#Castle of Illusion
segacity · 12 days
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The Big Apple 'Castle Of Illusion' SEGA Mega Drive Support us on Patreon
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yiippeeekaley · 7 months
Disney should do whatever you call this type of stuff more often. It's awesome
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princess-ibri · 1 year
How would you incorporate Mizrabel from the Castle of Illusion games into the Disneyverse?
Ok, I've been thinking on this for weeks now trying to figure out a good idea for this, i've thought out soooo many different things xD And I think I finally got one that I like:
Link to the fairytale mentioned in this so it makes sense if you don't already know it
Oh also Trigger Warning for Body Horror. Thats a first for this blog I think xD
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Mizrabel is originally the adopted daughter in the Nordic faitytale Tatterhood. The child taken in by the childless king and queen, who only serves the purpose of befriending a wise woman's daughter so that the wise woman can tell the queen how to gain two biological daughters, who go one to be the actual main characters of the faitytale, and then the adopted one is never heard from again. I've ways wondered what happened to that poor girl...
And what happened was that, her heart broken by grief over her adopted mother basically abandoning her once her own twins were born, the young adopted princess Mirja goes back to the wise woman herself, demanding she be given something that will make her beautiful, powerful, noticed, loved.
The wise woman warns her of the dangers of such a request. Her mother asked for a child of her own, disregarding the one she had, and for the greed in her heart she did not follow the wise woman's rules and gained more then she asked for, and did not appreciate what she gained besides.
For the Queen ate, not one, but both of the magical flowers she had grown with the wise woman's guidance. She was warned to eat only one, but she hungered to ensure the spell would take, and so gained one beautiful daugher--and one wild one.
But the cast off princess doesn't care about the warning. For she wants to be More than both of the children the queen has gained combined.
The wise woman sighs, seeing the heartache of her child's friend, and gives her a seed to take and plant, which over the next year will grow into an apple tree that will bear a single fruit, a black apple that shines with all the colors of the rainbow. If she takes one bite of it, she will outshine both the children the queen carries, both in beauty and power.
But, like her adopted mother before her, Mirja does not heed the rules. Fearful that one bite will not be enough, she eats the full apple.
Her bones begin to crack, her skin to melt and merge. She has gained the ability to shift forms, to become anyone and anything. But she cannot yet fully control it, and horrified by the mass of shifting flesh she has become , she flees into the mountains.
There, she meets the witches and troll-folk of the mountain, who teach her greater magics, and she becomes a fearsome sorceress. Finally, after seven years she returns to her old home with her troll and witch companions to wreck havok on her mother's new daughters.
She did not count on the wild one being so fiercly protective of her beautiful sister.
Defeated by young Tatterhood, bound within the mountain, the witch-princess, now having cast off her old name for the name of Mizrabel--for so young Tatterhood taunted that she was--lives in lonely seclusion in the mountains, biding her time, learning deeper lore and magic that will allow her to escape and fulfill her obsesseion of outshining every princess in the lands of the EverRealm.
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disneyboot · 1 year
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vapormaeve · 2 years
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devileaterjaek · 2 years
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Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis/Mega Drive)
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smbhax · 1 year
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Recurring single-frame glitch when falling out of the forest canopy to reappear at a fork in the forest path, in Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Trial), an apparently delisted demo; the full game is still in the PS3 store. I don’t know if this glitch, where the obscuring forest and ground disappear, revealing--for one frame--a spread-eagled Mickey overlapping the forest path sign post, happens in the full version.
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tmmfmp · 7 months
Researching some games
Cuphead - Cuphead is a game that has a similar level design to the way I want my game to be. This is specifically about the run and gun levels as they are more platform than fighting. I want my levels to look similar construction wise as I'm not confident in platform design.
Castle Of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse 2013 remaster - This game has both a side scroller and 3rd person aspect to it. Although again I want to go for the level design, not the boss levels as there isn't much platforming in them. I like the idea of the flooding like there is in the sea monkey boss fight.
Geometry Dash - This game has wonderful level design. The level is entirely based around the beat of the music that the level is played with. I enjoy how the art style is incredibly simple but the game is still loved by many.
