
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artbytimfeeney · 22 days
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GI Joe
Firefly - Cobra Saboteur
Firefly was my favorite character from the series overall. Be it comics, TV or film. To that end I made an ode to this little pyro.
I hope you enjoy it!
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plasticsparkphotos · 4 months
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G.I. Joe Classified #84 - Firefly (Cobra Saboteur)
#gijoeclassified #desktoy
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Dynamic Comics #1 (October, 1941). Cover by Charles Sultan.
This issue includes the origins and first appearance of not only cover star Major Victory, but the first Dynamic Man, Hale the Magician, and the Black Cobra.
Major Victory was another of the seemingly unending parade of patriotic superheroes that followed the arrival of MLJ's The Shield the previous year. It seems that no one told the comic book publishers that America had not entered World War ll.
The Major was a nameless soldier who got an oil lantern to the face and blown up by an evil saboteur. Father Patriot, a poor man's combination of Uncle Sam and the wizard Shazam, takes pity on the soldier and brings him back to life. Father Patriot tasks the newly christened Major Victory with protecting America.
Father Patriot even goes so far as to equip the Major with a costume, a wireless shack with a super radio, and an airplane hangar complete with an airplane (which he destroys on his first mission) on a remote mountaintop somewhere.
However, Father Patriot neglected to give the poor guy any superpowers at all; at least initially. In later stories Father Patriot would grant Major Victory "the strength of 1,000 men" when he was in a tough spot (might've been smarter to give him that at the get go), and magically transport him to where he was needed (which was cheaper than replacing an entire airplane).
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
Two questions: What role would you assign each miraculous (ex: crowd control) and two if you were ladybug, what would be your team look like 🙃
Let's see... A lot of these could change depending on situation, but in general I'd probably say:
Ladybug - Strategist/Leader Black Cat - Front Line/Leader Dragon - Fighter/Front Line Cobra - Strategist Rabbit - Strategist Bee - Defense/Fighter Butterfly - Fighter/Strategist Dog - Saboteur Eagle - Crowd Control Fox - Defensive/Spy/Saboteur Goat - Support Horse - Crowd Control/Support Monkey - Saboteur Mouse - Spy Ox - Defense/Front Line Peacock - Fighter/Spy Pig - Crowd Control/Support Rooster - Fighter/Support Tiger - Front Line Turtle - Defense
For a team it is temping to say all of them, so I'm limiting it to five since that was the OG team in the show. So there would be me, the Ladybug, so I'd say my team would be:
Ladybug Bee Snake Fox Peacock
Bee is easily one of the most OP in my opinion. A great offensive and defensive option, it could basically be a OHKO with stopping an opponent if they get in a hit, especially if there's a dangerous threat. The Snake of course can give you infinite chances and information. The Fox lets you hide and trick, and can help you use plans the opponent might already be aware of (like someone can be well aware of what the Bee can do, so the Fox can let them get close). The Peacock is there of course for giving you an extra ally, and diverse powers for whatever situation one might encounter.
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thelegendofmrrager · 9 months
approaches you what's one of your favorite ever characters in media? tell me all about it. chinhands.
*bats my eyes* ohh i love this question thank u AJ
I reeeally like Daffy Duck. Idk why it took me so long to think of a character bc it's Him. For a pretty personal reason actually! When I was in high school I had pretty low self esteem and didn't really like myself at all; daffy was one of those characters I wanted to embody bc he had a lot of traits that I desired in myself (self confident to a degree of cockiness, immune to others' criticisms, vain, likes to think himself to be the most interesting person in the room... additionally, i loved billy joe cobra as a character for the same reasons haha).
All those are on the extreme side of the personality spectrum so like,, i didn't want to be self absorbed or anything like that, but I wanted to be my biggest fan in the same way that he is his own biggest fan. A lot of other characters in the LT universe find Daffy to be obnoxious and hard to tolerate, and to some degree that was my outlook on myself. So I looked to Daffy as a sort of blueprint to combat that inner saboteur.
