baby--charchar · 7 months
Lucifer, upon finding out that Charlie is an age regressor: ...wait...does this mean I can get a do-over?! Because honestly sweetie, I've been working on myself these past few years and think I could really nail it this time!! Do you- do you like ducks?! Does baby-you like ducks?! Yeah?! Okay great, I'm already off to a great start, woo! Point one for dad!!! Sweetie I'm gonna make you SO many ducks, you won't even know what to do with them all!! Ducks for the bath, ducks for your toys, maybe I can sew little ducks on some of your clothes?! ...My baby girl likes DUCKS...!
*gets emotional*
...I got my baby girl back.... 😢
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yourlocalmoon · 6 months
You got it !!! <3
Caregiver Lucifier Moodboard :O
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Absolutely spoils you to no end, calls you his little duckling alll the time !!! You could never think he doesn't love you, he tells you all the time how much he loves you and shows it in everything !! Affection, Praise, Gifts, He even makes rubber ducks for you!!
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~ T r a u m a ~
Summary:Lucifer is trying to spend some time to get to know Vaggie but she ends up in littlespace so Lucifer takes care of her.
It was rough keeping a big secret from Charlie. Even though she accepted her now and they were on good terms, things were still very stressful. Her wings contributed to that factor as well. They reminded her of what she did before Charlie found her and it gave her a lot of guilt. A few panic attacks later, she decided to talk about it to Charlie one day, hoping that she’ll feel better.
“Maybe you should talk to someone about this,” Charlie suggested, “I’m not exactly qualified and there aren’t many therapists in hell, but maybe you could talk to my dad,”
“Why Lucifer?” Vaggie asked, a little bit nervous. She didn’t exactly want to talk about all this heavy shit to her girlfriend’s dad. What if she makes herself look bad and he’s unaccepting of them? He did know she was an exorcist but never knew why she fell in the first place. It was too heavy to talk about in their little time together.
“Well, he’s also a fallen angel, he might understand how it feels,” The princess prompted.
Vaggie bit her lip, wondering what she should do. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, she sighed and agreed.
A day or two later, Vaggie stands in front of Lucifer’s room. It was just one of the nicer hotel rooms, so it wasn’t supposed to be as intimidating. But it was. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Mr Morningstar?” She called out, slowly opening the door and entering. He had one of the suites so she assumed he was just in one of the bedrooms.
“Ah, Maggie! Good to see you!” He popped up to her side and gave her a hug. She flinched, but then relaxed.
“It’s Vaggie, Sir,” She calmly corrected him.
“Vaggie, got it. Anyways, what brings you to my humble abode,” He asked, leading her to the kitchen area where he poured himself a glass of water.
“I- uhhh, I was hoping to talk to you about something,” She nervously looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. She really didn’t want to make this more awkward and terrifying than it already was.
“Oh, alright, let's sit then,” he walked over to the couch and gestured a hand to the one in front of it so they sat facing towards each other.
“So, I- Uh, Charlie wanted me to talk to you about some struggles I’ve been having that have to do with being a fallen angel,” she began, “I don’t even know how to start,” 
She thought about it for a second and took a deep breath.
“What do you do when… you feel so ashamed for being an angel that you think it would be better if you were gone?”
“That’s a tough question. Mind telling me why you feel ashamed first?” he asked. He would probably have to tell Charlie about these thoughts. It definitely wasn’t healthy.
Vaggie’s memories and reasons why she was guilty flashed in her head. The people she’s killed. The souls lost. It's all her fault. 
“I- I- I-,” She stuttered.
“Hey, it’s okay, take a deep breath,” he instructed. After she took a couple, she felt a bit calmer.
“I was an exorcist for years. I killed so many and hurt many more. I lied to Charlie, I lied to my friends, I even lied to myself. I kept saying that it was okay but it wasn’t! Nothing is okay! I’m not fucking okay! I’m a murderer.…” she confessed. He sucked in a breath but she wasn’t done.
