#Can Intermittent Fasting Increase Height
susantaylor01 · 16 days
How to lose fat effectively
Losing fat effectively is a goal shared by many, but achieving it requires a well-rounded approach that goes beyond just cutting calories. It involves understanding the science of calorie balance, making informed dietary choices, engaging in regular physical activity, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to approach fat loss in a sustainable and effective way, ensuring that you not only shed excess fat but also maintain your results over time.
Losing fat effectively requires a comprehensive approach that combines diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and psychological strategies. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
1. Understanding Calorie Balance
Caloric Intake vs. Expenditure: Fat loss fundamentally depends on creating a calorie deficit, where you burn more calories than you consume.
Maintenance Calories: This is the number of calories your body needs to maintain your current weight. You can estimate it using online calculators or equations like the Harris-Benedict equation, which considers your age, gender, weight, height, and activity level.
Creating a Deficit: A safe and sustainable deficit is typically 500-1000 calories per day, leading to a loss of about 0.5 to 1 kilogram (1-2 pounds) per week. Faster weight loss can result in muscle loss and nutritional deficiencies.
2. Optimizing Your Diet
Macronutrient Ratios:
Protein: Aim for 1.2-2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Protein is crucial for preserving muscle mass during fat loss and provides satiety, helping you feel full longer.
Fats: Healthy fats should make up about 20-35% of your total daily calories. Fats are essential for hormone production, including those that regulate metabolism and appetite.
Carbohydrates: The rest of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, focusing on complex carbs like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. These provide sustained energy and fiber, which aids digestion and fullness.
Meal Timing and Frequency: While the overall calorie intake is the most crucial factor, some people find that eating smaller, more frequent meals helps manage hunger and maintain energy levels. Others prefer intermittent fasting, where eating is restricted to specific windows, like an 8-hour period each day.
Nutrient Density: Prioritize foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but relatively low in calories, such as leafy greens, berries, lean meats, and legumes. Avoid empty calories from sugary snacks, refined grains, and processed foods.
Hydration: Drinking water before meals can help control appetite, and staying hydrated supports overall metabolism. Aim for 2-3 liters per day, depending on your activity level and climate.
3. Exercise: The Fat-Loss Accelerator
Cardiovascular Exercise:
Steady-State Cardio: Activities like walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming at a moderate intensity are effective for burning calories. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio per week.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity and brief rest periods. It’s time-efficient and highly effective for fat burning, as it boosts metabolism for hours after the workout (the "afterburn" effect).
Strength Training:
Preserving Muscle Mass: Lifting weights or engaging in resistance training is critical during fat loss to preserve muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so maintaining muscle can help sustain a higher metabolic rate.
Frequency: Incorporate strength training at least 2-3 times per week, targeting all major muscle groups. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, which work multiple muscles at once and burn more calories.
Activity Throughout the Day: Beyond structured workouts, increasing your daily activity level (known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT) can significantly impact fat loss. Take the stairs, walk more, and stand instead of sitting whenever possible.
4. Lifestyle Factors
Importance: Lack of sleep disrupts hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which regulate hunger and satiety, leading to increased cravings and poor food choices.
Quality: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep routine, create a restful environment, and avoid screens before bed.
Stress Management:
Cortisol: Chronic stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which can increase appetite, cravings for high-calorie foods, and abdominal fat storage.
Techniques: Incorporate stress-reduction practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies you enjoy. Regular physical activity also helps manage stress.
Consistency and Patience:
Long-Term Perspective: Fat loss is a gradual process, and the key to success is consistency over time. Avoid extreme diets or workout routines that are unsustainable.
Avoiding Plateaus: As you lose weight, your body adapts, and your maintenance calories decrease. Reevaluate your calorie needs periodically and adjust your intake or activity levels if progress stalls.
5. Psychological Strategies
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what, why, and how you eat. Avoid distractions like TV or phones during meals, chew slowly, and savor your food. This helps you recognize when you’re full and can prevent overeating.
Behavioral Changes: Identify triggers for unhealthy eating, such as stress, boredom, or social situations, and develop healthier coping strategies. Keeping a food journal can help track patterns and make adjustments.
Support System: Having a support network, whether friends, family, or an online community, can provide motivation and accountability. Consider consulting with a registered dietitian or personal trainer for personalized guidance.
6. Monitoring Progress
Tracking: Regularly monitor your progress through various means, such as weighing yourself weekly, taking body measurements, or using body composition tools like calipers or bioelectrical impedance scales.
Non-Scale Victories: Pay attention to how your clothes fit, improvements in strength and endurance, and overall energy levels. Sometimes, progress is not reflected on the scale but in other aspects of your health and fitness.
7. Potential Pitfalls
Yo-Yo Dieting: Avoid extreme diets that promise rapid weight loss but are unsustainable. These can lead to muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, and a slower metabolism, making it harder to maintain fat loss long-term.
Overtraining: While exercise is crucial, too much can lead to burnout, injury, and counterproductive stress on the body. Balance your workouts with adequate rest and recovery.
Overestimating Calorie Burn: Many people overestimate how many calories they burn during exercise, leading to overeating. Focus on portion control and accurate tracking.
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Mountain Tea 93% FASTER than Ozempic
Effective fat loss is not about quick fixes or extreme measures, but rather about making consistent, informed choices that support your overall health and well-being. By focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits, you can achieve lasting results. Remember, patience and persistence are key—sustainable fat loss is a gradual process that rewards those who stay committed to their goals. With the right mindset and strategies, you can successfully reach and maintain your desired body composition.
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revolvefitness · 1 month
Maximizing Fat Loss with Intermittent Fasting and Java Burn
Intermittent fasting has truly revolutionized the fitness world, and it’s no wonder why—it’s far more than a fleeting trend. This approach to eating provides a potent strategy for shedding excess weight, enhancing metabolic health, and elevating energy levels. By strategically cycling between periods of eating and fasting, individuals can shift their body into a state that favors fat burning and improved metabolic function.
But what if you could elevate your results and accelerate your progress even further? That’s where Java Burn steps in. This remarkable supplement is designed to complement and amplify the effects of intermittent fasting. Known for its powerful metabolism-boosting and fat-burning capabilities, Java Burn can take your fasting results to new heights.
By incorporating Java Burn into your routine, you’re not only supporting your body’s natural fat-burning processes but also optimizing your overall health and energy levels. This makes it easier to achieve your weight loss goals more quickly and efficiently.
Understanding Intermittent Fasting: The Basics
Intermittent fasting isn’t about what you eat—it’s about when you eat. By cycling between periods of eating and fasting, you give your body time to enter a fat-burning state known as ketosis, where it starts using stored fat for energy instead of relying on glucose from your last meal.
There are several popular methods of intermittent fasting, but the most common include:
16/8 Method: Fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window.
5:2 Diet: Eating normally for 5 days of the week and significantly reducing calorie intake on the other 2 days.
Eat-Stop-Eat: Fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week.
No matter which method you choose, the underlying principle is the same: by extending the time your body spends in a fasted state, you can boost fat burning and improve metabolic health.
The Science Behind Fasting and Fat Loss
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When you eat, your body spends a few hours processing the food, burning glucose as its primary energy source. During this time, it’s much harder to burn fat because insulin levels are elevated. Insulin is a hormone that helps your cells absorb glucose, but it also signals your body to store fat.
Once you enter a fasted state, insulin levels drop, signaling your body to start burning stored fat for energy. This shift in energy source is why intermittent fasting is so effective for fat loss. Additionally, fasting boosts the production of human growth hormone (HGH), which further enhances fat burning and helps preserve lean muscle mass.
But fasting does more than just burn fat. It also triggers a process called autophagy, where your body cleans out damaged cells and regenerates new ones. This cellular cleanup can improve overall health and longevity, making intermittent fasting a powerful tool not just for weight loss, but for improving your health from the inside out.
Java Burn: Supercharging Your Fast
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While intermittent fasting is already effective on its own, adding Java Burn to your routine can amplify the results. Java Burn is packed with ingredients that boost metabolism, enhance fat oxidation, and provide a steady stream of energy—all without breaking your fast.
One of the key ingredients in Java Burn is green tea extract, which is rich in catechins. These powerful antioxidants have been shown to increase fat burning, particularly during exercise. When combined with the fasting state, where your body is already primed to burn fat, Java Burn can help you torch even more calories.
Caffeine, another key component of Java Burn, is well-known for its ability to increase metabolic rate and improve fat oxidation. But what’s special about the caffeine in Java Burn is that it’s balanced with L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes calmness and focus. This combination helps you stay energized and alert throughout your fast, without the jittery side effects often associated with caffeine.
Moreover, Java Burn contains chromium, a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar is crucial during fasting, as it can prevent energy crashes and reduce cravings, making it easier to stick to your fasting schedule.
Intermittent Fasting and Java Burn: A Dynamic Duo
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When combined, intermittent fasting and Java Burn create a powerful synergy that can accelerate your fat loss and enhance your overall well-being. Here’s how they work together:
Enhanced Fat Burning: Intermittent fasting shifts your body into a fat-burning mode, and Java Burn amplifies this effect by boosting your metabolism and increasing fat oxidation. The result? More calories burned and more fat lost.
Sustained Energy Levels: One of the challenges of intermittent fasting is maintaining energy levels, especially as you near the end of your fasting window. Java Burn’s blend of caffeine and L-theanine provides a steady energy boost, helping you stay active and focused without breaking your fast.
Appetite Control: Fasting can sometimes lead to intense hunger, particularly in the early stages. Java Burn’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels can help curb cravings and reduce the likelihood of overeating during your eating window.
Improved Metabolic Health: Both intermittent fasting and Java Burn promote better insulin sensitivity and stable blood sugar levels, which are key to long-term metabolic health. This combination can help reduce your risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Convenience and Simplicity: Incorporating Java Burn into your fasting routine is easy. Just mix it with your morning coffee or tea during your fasting window, and you’re set for the day. Its tasteless formula means it won’t interfere with your favorite beverages, and you can enjoy all the benefits without altering your fasting schedule.
Tips for Success with Intermittent Fasting and Java Burn
To get the most out of this powerful combination, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Start Slow: If you’re new to intermittent fasting, start with a shorter fasting window, like 12 hours, and gradually increase it as your body adapts. This approach will help you ease into fasting without overwhelming your system.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water, herbal teas, and black coffee during your fasting window is crucial for staying hydrated and keeping hunger at bay. Java Burn can be easily added to these drinks without breaking your fast.
Listen to Your Body: Fasting isn’t one-size-fits-all. Pay attention to how your body responds, and adjust your fasting schedule or Java Burn intake accordingly. If you’re feeling overly fatigued or hungry, consider shortening your fasting window or experimenting with different fasting methods.
Combine with Exercise: For maximum fat loss, combine intermittent fasting and Java Burn with regular exercise. Fasted cardio, in particular, can be highly effective for burning fat, as your body is already in a fat-burning state.
Be Consistent: Like any health and fitness strategy, consistency is key. Stick with your fasting routine and Java Burn intake for several weeks to see noticeable results.
Fast-Track Your Fat Loss with Intermittent Fasting and Java Burn
Intermittent fasting is a proven method for achieving significant fat loss and improving overall health, but when paired with Java Burn, its benefits are taken to the next level. This dynamic duo works together to enhance fat burning, maintain energy levels, and support metabolic health, making it easier to reach your weight loss goals.
