#Can bro stop fighting us for 20 seconds?
starryslytherin0 · 2 months
VaniSeb in their divorce arc again🥰
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ssparksflyy · 2 months
hello! can i request jason grace or leo valdez x child of hypnos reader ? (gn) 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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jason grace dating hcs! ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
pairing: jason grace x child of hypnos!reader warning(s): none!! js fluff :) a/n: i love children of hypnos, u stay sleepy ! also me writing this running off five hours of sleep ( the most ive gotten this week ) yikes..
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mr gets up willingly at six am nd his sleepy lover ♡
there are times where u literally have to beg jason to go back to bed cause omfg what r u doing. its six am. no u r not going to go run. no the early bird doesnt get the worm. go. back. to. sleep.
hey nd most times it works cause the thought of holding u close and a sweet sweet dream is enough to get him back in bed
but other times noooo he goes running 🙄
what is bro running from? sleep???
omg but then literally knocks tf out by like nine
one of the times when you had a sleepover planned together
you were running a little late cause ur cabin's ac wasnt working nd everybody was tweaking out
so you had to stay behind and help fix it
by the time you finished and ran over to cabin one , jason was already passed out nd lightly snoring 😭
mind you it was like 9:15 pm
its ok tho u were tired asf too , who knew fixing the ac could be so hard ??
he apologized sm in the morning tho
but u were like its okay el oh el
he cant help it bro he needs his sleep almost as much as he needs you
its better that he falls asleep early than stay up super late tho
cause like when he was helping plan out the new cabins, it was impossible to convince him to go to sleep
he wouldnt stop working nd u were like 😠 fool 😠 go to sleep 😠
nd he was like no thank youuuuu ♡
so you used your powers on him cause he hadNT SLEPT IN DAYS
u were both mad at each other in the morning and things were painfully tense
but you sat down nd talked it out like mature ppl ♡
he srsly hates fighting, he already does it with monsters nd shit so much, he doesnt want to do it w you :(
he apologized for being ignorant and promised he would be better about taking care of himself instead of burying himself in work
you apologized for using your powers on him without saying anything first, and promised you wouldn't do it again ( unless its necessary ) :))
to this day, youve still kept your promises ♡
jason is SUCH a sucker for when you touch his hair
the most relaxing thing everrrrr
i will die on this hill ppl dont play w me
his hair would be soft asf bro
best believe he uses a good conditioner !!
he lets u play w his hair nd do wtv u want with it cause like ~relaxing~
so best believe you have a 0.5 of him with all his hair tied up and looking like a palm tree
0.5s of jason would literally be flawless asf but scary
cause ur like omg by bf is so cute- god DAMN somebody get this man contacts
he looks amazing but THEM EYES
terrifying. staring into ur soul.
theyre cute tho ♡♡
you OBVI have matching pjs
i cannot decide if jason would go to sleep w just pj pants nd no shirt or if would have light blue and white striped pants, a button up shirt, slippers, a cap with a little fuzzy ball at the end, nd a candlestick
jason grace is a SPECTRUM OKAY
but he buys u so many plushies ugh
you own so many jellycats im so jealous
he helps u name them nd their literally ur children like
u have matching build-a-bears !!!
the voice memos are messages u made for each other :(
his to u is a quick ramble about how much he loves u but gets cut off cause he only had 20 seconds ♡♡
nd u get matching outfits for them!!
urs is named 'sleepy' and his is named 'sparky' ♡
i feel like jason gets some real bad nightmares
like yea every demigod does but he gets his more frequently nd their more graphic bcs of what he's seen and gone through :(
most of the time they arent even messages from his dad, theyre just really bad flashbacks of horrible times in his life
but ever since you started spending ur nights together, theyve toned down so much
now he even gets dreams abt your future together sometimes :((
he really wants to tell you about those dreams cause they feel so real but hes scared that youll think its weird or get uncomfortable
little does he know you get those exact same dreams ♡
and on the same nights as he does...
nd thats how ur dad shows his love to you !
zeus doesnt gaf. wtv we dont like him anyway
i mean sometimes hes like erm gtfo my cabin 🤨
but doesn't actually do anything
u literally dont care for anybody's thoughts tho cause you bagged a baddie as sleepy as you ♡
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an two: ik i didnt talk abt sleepovers together but like ive got a jason fic called sleepover (thats also gn!) if u wanted to read that :DD but i hoped u enjoyed and have a good day/night!! GO STREAM THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT.
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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bootybest · 7 months
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Cole’s Cavern
You were walking down the hall, on your way out of school when Cole stops you in the hallway. He was a popular dude in the wrestling team who won almost every match.
“I’ll give you $20 if you beat me in a match” He says cockily. “What if I lose?” You reply. “Then you lose. You don’t owe me a dime.” He winks at you and it’s hard not to accept his offer. You needed some money and worst case scenario you lose a wrestling match.
You follow Cole into the school’s gym and set down your backpack. You walk over to the wrestling mat setup in the middle and start to stretch
Cole is on the other side, already in position to start. You finish your stretches and also get into position. It’s a little awkward since Cole’s wearing his singlet while you’re just in some casual clothes
“Ready?” He asks you. You nod your head and he starts to count down.
Cole runs at you and immediately pushes you to the ground. He smiles as he holds you down for a couple seconds, then declares his victory. You couldn’t even put up a fight, he’s much stronger and faster than you.
“Alright, time for your side of the bet.” He starts to chuckle as he rearranges so that he’s stomach down kn the mat, and grabs your head with his thighs. You’re confused and try to escape, but he has you tight
“And for the fun part.” He laugh as he starts to unzip his singlet, revealing his nasty, sweaty butt. You try even harder to escape, but it’s useless.
Cole starts to lower your head into his crack slowly. The smell starts to hit you and you gag slightly. Cole just chuckles as your face gets closer and closer. Soon, the tip of your nose is touching his cheeks
Suddenly, he slams your face deep into his ass and laughs as he twists his hips left to right, sinking your nose even deeper. “How’s it smell? But it’s great since I haven’t showered since the last tournament.” You start to cough at his raw smell alone
“Just wait little dude, it’s gonna get a whole lot worse.” He chuckles and you can heart his stomach start to rumble. He twists your head as deep as it can go into his ass, and then-
He sighs in relief as he crushes your head with his legs. The smell is absolutely horrible and you immediately start to gag. You push back against him, but his legs hold you in place. It starts to get hotter in his crack “Oh no buddy, you’re not leaving here for a while.”
Another fart hits you straight in the face. You feel your eyes start to water and you don’t know how much longer you can last. You start to claw at his chest, but he uses his hands to hold your arms down. “Double trouble for trying to escape bro.”
You start to get light headed from the fumes, and your mind starts racing. You try to figure a way out, but get distracted when a smell starts to hit your nose. It’s worse than anything from today and you realize he’s releasing a long SBD up your nose. You struggle to keep your eyes open until- “Lick my hole or it’s gonna get a lot worse” You’re shocked by his words and refuse. “You asked for it bro.”
A powerful fart vibrates the tip of your nose, and you think it lasts 20 seconds. You refuse to stick your tongue out and he starts to countdown. “Come on bro, you’re not gonna like what’s next if you don’t. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1… Alright man, your funeral.”
A minute long fart comes from his ass and straight into your nose. You start to pass out halfway through but he continues. He keeps you in his cavern for a couple minutes, letting go of his gas. He groans and uses his hands to shake your head in his ass. He sighs as he stands up and takes off his singlet, stuffing it in your mouth. He chuckles as he takes a picture on your phone. He leaves you a text
“Meet me here every Friday until you win a match. Or else..”
You dread going to school for the rest of the year
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delopsia · 5 months
Streetlight Glow | Bob x Reader x Rhett
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Word Count: 10,00 Cross Posted on AO3 Warnings & Notes: 18+, AFAB!Reader, shameless use of the one-bed trope, best friends to lovers, one(1) mention of a gun. 80% smut, 20% dumb fluff. Multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, questionable use of an old ring, road trips, taking Bob's virginity 🌷 Brief Summary: In which you go against everything best friends should be doing and become something more.
You've heard this radio song one too many times.
It's so overplayed that your belly tightens with a sickly sourness the second your ears catch wind of that dreadful tune. Top one hundred radio stations are cute until you're trapped in Bob's itty bitty car, forced to listen to the same set of songs. Over. And over. And over. Like some sort of modern torture, vying to drive you mad before you reach your destination.
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And yet, Bob's fingers drum against the steering wheel to the beat of the music. Completely and utterly content with this strange new hell you've been shoved into. Even Rhett's humming along to it. Had never heard of this song before he climbed into the car, but has memorized it over the course of the past four hundred and something miles.
You couldn't ask to change the station if you wanted to; Bob reached over and played with the dial a few minutes ago, ciphering through endless static until he landed back on this god-forsaken station once again—the perks of being out in the middle of nowhere.
If Rhett doesn't land top ten in this rodeo, a raging bull isn't going to be his only problem.
It's the distant clicking of a turn signal that garners your attention. Hadn't realized you were looking down at the promise ring in your palm until after you drew your attention back to the road.
"Please tell me this isn't where we're staying," you mutter, leaning back into your seat as if you can possibly cram yourself into it and disappear entirely.
An ancient husk of a hotel, with its flickering 'open' sign plastered haphazardly in the window. Two lamp posts hang in the lot, and yet, their light has done nothing to fight off the velvety darkness that has long since fallen. It's only because of the headlights that you can see the grass breaking through the cracks of the concrete, so worn and weathered, that the painted parking lines no longer remain.
It's enough to send you high-tailing out of town, and yet, Bob's putting the car in park, "Rhett—"
"I know," Rhett's fingertip taps against something metal. "I know."
You don't need to turn around to know that it's his gun. A necessary evil that begrudgingly made its way into the trip itinerary after learning of where this rodeo is located. Though unarmed himself, Bob's head nods, and the door squeaks open without another word. You'd pitch a fit about this, but your choices are either to stop here or take over the driver's seat and hope you can stay awake long enough to find a better resting place.
On their own, your eyes drift back down to the ring in your palm. Dainty. A promise of a life together that your ex couldn't keep his word on. Leaving you with this dumb hunk of metal. Too cheap to pawn and not worth the years it's spent sitting in this old jacket pocket, waiting on the day you would wear it again.
"Hey, Rhett?" Your voice feels foreign in your own mouth. Too loud in this quiet little car.
In the rearview mirror, you can see his head lift. "Hm?"
"Can you make this disappear?" Open palm sliding to rest on the console, that damned ring sitting in the middle of it. Far too innocent for the memories it carries. "Please?"
Rough fingertips brush against your skin as he takes it from you, and suddenly, the ring seems to have shrunken by four sizes. Entirely too tiny in his oversized hand. A part of you reckons he could snap it in two.
"This is from that one guy, ain't it?" There's a bitterness to his tone that you very nearly forgot the sound of. The kind that only bubbles out of him when that old fling gets brought up as if he had his own heart broken in the process. You don't have a response, mouth devoid of another word, but he doesn't seem to need it. "I'll find a place for it."
The reception door swings open, Bob's hand now occupied by a thin, plastic keycard. A reluctantly welcomed sight that you're unsure what to make of. A bed to stretch out and rest in, but at what cost? A lumpy mattress? Bad neighbors? A busted car window come morning?
The car door is squeaking back open, and much to your dismay; Bob is already dishing out the spare keys, "second floor, room two o' one. It's the only room they've got."
Whoever decided that the stairwell should be outside rather than inside should be fired immediately. Metal creaks beneath your slip-on shoes, slippery, threatening to send you tumbling to the bottom at any given moment. You only carry one bag, some tiny thing you threw overnight essentials into, things that you wouldn't miss if you had to get rid of them. Yet, you've already caught yourself feeling as if you shouldn't have brought all these things inside.
The interior carpet is the definition of dizzying. Nonsensical white stripes stretching across navy blue only starts to bug you once you're walking down it. You know you're moving, but the endless hallway and repetitive pattern makes you wonder if you've wound up on a really fucked up treadmill.
Even worse, your room is all the way on the end. Leaving you to trod the entirety of the building, shoulder bumping against Rhett's, somewhat off-kilter.
"Talk about some fucked up carpet," he mutters, and you're pretending that you don't feel the way his arm is curling around you. Protectively cinching you into his side as someone's door creaks open.
If your heart doesn't quit hammering against your chest, you're going to be sick.
But you can't help it. Rhett's so warm in this chilly little hotel. Has yet to let you go, even after stopping at the door, thump swiping up and down against your hip as Bob fiddles with the keycard.
A shrill beep soars through the air, and suddenly, the door opens. Allowing you into your room, devoid of that migraine-inducing carpet, introducing you to a stained, yellow husk of a floor that you suspect was once white, a CRT television, and...
"Now, what made ya think we can all fit into a queen-size bed?" Rhett's chirping, head tilting, as if he doesn't quite believe what his eyes are showing him. Maybe if he shakes his head, a second bed will appear.
There isn't even a couch. Or a complimentary, uncushioned wooden chair, for that matter. The set of four indents in the carpet is your only hint that there once was a chair, or even a small table, of some sort.