“I wasn’t even punished! I- I deserve to feel hurt and pain. I deserve agony but no one will give it to me. My stupid wings are a constant reminder of the monster I am,” She began to stumble on her words as her lip began to quiver. She’s held so much in that she was an absolute mess now that she was talking about it. It made her headspace immediately fall like a bag of sand being thrown off a cliff. 
Before she knew it, she started crying, sobbing even. Lucifer got really worried and moved to sit next to her. He wrapped his arms around her shaking body. She was very much ugly crying. The hiccuping, hyperventilating kind too. Why was he giving her comfort. He should be upset with her.
“Vaggie, you don’t deserve any pain. You’ve changed. You’re not deserving of a punishment anymore. You deserve comfort and help,” He told her in a calm, gentle voice. It was quite nurturing too.
Being a caregiver, he could notice easily when a headspace dropped and he could tell hers went deep down fast. He gently pulled her into his lap and began to rock her, trying to calm the baby down.
“Shh, shhh, you’re okay, we all forgive you, shh, shhh,” He spoke soothingly into her ear. 
He made a rubber duck appear and held it in front of her.
“Look! It’s a ducky!” he sqeaked it, trying to get her attention. She looked up at it, still crying but not as many hiccups. Lucifer moved it around and made little quacking noises to entertain her. It seemed to help.
He gave the ducky to her once she stopped crying. She immediately tried to put it in her mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah, you don’t know where that’s been,” he took it out of her mouth and made a pacifier appear in her mouth. She sucked on while playing the rubber duck.
He lifted her up and placed her on the second couch. He snapped his fingers and her clothing changed. She was now in a thick diaper and onesie. Lucifer had babysat enough times to know what clothing helped her feel safe. 
He brought her over to the bedroom and laid her down in bed before he took off his shoes and climbed in too. She seemed very clingy so he definitely would need to cuddle with her.
She snuggled up close to him as he massaged her scalp. He felt bad that she had to deal with all of this guilt. It was upsetting to say the least. Even though they weren’t very close, he still cared and worried about her.
He felt content once he heard soft snoring coming from the girl. It was a peaceful sight, knowing that she was no longer fighting her inner demons. He slipped out of the bed without waking her up and went back into the small living room area.
He brainstormed what kind of toys Vaggie would like. He wanted to make sure she had something to do when she woke up. After summoning a couple of blocks, a shape sorting game, and setting up a cute purple tent and filled it with a bunch of pillows and blankets, he sat on the couch and scrolled on his hellphone. He contemplated calling Charlie but he didn’t want her to think he wasn’t good enough to take care of Vaggie.
He sat there for a while until a scream erupted from the bedroom. He shot up and scrambled towards the sound. He followed it and opened the door. The sight he was greeted with was sad to say the least. The poor girl was shot up in bed, bawling while clutching the blankets. He could easily see sweat beads rolling down her forehead too. Using context clues, he realized that she must’ve had a nightmare.
“Sweetie,” he sat down next to her on the bed. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, waiting patiently for her to calm down. He wiped away her tears and held a tissue to her nose, which she blew into, clearing her sinuses. She cried for a minute or two until she was feeling a bit better.
Lucifer summoned a bottle filled with cold water and pulled her into his lap. A diaper change was in order afterwards but for now, he fed her the water, knowing that it would help. Once she finished it, she mumbled a “t’ank you,” 
“You’re welcome, Little ducky. Do you want to talk about your bad dream?” Lucifer asked. 
“Dun wanna think about it,” She told him. “Scary,” 
“It’s okay, baby, you don’t need to talk about it. I have a small surprise for you but do you need any help getting your diapy changed?” He asked. She nodded, feeling way too small to do it herself. 
He laid her down on the ground and began to make quick work of the change. Vaggie played with a small fidget cube so it wasn’t so overwhelming. Once he was done and taped everything up, he carried her on his hip into the living room where watched her play with blocks and sorting games.
