shylebraithwaite · 2 years
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Thanks @mentorcruise for the capture and shoutout. For those looking for coaching or mentorship, hit me up! . . #repost #coaching #mentorship #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #performance #performancedevelopment #certifiedcoach #mtm https://www.instagram.com/p/CjojUxdu5RF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lovelypol · 3 months
Key Benefits of Executive Coaching Certification for Professionals
Executive Coaching Certification is an essential credential for professionals aiming to guide and enhance the leadership capabilities of executives and senior managers.
This certification program equips coaches with the skills and methodologies required to foster effective leadership, strategic thinking, and personal development in high-level executives. Through a combination of theoretical learning and practical application, participants gain deep insights into executive behavior, decision-making processes, and organizational dynamics. Certified executive coaches are trained to use various assessment tools and coaching frameworks to tailor their approach to the unique needs of each executive, ensuring impactful and sustainable outcomes. The certification process often includes rigorous coursework, peer coaching, supervised practice, and ongoing professional development, ensuring that coaches maintain the highest standards of excellence. By obtaining this certification, coaches demonstrate their commitment to professional growth and their ability to facilitate transformative changes in leadership. As organizations increasingly recognize the value of executive coaching in driving business success, certified coaches are in high demand, capable of significantly contributing to organizational effectiveness and leadership excellence.
#ExecutiveCoaching #CoachingCertification #LeadershipDevelopment #CertifiedCoach #ProfessionalGrowth #LeadershipExcellence #CoachingSkills #OrganizationalSuccess #TransformativeLeadership #ExecutiveDevelopment #CoachingStandards #BusinessCoaching #LeadershipTraining #StrategicCoaching #CertifiedExecutiveCoach #ExecutiveGrowth #ProfessionalCertification #CoachingCareer #LeadershipImpact #CoachingFrameworks
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fitnesszinnia · 1 year
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙚, also known as "Eka Pada Rajakapotasana" in Sanskrit, is a popular yoga pose that stretches the hip flexors, groin, and thighs while also strengthening the back and opening the chest.
Here's how you can practice the Pigeon Pose:
1. Begin in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.
2. Bring your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist. Your right foot should be close to your left hip.
3. Slide your left leg back, straightening your knee and extending your leg behind you.
4. Lower your body onto your right hip and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
5. Keep your hips level and square to the front of your mat.
6. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths and then repeat on the other side.
Note: If you experience any pain or discomfort in the pose, modify or come out of it slowly. It's always important to listen to your body and practice yoga with mindfulness and awareness.
Overall, Pigeon Pose is a powerful yoga pose that offers numerous benefits for the body and mind.
#Mymensingh #yoga #cardio #fitnesscentrebyzinnia #certifiedcoach #যোগ #fitness
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voisap · 4 years
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Want to learn Software Testing Course Training / Manual Voisap offers software Testing training classes with live projects by expert trainers. We provide end-to-end learning on Testing Domain with deeper dives for creating a winning career for every profile. Register Now +1 416 569 4606 www.voisap.com [email protected]
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richmindco · 4 years
朋友圈 價值不對等時,無論你再怎麼努力也擠不進. 殘酷卻真實⋯
原以為朋友圈內或多或少總有一些和自己緊密相連的 一齊酒肉穿腸過,一齊穿越古今,一齊聲討人生的不公,一齊談笑風聲.以為相逢恨晚,慨嘆人生幾何...
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01 等價交換 前幾天,很奇怪的看到了相互不認識的人缺發了一條相同的朋友圈.就是萬達王建林直播中一句話的截圖‘清華北大不如膽大’。引發了無數人的共鳴,一陣惺惺相惜的慨嘆! 有些時候,我們以為在某某場合認識了一些'最強人脈',合照混跡於目標圈,各種應接不暇的飯局棋局,以為已經成功進圈並成為不可或缺的一員,誰知世事如棋局局新~~ 錯覺讓人上癮,讓人失去理性的分析,使人以為一切都是理所當然。 一路走來跌跌碰碰,遇過風雨交過猛獸,發現了原來‘學做人’才是畢生需要進修的科目。
1 比較,就是一比就被較下去
2019年,透過拍檔的關係,我們獲得了一位他認識已久的世叔伯的認同,並願意以一個超低的租金抽成方式,出租一個大約700尺的office(3個小房間,1個大的公共辦公廳,1個茶水間)給我們辦公、教學之用。 我們真的很感激,購置、裝飾、宣傳並開始運營⋯當一齊準備就緒之時,收到措手不及的通知需要即刻搬走並交還鑰匙🔑。 縱然憤怒,但也明白到不是等價交換的,沒有議價的餘地。 成人的世界,交易永遠只會發生在價值對等的時候。學費付了,課也就上完了⋯⋯
2 合作只發生在價值相等的時間
某飯局上遇上了同是教育培訓行業的心理香薰治療師(經營了好10+年),相談甚歡、同聲同氣、言無不盡⋯真是酒逢知己千杯少,暢聊著各種腦洞大開的創意合作,以為上天不負有心人,盼來了貴人。交換了聯繫方式也建立了一個討論群組,我們為此精心準備了多種合作方案,以為努力了,便會成功⋯ 我們在群內發送了多則的單向溝通,缺換不來一個表情符號,只得到'已讀不回'的兩個勾。 原來,不對等的價值連表情符號都不配得到。
3 最好的關係及資源永遠都是勢均力敵
在外打拼,難免會遇到很多困難和障礙,挫折和壓力是最躲不過的。 在外遇見熟悉多年的友人總是那麼親切又讓你得以有點依靠 - 一位經營貿易公司的故友.談不上知己好友但也是相識相知二十載,嫻熟的故友在外重逢總是分外親切。 那天,倉庫業主需要提前給新住戶進駐,要求我們5天內搬清物品。除了尋找臨倉外,突然憶起了這位貿易公司合夥人之一的故友,希望可以藉用對方一些空間來過渡到新倉庫的遷入時間。以為順理成章的相互扶持,換來了168小時的臨停待遇以及笑裡藏刀的顛倒黑白🙃️ 只有等價,才有交換!價值不對等,連談判的資格也沒有。
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02 價值決定圈子
- 任你人脈再廣,微信朋友數万人又如何,當你求救時會來的又有幾個?