Bob scratches the side of his head with the plastic key, only pausing to look at the numbers printed on the door as it swings closed with a heavy slam. Not designed for the luxury of silence, it seems.
Your head tilts, peering into the dark room to your right; hypothetically, that should be the bathroom, but as of right now, it might be an endless void that drops off into nothingness. Home to the monster that lived under your bed when you were six. Maybe even the one who used to live in Rhett's closet, the subject of his lunch conversations with you and Bob back in your elementary school days.
Rhett, once petrified of the dark, now the one to reach into the void, flicking on the light switch.
...on second thought, you would prefer the monsters.
Tiny black and white tiles coated with a yellowish substance that audibly sticks to Rhett's boots as he steps across it. The ripped shower curtain clings to a total of two hooks, poorly concealing the tub and the blackened scuff marks at the bottom.
Rhett lifts the toilet lid up with his boot. "Whatever y' spent on this place," his nose wrinkles as he speaks, "was way too much."
Thunder rumbles outside, as if mother nature herself has agreed with his conclusion. Beligerantly shaking the hotel, an ill-hung picture frame rattling against the wallpaper. The greater half of you expects the lights to entrap you in the total darkness of a power outage, but they remain as bright as ever.
In fact, they never flicker. Not even once, even as the storm begins to pick up. Droplets of rain patter against the window, hued by the golden glow of a streetlight hanging proudly outside of your room. An abstract portrait perfectly framed by stale curtains that refuse to budge, denying you the ability to close them entirely.
The black light in Bob's bag only confirms everything you already knew; half of the floor seems to light up the moment he flicks it on. Parts of the walls are stained in something you don't want to know the origin of, corners of the bathroom that you didn't plan on touching to begin with. Strangely, the bed is entirely clean, the new sheets sticking out like a sore thumb in this dated room.
Your shoes remain on, even as you slip into loose-fitting pajamas, unwilling to put your bare feet on this ancient floor, regardless of the inconvenience it causes. In fact, the only time they come off is when you climb onto the bed.
Rhett's standing at the foot of it, eyebrows knit together as his gaze flickers from the carpet to you, then Bob. "I reckon I take the floor?"
"Absolutely not," Bobby's beating you to the punch, nodding his head toward the open space to your left, "we can all fit."
You don't need to look to feel Rhett's questioning eyes, seeking your help in building a defense that you have no interest in. Instead, your hand idly pats the mattress, and it's the only answer that he's going to get out of you.
Maybe in another hotel, but certainly not this one.
The sigh that cuts through the air is the sweetest sound of defeat that you've ever heard, the corner of the bed dipping as Rhett swings his knee up onto it. And maybe you should switch sides with Bob because your eyes are already gluing to Rhett's bare chest. Old bull rider tattoo sitting proudly beneath his right collar, drawing your gaze down to the gentle swell of muscle.
You reckon you could get a nice handful of it if you were daring enough.
But it's too late to object to your positioning. Bob's already settling in on your other side, glasses clanking as he sets them on the rickety bedside table. His shirt still clings to his body, but his legs bump into yours as he shifts, a warm presence that makes you wonder what it would be like to tangle them together. And that's just as bad as if he was shirtless because now your mind is venturing into a territory that it doesn't belong in.
It's strange having him so close. Remnants of his cologne still cling to his skin, warm, sugary notes kissing your nose, and your selfish mouth wonders if his lips are just as sweet. If kissing him would be like walking into a hometown bakery, cozy and familiar, with welcoming arms that wrap you into a hug. 
"Y' know," Rhett's stiff as a board next to you, back flat against the mattress, staring up at the questionably stained ceiling tile, "this ain't how I saw this goin'."
A part of you supposes that you can't blame him, though. You can't move either. "What, didn't plan on sharing a bed with us like old times?"
Bob is the only one daring enough to move, rolling onto his side, to face you. "At least, in the old times, we all fit."
God, how old were you the last time you three shared a bed? You know must have been before you turned thirteen because Bobby still had those obnoxious green-rimmed glasses, and he didn't change them until the day after your birthday.
Rhett must be on the same page as you because the corner of his lip lifts. "It's inappropriate fer you three to be havin' sleepovers!" Speaking in his best, mocking tone of his momma.
"Ma was so convinced that we'd get it on the moment we were left alone," Bob snorts, "meanwhile, all we wanted to do was play pictionary and watch tv all day."
Your head tilts, internally grasping for memories that you haven't dug up in years. "You didn't even know what sex was until you were, what, fifteen?"
"Fourteen," he clarifies, knee bumping into your thigh as he shifts against the mattress, "and I only learned because of that health class we were required to take.
Rhett's chuckle vibrates through the bed and up your spine. "Y' should've seen the look on his face when we went to the restroom after."
You reckon it's the same look that sits on Bob's face right now. Lips tightened into a straight line, eyes a smidgen wider than usual, and you're certain he'd be a shade paler if not for the street light. Warm rays shine through the water-stained window, puncturing through the darkness, painting everything it touches with its golden hues—some strokes of yellow and brown, too.
Those brilliant shades arc across your skin, staining you with its color, and stretch to fade against Rhett's bare skin. The rise and fall of his chest making that old bull tattoo look as if it's bucking in a pool of liquid gold. You've lost track of how many times you've caught yourself staring. The amount of hours wasted, wondering about what it would be like to tangle your fingers in his hair. To kiss across the broad expanse of his chest, if his hands would roam down your back or curl around the back of your neck.
Lightning cracks. For a moment, the only sound in the air is that of your breath.
The heavy fist of thunder strikes the ground.
You don't feel your back leave the mattress, but you certainly feel the landing. The way Bob jolts into you. Rhett's big arm darts out to curl around the both of you, cinching you to his chest, damn near rolling Bob on top of you. Squeezing tight, as if someone has come to steal you and Bobby away from him. Muscles so stiff that he feels like a steel post against you.
Outside, storm clouds grumble as if to laugh, as if this is some sick joke they orchestarted.
"God," Rhett lets go of a breath, fanning out against your cheek, "had me thinkin' someone kicked the damn door down." His head tilts down, lips pressing into the top of your shoulder, where the collar of your shirt exposes your skin.
The world around you screeches to such a sudden halt that you can hear the brakes squealing. Their shrill protests bouncing around the inside of your skull until your ears begin to ring.
He just...did he really...why?
Bob's gaze meets with yours. Then Rhett's. It's strange. Him being without his glasses and all. Almost just as strange as it is to see his eyes so...wide. Like a deer caught in the headlights, as if he's the one guilty of kissing your shoulder and not Rhett.
Rhett's chest rises with a breath.
"I'm...I'm sorry." Voice strained, afraid to let go of the air in his lungs.
"No, it's..." you're speaking before your own brain can catch up, too distracted by the way butterfly wings tickle your lower belly to think. "It's okay."
What the hell are you even saying? You're friends. This isn't...you're not...this shouldn't be okay.
Bob's mouth finds the side of your jaw. A fleeting peck so quick that you only register it when he's gone. Deliberately turns his head down, avoiding your attention, as he mutters something that sounds like, "Gotta even it out, right?" 
It was here and gone so quickly that you're only beginning to feel how his thin lips pressed into your skin, leaving behind a coldness that wasn't there before. Far too real to match up to the hopeless wonderings that have frolicked in your imagination for so long. 
Something must be in the air. Maybe you've fallen asleep, collapsing into the warm embrace of your imagination, because there is no way that Rhett's chapped lips are finding the other side of your jaw. No, this must be a trick of your mind. You've thought about this too many times for it to be real. This version of Robert Floyd, the one who scoffs and presses a second, insistent kiss on top of the old one, feels too dreamlike. 
"Bobby," Rhett's whining, drawing out the vowels in that annoyingly pitchy tone that you so rarely get to hear. 
"You started it," Bob's muffled by another kiss. Incessant, one after the other, spreading across your cheeks. The scruff of Rhett's unshaven jaw. The sweetness of Bob's cologne, up close and overpowering your senses. Are you sure this is a dream?
"I did not!" The sudden pitchiness in Rhett's cry is too on-point. 
"Yes, you did!" You know that tone on Bob. Playfully accusatory. Breath puffing against your skin, so warm that the hotel air feels cold in comparison.
Their heads are rising. Neither realize how close they are until their noses ram into one another. Too headstrong for gentleness. Not when their giggles are dying down. 
Bob's breath catches. 
Rhett's eyelashes flutter. 
The room is too quiet for this to be a dream.
This is real, and it shouldn't be happening. The nagging of reality chastises you for letting it get this far, for telling them it was okay and not putting a stop to it at the second kiss. But your stubborn heart hammers excitedly at your chest, and your tired soul knows better than to let your shaking hands settle behind their heads. You know not to push their heads in.
Yet, you do it anyway. 
And their parted mouths find each other in the lightest embrace they can muster. Only lasts for three beats of your heart before they part, neither quite opening their eyes. The voice of logic asks why you did that. 
The voice of your heart wonders why their attentions are turning back to you. Why Rhett is leaning in so suddenly, and why you've considered that he may want to kiss you, too. Because his mouth is warmer than the burning streetlight, and he smiles into it like he's gotten everything he's ever wanted. 
You don't know when your eyes closed, but you don't need to open them to know that it's Bobby who kisses you next. Sweet and soft, like you're kissing a marshmallow and not your best friend. Then Rhett's finding you again, then back to Bob, and you're beginning to lose track of all these toothy, chaste pecks that never fail to stir up the butterflies in your belly.
"'s this what we're doin' now?" You can hear Rhett's grin in his tone, punctuated by your own daring venture, leaning up to catch his mouth again. "Kisses?" 
Bobby's nose bumps into your temple, close for no reason other than for the sake of it. "What else would you call these?" You think that might be a little bit of stubble you feel, scratching against your forehead, only makes you want to run your hands across it. "Lip locks, smooches, a touch of the lips as a sign of—"
Rhett's cutting him short, the remainder of those babbling words devolving into a smothered grunt. 
There's something off about this picture. You shouldn't be collapsing back into the mattress, smothered by the combined weight of Rhett Abbott and Robert Floyd. If this goes wrong, then how many years of friendship spiral down the drain? This isn't what friends do. 
Friends don't share hotel beds and kiss under the streetlight glow. The sins of your selfishness are illuminated by those gleaming rays, allowing your greedy gaze to eat up the way Rhett's hair falls into his face as he sucks at the juncture of your jaw. How Bob's guiding himself with his nose, finding a spot behind Rhett's ear that makes him gasp.
"I suppose this is what our folks were afraid of," Bob's muffled voice punctures the silence, "us in the same bed and all."
A chuckle draws out of Rhett's chest, so deep the thunder ought to be jealous. "The ol' tyrant of my house would be havin' a fit if he knew 'bout this."
The voices in your head are still crying for you to stop here.
But you've forgotten how to listen. 
"Who gives a damn," and before you can think twice about it, your hand is grabbing hold of Bob's shirt collar and yanking him in. 
There's nothing worth worrying about. Not when Bob's weight is fully settling on top of you, chests rising and falling in perfect unison. The short locks of his hair fall forward, tickling against your skin, his big, warm palms cradling your cheeks, the gentle bump of his chin against yours drawing a whine out of your throat.
He jolts, breaking away with a gasp, "Rhett—"
"Don't you worry 'bout what I'm doin'," is the only response Rhett gives before Bob is sucking in another breath of air. Squirming, as Rhett nibbles at the juncture of his sensitive neck, has already left a red mark in his wake. And with Bob's unfortunate reputation, it's sure to bruise by sunrise. 
Rhett's hands delve between your bodies, sliding beneath Bob's shirt, and that's all it takes for you to tug on it again. The three of you devolve into a tangle of limbs as you haul it over his head, exposing miles upon miles of milky white skin and intricately freckled shoulders. Tiny spots that you're racing Rhett to kiss. 
All it does is make Bob bolder. Defiant palms gliding up the sides of your waist, pushing your shirt up to expose your warm tummy to the chilly hotel air. Bold fingertips stop just short of your breasts, bumping into the swell of them for a fraction of a moment.
Rhett's calloused touch glides up your newly revealed skin, greedy for a feel of you. "'n here I thought I was rushin' y'all." 
"I didn't know there was a set timeline for this," Bob's leaning back, bumping into Rhett, as he fights to get a better look at you, laid out beneath him.
"There's going to be if you two keep talking," your eyes roll, pleasantly annoyed to find that they're still the same, even now. 
"Ain't gotta tell us twice, darlin'." And before you can process what Rhett has just said, he's planting a palm between Bobby's shoulder blades and pressing. Has him collapsing on top of you in the blink of an eye, falling right between your parted legs.
It's Rhett's hips that push him forward. Grinding into the soft fat of Bob's ass, simultaneously pushing the outlnie of Bob's half-hard cock into your core. You don't know if it's you or Bob who whimpers the loudest, a bolt of lightning jumping up your spine. 
That's... that's...
"Shit," Rhett swears, leaning in close, like he's worried someone will hear him through these ancient walls, "forgot you're still a virgin, Bobby boy."
