#Certified Facility Manager
iso-updates · 3 months
Role and Four Pillars of Facility Management According to ISO 41001 Certified System
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The wide scope of Facility Management (FM) makes it a hard situation to characterize. The elements of FM go a long way past managing the facility. A facility manager wears many caps and uses a wide cluster of technology to help every one of their endeavors and responsibilities.
In the period of crossover work where employees' ways of behaving and producing inhabitants are dynamic, the obligations of FM are more mind-boggling than ever. The shift to adaptable working has made it largely much for organizations to design, work, and keep up with working areas and resources. 
It requires ISO 41001 Facility Management to cooperate with a wide range of groups inside an association including everybody from HR to technology groups, to actual security and meeting directors, to support and sanitization services. Furthermore, there are numerous merchants to make due, track, and guidance, including when there are facility building moves or space reconfigurations.
To understand what a facility chief does today, what they're liable for, and what impact they have on an organization, separating their scope of work is ideal. That implies investigating the four principal pillars of facility management:
Four Pillars of ISO 41001 for Facility Management System (FMS)
The four pillars of ISO 41001 Certification are as per the following:
First Pillar of ISO 41001: Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management is at the center of ISO 41001. It features the worth of sound leadership responsibility and viable management systems to carry out facility management practices. The top management should lay out a reasonable vision for facility management, adapting it to the association's general targets. Nonetheless, characterizing jobs and obligations and allotting assets can assist associations with working on their internal functions.
Thorough leadership thinks up planning the systems to address the authoritative necessities and challenges. The management system should advance standards of responsibility, transparency, and joint effort among all partners. Organizations can likewise impart a feeling of guidance and course by ensuring the facility management adjusts consistently with the more extensive business procedure.
Second Pillar of ISO 41001: Function
The activity centers around the everyday practices and processes engaged with facility management. Besides, it features the significance of effectiveness and sustainability in the operation. Organizations with ISO 41001 authentications should lay out and keep up with cycles to deliver quality management to meet regulatory and tenant requirements.
It likewise centers around resource management and space usage to implement preventive and remedial maintenance measures. Nonetheless, associations should survey and advance resource utilization to manage energy utilization and waste management to upgrade generally speaking functional implementation. Organizations can limit personal time through deliberate training and performance. Besides, ensuring powerful tasks assists with lessening costs and establishing a protected and agreeable climate for clients, customers, and partners.
Third Pillar of ISO 41001: Performance Assessment
Persistent improvement is the foundation of ISO 41001 Certification. It features the meaning of performance assessment to evaluate and upgrade the adequacy of the facility management system. Associations should lay out performance measurements and pointers to screen and assess the general layout of a Facility Management System (FMS). 
Notwithstanding, associations lead customary reviews, analysis, and management reviews to distinguish regions for development and keep up with compliance with legitimate and regulatory requirements.
Performance assessment is an unmistakable part of FM. Be that as it may, it likewise screens consumer loyalty by taking the partner's input to adjust to consistently evolving conditions. Associations can settle on informed choices by efficiently inspecting performance information to carry out corrective activities.
Fourth Pillar of ISO 41001: Planning and Design
Planning lays the foundation for the fruitful execution of ISO 41001 Certified System. It centers around essential preparation and risk evaluation to foster a vigorous business progression structure. Organizations should distinguish and focus on the critical parts of their FMS by characterizing the partners and their necessities.
Key planning includes setting goals and characterizing processes by distributing assets to accomplish wanted results. Business continuity guarantees that associations can answer successfully to unanticipated occasions by causing the least effect on facility management and keeping an elevated degree of administration conveyance.
Absolute Pros of Becoming ISO 41001 Certified
The center targets of ISO 41001 assist organizations with acquiring the advantages outlined below:
Improve security, safety, and prosperity for laborers
Further developed efficiency
Expanded productivity and viability
Improve communication, especially with regard to FM requirements and procedures
More noteworthy consistency of services
FM standardization across a wide range of associations
Broadly/universally recognized reliability
The final product of these advantages is to assist associations with turning out to be more financially savvy and work on their standing among shoppers and colleagues. By becoming ISO 41001 certified, associations demonstrate that they have a successful facility management system set up.
Note: Facility directors support all work transparency and by implication. They lay out processes for requests and systems. They are liable for the upkeep and improvement of the real facility. They make complex incorporations to use information for progress. 
Getting All Together for Facility Management
ISO 41001 Certified System managers support employees’ transparency in a roundabout way. They lay out processes for request and association. They're minded of upkeep and improvement of the actual facility. They make complex reconciliations to use information for progress.
At the point when you set up these four pillars, they illustrate what facility managers truly do. Overall, the center is around advancing the working environment to help each part of the business it contacts. Be that as it may, on a more profound level, it's tied in with giving the organization a consistent starting point for progress.
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Heeeyyy I really love your stories!! <3 can I request hobie being a runway model and reader being fashion designer for him. I been thinking about the fact he said he was briefly a runway model and I can’t get it out my head. I dunno what direction you’d want to take the story in if u wrote it but im pretty sure I’d b great! :) (sorry about the vagueness)
hi babes, thank you soo much you're so sweet:')) also so sorry this took so long!!
hobie brown x reader
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warning: mention of pins/needles
wc: ±1100
a/n: don't really like how this came out might rewrite it later on. not fully proofread.
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You didn't consider yourself any Westwood or McQueen just yet, but even the best had to start somewhere, right? It just so happened that your "somewhere" would be the old community hall in your neighborhood. This would be your very first fashion show, not something you took very lightly. This could make or break your almost nonexistent career, so it was important that everything was absolutely perfect.
Planning this had been an absolute pain; trying to find an affordable venue that wasn't on the verge of complete degradation, finding a way to decorate said venue accordingly, promoting and hunting for possible columnists and other industry players to invite, along with a million other things.
One of the most important aspects were models; the people who ultimately would be representing your brand. The only problem was that you didn't have money to hire any people, much less approach an agency, so you had to get creative. You had held "auditions" in your neighborhood; basically asking your friends and other people if they'd like to model for you.
You were upfront, admitting that you would not be able to pay them properly. People were reluctant at first; the idea of no compensation turning some away, but after a few days you managed to find and recruit a handful of people to help you, most of them being friends and people you knew from scool. Things were looking good, and your project was on the right tracks so far.
You were running around in your apartment-turned-studio, frantically searching for the tracing wheel you had lost once again, when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to find a tall and lanky young man, hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Heard you're looking for models," was all he said in a low deep voice and you raised your brows. "Y'know I can't pay you right?" you said, and he nodded in reply. "Long as the clothes look good I don't care," he said.
After first glance, you already knew he'd be a showstopper. He just looked perfect for a runway; you could already imagine the way your pieces would fit him. That's how you had met Hobie, how you gained a model, a muse, aswell as a friend.
It still shocked you just how much you've managed to pull off in these few months leading up to the big event. The whole thing had been one big family-friend initiative; everyone stepping in to help where they can.
Your old roomate, who worked at a hair salon had asked her colleagues to help with doing every model's hair. She had a friend who worked as a beautician in a salon, who had asked her colleagues to help with everyone's make-up. The choreographer had been your aunt, courtesy of her "certified pageant mom" status. The lighting and sound provided by a friend who worked as a part-time DJ at some dingy club. He had smuggled some equipment to use for the night.
The small closet rooms that served as backstage facilities were packed with people doing make-up, running around in robes and adding all the final touches.
When the time came for everyone to get dressed, you were running around like a headless chicked, hemming a few pieces here and there and filing down slippery shoes, even having to calm one of the girls down due to an anxiety attack.
"How does that feel? Comfortable?" you asked pulling and adjusting at the top of Hobie's outfit, trying not to restrict his airflow. "Good," was all he said. "Are you nervous, superstar?" he asked, as you worked on a piece of stubborn material at the back of his pants. You scoffed quietly at the stupid nickname. "Yes," you answered truthfully, "there's a few important people out there. If they like what they see, they'll be writing articles. Articles mean exposure, and I really need that right now." You laughed nervously.
"But it's gonna be great," you added, moving away from his pants and taking a moment to admire your work, albeit from behind. "because I have my showstopper right here, and he looks incredible," you added with a smile. He turned around, giving you a coy smirk in return. "You outdid yourself love," he said, looking down at his attire, "on your way to becomin' the new Westwood, yeah?"
You scoffed at his comment. "C'mon you have to go line up," you said.
