#Chai Hanson
oceanusborealis · 3 months
Population 11: Season 1 – TV Review
TL;DR – While it gets messy in the middle, it starts and ends strong, and has a fundamentally entertaining cast. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the STAN service that viewed this series. Population 11 Review – If there is one thing that Australia can do very well, it is the mystery set in the Outback. Indeed, some of my earliest TV memories are of the wild and wonderful…
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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BEACH FIC REC: Below are fics that take place on or near a beach. 
📖 Tired Tired Sea by @mediawhorefics (113k)
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
📖 Jade by @halohamilton (91k)
Harry was in a shipwreck, lost at sea with an injury to his head that causes him to lose part of his memory. Louis happens to notice the boy and dives in to rescue him, then aiding him to health again with his mother’s help.
Harry may have lost part of his memory, part of his life, but he gained something better than he could have ever imagined; he fell in love with Louis.
But, the life that Harry couldn't remember may just come between them.
The Amnesia AU where Harry and Louis still end up falling in love.
📖 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
📖 Si Pudiera Volar by @softfonds (69k)
When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. He’ll do anything to forget about him, including joining a monastery. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart.
Or, a fic loosely based on Corazón Salvaje.
📖 In Four Colours by @ireallysawanangel (59k)
Harry's a workaholic who threw himself headfirst into his work after his divorce ten years ago and hasn't come up for air since. His two daughters and his best friend notice how overworked and stressed he is, so they surprise him with a trip to the coast of France. The last thing Harry expects to do on his holiday is relax, but when he meets the kind, beautiful stranger staying in the cottage next door, his holiday starts to look a little more promising.
Or, the older larry AU featuring sun, sand, and the French countryside with a sprinkling of divorced Harry and silver fox Louis.
📖 Full Moon Dreaming by @jacaranda-bloom (43k)
Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.
Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return.
But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
📖 Flowers in the Window by @justanothershadeofblue (33k)
Harry is a lonely and depressed popstar who sailed out of his hometown on Eroda years ago to chase his dreams. He comes back to the island only to find his shining childhood best friend Louis just as cold and dreary as the island they grew up on.
📖 Away From Home by @marchessa (12k)
the one, where Harry is a servant to the Tomlinson family and he ends up as one of the lone survivors of a shipwreck. But maybe he can still find paradise in the tragedy.
📖 Tan Lines and Some Memories by @harrieberrie (11k)
It’s summer in California and blockbuster movie star Louis Tomlinson is looking forward to a break and spending his days lazing away at his beach house.
Harry Styles is the indie movie darling he’d been avoiding ever since Louis saw his movie at Cannes and harbored an unreasonable grudge against him.
A unicorn t-shirt finally brings them together in person.
Summer romance ensues.
📖 Heat Waves by @chai-hat-tea (10k)
Louis, a surf instructor by day and a bartender by evening, meets vacationer Harry for the first time, and he knows that he doesn't deserve someone like Harry. Harry proves him wrong.
📖 come my love be one with the sea by @larrydoinglaundry (6k)
Pirate captain Louis gets saved from the storm by mermaid Harry, and grows particularly fond of this mysterious creature.
📖 Climbing The Swells by @cyantific (6k)
One surfer out of his depth amongst some territorial locals makes a bold move and a very unwelcome entrance. After things go wrong, another surfer reluctantly takes mercy on him, offering some first-aid and unexpected hospitality aboard his Airstream. A couple dimples and a few wayward curls go a long way to soften one surly local, and what started out as a rough morning becomes a very sunny spot to the day.
Or… The one where a clumsy Harry and a stubborn Louis reconcile their grievances on the beach with a heartfelt apology from Louis on his knees without saying a word.
📖 The Way You Smile Golden by @moonhusbands (5k)
it's 1967 and two boys find themselves alone on a beach.
📖 beach tits by @jaerie (2k)
Louis catches Harry pumping in the car. He can't help that he's really turned on by it.
📖 wet sand by @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk (1k)
harry and louis are part of the same friend group that's on a trip together. after they play a drinking game, louis and harry run to the beach in the middle of the night, where things get heated.
📖 Oh, Those Summer Nights by @beelou (1k)
An extended scene of the beginning of the movie Grease as a larry au
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eventiderpg · 10 months
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Connection For: Annie Cresta
Relationship: Significant Other
Canon or OC: Finnick Odair (Canon)
Age Range: 28
Home: District Four
Faceclaim Suggestions:  Brenton Thwaites, Chai Hanson, Dacre Montgomery, Darren Barnet, Diego Boneta, Evan Roderick, Gavin Leatherwood, Grant Gustin, Jack Falahee, Jordan Rodrigues, Kiowa Gordon, Lucas Till, Lucien Laviscount, Luke Pasqualino, Michael Cimino, Michael Evans Behling, Nick Robinson, Raymond Ablack, Ronen Rubinstein, Regé-Jean Page, Ross Butler, Sam Claflin, Taron Egerton, Tommy Martinez, Trevor Jackson, Xian Lim, UTP 
Please Contact: @fatefought (optional)
Description: They became each other's home after Annie's time in the arena. It wasn't an instant love affair, but it grew deep. They keep each other grounded even when Cresta is in four and Odair is in The Capitol. When and how Annie and Finnick became more than friends can be plotted out! 
I have been running with the notion that they have a son named Percy, who is between the ages of one and two. This could be scrapped if you'd prefer but I love the idea of us giving him time with his son unlike a certain author that we love but really threw Finn to the dogs. In the Mockingjay era, he's currently safe in D13 with their son while Annie is being held in The Capitol.
