#Chapleau Ontario OPP
                Policing Memories of           Garry Crawford Circa 1962                          Part XII It was on June 14, 1971. I had just reported to the Superintendent at Sault Ste Marie D.H.Q., dropped off Sergeant Major Orville Waito and headed north on Highway #17 towards Wawa. If anyone has not travelled this section of Highway #17, it is one of the most beautiful scenic highways in Ontario. I remember my excitement growing as I travelled up past the Goulais River and when I first seen the majesty of Lake Superior. The immensity of the lake along with rugged shoreline and background of the mountains was breath taking. I drove by miles of beaches and I was amazed that I did not see a soul on them. The road constantly dips inland for a mile or two then you pop back out to another explosion of scenery at the Lake. Little did I realize that this beautiful country would be our home for the next nine wonderful years! I travelled by Harmony Bay, Batchewana Bay, Pancake Bay, Mamanse Harbour, Alona Bay and finally the Montreal River the half waypoint to Wawa. This was where I later learned the division point was between Sault Ste Marie and Wawa Detachments. At Montreal River the road goes up a steep incline for a mile and a quarter as you travel through an area of hill tops and lakes to Kenny Lake then the road drops down again to the Agawa Bay area where you follow along the great lake again, running inland past Doc Greig Lake, Red Rock until it finally pops back out again at Old Woman Bay. On reaching this point I had already crossed many large rivers. I would later memorize all the rivers and tick them off; in my mind, as I travelled north or south between Wawa and Sault Ste Marie. On crossing the Old Woman River the road took another steep incline and left the lake for a distance passing Baby and Fenton Lake, then over the Michipicoten River and finally the Wawa Detachment on the top of the hill It is on the service road just to the south of the town of Wawa. On reaching Wawa Detachment which is approximately two and a half hours north of Sault Ste Marie. I was greeted by the then Detachment Commander Patty Bingham. I became the third Corporal serving under Patty. The other two Corporals were Bill Duncan and Bill Freeth. Constables that immediately come to mind were Ray Negus, Ed Zelionis, Walter Purdy, Jeff Lamb, Joe Poderys, Spence Coutu, Tim Jones, Don Lewko, Carmen Foster, Tex Luoma, Tom Richber and Ray Rose. There were many others that I remember, however I believe they came later. I took a room at the Beaver Motel the first night and proceeded to orient myself to the Town of Wawa itself. The town of Wawa had their own municipal police force at that time. It was called the Michipicoten Township Police Force and the Chief was Scott McCrae. The Town is situated on a height of land between the Magpie River Valley and Wawa Lake, which lays east of the town for a distance of seven miles. Highway #101 runs from Highway #17 to the Town of Wawa, then east along the south shore of Wawa Lake to Chapleau and Timmins. The Wawa Golf Coarse lies in the Magpie River Valley to the West of the town and at elevation perhaps 200 feet lower. I remember that first night, driving out to the William Teddy Park; about a mile east of Wawa and just off Highway #101. The park was named after a native man who had first discovered gold in the creek that borders the park. I got out of my car and walked over to the shore where the picnic table had been that we used some three years earlier, where I had made a wish to be posted there. I don’t remember expressing that wish to anyone else other than my wife and sister and brother-in-law. However I was so thrilled that luck had brought me there. I looked back westerly at the town of Wawa itself and marveled at is beauty. Almost the whole length of the town has a sand beach at its edge. On reporting for duty the following day I learned, that the Detachment while not policing the town of Wawa at that time, had a very large area. To the east we covered out Highway #101 to the Sudbury Algoma district line, then into the town of Missanabie on the CNR. This patrol also included the mining hamlet of Renabie. This was a distance of approximately 85 miles from Wawa. We were required by agreement to patrol that area on each shift. The town of Hawk Junction is located about 12 miles out Highway #101 on the Algoma Central Railway. There seem to be a large number of occurrences that required our attendance in that area. Our area also went south on Hwy #17 to the Montreal River a distance of approximately 70 miles. To the North of Wawa we were responsible for 30 miles of Highway #17. Michipicoten Township police covered the land area that was included in their Municipal area for a distance of ten miles north of Wawa, our Detachment was responsible for all that other land area. We also initially had the town of Dubreuville. This was later made a one man Detachment. I should mention that following the appointment of the one man Detachment at Dubreuville, I was lucky again and assigned to supervise and monitor it. For the majority of my years at Wawa I had the pleasure of having Bob Pilon as the Constable posted there. Bob required very little supervising and at each visit I made, it was like visiting old friends, it was always a joy. On some occasions my wife made the trip with me and would visit Bob’s wife. One thing that stands out in