chernobog13 · 4 months
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"This is not the Chandlar you're looking for."
This is the version of Chandlar that appeared in the 1993 series Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero, although it was called "Chondra" in the episode it appeared in. It is also known as Powered Chandlar, because it appeared in Ultraman Powered's series, and to differentiate it from the original Chandlar which it hardly resembles.
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almightyrayzilla · 9 months
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Drawtumn 23.3 - "Tiny"; Pygmon
*sigh* Yes, I am very aware this scan looks wonky. I think I'll be in the market for a new scanner soon... 🙃
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mekagojira3k · 2 years
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The Red King #redking #ultraman #chandlar #kaiju #レッドキング #チャンドラー #monster
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indragonsaur · 2 years
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Hazbin Kaiju: Peguila and Chandlar
Hazbin Kaiju is a Crossover between of Godzilla, King Kong, Gamera, Ultraman Etc/Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. It starts off like this, it was take places from different universe of every kaiju media of monsters and aliens. Until mysterious pentagram grabs all the monsters and aliens. It was activated and strange energy surrounded the sky. They couldn’t escape.
They all transported to Hell, they felt they were falling. As they were being transported to Hell. They have a ability to speak. They were transported into the 7 rings of Hell. They must find a way out of hell, maybe meeting some familiar faces like a certain princess. And maybe face the wrath of Heaven's army and maybe even the sins themselves.
-Peguila was Transported in hell in the icy plains next to the Goetia Andrealphus palace
-Chandlar was transported to Wrath ring to fly or hunt some prey
Chandlar and Peguila belong to Tsuburaya Productions
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athletic-collection · 3 months
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Chandlar Akins
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iczer-ryuga2 · 8 months
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Here's a Halloween piece I've done which was meant for a Monster Art Show by Toku Professor on Youtube. However, due to time constraints and job schedules, I had to send it back till now and thus, it never did end up on the video.
Nevertheless, here's my Varan vs Powered Chandlar. Hope you enjoy but I'll be rebranding some time in the future due to my situation.
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Yup that blog post was me! And yeah if it wasn't for the royalty expenses then the show would've likely aired on the Fox Network in 1993 with the intent to compete against things such as Star Trek
competing against star trek makes jeffrey combs' guest spot even MORE funny. what was star trek doing at the time would red king and chandlar lightly bumping against each other have been much competition
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toku-explained · 1 year
Final Mission: Battleship
Decker: In the future, despite the Spheres barrier around Bazdo, Agams was happy, until a Sphere attack killed Laelia and their dog Fursty. In the present he calls Murahoshi out. While GUTS-Select prepares a capture operation. Agams explains that the Sphere were already fighting humans, when a human vessel crash landed on earth, while Decker and Dyna fought in space, he volunteered Bazdo's technology, eventually the Sphere priorities Bazdo as a target. He uses one of Shinsenagi's control pendants to disrupt the operation by summoning Chandlar, and is revealed to have fused with a Sphere. His memory being disrupted, he launches a new attack as Terraphaser, Decker fighting him. In the even fight, Kanata tries to dissuade Agams, who only cares for his revenge and feels a sense of solace that this era's Bazdo will be spared. The two opponents knock eachother out, Ryumon arriving on scene to almost certainly see Decker become Kanata, as well as find a disoriented Agams, very confused to find himself not on Bazdo.
Geats: Ukiyo Ace, Star of Star of the Stars, awakens for another busy day, eating with his father, Girori. With only 3 competitors remaining, a Battleship game has started, with a castle similar to the ones two DGP ago. Rook and a Jamato Rider are both part of the attacking forces. During the struggle, Keiwa again hears Ginpen's words from the Jamato Rider, and Buffa recognises Shirowe's words from Rook. When they attack his photoshoot, Ace does what he can to help others. Buffa tries his best to get inside the Castle, as Ace stumbles on the battle and somehow still manages to encourage Michinaga, to his irritation, but he winds up with his ID Core broken, using his last words to shove his Driver at Ace and tell him to prove his words aren't empty. Ace goes to the DGP with Keiwa and Neon, demanding the chance to fight even if he can't win, Girori is refusing but Tsumuri goes over his head, in accordance with Ace's first wish. Ace uses a combination of Boost, Magnum, Zombie on the Jamato, then uses Command Twin to defeat the Castle. However, the game hasn't ended, as Tsumuri gives Ace, in Girori's behalf, a chance to rejoin the game, he himself offers a last chance to eliminate Ace to Keiwa and Neon, as a Bonus Round.
Donbrothers: Over a few days the Donbrothers and Noto try to settle things, which devolves to just Taro and Sonoi fighting while the rest watch, remaining evenly matched. Another day Sonoi wants to bring something up at Donbura, but can't bring himself to. After encountering a girl claiming to have seen the real Santa, it turns out the Noto are trio are the Noto chosen this year to act as Santa, but need information on how to be Santa. Taro believes in Santa, and Kaito claims to know him, but he became HikariKi and leaves terrible gifts. It turns out Santa became jaded by the shifting holiday wishes of kids, then got arrested. He rampages, Don Momotaro Alter chases with the LuPat Alters while the Noto have to get ready. Don Dragoku and InuBrother turn up late, InuBrother uses NinjaBlack and Murasame to help win, but then Murasame goes berserk at Mother's encouragement as Black Onitaijin, forcing ToraDora Onitaijin to face him. The children get their presents, and Taro offers some encouragement to Santa to pick up his duty again.
