#Chainsaw Man Part 2 Chapter 8
luckyrave · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Chapter 105 Thoughts
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It’s been some time since I’ve shared my thoughts on the Chainsaw Man manga, but after going through some new years resolution I already kept in mind for what needed to be done.  What might that be, you might ask?  Catching up to my thoughts on the latest chapter to the manga. 
Anyway, continuing from where we left off previously,  Denji revealed himself to be Chainsaw Man to Asa who immediately took off because she thought he was a loser for saying something stupid like that.  Interestingly enough we open up the chapter with Asa having a debate with Yoru on what Denji told her. Asa expressing serious doubt that he is in deed Chainsaw Man.   On the other hand, Yoru believes that Denji could be telling the absolute truth.  It leads to a rather amusing moment where Yoru tells Asa that she’s not stupid, and then the latter takes back her response.
 From the moment school is done for the day, Yoru suggests that they should go devil hunting because the time to join the club for devil hunters is drawing near, but Asa refuses because she made plans to visit Yuko for the day.  At first,  Yoru believes Asa is simply wasting time cause they have to draw Chainsaw Man out, but she even says drawing a devil would make that very possible.  That leaves the War Devil in thought about which approach they should take, but Asa tells her to come up with something while she’s visiting Yuko.  Yoru on the other hand, thinks to herself that maybe she could be tamed. 
This bring us to the 2nd half where Asa is spending time with her best friend Yuko at her place. Things are full of joy and fun while they besties are spending time with one another.  Yuko is even giving Asa a lot of praise for being the one that saved her life by dubbing her as “Chainsaw Woman”.  Which was something that she brushed off to the side and instead decided to join her friend in a sunbathe with a few cans of soft drink. 
That was where things were left rather awkward in pure silence for a moment which was pointed out by both people.  At least it is until the topic of shared secrets are brought into mix and left Asa precautious and a bit uneasy.  Yuko desperately tried to convince her to spill and Asa revealed that in grade school she peed on herself  in class only to lie with “I was just sweating.  Not long after did it take for Yuko to burst into  a huge laughter to a point where her legs began to hurt.  
Even though it was a rather embarrassing story on Asa’s behalf, she passed the baton onto Yuko for her deepest desire to be told.  Once it was told  a vow was made so that a soul wouldn’t ever know. That was the agreement Yuko made to Asa before it was revealed. Less than a day ago, Yuko had killed someone who happened to be her neighbor which threw off Asa completely. A thought which came into Asa’s mind was whether or not Yuko was just joking about that statement. It would’ve been had if things weren’t left in silence again between them just a moment until Yuko told Asa she’d show her the body that’s buried in the backyard. Okay, that totally added another layer of awkwardness and tension between them.  A typical response someone would say is no which is exactly what Asa says to Yuko.  
It could’ve just stopped there, but then Yuko decided to address a few more things to Asa that was on her mind. Secrets that won’t ever revealed to others. The story when she peed herself in the middle of class, along with deaths of the class president, the death of Asa’s teacher, and Yoru. That came as a complete shock to Asa in the moment as she wonder...  Yuko revealed to  Asa that she knew these things after making a contract with the Justice Devil the day before.  Doing so gave her the ability to read people’s minds which gave Yuko a chance to finally breath after keeping it for the time,  The reason why  the contract was even being was because Yuko wants to save Asa from all her bully troubles. She  even takes it a step further by warning her not come to school tomorrow bringing an end to the chapter.
 All in all,  I give this chapter of Chainsaw Man an Amazing+ rating.  I can’t stress enough how much I love Tatsuki Fujimoto structures each chapter for the story he’s telling especially continuing directly off from the previous chapter.  The inner clash between Asa and Yoru was really interesting in showcasing their thought process and how different they both truly are, and shows how both character have their valid reasons why Denji can or can’t be Chainsaw Man.  Yes, we as a readers know that Denji is Chainsaw Man after following his journey throughout Part 1 so it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens when that get revealed to Asa in the future. I also continue to be impressed by how suspense Fujimoto can take Part 2 so far through Asa’s character when it comes her spending time with Yuko.  The way he blends different kinds of emotions of laughter in the beginning only to then make thing feel ominous once the topic of the dead body in the backyard is brought up, and of course Yuko being The Justice Devil. 
The only thing that was missing from this chapter was not getting any updates from Denji, but I think that’s okay with the story Tatsuki Fujimoto is telling with Part 2.  This is pretty much all I have to say about my thoughts for this chapter of Chainsaw Man  and soon I’ll share my thoughts on Chapter 106 while catching up to the latest which.. we still got a bit of ways before I’m fully caught up on my thoughts to the current events!  Until then, I hope you all take care of yourselves out there.         
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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*Revs Chainsaw* ☆
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possiblylando · 9 months
Csm Chapter 151 not so early analysis
Late cause of bullshit.
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This guy Miri is genuinely so fucking cooked if he grew up with internet his brain would be absolutely fried by twitter he's so fucking gullible I can not believe it this guy.
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I'm more interesting in finding out what Whip thinks is going on. Because as far as we've been told and shown Miri is right about their goal here being to stop the death devil from doing whatever shes going to do. But Whip seems to think theres some true reason beyond that, that Miri doesn't get. It's possible their goal is just to bring back chainsaw man for no reason at all- like just to have him there.