"I'm begging you not to bring it up," Bob's choking through a stifled noise as your body rolls upward, his cock twitching so hard that you can feel it through your clothes. "Fuck—"
And there's more to that, but he's burying his face in the crook of your shoulder, breathing hard as your hands slide up his back. Rising up into the first, weary motion of his hips. Strange at first. Doesn't quite know what he's doing yet; not quite as fluid, a little too rigid. But Rhett's grunting beneath his breath, and you've got the sneaking suspicion he's learning fast. 
It sure feels like it. The heavy bulge in his sweats massaging against you, only drawing back to press into the body behind him, letting Rhett's instinctual thrust push him back in. Wondrously punctuated by the glisten of Rhett's teeth as he bites his lip, failing to hold back a groan. 
Oh, and their hands are wandering. Rhett's calloused palms finding their way to your thighs, dragging up until he bumps into the hem of your shorts. Bob's fingers dare to rise and dance across your breast, feeling the way you fit into his grasp. 
"'s an awful nice sight," Rhett muses, and now he's reaching beneath your shirt, too. Rucking it up to expose your chest, thumb fondly drifting over your nipple. Sends you jolting, knees knocking into Bob's sharp hips.
"You're one to talk," you don't realize it's you who's talking until the words are already out of your mouth, unhindered by the sudden yank on your clothes. Tugging the thin t-shirt over your head suddenly exposes you to them in your entirety. 
They're falling over each other. Shoulders collide, and heads knock together as they dip down. Rhett's hot mouth wraps around your nipple. Bob's tickling tongue guides him down your collar, taking his time to shower your neglected breast with his attention, softened gaze never once leaving your face. 
Your palm clamps over your mouth, back rising up off the bed. Oh, this is...this is...
Bob's whine cuts through the air. Has the utmost audacity to bat his lashes at you and pout. "Wanna hear you." His hips buck forward, knocking a noise past your lips before you can think twice. 
You're in so much trouble.
But you can't dwell on it for longer than a fracture of a second because their attentions are already migrating. Working their way down your belly despite the limited space they've given themselves. Bob's shoulder bumps into Rhett's chin, growing closer and closer together until they're snug against one another, forced to stop just shy of your shorts. 
Your thumbs are hooking into the hem of them before you can think twice. Had only intended to draw off one article of clothing at the time, but Rhett's helping hands tug your underwear down, too. Not an easy task when your legs are split around Bob's hips, forcing you to draw your knees up to your chest. Can't imagine the kind of view you must give them, just trying to get the material past your heels. 
"Now wait a damn—" Bob's squeaking, batting at the hands yanking on his sweats. "Rhett!"
But it's already far too late because Rhett's shoving them down his thighs without a second thought. Heavy cock springing from its confines, so heavy and long that it struggles to stand upright, knocking into his hip instead. It's only because of the streetlight that you can see the thin vein running along the side of him, some dumb little quirk that you shouldn't find so endearing.
Rhett has yet to notice the apparent monster that's unwillingly made itself known in the room. Too busy messing with his own pants to look up and pay attention. Until a wayward glance damn near reels him in like a fish on a hook.
"Jesus, Bobby," he breathes like he's caught up in a goddamn trance. "Why'd ya never tell us y' were hung like a goddamn horse?"
Your daring hand reaches up.
"Forgive me," he's sucking in a sharp breath as your warm fingers wrap around his cock, feeling the weight of him in your hand, "I was waiting to tell you over a candlelit dinner somewhere in Paris."
You don't know what Rhett is up to until your hand is drenched in chilly lubricant poured from a bottle you don't recognize the origin of. Slickening the glide, squelching far too loudly for how delicately you spread it across him. Such a simple touch that draws the sweetest whine past Bobby's parted lips, so unused to the sensation of a hand that isn't his own. 
Rhett's big hand encompasses yours. Squeezing tight as he guides Bob's cock down, thick length sliding through your folds. It's against everything a best friend should be doing, and yet, it feels so good—a twinge of excitement twirling up your spine from this alone. 
"Y' ain't fixin' to believe how long I've thought 'bout this," Rhett sounds like he's on another planet. Doesn't fight as you take hold of his wrist, guiding his lube-slicked fingers between your legs, right to where you crave his attention most. 
He doesn't need a lick of guidance from there. The rough pad of his finger presses daringly against your entrance, gasping with you as he slips inside. 
"'n by the feel of it," his eyelashes flutter at the way you clench around him, some involuntary little movement that makes your knees feel weak, "y've got it as bad as I do."
Bobby shifts, throbbing length dragging against your clit a smidgen harder. Such a strange sight to see his flushed tip between your legs like this, rubbing up and down in languid motions, so distracting that you damn near forget that Rhett's hand is crammed between your bodies. 
At least, you forget until his finger curls upward. Stroking against a spongey little bundle of nerves that makes you squeal. "Rhett!"
Wordless, he chuckles, a second finger dipping inside to join the first. Shallowly working his way in and out, only focusing on tormenting the one spot that makes you squirm. Your hand flies down to grab hold of his wrist, head tilting back, trying your damnest to ignore the way Bob traces his nails up your naked sides. A distant tickle that makes your back rise up off the bed, unsure if you want to lean into it or squirm away. 
It's hard to ignore how easily Rhett's working you open. Two wonderfully thick digits growing to become three, stretching you wide and so, so much bigger than your own. You don't know how you'll ever satisfy your cravings, now that you've had a taste of the real thing. The way his knuckles catch on your rim, how his gaze fixates so heavily on the sight of your cunt taking him in.
As quickly as he appeared, he's drawing away. Leaving behind a certain kind of coldness that can only be thwarted by him. 
"God, you're such a pretty sight," Bob marvels aloud, a certain sort of sparkle in his eye that wasn't quite there before. And there seems to be more he wants to say because his short pink tongue is darting out to wet his lips, already parting with the beginnings of another sentence. 
But Rhett's hands are appearing on his naked hips, squeezing the bone there, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't notice the way some of his fingers glisten with your wetness. Catching in the light as he nudges Bob forward. 
"Jesus, Rhett—" Bob's knee slides against the comforter, struggling to keep up with the way Rhett's pushing him forward. "What're you doing?"
You've already got a pretty good idea of what your beloved cowboy is up to, your hand already reaching to wrap around his wet cock. Guiding him between your folds. Selfishly pausing to enjoy the final drag of his cock head against your clit, on its way down to where you're aching. 
"Oh." He murmurs dumbly, sucking in a shaky breath as he squints up at your face. Never has been able to see far without his glasses. "I-is...is this okay? Are we...?" 
"Only if you want it," you don't know why you're whispering, too focused on running your thumb over his slit to do much else.
Rhett's chin comes to rest against Bob's shoulder, peering down at the sight between your legs, then flicking his attention elsewhere. It's the kiss he plants on Bob's cheek that soothes his nerves because the tension melts from his shoulders in an instant.
Weary, Bob's head nods as if he needs to affirm it himself, too. "Okay..." the gears in his head are spinning a hundred miles a minute, but again, he's drawing a blank."I...don't know what I'm..."
On their own, your fingers guide him to press against your entrance, and from there, Rhett's got the rest. 
"Jus' like this," he murmurs, biceps flexing as he nudges Bob's hips forward. 
Pressure blooms. Your head falls back against the pillow. This doesn't feel real. There's no way you two are taking your best friend's virginity. But there's no way a dream could recreate the ache as his head slips inside you. 
"There y' go...nice 'n easy," Rhett's deep grumble is something else entirely. 
Bob's eyes squeeze shut, barely muzzling a whimper that sparks a heat in your lower belly. Can feel yourself grow wetter around him as he gradually pushes inside. The stretch is enough to make you reach for the sheets, squeezing them tight in your fist. Doesn't necessarily hurt per se, but God. You could have never anticipated this. 
But he's slowly disappearing inside of you, inch by dizzying inch, and the bed is dipping as Rhett moves to settle next to you. Big chest on full display, the golden glow of the streetlight drawing your eye down his gently toned belly to where his cock rests against his hip. Thicker than Bob is, a glistening pearl of precum collected at his tip. 
You can't help but reach over and take him into your hand. No, you've waited far too long to deny yourself the simple pleasure of spreading the clear fluid with your thumb, ears blessed with the sound of Rhett's breath catching.
All the while, Bob's hands find themselves braced on either side of you until he's finally confident enough to let himself lay against you. Soft lips find your jaw just as he bottoms out, not an inch of him left to take, his hips flush with yours. 
"Ain't you two jus' somethin'," he's rolling onto his side, head snug against his pillow, and you reckon this is what a Greek god would look like down here on the mortal plane. Long hair and soft muscles, wrapped up in a cozy golden glow, smiling in a lazy sort of fashion that only ever looks good on him, "lookin' at me all doe-eyed."
But you can only focus on him for so long before you start to grow impatient, squirming, jostling Bob inside you. "You can move, Bobby,"
Obedient, he does just that, rising up onto his forearms, caging your head between them as he draws himself back. Only by about an inch, maybe two, before gravity reels him back in. The upper side of his cock already dragging deliciously against the nerves hidden along your walls. 
He's learning too quickly for his own good, pulling out a little quicker, less hesitation in his hips as he figures out what he's doing. Knocks the breath right out of your lungs, keening in your throat. There's something about getting fucked by your best friend while the other one watches that really does things to you. 
"Fuck," Bob's cold nose nuzzles your cheek, so close that you struggle to get a look at his face, "You feel so good, oh my god." 
And he'd be babbling if he weren't whimpering like the cutest thing you've ever seen. Blindly guiding himself across your skin until his lips bump into yours, but he's too far down to kiss you properly. No, he's got to draw himself up a little higher, biceps trembling as he pulls himself upward, and—
"Bobby!" Stars sparkle in your vision. 
Distantly, you think you catch the sound of Rhett chuckling.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Bob's chanting under his breath, a dainty whisper of your name chasing it, your lips clashing for the briefest of moments, "'s that it?"
"Right there," you blurt. Can't keep a damn word on your tongue for longer than a millisecond. "Keep—keep doing that." 
And he does. 
Oh, he does, and you fear you might float right out the damn window and up into the stars. Legs rising, squeezing his hips, some obscene, wet noise punctuating the slick glide of him. Only worsened by the way he leans back, peering down at where you're split open around him, just enough of a shift for him to knock into those nerves a little harder. Mushroom tip kissing them over. And over. And over. Sends your pussy fluttering around him like a goddamn butterfly.
"Shit, I can feel—oh," and you're so thankful that he collapses back into you because your hands are aching to roam the war, freckled expanse of his back. Blunt nails digging into the meat of his shoulder, draws the faintest whisper of a hiss from his lips. 
There's a hand on you that isn't Bobby's. Calloused. Wet fingers trailing down your side and into the pocket of space between your and Bob's bellies. Crawling down, down, down. Between your parted thighs, devilishly rough fingertips pressing to your clit. 
"Rhett—" your strangled voice hardly leaves your mouth. Legs twitching around Bob's hips as those damned fingers start to spiral against you. It's not fair. He's figuring you out far too easily. Makes it so much harder for you to open your mouth again. "Stop." 
Bob's head pops up. Wide eyes peering up at you, rhythm stuttering to a slow. 
Delirious, your head shakes, "not you." 
He doesn't say a word, but he's drawing himself back onto his haunches. It does nothing but give Rhett more room to torment you, even if his fingers have already stilled to a halt. You'll never understand how they manage to give you the same damned look, furrowed brows, and tilted heads, like two puppies trying to figure out what you're asking of them. 
"Can't yet," you choke. It's so hard to find words when Bobby's still rolling into you, balls gently smacking against your ass. "Wanna..." you're trying to motion with your hand, but all you can manage is to flail your palm in Rhett's general direction.
But Rhett's figured you out. You know he has because his eyebrows rise, incredulous. "Wantin' both of us in the same night, huh?" 
For a moment, you think you've won. His hand draws away as he moves to sit up, instead opting to tangle his hand in Bobby's hair and pull him in for a kiss that you hear more than you see. Wet lips smacking together, Rhett seeming to groan purely from Bob's little whine. 
He's close. You can feel it. The way he's twitching inside of you, spontaneous motions of muscle that have no right to spark a fire within you. Burning up into your chest, eating away at the oxygen in your lungs. Rhett may have given up on getting you close. He may be sidling up behind Bobby again. But he might as well still be tormenting your clit, because that heat is spreading, and a familiar coil is beginning to tighten, clamping down around Bob's throbbing cock. 
Rhett's big palm slides down Bobby's chest. Doesn't stop until he can pinch a perky little nipple.
Bobby yelps. And it's like he's been kicked back into gear because his hand is dipping between your legs, thumb stroking up your soaked folds, picking up right where Rhett left off. Rubbing feather light spirals into your clit. Shouldn't be enough contact to satisfy you, and yet the faintness of it all is somehow too much. 
"I'm—I'm," he's stuttering, head shaking back and forth like he can fight off the feeling bubbling in his lower belly. 
You should stop him here. You don't have anything to clean up with. If he cums in you, it's going to be in you for the whole damn night, making a mess of you, your clothes, and the sheets. And yet your legs are tightening around him anyway, ankles locked behind him, and you're nodding. In the same damn boat as him. "Uhuh." 