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businessscribble · 2 years
Literary agents threaten to blacklist HarperCollins from upcoming author projects in support of striking staff
Literary agents threaten to blacklist HarperCollins from upcoming author projects in support of striking staff
More than 150 literary agents, whose clients include Danielle Jackson, V.E. Schwab and L.A. Chandlar, have signed an open letter to HarperCollins vowing to “omit” the publisher from upcoming book submissions until it reaches an agreement with striking employees. Around 250 entry- and mid-level staff members, from publicists to editorial assistants, have been on strike since Nov. 10, with the two…
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Ultraman - The Lawless Monster Zone
Review: Ultraman Review Part 4 of ∞ Episodes 8-10
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halfbluemoons · 5 years
Just saw the end of Whitechapel. What the fuck is with that last episode and why the fuck was the show cancelled in 2013?! What the hell?!
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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Mike Mignola tackles various Ultra kaiju.
Mignola said his only real exposure to the kaiju were the numerous toys and action figures in fellow cartoonist, and kaiju artist extraordinaire, Art Adams’ apartment.
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kaijutokunerd · 3 years
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stixxxy · 4 years
Merry Siegemas All! Day 12.
Sorry for posting so late, but I finally got home- thank you so much to @dualrainbow for allowing me to take part in Day 12 of this fun r6s writing event. :D
And apologies in advance incase there’s any grammar errors- I write and grammar check myself.
Fun Short Story; about 1.5k words.
Promt: Unexpectedly spending the holidays together
"You'd recon these people have at least some families for Christmas," James 'Smoke' Porter sighed, rubbing his hands together in trying to warm up to the cold Northern British atmosphere.
The north was never actively warm, which actively meant that late December would (as James would say) cause you to "Freeze your tits off", it got cold and dark quickly with wind and rain but alas no snow, snow was rare to see despite the country's cold atmosphere. It was a few days before Christmas as well; so instead of being home or in the base with friends- Porter, Mark 'Mute' Chandlar, Dominic ‘Bandit’ Brunsmeier, and Sébastien ‘Buck’ Côté had been sent to the Shetland isles in hope that they could work on developing a secret base so to speak just as a last resort. The place wasn't so bad- it was just extremely freezing but at least the town was quite nice. At the centre there were bright lights hanging from the olden wind beating buildings, a large festively decorated tree sat in the opening besides the shore. Moods were high throughout the few townsfolk they saw- 2 days before Christmas always brought either stress or glee, which you clearly could tell by how the people commuted.
"They're terrorists," Mute responded, "they hate happiness. Be thankful we're just sorting out a base."
Mark spoke in a tone that was almost as bitter as the northern air which prickled at James’ skin. ‘Even if the white masks didn’t kill us before we get to the base, the cold sure would have’ the Londoner thought. James didn’t get why they needed yet another base- they already had England and Greece, they were about to colonise an island in north Scotland next. Harry had insisted that the base was meant for training in ‘harsher environments’, and since Russia probably would say no to a military group that wasn’t theirs, the next best thing was Scotland.
“I still think we could have bribed Jordan to come,” The voice of the German operator piped up, as he and their Canadian coworker, Sébastian, jogged up the small hill with their kit.
Smoke turned his head towards the duo approaching, “And have him complaining nonstop?”
“Source of entertainment I call it.”
Buck looked at the three other operators, “what did I do wrong to be picked with you people?”
The trip was originally scheduled for the 4 operators to camp overnight, get a feel for the place and then decide whether it would make a decent enough area for training with harsher/colder environments. The harsher and colder had already been challenging before the group even reached their site- there was no denying that fact. Sébastian had been the only one who hadn’t complained yet, that was until a certain shorter than average Brit accidentally got his clothes wet.. which lead to Mark reluctantly lending Buck one of his hoodies. So the trip was going swell.
“If i give you £20 will you let me share your sleeping bag?”
“Piss off.”
After the request, James received an elbow to the his side- a smile growing oh his face but again they returned back to their quiet. Sounds of the ocean they sat lulled the silence, distant talking and cars came and went as the minutes went by.
“How’s lily?” For a change Mark initiated a conversation, putting his phone down on the grass besides him.
James let out a sigh, bringing a hand to go through his hair. He paused.
“I promised her this year I’d be with her for Christmas, like- the whole 2 weeks she gets off,” he started, turned to his hands which he was fiddling with his sleeves with. “I don’t know how Zofia can do it- do this and then be a mother. What kind of parent am I if I barely even see my kid?”
Silence once again filled the air, Mute leaned back- his arms supporting his body as he thought. He was never one for emotional conversations, he could ramble about computer science for hours but the second it gets touchy and feely- his brain shuts off. Mark turned to James who’s face was the opposite of how he usually was, a frown plastered on his lips and his normally bright eyes were tinted dimly.