The show itself was absolutely perfect. You watched backstage with bated breath as each model disappeared through the dark curtains, then like clockwork returned, some to change into new pieces, then fall back in line.
Hobie had both opened and closed for your show, and by the end of the night when everyone stood in applause, he and your mother had urged you to go on stage to give your final bow. You thought it was corny, but you humored them, walking onto the runway until you were visible and giving everyone a wordless thank you, before making your way backstage once again.
You had thanked every single person who worked with you, giving everyone a warm embrace aswell as thanking them profusely for their hard work. When you finally got to thank Hobie, you wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a fat kiss right on the apple of his cheek. "You," you started, pulling him away from your embrace, but keeping his shoulders in your two hands, "stole the fucking show."
He laughed lightly, shrugging dismissively. "You're the one that made this possible," he said, and you flashed him a megawatt smile, the adrenaline from the night pumping through your body.
"Y'know, there were a few casting directors scouting here tonight," you said, "you might be getting a few calls soon, they'd definitely want to sign a catch like you." He only scrunched his face his dismissal. "Nah," he said, and you furrowed your brows. "I'm not committing myself to some agency, wouldn't want to leave you," he added.
He continued to work with you several more months; working closely with you when designing and creating your pieces, than modeling those same pieces. Your popularity grew, and with it the demand for him; numerous agencies looking to potentially sign him. When it all became too much, he decided to stop all together. You respected his decision, and still remained close with him. You still called him showstopper, and he still called you superstar.
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1863-project · 1 year
sorry if youve answered this before, i searched but didnt find anything. but i see a lot of submas stuff with the bosses having offices and doing desk work, meetings, even needing suitcases! how much of that do you think a subway boss would have, and what sort of office work? or would that go to other employees?
asking you both as someone who works/ed with trains and as a pokemon fan with ideas on how post-league battle facilities (and the battle subway in particular) are run?
Hi, anon, I'll do the best I can!
A preface: I'm actually an archivist who works in a public library. Train stuff is a hobby of mine that I'm looking to really do more of because it's been a lifelong thing for me and we now know I'm capable of operating a steam locomotive decently well so I should be allowed to do it.
In terms of paperwork, there's likely stuff you'd have to do for a battle facility - things like setting it up as either a business or a non-profit, covering your legal bases and liability things, defining rules, etc. Once that's all done and you've got your battle facility up and running, though, day to day paperwork probably wouldn't be too bad unless you had to sign off on things.
The paperwork, I suspect, has a lot more to do with their other job, which is essentially running the Pokemon equivalent of the New York City MTA. In that situation, they'd likely be working more like stationmasters.
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(Pictured here is the entrance to the Grand Central Terminal stationmaster's office. It's close to the track the 20th Century Limited used to leave from.)
Generally, a stationmaster at a large station or in charge of a lot of employees would be doing the following:
Managing the employees, their salaries, their schedules, etc.
Managing public relations, including social media in the modern day unless a staff member was assigned to that (please let it be Furze, railfans love Furze)
Keeping logs - day to day schedules, any incidents that arise, etc.
In their case, since they're in charge overall, Ingo and Emmet are likely the go-tos for emergencies, like bad weather causing issues for above-ground lines, flooding from rain, etc. If you want a good example of this, look up what Hurricane Sandy did to our subway system. It...it wasn't good. Since they're also more or less in charge of the entire subway arm of the Unovan MTA, they'd likely have to go to meetings with board members, and they would probably also be the ones running the employee union since they're working on the trains like everyone else.
Presumably, they'd likely both be FRA certified to drive the trains, because we've seen them talking about driving (and actually driving in the anime), so they're qualified both as conductors and motormen (engineers). Usually we see them working either in the stationmaster's office or as conductors, but we know they can drive, too.
So...let's just hope they have vacation days. Because they'll need 'em.
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celesteficdreamland · 20 days
Bunny Hybrid Kyojuro Rengoku x F!Reader: Fuzzy (Modern AU, Pet Hybrid AU)
Summary: [Y/N] stumble across a Big Yellow Flemish Giant who is badly injured, [Y/N] acted fast to save the giant bun little does she knows the surprise that she's going into. Word Count: 4,255 words
Warnings: Blood, Adult Theme-ish (minor nudity)
"Well, you’re done with work [Y/N] and now it’s time to go home, or else your manager will demand for me to stay for night cleaning." You said to yourself as you clock out from your job.
Being a massage therapist is kind of hard but rewarding at the same time. Your family didn’t have much to spend money on from being a nurse so, 'Option B' was an option and you chose the path of helping people relax rather than saving them.
You spent 3 years learning in school sure it normally takes about 2 years to officially complete the course and apply for an official license but you added more years into the course to earn more benefits.
You receive the extra payments from both clients whether they are humans or hybrids. And let me tell you this people pay double for their pet hybrids to relax and help their body unwind from stress and gain more circulation in their blood flow.
As you leave the building the cold wind hits your body and you feel shiver from the night. Winter is right around the corner as once the season of fall ends snow will replace the environment. You get inside your car as you drive home to your apartment.
You turn on your heater to feel the warmth of your car as you drive home. It was a full moon tonight so luckily your sight on the road is a little lighter making you drive more safely.
As you were driving on the road at a distance you saw a rabbit hopping across as the rabbit stopped in its tracks it saw the light of the car and the rabbit’s eyes widened.
You immediately stomp your foot quickly on the brakes as the car immediately stops on the road. If you weren’t wearing your seatbelt you would have bumped your head against the steering wheel.
Your heart races as you are unsure if the bunny was hit or not. You shake your head as you leave your car to investigate the little creature.
You were expecting the rabbit to be small but, you saw with your eyes that it was a huge rabbit that was slumped on the road as the car was inches away from the big bun. You see it has yellow fur and with orange whiskers.
You check on the huge bunny if it was hurt as you get closer you see that it was covered with fresh scars and a bite mark. You were worried for the poor creature, you know that it wasn’t a wild rabbit because they’re mostly different from domestic ones, and the size of this rabbit shows you that his a domestic type.
You carefully place the big rabbit inside your car as you are careful about touching his injuries. You got blood on your hands as you worry about that later now it’s the rabbit's life you're worried about.
You drive your car towards the veterinary hospital where one of your friends Shinubo works as both a surgeon and chemist, it’s still early for the building to be close.
You better call her so that she can prepare some of the materials. You grab your phone and begin to type her number as press call, you hear only ringing on the other side as after a couple of seconds a Shinobu answered the phone.
"Hey [Y/N] I notice that you’re calling me, is it because your manager asked you to get more hybrid lotions since your supply run out?" Shinobu asked.
Sure, your workplace needs suppliers for some hybrid clients and Shinubo is a certified pet veterinarian for both hybrids and regular pets. The hospital also sells lotions, facemasks, and other care products for hybrids and pets.
And yes, Shinubo offers a discount to your facility as a benefit since you help her out with her projects and answer some research questioners during college. You mentioned this to your boss and got a raise from your job so that’s a plus on your point.
"No, it’s actually much more than work, I have a big injured rabbit with me so I’m taking it to your place if you can heal its wounds." You said as you drive faster.
"You said the rabbit is big it must be a Flemish giant and where did you find this kind of animal?" Shinubo asked more questions over the phone.
"I found this fella hopping across the middle of the road at night just a couple of minutes ago, I saw that it has scratches and bite marks on its body as soon as I take a closer look at the fella." You raised your voice out of concern.
You look out at the distance to see Shinubo’s veterinary, "I’m going to hang up now I’m going to have to park on the side of the entrance." You said.
"All right take the rabbit to room 104 second floor, I’ll be in that room preparing the material." Shinubo informed you before she ended the call.
You park on the side of the entrance of the veterinary hospital as you turn on the emergency light. You rushed out of the car and opened the back seat to take the big rabbit with you as the rabbit whimpers while unconscious.
You went inside and turned to the receptionist, as you briefly explained the situation and asked for help on which way is room 104 located on the second floor.
The receptionist guided you that there is a staircase on the left leading to the second floor unfortunately the elevator is down as the receptionist said. Once you see the door on the second floor someone will escort you there.
You thanked the receptionist as you followed her instructor, you arrived at the second floor while holding the big rabbit. You spot a male trainee as he holds a stretcher for the animal. You placed the rabbit on the stretcher and followed him.
He stopped at the particular room and opened the door. There you saw Shinubo with gloves and mask on as she beckoned you to come inside, there she handed you alcohol and wipes to clean your hands while the trainee transferred the rabbit onto the exam table as he set up the lights.
