#Charlie and cas friendship my beloved
shobolanya · 7 months
my Dirk Gently Supernatural crossover thoughts
i love both dghda and spn so ofc i imagined what could happen if the characters met (note that is is just pure crack but i would love more suggestions)
✦ they would met on one of the two cases in dghda or on one of the spn cases
✦ like sam and dean are just doing their usual thing when this weird chatty british dude, his assisfriend and a gorgeous badass appear
✦ i imagine dirk, todd and farah finding the case because dirk had a hunch they needed to be there and they meet these two FBI guys (who soon turns out aren't real agents) and they team up
✦ anyway they solve the case and sometime in the process of solving it they learn about what they really do
✦ i mean sam and dean learn about dirk being a holistic detective pretty fast but when things get messy the winchesters reveal what they do
✦ now i think they could team up again on some bigger cases (i imagine this being post season 2 of dghda and around season 12-13 of spn)
✦and maybe the universe led dirk to the winchesters so they could help each other
✦ so after they work on more cases more of the characters meet each other and here's who i think would get along with who
✦dirk and rowena become besties and sip tea and gossip; also she understands more about dirk being a holistic detective than he understands himself
✦ dean has a small crush on farah (but who doesn't), he's still married to cas though
✦ tina, farah, jody and donna are the best team ever
✦ charlie and todd would be friends and she knows mexican funeral
✦ to his shame (not really) so does dean and he would never admit it but he was a fan before the band broke up
✦ dirk would be friends with jack because they are both confused sad cinnamon rolls
✦ also mona would randomly appear around the bunker nearly giving sam a heart attack; after that she would love to stay around jack and cas
✦ rowdy 3 would adopt jack (i got the idea from an amazing fanfic and it is a great dinamic nothing can change my mind, the rowdy 3 would be kind and understanding to jack and they could give him a cool jacket too)
✦ at some point friedkin appears because i want him back he's my dear beloved
✦ priest appears too and he teams up with arthur ketch
✦ bart and dean become best friends
✦ sherlock hobbs and donna are the best sheriff team
✦ rowena could teach amanda some spells
✦ the rowdy 3 can tell apart angels, archangels, demons, crossroad demons etc just by sensing their energy
✦ mona once turned in the impala to prank dean
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sammyluvr · 1 month
— REQUEST RULES . general blog rules/info can be found here ! requests are currently closed!
i take requests for ✧ criminal minds : aaron, emily, jj, penelope, luke, spencer, and derek ✧ supernatural : sam, charlie, jo, ruby, i’d take a crack at cas my beloved too! sometimes dean :) [ no spoilers past season 13 please! ] .
i do write ✧ gender neutral reader exclusively ✧ platonic and romantic relationships! platonic includes friendship, siblings, or partent/parental figure ✧ angst, fluff, hurt/comfort <- sfw requests preferred, but i do write suggestive/smut ✧ drabbles, oneshots, songfics, headcanons and reactions ✧ aus, this list gives a general idea of one’s i’ll do, feel free to ask for others tho!
i do not write ✧ young child reader, i prefer age specific requests to be 18+ ✧ for nsfw : noncon, dubcon, more to be added ✧ anything else i stumble upon that makes me uncomfortable
other reminders/info ✧ you must be 18+ and off anon to request smut or suggestive (must have your age in your bio) ✧ you may ask for fem pet names for smut bc i’m a whore for “good girl.” pronouns will still be gn if used ✧ requests for drabbles/oneshots must contain a prompt or scenario with the character (specifying something like a reader type (ex: clingy!reader) or au is helpful and welcome, but not quite enough for me to go on) ✧ reactions or headcanon requests may be based off of something like just an au or specified reader type, though don’t be afraid to get more specific if you like! ✧ if you see something in my personal wips that you want to get sooner, you may request for it to be bumped up in priority along with other requests ! ✧ be kind and respectful please <3
i take requests as suggestions!! i don’t guarantee that if you send something in that i will complete it, though majority of the time i do! if i don’t at the time, i’ll still write it down/keep the request in case i want to come back to it later.