His whimper cuts through the air. Pretty blue eyes rolling. The only reason he doesn't collapse on top of you is because of the arm Rhett's coiled around his waist. Hips stuttering to a sudden halt. Shoves you over the edge before you can think twice. Back arching up off the bed, cumming around his spasming cock with a cry you're certain the whole fucking building hears.
But clarity doesn't come to you. 
There's no dawn of realization as your muscles quit twitching. Your shaky inhale does nothing to put out the embers still raging deep in your bones. Isn't a hint of sudden overexposure as you pry your eyes open, weakly smiling up at Bobby's sweaty face. You don't mind them seeing you like this at all.
Gingerly, Bob leans back, taking his time as he pulls out of your cunt; the muscles there still clenching around him, even if you can no longer feel that you're doing it. He barely has the energy to settle beside you, a warm arm resting across your stomach, pressing chaste kisses to your shoulder. 
In the back of your mind, you think you can feel his cum spilling out of you. 
"Shit, Bobby," Rhett murmurs, a wayward finger rising to push it back inside; you can't imagine what that must look like, "made a fuckin' mess."
The only remark he receives is Bob's half attempt at a grumble. Not his fault that you defiantly pulled him deeper, rather than push him away. But he does have the strength to reach for Rhett's forgotten cock, half hard and still just as flushed as it was before. Seems to know what he's doing when he flicks his wrist because Rhett's entire body jerks.
Your foot kicks his thigh, "still not done, cowboy,"
"You're somethin' else," he chuckles, with the faintest shake of his head, like he can't believe what's happening, "both of ya, actually." 
But first, it seems he's got something else in mind. Rubbing up the inside of Bob's knee, breaching into the territory of his pale thighs, not particularly thick but just plush enough to grab a handful of. Squeezing, kneading the fat between his big fingers. 
Bob's idle hand keeps stroking him. Slow ups and downs that work him back up until Rhett's leaking into his palm, angry red tip demanding attention. You have to roll onto your side to get a better look, the show only stopping long enough for Bob to lick the pad of his thumb, bringing it back to massage over the engorged head. 
A beat passes. He does it again.
"If y' wanted to taste me, all ya had to do was ask," Rhett's fighting to speak through his grin, and you're primarily certain he's joking, but there's an undertone of seriousness hidden there, too. 
That's all Bob needs to hear. "So come up here, then."
And who would Rhett be to deny him? Climbing up to straddle Bob's pale chest, leaning forward to grab hold of the headboard, his other hand guiding his cock to that cute, waiting mouth. Greeted with a shy kitten lick at first, unfamiliar with the ropes. 
Your jaw aches just looking at the size of Rhett. Can't imagine what it must feel like for Bobby when he hesitantly parts his lips, taking him in, heavy on his tongue.
He's still new to this. Can't take very much into his mouth before he starts to gag, but his hand works what he can't fit, the corners of his eyes glistening with fresh tears. Whining his frustrations, breathing hard through his nose.
"There y' go," Rhett's sucking in a breath, "fuckin' fast learner, ain't you?"
It's impossible to reign in your laugh, "You're telling me." The mess between your legs is a testament of its own, sensitive and aching, whether it be craving from more or exhaustion, you can't tell.
"Eager as hell, too," Rhett's eyes roll; you wish you had a camera to capture that sight for the rest of forever. "Shit." 
All Bob can do is whine. Mouth too full to do anything else, trying his best to lift his head and take more of Rhett's cock, even with the fingers tangling in his hair, trying to pull him back. Lips struggling to stay closed around him, knocked loose by Rhett's slow thrust.
"That good?" You murmur, so fixated on the sight of him that you've forgotten everything else. 
It sounds like he tries to hum a little "uhuh" in response. Muffled, racing all the way up Rhett's sensitive spine. Has him jerking away with a gasp. Gripping the base of his cock with his fist like he's trying to chase off the twinges of sensitivity. 
"Did I do something wrong?" Bobby's tone is frail. One loud noise, and it'll shatter into a million tiny pieces.
Rhett's breath slides between his closed teeth on its way back out. "Complete opposite, actually." A beat passes, and he's on the move again. Sliding down the bed, his hands coming to settle on your hips, squeezing lightly.
It's hard to tell if it's you or Bob who yelps. But one way or another, you've found yourself face down on the mattress. The whole damn world spinning around you, struggling to catch up. Has he always been that strong, or are you actually dreaming these things up?
"Chris above," Bob mutters, "since when were you able to do that?"
Rhett's not done. Lifting your hips until your knees slip beneath you, propping your ass up for him. "Y' wrangle enough calves 'n eventually it becomes second nature,"
You can't believe what you're hearing, blindly kicking with your foot once more. Miss. "Are you really comparing me to one of your cattle right now?"
"A mighty cute one," a wet noise emanates through the room as his cock smacks against your cunt, "if that makes it any better." 
So long as he doesn't give you any ear tags, you suppose.
Maybe you've bitten off more than you can chew because, from the moment he nudges into you, one thing becomes painfully clear. He's so much thicker than Bob is. Stretching you even wider, has to pause to slick himself with lube because even with the obscene mixture of Bob's saliva and cum, it's not enough. 
"Still so fuckin' tight," he hisses, grabbing a greedy handful of your ass. You don't know if you're tight or if he's just big, splitting you wide open, forcing the air from your lungs, eating up every bit of space you could possibly offer.
Thunder rumbles. The streetlight flickers like a candle. Off, on, off, then on again. Wind howls outside of the window, seems to be squeezing through the cracks of the seal because you don't know where else that cool breeze would be coming from. But it's no match for the heat radiating off Rhett's big chest, snug against your naked back as he presses kisses to your shoulder. Still pressing into you. Inch by devastating inch. Until his hips are flat against your ass, not a centimeter between your bodies.
You'd try to lift your head if you weren't fighting to keep it attached to your shoulders. Feels like it's about to spin right off your shoulders. 
"Y' alright?" Rhett's asking so gently, infuriatingly, sets a half dozen butterflies fluttering in your belly. 
As if this is an appropriate situation for them to be showing their flashy little wings. 
"Move," it's only one word, and yet, you damn near have to strangle it out of your throat. 
Rhett doesn't need another ounce of encouragement. Pulling himself back with all the power and confidence of a man who knows what he's doing. So thick that he hits those little nerves without the slightest effort, strikes them hard as he snaps back into you. Balls smacking into your oversensitive clit. His soft grunts nearly washed over by the smack of skin on skin.
"Bobby really did a number on ya," marveling aloud, so focused on the mess made of your pussy that you can feel the warmth of his gaze. Sticky cum audibly squelching inside of you, about to be so, so much worse once he's done with you. 
But you can't think about that right now. Not when he's kissing up your spine, forearms bracketing your hips, keeping you from sliding up the bed and away from the heavy punches of his cock. "Y've no idea," kiss. "How much," another kiss, groaning under his breath. "I've wanted this." Kiss.
Your head tilts, peering over your shoulder, straining for a look at his flushed face. "You been dreaming 'bout fucking us, cowboy?" Taunting. A little too confident for someone split open on his dick.
"I'm the reason all our folks were worried," he's taking it all in stride, leaning back, sweaty chest glistening in the light as if to give you a show, "still waitin' to wake up 'n learn this is all a dream."
He leans off to the side. Feeling around, digging through the pocket of his discarded pants. Produces something shiny. Enough to make Bob's breath catch, but far too small for you to see what the hell it is. 
And he sets it right against your ass. Metal so cold that it's the only thing you can think of. Round. With a little—
"Oh my god," you gasp through a whimper. Suddenly have the strength to rise onto your forearms, trying your damnest to defy the laws of your body and turn your head all the way around. "My promise ring?" 
"Y' told me to do somethin' with it," he grins, downright devilish. An idle hand reaches below your belly, feeling around. 
"I told you to make it disappear," the fight leaves your tone the moment his fingers press to your clit. What strength you have fades from your body in an instant, suddenly unable to think of anything but the motion of his fingertips. "Christ, Rhett." 
Next to you, Bob seems to have stolen your energy, moving to sit up, unable to rest and watch any longer. You can barely see the way he sidles up next to Rhett, soft cock pressing into his thigh, kissing at that pale, sweaty neck, defiantly sucking a mark into the skin there. Seems to match the one Rhett left on Bob's neck earlier.
Rhett twitches inside of you. Keening in his throat. Doesn't realize what he's just knocked into. Electricity bolting up your spine. Arms going weak. So sensitive all of a sudden, pussy spasming around him. Driven by the spirals of his fingers and the sweet grunts that kiss your ears.
"Rhett," you're collapsing down into the pillow once more, writhing. Panting for a breath you can't catch. "fuck, I...I—"
His hips stutter. "I know it," breathy, rhythm quickening with an urgency you recognize too well, "c'mon, cum 'round my cock, doll."
You don't know where it's come from. All at once, your nerves are on fire, and you're shaking from head to toe. Biting into the pillow. Fighting to keep quiet as he fucks you, fat cock head rubbing against those little nerves over and over and over. You're gonna...you're gonna...
It washes over you like an ocean wave on a serene afternoon. Slow. Starts with a twitch in your foot and boils higher. Tightening like a vice as you cum around his cock. Mewling into the open air, head spinning. And yet you're just conscious enough to feel the stutter of Rhett's hips. Cumming inside of you with a guttural groan that rumbles deep into your bones. Think you can feel him twitching, throbbing as he pumps you full. Only adding to the mess they've made. 
A mess that you have no idea how you'll clean up.
But for right now, you don't have much energy to be thinking about that. Because Rhett's collapsing into you, smothering you into the bed, and Bobby's coming down, too. Forming a big, sweaty pile on top of you. Arms wind around you. Kisses pepper your skin. It happens so quickly, and yet, you already don't know where they start and end. 
And they're warm. 
"We've made such a mess," Bob giggles, the tip of his nose bumping into your forehead. 
Yes, you have. But all you can think about is squirming backward, stealing the heat radiating from Rhett's naked body, hugging someone's arm to your chest. You don't think you'll have the strength to move in the morning. Or the day after that, for that matter. 
Frankly, you don't think they will be able to, either. 
A part of you expects to wake up to the crushing reality of regret. That someone has had time to simmer on what happened and has decided this isn't what they really want. That it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing. A mistake made over some well-timed hormones and poor thinking.
Not one bit of you expects what you're actually greeted with. 
Two sleepy bodies. Kissing up on you. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear as they bicker and fight over who gets to kiss your lips. Heads knocking together. Messy hair poking up in every direction as they struggle for dominance. Each stubborn in their own, adorable right.  
It's not until later that you realize they're just as serious about this as you are. 
It happens some time after Rhett bends Bobby over. Bob's inexperienced but eager tongue drawing an orgasm out of you before you've truly adjusted to the sight of him between your legs. Drooling. Whining as Rhett drills into him from behind, neglected cock bouncing between his pale legs, struggling to keep upright. 
You reckon this is what you looked like last night. God, just the thought of it makes you sore. 
Fresh tears spill down Bobby's face. Overwhelmed but too into it to stop, as his trembling body collapses on top of you. Lips still slick with your wetness, shuddering like a leaf in the Wyoming wind. Muttering weakly for Rhett not to stop. Leaning into your hand as it tangles through his hair. 
He's cute, like this. Trying his damnest to keep up with Rhett, leaning on you to keep himself from falling apart at the seams. With his flushed cheeks and pitchy noises. So loud and unlike him. Confident when it's just the three of you. Unashamed to babble for Rhett to cum in him. Doesn't fear the cleanup that will involve or the short amount of time you have to get out of this hotel, lest they charge for another day.
No, you don't realize until after they both tumble on top of you. Heaving chests and tangled legs, pinned up against one another like sardines in a can despite the ample room available.
"Can I convince you two to get breakfast with me?" Bob's soft voice kisses your ears with its appearance. "I'll buy."
And all Rhett does is laugh. Loud. Hearty. The kind that makes his head tilt backward, curls bouncing. "Oh, so now y' wanna wine 'n dine us." He grins, palm coming down to lightly smack Bob's ass. Knocks a surprised whimper out of him. "Got that a lil backwards, Bobby."
Bob's eyes roll; he should have seen that remark coming a mile away. "I'm offering you free food, you dumb cowboy."
"Hey now," Rhett's still chuckling, the prettiest noise you've ever heard, "I never said I wouldn't take ya up on it." 
Two pairs of blue eyes turn to you. Each glistening with their own form of excitement and hope that you've come to recognize over the years. You know it better than you know yourself. How Bobby offers you his every emotion on a silver platter. The way Rhett fails to hide the soft fondness reserved for you and Bob.
"Breakfast sounds good," and unknowingly, you've sealed your fate. 
Not that you mind. Of course. 
 The drive takes twice as long as it was supposed to. Not one of you can keep your eyes on the road for longer than a few hours at a time. Too eager for kisses and fleeting touches and the shy, awkward giggles that come with crossing into this unfamiliar territory. Cramming yourselves into the backseat for an uncomfortable but cozy nap when the road becomes too much to handle.
When you were kids, your attachment issues were horrible. Not one of you could go without the other. Bobby sulked and refused to socialize with anyone who wasn't the two of you. Rhett raised hell when he was placed in a class away from you and Bob. Your entire week would be ruined if you couldn't go out on one of your adventures with the Abbott and Floyd boys. 