Alsoooo I just find his character to be one of the more entertaining to watch out of all the other Looney Tunes, I don't think he gets the same accolades that Bugs gets despite having appeared first. I think he's one of the best aspects of Space Jam, he gets a cool little introspective scene in Looney Tunes: Back in Action where he opens up to Bugs about being envious of the admiration and success Bugs gets, aaaand Duck Dodgers went hard as fuck. The intro especially cuz who the fuck thought "hey let's get Tom Jones and The Flaming Lips into the studio and crank out a banger"
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hasbr0mniverse · 1 year
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1992 - Code Name: Firefly - Cobra Saboteur - Vehicle Specialty: Cobra Paralyzer Driver - “I came, I saw, I blew it up!”
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Alīka Muum’estu
AKA, Alexa play Surface Pressure from Encanto
Sorry, this turned out way longer than I thought it would. (1750 words, just about)
Twarxii and Grievous’ first child was born in the late winter of 34 BBY. Dubbed Alīka by Grievous, she was an adorable little bundle of sunshine in an otherwise cold and miserable month. Her yellow scales were so bright, it hurt to look at her. Her personality seemed to reflect that sunniness, a sweet and inquisitive girl always hanging off the skirts of one mother or another. As soon as she could walk (which was early for a baby Kaleesh, aka a nightmare baby) she was always going somewhere. Life became a perpetual game of “make sure Alīka doesn’t wander out the door”.
Alīka grew up fast and she grew up big. Twarxii’s family has a propensity for making bigass children. Alīka’s uncle was none other than Bentilais san Sk’ar. You know, the lavender gargoyle the size of a mountain. Similarly, Alīka inherited those big girl genes from Twarxii. When all was said and done, Alīka was 10 feet tall and built like a goddamn space marine. As she grew, her daffodil-yellow scales dimmed and grew olive patterning, and she ended up less Cape Cobra and more particularly yellow Nile Crocodile.
When Alīka was 10, everything started going to hell in a handbasket. Sala’ma died at the fangs of a jungle cat. A year later, Grievous exploded and Uncle Sk’ar came out of the wreckage different. The moms were dwindling. Uncertainty and danger were creeping into the family like a pack of erkush. So Alīka did the only thing her eleven-year-old brain knew: she stepped up.
Dad just fucking Died. The Moms aren’t taking it well. Things are going to get worse. So she took her boundless energy and focused it on the family. If you needed help, Alīka was there ready to fix things. By the time a Mom heard about something, it had already gone through the filter of Alīka. Which meant it was something Alīka couldn't handle. Which was not great for her.
While her siblings became mechanical geniuses, proficient warriors, endlessly creative artists, and guerrilla saboteurs, Alīka became a jack of all trades. Master of none. She had a reputation for being smart, capable, strong, Alīka. Her need to help backfired spectacularly, and the worst part is she didn't even realize it. Ask Alīka for help. Go get Alīka. Where's Alīka, she can fix it.
Alīka became a study in the boiled frog principle. She was always going, helping, fixing, mending cracks, staunching the flow, being a shoulder to cry on. There weren't enough hours in the day for her. It was wake up, fix things, maybe eat something? Then crash for a few hours before it was dawn and the aseels needed feeding. Unlike with Ígira, there was no intervention when her mental health tanked. Things just got worse for her. Alīka was working her way into an early grave. Then, things changed.
In 14 BBY, when Alīka was 20, Bryaru announced that she was leaving Kalee to go fight those bastards who put Dad into a robot and made him fight wizards and vat-grown slaves. She'd be taking anyone who wanted to go. On the spur of the moment, Alīka said she'd go. This was met with a bit of confusion from the rest of the family. Alīka was many things, but an antifascist rebel wasn't one of them. And in truth, she wasn't really into it. She didn't harbor any feelings of vengeance for her father's pile of organs, nor did she have any strong ideals about freedom (beyond the standard Kaleesh "fuck you, you don't tell me what to do"). It was just... an escape. She felt like she was shackled to a slowly sinking ship, and here was Direct Action Mom offering her the key.