✧ see if i got your request by checking my out my wips ! it should be written down within a few days of you sending it in
why i’m not taking tlou requests rn
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family game night
“How bad do you think it was?” Sam asks, trying to juggle the snacks in his arms so that he can knock on Dean and Cas’s apartment door.
“Judging by Dean’s message? Pretty bad.” Charlie has all the board games, and she’s having just as much trouble knocking on the door. Eventually, she gives up and gives it a good kick.
The trouble had started about a month ago, when Dean’s longtime boyfriend, Cas, had decided to come out to his parents, which they were all supportive of. Their rag-tag group of friends--Charlie (high school physics teacher), Sam (law student), Benny (tattoo artist extraordinaire), and Meg (roller derby coach)--had, along with Dean (mechanic), spent several nights counseling Cas (English doctoral candidate) about how to come out.
It probably didn’t help Cas much that they all had a wide variety of stories of how that went, that Charlie’s involved getting a weird tattoo, or that Dean started with, “It’s much easier when both your parents are dead.”
But at least they’d tried.
Tonight was the night--Dean and Cas were going out to dinner with Cas’s parents, and they were going to discover that Dean wasn’t just Cas’s longtime best friend. 
Then Charlie got a text from Dean that just said home already, cas upset. bring games and friends.
(The snacks had been a Sam addition.)
The door swings open moments after Charlie kicked it to reveal Dean with a haggard expression on his face. He’s more well-dressed than usual, probably because of dinner, and it’s a bit jarring, since he normally looks a little bit like a lumberjack.
“Benny and Meg said they’re coming, too,” Charlie says by way of greeting, and Dean responds to that with a weak smile.
“Thank god,” he replies, “It’s--yeah. It’ll be good to have people here.”
Cas doesn’t emerge from his and Dean’s room until after Benny’s arrived with beer and Meg’s brought more board games--Dean has to coax him out. Charlie thinks that Dean was right; things didn’t go well. Cas’s eyes are rimmed red and he’s got an arm around Dean like he might fall over.
“What’s all this?” Cas finally asks.
“Family game night,” Benny says. “Meg brought Sorry, I know you can’t wait to cream us at that.”
“And there are snacks,” Sam offers, holding up a bag of popcorn that he’s already started eating.
It doesn’t take long after that for things to devolve into chaos, like things always do when they all get together. Dean and Charlie get into an epic fight over the rules of Monopoly until Sam accidentally-on-purpose upends the board, Meg pays marginal attention to the game of Sorry, instead inventing a drinking game while Cas and Benny duke it out, and Charlie hopes that Cas’s spirits are at least a little higher. 
But Charlie’s known Cas for a long time, and when Cas ducks out and goes down the hall, she wonders if things are actually better.
Dean follows him and emerges a few minutes later, sans Cas, so Charlie decides to abandon the game of Life that Sam and Benny are trying to start in favor of finding Cas.
She finds Cas in his office, staring out the window with a desolate expression on his face. Charlie loops an arm around his shoulders and Cas jolts.
“Hey,” Cas says, voice rough.
“Hey yourself,” Charlie replies. “How’re you feeling?”
Cas shrugs. “My parents...well. Maybe they’ll come around. But they didn’t take it well.”
Charlie tries to figure out what to say, and then she decides to go with honest and genuine. “It sucks,” she starts, “That your parents won’t accept you. But you’ve got another family right here. And we’re with you every step of the way.”
Cas’s eyes well up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. You want us to throw rocks at their windows, we’ll do it. You want us to all go to a pride parade, it’ll happen. You want us to wallpaper your kitchen with the rainbow flag? Well, we’ll have to ask Dean about that one first but he’ll probably be okay with it.” 
“Maybe just a rainbow backsplash in the kitchen,” Cas jokes in response. He lets Charlie turn him into a hug. 