my memory was the first week I was in Wawa, there were 11 moose motor vehicle collisions on our 30 mile stretch of the North Highway #17 alone. That was not counting those on Highway #101 and many more on the southern stretch of Highway #17. This I learned was quite normal for the area. I also learned that the dead moose provided a ready meat supply for many of the Constables and some of the Corporals. My boys use to tell me: You raised us on steak and weaned us on hamburger. They were not referring to beef steak. These types of accidents would continue all year but were especially bad in the spring of the year. There is some who say the moose congregate at the Highway because of salt used in the previous winter, and also that the flies chase the moose out of the bush to open areas. The fact is they sure like the highways. While the main work at Wawa was traffic enforcement and motor vehicle accidents, there was always a large number of break and enter and theft investigations, as the large wilderness area had very many tourist resorts and camps. We also had many lost person searches, drowning’s and accidental deaths to investigate. Wawa had three air services flying out of Wawa Lake. They were Airedale, White River Air and Watson’s. George Theriault flew out of Hawk Lake at Hawk Junction. I and many of the members of Wawa Detchment flew at one time or another with these services. Sometimes on investigations and sometimes for pleasure. The first month or two at Wawa I was busy obtaining accommodation, for my family and I, plus arranging for the necessary move from Warren to Wawa. We owned our house in Warren and at that time the force only paid for real estate fees. We were able to obtain the services of a real estate company from Sudbury, however they never did bring a customer or help with the sale. We finally succeeded in selling our home by advertising in the Sudbury Star. We found a home at 20 Superior Ave., in Wawa that had been moved down from the Renabie Mine town site, placed on a new basement and completely refinished. The only problem was the home would not be completed for another month. With the home in Warren sold, we arranged with a mover to move our furniture then store it until our new home was available. At that time we owned a Starcraft hardtop pop up trailer, so we moved it to the William Teddy Park on Highway #101. We moved into our trailer in July 1971, with our two boys age 8 and 10 years. My wife was just not quite sure of what I was getting her into. The house was still not completed when the mover finally came, but the builder agreed to let us use the two bedrooms to store all of our furniture while he completed the house. Looking back, it was a really good experience for us camping at William Teddy Park. As I write this article my wife and I have enjoyed a happy marriage for 60 years, however I must admit it takes a very special person to endure some of the things that happen to the spouse of an OPP member, especially during a northern posting. The first year or so at Wawa much of my time was taken up attending further training courses both in Brampton and Aylmer. The first being a Corporal Development Course, followed by a Criminal Investigation Course. During these courses my wife was left in Wawa adjusting to her new home. It was she who made our home a home and kept our family stong. The first winter in Wawa there was very heavy snowfall, if I remember correctly there was a total of 17 feet of snowfall. Highway #17 was closed many times. It was over a hundred and fifty miles to Sault Ste Marie, many of those miles ran close to the lake. Snow effect snow combined with the strong winds would cause complete whiteout conditions. So often when the roads were closed I would get a phone call, the person on the phone would inquire about the road conditions to the Soo. When I advised they were closed, they would argue with me as they wished to take the chance and go. I remember one day taking the family out for a snowmobile run. We stopped in a cleared area and I jumped off my machine, I sunk in the snow to a point where it was above my waist. I was happy the machine I was riding was close enough to me to assist my crawling back up and onto the snowmobile. I will continue this adventure in my next submission. If you wish to read my previous submissions, they are all stored at the following URL: <garryspolicememories.tumblr.com>
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dankr-cannabis · 3 years
$12 Million in Cannabis Seized From Illegal Grow-Op in Chapleau
$12 Million in Cannabis Seized From Illegal Grow-Op in Chapleau
Article by North Bay Nugget Police busted an illegal grow-op in Chapleau and seized an estimated $12 million in cannabis on Wednesday. Four people — all from the Greater Toronto Area — have been arrested. On May 19, at approximately 1 p.m., members of the North East Region Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) executed a Cannabis Act (CA) search warrant at a…
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kayla1993-world · 4 years
Two face spousal assault charges in unrelated incidents
Members of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a domestic dispute in Foleyet at approximately 10:45 a.m. on Sept. 29, 2020. A 35-year-old male from Timmins was arrested as a result of the investigation and charged with the following: Assault -- spousal, contrary to section 266 of the Criminal Code (CC).