“I’m sure she understands, it is your job after all. She’s 16; when I w-“
“-She’s not like you Mark,” James snapped, turning to face the younger, “You’re practically a child genius who has no manners socially, Lily’s... you know what the kid’s like.”
James nuzzled his chin into his scarf, in a way to both shut himself off and to try warm himself up before he started to cry and freeze his cheeks off. He never felt homesick, James loved his job, but he just hated that he couldn’t keep a promise.
“At least you’ll be with her for Christmas Day.”
The only response was a small breath and a nod.
Sharing a tent with 3 other men was not Sébastians initial plan for Christmas eve’s eve- likewise having to borrow one of the others’ clothes because his own got soaked by a prank. He knew he wouldn’t get to visit home this year but spending Christmas with his friends wasn’t so bad, Sébastian was just lucky he had managed to visit Canada for his birthday a few months prior.
“Fucking freezing out here,” the words of Dominic alerted Séb from his book, a hint of tiredness in his voice.
“It’s not too cold,” Buck smiled, moving in his seat besides the small campfire.
The German scoffed, “because you have a hoodie which is too big, a beanie and gloves. My gloves to be exact.”
“You offered.”
Dominic pushed Sébastian’s beanie over Séb’s face as he walked by to sit on the seat besides his teammate. A small laugh coming from him while he watched the Canadian huff when he reorganised his beanie.
“Before I forget; Harry called- there’s a storm coming to welcome us a merry Christmas,” Séb knew where this was going. Bandit dipped his head and then leaned back, “he thinks we’re going to be stuck here for a few days longer than expected.”
Dominic kicked his legs up onto the stand besides the fire, “he did say we could stay at a friend of his rather than risk being killed by the high winds of Scotland.”
“How thoughtful.”
It wasn’t long until Mark and James returned, the news hit James hard; being in the middle of nowhere for Christmas was never ideal- at least they weren’t alone in the middle of nowhere.
James sighed, sitting up in his sleeping bag- the wind was already starting to pick up and the rain was battering the tens thin material. Silent breathing from the sleeping people continued, unfazed by the storm brewing. Smoke lay back down, staring at the green above him. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach- anxiety from both Christmas being the next day and the fact he couldn’t keep a single promise towards his daughter. If only it wasn’t raining he could at least walk the nerves off.
“For professionals you all like to sleep in.”
A Scottish man let out a laugh, watching the four Rainbow operators crawl out of the tent in dampened clothes as the tent got ripped after something bumped into it due to the high winds the previous night.
“You try sleeping in a leaking tent,” The pleasant morning voice of Mute spoke, “then we can talk about ‘sleep in’.”
A hearty laugh came from the man, “well if it means anything, I’m sorry about your situation.”
Sébastian stepped up, apologising for the other three’s attitude- making some small chat to the Scottsman who was called Duncan.
“Hey Lilypad,” James stood in the hallway- looking around at the tinsel wrapped around the staircase, “so plans changed, I’m sorry.”
“You promised dad-“
“I know.. I know- there’s a storm and the boats been cancelled-“
Dominic appeared from the doorway, “Porter?”
“I’m coming,” James mouthed then turned to the phone,” I’ll hopefully be back for Boxing Day- we can get Gramps and everyone over. I’ll, I’ll make it up to you Lils.”
“It’s... Sorry’s not good enough okay?”
Before he could even mutter another ‘sorry’, the line went dead.
James sat on the staircase, letting his head fall into his hands. It was the one thing he and Lily had been looking forward too, 2 weeks together for Christmas and having the family over; god how he missed his own parents. A person slid down to sit a stair above, resting a comforting hand on James’ shoulder.
“Coming from someone who’s been through the same thing as Lily, she knows it’s not your fault,” the Quebec man let out a small laugh, “of course she’s hurt, but you’re her dad; she loves you and as long as you both have each other- she’ll forgive you. Just let her process.”
James nodded, inhaling a shaky breath. He patted the hand on his shoulder and stood up.
“Let’s make this a good Christmas from what we have,” he turned to Séb who promptly followed him down.
“You gehirnverweigerer! Just tell me what the fucking thing is! The zucker! STOP LAUGHING JUST TELL ME WHAT IT IS!” The voice of a very angry Dominic came from the kitchen.
Buck smiled and wrapped an arm around the English man, “Merry Christmas James.”
“Merry Christmas to you too.”
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athletic-collection · 3 months
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Chandlar Akins
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bluevelvetvideo · 3 years
3, 12, 17, 35 for the asks 😁
Thanks for these, lovely!
3: 3 songs that mean something to you – Smother Me by The Used; Whispers in the Dark by Skillet; We R Who We R by Ke$ha
12: 3 apps you use most – Kindle; Hoopla; Facebook Messenger
17: 3 tv couples you adore most – Bughead (duh); Phoebe x Cole (Charmed); Mondlar (Monica x Chandlar – Friends)
35: 3 vegetables you like the taste of – green beans, broccoli, carrots
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