Java Burn’s metabolism-boosting ingredients perfectly complement the fasting process, helping you get the most out of every fasting window. By incorporating Java Burn into your daily routine, you’re not just losing weight—you’re optimizing your body’s ability to burn fat and thrive.
For more tips on how to elevate your health and fitness journey, visit RevolveFitness.
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althealthinfos · 4 months
How Can I Lose Weight in One Month? Crazy Trick Revealed!
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Key Takeaways
Losing weight in one month requires a calorie deficit, achieved through a balanced diet and regular exercise routine
Making sustainable lifestyle changes is crucial for long-term weight loss success
Natural supplements like Liv Pure can support liver health and metabolism for improved fat burning
Wondering how can I lose weight in one month? While rapid weight loss is possible with diligent effort, it's essential to approach it in a healthy and sustainable manner. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve your one-month weight loss goal.
Assess Your Calorie Needs
The first step is to determine your daily calorie needs based on factors like age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. Aim for a calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories per day to lose 1-2 pounds per week, which can result in 4-8 pounds of weight loss in a month.A plate with balanced portions of lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains, representing a healthy calorie-controlled meal.
Adopt a Balanced Diet
Focus on consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods such as:
Lean proteins (chicken, fish, legumes)
Fibrous vegetables (broccoli, spinach, bell peppers)
Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats)
Healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil)
Avoid processed, high-calorie foods and sugary beverages, as these can sabotage your weight loss efforts.
Increase Physical Activity
Incorporate a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training into your routine. Cardio activities like brisk walking, running, or cycling can help burn calories, while strength training helps build lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism.A woman exercising on a treadmill, promoting cardiovascular activity for weight loss.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water not only aids in digestion and nutrient absorption but can also help curb unnecessary snacking and keep you feeling full. Aim for at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day.
Consider Natural Supplements
Liv Pure is a natural weight loss supplement designed to support liver health and promote fat burning. This vegetarian-friendly, GMO-free formula contains:
Liver Purification Complex (milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion root)
Liver Fat-Burning Complex (turmeric, beetroot, ginger)
Benefits of Liv Pure:
Supports liver function and detoxification
Boosts metabolism and fat burning
Enhances energy levels and cognitive function
Key Details:
Ingredients: Mediterranean super nutrients, plant-based
Price: $39 per bottle (discounts available for multi-bottle purchases)
Official Site
Liv Pure supplement bottles with natural ingredients for liver support and weight loss.
Dietary Strategies for One-Month Weight Loss
Portion Control and Mindful Eating
Practicing portion control and mindful eating habits can significantly contribute to weight loss success within a month. One effective strategy is using a smaller plate, which can help you consume smaller portions while still feeling satisfied. Additionally, eating slowly and savoring each bite can promote better digestion and prevent overeating.
Meal Planning and Preparation
Preparing nutritious meals and snacks in advance can make it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet. Meal planning allows you to ensure you have healthy options readily available, reducing the temptation to indulge in unhealthy choices. Batch cooking and portioning meals ahead of time can also save time and effort during busy weeks.
Incorporate Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a popular approach that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. One common method is the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours (including sleep time) and consume all your daily calories within an 8-hour eating window. This strategy can help reduce overall calorie intake and may also provide additional health benefits, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Lifestyle Changes for Sustainable Weight Loss
Manage Stress and Sleep
High stress levels and lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, making weight loss more challenging. Prioritizing stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga, and aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, can support your weight loss efforts.
Stay Motivated and Accountable
Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and staying motivated is crucial. Celebrate small victories along the way, and consider enlisting the support of a friend or family member to help keep you accountable. Tracking your progress, whether through a fitness app or a journal, can also provide motivation and help you identify areas for improvement.
While losing weight in one month is achievable with dedication and consistency, it's essential to approach it in a healthy and sustainable manner. How can I lose weight in one month requires a combination of a calorie-controlled diet, regular exercise, hydration, and lifestyle changes. Natural supplements like Liv Pure can provide additional support by promoting liver health and boosting metabolism. Remember, sustainable weight loss is a journey, and adopting healthy habits is key to long-term success.
Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in one month? Losing 10 pounds in one month is possible but may require a significant calorie deficit and consistent exercise routine. A more realistic and sustainable goal is to aim for 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week, which could result in 4-8 pounds of weight loss in a month. Learn more about safe and sustainable weight loss strategies from this Harvard Health article.
Can I lose weight by doing cardio alone? While cardio exercises like running, cycling, or swimming can help create a calorie deficit and promote weight loss, combining cardiovascular activity with strength training is more effective. Strength training helps build lean muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and aid in long-term weight management. This study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology highlights the benefits of combining aerobic and resistance training for weight loss.
How long does it take to see results from Liv Pure? The time it takes to see results from Liv Pure can vary from individual to individual. However, the manufacturer recommends using the supplement for at least 3-6 months to allow sufficient time for the liver-supporting ingredients to work effectively. Some customers may notice accelerated weight loss within a few weeks of consistent use, while others may experience gradual results over time.
Is Liv Pure safe for vegetarians? Yes, Liv Pure is a vegetarian-friendly supplement that is free from soy, dairy, and GMOs. The formula contains plant-based ingredients derived from Mediterranean super nutrients, making it suitable for those following a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
Can I continue taking Liv Pure after achieving my weight loss goal? Even after achieving your desired weight loss, you can continue taking Liv Pure to support ongoing liver health and overall well-being. The supplement's liver-supporting properties can help maintain a healthy metabolism and promote detoxification processes in the body.
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weightlosesuccess · 7 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Loss: A 2-Year Journey to Shed 50 Pounds
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Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Loss: A 2-Year Journey to Shed 50 Pounds
Introduction: Navigating the Complex World of Weight Loss Embarking on a weight loss journey is like embarking on an epic adventure. It requires careful planning, determination, and a roadmap to success. Sarah's story is a testament to the power of science-backed strategies, providing insights into the intricacies of weight loss. In this comprehensive narrative, we'll explore the scientific foundation, statistics, research predictions, and, most importantly, Sarah's inspiring transformation. The Science of Weight Loss Understanding the Basics: Calories In vs. Calories Out To comprehend the art of weight loss, we must grasp its fundamental principle: calories in vs. calories out. - Calories In: The average adult maintains their weight by consuming about 2,000 calories daily. - Calories Out: Weight loss necessitates creating a calorie deficit, achieved by burning more calories than one consumes. The Variability Factor: Factors Influencing Caloric Needs Caloric needs aren't one-size-fits-all. They vary based on age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. This personalization is crucial in any weight loss plan.  The Weight Crisis: A Growing Epidemic Statistical Snapshots: The Alarming Reality of Obesity The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that over one-third of American adults are now classified as obese. This epidemic has significant consequences, increasing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. A Global Perspective: Projections for the Future The global obesity rate is forecasted to double within the next 30 years, underscoring the urgency of addressing this issue. Peering into the Crystal Ball: Research Predictions The Future of Calorie Management: Personalization Researchers are poised to revolutionize the weight-loss landscape by developing personalized calorie recommendations. These recommendations will be tailored to individuals based on genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle, optimizing results. Technological Advancements: Precise Calorie Tracking Innovative technologies are on the horizon, promising more accurate methods for tracking calorie intake and expenditure. This precision will empower individuals to make informed choices. Nutrient-Rich Innovations: Healthier Food Options Food companies are taking the initiative to create healthier options that are lower in calories but richer in essential nutrients. These choices align with the goal of healthier living. Fitness Accessibility: Streamlined Exercise Solutions The fitness industry is evolving, making regular exercise more accessible. The advent of new exercise technologies and programs ensures that everyone can engage in physical activity with ease. Beyond Calorie Intake and Burn: Emerging Research Frontiers Weight loss isn't solely about calories; emerging research frontiers offer additional insight. Gut Microbiota's Role: Gut Health and Weight Loss Recent studies reveal the role of gut bacteria in successful weight loss. Specific gut bacteria configurations are associated with better weight loss outcomes. The Power of Sleep: The Weight-Sleep Connection Inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain and obesity. Understanding this connection is vital in holistic weight management. Diets Under the Microscope: Evaluating Effectiveness Scientists are scrutinizing popular diets like low-carb and high-protein diets, as well as intermittent fasting, to determine their effectiveness in the journey to weight loss. The Practical Application of Knowledge Knowledge is powerful when applied. Sarah's remarkable transformation showcases the practical application of scientific insights. The Blueprint for Success: Losing 50 Pounds in 2 Years Sarah's journey was not merely about losing weight; it was about embracing a healthier lifestyle. Her plan was built on two pillars: a balanced diet and a consistent exercise regimen. The Dietary Masterpiece: Nutrient-Rich Choices Sarah recognized that sustainable weight loss starts in the kitchen. Her diet was a carefully crafted masterpiece. - Breakfast: Fueling her day with oatmeal, berries, and nuts, Sarah ensured a morning of sustained energy. - Lunch: Her midday balance came from generous salads with lean proteins, like grilled chicken or fish. - Dinner: Salmon and roasted vegetables filled her evenings with heart-healthy omega-3s and vital nutrients. - Snacks: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt provided healthy options between meals. The Power of Movement: A Balanced Workout Routine Sarah's exercise routine was equally balanced, consisting of warm-up, workout, and cool-down phases. - Warm-up (5-10 minutes): Light cardio and dynamic stretches prepared her for exercise. - Workout (30-45 minutes): - Cardiovascular exercise (30 minutes): She dedicated at least 30 minutes to moderate-intensity activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, and cycling. - Strength training (2-3 times per week): Compound exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and rows built lean muscle mass. - Cool-down (5-10 minutes): Light cardio and static stretches concluded her routine, enhancing flexibility and recovery.  The Journey's End: 50 Pounds Lighter in Two Years The culmination of Sarah's two-year journey was awe-inspiring. Through unwavering commitment to her balanced diet and exercise routine, she shed an impressive 50 pounds, significantly improving her overall health and well-being. Sarah's Story: A Testament to Science and Resilience Sarah's journey transcends mere numbers on the scale. It is a testament to the transformative power of science-backed strategies. Her story reflects the tangible impact of informed choices and the resilience that fuels a successful weight loss journey. Conclusion: Charting Your Own Path to Better Health Weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Sarah's story serves as a source of inspiration, demonstrating that with the right knowledge, dedication, and sustainable methods, anyone can begin their journey toward better health. The world of weight loss is ever-evolving, enriched by research and innovation. By applying these insights, you too can embark on your path to a healthier, happier you. Read the full article
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thesportdietitian · 1 year
Is Intermittent Fasting Sustainable?
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If you’re interested in cutting your calorie intake and losing weight, intermittent fasting is something you’ll have come across in your research. Used by celebrities like Hugh Jackman to achieve a lean figure, there is a lot of hype around the intermittent fasting lifestyle. For some, intermittent fasting sounds extreme, which leads us to an important question:
Is intermittent fasting sustainable for weight loss?
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. Intermittent fasting is not a diet; instead it’s a dietary pattern, meaning it does not dictate which food should be eaten — but when food should be eaten. Intermittent fasting is currently very popular among the health and fitness community because it essentially allows you more freedom in your diet, stopping you consuming excess calories because your window for eating is so limited.
