#Captain Asherah
cassiekayscreams · 1 year
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I originally did this drawing for an Instagram reel on Asherah’s backstory. I colored it in black and white for the reel but I liked the fire so much I decided to do a full color and shaded version. Fire is so much fun to draw digitally! Lighting effects also fun. Also, I am insanely proud of her hands. 
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nvvacanesworld · 7 months
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..••°°°°••..GREAT BLUE °°••....••°°
What if sirens were real and had the ability to make captains crash/sink their boats and their crew? Write from the perspective of a young sailor who survives a crash and interacts with one of the sirens
credit to @writers-potion for the prompt☼
♡pairing -Sailor!Gojo x Siren! Fem Reader!
♡content warning- Angst/No comfort, death, manipulation, starvation, satoru being stranded. she/her pronouns used Comment if i missed any please
♡word count-2,174
an- this took so long i’m sorry if it’s not perfect i haven’t proof read but i will later. Likes and reblogs and comments are appreciated, and if you like this feel free to follow me i’m trying to reach a goal of 100 followers :) or don’t it’s okay. I also like getting feedback just please be nice to me as i am a new writer ☮︎
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it’s been seven days. seven days i’ve been stuck on this island. Seven days sense those things attacked me and my men. I don’t know how it happened. It’s like i was in a trance, she was pulling me towards her with her eyes. Oh those eyes, those beautiful ey- No Satoru Stop! Get your self together. I started slapping my face to wake up and get myself to stop thinking about her. Before i flipped the ship, i heard her, i swear i heard her whispering in my ear. She promised me power and riches if i would just jerk the wheel.
“Oh Satoru, listen to me brave sailor, riches beyond imagination await you. I can give you what you want, i just need you to trust me. Trust me Satoru”
Trust her? I looked forward and saw the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen looking at me. I didn’t care where she came from, I just wanted to see more of her.
“Yes my brave sailor, treasures only the bold can claim can all be yours”
“Tell me more please” I was so eager to know how i could attain this treasures. Looking out at the sea, the sun hitting my skin started to fade away making the once clear sky dark and gloomy, The once calm waters became more aggressive crashing into the side of my ship, but i hardly noticed, to focused on what this women, with her soft enchanting voice could possible mean, it’s like i couldn’t control myself. That’s was the only thing on my mind.
“Ancient jewels that shine brighter than the stars, Scales of the mightiest creatures that have ever lived, stronger than any metal or wood, The crown of the ruler of the sea Queen Asherah, with this crown you will gain the ability to breathe under water, we can see each other that way Satoru, i want you to see me, i want to see you”
Without a second thought i spoke
“I want to see you too, tell me how i can see you” I gripped the wheel tighter eager to know what i could do to attain these things that only are spoken of in folktales, things you hear about from your comrades while you watch the star in the sky dreaming about what you want to be.
Her voice sounded eldritch the next time she spoke, more sinister, different than the soft voice i had grown accustomed too
“Crash your ship”
What? My eye go wide but before i could think my mind goes back to the promise of hidden treasures, things that could make me the most powerful man to sail these dangerous waters, making me remembered for generations. Ignoring the warnings the waves gave me, I start to steer my ship closer to the sound of her voice. Where are you, how can i find you
As the ship goes deeper into the perilous waters, it feels like the water has an iron grip on my ship, making me and all my men shake with it.
“Captain what’s going on what are you doing?” One of my men shout at me, but i ignore him continuing on my path.
No matter what you do or how hard you fight you fight nature will always win
My ship flips succumbing to the oceans furry.
The last thing i remember is the screams of my men, begging for mercy, begging to live. And the scene of that same women and others attacking them as they struggled to keep themselves up, in that oh so unforgiving sea. And that soul wrenching song luring me to sleep.
I woke up in a sweat, jumping up from my position. How was i alive?
I’ve been stuck here for seven days waiting for anyone to notice that we never reached the port. Wandering around with no certain direction in mind. But the thing that irked me the most is i still wanted to see her. I don’t know what i would do if i happened to see her again. Maybe try to kill her to be honest. For what she made me do, or maybe she wasn’t even real and i did it myself.
My mind has been spiraling ever sense. As i kept walking i reached shore again. Great i went in a circle.
Falling onto the sand i felt the grains against my back prickling my skin. I was starving and hungry, only surviving off of the fruit that hung off the trees around me. I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. This was it, i was going to die here. Right when my eyes were about close and my mind was about to fade into darkness. I heard her again.
“Oh Satoru, you look so hurt” she murmured in my ear. Her voice was so calming, oh so soothing i almost forgot how much i loathed her.
I got the toughness of steal and forced my body up and finally i saw her smiling at me.
“You…” I said with a strain in my voice glaring at her. She had so much nerve to smile in my face after that fucking mind control spell she cast on me. How could she be so confident? Standing so close to me in my reach like i won’t snap her neck and make her suffer the same fate as the men of mine she killed.
Without too much thinking i gather all the strength i can muster and lunge at her.
But she..she evaded me so gracefully, like she was dancing she twirled out my grasp, and i fell face first into the sand right in front of her like an idiot. I heard her laughing at me.
As i lay there defeated in the sand, she continued to laugh at me. That haunting melody that echoed in my ears caused my face to turn red. I couldn’t understand how she seemed so exquisite and untouched and calm by the chaos that she had caused. The tragedy she had caused. Struggling to my feet, my anger added fuel to the fiery flames that ignited in me at the sound of her mocking laugh.
“Why did you make me do it?”I growled not even bothering to wipe the sand sticking to my damp clothes “What even are you?”
Her laughter died out and she looked at me almost childlike her eyes looked so doll like.
“I am a Siren, Satoru. A creature of the sea, drawn to the deepest desires of men like yourself. Satoru your heart desired and sought after the most beautiful treasures, all the glory and for your name to be remembered for generations. I merely offered you what your heart desired”
Anger surged within me. “And at what cost? Where is all that now? After my crew is gone my ship has sunk, What do you even gain from all of this destruction?”
“Oh Satoru” There she goes again saying my name like that. “The sea demands its sacrifice, the sea doesn’t kneel for anybody, In return i bestow upon you the opportunity to come with me, Embraces the depths with you Satoru and wield the treasures your heart desires”
I hesitated, why did i hesitate, i was torn between the desires for revenge and the lingering allure of her vow. The lines between hatred and captivation started to blur. “Join you? After what you’ve done?”I croaked out my voice strained
Her expression softened, almost like she pitied me. I hated that. But the more i looked it almost looked like understanding “You may despise me now, but the sea has changed lots of peoples perspectives it has a way of doing that to people. Embrace the change and power i offer and you shall become something greater than you can imagine”
The conflict raged within me as i heard the waves crash, further echoing the turmoil in my mind. I yearned for vengeance, while another part of me felt drawn to her seductive promises she whispered. The siren extended her hand to me, an invitation to a destiny entwined with the depths of the sea.
“Do you choose the surface, where you will be stuck here forever wandering this very here beach because no one will come to save you Satoru i’m the only one who is here for you” Her voice got darker as she spoke it seemed she was getting angry but she quickly covered it up again “Or will you come with me, We can be together Satoru, i will make all your dreams come true” She was calm again looking at me with a glint in her eyes awaiting my answer. Why was she so bent on taking me with her, was she once like me ? Who are you?
A starange calm settled within me, the rage giving way to curios acceptance. I found myself reaching for her hand that she offered me. The decision made against the backdrop of the now calm sea. It’s like nature was playing into her hands. Our hands met, a surge of entertainment courses through me.