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Oh wow okay uhmmmmmmm geeeeez look ah wow ahem woo ahem okay maybe uhhh maybe I get barem fans okay just a little bit uhhhhh hmmm moving on
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This whole scene was great because Barems moving like a fucking Zombie he totally could've entered his hybrid state here because he still has enough strength left to get up and walk over to Nayuta and fucking choke her out but he chose to stay in human form to prove a point. He's fucking scary as shit here. Barem does this little monolog about being a Makima fanboy but honestly I doubt he's right. Barem is SCARY here imagine being like 8 years old and this motherfucker gets up after being shot a dozen fucking times and he just starts walking towards you like a fucking zombie that is SCARY Nayuta is absolutely intimidated by this dude. Plus as far as I remember there hasn't really been an instance of devil powers sticking around after the devil dies they just seem to reset to 0 each time a devil dies.
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The fact they've been keeping Fumiko alive this whole time really does just go to confirm my thoughts that she's going to end up playing an important role in this final saga/arc of part 2.
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We finally enter the end game. I've said it in previous posts but we're fucking here now. We have maybe 1-2 arcs left in part 2 before we reach the end of it. I don't know for sure whats going to happen to Denji next chapter but I doubt it'll be good. The transformation is so low key it almost feels like its incomplete. Like the real chainsaw man has yet to appear. It possible due to the fear of chainsaw man around the world spiking due to the fire devil's contracts going off, Denji is about to go berserk as the black chainsaw man because aside from Nayuta he has nothing left. But there is one question I can answer.
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He's laughing about the 3 week break see you guys in 2024
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The "Favorite Comics I Read in 2023" Roundup
I didn't read as many comics this year as I have in the last couple- partly because I've been a lot busier with university and living in a new country, partly because I've been trying to read more books, and partly because I spent a good few months on a certain behemoth of a comic that'll be taking the #1 spot on this list. At the end of the day, though, I'm an opinionated woman who can't resist doing a retrospective on her favorite reads of the year. There's a few honorable mentions that deserve to be given note, though: Dogsred and The Jojolands are two of my favorite ongoing series right now, and the only reason they aren't making it onto this list is that they're too new for me to have a really solid opinion on beyond "I get excited when the new chapter comes out". I also, somewhat guiltily, want to give a shoutout to Sins of Sinister, which isn't what I'd generally consider a "good" comic, but which went a long way to revitalizing my interest in the X-Men after a decade of not reading X-books, pretty much entirely off the back of the new faggy characterization of Sinister.
Without further ado,
10. Chainsaw Man (Part 2)
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Despite starting the year as probably my favorite ongoing comic, this comes in at #10, with my feelings on it going pretty hot and cold over the course of the year. It struggles with the same erratic pacing that all of Fujimoto's projects seem to encounter, but the highs are very very high- there's a very interesting story being built here in which the idea of normalcy and in particular its relationship to heterosexuality and domesticity are called into question. It still remains to be seen if it'll stick the landing, though, and admittedly I'm not thrilled about the last bunch of chapters. But it's been a fun ride this year.
9. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing
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This was the year in which I tried to really get back to familiarizing myself with what the superhero genre has been doing in the last decade, and this was, surprisingly, a standout. It presents the most interesting take on the character that I've read in a long time, turning the "one bad day" narrative on its head by emphasizing the Joker as a character defined by the negation of an originating narrative. The real highlights here, though, are the side stories that accompany each issue, giving great thematic juxtaposition but mostly just being darkly funny shorts in their own right. It does end up hitting a lot of the shortcomings of most superhero comics in 2023, though- there's a subplot with the Red Hood that doesn't contribute as much as it should, an annoying interjection by a crossover event I didn't read.. but looking past that, this was a good one the whole way through.
8. Jojolion
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I almost didn't include this because I forgot that I read this all the way back in February! I do feel pretty strongly that this is Araki's most developed work (although Jojolands is shaping up to be a strong challenger)- it breaks away so dramatically from the storytelling conventions that have defined his career, keeping a lot of the superficial elements of a shonen but using them to tell a much more intimate and everyday kind of story. All of this comes through wonderfully in the art, where Araki's trend towards more and more unrealistically beautiful people meets a passion for grotesque violence and painstakingly detailed backgrounds, imbuing the whole work with a wonderful surreal feeling. The comic is governed by a tension between the highly graphic shonen elements and the comparative mundanity of the story around family and personal identity, and it threads that needle in a way that is so perfectly unique to Araki's style.
7. The Pervert
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Honestly it's a surprise that it took me this long to read this, given how its become cemented as part of the "depressive trans girl indie" canon. Narratively its a gut-wrenching look at the interplay between isolation and sexuality in trans womens' lives, but what really elevated this for me was the use of very muted watercolors and consistent 2x6 panel grids to imbue the work with intense feelings of loneliness, punctuated by rare moments when the format gives way to these beautiful full-bleed pages. Fantastic stuff.
6. One! Hundred! Demons!
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Honestly, I'm a little bit at a loss of what to say about this one: there's just so much going on. Lynda Barry's memoirs do an unbelievably effective job at building the texture of a childhood and adolescence, drawing us into a life that is sometimes very funny and sometimes deeply sad. Barry's unique cartoonish style is used to great effect; juxtaposing the limited worldview with which a child has to process their own experiences against text carrying the reinterpretations of an adult Barry. The whole thing has a very intimate tone, and while that feeling is underscored by Barry asking the reader to consider the precarious relationship between truth and fiction within a memoir; I feel that the admission of her own unreliability only enhances the personal qualities. Absent of the expectation that we are reading a chronicle of events as they happened, the work becomes much more interesting as a way of processing events as they are remembered.
