#Campaign: The Graveyard Shift
shahenor · 1 year
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Guardian of Nature ( Great Tree ) // Shape of Many ( reaction )
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katnaxel · 11 months
Hey so idk ur ocs so just go off about your fave. Talk about em. Gas em up. Talk about them like a parent talks about their child. Embarass them!
I can't pick my favorite because I love them all, but I will talk about Vasyrrin as he's recently finished his campaign!
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Vas is the second son of a lesser family to the lesser court of his drow home in our homebrew campaign. His home life was quiet in the sense that any sudden movement might cause an eruption of conflict, but he had no qualms keeping his head down alongside his older brother and just doing what needed to be done within the family mines. Unfortunately for him, his mother had plans of grandeur for both of her sons, and the two were quickly sent to be soldiers due to their large builds. Vas' brother, Vynlar, fell upward and became a crowd favorite in the Pit (or a gladiatorial arena) and was later dubbed Champion of their court. This put a lot of pressure on Vas to preform just as well, if not better. Unfortunately for him, he was never as good as his brother, and this lead him down a road of grueling punishments, isolation, and constant fights in the Pits. He became a brute, armed with a hammer rather than a sword, and grew cold and calloused to those around him.
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Fortunately, he found himself on the surface after a mission gone wrong, after he was sent to exterminate an escaped enemy during a clash of the Courts. He and a drow named Valjasna (played by @anna-yells-stuff) were now free of the madness of their home. They were quickly scooped up by slavers, and sold off as exotic goods. A long boat ride later and they found themselves as farmhands in the human nation. This is where the campaign began - they were randomly selected and voluntold to go deal with The Corruption, a 30yr blight that was slowly swallowing the land. He would do what he was told, as that's all he's ever done, but that didn't mean he had to like it.
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The early days were rough. Vas was explosive, determined to be respected as a person, not a lesser being. He also hated mages, and the fact that our assigned leader was a High Elf Wizard only created more tension. But, over time, the gang realized that Vas' real problem wasn't the need to feel powerful, but it was the fear of being disposable. The party assured him he wasn't something to be beaten and thrown away if he failed, but that they also needed him to protect them instead of turn on them whenever he was scared. And slowly, over time, he got better. Underneath all that snarling violence was a pretty chill dude that just wanted some peace and quiet as he tried to unlearn years of toxic behavior.
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However, that all changed when Vas, and the party, learned about the secret weapon his mother had turned him into. The BBEG arrived, and said "Looking Glass." Vasyrrin was now mind controlled, and a puppet of the enemy for the months that followed (as IRL I had to move across the country tehe)
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He was put on the throne of the very kingdom he was once a slave in, a pawn in the game of Arch Mages and Royalty looking to establish their view on world order with the Corruption looming overhead. His party was captured and prisoned, but eventually broke out and managed to help Vas break free of his spell. One crazy fight with a mad mage later, and the party escaped the castle.
At this point though, the party was at a breakneck speed to end the Corruption, and Vas was left with a paranoia of questioning which reality he was in at any given time. The party ranger, Briar (played by @shahenor ) took the time to check on Vas, and the two grew very very close at the end days neared.
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And we did it! We fought the Corruption, The Undead Dragon, and the BBEG - which turned out to be the Human King Augustus himself, who was feeding an endless supply of adventurers to the Corruption in the name of immortality. We even met the God of Gods, and made a wish to cleanse the world. The Corruption was gone, and Vas was officially free of his bond with the party, some of which he never really liked. With it confirmed that their mission was complete, he simply turned and walked off. No longer would he be a pawn in someone else's schemes, he was to live his own life by his own rules and finally be left alone. ...Well, alone after one last night with Briar of course...
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And that's it! That's the story of Vasyrrin Khalazza!
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The Graveyard Shift MASTERPOST
Hello! This is the masterpost for all things related to the homebrew DND game "The Graveyard Shift"!
Yikes: @hellscribbles Azule: @ingredients-for-brain-soup Husk: @friendlyforestbeast Todd: (player not on tumblr!) DM: @controlledchaosetc
The Plot so Far (pt. 1)
The Plot so Far (pt. 2)
The Plot so Far (pt. 3)
By @hellscribbles
Yikes' beckons you...
Character Mirror Portraits (Header of the blog!)
Yikes King of Hearts
Yikes and Husk Tender Moment
Bby Yikes and his mom!
Yikes' and Azule's Mirrors
Todd's Mirror
Husk's Mirror
Husk Pride art
Yikes and Husk shipping doodles
Yikes and Azule/Nix shipping doodle
Azule and hand doodles
Misc. character and NPC doodles (NSFW Below)
Yikes/Quinn has an ego
By @ingredients-for-brain-soup
A Nightmare Scenario
Azule Dances with a Skeleton
Yikes Bestow Curse
Azule's New Outfit!
Azule/Husk Ship Art
Yikes and Azule waking up doodles
Husk (as Chase) Starry Form sketch
By @friendlyforestbeast
Husk Face Reveal Comic
Session Doodles #1
Session Doodles #2
Session Doodles #3
Session Doodles #4
Husk Prepared to Fucking KILL you
Girls (Fey) Night Out
Nix Summoning Their Familiar
Yikes and Husk Kiss
Husk and Azule Tender Moment
Husk and Azule Couple to Trick some Hags
Moth :)
Husk Outfit Design
Azule Pride art
Yikes Pride art
Husk Pride art
Misc. Character Emotes (NSFW Below)
Margylia: Mother of Deceit (The BBEG!!!)
Husk and Yikes Cuddle
Yikes: Warm Strangers
Azule: Grief Psychic
Azule/Yikes: Delicate Dance
Husk/Yikes: Heartstrings
Yikes/Husk: Abhorrent Behavior
The Myth of Consensual Wedding Fuckery
Campaign note excerpt!
Yikes and Azule/Nix shipping card
Speed-draw of Husk and Todd's Mirror Portraits
Speed-draw of Yikes/Quinn has an ego
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controlledchaosetc · 2 years
My dnd campaign is taking like 80% of my mental capacity while trying to finish my portfolio and cover letter so i can get an internship, so to clear up some memory like a fuckin computer
If you enjoy
Political intrigue
Murder and mystery
Cosmic influences and eldritch beings
PCs being EXTREMELY morally gray and not wanting to be adventurers in the SLIGHTEST
Fucky fey times
Capitalism doin its Things
Way too many npcs
Send me an ask or reblog with a question(s)!!
EDIT: If this interests you, here's a summary of the entire campaign so far!!! We're like 30+ sessions in, so this DEFINITELY isn't everything, not to mention all the world building, lore, NPCs, and entire events I left out just to not make that novel length!!! So, if you wanna know about anything that isn't touched on in the summary, or expand on it, just send an ask!!
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junjiie · 9 months
해찬  ##  🗯️ ⠀ &THEAFTERPARTY..
profiles ⠀ 🎮 ⠀ moneysexual.
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KANG YN # 00 LINER ━━━ barista, forever on the graveyard shift. says he’s a TA so he can teach people how to become the worst possible version of themselves but it’s actually for music technology. firm believer that the ‘i’ve lost my number, can i get yours?’ line actually works—and for him, it usually does.