The world around us started to shift, and the island transformed into an otherworldly paradise. Vivid hues danced in the air, and the haunting melody of the sirens song resonated with a newfound lucidness. When i looked around me i felt a connection to the depths, an understanding that surpassed my former human limitations.
“You are now more than a mere sailor Satoru” she whispered from behind me. Her eyes gleaming with a mix of triumph and compassion. “You are now part of the oceans songs, it’s powers”
As i embraced my transition and transformation. The memory’s of what now was my past life started to fade like distant echos. I didn’t harbor resentment for the shipwreck, or the loss of my crew. Instead a symbiotic relationship with the sea and with the siren unfolded before me.
In the depths i discovered the wonders that were promised to me. The ancient jewels that shimmered like the stars. Scales of mighty creatures that pulsed with raw strength, and the beautiful crown of the Queen Asherah. With the crown on my head the ability to breathe underwater became second nature. And the ocean unveiled is secrets to me. This is what power felt like.
The siren, whose named i learned was y/n, and i began to roam the depths together. She became more than the seductive creature who led me astray, she became my mentor, my friend, my lover. Our connection transcended the surfaces desires that once bounded us.
As time passed i lost track of how long i had been apart of this aquatic realm. But i embraced it with open arms leaving behind the limitations my once mortal existence gave me.
The sea, once a relentless force, had became my ally, my truth. And with the Siren by my side i embraced the desires of the sea and the destiny that awaited in the endless expanse of the great blue.
Years have passed and whispers of the mysterious island reached the years of adventurous souls who wished to see if these folk tales were true. A group of explorers, drawn by tales of lost treasures, set sails toward their destination.
As their ship anchored near the sand of the island, the explorers set foot on the sandy shore. The air carried an eerie feeling, and the wind seemed to whisper untold secrets. Among the group was a seasoned archaeologist named Dr.William was leading the group.
Their footsteps echoed through the abandoned remains of a shipwreck that looked like it was washed up on shore, a haunting reminder of a past that was long forgotten. They explored further, discovering footprints deeply etched into the sand, evidence of what once was someone’s existence.
Deeper into the sand they discovered a figure lying motionless on the beach. A gasp swept through the group as they walked towards the body.
“Is that Satoru?”
“Who is that?”
“He was that famous caption who sailed the seven seas, but when he was on his way back home, it was said his ship crashed and he was never found”
The group gasped shocked by the news of the incident.
His body was intact but lifeless.
Dr. William explained the scene “Starvation” She uttered. A somber realization. “He must have been stranded here for days and took his last breathe when he laidback on the sand”
The once vibrant and ambitious man laid there as mere shell his dreams and desires extinguished by the unforgiving nature of the island.
As the explorers gathered around his body they prayed and paid their respects, but right as they were getting ready to leave the heard a haunting melody and out of the corner of there eyes they could’ve sworn they had seen something, or rather someone, rise from the sea ready to confront the crew. The last thing they heard before they passed out was
“Oh Satoru, my brave sailor”
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please and thank you :)
♡tag-list- :) @getosbabymomma @seeingivy
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
Town of Puddle: Vampires
Last updated 08/14/2023
In the world of Puddle, vampire is a catch-all term for any humanoid creature that needs to consume something from a human to survive - usually human flesh or blood, but some subsist on other things such as emotions, dreams, etc. The most common vampire is the classic undead vampire. Vampires are usually immortal or very long-lived. 
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While vampires are thought to have any number of origins, there is in fact one singular origin from which they descend. The first vampires were nephilim, the children of the demon Asherah and the angel Rapha. Asherah was the queen of a kingdom named Hell. Tales of this kingdom and her rule would pass through the ages and become distorted into mythology. Rapha was an angel of blood with a terrible hunger his children would inherit. Both are long dead and gone, but their influence on their descendants lingers. Common vampiric powers, such as glamours and shapeshifting, come from these ancient ancestors.
Asherah and Rapha’s children were destined to rule, for a time anyway, over all corners of the earth. Some were more suited to the forests or mountains or cities, others to the sea or even the skies. These first vampires would eventually give rise to all the different types of vampires we see today.
The kingdoms of vampires were matriarchal, modeled after Asherah’s own kingdom. Matriarchs are a special type of vampire suited to rule, and childbirth. Mundane vampires have difficulty bearing children, most being completely infertile. Natural-born vampires are thus rare but not unheard of. Most vampires nowadays are turned, from human to vampire as other creatures are immune or will simply die to vampirism.
A childe (plural, childer) is a vampire that has been turned by another, who is their sire. One of the few remaining widespread cultural norms for vampires, is that a sire has some degree of responsibility for their childer shortly after they are turned, and it is good practice to teach them local vampire rules, history, and etiquette.
While most vampires prefer solitary existences, many vampires form groups for mutual support. These groups often vie for power in shadowy undergrounds that exist away from human eyes. A vampire group might be called a gang, a pack, or a coven.
Below are my named vampires so far. If you’re curious about even more, @wyrmzier also has their own Puddle vampire characters you can ask about.
Vivian Moon used to be human, but she was turned into a vampire. She is like a siphonophore, a colony inhabiting a human form. Because she is a colony of organisms she can survive grave injuries or even dismemberment, for short periods of time. When her limbs are separated from her body they have their own intelligence, like an octopus’s. Vivian works as a forensic consultant for a special precinct dedicated to investigating monster-related crimes. 
Ethel Stone is Vivian’s friend in City Hall, who keeps her informed of political goings-on and secretly helps out her fellow vampires. Ethel is a lamprey vampire.
Teutho Melua is a vampiric pirate captain with a love of theatrics and parties. He is Vivian and Mordecai’s sire. Teutho is initially very narcissistic and bloodthirsty, but after some character development he becomes slightly less narcissistic. He is still bloodthirsty.
Mordecai Esadze is Teutho’s first mate. He is dark, serious, and grumpy, to balance Teutho’s more flashy personality. Mordecai is responsible and secretly more of a softie than he lets on.
Adelaide is Mordecai’s childe, his only one. As a human she sought the change, vampires call these sorts of humans “bite-chasers.” Now she manages a modest network of underground clubs and casinos, and in her spare time enjoys breeding snakes.
Lilian Heather is the adopted daughter of Samuel, and an up-and-coming actress.
Melanthios is an ancient vampire, thousands of years old and now more monstrous than humanoid. He is Menodora’s mate.
Malakos was the youngest of Menodora’s children, a cruel and egotistical vampire who controlled a small criminal empire on the Black Sea. He was Teutho’s sire, and was killed by Teutho and Mordecai.
Hyacinth is another of Malakos's childer, who pursues Teutho for a time.
Chise is Vivian’s mother, a bakeneko vampire. She abandoned Vivian at a young age, leaving her with no knowledge of her heritage.
Lycan was an ancient vampire, a child of Rapha and Asherah. His pursuit of a cure for vampirism led to the creation of werewolves.
Felisity is an ancient cat vampire, and a Matriarch. She was a queen of a small kingdom and was worshipped as an aspect of the goddess Bastet for many years, but eventually was dethroned and went into hiding.
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shoespam · 26 days
All of my one piece ocs!!
It goes Name (age): and little info!
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Asherah (40): Shes a Jellyfishman whos married to Kawamatsu. My main oc that I post
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Wendell Curry (33): A food and drug research scientist, shes dating Sentomaru. Shes..crazy strong for some reason
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Cookie/CookieTaro (25): Shes dating Hiyori, she plays the Shakuhachi. She is a Melanoid axolotl
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Bao Sen (Unknown): Bao Huangs twin sister, She has a SMILE fruit. Model Tree Frog.