Due to logistics of the group, Finn would have won the 62nd games rather than the 65th!
Status: Closed
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fishmans · 1 year
¿Y Como?/Bratty×ハインズ
Minnesota/Carlie Hanson
Come Back Around/Carlie Hanson
Throw Away the Bad Parts/CC81
School/Chilli Beans.
Tremolo/Chilli Beans.
変わる消える feat. mei ehara/Cornelius
Funk Monk/The Du-Rites×Money Mark
Loose/ego apartment
A Reflection Of A Reflection/El Ten Eleven
About me/E.scene
The First Time (Is The Last Time)/For Tracy Hyde
Friends/For Tracy Hyde
Run & Gun/Gecko & Tokage Parade
音楽/Ghost like girlfriend
Pool Boy/Hello Forever
Pale Rain/imase with PUNPEE & Toby Fox
Pluto/Jam Fuzz Kid
Under The Sun/Nishihara Kenichiro×J-Live×Michael Kaneko
カメレオン/King Gnu
ゲームオーバー/mei ehara
ピクチャー/mei ehara
こんにちは/never young beach
こころのままに/never young beach
ModernRomance/Offo tokyo
ジャスコ、上野/peanut butters
スーパーハイパー忍者手裏剣/peanut butters
月に吠える/ROTH BART BARON×中村佳穂
night walker/South Penguin
せまいまち/suya suya junction
REFLECTION feat. 中村佳穂/tofubeats
Especially You/Wallows
Julia/The Wisely Brothers
Two minutes/The Wisely Brothers
I Lied/Youmentbay
Midnight Phone/Youmentbay
I Want A Dog/ウィーザー
Waiting for the sun/ゆうらん船
Black Summer/レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ
Like a Wolf/児玉真吏奈
気分じゃないの (Not In The Mood)/宇多田ヒカル
Find Love/宇多田ヒカル
Find Love/宇多田ヒカル
気分じゃないの(Not In The Mood)/宇多田ヒカル
ジャスコ、上野/peanut butters
I Lied/Youmentbay
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archirenaux · 2 months
omg chai hanson is SO gorgeous
Period! Enjoy the gifs ♥️
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The New Legends of Monkey: Season 2 Thoughts
So, I am a bit disappointed that our fandom is so darn tiny at the moment, but I think ima dwell on all the great stuff this season gave us instead : )
GREAT and not so great STUFF AS FOLLOWS: 
- WOW this season looked so good. I mean, it just seemed a lot more polished in terms of the aesthetic and the fights and all that. Seriously impressed with the upgrades
-Um, the plant? The Sandy development we got? Simply fantastic. We got more exploration of her character, some exciting fight scenes where she kicked butt and plenty of bonding with each member of the crew. Honestly was so scared that she would be overlooked, but she wasn’t. What an interesting, dynamic character. I really can’t wait for her powers and the deep sadness inside her to be explored.
-Tripitaka really is a Disney princess, huh? She completely drives the narrative forward and hold the one and only brain cell in the entire group. Even though I don’t find her quite as easy to love as Sandy, I do still admire her for being so strong and independent. This girl had to make a handful of REAL tough decisions this season and I applaud her. Constantly assaulted by doubts from everyone around her, constantly underestimated. Made of steel, this one. 
-MONKEY. SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THIS ONE. Legitimately the most complicated character in this whole darn show. He’s self centred and egotistical, but cares so deeply for everyone. He fights non-stop with Tripitaka, but she’s canonically tHE WORLD TO HIM. He just seems so young in some ways, and so old in others. Half the time you know exactly what he’s about to do, and half the time you don’t. In all honesty, I don’t know whether it’s good writing or bad writing, but I was most definately invested. And now he’s essentially been reborn?! Like, will he remember anything? UGH, I just cannot keep up with him. I’m constantly on the edge of my seat whenever he’s on screen. I love it. 
-Pigsy.... probably the most frustrating part of the show. Not him, of course, but all the fat jokes. Like, guys, I’m getting some serious Hunk (Voltron) flashbacks here. PLEASE don’t let his personality be fat jokes, dry humour and cooking. There was almost no real development for him this season, and I am underwhelmed. Like, come on, guys. Monkey gets to be half jokes and half serious, so why not Pigsy? Why let us get attached to him and invested in his trauma if you were just going to turn him into a laugh? Maybe I’m exaggerating here, but it seriously did bug me. Fingers crossed that things change. 
-ROMANCE DISCUSSION TIME. Tripkey. Let’s talk about this. 
I was kind of upset that they lead us on to quite the extent in season one, and then dropped the romance almost entirely in season two and replaced it with bickering, but I have to remind myself that it isn’t that big of a deal. I mean, shipping isn’t the only reason I watch. So, I’m a bit salty, but not McDonalds fries salty. You know? At least we got a couple moments. And we’re probably gonna get another season, if all goes well. There’s still time. Maybe Tripitaka needed to lose Monkey to understand his value? I mean, there was A LOT of arguing between them until the whole dark!Monkey thing happened. I think she needs to understand that, despite his faults, he is one of her best friends. She isn’t just his babysitter. So, even if they don’t end up together romantically, I’d be mostly satisfied if they just both came to grips with their love- platonic or otherwise. 