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CHOI SOOBIN # 00 LINER ━━━ head barista, lords his superiority over yn any chance he gets. complains about his art history class as if he didn’t choose it as his own major, graduate with honours, and then reapply to be a TA of his own free will. believes that no pickup lines work, regardless of who’s saying them.
LEE JENO # 00 LINER ━━━ works in the café across the street, him and yn have some sort of star-crossed lovers thing going on that they play up to the max in front of soobin. isn’t a TA because he’s terrified the students with start pelting him with tomatoes and booing him out of the room if he messes up a singular word.
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YOON KEEHO # 01 LINER ━━━ communications major, planning to use his social science skills for evil (somehow). campaigning to get a slot on the campus radio so he can both judge other people’s music tastes and show off his own. knows at least one person from every social circle there possibly could be.
LEE HEESEUNG # 01 LINER ━━━ would be every professors favourite student, if he ever showed up to any classes. on the official unofficial list of campus crushes despite being seen on campus maximum six times every semester. in the the coffee shop yn & soobin work at so often people think he works there.
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 (・o・;) 💣 ⠀ previous mlist next
JJ ₊ ⠀ yns last name isnt kang 4 any particular reason i j like the way it sounds. KANG! also gn
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taglist ## @wave2love @so2uv @mins-fins @kimgyuuu @wtfhyuck (perm) &&& @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @kosmicbomb @222brainrot @haohyo @dinonuguaegi
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sarahspokelse · 2 years
Why Eddie really believes 1986 is his year…
It’s my personal headcanon that after seeing his son nephew fail to graduate high school two years in a row, Wayne decides he’s gonna do everything in his power to make sure this boy makes it.
He’s not going to take away Eddie’s hobbies (that dice game he plays, the music he spends hours learning on his guitar) because honestly, he’s just glad he’s doing something that won’t get him into trouble with Hawkins PD. But he does switch to the graveyard shift.
This year, Wayne wants to make sure he’s home to ensure that boy isn’t skipping class and is getting his homework done. This year, Wayne isn’t going to fail Eddie.
And Eddie sees this. Sees the only adult who’s been there for him his whole life sacrificing time and sleep and sanity to make sure he does the school thing properly and decides ‘Dammit, 1986 is gonna be my year’.
(Eddie is not gonna stop selling weed though. He’s got mini figs for the campaign to buy. Wayne could use a new pair of work boots too…)
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12pt-times-new-roman · 10 months
c3e69 (nice)
At present, because it wasn't obvious whatsoever from the end of the last episode, their game plan is to a) fix Ludinus' harness and use it to defeat him; and b) use the harness in the Shattered Teeth to absorb energy to make themselves stronger.
New Ashton outfit! Highlights include knee-high boots, color-shifting fabric, black gloves with brass buckling on them, the pentagon symbol on the back of the black spiked jacket, a deep crimson lining in the jacket. "Do you believe in fate? Chaos has a fucked up sense of humor. It feels... I feel seen. It feels like a uniform. It feels just."
Orym, Fearne, FCG, and Nell travel to Zephrah's graveyard. It's a terrace atop a hill with flowers, impossibly bright and vibrant, connected to multiple of the same structures on different mountaintops. Will and Derrig's graves are marked by stacks of stones; a weathered chestplate sits against the base of Derrig's, and Will's sword is stuck into the dirt in front of his.
Meanwhile, Chetney, Laudna, and Imogen (with Ashton tagging along behind) head toward a hilltop to see if they can ride a skysail. They eventually bribe their way onto a handful of "training" skysails.
I forgot how much I love Chetney and Laudna's interactions. They're so fucking chaotic.
Chetney and Laudna dogfighting on skysails while Laudna's tandem is trying and failing to take back control of the thing and Imogen is just flying around near them -- this is peak comedy and has the exact same energy as Beau and Veth racing up the tree
Orym goes and picks up his commission. His new armor is almost a bodysuit made of dark brown leather; it's more battle-ready, more appropriate for the front lines than the more "Zephran casual" outfit he was wearing. The blacksmith tells him that Keyleth has paid for the armor, that it's his "uniform."
They head to Orym's favorite beer garden, the Aerie Eire, to have a drink.
Naturally, FCG finds this an appropriate place to bring up his god shit again. Like, I understand why -- it's a completely reasonable character choice for Sam to make, and perfectly reflects FCG's immaturity, naivety, and inability to make decisions on their own -- but fuck, it's really grating. FCG has had this black-and-white line of thinking since the campaign started, and they've just stayed behind while the rest of the Hells have grown out of those early-campaign things.
Laudna steps outside and goes to sit on a cliffside and meditate. Quietly, under her breath -- "Delilah? Are you still there? I felt a little pulse, back in Issylra. So I'm just curious." Nothing, then Imogen approaches, sits next to her. They kiss.
As they stand to go, Laudna hears a voice. "No matter who you pray to, no matter who you reach for, you are, and will always be, mine."
Chetney takes out the sword, and it tries to convince him that Keyleth is untrustworthy because she's an ally of the Council of Tal'dorei. (Sigh.)
Liam is way too good at acting half-drunk, lmao
"We should make a fire!" "Not on the roof." "Aww..." They return to Orym's mom's house, and debate sleeping on the roof or in the backyard.
Fearne scries on Dancer. She's in a dark city street, a little past sunset -- she's in Yios, being accompanied by a little spherical helper robot and a metallic bat-like creature. In her eyes, there's a battle between the magnificence of the city around her and the reality of enjoying it alone.
Ope, the players have started calling D "Devexian" --
Orym uses the sending stone. "Hey Caleb. I am in Tal'dorei after shit went down. You alive? We been drinkin'. But seriously, are you alive? Talk to me, goose." Orym's connection to the stone's enchantment feels crackly and broken, and there's no response. Laudna checks the scry ball, and it's dark.
They complete a long rest, and set off to see Keyleth. She's going to be hopping around the world to contact her allies, though they have very little information about where they're going and who they're facing.
The Bells Hells have decided that they're going to go to either Yios (to see Dancer) or the Menagerie Coast (to see D), then to the Shattered Teeth. Keyleth notes that, although she herself hasn't been to Evan'travir, Jirana can guide them there.
Keyleth has had a thought. "Perhaps... perhaps, when you feel comfortable and ready, maybe a mission of information, to go there and back, to see what we're dealing with." "A mission to the moon?" "I know it seems strange, but just yesterday, you told me there were people there, so..."
I think, through all this, that is the clue they needed. That statement is Matt definitively telling them that they do have time, they can go find Dancer and D, they can go to the Shattered Teeth and make it back on time for the fight.
Now that they're talking about it, it seems prudent to mention that Imogen summoning the reiloran spirit is her using summon aberration, and that the reiloran uses the star spawn stat block (see its psychic aura). And star spawn are specifically the twisted forms of followers of elder evils.
There was some left over, so Keyleth offers them the remainder of the salve that cured her wounds.
Also, Keyleth offers them a plan for transportation: she'll travel with them to either Dancer or D (and could regrow Dancer's arm with regenerate if that's where they go), then send them to the Shattered Teeth once they're done.
oh I cannot wait for Chetney to take a swing at Keyleth, just to see him get hit with a feeblemind
They teleport to Yios. "You ever been to a casino, Tempest?" Fearne uses locate creature and immediately clocks Dancer's presence.
