fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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I’m ashamed it took me this long to realize Pointy Haired Boss was perfect for this situation.
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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I will likely delete this blog soon to keep my SFW blogs functional. Consider following me further at these links:
Tumblr: https://fae-ray-anthem.tumblr.com/
NSFW Twitter: @Faeray_Encore https://twitter.com/faeray_encore
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Faeray_anthem
DeviantArt: https://fae-ray-anthem.deviantart.com/
Fur Affinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fae-ray-anthem/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/faeray.anthem.1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fae_ray_anthem/
Pixiv: https://pixiv.me/fae-ray-anthem
Newgrounds: https://faeray-anthem.newgrounds.com
Hentai-Foundry:  https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Fae-Ray-Anthem/profile
Piczel: https://piczel.tv/gallery/Faeray_Anthem
Baraag/mastodon: https://baraag.net/web/accounts/95083
Inkbunny: https://inkbunny.net/faerayanthem
Picarto: https://picarto.tv/Faeray
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
Once, I encountered the funny story of an AI image descriptor with a sheep obsession. It had been trained on pictures of fields of sheep. Therefore, it tagged anything in a field as 'sheep', including an empty field, because they work on statistical probability. Therefore, it thinks "ah, a field! there's probably a sheep here." (It's a bit more complicated but basically that.) It also couldn't recognise sheep in places that weren't fields, such as petrol stations or barns. [cont]
Now, the alarming aspect of this story is that the very same technology is probably what tumblr is using to identify porn. Now, if it can’t tell that an empty field is not, in fact, full of sheep, what hope do we have that it can’t tell an empty room isn’t full of writing human forms engaged in passionate coitus?
this really does sound like an episode of black mirror
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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Alright yeah so it seams like Exporting works you get all your images and some other stuff from your blog
Canastus on discord originally told me about this.
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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“Well I’m going to build our own platform, with Blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the ship!”
Obviously this NSFW will cease updating on the 17th of December. So if you want to more of my NSFW, please look at my header for links.  If any website allows NSFW I’ll be posting there under one account with the exception of Twitter. You can also follow @fae-ray-anthem for my SFW (with links to NSFW). Thanks!
Image above the wonderful  @luxarts  
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
the tag “fur-ry” (minus the dash) is among those in the site-side blacklist, and is why so much artwork and so many blogs are suddenly invisible from the search.
provided this isn’t a temporary measure, i strongly advise to remove the “fur-ry” tag and use stand-in tags such as “anthro” and “kemono”, since neither are affected. 
the New Xkit extension “Tag Replacer” is an easy way to swap your tags over, and you can change it back if this issue gets resolved!
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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Derran are a lot more sexually driven than elves. Still Derran have their own version of dealing with the “Not a slut” phenomenon. Which is generally for females to be dismissive, demanding, and belligerent. Males need to meet these demands while still remaining masculine and unhindered by their challenge. IE: a strong, independent man who can take care of his mate. Rannath has yet to catch on.
Also Vide eats bugs.
Commission done by @thesquiddycipher
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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A dual power fantasy of having a strong man in charge of everything, in which she is pampered with no responsibility, but also being in control of said man. A perfect mix. Vide likes to be spoiled but ultimately wants to feel valued.
Commission done the talented @thesquiddycipher
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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Vide is not too confident her crush is even physically attracted to her species. Luckily Lappel has a plan to shore up that little problem.
Another commission by @thesquiddycipher If I have posted a single other commission before. I’m terrible at uploading if I don’t do it immediately.
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
An artist I love stoped doing commissions entirely because one person ended scamming him out of hundreds into the negative.
Please use invoices.
Heads up PayPal is changing ToS again
And they are getting even more strict when it comes to not using invoices for charging for Digital Goods.
Whatever Invoices make you uncomfortable or not, you gotta start using them if you want to keep your PayPal and your money. Changes starting this October 19th.
Honestly I don’t get why so many artists are so overwhelmed by invoices, takes just a few clicks to set up. 
And is not only “oh you have to use invoices because PayPal says so” if you don’t use invoices you’re putting yourself at risk of being scammed by an user abusing the buyer’s protection. 
Since PayPal ain’t got no idea of what those $50 you received were for, but the buyer is saying they didn’t got anything for the money, PayPal will just side with the buyer.
I’m seriously begging ppl, start using invoices. I’m tired of seeing ppl complain their paypal was banned, or is under investigation, or worse, the $100 they got for a very complicated commission, 3 months later get a refund issue. 
for your own sake. 
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Here is how you use invoices because I can’t keep playing devil’d advocate, yes I would love to help you get your PayPal restored but just this last month I had to help three persons, and they were MORE than aware of this issues. 
Just protect yourself. 
Step 1. You login and click here
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Step 2. You click create new Invoice. YOU NEVER CLICK REQUEST MONEY, unless you want to risk yourself to get scamer by buyer’s protection exploit and not only lose your money but your paypal account, and any future paypal linked to your irl name. 
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Step 3 You follow this steps
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1. Invoice for amount only
2. Ask your client for their PayPal email and put in that field
3. Add a vague description of what you’re doing, something like “Character Coloured with Background” is good enough, and if you need more than 1 character you can type in “2″ where it says amount, or just say “2 characters”.
