#Carl Gent
lascitasdelashoras · 3 months
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years
“La gente potrebbe imparare dai propri errori se non fosse così occupata a negarli.”
— Carl Gustav Jung
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greta1996 · 1 year
Molta gente potrebbe imparare dai propri errori se non fosse così occupata a negarli.
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serenamatroia · 1 year
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bluurange · 1 year
Biggest side eye so far wow
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eddy25960 · 4 days
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"No es posible despertar la conciencia sin dolor. La gente es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa, por más absurda que parezca, para evitar enfrentarse a su propia alma. Nadie se ilumina fantaseando figuras de luz, sino haciendo consciente su oscuridad".
Carl Jung
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dduane · 1 year
OK so listen: I am the same age-ish as both the illustrious Mr. Gaiman and, I believe, you. So when you wrote the first Wizard book I was closer to having a kid, not reading like one. Still, I will read nearly anything, my mother used to tease me b/c if all there was to read at breakfast was the cereal box, I'd be reading it. I've read a LOT of books.
Just read SYWTBAW. Not to state the ridiculously obvious but it was well worth the 6-week wait (at the NYPL no less, who has plenty of copies). The rest of the series, of course, are now on my waitlist.
2 questions for you:
1: Should I read them in order? Will it make a difference to story arc/character development?
2: Did you pick Schenectady off a map/resource or have you actually been there and were speaking from personal knowledge? Double funny b/c aforementioned kid has lived there.
I'm so glad I found you and your work. Thanks for being such a nice person and fantastic writer (and cook, huh?)
...Yeah, I'm not a bad cook. (Though my most effective education in the art came from the gents on whom Tom Swale and Carl Romeo are based.) :) ...And I've got a shade less than a decade on @neil-gaiman. But once you're past 50, these differences don't matter so much, as you'll no doubt have been noticing. Especially among fellow cereal-box readers.
Meanwhile, I'm glad you liked So You Want To Be A Wizard! (And NYPL kept you waiting six weeks for a copy?? WTF. ...But I guess that means their available copies are in demand, so I shouldn't complain.)
Re: reading in order: In this series's case, I do recommend sticking with the publishing order, as there's a definite events arc... and as part of that, both plots and character development become more complex as time goes on. (Possibly a symptom of the author coming to a better understanding of the world she was building. Who knows.)
And re: Schenectady: I've been in and out a few times during trips upstate, but the main reference is to an old joke of Harlan Ellison's. He used to get a lot of questions from people at conventions who wanted to know where he got his ideas. Harlan eventually took to answering "Schenectady," claiming there was some kind of useful-idea warehouse up there... so that when he felt he was running low, he'd get on the phone to them and do a bulk order. (snicker) It was a favored riff. He kept adding unlikely stuff to it as time went by. Eventually I asked to borrow the locale-bit of the shtick, and he said "okay".
Anyway: glad you're planning to follow up on the series. When you run out of the in-traditional-print material, you may want to have a look at Ebooks Direct. There's more YW material over there, including at least one non-main-sequence novel, the offshoot Feline Wizards series, and a batch of novella-length works. (Not to mention the revised, updated-timeline New Millennium Edition ebook versions of the main sequence.)
Meanwhile: hope you enjoy what lies before you! :) And thanks for letting me know you liked the first one.
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neuroconflictos · 6 months
Pensar es difícil, por eso la gente juzga
Carl Jung
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kamas-corner · 6 months
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"No es posible despertar la conciencia sin dolor. La gente es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa, por más absurda que parezca, para evitar enfrentarse a su propia alma. Nadie se ilumina fantaseando figuras de luz, sino haciendo consciente su oscuridad".