They head to a nearby inn, and FCG and Imogen go up to Dancer's room. "FCG... I don't need to be fixed, alright? What I've been able to make here is a reminder of being careful where I put my trust." "Well, then can you... can you at least... I can't move on, I can't do my job, until I conclude this chapter with you. I did something horrible, something I can't live with unless you let me -- I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm asking you to do something good for someone else." "If you really came here to help, to fulfil whatever fuckin' savior mission you put yourself on, I'll help, but... I can't do anything about whatever you've decided to put yourself through. The only one hanging on is you. I know it sounds harsh, but you gotta fuckin' move on."
She accepts their offer. She'll look at Ludinus' vest and will try to fix it, in exchange for FCG never talking to her again. She herself doesn't know exactly what it does, but thinks that Imahara Joe could offer some insight; so Keyleth transports them to Bassuras.
Upon arrival, FCG is attacked by Shithead, which is promptly killed and begins to reform. FCG casts identify on it, revealing an extremely strong necromantic power seated within the bird. Fearne uses speak with animals on it. "My master is gone and I cannot die, so I just shit on [FCG]... it's been so long, I can't even remember, but I once had a name... she called me Gargo." Alright, so this fucker is 100% the familiar of the mage FCG murdered during the Care and Culling, right?
So, on this: turn undead does not affect Laudna. She shouldn't have made a save, because Hollow Ones are not mechanically undead (they only count as such for detection, not spell effects); but regardless, she never could've been destroyed by it, because a PC's challenge rating is usually their character level minus 1 or 2 (so the Bells Hells' CR are all 9, Keyleth's is 19, etc.)
In Bassuras, everything has a red hue, as the perpetually flaring Ruidus casts its cursed light upon the Hellcatch Valley. And that's where we pick up next time.
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I’m a sucker for Wayne and Eddie content since we never got to see them interact in the show 😩. Can we see something about Wayne and Eddie decorating the trailer? I feel like it would be modest but so perfect for them. Maybe they go out and have a bonding trip to pick the perfect little tree? I believe in your vision. ✨
i love you so much for this request dear god. we really were robbed in the show. also p.s. i hope this is okay i really just ran with what came to mind
the first saturday of december (eddie munson and wayne munson)
warnings: mentions of child abuse
“Boy, don’t you dare take down any of my hats!”
“But then I can hang the garland from the nails! We won’t have to put up any new hooks!” 
“We do not need any garland on that wall, Edward Munson. Put the hat back.” 
The Munson’s trailer living room was messily littered with an array of holiday decorations. Ropes of garland were draped over the back of the couch, boxes of ornaments open on top of the coffee table, and a tangled ball of lights were currently in Wayne’s hands as he attempted to sort them out. 
Between Wayne’s busy schedule and Eddie’s occupation of his eccentric hobbies, the Munson men were usually chronic procrastinators. Their schedules had always been opposing; Wayne would work the graveyard shifts at the plant while Eddie spent his days between ditching class and planning D&D campaigns. They were two ships in the night, constantly drifting past each other with small nods and tired smiles. Sometimes, they’d go a whole week without speaking once, having never even caught sight of each other. 
But the first Saturday of every December always changed that. That first Saturday, Wayne always requested off from work and Eddie always kept his schedule strictly free. The first Saturday of December was always for the Munson men - for bonding, for decorating, and for plenty of arguing in good fun. 
“It’ll look festive. C’mon, old man,” Eddie poked fun at his uncle as he lifted one of the older garlands, striped in red and white like a candy cane, wrapping the thinned out material like a scarf around his neck. 
“Stop that. You’re going to strangle yourself,” Wayne scolded as he glanced up briefly, taking in his nephew’s antics before undoing another knot in the lights in his hand. 
He already had his old rickety ladder set up outside the trailer, ready for him to climb up level with the roof and string the lights. He just had to get them into a string once more rather than this mess that resembled a tumbleweed. 
Eddie finally put down the garland, making his way to cause trouble with the ornaments. And Wayne continued to chastise him, to warn him not to break any of the small collection he’s managed to accumulate in his years of raising Eddie, even though the sight of his nephew being so carefree made his heart grow three sizes. 
There’s one ornament in particular that Eddie knew better than to even joke about dropping. He could pretend to fumble with the red bulbs, he could drop the handmade snowflakes made of popsicle sticks through the air before catching them, but there was one ornament that he would never bring into the antics; a small picture frame with a light blue train across the bottom, the words baby’s first christmas in white lifted script across the top, and a picture fit snugly in it of a boy with a toothy grin. With a wild mess of hair that was finally growing out of a buzzcut. In the boy’s lap, he’s gleefully holding an acoustic six-string guitar that completely swallows up his body. 
Eddie at the ripe age of 12. The first Christmas he had spent as Wayne’s boy. 
Younger Eddie had put the ornament in the cart during a shopping trip during the holiday season as a joke. He had blabbered on about them just leaving the random baby photo that came in the frame in it, how it could be an inside joke between him and his uncle. Something to remember their first Christmas together.
The shopping trip had occurred right after Eddie had finally begun to warm up to Wayne. He had finally realized that he was safe, that his father wasn’t coming back and that the man before him wasn’t going to hurt him. It had been a perilous journey to get there, Eddie frequently acting out and getting in trouble, but after one too many nights of the cops bringing home a smug Eddie who had been caught up in trouble one way or another, Wayne had lost it.
He hadn’t lost it in a screaming-and-punishment way. He had lost it in a scarily quiet, buried disappointment way. He had sat Eddie down at the dining table, taking his place in the old creaking chair across from him, and just looked at him with tired eyes.The staring contest stretched out for several minutes before Wayne had heaved a sigh. 
“Listen, kid. I get it. It’s hard. But this,” Wayne had paused, waving his hand between himself and Eddie, “This can’t keep happening. I don’t know what you’re trying to do here, but it isn’t working, whatever it is. You’re stuck with me, I’m stuck with you. Let’s try to just… make it as painless as possible, yeah?” 
Wayne didn’t know that Eddie had been seeing how far he could push him. He kept waiting for the day he lashed out like his father; the day he’d hit him, the day he’d start drinking and forget about the bruises he’d leave on Eddie’s arms or the cigarettes he’d put out on his chest. 
Wayne never did. He never lifted a single hand to the boy. And that night, when he tried to level with him, it made Eddie realize he never would. 
So Eddie had started behaving just in time for Christmas. The late night rides from Chief Hopper stopped, and the boy would even grace Wayne with his presence over TV dinners while watching whatever was playing on one of the few cable channels they had. 
Painless as possible, that’s what they had made it. 
But as Wayne looks over at his nephew, now eighteen and still giving the world Hell when he could, he knew it had become so much more than that. 
He loved that kid, and that kid loved him. 
Eddie placed the ornament on one of the branches of the modest tree they’d picked up this morning. It wasn’t anything extraordinary, but it was enough for them. It always had been, and it always would be, when it was just the two of them against the world. 
“Say boy,” Wayne piped up, tossing down the lights and deciding to go to the kitchen to make them hot chocolate, “You got any new records to play that won’t make my ears bleed?” 
Eddie whipped around from where he stood, fighting with an ornament to get it to stay on one of the lower branches. He grinned widely, his uncle returning a small smile, before he pursed his lips thoughtfully and went bounding into his room for a moment. 