So Alīka became a rebel. It was strange, but Alīka was nothing if not adaptable. For the first few months, she got hilariously motion-sick every time she had to fly. But that passed, and she gradually got used to flying. In fact, she wasn't just an alright pilot, she was a damn good one. Something about streaking through the void or upper atmosphere in a razor-sharp wedge of a ship gave her a feeling of lightness her family never did. Maybe it was the zero-gravity.
Alīka left the Thrummer network after four years of serving with Direct Action Mom with her own tiny cell of rebels. They were pilots, all of them. They were known as the Talons of Lightning, a name borne from their habit of flying so fast and so erratically, their booster engines looked like bolts of lightning.
They were invaluable in the early days of the Rebellion. Their bright blue and yellow T-65 X-wing starfighters were often a joyous sight for downtrodden rebels and a continued annoyance for Imperial officers. The Talons of Lightning gradually filled out their ranks, operating as a mobile squadron of the best pilots of the Rebellion, helping out cells in need. Alīka would eventually become romantically involved with one of her fellow pilots, a female Twi'lek named Koyi'van.
Despite their success at disrupting Imperial efforts, the Talons of Lightning were not without their failures. They couldn't stay in one place for long, always on the move, lest the Empire catch up. The longest they ever stayed in one place was a year on a backwater, uninhabited swampy planet so far out of the way, it didn't even have a name. Alīka almost wanted to stay forever. But the Rebellion needed them, needed her. And it always came down to the fact that she was needed.
There were deaths. Deaths on missions, deaths outside of missions. Deaths from Imperials, from TIE fighter ion cannons, from thermal detonators, from dioxsis gas. From blaster bolts and vibroblades and whistling birds and even a lightsaber. More than once Alīka had to drag herself away from the deaths she left behind, unless she wanted to join them. The worst thing she ever heard, she was half a rim away and only heard about it six months after the fact. The Empire had snuffed out every single life on Oben in minutes, including her mother. Alīka nearly tore her astromech in half.
The Talons of Lightning moved to Kalee. Some were happy to be back, while others had never been. Alīka, for her credit, did her best to introduce the family to her crew. The remaining mothers were glad to see her, and many a tearful hug was exchanged. Her siblings gave her the classic sibling "sup" nod. Ígira tuned up her X-wing when she wasn't looking, took apart her astromech, and put him back together before she noticed. More important, Fyerri was there. The two siblings sized each other up. They both had new scars.
"So, I heard about Oben."
"Fuck, Alīka, that's the first thing you say to me?"
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"Sis, you changed."
"Kill that son of a bitch Sk'ar and put his skull right over the fucking hearth."
"That's what I wanted to hear."
The Talons of Lightning spent a few weeks on Kalee, showing off for the locals and eating a lot more than they were worth. Alīka introduced the family to Kovi'van, which got a lot of "Oooh, Alīka has a girlfrieeeeend". Alīka slipped into her old role as Alīka. Koyi'van had a moment of Damn bitch, you live like this? (worrying). When Fyerri struck out with the Storm Sirens, the Talons of Lightning went with them. The two groups spent a year together, butting heads sometimes, but always a devastating group as a whole. Eventually, Alīka gave Fyerri an oversized pat on the back with the orders to tell her when he found Sk'ar. Fyerri being Fyerri, he did not, and went and got himself killed by the violet menace.
Alīka really did tear her astromech in half after that one. She cried herself to sleep that night. It was her worst nightmare come true, time after time. She could have helped, but she didn't, and people died. Her family died. Despite the fact that Fyerri expressly did not tell her, despite the fact that nobody could have predicted the violence of Grand Admiral Thrawn, despite the fact that she was 10 years old and absolutely no match for a piinyur.
The Talons of Lightning followed their leader. And when Alīka decided that she'd finally land a blow that the Empire couldn't ignore, they agreed. For too long, they'd danced on the edge of the Empire, hindering but doing no lasting damage. So they set a new target in their sights: an Imperial weapons facility on Irkuum that was developing a hypermatter reactor. The same principle would be later used to construct the turbolaser on the Death Star.