You'd thought those issues had faded with time. A sort of thing melted by maturity and the understanding that separation would not be forever.
You were wrong. 
When it comes time for Rhett to part ways to get ready for the rodeo to start, your heart defiantly aches. Isn't helped by the number of kisses he showers you and Bob with, the way he refuses to let go of your hands until the very last second. It's dumb, and it's childish, and you can't help it. Emotions are hard to handle. Especially ones that have been pent up for several years.
So you and Bob glue to each other. Share the same gasp when Rhett bursts from the chute. Unable to breathe as that beast of an animal bucks and twists through the air. Fighting with everything it has to get him off its back. The crowd roars for a cowboy they've never seen before and shoots to their feet before the buzzer sounds. 
You don't see him fall off, but Bob catches sight of him bounding out of the arena. Disappearing once more, mixed in with the other riders. There and gone in less than a minute. All that driving done for such little time in the limelight. The only confirmation he was really there is when his name soars up onto the scoreboard.
He doesn't appear again until after the rodeo. When you and Bob stand idly by the parking lot, ears pricked for the sound of his voice, unsure if you're in the right place or not. These rodeos are never the same. Sometimes the riders come out into the parking lot. Other times, they wind up on the far side of the stadium, where they have no reason to be.
It's the clank of spurs that give him away. Moseying out from behind a gate, 
His name still sits on the scoreboard, occupying the second-place slot. Got knocked down a peg by a bull rider with a hell of a ride. He should be cussing. Scowling that he almost had it, he'll do better next time and won't be beaten out by dumb luck. But that version of Rhett doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Because he's running. Arms wide open. A big, dopey grin on his scruffy face as he downright jumps on you and Bob. Spinning, dragging you two along with him like he's just won the lottery. Streetlight casting a perfect, golden glow on his handsome face. 
He steals a kiss from your lips before you can register it. 
Then one from Bob, too. 
"Are you alright?" You're blinking. Once. Twice. But the illusion never fades; it's as real as you are.
All Rhett can do is grin. "Never better."  But the corner of his lip twitches; knows exactly what he's doing.
"You're sure?" Bobby's falling right into his trap. Forever blind to the antics of a dumb cowboy.  "You only act like this when you win."
"But I did win,"  Rhett beams, far too proud of himself, as he opens his mouth and says, "I got both of you, didn't I?"
Bob's groan resonates from the very depths of his soul. Eyes rolling. "Oh my god."  Physcially needs to turn and look away, as if the very sight of Rhett pains him.
A smile bursts out onto your face. Truly don't know what you were expecting, all things considered. "How long were you working on that one?"
Rhett's grin grows impossibly brighter; you reckon the streetlights are jealous of its shine. "Stole it from the fella in sixth place, actually." 
And with a wink, he starts to walk. On a one-way track to the car, he doesn't need to look over his shoulder to see if you'll follow or not. He knows you will. You all know it.
It will take twice the amount of time to get back to town. But as you and Bob stumble after your shared cowboy like a pair of too-eager puppies, you can't help but wonder if the home is where your boyfriends are. Wherever that may be.
Even in run-down hotels out in the middle of nowhere, as much as you may complain about it.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
You can’t stop praising her about how amazing of a protagonist she is compared to other protags in similar games such as danganronpa. You would and WILL fight anyone that says anything bad about your homegirl an you DEFINITELY need therapy
You have the terrible habit of falling immediately in love with the best friend archetype that we met in the beginning who’s clearly gonna die. When they die you keep telling yourself you won’t be fooled again and then you do. Anyway you are in denial
You keep justifying you love for him by using the “he’s a complex character, he’s deep and shit” but that’s just an excuse to not say “i want him to carnally fuck me and treat my little bitch with his huge arms and tits”. Whatever sexuality you were before, his deep look probably turned you gay. Anyhow you are horny as fuck and you definitely need therapy, you little whor-
Either you are the the most gay motherfucker on the planet or you’re veeeeeeeeeeery straight.  you’re favorite ship is naoreko. NEVERTHELESS you want her to step on you. 
there is exactly two type of q-taro fans, The meme lord or the 20 page Reddit post defending his character from any criticism. We allllll know which ever type of fan you are, you cried like a baby in his final moments.
You definitely made every possible outcome in ytts, an replayed it multiple times. You probably follow  “ mishima-in-places-he-shouldnt-be” and is still sad that this gentle loving dude had to die first why it is. always. the. cool. dudes. who. dies. first., WHY, WHY NANKIDAI ?
You are awesome, smart, and just the perfect person to be around, you’re aura smells pure awesomeness, no, NO i am not biased.at.all it’s not like  she’s my profile picture. 
In all seriousness, you probably crave any green bling content and also loves shin too but kanna passion and pure kindness made you make the choice to kill shin. It seemed to difficult to vote for a kid so you voted shin. You relate to kanna struggles And ADORES her character development in 3b. Also you definitely need many therapy session (not projecting at all) .
If being a joe fan is sadness, a greenbling fan depression, well being a nao fan is literal despair and anger with anguish. Bro what the fuck did she do to have such an horrible end like that, her entire experience in the death game was  a pure nightmare. Homegirl did nothing wrong, she shouldn’t literally even be here dude😭😭. You have only one consolation is that now she’s in heaven with her girlfriend, also obviously you ship naoreko
You are right in fact you are 99.99 percent of the fandom. And i know that if one day you see anyone put gin below S tier or say anything relatively negative about him, you WILL find them, you WILL track them , and you’re gonna BOIL THEM ALIVE. And i will probably cheer you so go on, pop off, girlboss or mansplain bestie !  
You are mesmerized by his beautiful aura and luscious long mane. Every time the characters talk about him you feel so much happiness that his sacrifice was in the end really worth it, but still you cry that the cutest malewife had to go first.
His atrocious hair made you burn your eyes, his cringe fail personality made you laugh but his death destroyed you entirely. In the end you fell for this transmasc king. If you played logic rote you probably died a second time lol.
S H I N  T S U K I M I:
Shin tsukimi, oh, Shin Tsukimi the character of all time. So from what i understand he’s your favorite character. Were you the weird kid in your class when you were in high school or that one queer kid that tried to hide your identity but everyone knew just by a single look? Just by looking at you i can see a lot of self loathing and unaddressed personal issues that you try hiding under a rug instead of actually addressing them. Do you take time to eat, to drink, don’t forget to take a break from negativity when you are at your lowest, okay ? Diagnosing you is pretty hard you probably have a thousand problems but at least, i hope, not as much as this little dumbass.                                           There is two type of shin fans:
-the one who want to punch him, shove him into a locker and bully him 
-the one who want to give him a warm hug, a nice soup and a good night of sleep.                                                                                                                    In both cases, you are exactly like him and projecting so hard onto him. Also you are supeeeeeer gay like extra gay. Like your aura smells GAY you know. No cis het allo kinnie of shins exist actually, it’s as possible as dividing 0 by 0.  
So conclusion go to therapy
Ao3 is your god, your lord and everything that you need to live. Every time ao3 get down you die inside. You crave any content of her and wish that we can know more in the future about her (i do too) and you probably feel in love with her trough fanfic.
You guys exists? Well you like evil boss woman, i guess.
This shit full of errors and mistakes also this is a joke don’t get offended, remember as a greenbling fan i am probably the least respected type of yttd fan, well above the keiji simps you guys are wild. 
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loyaltykask · 7 months
Chapter 20
Something I didn't notice the first time was that they met each of the disicple in a different season Wukong was in winter, Bajie was in spring, and Wujing in the Summer. I'm going to have to see if this aligns with their elements as well.
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And thus a beautiful rivalry of blaming each other for being shits begins
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He is an honest idiot he says.
Sanzang's stance on family makes me wonder if his mother was always fated to commit suicide as his father still young could have a new family and technically neither had emotionally attachments as Tripitaka was 18 by the time they met and practically an adult and his father never got a chance to even know his wife was pregnant.
Really the one that suffered the most was his mom as she lost both a husband and son but even when she got them back she couldn't find it in herself to be a proper mother or wife after everything.... And maybe her passing was the last thing to push Sanzang to leave his family home and no longer "cling" to family.
Sanzang can't handle ribbing but he trying damnit.
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It's weird they say Wukong has a thunder god mouth when the Chinese Thunder god has a beak for a mouth.
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The Most Beautiful of all the Monkeys and not a single human can appreciate that
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Wukong: Okay, first of all, fucking rude, second of all only I get to call my younger brother ugly
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Sanzang just wanted to give his disciples nicknames! He wanted to be a cool master!
Wukong: I thought you were Idiot for the longest time Bajie:.... you still call me idiot Wukong: Well yeah but now I know it's just insulting you
I wonder which character they are using for 'useful' and perhaps 'capable' or 'reliable' would be a more accurate modern meaning. Because this is twice now they have said that being useful is not only a positive thing but a thing to be envied and proud of. Cause nowadays useful is seen as more talking about a tool but maybe back then was considered a high honor such as be a responsible and reliable person
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Wukong: I'm very useful! Sanzang: Yes you are, you help very much- Wukong: I was talking about my eyeliner
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"Fix your ugliness" GIVE HIM A BREAK
Leave Bajie alone, he may eat a lot but it ain't his fault he built like a pig (literally)
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It's funny that it is Sanzang and Bajie who are the more cautious ones at the start of the journey, saying that they should find shelter away from the wind because it is sus but Wukong refuses to listen It shows how much he has grown later on when he actually starts anticipating Demon's attack instead of ignoring the signs
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Like Wukong doesn't need to worry about demons cause he is Sun Wukong and he always will be fine. But as he goes on in the journey and starts to worry more about his campaigns he starts taking a more active role as a protective rather than doing the bare minimum to keep them alive. He really does grow
Kudos to Bajie for being the first to fight, don't know if it's just bluster or he really thought he could win but appreciate the hussle
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Of course, Wukong and Bajie choosing to go after chasing the demon rather than staying to protect Sanzang leads him to getting captured, interesting, His first kidnapping!
They don't have that teamwork just down yet And I was surprised that it was Bajie who was the one to fight first, Wukong saying he was going to go help Bajie and telling Sanzang to stay put leaving him behind. Wukong chose fighting over protecting in this case showing he either didn't trust Bajie to win or just didn't want to miss a battle. If they were coordinated then Bajie would have known Wukong would have been the better choice to fight and he would have stayed to protect Sanzang
Bajie CRIES when they lose him BRUH Even Wukong tries to comfort the guy damn
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Wukong saying he got this
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Wukong refuses to let himself be one-uped and refuses to accept help. Man really does got them daddy issues DAMN
Calls Wukong a condiment too damn
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Nothing brings the homies together than a first teamwork kill
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razberrypuck · 1 year
"the journey begins, for the 100th time" "you bet your tiddies it does" JWJFJEJTJH
ohh they're having a good time something's gonna go horribly wrong
earl bbeg real
wetma gills
"words hard. me tired. me drunk." jay I love you jsjfjejf
enza gonna help jay make a new body for alphonze 👀
drey disconnected w/the group?
"the longer you're down there, the more it twists you" ohh that's not good. instantly worried about arlin.
"if arlin's still down there, it's because it couldn't." "that man had a big ol' heart, even that giant body couldn't fit it." DREYYYYYY
"Sometimes I think I should dive in there alone. But I know I'm not strong enough without them" CHIP. CHIP YOURE GONNA KILL ME.
chip and drey are gonna KILL me augh
"we're gonna go down there, and we're gonna bust him out. whatever happens happens. we'll survive. we always do." RRGHHDHHDG
"sometimes its good to be bad jay give me the word" LMAOOOOO
"happy birdday! you can nae nae, but now you can... ;)" JSJFJDJG GILL
" 'Well, for you...' he gets lost in your eyes for a second" JWJFJSJGJEJJTJ
"EVERYONE now has cannons and healing potions except for ME!!!!!!!!" gill in his spoiled brat arc
"We are so, so unbelievably wanted" "they WANT us"
ohh I love enza
forgot abt cliff hangar
"To know the books, you need to have read the books, where the FUCK are the books, Jay???????"
"A world that's turned it's back / it's seas be turned to black / the black sea is all that's left / history be put to rest / the survivors will rewrite it / fight on, fight on until united / hope our wrongs be righted / flee the black sea at last / free from it at last
why are gill and chip so down to flirt with people today jsjfjsjd
the island of frozen roses ooh
ohhhh he just wrote about their journeys. ik its like obvious but that means so much to be actually.
"even when you are old and decrepit, you will always be our small boy, who we keep on the ship, and in our hearts" thank you gill
chip don't grill her about this now godddd.
bellamy. oh bellamy. im so sorry.
captain shadowbeard was the last pirate lord that went missing ohhh my god. it was a year ago. and when ollie went missing months later. oh my god this poor woman.
"You guys are gonna get attacked tonight" grizz ik you're joking but I don't fucking trust you at all
Gillion what are you planning 👀
"jay who did you see" "oh just my father and kira you know" "oh"
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gillion less clutch than expected.........
alphonze is gonna die again bro they JUST got him back! AND the boat!