-OK, so, the villains. Plenty of pros and cons to go with this one. At times they seemed really dumb, at times they were reasonably intimidating, and, at times, downright confusing. I mean, that moth lady definitely seemed like she was telling a lie with that flashback with the fake Monkey and Tripitaka! But it wasn’t brought up again! And that red hand dude was so boring. The blue guard lady  was at least kind of interesting. Funnily enough, the forest-keeper-of-the-scroll lady was probably the most interesting villain. She had real motive. She wasn’t completely evil. I thought she was neat. Her, and (of course) dark!Monkey. Wow. Like, they probably should have introduced him earlier, but he was SO well done. I mean, the fight scenes with him were amazing. The design was great. His dynamic with Monkey made a lot of sense. I mean, he’s essentially the demon version of him. Both have a need for attention and a love for fun, but one values human life and the other does not. Very clear distinction, very interesting to watch. Despite not hating his clone, Monkey realized that, to protect what was most important to him, he needed to destroy it. It really makes you wonder what Monkey’s true motization is- the quest, or just protecting his friends? It’s just amazing to watch him transform when he gets serious about something. 
-Puppet master dude. Knew pretty early on that he was pulling the strings, but still loved the reveal. I thought that he was a much more interesting villain than just “strong armour demon”. Not much to say about him, but he was good. 
-Extra little things: The love potion scene was pure fanservice, and kind of hilarious and kind of cringy. Still processing that bit. 
The boy was cool. I liked him. Didn’t love him, but liked him. I thought it was good for Tripitaka to have a decently sane person around for a change. Always in the mood for appreciating the absolute gems that are decent child actors. 
MONICA IS EVIL NOW- LIKE, WHAT?! DEMON LADY BACK. ME SCREAM. Hopefully bad boi Devarri makes a comeback to team up with her. I lowkey need to know what the heck happened. 
Fake!Tripitaka... was he that boy seen in the flashback burning the body with Monica but disguised? If not, how did he return to life? If so, how did that monk boy have the magic to disguise himself? 
I think that’s all the notes I have right now. I know we’re all starving for content, so I thought I’d toss this out into the interwebs. Fingers crossed that our fandom grows a bit more!
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unpopular opinion honestly I don't get why people like Maia or have forgiven her for everything in season 1
ok dont @ my girl but I do kind of agree that parts of the fandom let go of all of her things quite quickly compared to some other characters.. Though keep in mind there’s context for all of that too based on who has privilege in any given scenario where a character is acting in a “problematic” way, and how the larger story is framed (for example, are characters made to seem like the “bad guy” or are they regarded as heroes for doing the negative thing? Who gets consequences and who doesn’t? etc.) So this probably isn’t something for me to speak on really
unpopular opinion: I’m not sure I’ll really be able to warm up to Jordan (or Kyle or whatever tf his name is?) in season 3 regardless of how far away from the books they’ve written him or how lovely Chai is just bc I’ll be seeing him as abusive in my head so
Take pity on someone with the flu
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aurorawest · 3 years
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Loki and Stephen pretend to be a couple for Very Important Plot Reasons (obviously this is something that People Do!):
The crosswalk lit up and everyone crossed. Loki and Stephen fell to the back of the crowd. At least Hanson's red hat made him easy to keep an eye on, even with a bit of distance. “Right,” Stephen said. “And that big bed.”
There wasn’t even anything suggestive about the way he said it, but that didn’t stop heat from creeping up Loki’s neck. He also became acutely aware of their hands still twined together. “Is the bed big?” Loki asked, trying not to splutter.
“Looked big in the pictures,” Stephen said breezily. “Isn’t there a jacuzzi, too?”
Loki’s face got hotter.
Was that a smirk on Stephen’s face? His eyes flicked towards Loki, and then he said, “I mean, we did book the honeymoon suite, so I guess the idea is that we’re not going to leaving much, right?”
Loki choked, tried to suck in a breath, and found he couldn’t. Had he ingested something he was allergic to? Was there something in that chai latte? Finally, he cleared his throat and said, “That was just an accident, remember? They booked us into that room by mistake.”
“Right,” Stephen said, nodding. He was definitely smirking, and the glint of amusement and mischief in his eyes was the sort of thing that would make Loki proud, were he not currently the victim of it. “But no reason we can’t take advantage of it, right? Especially if it’s going to keep raining?” When Loki just stared at him, Stephen went on blithely, “We can light a fire, get in the bath, not get dressed again…”
Loki knew his face was bright red and he made a sort of choking sound.
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raendown · 3 years
Simple Joys & Easy Smiles
Tagged by: @dimancheetoile​ who really is a star shining brighter than they could ever realize.
The goal of this tag is to spread some love and happiness in hard, stressful and depressing times. Here are the rules:
be as honest as you dare. If there’s something you don’t wish to answer, invent something so outlandish no one will believe it and it’ll get a laugh out of them. That way, you don’t have to answer and you’re still spreading laughter and smiles!
change one of the questions for the next round of people you tag, without saying which one you changed. eventually, all my questions will have disappeared and I’m excited to see what this tag will look like in a few days!
tag people you love who deserve a smile and a distraction
Tagging: @kitsunekage88 @officerjennie @writhingbeneathyou @antukini @rookie-d @mike-remington-hanson Oh just everyone, say I tagged you, y’all know the drill. 
what is the last film that made you cry happy tears
The new disney film Soul is so fucking good, I loved every minute of it and I love the whole message it gives.
what song did you recently listen to that makes you feel like you could fight dragons (and give one line from it)
Giants - Dermot Kennedy
The hope and the hurt Has lived inside of me But there's gold in the dirt I never took the time to see
which video game have you lost yourself into recently (if you don’t play, pick a book or tv show)
Genshin Impact
name a tumblr person who brightens your life
@rookie-d always out here with positivity and support for anyone who needs it
describe your favourite colour without saying its name or naming a thing of this colour
Deep and elegant, a subtle kind of royalty and majesty. Growth after a deep rain. An often overlooked shade of the deep sea. Goodness and healing, a steady calm.