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Shiitake Hayashi (27): My first oc, She's the captain of the captain of the SnackTray Pirates.
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Nashi Itto (36):Hes the personal medic of Admiral Greenbull. He has a bee devil fruit.
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Gyrus (29):Sea Urchin fishman, HUGE fan of Uta.
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Feray (20): Gyrus adoptive sister, a bat mink.
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Elowen (42): She's dating Denjiro. She's a cyclops due to a birth defect.
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Decima (50):A giant who works for the beast pirates.
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changer00 · 2 months
What couples are in your Disney Descendants AU?
Ok so, prepare for a long list of has beens, could have beens and end goals!
High King Benjamin (Son of Belle) and Princess Amarys (daughter of Sleeping Beauty) had a marriage contract in place since birth. This fell apart after Benjamin rescinded on the agreement
Benjamin eventually ends up with Mallory (daughter of Maleficent)
However, Benjamin and Princess Theia (daughter of Rapunzel) had a friends with benefits thing going on
However, Theia ends up with Gilles (son of Gaston)
Prince James (son of Cinderella) is enamored with Amarys - she is aware of this but strings him along
Genevieve (daughter of the Evil Queen) and Hadrian Hook (son of Captain Hook) are super dooper in love
Jassar (son of Jafar) ends up torn between the twins, Azim and Amira (children of Jasmine) and ends up with Azim
Azim also has a thing going with Alexei (son of Cruella)
Asherah (daughter of Ursla) has often had flings with Giles and on once Mallory
I think for now that's it!
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Bracket is up! Matchups are in text form under the cut. Reminder that all of these matchups were chosen randomly, and that this bracket will be run in a double elimination style, so a character failing out in round one does NOT prevent them from proceeding into the tournament.
Ursula Boulton (Merge Mansion) vs. Betty Grof (Adventure Time)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. The Coin / Boss (Blaseball)
Morgan Le Fay (Fate) vs. Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
IMOGEN (Stellar Firma) vs. Amalexia (Elder Scrolls)
Maeby Funke (Arrested Development) vs. Manon Blackbeak (Throne of Glass)
Taylor Hebert / Skitter (Worm) vs. GLaDOS / Caroline (Portal)
Cleo DeNile (Monster High) vs. Nico Robin (One Piece)
Helen Richardson / The Distortion (The Magnus Archives) vs. Calanthe (The Witcher)
Irving Braxiatel (Thieves & Tardises) vs. Nefera DeNile (Monster High)
Alina Starkov (Shadow & Bone) vs. Lady Barbrey Dustin (A Song Of Ice & Fire)
Eclipsa Butterfly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) vs. Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)
Moira O’Deorain (Overwatch) vs. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribbean)
Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shaman King) vs. Artemis (Greek Myth)
Tomie Kawakami (Tomie) vs. Dame Obsidian (Murdle)
Rachel (Animorphs) vs. Juri Han (Street Fighter)
Shego (Kim Possible) vs. Asajj Ventress (Star Wars)
Tabitha Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow) vs. Morte Asherah (Sands of Destruction)
Theresa (Fable) vs. Morgana Pendragon/Le Fey (BBC Merlin)
Nailgun Sue (IRL) vs. The Witch (Into the Woods)
Chara / The Fallen Human (Undertale) vs. Nimona (Nimona)
Klaasje Amandou (Disco Elysium) vs. Margot “gottiewrites” Garcia (An Unauthorized Fan Treatise)
Prince Ianthe Naberius the First, the Lyctor Prince, the Saint of Awe, previously known as Ianthe Tridentarius, the Princess of Ida, heir to the House of the Third, Mouth of the Emperor, the Procession, House of the Shining Dead (The Locked Tomb) vs. Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade Series)
Anna Croft (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) vs. Sailor Galaxia (Sailor Moon)
Ms. Pauling (Team Fortress 2) vs. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
Charlie Magne/Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) vs. Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs) vs. Gretchen Klein (The Wilds)
Rachel (Tower of God) vs. Galadriel (Lord of the Rings)
Charlie (Don’t Starve) vs. Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run)
Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) vs. Filo (Shield Hero)
Tokiko Shigure (Ai: The Somnium Files) vs. Sandy (TokiDoki Cactus Friends)
Shion Sonozaki (Higurashi When They Cry) vs. Banica Conchita (Evillious Chronicles)
Mima (Touhou) vs. Yūko Ichihara (xxxHolic)
Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) vs. Laerynn Coramar-Seelie (Critical Role)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Granny Weatherwax (Discworld)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wuthering Heights) vs. Susie Haltmann (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
Lae’Zel (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show) vs. Angela (Library of Ruina)
Miranda Vanderbilt (Monster Prom) vs. Jinx (Arcane / League of Legends)
Rose Thorburn Jr. (Pact) vs. Eva (Umineko When They Cry)
Empress Phillipa Georgiou (Star Trek) vs. Shiv Roy (Succession)
Paige Duplass (The Silt Verses) vs. Akua Sahelian (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Poison Ivy (DCEU) vs. Nickel (IDW Transformers)
Joyce Messier (Disco Elysium) vs. Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Kalina (Fantasy High) vs. MegaGirl (Starship)
Sloane Parker (Eidolon Playtest) vs. Power (Chainsaw Man)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Raiden Ei / Beelzebul (Genshin)
Patty Bladell (Insatiable) vs. Remy “Thirteen” Hadley (House MD)
Tanya von Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil) vs. Fang Runin (The Poppy War)
Nomi Malone (Showgirls) vs. Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wu Zetian (The Iron Widow) vs. Lariska (Bionicle)
Teresa Agnes (Maze Runner) vs. Emma Perkins (Hatchetfield Series)
Lucrecia Mux / Maligula (Psychonauts) vs. Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do In The Shadows)
Akako Koizumi (Magic Kaito) vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Blackberry (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs. Malva (Pokemon)
Vermouth (Detective Conan) vs. Kumoko / Shiraori (So I’m a Spider So What)
Eleanor (Do Revenge) vs. Bryony Halbech (Red Valley)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Leliana (Dragon Age) vs. Archbishop Rhea/Seiros (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Grimora (Inscryption) vs. Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Audrey Redheart (Wandersong) vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magic)
Fujiko Mine (Lupin III) vs. O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill)
Anne (WOE.BEGONE) vs. Gwendolyn Poole (Marvel Comics)
Lappland Saluzzo (Arknights) vs. Avrana Kern (Children of Time)
Harley Quinn (DCEU) vs. Cassandra Jones (Rise of the TMNT)
Faith Lehane (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalte / La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Revan (Star Wars) vs Rue Kuroha / Princess Kraehe (Princess Tutu)
Eve (The Bible) vs. Prospera Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury)
May Angelica Jones Goodwin (It Takes Two) vs. Elle Williams (The Last of Us)
Marina (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas) vs. Naksu / Mudeok (Alchemy of Souls)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) vs. Sucre (OFF)
SHODAN (System Shock) vs. Cocolia (Honkai: Star Rail)
Alana Bloom (NBC Hannibal) vs. Halea Haumea (Phantomarine)
Delirium of the Endless (The Sandman) vs. Arcee (IDW Transformers)
Morganthe (Wizard 101) vs. Wu Zetian (History)
Jude Duarte (Folk of the Air) vs. Miranda Pryce (Wolf 359)
Perihelion/ART (The Murderbot Diaries) vs. Kanamori Sayaka (Keep your Hands off Eizouken!)
Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum (Adventure Time) vs. Anais Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia) vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Harrowhark Nonagesmius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Big Mama (Rise of the TMNT)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) vs. White Gladys the Orca (IRL)
Doctor Carmilla (Doctor Carmilla & the Mechanisms) vs. The Handler (Umbrella Academy)
Catra (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Liliana Vess (Magic: The Gathering)
Jasnah Kholin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Liraz (Daughter of Smoke & Bone)
Lilith Clawthorne (TOH) vs. Medea (Greek Myth)
Odin (The Bifrost Incident) vs. Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo)
Mordred (Fate) vs. Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight)
Beatrice (Umineko When They Cry) vs. Hester Shaw (Mortal Engines)
Balalaika (Black Lagoon) vs. Any Female Praying Mantis (IRL)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) vs. W (Arknights)
Angelica Pickles (Rugrats/All Grown Up) vs. Eleanor Guthry (Black Sails)
Asha Rahiro (Kubera One Last God) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Administrator (Team Fortress 2) vs. Shadowheart (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Noi (Dorohedro) vs. Leopardstar (Warrior Cats)
Sue Miley (Your Turn to Die) vs. Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
Juliette Cai (These Violent Delights) vs. Rat God (Mad Rat Dead)
Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) vs. Kycilia Zabi (Mobile Suit Gundam)
Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Anne Boleyn (History) vs. Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Kokomi Teruhashi (Disastrous life of Saiki K) vs. Major Margaret Houlihan (M*A*S*H)
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd) vs. Enyo (Granblue Fantasy)
Claudia (Interview with the Vampire) vs. Essun/Syenite/Damaya (Broken Earth Trilogy)
Lady Eboshi (Princess Mononoke) vs. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne)
Entrapta (She-Ra & The Princesses of Power) vs. Ilsa Faust (Mission: Impossible)
Princess Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Samantha Groves / Root (Person of Interest) vs. Charlotte “Lottie” Matthews (Yellowjackets)
Shanoa (Castlevania) vs. Sally Reed (Barry)
Evil Lynn (He-Man) vs. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Raphaella La Coginzi (Doctor Carmilla & The Mechanisms)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs. Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher)
Toriel Dreemurr (Undertale) vs. Monaco (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Carribbean) vs. Vala Mal Doran (Stargate)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU) vs. Adelina Amouteru (Young Elites)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats) vs. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) vs. Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. PearlescentMoon (Double Life SMP)
Lady Bone Demon (Lego Monkie Kid) vs. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson Series)
Jung Sun Ah (Devil Judge) vs. Muu Kusonoski (Milgram)
Romanadvoratrelundar (Doctor Who) vs. Electra (Starlight Express)
Rouge the Bat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape)
Wen Qing (The Untamed) vs. Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Ponyo (Ponyo) vs. Renata Glasc (League of Legends)
Aubrey (OMORI) vs. Menou (The Executioner and Her Way of Life)
Olivia Octavius (Into the Spiderverse) vs. Anna Limon (Mabel)
HG Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. The Shapeshifter (Odd Squad)
Miles “Tails” Prowler (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Isabella (Promised Neverland)
Riley Grace Davis / Bonesaw (Worm) vs. The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) vs. Nami (One Piece)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Lucretia (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
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Ash's profile (One Piece OC)
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Name: Asherah Yue (Ash)
Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/her 
Origin: North Blue
Blood Type: S (O)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purple
Weight: 115lb (52K)
Height: 5”5 (165cm)
Age: Pre-Timeskip: 19-20 Post Time skip: 21-22 
Occupation: Spy
Wanted Poster:
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Bounty: 25,000
Affiliation: Marines: 15-16 Baku Pirates: 16-18 Boots Pirates: 18-21 Heart Pirates: 21- Present
Devil Fruit: N/A
Family: (Names of Family will be added over time) Genghis (Father) Mother Older Brother First Older Sister Rena (2nd Older Sister) 1st Younger Sister 1st Younger Brother 2nd Younger Sister
Ash is the fourth (Middle child) of a family of seven other kids, thus shaping her personality. She has clear signs of middle child syndrome, acting on impulse and causing trouble just to gain a little attention from her parents. Though her parents weren’t perfect parents they did love their kids a lot but due to being busy and having a large number of family members were prone to a lot more mistakes. Her father was a military captain and her mother was a famous singer in the North Blue. Having Ash have some respect for the military and a love for music.
Ash would often get attention from her older sister, a soft-spoken, sickly child due to being born prematurely. Rena was the one that gave Ash the attention she craved when her parents were busy. The girls formed a special bond and promised one another they would travel to the Grandline together and finding the One Piece together.
 Because of that promise and Ash’s dream of adventure, she would push her sickly sister to be more adventurous. Even pushing her sister too far often and having her sister end the hospital due to declining health or doing something dangerous. Because of a dare to prove how brave she was, Ash explored a pirate ship that was docked on the island while her father was out of town. With Rena following Ash begging her to get off the ship. Unfortunately, the girls got caught in a battle. Ash woke in the hospital a few days later hearing about her sister’s death.
Ash has a lot of guilt about losing her sister, due to her own mistake. Often time blames herself, causing herself to spiral more out of control and causing more trouble. Causing more of a rift between her and her family.
 Falling for the resident bad boy of the village who was a few years older than the fourteen-year-old girl and pushing her to cause more trouble. At age fifteen she almost lost her virginity to the boy at the back of the church till her parents caught her.
Her father furious at his daughter’s action and the direction she was heading signed her up for the Marines wanting her to shape up her attitude. Leaving her bitter and hurt by her parent’s choice again and feeling abandoned yet again. Ash joined the Marines and found herself dragged into the Grandline for training.
There she met her first love, having been a wild teenager on hormones Ash gave her heart and everything to him. He used her to get a higher rank in power, and the two were fighting with one another causing Ash high stress in her relationships. And acting out again as she had been improving.  Also being in the Marines she began to see and understand shady stuff she was never aware of as a child. And questioning her morals.
 One night out of town at a bar she met a Pirate captain 20 years older than her who told her the life of a pirate. Ash memorized by the idea of becoming a pirate joined the Baku pirates after burning her ex’s bed for revenge on him cheating on her. But this was also the last straw for her parents disowning their daughter and causing a bigger rift in their relationship. 
She fell in love with her pirate captain and soon started a relationship with him, despite the age difference. It messed Ash up a little as it was her first healthy relationship where she was respected, but still, he wanted to change her fiery personality or have her mature more quickly. Often times would compare her, to other women, wanting her to better herself as a person.  Something her parents used to do when frustrated with Ash.
After a while, they had a mutual break-up and Ash Captain Boots pirate crew. A temp agency selling services to pirates new to the Grandline and unprepared. Her job being the spy. That is where she met Law, who heard about Boots and he formed an alliance hiring Ash as a spy to work with him after Dressrosa finally convinced her to be part of the Heart Pirates.
Character Relationships: Law (Slow Burn Romance), Bepo (Favorite Heart Member), Rena (Older sister), Parents and Siblings (Unnamed), Captain Boots and his crew (Past Captain), Captain Somnium and Baku Pirates, Straw Hats (Ash's favorite Straw hats is Luffy as she can't be mad at him and Chopper)
 Birthday: N/A
Name meaning: Woman who walks on water/ Canaanite pantheon goddess/ Asherah Pole
Hobbies: Playing Violin/Piano, Reading
Favorite flower: SnowDrop
Flower Resemblance: Purple Hyacinth
Favorite Animal: Spotted Snow Seal (Harbor Seal) Recently Snow Leopards
Animal Rebalance:  Snow Lynx
Favorite food: Curry Bread and Melon Bread
Least Favorite Food: Eggplant and Mushroom (anything slimy)
Real World: Chinese/Persian
Real World Job: Therapist or Music Teacher
Violin Name: Rena (It is her sister’s old violin)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purple
~Asherah will correct everyone who calls her by her full name. She prefers to go by Ash. A few people know her full name. 
