#COSMIC SUPER string theory??
quisters · 1 year
Leif: “hey so earth finally released SIGW model testing from 15 years of scaler data and it suggests that cosmic super string theory-”
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mysticstronomy · 3 years
Saturday, September 4th, 2021
Welcome back,
Black holes are great at sucking up matter. So great, in fact, that not even light can escape their grasp (hence the name).
But given their talent for consumption, why don't black holes just keep expanding and expanding and simply swallow the Universe? In 2018, one of the world's top physicists came up with a dazzling explanation.
Conveniently, the idea could also unite the two biggest theories in all of physics.
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The researcher behind this explanation is none other than Stanford University physicist Leonard Susskind, also known as one of the fathers of string theory.
He gave his two cents on the paradox in a series of papers, which basically suggest that black holes expand by increasing in complexity inwardly – a feature we just don't see connected while watching from afar.
In other words, they expand in, not out. 
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Weirder still, this hypothesis might have a parallel in the expansion of our own Universe, which also seems to be growing in a counterintuitive way.
"I think it's a very, very interesting question whether the cosmological growth of space is connected to the growth of some kind of complexity," Susskind was quoted in The Atlantic.
"And whether the cosmic clock, the evolution of the Universe, is connected with the evolution of complexity. There, I don't know the answer."
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Susskind might be speculating on the Universe's evolution, but his thoughts on why black holes grow in more than they do out is worth unpacking. Of course, by its very nature, this type of research is theoretical, and not easily verified or disproved through the process of peer review.
But there is some pretty cool idea in here worth unpacking. To do that, we need to go back to basics for a moment. So... hang tight.
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Put simply, black holes are dense masses that distort space to the extent that even light lacks the escape velocity required to make an exit.
The first solid theoretical underpinnings for such an object emerged naturally out of the mathematics behind Einstein's general relativity back in 1915. Since then, physical objects matching those predictions have been spotted, often hanging around the centers of galaxies.
A common analogy is to imagine the dimensions of space plus time as a smooth rubber sheet. Much as a heavy object dimples the rubber sheet, mass distorts the geometry of space-time.
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The properties of our Universe's rubber sheet means it can form a deep gravity funnel that stretches 'down' without stretching much further 'out'.
Most objects expand 'out' as you add material, not 'in'. So how do we even begin to picture this? Rubber sheets are useful analogies, but only up to a certain point. 
To understand how matter behaves against this super stretchy backdrop, we need to look elsewhere. Luckily, physics has a second rule book on how the Universe works called quantum mechanics, which describes how particles and their forces interact.
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The two rule books of general relativity and quantum mechanics don't always agree, though. Small things interpreted through the lens of general relativity don't make much sense. And big things like black holes produce gibberish when the rules of quantum mechanics are applied.
This means we're missing something important – something that would allow us to interpret general relativity's space-bending feature in terms of finite masses and force-mediating particles.
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One contender is something called anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, shortened to Ads/CFT. This is a 'string theory meets four-dimensional space' kind of idea, aiming to bring the best of both quantum mechanics and general relativity together.
Based on its framework, the quantum complexity of a black hole – the number of steps required to return it to a pre-black hole state – is reflected in its volume.
SOURCE: www.sciencealert.com
(Wednesday, September 8th, 2021)
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valerianavow · 3 years
Some of Matt Braly's answers from the Cartoon Universe Q&A panel (I know I'm way late on this!)
"I'm such a scifi/fantasy nerd, and there's so many cool concepts that I would love to explore in depth. But there's never a really good platform in these shows to have a character just like, gab about string theory, or dyson spheres within the episodes... there's a limit to that stuff. I think that's why authors write things like the Silmarillion or Journal #3 for Alex Hirsch where they go alright, here's everything, BLARGH, all the little bits of logic and mechanics that I couldn't get to in the show." "I also really admire the writers who leave a lot to audience interpretation. I think that's good! I don't remember who coined the term, but like, 'soft-world building', like Dark Souls where the narrative is delivered in this sort of soft way, where it's there, it's all there, but there's a lot the audience can infer and that's a lot of fun too. There's always going to be things I wish I could have gone on and on and on about, but at the same time like, editing is storytelling, and storytelling is editing, and you do have to make decisions about the momentum and what's best for the characters."
Matt as much as admitted that he wants to do a world-bible of all the backstory lore for Amphibia and if he doesn't I'm gonna riot so jot that down. Where's my thirty-seven novels long epic Dune series Matt?? I want to hear all about the intricate politics of the pre-Fall Golden Age political system!!! Soft-world-building is great but you better drop that book after the show is over!!!
"It's so funny because one of my writers- I can't get into it too much- but he had this crazy pitch for like, "And then the characters see a glimpse, of another world, called MARSUPIA" - and I was like No. No, we're not doing that." [everyone laughs]
I honestly expected this to be the show's premise when I started watching. It's such an obvious tie-in for this kind of media.
Anna - Sasha's VA: "I did a lot of screaming and action noises in season 3, and I think things get pretty... cosmic, is what I'm gonna say." [Matt frantically nods and gives a thumbs-up]
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"The original vision of this show was a lot grittier, a lot darker. [...] I really thought it would be super short. Almost one season, or half a season, like, super short. It made sense then that the tone was darker, grittier, and the story was able to resolve itself much faster. The story kind of ends with Reunion, like Anne and her frog family like "we're going to find a way out of here, I swear it", and that was all I had in my head when I first started pitching. And then obviously it blossomed into this much bigger thing. I was coming off of Over the Garden Wall, and was so obsessed with the idea of being super short. But I'm so glad we are where we are."
Can you imagine if this ended at Reunion? Calling that shot is like how The Good Place wrote and shot their entire season with the end of Season 1 being their big reveal without knowing if they'd get a Season 2 or not. That's wild that it was his idea of the complete story. Big respect to that as somebody who struggles with writing endings.
"You'll have to see the whole thing to really understand my answer. Andrias is old. He's a thousand years old. There's this whole world that was his youth- the Golden Age of this civilization that does get referenced, we get into it in season 3. It's the kind of thing that could have a spinoff, there's so much you could do there. It is like Lord of the Rings in that way, where there's a thousand years prior, and then there's where we are today. It would be so fun to explore more of the Golden Age era and get to know the characters."
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"I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game. I'm sorry. You're going to take away my nerd card. I don't know a damn thing about Kingdom Hearts. I can tell you what I think Kingdom Hearts is." Matt then proceeds to perfectly describes the premise of Kingdom Hearts.
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thosewickedlovelies · 4 years
An Ode To Marcus Moreno’s Arms
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x GN!Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary: You’re a training specialist in swordsmanship at Heroics Headquarters, so you see a lot of Marcus Moreno.
Tags: Reader has a vivid (sexual) imagination, but there’s only a few brief sections.
Word Count: 2,272
A/N: This started out as an ode to his arms, but his arms are connected to the rest of him, so. Alternative title: In Appreciation of Marcus Moreno
My assumption/headcanon of his powers are telekinesis, plus general exceptional physical prowess and weapons skills? Idk, we weren’t given much, but those feel like solid abilities for someone implied to be the super among super heroes. Idk what this is but I regret nothing.
More content/worldbuilding set in this universe 💗
Marcus Moreno’s arms were capable of many things.
You knew this because you saw them on an almost-daily basis. You were one of the training specialists at Heroics Headquarters, one of a large, ever-expanding staff of instructors who were experts in their respective fields of combat or weapons. Your job, essentially, was to be a superhero minus the powers- and use your abilities to keep the Heroics in top form.
Your expertise was swordsmanship, which meant you spent more time with Marcus than any of the other heroes. All of the physical trainers and specialists sparred with the Heroics in mock villain showdowns, but you also helped them hone specific skills. You were here because your skillset and abilities matched Marcus’s.
So you’ve had plenty of opportunity to behold his arms at work.
One would think that they’d be most enticing mid-action, but it was a cosmically ironic fact that there was never really a wrong moment to ogle. How that man could make merely unsheathing his swords so erotic was beyond you.
But by now you’d seen it from every angle. You were as familiar with Marcus’s technique as you were with your own, and knew well the cycle of muscle contractions which rippled up his whole body. It started with his legs: setting his stance, primed and poised on the balls of his feet. Then every muscle in his torso, his clinging t-shirts sliding over taut flesh as they rode up with the lifting of his arms- his arms. Biceps suddenly incredibly present and visibly straining past barely-existent sleeves, tendons flexing rigid and obvious, a tangle of pathways you wanted to map with your tongue.
This show was best when he had started his day with tactical theory sessions, because then his expressive face got involved. Oh yes, it wasn’t enough for him just to be built the way he was, his face had to go and be attractive as well.
Tedious strategy debates with Miracle Guy during these sessions never failed to get under his skin- you could always tell how much steam Marcus had to let off based on the clench of his jaw. Or the way he’d drag his bottom lip over his teeth, nostrils flaring in an almost-snarl. When that happened you knew he gripped the hilts of his swords a little tighter, because you’d see the ridges in his wrist dip and pull like piano strings perpendicular to the line of his gloves. The blades would sing little sharper on those days, his arms freeing them in a jerk rather than their usual smooth, deliberate slide.
It was amazing you ever made it beyond unsheathing your weapons.
But oh, were you glad you did, because watching Marcus Moreno fight was truly a treat. The control he had over his body was remarkable; even when his limbs flung and stretched, they were to ready to contract again at a second’s notice. “Fight” was really too limited of a term for it- Marcus manipulated his body in an incredible harmony of mind and muscle, using his weapons- including his telekinesis- as extensions of himself.
You wondered sometimes how fine his control over his telekinesis was- if he could use it on himself. If he did use it somehow to give his blows that devastating extra speed and strength.
It was easy to understand, after witnessing him, why battle is often described as a dance.
On particularly ruthless training days, his tan skin would gleam with sweat. It would bead and trickle along the pulsing veins in his arms, drawing your attention even more, and salacious scenes would flash behind your eyelids: those same glistening forearms visible in your peripherals as they box you against a wall, that same intent glitter in his dark eyes as they come closer and closer, breathless, his chest heaving into yours-
You never let on to any of this though. You were a master of the blade, and had trained too thoroughly to let the appearance of an opponent get to you. Besides that fact, you would never do anything to risk your place with the Heroics. Although you were an authority figure, they were still superheroes, and thus unlike anyone else you’d worked with- it made for a challenging, stimulating dynamic in which you were constantly both instructor and student.
Even outside of the training arena, Marcus’s arms were a sight.
Holding data pads or writing utensils as he led the Heroics in discussions of group tactics, deftly manipulating characters onscreen or scribbling things on a whiteboard. Sometimes he would go to these sessions straight from physical training, and the cooling sweat on his skin would raise goosebumps all along the smooth flesh.
You observed how gently his arms could move in yet other circumstances.
Training specialists often joined in when the Heroics were given new gadgets to play with. And although these days tended to be slower, they still made you sweat. Watching the caution with which Marcus handled the gear at first, the slow care he reserved for things with which he was still becoming familiar. The precision and that control he always kept- even when his frustration slipped out in the form of snarky remarks, he was always conscious of his movements. As he gained confidence, the surety would return to his motions, his shoulders squaring in quiet triumph- his broad, broad shoulders, which you had imagined far too many times propping up your thighs while his hands and mouth were otherwise engaged between them.
You wondered if Marcus would treat your body like something new he had to master. If his hands would probe and caress with the same thoroughness. If the same wicked delight would steal over his features as he learned how best to coax you toward his desired goals; if his fascinated smirk would change after the thousandth time he had taken you apart.
It didn’t help that these sessions highlighted that he was a kind, competent teacher. His teammates exasperated him sometimes, but Marcus was the first to step in when one of them was struggling. A light touch to rearrange their stance, an encouraging word or smile. If you hadn’t personally felt the power thrumming under his skin, you would have never guessed that such a soft man was capable of his immense abilities.
Occasionally you had to remind yourself not to get all dopey-eyed when he was instructing the kids. If you thought he was patient with the adult Heroics, it was nothing compared to how he interacted with their younger counterparts. Equally firm and joking in turn, he taught them every trick he knew while desperately hoping they would never have to use the knowledge.
Some days were easier for him than others- the times they practiced with weapons could have unexpectedly diverting consequences. Marcus let Guppy hold his katanas, once- she was fully capable with her shark strength, but the vision of the diminutive girl brandishing swords that were taller than she was, her face aglow with a ferocious grin, had all the others in fits.
You swore he was suppressing laughter himself as he carefully took them away from her. His hands, already distracting enough, looked comically vast compared to hers as he delicately maneuvered them to pluck the swords from her grasp. Something about the sight of his thick fingers, resettling themselves around the hilts with reflexive ease, made your mouth dry.
His fingers squeezed other things, too, and it made flames leap low in your belly every time.
Lime wedges, on the rare occasions he indulged in drinks stronger than wine at the Headquarters bar. His friends’s shoulders, in affection and farewell, after relaxing with them at said bar following hard days. You longed to be one of those who Marcus slung an arm around in jest, a laugh shaking his shoulders and sparkling in his eyes. Would his skin be as warm as it was while swinging a weapon? What would his body feel like softened in mirth, instead of vibrating with focus?
You didn’t blame him for his more formal attitude during work hours. His days were busy, and you rarely saw him off the training mats. You had shared a few evenings with him on nights when the bar was quieter, though. He was perfectly friendly, treating you just like anyone else he was getting to know.
Tonight was one of those quieter nights, but you didn’t do more than cast a quick glance at the small group sitting in the corner before slumping to the bar. You were worn out today, and just wanted something strong and solitary before going home.
You sighed into the numbing wash of your drink, your eyes drifting shut. Nobody would bother you this evening; it wasn’t that kind of atmosphere.
Except- the barstool next to yours scraped against the floor.
You inhaled deeply, preparing to politely rip into whatever idiot was assuming you needed company- only to have the words struck off your lips by the apprehensive brown eyes of Marcus Moreno.
“Hey,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’m sorry to bother you. You can tell me to march right back to my table if you like, but uh, I just wanted to see if you were all right. After today.”
You could see that he genuinely meant it- he was perched only partially on the barstool, ready to take off again if you said the word. But his gaze was curious, concerned.
You brow furrowed. “After today?” you echoed, too caught off-guard to think of anything else. What could he mean? Nothing special had happened today. He’d disarmed you, sure, but it wasn’t the first time that had occurred in the eight months you’d been working with him.
Marcus shifted uncertainly. “You just seemed...tired. Reflexes slower than usual,” he noted wryly. “And, well. We have matching bags.” He pointed to his face, where dark shadows were visible beneath his eyes. He offered a self-deprecating, tentative smile, conscious that he was treading in new territory.
It takes you a minute to process. In all the time you’ve spent observing his fighting techniques to perfection, you’d never considered that he could have been using those same opportunities to observe you. It provokes a funny feeling in your chest, twisting your breath up in your lungs like tangled ribbon.
“Oh,” you murmur, surprised but unoffended by his mention of the bags under your eyes. “Well...I am tired today, I guess.” You took a sip of your drink, gauging his interest, hesitating before continuing. “My sister broke her hip, so she just moved in with me for while she heals. It’s been...a stressful transition,” you admitted.
He angles himself toward you, attention fully committed and eyes widening in sympathy. “Oh gosh, that’s terrible. Do you need some time off? I can clear it with the boss for you, work with Santino for however long you need.” He seemed to straighten up, as if ready to spring away and take care of it the moment you answered.
“No, please,” you chuckled in appreciation of his earnestness. “I might need a few shorter days, but neither of us need me fussing over her 24/7.” Both you and your sister were strongly independent. It meant that you had often been at odds when you were younger, but you were all each other had now, and had made efforts to improve your relationship.
Marcus nodded in understanding, settling again. He seemed at a loss for if he should leave or say something else, so you made the choice for him.
“Tired of getting your ass kicked in my lessons, Moreno? You know Santino doesn’t work you as hard.” Your fellow swordsmanship instructor was slightly younger, a newer hire who was still a little bit in awe of the Heroics.
You didn’t usually speak so flippantly to him, but his eyebrows arced high at the challenge, a smile tugging on his lips. “Sounds like somebody needs a reminder of who kicked whose ass today, ma’am.” Rolling right along with your apparent newfound playfulness.
You pinpointed, suddenly, what was different about him tonight, why this interaction felt different compared to your others. There’d always been an air of deference about him before, as if even outside of the arena he considered you a superior. But tonight he was just treating you like a peer, a regular person. Maybe it had taken your excessively dragging day for him to come to terms with the fact that you were a regular person, but the ice finally felt like it had broken between you and you just...talked, after that. For longer than both of you probably intended.
“Shoot, I have to go get Missy,” Marcus realized, catching sight of his watch. “But you- you’ll be here again? I mean, I see you here a lot.” He stumbled over his words.
Did he? It was true that you were often at the bar at the same time, but for him to acknowledge that meant that he actually noticed you. Remembered your presence.
“Yeah, I’m here pretty regularly,” you confirmed, cautiously hopeful.
“Good. I mean, I’ll see you, then- next time.” His voice rasped low, but there was a nervousness in his expression. He twisted his jacket between his large hands.
He wanted to see you again. “Yes.” You smiled at him, surprise and pleasure shining through. “I’ll see you next time,” you said with conviction.
His eyes crinkled in answer, and your breath caught. Your ordered yourself not to watch him leave the room.
You drove home with a quiet grin on your face.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Emercury Day 6: Soulmates
What is a soul? A manifestation of one’s feelings, or perhaps the true essence of a life? Some believe it to be no different from aura while others feel it necessary to distinguish the two. The many speculations and predictions go back as far as humanity could remember, yet only one thing was agreed upon between all people. A soul is very much alive and will guide itself to where it believes it should be; bonding with another from the moment it’s born. This phenomenon nowadays has many names but is often refer to as fate or soulmates.
To find your soulmate is a special thing indeed. Recognizable by a red string only seen my the two attached unless threatened or strengthened. Anyone would tell you that finding your soulmate in a world where darkness loomed over humanity was the ultimate sign of fortune. Emerald and Mercury weren’t those people. Where most found joy, they found scissors; sharp scissors. Mercury sat bored on a crate while Emerald tried in vain to cut the string tied to their pinkies.
Emerald:Come...cut you stupid little-
Mercury:Sigh...you’re gonna break them.
Emerald:They’re fine.
Mercury:You said that about the last five pair before-
The blades snapped in half and fell to the ground ontop of a pile of fellow ruined blades.
Mercury:That, before that. Em, give it a rest.
Emerald:UGH! Why are you so calm about this!? Do you not see what I’m saying?
Mercury:Who cares!? No one else sees it and I’m not about to start giving you any less shit about the things you do. No cosmic force is saying I have to be with you. People don’t get with their soulmates all the time.
Emerald:But....*tugs string* its weird! Why you!?
Mercury:It’s not my fault you can’t resist me. That’s a personal problem.
Emerald:Umm hello, that’s a two way street. Red strings are mutual. For all we know your soul latched on to mine!
Mercury:Well apparently your soul had no problem with that now did it?
Emerald:....Ugh! *sits down*
Mercury:You’re extra dramatic today.
