Got 92% in my 12th boardsss
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nia-academia · 9 months
Science Student Things
Getting a warning from every. single. senior. that its going to be hell but thinking "how bad can it be, i can handle it" (avg 10th topper misconceptions)
Being on a massive high after 10th results thinking you're gonna academically obliterate everyone in 11th-12th only to go into an extreme low within the first round of 11th grade exams
Cursing yourself for not researching enough before choosing science as your stream, fantasizing about how much better off you would be with Humanities or Commerce (delusional bcz those are hard asw but science is deadly tho)
Finding almost every chapter hard in the beginning and stressing over how you will ever complete the always-massive syllabus only to find that once you reach the end of the year what you thought was hard was just the tip of the iceberg (this also shows growth though so well done everybody)
Communal hatred for organic chemistry, anybody who doesn't hate it is either a genius or absolutely unhinged or both
Teachers always saying "you're a science student now" whenever they want to lecture you on how to never have joy in life and only live for marks
Having massive panic attacks and living in constant anxiety but nothing beats the joy of getting a hard numerical right in the first try
Scouring academic pages for study tips and routines and watching study vlogs etc but as a form of procrastination
Stressing over competitive exams ALL.THE.TIME because everyone you meet will talk about just that incessantly for two years
Realising that there are a plethora of careers you would rather choose than 'doctor' and 'engineering' but feeling unnecessary shame and guilt to pursue those
Coaching classes fooling us all into thinking they'll make us geniuses when actually they mostly add to the stress, even though they aren't completely useless they're definitely not worth lakhs of fees
Missing out on so so so many things in order to stay home and study even though its completely unproductive studying as you would rather be doing the thing you've sacrificed
Feeling guilty about doing ANYTHING that isn't studying, being made to feel guilty by others for doing things you love because "these two years are for sacrifices, after that you have all your life for these things''
The high of acing a test because it is so rare and takes actual blood sweat and tears that it leaves you with dopamine enough to last a week
Having your parents and relatives continually talk to someone older than you who has cracked the exam ur sitting for to get "tips" even if they cracked the exam 7 years ago and the format was completely different and much easier then
Having to rush over the syllabus so much that you forget how much you actually loved to study the subject, having your heart broken thinking that you're not good at your favourite subject anymore when actually its just the fact that its being taught in such a rush and not that you've lost your spark
Having the sympathy of all your non-science friends and always having moye moye talks with your science friends
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h0bg0blin-meat · 7 months
Idk who needs to hear this but removing Mughal history from history textbooks completely to the point that the future generations wouldn't even KNOW who the Mughals were, is not the way to go.
You can't just distort history and remove a chunk of it. That's a very biased way of viewing something that actually happened not even 500 years ago. History is not fiction. You can't remove the existence of real people.
When you remove Mughal history, you also remove the good and bad they did. You remove the reason behind the beautiful blend of Indo-Islamic architecture, culture and art we see today, few of the things that have implied towards a sense of harmony amidst the religious chaos that reeked back in the day. But with that, you ALSO remove the massive destruction and looting of thousands of temples, the inhumane measures, laws and punishments they put up against non-Muslims, the struggles and sacrifices of the Hindus and other oppressed groups who protested against these atrocities oh-so-courageously. You remove their cries, their brave stories. You remove the valiant fights Shivaji, Maharana Pratap and their likes put up against these people. You remove the martyrs of the several genocides these guys (especially Babur) caused. You remove them all, because once there's no Mughals, who did these brave souls fight against?
Also why only Mughals? What about the Khaljis, Mamluks, Tughlaqs, Ghaznis and others? They committed way worse atrocities than the Mughals did tbh. So with that logic all of their histories should be wiped out? But that's almost like a 700-800-year-history-wipeout we're talking about (the dates might not be accurate). And that's not how it works.
Here's a better idea. Just... show their good and their bad, and just don't glorify them and their tyranny. We keep the struggles and the sour lives the suppressed groups lived under the rule of these dynasties, and maybe glorify the brave souls who fought selflessly against them. We show how they plundered any place of worship that wasn't a mosque (or Islamic in general), and treated the idols of these religions post-destruction. We can also include the non-Islamic kingdoms and kingdoms that stood still and strong despite the invasions, like the many Hindu kingdoms in the south, then the Ahom dynasty and a few other small kingdoms in the northeast, etc. We can bring lesser-known and highly underrated non-Islamic kingdoms into light too in this process, and how they dealt with these invaders. (Half of these points are already depicted in the existing textbooks, or... atleast the textbooks *I* studied back in school, but I think they get kinda overshadowed by the subtle glorification of these invaders)
These are the solutions I'd provide. If anyone has anything to add, please do, or if yall have better solutions, pls lmk. But removing a huge chunk of history just out of pure hate and revenge like this is NOT the way to go about in the field of history LMFAO. It's the same as how that one biased historian recently claimed that no Hindu temples were destroyed by the Islamic invaders.
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amateurphysicist · 3 months
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controversial opinion but..
maths is my favorite subject <3
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andreainlove · 2 months
i haven't been hugged in the past 5 months. and i think i finally understand what touch starvation is.