5. Shimeji Simulation
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It's a little awkward putting this here because I haven't finished it.. or read it since the summer... but it's such a masterful work. It takes the trappings of the slice of life 4koma in such interesting directions, where the mundanity of the genre and the negation of drama become diegetic forces governing the world. But its not really a story about that- the character of the older sister shows up from time to time to prod at the limits of the genre, but its secondary to the very touching Girls' Love story at the heart of the work. I'd love to say more about the intersection of these threads and how the work deals with the idea of normalcy as it relates to adolescence.. but its hard to give good takes when I haven't finished it! But! I've adored everything I've read so far.
4. Choujin X
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If you wanted to point a finger at why Chainsaw Man is so low on this list, its because I read another ongoing madcap thriller with a ridiculous amount of gore: Sui Ishida's Choujin X. The story, about an organization of super-powered beings tasked with stopping other super-powered beings while trying to avoid being turned into monsters by their own powers, is nothing spectacularly new for the genre; what stands out is instead Ishida's artwork. The combination of sketchy stylized penwork and black and white photography give the series a gorgeous, unique look. And this isn't to say that the story is bad, either: there's a ton of personality to the characters and setting that make it a very very fun and interesting read above anything else.
3. X-Force (and its spinoff, X-Statix)
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I'm not sure what surprises me more: that this seems to have been lost to the abyss of history, or that I loved this as much as I did. Milligan & Allred's run on X-Force and X-Statix is far from the only take on "what if superheroes were selfish assholes", but something about this really hooked me in a way that nothing like it really has. Maybe its the specific choice to apply early 2000s celebrity culture to the X-Men, maybe its the fact that the asshole superheroes in question still manage to be rich and compelling characters, maybe its the comedy of jumping from Rob Liefeld's "Cable shoots a bunch of guys and grimaces" to Milligan & Allred's neurotic wanna-be celebs with powers, or maybe i just have a really big crush on Dead Girl. One way or another, this has ended up being the standout hit for my sojourn back into superheroes (and its probably telling that my favorite superhero comic is the one that tries very hard to not be a superhero comic).
2. Maka Maka
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There's an impulse to dismiss this offhand as just being lesbian porn, which it is; but aside from being really hot this manages to be one of the most interesting and endearing explorations of sexuality and intimacy I've read. There's no tension between the porniness and the maturity of the narrative here- its a work focused on the complexities of sex and desire that is just as intent on exploring those themes as it is on giving you something hot to read. Pretty undeniably one of the best girls' love works I've had the pleasure of reading.
1. Homestuck
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I finally sat down and reread Homestuck this year, having originally read it from late 2014 until its conclusion in 2016, and flirted with rereading it now and then but never really committed, partly because of whatever drama surrounded it in any given year and more emphatically because its really long. But now I feel that I can say very strongly that Homestuck is a masterpiece. Given the scale of the work, there's so much that could be said about it: how it uses the format of a webcomic to its full potential by incorporating minigames, animations, changes to the site, & so on to convey narrative; how it plays with genre in a really interesting way by making genre conventions diegetic (not just with captchalogues &co but with things like Causality acting as a clear narrative thread for the cast to relate to); how effectively it captures being a teenager online at a certain point in time; or just how funny so much of it is. I'm extremely glad I read it this year, partly to be able to have an opinion about Homestuck that isn't informed by my teenage impressions and Tumblr discourse, but more than that because it was an extremely fun journey. At some point I'd like to write something longer about Homestuck and its place in comics because I do think that it is overdue for a reappraisal that is not overshadowed by the fandom.. but until then all I can say is that I loved this more than anything else I've read in a while.
And that's what I liked this year :3 As far as next year goes, I'm very excited to see where Dogsred and The Jojolands go, and I have hope that MamaYuyu could be really great if the writing gets a bit less rote. I've also liked the directions Frieren and Gokurakugai are heading, as well as the new Penguin series thats currently going. Hopefully, 2024 will also be the year that I sit myself down and finally read Berserk, which has been an embarrassing blank spot for me for the past few years. Unfortunately because I'm not on Twitter anymore, I'm less on the pulse of the cool Indies coming down the line, but I'm sure I'll get recommendations for the really good stuff from someone somewhere. And! Maybe if we're really good, Togashi will leave some new Hunter x Hunter chapters under the tree.
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michpat6 · 10 months
20 Questions
I was tagged by my wonderful friends @novantinuum and @wanderingnightingale to participate in this ask game! thanks for the tags 🥹🥹
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
The number says 81 but that’s because I have a series version of aftermath from when it was supposed to be just loosely connected one-shots, before it spiraled into the monster it became. I kept it up along with the chapter-by-chapter version because I had people following along with the story that way, and I didn’t want to get rid of my very first comments on ao3 by deleting them.
Taking those out of the equation, I only have 29 🤣
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
With the series version of aftermath, 486,278. Without it, 380,218. Either way, holy shit.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main one is the Legend of Zelda, obviously, but I also dabble in Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen (wips only rn lmao), Final Fantasy XVI, and even Batman!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. cost of living (747)
2. aftermath (716)
3. that parting need not last forever (it’s dangerous to go alone) (605)
4. with every drop of rain singin’ (450)
5. trying (358)
these numbers are crazy to me I haven’t looked at my stats in FOREVER!
the fifth one, “trying”, is so funny to me because it’s technically chapter five of “aftermath”, coming from the series version way back in 2020 when I was only in my sixth day of writing fanfic. I don’t know what possessed me back then that I was able to write five chapters in six days (possibly the small word counts and my freshman year of college being zoom university LOL) but I did it!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, though I never really say much other than a “thank you for reading and commenting!”