When Eddie came sprinting back into the room, Wayne was surprised to see the album he had chosen. It wasn’t one of his usual metal bands that Wayne would complain about.
“Where in the world did you get that?” Wayne choked out, fighting back laughter at his boy.
Eddie turned to look at him over his shoulder after lowering the needle onto the record he’d carefully placed on the turntable in their living room, “Was ‘sposed to be your gift this year. But might as well enjoy it together, yeah? I’ll just have to get you another gift, old man.” 
Wayne couldn’t help but smile at his boy as Do Right Woman, Do Right Man crackles out of the speakers. 
The first Saturday of December. A day for just the Munson men, their questionable taste in Christmas decorations, and Willie Nelson.
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goldenguillotines · 11 months
Ships tags.. Ships that need names.. and ponder ships
8-bit hearts ♡
After hours ♤
Angel cake ♡
Artistic muse ♡
Bared fangs ◇
Bad romance ♤
Bad trip ♤
Bell ringer ◇
Berry bliss ◇
Black magic ♤
Black widow ♡
Blinding lights ♡
Blood in the water ◇\♤
Bottled horrors ♡
Bountiful harvest ◇
Burning bright ◇
Burning rubber ◇
Case 143 ♡
Cats cradle ♡
Catnip ◇
Catzndogz ♤
Chatterbox ◇
Chiptunes ♡
Clash of crowns ♤
Cocked and loaded ◇
Commitment issues ♡
Conjugal visit ♡
Contract in red ♡
Corollary theorem ♡◇♤
Counter suit ◇
Covalent bonding ♡
Creatures of the night ♡
Crystalline heart ♡
Cupids sweethearts ♡
Daebak ◇
Demolition lovers ◇
Double down ◇
Double knot ♤
Dynasty decapitated ◇
Enchanted Rose ♡
Evermore ♡
Explosive love ♡◇
Fairy melody ♡
Fifty Fifty ♡♤
Fish to fish communication ◇
Fox and the hound ♡
Freaks of nature ♡
From the inferno ♡
Frostbite ♤
Game night ◇
Girls talk ◇
Graveyard shift ◇
Great southern bakeoff ♤
Happy hour ◇
Hard carry ♤
Heart attack ♡
Heart to heart ◇
Heartbeats ♡
Heavenly contract ◇
Hive beats ♡
Hyacinth tea ♡
Interstellar ♡
Jaded birds ♤
Kingdom come ♤
Knife game ♤
Lap cat ♡
Lavender blooms ♡
Love and desire ♡
Love bites ♡
Love lessons ♡
Made with love ♡
Micdrop ♤
Misery buisness ◇
Misfire ◇
Monsters and fae ◇
Monstrous melody ♡
Mortus Viventi ◇
Mourning sun ♡
My favorite listener ♡
Obsessive possessive ♡
Out of tune ◇
Paparazzi ♤
Paw prints ◇
Paw2paw ◇
Photobomb ◇
Photofinnish ♤
Pitch beats ♤
Pixel by pixel ◇
Primal instincts ♡
Prize fight ♡♤
Ready to love ♡
Record scratch ♤
Red espionage ♡
Red sea ♡
Red string ♡
Ripple in time ◇
Rock with you ♡
Rose perfume ♡
Schooling Fish ♡
Siren song ♡
Sleeping with the fishes ♡
Slow and steady ♡
Smashed keys ♤
Smear campaign ♤
Sniper target ♤
Starcrossed lovers ♡
Starstrukk ♡
Storm the bastille ◇
Straight pride ♡
Strawberry cream ◇
Sunnywaves ◇
Superfreak ♡◇
Swan song ♡
Sweet as honey ◇
Sweet tea ♡
Take me home ◇
Tea reading ♡
Tender riposte ♤
The red undead ♡
Till death do us part ♤
To our youth ♡
Twinkle tackle ♡
Two to tango ♡
Undying loyalty ♡
Venus retrograde ♡
Veterinary assistance ♡
Vivid youth ♡
Water lillies ♡ ):
Wild moons ♡
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shahenor · 1 year
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Every good story starts with Once Upon A Time...
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katnaxel · 2 years
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Skitt, Owlin Arcane Trickster
And newest member to the Graveyard Shift. 
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lostgirl677 · 2 years
Room of memories part 3
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
TW: Angst
Part 1
Part 2
(I did all the pictures myself, sorry if it’s not that good, I’m still learning)
Wayne’s POV
Everyday, it was the same. And today wasn’t an exception. He came home exhausted after his night shift, carefully made his way to Eddie’s door and knocked, then went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast before going to bed for the rest of the day. He prepared eggs and bacon, his nephew’s favorite and would place the food in order to make a smiling face with it. It was nothing but it always made Eddie’s eyes shine as if he was five again. Wayne hummed one of the Metallica songs he often heard while cooking. As usual, Eddie was struggling to get out of bed. But he was sure that the bacon’s smell would decide him to get up. He took the plates and put the food on them. Still no Eddie.’This kid is a real heavy sleeper’ he thought, a little smile on his lips. He left the kitchen to open his bedroom door. He slipped his head by the ajared door and called him but when his name left his mouth, realization struck him hard. Eddie’s not here anymore.His heart broke again. He suddenly remembered when Y/N and that Henderson boy told him about Eddie’s death.Exhaustion was so heavy that it made him forget that something bad happened to his nephew and his emotions were harder to handle at those moments. So he ended up in tears at that moment. He threw the breakfast away, lit a cigarette and collapsed on the couch. He fell asleep for a few hours.
He woke up a few hours later. He stayed on the couch, doing nothing but thinking.He remembered that for a few weeks, he had weird problems with electricity. He already paid his electricity bills and even checked the circuit breaker to make sure but nothing seemed wrong. Lightbulbs flickering here and there, sometimes together, sometimes one after the others as if it followed someone’s path.Even though he was more the rational kind, he tried to convince himself really hard that maybe it was Eddie. He knew it was ridiculous, but it was all he had. When it stopped after Y/N’s visit, it broke him even more. He tried to console himself telling that Eddie was responsible for thoses electricity problems and maybe he found peace after his uncle's conversation with Y/N. So he tried again to remind himself of all the good memories he had with Eddie like Y/N suggerated. It helped a lot but it wasn’t enough. What hurted him the most was the fact that the police still looked for him even though he was dead. ‘Until we see a body, he’s still wanted’ those assholes dared to say. He didn’t care about people being mean to him but all the hate they seemed to have for his nephew was unbearable. It wasn’t normal to have to stay a whole night in a graveyard to make sure that no one degraded Eddie’s grave. He still had vivid memories of his funeral, just him, Y/N, Dustin and a few of Eddie’s friends. All of them above an empty coffin and people around throwing dirty looks from that Cunningham girl’s grave. Y/N almost threw a fight when one approached to tell them that it was a shame that a criminal like him got to have a proper funeral and worse, in the same cemetery as his victim. He was more calm than her but scared that his patience suddenly ran thin. So he tried to avoid going outside except for work, groceries and visits to the cemetery.