"You’ll be helping out to [Y/N]." Shinubo said as she reassured you of your worries before you got to complain, "Don’t worry you’ll be helping on shifting the rabbit and lifting some of the body parts."
"All right." You agreed as long as you don’t have to do surgery on the rabbit.
"Here, put this on." Shinubo handed you some medical gloves, an apron, and a mask. You put on the gloves and wear the apron and mask as you are ready to help.
Both you and Shinubo got ready as she asked the trainee for the gas to help the animal to fall asleep just in case if it wakes up during the procedure.
"Please bring me the scalpel and anesthesia" Shinubo requested the trainee to bring the materials.
You see Shinubo examined the rabbit’s body thoroughly, after a couple of minutes of studying the rabbit, she sighed and looked at you.
"I got good news and some bad news." Shinubo said while taking off her mask. "Which one would you like to hear first."
Shinubo gave you two options you would hear the good news first before the bad news.
"I want to hear the good news." You hope that it wasn’t going to be life-threatening.
"The good news is that the scars are not deep nor are they going to pose any danger to the flemish giant so there aren’t going to be any surgery today only ointment and some bandages." Shinubo gives out the lighter side of the topic
Okay so if that’s the good news then what could be the bad news "And the bad news?" You curiously said.
"As for the bad news this here flemish giant is not an animal but a hybrid in its animal form." Shinubo stated.
The information crashed into your mind as you never expected it to be a hybrid more or less out in the streets.
"How can you tell?" You wanted to know how Shinubo can tell the difference between a regular anima and a hybrid by their form.
"Okay if you want to know then lift one of its legs." Shinubo instructed you as you were obliged to do.
You lift its legs and saw that the bottom of the rabbit has dick well now you know that it’s a male.
"What am I looking for exactly?" You gave out a confusing look to your friend.
"The pattern of the hybrid’s legs is different take a look at its fur, it has a different pattern than a regular flemish giant." Shinubo then pointed out her finger as she continued.
"Like a normal rabbit, the fur would align down towards its bottom but for this fella here the small fur circling around some of its legs and its male genitals. Would help indicate that it can transform to its animal form and hybrid form." Shinubo explained.
Well, now you know how to distinguish between a regular rabbit and a hybrid rabbit.
"All right, enough talk let's help his wound now," Shinubo said as you gave out a nod.
Shinubo begins cleaning the wounds of the hybrid as she carefully wipes them. She then adds disinfection to the wound. Giving about a couple of minutes she began rubbing the ointment on the wound.
Shinubo asks for your help positioning the hybrid to cover its wound using the clothing bandage.
"It’s done for now I’ll pay your tabs with this so rest assured it's not coming out of your pockets [Y/N]." Shinubo said as she took off her gloves.
You were never expecting that "But Shinubo I’ll be paying I don’t like you to think that I’m taking advantage of you." You protested.
"No don’t you already help me out during my time in college with my ups and downs." Shinubo sighs.
You did remember that it was a hard time for her during her college life and you were always the one she opened up to and her sister as well.
"Are you planning on keeping the hybrid?" Shinubo asked you.
Shinubo’s question caught you off guard, you never had a hybrid before nor do you have any experience in taking care of them.
"I don’t really know. I thought maybe gave this fella to the hybrid pound or-" You were stopped from your mid-sentence as Shinubo interjects. "Or start taking care of this hybrid, the pound isn’t entirely good for this hybrid. The chances of getting adopted are low since many people prefer a baby version of hybrids rather than the adult ones."
"Besides you have a clean couch that can be turned into a bed so it’s a bit more hygienic for the hybrid to live in." Shinubo pointed.
"Fine, I’ll take care of the hybrid." You gave into Shinubo’s persuasion and adopted the hybrid yourself.
The trainee came back as Shinubo dismissed the intern in training.
You give your thanks to Shinubo for helping you. As you take the hybrid into your car making sure not to hurt him. You turn on your car as you drive home with your new hybrid.
You arrive at your apartment, turn off your car and carry the hybrid with you. Now that you weren’t in a panic, you started to feel how heavy the hybrid flemish giant is. Unlike earlier were you carried him into your car and hospital.
You unlock your door as you head straight into the couch and gently lay the yellow bunny down.
Even after the event that had happened, you still felt strange that this is the first time you had a hybrid into your home. You softly patted his head as the bunny form of the hybrid sleeps peacefully.
The sound of your stomach is calling out to you letting you know that it’s time for dinner. You leave the hybrid alone as you start heading towards the kitchen area.
You decided on making some mac and cheese with fruit salad on the side. As you prepared the ingredients on the counter and started cooking.
After a while, the food you made was now done as you served the mac and cheese on your plate and separated the fruit salad in a bowl.
As the spoon was almost at the entrance of your mouth, you suddenly heard the sound of something that dropped. You whip your head towards the sound as you spot the hybrid yellow bunny in a panic as it is on a corner staring directly at you.
The remote was on the ground along with some picture frames knocked down.
You were surprised that it was awake as you slowly headed your way toward the big fella. As soon you approach the rabbit it slowly tries to back itself more into the corner. His nose started shifting as the rabbit looked at the table with food.
You followed its gaze landing on your food as it was hungry. That gives you an idea, you take your fruit salad and slowly approach the hybrid, slowly putting down the bowl at the distance to make sure you aren’t being aggressive towards him.
"Come on big guy I’m not here to harm you" as you shifted the bowl towards him making sure that he would see the food in the bowl. "It’s for you if you’re hungry." You coed at the rabbit to eat.
As the hybrid was wary of you, he slowly hopped towards the food as his noose twitched every second as he came closer to the fruit salad.
You see the rabbit come closer and closer to the bowl as he begins to taste the fruits. Once he eats one of the sliced strawberries, the yellow rabbit quickly eats the whole fruit as every second he devours each and every piece of fruit leaving nothing behind.
The rabbit looks up directly at you, perhaps it knows that you’re not a threat.
"There are still more fruits and vegetables inside the fridge if you’re still hungry." You informed as you took the bowl and headed towards the kitchen and placed it on the sink.
You open the fridge and decided on picking two carrots as you encourage the hybrid rabbit to come closer, it was hesitant for a little but obliges as he is in front of you. You placed down the two carrots right by its front legs and you saw the big rabbit chewing happily at what you offered.
You can’t help that its bunny ears twitch every second as it eats, you gently pat its head. The moment your hand made contact with its body the bunny freezes before gently getting accustomed to the soft hands on its head.
You give him an extra carrot as you leave him to eat his meals while you start to eat your mac and cheese while looking at the hybrid bunny on the floor enjoying his carrots.
After finishing your meal, you grab a bowl and fill it with water as you place it near the hybrid bunny "Here you go big fella some water to help soothe your thirst."
As the bunny saw the water in front of him its cute tongue gently drinks the water. You can’t help how cute his interaction with the way his drinking the water makes you want to scoop him into your arms and snuggle around the big fella.
You stop yourself from pouncing on the rabbit as you decide to wash the dishes. Maybe this wasn’t so bad keeping the hybrid with you.
After a few minutes, you see the hybrid bunny begin to stand still, maybe it was still tired.
You go over to the couch as you change the sofa into a bed, you then go to your room and grab a few pillows and a blanket for your new hybrid. You lay them down, you make sure that it looks comfortable and cozy to sleep in.
"Hey there big fella." You said as you grabbed the attention of the hybrid bunny, you outstretch your hand, testing to see if the hybrid was comfortable with your presence.
The hybrid bunny approaches your hands and takes a couple of sniffs before standing still. You hope that means a sign that it's comfortable with you.
"I’m going to carry you now and place you on the bed, okay." You softly whisper to the hybrid as you mindfully avoid touching his bandages, you manage to carry the big rabbit into your arms as you approach the pile of pillows and blankets.
You were thankful that it didn’t squirm nor did it thrash around your arms, you gently laid him down. "It’s already late bun I hope that you will sleep peacefully tonight." You said as you give the hybrid bunny a few head pats before heading to your room.
You give one last look to see the giant rabbit being curios with the blankets and pillows before laying down as the bunny likes the bed that it’s going to sleep.
You were awake as the morning rays gently hits on your face. You open the door and head towards the kitchen for breakfast. You open the fridge to get some cereal and milk you look to your left and was faced with a person.
You jumped from his approach as he was near you all naked! And you swore you seen every inch of his private part! You were about to scream but soon noticed the bunny ears and his red eyes were the same as your hybrid bunny. Until you remembered the event from last night shot right back into your memories. This person who has a flame-like hair that transitioned from pale yellow at the roots to a vivid orange at the tips. His hair is also spikey that reach to his shoulder-length manner.