I sometimes wish I could be like other authors and spark conversations in my responses, but I never know what to say other than the thank yous! I’m much more verbose in dms/discord servers 😂
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
either my newest zelda fic, avatar, or a thing that doesn’t change with time.
immortal beedle is weird, thoughc because it’s not angsty in the sense that it’s all that sad, it’s angsty because of the Implications.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is a tough one, because so many have happy endings! I think the happiest is tied between my post-totk fic, something borrowed, and with every drop of rain singin’, where link rescues zelda from the calamity but she has amnesia after.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve only ever gotten three instances of it, but one of those times was someone connecting evil zelink to communism and covid vaccines for some strange reason?? I still don’t know what the hell that was about 💀
I tend to just delete any “hate” comments from my inbox but keep them on the fic itself (except for the communism person because what, though I have them screenshotted to laugh at because it’s so bizarre), because I don’t like to erase what anyone’s said.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! It tends to be on the, uh, rougher side, because I’ve grown tired of soft fluffy lovemaking in fics, but when it needs to be soft and sweet I can do that as well 😆 the only instance where I’ve written smut with the intention of not being sexy is my chainsaw man fic, ignorance is bliss, where it’s more of a warning sign about the relationship as the fic progresses.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t write any crossovers! I haven’t felt the inspiration to, and I don’t even know what I would crossover in the first place.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge, but if someone would want to translate any of my fics I would just like them to ask for permission! They’d definitely get it 😂
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would like to at some point! It’s been a while since I’ve done collaborative writing, but when I did do it as a writing exercise it was fun.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
In terms of fic writing, zelink of course. In terms of reading, I’ve been on a satosugu (a jujutsu kaisen ship) kick lately thanks to, um, Recent Events in both the anime and the manga. if you know you know 😭
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
god I hate to say I’ll never finish something but honestly it’s either “a memory of younger days” or “faded into legend”.
I haven’t thought about either of those fics in soooooo long, and part of me wants to take them down but another part of me has hope that one day I’ll get the spark for them again. the aftermath cinematic universe series as a whole is something im constantly rotating in my brain and adding little things to, but it takes so much of my brainpower that I need a Break from it for a bit 😂
but I will finish the Urbosa fic. that’s a promise to myself, because I do love it so so much.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I always get comments about my dialogue and characterization, and I always enjoy those parts of writing, so those!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I cannot describe a setting to save my life 💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would love to, but I only speak English! If I could do it properly without relying on something like Google Translate I would do it in a heartbeat.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Legend of Zelda!
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
GOD that’s hard. I really love all of my fics, but I got a comment on with every drop of rain singin’ last night which made me reread the whole thing, and something about the Emotion and pure Vibes that fic has still gets me sometimes, because the whole thing was inspired by Pink In The Night by Mitski. a bookmark on it says “gets sappy quick” and it’s the truth, because I really did just have link think about his love for a zelda that doesn’t know who he is for 33k.
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firesofdainix · 1 year
If your still in the ninjago fandom, do you have any good ninjago fic recs for people?
I don't read Ninjago fic nowadays, but here's the recommendation post I made over a year ago lol:
Ninjago fic rec
However, since I am ALSO a narcissistic individual, here are some of the fics I wrote that I found myself liking.
[it's under the cut lol]
memories drowning in the ocean
A 10k word one-shot made after the first part of Crystallized aired. Somewhat divergent from canon in which there's a gap in Nya's memories and she has to cope with that.
15k word one-shot, College AU all about Kai and Cole. Kai moves into the big city and rents the cheapest dorm ever, disregarding the warning it was haunted. Soon he finds himself falling for Cole, who isn't who he seems.
and the earth buries the dead.
12k word on-shot where Cole still survives the Oni invasion of Season 10, but getting exposed to the darkness gave him a chronic illness, dying months later.
lloyd garmadon discovers the Ninja's inability to bargain with vendors
A 6k word one-shot set in Season 1. Lloyd discovers how the ninjas biggest weakness is the marketplace, and how scary Kai could be.
green and gold
A 3k one-shot set in a Pre-Canon time, during Wu's training regime on Morro. He accidentally injured himself from overtraining and Wu, being the father that he is, takes care of him.
lloyd garmadon makes kai smith cry on his birthday
8k words, set in Season 1 or 2. Lloyd resolves to give Kai his own birthday present, and as the title says there are some emotions shed over this gift.
4k one-shot set during Season 9. A teenager Wu with muddled memories reflects upon his relationship with one of his guardians.
Then I'll Settle For A Ghost
84k, 31 chapters complete in the occasion of Morrotober. All collection of prompts are here.
Way of the Devil Hunters
31k words, 3 chapters and incomplete. Surrounds a world where elements of Chainsaw Man and Ninjago are combined. Follows Kai and Nya, who, after being ambushed, the latter gains devil powers, putting them in the eyes of Wu and Garmadon. They are joined by different devil hunters as well, as they uncover one truth at a time.
The God of Destruction's Wingman (is his brother)
30k words and 2 chapters complete. Pre-Canon AU where Wu isn't the other man and instead is Garmadon's matchmaker, pairing him up with the sassy, snarky and feisty historian he met.