That evening, he had to run some errands before going to the graveyard. He grabbed his keys and got to his car.  At the moment he started the engine, he was surprised when one of Eddie’s songs began. He took one a few weeks ago because he missed it somehow but almost forgot about it. The whole drive felt weird without Eddie playing the air guitar, singing all the lyrics or just talking about his next campaign but he had to get used to it. He parked his car, got out and took a cart. He could feel dirty looks burning his back but he didn’t react and entered the store. Everything was fine until he saw a mope of wavy brown hair and a black jacket behind an aisle. His heart almost jumped out of his chest. For a few minutes, it was like nothing ever happened, as if Eddie was just here rummaging on whatever this shelf contained. He was about to call for him but the person turned around and it was just a random boy. It wasn’t the first time that he thought of seeing Eddie from afar but the pain was always excruciating. He wanted to run away from the store and lock himself in his car but he resisted, closed his eyes to hold his tears and kept going. He didn’t notice that he gripped the cart so hard that his joints turned white, to the point it hurts. But nothing could hurt more than what he saw. His grip loosened a bit and he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He slowly walked away, his eyes fixated on a point in front of him. He continued his shopping as best as he could, trying to avoid people around. Without thinking, he arrived in the cereal aisle and when he found the specific brand, held out his hand. He suddenly refrained himself from touching a Honeycomb box. ‘Eddie’s not here, he won’t eat it.’ he told himself. He still thought about things Eddie would like to eat, he couldn’t help it. He breathed deeply and he finally headed to the household chemicals to get the ones he needed for the grave. These were the only things he still bought for Eddie from now on, even though he sometimes bought some music magazines too. He never bothered to buy flowers anymore, he knew that it would be stolen or destroyed anyway.Once he was done, he checked out and practically ran to his car. Since nothing needed to get in the fridge right away, he immediately headed to the cemetery. He was sadly used to this drive.
Eddie’s POV
The whole flight was a blurry mess. His entire form was shaking with each loud sob escaping his trembling lips. All his strength was abandoning him with each passing second. His last words, her teary eyes and her loud screams of pure emotional agony were playing endlessly in his mind. She was probably wondering what she did wrong even though it was all his fault. He really messed up, big time. He lost his first friend, his first love and his whole future at the same time. He lost her forever.He stopped in mid air, as if his breath stopped again. He desperately wanted to go back to her. It took everything in him to not fly back to her window, apologize profusely to her and kiss her. Now, he had to live with it. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve, got his hair out of the way and tried to control his emotions. When he approached the house he was hiding in, he wanted to crash himself so badly but knew that it wouldn’t change a thing.
 At the moment he landed on the threshold of Reefer’s house, he fell on the floor, unable to stand anymore. A million thoughts ran in his head, all the ways he could have handled this situation with Y/N. All the things he wanted to say to her. How his last moments with her could have been better. He could have taken her in his arms and whispered sweet words in her ear while stroking her hair then telling her that it was better that way. Or simply kissing her, telling her how much she meant to him and that she deserved a normal life away from the dramas. In every scenario, tears would have been shed, it was inevitable. But maybe their last encounter would have been a little less painful. He felt the empty space in his pocket and remembered about the ring. He had so many plans with her. He always imagined how she’d react to his proposal just after graduation, her surprised face, probably giggling at something stupid he said due to his nervousness, kissing him, maybe crying a little. All their friends cheering around them. Her walking down the aisle, absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress. Some tears on his eyes at her sight. Corroded Coffin playing Y/N’s  song. Dustin as the ring bearer, more than probably dressed as a hobbit. Them running the hell out of the church and Hawkins, on the road up to their next adventure with ‘I Was Made For Lovin’ You’ blasting through the windows. A future that’ll never be. The way he talked about his proposal, as coldly as he could and how he left the ring on her desk, he couldn’t live with himself after that. But he knew that it would be worse if he hadn’t and that it was cruel to let her imagine their future together. He didn’t know who it hurted the most. His emotions were all over the place. He tried so hard to convince himself that it was the only way. He managed to slowly pick himself up off the floor and with a trembling hand, he opened  the house’s door. When he stepped in, he felt that it was freezing cold in here, almost as cold as him. He took a look around and could almost see Y/N in each room of the first floor, a faded memory of his life. He was chasing a memory. Maybe Y/N went through the same situation ? He roamed aimlessly like a ghost in Reefer’s house, restless and devastated, torturing himself  again and again over something he couldn’t undo .He finally made his way to the living room and he slouched on the couch , frantically running his fingers in his hair and rubbing his face roughly. He hated himself more than he could have imagined
. In a sudden fit of rage, he began to trash the whole room. He couldn’t think straight, he was completely blinded by his anger. He threw the said couch across the room and broke the coffee table with his fist. He threw his arm on the fireplace mantel, breaking all the trinkets and the framed pictures, then grabbed the tv and broke the nearest window with it. He tore the curtains apart and punched the walls with all his strength, causing huge holes in them and his knuckles were sore and bleeding, but he didn’t care. Soon, the room was completely destroyed. He tried to catch his ragged breath for a few minutes, resting his hands on his knees. When he calmed down, his thoughts less and less clouded by anger, his eyes grew wide and he got scared by the carnage he did .He lost his balance and fell on the floor, his back against a wall that barely stood. He looked at his hands as if they belonged to someone else. The blood had dried and all the swelling had disappeared .He really became a monster unable to control himself and his strength and that’s exactly why he needed to stay away from her. What terrified him the most was the realization that he became just like his father. Now their resemblance wasn’t just physical. Even though he was sure that this kind of action would convince her that she should forget about him, he was glad that she wasn’t there to witness it because she would probably have been a victim of his violence too. He had a sudden vision of her body completely destroyed, in a worse state than Chrissy’s that fateful night and him above her, her blood dripping from his mouth. He closed his eyes and  shivered at this thought. He tried his hardest to not cry again. He felt this new kind of guilt again, the guilt about dying but being undead at the same time. Of course, it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t choose it but he couldn’t help it. That night, he curled up against the wall, hidden under his wings and cried himself to sleep. As usual, he dreamed about his life with Y/N and a bit of his uncle. In the morning, he slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes. What he saw before him woke him faster. The room was worse in the daylight. But the worst came when he remembered the events of the previous night.
He seriously couldn't believe he ‘broke up’ with Y/N. If anything, he always feared that she’d be the one doing it. While he tried to clean the mess he did, he thought about everything again and again and knew that this sacrifice was the ultimate gift, the gift of a normal life.By the time he fixed-ish the furniture he broke, he thought about all the possibilities Y/N had without him in the picture and it finally made him feel a little bit better somehow.  She had a chance to get away from here and live the life of her dreams and it was enough to make him happy. He made peace with it, not like he had a choice anyway. Now, he had to find a way to get back to the Upside Down. But how ? He racked his brain to find a solution.He knew he couldn’t use the one in the trailer anymore. He thought about the others but maybe the one at the bottom of Lovers Lake would do the trick ? It was his only chance, he knew it. He didn’t know what would happen once he stepped back into this hellish dimension and didn’t want to think about it but he had to do it.Now he was alone and it drove him crazy but he had to get used to it. The last time he came there, he wasn’t alone. He was with his friends. He was with Y/N. He almost felt invincible by her side. He learned the hard way that it was just a feeling. But at least he did something right and he did it again. He couldn’t say goodbye to his friends or his uncle and couldn’t find Y/N again. The only thing left to do was to pay a visit to the graveyard.