Emerald:This makes no sense. Do you even like me!?
Mercury:Well...I don’t hate you, or get annoyed when you’re around. Pretty high bar actually.
Emerald:Mercury, I can say that about a pet dog. That doesn’t mean my soul is going to latch on to it.
Mercury:Hmmm I’m sure everyone’s soul latches on to dogs. I mean come on, dogs. They’re perfect.
Emerald:That’s not the- focus!
Mercury:There’s nothing to focus about! You’re making this bigger than what it is. Also why am I getting all the questions? Are you asking yourself if you like me?
Emerald:I already know the answer, indifference!
Emerald:Oh you know what I mean. No matter where I went, soulmates were treated as super serious things and the connection was supposed to be...I don’t know, deep. No offense but I wouldn’t exactly call our partnership deep.
Mercury:...Hmm, wow.
Emerald:Don’t do that.
Mercury:Do what?
Emerald:You know what. You got something to say then say it. *folds arms*
Mercury:Oh I just find it a little ironic that the person whose let abandonment drive their actions would so quickly try to break a connection that in theory, should last a lifetime. Guess I’m just that awful apparently. You don’t pull your punches.
Emerald:That’s...I didn’t- it’s not like that. This is just a lot to process and-
Mercury:Then shut up! Shut up and just sit for moment to process instead of trying every little thing and saying whatever pops into your head! There’s no time limit here.
Emerald:I know but what if something happens we can’t explain, or you get tired of this and leave me before I can this out? Then it’s a hindrance for the rest of our lives.
Mercury:That’s the stupidest thing you’ve said.
Emerald:How is that stupid!?
Mercury:*shakes her* Because I’d never leave you for something as dumb as “being tired.” Why would I ever be tired of someone like you!? I try being around you all the time, because you never make me tired of you!
Mercury:*red* That came out wrong! I meant-
Emerald:I’ll...process, all of this.
Mercury:O...kay? *lets her go* Cool, cool....
The string between them suddenly grew redder from Emerald’s side. The strand’s glow traveled to the other end, thickening the string overall. Emerald’s face immediately lit up with embarrassment, causing her to get up and stomp out the hideout. Mercury could only watch her leave and look at the string repeatedly. That definitely was cause on her end rather than his.
Emerald:Shut up! Processing time!*slams door*
Mercury:*smirks* Heh, yeah you do that.
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bestworstcase · 4 years
Oh! I just thought of something neat after reading your theory on the Moonstone retaliating after people disturbed the Sundrop. With the Great Tree corrupted, the Sundrop and Moonstone were acting as sort of substitutes for its power to try and keep things in balance between forces of light and darkness.
i tend to eschew magical dichotomies in my own worldbuilding, in large part because i don’t find strict order/chaos light/dark good/evil etc especially exciting to write which. in combination with my love of fantasy religions is why bitter snow is... like that lmao
but! the bitter snow take on all this is [waves hands] messy, but does operate on a loosely similar principle of. 
okay so first - background - zhan tiri, turul, huma, and ri ni’n were the first four gods to form when the current cosmos...began. which is a bit of a simplification but - ri ni’n was the original ‘great tree’ and bridged the sublime and profane realms; with her help, huma, turul, and zhan tiri were able to manifest in the profane realm, taking the form of the sun, the moon, and a strangler fig respectively. so for most of the history of the world the great tree was... ri ni’n, with a manifestation of zhan tiri slowly growing around her. the sundrop and moonstone were created when zhan tiri went to huma and turul and basically went ‘hey add a bit of your magic to this mix of mine and ri ni’n’s i want to see what happens’ and they did and what happened was they accidentally sparked mortal life. klsjdfdsf
anyway eons pass eventually (in 426 SE, several tens of thousands of years prior to bitter snow) zhan tiri for assorted reasons decides she wants to do more than just manifest in the profane realm; she wants to be part of it, and the only way to do that is to... kill and eat ri ni’n sjkdfjk (and like because of the way zhan tiri... is, there is a theological argument to be made that she Is Also Ri Ni’n Now but glossing over that) so this is the point where the great tree becomes the gigantic hollow strangler fig, after what’s left of ri ni’n rots away. and zhan tiri supplants ri ni’n as this cosmic bridge, meaning her presence in the cosmos is what allows magic to flow from the sublime realm into the profane and various other exchanges to happen easily.
and then! just a hair under seventeen hundred years ago demanitus trapped zhan tiri in the dark country, which is the non-place where somewhere isn’t, and suddenly there. is no cosmic bridge. the tree itself is still there, but all it has is bits of residual magic that shortly thereafter get forced into dormancy by demanitus.
which brings us back to the drops, which by now have developed their own sentience and a degree of autonomy from huma and turul, which is something that tends to happen when you let magic build up in sufficient concentrations - anyway, the point is, the drops are in no way powerful enough by themselves or even in combination to fill the huge gap zhan tiri left behind in the grand cosmic order of things, but they’re also the only real available substitute. so like, imagine ripping down, idk, the golden gate bridge and then stringing a zipline across the golden gate instead. lmfao
they are less than pleased
this has... myriad consequences chief among them being that a lot of gods get stuck in certain manifestations and a lot more gods get locked out of the profane realm altogether and the flow of magic into the profane realm slows to a trickle and gods get a lot worse at answering prayers and it’s just sort of a shitty situation all around, from a magical and religious perspective. 
and then frederic picks the sundrop which is... really bad for it, and the moonstone is like you know what fuck THIS. it’s pissed and unhappy and it just wants a) the sundrop to be planted back in the ground and b) for zhan tiri to come back and it does not, particularly, care how either of those things happen. 
i feel like i had a point here that was more directly related to yours when i started but i lost it probably around the point where i started rambling about the clusterfuck of a creation myth rip sorry - but anyway zhan tiri’s domain is hunger, turul’s is insight, huma’s is hope, and ri ni’n’s was life and i think the theological arguments about how the four of them and their artifacts and sacred places intermingle and relate to each other are probably SUPER WILD and sometime somewhere a religious scholar has definitely thrown a chair at another religious scholar over a disagreement on the point of whether or not zhan tiri is ri ni’n in any meaningful way. 
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taylorinthetardis · 4 years
My theory for how WandaVision will play out and what it means for the MCU as a whole
*sorry if this doesn’t make a lot of sense, my brain is bad at having linear thoughts*
So. Since Agnes has revealed herself to be Agatha Harkness, and she’s been pulling the strings all along, here’s where I think they’re going with this.
I don’t think Agatha is of the normal MCU universe. I think she’s from either the same universe as Evan Peters’ Quicksilver (which is why we didn’t get normal MCU Pietro, but got X-Men Peter instead). She knew enough to know they were siblings, but didn’t know Pietro so she couldn’t conjur him/pull him from his timeline before he died to bring him to Westview. So she got the closest thing. Another thought I have is that Peter isn’t Peter and is actually either Mephisto in disguise or Agatha’s son Nicholas.
I also assume, given the comic book storyline that is being followed here, that she’s working with Mephisto and possibly the Salem Seven as well.
If the Salem Seven are involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dottie turns out to be one of its members. I also think she could be Clea, the guardian (Sorcereress Supreme) of the dark universe where Dormammu lives. She could have been pulled there through the Nexus and became unwittingly apart of Wanda’s fantasy.
I think the twins are probably gone for good, since in the comics they were killed when Mephisto came back for the shards of his soul that were used to make them. Agatha was shown to be behind a lot of things in Westview so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was behind Wanda giving birth to the twins as well, just like in the comics.
I also think this is going to end with either Vision being totally taken out of the picture or we’ll find out for sure that the twins are gone and/or dead or both of those things, and Wanda will completely snap, causing the Multiverse to become unstable and thus setting up the events of Doctor Strange 2 and probably Spider Man 3 as well.
So, how does this set up Doctor Strange 2 and how might this connect to Loki? Wanda is canonically known as a Nexus Being in the comics. This means that she had the ability to affect probabilities and, by extension, the future. Nexus Beings are keystones of the Multiverse and can affect its stability. What I believe is happening here is that Agatha is exploiting Wanda’s powers to affect the multiverse as a whole and possibly trigger its collapse. I think this is going to set up the so-called “Multiverse of Madness” by either bringing together the Nexus Beings from around the Multiverse, which would destabilize everything and cause a lot of chaos, or by manipulating the other Nexus Beings through Wanda (since Nexus Beings can astral project throughout the multiverse) and causing chaos in each separate universe that Doctor Strange will have to fix by travelling to multiple universes to put things back to rights. It’s also possible, like I mentioned above, that Wanda will become too overwhelmed with grief by the end of this and totally lose control of her powers, causing the Multiverse to become unstable/on the verge of collapse.
What does this have to do with Loki? Well, the Nexus Beings are watched over by both cosmic entities, like Uatu the Watcher and Immortus, but also the Time Variance Authority, or TVA. If you’ve seen the Loki trailer, you may remember that the group that Loki is either working for/with or being held captive by is the TVA. I think it’s possible that something (probably Wanda) is going to cause the timeline to destabilize and Loki will be trying to set things right, but because he’s Loki he’ll probably either make it worse or try and exploit it for his own gain. Either way it seems like it’s gonna be a fun watch.
Another note about WandaVision. So Paul Bethany said there’s one more big cameo that no one has guessed yet and he was super excited to do it because it was someone that he really admires and hadn’t gotten to work with yet in the MCU.
I think it’s Samuel L Jackson/Nick Fury.
So, stay with me on this one. So, when SHIELD was SHIELD, it wasn’t just SHIELD, it was also HYDRA. What if SWORD isn’t just SWORD? Two agencies operating under the guise of one, both with very different directives. What if the SWORD we’ve seen so far is actually just HYDRA or some other evil organization masquerading as SWORD? I believe that Maria Rambeau founded SWORD as an agency to deal with space-based stuff, since she has first hand knowledge that aliens are out there and they aren’t all friendly. But what if somewhere along the way SWORD was infiltrated? I think Nick Fury has been Talos longer than we think, maybe not the whole time he’s been in the MCU, but for a while. I think Maria sent him on the mission with the Skrull that we see in the end of Far from Home. But since Maria died, and Hayward took over running SWORD, things have been headed in a similar direction as when Pierce was running SHIELD. The bad guys are in control and are manipulating things to suit their own ends. That’s why Hayward was trying to bring Vision back online when Wanda took him. He was probably planning on using Vision as a weapon. I think Fury is gonna make it back to Earth and with Monica’s help, is going to take down whoever has infiltrated SWORD. It’s possible that this could be setting up Secret Invasion as well. In the comics that refers to the Skrulls because they shape shift, but we also saw in Captain Marvel that the Kree come in both blue humanoid and flesh colored humanoid forms. What if the Kree are the secret invaders and are trying to take over Earth as revenge for the events of Captain Marvel? Hayward and other SWORD members could be Kree pretending to be humans, biding their time until a major attack/overthrow of humanity would be possible.
The setup to a Multiverse story is super fun to see, anyone who is also a fan of the CW’s Arrowverse knows that all too well. The chances for fan service moments and call backs to previous films and shows that are not generally considered part of that specific universe are numerous. We could see old Spider-Men! We could see both Fantastic Fours! You could, conceivably, have Chris Evans on screen as both Captain America and Human Torch, while also having Michael B Jordan as another Human Torch and Killmonger! Both timelines in the X Men universe could be represented! You can bring in the Defenders, the Agents of SHIELD, the Inhumans! Miles Morales and the various Spider People from the Spider-Verse! The possibilities are numerous once you start talking Multiverse. It basically just comes down to who is feeling up for a role reprisal.
I’m stoked to see where this ends up taking us. I can’t wait for the rest of Phase 4 and beyond!
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avauntus · 4 years
Supernatural - a retrospective
This is super self-indulgent, and I have so much else I’ve promised-- I owe a long-fic rec post, and ao3 comments, wip work, and that’s just my fandom stuff I’m behind on. *sigh*
But it’s late on a Saturday and now I’ve finished Supernatural, I want to share what I think are my top few eps, and a few other comments. I promise some of this will be different from the “greatest hits” you probably usually see, and I’ll try to make it worth your time. *wry smile*
Look, we have to have categories like: “Most Likely to Live in My Head Rent-Free for the Rest of my Life” and “Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction” that are different from “Favorites,” because that’s just the cursed energy this show has. ;-)
My top five
#5 - 13.01 - “Lost and Found”
Written by: Andrew Dabb | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
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In fandom, this is most often referred to as the start of the “Grieving Widower” arc, tongue-in-cheek. Also has Alexander Calvert (Jack) walking around completely in the nude for the first third of the ep. (Neither of these are why this is in my top 5, but he has a good story about wardrobe for his ‘first day.’) 
I didn’t expect much out of this episode the first time I watched it, but I’ve gone over this ‘section’ of the show maybe 3-4 times in my Netflix catch-up, and I watch this one in full every time. From Jack being...not at all what anyone expected and an unsteady vindication, to the stunning cinematography (there’s a post that compares shots to Brokeback Mountain, but I think the shots here might be better), to the sheriff who takes the time to remind her deputy that “...there’s no such thing as ‘weird.’ Everyone’s normal in their own way,” to the slow reveal of exactly how hard the events of the previous night (12x23 - All Along the Watchtower) are hitting Dean and Sam and in different ways...(how long the episode takes to reveal to you how Dean fucked up his hand, and what he was saying when he did. Augh!) The Winchesters are trying to rally, but they have been taking hits for a long time, and the cracks are showing.
 #4 - 15.06 - “Golden Time”
Written by: Meredith Glynn | Directed by: John F. Showalter
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Supernatural  has a terrible track record with representation in all stripes. It is infamously consistent in killing off anyone minority, female, or non-White. One of the interesting things about the chaotic meta-narrative of season 15 is you can see the lack of fucks some of the writer’s room had to give about not even being subtle about tearing down that type of ‘White-male-hero-journey” now that they were in a literal “what will they do, fire me?” situation.
I’m a Cas fan, and this episode, which gives him an actual, ‘case-of-the-week’ hunter’s narrative where he gets to save the day on his own, successfully, was wonderful. I love that for him! But more than that, for me, this episode is emotional to me for other reasons-- the way Dean and Cas circle around each other on their angry phone call (with the body language! They are broadcasting so LOUD and neither can see because they’re on the phone!), Sam’s story here, where he’s inheriting things from Rowena that allow him in turn to save Eileen, to Cas’ speech and quick anger at the lake when you reflect on his entire journey of self-realization from a soldier of blind faith to an agent of free will... “You selfish little men in your positions of authority...” I just... *clears throat, grabs tissue* 
#3 -  6.20 - “The Man Who Would Be King”
Written & Directed by: Ben Edlund
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Speaking of Cas’ journey... I know some folks don’t like the angst and drama of the ‘Heaven and Hell’ plots of Supernatural, but I am here for it. Oh, did we need another reason to include this episode? This has some of the most metal quotes I have heard from any TV show. Ever.
I mean, look at this:
“If I knew then what I know now, I would have said: Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.”
“Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like explaining poetry to fish.”
The delivery of: “It's not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!” “Dean, it’s not broken!” is one of those Supernatural bits that will live in my head until the end of time. All of Edlund’s episodes are among my favorites, but this (along with “5.04 - The End”) was on another level. 
#2 - 5.16 - “Dark Side of the Moon”
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin | Directed by: Jeff Wollnough
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I think of this episode every time  I hear Bob Dylan sing “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.” This is kinda a giant montage episode, but the connecting concepts are so...satisfying. 
“Heaven is your favorite memories.” “ It’s called the axis mundi. It’s a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it’s two-lane asphalt.” “This is your idea of heaven? Wow, this was one of the worst nights of my life.” “I don’t think I realized how long you’ve been cleaning up Dad’s messes.” “It’s awesome to finally have an application—a practical application—for string theory.” “Everyone leaves you, Dean. You noticed?” “Why is God talking to me? Gardner-to-gardener, and between us, I think he gets lonely.” “You son of a bitch, I believed in... ” Whoosh.
#1 - 4.01 - “Lazarus Rising”
Written by: Eric Kripke | Directed by: Kim Manners
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So...this is the episode where Castiel, angel of thee Lord, shows up. And that’s primarily why it earns the no. 1 spot, because 80% of my enjoyment of Supernatural from this point on was Cas-adjacent. Plus this entire episode just hits. ALL OF IT. Dean’s homecoming. Ruby, my darling. Bobby’s entire vibe. Pamela Barnes, easily one of the most interesting women Supernatural ever introduced. Cas being so hot to say “Hi” to Dean he forgets he wounds people. 
But beyond that-- the way the show writes their ‘oh, by the way, angels’ narrative! If you haven’t seen this episode, would you believe me if I told you that THIS EPISODE, the episode where Supernatural said “canonically, Judeo-Christian Heaven is real, btw” involves no churches but does involve a séance, a soulmark handprint brand, and a himbo angel that “gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition”...but they were all “no homo, guys” for years?
Truly no one was out here doing it like Supernatural even back in 2008.
15.18 - “Despair” 
“Most Likely to Live Rent-Free in My Head for the Rest of my Life”
Written by: Robert Berens | Directed by: Richard Speight, Jr.
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You know why this episode is here. It broke reality. I could be wrong-- but I’d put good money on this episode being the subject of academic theses in the future. That doesn’t automatically make for interesting story, but...
Has there ever been a case, in a mainstream US TV show where a major lead character (Cas) came out as queer so late in the game in a narratively-important way? I’m not aware of it, but I might just be behind on my television.
This episode has great writing, and (blessedly) amazing direction and blocking anyway. Check out the above gif - that is some next level foreshadowing going on in the cinematography, and this isn’t even the most remarked upon shot in this episode. (Seriously, I had to search for 40 minutes for this gif, please respect my game, lol.) Everyone who was involved in 15x18 is giddy talking about their investment, from the costume designer to the actors to the director to the writer...
...And then a bunch of them steadfastly have avoided posting much Supernatural-related since. So that’s...loud. There is a bunch of subtext in this episode that is screamingly loud; there is a bunch of text in this episode that makes several things clear fandom has been chattering over for years and years. The meta-commentary around this episode continues, months later. There are over 700 fics on AO3 with this episode tag.
I have more to say about the themes of ‘free will’ and ‘love’ and ‘identity’ tied to this episode, but seriously-- you’ve probably read 17 versions of it on Tumblr already, so.
This is the last time we see Cas, and the last time Supernatural can claim anything close to narrative consistency. For that alone, it’d earn free head-space.
Runners-up: “4.20 - The Rapture”; “5.04 - The End”; “7.21 - Reading is Fundamental”; “8.21 - The Great Escapist”; “9.06 - Heaven Can’t Wait”; “12.19 - The Future”; “14.08 - Byzantium”
6.17 - “My Heart Will Go On”/8.07 - “A Little Slice of Kevin”
“Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction”
Written by: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (6.17); Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia (6.17); Charlie Carner (8.07)
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Usually the show kills off it’s “one-episode” female characters, but do you know one time it didn’t? When the Moirai (the Fates - specifically Atropos, the shearer of the Threads of Fate) showed up in canon in 6.17. She was posited to have “two older sisters that were bigger than her- in every sense of the word,” ...and Castiel had to back down when she challenged him to a cosmic game of chicken over the Winchester’s lives.