- 當你大排宴席時總是高朋滿座,當你窮困潦倒喊幫忙時,也許只夠打麻雀。
- 不好意思當面拒絕你的人在你邀請下關注了公眾號,但發現: 1)原以為關係OK的友人約在2週後悄悄取關; 2)原以為無話不談的友人約在2個月內默默取關; - 不拒絕你的但又不關注的,會自動略過你的邀請並毫無破綻地暢聊其他; 才了解到,原來這個舉動的背後就證實了可能僅僅是萍水相逢/泛泛之交。 。 。
名成利就時遇見的都是好人,折墮時撞見的都是壞人。這就是成年人的世界。 遇見誰撞到誰都是自身價值與能力的問題。 能力及市場價值就是你的籌碼,只有勢均力敵才能等價交換!
任憑幾許努力百倍誠意也無法降格錄取。提升自己的價值和能力,做一個高價值的自己,吸引更多更好的圈子! 其實,學習不是讓你變得更聰明,只是讓你不再愚蠢。多一分知識多一分能力,多一種語言多一張成功的單程票。
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brandyewitha-y-e · 5 years
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Wow 🤩!! Who experiences #hotflashes 🥵 ?? Check THIS 👀 out! “Ok I subjected myself to a test (unintentional). I had been suffering from hot flashes every night at 4 am for a couple months. I started drinking this new #coffee ☕️earlier this month. The hot flashes stopped. I thought it was a coincidence. I ran out of coffee Thurs. No coffee yesterday. Last night 4 am you guessed it. Hot flashes. I have read up a lot on these #mushrooms and the #rhodiola does have hormone balancing benefits. I am a believer! I love this coffee.” • • • #hotflash #menopause #naturalsolutions #nutritionislife #magicmushrooms #fortheloveofcoffee #coffeewithpower #naturalliving #naturallifestyle #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #certifiedcoach #holisticcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/B711cGFnOnF/?igshid=ox6kpvv5gdgi
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wealthpalofficial · 5 years
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sherrygideons · 2 years
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It was a great honor to share our behavioral super powers universe at the WOIII Powerful Women Leaders Empowerment Live Summit this past weekend. your behavior is super powers it would make you special. They are your behavioral fingerprint. Knowing and managing them are the key to your success. The behavioral superpower report is for anyone who wants to take their life to the next level in the areas of relationships, self discipline, Communications, academics, Family, and business success. The most influential leaders in the world are the ones that have a deep self-awareness and a desire to understand the differences in themselves and others. DM me if you’d like to find out more about our one of a kind scientifically validated behavioral tool. #talentanalytics #lifecoach #lifecoachtraining #lifecoaching #behaviormatters #certifiedcoach #disccertification #understandingpeople #behavior #discstyle #professionalcoach #coachcertification #lifecoachcertification #coachtraining #entrepreneur #communication #businesssuccess #organisationaldevelopment #behavioralscience #leadershipdevelopment #peopleanalytics #hrmanager #humanresourceslife #awareness #discpersonality #smallbusiness #remoteworkplace #hrtips #peopledevelopment #sherrygideons (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CijP_RALPfR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livinharmony · 3 years
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livingketo · 6 years
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10 months into keto and I reached my second goal weight! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 55kg / 121 lbs was my absolute goal on this journey! My weight didn’t change anything for 6 weeks and now suddenly I dropped for my goal weight! Trust the process and let your body heal to lose weight! 🙌🏻 Time to hit the gym and exercise for me! I’m extremely happy... but there is quite some toning needed! 🤭😬😎 #ketoweightloss #ketoweightlossjourney #ketogenicweightloss #intermittentfasting #if #omad #omaddiet #omadlifestyle #omadketo #ketodiet #ketogenic #ketogenicdiet #ketotransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #ketoliving #ketoadapted #certified #certifiedcoach #ketocoach #ketocoaching #youtuber #ketochef https://www.instagram.com/p/BoWJFtwleoc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ns7v1vhtwtp
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honeybethwiggs · 3 years
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I have been BLESSED with the privilege of speaking for this women’s conference in Arborg! Unfortunately, I’ll be streaming instead of visiting Canada 😭 but if you would like to join us tomorrow morning, I’ll be happy to share the link! I will be speaking around 11:40ET and 2:35ET. The link in is in the comments and I’ll stream into sone groups as well. #womensconference #womenspeakers #conference #brideofchrist #heir #whodoyousayiam #honeybethwiggs #author #speaker #certifiedcoach https://www.instagram.com/p/CVEkE90jlma/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jagadishrajkumar · 3 years
