#Caity reacts
caitylove · 7 months
Oohhh if I ever wondered whether or not I liked women, Sharon in a POLICE vest with her badge and gun would solidify that.
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theloveinc · 1 year
Being your little puppy/kitty/bunny hybrid self and going into one of your first, adult heats at your new owner's house... and not understanding why they won't mount you.
You do everything right, leak where you're supposed to leak, present when your pussy aches, build a small nest on the bed where you think it'd be best to mate or keep a baby...
But for some reason your owner doesn't seem to get it, doesn't seem to give in... ignoring when you pull at your little panties when you're face down, ass up in front of them at the side of their desk... shuffling you off their lap when you climb on their lap backwards and try to taunt them with your scent... even laying you down to give you a couple quick spanks when you nuzzle where they produce the most musk, or try to move their hand to right where it's wettest and you want it—
And you don't know what else you can do to show it!!!
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thedroloisms · 3 months
“he helped push a narrative where caiti is a liar” girl she literally admitted to lying
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Let's see with predator! Bakugou, he's fascinated by your body, the softness and any scars or callouses he finds in comparison to his tougher hide. You think he's quiet at first but he's constantly purring at you to calm you (especially if not there by choice) or when he's pleased and growling at enemies and friends when annoyed. Carries you around and likes you to wear his trophies at least on special occasions. Can't handle you crying and loves to feed you dangerous but edible prey.
(predator!bakugo reference here!)
*scream* I’M SO AHHHHH, predator!Bakugo being so enamored by your body that you end up just “cuddling” all the time (even if its mostly just him holding and rubbing you down all gently)…
And yeah, you don’t really notice it at first, but if/when he ever suddenly stops purring, the silence is just… overwhelming. You’d never even realized the comfort it brought, nor would’ve thought that you’d start to miss it the way you begin to, either… but the sound just makes it so easy to go to sleep, and esp. if you’re laying on him cuz the vibrations can be soothing, too. The longer you’re with him, the more you begin to notice the various tones of it, too, like when he wants to comfort you, when he’s happy, angry… pleasured, you know.
AND HIM NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE YOU CRY, please!!! He gets so distressed, pacing and chuffing and touching you and backing away and then touching you again… it always has to end with him holding you through the tears or he will just not content otherwise, maybe even angry. Not so much at you but at the situation, and then he’s gotta leave til you calm down :((( because he just gets so tense.
(He also gets frustrated if you refuse to wear his trophies, too. You could say whatever you wanted about it and he’d still feel like it was a rejection of sorts. Yes it’s gross, but also… don’t do him like that!!! He worked hard for those LOL, and will glare at you dramatically the whole day if you don’t put one on. What a nut.)
And it’s like this anyway, but when you finally do feel better, he doubles down on his feeding; trying to make sure you have at least a bit of everything, and enough to leave you “satisfied.” Gotta feed you in his lap, too, holding and nuzzling your face like you’re his baby!!!
And tbh? You are.
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imlivinglikeyousaid · 3 months
also i am under a better mindset so i apologise for blaming caiti (even though she'll probably not see it)
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Attention- Yan!Caitlin Clark x Reader
"Caity?" You asked, pouting at the star athlete. For multiple minutes now you tried to talk to her, only for either no reply at all or a distant grunt coming out as a response.
It's been months since Caitlin made her move onto you and you rather quickly began to adjust to your girlfriends 'quirks'. She wouldn't have it any other way anyway. You could even just suggest going gift shopping for her and the brunette would explode at the mere idea of you going somewhere without her. It was like arguing to a wall. Given Caitlins tall frame and noticeable biceps, this applied in multiple ways.
But maybe you have been adjusting to quickly. To a point where Caitlin isn't the only one feeling entitled to the others constant attention. To be fair, it's not like you had anyone else to get attention from, so it stung even harder when Caity ignored you.
"I'm leaving-" You could barely mutter your sentence, having slowly crept to the door, before Caitlins head shoots up. "What?"
It wasn't a reaction of sadness, confusion or bewilderment. Maybe they all played parts in it, but mostly it was anger. Anger that YOU would even think about leaving.