Then they never returned to that idea again. 
“A Little Slice of Kevin” is on here for the opposite reason -- an amazing idea that was really underwritten in the episode it showed up in. Dean Winchester has been dragging himself across the fabric of universes; the literal Word of God is in play in a warehouse in Middle America; Cas is back from Purgatory, but what does that mean, micro and macro? As a person on the street, what would it mean, or feel like, to learn you were a Prophet of the Lord, uncalled? That what you are, everything you are, is a cosmic contingency?
Maybe Fate has an opinion on all these shenanigans?
Perhaps all that doesn’t make sense, but it certainly made an impression on ~2012 me. To this day, it remains the WIP I can open up and fool myself with the ‘twist.’ I wish I remembered where I was going with it so I could finish it.
Runners Up: “2.20 - What Is and What Should Never Be”; “5.04 - The End”; “6.15 - The French Mistake”; 12.12 - “Stuck in the Middle (with you)”; “13.05 - Advanced Thanatology” “14.03 - The Scar”; “14.10 - Nihilism”; “15.15 - Gimme Shelter” ... and “15.20 - Carry On” (obviously)
Fifteen seasons. There were plenty of other episodes I loved that didn’t make these limited lists. But overall -- thank you, Supernatural, for the run. Even if I’m upset at the ending, I can appreciate the game. If you watch the show, what were your favorite episodes?
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dpjustified · 5 years
Bingo #4
(disclaimer: fanfic not headcanon)
(#4 Themes: Identity Reveal, Danny Goes to Space, Wes Weston, and Dual Obsession/Space AU mention)
His secret was out to the world alright, he was sure of it. But somehow, when he woke up the next morning, even his parents didn’t remember there was an asteroid in the first place. The only thing different was a mysterious machine in Antarctica had appeared overnight, and there was a strange conspiracy going around about ghosts being aliens.
Either way, after thinking about it, he was much better off without worldwide attention. He was having a hard time living normally with just four people knowing his secret, namely his sister, his best friend and girlfriend, and Valerie.
And after confirming with him, they too were confused that no one seemed to remember.
“I’m telling you guys,” they heard Wes, a kid one grade ahead of them that was on the Casper High Basketball team. “That nerd kid Danny Fenton is actually Danny Phantom.”
“Him? Are you getting high again, Wes. Lay off the munchies.”
“It’s not...” He spotted Danny and rushed over to him. “Hey, kid, tell them the truth!”
“Uh.” Danny didn’t know what to say, but he wondered why this guy remembered when no one else did. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Wes’s friends laughed and went off.
“Just great!” Wes tore off his baseball cap and threw it down. “You made me look like a complete idiot. Why does no one see it?”
“Do you remember the meteorite?” Tucker asked, and Sam leaned in.
“Meteorite? What meteorite.”
“Why do you think he’s Phantom then?” Sam added.
“I’ve seen it...I’ve seen you transform. That day when the ghost came into the gym. I’ve done a lot of research. My friends won’t believe me! You’re an alien, right?”
“Since when are ghosts aliens?” Danny said. He couldn’t believe this guy.
Wes pulled out a book titled “Aliens are Coming: The Conspiracy No One Wants You to Know.”
“It says here that after the world is exposed to ecto-cosmic radiation, it will use the memories from this event to power some kind of device that primes this planet for takeover. You know, that machine in the Arctic?”
“That thing? That was just for making the earth intang- I mean-”
“You see? You know what it’s for! You really are Phantom, aren’t you?”
“Look Wes, can you promise to keep a secret? I can’t exactly protect this town with fans going crazy on me.”
“You...you’re really.”
Danny flashed his eyes green briefly. “Yep, congratulations.”
“I was right? I was right!”
“You’re loud,” Sam said, putting a hand on Wes’ shoulder.
Tucker loomed over him - well, as best as he could since Wes was at least 6 feet tall. “Now that you’re in on it, you have to hang with us now. And any blabbing will get you sent straight to a ghostly prison.”
“G-ghost prison?” Wes said.
Danny was sure they were enjoying intimidating one of the popular kids.
A week later, they had gotten to know Wes a bit more, as well as some of his wild theories on aliens.
“I think they kidnapped Mayor Masters,” Wes said over fries. “Don’t you think so? Why else would he have disappeared. Plus, with that meteorite you guys said everyone forgot about, our memories have probably been absorbed and somehow you guys were protected.”
“Maybe it’s because we sleep with these Fenton Headphones?” Tucker said, showing off the device from his pocket. The three of them made it a habit ever since Ember’s mind control messed with their heads, but slacked off until Nocturne’s takeover.
“...Can I have some? They might prevent the aliens from getting inside my head.”
“Right,” Sam said, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure Danny’s parents would love to make you some for the low price of $39.99, tax not included.”
“Take my money!” Wes took out his wallet.
“Hold up there,” Danny said. “Money can wait. Anyway, I kind of am worried about Vlad. You know, this whole time he was acting kind of...erratic up till the meteorite.”
“He must have been controlled by the aliens to bring down the meteorite!” Wes insisted.
“That idea’s totally not out there,” Tucker said, before taking another bite of his burger.
“He must be in space. Danny, let’s go look for him.”
“You said you were worried about the old fruit loop,” Sam said, prodding him with an elbow. “Go ahead on a little space trip. I won’t miss you too much. We can talk through the coms anyway.”
Tucker added, “I can update that space ship your dad used last time with a wider space map and get it hooked up to our system. We’ll guide you from down here.”
Danny smiled a bit. He still had his astronaut helmet in his room.
Here we go again, Houston!
On Saturday, Danny and Wes flew up to the rock Vlad was apparently abandoned on. There were signs of a struggle, and a picture of Maddie left behind.
“He was taken after all!” Wes cried from the ship, viewing from the camera attached to Danny’s space helmet. Danny flew out and picked up the picture. Surprisingly this rock was big enough to have a gravitational pull. On the back of the picture there was a hastily scribbled note.
“Daniel, if you’re seeing this...I was wrong. I have a tracker. Please, save me, if you have a heart.” Hidden in the corner of the frame was a memory card.
Always pulling the purse strings. Why do I care about this guy anyway?
It wasn’t just that he pitied him, but he knew that Vlad wasn’t all evil, even though he said he was.
“Rescue mission!” Wes cried out like a mantra.
“Space! Trip!” Tucker cried from over the com.
“As long as you’re back by Monday?” Sam added. “And besides, you can use some blackmail on Vlad, and he’ll owe you big time if you save his butt.”
“Okay fine,” Danny said, flying back to the ship. “We’ve gotta try to get back by Monday. Wes, did I ever tell you how much I like space? Oh, this is gonna be great.”
He was excited already. He couldn’t wait to use the ship’s features to take pictures of the asteroids. But what about the Milky Way? What would he do if he saw a black hole? He wondered if they led to the Ghost Zone or let him time travel.
Tucker poked fun at him over the intercom. “Did you switch to space mode again? Come on, I like Super Danny. Hero Danny. Stop it with the glittery space mode.”
“I don’t sparkle like a vampire when I think about space, I have acne, not freckles, and I don’t have an obsession! Let alone two.” Danny yelled.
“Ow, loud,” said Sam.
Tucker didn’t know when to quit. “Don’t you have three? One being this lovely lady over here.”
“Ghosts have obsessions?” said Wes, interested.
“Not me, at any rate! It’s just a joke Tucker likes to pull on me,” Danny said. “I’m kicking your butt when I get back, Tucker.”
“But I’ve gotten faster at running...” Tucker chided. “Ow!”
“I kicked his butt for you, so get a move on!” Sam said.
“Love you too,“ Danny said, then sat back down in the pilot seat.
Wes pulled out his mp3 player and played “The Final Countdown”.
“Now we’re talkin’!” Danny exclaimed while Wes started jamming out. He inserted the memory card and the system drew up a navigation plan. Apparently it would take them a day to fly to Vlad’s location, wherever he was. And if Wes was right, they might would run into aliens.
Who cares. Space Trip.
They then blasted off to who knows where.
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
A Bad Joke
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So i really like Batman. I think he's one of the greatest comic characters ever created. After Spider-Man, he's my favorite. I enjoy his lore, his rogues, and his allies tremendously. Some of the most successful characters in pop culture history are Batman-adjacent. Harley Quinn is taking the world by storm, mostly because of Margot Robbie, but she was first introduced in, arguably, the greatest cartoon to ever air, Batman: The Animated Series. I love that. What i don;t love is how f*cking Batman-centric DC Comics has become. Like, f*ck, dude, maybe lay off that Bat-wank a little bit.
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Dark Nights Metal was a whole ass clusterf*ck of Evil Batmen, and one Batwoman i think, from a dark multiverse, wrecking the main continuity because of super-dark, bat-angst. This sh*t just wreaks of edgelord, try-hard, fan fiction. We all know Batmen can wreck the entire DC universe with enough prep time. Tower of Babel proved that. Justice League: Doom showed us that. Why the f*ck do we need to rehash this arc again? Sure, i love a great What If story and the origins to these Bat-Maybes were pretty ingenuity but, really? Batman isn't a god. He’s not Superboy-Prime. The fact that he was able to infiltrate an entire anti-multiverse is ridiculous to me. Especially considering that the leader of this group, the one that initiated all of this , was just jokerized Batman calling himself The Batman Who Laughs.
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Admittedly, the concept The Batman Who Laughs is dope and the moniker is a deep clever deep cut. Joker is based off a man with a disfigured, permanent, grin named Gwynplaine, in a movie titled The Man Who Laughs. That sh*t is dope. I love that level of creativity and reverence for the mythos. The thing is, The Batman Who Laughs has already been done. Fore decades. Dude is just a Batman version of Judge Death. The entire Dark Nights Metal is basically  the same narrative of the Dark Judges arc in Judge Dredd. Sh*t is slightly altered, of course, cats aren’t outright plagiarizing the entire Dredd story but the bones of that narrative are more than holding up this whole Dark Batman/Dark Multiverse nonsense. I f*cking hate it, man. Even after Metal wraps and all the other Dark Batmen bite the dust, The Batman Who Laughs sticks around and f*cking becomes a literal, cosmic level threat. Are you f*cking kidding me??
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DC’s creative bankruptcy is astounding. You have some of the dopest characters to ever make the page, some of the most compelling pathos to derive from, and supreme Batwank is what you come up with? I’m not going to go into HOW this cat became such a cosmic f*ck around but the fact that this is what they landed on to maybe-maybe not reboot the universe is friggin’ pedestrian. I’m an avid fan of manga so this sh*t isn’t new to me. It’s called power creep and i never respected it to infect the US comics industry. There is no way a Batman, any Batman, should be able to go toe-to-toe with a Martianized Lex Luthor or f*cking Superman, not without a ridiculous power boost and yet, here we are. The Batman Who Laughs is pulling the strings behind another f*cking Crisis-in-name-only and i kind of hate it. That’s just the sh*t with the new ultimate evil, Perpetua. I’m not even going to touch on the fact that Dark Nights Metal has a sequel, one as uninspired as it's predecessor, and a third one in the works. Like, f*ck off, already. What are you going to rip-off next? The Majin Buu saga? Is DC going to introduce their version of Dragon Balls? I mean, Nth Metal was the first mcguffin to get them out of the overpowered, bat-corner they wrote themselves into so why not omniscient, magical,balls that scatter across the multiverse? Who gives a sh*t if that was the entire thesis to Dragon Ball Super. No one cares. Just throw some Bat-Paint over it and publish that sh*t. It doesn't matter that the narrative is poorly written, completely rushed, and makes no thematic f*cking sense. It's evil Batman. That sh*t'll sell gangbusters so f*ck it!
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And that’s the crux of my frustration; Poor writing. There are a ton of good ideas here. I dig the Evil Batmen and Dark Multiverse in theory. I love the idea of The Batman ho Laughs. In execution? Sh*t is superficial nonsense that even the most angsty teenager would see as too much. The most f*cked up thing about all of this, is the fact that are dope stories being told getting buried by all of this hardcore Bat-fellatio. Justice League Dark is one of the best written stories in the entire industry. That whole Witching Hour arc with Wonder Woman was one of the dopest ideas i have seen within comics in a long ass time. No one even talks about that sh*t. No one at DC is pushing that sh*t. No one on the fandom even cares. Hell, there are better Batman stories being told. The whole White Knight series and it's sequels are amazing. That whole story is f*cking dope. It's creative, it's unique, it homages every aspect of the mythos, and delivers a story true to the character without all of the Mary-Stu bullsh*t. Yet, all I hear is about is how bad Bendis is ruining Superman and how The Batman Who Laugh is the “coolest” sh*t, ever. Nah, that sh*t is trash. I don’t need more trash in my comics. The Batman Who Laughs had potential but right now, with what we have been given, this dude is just a bad joke. A punchline at the end of a an uninspired joke. And don’t get me started on THAT chick, man.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
A Bad Joke
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So i really like Batman. I think he's one of the greatest comic characters ever created. After Spider-Man, he's my favorite. I enjoy his lore, his rogues, and his allies tremendously. Some of the most successful characters in pop culture history are Batman-adjacent. Harley Quinn is taking the world by storm, mostly because of Margot Robbie, but she was first introduced in, arguably, the greatest cartoon to ever air, Batman: The Animated Series. I love that. What i don;t love is how f*cking Batman-centric DC Comics has become. Like, f*ck, dude, maybe lay off that Bat-wank a little bit.
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Dark Nights Metal was a whole ass clusterf*ck of Evil Batmen, and one Batwoman i think, from a dark multiverse, wrecking the main continuity because of super-dark, bat-angst. This sh*t just wreaks of edgelord, try-hard, fan fiction. We all know Batmen can wreck the entire DC universe with enough prep time. Tower of Babel proved that. Justice League: Doom showed us that. Why the f*ck do we need to rehash this arc again? Sure, i love a great What If story and the origins to these Bat-Maybes were pretty ingenuity but, really? Batman isn't a god. He’s not Superboy-Prime. The fact that he was able to infiltrate an entire anti-multiverse is ridiculous to me. Especially considering that the leader of this group, the one that initiated all of this , was just jokerized Batman calling himself The Batman Who Laughs.
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Admittedly, the concept The Batman Who Laughs is dope and the moniker is a deep clever deep cut. Joker is based off a man with a disfigured, permanent, grin named Gwynplaine, in a movie titled The Man Who Laughs. That sh*t is dope. I love that level of creativity and reverence for the mythos. The thing is, The Batman Who Laughs has already been done. Fore decades. Dude is just a Batman version of Judge Death. The entire Dark Nights Metal is basically  the same narrative of the Dark Judges arc in Judge Dredd. Sh*t is slightly altered, of course, cats aren’t outright plagiarizing the entire Dredd story but the bones of that narrative are more than holding up this whole Dark Batman/Dark Multiverse nonsense. I f*cking hate it, man. Even after Metal wraps and all the other Dark Batmen bite the dust, The Batman Who Laughs sticks around and f*cking becomes a literal, cosmic level threat. Are you f*cking kidding me??
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DC’s creative bankruptcy is astounding. You have some of the dopest characters to ever make the page, some of the most compelling pathos to derive from, and supreme Batwank is what you come up with? I’m not going to go into HOW this cat became such a cosmic f*ck around but the fact that this is what they landed on to maybe-maybe not reboot the universe is friggin’ pedestrian. I’m an avid fan of manga so this sh*t isn’t new to me. It’s called power creep and i never respected it to infect the US comics industry. There is no way a Batman, any Batman, should be able to go toe-to-toe with a Martianized Lex Luthor or f*cking Superman, not without a ridiculous power boost and yet, here we are. The Batman Who Laughs is pulling the strings behind another f*cking Crisis-in-name-only and i kind of hate it. That’s just the sh*t with the new ultimate evil, Perpetua. I’m not even going to touch on the fact that Dark Nights Metal has a sequel, one as uninspired as it's predecessor, and a third one in the works. Like, f*ck off, already. What are you going to rip-off next? The Majin Buu saga? Is DC going to introduce their version of Dragon Balls? I mean, Nth Metal was the first mcguffin to get them out of the overpowered, bat-corner they wrote themselves into so why not omniscient, magical,balls that scatter across the multiverse? Who gives a sh*t if that was the entire thesis to Dragon Ball Super. No one cares. Just throw some Bat-Paint over it and publish that sh*t. It doesn't matter that the narrative is poorly written, completely rushed, and makes no thematic f*cking sense. It's evil Batman. That sh*t'll sell gangbusters so f*ck it!
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And that’s the crux of my frustration; Poor writing. There are a ton of good ideas here. I dig the Evil Batmen and Dark Multiverse in theory. I love the idea of The Batman ho Laughs. In execution? Sh*t is superficial nonsense that even the most angsty teenager would see as too much. The most f*cked up thing about all of this, is the fact that are dope stories being told getting buried by all of this hardcore Bat-fellatio. Justice League Dark is one of the best written stories in the entire industry. That whole Witching Hour arc with Wonder Woman was one of the dopest ideas i have seen within comics in a long ass time. No one even talks about that sh*t. No one at DC is pushing that sh*t. No one on the fandom even cares. Hell, there are better Batman stories being told. The whole White Knight series and it's sequels are amazing. That whole story is f*cking dope. It's creative, it's unique, it homages every aspect of the mythos, and delivers a story true to the character without all of the Mary-Stu bullsh*t. Yet, all I hear is about is how bad Bendis is ruining Superman and how The Batman Who Laugh is the “coolest” sh*t, ever. Nah, that sh*t is trash. I don’t need more trash in my comics. The Batman Who Laughs had potential but right now, with what we have been given, this dude is just a bad joke. A punchline at the end of a an uninspired joke. And don’t get me started on THAT chick, man.
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tomasorban · 5 years
A "Tornado" in Space; part 1.
The energetic stellar jet of HH (Herbig Haro) 49/50, as seen through the Spitzer Space Telescope:
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With the discovery of Herbig Haro objects, or “jetted stars”, astronomers have scrambled for explanations. But these stars, now observed by the hundreds, only accent a common and fundamental misunderstanding of space.
The image above appeared as the “Astronomy Picture of the Day” (APOD) on Feb 3, 2006.  The caption identifies this stellar jet as a “cosmic tornado” light-years in length, with gases moving at 100-kilometers per second. “Though such energetic outflows are well known to be associated with the formation of young stars, the exact cause of the spiralling structures apparent in this case is still mysterious”.
In fact, astronomers express great astonishment at such formations. Gravitational models featured in twentieth century astronomy never envisioned narrow jets of anything streaming away from stellar bodies. Neither gravity nor standard gas laws would allow it.
So the problem grows worse the more we discover. To see the problem clearly, just consider the language used to describe the stellar jets of “Herbig Haro objects” such as that imaged above. The words typically employed are taken from the behavior of wind and water on a rocky planet we call “Earth”—a body that stands out as an exception in a universe that is 99.99 percent plasma and dominated by electric currents and their induced magnetic fields. A bizarre example of the outmoded language is the description of stellar jets on NASA’s Hubble Telescope website—the very page to which the APOD caption links for an explanation of “such energetic outflows”.