Lucifer never realized how intense her trauma was. He was glad that he now knew so he could prepare for any future mishaps. It made him determined to be the best caregiver ever. He would make the small and scared fallen angel feel happy with herself again.
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fishy-kiddo · 3 months
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Finn's Diagnosis
mini fic / one shot - words: 942 - Lucifer Magne | Morningstar & age regressor OC Synopsis: Two months after Finn joins the hotel, Lucifer decides to take his little one to a doctor in order to address Finn’s daily struggles and atypical behaviors.
Trigger / content warnings: Doctor's office. Mentioned SH and su*c*de. Non-detailed talk of an ED (ARFID). lmk if I'm missing anything!
Finn had been in the care of Lucifer for about two months. The hotel had been slowly evolving to the new residents and dynamics, and overall things were going smoothly.
But still, Finn seemed to be on edge. Lucifer was always there to help him of course, but there were some problems that he found especially troubling.
How Finn was so insistent on keeping his hair over his eyes, even though it often led to him bumping into furniture. His extreme fear of thunder or even the blender, notably more than the other littles. The repetitive reading of “The Magical Yet”, much to Venus’s annoyance. Not to mention the tantrums that surfaced whenever Charlie changed the day's activities.
Eventually, Finn’s difficulties began to make Lucifer wonder if there was anything he could do. Upon asking Charlie what she thought, she suggested, “Maybe taking him to a therapist-? Or, better, a psychologist.”
“Are you not…?” Lucifer questioned his daughter. Until now, he had been under the impression that she was at least one of those.
Charlie blushed and rubbed her neck nervously. “Ah- well, technically I’m not a licensed therapist? But, you know, I’ve got experience, and it’s not like there’s many good medical schools down here.”
So Lucifer booked an appointment with the best psychologist in all of Hell - Doctor Aeger in the Sloth Ring - with luckily only a two-day wait. Being king of Hell certainly had its advantages at times like these. He couldn’t bear watching his little struggle for much longer!
“Where’re we goin’?” Finn asked as Lucifer buckled him in his car seat on the day of the appointment.
“We’re going to visit a very nice person,” Lucifer explained, kissing the axolotl’s sage-colored hair. “She’s going to help us figure out how your beautiful brain works.”
Finn hummed in response. Lucifer handed him his sippy cup along with headphones and a few sensory toys, before settling in himself and preparing for the long drive to the Sloth ring.
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About two hours and a bathroom stop later, the two were in the waiting room of the office. Finn was already feeling drained after the ride, so to keep him awake, Lucifer used his Hellphone to play a few Pocoyo episodes. While it wasn’t Lucifer’s favorite, it kept his little one happy and entertained, so he wasn’t complaining.
Soon Dr. Aeger called the two back into her office. It was an extremely bright and small room, with a few large plants in the corner and a rather itchy orange carpet on the floor. Finn did not approve, so Lucifer kept him on his lap throughout the meeting.
For a long while, Dr. Aeger simply talked, using long diagnostic words Finn didn’t understand nor care to understand. The axolotl groaned and whined, so Lucifer began to bounce him softly and rub his fingers gently, calming Finn down - if only a bit.
After what seemed like forever, Dr. Aeger finally said something that made sense. “From what I’ve seen, Finn is very fidgety. He doesn’t care for things that don’t interest him personally, and though that is common for those of his mental age, for him it is very prominent. You’ve said he’s had mental health problems in the past?”
Lucifer nodded and glanced at Finn. “In life, he was self-injurious at times and he still struggles with eating. His death was a result of that.”
Dr. Aeger thought about that for a moment, before turning to Finn. “May I ask why you find eating hard?”
Finn looked at her - almost surprised - before saying, “... Feel.”
“You’re saying you don’t like the texture?”
Finn gave an affirming hum. Lucifer added, “He usually forgets about mealtimes, so we have to remind him.”