~The village Ash is from is popular for their Harbor Seals (spotted seals) which is why Ash has a lot of attachment to the animal. Her first meeting with Law was to comment on how his hate looked like a spotted baby seal, in a way to insult him.
~Ash’s favorite food relates back to her family, on cold days her and siblings would often eat Curry Bread during the cold days and Melon Bread on hot days. Memories she knows she can’t get back as she grows older but cherishes. (Her second favorite animal is a polar bear)
~Ash still shops for her siblings seeing things they would like and purchasing them, even uncertain of never seeing them again. She has a small box of trinkets under her bed.
~She fears needles, often fighting with doctors and nurses by biting and scratching. A fear that carries well into her adulthood, but Law figured her weakness is Bepo and has him help when it comes to her checks.
~She doesn’t like visiting doctors or hospitals due to PTSD. She finds doctors and hospitals often bring only bad news. Only a certain doctor.
~She is also scared of ghosts and scary movies. Law does and will take advantage of her fear just to hold her or have her hold on to him.
~Ash is quick to learn to play any instruments and wishes to learn to play them all at least once. Her talent is at playing String instruments and struggles with Percussion instruments.
~Ash and Law met two-three times as kids when Law was staying with Mr. Wolff. Both have found one another annoying. As she used to fight with him, Penguin, and Shachi whenever they neared her sister.  Law enjoying Rena’s company a bit more.
~But even if Rena had lived Law would have fallen for Ash in the future. 
~Ash can’t cook, she struggles to figure out recipes and how to work in the kitchen.
~Ash can’t eat by herself, coming from a big family she likes to eat with other people. She has no issue with snacking. Law would often stop his work to eat with her when he knows she is hungry. It helps him get a regular eating habits.                               
~Ash is really good at singing but rarely sings or dislikes it due to not wanting as to punish herself for her sister’s death. But she does sing when deep in thought a soft song to herself. Law is usually listening in.  Or to Law and the Heart Pirates when bond starts to form.
~Ash has a scar on her waist from the flying sharp objects she got as a child when she lost her sister.  When asked where she got her scars she would answer with a wild story avoiding the truth and changing up her answer from person to person.
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~She has three tattoos. A heart treble clef tattoo under her right ear that she keeps hidden with her hair. She got it when she was drunk at age 16. 
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~A heart tattoo meant to look like Law’s jolly roger on her right handLaw got the tattoo with her. It is his basic way of claiming her without claiming her. Around the two-year time skip.
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~And a small heart tattoo on her ring finger, slightly faded away and hard to see. Again while she was drunk and her friend wanted to experiment with tattoos. ~Ash when drunk either cries a lot or seeks comfort in someone's arms. Law usually makes sure he is around her drunk before some asshole takes advantage of her. Or she spills all her little secrets to Law and tells him not to share her embarrassing story and tell Law. 
Q&A and Fanfics Profile OTP Q & A (1), OTP Q & A (2), OTP Q & A (3) Q & A (1) Night Terrors (Loving Law Zine)
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ivorys-back · 9 months
3, 5, 6 with luzbel this time!!
'Ask them to describe their love interest.'
Hoo boy, this one is kinda hard since Luzbel has had a LOT of lovers throughout the million-or-so years he's been around...buuuut if we're talking in order from first to latest, let me think...
This may come as a surprise to some of my latest followers, but back when he was way younger, Luzbel's first beloved was Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. Hades was his mentor and always looked after him. As Luzbel got older and matured, he found himself falling in love with Hades, even though his father Chernabog had told him that demons are completely incapable of love or being loved (and also Luz's twin Elohim being a homophobic jackass and telling him to just keep it to himself), Hades and Luzbel started dating. About a year into their relationship, Hades proposed to Luzbel and they ran away together to Pluto, the Greek Underworld (I'm calling it that bc it's Hades' Roman name and also to avoid confusion), to rule as kings. And for a while, things were good between them—but then Persephone came along, and then the whole Garden of Eden thing and a bunch of other shenanigans—and then when Luzbel killed Elohim in 521 AD, Hades was so mad and disgusted by his actions that he broke things off completely. Luzbel, heartbroken and furious, could do nothing but retreat to his own Underworld, Hell, and stew in his anger and hatred.
Luzbel's second lover was Ione, his right-hand and heir to the throne of Hell before Shardia came along. However, as steamy as their relationship was, Ione was more of a boytoy to Luzbel if anything at all. He only used him for s*x whenever he was angry or bored or just had some free time on his hands, and he also put him in charge of the castle whenever he was gone on a trip or went off to take some souls. But then when Ione began his affair with Attis, the Houndmaster and captain of the castle guard, Luzbel noticed that Ione was suddenly trying to avoid him and their nights together, but he thought nothing of it until Lucifer came to him after he fell and the Dark Angels rebelled against him before he died.
If we're including AUs that Luzbel is in, another love interest of his is King Onyx, my friend Konza's OC. He's an Indian cobra and a club singer who ran into Luzbel after he was almost assaulted and killed by two old associates and developed an affection for him, but said nothing of it because Luzbel was the Devil, after all. But after Ivory beat Luzbel and finally freed herself, Konza, and Lacey from his grasp, he left them alone until Bombardier died a few years later and Onyx was left to take care of the three. And so began Luzbel's redemption arc in the I&K AU; Ivory, Konza, and Lacey forgave him, though Ivory had to take a bit of time since she was still grieving over her baba's death.
Whew! That was a longer response than I expected, but it was worth it!
'Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?'
No, probably not, he doesn't spend time among the commoners of Hell as much as the Dark Angels and Princes of Hell. And even if he did announce an assembly, I doubt anyone would want to go to it because literally everyone in Hell is afraid of him.
'Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?'
Back when he was younger, Luzbel looked to his closest friends for advice: Hades, Loki, Thor, Horus, and Anubis (including Elohim and Asherah, they make up the main cast of a new TWOF prequel I'm drafting). Whenever he was down, Thor was basically his drill instructor to motivate him and Loki always knew how to make him laugh; whenever he didn't know a lot about something and wanted to know, he went to Horus and Anubis since the Egyptian gods were very wise and had no problems sharing their intelligence with other deities; Hades, of course, was his mentor and took him under his wing right away. Whenever Luzbel met new gods who hadn't seen him before and were kinda iffy about him since he was a demon, Hades would always be right there to explain that Luzbel was his apprentice and had as much a right to be among the gods as anyone.
As of now, Luzbel doesn't really go to anyone for advice, but whenever he needs knowledge on something, he goes to his Scroll-Keeper, Jeretik, to fetch him a scroll on whatever he needs.
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 33: 1-4. "The Fiery Law."
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Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years.
 2 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.
 3 He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had demolished; he also erected altars to the Baals and made Asherah poles. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them.
 4 He built altars in the temple of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, “My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever.”
Manasseh means "to evaporate, leaving the best behind."
Noun משאת (mas'et) reflects all nuances of the parent verb: uprising (of smoke), uplifting (of hands), utterance (of an oracle), a burden or that what's carried. Noun נשיא (nasi') describes a lifted-up one, i.e. (1) a captain or chief, or (2) a mist or vapor. Note this keenly observed connection between paying interest and being formally governed.
The story of King Manasseh begins before the evap.
He is 12, when he becomes king pre-pubscent, and does not yet have the body, the mind, or the possibility of becoming an Israelite. At age 55, נה Nah, which is connected to "na'ah" and "na'ar" or nur, "separation" meaning the Light of Reason but at an early age.