The explanation begins with these words: “Stellar jets are analogous to giant lawn sprinklers. Whether a sprinkler whirls, pulses or oscillates, it offers insights into how its tiny mechanism works. Likewise stellar jets, billions or trillions of miles long offer some clues to what's happening close into the star at scales of only millions of miles, which are below even Hubble's ability to resolve detail”.
Those who know what a plasma discharge is might say, “if you think a lawn sprinkler offers a good analogy for the picture above, put a sprinkler in space and try it”.  Any attempt to understand stellar jets across light years of space in terms of a nozzle on one end should be a career-ending embarrassment.
To explain the narrow tornado-like jet, the Hubble page says: “Material either at or near the star is heated and blasted into space, where it travels for billions of miles before colliding with interstellar material." Does a star have the ability to create collimated jets across (not billions, but) trillions of miles by merely 'heating' material in its vicinity? The matter in the jet is hot and it is moving through a vacuum. If one is to use an analogy with water, the better example would be a super-heated steam hose. It will not form a jet of steam for more than a few feet before the steam disperses explosively.
The authors’ explanation not only contradicts simple observation and experiment, it contradicts the century-old gravitational theory on which the entire page is based. Under the popular theory of star formation, it is matter "falling" inward under the influence of gravity that creates stars. No one proposing this “nebular hypothesis” ever imagined, in advance of recent discoveries, that after gravity accomplished its mass-gathering feat, it would give way to a more powerful force evident in the jet. (As for the reference to collisions with interstellar material, that is based entirely on the bizarre explanation itself, not on anything actually observed.)
“Why are jets so narrow?” the NASA writers ask. “The Hubble pictures increase the mystery as to how jets are confined into a thin beam”. Then, after noting that the Hubble pictures tends to rule out the idea (popular just a few years ago) that a disk around the star could provide the needed “nozzle”, the authors note: “One theoretical possibility is that magnetic fields in the disk might focus the gas into narrow beams, but there is as yet no direct observational evidence that magnetic fields are important”.
Following this virtual dismissal of magnetic fields, the authors pose two questions which bear directly on the role of magnetic fields, though they are clearly unaware of the connection.  “What causes a jet’s beaded structure”, they ask.  And “why are jets ‘kinky’”? They do not realize that they have just cited two of the most easily recognized features of plasma discharge—“beading” and “kink instabilities”. But rather than enter the world of electrified plasma, so unfamiliar to astronomers, the web page takes us into “waterworld”. “…The beads are real clumps of gas plowing through space like a string of motor boats”. And the “kinks along their path of motion” can be seen as evidence for a stellar companion, one that “pulls on the central star, causing it to wobble, which in turn causes the jet to change directions, like shaking a garden hose”.
It is statements such as this that cause plasma experts—those who have spent a lifetime observing the unique behavior of electric currents and electric discharge in plasma—to wonder about the future of theoretical science.  For the cosmic electricians there is nothing out of the ordinary in stellar jets. Their counterparts appear regularly in the plasma laboratory. They can be modeled in computer simulations. Their analogies can be seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere, in Martian dust devils, in the volcanoes of Jupiter’s moon Io, on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, in the jets and tails of comets, in the penumbra of sunspots—and even in the vast polar jets now seen exploding from distant galaxies.
If the electrical theorists are correct, those offering conventional answers to newly discovered objects in space need a crash course on plasma and electricity.
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art-now-usa · 5 years
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Dynamic Intervention - copperwork illumination, Shahna Lax
The seed for Dynamic Intervention arrived with an investigation of the divine feminine archetype known as Aditi - the power underlying temporal reality and the primordial energy that powers the universe. Aditi (अदिति "limitless") is mother of the gods (devamatar) and all twelve zodiacal spirits from whose cosmic matrix the heavenly bodies were born. As celestial mother of every existing form and being, the synthesis of all things, she is associated with space (akasa) and with mystic speech (Vāc).   That reference to 12 caught me immediately as the thread I was to follow and that you can see expressed in this copperwork as the theme of 12 around 1 in various iterations. In the centermost, inner half circle, twelve sets of three hands spin clockwise around a nucleus. In the next expansion, three sets of four large mudra-like hands rotate in the counter-clockwise direction. In the final, outermost half circle, once again twelve sets of three hands spin clockwise, each encircled by a ten part DNA helix circle - an evolutionary innovation, it would seem, has occurred to the original form closest to the Aditi Source. As Dynamic Intervention is in a half circle form, it seems to me as if it is only half the story, or perhaps just the visible part of a whole. As I continued to explore the meaning of the symbolic elements I felt directed to include, I came upon an article which, within its discussion of quantum string theory suggests that  "Our civilization is out of balance, and it all starts with our God image, (God, a.k.a. the creator, the field of intention, the universal super consciousness, the matrix of all matter, divine intelligence). We have overlooked God's other half, the Goddess energy, the healing and transformative power of heavenly mother." Rather than the 3 dimensional definition of reality that is limited to hard animate matter we see, sense touch and feel with our five senses, matter does not arise from hard animate building blocks or particles of anything solid. Atoms are 99.9999% empty space, and, recent theories of Quantum physics describe a "field of infinite possibility" from which all matter arises. This energy field has even been described as being responsive to the intentions of the observer. As I am working within the context of an internal imperative that rises to the surface, I rarely know what the meaning of the specific symbols are that come up, which is why I need to research to make them more cognitively available. Based upon what I could find, perhaps it is this response to the intentions of the observer that is implied by the name "Dynamic Intervention." which is what I heard as the name of this illumination.   Dynamic Intervention may be a pictograph of an evolutionary process (suggested by the DNA spheres) that is emerging out of our collective "mattering" intentions.  I have heard some very compelling responses to the imagery here that are entirely personal to the individual. What YOU see is what is yours to understand. Acid-etched copper with fretwork backed in amber mica, engraving, natural forming patina with outlining oxides. Constructed in two joined parts. Fir backing, the thickness of which has been glazed with copper oxide along the inside arch and outside perimeter where the 1.5" wood thickness creates exposed surfaces. I have Illuminated this piece with ambient light from a window covered in a light-diffusing window shade. Back-lighting can also be accomplished with a thin LED light panel.
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Wanna learn more about Astronomy?
The stars, the galaxies, everything amazing about the Universe. There’s so much to know and learn, and that can’t always happen because while many would love to add it to their fanworks (Trying to put the Doctor into better character, really cool things to have happen with the Tardis, amazing sights to describe, help creating new planets) or even just because out of desire for the knowledge -- but it doesn’t always feel very accessible, and Uni classes are expensive.
Eff that. Here is some free stuff to help you out!
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Open Courseware Classes
You can take classes from big name universities for free, online. All course materials are completely free, lectures, etc.
Introduction to Astronomy - MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Astronomy 101 - Penn State University
Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity & Astrophysics  - MIT
Astronomy & Astrophysics - Yale University
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Oxford University
The Relativistic Universe - Open University
Astrophysics 101 - Colorado School of Mines
Lecture Series on Space Studies - Keck Institute for Space Studies
Flight and Orbital Mechanics - Delft University of Technology
Aircraft Systems Engineering - MIT
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (AE101) - Delft University of Technology
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (AE102) - Delft University of Technology
Astronomy 102 - Open University
Cosmology - Stanford University
Astrophysics: Frontiers & Controversy - Yale University
Super Symmetry, Grand Unification, & String Theory - Stanford University
Introduction to Modern Cosmology - MIT
Astrobiology & Space Exploration - Stanford University
Outer Planets & Planetary Atmospheres - The University of Arizona
Survey of Astronomy - Missouri State University
Galaxies One & Two - The University of Arizona
Introduction to Stellar Astronomy - Pennsylvania C.C.
Introduction to Galaxy Interaction & Motion - The University of Arizona
Stars 101, 102, & 103 - The University of Arizona
The Big Bag, Inflation, & General Cosmology - The University of Arizona
Planetary Astronomy - The University of Arizona
The Solar System - The University of Arizona
Planetary Science - Open University
Solar Neighborhood & Space Exploration - The University of Arizona
Astronomy & Astrophysics - University of Chicago
Deep Space & High Energy Phenomena - The University of Arizona
Astronomy: The Frontiers of Science - Columbia University
Introduction to General Astronomy - UC Berkeley
Introduction to Astrobiology & Space Exploration - Professor Lynn Rothschild, Stanford University
Astrophysics: An Introduction - Oxford University
Astronomy Public Lecture Series - Florida Institute of Technology
Cosmic Origins Lecture Series - The University of Arizona
Steward Observatory Public Evening Lecture Series -  University of Arizona, College of Science, Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory
Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series - Foothill College  
Steward/NOAO Joint Colloquium Series - Steward Observatory and National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Naked Astronomy - Naked Scientists
Astronomy Public Lectures - Swinburne Institute of Technology
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA
Human Spaceflight - NASA
Space Lecture Series - California Academy of Sciences
Astronomy Maths Help One & Two  - Professor Lindsay Rocks
Stargazing Lecture Series - Oxford University
Earth and Space Science - Teachers domain material
Leadership on Spacecraft - NASA
Earth & Environmental Science - Dr. Christian Shorey
Earth Explorations - Dr. Christian Shorey
The Carnegie Astronomy Lecture Series - Carnegie Hall
Ancient Astronomy - 9th Grade Lessons
Cosmo 2013, a conference of top lecturers in their fields -  International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology at Cambridge University
Moons - Open University
Space & the Cosmos - Aspen Ideas
Craters on the Moon - Open University
Waters on Moons - Open University
Cosmic Origins - The University of Arizona
Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace - World Science Festival
Black Holes & Holographic Worlds - World Science Festival
A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram - World Science Festival
Explore Mars Series 
The Big Idea 
Space Missions 
Astronomy Documentary Series 
Life in the Universe 
Journey to the Edge of the Universe 
Documentary Playlist - An Introduction to the Planets
Strange Side of the Universe 
How the Universe Works 
Exploring Our Stars 
Mathematics Explains the Universe
Ancient Astronomy 
White Dwarf: The Universe’s Sleeping Monster
Inside the Milky Way
Solar Superstorms
Gravitational Waves
Parallel Universes
Nasa’s Untold Stories
Journey to Deepest Space
How the Universe Works
The Life Cycle of a Star
Living in a Parallel Universe
Colossal Black Holes
Magnetars, Black Holes, Pulsars & Quasars
Playlist of 58 Astrophysics Documentaries
575 Space Playlist of Documentaries (Literally there are 575 documentaries in here)
Ask Magazine -  Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) & Nasa
Modern Observational Cosmology
A Modern Astronomy
Popular History of Astronomy during the 19th Century
A Simple Guide to Backyard Astronomy
Astronomical Discovery
Astronomy for Amateurs
Astronomy Today
Astronomy with an Opera Glass
Basic Positional Astronomy
Black Hole Phenomenology
Curiosities of the Sky
Elementary Mathematical Astronomy
Elements of Astrophysics
Exoplanet Observation for Amateurs
Great Astronomers
History of Astronomy
Introduction to Cosmology
Letters on Astronomy
Pioneers of Science
Practical Astronomy
Practical Astronomy for Engineers
Primer of Celestial Navigation
Publications for the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Complete Star Atlas
Nasa’s Mystery of the Sun
Stargazer’s Handbook
Recreations in Astronomy
Short History of Astronomy
The Beginning & the End
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Sun
The Geology of Our Planets
The Moon
The Story of Eclipses
The Story of the Heavens
The World According to the Hubble Space Telescope
Scholarpedia’s Astrophysics Main Page is def. a thing to check out as well!
If you’re interested, we are also running a weekly freeform event where if you contribute, your name will be put into a randomizer each week to win a star!
Hope you enjoy my stash!
-Mod @natural--blues
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realityebooks · 3 years
Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity
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Life-Defining, Consciousness-Catalytic Reality eBook...
Short Description: Novelty and potential await you inside. Life-living reality has dimensions, you’ve never been told and therefore, you live in illusion. The eBook journeys you through dark truths and bares the falsity, unraveling delusions you’ve been living. It traverses you through hidden probabilities to enable you to create alternative realities, which alone can survive and excel you in contemporary madness.
First Few Chapters...
Potential of Human Intellect Is Infinite. Tragically, only a handful even thinks of the journey of the ‘Infinite’. Less embark on it; lesser trek a distance of definitiveness! Localized, partial and instinctive Consciousness prohibits and restricts journeys of mind. The specificpurpose and pursuits of life-living may be diverse; the singular genericattainment however, is Optimization of Potential of every single human being born and alive. Cultures that do not ensure mass ‘Optimization’ of People-Potential through Knowledge-Actualization are DEAD. The question is – Are contemporary cultures graveyards of Dead Intellect…? Are most people moving their bodies but mind is rooted like trees? Do mass majority of men and women even know what their ‘True Potential’ is? Do we need Change? Probably; complete Reconstruction! Of what? … Of REALITY; the contemporary, populist ‘Intellect’ is so trigger-happily ‘Illusioned’ to accept; since ages. If only; it could be possible for ‘self-validated’ egoistic ‘I’ to accept ‘Reality’ beyond its culturally installed Cognitive Empire! Can happen; happens; very rarely.
Optimismalone is Immortal…!
Humility is no virtue. However, it is Singular Existential Reality for Humanity; only a few realize. This fragile, ephemeral, conflicted and inconsequential human body-mind; standing under the infinite cosmic expanse, diversity and its Causalities, can have no other REALITY. This reality of humility engenders Compassion, which is one single qualifying element of Consciousness, making humans eligible to survive together. However, ‘Success’ for most individuals comes with single ‘available-to-all’ instinctive Eligibility – Be Shameless. The 99.9 percent go with this easy-availability than bothering a second for Reality. Successive successes empower and embolden The Beast every human is born as and erodes Collective Survival. This shameless Illusion of Success is the preferred REALITY for mass majority of horrid Humanity. We all dig our collective grave. Can this ever change? Probably! Knowledge alone can. It reconstructs Consciousness back to Humility. Can it happen? Happens; very rarely. Optimism alone is Immortal; it has to be…!
Incessantly, unrelentingly, in many possibly different ways, ‘I’ attempt to convince myself that the moon, sun, earth, stars, galaxies and even the cosmos itself shall die one day – It is not that ‘I’ alone shall die. It is not my Personal Destiny; it is the design of Cosmic Causality. With all intellectual and emotional resources at my behest, ‘I’ insist to myself that time; years, centuries, millenniums, are useless; just a mythically mystical idea; a Cognitive Conflation, having no reality, as the mind conceives. When ‘I’ die, everything is simply a Moment; probably the infinity of it but nothing else. In pragmatic actuality, even 14.5 billion years, when the universe came to be, before my birth, was just a moment for me and billions of years after my death, shall be the same – just a moment. The colossal Nothingness that was before my birth, had no meaning for me and the infinite nothingness that shall follow my death too shall have no meaning for me as, the very ‘Media of All Meanings’ – the Selfor ‘I’, itself shall become assimilated in Nothingness. The very Contextuality of Self, which creates the Consciousness that in turn bubbles up the Illusion of ‘I’, as some subject or protagonist, is emergent, transient and definitively holographic and hence mythically mystical culturalism. Etc.
Still, the Grief, the Suffocation of Option-less-ness, the excruciating Emptiness of the Nothingness and the resultant numbness of Non-Beingness of Consciousness does not go away…
This media, of body-mind cooperative; this consciousness, the cognition of the million causalities this Media processes; fails miserably. This media of consciousness cannot be persuaded; it cannot be made to stand in perpetuity of peaceful and poised acceptance of this whole idea and its cognition; let alone be in happy situation… Such Scammed is our existence; so structurally Insufficient and functionally Incapacitated are the faculties of the Media of Consciousness we are so remorselessly proud of; so much colossally Powerful and massively multidimensional is the content and intent of REALITY; so Haplessly Helpless is ‘I’…!
… Intellectually, may be, in peripheral probability, I am Ready to Die. Intellectually, feebly though, I may lend emotional credence to my resolve that I can Face Up to the Reality in its Entirety. The fabric of this reality of ‘Moment’ and Mortalityis probably not impossible to weave. Even, I can say, with humility but definitive certainty of honesty that at most times, I do feel the Strengthand Satisfactionof this mesmerizing bewilderment of un-put-down-able Emptiness, Nothingness, as it fills me up with prized possession of Compassion, my immense and deep sense of Grief leads me to. Also, this barrenness of nothingness proves to me as Huge Asset to remain rooted with unadulterated objectivity. In emptiness of nothingness survives and prospers the abundance of objectivity...
But then; intellect is also just a small part of this insufficient media of consciousness. This intellectual fabric of ‘reality’ still has to get internalized in and by all seven layers of my consciousness. Even intellectual understanding and acceptance is not easy but it is somehow and somewhat possible; at least peripherally. Internalization of the knowledge of the Realityis hugely tough; if not impossible. Without internalization; nothing stays, everything withers away. This media of consciousness, which is assigned to successfully complete this humungous enterprise, is a very patchy and poor design of evolution. This immensely restrictive and somewhat ‘Scammed’ body-mind plexus, especially the precariously presumptuous Brain States, which ensembles and makes emerge this media of consciousness, probably is not designed to handle such a vastly tough task. Or, probably, the objective, holistic knowledge of reality is too colossal and its true cognition is too massively unsettling for the genius of consciousness to handle successfully. At least; to present a brave and resolved façade to Reality, one needs the strength of evolved Consciousness and Non-Intuitive Cognition to lead the Intellect for a semblance of a battle with Reality. This comes only through painful Internalization of Reality. Given; the milieus, both internal and external, are not only non-facilitative; rather, always presenting the unscrupulous occasions to unsettle and unseat a somewhat undeserving enterprise to hit the poise…
Reality is unraveled in layers and in dimensions. The scientific knowledge and evolved objectivity, which this knowledge installs in consciousness, leads me far beyond my own restrictive cultural mind consciousness. It unravels the Reality about One Life and lays bare the futility and hypocrisy of old-archaic-obsolete cultural ideas about human life and divinity et al. This sure is empowering and helps a lot in optimizing the potential of mind consciousness in understanding holism of reality in its mesmerizing diversity. But, this reality then journeys into a domain where new cognitions of unsettling reality confront the consciousness, for which it is not trained. The untrained mind consciousness has no wherewithal to handle such self-negating and cataclysmic cognitions about the brute objectivity of reality as well as the nothingness of beingness. Years of education and bravery of so-called confidence of worldly attainments and successes fall flat. The mind consciousness needs Knowledge of completely different dimension to facilitate the mind consciousness a chance to stand tall. This knowledgeis the ‘personal internalization’ of ‘Information’, through the dialectical process of unlearning-learning-unlearning, powered by the energy of skepticism and self-negation, into all layers of Consciousness. This novel and alternative mind training is purely individual enterprise; nobody helps; nobody can; only Knowledgehelps; it alone can…
It is like; when I am stupidly happy and intellectually at peace with my intuitive acceptances; like earth is all that is and the Sun revolves around it, et al; I am in the animalistic domain, where my ‘joys’ as well as ‘pains’ are contextedand sourced from this Primary Cognition. However, when I accept a non-intuitive thinking and start to accept and internalize the objective scientific realities of our planetary system, the galaxies, the black holes, the threshold of universe that is around 90 billion light years apart, et al; the cultural core of my animalistic and intuitive consciousness gets cracked up and begins to melt. The novel cognitions that the new realities begin to install in my now melted old and archaic consciousness creates a new Self or ‘I’ in me. This is unsettling as it shatters the convenience and comfort of my ‘settled’ consciousness and status quoist cognition. But, this is just the beginning.