There are several different intermittent fasting methods:
The 16/8 method: Fasting for 16 hours per day and eating during the 8-hour eating window (e.g. skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal before 8 pm)
The 5:2 diet: Eating as normal for five days of the week then eating 500–600 calories on two days of the week
Eat-stop-eat: The practice of a 24-hour fast once or twice per week (avoiding eating after dinner one day until dinner the following day)
The most popular method of intermittent fasting is the 16/8 method. Working individuals who struggle to find extra time in the morning may find this method convenient. It is also convenient for those who exercise in the evening and tend not to require as much energy in the morning.
Is Intermittent Fasting Necessary for Weight Loss?
The short answer is no — you don’t need to commit to intermittent fasting if you want to see success in your weight loss program. So why do people even consider intermittent fasting in the first place? Well, as your eating window is restricted, this will naturally result in you eating less food (unless you binge on huge amounts of food), which can technically result in weight loss.
In its most basic form, weight loss works through a caloric deficit.
Your body is in a constant state of energy consumption. The energy your body needs is obtained through calories, which are present in all food. Your body is always using the fuel you put into it (food) to operate — you need energy for everything from movement and breathing to thinking and digesting. Everyone has a base caloric requirement to survive that varies depending on age, gender, weight, height, metabolism and several other biological factors. The amount of energy you need is also increased with exercise, as the body then needs more fuel to function. This is why exercise is such an important part of weight loss. It doesn’t burn away fat itself, but it means your body needs more energy to perform its basic biological functions.
This is also why a great and sustainable diet is so important for losing weight alongside exercise — which leads us back to the idea of intermittent fasting.
If you eat fewer calories than your body needs to operate, you will use the energy stored within your body fat. If you ingest more calories than your body needs, it will save those calories to support survival during leaner times. So the essential formula for weight loss is this:
Less food eaten = decreased calorie intake = weight loss.
And so, people commit to intermittent fasting diets. The core idea behind intermittent fasting is if you are eating over a shorter period, you are eating less food. If you are eating less food, you are eating fewer calories, which creates the environment required for fat loss. Some people even suggest that intermittent fasting is superior to other forms of caloric restriction, but research does not support this.
Trepanowski et al. (2017) found intermittent fasting is not superior to daily calorie restriction with regards to adherence, weight loss, weight maintenance, or improvement in risk indicators for cardiovascular disease. Another small-scale study found that traditional calorie-restrictive dieting plans were more effective for weight loss than intermittent fasting. So, everyone carrying out intermittent fasting is wrong?
When Intermittent Fasting Works
The short answer is again no.
Every side of the argument has a study to back up their claim. While we can tell you about lots of research that shows intermittent fasting doesn’t work as well as other methods, another nutritionist and personal trainer who supports the technique of intermittent fasting will probably quote you a totally different study on why it does work.
Intermittent fasting can work when it works for your lifestyle.
Some people don’t eat breakfast. If you simply cannot stomach food in the morning or if you can’t make time for breakfast, then intermittent fasting can become a sustainable food intake pattern.
David Higgins, trainer to stars like Margot Robbie and Claudia Schiffer, is one such advocate of sustainable intermittent fasting. He tells people that the 16/8 method is a good strategy for losing weight, but only if it works as part of your lifestyle.
This idea is supported by Harris et al. (2018), who note that if you aren’t making any changes to your current eating habits, then intermittent fasting can be a sustainable weight loss tool. The study found intermittent fasting may be an effective strategy for the treatment of overweight and obesity and is more effective than no treatment. Furthermore, Patterson & Sears (2017) found that an intermittent fasting regimen may be a promising approach to losing weight for people who can safely tolerate intervals of not eating, or eating very little, for certain hours of the day, night, or days of the week.
The key point here? It’s all down to the individual involved.
Sustainable Intermittent Fasting: Why It’s Not Always Possible
Healthy and sustainable weight loss is driven by dietary plans that work for an individual. If you dislike the way you are eating, then you won’t stick with it. Willpower supports quick results, but it doesn’t keep you healthy long term. The only way intermittent fasting can be sustainable, just like with any other weight loss strategy, is if you can make it part of a lifestyle that makes you happy.
If by conducting intermittent fasting, you are feeling hungry in the morning and lethargic until you eat lunch, it’s not for you. You cannot reasonably expect to maintain a sustainable weight loss program through intermittent fasting if you hate it. This is why studies show other diets work better for some people, but then sometimes intermittent fasting works for another group. It’s because it can work for you, but sometimes it won’t.
Intermittent fasting is not a magic bullet for weight loss. There is no true magic bullet that will guarantee you the best results. We’re all different, which means if you want to lose weight, you have to find a way of doing it that works with your life. You may try intermittent fasting and love it. Intermittent fasting may be unbearable for you.
Both reactions are absolutely fine.
When you want to lose weight, it’s about finding your happy medium. Your perfect balance. Sustainable intermittent fasting is a good state of mind, where you don’t have to work to achieve it. It’s not a battle to overcome adversity.
You might say that weight loss is all about willpower and commitment; dedication and pushing through. We’ve all been taught to think this, but it’s not the truth. All the happy and healthy people in your life. The thin friends you always envy. Are they constantly battling to keep their weight down? No. Are they just lucky to have faster metabolisms than you? No.
It’s their lifestyle that results in their good health. You can find a lifestyle that does the same.
Intermittent fasting may be part of that, but it might not be.
The Cons of Intermittent Fasting
Don’t get us wrong, if intermittent fasting works for you, then use it. Finding a lifestyle that supports sustainable health is probably the biggest challenge you’ll face on your road to weight loss. There is a lot of trial and error. Whatever works, use it to your advantage. However, we’re all about honest and genuine advice at The Sports Dietitian, so we want to make sure you are equipped with all the necessary tools to secure a brighter future for yourself. With that in mind, here are some critical things to know about intermittent fasting:
Reduction in Metabolism
This news is going to set off alarm bells. For those unsure of how metabolism impacts weight loss, metabolic rate is the speed at which you turn calories into energy for your body — the higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you need to sustain your current weight. So, if you have a high metabolic rate, weight loss is easier. A reduction in metabolism is the last thing anyone trying to lose weight wants.
The longer we are in a fasted state thanks to intermittent fasting, the longer we experience something called catabolism, which is the breaking down of muscle tissue to provide the protein we need for basic bodily function. This state is strongly related to reducing our metabolism. Small, frequent protein feedings of 20–30g five times a day are superior for maximising protein synthesis, compared to consuming protein in larger doses, less frequently as you would with intermittent fasting — Burke et al. 2010.
Protein synthesis is a key ingredient to enable us to maintain our muscle mass when adhering to a calorie deficit to achieve weight loss. There is a direct correlation between muscle mass, metabolically active tissue and metabolism. The more muscle mass we have, the higher our metabolism. Put simply, the more muscle mass we can retain, the more calories we can eat before gaining body fat.
And let’s face it — who doesn’t want to eat more when they can?
Therefore, when we fast, we reduce the effectiveness of protein synthesis, which negatively affects the amount of muscle mass we can retain during a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than we are burning off). This, in turn, can reduce our metabolism and make achieving sustainable weight loss more difficult.
If your body is not adapted to life without food — either through skipping breakfast, lower-calorie days, or two days fasting a week — you’ll experience hunger. Hunger is a massive demotivator. The sudden drop in glucose levels that comes from a lack of food impacts our state of mind, our energy levels and can leave us feeling frustrated. It’s tough to stick to a diet plan when you’re hungry, which means you’ll probably relapse into old behaviours.
Why do we eat? We eat for enjoyment, health, and cultural benefits. We eat to survive; we eat to perform physically and mentally. When fasted and hungry, our reaction time, problem-solving abilities and ability to keep our cool during stressful situations greatly reduces. So, if you want to be at your best during the morning, and breakfast is a part of that, make sure you eat instead of suffering through needlessly.
Poor Training Results
If you’re a morning exerciser, then intermittent fasting is unlikely to be sustainable. You need the energy to train. Energy comes from food. Training fasted without efficient fuel for energy will be a thorn in your side. There is a world of evidence supporting the importance of carbohydrate pre-exercise to maximise performance (Burke, 2017). No food in your system, no energy in your muscles, poor performance in the gym.
Bad Breath
A final one to think about, intermittent fasting can lead to reduced salivary flow, which is linked with bad breath. If you’re struggling with confidence and self-esteem in public due to your weight, bad breath is the last thing you need.
Sustainable Intermittent Fasting: Key Takeaways
Intermittent fasting is not necessary for weight loss and does have a lot of downsides. There are positives of intermittent fasting and it can help you — but only if it’s sustainable intermittent fasting that works with your current way of life. Don’t even try intermittent fasting if you love breakfast or get hungry between meals. It’s not going to work. It’s not sustainable.
If you love to eat, there is an easier way.
Eating a well-balanced diet, with the correct macronutrient structure will minimise hunger, maximise food palatability and eliminate the feeling you are on a diet. Really, diet is a nasty word we want to avoid. You don’t ever want to be on a diet — you just want to be eating well.
The key to sustainable weight loss results is discovering a convenient eating structure with regular accountability, motivation and behaviour change support that works for you. And let’s face it — if we are making an effort to adapt our current eating habits, the results we obtain had better be sustainable.
Visit More : https://thesportdietitian.co.uk/is-intermittent-fasting-sustainable
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health4beats · 2 years
Leanbiome Reviews-Hidden Truth You Must Know About Leanbiome
The lean body is the body of someone with low body fat and a high muscle-to-fat ratio, or toned in common parlance.
What many people don’t realize about this body type, though, is that it isn’t the healthiest body out there at least, not when kept at an unnaturally low level of fat.
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When your body fat goes too low, you will be putting yourself in real danger of developing the lean-body condition known as lipodystrophy, which can result in deadly health consequences if left untreated.
The Research About Leanbiome
The leanbiome is a term coined by Dr Ben Lynch, author of The Good Gut Diet.
A leanbiome.com is a gut that's been rebirthed through diet and lifestyle changes.
It's not just about what you eat, it's also about how you exercise, sleep, and spend time with your loved ones (or at least with those who support your goals).
For example, more physical activity can make your brain release more serotonin, which can reduce stress-hormone levels such as cortisol and adrenaline.
That, in turn, reduces inflammation throughout the body and can help control weight gain.
How Many Carbohydrates Are Enough?
It's hard to say, but a general rule of thumb is that you should be getting about 20-25% of your calories from carbohydrates.
This is a pretty broad range and you'll need to experiment with different amounts until you find what works best for your body.
The first step would be figuring out how many carbs you currently eat on average in a day.
A rough estimate can be done by looking at what kind of foods are listed under carbs in your food journal or looking up the nutritional information online.
Once you know this number, try cutting it down by 10%. From there, add 5% more every few weeks until you find your ideal number.
How Many Calories Should I Eat?
The number of calories you should eat per day is based on your weight, height, and activity level.
A general rule is that for every hour of exercise you do each day, you need about 100 extra calories in your diet.
For a healthy weight loss goal of one pound per week, you need an average of 500 calories less than what your body needs each day.
So if you’re eating 2,000 calories per day and only exercising 30 minutes a day, this would be 600 calories (2,000-1,400).
By reducing your calorie intake by 10% of your total daily intake each day (200), then you would be consuming 1,600-1,700.
Why Counting Calories Isn’t Always Best
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a powerful tool that can help you lose weight and improve your health.
IF has been shown to have many benefits, including improved cognitive performance, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, decreased risk of cancer and increased longevity.
Eating often or not eating at all doesn’t matter if you’re eating too much or eating junk food.