"Hello! Owner!" The naked hybrid in front of you has a plastered of confident and enthusiastic smile on his face.
His voice is also loud as he was yelling.
"Please lower down your voice I don’t want my next-door neighbors complaining to the landlord early in the morning" You requested at the hybrid man.
Before he could apologize to you, you told him to wait here as you went to your room. You came back and brought out a gray colored sweatpants and a black t-shirt from your brother as he forgot to bring some of his clothes back when he was crashing at your apartment.
"Here wear this." You hand over the clothes to the blond hybrid as you look away while he begins to put on the pants and clothes. You also felt bad that some of his body contains scars, good thing some of the bandages are wrapped around the wound while some are gone.
"Thank you for bringing me these wearable fabrics." The blond hybrid gives you, his thanks.
"You’re welcome." You said, "Do you have a name?"
The blond hybrid nodded his head, "My name is Kyojuro from the special breeds of Rengoku." Kyojuro passionately said.
"Huh? Rengoku special breeds?" You were curious about what Kyojuro meant by special breeds.
"The Rengoku breeds are special breeds of fighting rabbits. Such as me." Kyojuro said as his smile still plastered on his face.
Once you got the gist of fighting that means that Kyojuro was a fighter in an illegal hybrid match. It was declared illegal by the government that hybrids are not supposed to be used for fighting especially where it involves the winner to live and the loser to die.
"So, you escaped last night, weren’t you?" You wanted to confirm if Kyojuro escaped his captors.
As soon as you spoke those words out of your mouth, you can see Kyojuro’s face begin to falter as his smile slowly shifts into a pained expression.
"I don’t want to go back into the ring." Kyojuro voiced out his struggling words. "Please… I’ll do anything… anything that you want just don’t bring me back to the ring." Kyojuro painfully begged as he was on his knees, his hands gripping on your pajama.
Seeing his pained expression makes you pity him, you pat his head you feel his hair is sticky but you don’t mind, you gently touch his bunny ears.
"Don’t worry I’m not going to send you back and call me by my name [Y/N]." You softly said as you shifted on your hands switching your petting from his bunny ears and his head.
You feel Kyojuro begin to feel comfortable but you need both of you to eat breakfast as you help Kyojuro stand up. You better give Kyojuro a bath later.
"Now why don’t we eat breakfast." You announced as Kyojuro seemed to be excited at the mention of food.
You place bowls at the table, you look at Kyojuro crouching on the floor. "Why don’t you take a set Kyojuro." "But, owner only you humans get to have the privilege of eating on the table and we hybrids only eat from the floor." Kyojuro protested.
Okay so the people handling Kyojuro are a bunch of asses, you can’t believe that they would have to force him to eat from the floor.
"No, Kyojuro even hybrids have rights and refused to surrender with abuse. You are allowed to sit on the chair.." You patted on the chair for him to sit on, "It’s all right I won’t throw you out besides I have the responsibility of taking care of you."
You can see the Kyojuro widen his eyes from what you said. He then sat on the chair as you added cereal to his bowl and poured milk.
You did the same to yours as you begin to eat your cereal, you looked at Kyojuro as he wasn’t eating his cereal. "Is something wrong?"
"I’m just waiting for your permission for me to eat" Kyojuro stared at you.
You were shocked that they also wouldn’t allow him to eat without someone commanding him to. You will help Kyojuro get through with this and hope that he will recover and be a free hybrid.
"You know you don’t need my permission if I’m serving food to you." You confessed, "So, eat the cereal before it goes soggy." You smiled at the blond hybrid.
"Thank you, owner." Kyojuro said as he scoops the cereal with his hands. The milk and some cereal drips from his hands and onto the table.
You can’t help but feel sad for him, you rather guide him than letting him be. You stand up from your chair as Kyojuro seems to be tense as if he has done something to upset you.
You went closer to Kyojuro as you handed him a spoon. "Do you know how to use this?" You asked as Kyojuro responded by shaking his head.
"Here let me show you how to use a spoon." You said as you scooped the cereal with your spoon and hovered the spoon at the entrance of Kyojuro's mouth.
Kyojuro opens his mouth as you feed him. The interaction between the two of you was like spoon-feeding a baby. It's funny but you're determined to help Kyojuro as much as you can.
"See if you eat from the spoons it's easier to hold the milk with the cereal without spilling them. Why don’t you try." You said as you handed the spoon to Kyojuro’s hand, he took the spoon and began to eat from the utensil rather than his hands.
Kyojuro seemed to like this way of eating. "If all the cereal is gone from the bowl you can drink directly from it." You informed as you headed back to eating your own cereal.
You even showed him by taking both hands with the bowl and drinking from it, you want to avoid Kyojuro drinking the bowl with his face planted straight into the bowl of milk.
After both of you are done eating your cereal. You haven’t given it a thought that you need to buy Kyojuro some special needs for him, luckily it's your day off today until two days until Monday.
You look over at Kyojuro to see that he isn’t comfortable, "Is something the matter?" You asked.
"No owner I don’t want to bother you." Kyojuro Joyfully said but you weren’t having it. "I know something wrong and I’m here to make sure to attend to your needs."
Given that you prioritize your clients well being on what they’re comfortable to choose.
"It’s nothing to worry about owner. My tail felt uncomfortable around the pants" Kyojuro gave in.
Is that why he keeps on shifting his pants so and then. "Don’t worry I will cut some holes so your tail won’t be uncomfortable."
"Thank you so much, owner!" Kyojuro exclaimed with his loud voice as you covered your ears from his loudness, welp you better have a long nice talk with the landlord about this.
I guess you can say that this is a story [Y/N] the human and your Hybrid bunny Kyojuro from the Rengoku breed of rabbits
And that’s how you started your day with Kyojuro your new hybrid. Making sure that he is well cared for. Perhaps in the near future everything will change but you made sure to keep him happy and free.
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prolifeproliberty · 2 years
I was curious, you are a prolife activist, a teacher, and becoming a doula as well correct? So clearly you have a passion for children, if you don't mind me asking, Where did that passion come from and do you plan on having kids of your own?
Thanks for asking!
I’ve always liked working with children, so teaching made sense. What’s funny is I thought I would love teaching early elementary, but while it might be fun to read books to a couple kindergartners, managing 25 at one time was a little tougher lol
Middle school works for me because the kids are a bit more independent and they can have rational discussions about their behavior. I also like having 50-minute class periods rather than the same group of kids all day.
All of that I guess ties into my passion for pro-life activism - I care about children and don’t want to see them hurt, including preborn children. That activism started in 2013 when then-Texas State Senator Wendy Davis did her filibuster against a pro-life law being passed in Texas. I had never before seen someone so passionately argue for the destruction of innocent children. It boggles my mind that anyone could be pro-abortion. Prior to that, I saw abortion as some terrible thing that happened in other places, not something that I would ever have to deal with. Then I learned there was an abortion facility less than 10 minutes from where I lived at the time. That was it- I was now involved. I became a sidewalk advocate, started a pro-life group on my campus, interned and then worked for Students for Life. I’m still involved with my local pro-life advocacy group doing sidewalk advocacy and 40 Days for Life.
The doula thing was a natural extension of my pro-life beliefs. I read statistics that showed having a doula reduced complication rates for both moms and babies, and I found an organization in my area that provides free doula services. I got my initial training with them and attended my first few births as a volunteer doula. They were really woke/leftist however, and eventually I realized I didn’t want to actually be associated with them. The final straw was when they put out a call to their volunteers asking who could offer abortion doula services for Jane’s Due Process, a group that helps minors get abortions without their parents’ knowledge/consent.
So now I’m an independent doula and I got my certification from Stillbirthday. I’m certified as a birth and bereavement doula, which means I support moms and babies even when there’s a situation where the baby may not survive or has already died in the womb. That was important for me, because part of that involves recognizing the humanity and personhood of babies in the womb, including those miscarried very early. Because I recognize their humanity, I can validate the grief that the parents feel. They lost a child, not just a “potential baby” or a “pregnancy.”
The trouble right now is that I would love to be a full time doula, but I can’t afford to give up my current salary in the hopes of being able to make a living as a doula. So that limits how many clients I can take and when I can take them (mostly during the summer).
As for having kids of my own…without going into a lot of personal details, it would take a miracle (literally an act of God) for that to happen. And I’ve made peace with the reality that it most likely won’t happen. I enjoy my work, and I enjoy being “aunt” to a lot of my friends’ kids.