name another best tumblr friend
@writhingbeneathyou better fucking know how amazing she is or I swear I will beat her gremlin ass up
link the last tumblr post you reblogged that struck something deep inside of you
Made you look
recount a memory that made you believe that love exists in a way you understand
The whip of my partner’s hand, the flash of his movements, when I told him what my father had done. I remember how fast he reached for the phone to call my father and tell him exactly what he thought of a man who could ever blame his daughter for loving her mother. How soft and precious, to know in a single moment with perfect clarity that he really loves me, doesn’t he?
if you have children, tell me what little thing they did recently that shocked you up with how much you adore them (if you don’t have children, same but with another human)
Not really a deep or important moment but watching them both make funny faces and flail their arms without a hint of self-consciousness, it really makes me hope they don’t lose that freedom of self any time soon. 
if you could cover your entire body with a tattoo, what poem(s), quote(s) or song lyric(s) would you use
“I'll keep a part of you with me, And everywhere I am there you'll be”
There You’ll Be - Faith Hill
what does it mean to you
These are the lyrics we had carved in to my brother’s gravestone.
name a person that inspires you
Bitch, I inspire myself.
which book do you always come back to
The Redwall series will always be like sinking back in to all the good parts of my childhood just for a while. I will never tire of rereading them all. 
recount a memory that made you feel like you were worth the world
The look in my mother’s eyes when she all but scolded me for thinking I was going to pay even a cent for my own wedding dress. 
name one item close to you that is precious and tell us why
I have a 3D printed model of a Watcher from Horizon: Zero Dawn that I consider precious because it was the gift that made me truly let go of any bad blood left between me and the one who made it. Such an unexpected present that made me stop and realize that he too had let go of everything. 
what’s your comfort food?
Apple strudel inside of a turducken drizzled with spicy peanut sauce and a generous side of I don’t actually eat food for comfort but you can always ply me with chai tea or soda.
a fic you read recently that shook you to your core
Settle In Among The Raincoats
if it applies to you, what style, clothes, and/or makeup look makes you feel like you’re marching straight towards victory
Put me in a well fitted dress with a nice pair of heels, do my hair and get me some dark lipstick, I will be your motherfucking queen. 
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mysteli · 5 years
nightbound fcs
so i will be getting a nightbound trailer out some time soon and in advance I’m posting the fcs because it’s always easier with confirmations on them. it took a while to find so I hope there ok 
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nik ryder - dominic sherwood (who else would I use?) 
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cal lowell - chai hanson
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katherine - gugu mbatha-raw
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vera - kat graham
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octavia - cassandra freeman
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luc - Dustin brown
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kristin - lauren cohan
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musicnote902 · 4 years
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 others.
Thank you for tagging me @kinetic-elaboration, seeing as I’ve been MIA for god knows how long lol
1. NAME:  Meg
2. NICKNAMES: Meg is all you get lol
3. ZODIAC: Virgo
4. HEIGHT: 5’7”
5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, and I can follow Spanish pretty well bc my husband is Mexican
6. NATIONALITY: American
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: lately I like orchids
9. FAVORITE SCENT: anything fruity, especially citrus. But I am in love with the smell that lingers on clothes after a bonfire!
10. FAVORITE COLOR: usually red or black, but lately I feel like I’ve been wearing a lot blue
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: it changes, but right now I think horses
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): hmm... Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson, Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes, Ruth Langmore, Ginny Weasley, Tris, Four, Finnick Odair...there’s probably so many more
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: I mean there’s never a bad time for a soy chai tea latte imo
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: about 6ish
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: both, I’ve got a 1 year old puppy at home and two kittens under a year old lol
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 2, especially when my husband is working late
17. DREAM TRIP: on a normal day I’d say Europe, but right now I just really want my cruise-I was supposed to leave this weekend but it got cancelled bc of COVID19
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: November 2014
19. FOLLOWERS: 47....oddly enough I have more on TikTok and my videos really aren’t that creative lol
20. RANDOM FACT: i am 1/4 Native American!
Tagging @talistheintrovert @katkomskaikru @timdrakesredbullcoffee @bloodbreaks
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Official Promotion
SNEAK PEEKS: Magnus & Alec (via @glaad), Jace & Clary, Jace & Alec, Magnus has a lizard?, Alec & Maryse
In case you’re feeling stressed after last night’s #Shadowhunters episode #BTS [2]
Original Concept Art: Where the Downworlders go, The City of Bones, Clary’s kindjal blades & the soul sword, Asmodeus’ keep & Lilith’s apartment, Izzy, Clary, Simon & Jace’s bedrooms, and Lilith’s loyal disciples
Season 1 vibes. #Clace behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters. #TBT
15 episodes you need to watch to prepare for the Shadowhunters series finale 
Shadowhunters in the News
3x20 Reviews: The Series Regulars
3x20 Post Mortems: TVLine
3x21/3x22 Promotional Photos/Trailer: Spoiler TV
3x21/3x22 Previews: Digital Spy, Carter Matt, Just Jared Jr., Film Daily,  Hidden Remote
Metro (interview/article): Shadowhunters show runners reveal would-be season 4 plans ahead of feature-length finale
TV Guide (video interview/article): Shadowhunters Cast Plays Who Said It? | Farewell To Shadowhunters
Metro UK (article): Shadowhunters show runners reveal would be season 4 plans ahead of feature length finale
TVGuide (video series): Farewell to Shadowhunters: Shadowhunters cast plays Who said it?
