#Character: Hiccup
flufflyskrill · 6 months
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the twitter art meme 🛸🐉
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moncuries · 5 months
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the talking fish-bone
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itsangelic1411 · 4 months
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It’s the birthday boy!!
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2cats1trenchcoat · 17 days
I have this idea that Hiccup has perfect pitch, and Toothless uses this to communicate to Hiccup. A certain note can either mean something he wants, like b flat can be “scratches?” Or it could be an emotion like f natural means “sad” so randomly Hiccup will hear Toothless trill and he’ll just be like “Astrid, move over a bit, Toothless said he doesn’t want the light in his eyes” and Astrid will be like “??? You know this how???” Maybe the other dragons learn of this and communicate with their riders through Hiccup.
Post HTTYD 3 Hiccup will hear random music notes here and there and will just start feeling emotions cause he was so in tune with Toothless, and his kids will mess with him sometimes when they learn what a couple of the notes mean.
They’ll play the “scratch?” note and Hiccup will just unconsciously reach over and scratch one of his kids like he’s scratching Toothless.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
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"I wish I could offer you a King who is greater than I am. I can't turn into someone else; I can only be me. But I have discovered that I too am stronger than I thought I was."
I love both iterations of this kind boy and his dragon.
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theforgottengreatpoem · 7 months
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Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist?
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mahoganyrust · 4 months
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One of first attempts at Hiccup from a while back. Looks nothing like him but I still like the red ngl
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donni-cl0wn · 5 months
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Silly doodles I did bc I’m fixating on httyd rn (mostly bc of tuffnut and cloudjumper)
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minijenn · 6 months
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Something something comfort characters something something sassy brown haired blorbos something something give me five more of these blonde bitches something something
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midoristeashop · 8 months
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Mandatory Jamie fnaf moments + Jack doodle
(I saw the fnaf movie and it was very silly!!)
hey babes I realize that I haven’t posted in a hot minute but you can thank my cat I’ve been dissecting for three weeks + dumb sickness <3
I’m feeling better and space is clearing up so get ready for some funk
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notemaker · 7 months
*throws lore at ye* *throws art at ye* Pspspsps.
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For those interested (and uninterested!), chapter 2 of Blue & Silver has been posted: After offering a winter spirit (not a homeless man), a car ride, Hiccup and Jack hit it off. Considering that the strange lake Hiccup's been dreaming about nonstop is none other than Jack's, they figure have even more in common than they thought. (Sharing a mutual unlove for twilight is just a bonus, really). Now Hiccup is back home and has questions left to answer and perhaps a friend to meet again. Or another in the process. Fortunately, the lake is not that far away.
@imdeadtiredtm and I are co-writing this story, and it's very fun. Well, it also makes my brain hurt at times, but more than that, its fun.
If you're here for what you've actually come for, do enjoy it, but in the case you've never tried reading for this particular side of the internet, hurrowed in a corner, then I definitely recommend it. Think of it like trying Free Samples at the supermarket. We all know its a strategic marketing move to goad off our wallets, but hey! Free samples! At most, you'll lose a laugh or two as you consider what has led you to the point of reading a crack crossover fic of the years 2010, and maybe, you'll stay for the actual content, like that wasn't our plan all along. Case in point: How to train your dragon and rise of the guardians have so much lore and vitality, especially their books; The main characters happen to have an interesting dynamic together, and its nice to uncover it. So yeah! Have fun!
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sebas-jlf · 4 months
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I just remembered that last year I had created some AUs for httyd and slugterra
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I plan to return to these ideas and upload more content of these AU's
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fairmerthefarmer · 3 months
Some warm up sketches cause I have a whole lot of ideas for HTTYD illustrations/fanart but I need to remember how to draw these guys. (Hiccups hair is so baffling to me to figure out the shapes and have it look right)
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My sister and I have very suddenly decided to rewatch the spin-off shows for HTTYD (not that weird new one, just the ones set in between the first two movies)
I love so much how they expand on the dragon lore but also on the side characters!! Ive got my things about the shows I’d critique, but overall it’s just such a good time.
Also I first watched RTTE in highschool (I remember finding it, binging all the episodes available in a night and being left right at the cliffhanger in season 3) and I was embarrassed about it. I think mostly because the animation style is visibly cheaper than the movies? So it looks more made for children (I mean the target audience still is kids, but also probably young teens so me at the time) (also watching it now despite the budget limits I’m loving the lighting in particular) (rtte improved visually a lot over RoB especially.)
It’s always fun to go back to the things you liked when you were younger and maybe embarrassed but then it’s like “oh actually I had good taste sometimes this is fucking great”
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iam-tryingmybest · 10 months
In the majority of the Httyd franchise Snotlout is trying so hard to be what he thinks people want from him. Which is why I love his development in rtte so much because he is always so scared of being unimportant to people but then he has to actually confront his deep fears and anxieties and reconcile with parts of himself he pretends doesn’t exist. And then he is able to see that he desires his own approval over the approval of others even if the two goals overlap occasionally. Then he is able to become the best version of himself and the best version of him is the one that is kindest to himself
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perfectlyfrosty · 4 months
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sboochi · 1 year
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Warm forever longed for the touch of Cold for Life and Light couldn't exist without Death and Darkness.
Oh if only I put this much effort into my oc art
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