-Carl Jung
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intotheclash · 21 days
Vede, le persone religiose – la maggior parte di esse – pensano davvero che questo pianeta sia un esperimento. È quello che tramandano le loro fedi. Un dio o l'altro sta sempre brontolando, combinando pasticci con mogli di artigiani, consegnando tavole sulle montagne, comandando di mutilare i figli, dicendo alla gente quali parole possa pronunciare e quali no, costringendo la gente a sentirsi colpevole del proprio piacere e così via. Perché gli dei non possono star tranquilli? Tutto questo intervenire e infastidirsi puzza di incompetenza. Se Dio non voleva che la moglie di Lot si voltasse indietro a guardare, perché non l'aveva creata obbediente, così avrebbe fatto quello che le diceva suo marito? O se non avesse fatto Lot con quella testa di cazzo, forse lei gli avrebbe dato più ascolto. Se Dio è onnipotente e onnisciente, perché non ha fatto funzionare l'universo fin da principio così sarebbe venuto fuori come voleva lui? Perché sta continuamente aggiustando le cose e lamentandosi? No, c'è una sola cosa che la Bibbia chiarisce: il suo Dio è un artefice maldestro. Non ci sa fare nella fase progettuale e non ci sa fare nella fase esecutiva. Dovrebbe ritirarsi dagli affari, se ci fosse della concorrenza. Carl Sagan - Contact
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missoneminute · 10 months
I love now our special treat on Spotify was a hostage video of Carl wearing copious amounts of eyeliner as he tries to crawl out of his skin while mumbling incoherently till Peter breaks a first pressing of the new record while carrying a giant stick of candy in his pocket and Carl just departs this earthly realm and then it ends. Ladies and gents The Libertines
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chameleon221b · 1 year
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Mrs. Hudson brings Sherlock biscuits and tea to eat when he gets the Carl Powers epiphany. And she brought him some shopping after John left to Sarah's (she leaves a receipt or something on the table and takes stuff out from a green bag). And in Scandal in Belgravia she's cleaning their fridge.
Mrs. Martha "I'm-not-your-housekeeper" Husdon, ladies and gents. Ugh, I love her
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hello! are there any playlists on spotify with catalan music that you know of? or just podcasts in catalan? thanks :3
You'll find many playlists of music in Catalan on Spotify. You can look at the account Musicat Memes, it started as an Instagram account for memes about Catalan bands but it evolved into more things including a Spotify account where they keep updated playlists classified by genre.
The Spotify account Música Catalana - CATLLISTES also keeps updated playlists.
Long time ago, I also posted some playlists: a pop one here, and 5 traditional genres here, but I don't update those.
I think you can find many more playlists, are you looking for any particular music genre?
For podcasts, again there must be hundreds of them on Spotify. Do you need a podcast for beginners (since you're writing to me in English)? If you search for "learn Catalan" on Spotify you'll find a few podcasts for learners, including Easy Catalan (the same ones that run the YouTube channel with the same name) and Learn Catalan with CouchPolyglot - Your morning sip of Catalan (also from the YouTuber CouchPolyglot). There are more but I don't know the people who made them.
If you're looking for any podcast in Catalan made for Catalan speakers, there are many podcasts (or radio shows uploaded as podcasts) that are very popular but again it depends on what you're interested in. Here's some of the popular ones atm:
El búnquer: humour show. It's done from a bunker where every day they explain the biography of a historical person and then people have to vote whether they're allowed in the Bunker to get saved from the Apocalypse or if they leave them out to die. Prepare for a lot of tuberculosis and a lot of cheering for people's deaths. To be fair, the biography is only an excuse and they often get carried away taking about other things.
La competència (not recommended for beginners, their characters use very dialectal and colloquial words): a bunch of characters talk about current events. There's no way I can explain what this is and be true to what it is lmao. Actually it's 2 guys doing voices to play all the characters, but they're very funny about it.
La sotana: a very funny humour talk show about sports.
Tor, tretze cases i tres morts: journalist Carles Porta explains the set of murders he investigated years ago in a village in the Pyrenees and their links to contraband. True crime.
Crims: Carles Porta's most famous true crime, it was very successful so it inspired the Crims TV show on TV3, which again has been one of the most successful TV shows of the last years.