Superior East OPP officers responded to a domestic dispute in Foleyet at approximately 12:10 a.m. on Oct. 1 , 2020. A 40-year-old male from Foleyet was arrested as a result of the investigation and charged with the following: assault — spousal, contrary to section 266 of the CC.
Both accused parties were released from custody and are set to appear in Chapleau before the Ontario Court of Justice in December 2020.
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cannabisresins · 7 years
On Tuesday August 8, 2017 at approximately 10:10 a.m., members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East Chapleau Detachment had ... Read More...
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ontarionewsnorth · 8 years
OPP Seek Public Assistance in Solving Mischief Incident
@OPP_NER Seek PublicAss. Solving Mischief Incident @SSMCrimeStopper @CanStopCrime @VisitChapleau @LawEnforceToday @ChapleauOnt #ChapleauON #NEOnt
WAWA, ON – On Thursday March 8, 2017 at approximately 9:50 am members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East Chapleau Detachment responded to a mischief incident to a local Chapleau Ontario school. The incident took place between Friday March 3, 2017 and Thursday March 8, 2017. During the incident the persons responsible damaged windows facing the back of the school. Investigation…
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ontarionewsnorth · 3 years
Illegal Grow Op In Chapleau - $12Million in Cannabis Seized
Illegal Grow Op In Chapleau - $12Million in #Cannabis Seized @OPP_NER @CanStopCrime #ChapleauOntario
CHAPLEAU, ON – On May 19, 2021, at approximately 1:00 p.m., members of the North East Region Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) executed a Cannabis Act (CA) search warrant at a commercial property on Martel Road in Chapleau.   A search of the premises revealed a large illegal cannabis growing operation. More than 12,000 plants in various stages of growth were…
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dankr-cannabis · 4 years
2 Markham Men Charged in Northern Ontario Drug Bust
2 Markham Men Charged in Northern Ontario Drug Bust
Article by Newmarket Today On Dec. 18, 2020, a member of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) was conducting traffic enforcement on Highway 101 west of Chapleau. At approximately 10:12 a.m., the officer observed a vehicle travelling at approximately 119 km/h in an 80 km/h zone. A traffic stop was initiated and the vehicle pulled over. While speaking with the…
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ontarionewsnorth · 5 years
Chapleau OPP Charge Resident with Impaired Driving
Chapleau OPP Charge Resident with Impaired Driving
CHAPLEAU, ON – On November 9, 2019, at approximately 6:30 p.m., members of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a traffic complaint regarding a potentially impaired driver in the Town of Chapleau, Ontario. 
Officers observed the vehicle park at a residence on Lansdowne Street and proceeded to speak with the driver. During the conversation, officers…
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ontarionewsnorth · 5 years
Chapleau Resident Charged in Connection with Multiple Break and Enters
Chapleau Resident Charged in Connection with Multiple Break and Enters
CHAPLEAU, ON – Over the past week, members of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to multiple break and enter occurrences in Chapleau, Ontario. 