“Every time,” Charlie’s voice is soft, “Someone says who they are, the world becomes a better and more interesting place.” She pulls back. “And you, Castiel Milton, are fucking awesome.”
“Thanks, Charlie.”
“Let’s join the others,” Charlie replies, “I still need to beat your boyfriend at Monopoly.”
“Oh, it’s on.” 
Charlie knows that Cas’s problems haven’t magically vanished, but as she watches Cas sit down next to Dean as they all gather around the Monopoly board, she hopes that at least for one night he’ll be okay.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 3 years
I can't stop thinking about the parallelism between Dean/Benny and Sam/Amelia.
Both pairings formed at the beginning of season 8, when the brothers were apart. (Sam on Earth and Dean in Purgatory).
Somehow Amelie "rescued" Sam and put him on the track to a happier life. So she saved his life, metaphorically. Benny also saved Dean's life, literally, and they helped each other to survive in Purgatory.
When Dean came back to Earth, these relationships put a heavy strain on the brothers dynamic: Amelia took Sam away from the hunter business and he forgot about Kevin and even his own brother, and this infuriated Dean. Meanwhile, Sam can't tolerate the fact that Dean befriended a vampire.
The aesthetics of the flashbacks clearly mirror each other: Sam's memories of Amelia are always luminous, colorful, almost wrapped in a dreamy light. In contrast, Dean's memories from Purgatory (with Benny and Cas) are dark, cold, grey bluish, the vision of a nightmare.
I was thinking about all of this but I thought that maybe I was reading too much into the Deanbenny dynamic. But then I watched episode 10 (torn and frayed) and... the fact that at the end of the episode Sam broke up with Amelia and so does Dean with Benny (calling him by phone and saying they can't talk to each other anymore).
Not to mention both Dean and Benny were heartbroken. That moment is so sad I almost had tears in my eyes.
And finally, the brothers just sat on the sofa to watch tv, bitter and devastated.
I can't watch this and pretend Benny and Dean were just friends. This story arc has been clearly written with the idea that they were lovers. Even if they didn't consummate it (and I highly doubt that, knowing they spent a full year together in Purgatory), Benny is clearly in love with Dean, he's devastated when Dean tells him they can't see each other anymore. And Dean... maybe he won't admit it, but he also feels something for Benny, much deeper than a friendship.
Oh, while I wrote this post I was also watching the next episode (11: LARP and the real girl), when Dean tells Charlie Bradbury about Sam and Amelia breaking up, and how they are not allowed to have feelings for other people... and Charlie my beloved just fucking asks him if he also broke up with someone. Of course, Dean denies it.
I'm chewing glass and drinking molten iron.
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alwaysmychoices · 3 years
Where I Think the OH Gang Ends Up - HCs
After 3 books of falling in love with these characters, I thought I’d share my HCs for where these characters end up - including some about Charlie and Ethan’s future. Obviously, this varies because I’m a Ethan romancer, so I could make different versions depending on your LI. Included is where they live, their jobs, and their personal lives. 
If you have any questions/HCs, feel free to reach out, and I hope you enjoy this!
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Location: Boston, MA
Career: Diagnostician Specializing in Pediatrics
After her residency, Sienna worked at Edenbrook for a year before deciding to complete a fellowship in Pediatrics at Edenbrook, where she focused on diagnostics in children, particularly in conditions that are rare or difficult to diagnose.
During her fellowship, this field proved difficult mentally and emotionally, but Sienna’s resilience and strength, coupled with her passion for her patients, made her a leading figure in her field.
She stayed on at Edenbrook, where she bridged the gap between pediatrics and diagnostics.
Personal Life:
When all her friends started leaving Boston after residency, Sienna acted as the “glue” holding them together. She organized Zoom calls, visits, and group vacations. She also gets the best gossip as a result.
She stayed close with the whole group and regularly sees those who remained in Boston.
She still goes to see Danny’s mom for coffee and fresh baked goods.