Of course, you didn't want to leave. This was all a plan to get the point guards attention and you got it. But what would you do now?
There were barely 5 seconds between you finishing your sentence and Caitlin pinning you against the wall, getting so close you could feel her breath. "You're not fucking leaving"
You didn't respond. For one, how could you respond to this? And second... a dominant Caitlin is the best Caitlin.
"C-Caity-" "What?!" "N-Need you..."
You almost whimpered against her as her grip onto you tightened
"I-I just wanted you"
Caitlin doesn't reply, her eyes darting around your face, trying to think about how she should react. You're desperation for her is pretty cute, but she has to kill the idea of you leaving before it even starts to become real.
As soon as her grip loosens, you instinctively nudge against her, your head fitting against her neck almost perfectly.
For the rest of the day you most certainly had Caitlins attention. She never left your side and payed attention to your every word. But she would always make sure for you to understand who's in charge.
Was it really worth it?
Yes, obviously
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sapchats · 3 months
i think one of the things that really drove home the realization that a lot of people are reacting to the incident between george and caiti so disproportionately is the maxgg reaction clip to it like i cant explain it but he is there screaming, voice cracking, calling george a piece of shit and i know other people watched it and felt outraged on caiti's behalf or whatever but i was just like . bro what are we doing. Because what are we doing! everyone is acting like george committed a literal crime instead of just doing something icky and it's insane like i just do not understand. and obviously caiti is allowed to feel uncomfortable, she's allowed to look back in hindsight and realize and understand that she was uncomfortable and would've navigated the situation differently had she not been drunk and she's allowed to seek out an apology/explanation from george (even if i believe it should've been done privately but whatever), but blowing up the whole situation and insinuating or even outright saying that george abused or harassed her and deserves the highest punishment for that is so entirely unreasonable given the actual events that occured (which is another thing i cant even definitively be sure on because every time her or one of her friends says something the story changes in some way like)
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aroaceking01 · 3 months
Truly heartbreaking to see so many young fans - majority of them being girls - not sending support to Caiti, Shelby, Andi and to everyone else coming forward with their stories. You should always support the victims, even if the abuser is someone you like/stan a lot.
Your favorite uwu white boy streamer could literally have done this to you.
YOU DONT KNOW THESE MEN! The one you see on camera is only a persona, THATS IT. They are grown ass adults, they should know better. Why are you playing a drinking game with someone you assumed was 21? You should check that shit. It LITERALLY takes two seconds to check that info. You said that one of her friends had a 21+ bracelets and assumed she was 21 too. Im fucking sorry but that’s dumbass logic , you are a literal 27 years old man friend with a 24 yo and a 23 yo. Ur own group of friends has a 3-4 years age gap difference. Just bc one of Caiti’s friend is 21 that doesn’t mean anything. And even if Caiti was actually 21 when it happened, the behaviour was still creepy asf. Why are u cuddling and putting ur hand under her shirt to this girl you just met?
For people sending shit to Caiti bc she didn’t say anything at the moment, while she already explained her point of view a bit on Twitter - even if she shouldn’t have to- I want to add to that a bit. We heard thousands of stories where women said no to men and they still physically abused them. Put yourself in her shoes for a goddamn second, she’s 18 and drunk in a room with two grown ass men that she doesn’t know well, she only know their online persona. She doesn’t know how they’ll react if she says no.
It might be a stretched idea for some of y’all, but I’m basing this on women experience with those types of situations. In a lot of cases, when you say no, worse things can happen. More violence can happen.
Im sending support and love to all the victims and wish them to heal well. You are all strong coming out with your stories against those men with gigantic fandoms.
P.s : before anyone tells me that I also don’t know these women streamers, I prefer defending and supporting a « potential » victim than a potential abuser, but that might just be me.
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barbiegirldream · 3 months
Twitter reacting to Dream's tweet like they didn't even read what he said. All he was establishing was that Caiti's best friend and him have been in contact since Harry's confused tweets about this incident and he was never informed about anything that happened at the party. And he thought this whole time the main issue was that he supplied an 18 year old with alcohol unknowingly. Like that's all that's saying
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caitylove · 6 months
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She is so stinking cute. It's not even funny.