The Astute Guide of Morro's Journey Through Redemption
113k words, 8 chapters and incomplete. Deals with Morro seeking redemption without the ninjas meddling, and traveling all across Ninjago. He comes across a nice family, and he starts to reflect on the damage he's done in the world. Aka my magnum opus.
this gruelling cycle
A telephone wip fic I made with a few other talented authors. I wrote the first part, and it was supposed to have been discontinued. Anyways, Kai and Nya's life before Wu came.
52k words, 3 over 5 chapters posted hence incomplete. A DC x Ninjago AU where Ninjago is set in a darker universe and Garmadon is a lot more evil than usual. He kills Kai to fracture the ninja Force, and six years later a new vigilante is out for Garmadon's blood.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hey everyone! Thank you to all who participated in the voting; I was admittedly quite surprised when H2Ds won- pleasantly surprised really! 🥰 If I’m gonna be honest, I was low-key hoping it would win 👀 I have such a soft spot for this game :P
Rules and Fandoms below the cut as always!
- Send me a headcanon and a character/characters from any of my available fandoms and I’ll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
- Headcanons can be either tickle or non tickle- angst, fluff, platonic, romantic, etc. etc. As long as they fall under what I’ll write it’s fair game.
- I do write “X Reader!” The headcanon would have to be attached to the character though! (ex. Zenitsu x Reader; Zenitsu sings beautiful lullabies that help reader sleep)
-Some Fandoms will be limited due to popularity! I’ll let you know when they’re officially closed!
- The Event is open from today, June 30th-Friday, July 7th: 8:00pm EST I’ll make a post announcing when it’s over!
- Please check my Pinned Post for characters/topics I won't write!
-I'll start putting out Sentence starters Monday, July 3!
**: Limited Requests
-Black Clover (Manga, ch. 251)
- Blue Lock (Anime)
- Bungo Stray Dogs (Up to season 2)
- Buddy Daddies
-Code Realize
-Collar x Malice
-Chainsaw Man (Anime + Around Chapter 72 I think?)
-Danganronpa THH, SDR2 , V3
-Dr. Stone
-Demon Slayer**
-Fire Force
-Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
-Fruits Basket
-Hell’s Paradise
-Hunter x Hunter (Up To Greed Island Arc)
-Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure: Battle Tendencies (Part 2) Stardust Crusaders (Part 3), Diamond Is Unbreakable (Part 4), Golden Wind (Part 5)
-Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Movie Only!)
- Komi Can’t Communicate
-Mob Psycho 100
-Moriarty The Patriot
-My Hero Academia**
-Pokemon (Limited Requests: Legend Arceus, Gens 1-7, 9) **No longer taking requests for Sword and Shield**
-SK8 the infinity
-Spy x Family
-Toliet Bound Hanako-Kun
-Tokyo Revengers
-Wave!! Let’s Go Surfing
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dropintomanga · 2 years
Manga I Enjoyed in 2022
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Happy New Year, everyone! I know this is somewhat late, but better late than never. I originally wanted to do this in a video format like I did for my favorite 2021 manga. But after some health issues that started late last year and finally went away this month, I decided to write about my favorite manga of 2022 instead of recording myself in an awkward manner.
Here we go!
Honorable Mention: Choujin X by Sui Ishida - This title reminds me so much of Masakazu Katsura’s ZETMAN. It’s about a young man named Tokio Kurohara who suddenly becomes a supernatural being called a Choujin after being attacked by one in the street. Tokio then enters a world where he meets other Choujins, good and bad, and realizes that he’s part of a larger scheme that potentially involves him being a “god/savior” of all Choujins. I love the art and the story is fascinating. I feel that this is potentially Ishida at his finest when he’s not being rushed to create a fun story (which is what happened with Tokyo Ghoul: re). I’m glad that chapters of this series are somewhat sporadic as it allows time for a more structured story and one that I know Ishida is wanting to tell.
On to my top 5 of the year!
No.5 - Kaiju No. 8 by Naoya Matsumoto - After Spy x Family and Chainsaw Man, this is the next big breakout anime hit from Shueisha. Kafka Hibino was once a young man who wanted to become a kaiju-fighting soldier alongside his childhood friend, but instead is now a 30+-year old cleaner of kaiju remains. He one day encounters a certain powerful kaiju who enters his body. Kafka becomes a threat of humanity all while retaining his. He enters a kaiju defense force in order to control his abilities and protect those he cares about.
When I saw promotional art of the series posted all over France last year, I realized I had to check this series out. I’m so glad I did. The art is amazing, the story is intense, and the soldier outfits are really cool. Kaiju No. 8 satisfies any fan looking for something new that’s similar to Attack on Titan.
No. 4 - Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe - I don’t really hear many people talk about this series, but I feel this is one of the best fantasy stories I’ve read in a while. It also has one of the best manga heroines this decade so far. Frieren is a long-living elf who once saved the world from a demon king alongside a group of adventurers. 50 years later, she embarks on another journey to see off the hero who changed her life long after his death all while making note of humanity’s struggle to define themselves with the short life span they’re given.
I feel that this series is somewhat Yotsuba&!-ish in terms of having memorable chapters that are one-offs. However, when it gets to the major story arcs, Frieren excels in delivering gut punches. The flashback scenes are amazing and Frieren has a variety of facial expressions that make readers appreciate her. I have kept up with the Japanese releases and the story keeps getting better and better. This series has a way of making you think about human nature.