That interested the doctor as well. The conversation continued for a while, ranging from Finn’s eating habits to his living life to his interests. They seemed to cover every aspect of him. It made him feel very vulnerable, so he cuddled closer to Lucifer as the conversation continued.
“Alright, I believe I understand now.” Dr. Aeger said, pulling two papers out of a thick binder. “Finn appears to be autistic, as well as having ARFID- Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder.” She handed the two papers to Lucifer, which explained the diagnoses in-depth.
“What I can suggest is Finn keeping a journal of sorts, with your help, to log his eating behaviors and make sure he is consuming enough nutrients. Then we can work into systematic desensitization, though we can’t continue with that until we know what we are working with. And for the autism diagnosis, simply accommodating to his needs is appropriate; providing him with sensory friendly spaces, alternative forms of communication, and letting him stim freely.”
Lucifer let out a relieved sigh and smiled at his little one. “Right. We can do that, can’t we, Finny?” He nuzzled his forehead against the axolotl’s, who giggled in response. While Finn didn’t quite understand it all, he was certainly happy that Lulu was happy.
The appointment soon wrapped up, the pair exiting the office feeling much more secure than when they entered. 
On their way back to the hotel, they stopped for a treat to celebrate the new diagnoses. Lucifer, of course, got an apple butter sundae, and Finn got a strawberry milkshake. The two were rather tired after the day, so the car ride was quiet and calm, Finn’s favorite music flowing through the speakers.
Occasionally, the little one would babble softly to the tune, singing in his own special way. Lucifer joined in, and eventually, Finn was fast asleep, noise-canceling headphones on his head and his Jellycat duckling in his arms.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 3 months
I kidda headcanon Angel in his baby headspace loves to follow Charlie in her kid headspace around a lot (like a sib relationship, wonder how Luci or Alastor would react)
I think that Lucifer would find Little!Angel and Little!Charlie's friendship/sibby relationship to be adorable /pos
Lucifer even willingly chaperones Little!Charlie and Little!Angel's playdates and sometimes joins in on any activity they are doing, whether it's a tea party or a coloring session
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Rubber duck dividers by @strangergraphics-archive
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lil-angel-vaggie · 2 months
Do you have bath time toys? what are they?
Mhm! Papa Luci made me a wot of duckies! I has a piwate ship dat Chawlie got me!
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lttl3babybug · 7 months
May you please write some headcanons for what Hazbin Lucifer would be like with a baby regressor? I know one thing for sure is that he's amazing with baby talk. 😊
YEAHHH, I loaf this man sm.
Cg!Lucifer & Baby!Regressor!Reader
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🍎Luci and a baby regressor is such a good combo, he’s so good at keeping you entertained
🍎He’s a big fan of rattles, loves giving you them
🍎Plus that means he knows where you are 24/7 cause he can always hear the rattling
🍎As anon mentioned he is the MASTER of baby talk.
🍎You’re babbling away to him with completely nonsensical words and he’s nodding away, playing on
🍎Big reactions, gasping and laughing as you babble a story to him
🍎He’s also pretty good at figuring out what you want, whining and babbling and he can figure it out
🍎It’s like a sixth sense with him
🍎Spoon feeds you
🍎And yes he does indeed do the airplane thing with great enthusiasm
🍎Clapping when you do actually eat the food and praising you the whole time
🍎If you’re regressing young enough to need bottles he’s on it, holding you in his lap while he feeds you
🍎Making sure the milk is just the right temperature where it’s not too hot so you’ll burn yourself but it’s not too cold either
🍎Once again if you’re regressing young and need padding he’s a-okay with that too!
🍎Makes sure you’ve got the comfiest dips he can find in all of hell
🍎Can’t have his baby being uncomfortable can he?