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ series finale puts a homicidal Jonathan amidst the Malec wedding we’ve been waiting for
ET Canada (video): Jade Hassoune talks LGBTQ advocacy, Shadowhunters, & the 410
Culturess (article): An ode to the women of Shadowhunters: Hail and Farewell
TVGuide (article): Shadowhunters bosses drop hints about season 4 in the series finale
Metro UK (article): Dominic Sherwood teases Shadowhunters final scene ever and confirms returning faces
Carter Matt (article): Shadowhunters season 3 finale video: Alec has a request for Jace…
Digital Spy (article): Shadowhunters finale will bring back characters “we haven’t seen in a long time”
Metro UK (article): Shadowhunters: the definitive oral history from first meetings, broken bones, Malec, & the fandom
Carter Matt (article): Emmy Hopefuls: How Shadowhunters season 3 showcases Harry Shum Jr. 
TV Insider (article): Best Lines of the week (April 28-May 4): ‘Sorry I was late, traffic was hell’
TV Insider (article):  10 Best 'Shadowhunters' Moments From Season 3 (PHOTOS)
Nephilim Updates (interview):  Exclusive interview: Luke Baines
Social Media/Twitter
Bryan Q. Miller (writer/producer) tweeted tidbits from an earlier script for 3x20 and So @ch8i - his final spoken-word scene on the show (period) was the confession to Maia about Jordan’s health. And @WainwrightAE - her final scene with Chai was Maia finding Jordan by the fire at the end. 
John Rakich (location manager) tweeted behind the scenes before and after photos of several locations from 3x20, some behind the scenes photos from 3x20
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) tweeted a 3x20 behind the scenes video of herself and Jacky Lai (Aline Penhallow), 3x20 behind the scenes video of shooting the “running from demons” scene
Brian Hui (make-up artist) tweeted a 3x20 behind the scenes photo of Jack Yang (Asmodeus) [1], behind the scenes photos of Paris locations used in 3x20, a behind the scenes photo of Chai Hanson (Jordan) from 3x20, a behind the scenes photo of himself and Adrian Stansfield (Makeup artist) applying Chai Hanson’s (Jordan) silver poisoning [3], and a behind the scenes video of Harry Shum Jr’s (Magnus) Alicante exit from 3x20. 
Kat (Clary) shared a behind the scenes photo of herself and Alberto (Simon), a behind the scenes photo of the Institute 
Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey) shared a video montage from his first 3 days on set, a behind the scenes photo featuring some cast and crew, his favorite memory of shooting the finale featuring Brian Hui (makeup artist), a short video of Anna Hopkins (Lilith) in her demon make-up
Ariana Williams (Madzie) shared some behind the scenes photos from 3x19, 
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) posted a behind the scenes photo from 3x21/3x22 on his Instagram, 
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner) posted a photo of himself and Nicola Correia-Damude (Marsye) in preparation for the cast/crew watch party of 3x21/3x22, a photo of the cast while shooting the season 3 finale, a behind the scenes photo of himself, Kat (Clary) and Luke (Jonathan) while filming the finale, a behind the scenes photo of Dom Sherwood (Jace) and Alberto (Simon) from the finale, a behind the scenes video from set of himself and some crew jamming to music, a photo of “Lorenzo” (Javier Munoz) from the finale, a behind the scenes photo of Emeraude Toubia (Izzy) from the finale, a behind the scenes photo of Glenn Warner (camera operator/cinematographer) in his element, a photo of the cast at NYCC 2016, a teaser about Clace from the finale, the Shadowhunters Writers’ Room checking out the solar eclipse, Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) and his stunt double, and Harry (Magnus) and Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey) on set
Taylor Mallory (writer) shared a photo of herself at the Shadowhunters bench in Central Park NYC
Glenn Warner (camera operator) shared a behind the scenes photo from 3x20 featuring Todd (Showrunner), Alisha Wainwright (Maia), & Chai  (Jordan)
Kimberly Sue Murray (Seelie Queen) posted her favorite shot of Luke (Jonathan) from the finale on Instagram
#Save Shadowhunters
The final gifts to networks arrived ahead of the finale
The 2nd New York billboard went live on May 4th, video from @tanzerin, video from @melodicnotes, photos from @tanzerin, full panel photo from @BoomBitchesSH [4]
Cast & Crew reactions to the billboard: Luke (1) (Jonathan), Luke (2) (Jonathan), Luke (Jonathan) IG, Todd (Showrunner), Brian (Makeup artist), John (location manager), Taylor (writer), Aisha Porter Christie (writer), Matt Hastings (director), Kat (Clary), Anna Hopkins (Lilith), Sydney (Helen), Harry (Magnus) IG, 
GLAAD reaction to billboard
Pure Fandom (article): ‘Shadowhunters’: #Save Shadowhunters campaign picks up speed again
Just Jared Jr (article): Katherine McNamara & Luke Baines react to ‘Shadowhunters’ Times Square billboard
Other News
Deadline (article): Justin Lin’s YOMYOMF and Stage 13 serve up “Family Style” food travel series
HuffPost (article): Harry Shum Jr on how lack of Asian representation hurt his self perception 
Kat (Clary), Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), Nick Sager (Victor Aldertree), and Emerauade (Izzy), celebrated Star Wars day together
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holdyourthroat · 6 years
the delightful @azrielrose tagged me to answer some questions ♥ thanks love
- what’s your favorite song(s) to sing/hum? i go back and forth, recently it’s been a mix of “in hell i’ll be good company” by the dead south, “s.o.b.” by nathaniel rateliff and the night sweats, and “baby teeth” by flower face (of course). when my mind is blank, it invariably defaults to “forever and always” by taylor swift, though. i didn’t choose this. it just happened to me.