No. 3 - Akane-banashi by Yuki Suenaga and Takamasa Moue - I got into this series in the Fall after hearing Hideaki Anno and Eiichiro Oda praise it. This is arguably the best series in Weekly Shonen Jump right now and it’s not even a battle manga. Akane Osaki, a young girl whose father was a rakugo performer, is on a mission to become the best rakugo performer in all of Japan after her father was shamed in front of a major rakugo audience. It’s very refreshing and the hype does remind me of the early days of The Promised Neverland. 
This manga is a really good case of how to use art and panels to tell a very cool and well-paced story. I also love how the main character is written as she stands out among the many popular male Jump protagonists. I think what makes this series so good is how relatable the characters and setting are. There’s always something exciting happen in every chapter because of that.
No.2 - Sensei’s Pious Lie by Akane Torikai - This series isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and I can’t recommend this to anyone who’s experienced sexual trauma and hasn’t healed completely from it. But I can’t help but be enamored with seeing how messy the characters in this series are. Misuzu Hara, a teacher, is a victim of sexual abuse by her best friend’s husband. One day, she finds out a male student of hers is interested in her. Misuzu then learns the student is also a victim of sexual abuse and the two become involved in a complicated entanglement that affects everyone around them. 
This is a very uncomfortable read, but I understood what Torikai was trying to say. When it comes to love and sex, people get caught up with the worst aspects of both in terrifying ways. And there’s ways to overcome them when possible. People are often known as monsters to many are still human beings at their core. You can still care about someone and want them out of your life for good. There’s no one to root in this series and I’m glad Kodansha USA brought this work over because sex (and especially sexual violence) is very often a difficult topic to talk about and life is sadly never that black or white.
No.1 - Goodbye, Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto - Another Fujimoto one-shot on what it means to live in the face of loss. I’ve written about this one-shot in the past and the last pages still stick out to me to this day. I appreciate how Fujitomo uses the main character in a way that shows how a major loss of a relationship can affect someone even when they get older.
I want to remember people who will eventually leave me and celebrate their lives. I just hate how everyone is pressed to move on and not process whatever grief they will experience over their lifetime. Goodbye, Eri is highly relevant to everyone today because there’s only so much one can take when it comes to death and when we don’t take the time to talk about it in a productive way with people who will listen, we lose what makes humanity beautiful. In a time where some folks are talking about immortality and living on via technology, this manga reminds me that what we really want from life is genuine and unconditional love from people.
I hope you enjoyed this list and here’s to a fun 2023 full of exciting manga titles to read!
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kqm-scrunkly · 1 year
I was rereading my physical copy of Chainsaw Man volume 11, easily one of my favourite's with it being the ending of part 1, but also for its really great panels!. (chapter 91-97 spoilers)
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she wuvs him :3
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I genuinely do think about this a lot ^
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this panel hits really hard on the physical copy, Denji and Kobeni are on separate pages. it really shows their separation in life experiences and perspectives.
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context makes this one a bit silly, but still hits very hard.
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ik the girlies were freaking out on this cliffhanger
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they hated her for this, can't a girl do anything
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people don't talk about this enough
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I remember not even understanding this part at first, my second reread of the series was when it hit me.
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this was crazy. The way love was what defeated her. the series shows a few times, including this, that love has always been her weakness, what made her most human. the movie date with Denji shows her sincerely crying from an image of affection, one of the only times she isn't lying is when she exclaims her love for Chainsaw Man. Love is what made her Human, as weak as her puppets.
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these pages always make me feel a bit sad, so very bittersweet. Love and Empathy is what will save the world from devils, part 2 still shows that to be what saves the day sometimes, and what is Denji's and Asa's greatest strengths.
Editor's said scene cut but Fujimoto heard serve cunt:
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Thanks for reading! Chainsaw Man is one of my favourite stories so far, and I think the artistry and symbolism of the manga isn't appreciated enough. I have a few other volume's (1, 8, and 9), if you want I can go through those and show some of my favourite panels from those!
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vixvaporub · 1 year
April 3rd to April 10th Read and Watched List:
Currently Reading:
Tokyo ghoul - chapters 31 to 40
Queens quality - chapters 7 to 10
Scums wish - chapters 1 to 20
Chainsaw man - chapter 125
Gokurakugai - chapter 7 (lmao the no suicide at the dinner table part) 
Blood on the tracks - chapters 141 and 142 
Hirayasumi - chapter 47 
Shadows house- chapter 160
Ice guy and his cool Female Colleague- chapters 40.3 and 41.1 
Completed/Caught Up:
Boy Meets Maria - 6 chapters; about a boy who falls for a gender nonconforming kid , I thought this was ok... wasn't really my favorite, tw child sexual assault)
Fuan no tane - 72 chapters, 3 volumes; by the same mangaka as PTSD Radio, if you enjoy paranormal episodic stories you would also enjoy both series. The best way I can explain Fuan no tane and PTSD radio is that they are like 2 sentence horror stories but for manga
A lollipop or a bullet - 13 chapters; a dark manga about a girl who lives in a small town whom the new transfer student who claims she's a mermaid wants to be friends with. The series was decent
Vinland saga season two - episode 12 and 13
Hell’s Paradise - episode 2
Attack on titan the final season part 2 - episodes 1 and 2 
Skip and loafer - episode 1 
My love story with yamada-kun at lv999 - episode 1 and 2
Demon slayer season 3 - episode 1 
Cigarette and cherry - wasn't really catching my interest… I also just couldn't with the mc 
Ohana holoholo - chapter 8 - I liked it at first but then I just was getting bored of it. Ngl I'm not the biggest fan of how the artist used panels, made it feel a little messy as I read it  
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bigtittytsunade · 2 years
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I posted 2,533 times in 2022
12 posts created (0%)
2,521 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 415 of my posts in 2022
#csm - 38 posts
#wha - 25 posts
#chainsaw man - 21 posts
#berserk - 18 posts
#witch hat atelier - 14 posts
#leopika - 13 posts
#soul eater - 12 posts
#sbr - 9 posts
#fma - 9 posts
#hells paradise - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#actually if they cast tom holland irl i think id cry and shit and get a twitter to yell at someone responsible
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1 note - Posted December 2, 2022
2 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind
2 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
I finished reading Steel Ball Run and i am UPSET! >:’(
2 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*bangs fists on table* reblog the same handful of SBR art again!! again!!