The Talons of Lightning went in hard and fast, like always. The Imperial research facility was lightly manned by heavily defended. TIE fighters were scrambled to meet them. Shield generators went up but too late, they were already inside the perimeter. It was roughly 40 rebels versus a base's worth of TIE fighters, plus ground-based blaster turrets. The rebels were outmanned, outgunned, and trapped by the shield generator. It was quickly becoming a bloodbath.
And in the chaos, few noticed the bright yellow lizard woman covered in explosives heading straight for the reactor. Those that did were silenced with extreme prejudice. When they got to the reactor, it was simple enough to rig the entire thing to blow. Alīka and Koyi'van exchanged a kiss before the doors blew inward. Alīka dived in front of Kovi'van. A platoon of stormtroopers streamed inward, blasters at the ready. The room was deafening with the sound of blasters firing. When the smoke cleared, Alīka was more burn than flesh, but she was still breathing. Kovi'van had taken a shot to the thigh. The steady hiss of the blasters cooling hushed to silence and the blasters came up again. With a howl of primal rage, Alīka cleared 30 feet in a second. Her left eye was missing. She had most of one hand and none of the other. You could see clear through her thigh. And she still gave the Imps a run for their money. Blaster bolts were passing through her like they were tickles from butterflies. A portion of her skull went flying. Her jaw was hanging by one side. Her chest was a smoking ruin.
She stumbled.
She fell.
She reached for Koyi'van. Everything went white as the reactor blew.
"Damn, kid, that was fucked up."
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strong-castle-studios · 6 months
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Cobra Saboteur Firefly Sketchcard in Color. #firefly #cobra #gijoe #sketchcard #drawing #strongcastlestudios #markers #ink #artwork #art
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theblotsays · 10 months
Bellum Saboteur Edition Soft Vinyl Figure by HealeyMade
Last week HealeyMade released a new colorway of his rad Bellum Soft Vinyl Figure with a colorway inspired by G.I. Joe’s evil Firefly! Featuring Bellum’s secondary head, the Saboteur Edition Bellum features a color scheme that pays homage to COBRA’s mercenary saboteur’s iconic blue and grey camouflaged outfit. Bellum is a fantastic tribute to some of HealeyMade’s biggest influences – Star Wars and M.U.S.C.L.E. keshi. Cast in soft Japanese vinyl, the hand painted Bellum (Saboteur) stands 4” tall, features 3 points of articulation, and comes packaged in a bag with a header card. It was sold exclusively at HealeyMade.com for $70. http://dlvr.it/Sv1dpw
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gijoe-forever · 2 years
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IRON GRENADIERS are handpicked from Destro's personal bodyguards. They are the spearhead of Destro's incursions into new territory. The Iron Grenadiers, acting as agents, provocateurs, and saboteurs, impel an unsuspecting country towards chaos and turmoil, thereby creating new markets for Destro's weapons where none existed before. Their pay is a percentage of gross sales.
Featuring Gerald, Johnny, Sean, Rick and Ryan, of our Iron Grenadier Detachment, the 1st Castle Guard!
#thefinestcc #destro #irongrenadier #gijoe #cobra #yojoe #1stcastleguard #destrosanvil
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flyguy · 1 year
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🛒 https://www.amazon.com/shop/FLYGUY (link in bio) Add the new G.I. Joe Classified Series Firefly to your squad... CLASSIC FIREFLY-INSPIRED DESIGN: Features a classic design updated to bring the Cobra Saboteur into the modern era and 11 accessories inspired by the character’s rich history HIGHLY POSEABLE WITH PREMIUM DETAILING: G.I. Joe Classified Series Firefly action figure set features premium detailing and articulation for poseability to create dynamic dioramas (some poses may require additional support) COLLECTIBLE PACKAGING: 84 in the G.I Joe Classified Series sequence. The closed-box packaging showcases accessory loadout, character-specific File Card Icons, original artwork, and unique digital renders that are perfect for display #toys #hasbro #FLYGUYtoys #actionfigures #gijoe #FLYGUY #gijoeclassified #firefly #hasbropulse #yojoejune #gijoe6inch
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actionfigures118 · 1 year
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Mezco One:12 Collective G.I. Joe: Cobra Saboteur Firefly
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kollectorsrus · 3 years
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