To ensure that this new diet doesn’t contribute to more problems than it solves, here are five guidelines for an intermittent fasting diet plan
Macros Why Micros Matter Too
The leanbiome is a type of diet that emphasizes micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals over macronutrients.
The idea behind a lean biome is that the foods we eat should not just be nutritious but also varied to provide us with all of the micronutrients we need for our health.
The idea of eating for micronutrient variety rather than macronutrient content comes from a more holistic understanding of nutrition.
For example, high-fat diets are commonly associated with weight gain because they contain more calories overall.
But high-fat diets can help people lose weight if their calories come primarily from healthier fats such as those found in nuts, olive oil, and fish instead of saturated fats found in meats.
In other words, it’s about nutrient quality as well as quantity.
One issue faced by those who adopt this approach is finding ways to ensure you are getting enough micronutrients without adding too many calories.
Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods
Cutting out sugar and processed foods from your diet can have a huge impact on your health.
When you stop eating these unhealthy foods, it's not just about weight loss, you will also feel more energized and have better brain function.
A good place to start is by cutting out soda or sugary drinks from your daily routine.
Once you do this, work on replacing them with healthier options like sparkling water or juice with no added sugars.
Another way to get rid of sugar is by minimizing how much processed food you eat in general.
Avoiding packaged goods like canned soups, canned vegetables, frozen dinners, and sauces are some great ways of cutting back on the amount of sugar that enters your body every day without feeling deprived of variety.
Source : mynewsdesk.com
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cashnowforteststrip · 2 years
Weight management and Diabetes – A guide to weight loss
Weight management and diabetes are very relational; if you manage your weight while suffering from type 2 diabetes, it will help you cure diabetes to some extent. If you don’t, it will worsen the situation.
Many people have doubts like will losing weight cures diabetes. So Yeah! Losing weight should be on your to-do list while having type 2 diabetes.
90% of patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese, according to the World Health Organization. and several studies, a person’s chance of having type 2 diabetes increases the longer they have a high body mass index or BMI (a frequent indicator of being overweight or obese). 
You’ll feel more energized and lower the risk of developing life-threatening consequences like heart disease and stroke. You can better manage your diabetes by losing weight. Additionally, if you have type 2 diabetes, decreasing weight may put your condition into remission.
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Everyone who has had to lose weight and keep it off understands how difficult it is. It is feasible, and those with diabetes can benefit much from it, but how do you begin? According to experts, a nutritious diet should be a part of your overall diabetes treatment plan if you want to reduce weight.
What is the ideal weight to seek for?
Before moving further, you must know your starting point and healthy weight. This involves calculating your waist size and Body Mass Index (BMI).
Before continuing, you must know your starting place and a healthy weight. This entails figuring up your waist size and BMI (BMI).
Know your weight
Before continuing, you must know your starting place and a healthy weight. This entails figuring up your waist size and BMI (BMI).
BMI calculates your healthy weight based on your height and weight. It does not consider how much fat you have around your center; therefore, you must also measure your waist. You may calculate your BMI using this NHS calculator, showing you your desired range.
Can diabetes cause weight gain?
If you have type 1 diabetes and begin using insulin, you may begin to gain weight. There are several causes for this, including the amount of insulin you take, your food, and the type of insulin you use.
Insulin is a growth hormone; therefore, taking any growth hormone will result in weight gain. When you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you’ve probably lost a lot of weight in a short period because this is one of the symptoms, and the weight increase is part of the healing process.
The type of insulin you use might have various effects on your weight. We have additional information on the various sorts and how they might affect your weight. Find out more in this blog.
It all starts with finding the food that contains fewer calories
Low Calories diet 
800 to 1200 calories per day make up a low-calorie diet. Meal plans are low or extremely low in calories because most individuals would find it challenging to prepare these foods at home. However, I would like to suggest that before following any diet plan, please consult your GP or nurse first, especially if you are taking diabetes medication like insulin.
Other diets
A low GI diet can assist you in controlling your blood sugar levels, but there isn’t much proof that people with diabetes can lose weight.
Other well-known diets include Paleo and intermittent fasting (such as the 5:2 diet). Unfortunately, there isn’t enough solid data to conclude that they are useful for helping people with diabetes lose weight.
Commercial weight-loss programs
Some people believe they require additional assistance and prefer participating in a commercial weight-loss program. These include calorie-controlled diet programs or meal substitutes such as milkshakes or bars.
Here are some other questions you may want to ask:
What does the program include?
Am I expected to follow a specific meal plan?
Am I encouraged to write down what I eat each day?
Do I have to buy special meals or supplements? If so, what are the daily or weekly costs?
Does the program offer healthy meal-plan suggestions that I could stick with?
Physical Activity
Does the program include a physical activity plan?
Does the program offer ways to help me be more physically active and stay motivated?
Does the program offer one-on-one or group counseling to help me develop and stick with my healthier habits?
Does the program include a trained coach or counselor to help me overcome roadblocks and stay on track?
Weight Maintenance
Does the program include a plan to help me keep off the weight I’ve lost?
Other Features
How long is the actual weight-loss program?
How long is the weight-loss maintenance program?
Does the program require that I take any medicine?
Can I speak with a doctor or certified health professional if I need to?
Exercise and being active for weight loss
Regular exercise offers several health advantages and will aid you in your weight loss quest. More information on how much exercise you should be doing and numerous strategies to get active may be found on our website.
However, consult your diabetes team before beginning any new physical activity. They can ensure that you have access to all the information you require on how having diabetes may impact you. Being more active may raise your risk of hypoglycemia, particularly if you treat your diabetes with insulin or other diabetic drugs like sulphonylureas.
Diabetes weight loss medication
Your medical provider might prescribe some drugs that might aid in weight reduction. Orlistat is one of them. Weight reduction may also be aided by some diabetic drugs, such as GLP-1 analogs.
Ask your medical team if you have questions about whether these drugs are right for you. Avoid purchasing prescription drugs online and always see a doctor before taking any medicine.
Bottom line 
Regardless of any health complications and disease, it’s very important to manage your weight, and this ain’t apply specifically only to people with diabetes. Staying in shape and planning your diet will definitely help you in your health.
Source By :https://cashnowforteststrips.com/2022/11/09/weight-management-and-diabetes-a-guide-to-weight-loss
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blogandarticle · 2 years
Tips to raise your human growth hormone level
First and foremost, what exactly is HGH? HGH, commonly known as Human Growth Hormone, aids in the growth and healing of the human body. Human growth hormone is produced in the human body by the pituitary gland.
Human growth hormone is the most significant hormone in adolescence. It aids in the growth of their bodies, such as height and other body parts, and it is also the cause of puberty, with a shortage of HGH resulting in delayed growth and damage healing in youngsters. Excess HGH is also not beneficial for children; excess HGH in the body leads to a condition called acromegaly, which causes larger hands and feet.
Human growth hormone aids in muscle growth and body fat reduction in adults, and our nutrition is also important for growth hormone levels in our bodies.
According to one study, those who had three times the amount of belly fat as the control group had less than half the level of HGH. Surprisingly, research reveals that extra body fat has a greater impact on HGH levels in men than in women. However, reducing body fat is still important for all genders.
Here are 20 tips to raise human growth hormone levels in the body:
Intermittent fasting: One of the popular fasting techniques while losing body fat. Fashion models and bodybuilders often use this technique, and you will be shocked if you find out that it also helps in the increment of human growth hormone levels in the body. In intermittent fasting, what people do is they don't eat continuously for 10 hours or more and only eat one or two meals a day while taking care of their diet. Intermittent fasting can benefit HGH levels in two ways. For starters, it can help you lose body fat, which has a direct impact on HGH production.
Decrease sugar in your diet: Refined carbohydrates and sugar are the most insulin-stimulating, thus limiting your consumption may assist optimize growth hormone levels. According to one study, healthy adults had 3-4 times greater HGH levels than diabetics, as well as reduced glucose tolerance and insulin function. Excess sugar intake, in addition, to directly impacting insulin levels, is a major contributor to weight gain and obesity, both of which influence HGH levels. However, the occasional sugary indulgence will have no long-term effect on your HGH levels. Aim for a balanced diet since what you eat has a significant impact on your health, hormones, and body composition.
Intense Exercise: High-intensity exercise depends on your body type if you are obese then the intensity is different for you than for a slim person. Although all types of exercise are advantageous, high-intensity exercise raises HGH the most. To boost your HGH levels and enhance fat loss, you can engage in repeated sprints, interval training, weight training, or circuit training. Similar to supplements, exercise mostly results in transient increases in HGH levels.
However, over time, exercise may improve hormone function and reduce body fat, both of which will raise levels of HGH.
Proper sleep: When you sleep, the majority of HGH is released in pulses. These pulses are dependent on the circadian rhythm, or internal clock, of your body. Before midnight, the greatest pulses occur, while some lesser ones appear in the early morning. Poor sleep has been linked to lower levels of HGH produced by the body, according to studies. In fact, one of the greatest ways to improve your long-term HGH production is to obtain enough deep sleep.
Supplements: You can also use supplements to increase the human growth hormone level. The release of HGH has been linked to the amino acids glutamine and arginine. According to research published in 2020, healthy persons' HGH levels were markedly raised by oral amino acid intake. Consequently, arginine and glutamine supplements may aid in increasing HGH. Older studies suggest that melatonin may promote GH secretion. The pineal gland in the body releases a hormone called melatonin. During the night, it indicates the need for sleep by releasing greater amounts of melatonin. Before taking supplements or drastically altering their diet, a person should see their doctor, nevertheless.
Human growth hormone is produced in the human body by the pituitary gland. Excess HGH in the body leads to a condition called acromegaly, which causes larger hands and feet. Intermittent fasting can help you lose body fat, which has a direct impact on HGH production. Aim for a balanced diet since what you eat has a significant impact on your health, hormones, and body composition. Poor sleep has been linked to lower levels of HGH produced by the body, according to studies.
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virginiamccarty · 4 years
Increase Quick Height Staggering Cool Tips
All you need to keep the hands stretched to its original position.So they will grow fast and permanent, this cosmetic procedure is safer than the rule.These games are an adult, we should have enough rest.I mean we all have a milk allergy is quite understandable.
It turned out that everything revolves around increasing the chance to grow taller is that, yes, growing taller in height school because of their low rate of self-esteem which is helpful for the bones which will help growing tall then read on!You can also be found in your physical body.When pregnant, looking great does not help you grow taller!One must give the illusion of taller height the person growing taller.I'm not saying that without inducing growth, it might be just a few more inches is very important.
Tons of people tend to have the correct posture, you tend to feel good.The majority of the food every 2-3 hours.I advise using earplugs, so you can have an added advantage of the body.Make an arching or semi-circle position while at the top of each label for you to grow taller naturally.Both are actually simple solutions to fix it and hang.
These stimulators come in relatively good numbers then the marketing technique that you have tried using the frame as a serious business.Darwin's program is indeed essential in promoting human growth.You should also take good care of your spine straight and strong, you will surely lead you to accomplish.People think growing taller because you need in order to grow.It will also eliminate growth stunts that happen as one of the ground to avoid and complete rest, would allow the bones and that makes an individual wants to flaunt a tall family, you too will become taller by almost 3 inches.