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tips-from-john · 26 days
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Tonic Greens (DON’T BUY?!) Tonic Greens Reviews - Tonic Greens Herpes - Hands-On Analysis
#TonicGreens #TonicGreensReviews #TonicGreensHerpes
Welcome to another video from the Beats Fusion channel. If you've come this far, it's because you want to know more about the Tonic Greens supplement.
We created this Tonic Greens review to explain everything you need to know about it:
How does it work?
What are the ingredients?
Where can I buy Tonic Greens?
Does it have side effects?
Stay with me in this review so you don't miss any information about Tonic Greens.
🤔 Let's start by explaining what Tonic Greens is?
The Tonic Greens Supplement is a dietary product specifically formulated to protect against herpes outbreaks while boosting overall health. It contains a unique blend of natural herbs, essential minerals, and vitamins that enhance cognitive function, strengthen the immune system, aid in weight management, and support cardiovascular health.
✅ Does Tonic Greens really work?
Yes, Tonic Greens works effectively! Based on my experience, it significantly helps in reducing the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks while providing a boost to overall health, including cognitive function, immune defense, and weight management.
What are the Ingredients in Tonic Greens?
Organic Bananas
Coconut Juice
Holy Basil
These ingredients are specifically combined to support overall health and well-being, targeting the herpes virus and enhancing your body's antiviral defenses.
🤔 How to Use Tonic Greens?
Taking Tonic Greens is simple:
Follow the Recommended Dosage: Use the amount suggested on the product label.
Maintain Consistency: For best results, make Tonic Greens a part of your daily health routine.
❤️ Where To Buy Tonic Greens?
You can buy Tonic Greens directly from the manufacturer's official website. I've provided the link to the official Tonic Greens website in the description and the initial pinned comment!
✅ Does Tonic Greens Have Side Effects?
Tonic Greens is made with high-quality, natural ingredients, ensuring it’s safe to use. It’s manufactured in a state-of-the-art FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility, ensuring its safety and effectiveness.
🤔 Does Tonic Greens have a warranty?
Tonic Greens comes with a satisfaction guarantee – you can request a refund if you are not satisfied with the results, making it a risk-free purchase.
✅ Tonic Greens Reviews Consumer Reports
This is the end of this Tonic Greens review.
You can see customer testimonials on the official Tonic Greens website. Based on my experience and various consumer reports, Tonic Greens is an excellent supplement that offers a comprehensive approach to managing herpes and enhancing overall health.
Important Topics:
00:00 - Tonic Greens Review Intro
00:55 - Tonic Greens Official Website
01:27 - What is Tonic Greens Herpes?
01:46 - Tonic Greens Formula
02:07 - How to Use Tonic Greens?
02:35 - Tonic Greens Benefits
02:58 - Does Tonic Greens Work? Tonic Greens Herpes
03:45 - Tonic Greens Guarantee
04:06 - Tonic Greens Side Effects
04:28 - Tonic Greens Reviews Conclusion
Tonic Greens Research:
tonic greens herpes, tonic greens, tonic greens reviews, tonic greens review, tonic greens supplement, tonic greens amazon, buy tonic greens, tonic greens ingredients, tonic greens benefits, tonic greens real reviews, tonic greens powder
I hope this Tonic Greens review has helped you understand how the supplement works.
Don't forget that Tonic Greens can only be sold through the manufacturer's official website:
If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I'll answer as soon as possible.
The post Tonic Greens Reviews was first published on Beats Fusion Channel.
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shewalicious · 1 month
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"SlimPulse Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Fat Burning and Gut Health"
SlimPulse Weight Loss is not just another supplement but a holistic approach to sustainable weight management and enhanced well-being. Unlike extreme diets or rigorous exercise plans, SlimPulse offers a balanced combination of natural ingredients designed to support fat metabolism, curb appetite, and boost energy. By addressing various factors related to weight gain, SlimPulse enables you to take charge of your health and achieve enduring results.
What is SlimPulse?
SlimPulse is a fat-burning supplement that aims to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can help suppress hunger, reduce cravings, enhance metabolism, and prevent fat accumulation.
The gut microbiome, consisting of millions of bacteria in the digestive tract, plays a crucial role in digestive health, immune function, and even mental well-being. A well-balanced gut microbiome also aids in detoxification and nutrient absorption. Research from institutions like Harvard has shown that improving gut bacteria can aid in weight loss, offering renewed hope for those struggling with persistent fat.
SlimPulse's creators claim that their supplement, designed with advanced phytosome technology and scientific precision, addresses gut health imbalances. Manufactured in an FDA and GMP-certified facility in the USA, the product is made under strict quality control conditions.
Ingredients in SlimPulse:
Silymarin: Found in milk thistle seeds, silymarin has long been used for liver health due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and liver-protective effects.
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Chlorogenic Acid: A polyphenol found in coffee beans, fruits, and vegetables, chlorogenic acid is known for its potential health benefits and therapeutic properties.
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Camellia Sinensis: The leaves of this plant are used to make various types of tea, including green, black, oolong, and white tea. It originates from East Asia and is known for its diverse health benefits.
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Pricing for SlimPulse:
SlimPulse is currently available at discounted rates on its official website, with three purchasing options:
1 Bottle (1-month supply) for $69
3 Bottles (3-month supply) for $59 per bottle
6 Bottles (6-month supply) for $49 per bottle
A 180-day money-back guarantee is offered, allowing customers to seek a refund by contacting customer service via email or phone, which reinforces the product's credibility and customer trust.
Order now:
SlimPulse Weight Loss presents a compelling option for those aiming to reach their weight loss goals and enhance their overall health. With its scientifically-backed blend of natural ingredients and proven effectiveness, SlimPulse offers a safe and sustainable approach to weight management. Whether you're aiming to lose a few pounds or undergo a significant health transformation, SlimPulse Weight Loss can be your ally in achieving long-term success. Discover the benefits of SlimPulse Weight Loss today and start your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.
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Personal Training NYC: Elevate Your Fitness Journey
In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where time is a premium and the pursuit of wellness is ever-growing, personal training has emerged as a pivotal solution for achieving fitness goals. With a plethora of options available, finding the right personal trainer in NYC can be a game-changer for those seeking tailored fitness plans and expert guidance.
Personalized Fitness Plans
One of the primary advantages of Personal training NYC is the customization of fitness plans. Personal trainers in the city offer personalized programs that cater to individual goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, improving athletic performance, or enhancing overall health. These customized plans are based on a thorough assessment of each client’s fitness level, medical history, and specific objectives.
Expert Guidance and Motivation
New York City’s personal trainers are renowned for their expertise and diverse specializations. From certified strength and conditioning coaches to yoga instructors and rehabilitation specialists, NYC boasts a wide range of professionals who can provide expert guidance. These trainers not only offer instruction but also serve as a source of motivation. Their support helps clients stay committed to their fitness routines, especially in a city where distractions are abundant.
Flexible Training Options
Flexibility is another key benefit of personal training in NYC. With the city’s fast-paced lifestyle, personal trainers often offer various training options, including one-on-one sessions, small group training, and virtual workouts. This flexibility ensures that clients can fit their workouts into their busy schedules, whether they prefer training at home, in a gym, or even outdoors.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Many NY Personal Trainers operate out of state-of-the-art fitness facilities equipped with the latest technology and equipment. These facilities offer a motivating environment where clients can engage in a wide range of exercises, from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to functional fitness. The availability of advanced equipment and amenities enhances the overall training experience and helps clients achieve their fitness goals more efficiently.
Holistic Approach to Wellness
Personal trainers in NYC often adopt a holistic approach to wellness, addressing not just physical fitness but also aspects like nutrition, stress management, and overall lifestyle. Many trainers offer additional services such as dietary advice, mental wellness coaching, and recovery strategies. This comprehensive approach ensures that clients receive well-rounded support, promoting long-term health and well-being.
Community and Support
Joining a personal training program in NYC can also foster a sense of community and support. Many trainers create an inclusive environment where clients can connect with others who share similar fitness goals. This sense of community can be incredibly motivating and make the journey towards better health more enjoyable.
How to Choose the Right Trainer
Selecting the right personal trainer in NYC involves considering several factors. Potential clients should look for trainers with relevant certifications, experience, and a track record of success. It’s also important to find a trainer whose training style and personality align with one’s own preferences. Many trainers offer complimentary consultations or trial sessions, allowing prospective clients to assess whether a particular trainer is the right fit.