Your eyes were completely dry and sore after all this. No tears left. You were on the floor, your knees pressed against your chest, your back against the wall.You looked at that damn ring the whole night, making it twirl between your fingers. The rising sun appeared on the sky, it gave the mood stone gorgeous colors. It was supposed to be your goddamn engagement ring. You could imagine graduation day with Eddie getting clumsily on one knee, his cap falling on his eyes, talking absolute gibberish out of nervousness, accidentally dropping the ring and frantically looking for it in the grass. Once he found it, stuttering a few words about ‘how an hon….honor it would be for me if you accepted to..to become my waffle..m..my wife sorry, super nervous’. You’d jump in his arms and kiss him, all your friends around. Then the wedding. Eddie, handsome as usual with tamed hair and stupid grin on his face, his uncle next to him. Corroded Coffin playing your song in the church and a very disapproving looking priest. The moment you’d both say yes and just run out of town to your next adventure as husband and wife. Eddie and Y/N Munson. You hugged your knees. You wanted it to become real but life decided otherwise. You couldn’t let him go back to this dimension. He deserved the world, the very best and if it had to be the two of you against the world then it would be so. You had to find him. When you thought about that night, you didn’t know what was the coldest about him at that moment, his hands or his words ? Even though what he did still hurt, you knew that it wasn’t sincere. You knew he did it to protect you. The simple fact that he wanted to go back there was unbearable, you knew you had to do something. You racked your brain to remember where the last gate was.The only gate must be in Lovers Lake. A sudden surge of motivation made you jump out of your position and you ran to get your clothes. He would probably do this that night so you had the whole day to find him and try to convince him that there was another way. There was no time to waste.You put on an Hellfire Club t-shirt, your pair of jeans Eddie loves so much, your combat boots and Eddie’s jacket. 
You grabbed your bag and were about to run out of your room when you stepped back to take the box and the ring with you. You walked so fast that you almost fell on the stairs. Once you were downstairs, you approached the door to take your car keys. A loud knock made you jump out of your skin. ‘Come on, open Y/N. It’s us, Dustin, Steve and Robin.’ It was Dustin’s voice. You decided to stay silent and tried to discreetly walk to the other door that led to the yard. `We heard you on the stairs and we can see you from that window. Please open the door, we’re really concerned about you’, said Robin. You turned your head to see her face pressed to the said window. You sighed loudly, your shoulders falling in defeat. You knew they wouldn’t give up that easily. You sometimes didn’t know if friends like them were a curse or a blessing. You walked to the door and unlocked it, inviting them inside. Before any other words were exchanged, Robin took you in her arms. You were at first a bit stiff but soon melted and hugged her back. By this time, Dustin and Steve entered and waved at you. She then released you and looked at you, detailing your outfit, a sad smile on her lips and understanding look on her eyes. It was soon Dustin’s turn to take you in his arms. You both shared that terrible memory, knowing exactly how you felt inside,he hugged you harder than Robin. Then Steve hugged you too. You led them to the living room, where they took a seat. ‘So, do you want something to drink ?’ you asked, trying to escape the room. Robin looked at you deadpanned. ‘You really think we don’t know that you try to escape us ? Come on, it's been almost a month since we last saw you. At first, I thought it was a part of your mourning process but seriously, you can’t keep going like this, it’s unhealthy.’ You fell on a nearby armchair and began to mess a bit with your hair, a bad habit you had when you were nervous.There was a silence for a brief moment, then you heard Dustin clearing his throat. ‘Robin’s right. We all miss him but we also miss you. We all thought that you felt a bit better. You seemed almost happy when we wrote the rest of the game. Maybe the last campaign upsetted you ? You cried so hard that night’ He took your hand. ‘No, it’s okay. I just needed time alone after this. Plus, his last campaign was the best he ever wrote.’ You couldn’t help the small crack of your voice. Robin, noticing the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes, grabbed a tissue and handed it to you. You gladly took it, whispered a small thank you and wiped your eyes. ‘If you want, Steve can pick us up and we’ll go wherever you want. We can even go to the cinema.’ Steve nodded his head and began to talk about the things you could do but you couldn’t here what he was saying.The last time you went to the cinema came back to your memory
It was a Friday night, Eddie exceptionally canceled a campaign to take you to the cinema. You were both seated next to each other in the dark room while The Black Cauldron was projected on the screen. You were completely alone, apparently the movie wasn’t quite a success. But since it was about a fantasy world, you knew Eddie would like it. He was so into the movie that  you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. His eyes gleamed at each scene, you loved seeing him like this. You remembered that at the end of the movie, you both were sobbing messes and you ended the night in his room, curled up again one another.
‘Hey ! Y/N, are you there ?’ You noticed Steve’s hand wavering before your eyes, bringing back to reality. ‘Sorry, it’s just that the last time I set foot in the cinema, I was with Eddie and…’ ‘You don’t need to finish your sentence, Y/N. It’s okay. Just know that we’ll always be there for you and that we can do whatever you want. We just want you to get better.’ You breathed deeply and decided to change the subject. You talked for a bit more, asking how Suzie, Nancy and Vickie were, what were their plans for the summer break, etc… It was now late afternoon. You loved them but when they decided to leave, you were relieved. Once you were alone, you breathed and took your keys. You wasted enough time, you had to hurry. You had to drive to the Reefer’s house first.
During the ride, you thought about how you missed your friends too but even in a crowd, you knew that you would feel alone. You also thought about what you would say to Eddie to make him stay. You knew it would be difficult but it was maybe your only chance. By the time you arrived at the house,the night had fallen. The first thing you noticed was the broken windows. What happened here ? You gently knocked on the door. No one answered. You decided to try to open it. It wasn’t even locked. What you saw inside was outstanding. The walls were littered with holes, the couch was broken just like the tv and some other trinkets. The curtains weren’t there anymore and the coffee table was destroyed. You suddenly feared that someone broke in and hurted Eddie. ‘Eddie !’ You screamed frantically, scared that something happened to him. You looked for him everywhere in the house. He wasn’t there. You really feared the worst. You had to go to Lovers Lake as fast as you could.
Eddie’s POV
Once the night fell, he flew to the graveyard. This place was even more eerie and silent by night. Despite this silence, he still could hear all the animals around but focused more on the thing he was looking for. It didn’t stop him from jumping in surprise when a stray black cat with striking green eyes meowed at him. He always had a soft spot for animals. So he smiled fondly and gently held out his hand and stroked the cat’s ears.The cat didn’t seem afraid of him and purred in delight at the contact of his hand. They stayed a few minutes like this but they soon had to part so Eddie could find what he was looking for in the first place. ‘Sorry buddy, gotta go.’ He said with a last scratch under the cat’s chin. Every twig creaked under his feet at each step, making a terrible noise. He looked at every grave on his path. He grew frustrated. He moved his fingers to distract himself from his thoughts. He really wanted to find it. He needed to find it. He knew it would drive him insane if he didn’t. He already messed up once, he wouldn’t stand a second time. Then he saw it from afar after a few minutes of thorough looking. It was a simple grave, alone under a tree. The picture was pretty sad. It made him sad. So he approached carefully to not trouble the melancholic silence of this corner. There it was. Chrissy’s grave. 