🍎You have a lot of duck themed onesies
🍎He has oh so many sets of footy pyjamas for you, some have little mittens while others don’t
🍎His favourite is a blue set covered in little bubbles
🍎He is such a smiley cg, always happy to see you small
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littledollll · 9 months
Hii! Could I request something with Lucifer? Just really need comfort:>
Ok, so, could you please make something where Lucifer finds R wandering around hell, looking scared, and they pick r up, and takes care of them? -🪩
Lucifer Morningstar x little!shy!reader
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A/n: took me a little while to finish, I hope you enjoy<3 happy New Year’s Eve everyone🎉
Warnings: none
It wasn’t every day that a child would be seen wandering the dark paths of hell all alone, or at all. It was too dangerous for that, the demons often get bored or blood thirsty.
“And what might you be doing wandering these parts, little one?” A smooth, almost sweet voice calmed every part of you. Your heart seemed to suddenly and finally settle. And you couldn’t understand why.
You heard them practically comand away every being around you. You hadn’t even noticed the amount of them near you. It was scary how they could lurk in the shadows and go unnoticed.
You turned to see a tall figure looming over your stature. They looked intimidating but had a soft, welcoming smile on their lips.
“I.. I’m-“
“Were these demons pestering you? I apologize for them, sweet. They don’t know how to treat guests properly. Not to worry, they won’t bother you again.”
Not knowing quite how to respond to their light scolding, you shyly looked down, to your hands, fidgeting anxiously.
“Oh it’s alright, small one.. I’m Lucifer.” They introduced themselves with a charming tone and held a hand out for you. “Perhaps I could accompany you to a much safer place?”
Lucifer lowered to your level, making them look a little less intimidating. “You are far too little to be out here all alone, sweet angel.”
They smiled brightly as you reached for their hand, but instead of holding your own they picked you up into their arms, making you gasp in surprise. They chuckled.
“Indeed a very small one.. I wonder what brings you here.” They spoke to themselves more than you once they noticed they weren’t getting much information from you.
You laid your head on their shoulder as they walked. It was odd, you felt like you could trust them blindly, yet it didn’t feel all that blind. This wasn’t a random mysterious being, to you, at least.
You couldn’t even feel the steps they took, as if the ground beneath them was much softer than you remember. Or as if they were weightless against it.
“Well, little one… it seems you’re keeping me company for the time being, until we find out where you came from, hm? Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe.”
“..we?” you spoke so quietly Lucifer almost missed it.
“You can speak!” A smile was clear in their voice. “Are you shy?..” you nodded.
“That's okay, there’s nothing wrong with being a little shy. However, a little inside as to where you’re from would be helpful.” They stated, sounding more like a question.
You shook your head, giggling as you laid your head on their shoulder again. Lucifer sighed.
“I can’t help but feel as if this is intentional. Am I perhaps welcoming a trap disguised by a child into my home?” Again, you shook your head.
“You wouldn’t tell me if I was anyways.” They said, amused.
It’s not much of a concern for Lucifer. There are very few who would dare try to mess with them in any sort of way, and even fewer that pose any sort of danger to them.
“You asked who’s ‘we’… I have a very close friend, who often helps me with all types of tasks. See I’m good at many things, but I don’t think I’d be very good at taking care of a little one such as yourself.”
“is okay..” you mumbled, and Lucifer chuckled at that. It sounded like you were trying to reassure or even comfort them over it. But wasn’t it their job to take care of you?
“I know you won’t be any trouble.” They hoped, really.
“no no trouble!” Your said in more of a cheery voice, and Lucifer nodded along.
“You know.. you’re good company, little one.”
The world around them seemed to have light up. The shadows that seemed to lurk and follow you disappeared. The heavy fog that made your bones chill with a fear of the unknown. It all faded away as the kind Devil welcomed you into their home, as if you were one of their own.
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magicalregression · 8 months
Lucifer has a duckie blankie that he drapes over his napping little thank you and goodnight
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littlebabyself · 8 months
Lucifer ((hazbin hotel)) Head cannons!!!!