- what’s your favorite flower/tree/plant? my favorite flower is hydrangeas, but i also love clovers, and blackberry bushes have a very special nostalgic place in my heart.
- favorite color(s)? GREEN!!!!! deep forest green, hunter green, olive green... pretty much anything except lime and kelly green. i prefer deeper tones, more on the blue side than the yellow. grey also takes a top slot, and i’ve come around to dusty rose.
- what do you always doodle? i have a llama i always draw when i’m bored. he has sunglasses and smokes a cigarette because when i was in middle school those were the classic hallmarks of something “”cool””. i also doodle a lot of ghosts and bats and other creepy things.
- how do you take your coffee/tea? coffee - iced espresso or cold brew with french vanilla and half and half. tea - hot earl grey with cream and sugar, or over ice with just sugar, OR a chai latte
- favorite candle scent? i’m not a huge candle person, but i like simple scents like vanilla.
- what perfume do you wear? i rarely wear it but i have a small rollerball of taylor swift’s wonderstruck. it smells amazing.
- what’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? i do plies and arabesques and point practice while i wait for the microwave in the kitchen or whatever. i was in ballet when i was young and i still miss it.
- favorite quote? “don’t believe me?? check my resume - thirty years experience in jACKIN OFFFFFFFFFF” - arin hanson, super mario maker episode [mumbles an unintelligible number] (real talk, i’ve been trying to think about this for over an hour and nothing serious is really coming to me, oh well)
- favorite self-care routine(s)? SHOWERING. it’s so underrated but oh my god showering feels so good when i feel like shit and i almost never make myself do it. other than that, listening to old game grumps LPs is really comforting to me and i usually do that and play phone games to relax myself.
- fuzzy socks or house slippers? FUZZY SOCKS!!! the thicker the better!!!
- what color are your eyes? technically hazel, but they’re pretty dark, so i just say brown usually
- what’s your favorite eye color on others? god i love deep brown eyes more than almost anything, but i got one hang-up with green eyes (it’s chris pratt)
- favorite season? why? spring! i also like fall for the aesthetic and the fact that i get to start wearing colder-weather clothes but honestly? the seasons affect my mental illness a lot and spring is usually when i start to feel better, plus i have a spring birthday
- cheek, neck, or nose kisses? one right on each nip thanks i dont really love to be kissed honestly
- what does your happy place look like? spyro the dragon: ripto’s rage’s soundtrack.
- favorite breed of dog? cat? i’m... not huge on dogs lmao sorry but my favorite cat breed is maine coons, i want a ginormous one to lay upon my whole body and purr me better when i’m sad. a big beautiful emotional support lion ♥
- do you ever want to be married? more than anything, but i don’t really see that happening, and i’m as much scared of it as i want it.
- cursive or print? i write exclusively in cursive.
- favorite weather? i’m only happy when it rains ♥
tagging @jimmiestoorustled and @questionboxjuliet
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fluffyotters · 6 years
Wow me
I only just found out Chai Hansen and Chai Romruen are the same person and was wondering how he was doing since I kept seeing Chai Hanson and thinking that guy looks like Chai Romruen from Mako Mermaids (Zac Blakely) and being like but how is he doing? A case of mistaken identity since I thought they were different.  And a reason why the common person would never realize that Clark Kent and Superman are the same person even if the only difference is glasses and outfit. 
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
We Asked 24 Bartenders: What Are You Drinking in Dry January?
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Whether it’s an all-out Dry January, or just a desire to step away from daily drinking for a week, a slew of non-alcoholic and low-ABV products have made forgoing the daily glass (or three) of wine easier and more fun than ever.
To discover what’s currently inspiring drinks experts, VinePair asked bartenders for the teetotaling beverages that keep them satisfied while abstaining. Many see Dry January as a chance for renewed focus on the myriad flavors found in tea and coffee, while others are turning to creative and intricately balanced low-proof cocktails and mocktails. Keep reading for a list that will help make the remaining booze-free weeks in January a breeze.
The Best Dry January Beverages Recommended by Bartenders
221 BC Berry Hibiscus Kombucha
Nuun Sports Hydration Tablets
Aplós Non-Alcoholic Spirits
Twice-Brewed Oolong Tea
Seedlip Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Sobrii 0-Gin
Avec Grapefruit & Pomelo
Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth
Dolin Blanc Vermouth
Corpse Reviver’s Chai Spice & Banana Kit
Conniption Barrel-Aged Gin
Suntory ALL-FREE Beer
Kin Euphorics
Q’s Grapefruit Mixer
Wayan’s Tumeric Tonic
Rare Tea Cellar’s Freak of Nature Oolong
Artet Cannabis Apertif
Bammy’s Non-Alcoholic Painkiller
Zoe’s Mocktail at Zoe’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant
Lyre’s Spirit Co.’s Non-Alcoholic Spirits
Fresh Victor Cucumber & Lime
Keep reading for details about all the recommended beverages!
“Dry January for me means lots of coffee, tea, and kombucha! Hot chai lattes get me going: I love the ginger and black pepper notes. I wasn’t always the biggest fan of kombucha, but I’ve recently been enjoying a berry hibiscus blend that we have on tap at work. It’s also important to stay hydrated, so I have Nuun sport hydration tablets at the house. Drop one of those in 16 ounces of water, and I don’t worry about cramping up on my 5K runs.” —David Roth, Beverage Director, KOJO, Sarasota, Fla.