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the pages are turning~
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a months old pic of my desk
29th august 2024
day 4/50 - productivity challenge
🕒 6:00 a.m.
sleep deprivation is hitting. eating leftovers and coffee for breakfast.
checked notifs
actually ate some goddamn breakfast
not me realizing that i barely eat 2 meals every school day..
revised psychology: ch-1: what is psychology
here's a (self) reminder to actually go study instead of procrastinating 30 mins by watching study motivation videos.
also i recommend listening to non-lyrical music while studying. i personally listen to classical piano music. this is what i was listening to today morning.
morning skincare
extended duolingo streak
aaand off to school. thought i would be late but honestly i've been reaching at the correct time all these days. if i leave my house by 8:05 then i'm good.
at school i first had physics and then 2 continuous chemistry classes (the teacher is good but her classes are so draining ugh).
completed physics classwork (the stuff i missed when i was absent on tuesday)
did the OCEAN test in psychology class! idk why but i love personality tests. i'll discuss my results with my teacher tmr hopefully but what i gathered is that i'm an ambivert leaning to introversion and ok emotional regulation & stability. my other classmate was very much an extrovert with higher tendency to take others' words to heart. we bunked the last 2 english classes together in the library lol. also want to say that i'm so ashamed for having formed an image in my mind of her, without really knowing her that well. i cruelly judged her prematurely and though we didn't really talk about our lives and stuff, we did get closer (maybe even friends?) today and i regret my judgments. ik i would be crushed if someone thought up an image of me in their head like that and i try not to do the same but sometimes i make mistakes. i'm trying to be more aware of that.
studied psychology ch-6: human memory (in the library when i skipped english)
lightly rained the entire trip home and got much louder as i ate a hearty lunch 😋
started a word doc for biology investigatory project
started a word doc for chemistry investigatory project
me and my bestfriend have been much more honest with our feelings recently. the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder" was actually made for us. she's in a new college all popular with new pretty friends and boys probably crushing on her and she says i'm her favourite person. i'm at a new school slowly making new friends and she's my favourite person. i told her i love her. she deserves to know that. and i meant it totally platonically and that doesn't make it any less. if anyone ever asks, "who's your first love?" i'll say her name. it'll always be her.
practiced playing keyboard 🎹
read newspaper 📰 (some of those cases make me feel sick)
post for studyblr weekly prompt
dinner. yum. noodles and cake.
made notes psychology ch-1: what is psychology?
night skincare
🕒 nope! pulled an all-nighter.. yes i have school tmr 😃 listen i do not recommend doing this shit at all. why did i do it you may ask? i don't really have any crushing deadlines as such, but i've tricked my mind into thinking my own plans are deadlines. this week my sleep has been astronomically fucked up. the weekend will be a reset (i have school on saturday 😭) and i will prioritze sleep. i need to at least manage 6-7 hours everyday.
edit: actually i fell asleep around 2 a.m. and did no other studying..
🎧 i love you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
her songs are actually just excerpts from my journal but minus the romance unfortunately like where's my gf ugh we're wasting time
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a months old pic of my desk
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Congratulations to all the 10thies aur 12thies log
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danityrose · 7 months
Boards aagaye
Chalo ab dekhte hai result pahele nikalega ya mai is duniya se 😆
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aurkitnarulaoge · 7 months
Saare desi tumblrians 12th wale hai
Wo stressed depressed 11th ka science wala batch kidhar hai re?
Thoda farmaya to kijiye? Dar gaye? Koi baat nhi ignore mariye, life vaise bhi jhand hai science leke—
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zeherili-ankhein · 4 months
GUYS GUYS and @foreignink you my beloved
My school's gonna start on Monday, new new 11th class
I'm a Humanities student and I want some comments on my subject choice please 🥹 (I just wanna know what y'all think lol)
English – Yeah like 1st language is always so mandatory lmaoo
Painting – There was a choice between 2nd language and painting, my second language is Bangla but I took painting lol.
Me 🤝 subject related to art — inseparable 😤.
Thou I'd have loved Bangla tooo but school only let's me have 6 subjects 🫠
Geography – I dunno why I took that tbh... But I guess meh.. 🤷‍♀️
Sociology – I don't really know much about this subject... I'm just giving it a try, cuz my masi had it and she said it's a good subject... Also I would have had to take Economics otherwise and I hate economic :(
Mass Media – There was a option between Legal Studies and Mass Media, so I chose Mass Media.... I would like this subject I feel...
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neet-aspirant · 9 months
06–01–2024, Saturday
had a productive day today!
revised centre of mass
revised rotational motion
psychology revision
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mriignaini · 8 months
when you die and go to hell, they make you give class 10 preboards again.
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solis-angelus · 8 months
post-covid CBSE having a competency kink:
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dilli-vali-girlfriend · 7 months
since boards start in a few days, all the best to all 10thies and 12thies, we're gonna get through this and we're gonna rock it!
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um okay, reblog if you took pcm or were pushed into taking pcm cz of your GREAT 10th result but now you are crying cz of one or all subjects
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13th September 2024, Friday
day 19/50 productivity challenge
💤: 9hrs unintentionally
🕒 10 a.m. - woke up
had already decided not to go to school today
planned my days
morning skincare
made notes psychology ch: methods of enquiry in psychology
watched a movie!: the hobbit: the battle of the five armies
did my nails
practiced playing keyboard
took bath
night skincare
🕒 12:30 a.m. - went to bed
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