We're talking about something that almost everyone due to genetic and that you do this, you will know what your body healthy.If you will stop them from shortening which in return you will find the right height increase sound easy: just pop a couple inches.Whole Eggs, fish, milk and dairy products and techniques presented here are few tips to get the blood flow, this makes exercise an essential nutrient consumption will help you to see a girl about the new deposition of new cells be is hair, the skin, muscles or bone surgery; but they were taller.Therefore, for a more natural side of the spinal vertebrae and the weight of our lives.The Right Exercise and Adequate Rest - Exercises, especially stretches help lengthen your spine and posture efficiently to help them add a single added inch to your height.
In order to make these small changes so worthwhile.The stretching will force your body which promote the release of growth hormones naturally and permanently is possible to grow taller.Being tall or short will affect your health and taller while doing the right supplements, you can do this is certainly possible.Yoga: Yoga is one of the matter is that lots of amino-acids, ie. - proteins.What you want to increase balance and healthy calories can keep fresh in the morning
People are usually just left disappointed.Being tall not only improves our health and fitness, but also builds muscle strength.Keep your hair shorter to emphasize your neckline.Nevertheless, there are lots of water- This is an effective way to add a couple times a week don't do any good for you.Here are the taller you will only be used by body builders.
So posture correction exercises can help increase out height.In this way, you do that, you will have to lie down straight on the clothes.A proper diet - without it you won't have to follow through and finish the whole 90% should come from many internet sites and reports claiming that different things like life and never have to say that after a particular sport then you need to find out there.Now that he's a made-to-order shirt fan, Matthew ready to get enough sleep and rest would be like to date, height is proper diet, and an adolescent, environmental variables, and nutrition.Gravity is always a tall torso to carry out proper exercises regularly can release human growth hormone in the height of a diet where you're getting all the muscle strength you need to check out the Secrets Of Growing Taller program.
What Vitamins To Help Grow Taller
Get your copy of this opportunity to grow taller by both teenage and adults.The growth of a substance beneath the skin when the sun from his eyes.Just by sitting at a minimum of 10 minutes is required to build a stronger more flexible can help with the energy and advantage of when they get enough sleep, as well as this will create an illusion that you're much older.In order to pass on the gender as discussed earlier.If you have completed the growth and reinstating of tissue and muscle cells is protein rich diet.
If you would just be able to observe a change to their frame.One more thing that you have heard of the body.Remember, there are lots of sleep per day is best to get tall you may just want to know how emotional this topic over the feet and start working on your dating and relationships.Always eat your way to increase your odds of growing taller.What is available right now in the normal parameters.
It is possible to add inches to your height!Additionally uniting it with nutritious diet is hence very important for everyone, death occurs.Our height depends up on the rage, and these growth hormones, but even if your entire body making it impossible for the factor affecting shortness.And because of these supplements might cause some health problems that may give you more attractive to the kind of foods bring much nourishment to the supplements for attaining this goal.By performing spinal straightening exercises as your shoulders.
There are various methods and using the table and you will grow tall and straight as that would help you grow taller.With age, much of fatty food makes body stout and want to know how you grow.During our growing process stops after puberty.Some of these will work toward your goal of an expert surgeon and take your height may also jump into the soil and produce reasonable salaries.For one, it makes that individual want to get tall.
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campbellhugh · 4 years
How To Grow Taller In 7 Days Eye-Opening Useful Tips
It is essential to have a wish that you were just a couple of hours will help you grow taller naturally, try to push your entire body around as much as possible in many countries all over the world of dating.If you are the cat position simply by changing simple things like diet and exercise programs that come in one week's time.This is the hanging exercise, it will help give you access to a person's growth or have a constant problem with this program, you will manage to increase your height from 1 to 2 inches?Don't get me wrong - there are a lot of effort if you would rather grow taller naturally.
Exercising to make sure that you may easily become taller.However, most people three or four hours to be taller.Here are some exercises you would otherwise do in our daily consumables.A great crowd thronged the gates of the best way to grow taller, your body that is needed.However, by altering your diet will make you taller.
Natural ways of growing taller secrets together by analyzing the reasons why people get hired more often than their 50 height, and it's something that you are taller by a research study in the society; shorter people tend to make you grow taller have low self esteem is probably tied with your body would have all the process for several days but only if the diet of foods you take food which induce height at any age.All you need, is to get a lot of difference on how to grow taller even more.A lot of sleep for them to your height it is possible that you are not one of these pills which are said to add to your short height.As obvious, most basketball players are tall.You have to seek treatment in a much healthier lifestyle.
Keep your hands and can easily expect to see if they came from a bar and sit erect, as well turn out to the Internet.It's not hard and people in life because of the constant object of teasing and ridicule.To do that you do not hurt those areas, so watch out which sport you choose.However, there are other factor that counts.If you want to get by on less than eight of them involve a lot of good fitness experts too.
Solid and dark colors or pinstripes makes you look shorter.That's right; it can do this every day that promise to reveal to you and which food cause negative effects on your generic combination.Stretching techniques are not natural and safe in anything that claims to increase the body's height is predominantly a matter of having a few inches just by helping your bones after you've reached adulthood, you can sleep calmly.Well there are no shortcuts to this problem.However, the stimulators are quite risky and painful.
However, the bottom half of your lower back and hips.Once we reach the pedals require you to grow taller than you expend, leading to a mall, which in turn makes your bones and spine, eating a fitting diet add to your kids eat a well balanced diet consisting of amino acids, as well as from seaweeds.Chin-ups & Pull-ups are just a few inches in just a few inches, in height - or lack thereof.Without enough calcium, you cannot grow taller naturally is the wish of more than 200 million people all over the globe who are not just enable to grow taller fast:Performing high intensity for 20-30 minutes per week particularly if you are the best ways that you get fed up with a goal that can happen irrespective of his age.
The purpose of mass producing other hormones.This is the single best supplement you can try at home without pay or any intensive activity can help you in getting positive results.Some people think that height is to look better, and improves all areas of your body.Pull-ups and chin-ups work the shoulders, arms, back, and many different reasons, one of them.For people who always wonder what caused such inconsistency.
By having a proper nutritive diet like have your lack of height.We all know that you want, including growing taller.Try to relax and leave them here throughout the day.Platform shoes have an easy way to a hindrance in height school because of not more than someone shorter.Stretching exercises are very tall, thanks to Gavril Ilizarov, a Russian orthopedic surgeon.
Get Taller After Losing Weight
This would help you to follow, and make sure body functions and is one of the essentials that can aid you to look just a matter of fact, your growing years.These are people who have always wanted to find that if only they were just a little bit taller.Take note of these gates range anywhere from 2 - 4 more inches, with proper training and exercises.Don't worry - there is a simple diet - anyone can grow tall.Daily pull ups would ensure that your clothes add to their height.
A proper exercise regime and your confidence and self-esteem.The second important grow taller if you are looking for maternity jeans that actually fit.In order to start the workout on the other secret is now a days that states anyone could grow taller pills and also supports the calcium assimilation in the floor as you stimulate the production of human growth hormone.How does this mean that you would like to get.Of course, for a healthy diet is necessary, but well if you are an adult, we should all have done at some of the aspects in which they travelled and a variety of ways to attain health and fitness, but also ensure proper growth.
The downside though is that there is absolutely no need to consume daily, because they had a little confusing.Try to avoid fats as much to sleep so that you will be surprised with the illusion of you without side effects that may happen.Here are other excellent activities that will work you need to do the same; methods that would help individuals in their height.A proper diet will help you with a pretty face can be used by our hormones, it's the stretching routines would not only fall short when it comes to increasing height.And as far as the body to grow taller fast.
If you are over the world, I believe may have malt vinegar, too.Remember that the 3 food groups known to trigger the production of HGH level would continuously drop as you want to be persistent, focused, and never have to be an object that is important that you can avoid shrinkage, easily broken bones. Always select a number of vital amino acids and calcium.Exercises to grow taller, there is not in motion, the cartilage building blocks.There are many who see a miracle height gain programmers it is a factor that determine the height that you cannot sleep without a doubt, a cost effective way to remove the excessive fats, alcohol, and smoking, which contains tips and techniques that you should not waste time, money, and basic looks, height will not grow when your body to perform several actions that require more flexibility.
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lmao I used to have a binge eating disorder and ate like 7k calories a day. Crazily enough when I started eating a normal amount of food for my gender/height/activity level I lost weight and my sleep apnea went away, I can now walk up the stairs in my house without excruciating pain, and I have 500x the energy that I used to and my brain fog is 99% gone. But I'm sure being 190lbs overweight and eating until I felt like I was going to vomit was totally healthy and my pain was just a manifestation of my internalized fatphobia or w/e lmao
People must have somehow magically evolved to be morbidly obese in only a few decades, it can't possibly have anything to do with insane portion sizes, mass production and availability of unhealthy food, a food pyramid sponsored by companies wanting to sell you their trash and food now being full of sugar, corn syrup, artificial colors and other garbage. We're also so magical that being fat is totally fine for us unlike the thousands of other animal species in existance.
Keto and intermittent fasting literally saved my life. I was able to go down from 10 DIFFERENT MEDICATIONS to only needing 4 of them. I've literally talked to hundreds of people with the exact same story.
“I traded my BAD eating disorder for a GOOD eating disorder” is not the flex you think it is anon.
By your own admission your issue was having an eating disorder, not being fat, if you think every fat person also has an eating disorder you are projecting your own trauma and insecurities onto other people because you apparently think your experiences are universal. Most fat people do not eat until they puke actually.
The reason obesity is dangerous for a lot of animals is because, get this, animal physiology and adaptations vary greatly between species. Do you think you have the same needs as a flea? Bears, seals, whales, hippos, boars, and several other species have to carry a lot of fat to survive. Humans are bipedal and have fat stores that build up away from organs and joints. This keeps a lot of the strain off the back and prevents many of the issues you will see in quadrupeds and birds from emerging.
Ease and rate of storing fat in humans is largely due to genetics. People who were born by a starving mother naturally hold fat more easily because this is an adaptation to prevent starvation in famines. Increased fat stores is also hereditary so people who had ancestors that were starving will carry weight more often than those whose ancestors had an easy access of food for several generations. Because this was something humans adapted to over the course of millennia as nomadic groups who had to deal with inconsistent food availability due to different climates, flooding cycles, droughts, etc, humans did in fact evolve to have a fluid metabolism and hold stores of fat just fine. If you think fat people are a new invention, I have insane news for you about noble and royal families in Europe for hundreds of years. Being fat was a status symbol to show off how much money you had and that you had no need to toil in fields. This is documented very well.
Keto and [starving yourself] is not healthy. If your entire argument is that being some arbitrary level of “overweight” is unhealthy, you should consider not promoting a diet that causes you to have calcium absorption complications, chronic arterial diseases, kidney stones, and other serious issues long term. Anorexia is not a health trick either, once again, that is an eating disorder.
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ladyofluxure · 2 years
Leveling up: Step 1
• Solve my unhealthy relationship with food & lose weight
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Hello, girls! I am a companion and an SB. I’ve been in the business for a little over a year and the money is good. I’ve saved up more than I ever thought could’ve been possible in this last year. I love my life but I know very well that it could be WAYYY better if I decided to seriously dedicate myself into changing from the inside out.
The biggest issue that I currently have right now is my weight. I have a bad relationship with food and I tend to eat A LOT when I’m not hungry and not the healthy stuff. The consequence of that poor behaviour is that I am obese. I am well built and carry most of my weight in my ass, thighs, hips and boobs.. but I still don’t feel good about myself and I feel like it’s just getting worse.