Warning: don’t type in “Naruto rawing Sasuke”. That will get you banned. 
4. Click send. 
Optional steps. Create a template, doesn’t take more than 10 minutes and it will save you a lot of time for future invoices, you can even click on “items” right next to “create invoice” and add a list of services you offer such as “character sketch” “character flats” along with a price, so next time you invoice you just add to the invoice from your list of items and you saved yourself some more time. 
More importantly, you protect yourself from buyer’s protection exploit because if PayPal knows you’re doing digital goods, then you will be allowed that you did in fact created a digital good. 
Keep PayPal happy, as for right now there are no alternatives to this service, and this is the only source of income for many freelancers. 
Stay safe. 
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
discovering a ridiculous kink but then feeling something 
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
tags and artists on Tumblr
I feel like typing up another guide on this. Or more just a list of tips.
SO, if you’re an artist on Tumblr, and you wanna get more hits or wonder why your stuff isn’t easily discoverable, or even just wanna optimize how people find your stuff on this hellsite, you gotta know how tags work.
First up, there are two ways to be ‘seen’ on tumblr (and the same applies for a few other sites). First up is from shares: reblogs, follows, likes, etc. which can be thought of as referral. The second way is to appear in tag and content searches, which is what I’m gonna be focusing on.
Tag your fanart appropriately, people will see it and can interact with it without following you or following someone who follows you. But before you slap as many tags as possible on your posts, take note of this:
Tumblr search only will scan the first 5 tags. Make them count. Redundant tags can hurt more than help if they’re eliminating the chance to use a more unique one that’d actually be searched.  You do NOT want to just throw as many tags as possible on something and expect to get hits in search. That’s a waste. Be selective.
Try to use the most accurate but broad version of a tag. If it’s fanart, tag with the most accurate but commonly used name of the characters. (E.g., you want to decide between ‘#Stocking’ and ‘#Stocking Anarchy.’) You even want to decide whether or not to use the plural form (usually you probably wouldn’t, e.g. ‘#robot girl’ probably would work better than ‘#robot girls’).
Tags after the first 5 can still be searched JUST on your blog. This is useful for categorizing things and organizing them. For instance, I tag my art with ‘#zedarts.’ If I have 5 searchable tags on a piece as well as my art tag, I make sure my art tag is at the end.
You of course also can use them for making commentary. Just again, put it at the end. (I’ve seen too many people post art, have a paragraph of subtle commentary in the tags, and THEN put in tags describing the image which at that point aren’t searchable in tumblr.)
Search also will scan the description of posts.  Tags do carry more weight but sometimes having a brief caption talking about the piece can help.
For blogs marked NSFW, non-tumblr links will remove you from search results. This is a bit frustrating, but Tumblr does it to try and cut back on porn bots. SFW blogs as far as I know are not excluded from search which is great. Otherwise you have to weigh whether or not you want to include a link. For linking social media stuff, a workaround if you DO get excluded is to make a redirect URL on your blog that takes you to the appropriate place. For example, https://zedrin-maybe.tumblr.com/twitter takes you to my twitter, but would still display in search because it’s a tumblr URL. (but will not work on mobile)
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
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Vide the Derro and Rannath the Snow Elf having a moment.
Commission done by @chang-bae-k
If there s one part harder to nail the Rannath’s phallus its his head and he did a really nice job. Look at that jewel, sparkling, love it.
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
Just thought I'd give a heads-up in case you were unaware, putting a hyphen ("-" symbol) in your tags makes Tumblr bug out and pretend it doesn't exist, redirecting you to a "Not found" page. That said, you might want to fix your posts with the Kee-Va tag to just "Kee Va."
Thanks. I posted to Tumblr for a year before I even really understood the importance of tags and I’m still a scrub about them. 
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
I feel shame and dread the day I do not.
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Oh geez
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fae-ray-encore · 6 years
I’m sorry but it’s really annoying to see this keep happening on my dash. For those who don’t know,Pixiv is considering shutting down access to western users.
Because of edits and reposts onto social media sights, such as Tumblr, Facebook, even Twitter. The problem has been here for the past months and I really just get sad seeing everyone reblog edits and reposts of art that’sUNSOURCED.
I’m sorry if I seem bitchy, but this is a critical issue, because not only would this cut off fandom posters, it cuts off any person in the US from accessing Pixiv.
Pixiv artists are already deleting their works and accounts, more and more artists are deleting everything because of this. I have alreadymade a post about this on my main,  and so havetwo ofmy friends. You may say we’re throwing a big deal about this, but the thing is- we’re just trying to make sure that us fans and future fans have the art resources.
Things to know:
If you really absolutely don’t know, try the Google Images source thing.
Or better yet-saucenao is a better one, as if it’s a pixiv work, it shows you the original pixiv link, if it’s deleted or not, and the artist.
If you don’t know the source, DO THOSE STEPS ABOVE, and if they don’t work, state you don’t know it and ask around.
Oh, and biggest thing for the Vocaloid fandom mainly, along with other fandoms:
this is a list of pixiv artists who do not want their art reposted or edited at all.
If you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO REPOST THEIR WORK, ASK THEM FIRST! It won’t hurt you to be polite, and even if they don’t understand english they probably will understand what you’re saying.
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