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KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits
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Tomorrow (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall and on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
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Auditors are capitalism’s lubricants, who keep the gears of finance capital smoothly a-whirl, allowing investors to move their money in and out of companies without having to go pore over their books and walk through their facilities. Without auditors, the gears of capitalism would grind themselves to dust:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Unfortunately for capitalism, auditing is irredeemably broken. The Big Four auditors (PWC, EY, Deloitte and KPMG) have merged to monopoly, becoming “too big to fail” and “too big to jail.” These four gigantic firms have spun up fantastically lucrative “consulting” divisions that advise companies on how to cheat on their audits and attain incredible (paper) gains. The work of these “consultants” is worth far more than the accounting and auditing jobs the companies do, and the weaker the audits are, the more profitable the consulting is:
This crisis has been a long time brewing. Back in 2001, the accounting/consulting giant Arthur Andersen was at the center of Enron’s fraud, which lit $11B in shareholder capital on fire. Enron had been making everyday people angry for years, engineering rolling blackouts and incredible energy-price gouging, but no one cares about working peoples’ complaints. By contrast, stealing $11B from rich people was something the authorities couldn’t ignore. They gave Andersen the death penalty, trying to teach the surviving accounting firms a lesson about what happens when you fuck with plutes.
But those other firms learned the wrong lesson: the collapse of Andersen was so disruptive that it soon became clear that the authorities would never take another giant consulting firm down, no matter how egregious its conduct was. They doubled down on crime, and then doubled down again.
It’s hard to pick a winner in the Big Four Accounting Firm Corruption Olympics, but KPMG is a strong contender, with a long history of just being monumentally inept and wrong. Back when Enron was unspooling, KPMG devoted itself to threatening people who linked to its website “without a license to do so”:
A couple years later, they declared war on wifi, trying to convince normies that wireless networks were an existential risk to human civilization:
But there’s not much money in wifi scare stories or licenses to link. KPMG are good dialectical materialists, devoted to money over ideology, and boy did they figure out some wild ways to make money. For one thing, they figured out that they could get more accountants certified by cheating…on ethics exams:
KPMG’s top managers bribed regulators to give them the answer-sheets for ethics exams. What did they bribe those public employees with? Jobs at KPMG:
There’s hardly a month that goes by without another KPMG scandal somewhere in the world, with enormous monetary and social fallout. During the lockdowns, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government outsourced the creation and maintenance of ArriveCAN (a contact tracing app for people who entered Canada) to a grifter called GC Strategies, who billed millions for their services. GC Strategies didn’t do any work — instead, they paid KPMG $1,000-$1,500 day to hire freelancers to build the app. The app itself was a catastrophic failure, and that failure didn’t just embarrass the government — it also failed to protect Canadians during a once-in-a-century global pandemic. KPMG raked off a 30% commission:
In the USA, KPMG helped Microsoft work up a radioactively illegal tax-evasion scheme. Microsoft poured the millions it saved by cheating on its taxes into dark-money operations that lobbied to defund the IRS so that KPMG and Microsoft could cook up even more illegal tax-evasion schemes:
But KPMG doesn’t content itself with screwing over everyday people and rotting our democratic institutions — it also engages in the dangerous business of helping billionaires steal from millionaires. KPMG was the auditor that signed off on the scam “oil company” Miller Energy Partners, a fraud that operated for years thanks to KPMG’s rubber-stamp on its crooked books:
The company was run by serial fraudsters with long rapsheets for stealing millions. They staffed their C-suite with executives from disgraced companies that had been busted for running Ponzi schemes, issuing press releases praising those execs’ “proven track records in raising capital.” KPMG ignored every red flag, ignored the hundreds of millions in fraud on the books — and when the whole thing came crashing down, the responsible KPMG partner kept his job for years, until retiring with a full and fat pension.
More recently, KPMG made millions by confidently certifying the stability of a large regional bank, assuring investors and depositors that it was managing its risk and could be trusted. The name of the client that KPMG was so bullish on will be familiar to you: Silicon Valley Bank:
KPMG epitomizes the idea of Too Big To Fail and Too Big to Jail. Despite being at the center of virtually every major finance scandal, it continues to thrive and grow. Remember the Carillion bust, in which billions went up in smoke and swathes of privatized government services vanished overnight? Not only did KPMG sign off on fraudulent Carillion books, but it escaped fines for doing so — and got paid to help administer Carillion’s bankruptcy:
Despite this, KPMG continues to find willing buyers for its services. After all, when the sector is dominated by four giant, lavishly corrupt firms, there’s not much choice in the matter:
This is bad news for the investor class, of course, but it’s even worse news for the people who rely on the services that KPMG certifies, even as it helps grifters destroy them. Every kind of business relies on audits, from transit to aviation to day-care to eldercare.
Here’s a scary one for you: in Australia, the job of auditing residential eldercare homes’ compliance with safety and anti-abuse rules has been outsourced to KPMG. While KPMG earns a mid-sized fortune from these audits, it earns far more advising the owners of residential aged care homes on how to beat those audits:
KPMG says that the division that ensures the safety and dignity of elderly people is firewalled off from the division that advises companies on how to spend as little as possible on that safety and dignity — but KPMG also went to great lengths to keep the fact that it was selling services to both sides a secret.
Once the secret got out, an anonymous KPMG spokesmonster said, “When considering a request to perform an audit, we undertake a detailed process to ensure the engagement is free of conflicts.”
It’s hypothetically possible that this is true, but anyone who believes anything KPMG says is a sucker. The company’s rap-sheet goes back decades. This is, after all, a company that cheated on its ethics exams.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: Two business-suited male figures seen side on; each has a bomb for a head, and each is holding a lit lighter that has ignited the other's fuse. Each bomb is wearing a green accountant's eyeshade. In the background is a fiery mushroom cloud. They wear KPMG logos on their lapels.]
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Vectorportal.com (modified) https://vectorportal.com/vector/business-deal-illustration/23215
CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Inspired by an illustration by Matt Kenyon for the Financial Times: https://www.ft.com/content/07184d86-81cf-11e2-b050-00144feabdc0
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aparnaphysiotherapy · 11 months
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Aparna Physiotherapy Clinic is the best Physiotherapy Clinic in Habsiguda Hyderabad.
🌟 Welcome to Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic in Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad! 🌟
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Are you seeking expert care and personalized attention for your physical well-being? Look no further! Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic is your trusted destination for holistic and effective physiotherapy services.
🏥 Clinic Highlights: ✅ Experienced and Certified Physiotherapist: Dr. Aparna is a dedicated and highly skilled physiotherapist with years of experience, providing personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.
✅ State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with modern facilities and advanced equipment to ensure top-notch care and a comfortable healing environment.
✅ Comprehensive Treatment Approaches: We offer a wide range of treatments, including orthopedic rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, sports injury management, post-surgical rehabilitation, pediatric physiotherapy, and more.
✅ Patient-Centric Approach: At Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic, we prioritize your comfort and recovery. Our team strives to understand your concerns and design a treatment plan that aligns with your health goals.
Don't let pain or discomfort hold you back from living your best life. Take the first step towards a pain-free and active lifestyle with Dr. Aparna's Physiotherapy Clinic. Your well-being is our priority! 💪
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countyfairbrands · 3 months
County Fair Potatoes, Inc. - Revolutionizing the Potato Industry
Welcome to County Fair Potatoes, Inc., a start-up featuring the unique combination of a multi-generational Idaho potato farmer, real estate, development, and potato processing experts, with the goal of capitalizing on the strong demand for French fries and frozen potato products in the U.S. and abroad. CFP will occupy 74,000 square feet in a new 280,000-square-foot facility that will be constructed by Fall 2025. This deal is unique because of vertical integration (food processing, lease income, cold storage services, etc.); the idea of adding various types of income into the financial model, thus increasing the value of the company, real estate footprint, and mitigating the risk of failure.
Why County Fair Potatoes?
Rapid Growth: The demand for French Fries is skyrocketing both in the US and internationally. Industry experts highlight that current production levels are not meeting this increasing demand.
Vertical Integration: Our company encompasses food manufacturing, sales, transportation, and facilities management. This approach minimizes costs, enhances efficiency, reduces food waste, and maximizes profitability.
Global Reach: By implementing a unique online B2B e-commerce strategy, we enable customers worldwide to sell genuine Idaho-certified potato products at reduced costs, with white-label capacity.
Eco-Friendly Products: Our potatoes are organic, non-GMO, low in salt, sugar, and preservatives, and incredibly tasty!