The progression of new objective scientific knowledge and its mesmerizing journey is orgasmic and addictive. Then comes the catalytic and cathartic realities of quantum world, super string theories, ontology and epistemology of forces, dimensions, energy, sub-particles, et al. More cultural and cognitive walls of my old and archaic consciousness crumble and the nothingness begins to fill in; the vacuum begins to orchestrate the song and dance of its scary oscillations. The journey is infinite… There is no stopping, no short sojourn to rest. The path-breaking knowledge pool of consciousness, through the prism of quantum physics-biology, informatics, neuro-science, microbiology, et al, beckons me and everything that was ‘Me’ or ‘I’, for last many decades, collapses and falls flat. This nothingness, which storms and blows up the old and archaic consciousness and cognition, is hugely vast and tough to handle.
It is humungous enterprise to put this huge and diversified knowledge into a linear and ‘Causal’ perspective for optimum internalization. This internalization, when it happens, is definitively magical and hugely satisfying. But then, it leaves the new Self or ‘I’ in a state of complete non-beingness, for which the brain states and its faculties are not trained beforehand. This mind training to strike peace and poise with the new reality and cognition is hugely challenging. Just when you think, ‘I’ have arrived, new pathways are created and novel journeys shatter your ‘arrived’ pride and possession…
As is known to everyone; Knowledge has similar trajectory of journey and arriving. The first stage of knowledge is hugely Unsettling. When you first know and realize how it is what it is, the primary accrual is consternation and destabilization. Knowledge begins by exposition of problems and troubles in all its dimensions and shades. This is like opening the door and getting blown up by gush of trapped energy of realism. This is unsettling also in the sense that most people get Stuck in the magnitude and Complexities of the first stage of trouble-exposition and begin to look for solace and support from spiritualism, psychology or philosophy to ‘escape’ from the acceptance of the reality. It is another dimension of ‘Ignorance Is Bliss’. Some also develop sense of egoism and pride that they now know the reality and therefore they are Free-Willedto lead their ‘Post-Reality Life’ not bothered by other shades and aspects of reality that others have.
The true journey begins only after this stage. The next stage is unraveling the elements that constitute the vastness and complexities of troubles. This stage of knowledge is the doorstep for arriving at true wisdom. When we persist and keep journeying the knowledge trajectory with innocence and compassion, not allowing ego and escapism to divert the journey ahead, we move onto this next stage of deciphering the genetics of the problems and troubles and Reality in its Entirety. This is the domain of Non-Intuitiveness. As we do this, we come to understand and accept that what we intuitively construed as Problemsthemselves have elements of Solutions, when perceptioned with a non-intuitive cognition. The Realities of all shades are linked in cyclicality. The causalities of cosmic realities are all cooperatively connecting and linked. The knowledge of Holism of Reality unravels this ‘Magic’ to a non-intuitive mind consciousness. Rather, in the final stage of the trajectory of knowledge, we clearly see that problems and solutions have the same constituting elements and only difference is cognitive – that is how we observe and accept them arranged and situationed in our life and living. This then facilitates all solutions, all sanities, order, poise and then begins our infinite journey to bliss and wellness…
… It is for sure, it is not something, which happens to me only. My brain states and mind consciousness are not unique. It is what 7.5 billion people on earth have. This has also not been beginning to happen only now. It is described in ancient Buddhist literary traditions that around 2500 years back, when Buddha attained enlightenment, the first lines he said was – ‘The walls of the house I lived in are now shattered and collapsed.’ What Buddha actually said or didn’t say cannot be verified but what the traditions accept him saying, clearly means that even thousands of years back, there was this consciousness, which accepted that Reality, when unraveled and deciphered in its holism and when true and objective knowledge of Reality dawns upon the surface of intellect, the walls of existing intuitive Reality, which stands as the ‘House of Illusion’ collapses and falls flat. What Buddha did after his enlightenment is known to all. He chose not to speak as probably what he understood was exclusively personal and not amenable to language. The consciousness is a massively potent window but language as the media of expression of consciousness is very restrictive and susceptible to misunderstanding. Buddha definitely understood – Words are most probable design to carry the culpability of unintended and un-conscientious violence. However, he was urged by his followers to speak and as he spoke, five of his closest disciples left him. Even today, when Buddhism is popular, most followers have failed him and what they do in the name of Buddha is definitively not what Buddha believed and preached. It is primarily because for an average untrained mind, it is impossible to understand what Buddha meant and what enlightenment seeks. The intuitiveness can never ever be the tool and technique to unravel and decipher the elements of reality in non-intuitive domain. The untrained mind therefore corrupts and mystifies a reality as it has the perpetual love for Illusion, which is Reality for average mind consciousnesses…
It sure raises a critical question – is humanity ready for knowledge of reality in its entirety and holism, which is now available to humanity but still not popular and restricted to a very small minority of scientists and aware people. It sure shall reach gradually; though vitiated and ritualized, and average human mind is so untrained to handle it. Already, half the humanity is finding it tough to handle the new conflicts and chaos the modern contemporary life-living has exposed people to. In the new millennium, we live in a very complex world with contemporary milieus filled with conflicting and competing shades of memes of realities. Mental disorders and mind debilitations are already posing as mounting challenge for wellness and poise of larger humanity. An average untrained mind is not poised to handle such complexities and diversity of illusions of reality. What shall happen when finally, the mass majority of people will have to confront the brute reality about existence, life-living and human body-mind realities? The new knowledge shall drastically alter the contemporary cultures, as it already has started to do, and then, the contemporary human mind with all its mediocrity and depravity shall be in for disaster. The early pink hue of the inevitable dawn of impending disaster is already on the horizon. A discerning mind, armed with non-intuitive cognition can see it coming…
This enterprise, this eBook, very compassionately and affectionately invites you to venture into a ‘journey’ of this tough terrain of ‘Internalization’ domain and processes. We accept that our intellect and the consciousness, which engenders it, are powerful media yet very insufficient because the REALITY is so colossal, diverse and the Internalization of Knowledge for lasting peace and poise is hugely tough. This humility makes our journey possible. This fills us with compassion, which alone qualifies us as humans. This humility makes us accept the cosmic duty that evolution bestowed on us by assigning humans the mesmerizing marvel of mind consciousness…
Together, in equal partnership and equal investment of all faculties that are available to our media of consciousnesses, we intend to traverse those issues, ideas, questions and probable answers, which humanity has not yet bothered to deal with. The Intellect shall delve into holism of available scientific and objective knowledge but we shall have to accept that intellect has to be evolved and matured to a level of conscious positioning and cognition, which opens up and makes possible a rather critical element of ‘Non-Intuitive Thinking’ and perceptional acceptances. We are intentionally dropping the use of the term ‘Counterintuitive’ and using the word Non-Intuitive, because, the former necessarily means opposite of Intuitiveness, whereas, the later is not necessarily one but a holism of both. Intuitiveness also has utility and we surely cannot label it as something always detrimental to consciousness. We must never miss the magic and marvel of Holism; non-intuitiveness is about this assimilation…
Much of the contemporary objective and holistic knowledge of humanity has come primarily through this core and cardinal tool of non-intuitive thinking. Sadly, average person is never trained to acquire this tool. More tragic is the fact that most of us even do not ever think, mind training is required to unravel and decipher big part of the holism of Reality. We are not even told, it is some eligibility for good life-living. Reality in its holism is available for deciphering and unraveling only through these cognitive processes. Thankfully, contemporary science has empowered us with this required knowledge for larger and deeper wellness. This eBook primarily pertains to the realm of Non-Intuitiveness of 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causalities…
Give me your hand; do kindly feel the warmth of trust and genuine objectivity and scientific sincerity. We are beginning a journey, not with the avowed purpose of arriving as we most humbly accept; arriving probably is beyond the genius of our restrictive and scammed consciousness and the journey itself is infinite. The journey traverses through landscapes filled with alternative and novel ideas, realities, awareness, purposes, utilities et al. Journeying itself is incredible invite to the feel of worthiness of Holism. Together, we shall travel, together we shall doubt, witness and experiment; together we test the validity of an alternative possibility, together we arrive; wherever possible…
In classical musical tradition; may be also in all other forms of Art and expression of human thoughts, there is a stage of finality of rendering, where the grammar and Syntactic Disciplineof artfulness and exposition loses its primary and cardinal relevance. What remains of singular and lasting utility and worth is the Innocence of the artist and Honestyof art. The only weight that is felt by listeners and audience is that of the uniqueness of Melted Individuality, which the performer transports to the consciousnesses of the audience. This is Emergence – the Physics entering a Dimension where probably its structural plexus remains hidden as ‘roots under soil’ and the feel of functionality blossoms above as fruit-laden tree.
I, for sure, can never reach to such a stage of finality in my journey as a confabulator. However, this is what I cherish and seek. With all humility and compassionate honesty at my behest, I wish to assure you; I have been a sincere student of ‘The Art’, since last 54 years and shall keep my persevered learning and unlearning processes, till death, on this avowed journey of artfulness of life-living in general and writing in particular. Nobody can be greater than the Art but, the audience, in their compassionate acceptance, sure can encourage the artist for the sake of art itself. I write, because you are; a magnanimous consciousness. Thanks…
Billions of men and women in the past, billions ahead; infinite years in the past and may be, infinite times ahead… The awesomeness of this ‘infinite’ however, is ‘Zero’, sans the advent of consciousness of ‘I’ – Mine and yours. This messy, incredibly fragile, amazingly conflicted and dreadfully ephemeral ‘bubble’ of Consciousness is, however, the brilliantly mesmerizing probabilistic ‘Window’ of endless Realities. The media of consciousness, which engenders the perceptional plexus of Cognition, knows deep down that most of these ‘Realities’ are brilliant but only a handful of them are ‘Happy’ ones.
The legendary poet, Meer mentioned about ephemeral existence and its flamboyantly illusionist positioning in a very famous poetry centuries back –
Hasti Apni Habab Ki Si Hai…
Ye Numaish Sharab Ki Si Hai…
(My existence and beingness is like a bubble, the exhibition of individuality however, is like the liquor…)
The innate and instinctive consciousness and its generic cognition is stupidly designed to understand and accept many a realities as hugely useful and empowering, as they always feel like the ‘happy ones’, but actually and eventually are calamitous for life-living wellness. In Indian philosophical traditions, ‘intuitive utility’ has been equated with an Itch, which all of us are ‘Happy’ scratching; though being fully aware that it shall always end in painfulness, bruised skin and blood stained hands. This ‘happy’ Predilectionand innate Bias towards most realities the media of consciousness accepts, is painfully restrictive one. Realities need never be understood and accepted through the prism of ‘Happy Preferentiality’. Rather, most realities, as they present themselves to the intuitiveness of the media of consciousness, are essentially Value-Neutral – neither good nor bad; neither happy nor sad. They are objective causalities or the cognitive effects of causalities, which the vast and variegated milieus, ambient to us or otherwise expansive, present to us.
Consciousness, as a probabilistic ‘Window’, as a media to unravel realities, is a huge gift. A rather disastrously scammed yet mesmerizing media or window! This media is Innately Scammed; assigned to painfulness and conflicted conflations by very design. The media of consciousness has to be understood, accepted with scientifically objective and holistic parameters of contemporary knowledge. This media needs to be trained to Unlearnarchaic, instinctive and obsolete auto-alignment to culturally installed and perpetuated ideas of good, bad, right, wrong and happy and sad. Once unlearning happens, the window throws up the brilliantly empowering shades of realities and their utility-worth in life-living wellness and excellence.
Rather, contrary to the ‘happy preferentiality’ about life-living realities, the consciousness must accept the universality and transcendence of Grief. Grief is the most potent energy of Creation. It is the primeval Causality of eternal Evolution. All Marvels of world are deep and embedded expressions of Grief and Pain. Grief is the portal of the singular element as eligibility to being human – Compassion. Sadly, only a handful can truly realize and internalize Grief to miraculous Revelation. The innate and intuitive Happy Preferentiality of untrained and un-evolved mind consciousness restricts ‘Grief-Acceptance’. Most people have the upfront and ever-ready ‘Bouncers’ of Denial and Deception to prevent the entry of grief-aligned compassion. Tragically; Marvels become tools to deny Grief itself. When Grief is denied; Compassion gets eclipsed and Reality stands mystified. Humanity is genius in Enterprise of Denial and Deception of Reality. This is biggest ‘Unlearning’. Together, we do it, together we partner in this enterprise here and right now…
The very sense or feel of ‘Self’ or what we know as ‘I’, the mystical ‘Me’ is largely, if not exclusively, in relation to the milieus outside, not within. Our constant yet ever-changing interactions with our ambient external milieus largely define our Generic Consciousness – this very feel of ‘I’. There are vast Mechanismic interactional processes within our body and mind but they are almost largely not in the Conscious Domain. We are simply unaware of it. Innumerable neural and chemical processes are taking place within the body and mind every second but we never feel it; though they surely have their role and impact on shaping our subconscious, even conscious. Most of these processes are common in not only all humans but also most organisms and they happen for Homeostaticgoals.
Therefore, for most practical purposes, the Self, the ‘I’ is almost purely ‘Contextual’ to the ‘Externalities’ of the world of Reality; especially the populist and trending parts of the cultures of ambient milieus. Therefore, we can say with definitive certainty that our Consciousness– the sense of Self or ‘I’, is Emergent, Transient, Evolving and Dialectical registry of EXTERNAL milieus, probably, expressed as analogous holographic representation of the field of massively complex information plexus.
What does this mean to us? What this modern, contemporary scientific assertion of Realityof ‘I’ or Consciousness Requires us to understand and accept, as against our Intuitivethinking and perception about our ‘Self’ or ‘I’? What this scientifically objective Reality necessitates to change or even reconstruct our Old, Archaic and now Redundant view about Self or ‘I’?
This is the core question, which the new humanity must understand and accept. This seeks to upstage our current perceptions, which we innately and intuitively make of ourselves. This installs with definitive certainty that we all need to evolve Non-Intuitive thinking and cognition to accept a completely unpopular yet Novel Reality of Self, ‘I’ or Consciousness. This intuitive perception of ‘I’ is an Illusion and the contemporary scientific knowledge of consciousness tells us why? It tells us about the mechanism and processes of body-brain plexus, which engenders consciousness. It tells us that because of these very mechanisms and processes, we all are born as confused, conflicted and in Perpetuation of Illusion of the unique nature. The consciousness is always transient and emergent and that is why constantly changes its locus, commensurate to external Information. However, as these processes are largely unconscious and subconscious; and our body and physicality of external milieus seem constant, we do not have the registry of it. This creates the dualism and conflict of our intuitive feel of ‘I’ being in one situation or perception, whereas our subconscious keeps altering its situation and cognition. Most people somehow realize this dualism and conflict of ‘I’, only as an afterthought or realization in retrospection. They feel; things happened; I led it to, but should not have happened. Simple reason is – the subconscious is designed to ‘react’ instinctively to external information or situation. Most people being in auto-mode reactionary consciousness, simply do what the situations call for. However, later, when conscious thoughtfulness broods over it, some of them may feel, they were ‘led’ to act and behave in a way, they should not have. They feel the ‘conflict’ of ‘I’. Most do not. This Scammed reality of Self or ‘I’; this wired and entrenched dualism or conflict, which keeps most of us Illusioned has to be understood and accepted…
Given this assertion of Reality about the Consciousness, as a Media that is designed to find its Existential Trappings largely in response to information feedbacks from External Milieus, we can clearly see and accept how every human being has some sort of an innate and entrenched potential to be a ‘Slave’ to its society and cultures. This somehow presents a predicament as well as a probable trouble that Consciousness and its so called Free Will and cognition is not independent; rather in perpetual Shacklesof its immediate milieus and dominant cultures. Naturally, Reality, for every individual human may not be independent and objective as it shall always be susceptible to be ‘conditioned’ and ‘colored’ by the very ‘Localized’ shades and shapes of its populist and powerful External Milieus. This somehow makes the agenda clear for every human being and his or her consciousness. Reality has to be confronted only with a De-Cultured mind and for this to happen, one has to ‘Unlearn’ the cultural and milieu-specific cognitions. The embedded and ensconced ‘Localization’ of Consciousness has to be understood and then pruned and unlearnt very consciously. The ‘Cage’, which enslaves the Consciousness by restricting (localizing) its cognition of Holistic Reality, has to be broken and shackles removed. As we talked earlier, an evolved person has to understand the ‘field’ of intuitiveness, its restrictiveness and then look beyond in the field of non-intuitiveness to perfect the artistry of Holism or Reality in Entirety.
The objectivity and independence of Consciousness therefore, is not an Auto-Process; it has to be attained and arrived at, after aware and intended processes of Reverse-Learning. Slavery and Caging of Consciousnessis in fact the entrenched auto-process of all minds. The evolution designed it this way for bare basics but humans now have the evolved brain and cosmopolitanized life-living milieus and also, the life-living agenda of humans is now not Survivalbut Excellence and wisdom. This auto-process needs to be unlearnt and reversed for the consciousness to see, understand and accept Reality in its true, objective and independent shape and hues; through an evolved Non-Intuitive Cognition to optimize the Potential, the consciousness can lead to.
The Agendafor new millennium humans is to be non-intuitively Aware of the twin processes – first the Internal processes of body and brain, which the contemporary science has so brilliantly deciphered for us. Secondly, awareness of the larger, cosmic, holistic, objective and integrated Reality of the External world – the matter, the energy, the new emerging and brilliantly critical idea of Information as reality et al. The contemporary science has transformed the Reality we humans have accepted so far and made the basis of our popular and persevered cultures. The new transformed human consciousness, with novel critical knowledge shall have to Reconstruct the existing cultures and civilizational benchmarks. Somehow, Change is too insufficient as it may not usher in the required quantity and quality of transformation in the domains of individual life-living, cultures and other human systems. This status quo has probably lingered too long; piling up the backlog of changes, which humanity should have brought about decades back. Also, the calamitous probabilities of entropic energies currently unleashed in contemporary human world are too powerful to be remedied by anything less than a complete Reconstruction. It is time for New Evolution. It is now; or never…
However best you look at it, you cannot visualize the Earth revolving around the Sun. The Sun rising, moving east to west and setting before the bare eyes is what we all see and subconsciously accept that Sun revolves around the Earth. That is why all humans readily agreed to ‘kill’ the man, who first proposed the ‘reverse’ of it as Reality. You simply cannot visualize that what you see as Reality is only a poor and restrictive representation of the neural mapping of your brain states, inside your head.