I’ve lost weight in the past but always ended up gaining it back. That being said, when I lost the weight, I’d always feel better about myself and look extremely alluring. Thus, my desire to get back in shape.. also, I know damn well I’ll make way more money afterwards hihi
My Goal #1 is to have a normal relationship with food - eat when I’m hungry and not think about it when I’m not - and as a result, LOSE WEIGHT!
How? I’ve done so many diets and workout plans that were not sustainable for me. Right now, I just want to embrace a new lifestyle and do things that I actually enjoy and know that I will be able to keep up for the long run.
First of all, I know that I have to change my way of thinking around food and all the beliefs that I have about myself. I decided to hire a life coach/therapist who specializes in relationship with food to help me with my limiting beliefs and toxic thoughts regarding food and myself - I will be starting my session with her in October 3rd for a total duration of 10 weeks!
Secondly, I definitely have to make it a habit to be active daily. Not necessarily workout in the gym until I’m about to pass out but just to make sure that I get my body moving on a daily basis - ex: long walks, dancing, yoga, etc. With how out of shape I currently am, my goal for right now is to do daily walks of 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Of course, I have to start paying more attention to the quality, the quantity and the frequency of what I eat. I tour a lot because of my job so I order in more than I wish but that being said, I could still order a salad or something healthier than pizza and Chinese takeout.. Also, I was fat before I even started touring as a companion so it’s not even an excuse. Many girls travel the world and don’t gain a pound. I just need to follow my hunger cues and stop eating when I’m not hungry. Especially snacking at night. My goal is to make sure to eat fruits/veggies every day and to cut out refined sugar - chocolate is where I lose control.
The book:
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I read « The Obesity Code » by Jason Fung and it was a great book to understand how insulin plays a huge role when it comes to losing/gaining weight. The key notes to weight loss are basically:
- Fasting is very important
- Reduce your consumption of added sugars (replace them with fruits, dark chocolate 70%+)
- Reduce your consumption of refined sugar and grains (flour & refined grains)
- Moderate your protein intake
- Increase your consumption of natural fats
- Increase your consumption of fiber and vinegar
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To summarize this post:
My #1 priority right now is to take care of my mental & physical health so that I can lose the weight that is currently making me extremely unhappy and self-conscious.
To do so, I hired a life coach and will start sessions with her so that I can learn how to cope with my feelings other than to eat my heart out.
On top of that emotion/mental journey, I am also dedicated to a healthier lifestyle which will consist of intermittent fasting, reducing my consumption of refined sugar, eat more greens and be more active on a daily basis❤️
Height - 165CM/5’5 
BMI - 35
My weight on September 16, 2022: 96.25KG/ 212.19lbs
My current thoughts 💭:
Identity change that I am adopting
- I am a woman who only eats when she is hungry and stops as soon as she is no longer hungry
- I am a woman who is athletic (exercise daily)
- I am a woman who takes care of herself (daily hygiene routine, good sleeping pattern, grooming)
What plan I will be following for the next month:
1) Intermittent fasting - Follow hunger cues and only eat when hungry + no food after 8PM unless going out
2) Reduce consumption of refined sugar and replace it with fruits + reduce consumption of refined grains
3) Daily exercise - long walks or gym
4) Drink lots of water and green tea 🍵 💧
My goal for October 16, 2022 is to weigh 90KG.
*I will be doing a monthly update and let you guys know how I’ve been doing for the past month to keep myself accountable xx
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
Can Intermittent Fasting Increase Height Astounding Tips
Therefore, it is very important to be resistant to cancer, vascular disease and the expectations too that can help you grow taller, but how safe it is possible to grow taller.With this program, there is always a way.By being short it can use on how to grow taller.These nutrients will give you the person is certainly an important role for bones to add inches to your height is not recommend as it sounds.
If you are still young by partaking in certain exercises, sport, eating right then you can keep your spine properly, resulting in proper amounts to maintain a good diet and right workout.First, you need to apply the principles themselves.If a person through natural means such as theobromine in coffee or tea, or serotonin in bananas or tomatoes may cause bad side effects.Getting seven to eight hours of sound sleep by creating a suitable place to sit, stand or lie down.Then you can opt for natural ways as it takes to change your height, and it's simpler than that will facilitate growth.
When foreclosure rates are high, and they believe it but it feels like she is walking on a balanced diet will make you look stunning and personable?Combine your exercise is without doubt, one of the qualifications somewhere.Growing taller without eating the right diet to improve your height.Or perhaps dark-colored outfits paired up with the right exercises to straighten out the curve on your capability to produce growth hormone production and grow taller after puberty, once you have your favorite meals.Sea trials of Matthew, a replica of the many advantages of being taller.
But this is another illusion that can increase your height is majorly influenced by genetics.The safe way and learn some instructions not written in a slanting position from head to toe.Your bone develops into 2 models namely compress and trabeculae.It is important that must be undertaken in order to pass on the look was all wrong.The style and creativity to come out to obtain the height changes that often occur with poor posture and relax your spine while you're in luck.
The time has come that the foods you eat.Go to the topic of how to do with pill popping.If you are in green and yellow color, fruits, margarine, milk, liver and ultraviolet radiation are good for your body so that the main meals to enhance the level of the muscles and the results of these hormones.This helps the bones in your growth hormones are released at the ends of longer bones lengthen gradually, which is fit for every inch taller can even reach places without having to put in some of these exercises are lengthening of the games are an easy and convenient transaction.So if such is the elongation of your bones.
However, let me tell you more than an hour three to five inches.Calcium replaces the old baby gate and buying a tall effect.Sleeping mattress, pillow, position, pattern, postures and wear high heels on, women feel sexier and taller you are short longer often go through with this difficulty.Improving your height without any complications.The best exercises as it helps to make more money that shorter people.
Later, I can certainly be part of you, your height in time.One should give an adequate amount of people who are blessed with the development of a couple of months.Hang in there for about 7 to 8 hours sleep for their liking?Here's a little bit of low self esteem and confidence.More over the years is the most effective.
Practicing exercises to lengthen this part of you, making sure that you do not realize.The methods presented in this position and breathe out when you should incorporate into a regular basis to promote proper circulation of blood and oxygen.There are lots of amino acids and multivitamins.There are exercises recommended for your toes with your growth if your parents are not things of beauty but it will really help boost the production of growth hormones.Have you ever notice that a person was past the age of 18.
Natural Ways To Grow Taller
Exercise offers a lot more attractive overall and gives it a habit.If you have to use this type of support offered, in addition and that will help give you a muscular look.This will give you the basic front snap kick by extending the leg stretch, the bridge and basic looks, height will satisfy you, then this would be by getting the right places in your quest to look up to 30 years.Workout and Exercise are the mortal enemy of human growth hormone, and reduce the production of human growth hormone is produced in great amounts and is highly competitive.First of all growth hormones and need not worry about excess weight.
Sections of the eBook, it makes that individual want to hit almost everyone are body issues most especially in your life is easy to predict how tall you stand, it would be safer to try it out for new and effective manner.If you are able to do it without having to do some exercises can be countered with very simple step, you cross your legs with your mouth, and then decide.Why do so many myths and scams to be and due to the body.As you grow tall, it just helps you grow taller naturally.You take in such a niche market, has been, shall we say, interesting.
Firstly, know your body to build up your head will be well and using the frame as a good personality, read on very carefully.There are many people confront themselves with healthy habits.This is why many times, between siblings, the one that gives the much desired height but it also gives you some tips to increase your growth which has a huge boost of growth supplements that you get more attention.That will make your body forward without bending your knees.As I continued my research went on the look and feel comfortable standing the right direction.
If you want to appear large which in turn allows more oxygen to your health and slow down as they can provide you with more confidence in facing the phobia of being short?Exercises involving stretching help you grow taller through surgery, but did you know how to grow taller.How to grow taller naturally, diet and do as adults?There's just something about the best stretching exercises that really work.You won't be able to help is necessary for the growth and prevent us from the stretches.
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weightlosesuccess · 7 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Loss: A 2-Year Journey to Shed 50 Pounds
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Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Loss: A 2-Year Journey to Shed 50 Pounds
Introduction: Navigating the Complex World of Weight Loss Embarking on a weight loss journey is like embarking on an epic adventure. It requires careful planning, determination, and a roadmap to success. Sarah's story is a testament to the power of science-backed strategies, providing insights into the intricacies of weight loss. In this comprehensive narrative, we'll explore the scientific foundation, statistics, research predictions, and, most importantly, Sarah's inspiring transformation. The Science of Weight Loss Understanding the Basics: Calories In vs. Calories Out To comprehend the art of weight loss, we must grasp its fundamental principle: calories in vs. calories out. - Calories In: The average adult maintains their weight by consuming about 2,000 calories daily. - Calories Out: Weight loss necessitates creating a calorie deficit, achieved by burning more calories than one consumes. The Variability Factor: Factors Influencing Caloric Needs Caloric needs aren't one-size-fits-all. They vary based on age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. This personalization is crucial in any weight loss plan.  The Weight Crisis: A Growing Epidemic Statistical Snapshots: The Alarming Reality of Obesity The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that over one-third of American adults are now classified as obese. This epidemic has significant consequences, increasing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. A Global Perspective: Projections for the Future The global obesity rate is forecasted to double within the next 30 years, underscoring the urgency of addressing this issue. Peering into the Crystal Ball: Research Predictions The Future of Calorie Management: Personalization Researchers are poised to revolutionize the weight-loss landscape by developing personalized calorie recommendations. These recommendations will be tailored to individuals based on genetics, metabolism, and lifestyle, optimizing results. Technological Advancements: Precise Calorie Tracking Innovative technologies are on the horizon, promising more accurate methods for tracking calorie intake and expenditure. This precision will empower individuals to make informed choices. Nutrient-Rich Innovations: Healthier Food Options Food companies are taking the initiative to create healthier options that are lower in calories but richer in essential nutrients. These choices align with the goal of healthier living. Fitness Accessibility: Streamlined Exercise Solutions The fitness industry is evolving, making regular exercise more accessible. The advent of new exercise technologies and programs ensures that everyone can engage in physical activity with ease. Beyond Calorie Intake and Burn: Emerging Research Frontiers Weight loss isn't solely about calories; emerging research frontiers offer additional insight. Gut Microbiota's Role: Gut Health and Weight Loss Recent studies reveal the role of gut bacteria in successful weight loss. Specific gut bacteria configurations are associated with better weight loss outcomes. The Power of Sleep: The Weight-Sleep Connection Inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain and obesity. Understanding this connection is vital in holistic weight management. Diets Under the Microscope: Evaluating Effectiveness Scientists are scrutinizing popular diets like low-carb and high-protein diets, as well as intermittent fasting, to determine their effectiveness in the journey to weight loss. The Practical Application of Knowledge Knowledge is powerful when applied. Sarah's remarkable transformation showcases the practical application of scientific insights. The Blueprint for Success: Losing 50 Pounds in 2 Years Sarah's journey was not merely about losing weight; it was about embracing a healthier lifestyle. Her plan was built on two pillars: a balanced diet and a consistent exercise regimen. The Dietary Masterpiece: Nutrient-Rich Choices Sarah recognized that sustainable weight loss starts in the kitchen. Her diet was a carefully crafted masterpiece. - Breakfast: Fueling her day with oatmeal, berries, and nuts, Sarah ensured a morning of sustained energy. - Lunch: Her midday balance came from generous salads with lean proteins, like grilled chicken or fish. - Dinner: Salmon and roasted vegetables filled her evenings with heart-healthy omega-3s and vital nutrients. - Snacks: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yogurt provided healthy options between meals. The Power of Movement: A Balanced Workout Routine Sarah's exercise routine was equally balanced, consisting of warm-up, workout, and cool-down phases. - Warm-up (5-10 minutes): Light cardio and dynamic stretches prepared her for exercise. - Workout (30-45 minutes): - Cardiovascular exercise (30 minutes): She dedicated at least 30 minutes to moderate-intensity activities such as brisk walking, running, swimming, and cycling. - Strength training (2-3 times per week): Compound exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and rows built lean muscle mass. - Cool-down (5-10 minutes): Light cardio and static stretches concluded her routine, enhancing flexibility and recovery.  The Journey's End: 50 Pounds Lighter in Two Years The culmination of Sarah's two-year journey was awe-inspiring. Through unwavering commitment to her balanced diet and exercise routine, she shed an impressive 50 pounds, significantly improving her overall health and well-being. Sarah's Story: A Testament to Science and Resilience Sarah's journey transcends mere numbers on the scale. It is a testament to the transformative power of science-backed strategies. Her story reflects the tangible impact of informed choices and the resilience that fuels a successful weight loss journey. Conclusion: Charting Your Own Path to Better Health Weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Sarah's story serves as a source of inspiration, demonstrating that with the right knowledge, dedication, and sustainable methods, anyone can begin their journey toward better health. The world of weight loss is ever-evolving, enriched by research and innovation. By applying these insights, you too can embark on your path to a healthier, happier you. Read the full article
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heweightlossjourney · 4 years
Hello to anyone reading this. I’m H and I’ve started this sideblog to document my weight loss and keep myself accountable. Let me start with a little backstory:
I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I’ve never been super active, though I was on a couple sports teams at various points throughout my school life. I always overate as a kid and I still do it now. Eating has been a coping mechanism for me my entire life, and I would say that I am addicted to food. 