“I’ve been making different shrubs to use in non-alcoholic drinks at home. They’re really easy to make and customize. My current beverage of choice has been an apple shrub with bitters and soda water. Having something fun and flavorful at the end of the day is key!” —Rachel Ramirez, Head Mixologist, Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery, Nashville, Tenn.
“Since bars were closed down in Texas, and because I am a social drinker, I decided to take a long break from drinking alcoholic beverages. I’m currently 10 months alcohol-free, and I plan on staying the course for at least a year. But for anyone who is doing Dry January, I highly recommend Aplós, a hemp-infused, non-alcoholic spirit that is plant-based and uplift[ing]. My beautiful and talented friend, Lynnette Marrero, is the flavor consultant for this product. [It’s] so unique that I found it incredibly tempting during these times.” —Alba Huerta, Owner, Julep, Houston
“I’m always drinking coffee and soda water regardless of what month it is, but I’ve been adding in oolong and other kinds of tea. If I’m drinking it at night, I brew it once to remove the caffeine, and then brew it a second time to drink. Mostly, I’m thinking about when I get to drink tequila again.” —Nick Pratt, Assistant General Manager/Bar Manager, Hojoko, Boston
“For Dry January, I’ve been enjoying Highballs made with non-alcoholic bases (Seedlip etc). At Queen’s Park, we have a cocktail on our menu called Here’s the Thing, with Seedlip Grove, honey, pineapple, lime, and soda that I usually grab to-go on my way home from working on the new bar.” —Laura Newman, Owner, Queen’s Park, Birmingham, Ala.
“This month, I’ve been drinking Sobrii 0-Gin with Avec Grapefruit and Pomelo. Avec is a new line of better-for-you mixers, and this flavor has beautiful vanilla and peppery notes. The fresh grapefruit sings together with the gin without the need for any sugar. I’ve been enjoying this combo strained over fresh ice. The beauty of this low-sugar, non-alcoholic drink is that there’s no need to stop at just one!” —Matija Whitenton, Head Bartender, Palihouse Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Fla.
“For Dry January, I’ve been doing a lot of alcohol-free Mojito-style and ginger beer cocktails. They’re simple but tasty and not too sweet, so you feel like you’re still sipping on a great cocktail.” —Al Hofeling, Bartender, Strange Bird, Indianapolis
“Topo Chico [with a] twist of grapefruit [and] a squeeze of lime juice. The high carbonation, along with natural grapefruit flavor and fresh lime juice, makes for a bright, bubbly, and refreshing non-alcoholic beverage option. Vermouth is often thought of as just a modifier for cocktails like the Manhattan or Martini, but it is also great on it’s own for a low-ABV option. I love a good sweet vermouth like Carpano Antica Formula, or a blanc or bianco style such as Dolin Blanc, either on the rocks or as a vermouth and tonic.” —Nick Touch, Brand Ambassador, The Family Jones, Denver
“My go-to Dry January drink is a basil, mint, [and] lemon slushy mocktail. It’s been an at-home staple during the pandemic, as adults and children alike love it, and it’s super easy to make with simple and accessible ingredients. I blend basil leaves, mint leaves, lemon juice, agave nectar or honey, and then add some ice and continue to blend to get that slushy-like consistency.” —Joe Palminteri, Beverage Director, Hamilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.
“I think it is always important to take care of yourself. I often take breaks from drinking to reset both my body and mind. Whenever I’m taking a break, the first thing I turn to is tea. The complexity of flavors you find in various teas are as interesting as wine and spirits. For me, it is a lot of fun to take the flavors I love and share them with others through what we do at Corpse Reviver. This year, I am especially excited about a new house-made chai spice blend and banana kit we created. Add hot water, and you have a beautiful handcrafted chai tea that is a great alternative to a Hot Toddy. For those who want to add booze, I recommend a gin like Conniption Barrel-Aged Gin.” —Megan Corbally, Bartender, Corpse Reviver Bar & Lounge, Durham, N.C.
“I’ve been sippin’ on a session cocktail (no liquor, super-low ABV) that I call the Pretty in Pink: sage simple syrup, lemon, Aperol, ginger beer, soda water, and some lavender bitters in a Collins glass with ice. I drink mine with a half rim of pink sea salt and a shaved lemon.” —Eric Vanderveen, Bar Manager, The Empire Lounge & Restaurant, Louisville, Colo.