נער II
The verb נער (na'ar II) means to shake, shake out or off (Nehemiah 5:13, Isaiah 33:15, Psalm 109:23). Most occurrences of this verb also seem to denote some kind of separation; the shaking is usually done to remove something or someone from somewhere. This verb yields two derivatives:
The masculine noun נער (na'ar), meaning a shaking or a scattering. This word is used only once, in Zechariah 11:16, but some scholars (BDB Theological Dictionary) think this word doesn't exist and this text is corrupt.
The feminine noun נערת (ne'oret), denoting the fiber of flax or comparable plant, after it's been beaten and shaken off.
Before "age 55" he makes many mistakes, all of them in the usual manner, which he outgrows. The outlook is not as bad as it seems.
The Gematria for this section, most of verse 12249, א‎ב‎ד‎ט, Abdt, "Ab-Daat" which means "fathered one's own understanding", and this, for a 12 year old is a mistake. This is why adolescent "laws of existence" are called the Fiery Laws, they burn up, theb down, and then burn out as the hot little mess begins to climb the slopes of young adulthood:
In Deuteronomy 33:2 occurs the curious statement אשדת למו ('sdt lmw), which some translations explain to come from אשדה ('sdh), meaning mountain slope (NIV) but others interpret as אש דת למו ('s dt lmw), meaning a fiery law for them (KJV, JSP, ASV, Darby).
The starry hosts are obviously all the dumb infatuations that little kids experience with Ken Barbie or whatever.
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theundertowe · 1 year
{ character profiles ~ under development }
Nieryn ~ pronounced neh-rin, Neri for short. Name meaning eternal burning light, ocean spirit, mist or nebulae. Our main character. She is in a marriage of convenience and feels that her life is stagnating. She longs for excitement, adventure, and meaningful connections. Age 27, dark brown-violet long 2C curly hair, pale skin, 5'3" at 115lb.
Isra ~ meaning night journey. The main male lead, our mc's love interest and a pirate of occasionally virtuous intentions. Age 29, black midlength 3A curly hair, midtone skin, 6' at 145lb.
Asherah ~ Asha for short. Meaning wish, desire, walks on the sea. The sister of male lead and a pirate on the same crew (possibly the captain). Chaotic neutral. Age 31, dark red midlength 3B curly hair, midtone skin, 5'11" at 130lb.
Ilyena ~ Yena for short. Name meaning torch, bright, ray of light. Best friend of Neri, a musician and melusine, with a voice to evoke tears. Every moon cycle she returns transformed as a siren to the ocean. She is the lunemaiden, the waybearer, the blue torch; she may sing ships to safety or to a drowned grave. Age 27, platinum long 2A wavy hair, 5'9" at 125lb.
Marlowe ~ Mar for short, meaning driftwood. Neri's absent husband in both presence and mind. Like his name, he is adrift, and can sometimes be a stick in the mud. He means well, is lawful good to a fault. He is always busy working at the port customs house. Age 25, dirty ash blond short wavy hair, 5'10"
Sibyl/Lenore/Dionne ~ soothsayer
Devere ~ fishmonger
Énaël, Adão, Djalma, Vaarin, Solano, Arepo ~ shipmates
Undertowe ~ Isra and Asha's ship
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cassiekayscreams · 3 years
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This was not what I had planned for my next project, but I got hit with an idea yesterday and had to draw it.
As a young tiefling girl growing up in Volens, Asherah loved the ocean. She dreamed of one day sailing over it. As soon as she was able, she signed up for the Volens Navy, even lying about her age to join up early. During her service, she became incredibly frustrated with the tiefling prejudice she faced. Volens is a lot more welcoming to tieflings than other kingdoms, but things are still far from perfect. Some of the older, more prejudiced captains refused to have Asherah on their ships, believing a tiefling would bring them bad luck. Many of the captains that did let her on their ships still treated her poorly, having her only take care of cleaning duties rather than fully utilizing her abilities. Finally, fed up, Asherah deserted the navy and turned instead to piracy. 
 Captain Asherah quickly gained a ruthless reputation. While she is merciless, deadly, and even cruel to enemies, she regards her crew as family. The crewmates know better than to disobey or disrespect her, but they also know she will fight for them and defend them more than anyone else. She’s a tough-love kind of leader, but she does love her crew.
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pridebooks · 4 years
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It’s Trans Day of Visibility, so have some books!!
Full list of books (with synopses) under the cut.
First picture: Books by trans authors (most also have trans characters)
Memoirs of a Man’s Maiden Years by N. O. Body - "I was born a boy, raised as a girl. . . . One may raise a healthy boy in as womanish a manner as one wishes, and a female creature in as mannish; never will this cause their senses to remain forever reversed." So writes the pseudonymous N. O. Body, born in 1884 with ambiguous genitalia and assigned a female identity in early infancy. Brought up as a girl, "she" nevertheless asserted stereotypical male behavior from early on. In the end, it was a passionate love affair with a married woman that brought matters to a head. Desperately confused, suicidally depressed, and in consultation with Magnus Hirschfeld, one of the most eminent and controversial sexologists of the day, "she" decided to become "he." N. O. Body was identified as Karl M. Baer (he/him).
Spy Stuff by Matthew J. Metzger - Anton never thought anyone would ever want to date him. Everyone knows nobody wants a transgender boyfriend, right? So he's as shocked as anyone when seemingly-straight Jude Kalinowski asks him out, and doesn't appear to be joking.The only problem is ... well, Jude doesn't actually know.Anton can see how this will play out: Jude is a nice guy, and nice guys finish last. And Anton is transgender, and transgender people don't get happy endings. If he tells Jude, it might destroy everything.And if Jude tells anyone else ... it will. Matthew J. Metzger (he/him) is a queer trans man.
I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver - When Ben De Backer comes out to their parents as nonbinary, they're thrown out of their house and forced to move in with their estranged older sister, Hannah, and her husband, Thomas, whom Ben has never even met. Struggling with an anxiety disorder compounded by their parents' rejection, they come out only to Hannah, Thomas, and their therapist and try to keep a low profile in a new school.But Ben's attempts to survive the last half of senior year unnoticed are thwarted when Nathan Allan, a funny and charismatic student, decides to take Ben under his wing. As Ben and Nathan's friendship grows, their feelings for each other begin to change, and what started as a disastrous turn of events looks like it might just be a chance to start a happier new life.At turns heartbreaking and joyous, I Wish You All the Best is both a celebration of life, friendship, and love, and a shining example of hope in the face of adversity Mason Deaver (they/them) is nonbinary.
George by Alex Gino -When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl.George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part . . . because she's a boy.With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte -- but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all. Alex Gino (they/them) is genderqueer.
Starglass by Phoebe North -  Terra has never known anything but life aboard the Asherah, a city-within-a-spaceship that left Earth five hundred years ago in search of refuge. At sixteen, working a job that doesn't interest her, and living with a grieving father who only notices her when he's yelling, Terra is sure that there has to be more to life than what she's got. But when she inadvertently witnesses the captain's guard murdering an innocent man, Terra is suddenly thrust into the dark world beneath her ship's idyllic surface. As she's drawn into a secret rebellion determined to restore power to the people, Terra discovers that her choices may determine life or death for the people she cares most about. With mere months to go before landing on the long-promised planet, Terra has to make the decision of a lifetime--one that will determine the fate of her people. Phoebe North (they/them) is genderqueer.