Gillion absorb elements pog
thank you alphonze we love you alphonze <3
jayson I hate you smile
"You could be found innocent, by the way" "not for what I'm about to do :)"
"DAMN looks like you're as good a shot as you are a PARENT" "your quips only seal your fate" "damn, were you already burning?" gillion tidestrider I love you
"If they miss, I will roll to hit gillion"
gets harpooned in the ass and stabbed further in the chest sjfjeh
gill is so fucking funny engaging w/jayson lmao
"she's a BIRD are you PROUD OF HER YET? she has WINGS and they're COOLER THAN YOURS and they generate more LIFT" gill hyping up jay to her dad my beloved
makes eye contact with a fucking wizard. drops disguise and said "aight you handle these monkeys I got shit to do"
isn't the whole crew on the ship? or does grizz just mean on top deck
gryffon I love you
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"I can deal with that later. But right now, you're attacking my friends. And I can tell you have no intention to spare them. So I'll give you the same treatment back. So you're gonna attack me, or...I'm gonna take you down." JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAYYYYYY
"I thought you said next time you saw me, I wouldn't be your daughter anymore." "Now that I've seen how much you've changed, I mean it" go fuck yourself jayson <3
"if Jay's still fighting, I am too."
"Nice try, but Ollie's mom was way more pissed 😎"
lizzie??? did you??? did you actually kill ava or are you surprised???
"It's okay I can dodge it!" the mentality of the episode
I fully believe lizzie didn't kill ava actually. don't believe jayson at all fuck this guy
If Gryffon is dead. If Gryffon is dead.
gillion: just let me know where you need me. And I'll be there.
jay: right now you're right where you need to be. thank you.
gillion: aye aye, captain.
john and gill immediately going bro mode jsjfjsj
don't make me feel bad for jayson. I won't do it. piece of shit.
"You keep saying that people took me away from you. No one took me away from you, dad. You haven't had me for a long time. You lost me. You lost me in the lies, the training, your obsession with your work, it was all you cared about. Things change, dad. After ava died, you weren't there. You weren't there for me or for mom. And when I tell you we hurt, we struggled, I say we hurt and struggled so goddamn much. And I'm sure you did too, but you made it so goddamn clear where your priorities lied with the family. And in my grieving, you were the only one who wasn't there. Jayson Ferin, you are someone I've known my entire life. You've known me longer than I can remember, and maybe I've made decisions that you don't agree with, but they are my decisions, and I would've hoped that in the years you've known me, that you would give me even a modicum of trust, a modicum of what I saw in you my entire goddamn childhood. And now, you stand here in front of me again, you're making the same mistakes... You don't get to just take me back, you need to earn it. And the way it stands, you're on a fast track to lose both me, and your wife. You are the strongest man I've ever known but you are a fucking pathetic father. So come on. Go ahead, finish it, do your fucking job, if that's where your priorities still lay, as they always have."
persuasion with advantage and dm inspiration. so deserved holy shit jay. i am. speechless.
"For the first time in my life, since I became a pirate, I was able to feel free."
get the fuck OUT of here jayson go AWAY
jayson I'd ask why you don't fucking ask may yourself but I don't want you anywhere near her :)
thank fucking god hes gone.
"that's my boy right there, that's my BOY, I'm on your ass, I'm like glue on something that glues on" "this is the beginning of something, this is the beginning of a whirlwind of whoopass on kira I'm telling you now" bizly has the right idea get the panda man back
gill still didn't get the whalebone sword back ✌️😔
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calamit-ink · 2 years
I live blogged my thoughts while watching the ROTTMNT movie in the notes app
Here it is:
* Oooh it’s finally out!!
* What’s this? A video game perspective?
* Casey’s trans???
* Oh nvm it’s in the future
* Casey’s son?
* LEO SWORE?!?!?!
* Well there’s a bit detailed blood, is this gonna be gritty?
* Ok what the fuck is happening
* Oh no I hate time travel plots uuuggghhhhh
* There’s gone be hella second hand embarrassment, huh?
* Art style is looking HELLA good tho
* How are future!Casey and Cassandra!Casey gonna interact?
* Calling it now, Raph’s gonna die and that’s why future!Leo tells future!Casey “not everything is about you”
* Yay it’s the worm and the Hippo!!
* Sick ass chase scene
* Always here for big brother Raph content
* Leo you little shit
* Ayy April!!
* I love women using their wits for mischief
* Bro DO NOT walk up behind someone in the dark tf
* Oh no poor kids gonna be throwing straight gasoline onto the fire that is Leo’s ego
* At least now Leo’s gonna have to be responsible over someone right?
* Ok introduction was not nearly as second-hand embarrassing as I thought it would be, good
* Why do the Foot Clan insist on causing problems?
* Why not escape pod just Splinter?
* oh I loooovvvve the art style <3<3<3
* Damn this is dark
* God, I love Donnie
* Indeed it is Mikey, the future is harsh
* “Were”? I mean I was kinda thinking something happens to Donnie since he didn’t show up in the beginning but “WERE”??????
* Wait I thought the turtle tank thing was 3D animated, is it stop motion?? That’s so cool
* Oh it’s only gonna get worse isn’t it???????
* Chekhov’s mysterious government acid
* Uh oh, the turtles are split up even more
* Fuck I knew they die
* Casey’s being a bit harsh tho, this is Leo before YEARS of growth of course he’s gonna be inexperienced in leading
* Oh I love the art style 🥰
* Ayy teamwork
* God, Mikey’s naivety HURTS to watch LIKE BUDDY U’RE GONNA GET HURT
* I’m gonna need so much fluffy content after this goddamn ;-;
* Man “portal opening over New York City” sure is a popular trope
* Plz tell me Raph finds a way to resist the Krang’s influence oh please oh pleas e
* Well that is some mass destruction
* I will never get over ROTTMNT’s visuals they’re SO GOOD
* as cool as this Casey is, WHERE is the other one??
* I’m kinda surprised how well they’re balancing the dark/serious stuff with the comedy
* Yo is that the construction site from the first episode? Nice callback
* Yay for Donnie trying to conquer his fear, but ain’t that gonna Krang-ify him too? Like the direct contact gonna infect him
* Donnie you better not fucking die with your shell exposed
* He is a spaceship
* Ah yes Leo, the moment of realization
* Damn this movie goes HARD
* HE’S BACK!!!
* Oh everything’s ok now, they’re gonna win
* It’s all uphill from here <3
* Oh shit
* Death
* Or not
* Oh is Mikey gonna get his magic hands??
* It didn’t work?
* Oh not the left behind brother again
* Damn there’s still 20 minutes left?
* Oh boy
* Oh he gonna sacrifice himself
* not the fucking “catchphrase” that’s so Leo 😭
* KID IS WHAT, 15??? POOR BOY 😭😭😭
* No, no, no bring him back Casey!!! Use the swords!!!
* Oh they’re ok now 😭😭
* Except April & Splinter still have that deranged Krang
* Oh got encased in chemicals, good
* This is really cute, but I’m still confused about the other Casey
* Glad she was out kicking ass too 🥰
* Wish we could’ve saw it tho
* The end <3
* Good movie 👍
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skyecreature · 1 year
Artificial Intelligence.
TL;DR. I think AI and Neural Networks are really cool as a technology, but the way they are currently being used is terrible and needs to be stopped.
You don't have to read this, I just wanted to get my thoughts down on paper. Read more block because it's long.
I don't know if there's a formalized definition, but, for the most part, AI is any program or system that can create the illusion of decision-making.
In recent times, it's been used to refer generative AI specifically, but many things could be classified as AI. Minecraft's mobs have to make decisions on how to move. In fighting games, a CPU opponent must decide how to approach the player. Both of these and many others I, and many others, have called AI before. "AI opponents." "The cow's AI is making it spin on the fence." (Weeee!)
More recently, AI is closely employed alongside Neural Networks and Machine Learning. Which is like, basically just a digital simulation of exactly how our brains work. Which I genuinely think is really really cool! You're creating something that can appear smart from only feeding it random numbers and telling if is it's doing good or bad. And from there it eventually becomes something. It's a beautiful execution of mathematics.
Now, somebody realized that, finding data to compare to for this "good" or "bad" was pretty hard to find in bulk. So people made their own data sets. Until those weren't enough. Now, we steal artwork. And herein lies my first problem with AI, as does most people. It's one thing to look at another person's artwork and be like: "oh, that's cool, I want to try copying their art style." I would have no issue with that. (And even so, if I try to copy someone's style, I will always say who.) But that's not what it is. It's taking someone's (or rather, many people, but that doesn't make this any better), and sitting down in a metaphorical classroom to study this artwork as your one and only basis in "learning to draw."
This is basically beating a dead horse, but, like, it's very very sad for me to see something I cared deeply about, (I loved watching Sethbling's videos on 'training a network to beat Mario Bros.' and similar videos, long before the whole AI thing), and now it's become perverted because it's built on a throne of lies, as the saying goes.
My second problem with AI, and while still an echo of much I've seen elsewhere, slightly less so, is that it seems to be a perfect insistence on it being generative, when you could use this technology so much better. I want AI to assist artists, not work against them. What if your paint bucket tool could tell when there was a 1-pixel gap in the fill and, even if not "smart closing" the gap, at least be able to find where it is, because those can be bloody annoying to spot. Or what if you could pull two strokes apart that you put on the same layer 20 minutes ago and didn't notice until now? What if you could just tap in an area to mask your shading brush without carefully lassoing the part you want? There's so many many better ways this technology could be getting used, and I hate it. I hate it so much, that the way it's implemented is "replace," and not "help."
IDK if I'm really trying to make a point with this. I just wanted to get my thoughts out. If you disagree or think I could have worded something better, please leave a reply.
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thegayestminotaur · 7 months
What’s your All or Nothing AU about? I’m pretty curious about it, IK it focuses on Dr. Venture (had hair LOL) and Dr. Orpheus. Srsly I am interested about it and its lore. 👀
I'm really gonna try hard to be brief here.
The basic gist is that after Season 2 Ep. 10 "I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills", Byron and Rusty start dating. Their relationship is rocky at first for various reason, like the fact that Rusty is kind of a terrible person and has a lot of internalized homophobia and Byron's unresolved trauma following his divorce along with his rather lawful personality clashing with Rusty's chaotic nature. They do fall in love, of course. I'm not in the business of writing a slowburn with this one. Dr. Henry Killinger showing up during Season 3 Ep. 2 "The Doctor Is Sin" is a major turning point for Rusty in the fic. Upon the revelation that Rusty is in love with Byron, Killinger switches from setting Rusty up as a supervillain to setting him up for superscience success. Ya know. Because Byron wouldn't like dating a villain. It's hard work, but by following Killinger's 'Action Plan', Rusty's able to go from literal joke to a superscience powerhouse. The fic is split into two parts. The first part is a pretty straightforward romance that goes over Rusty and Byron's relationship up to and a little ways after them getting married during the events of All This and Gargantua-2. The second part is more of an action-thriller that goes over Rusty's fight against... well... everybody. First it's just Guild, but after Rusty gets shot in the head during a protest in NYC, he declares war on the NYPD. Not like, actual gunfire and bullets war, but when you're a billionaire living in the USA, you can do a lot of shit that makes life difficult for people and Rusty is nothing if not petty. By sheer unbridled spite, he starts threatening to tip the balance of power that the OSI has carefully maintained so Hunter declares him too dangerous to live. Turns out, though, that it's incredibly hard to kill Rusty now since he has been training to not be hit and also is married to a dude who can bring people back from the dead. But while Hunter is concerned with Rusty taking over the world because he's too petty to stop and think, Rusty's concerned with something way beyond the scope of governments and Secret Governments. Aliens. Okay, okay, hang on, now - Aliens are canon to Venture Bros. In Season 2 Ep. 5 "20 Years To Midnight" we actually see two different aliens. One of them happens to be one I quote all the time with the wonderful line "IGNORE ME!" But like... if Jonas Sr was communicating with aliens to the point where 20 Years To Midnight happens and he maybe felt like the construction of Gargantua-1 was necessary (this is just me speculating) then why don't we see them again? (Probably because the series was cancelled i'm fiiineeee :'''3) but I think with both Rusty and Byron advancing their respective talents in leaps and bounds to the point where OSI considers them too dangerous to be left alone, then a threat from outside Earth makes perfect sense.
Plus, this way I can also write "Hyper-Competent 21, The Monarch, and Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Threesome" because The Monarch always steps up his game to match Rusty's EMA (Equally Matched Aggression Rating) and I love that also sooo But why does Rusty have hair? During the events of the fic, Rusty takes a look at the DNA sequences his dad left behind and realizes that his genome is fucked up. (This is canonically confirmed in Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart, but is something that you can glean through other episodes/seasons.) In fic, he goes in and uses gene therapy to patch things up a bit which causes some minor physical changes.
Don't get me wrong, I also love canon Rusty. He's a pathetic lil meow meow, a totally wet lil bastard, and I love him. I have nothing wrong with his bald headed-ness, but this way you/I can see the progression of him in fic from Pathetic Bastard to Hyper-competent Alien Fighter depending on how much hair and which facial scars he has. Same thing with Byron and his scars and how pointy I draw his ears and teeth.