Investor Benefits
High Returns: Enjoy an impressive IRR of 167.7% and a real estate exit multiple of 2.5X.
Join Us: Interested in becoming an owner? Visit our crowdfunding site for more information: https://www.invown.com/app/pitch/cfp
Join us in transforming the potato industry and bringing the best Idaho potatoes to tables around the world!
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates on County Fair Brands!
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warmglowofsurvival · 1 year
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Twenty One Pilots’ Josh Dun Builds His Dream Studio, Part 1
Drums rule inside the Boom Boom Room, the new home facility of Twenty One Pilots drummer Josh Dun and his wife, voice artist Debby Ryan.
By: Steve Harvey
Columbus, OH (August 1, 2023)—The Boom Boom Room—Twenty One Pilots drummer Josh Dun’s studio at his new house in Columbus, Ohio—is a visual treat. The bold aesthetic comes from Dun and his wife, actress, singer and voice artist Debby Ryan, whose quirky and eclectic taste is on display throughout their home.
While fitting in with the home’s overall aesthetic, the studio has been primarily designed as a space where Dun can practice and record his drums, both for band projects and his collaborations with other artists. It’s also set up to accommodate visiting musicians and for Ryan to record voiceovers, ADR for film and television, and her podcast.
If you are unfamiliar with Twenty One Pilots, well, where have you been? Since breaking into the mainstream in 2015 with their fourth studio album, Blurryface, the Grammy-winning twosome—drummer Dun and lead vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Tyler Joseph—have been flying high. In early 2018, Blurryface became the first album in the digital era to achieve RIAA gold, platinum or multi-platinum status for each of the 14 songs. One year later, the album’s 12-song predecessor, 2013’s Vessel, repeated the feat, making the duo the first artists in history to have every song from two separate albums certified at least gold by the RIAA.
The next full-length, 2018’s Trench, became Twenty One Pilots’ third consecutive platinum-certified album, cementing their success. Then along came Covid-19, and the hard-touring duo was suddenly grounded. Their most recent album, the low-key Scaled and Icy (a play on “scaled back and isolated”), was written and largely produced by Joseph at home in Columbus during the pandemic, while Dun, in a first for the drummer, engineered his contributions in the studio at his and Ryan’s house in Los Angeles.
Which brings us back to the Boom Boom Room. After seven years in L.A., Dun and Ryan made the decision to buy a house in Dun’s hometown of Columbus, where Joseph was also born and still lives. “Josh called me and said, ‘Hey, I just bought a house in Columbus. We should build a studio,’” recalls TJ Bechill, co-founder/senior technician with NEAT Audio.
Bechill goes way back with Twenty One Pilots. In 2012, working as a studio-focused senior sales engineer at Sweetwater Sound in the artist relations division, he saw the band on television, tracked down their FOH engineer and introduced himself. To cut a long story short, the relationship snowballed, eventually leading Bechill to set up NEAT (Next Era Audio Technologies), which specializes in redundant live playback rigs. “By the time I left Sweetwater in 2018, I had over 300 national tours that I was either selling or building rigs for,” he reports.
Along the way, Bechill, who also works for Fender, has held a variety of touring and technical positions with the band, has equipped and managed two studio build-outs for Joseph, and supplied all the gear for Dun’s L.A. studio. As a result, when Dun got in touch about building a facility at his house in Columbus, Bechill knew just who to call first—Indiana-based acoustical consultant Gavin Haverstick of Haverstick Designs, who designed and built both of Joseph’s studios, one in a basement, one in a sunroom.
Haverstick recalls walking through the prospective new house with the couple: “I’m in Indianapolis, so I drove over to tour the house with Josh and Debby. They were wondering if the place would work. Luckily, there was a ready-made spot for the studio in the basement.”
You’ve probably seen rooms designed by Haverstick, perhaps without realizing it. He’s built any number of facilities for commercial, educational and HOW clients, as well as musicians such as Tori Kelly, Polyphia’s Tim Henson, Brooklyn Duo, David Crowder and Luca Pretolesi (Studio DMI). However, unlike some acoustic architects, he doesn’t follow a template or impose his aesthetic on his clients. “We love the fact that all of our rooms look different, because every one of our clients is different,” he says. “We create rooms that inspire; that’s our mission statement.”
It follows that one of the first things Haverstick does is find out what inspires his client. “Josh would share Instagram posts with me and say, ‘I like this aspect of this studio,’ or, ‘Do you think we could do the lights like this?’” he says. “The cool part about working with Josh and Debby was that their whole house is unique, kind of out there and quirky. It was fun, because any idea that I had, I knew it wasn’t going to be too over-the-top.”
The walk-out basement space was previously a children’s playroom. To create a control room, Haverstick extended the space and canted out the walls for acoustical purposes. “It’s just nice to have a bigger control room, plus it helps with the low-frequency response,” he says.
Live Sound Showcase: Twenty One Pilots
The geometry of the control room’s black and gray wall treatments creates the illusion of a larger space. Lines draw the eye to the studio glass and the live room beyond, where a wall of vibrant flowers, the work of Australian husband-and-wife visual artists DABSMYLA, present a colorful backdrop. Haverstick was inspired by the DABSMYLA mural in the high-ceilinged sunroom directly above the roughly octagonal-shaped tracking space.
“I said, ‘Give me 10 extra feet of that image and we can put that on the walls.’ They loved it, and it became a signature part of the live room,” Haverstick says. Matthew Call of Simplified Acoustics handled all the fabric and interior acoustical treatments.
The Boom Boom Room was general contractor Charlie Griffey of Griffey Remodeling’s first recording studio job. Haverstick says Griffey was a joy to work with during the project, which took about a year from start to finish: “Charlie was awesome. He likes to learn, so he would even show up when he didn’t need to be there because he was genuinely curious about how things were going. He took a lot of pride in what he did, and he just nailed it.”
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natural-remedies · 5 months
Sweet Success:
Sugar Defender Supplements have become a game-changer in my journey towards a healthier lifestyle. As someone who enjoys the occasional sugary treat, I've always been mindful of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. These all-natural supplements have provided a noticeable difference in how I manage my cravings and overall well-being.
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Natural Ingredients for a Gentle Approach
What truly impressed me about Sugar Defender is its commitment to natural ingredients. The formula boasts extracts from powerful plants like Gymnema Sylvestre, known for its blood sugar regulating properties, and Banaba leaf, revered for its potential to improve insulin sensitivity. Additionally, the supplement includes Chromium picolinate, a mineral that aids in carbohydrate metabolism. This combination of natural ingredients provides a gentle yet effective approach to blood sugar management, which I greatly appreciate.
Curbing Cravings for a Sustainable Lifestyle
One of the most significant benefits I've experienced with Sugar Defender is its positive impact on sugar cravings. Before starting the supplements, I often found myself reaching for sugary snacks throughout the day. However, since incorporating Sugar Defender into my routine, I've noticed a significant decrease in these cravings. This has allowed me to make healthier choices more consistently, paving the way for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Enhanced Energy Levels and Improved Focus
Another welcome change I've attributed to Sugar Defender is a noticeable boost in energy levels. In the past, sugary treats would often lead to an energy crash later in the day. However, with consistent use of these supplements, I now experience sustained energy throughout the day, allowing me to be more productive and focused. This newfound clarity has been instrumental in tackling my daily tasks with renewed vigor.
A Safe and Trustworthy Supplement
Sugar Defender prioritizes safety and transparency, which is a major plus for me. The product is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring adherence to the highest quality standards. Additionally, the company provides clear information about the ingredients and their dosages on the packaging. This level of transparency fosters trust and allows me to feel confident about incorporating Sugar Defender into my health regimen.
Overall, a Valuable Tool for Blood Sugar Management
In conclusion, Sugar Defender Supplements have become a valuable asset in my quest for balanced blood sugar levels. The natural ingredients, reduced cravings, increased energy, and focus I've experienced have all contributed significantly to my overall well-being. If you're looking for a safe and effective way to manage your blood sugar, I highly recommend giving Sugar Defender a try.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, including Sugar Defender. This review is based on my personal experience and should not be construed as medical advice.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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safeguardsfety · 5 months
Fire Safety Training for Oil and Gas Industry Workers in Nigeria
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In the bustling landscape of Nigeria's oil and gas industry, ensuring robust fire safety measures is paramount. The high-risk nature of these operations necessitates rigorous training for workers to effectively prevent, manage, and respond to fire incidents. This article delves into the importance of fire safety training in nigeria for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria, emphasising key practices, certifications, and regulatory compliance.