4 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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offbeat-manga-ships · 2 years
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CHAINSAW MAN (チェンソーマン)
Chainsaw Man / Fujimoto Tatsuki
Ongoing, with 112 chapters / 12 volumes (as of 2022-11-27) / Part 1 Complete, with 97 chapters / 11 volumes
F/M; Horror, Action, Comedy, Psychological, Tragedy, Drama, Supernatural, Shounen + semi canon, interspecies, age gap, ag: ym x of, younger m, older f, dom f, sub m
SUMMARY: Denji has a simple dream — to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash.
Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji's dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams.
*score for part 1. currently reading part 2, score might change
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 15 days
hii ! for the fic ask game 8, 7, and 11 <3
Ooooooo thank you for the ask, I’m very happy to answer these!!!
8. Which three fics were the easiest to write? Why?
• It Had To Be You: this was the first real fic I ever wrote and I honestly don’t know what possessed me to write it as quickly as I did. I was deep in my haikyuu phase and didn’t have a job at the time so I started and finished it within 5-6 days (which is CRAZY to me as it’s like +40k). I also had the movie When Harry Met Sally to base it off so that gave me a good outline to work with without needing to change much.
• the only hoax i believe in: had a sudden craving for stsg angst and I cracked it out an a day. It’s one of my shortest fics so it didn’t take an especially long time to write, but I remember being super in the zone for this one
• you’ll always know me: this one had more of my usual update schedule of once/twice a month but it’s still one of my faster fics. I think I was able to finish it so quickly because the story was so important to me and it’s extremely easy writing from Oikawa’s perspective, especially as a closeted bisexual when it comes to family. I just needed to get this story out so chapters took about a week to finish.
7. Pick three fics that were a struggle to finish. Why was it so difficult to write?
• and i’ve been tryin’ not to feel it: honestly i think it’s because this is the first long form fic I’ve written that doesn’t have an exhaustively detailed outline. My outline for this is more of a basic plot point structure, but I’ve had to go back and rearrange a lot of the ideas I had for specific chapters which means writing those chapters takes longer. I also get distracted fairly easily from this fic (ie: vamp au and post canon fics) which is such a bummer because it’s easily my most popular fic. I’ve also really been feeling the burnout when I finish and post a chapter, so I’d rather give myself time away from this fic and enjoy it later instead of forcing myself and hating it.
• i guess this is the end: this was a part 2 to my stsg angst oneshot but gd did I drag my feet writing it. I thought I was gonna pop this sucker out like three days after the original fic but instead it took me at least a month to actually sit down and write it. The vibe just wasn’t right whenever I tried to take a go at it and I’d write a sentence before moving onto something else. I did finally finish it though lol.
• things i would miss from the other side: this fic isn’t even technically done yet but MAN have i struggled at times. I was really good about writing it for the first week but now it’s really slowed down to where I’m writing like a quarter to a half a scene each night where I used to be able to finish the entire scene. This is another fic where I didn’t write detailed outline but I didn’t even USE an outline for it, just a vague bullet point list of things I wanted to put into it.
11. Which three fics of yours are under-appreciated (whatever that means to you)? Write something lovely about each of them!
• washing what you know out to sea: I always talk about this fic when I mention underrated fics of mine, but it’s true!!! I think my prose in this fic was some of my best and it leaves the relationship between the main pairing in such an undefinable state that I love. I’m hoping it gets more traction once the chainsaw man movie and season 2 come out.
• kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again: honestly this fic has gotten a surprising amount of love. It’s one that will randomly get a bunch of kudos and bookmarks even though it’s a Christmas fic, but I did really like how I wrote bokuaka’s relationship. It’s definitely a pure fluff fic and honestly it’s one of my fics that I reread pretty often!
• the only hoax i believe in: I think my use of prose and angst really popped off with this one. I felt very emotional writing it and I think I thought it would get more love than it did, but I’m still very pleased with it! I think I wrote Gojo with some good complexity.
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possiblylando · 8 months
Chainsaw Man Chapter 154 Early Analysis
I had a very full week last week so I didn't do 153 I would like to start this chapter analysis by wishing all fumiko fans are very big BAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA THIS YO FUCKIN MAN??? LOOK AT HER RUN AWAY THEY GOT YO MANS THEY GOT YO SEX OFFENDER COWARD LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKIN HELL WHAT A COWARDLY LOSER LMAOOOOOOOO EAT SHITTTTT
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Another chapter she has not died thats gotta end someones gotta clutch up and kill this girl. Short Brief on 153 since I missed it:
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Good chapter Nayuta finally locked in. Now onto 154
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It's interesting that Nayuta is able to make invisible chains yet it didn't seem to be something Makima was able to do. It's possible she could and the invisible chains are just related to her invisible attacks.