“A product I’ve been enjoying quite a bit recently, and will continue to do so for Dry January, is the beer-like beverage [called] Suntory ALL-FREE. It’s zero percent alcohol and sugar, with no artificial flavorings and zero calories. It also fits really well in my lifestyle, whether I’m fresh off a workout or doing a midday conference call. I’ve also been experimenting with it in non-alcoholic cocktails, like a Blackberry ALL-FREE Shandy. It’s really versatile, and I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for non-alcoholic options to keep on hand at home.” —Elliott Clark, Founder, Apartment Bartender, Denver
“We have a huge bag of dried Jamaica at the bar right now left over from some R&D, so we almost always have a batch of Agua de Jamaica on hand. I love soft drinks — probably a consequence of growing up in the Midwest — and having something sweet and tart to enjoy helps to quench one’s thirst for a cocktail.” —Matthew Belanger, Head Bartender, Death & Co, Los Angeles
“Honey is currently experimenting with Kin Euphoric’s Adaptogenic concentrates as a staple ingredient in our Non-Alcoholic Potion program. We love healthy ingredients that still physically alter the body and mind!” —Jocasta Hanson, Owner/Bartender, Honey Elixir Bar, Denver
“Recently, I’ve learned the value of not putting too much pressure on myself, and I’ve certainly carried that into what I’m calling a ‘dry-ish’ January. Moderation and intention are the name of the game for me this month, so low-ABV cocktails have been my saving grace. My favorite ingredients when making low-proof cocktails are sherry, fun sparkling seltzer flavors, and freshly squeezed winter citrus, like grapefruit or orange. I definitely prefer to keep it really simple and often opt for a Highball. A fun one to try is oloroso sherry, grapefruit soda (Fever Tree and Q Mixers make great ones), and a splash of pomegranate juice. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.” —Veronica Correa, Bartender, San Diego
“Our Turmeric Tonic is one of my favorite non-alcoholic alternatives. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, slightly bitter, and refreshing, making it a great healthy option for a Dry January detox. It can be enjoyed hot — perfect for the chilly winter months — or served cold over ice; both delicious. This recipe is super easy for everyone to make at home.” —Eileen Chiang, Beverage Director, Wayan, NYC
“While I’m not fully participating in Dry January, my consumption, in general, has been quite moderate since quarantine began. I’ve always been a big fan of intentional, thoughtful, non-alcoholic cocktails. I’m pretty fanatical about tea — the Freak of Nature Oolong from Rare Tea Cellar is a regular in my rotation. Their smoky lapsang souchong tea is fantastic too — great to plug it into non-alcoholic cocktails to play the role of the whiskey. I was also making some cocktails recently with juice blends from Natalie’s. They have some really interesting profiles that are easy to twist into a fully composed non-alc cocktail. The ‘Purify’ from them (blood orange, grapefruit, dandelion, and ginger) is a favorite.” —Charles Joly, World-Champion Mixologist & Co-Founder, Crafthouse Cocktails, Chicago
“I’m currently loving shrubs and amaro for no- and low-ABV options. As part of our zero waste program, we make both in house — utilizing what would be waste, such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grinds, chocolate scraps, etc. We serve each with seltzer water or ‘caldo’ with hot water, and right now, we’re featuring an apple fennel shrub with fresh lemon juice and soda. I’m also big on vermouth — Dolin Blanc, specifically. I’ve been making sours with it for myself that are super-low ABV, since the vermouth is the only alcohol in it.” —Melissa Brooke, Bartender, The Musket Room, NYC
“When I’m in the mood for a cocktail but also want the chill vibe, my route is always an aperitif. I recently discovered Artet, a non-alcoholic cannabis aperitivo that hits those bitter notes I’m looking for, along with a modest dose of THC. It’s perfect for the early evening on the rocks with soda water, and versatile enough to lend itself to a fun cocktail creation.” —Karl Steuck, Owner, Spirit & Spoon, Los Angeles
“Without a doubt, I’ll be drinking the crowd favorite, the non-alcoholic Painkiller — pineapple juice, orange juice, and creamy coconut goodness, finished with a generous dusting of freshly grated nutmeg. It’s been a rough year in this world. True to its namesake, the non-alcoholic Painkiller cocktail served at Bammy’s surely numbs the pain and eases the mind. Honestly, I barely miss the rum.” —Chad Henry, Bar Manager, Bammy’s, Washington, D.C.
“While options are plentiful for observing Dry January, I created the Zoe’s Mocktail. This deliciously refreshing drink is one part Goya Jamaican-style ginger beer, four parts San Pellegrino, with a splash of lime juice and Pom pomegranate juice, [and] garnished with a lime rind spiral. It’s flavorful with a nice little zing, and pairs well with rich dishes.” —Marc Sauter, Bartender/Sommelier/Owner, Zoe’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, Virginia Beach, Va.
“I love a Negroni, and I love trying variations on them as well. And a Negroni is a cocktail that before you could not get non-alcoholic because its components are basically all alcohol-based. But now, there are amazing non-alcoholic spirits like Lyre’s Spirit Co. that offer an homage to classic spirits we know and love, like a Dry London spirit, Vermouth Rosso, and Italian Orange, which is their version of an Aperol, just [without] alcohol. Of course, then I take my style of blending tropical island flavors with classics. With Sweet Hibiscus from the Perfect Purée of Napa Valley, it delivers just that harmonious blend.” —Tim Rita, Brand Ambassador/Bartender, Lyre’s/ T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas
“I’ve defaulted to making Martinis at home using inverse proportions: 2 ounces of vermouth and .75 ounces of gin. It’s every bit as satisfying as a regular Martini, but significantly lower in proof!” —Shannon Tebay, Head Bartender, Death & Co, NYC
“I’ve been intrigued by the multitude of new tonic expressions on the market and have been playing with them in combination with different Fresh Victor flavors. I find that 1 to 2 ounces of Fresh Victor with 4 to 6 ounces of tonic is a great formula. Fresh Victor Cucumber & Lime plus classic tonic water is a go-to for me on a regular basis; I like Q’s new Light Tonic in particular. —H. Joseph Ehrmann, Owner/Chief Mixology Officer, Elixir/Fresh Victor, San Francisco 
The article We Asked 24 Bartenders: What Are You Drinking in Dry January? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/24-best-dry-january-beverages-bartenders/
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barnes-107th · 7 years
Chai Hansen liked my comment on his Instagram post. Chai Hanson knows of my existence. Okay goodnight.
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