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owlixx · 9 months
Arcade Review
I attended VCF Midwest 18 (retro computing festival) in Chicago with my dad this last weekend and we stopped by the Galloping Ghost Arcade. I jotted down a list of the games we played and figured I’d flesh that out with some notes/context for tumblr.
1. Tron - they had both the original machine and the Discs of Tron machine. Considering we had both brought Tron shirts, this was a hit with us.
2. Qix - I’m familiar with the “cut off the box while something bounces around in it” genre and I had heard this name before but I don’t think I’d ever connected those dots before. I wanna play some more of this one sometime.
3. Asteroids - a classic and not much to add, but the vector graphics were so bright and vivid here that it really looked cool. and the momentum feels pretty good too on the ship.
4. Street fighter/mortal Kombat - we played MK2 and 4 which was good fun, I’d like to play more of all of them. And we did one round of SF1-4 which was super fun. I wish it was easier to get into fighting games. And that I didn’t have to pick one main!
5. Commander havoc - this really impressed with the vivid vector graphics and interesting track-cylinder controls. I didn’t even get to the platforming part until playing later in the Atari collection on my vita! Which emulates the track-cylinder using the touch screen which is a nice touch, never heard of this game before
6. Battle zone - again, this is familiar territory but playing with the real headset and joysticks really elevates it.
7. Batman forever - this one was just silly, the photo scans of the actors looks so goofy on top of the movie already being goofy
8. Berzerk - a favorite of my dad’s
9. Wizards of Wor - this one played like Pac-Man if Pac-Man has a gun, really wasn’t bad despite never hearing of it before
10. Dragon’s lair - got further than I think I ever have before, new goal of mine is to actually beat this game or at least watch the full “movie”
11. Capcom vs - always fun until the game actually starts lol, love the rosters but I suck at these even more than normal fighting games. Highlight was my dad recognizing a couple character from tatsunoko and promptly kicking my butt with them
12. Dungeon and dragons hack and slash - already own this at home but always fun to see, I really ought to beat my copy sometime with someone else
13. Virtual fighter/tekken - again, takes me back to a simpler time but I need a local player 2 for these to be fun
14. Darius - I think we played the oldest and newest one. Neat novelty for the wide wide screen. On the old one, you can tell it’s a CRT in the middle flanked by mirrors reflecting CRTs on the bottom of the machine. I have burst on my vita and never played it before, it’s cool to see how arcade accurate it is now!
15. Silent scope - always gotta pop my head in here because it’s a fun novelty, I should try the home port someday for fun
16. La machine guns rage of the machines - I have this on Wii but it was fun to play the arcade version! I was surprised by how strong the rumble was. I need to play this, NY gunblade, and ghost squad more at home with my legit Wii zappers
17. Aerosmith - never knew this existed and boy is it buckwild and kind of hilarious. Never would’ve expected the Aerosmith game to be a rail shooter
18. Moonwalker - we played this for about 30 seconds before sharing nervous laughter and moving on
19. Journey - we called this one out ahead of time thinking it surely wouldn’t be here. Plays like tron where it’s actually 5 minigames featuring poorly digitized heads of the band members. Pretty funny
20. Resident evil gun survivor 2 - this was really curious! You aim with a lighting but also move by using the light gun as a joystick. Pretty neat but the multiplayer didn’t work for us. Looks like there’s a home port exclusive to EU/JP? I’d love to play more of this oddity
21. Castlevania arcade? - I think this was just a port of Castlevania 1 but still interesting
22. Super Mario bros versus - couldn’t tell if this was different from Mario 1 at all functionally but playing with an arcade joystick and buttons was neat!
23. Mario bros - I’m so used to the remake included with GBA Mario games that the original makes me embarrass myself when I play it
24. Donkey kong - I need to actually clear all the stages at least once
25. Sinistar - my dad clutched a win against the S man himself, kinda neat how this game has multiple phases and free movement
26. Star Wars arcade - we played a super low poly one because it was 2 player with a much higher poly one next to us but single player only. Also played a ROTJ speeder bike game with neat handlebar controls
27. Defender/Stargate - a classic, I need to get decent at this one sometime
28. Tempest - TxK was the first game I got on my vita and I didn’t really get it, but now I get it more and the graphics really impresses. I’d like to play more versions of this game
29. Pac-Man/mania - a staple like bread or eggs. Maybe someday I’ll play all them in order
30. Joust/2 - this was super fun. Really shines in PvPvE with an uncertain alliance. Transforming the mount in the sequel is neat, had never seen it.
31. Warlords - 4 player pong basically, but also reminded me a bit of boom blox. Keeping an eye out for this one now.
32. Night driver - never heard of it before but kind of fun
33. Pole position - feels so much better with a real wheel and pedal
34. Qbert - terrible at it but cute
35. Spy Hunter 2 - pretty fun in 2 player mode actually
36. Speed racer - this really surprised, this was super fun. Jumping over my dad was the highlight until we both collectively ran off a cliff and quit
37. Gauntlet dark legacy - somehow plays way worse than the GameCube version? But fun seeing this guy here
38. Robocop/2 - first one sucked, second one relatively impressed especially with the Wild Guns-Esque shooting gallery minigame
39. Contra - we had just played the DS Contra 4 so we had to play this one for comparison. As hard as I remember, especially for him lol. Also played an odd 2.5D contra in Japanese. I got the feeling it was a phone game port and googling now confirms yes, it is, called Contra Evolution
40. Ikari warriors - fun to play because of the unique twisting joystick. My dad lamented that we didn’t get to the tanks
41. Crystal castles - my dad showed off a secret warp trick on the first try that I managed to recreate on my vita port that uses the touch screen as a trackball. Way cooler with trackpad than joystick like I’d played before. Also always think of the musical artist
42. Cyberball - hot nonsense, he crushed me. Fun dual screen corner setup
43. Sonic the fighters - I had thought it would be fun if they had this one and they did! Didn’t play long but just fun to see it show up
44. Segasonic - this was my wildest guess as to what could even appear here, very happy to see it! My only chance to ever really play this game. Sadly, had a rude guest next ti me during it
45. Yi are king fu - this was high on my dad’s list and did in fact appear, he blazed through the first five levels quickly. I’d like to try and play this a bit more
46. Ring king - boxing game my dad was looking for, we really struggled to get started with the controls
47. Punch out - it was neat to get to play the arcade original with the wireframe graphics like his alternate costumes in smash bros
48. Judge dredd - this one was just kinda funny, classic stiff digitized photo graphics ala mortal kombat
49. 3D xevious - had never seen this, kinda neat
50. Super puzzle fighter - a favorite of my mother’s, fun to see the cabinet version. Especially since the XBLA port is weirdly compromised in some ways
51. Space invaders - this one was fun because it had a physical background graphic that the game sprites seemed to hover above, which was much more impressive than seeing just the game sprites in isolation
52. Mega man power battle - I had beaten both of these before on the capcom arcade collection for $1.99 a pop, but playing and seeing a real cabinet was a real treat
53. Paperboy - I always associated this game with the NES but the arcade version with a unique handlebar controller is a lot more charming. Still far too hard.
54. Pit fighter - so bad it’s good, this was on my dad’s list
55. Quake - this was a curious one, having to aim and move with just arcade buttons
56. Star Trek - pretty cute vector game, the Split View of first persons and top down is pretty neat
57. Cliff Hanger - fascinatingly, a laserdisc game in the style of Dragon’s Lair but repurposing clips from Lupin III without advertising itself as such.
58. Wrestlemania - not my first time playing this one, but always fun to see the super over the top moves
59. Rampart - one of my dad’s favorites, admittedly kind of advanced for the time with the base building in between rounds. Kind of an addicting gameplay loop if I am being honest
60. Quantum - super cute vector game with trackball that plays like Pokémon ranger where you have to draw circles around objects. Pretty good game feel, curious about this one
Didn’t get to play:
Popeye - favorite of my dad’s, screen broke
Star Wars episode 4 - similar
Mk3 - working but poor screen, my favorite MK
Soul calibur - the only had 2 and we ended up skipping it anyways
Silent hill - beautifully giant machine but was either down for repair or occupied
Monkey ball - had that silly banana joystick but down for repair
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moriartyluver · 11 months
🦢 anon is back with the song analysis again
ok but teen fl + teen idle by marina is soo real
“I wanna be a bottle blonde I don't know why but I feel conned”- her feeling like liam is more privileged than her and feeling slightly jealous of him because she saw him as a white b who got everything handed to him
“I wanna be an idle teen I wish I hadn't been so clean”- revenge revenge revenge
“I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away”- her being an introvert as a teen and only ever studying and maybe occasionally socialising
“I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake I wanna be a real fake”- her putting on a facade
“Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible Feeling super, super, super suicidal”- the third line here is kinda like her being 16 and committing crimes ig?? Also fl low-key wants to unalive herself but knowing her she probably won’t try because of all her responsibilities
“The wasted years, the wasted youth The pretty lies, the ugly truth”- I know we didn’t get an exact thing abt fls relationship with Theo the pedo but I’d say it’s implied they probably did the deed. Like how when they were dancing in the Ashfordshire arc, liam said something abt fl having multiple partners in other aspects, also in the past chapter u mentioned that fl would visit Theo at night. I think she’d lie to herself and act as if she was just seducing him but really she was probably getting abused by him
“And the day has come where I have died Only to find, I've come alive”- fl having her grand duchess glow up post timeskip 👏 👏
“I wanna be a virgin pure A twenty-first century whore I want back my virginity So I can feel infinity”- fls issues with intimacy with Liam because of Theo. She probably never enjoyed the devils tango until liam came around because she was so used to using it for her ulterior motives 😕😕 also she always is getting fetishised and flirted with by the other noblemen to the point she felt she had to marry a guy she considered her biggest rival just to shake them off only for them to keep going and not understand how uncomfy she was
“I wanna drink until I ache I wanna make a big mistake I want blood, guts, and angel cake I'm gonna puke it anyway”- in the Noahtic arc, fl got drunk a bit and was probably using it as escapism for her issue of an heir. Also fls implied Ed ^^
“I wish I wasn't such a narcissist I wish I didn't really kiss The mirror when I'm on my own Oh God, I'm gonna die alone” - fl has slight self esteem issues imo so this lyric makes sense especially because she seemed to be a little meaner as a teen and rightfully so bc her brother literally died because of the British ofc she won’t like any of them. In like the second chapter fl made a comment abt dying alone and I thought that fits
“Adolescence didn't make sense A little loss of innocence The ugliness of being a fool Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?”- fl was suffering since she was like 9 and I don’t think anyone reached out to her tbh if she was really killing whole families at 16. She was probably hella merciless and numb poor girl. She also probably lost her innocence because of Theo and other weird noble guys
also she fits seventeen by marina too. If she was an mtp character she’d probably get angst edits to that one bit “I was brought up as a baby well you don’t know fuck about my family could never tell you what happened the day I turned seventeen the rise of the king and the fall of a queen”
fl is just sooo Marina coded idc
ALSO I AM BEGGING YOU TO GET SOME REST GIRLIE. u usually update like every day. We don’t need u losing sleep over false lovers I promise. Get ur beauty sleep 🙏
Stop this is literally a whole essay 😭 u are right abt most of it tho
Theo is literally such an asshole I’m glad fl killed him and tortured him
Bro was 20 and courting a 16 year old but wasn’t even following proper etiquette rules
Fl finds it so difficult to be affectionate with Liam all because of that stupid mf.
Grand duchess fl 🛐
Fls parents tried to reach out to help her with her grief when she was a kid but they were both suffering themselves and they were trying to find out who was responsible for fls brothers death while also suffering responsibilities as the grand duke and duchess. They tried but fl shut everyone out because she only wanted revenge
Fl also has really terrible self esteem issues but she doesn’t let it show at all. From her perspective William was just an asshole and she felt like it was unfair everyone treated him better than her. Paris and rory esque relationship tbh
Tbh fl would get edited with like every Marina song she’s just that Marina coded
Also I’m currently on holiday so I’m trying my best to get some rest after my exams. I’ll try to be constant with updates but tbh I don’t think I’ll update until I’m back home because my internet keeps getting fucked up lol
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foxfireartist · 2 years
Potential/actual spoilers for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
(+ ~20 updates as I finished the game)
Me: *sees Director Clavell in the trailer* He’s the villain.
Me: *starts game* …I think I might’ve been mistaken… he’s too genuine…
First conversation with Turo:
Me: HELLO HOT GUY!!!… he’s the villain, isn’t he…
Note: I haven’t finished the game yet but I’m in area zero and I think I might be right this time. If Turo is the villain then I will gladly turn myself over and surrender to whatever possibly world ending plan he’s cooked up.
Update: I knew about the time machine. I guessed from the existence of the paradox Pokémon. Turo still might be evil but I’m starting to get the sense that he wasn’t neglectful to Arven out of a lack of caring. Just that circumstances prevented him from contacting his son. I’m still not sure how to feel about this man.
Update 2: Turo, you sexy fucker! It’s rude to eavesdrop!