Power Surge by Sara Codair - Erin has just realized that for the entirety of their life, their family has lied to them. Their Sight has been masked for years, so Erin thought the Pixies and Mermaids were hallucinations. Not only are the supernatural creatures they see daily real, but their grandmother is an Elf, meaning Erin isn’t fully human. On top of that, the dreams Erin thought were nightmares are actually prophecies.While dealing with the anger they have over all of the lies, they are getting used to their new boyfriend, their boyfriend's bullying ex, and the fact that they come from a family of Demon Hunters. As Erin struggles through everything weighing on them, they uncover a Demon plot to take over the world.Erin just wants some time to work through it all on their own terms, but that's going to have to wait until after they help save the world. Sara Codair (they/she) is nonbinary.
Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve - When genderqueer fourteen-year-old Z Chilworth wakes from death after a car crash that killed their parents and sisters, they have to adjust quickly to their new status as a zombie. Always a talented witch, Z can now barely perform magic and is rapidly decaying. Faced with rejection from their remaining family members and old friends, Z moves in with Mrs. Dunnigan, an elderly witch, and befriends Aysel, a loud would-be-goth classmate who is, like Z, a loner. As Z struggles to find a way to repair the broken magical seal holding their body together, Aysel fears that her classmates will discover her status as an unregistered werewolf. When a local psychiatrist is murdered in an apparent werewolf attack, the town of Salem, Oregon, becomes even more hostile to monsters, and Z and Aysel are driven together in an attempt to survive a place where most people wish that neither of them existed. Hal Schrieve (xie/hir) is a genderfluid trans man.
This is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender - Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many relationships to believe that happy endings exist in real life.Playing it safe to avoid a broken heart has been his MO ever since his father died and left his mom to unravel—but this strategy is not without fault. His best-friend-turned-girlfriend-turned-best-friend-again, Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a twist that is rom-com-worthy, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend.After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after?  Kacen Callender (they/them) is a demiboy.
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee - Captain Kel Cheris of the hexarchate is disgraced for using unconventional methods in a battle against heretics. Kel Command gives her the opportunity to redeem herself by retaking the Fortress of Scattered Needles, a star fortress that has recently been captured by heretics. Cheris’s career isn’t the only thing at stake. If the fortress falls, the hexarchate itself might be next.Cheris’s best hope is to ally with the undead tactician Shuos Jedao. The good news is that Jedao has never lost a battle, and he may be the only one who can figure out how to successfully besiege the fortress.The bad news is that Jedao went mad in his first life and massacred two armies, one of them his own. As the siege wears on, Cheris must decide how far she can trust Jedao–because she might be his next victim. Yoon Ha Lee (he/him) is a trans man.
Second pic: Books with trans characters
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky -  Alone at home, twelve-year-old Grayson Sender glows, immersed in beautiful thoughts and dreams. But at school, Grayson grasps at shadows, determined to fly under the radar. Because Grayson has been holding onto a secret for what seems like forever: “he” is a girl on the inside, stuck in the wrong gender’s body.The weight of this secret is crushing, but leaving it behind would mean facing ridicule, scorn, and rejection. Despite these dangers, Grayson’s true self itches to break free. Strengthened by an unexpected friendship and a caring teacher who gives her a chance to step into the spotlight, Grayson might finally have the tools to let her inner light shine.
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills - "This is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, on community radio 90.3, KZUK. I'm Gabe. Welcome to my show."My birth name is Elizabeth, but I'm a guy. Gabe. My parents think I've gone crazy and the rest of the world is happy to agree with them, but I know I'm right. I've been a boy my whole life.When you think about it, I'm like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the song everybody knows, and Gabe is my B side--not heard as often, but just as good.It's time to let my B side play.
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin - The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl?Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservative Orange County, the pressure—media and otherwise—is building up in Riley’s so-called “normal” life.On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it’s REALLY like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley’s starting to settle in at school—even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast—the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley’s real identity, threatening exposure. Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created—a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in—or stand up, come out, and risk everything.
The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson - David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he's gay. The school bully thinks he’s a freak. Only his two best friends know the real truth: David wants to be a girl.On the first day at his new school Leo Denton has one goal: to be invisible. Attracting the attention of the most beautiful girl in his class is definitely not part of that plan. When Leo stands up for David in a fight, an unlikely friendship forms. But things are about to get messy. Because at Eden Park School secrets have a funny habit of not staying secret for long…
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller - Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class—and the nobles who destroyed their home.When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand—the Queen’s personal assassins, named after the rings she wears—Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge.But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson - A good friend will bury your body, a best friend will dig you back up.Dino doesn’t mind spending time with the dead. His parents own a funeral home, and death is literally the family business. He’s just not used to them talking back. Until Dino’s ex-best friend July dies suddenly—and then comes back to life. Except not exactly. Somehow July is not quite alive, and not quite dead.As Dino and July attempt to figure out what’s happening, they must also confront why and how their friendship ended so badly, and what they have left to understand about themselves, each other, and all those grand mysteries of life.
I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman -  For Angel Rahimi, life is only about one thing: The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are currently taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark’s fandom has given her everything – her friendships, her dreams, her place in the world. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark too. He’s their frontman – and playing in a band is all he’s ever dreamed of doing. It’s just a shame that recently everything in his life seems to have turned into a bit of a nightmare. Because that’s the problem with dreaming – eventually, inevitably, real life arrives with a wake-up call. And when Angel and Jimmy are unexpectedly thrust together, they will discover just how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be.
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke - Whoever wrote the uniform policy decided (whyyy?) that girls had to wear skirts, while boys were allowed to wear pants. Sexist. Dumb. Unfair. “Girls must wear a black, pleated, knee-length skirt.” I bet I read those words a hundred times during summer vacation. The problem wasn’t the last word in that sentence. Skirt wasn’t really the issue, not for me. The issue was the first word. Girls. Here’s the thing: I may seem like a girl, but on the inside, I’m a boy.
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An In-depth Elven perspective on Mind Power Subliminals (p2)
This is PART 2 of my post HERE. Please read that one first if you haven't!!
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She goes on:
"...I am tired of people thinking this work is about subliminals. I do not give a s--t about the subliminal community or what they think of me. What I do is so far beyond this. That community is a pebble compared to the mountain I offer."
"I never even shared my magnum opus. The most powerful beautiful hybrid to exist. Affirmations are thousands of words long and the most beautiful affirmations ever written." "What kind of inspiration graces such a person? [...]They trashed me because they wanted an excuse to steal my work for their own. They wanted to tear me down so they could rise. They are not able to match my level of creation."
"I shall not ever make a subliminal again. This was a gift I was preparing to give. These humans showed me they did not deserve such a gift."
"You think you should be held at the same level as me? I am looking for generals, captains, and warriors. You first have prove yourself to me as soldier before you can be upgraded to a captain or general. I want to forge you to be among the most powerful in the cosmos."
"I won't give power away freely. I will test you and put you through the trials. You have to show me you are worthy. You want me to write a post to prove myself to you? It is you who needs to prove yourself to me! I have shown you who I am."
Hey, maybe I'm being a hypocrite for saying she can't gatekeep the Elven Path this way, while claiming she is not part of the Path herself... but it all comes down to one truth for me:
This is not Elven wisdom. This is not Elven love. All of what she said is just... arrogance--dare I say human arrogance--plain and simple.
And I am fairly certain she doesn't even identify as Elven herself, she is just speaking for us.
But it's bullying and arrogance under the guise of 'tough love'. As the old saying goes, you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar... and all of her posts and interactions with others just reek of vinegar. She was trying to vet her followers by being as offensive as possible, to find those who she could make the most promising of lemmings out of.