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He sat on the ground, trying to find the courage to say something. He breathed one more time and he finally stood up, way too nervous to stay seated, began to pace around and talked.  ‘Hey Chrissy ! How…How you doing ? Well not that good but it’s more of a …Nevermind.I’m really sorry for that night in the trailer. I really wished I'd done something to help you, to save you. But karma bit me in the ass for that.I also hope that you heard my performance the last time. It was for you. We made that son a bitch pay. And…’ He was interrupted by loud laughters at the opposite corner of the graveyard. He carefully made his way toward the source of it and he stopped dead in track. He recognized some of his bullies. They were vandalizing a grave and seemed really proud of themselves. Eddie felt his anger rising in him but he tried to control himself as best as he could. He didn’t want to be a real murderer. He dug his nails in his palms to keep control of his emotions, he breathed deeply. He closed his eyes and thought about Y/N to calm himself down a bit. About her fingers running in his hair, her gentle look, her small smile after a sassy comment. It was working. At each wave of anger, he added another detail of her in his mind, the way she laughed at a stupid joke, her perfume, the taste of toothpaste on her lips for their goodnight kiss .Once she invaded all his senses, he felt the anger washing away from him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that they weren’t there anymore. Weirdly, his instinct told him to go and see for himself the vandalized grave. He didn’t want to but before he could think of anything, his feet began to move as if they had a mind of their own. So he relanctly walked to his destination. When he arrived, he was speechless and him being speechless was a rare occurrence. Sure he had imagination but he never thought that he would ever see such a thing.
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He didn’t know he was holding his breath until a gasp escaped his mouth. It was his grave. His own freaking grave ! And it was covered with graffitis. He didn’t really care about it but knew it might hurt his loved ones to see it like this. He mostly felt weird. ‘So, now I understand the saying “You’ll be late for your own funeral” but it’s quite literal here’ He said with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the situation and  calm the wave of dizziness that overtook him suddenly. He tried to steady himself by putting his hand on the cold marble and breathed slowly. Thoughts were running fast in his mind. He suddenly realized that he had a real funeral. It hitted him like a ton of bricks. It was weird to imagine his loved ones crying over him, mourning him. To feel a little better, he tried to imagine how sexy Y/N was, rocking the little black dress. But then he imagined her broken expression and couldn’t keep his train of thoughts. 
Wayne’s POV 
Once he arrived, he took all the material he needed from the trunk of his car, pushed the creaking gate and tried to find Eddie’s grave. He was almost used to the utter silence he was in since his death so cemetery’s atmosphere didn’t bother him.If only he could have talked to him one last time, to tell him how much he loved him, how proud he was of him, that he knew that he wasn’t a murderer. That’s why he often ended up talking to his grave while cleaning it, as if it was a phone to the afterlife. He always felt stupid afterwards, but it helped him a lot. He often told it how his day was, what happened lately and sometimes read it some music magazine that talked about his favorite groups with the light of a flashlight. That’s how he spent some of his nights when he wasn’t at work. When he was a few meters away from Eddie’s tomb, he saw one of them. The assholes who always degraded his nephew’s grave. He felt the anger boiling in him and he screamed at the top of his lungs. He was too tired to even try catching him but the next time, he’ll make them pay. There was graffiti everywhere.Utter sadness replaced his previous anger. ‘They’ll never let him rest in peace. They’ll never let him…’ He whispered to himself, his voice wavering. He bended his knees and began to wash it without any other word said, his sobs the only sound in the night.
Eddie’s POV
Before he could completely recover, he heard someone approaching and he decided to run away. ‘Yeah you better run asshole ! If I catch you, you’re dead ! You heard me ?! Dead !’ He almost fell when he heard this voice. It was his uncle’s voice. It brought tears to his eyes. He fought himself to not run to him and hug him as hard as he could. He kept running and hid behind a tiny mausoleum. He could see him from where he was. He seemed thinner and really tired. He saw him bending his knees and grabbing a sponge to plunge it in a bucket. He was scrubbing his grave and sometimes wiping his nose with his sleeve. He heard him sniff and he knew it was his cue to leave.Seeing his uncle like this broke him badly. He thought of how tired he looked. Did he spend most of his nights like this ? He felt unworthy of such an effort from his uncle. His heart shattered again but now he had to go to the last gate. He turned his head one last time and whispered 'I love you uncle Wayne'. And he flew away.
The whole flight was tiring with all his poisoned  thoughts draining his energy. He may have gained powers but at the moment his only superpower was to hurt people he loved then beating himself up over it. Sounds masochist, right ? He rubbed his cold hands on his even colder cheeks to wipe eventual tears. With the heaviness of his heart and thoughts, he felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, almost making him take a nosedive. Soon, it would be in the past and it helped him a bit to process. Maybe he’d try to let his new nature take control over him to help him forget what he lost ? He knew deep down that it was hopeless, that he’d fight himself to not become a monster but felt that it was way too late for that. He kept torturing himself then he saw her. Impossible, he was really desperate. His own mind messed with him mercilessly but she seemed real, even through his blurred vision. When he finally landed near Lovers Lake, he wanted to approach this mirage as carefully as he could, afraid to make it disappear. All the thoughts he had in mind vanished, leaving him speechless. He wanted to touch her but feared that she’d dissipate away like mist. Maybe he was slowly changing his mind, maybe it was a sign. His lips quivered a bit as he whispered ‘Y/N ?’. The mirage lifted her head and looked at him.
A/N: I’m working on a part 4
taglist @bellevsoares​
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The Plot so far (pt. 3)
Continuing the plot summary of the Graveyard Shift now on the new blog for it! If you want to read what happened previously, here are parts 1 and 2, along with a link to the masterpost!
Picking up from Yikes and Azule waking up from the nightmare, there's a collective panic as those who were in the nightmare ensure that their friends and coworkers are who they say they are. Frizzle (one of the NPCs from the first arc and was in the dream) confronts Todd, and Yikes and Azule confront Husk. Thankfully, no one's actually been replaced, and they hurry to finish traveling to Dradow.
While Yikes was recovering from the 4 levels of exhaustion from the werewolf bite and the dream, there was a bit of downtime. During this, Yikes and Husk talked to Anzor and confronted him about various suspicious things that he had noticed him doing. It culminated in them both asking if Anzor was undead, which Anzor unhappily confirmed, showing what was under the bandages covering his body: mostly dead flesh with ever-open wounds slowly oozing blackened blood, and an open, exposed torso devoid of all organs except for a glowing red stone replacing his heart.
BACKSTORY TIME: He was used as an experiment for a necromancer looking to unlock the secrets of lichdom by tying a soul back to a dead body to live in undeath. While the necromancer succeeded with Anzor, he wasn't able to figure it out for himself before paladins of Kelemvor burst in and arrested him. Anzor was almost killed, but one paladin stuck up for him, saying he was clearly sentient, a person with a soul, and deserved a chance at life. Being taken in by the temple (although unable to enter it due to Hallow), he studied and prayed for hours and days to Kelemvor, hoping for an answer to help him. Kelemvor responded in a vision, bestowing powers, an oath, and an enchanted pendant that would ease his suffering and cover the fact he was undead. He entered the temple for the first time and was officially a paladin to Kelemvor.