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• spoils his littles rotten
• makes sure his littles eat lots of fruits and veggies
• cuts apples into the little bunny shape
• rents out puppies and super cute animals for his little one
• he makes custom ducks for his little one
• was confused by regression at first but then took care of his little whenever needed and lovingly.
• loves to bake with his little one
• rambles to them about history of hell
• ALWAYSS asking if they’re okay and checking boundaries
• the most calming voice when he speaks to them
• not big on nicknames but calls them baby constantly
• plays dolls with them
• calls his little when he can’t be there. Like if he’s out for work
• makes THE best milk recipes
• great at tucking his littles in and making them feel super warm and snug.
• plays bad guitar songs when his little one requests music
• VERY good at arts and crafts
• VERY bad at painting
• he’s a bit protective but will NOT let anyone babysit
Hello!!! Aaaaa. This is all I got, Ty for reading!! Hello to any littles!! Hi lil baby!! Lil cute one!!!
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baby--charchar · 7 months
The biggest difference between Baby Charlie and Baby Vaggie.
Lucifer: A coochie-coochie-coo!!! Coochie-coochie-coo!!! My wittle ducky is so pwecious, my wittle bitty slice of apple pie~
Charlie: *boisterous laughter*
Lucifer: Well there's my wittle bitty angel!!! Wook at those pwetty wittle wings you have, oh you're just so--
Vaggie: *smacks him upside the head*
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duckciferthecg · 5 months
how about you stop age regressing then get a life and possibly some bitches?
Ooc: I’ve been in a poly relationship, I get bitches rather easily. How about you get more than hoes who don’t care about you as a person
The great Gatsby:
“”Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone” he told me, “just remember all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had” (Fitzgerald 1)
“Reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope” (Fitzgerald 2)
You don’t know the trauma these littles have gone through. You don’t know the trauma I have been through. People regress because it helps them cope with the things they have gone through. For a lot of people, it happens involuntarily.
We aren’t hurting anyone. If we find a blog that doesn’t like regression, we leave them alone because we don’t want conflict. We just want to live peacefully.
Please take into account the fact that you are hurting other people. I know that you can do better. I know that you can make better choices.
Even if others don’t, I believe you can do better
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altlucicg · 5 months
*Crashing noise from kitchen*
*imp-sized thud*
*goes to the kitchen*
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healingpuppys · 6 months
Could you do a masc/andro Cg!Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) agere moodboard? With maybe rubber ducks, apples, and stuff like that? No pressure of course! I love your work!
i hope you like it!!
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CG! Lucifer morningstar moodboard
☆ Requests: Open ☆
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mamazsposts · 1 year
Can I ask for Lucifer being the best cg? He has rules and would take care of littles so good I thinks!
Hiiii im sorry this took so long ive been really busy but i hope you like it. im sorry if its not amazing. thank you for requesting <3
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Picture is not mine. i got it from pinterest :)
Lucifer as a cg:
Lucifer would be one of the best Care givers you could ever ask for
he would be strict but only when it involves your safety and well being
if he has a lot of work to get done he´ll bring you into his office with him so he could keep an eye on you while getting his work done.
you want your daddy to hold you. he´ll sit you on his lap while he works
depending on what age you regress too he´ll be strict on a bed time, bath time, dinner, TV time, etc
you're not allowed Mammon unsupervised. that´s all i gotta say about that.
he does´t really want to leave you alone with any of his brothers but sometimes he has to, he´d prefer to leave you with Beel because hes the less likely to get you into trouble. besides him letting you eat whatever you want.
if he could take you everywhere he goes he would.
Lucifer knows you so well so if youre non-verbal he´ll know what exactly what you need from just a look.
he would keep your little stuff in his room and office for whenever you feel little. he has your favorite snacks ready too
you´re not allowed out of The House of Lamentation without him when little.
gotta hold hands when you're out in public so you don´t wonder off.
he would care for you like you´ve never been cared for before.
if anyone even dares to judge you he´ll shut it down immediately, hanging them upside down if needed.