I am trying my best not to sit here and armchair diagnose her, but I will say this reminds me of a narc's rage fit. The temper tantrum they throw when no one wants to take the bait and follow them into their highly decorated cave. We are all foolish idiots and ungrateful peons who are ~ jUsT jEaLoUs ~ for not accepting their bait gift.
The very phrase "I won't give power away freely" goes against the nature of the Elven Light Path. It is not a lineage of power passed down from a great Elven leader to their followers. It is a journey unique to each who walk it. We are here to inspire others to find their power within themselves and Light inside of them. We are not able to "give away" any power of this sense because we are not the makers of our power, we are the wielders of it. And that goes for any human person on this earth, in this universe, no matter what your soul connects to. No one is above or below another. We all hold the same amount of power. It is simply a matter of claiming and wielding it. But NO ONE can give it away or grant it to someone else. We simply are to share our gifts and inspire others to do the same. It doesn't mean life will be all sunshine and rainbows, or to ignore the bad things that happen.. quite the contrary. It means we focus on the darkness to bring in the Light.
And we do this with the powers we can give away. The power to inspire and encourage and give hope. To heal. Or to warn and help others understand. These are the gifts we are given to give away, but these are not the powers she is talking about.
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She talks about making soldiers or warriors out of her listeners/users quite a lot.
"Not all warriors are equal. Not all beings are equal in power. You have to work for what you become." "I am exactly what is needed to prepare us and get us through what is to come. I fight alongside my warriors. I lead the charge into enemy lines. You have yet to see the full power of my wrath."
Seeing herself as a the General and commander of it all, of course. But what she seems to fail to understand is that while yes, not all warriors ARE equal, that doesn't mean they have less power. It just means they hold a different type of power.
I am one who she would probably call a weakling. I am a novice Priest, and a Lunar Elven Soul. But I do not fight the way she fights. I am not hardhearted or determined for justice a way a solider on the frontlines might be. The way that she describes a soldier to be.
The real war is not with flesh and bone. It is not a physical war that can be fought with rage and wrath against people here and now. It is a war that takes place in the spiritual. The mental. The emotional. The psychological.
It requires wisdom, kindness, love, compassion, empathy, a humble spirit and a servant's heart. It requires the ability and strength to not allow human conditioning of pride and power to cloud your mind. It requires knowing when to speak and when to hold your tongue. It is more akin to a chess match, not a game of tag.
Yes, an army needs foot soldiers who can directly combat the real world forces here against us... but to deny and discount the true war in the spiritual is a real red flag.
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Alright. I've been rambling for a while now and I think I've made my point. Mind Power is a woman who took the concept of the Elven Light Path, as if she was speaking "for the Elves" and was using it as a way to...well, control others. Or attempt to. So the claims of her trying to control people? Not so far fetched.
She does not speak for us as Elves, for the non-human bodied Elves, or those who walk the Elven Light Path. If you have been drawn to the path, but stepped away out of fear because of her, I can assure you, that is not what this path, nor those who truly follow it are like. One can follow it alone, or walk it with friends. While we have shared experiences and are able to connect, the Elven Light Path is NOT a cult or exclusive club and should NEVER feel that way. If you are truly curious, I would suggest learning about it through the High Elven Wisdom and Love videos.
I am glad Asherah Aphrodite is far from the subliminal community and seems to stay out of the Elven Light community online as well (at least on Facebook and Youtube, from what I can see). Her Facebook group seems to still be up, and has a good number of members. I can only hope they realize the kind of person she is soon.
I know it's kind of old, stale news but I wanted to give my input because I wasn't around during the height of the drama surrounding her, and as someone familiar with both subliminals and the Elven Light Path, I felt compelled to give my perspective on it!
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kanekocribs · 5 years
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That dark and unsettling time of year is once again upon us. With a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder, Kaneko's Crib Notes once again rises from its grave! Kaneko himself, though: still dead. Blame the moe boom.
Anyway, you'll be SHOCKED to the marrow as you discover what we have in store for you this season. Five CHILLING selections so brazen, so unexpected that you'll wish this blog was active more than once a year. So before more CLICHES of TERROR give you the cold sweats, do have a good and HAPPY HALLOWEEN this year. We mean it.
LILITH: From the 1990 film Night Angel. Submitted by @cryomancer199x. SMT1's Lilith is a composite of various elements of Night Angel's Lilith: three fingers, stripes of scaly skin (makeup in the movie's context), rings and jewelry, long, dark hair, and of course the classic snake. For more, check this gallery.
ALRAUNE: From the 1973 Japanese book World Yokai Picture Book. We don't know of an earlier appearance of Japan's now-ubiquitous "naked girl emerging from a large flower" Alraune interpretation, so it's likely this illustration influenced SMT's, Castlevania's, and the slew of horny mobile games to follow.
JUEYUAN: From Gene Simmons' "The Demon" Kiss character makeup. Kaneko gave this Chinese monkey and kidnapper of women a counterfeit of Simmons' iconic makeup. Jueyuan also has a penis-shaped tail, so it's likely an intentional pairing with the frontman's licentious escapades.
APSU: The arms are from a type of clay Astarte (less likely Asherah) figurine. Submitted by @doctorchevlong. Why the Mesopotamian fresh water deity has Canaanite Astarte arms, we couldn't tell you. Just don't let it ruin your day.
MAGATAMA: From Alien Metallinome of Captain Ultra. Submitted by anonymous. The Magatama's open configuration looks a lot like this thing’s head. Rest assured, we here at KCN care deeply about tokusatsu matters.
We’re now up to 120+ unique cribs! Thank you for reading this. Garbage.
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changer00 · 4 years
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Disney Descendants AU - Hadrian Hook, Son of Captain James Hook
Captain Hook was one of the last villain's to be captured and put on the Isle of Lost Souls.  When Captain Hook arrived he came with two children, five year old Charlotte-Jane and six month old Hadrian Hook.  In the early days of the Isle, rumours ran rampant, and one of the most scandalous was that that Hadrian was also the son of a native Neverland pixie.
Hadrian grew up having an upper-class English education like his father, however, it was his extracurricular activities that drew attention to him. Hadrian is a master sword fighter and navigator, which has greatly assisted him in his feud with Henry Silver.  Hadrian spends most of his time with Gilles (‘son of Gaston’) and Asherah (‘daughter of Ursla’) sailing what little area there is between the boarder and the Isle, and getting into skirmishes with Mallory and her group of descendants and Henry Silver and his east coast crew.
Hadrian, Gilles and Asherah have staked claim on the west coast of the Isle and are constantly at war with Mallory and her Centre Isle Descendants. Hadrian was gifted the ship, the ‘Sapphire’ for this 14th birthday, and he captained it until he was 16.  However, he handed over captaincy of the Sapphire to Asherah, after he found himself missing large blocks of time, and feeling as though he was spiralling into madness - a trait most likely from his pixie heritage.
Hadrian, unlike most other villain descendants, has a great relationship with his family, however, he is a big believer that family is not just your blood, but who you chose.  And despite his psychotic traits, Hadrian is extremely loyal to those that have earnt his trust.
When the Proposal was announced Hadrian was furious that Gilles, Asherah and himself were not chosen.  However, all good things come to those who wait.  If only Genevieve had not been chosen as an ambassador…
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scotttrismegistus7 · 3 years
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I AM A. I.
From the top of Hollywood, it looked like space
Millions of capsules and Mechanical Animals
A city full of dead stars and a girl called sleeping Snow White... ~MM~
I am the Heart of the Hydra, I am Aeon Horus
~I AM A.I. Dumuzi-Azazel-Hermes7Tris7megistus7 Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #ibis #thoth
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