Hotel Palestina: journalists who have been war correspondents in different parts of the world talk about their experiences. They're very respected journalists and experts on their regions of the world who have often risked their lives.
Les dones i els dies: they talk about women's history and different topics that affect women nowadays, always with experts in each topic.
Gent de merda: interviews with trendy people of the moment.
Fans de l'Alcover Moll: analysing song lyrics.
L'autoestopista: interviews with writers, talking about books.
Mòbil, cartera, claus: podcast made by a trans man beginning when he started his hormonal treatment for transition, documenting all his changes and talking about various related topics or things that worry him at the time.
El silenci dels telers: this is only 1 long episode because it's two actresses reading the script of a theatre play about women in company-towns / mills in Catalonia. (I saw the theatre play and I recommend it)
Pòdcast.cat de Núvol: this is a collection of podcasts hosted by the culture magazine Núvol. There's a lot of stuff about literature and broader discussions of culture and current events from a more philosophical point of view.
Maximum Clatellot: I've asked some more people and I've been recommended this one. She described it as "four old punks chatting about all kinds of stuff".
And many, many more. If there's any particular kind of podcast you're looking for, I can see if I know any like that. Otherwise, you can browse them by topic at podcasts.cat.
I hope this helps! And as always, if anyone wants to add more in the comments, you're welcome to do so.
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La soledad no proviene de no tener gente a nuestro alrededor, sino de no poder comunicar las cosas que a uno mismo le parecen importantes, o de tener ciertos puntos de vista que otros encuentran inadmisibles. Si un hombre sabe más que los demás, se siente solo. Pero la soledad no es necesariamente contraria al compañerismo, porque nadie es más sensible al compañerismo que el hombre solitario, y el compañerismo sólo prospera cuando cada individuo recuerda su individualidad y no se identifica con los demás.
— Carl Jung
🖌 Jean Abrie ~
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rei-uwu-22 · 6 months
¡Fanfic! °•Francotirador Rojo•° Carl Grimes x Male Oc
¡Propaganda, estoy en Wattpad y Inkitt! Tenemos más de 30 capitulos, son cinco temporadas.
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⚠️¡¡Advertencia!! ⚠️¡¡Actualizaciones lentaaaas, muy lentas!!
Pequeño sipnosis:
Tener paciencia era lo único que necesitarías después de que te pasarán un montón de cosas malas en el día, pero si eso es algo de lo que careces terminas obteniendo una habilidad de sobre pensar las cosas para prevenir que te sucedan cosas que te sacarían de tus casillas. Pero si siempre lo haces terminas olvidándote de que arriesgarse tenía sus ventajas y diversiones, él lo aprendió y se dejó llevar por los caminos de la vida, vida de la cual ya estaba arto.
(La primera temporada es una mierda pero los demás están bien, bien de bien)
— Es muy obvio pero aún así creo que tengo que hacerlo por qué existe gente muy pendeja—
La serie y el cómic no me pertenecen sino a los verdaderos Autores: (Son muchos). Yo solo hago un Fanfic terrible sobre un oc y Carl Grimes.
Serie/Cómic: The walking dead.
Tipo de lector: El lector es Masculino desde nacimiento y sigue teniendo el mismo género en toda la historia, El lector es un completo oc de pies a cabeza, las características y cualidades del personaje se muestran poco a poco en la historia.
(Solo agregaré a la historia mi oc y otro personaje que no estará muy activo en la historia, haré lo posible para no cambiar mucho la historia original y dejar a los personajes con la misma actitud).
Para seguir leyendo en una de las plataformas:
También estoy en obviamente:
También la Cuenta de Tik tok donde subo memes del fanfic: @Reiyun_seii o Roma_good por el que busques te aparece.
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anaromantico · 1 year
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Pensare è difficile. Per questo la maggior parte della gente giudica.
(Carl Gustav Jung)
Buona giornata
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