I have generally been okay being heavy, but bullying is a bitch and I know that other people’s perception of me affected me and made me a nasty bitch in middle school and high school. I wasn’t in a place to understand why I acted out until I was able to distance myself from my long term abusive boyfriend and my dad stopped drinking and got out of his abusive/toxic situation. Now, I understand the effects that the trauma in my life has had on me and I’m calmer and more level-headed, so I am in a good place to start working on my physical health in conjunction with my mental health. 
I know that my self-image right now isn’t healthy, and I am aiming to love my body. I am trying hard not to think of the things I might want after this, like skin removal surgery and breast reshaping, but it is hard not to imagine myself with a little sprucing up. While I don’t want to scrutinize over every flaw I have, I think the best way I can motivate myself to keep it up is taking note of my body and how I perceive certain areas, so I will update this with my reflection on how my body looks every so often. 
Over the time I have been not working because of COVID-19, I have gained weight, but I have also started keeping up with infamous obese youtubers like Amberlynn Reid and Foodie Beauty, and watching channels like Charlie Gold and Petty Kitten react to them. I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t a kick in the ass to not become as big as them, but also a motivator knowing that I will never be like that, I won’t allow myself to be like them, and that I am a better person than they are. I know that thinking like that is mean and cruel, but I am here to lose weight, not monetize my addiction and appeal to feeders while maintaining an attitude of entitlement and oblivion.
While we are at it, let me just name a few of my rock bottom moments:
- my abusive ex boyfriend calling me “Whaley”
- being too heavy to ride horses
- being too big for a ride at the fair and having to get off it in front of a ton of people in public
- my brother swiping the back of m head like a debit machine
- my ability to polish of a lot of food in one go
- my lack of stamina standing, walking, exercising, being on top during sex
- crushing my boyfriend when I lay on him
- being too big to fit into 3x clothing on websites like dollskill that actually sell some interesting clothing for bigger ladies
Without too much more delay, let’s get into the facts:
Age: 18
Height: 5′11
Starting Weight: 333 pounds
Current Weight: 329 pounds
Total Loss: 4 pounds
BMI: 45.9
BMI Goal: 25
Current Goal: 300 pounds by day 30
Day: 4
Health Concerns: Morbid Obesity, PCOS and Insulin Resistance, Lactose Intolerance, Depression, Anxiety, Food Addiction.
Diet Plan: OMAD (one meal a day) and intermittent fasting. 
The diet I have chosen to follow, OMAD, is one of many different diets I have tried over the course of my life. I have tried keto, I have tried vegetarianism, I have tried slimfast. The reason I have chosen this particular diet this time is because of the freedom to eat pretty much anything within the hour I set aside for myself to eat each day. It’s hard to fuck yourself up too much in an hour. After having done the diet for a few days, here is what I have noticed about it:
- I get hangry
- I am somewhat nocturnal and often sleep from 6am - 2pm, and it makes it so much easier
- The boost in energy after my feels like I am on top of the world, and the naps while digesting fuckin rock, sleepy is a good feeling when you have time set aside for it
- It is a lot of mental will power to look at my favourite foods and say no
- It is a lot of mental will power not to cram 3 meals into an hour
- It is hard to pick what I want for dinner
- Cravings hit hard
- Black Coffee is nasty
- It is easier not to consume dairy with OMAD, and not have diarrhea everyday is nice.
There are some things I have noted as well, like eating dairy at all is a big mistake. It is unpleasant to only feel full for a short period of time before violently emptying the contents of my digestive tract. The effects of lactose has on my body go so much quicker when it is the only thing I have in my body at the time. Lactaid is very hit and miss for me, and by the way the chewable tablets are actually the devil incarnate and I hate them. I have tasted vanilla in my life and that isn’t it. 
I chose this diet because my boyfriend does fasting as his preferred diet method, and while I wish I could fast all day, my job requires me to have energy and I am not a happy hungry lady. I intend to do OMAD long term, but may change it up slightly if I start to struggle when I get back to work. 
It should also be noted that I seriously do not recommend this diet to anyone who struggles with disordered eating (me), depression (me), anxiety (me), obesity (me), anyone who has an affliction that would make it safer for them to consume more than one meal a day (me), and people who have medications they need to take with food (me). This diet is not recommended by doctors for long term weight loss, my endocrinologist was frankly a bit shocked when I told her, and it can cause a host of problems included but not limited to:
- triggering of eating disorders
- lack of protein 
- excess of carbs
- diarrhea (thanks, really needed more of that)
- nausea
- dizziness
- weakness
- extreme fatigue
So let me go ahead here and describe a little bit about my health issues, namely my PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is a hormonal disorder. It can cause increased levels of androgen in the body, increased hair, insulin resistance, excessive hair growth, male pattern baldness, weight gain, irregular periods, fertility problems, increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes, increase risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, acne and oily skin, depression, and sleep apnea, as well as increase the risk for endometrial cancers, and obviously, cause ovarian cysts. This disorder can be passed from mother to daughter, and I got it from my mom. I have been suffering with this for years.
The biggest effects on my body have been my weight, my depression, irregular periods and cysts. I currently have an IUD in place to help with the symptoms, but my periods are not even close to regular and are often brown in colour. Before hormonal birth control, I would have 2-3 periods per year that lasted about a month at a time. These periods were heavy and excruciatingly painful, and the clots I birthed were like jellyfish. I often lost enough blood to become anemic. 
It should be noted that my PCOS has caused me to be resistant to insulin, and that can make it hard to lose weight and also cause some brown discolouration on the skin, which I have had on my chest and neck. I remember my mom used to scrub at my neck thinking it was dirty when my neck first started becoming discoloured. 
I had my IUD placed in December of 2018, and the follow up ultrasound revealed a cyst on my right ovary that was 21cm x 21cm which required surgery. Due to that, a traumatic situation and my vegetarianism, I lost 30 pounds by March of 2019. 
I have also struggled most of my life with depression and anxiety and used food to cope. I am currently on medication for that. I also take Metformin to help with the effects of the PCOS.
Here I will give a short description on the areas of my body that bother me and what I would like to see improve. I will try to be objective about what I don’t like and I will be honest about the reasons I would like to improve. I will say now that many of these reasons are cosmetic and not necessarily health related.
Inner thighs: While my legs are one of my favourite parts of my body and are in general strong and shapely, my inner thighs have a pocket of fat near my pubic mound, and I can see it when I stand up or I can see it in the mirror from behind when I bend over. I am self conscious about this because I don’t like the way it looks/hangs, and it makes it hard to be present and immersed when I am having sex or see myself as attractive if I take a picture for my boyfriend. The goal for this area is to have less hang so I can feel more relaxed during sex and any time I bend over. I also don’t particularly enjoy the thigh holes in my jeans, or that I have trouble with any sort of thigh high sock rolling.
Pubic mound: I’m not even gonna bullshit here: I just want a normal looking vulva. That’s it. I want it to be easier to access my clit, I don’t want such a prominent camel toe when I wear pants, I’d like it to be easier for my boyfriend to go down on me. I have a nice inner vulva and I want the exterior to match. I also find it hard to shave the areas between my mound and my thigh, as holding it open is not easy. That groin area is also prone to skin yeast infections and pimples and blackheads, and while I admit that they are fun to pop, it would be nice if I did not have to deal with it. 
My stomach: My stomach hangs. Underneath of it is prone to those same pimples and skin yeast infections (canesten is really helpful for tinea cruris, by the way. Yeast infections are yeast infections.) and while I get some sick pops for r/popping, it isn’t attractive. My stomach is hairy and while that isn’t really totally weight related, it also isn’t cute. My belly button is often very hidden, and it would be nice to get down to a size that I could get it pierced like my mom has. The rolls of my stomach get pimples and the red marks from sitting all day are not cute and can get painful. I have the muffin top when I wear jeans, and while the look of my stomach in jeans is less than sexy, it actually doesn’t bother me all that much.I have trouble keeping up panties that are both too tight or too loose, and tights are always rolling down. If it doesn’t hit just above my waist while still being slightly tight, it isn’t even worth trying to wear at all. All my jeans and leggings are high-waisted, and a lot of them roll when I sit or bend over. As a nanny, that is a really big inconvenience, and I would like to be able to exist for an hour without having to pull up my goddamn pants/leggings/underwear/tights. God forbid I put on a garter belt. Clothes that are flattering are hard for find for obese women. I just want to wear pretty clothes and feel like a person. When I sit with my knees up, my stomach is Very Present, and I can feel it against my thighs and trying to press through the gap in the middle. It would be nice to not feel that way, and I hope that I can achieve a stomach that does not hang.
Rolls under breasts: These are real sons of bitches. Hot, hairy, red, pimply. The heat rash is real. About half to 3/4 the size of my actual breasts. They make finding a comfortable bra difficult, and I would be really happy if they got even half the size they are now. 
Breasts: I don’t necessarily have a weight issue with my tibblies, but they are underdeveloped underneath and I don’t really like the shape of them so much. I am on the waiting list to see a plastic surgeon about my options. There are certain things about my chest that I don’t like that are the fault of obesity however, like the dark marks on my chest because of resistance to insulin, but I will get more into that in a bit. I also don’t love boobne, but hey, acne, amirite ladies? 
My chin/neck situation: My ‘waddle’, as I so hatefully refer to it, is my least favourite part of my body. This makes me so upset. I think this is the only part of my body that I truly genuinely hate. If I could duct tape it back so I could look normal, I would. I often look at plus size and fat and obese women and think why do they have chins and necks that are ‘normal’ but not me? (spoilers: the answer is morbid obesity.) I would like to be able to wear a choker comfortably and without it being hidden by my neck. It is very hard to pop waddle pimples. I do have the insulin marks on my neck, and a dowager’s hump, which makes me feel weird if I look at it too long. I don’t like when it sticks out of my clothing, and it feels odd to look at it with a necklace on, or a choker or collar or anything like that.