There are facts, objective and scientifically proven realities, which average person with his or her innate and entrenched intuitive perceptional faculties simply cannot understand and accept. They are beyond average cognition. So, the earth at the equator moves at a massive speed of around a 1000 miles per hour but a person living near the equator never ever shall accept that anything around him is moving, let alone at this high speed. Our solar system is also moving at a huge speed of 828,000 kilometers per hour. The whole universe is on the move. Yet, we all, stationed and standing still on earth, never feel any movement. These realities are not available to normal cognitive faculties. If we ever wish to understand these realities, we shall have to evolve a non-intuitive thinking and cognition. The tough and long journey of science, undertaken by our brilliant predecessors and contemporary scientists has become possible only because, they had the non-intuitive awareness of a possible, alternative reality, which the average illusion-savvy brain could not. The best of all is the quantum physics, which epitomizes how human potential can break free of all barriers of restrictive intuitive cognition and venture into something that defies impossibility…
The trouble, with all humans, is that very often, Reality in its objectivity, entirety and holism is Non-Intuitive. This means – it is intuitive to accept Sun as a moving thing and Earth as stationary. Intuitive thinking and spontaneous instinctive acceptance of what we see is what comes innately to us. It is only very natural and subjectively the perfect honesty to believe what the bare eyes can see or the brain plexus makes us feel. The trouble is – a large part of Reality is beyond the reach and sufficiency of our innate intuitive thinking and perceptions. The non-intuitiveness of Reality in its holism and colossal expanse is what we all need to open ourselves to. It is not something only the scientists should be adorned with. Every single human being has to evolve this brilliant faculty of non-intuitive thinking and cognition. This alone can Optimizethe Potential every human being is born with. If not, then a human is worse than an animal. Most of our contemporary Troubles at personal or collective levels are because of the singular fact that vast majority of humanity never attains its optimal potential as human; happily remaining slaved in the cage of intuitive stupidities and hypocrisies.
It is such a tragic state of contemporary human societies and cultures, even in 21stcentury that over 80 percent of this huge 7.5 billion human population on earth lives and dies, struggling for whole of their lives to sustain and survive themselves. The livelihood enterprise and survival necessities make them stand no better than animals. This sure is not the Destiny of Humanity. This definitely is not the avowed optimization of potential of a human life-living and its superior Consciousness. Massive majority of humans do not have the right education, enough resources, facilitative milieus and required time-space to even think of a alternative, novel and higher Purpose of life-living; especially the need of knowledge to unravel reality in its holism. The human societies and cultures have been Stinkingand Rotting marketplace of abject Mediocrity and non-conscientious Depravity; they still are. It is equally tragic that a handful of humans use this vast majority of uninitiated and enslaved human bulk of over 80 percent global population as feedstock/fodder for the attainment of their personal political and economic ambitions and greed. In such a contemporary culture of humanity, who cares for reality and who pays even a penny for reconstructing the human system for a humane culture of excellence, based on new scientific knowledge of Reality, Humanity and Reality of Humanity? When ignorance, slavery and survival become a profitable Political Capital, why should the ‘leadership’ of humanity ever invest in anything else? So far, there have been very few instances of political tribe thinking and acting beyond their personal profitability and continuance of power…
It is therefore only natural that contemporary human world remains culturally Animalistic in its structures and Brutal in its functionalities. Tragically enough, majority of humans remain worse than animals with their instinctive and entrenched intuitiveness and localized subjective realities. Developing and sustaining a non-intuitive thinking and perception about the cosmic Reality is the toughest thing to do for we humans. Because, it is something, we are not designed for. We have to do loads of hard work to evolve this non-intuitive thinking and perception. Scientists can do it as they are trained with lots of painful practice and perseverance. There are interesting stories of how budding scientists are trained about non-intuitive thinking by their seniors and academic institutions. However, where is the time, energy, inclination and initiation for the mass majority to even think of any other work than survival; let alone mind training and hard work?
Evolving non-intuitiveness is like Negatingyour own Self – assigning your entire existentialism to a spectrum of skepticism. It is like denying your innate and instinctive Self to allow the emergence and maturity of a new ‘Self’, which you have never known and accepted and which has the wherewithal for rising above the restrictive ‘intuitiveness’ of consciousness. Knowledge and wisdom is largely about evolving and mastering the Art and Science of non-intuitive thought processes and cognitions. It is tough but it begins with acceptance of the ‘Unlearning’ process and self-negation, which we have mentioned above. This novel process and new journey is tough but we simply cannot wish it away. If I keep sleeping till noon; the morning cannot wait to happen! It is Option-less to rise up, as and when the dawn happens and beckons us…
The three dimensions of unconscious, subconscious and conscious of human brain plexus engender the sense of personal and subjective self. Almost every human being has the varied mix of the three dimensions and depending on effectiveness of each dimension and which dimension is predominant, a person’s individuality or personality is defined and decided. The unconscious is purely organismic, subconscious is largely animalistic and only the conscious has elements, which we can say is human.
Scientifically speaking, most men and women are dominated by the unconscious and subconscious, with conscious dimension coming into use very rarely and that too in fleeting moments. Most average men and women have almost 98 percent of their lives decided by their unconscious and subconscious mind states – this auto-mode action-reaction mechanism and processes, wired in brain states. Only 2 percent is aware and conscious mind state action, thoughts and choices. Even this awareness is not always sufficient enough and available to lead a person to what we know as Free Will. Many scientists anyway insist; free will is a misnomer. This probably hints at the dark reality that majority of humans are almost at par with animals. The Free Will being there but as restrictive and conflated as that of higher animals.
There is a fourth dimension of evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is not automatically available by birth but added/evolved by a handful of men and women, making good use of their conscious faculties of mind states. Spiritualism has been advocating in favor of evolution of this fourth dimension of higher consciousness, which is considered a must for lasting wellness of life-living. This fourth dimension is considered to be an evolution out of the rest of the three dimensions and therefore works as ‘Witness’ to the actions of the three. We shall talk about it later in this eBook. Naturally, being an objective witness, the fourth dimension is considered to be a potentially good ‘Judge’ of the personal and subjective stupidities and hypocrisies, the three dimensions indulge in. This dimension having elements of ‘organization and planning’ is essentially about evolution of awareness domain and optimizing its potential.
There is also a Fifth Dimension of awareness and consciousness. It is very rare. It is hugely difficult to describe this fifth dimension of self or existence. It can be described as ‘Nothingness’ of Everythingness and is restricted and reserved to a very few, who have the mind mechanism-structure of high spatial sense and faculties. This fifth dimension happens when rest of the four dimensions cease to happen. This means – when nothingness becomes everything; when the vacuum engulfs all spaces and itself becomes the singular identity, this fifth dimension happens. It is like, when you close all doors, windows and vents, you can listen to the soft and serene music playing inside a room, which is there but lost in cacophony of external sounds…
As all these dimensions are essentially Mind States, not segregated or stratified as it may seem; it is almost impossible to describe and define them through words. Our brilliant neuroscientists are however working endlessly to unravel the working of brain to decipher how all these happen. There are hypotheses about these different mind states, which we shall not talk about here as it may divert our focus. You may know about them as they are easily available in public domains. So; barring the unconscious and subconscious, rest of the three dimensions are epiphanic, ephemeral and transient. Awareness itself is like a ‘Spark’ that comes and goes fast. It is like the neural firings lighting up and creating an ephemeral holographic imagery, vanishing in quick time. It is like a neural assemblage, happening in definitive probability and then withering away. The fifth dimension of nothingness however is the most crucial dimension as probably, it is in this mind state, the consciousness actually loses its innate and instinctive self and thus becomes amenable for non-intuitive cognition. This fifth dimension therefore is considered perfectly fit for unraveling many such objective and holistic Realities, which one can do only with non-intuitive thinking. This fifth dimension of consciousness and aware life-living is best suited to de-culture the mind and imbibe the somethingness of the nothingness. Culture, populist choices and embedded intuitiveness are embedded deep in the subconscious. They always present the subjectivity shade of an objective reality. Non-intuitiveness is needed to prune and de-culture the subconscious instinctiveness. The innate and instinctive mind state of average men and women, with unconscious and subconscious dominating their cognition and choices, is hugely restrictive to understand and accept most Realities. Their innate and instinctive ‘intuitiveness’ fails them and they cannot see and understand reality in its holism and everythingness. This intuitiveness must first be ‘unlearnt’. The fifth dimension of nothingness actually epitomizes the perfect preparedness and readiness of non-intuitiveness of consciousness.
The big trouble is; the additional fourth and fifth dimensions of self and existence are not automatically available by birth to everyone. Only handfuls have the inborn brain type and personal enterprise in later lives to arrive at these additional dimensions. As intuitive thinking and cognition is in absolute majority; with over 90 percent people on the earth living with it; the minority non-intuitiveness shall always be disliked and doubted by majority. In fact, most would label the fifth dimension non-intuitiveness as madness and would even wish to ‘kill’ them. Mass majority of humans therefore disbelieve science and even hate them. Science too has its ‘culpability’, which we shall talk about later. The innate and intuitively populist idea is – What I cannot fathom, presents the best excuse to label that as unworthy.Intuitive worthiness cannot overreach comfort of status quo.
The entire deliberation in this eBook hovers around the non-intuitive Realities. This presupposes a quantum of ‘nothingness’ of average, populist and culturally pervasive intuitiveness. This is a content of intents and essence of the fifth dimension. Naturally, it shall first seek to engulf everything within the expanding vacuum of nothingness. It shall be unsettling. But then, the good thing is – once you accept the basic premise that Reality in its holism requires an approach and cognition, which is beyond our normal perceptional domains, we can journey together.
Once you compassionately agree to have faith in what I am proposing, you shall enjoy the journey. The agreeable position for any doubting mind is to lend latitude to a probability to unfold itself and present a hypothesis. You always have the option and choice not to accept them or change them to your suitability. A compassionate and assimilative attitude towards something antithetical to personal/subjective beliefs and faith is what non-intuitiveness calls for. I humbly urge you to let this hypothesis unfurl and present novel probabilities. It is a journey worth taking. There are novelties awaiting you at the completion of the journey. These may enable you to have your own personal journeys of infinite wellness and successes in life ahead; irrespective of whether you accept them or not…
A cancer of the body evolves and matures in months and we are never aware of it. There are millions of body-mind processes going on in our body and mind every passing second and we are never aware of most of them. This happens as most of these processes are handled by our unconscious and subconscious mind states. These processes are not available to our conscious or ‘aware’ mind state. Naturally, what we all consider as Free Will – the so-called conscious and aware ‘choices’, we make, considered ‘independent’ of the external as well as internal circumstances of milieus and body respectively, may not actually be ‘Free’ and the ‘Will’ may not be independent.
Many scientists doubt the very existence and reality of the Free Will. We may say, they may exist, as epiphanous, ephemeral and fleeting moments of conscious awareness but the Free Will, as we popularly understand it and expect it to be something all humans are adorned with, is almost a chimera and abstracted reality.
Simply speaking, ‘aware’ life-living is a huge misnomer, for vast majority of humans. Simply speaking, our brain is not probably designed for it. But yes; only hard work and perseverance of self-discipline and self-exploration can engender a semblance of Free Will for a handful of humans. Free Will, even if it becomes available to few, shall always remain epiphanous, ephemeral and fleeting reality.
However, it needs to be understood that ‘awareness’ and what we term as Free Will mode of consciousness, is not something we need to be perpetually in. Being aware and in possession of Free Will resource is just a tool, a weapon or a Media, which we require, when needed. For that matter, every layer or shade of consciousness is a media and also ephemeral and transient. But then; you don’t always keep swaying your sword or gun. You rarely draw it out and use it very sparingly, when in acute need of self-defense or protective aggression. Free Will or evolved awareness of consciousness is a tool and a medium like a sword or gun. You need to have it, but not always flaunt it. The unconscious and subconscious processes are sort of permanent and continuous as they handle the perpetual body-mind homeostatic processes, generic to all. The conscious layers are evolution out of the same mind state and are available as a media for ‘specific’ and specialized roles. It is a ‘learning’ how to use the media of higher consciousness for non-intuitive cognitions of different shades of realities. The primary thing is that we should understand Free Will or awareness, with scientific mind, learn to master its use and utility, not getting confused about it and use it like a sword, gun or any other media. We shall keep coming back to this very useful idea of Free Will in this eBook. As part of our preparedness to our further journey in this eBook, this clarity about the nature and scope of Free Will reality shall facilitate our understanding of non-intuitiveness and how alternative and novel models of wellness and purposes can be arrived at…
If I cannot understand something, even in the language I have spoken and evolved with for years, it is not always the trouble of the language or insufficiencies of it. It may well be rather, the trouble and insufficiencies of my consciousness and cognition. Language is the Media of expression and communication of consciousness. As modern science says, consciousness is a ‘Representation’ of the plexus of information the brain states processes, which the senses feed to the brain states; along with the memories of the experiences. Similarly, language is also a ‘representation’ of information we take in and take out. Naturally, understanding and optimal cognition depends primarily on efficacy and brilliance of evolved consciousness. Effectiveness of linguistic skills is like silver linings.
Somehow, it seems, even a poor and insufficient Media of language can very well carry and transfer the intent of the content; poor and insufficient consciousness however, may never. Language is the ‘media’ of the Media – a vehicle for consciousness. The primary Media must be sound and sufficient. There have been greats in human history, who had little or no formal education and training of language and other craft. Yet, they were brilliant in communicating the intent of their evolved consciousness and had instant connect with masses. Even in and around us, we can see how even highly educated and brilliant speakers have very little or no quality in their intents and emotional connect.
It is a tragedy of contemporary humanity that in modern educational system, there is very little or no understanding and acceptance of this symbiotic relationship between language and consciousness. The education should essentially be designed to facilitate a child evolve his or her consciousness in non-intuitive domains and use the linguistic skills as a fluid-facilitative ‘media’ to express the excellence of intent of the contents of consciousness. Holism of education still eludes humanity. Consciousness of a child and its augmentation is largely at the mercy of inattentive parents, uncaring family and precarious peer groups, whereas education is imparted in schools of mediocre credentials. This process of holistic ‘learning’ has to start early for a child and this involves not only schools but parents, families and ambient cultures. Sadly enough, primary schooling syllabus globally are in experimental quandary and parents-family seldom extend their roles and support to the needs of child. It is only natural that a modern child grows up usually with a conflated consciousness and abstracted language. The ‘specificity’ of ‘representational’ roles is confused and has its impact on the popular cultures we have.
Essentially, we need to focus on the fact that as we see external Reality as a ‘representation’ of the neuro-chemical mapping engendered inside the brain plexus; similarly the language is also a ‘representation’ of a ‘Reality’, which the same brain states create. The structural and functional faculties and plexuses must be strong and sufficient for this ‘representation’ to be good and right. It is not only about language; all realities we see and feel being ‘representations’, their actualization in optimal quality and quantity depends primarily on the strength and sufficiency of consciousness; the Emergent, Transient, Evolving and Dialectical registry of the brain states. Consciousness itself is the media of body-brain reality and the language being the ‘media’ of the Media of consciousness, we must first fix the issues with primary media of consciousness. This seldom happens and most kids are either very poor in this ‘representational’ tasks or have good linguistic skills but poor media of consciousness. The trouble is manifested in the conflict-confusion-chaos of cultures. The psychologists love to give them the name of a syndrome and parents-family feel acquitted of their ‘culpability’ by blaming it on the ‘disease’. Denial, deception and depravity comes natural to most humans as these tools pave way to install Shamelessness– the foolproof guarantee of imminent success. The plexus of profitability is happy preying on stupidities.
Often, generic as well as specific and conscientious as well as non-conscientious stupidities and hypocrisies find expression and meanings through the language we speak. However, they belong largely to and owned majorly by the insufficiencies of the consciousness. Almost always, it does not require a genius to gauge and decide how good or bad is the knowledge base and upbringing of a person by the content of the language he or she speaks and the way he or she presents them. The brilliance of the Media cannot cover up the deficiency and depravity of its Master – the Consciousness.
This symbiosis between consciousness and language is critical element of wellness of an individual as well as cultures. If humans pretend to be far superior to higher animals in many ways, language happens to be one huge parameter of excellence, segregating humans from animals. Naturally, we humans need to understand the mechanism and processes of linguistic science in detail. The ontology and epistemology of language and its symbiotic relationship with consciousness must be understood in detail for larger wellness. This must also be made part of the educational and learning spectrum of children in later years of schooling. We shall keep coming back to the idea of language and deliberate about it in detail later in this eBook. We shall rather include a ‘possibility’ about this symbiosis, which may prove a facilitative knowledge for empowerment and wellness.
Many times more, people die and are debilitated by climate change, pollution, lifestyle wrongs and cultural, especially populist political choices but we never accept it, as deaths, deprivations and devastations happen in long run and seldom in front of our eyes. Intuitively, we accept something only when it happens in short run and in our immediate, localized and ambient milieus. Reality for most is like that – Localized and Intuitive. The Covid pandemic menace and the death, deprivation and devastations happened quickly and we all could see them happening all around us. The world over, most people accepted the Covid devastation as true, real and hugely impacting Reality. However, compared to the deaths and miseries the climate changes, pollutions, lifestyle wrongs and cultural choices, political-administrative mediocrity and depravity etc heap on humanity every passing day, the Corona devastation is like peanuts.
We all were shocked and cried in unison for quick remedies and corrections of the Covid pandemic but majority of people are never convinced about the colossal losses humanity faces every year because of above reasons, as we never accept them as true and real. This is because of our poor and restrictive body-mind design. We are armed innately only with intuitive thinking and perceptions. We are not designed to see and perceive the vastness and holism of that part of Reality, which is available for perception only through non-intuitive thinking, which we have talked about earlier.
The human trouble and its Reality have to be understood and solved only through the holism of non-intuitive thinking. We are not innately designed for it. We have to evolve our consciousness to that level of wisdom. We take a painkiller pill and the pain goes away. However, this pill cannot correct the source of the pain. It is intuitive to feel and accept the pain only and feel ‘happy’ as it goes away by a pill. It is however the artistry and mastery of ‘non-intuitive’ thinking and perception to delve deep into diverse causalities of body-mind-milieus, which may engender the probabilities of pains. There are around 300 body-conditions, which can cause a fever. However, most of these fevers can temporarily or permanently go away by a single pill. Nobody cares, what caused the fever as the pill makes it go away. The long run of ‘causalities’ is seldom the intuitive genius of average men and women. We live and die in short run. Our survival economics has trained us to accept – ‘All worth and utilities are in short run as in the long run, we all are dead!’
We are like dust particles in the colossal expanse of the universe and therefore it is always instinctive and innate for us to see, feel and realize only the very localized and ambient milieus in which we live and move. Intuitiveness of a dust particlecannot go beyond a pebble. However, our lives are all intrinsically woven into the massive plexus of every particle of the colossal cosmos. Everything in this unimaginably vast cosmos has the potential to affect our lives as contemporary science can now very reliably tell us as how every speck of the cosmos is causally connected and part of everything else in the infinite universe. It takes this evolved and empowered non-intuitive thinking and cognitive abilities to accept the holistic Reality of human lives, the cosmos and causalities that stand us connected and unified in a singular destiny.