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theloveinc · 1 year
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
oh thats a very good point, caiti not being ready to tell her story and treating it like its fresh. since we are talking about caiti comparing herself to shelby despite their stories being nothing alike, i distinctly remember that shelby said that she spent the majority of 2023 healing before ever coming out with her story. caiti unfortunately decided to throw herself into the deep end by accusing a large public figure and it made things infinitely worse because she has to not only deal with people who will attack her blindly, but also she has to rethink what happened that night while all sides are speculating and giving Their versions of what happened.
Yes exactly, Shelby took lots of time to heal and process it all and Shelby is also a 30 year old woman who is so much more mature than 19 year old caiti.
Caiti threw herself into this situation by going public with very little maturity, knowledge of the real world, or ANY healing whatsoever. So that is making this so much worse to witness.
And i really do think she got wrapped up in Shelby's story and how well it was received and unfortunately caiti thinks that their situations are in any way comparable (which is horribly untrue and an injustice to the abuse Shelby has dealt with).
So she tried to play the part of "shelby" while not being self-aware enough to know she isn't mature or healthy/well-adjusted/healed/etc. enough to handle this well.
Especially when faced with valid criticism and demands for evidence on very serious claims, she is reacting like an immature 19 year old who has not processed any of this fully, and lashing out blindly without stopping to think that what people are criticising her for is pretty reasonable (not the blind hate, i'm not talking about that).
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ihatebnha · 2 years
ok but bakugo
No but the way this has me fucking fuming on his behalf…………. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO you’re so right. The calm but cold anger, the silent stare, the “I’ll throw that yolk at you, if you touch this…” All Bakugo.
Don’t you ever do that to him tho. Anyone, tbh. I stg. Yolks are hard to make like that!!!
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dnfnoodles · 2 months
So much of this mess could've been avoided if Caiti or her friends had just talked to George instead of assuming they knew how he'd react
yeah like they were convinced he would deny everything and shit when he posted his first tweet. Like they clearly made horrible assumptions about him and didn’t even give him a chance which I think is really fucking stupid and messed up on their part
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aeroryn · 2 months
If you hadn't omitted crucial details and contradicted yourself, people would've been more inclined to believe you. The inconsistencies in you and your friends' stories naturally invite scrutiny and questioning. By leaving out important information, you can't fault people for reacting the way they did. Why be upset with them for forming opinions based on the INCOMPLETE information YOU provided?
Most of your stream was spent complaining about people siding with the other party, yet it was your side that made numerous mistakes and contradictions in your story.
And let's not overlook the new information you decided to disclose just now. Do you not understand how problematic it is to conceal such important details? It could have drastically changed the entire situation. If he truly groped you, that touches into the line of sexual assault. Yet, by keeping silent about that fact, you've cast doubt on your own credibility and honesty, leaving people questioning the validity of your claims.
Your accusations against a well-known content creator are serious, and it's very important for you to be a reliable narrator of your story. But your failure to provide credible details has led people to doubt you, and now they're dismissing your claims as a joke. Do you not realize how damaging that is? Your lack of transparency undermines the credibility of all victims who would want share their experiences, making it harder for them to be taken seriously.
Please excuse my venting, but I'm deeply troubled by the entire situation. It's incredibly upsetting for me because I experienced sexual assault just a few weeks before these allegations arose. I strongly believe in the importance of victims being heard and taken seriously. However, the way Caiti has conveyed her story and responded to inquiries has turned this serious matter into a mockery. It's very disheartening to see the gravity of such accusations being diminished due to her unreliable narration and reactions.
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yappix · 3 months
do people not realize how harmful it is to act like caiti’s feelings are only valid if she was sexually assaulted? they know that she has every right to feel the way she does regardless of if she was assaulted or not, right? the way this situation has been handled and spoken about is so harmful to victims
i also think it’s really interesting to look at how people reacted to george vs. how they reacted to wilbur and punz. there is a clear difference.
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