Update 2.5: Turo’s journals scattered about definitely seem to hint at a consumed by knowledge/create utopia (for my family?) narrative. Something kinky hinky is going on. I feel in my… bones. Definitely my bones.
Update 3: Nemona, you have billions of brain cells and they’re all too consumed by violence for you to spare even ONE for rationality or common sense. Seriously?! |Penny: One wrong step and we’re dead. Nemona: Oh yeah, we’re mortal beings who can’t fly. I forgot. Good call, Penny! 😃| Good lord. I love ya, darlin’ but you’re dumb as a brick in a sock and just as useful.
Update 3.5: Turo mentioned earlier that there was a second Miraidon and Arven mentioned after that that his father came home with it one day and asked Arven to take care of it and keep it secret. But then it went crazy one day and attacked a bunch of Pokémon so Turo took it back to the zero lab and Arven blamed it for not seeing his dad in forever. I’m wondering if the Miraidon we have is actually the second Miraidon and not the one Arven took care of that went nuts.
Update 4: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Bro starts with the ominous “Hello, children” (always comforting)
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and then starts breaking up. I know there’s probably just some interference given how destroyed this room is but it’s still creepy… wait…
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…is he a robot… NEW THEORY: sexy Turo was replaced by a robot! (Or the communication/monitoring system is just that fucked.)
Update 5: …
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Update 6: *nervous laughter* OH HELL NO!
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“They just don’t understand my brilliance,” probably followed by regret at some point and then his letters to Arven stopped because he might’ve decided that his family was more important and then he was kidnapped and replaced by his double. That’s my current theory. (Also our Miraidon might’ve been the original one after all. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I can be wrong sometimes.)
Update 7: Oh, Nemona, you naïve, sheltered, little princess. No wonder you’re always looking for a fight. Also, SPEAK ARVEN!!! YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON!!! TELL US!!!
Update 8: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! I WAS RIGHT!!! TURO IS AN EVIL ROBOT!!! THIS IS CREEPY AS SHIT! Now the question is: where’s the real Turo…?
Update 9: HE’S DEAD?! Not sure I believe AI Turo but that does explain why the letters to Arven stopped. Dammit, don’t you dare make me cry, game.
Update 10: …Miraidon… killed… that explains why it won’t enter its battle form…
Update 11: “[…] his physical body sustained grievous injuries and made it unable to sustain life. This fact may be difficult for his son, Arven, to accept.” NO SHIT!! THAT KID COULDN’T EVEN HANDLE THE FACT THAT HIS DOG ALMOST DIED!! Although, it might be slightly easier to accept since Turo wasn’t really in his life. Speaking from experience, though, that’s a small and bitter comfort.
Update 12: Wait so Turo WAS the villain (kinda). He orchestrated a situation that would ultimately create (read: destroy) the “perfect world” even in his absence. His AI double literally warns you, “Oh, before I forget, if you try to stop the time machine, I’ll probably attack you.” So the AI’s programing is advanced enough that it likely calculated that the professor would’ve wanted to stop this situation if he understood the full gravity of it, but it can’t calculate the “don’t get into a fight with the person you asked to save the world” action. I guess it makes sense if he died and therefore can’t update the software with new insight but the fucker created adaptive AI programming that made a call on it’s own to stop the time machine but he still couldn’t make it think entirely for itself? Bullshit! Lazy bastard really didn’t bother going all the way with it? Bro really just stopped at, “good enough, it does what I need it to do.” REALLY?! This is why you shouldn’t be lazy with your AI programming, kids. You’ll destroy the world.
Update 13: “Please. Defeat me.” WHY IS IT SO SAD?! IT’S A FIGHT!! NOOOO!!! 🥺
Update 14: Ghosts and ghost Pokémon exist… Either the AI’s programming really is advanced enough to create and pass on a final goodbye… or it’s the real professor Turo… We’ll probably never really know.
Update 15: When good foresight screws you over. I think the real Turo would’ve wanted this to stop at this point too. HOW COULD THIS HAVE POSSIBLY GOTTEN SADDER?!!
Update 16: Shit.
Update 17: So the AI CAN think for itself. Or, rather, it seems to be more than an AI… I’m not crying. YOU’RE crying.
Final update: @morezizan, you bastard. Sometimes I hate it when you’re right.
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Considering it’s an FNF AU blog, it’s a crime that I didn’t include little Boyfriend in this, huh.
Name: Boyfriend Hatsune
Species: Purebred human
Age: 20 (post RFM)
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'0 (Ignore the 7 feet post. It’s most likely a joke by the devs.)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 5th
Has four siblings: Older Bro, Big Brother, Miku, and Ritz.
He is the second youngest child in the family.
Will definitely take you down to the point where your parents will make fun of you for that behind your back (canon).
Probably skilled as Hank J. Wimbleton himself.
He learned how to fight (and how to deal with bullet wounds) from Pico.
He doesn’t like to fight, however. He doesn’t like killing unlike Hank.
Is interested in psychology thanks to his friend Loki.
Wants to be a rapper though. Psychology isn’t his hyperfixation, music is.
His singing style is inspired by Daddy Dearest. In fact, he idolized him.
Because of his rap battle with DD, he popularized the style to the point where other decided to get into it.
His comprehension when it comes to English gets better the stronger the bond gets
Since he will go beep boop towards strangers
If that bond is severed, then his speech will degrade alongside it.
Blunt as fuck if he does say something.
Definitely dumb as bricks.
Despite this, he is a nerd when it comes to music.
Knows most of the music terms; including the obscure ones.
If he decided he should, he could probably learn Italian.
Half-Japanese half-American.
Japanese is his second language.
Literally watched the Bee Movie in Japanese just to memorize the opening speech so he can troll people without the others knowing.
Maybe even the entire Japanese script.
For the meme.
Was bullied in school for his blue hair.
Pico saved him from the bullies, and they became friends.
It’s partly the reason why they dated later in life.
Boyfriend got a fever at that fateful day when… Pico’s School happened.
He was glad that he wasn’t there, but he felt bad for Pico.
Eventually, they realize that they weren’t for each other so they broke up.
Whether or not it was good or not remains to be seen (apparently the answer is at the full-ass game, but I’m betting that it didn’t go well)
At this point, he moved on.
While yes, he did used to make clickbait videos to buy cigarettes, seeing Garcello’s final moments put a stop to it. He put out an apology, deleted all of the clickbait, and is now uploading music of his own on his YouTube channel.
Understandably, he is pretty ashamed when someone mentions his clickbait-y past.
Because Miku is very busy doing her idol shenanigans, and thus, rarely comes home, he thinks about her sometimes. He misses her.
Friend magnet. Holy shit, is he a friend magnet.
Favorite game is Smash Bros, not Newgrounds Rumble.
Mostly because that game is an equivalent of a fighting game that includes the most notorious serial killers (and a few innocent celebrities) if that was put in this universe without any alterations
Met Hank after the improbability drive had a brain fart of sorts and spit him out in Nevada one day
When Hank was wearing his Antipathy outfit
They trained to survive the hellhole until Boyfriend finally went home
Wishes to dismiss everything as a dream.
It wasn’t.
And he had proof.
Is he disturbed? Used to, but now, it doesn’t bother him that much.
Gives him a few nightmares sometimes.
Once upon a time, it got so bad that Boy and Girl had to intervene every single day to relieve him of his nightmares under orders of the Maker, in expense of other kids.
They do not regret it, as Boyfriend needed their help the most.
Boyfriend is grateful towards these two deities as a result, even to his adulthood.
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jessjustplay · 24 days
I loved and hated playing Star Ocean Till the End of Time
May 30, 2024
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I stopped playing Star Ocean Till the End of Time yesterday. I made it to the final boss, but this is a JRPG so you know there are at least two forms of a final boss. I couldn't beat the final-final boss (God help me if there was a 3rd form), and after 4 attempts I decided I was DONE. I asked myself, "Is finishing this game worth me getting this upset?" and the answer is NOPE.
Game: Star Ocean Till the End of Time First Time/Replaying: First Time Game Time: 50 hours (incomplete) Console: PS4 Started: April 22, 2024 Finished: May 29, 2024
"Why don't you go back and level up?"
Because I don’t want to. That’s literally why. It’s not fun leveling up in this game.
• The save points do not replenish your HP/MP. • Your characters die if their MP reaches 0. That’s not a typo… they actually die with 0 HP or 0 MP… so not cool. • You are limited to 20 of each item. • You can't even stock up frequently because shops (and inns to rest at) are few and far between. • You don't get ANY item drops after battles!! • In battles, there's a 5-second waiting window before you can use another item. Very annoying when you revive someone with your limited Revive items and they die again during this window you had to wait before you can use Blackberries (heals MP). • Very few locations have a healing circle, so it makes grinding for levels tedious… as explained above! (If you play this game, my biggest tip is to level up in an area with a healing circle.)
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What's so hard about the final boss?
I can beat the 1st form easy, but when it comes to the final-final boss (2nd form), this mf is super fast. He casts frequent, wide-range attacks that hit all of my characters. So as I am trying to revive someone because THEIR MP IS AT ZERO (not even their HP, but their MP), I'm having to wait before I can use another item, and in that waiting time, my character is dying AGAIN. I'm basically stuck in a loop of trying to keep my characters alive, that I can't even attack. And my other 2 characters aren't attacking enough either because they're just dying. *internally screams*
"All that work and what did it get me?" 🎶
I fought every single boss and made it through every dungeon using the same battle method: attack, heal, attack, etc.
And now, at the very end, the game wants to be like, "Well actually, you're doing it wrong and you need to be stronger." Bro what? I'm literally here. I'm at the final part of the game. Evidently, I am strong enough and should be able to beat the final boss because I'm here. I fought all the bosses up to this point?! Make it make sense.
And to be fair, I can admit my own mistakes: I did not invest enough time in the item creation system, and I did not level up past level 56. Would a higher level have helped? Maybe, but I’m not re-doing all those dungeons. I’m not re-doing all those boss fights. That’s my point: I already did! And at the end the game wants to be a [insert mean name] and make the final boss impossible to beat with the strategy I’ve used all game long? Nope, not interested. I’m done, thank you. Next game, please.
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The story saves this game.
The story in Star Ocean Till the End of Time is an awesome sci-fi tale and it has become one of my favorite JRPG stories. It's creative and the sole reason I continued playing the game even when I was annoyed.
Backtracking a bit, the design of the dungeons are quite complicated. You don't simply start at one point and end at the exit. No, no. Not in Star Ocean 3. In this game, you enter one place, go through a door, then another door, take some stairs, end up somewhere else, then go back, take the other door, that leads to another door, then you wind up over here, and by the way the exit you actually need is the one way over there. On the other end. Not here. *internally screams*
But this is where the story comes to save the day. Once you (finally) exit the dungeon, the game delivers with a cutscene of dialogue that fuels the story and hooks you back in. It's quite impressive actually, to make a game that is so annoying and also amazing at the same time. I was sick of it, but needed to know more. So, props to the game devs for making me feel annoyed and amazed.
I love the first Star Ocean (First Departure R) and I plan on playing it again for a third time because it's such a fun game. I had hoped that I would love Star Ocean Till the End of Time just as much, but I didn't. While I think the story saves this game, my recommendation to anyone would be to watch a cutscene movie of Till the End of Time instead of playing the game itself. In my opinion, it's just not worth playing. But the story is worth watching!
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jaythelay · 2 months
Bro legalization is utter garbage, decriminalization is the only way to go.
So both weed stores around me charge far too much, like usually it's just 10$ a gram and it goes down the more you buy, not so for dispensaries, no the price seems to go up, and the price of a gram is 14$+, then they randomly tack on 10-20$ at the end, THEN there's tax which adds ANOTHER 10-20$ depending on purchase.
While you'd think hiring stoners would be a give-in, it's not! As it turns out. Because the ones they hired at my second dispensary can't help but YELL AT EACH OTHER while I'm trying to talk with the cashier about what I wanted to purchase, the entire, fucking, time, they're yelling, neither of us can hear each other but stoner dude's not paying ANY fucking attention anyways.
Then the kicker? I'M MEDICAL. I GOT THE CARD, and yet there's STILL TAXES.
"taxes go to schools"
I'll fucking hold my breath til I'm blue til I see the reality of that, as it stands sending money to school is like sending money to a company, it ain't going to the employees, let alone the kids.
ALL this, just to say: You'll never catch me dead with a receipt for 80$ for 3.5g, medical card in hand, ever. I will, instead, go pay 55$ for 14g, from my local parent who's struggling, I assure you, that money will mean more to them than any school will actually use it for, and the weed won't be moldy.
"but slaver-"
They grow it themselves. There's no point in legalization. No fucking point at all. Decriminalize it and keep companies the fuck away from it. There is 0 REASON LEGAL WEED COSTS MORE THAN ILLEGAL WEED. For one thing illegal weed has to come from so fucking far away, or hidden in a basement, or in some ways hidden, you want to fight slavery? You tell these fucking companies to stop overcharging their moldly weed, and tell the state to not charge like a 50% tax on every fucking purchase. Don't get me started on them randomly adding fees like bro, do you really need that extra fucking dollar? Do you really expect me to believe that?
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