Humanity’s primary trouble is its restrictive and scammed ‘intuitive’ thinking and perception of Reality. Intuitively, average men and women see, accept and realize only a miniscule ‘part’ of Reality and fail to factor in the mega holism of Reality, to which all lives in the cosmos are connected and unified. It takes non-intuitive thinking to visualize the Holism of Reality. It begins with the simple and primary process of ‘Unlearning’.
When we accept this mechanismic trouble of human consciousness and factor in how we stand in the cosmic scheme of Reality, we can very clearly see how disastrous has been human journey to the present. We can see how calamitous cultures, we have created and perpetuated with zeal, which are essentially an expression of our innate stupidities-hypocrisies and Scammed Consciousness. We can see how scammed and depraved is contemporary human systems of life-living and how we are singularly responsible for the disaster we have wreaked on ourselves and yet, we are not even aware of our personal as well as collective culpability. We rather happily become inseparable part of the scammed systems and calamitous cultures. We rather celebrate our personal and collective ‘successes’, which are purely intuitive stupidities and hypocrisies. There is no short-cuts for wellness. Human systems have been a product of innate-instinctive intuitiveness and even today, when we have scientifically proven knowledge about how our own consciousness is scammed, we continue to invest in calamitous cultures and utilities-worth, which are weapons of our own self-destruction. This Cannot Be Changed; It Requires Complete Reconstruction…
Every reality, which since inception of humanity, have been the basis of definition and acceptance of worth, utility and purposes, have now changed drastically; thanks to the contemporary knowledge of science and the reality of REALITY it has established so meticulously and almost definitively. Most of us, busy and struggling to find ways for survival and a good life-living, seldom find time and inclination to go into the details of how much and how mesmerizingly diverse knowledge modern science has created for us, which have the potential to change our lives and its quality very drastically. It has, already!
This quantum of new scientific knowledge however, means that humanity now has the express need to Redefine and Reposition its existing cultures and worldviews completely and holistically. Changes won’t be sufficient as contemporary knowledge has put up an agenda, which seeks complete and novel Reconstruction of most edifices, which humanity has held dear and working for centuries.
Modern contemporary science and the new Realties it has unraveled for us have almost entered the era of unthinkable Singularities. This means – humanity now stands in possession of such hugely empowering knowledge about Realities and causalities that engender realities that most of the Realities, which we all understood and accepted stand metamorphosed and transformed. Very naturally, this new knowledge requires humanity to dump the old realities and wisdom woven around the old and archaic realities. The new knowledge has perfectly exposed the stupidities and hypocrisies of the existing and practicing realities. There is no choice left with humanity to accept a completely new Reality and reconstruct a new wisdom around this newly established scientific Reality. This requires non-intuitive thinking and perception in the part of average men and women. It begins with this easy and inevitable process of unlearning. It is optionless. We do it right and now; or we all continue to rot in devastation and debility and eventually perish.
This critical and devastating lessons humanity has learnt at very high cost during the Covid pandemic global crisis. This crisis exposed the Illusion of strength and capabilities the humanity and its depraved leadership boasted off. The so-called edifice of superiority and brilliance of ‘super power’ humanity and their advanced cultures crumbled like cookies and went down like ninepins. The pandemic proved beyond doubts that humanity has created the castle of a billion worth and utilities over a rather fragile and shaky soil, which could not bear the weight of a rather manageable tremor. The pandemic posted a perfect picture of embedded and embellished stupidities and hypocrisies. It proved true the warnings of many ‘experts’, who kept reminding the humanity about their ‘misplaced’ sense of ‘utilities and worth’ and Illusion of Reality, which created the ‘Purpose’ of human systems around the world.
The fault is not something a ‘change’ can correct. The trouble is equally massively structural as it is brazenly functional. The message is clear and loud – either humanity ‘reconstructs’ its basics and grassroots Realities or it gets extinct in near future.
All living beings; billions of us, are one singular mind. The brain happened and stayed with a singular purpose, after a long and somehow linear evolution of multitudes of species. Some scientists say; the brain happened because the universe wanted it to be ‘unraveled’ and explored!
What is embedded in this scientific assertion is the Reality that evolution has a simple philosophy – lower organisms evolved in time and space to higher, more complex and supposedly better organisms as this singular brain matured and evolved in its common role of being better equipped to ‘unravel’ and understand the External Milieus and Realities in them. Evolution is a linear journey of organisms evolving and maturing in their ‘Knowledge’ of their ambient and expansive milieus, to maximize survival. Humans have the best equipped brain to unravel the ‘Truths’ and ‘Realities’ of the cosmos. Scientists hint at this fact that essentially, cosmic causalities are designed this way to enable evolving species to understand their milieus better for survival and this ultimately leads to species knowing and then changing their larger habitat to their survival suitability. The singular mind has this singular role.
It is singular tragedy that only Humans have chosen to ‘Reverse’ this linearity of evolutionary progression and that too with the help of a brilliant facility called Brain. In most probability, only the Humans have ‘Regressed’ in their evolutionary journey of ‘Consciousness- Cavalierity’ and ‘happily’ opted to fall back to the Timeline as well as elemental Constitutionalityof antediluvian animalism. The contemporary human mind also showed brilliant animalism in ‘altering’ their habitat to such an extent that it now poses a threat to their own devastation and probable extinction…
That is why, only very naturally, if humans fail to make their brains and minds perform this singular role, they are worse off than even lower animals. A person not optimizing the potential of his or her mind potentials is actually shaming the very evolutional energy and cosmic design. Such a person is Definitive Enemy of a habitat. Tragically enough, contemporary human societies and cultures are over-crowded with such enemies; many of them in Leadership positions. Nature otherwise immediately prunes such individuals but humans are luckily ‘unlucky’ that such humans actually survive and even excel in societies and cultures. The scammed human mind consciousness has facilitated this by creating calamitous benchmarks of ‘successes’ and worthiness. Human habitat is replete with ‘enemies’ and tragically enough; they are mostly in leadership or otherwise ‘ensconced’ positions in contemporary societies and cultures. These enemies in their stupid hypocrisies, instead, ‘prune’ the dwindling ‘Intellect’ of devastated humanity…
Anyway; later in the evolutionary progression, the geography and causative cultures shaped and evolved different shades of mind consciousnesses. If we de-culture our existing human mind, which probably has massive debris of the archaic and obsolete Timeline‘still in use’, we can see the realities in their ‘original’ non-intuitive cognition…
Scientific assertion requires us to accept that brain, in its contemporary form, is a later evolution as new species required to discard the stationary and rooted living, to move in the larger milieus for better survival potential. Very naturally, a new organized brain evolved as an emergent and shuffling ‘mapping’ mechanism of the transient milieus, because of the ever moving new species. Plants and simple organisms rooted in their birth-milieu do not need a brain. Later evolution of brain consolidated its primary role of being a ‘quick reactive’ information processing and reality mapping for the ‘wandering’ species for their improved survival prospects.
Modern human brain however needs to discard this brain cultures too and move to evolve a brain, which has very different core competence than what it was originally designed as. Contemporary human milieus require our brains to have different and novel roles and capacities to stand the modern human in optimum self-sufficiencies. Anyways; modern humanity has ‘delegated’ this ‘primary’ role to what we now know as ‘Hybrid Brain’s’ artificial intelligence. We shall talk about it later. The existing contemporary human brain with its old, archaic and obsolete function and cultural orientations is the chief critical trouble for larger humanity. This obsolete intuitive brain design and mechanism has to be ‘unlearnt’ and evolve to a non-intuitive cognitive culture, which contemporary life-living challenges and roles require. This huge mind-debilitation needs to be ‘unlearnt’ quick, discarded decisively and then, evolved to the new needs…
The core science of contemporary age and its utility for scientific community is more about the discovery of certain reality and also prove something novel. However, what it throws open and makes available for masses and especially the cultural-political leadership of humanity, is ingrained in what we may term as the ontology and epistemology of the EMERGENT and accrued philosophy of science.
In the last few years, especially since the beginning of the new millennium, some new establishments in the frontier science have opened up brilliant and hugely fruitful practical ideas for average person as well as larger cultures. Tragically, as has always been with human cultures, they have not been popularized and internalized in the common knowledge pool of contemporary humanity. They must. We shall talk about them and how they can transform human lives and living cultures, at almost every stage of the progression of this eBook. To bring home the idea and its importance in human life-living, we talk in short about one aspect of this new idea termed Emergence, we have listed above. This shall facilitate our understanding of how non-intuitiveness lands us to the portals of new knowledge and wisdom.
There was legendary music composer in India, who once narrated this story. When he was young, he worked as an assistant to a very famous movie music composer. One day, when the young assistant arrived to the house of his master, he saw him sitting with his harmonium and weeping. Tears rolled all over his cheeks but he looked very calm and composed. The young man was shocked to see his master in tears and asked him about his pains and troubles, so that he could help. The master replied, ‘I am not in pains, rather I am so happy. The tears are not of pain but gratitude.’
The young man could not understand what his master was saying. The master explained, ‘I am such a stupid, I am so worthless, I know nothing yet, see the love, blessings and generosity of the God almighty that he makes me compose such a beautiful tune. I am clueless how this could happen as I am such a unworthy person. I am weeping to express my gratitude to the almighty…’
This is EMERGENCE; this is the magic of the Potential, the human brain and consciousness can engender, which the famous composer could not fathom. As is natural to most people and as their faith makes them accept; they believe the ‘Magic’ as an ‘external’ intervention of God or other abstracted elements. The Reality, which contemporary science has unraveled to us is the scientific idea of Emergence.
The famous composer was a genius of music but he was not aware of how the brain and consciousness works. Emergence is essentially a mechanism and process of different brain states and it has little to do with elements of ‘external’ milieus. Emergence can be understood as different ‘permutations and combinations’ of Information, different brain states of unconscious, subconscious and conscious works out, when a person is in highly aware state of mind consciousness and focused on a particular work. The master’s brain created a Tune, which is some emergent Information not previously etched and installed in the brain states. The permutations and combinations of already available Information (about musicality) in the different brain states made the Emergence of the new Tune possible. As the emergent information has novelty of structure and feel, the mind consciousness accepts it as something it never ever previously knew. The fact remains that the brain itself engenders an Emergence and the mind consciousness seldom fathoms and accepts it as an engineering of its own. It willfully accepts it as some external endowment and accrual.
To make it simpler let us consider a far more popular and probable example from our daily lives. Suppose, some day, you decide that you shall donate some of the household items to charity, which you seldom use. So, you share your decision with other family members and ask them to give away what they do not regularly use and are idling in the house. Everyone begins the exercise and in the process, you discover that some items were hidden in the large house and you didn’t even remember they were there in your own house or room for years. Some items would show up which would be there within your reach but you never needed them so were not visible to your eyes. They ‘emerged’ as you occasioned to bring them into conscious awareness through a decision. The hidden or unused items were not created by your decisions as they were already there but simply ‘emerged’ and were brought to reckoning as you decided to give them to charity. So, the old laptop or an earphone you didn’t know were there in the house was not given to you by any miracle or external agency. They were part of your household and you didn’t even know. You got to know and even have them as they were made to emerge by a decision, which required their existence to surface up and be counted. The human brain also houses so many information, memories, experiences, etc, which we are not consciously aware of. As and when, we consciously trigger a situation, the brain states retrieve them through a neural cue and assemble them in a patterned way. This is emergence and the novelty of assemblage and feel makes you accept that it came out of nothing. You get inclined to accept it as magic or blessings.
This is an example to understand how we can unravel ‘Reality’, in a novel and alternative ways, if we use non-intuitive thinking and cognition. We just need to open up and accept that almost always, we unconsciously and subconsciously keep moving into different ‘Dimensions’ of probabilities, we are seldom aware of. These probabilities are Emergenceof the permutations and combinations our brain states continuously churn up so that we survive better in ever-changing milieus we keep moving. Most of us suddenly realize something, which we accept as ‘magic’ or miracle. Something like déjà vu, which most of us mystically accept as something externally installed. The emergence is processes within and we sure can feel and unravel them, if we have an aware mind consciousness and we sit still in perfect poise and calmness. We shall elaborate on these aspects later in the eBook.
Species evolve in a dialectical chain of interaction with external milieus and milieus within body-mind plexus. Genetic adjustments and changes take shape in response to the new challenges (Information) the ever transient milieus make Emerge. Humans happened as the early tough and very challenging milieu required a powerful species that could master the milieus to survive and stay atop. The evolution was less bodily but more brainy and mental. Biology of evolution is probably more Emergent than physics of evolution.
The evolution of human brain made the differences as humans had it to tame the wild and calamitous nature and mould it to their survival suitability. Early humans could survive and excel in extremely different and tough habitats, from ice-laden northern tip of hemisphere to hot and sultry equatorial regions.
If we track the human evolution, the eugenics for humanity is essentially mind or brain-centric. Human precision and survival strategies have come from Emergentprobabilities of its superior brain, not body strength and superiority. Modern science has established that human brain, like most domesticated animals has shrunk up roughly 10 percent in the last 70,000 years. The shrinkage is ascribed to the lesser requirements of muscles and body strength in the same period as human brain could ensure a better settled life and countered the vagaries of wild milieus better. They required less muscle strength but more cognitive skills. The same with most domesticated animals. How many dogs today are required to have great hunting skills and attitude for their owners? The shrinkage may also be ascribed to better and smarter wiring of brain states. We know how computer over the ages have become smarter as they can stuff more memories in smaller chips.
Modern humanity has clearly paved the way for a new evolution, where the new human species of brainy and otherwise endowed humans shall survive and excel and the mediocre and less endowed shall perish in coming centuries, if not decades. This new evolution is very much evident and perceptible. We shall talk about it in detail later.
My worthy elders taught me, made my consciousness ‘Unlearn’, with priceless humility but definitive certainty – There is nothing right, nothing wrong. There is also no good or bad. They do not actually matter and we humans must never waste our precious time and energy on them. What is singularly important and worth human understanding and enterprise is the reality that there are a few things, elements and entities, which are melodic and most things are cacophonous. Men and women should strive all their lives to adhere to the former and distance away from the later.
This eBook is in a language I have probably just begun to unravel, after 50 years of unlearning. It is not a language to transfer ‘Content’ of mind but Intent of innocence and honesty of de-cultured consciousness. May the mellifluous melody of my humble ‘Intent’ reach you and feel the same, even while I am apologetically in acceptance that at times, there is a lurking probability of some of my expressions sounding inharmonious. Do kindly forgive me. Some Realities may be too ‘harsh’ to be amenable to melodic sound and feel. And; my stupidity may also spoil possibilities…
Humble Request & Acknowledgement
As has always been with my writings, I insist that I never say – ‘I know and that is why I am telling you’. I very humbly and sincerely request that you should never accept anything I say, without assigning it to the primary and transcendental energy of skepticism. I wish you to test the validity of any probability or hypothesis I am building up in this eBook. Why I say this? Because I believe, reading is a collaborative process. I have internalized and experienced things, which I am sharing with you. I have also gone through long process of learning; especially unlearning and observed skepticism. All this needs to sink in and get internalized in your consciousness. It shall sink in and get internalized through the same process of learning/unlearning and observed skepticism by you. Do step in, involve, evolve and optimize your best potentials by partnering into this eBook enterprise. Welcome…
Writing for me is an enterprise in self-negation. I am in peaceful acceptance of the futility of words as carriers of intent and content. Still, I write, continuing with this 45theBook and if life allows, shall keep writing, negating my own deep sense of futility of the exercise. I write just for the sake of my humble self-belief that whatever I have internalized in life through a long and painful process of learning and especially unlearning; must be documented, so that if probability has it, someone may save some precious time and energy in his or her own internalization process. This probably is what one may accept as an inheritance worth half a dime. Compassion is what I inherited and compassion is what I can leave as legacy. I dedicate my writings to that someone, who shares my humility for acceptance of compassion. Thanks…!
Naqs Faryadi Hai Kiski Shokhi-e-Tehreer Ka,
Kagzi Hai Pairahan Har Paikar-e-Tasweer Ka...
This is the immortally celebrated lines of the legendary poet and cult celebrity of Indian subcontinent Mirza Ghalib, who is known to have said it impromptu, in front of the king and patron Bahadur Shah Zafar, reflecting brilliantly on the ‘Reality’ of reality and that of his own life situation. The lines have many shades of meanings embedded in the metaphoric selection of words and syntactic formulation. It sure expresses the twin core realities of human life-living – Depravityof culture and Illusion of reality.
The couplet speaks about how a piece of reality (a sketch on the paper), is standing as an accused, pleading innocence, in front of the court of justice, because someone, just for the sake of sadistic fun or egoism, has filed a complaint against it. The second line insists that the piece of reality, standing as ‘accused’, itself is being presented as ‘true copy’, even when it is wrapped in the muffling dress of ‘paper’. In other words, the ‘Reality’, which is being ‘judged’ for its culpability is being presented not in actuality but as an imagery or metaphor of the reality.
This speaks of the two classical dilemmas and confusion, every human life-living is destined for. First is the ‘Illusion’ of reality, as most of the times, the reality is only a supposed imagery of a reality, missing the details of the entirety and holism of actual reality. It speaks volumes on how hypocritical humanity seldom rises above the instinctive stupidity of ‘accepting’ a metaphor or ‘representation’ as Reality. Second is the ‘externalities’ of the ambient and localized milieus, primarily the elements of populist and predominant cultures, which dictate, who stands as accused-culprit and who runs scot-free as success. The Illusion of Realityand Slavery of Milieu/Culture are the two ever-pervasive elements in the life-living of every person, which is a Scammed Destiny. Sadly enough, even when the person himself or herself thinks he or she is at its Free Will, to make decisions of life, it is actually the embedded and undersurface twin-energy of illusion and cultures that shape and fix destinies. Average person is actually a slave, not a free person. One can imagine, what societies and human systems, comprising these slaved consciousnesses, are and what they in turn facilitate for larger humanity! Garbage in garbage out! And still, not even being aware; rather blissfully upbeat! This presents the probable advocacy for an ‘alternative’ reality for larger humanity…
This is the contemporary position of modern science, which has made great breakthroughs in neuro-science, brain research and Reality in general. Before that, aware and intelligent humans have expressed this bitter and scammed reality through different media of art and literature. This also is not a new knowledge as ancient Oriental philosophy has loads of writings on the same situation, since 3000 years back. This is what Buddha referred to, when he spoke of breaking the walls of his house. This is Unshackling the mind consciousness of the Incarcerating ‘walls’ of Illusion and Culture. We need to first unravel and decipher the twin ideas of illusion and cultures. As is the old and tested methodology for understanding a complicated and tough idea with simplicity and ease, we use a simple metaphor for it. This is something we all are familiar with and practice. However, we need to be warned that a metaphor is never the holism of Reality. It is only for understanding a reality in its entirety.
So, what we do, when we think of making the best use of our vacations and decide to travel to a popular tourist destination? We do good bit of thinking and loads of planning before embarking on the journey. We want to Optimizethe joy and satisfaction of the precious vacations and therefore, wish to take into account all possible aspects of the journey and visit to the destination. But then, the core trouble is that we usually do not have any or much Information and facts about the place and the facilities available at the destination. That is why we Pre-Plan and make efforts to have as much information as possible and make preparations suitably.