Understanding the Risks
The oil and gas sector in Nigeria is inherently susceptible to fire hazards due to the presence of flammable substances, high-pressure equipment, and complex industrial processes. Fire incidents can lead to catastrophic consequences, including injuries, environmental damage, and production downtime. Comprehensive fire safety training equips workers with the knowledge and skills to identify risks, mitigate hazards, and respond swiftly in emergencies.
Regulatory Requirements and Standards
Nigeria has established stringent regulations and standards for fire safety in the oil and gas industry. Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory to ensure workplace safety and environmental protection. Fire safety training programs adhere to national and international standards, such as NFPA, OSHA, and ISO, to provide industry-specific insights and best practices.
Importance of Fire Safety Training
Effective fire training in nigeria goes beyond theoretical knowledge; it involves practical exercises, simulations, and hands-on experience to instil confidence and competence among workers. Training modules cover various aspects, including fire prevention, extinguishing techniques, emergency evacuation procedures, use of firefighting equipment, hazard communication, and first aid response.
Tailored Training Programs
Recognizing the diverse roles and responsibilities within the oil and gas sector, fire safety training programs are tailored to address specific job functions. For example, offshore workers undergo specialised training focusing on maritime firefighting, helicopter evacuation protocols, and offshore platform safety. Onshore personnel receive training tailored to refinery operations, storage facilities, and pipeline infrastructure.
Practical Fire Drills and Simulations
Simulating real-life scenarios through fire drills and simulations is a crucial component of fire safety training. Workers participate in mock drills to practice fire response tactics, evacuation routes, communication protocols, and teamwork under pressure. These simulations enhance preparedness, decision-making skills, and coordination during emergencies.
Certification and Accreditation
Obtaining fire safety certification is essential for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria. Accredited training providers offer certified courses, such as Fire Prevention and Firefighting (FPFF), Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET), Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET), and Industrial Firefighting Training. These certifications validate competence and compliance with industry standards.
Continuous Learning and Updates
Fire safety training is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires continuous learning and updates. Industry advancements, technological innovations, regulatory changes, and lessons learned from past incidents necessitate regular refresher courses, competency assessments, and knowledge reinforcement among workers.
Collaboration with Emergency Response Teams
Effective fire safety training involves collaboration with internal emergency response teams (ERTs) and external fire fighting agencies. Workers undergo joint training exercises, drills, and tabletop simulations with ERTs to enhance coordination, communication, and mutual support during emergencies. This collaborative approach ensures a cohesive response and minimises response time in critical situations.
Safety Culture and Behavioral Awareness
Beyond technical skills, fostering a safety culture and promoting behavioural awareness is integral to fire safety training. Workers are educated on risk perception, hazard recognition, situational awareness, safety protocols, and personal protective equipment (PPE) usage. Encouraging a proactive approach to safety empowers workers to identify potential hazards and take preventive measures proactively.
Continuous Improvement and Incident Analysis
Post-training evaluations, incident analysis, and lessons learned sessions contribute to continuous improvement in fire safety practices. Feedback mechanisms, safety audits, and corrective actions help identify gaps, address challenges, and implement preventive measures to mitigate fire risks effectively.
In conclusion, 
fire certification in nigeria for oil and gas industry workers in Nigeria is a cornerstone of workplace safety, operational resilience, and regulatory compliance. By investing in comprehensive training programs, certifications, practical simulations, and collaborative initiatives, companies can safeguard their workforce, assets, and reputation while fostering a culture of safety excellence in the dynamic energy sector.
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sunblonderealtors · 5 months
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Green Living in Mumbai : Embracing Sustainability in Residential Projects
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where urban life pulses with energy, there's a growing consciousness towards sustainable living. As the cityscape evolves, so does the approach to residential projects, with a shift towards eco-friendly initiatives and sustainable practices. Here's how Mumbai is leading the charge towards green living
Eco-Friendly Residential Projects:
From LEED-certified buildings to developments designed with eco-friendly materials, Mumbai is witnessing a surge in green residential projects. These initiatives prioritize energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction, offering residents a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
Waste Management Initiatives:
Adopting a zero-waste approach, many residential complexes are implementing robust waste management systems. Composting facilities, segregation at source, and recycling programs empower residents to minimize landfill waste and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.
Green Spaces Amidst Urbanity:
Amidst the concrete jungle, developers are carving out green spaces within residential complexes. Rooftop gardens, vertical gardens, and landscaped courtyards not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also promote biodiversity and improve air quality, creating tranquil retreats amidst the urban chaos.
Certifications and Recognitions:
With sustainability becoming a key differentiator, many residential projects in Mumbai are pursuing green building certifications such as IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) certification or GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) rating, underscoring their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Energy-Efficient Design:
Sustainable architecture is becoming increasingly prevalent in Mumbai's residential landscape. Incorporating features like solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and passive design principles, these homes minimize energy consumption and carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener future.
Water Conservation Measures:
With water scarcity being a pressing issue, residential projects in Mumbai are implementing innovative water conservation measures. Rainwater harvesting systems, greywater recycling, and low-flow fixtures help reduce water wastage and alleviate the burden on municipal resources.
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reviewgirl · 5 months
Boost the “metabolic respiration" process, in order to dismantle and vaporize fat cells by using "AEROSLIM"
What Is AeroSlim?
AeroSlim emerges as a weight loss supplement meticulously engineered to booster metabolic respiration rates within the body. Formulated in capsule form, it comprises organic ingredients sourced from natural origins, carefully selected to optimize metabolic functions. According to the manufacturer, AeroSlim operates on the principle that breathing patterns directly impact weight management. Each tablet contains a blend of natural ingredients aimed at facilitating the reduction of body fat. Through synergistic interactions, these ingredients work in tandem to maximize metabolic respiration rates, thereby aiding in weight loss efforts. The AeroSlim weight management formula prides itself on being 100% natural, devoid of GMOs, stimulants, or any other toxic additives. Manufactured in the United States within an FDA-approved facility and certified by GMP, this supplement adheres to stringent quality and safety standards. Furthermore, all AeroSlim ingredients undergo rigorous testing and clinical trials to ensure their safety and efficacy, providing consumers with confidence in their weight loss journey.
AeroSlim's weight loss supplement is crafted around a unique "Metabolic Respiration Accelerator," designed to expedite the metabolic respiration rate and target stubborn fat. Recent research suggests a direct correlation between breathing patterns and weight gain, with metabolic and respiratory rates intricately linked at the cellular level. This innovative formula harnesses powerful compounds that synergistically collaborate with the body to eliminate stubborn fat. AeroSlim's fat-burning pills work to maximize metabolic rates, ensuring the body receives optimal oxygen levels for enhanced functionality. With AeroSlim, weight loss becomes achievable through the simple act of respiration, eliminating the need for strict diets or rigorous exercise regimens. The carefully selected ingredients in AeroSlim provide essential nutritional support for safe and effective weight loss, offering a convenient and sustainable approach to achieving your fitness goals.
AeroSlim Ingredients –
What Are The Key Components? AeroSlim fat burner contains a perfectly dosed proprietary blend of carefully selected plant extracts and minerals. The manufacturer has carefully mixed in the right proportion to manage weight naturally. In this section, let’s have a clear look at the list of AeroSlim ingredients.
Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is associated with obesity. This ingredient increases body fat and limits weight gain. It prevents respiratory disorders and supports several bodily processes.
Umckaloabo Extract Umckaloabo is a medicinal plant that is native to South Africa. It is used to treat several health issues in the body. It kills harmful bacteria in the body and supports overall health.
Ivy Extract Ivy Extract is rich in medicinal properties that improve respiratory problems. The antioxidant properties of Ivy Extract help fight against oxidative stress and free radicals. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body.
Mullein Extract Mullein Extract is one of the important AeroSlim ingredients that contain chemicals that are useful in maintaining optimal health. This flowering plant is used as medicine to treat several health conditions in different parts of the world.
Coltsfoot Extract Coltsfoot Extract is used as an herbal tea that helps treat respiratory infections and related health issues. It reduces inflammation, and fat formation, and supports overall health.
Serratiopeptidase Serratiopeptidase reduces inflammation and binds to the plasma. It also helps in weight loss.
Peppermint Essential Oil Peppermint Essential oil is an AeroSlim ingredient that supports a healthy digestive system. It aids in weight loss and detoxifies the entire body. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of this essential oil protect the body from disease-causing organisms.
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