With downtime mostly over, Yikes had the party meet up with a contact of his named Bramble, a hyena shifter and bardic professor at the local college. Dradow is a city known for its two colleges of magic, one for wizards called Clockworth’s Academy of Abjuration, and one for bards called Autumnrun’s College for Debators, Orators, and all things Eloquent, which Bramble works at. He's been working on a book for the last 10 years about shapechanging, the races associated with it, and the myths about them. Yikes was interviewed for the book years ago, and now he's taking Husk to meet him to get more information on changelings. During this cheerful reunion, a student comes in and asks if Bramble has seen a friend of hers, Falthrax, an older dwarf who's also a student. After searching where he'd been previously, the party found a seemingly sentient book called The Price of Beauty (yes it's the module from Candlekeep Mysteries). Telling it their problems caused it to open a portal to a dirt path lined by stone lilies in the middle of a jungle. The trees are recognized by Husk as this is part of the same jungle they lived on the other continent in the country of Llaethpotel. The party venture in, assuming this is where the missing dwarf went, and Bramble promises them he will help on the other side. And with that, the portal closes, and they are on a different continent.
Following the path, they find the Temple of the Restful Lily, one dedicated to the god Sune. They are greeted by Saeth, a human man who IMMEDIATELY drew the suspicion of the party. This suspicion increased after Yikes attempted to charm him, and he attempted to charm Yikes right back. They rested in the sauna for a little, where they met Zevi, a veteran from the bordering empire of Ascopia and sent here to recover from a leg wound. Yikes was able to determine the sauna was filled with fey magic and noticed very slight movement in the water. After pushing Zevi out of the room, Yikes and Husk were able to coax the naiad that lived in the pool out of hiding by showing they were fey as well. She introduced herself as Cyrena, and she told the party the temple had been taken over by a coven of hags, and her friend and founder of the temple, Sylvarie, had been missing for a decade, presumed dead.
With a day of investigating, they discovered Falthrax and another victim of the hags in what used to be Sylvarie's tower which the hags use as their home now. They also uncovered cursed paintings that seemingly tied a hag curse to these victims. With the break in noticed by a gargoyle, the party was on a time limit to get these victims out. Zevi stepped up, additionally distracting the hags, and after ordering Bramble to open up the portal using sending, they got the victims through and a fight began. The party killed the hags, but when faced by Saeth, revealing himself to be a cambian all along, Todd was able to persuade a negotiation instead, for a trade of information: the hags' recipe for the cursed paintings for Saeth, and information about the fey and changelings for the party. Saeth reveals there used to be a changeling settlement deep within the forest, which was destroyed 3 decades ago, making Husk question why their archfey, Nonna, who lives in the forest, didn't tell them about that. Saeth leaves with the hags' recipe content, and the party returns to the temple to discover a massacre. The hags and Saeth had killed the other visitors of the temple before chasing the party to leave no witnesses.
It's a somber moment to mourn the dead, but their work isn't over. They find Slyvarie in the basement of the abandoned shrine of Sune, who has been transformed into a medusa and petrified Yikes and Todd. However, Cyrena was brought along per her request, and she quickly convinced Slyvarie everything was ok, and she would finally be safe. A few professors from the bardic college were sent for to un-petrify the characters, and they finally headed back to Dradow.
They received an award from the headmaster of the college for their excellent work saving their missing student and were allowed to keep the Price of Beauty. The party now has a fairly easy way to travel to a base of operations outside of the continent if they ever find themselves in trouble.
And with that, unfortunately, Azule and Todd leave the game here. Azule was almost outed as a necromancer and left the circus, and Todd, with a deadline to fulfill a deal to their warlock patron looming, decided to leave as well.
The party does add one new member to their ranks: the NPC Frizzle! She had been given the ability to not sleep by her patron after the nightmare as a show of good will, and she decided to stop being so scared and stand up for herself and her friends. With that, Yikes and Husk invited her to join them to try to take down Margylia, and while she is still terrified, she agreed.
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controlledchaosetc · 1 year
One thing I love about my dnd game is that it started with most of the characters being utterly traumatized by the worst night of their lives in a murder mystery with the house itself trying to kill them and some sort of malevolent god or demon or SOMETHING terrorizing and terrifying them. And then...
Nothing. They go back to normal life. They've discovered peripheral things, but for a year out of game and multiple months in game, NOTHING happens directly relating to this entity. Until a dream occurs announcing its return and increased power, and a simple letter received last session saying that all the people in the town where the incident occurred have vanished. But nothing major happening to them on the scale of that night.
Idk it's the detachment that I like. Things occurring around them but not at them (currently), because they are simply normal people who were caught up in something so much bigger than themselves. They are normal people forever changed by what happened that night, and now have to investigate with the constant worry of it happening again, and it (so far) not occurring. It's now up to them to continue to step up to the plate, figure out what's going on, and become big enough targets for these things to happen at them again.
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bybdolan · 11 months
Campaigning hard for graveyard shift 🫡
a) it sounds cool as hell
b) it gets at the same thing the original title does but w more incisiveness! She's up, late at night, going over relationships and insecurities and situations that should have died a long time ago - but she can't stop digging these bodies up, whether it's to make peace with it, to revel in it, or just endlessly torture herself! It's arduous and exhausting but it is, above all, work. Which the og title doesn't capture (imo) - the album is not nearly as fun (thematically) as the title makes it sound. Gives too much room rather than being A Statement.
Also! Congratulations on turning in your thesis :) The last week before submitting my master's thesis was possibly the most stressful week of my life, I completely understand both the overwhelming relief of submission + the nagging anxiety of what you could have done better. I hope you get to celebrate this accomplishment w people who love you!!
THIS! IS! IT! I myself am a Graveyard Shiftie because off all of the reasons you mentioned! It expands on the theme of the albums (late nights) in a way that feels much more gothic and grim. And I haven't even thought about the work aspect of it all. It's all so tedious! You are up late, pacing, digging around, making up fights in your head... it is tiring!!! Also. somebody could have the URL graveyeardswift which would be the coolest URL of all time in that scenario
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nancywheeeler · 1 year
your cosmic call sign
pairings: steve/eddie, steve & the party; background relationships: dustin/suzie, mike/eleven, lucas/max chapter count: 3/6 rating: t summary: Steve looks up at the sky and sees stars. Eddie looks up at the sky and sees alien spaceships. It’s going to start with a graveyard shift, a midnight radio hour, and Dustin Henderson. It’s going to end New Year’s Eve, 1985—one way or another. read on ao3.
“Hey, paging lieutenant asshole.” He takes his finger off the call button, then remembers, “Over.”
Five minutes pass, no answer.
“What happened to the rule always have your walkie on you at all times,” Steve asks. “Over.”
Another five minutes pass before Steve remembers what Sunday means. In light of the curfew, Eddie Munson offered to host his Dungeons and Dickheads campaign on weekends rather than after school and the kids acted like he had single-handedly solved world hunger and the case of the Zodiac Killer. Steve tosses the walkie into his pillows and falls back on his bed, groaning at the ceiling. Him having an emergency of boredom should take precedence over Eddie Munson’s fake dragon quest, even if encouraging the kids to spend an entire afternoon locked in a sweaty, stinky basement rolling a bunch of pointy dice is probably what Hopper meant by keeping them out of trouble.
He’s not being replaced—a sentence that has become Steve’s daily affirmation at this point. It’s pathetic, but at least it’s true. Eddie Munson will have to ruin a Members Only jacket carrying the corpse of a cat two miles down the beach before he can claim custody of Dustin Henderson.
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