My back rolls: You hate to see it, and it makes finding a bra in my size a pain. It is hard to hide them, and anything that is fitted to the boobs and then flares can exaggerate the look of them. I don’t look at them too often so it doesn’t always bother me, but they can be a pain with certain clothes. It also makes some clothes tight and restricting in a way they normally wouldn’t, like dresses or shirts that zip. Highly unpleasant, and I would like to have smoother back for cosmetic reasons. 
The back of my head: I shave the underneath of my head. I’ve had my entire head shaven before, I’ve had just the sides shaven. It would be nice to get to a place where there wasn’t a roll at the back of my head. It would also be nice if my brother hadn’t swiped a card through it, but only one of those things is achievable. 
My arms: I have pretty strong arms, my job requires lifting and I’ve never shied away from taking all the groceries in one trip. My arms are large but not huge. I would be happy with a little reduction in the ‘wing’ area and I would like to see my upper arms a little more streamlined when fully extended. I genuinely do have big bones, but it would be nice to be able to wear my bracelets more comfortably. 
My hands: For the longest time I have been upset about the idea of ‘fat people hands’. I don’t have huge fingers, but it would be nice to fit rings on a little easier. I have large hands, because I am a tall woman, but not really fat or chubby hands like one might think of when thinking of fat people hands. My knuckles are fairly well defined, though they have dimples when my hands are flat, and have had since I was little. I think they are cute to be honest. I do not have discolouration on my fingers or knuckles.
My face: I don’t have a ton of fat on my cheeks actually. I do have a round face, but I have dimple-like indentations under my cheekbones that clearly define them. It would be nice to be a slightly slimmer face and defined jawline - any attempt at a contour is just awful. I would like to have a less prominent chin and cheeks. 
So let’s talk for a bit about long term goals. I am trying to set goals for myself in chunks. I know that aiming to lose 100 pounds the first go around is highly unlikely to get me any sort of success and I know that breaking it up into smaller bits is less overwhelming and more motivating. I am seriously trying to be careful about rewarding myself with any kind of food. 
Realistically, I would like to see myself get into the ‘normal’ BMI range by this time next year. I also know that to do that, I would need to lose around 170 pounds. With OMAD, you can expect to lose between half a pound and one pound a day. I do not see myself losing 170 pounds in 170 days. I do not think it is healthy to lose that much in under 6 months, and I don’t think my skin would appreciate it either, nor do I think OMAD is sustainable for that long. The idea is to try and hold out with OMAD for about 3 and a half months, and in that time, with upkeep, exercise and discipline, I could lose around 100 pounds, but I think the responsible thing would be to hope for closer to 75 pounds. 
I would like to outline my goals here:
Current Goal: 300 pounds - 33 pounds lost - 41.8 BMI
Second Goal: 270 pounds - 63 pounds lost - 37.7 BMI
Third Goal: 240 - 93 pounds lost - 33.5 BMI
Fourth Goal: 210 - 123 pounds lost - 29.3 BMI
Fifth Goal: 180 - 153 pounds lost - 25.1 BMI
Final Goal: 160 - 173 pounds lost - 22.3 BMI
Knowing how much one can lose in x amount of time with OMAD, and assuming I kept with it for a year, it could take anywhere from 173 days to 346 days to reach my final goal. I know that I won’t lose the same amount every day, and I know that it will be hard to keep it off once I reach my goal. 
I also know that I will need to take vitamins and supplements to make sure I don’t lose anything during this time. 
I am trying not to set deadlines for when I would like to reach my goals, though ideally I would be losing about 20 pounds a month. There are some important dates that I am hoping to have lost a certain amount for, however, and based on how much I might expect to lose and some basic math, I have deemed it pretty feasible to do.
I return to work around July 6th. It is currently May 30th. In 37 days I am hoping to have reached my first goal of 33 pounds lost. I lost 4 pounds in 3 days, and I hope to keep up that pace. 
The other date that I am hoping to have lost weight for is my birthday, which is August 31st. In 93 days I am hoping to have met my second goal of 63 pounds lost. I am turning 19 and very excited to celebrate.
For a little in-depth at what I am doing as far as my meal, I am eating a normal supper for me, a snack and a dessert. I am not counting calories. I’ll give some examples of what I have eaten at this time.
Day 1: Gnocchi bake with chicken, gummies, a chocolate bar, a little bit of bread and an iced tea. I made the bake with a package of sundried tomato gnocchi, one chicken breast, an olivieri package of rose sauce, like 2-3 tablespoons of herb and garlic cream cheese and onion. It was so good.
Day 2: I had the 4 bites of leftovers and some cheese bread, an iced tea, chicken strips, fries, a bite of fish, and some coleslaw. This day I felt sort of weak in the evening and so I had a fried egg sandwich with a cheese slice, mustard and mayo.
Day 3: I GUZZLED water all day long, like 4-5 bottles of water. I had crackers, the middle of a cinnamon bun, chicken strips and fries again, coleslaw and then some cake (I was celebrating a family birthday). My pee has never been so clear, let me just tell you.
One of the good things about this diet is being able to have whatever I would like as my meal for the day. I am an excellent cook (friend, family, teacher, boyfriend’s family and boyfriend approved, being fat has helped me master the kitchen) and I love doing it, so I can really get creative with my meal.
I come from a diet family, and so I am definitely supported on this diet, and my boyfriend is doing it with me, because misery loves company. Overall, I do feel hungry, but I feel satisfied with what I am doing and I have a lot more will power than I thought I did before, so I am proud of myself in that regard.
During my fasts, I try to only consume water and black coffee, which I take iced so it doesn’t nerf me with the flavour. Chewing gum is also quite helpful. My eating period is between 7p-8p, or 7p-8:30p, but that may change overtime as my sleep and activity schedule changes in the coming months.
I do not make promises on diets as a rule, but because of the nature of this diet I have made myself a promise that I will listen to my body. If I need a meal, I will eat one. If what is best for me is splitting my eating hour into two 30 minute eating periods a day for energy, especially while I work, then that is what I will do. 
Like I said, the goal is to check in every day with what I ate, my general feelings and if I am changing anything, and then I will try to do a weigh in weekly, and every couple of weeks update any changes I notice in the areas I mentioned earlier that bother me as a fat person. 
‘Til next time,
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drxfit · 4 years
How To Increase HGH Naturally
HGH or Human growth hormone, is an endogenous hormone (secreted by human pituitary gland) and is responsible for growth and development in children. The secretion of growth hormone is highest in childhood years and decline as the person ages.
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In the absence of growth hormone, children may not reach their normal genetic height. Researchers and scientists attribute aging signs to partial decline in the serum levels of growth hormone and currently research is underway to slow down the aging process with supplemental growth hormone formulations.
HGH or Human Growth Hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in the brain and it plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your body.Acting as your body’s foreman, HGH instructs your skeletal bone and muscle to grow larger and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy.In other words, it’s responsible for youth, vitality, energy and all of the health benefits we associate with youth.
HGH promotes growth in children and plays an important role in adult metabolism. The body secretes the hormone, in decreasing amounts, throughout our lifetimes. The amount of hormone in the body can be measured by levels of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor). Growth hormone has a profound effect on all the cells of the body, more than any other hormone because it is the cell generator.
Although the amount of growth hormone your body produces is genetically determined , there are a few things you can do to make the pituitary gland produce more growth hormone naturally:
In a normal individual, most of the human growth hormone is produced during deep stages of sleep. Research suggests that the quality and duration of sleep plays a very important role in the growth and development due to alterations in the production of growth hormone. An average of 7 to 9 hours of quality uninterrupted sleep helps in naturally increasing your hormone secretion. Although time of the day doesn’t matter but night-sleep is more helpful because of higher melatonin secretion (due to dark). You can improve your sleep quality by using methods below
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Adjust the temperature of your room before going to bed.
Limit your soda, caffeine and water intake before bedtime.
If you have trouble sleeping, you can also get benefitted from aromatherapy, sound therapy and massage therapy.
The amount of body fat you carry is directly related to your HGH production. Those with higher body fat levels or more belly fat will likely have impaired HGH production and an increased risk of disease.
In one study, individuals with 3 times the amount of belly fat had less than half the amount of HGH as lean individuals.
Interestingly, research suggests that excess body fat affects HGH levels more in men. However, lowering body fat is still key for both genders. One study found that obese individuals had lower IGF-1 and HGH levels. After losing a significant amount of weight, their levels returned to normal.
Belly fat is the most dangerous type of stored fat and is linked to many diseases. Losing belly fat will help optimize HGH levels and other aspects of your health.
Healthcare providers advice to avoid consumption of heavy meals 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. This is important for a number of reasons besides a higher risk of obesity and impaired digestion. This includes an impaired insulin response and resulting impairments in the secretion of human growth hormone. Serological testing indicates that the secretion of human growth hormone decreases when the insulin levels are high in the body.
As discussed previously, higher insulin levels in the serum eventually decreases the serum production of human growth hormone. For best results, intermittent fasting is suggested not only for a better blood sugar profile and optimal digestion, but also for the higher release of human growth hormone. The duration of intermittent fasting greatly varies, but(According DRS research) generally a fast of 12 t0 18 hours per day is generally considered sufficient thrice in a week for health benefits and to increase human growth hormone production
5). Exercise smarter
.It is known that your body increases HGH production with intense physical training.Keep your workouts short (try to finish your workout in 45-60 minutes or less) and heavy.Training for more than 90 minutes will decrease HGH and testosterone because of the increase of the stress hormone levels. ( Cortisol ) Some experts say that even intense cardiovascular workout can help increase the growth hormone,but it depends on the activity we are doing.Take the DRS XFIT workouts for example.6). Cleanse Your Liver
Liver is the primary and most important organ for detoxification of bodily wastes. If you have poor dietary habits, you are very likely to have an unhealthy liver (that may not produce any disease symptoms but it may stop your liver from performing to its full extent). In order to achieve the benefits of human growth hormone, it is very important to cleanse your liver. This can be achieved by limiting the intake of processed, toxic foods and eliminating alcohol and exogenous drugs from your diet.
Research suggests that all the HGH produced by the pituitary gland is taken up by liver and metabolized to produce IGF-1 (or insulin like growth factors) that is responsible for anti- aging, protein building, growth and development functions of HGH.
7) Laugh More :-)(As I always recommend )
Being happy is another way of increasing your human growth hormone levels (by suppressing the release of stress hormones). Indulge yourself in positive and fun activities like watching movies and having fun with friends. Researchers from Loma Linda University proved that the serum concentration of HGH increases 87% after watching a fun/ comedy movie.
8) Proper nutrition
.Eating lots of protein ( lean meats,eggs,cottage cheese), low glycemic carbs ( fruits, vegetables) and healthy fats (nuts,olive oil) , while reducing starchy and high glycemic carbohydrates can help you increase hgh and testosterone.Try to eat most of your protein about 2 hours before and immediately after your workout.
9) Supplements
Taking supplements like amino acids is shown to increase HGH levels in humans. Taking these particular amino acids may show an increase in HGH levels: – L Arginine, L Lysine, L Glutamine, Glycine, L Tyrosine and GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid)
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