My Friend Pedro - I actually like the combat in this game more than the level design. The way you wipe out enemies is just so awesome. I might honestly add combat to this project because of this.
Thomas Was Alone - This game is incredibly strange. It has a super engaging story despite the only characters being different coloured squares. There is a narrator taking you through the story as you play. There is a character switching function in this one like my game Different Together although in this you switch character in order to progress the levels by completing little puzzles.
Similar Aesthetic
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - All time favorite Assassin's Creed game as it contains my favorite mythology. I love the way they designed the environment, animals and characters. They made the most accurate Viking representation I have ever seen especially with the oaths and honour themes through it. They spell Freyja's name wrong though.
God Of War - God Of War is a bit all over the place. For some reason, the mythology used changes. It is originally Greek Mythology and then switches to Norse which makes absolutely no sense. The games aren't very engaging to me and I don't like this take on Norse Mythology.
Apotheon - This seems to be a side scroller game based heavily upon Greek Mythology. Its art style makes it seem as though you are traveling across wonderful pieces of art from the time of the mythology being widely appreciated. I absolutely love how they styled this game and will try to take inspiration from it.
Devil May Cry - Devil May Cry is my all time favorite game (if my blog profile picture didn't give it away.) This game series actually takes inspiration from various mythologies for the enemies. It also seems to sort of have its own religion incorporated into it, through the worship of Sparda as he served as the feudal lord of Fortuna.
Metal: Hellsinger - This game seems incredibly loosely tied to Christianity because of the Heaven and Hell references throughout. It features combat against angels and demons with one direct real enemy, the Red Judge. This is a music based game where you fight demons and angels to the beat in order to try and get back what was stolen from The Unknown (the protagonist of the game.)
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batbaty · 2 years
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A castle lost in time, inhabited by a mouse.
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meringuecream7 · 2 years
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She’s as sharp as the knives!
Stacia Scissors
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segacity · 6 months
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Brave & Smart 'Castle Of Illusion' SEGA Mega Drive
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lexie-squirrel · 8 months
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princess-ibri · 1 year
How much do you know of the Castle of Illusion game series, and is any part of it canon to the Disneyverse
I know the basic plot about Mickey having to rescue Minnie from Mizrabel and that she also showed up in an Epic Mickey game kidnapping remebered villains.
I actually had an ask about Mizrabel's backstory a while back I've been trying to work out and I think I've got something so that should show up in a bit or so.
Basically I think for that I'd go off the idea that Mizrabel exists in the DisneyVerse as an actual villain but she just "appears" in the "non-canon" video game, same as the ones where Mickey fights the Horned King to save Minnie and then convinces the Horned King to let them go through The Power of Love.
Like, Mickey and the Horned King never actually fought in the timeline/reality of the DisneyVerse. Its just a fun cameo in a video game
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megahorous · 2 years
Tried Castle of Illusion this time [on Steam Deck] !  I’ve never played the original but found it to be a quick, cute game 
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-- It has a Narrator the whole time, which is something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.  Seems like something that could potentially be annoying, but I didn’t mind.  It was like a bedtime story, and helped with the scary parts
-- So this has the same plot as Banjo-Kazooie, doesn’t it.  Except Banjo has to save his sister because, unlike Mickey Mouse, he’s not cool enough to have a girl friend
-- And apparently both games were even scored by Grant Kirkhope.  Boy, if he had a nickel for every time--
-- The Final Boss is a bit of a difficulty spike....you can go into the first level and extend his health bar !  This worked !
-- I saw Mizrabel becoming tame; it just seemed like that kind of game.  Good thing too, otherwise what would stop her from just trying the same thing again
-- The question is, can she find love.  The love such as that between Mickey and Minnie.  Then maybe they could double-date, and reminisce about that one time they tried to kill each other
-- Oh, it was Nika Futterman [Olga Pataki] as Mizrabel ?!  No way !
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swaggerblonde · 2 years
Sofa Swagger #26 Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Sega Master System
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papermer1ngue · 2 years
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For @paperroyalstar I made this comic!
Feat the cast!
Heather: @redasatomato
Hudson: @atomic-chronoscaph
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