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💥You still haven't booked Team Boss CPT, yet?🤦🏻‍♀️ . Let me tell you why you must choose Team Boss Fitness Academy for CPT course🔥 👉 What factors make Team Boss Fitness Academy CPT, your 1st Choice, amongst all other academies in India? ✅ Team Boss CPT is one of the cheapest in terms of its cost in comparison to most other leading Academies, and far surpasses in the VALUE, it delivers. ✅ The course duration is just 8 weeks - which means, you are a FULLY QUALIFIED CPT IN JUST 8 WEEKS! ✅ All Lectures are delivered LIVE  by the Number 1 Fitness Expert of India & Legendary Coach, Harry Sandhu himself - and are available for later viewing and revision, right throughout the course  - which means, you miss nothing and can watch and revise at your own pace. ✅ Team Boss has the HIGHEST APPROVAL RATING OF ALL FITNESS EDUCATION PROVIDERS IN INDIA. . 🔥Enroll for the upcoming batches with INR 5000 and pay the rest as EMI.🔥 . ⭕Next batch details⭕ ✅ HINDI & ENGLISH BATCHES, START: 30th OCTOBER. . TO ENQUIRE ABOUT CPT & OTHER TEAM BOSS COURSES - PLEASE WHATSAPP +91 9827675050 or you can simply DM. . #TeamBoss #TeamBossFitnessAcademy #certifiedcoach #certifiedpersonaltrainer #certifiednutritionist #personaltrainers #personaltraining #personaltrainer #certifiedlifecoach #fitnesscoaching #workoutmotivation #nutritionist https://www.instagram.com/p/CTrAglWhS7FAG4k2R7UxgYIdz__UeN6YgQFqhA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brytay1982 · 3 years
Posted @withregram • @drtamarawdias ⁣ Sponsors: How many of us have them?⁣ ⁣ This week’s podcast highlights the role that sponsors and mentors both play in the workplace. ⁣ ⁣ Simply put: A mentor is someone who has knowledge and will share it with you, a sponsor is a person who has power and will use it for you.⁣ ⁣ And we need both. Check this week’s episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and additional platforms!⁣ ⁣ PLEASE CHECK HER OUT. YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!! ⁣ #executivecoaching #leadershiptraining #transformationalcoach #personalcoaching #mindshift #leadercoach #certifiedcoach #blackwomenlead #principalsofinstagram #blackpodcasters⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CTme4Mbne6f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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brandyewitha-y-e · 5 years
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Isn’t that the #truth ! It’s so hard for me to understand why people will listen to the non-experts for expert #fatloss advice simply because the journey has been recent and public. People tell me “well, you’re already thin and in good shape, you wouldn’t understand.” Wait 🛑 WHAT?! Just because I recently haven’t lost weight and blasted it all over social media is what gives you the evidence you need I don’t know?! Mhm hmm, okay. The fact that I struggled with my weight the majority of my 44 years on this Earth means nothing, I suppose. Gaining over 70 pounds during my #twinpregnancy at age 36 means nothing. Helping countless others #loseweight , #losefat and #keepitoff also is useless. Seriously? Why do I not appear to struggle with my weight now? Because I listen to what I have learned! I #practicewhatipreach ! For the love of everything holy, my loves, PLEASE stop listening to those who don’t have the #correctknowledge and experience to help you! It’s only your life and health that depend on it! • • • #stopthemadness #gowiththosewhoknow #personaltrainer #certifiedcoach #holisticcoach #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #lifecoach #fatlossforthewin #weightlosstransformation #weightlosstips #weightlossforwomen #weightlossformoms #transformationspecialist #bodybc #theorchidbutterfly https://www.instagram.com/p/B7WoulbnDzM/?igshid=1nk0eo88cxb3b
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wealthpalofficial · 5 years
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Symptoms of fear of failure.
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christinemonk · 3 years
Mentoring is one of the most important concepts of Life Coaching which one needs to inculcate. Apart from the fact that it creates a heightened value of your personal brand in the market, mentoring also helps you to branch out and network with other individuals.  Career mentoring is a terrific way to support the growth, development and career progression of another, share your knowledge, skills and experience, and even extend your own network.
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