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Genuinely I need her dead this is ridiculous she ducks more fights than Mihawk.
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Barem has grown on me so much in these last few chapters he is an absolutely ELITE tier hater. He's gone 1-3 and lost every actual fight he's been in (he had to extreme-diff meowy) and he's dragging himself just to fucking snitch on a fucking 8 year old child this 30+ year old man is such a hater he's out here hating on a fucking 8 year old its insane.
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These last few chapters and maybe even part 2 as a whole have been about how Denji wants to try and do everything alone so nobody else he cares about will be hurt by taking all that pain for himself. But time and time again we see he still needs people. He would've been eaten by the justice devil without Nayuta and he would've been killed by the haters here without her aswell.
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Family technique
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Actually fucking insane behavior Barem is a true elite tier hater like no other 2 bullets in his head several in his torso, can't even move his legs, still dragged himself far enough to shoot a child he's beefing with he is ELITE
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lairn · 9 months
Ask game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 20:D
Your top 5 reads of 2023 Answered this one, but I'll elaborate a little: Hikaru no Go: I'm a sucker for sports/game stories when they keep the game play relatively grounded and focus on realistic efforts people take to improve. All the character work is very solid too, and the story arc about grief and loss makes me cry. Inside Mari: I was uneasy to read this one because of its subject matter, but I thought it handled things in a successful way. I'm always in love with this author's art style (see question 3) and even though I thought some of the ending was weak, the story was still good. Dungeon Meshi: I did not like the beginning much, but as the characters fleshed out and the world grew, I became much more impressed. I like the art style and I like the comedy. I haven't quite finished it yet. Blue Period: This comic does a good job capturing what it's like to engage with art through academics and the tension between art as expression and everything else art can be. I like the diverse character designs. Chainsaw Man: The anime dragged me back in to the comic. I reread part 1 last year and have been sticking with the updates to part 2 fairly regularly. There's just something compelling and sad about the protagonists. And a little action and silliness is fun too.
2. A series you'll keep up with next year Chainsaw Man, Kekkaishi, The Summer Hikaru Died, Kaiju No. 8 (maybe)
3. Your author of the year Shuzo Oshimi. I read Inside Mari, Blood on the Tracks, and reread Happiness. This author always deals with dark, sad subjects, but often pulls out uplifting aspects of humanity even as he is breaking people down. I love his art. Every time he stops using midtones I get so excited, haha.
4. An underrated gem This is tough. I feel like I read some underrated gems last year (anything by Taiyo Matsumoto). The one I'm picking isn't really a gem, just more of a manga I haven't mentioned yet: Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun. The art is okay and the story is okay. But the protagonist is sweet. I haven't looked at it in months, but I could still see picking it up again when I want something cheerful that scratches a specific itch. I think what I like about it is that in a world of demons, the human Iruma has a power-creep trajectory that still feels attached to him being a human.
20. Drop your 2024 reading list 💗 Ones I've paused that I mean to finish: Goodnight Punpun, Dungeon Meshi, The Land of the Lustrous (if I can tough out the despair), Dorohedoro, To Your Eternity (if I can get through without crying every 10 chapters)
Ones I want to reread: Our Dreams at Dusk, Ajin, A Silent Voice, Mob Psycho 100 (waiting for all the books to publish in English), Homunculus
New Reads: Flowers of Evil, Tomie (and other Ito works), Sunny, The Book of Human Insects, Solanin
Always open to recommendations!
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michpat6 · 2 years
Tag Game - First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1. i need somebody to remember my name (after all that i can do for them is done)
Legend of Zelda, deku mountain baybee, 1-shot, 8k
Like all things, it starts with light.
2. fetch
Legend of Zelda, tp zelink, 1-shot, 1k
He keeps bringing her things.
3. resurrection
Legend of Zelda, botw zelink, 1-shot, 1k
The torch shakes in Zelda’s grasp as they approach the skeleton.
4. that parting need not last forever (it’s dangerous to go alone)
Legend of Zelda, botw zelink, multi-chapter, incomplete
5. chicken
Legend of Zelda, botw zelink, 1-shot, 1.2k
Princess Zelda has fruitcake crumbs on her mouth.
6. kiss and cry
Legend of Zelda, botw zelink, 1-shot, 5.8k
Zelda hates visiting Rito Village.
7. ignorance is bliss
Chainsaw Man, Makima/Quanxi, 1-shot, 3.9k, MASSIVE ANIME/MANGA SPOILERS, NSFW
The only time she drops to her knees is when a pretty woman asks her to.
8. hidden masterpiece
Legend of Zelda, oot zelink, 1-shot, 393 words
Link refuses to show her the last song in his book.
9. a thing that doesn’t change with time
Legend of Zelda, immortal beedle au, multi-chapter, incomplete
The woman in white visits his shop often.
10. birdwatching
Batman, 1-shot, 4.6k
Jim Gordon knows Bruce Wayne is the Batman when the little boy in bright red and green spandex bounces up to him, plants his hands on his hips, and declares, “I’m Robin!”
UMMMMMMM im gonna no-pressure tag @wanderingnightingale, @bellecream, @aheavenscorner, @aurathian, and @ladyhoneydee!
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