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legglesspotato · 2 months
Lucifer agere!
I apologize everyone, I lost all motivation to write randomly. I figured out that the only way I can write is if it’s the dead of night because I wrote this WHOLE THING literally right before I went to bed ;-;, I did some touch-ups in the morning though…
I’ve been anxious to post something like this because agere is really personal to me and whatnot…
Word count: 601 (not sure if that’s good or not?)
Comfort (from Mammon)
Proofread but know I’m not the most grammatically sound person
If you like this, I’ll make more agere of the brothers and possibly even a part 2 of this! I’m proud of myself and really like this! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as me!
-Lucifer Is doing paperwork like always, but becomes super stressed due to having an irritating argument with Mammon earlier in the day. Mammon, for some reason, had the ‘brilliant’ idea of spending all the money he had earned on the casino. Lucifer never understood his younger brothers thought process and never thought he would.
-Suddenly, he feels a little strange and looks down at his work, realizing the words and numbers becoming jumbled. The stacks seem to grow as his heart starts to pound when he does something he rarely did before… Lucifer feel streaks of tears pouring down his face and breaks down into tears. His cries turn into screams as the world suddenly warps into something more terrifying than before… Lucifer has never felt like this in his thousands of years of living. His brain feels weird as his normally advanced mind can no longer form a coherent thought, feeling things his regressed brain cannot form words for.
-Abruptly the door to Lucifer’s secret study opens to reveal Mammon with a raised eyebrow, staring at Lucifer. When Lucifer sees Mammon he starts to cry louder, he has no idea why but he wants- no- needs Mammons attention.
-“Lucifer are ya’ ok?!” Mammon inquires, rubbing his eyes, Mammon was in the kitchen looking for a midnight snack
-Lucifer only responds by crying louder and making grabby hands at Mammon
-Mammon fully steps into Lucifer’s office and walks around his desk, staring down at him
-Lucifer immediately embraces Mammon and buries his head into his mid-abdomen “M-Mammon..” his voice muffled by Mammons pajama shirt
-Mammon doesn’t move, it is extremely rare for Lucifer to ask his brothers with help when he’s stressed, much less let them see him break down. Mammon rubs soothing circles into Lucifer’s back and tries to sooth him, “Shhh… it’s ok big bro… The Great Mammons’ got ya’ now..”
-After a few minutes of the silent hugging Lucifer pulls away, rubs his eyes, and yawns “mmm… Mammon, I’m sleepy!”
-At that moment Mammon wanted to respond with “Tch.. ‘course ya’ are.. you’ve been pullin’ all-nighters the whole week!” But… Mammon could clearly see that Lucifer was in no state to be scolded so… instead he gives a light giggle and responds, “Alright… let me help lead ya’ to bed..”
-Mammon helps Lucifer up, out of his office chair and holds his hand as he leads the way. Lucifer’s regressed state caused Lucifer to walk differently than normal. Where he would normally stride with pride, he was now waddling clumsily almost falling down a few times.
-Mammon wasn’t sure what happened or what was going on with Lucifer, but he knew he was going to support him no matter what even in this extremely vulnerable state.
-Mammon was somewhat nervous about having Lucifer climb up the stairs and have him make it to the second floor, he wasn’t sure if Lucifer would be able to handle them in this state.
-Mammon continued to hold Lucifer’s hand, encouraging him with each step, “yer doin’ great Lucifer, great job!” Mammons encouragement definitely seem to work as Lucifer seemed to be more and more confident with each step.
-The both of them finally make it to Lucifer’s room. Mammon continues to walk Lucifer to his bed and tucks him in. Mammon kisses Lucifer on his forehead after pulling the blankets to his neck. Mammon whispers in his ear, “G’night Lucifer… I love you big bro..”
-Lucifer responds with a tired, “I love you too mams”
-Mammon quietly shut Lucifer’s door with a small smile and walks back to his room.
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