Someone, who may not like to leave anything on trial and error, may opt for tour package of a renowned tour operator and buy a guided stay and sightseeing, etc. Very naturally, there is good likelihood that everything would go great for this individual and his or her family as everything is handled by corporate finesse and benchmarked standards.
However, another person may like to take everything in his or her hands and not opt for former option. This person shall search online, access reviews of the sights, hotels, restaurants, transport facilities and a whole range of information. This person may prioritize his or her options by risking it on a budget hotel and then splurge the saved money on extending his travel to deeper countryside. In other words, this person may opt for something, which has his or her total and perfect Free Will, in all the choices available and would not like to conform to the ‘pre-decided’ packaged or benchmarked, populist options of his or her travel, stay and sightseeing, et al.
We sure cannot judge and decide on the merit, worth and utility of the two choices made by two different persons. It may be possible that both optimized their joys and satisfaction as per their desire and wish. It may also be possible that one got it right and other not. May be, both end up dissatisfied. In any case, we cannot judge which option is better. Both options had different shades of joys, satisfaction, thrills and even Free Will. Also, both options have probabilities of going right as well as flop. Moreover, right-wrong, satisfaction-dissatisfaction etc, are subjective entities and therefore, objective judgment is does not seem a probability here.
However, if we compare the above situation with our life-living, we can probably be in better position to ‘judge’ the utility-worth of the two options. We are born to specific parents, family, society, culture, geography and history. It is like making a trip to a place for tourism. Given the scale of life on earth, many since ages have considered the time period between our birth and death as ‘vacation’ and people as ‘tourists’.
In our lives too, there are broadly two options – first is like opting for a life-living, value system, faith, beliefs, habits, customs et al, which the parents, family, society and culture ‘packages’ for us. This package is standard, popularly benchmarked one and a settled option; therefore very naturally, this ‘package’ may well be considered ‘safe’ and as most things come as ‘guided’ and ‘pre-planned’, there is no or little personal investment and enterprise of time and energy on thinking and planning. Here, the corporate tour operator is existing popular ‘Culture’ and tour ‘package’ is the prevalent-dominant customs, practices, faith, beliefs, etc. There no doubt is a space for Free Will, even in guided ‘tour packages’, as the person may never ever think he is anyway being ‘guided’ and ‘pre-ordained’. There sure are enough small choices one can make, within this ‘packaged’ inevitability.
The trouble however is, the life-living is a much complex and layered reality than tourism and most importantly, these elements of ‘packaged’ and ‘guided’ embedment is not offered as ‘choice’ to a new born till the age of his adulthood. The tourist however is already an adult and when these packages and guided elements are offered to him or her for his or her free-willed discretion, it is accepted that he or she would make ‘informed choices’. The new born child, as the tourist, has in fact no choice but to take the only and inevitable ‘package’ of ‘guided’ tour, destination stay and sightseeing, compulsorily installed on the mind consciousness of the new born, as he or she journeys into his or her adulthood. A vast majority of people live out their complete life and die, ‘willfully’ adhering to and following the packaged-guided tourism of life-living. They too have small spaces of ‘free will’, as available to a tourist within corporate packages.
The second option in life, as in case of tourism, simply cannot start for a child. It may start only after the new born attains his or her adulthood, years after his or her arrival as ‘tourist’. He or she may think and plan differently than what his entrenched culture, geography, history and predominant belief system presuppose him or her to. This second option of completely free-willed life-living, owning the risks and exploring the ‘realities’ of the destinations and laying his or her own set of rules and routines for the ‘Stay’ at the ‘tourist’ destination called Life, becomes possible only after a certain age of maturity and that too to a handful, to whom maturity comes ‘packaged’ with objective scientific knowledge.
There are very few lucky new born, who have this great fortune to have parents, who raise him or her in a personal-societal-cultural milieus of liberty and self-decision. It is possible and many parents do it. They do not impose their will, culture, customs, faith, belief system, etc on the child. Rather, they inform a growing child of the various options available for choices and let him or her process the Information. The decision can wait but right, true and holistic information about probable shades of realities must always be offered to a child. The evolving brain and mind consciousness of a child may not be in a position to decide with certainty but then, where is the need in most cases to decide? Yes, the parents shall take those decisions, which are generic for all kids like going to school, learning languages, adhering to basic and fundamental disciplines of self-control and respect for others, etc. The specific decisions can wait, till the ‘tourist’ attains knowledgeable maturity.
The core issue here is not about free will or righteousness of choices. We have already talked about how right and wrong or good or bad are not the issue to waste our time and energies on. Reality is always value neutral; it is individual or collective cultures, which assign these subjective elements to a reality. There are larger and more fundamental issues about life-living and cultural ‘packaging’. We now have to come out of the metaphor and enter the contemporary world of humanity.
The larger issue pertains to the hugely non-intuitive understanding and perception of what we accept as Reality. When we perceive Reality as true and right, then only comes the question of righteousness or appropriateness of choices. One very critical element of the holism of Reality is the realism of Time and how average intuitive mind perceives it. In scientific world, ‘Time’ is probably one of the most abstracted ideas the understanding of which the scientists insists requires an evolved non-intuitiveness of consciousness and cognition. This understanding is also at the very core of most realities, which we intuitively see and accept as true and real. The Time, most of us intuitively see and accept, keeps us in Illusion of a vast part of reality, which the holism of reality of Time incorporates.
We need not go into details of time and its non-intuitive aspects. What we wish to talk about is Time may not be considered a linear thing or something that comes and goes. It is very much a constant and enveloping entity. It is like the sky we see, standing under it, always muffling us. The changes, which we usually associate with sky above is in elements that are part of the sky denomination and domain, like clouds, light, darkness, stars, moon, wind, rains etc. The sky remains the same as constant as anything but its visualization and perception changes as elements constituting the intuitive idea and feel of the sky changes. Non-intuitively, the sky above our heads is just a miniscule part of the vast cosmos, which usually is intuitively available for our very limited and restricted visual senses and brain states. The elements constituting the intuitive feel of sky are also restricted only up to a few kilometers of height. Above that the continuity and expanse of sky is constantly singular.
Time is also like the sky, which we intuitively feel as changing but like sky, time we accept, is just an insignificantly minuscule part of the holism of infinite cosmos. Like the sky, the Time is also a reality, contextual to many elements, which are inseparably associated and part of the intuitive feel of Time. Time is felt, as it is to most of us because of the changes that happen with elements constituting it or under its umbrella, like the sky. The situation of earth changes and everything around us suitably changes, linked to the primary change in the diurnal and seasonal changes happening to earth, vis-à-vis the Sun.
Therefore, essentially, when we non-intuitively visualize the idea and feel of Time, we understand that the movement or ‘change’ of time is actually the movement or change of other perceptional elements around us. What Time means? Suppose, there is a place, where there used to be a castle, where ten people lived in the year 1655. A person, who visits the castle in 2021, shall feel the change as there probably would be a crumbling castle or a fading one with nobody living in it. The charm and abundance has also withered away. The person shall feel 2021 and may look at the ruins as vestiges of 1655. The contrast of change makes the timeline well defined. However, if in anyway, the castle remained in the same glory, shine and abundance and the ten descendants of the same family still lived in the same lifestyle and customs as was in 1655, a visiting person in 2021 would ‘feel’ as if he or she has landed in the year 1655. In this case, the timeline gets blurred as change is minuscule or primarily psychological. This ‘feel’ too would be possible because other things changed and this visiting person was born and brought up in the contemporary and changed culture. If this person visiting in 2021 was kept in an isolated jungle, away from contemporary human culture, he or she would not even feel that he or she has been transported to 1655. For this person, there would be no basis to even have the comparison between 1655 and 2021. Intuitively however, a crumbling and dilapidated castle signifies a ‘big change’ and hence the feel of Time-Lapse. Like the sky above, the Time, we intuitively feel is subjectively contextual to changes in elements within the Time ‘sky’. Remove the ‘context’ and the idea of intuitive Time goes away.
The same happens with milieus and culture, in which we are born and brought up. Whether a person and the ambient culture, he or she lives in has the date (Time) of 1655 or 2021, depends not on the flickering pages of the calendar. It depends on the ‘changes’, which the culture and milieu has undergone, in comparison to the ‘changes’ the general and overall milieu and broad human culture has undergone. If we accept this non-intuitive cognition about Time, we can easily accept that Time is not the same everywhere on earth. There are societies, cultures and people still in 16th century, a good part of humanity and their ambient culture still in before Christ period and many lingering in 18-19th century realities. Only a small human population and its ambient cultures may be accepted as living in 2021. This is possible because they have ‘elements’ of those Timeline, irrespective of their contemporary date and year on the calendar. This is the biggest ‘Illusion’ of reality most people live in and are slave of. This illusion simply takes away all semblances of free will and righteousness.
But, the core question is – how can we say, this is 2021 culture? How can we be definitive about current time, when we non-intuitively accept Time as an umbrella and muffling reality and not a linear one? This is important and must be detailed.
Probably, the only single element of human culture, which truly maps the reality of Time, is the function of and ‘contextual’ to the Template of Contemporary Information (collective knowledge pool of humanity). The singular decisive and discerning ‘change’ in the spectrum of contemporaneous information (knowledge) seals the true progression of Time, not in linear arrow but in spherical totality. This is also what evolution probably accepts as progression of Time. This is the element, which stamps its existence on the very entity of perceptional plexus – the human brain. This needs to be detailed and understood in holism.
Suppose, a person living in Manhattan, who has never gone out of New York for whole of his life, is flown to a tribal village in tropical Africa. He would ‘feel’ he has relapsed into timeline of 14th century. Why? Simply because he is used to accepting ‘present’ as a situation, where tall and smart skyscrapers, shining commercial places, well-lighted wide streets, gleaming vehicles, high-tech life-living support system, etc are fixed landmarks. His intuitive perception makes him accept the jungle, thatched huts and muddy pathways, etc as something of a distant past.
Now, take a person from this tribal place to Manhattan and what he feels. Can we match the ‘perception’ and feel of the ‘Time’, the two persons have? They both live in 2021 and both exist on earth at the same date. What is different that differs the sense and feel of time? It is the Knowledge – The Contemporaneousness of Information. It is the singular dimension of ‘change’ that weighs in on Time intuitiveness. Contemporary human knowledge has made a Manhattan and its physical-cultural landmarks possible. The knowledge of humanity evolved, moved and changed since 14thcentury and now in 2021, it has benchmarked its contemporary knowledge in the form of physical-cultural realities, which we call ‘Contemporaneous’ and it represents the intuitive feel of ‘Presentness’.
To make it clearer, let us compare two different photographs of London in different Timelines. An aware person can tell that one photograph has been taken in around 1940-50s or other is of 2021. Why? Because the two photographs are of the same busy location of London and has images of cars, buildings and people. From these elements of the pictures, one can say they belong to what different timelines as cars, buildings, dressing of people changed over the years. However, take two pictures of Atlantic Ocean or Himalayan Peaks, containing only the ocean waters and snow respectively. Can we still say when the two pictures were taken? Why? Because the element in the pictures are constant! The idea is – intuitive perception of Timeliness is contextual to changes in elements constituting the denomination and domain of Time.
As we have talked earlier, all organisms, millions of them from unicellular to complex animals including humans are One Life – all organisms have singular origin; the DNA that made life chain commence on earth. The mind is also singular. Thousands of organisms, small to big have evolved out of One Brain, which came into existence as organisms became complex and required to move in their ambient milieus for survival optimization. The brain happened as there was this survival need to have a central perceptional processing of complex ‘information’ in the ambient milieus the organisms survived as moving entity. The brain itself creates the intuitive ‘Illusion of Time’, as we humans popularly accept it. This contextual change in Information, which the brain processes and stacks as part of experienced or informed memory, engenders the intuitiveness of Time and its linearity. This surely hints at the probability that we intuitively accept Time as metaphor and not actually Real…
The larger, spherical, muffling and ever-changing external milieu, which every organism is born to, is in non-intuitive Reality, a mega plexus of ‘Information’. Human knowledge, at any point of progression (Time), is only a small fragment of the cosmic ‘information’ plexus. The cosmic reality is a colossal and complex domain of ever-evolving ‘Information’. The information has the Codes of Causalities, which shape up the macrocosmic Reality into microcosmic ones, available to perceptional faculties of hugely limited and restrictive mind consciousness (brains) of organisms. The brain is designed to decode and decipher these codes of causalities, embedded in ‘Information plexus’ of the ambient milieus. This is the primary and essential role of the brain as it is a must for survival optimization of the organism. We can easily see this symbiotic relationship of brain and information processing of the milieus in all organisms, small to big.
It is this relationship of brain and milieus, which create the intuitive perception of Time in its populist form to humans. This in turn stands out as the singular benchmark of ‘contemporaneousness’ of a person as well as a culture. How?
If we accept a non-intuitive perspective, a human baby born either in 2021 or 1221, or for that matter a million years back, begins with singular sense of Time. So, we can say, the timeline for all new born, irrespective of when and where they are born, is always zero. This means, for the new born; be it Manhattan or Masai Mara; the milieu and its culture are irrelevant and non-impacting at the moment of birth. This happens as we can say that the new born has Zero Information. However, soon after the birth, the ambient milieu and its existing popular culture begins to stamp its timeline on the brain or mind consciousness (subconscious) of the new born, as Information creeps in and memories of Information are stacked in brain states. As and when the new born attains awareness of subjective self; this definitive sense and feel of ‘I’, the grown up person accepts the perceptional regime of Time. The ‘context’ has already been formed in his or her mind – one of early memories of experience of Information and other of current Information. It is all about ‘information’, which the brains of different humans receive from their ambient milieus. If human brain or mind consciousness is a soil, it is almost common for all new born. However, whether tall buildings or thatched hutments are erected on this soil depends on the parents, family, ambient culture, historicity and geographical determinism, etc. The date or place of birth of the ‘soil’ does not but the ‘buildings’, which decide the Time for the person. These buildings are metaphors for Timeliness.
Now, what this Timeis? If the grown up person, who started his or her life with a zero timeline, acquires and lives up to the entire existing knowledge pool of the humanity available at that point of time, he or she is at the same level of ‘contemporaneousness’, which the humanity at large is. Therefore, his or her timeline shall be the same as in the contemporary calendar of humanity. However, if he or she acquires and practices only that level of knowledge, which collective humanity had in 1221, his or her timeline is the same. The 2021 calendar is an illusion for him or her. This illusion of the larger reality this grown up person shall live till death but the Timeshall not change. Simple hypothesis is – Time for consciousness is contextual to contemporaneousness of the holistic Template of Information, at any point of progression of collective humanity.
Timeline evolves as the brain acquires contemporaneous plexus of information of the Reality available to humanity at that point or stage of collective life-living and the mind consciousness suitably lives up the contemporaneous timeline. Human tragedy is that majority of humans are never at the Contemporaneousness of Timeline. They do not have any inclination to upgrade their knowledge domain to contemporaneous levels. Knowledge has never been a priority for human societies and cultures. It is always the handful, who leads and ventures into knowledge pursuits and keep upgrading the collective knowledge pool of humanity. The vast majority of men and women only live and die in illusion of Time – Born in one timeline, yet living in a timeline, centuries back.
The 7.5 billion humans on earth at this point of time and space are in varied timeline – most lagging in centuries and decades; many still in before Christ era of inceptional cultural and civilizational time and space. Though the individual men and women cannot be stripped off their personal culpability; much of the blame is shared by the ambient cultures they live in as these cultures are in a timeline centuries back. The milieu is a huge impact on consciousness. The milieu and its timeline is the localized ‘sky’, the over-encompassing and impacting informational umbrella that muffles individuals under it. Intuitively, they can see only a small part of ‘sky’ and accept it as their ‘universe’. The non-intuitiveness, which can pull them out of the ‘illusion’, is not available to them as this brain-training is not made available to their mind consciousness.
What we are deliberating in this eBook is primarily about the ‘Illusions’ of average human life-living, which the entrenched and generic ‘Intuitiveness’ of un-evolved and untrained mind consciousness engenders for mass majority of humanity. This then entails that we discuss in details about how to develop and engineer this very critical element of non-intuitiveness of the same mind consciousness to break FREE of the illusions and decipher and understand the true Realism in its holism and entirety. The pathway, which we entail here, is that the illusions of the mind consciousness must first be ‘Unlearned’ so that alternative and novel truth and reality of life-living becomes available to our consciousness and cognition. However, in our journey to the Non-Intuitiveness and alternative realities, we shall traverse other domains too and shall make a short stay at various places of worth and utility. This is the true joy of journeying and also the right utility.
As you gear up for this journey, readying to go ahead with this eBook, I humbly request you that you should not burden yourself with unnecessary baggage. Just make a start not bothering about anything. Yes; just keep this small but very worthy ‘tool’ of Skepticism of mind consciousness. Never ever accept what I say and what I propose as a hypothesis. Test everything; doubt and self-explore the veracity and utility of everything with the help of objective scientific knowledge, which contemporary humanity has and is available gratuitously in public domain. If you objectively and scientifically ‘judge’ something yourself, then only you can internalize it. Internalize it but keep it evolving with the evolving knowledge pool of humanity. Be always ahead of the Time, which your calendar shows. This, your non-intuitive mind consciousness shall facilitate and muffle you with joy and satisfaction. Welcome…!
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bannerkedi · 6 years
6, 30, 32, 33!
6. tbh 80’s pop rock. Tears For Fears, Talking Heads, New Order, Love, etc. it sounds like a storm to me and I really like the rain.
30. my theremin is actually arriving today! I’ve wanted one since I was a wee lamb. it’s the intersection between sing and string, a weird space-age expression of both sounds. the sound has a cosmic quality to it and the precision that playing it demands make the practice look beautiful. it’s the closest any instrument comes to resembling ballet, I think. if I could Be Good at this, I would.
32. oh lord. I have all sorts of weird and lame hobbies! I love each of them with an equal and unreasonable intensity. experimental film, cartography, botany, virtual reality development, thai folk music, uhhhh. check back in a week, I’ll probably be pouring water down an electric kazoo or something and telling u about how iT’s ThE fUTuRE, MAN!!!
33. I don’t go in elevators alone and I don’t like talking through doors. I have a theory and it’s harebrained but I can’t help but to believe it a little. I believe in a Veil and in the idea of two dimensions mirroring in the world. think Spirited Away, the bath house exists in the mortal realm but in a completely different capacity than in the Other Side. something similar but much more mellow applied to everywhere is the idea essentially. I don’t think you’ll see shadow men walking but I do think sometimes seemingly sudden changes might root back to some accidental slipping back and forth. inviting inconsistencies into your life, basically, by way of moving back and forth on accident. with elevators alone, I feel like without someone with me, I can’t confirm that the door is opening on the right scene. and even if having them there can only vet it so far, at least I wouldn’t be alone in the inconsistency. the door derives from that same place, I don’t like that I can’t confirm who I’m talking to. or which side it’s coming from? this is my most super superstitious of superstitions but hey, u asked for strange fears.
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