The suspect in these cases was located and arrested on October 28, 2019, at approximately 11:15 a.m. As a result of the investigation, [Edited by ONN] a male, 24-year-old from Chapleau, Ontario, was charged…
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ontarionewsnorth · 5 years
Chapleau OPP Charge Local After Domestic Dispute
Chapleau OPP Charge Local After Domestic Dispute
CHAPLEAU, ON – On July 7, 2019, at approximately 4:00 p.m., members of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) investigated a domestic dispute that occurred in the Town of Chapleau, Ontario. 
As a result of the investigation, a 38-year-old person, from Chapleau, Ontario, was arrested and charged with the following:
Assault – Spousal, contrary to section 266 of…
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ontarionewsnorth · 5 years
Chapleau OPP : Impaired Driving
Chapleau OPP : Impaired Driving
CHAPLEAU, ON – On April 10, 2019, at approximately 3:00 p.m., members of the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to an anonymous traffic complaint regarding a possible impaired driver operating a pickup truck within the Town of Chapleau, Ontario. 
Police located the vehicle on King Street and performed a traffic stop. Upon speaking with the driver, the…
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Superior East OPP Statistics : September 2018
@OPP_NER #SuperiorEast OPP Statistics : September2018 @SSMCrimeStopper @CanStopCrime @LawEnforceToday @VisitChapleau @Wawa_Ontario @Twp_Dub #hornepayneon #whiteriveron @WhiteLakepp
WAWA, ON -During the month of September 2018 the Superior East Detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 419 calls for service (CFS) which included the following:
7 violent related incidents
18 property related occurrences
 3 drug related cases
 29 motor vehicle collisions
 1 impaired by alcohol incident
Officers have also patrolled our communities and highways to ensure…
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Superior East Detachments Statistics for April 2018
@OPP_NER #SuperiorEast #OPP Detachments Statistics for April 2018 @CanStopCrime @SSMCrimeStopper @LawEnforceToday @Twp_Dub @VisitChapleau @Wawa_Ontario
WAWA, ON -During the month of April 2018 the Superior East Detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 637 calls for service (CFS) which included some of the following:
21 motor vehicle collisions,
8 violence related CFS,
14 property related CFS, and
7 drug related incident.
Officers continue to patrol our communities and the highways to ensure road safety and conduct traffic…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Chapleau Male Charged with Several Bail Violations
@OPP_NER #Chapleau Male Charged w/Several Bail Violations @CanStopCrime @SSMCrimeStopper @LawEnforceToday @VisitChapleau
WAWA, ON – On Thursday November 23, 2017, at approximately 4:45 pm members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East (Chapleau) Detachment responded to a local Chapleau address regarding an incident of bail violation. At the scene investigation revealed that a male had been communicating with a female while on conditions not to do so. As a result a 45 years old Chapleau, Ontario male…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Superior East OPP Update : Search for Missing Boater
SuperiorEast #OPP Update : SearchFor MissingBoater @OPP_NER @VisitChapleau @570NEWS @wlchronicle @boatingontario @NeOntario
Male Located Deceased WAWA, ON – On Saturday, October 14, 2017 at approximately 5:40 p.m., members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East (Chapleau) Detachment were notified of an overdue boater on Lake Kindogen located in the Township of Kalen. Investigation revealed that a 58 year old male had left a cabin on Kindogen Lake in an aluminum boat at approximately 11:30 p.m. on…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Chapleau OPP Search for Missing Hunter
#Chapleau OPP Search for Missing Hunter @OPP_NER #MISSINGPERSON @VisitChapleau @AlgomaCountry @Wawa_Ontario @Twp_Dub @MISSINGinCANADA @SSMCrimeStopper @CanStopCrime @MISSINGofCANADA @LawEnforceToday
CHAPLEAU, ON – On September 23, 2017 at approximately 9:00 p.m., members from the Superior East Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were notified that a male hunting in the Chapleau area was overdue. An overnight search of local backroads was conducted with negative results. Currently Superior East OPP members are continuing search efforts for 79-year-old Wesley BECKETT of Algoma…
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