Sienna met her husband through work. Her patient’s fourth-grade class organized a trip to show their support for their classmate. Andy was their teacher. Six months after they started dating, Sienna knew Andy was the one. She was baking cookies for her next meeting with Danny’s mom, and Andy not only offered to go with her but started helping her bake.
The gang is still very protective of Sienna – so much so that they all rushed to meet Andy to see if they approved. After all, only the best could deserve her.
When Sienna and Andy got married, everyone was so happy for them. But they were probably even happier a few years later when they started their family.
It took some adjustments, but Sienna adapted to her new work and family life balance like a pro – even if it meant she barely slept for those first few years.
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Location: Boston, MA
Career: Diagnostician, Co-Head of the Diagnostics Team, Department Head
At the culmination of her residency, Charlie Greene probably could have gone anywhere she wanted, but she wanted to stay with her team. Even as she watched some of her friends go off to start new lives, she felt committed to Edenbrook.
However, it would have been easy for Ethan to stifle her career ambitions purely by taking up too much room and not leaving enough for her to grow. He wanted her to prosper though, so he had to step back when necessary.
Over time, the team dynamic shifted so that they were leading it together, so she deserved the title.
She proved to be an excellent doctor, teammate, researcher, and leader. So, when she was named head of the department many years later, it was an honor well deserved – even if it was one she later started to appreciate less once she realized the amount of paperwork involved.
She’s worked hard for everything she’s achieved, and she’s not done achieving it.
Personal Life:
Charlie married Ethan Ramsey, and after everything they’d been through, saying those vows came with a sigh of relief and joy.
Despite conversations about leaving Boston to be closer to family, they never did. Boston had become home.
They started a family with children, dogs, and a townhouse. They invited Ethan’s dad and Charlie’s parents to holidays, and Charlie’s friends had an open invitation to visit her.
It would be wrong to say that everything was easy, but they were happy.
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Location: Boston, MA → Stanford, CA → Boston, MA
Career: Researcher & Attending at a Medical School & its Affiliated Hospital
Elijah went straight into research at Edenbrook after his residency. After a few years of learning from his coworkers and growing as a researcher, he published his research. He received the opportunity to leave Edenbrook and join a research team at Stanford University, and it was too good of an offer to pass up.
Elijah spent the next few years researching at Stanford as an academic, but once their research was published, he decided that pure academia wasn’t the right environment for him.
His impeccable research skills and high recommendations earned him job offers at university-affiliated teaching hospitals where he could do research and engage with patients. He accepted a position in Boston that met his research needs and brought him closer to home.
Elijah’s research contributions went on to help countless patients.
He continued to publish his research and lead several teams, all the way until he was leading his very own lab. By the end of his career, he was a top lecturer at a premier medical school.
Personal Life:
At the end of their residency, Elijah was the least afraid of the distance now separating him from his friends. His familiarity with his technology and his love for the gang meant that he was ready to keep them so digitally connected that they hardly noticed the separation.
Still, he missed them. And he missed Boston when he left, too.
Elijah was never too concerned about finding a partner, so he wouldn’t have minded ending up alone. In fact, for a long time, he thought he would.
Then, he met a fellow researcher, Alicia, at a convention. They bonded over their favorite comic books and their work. Though Alicia lived in Connecticut, they started dating, and within a few years, they were married in Boston. A few years later, they had kids and a shared google calendar blocking out their research days and family time.
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Location: Miami, FL
Career: Surgeon
As the star resident, Bryce wasn’t particularly surprised when Edenbrook offered him a full-time position at the culmination of his residency. He fully intended it to take it, too.
But then there was the recruiter from Miami. He entertained the offer primarily for his ego, but something about it struck a nerve. One of his career idols was offering to take him under wing there, and even though Bryce had finished his residency, there was still so much he wanted to learn. He only visited to find out more – not because he intended to accept – but Miami allured him. The familiar heat, sea breeze, and electric energy captivated him.
It was a difficult decision, but ultimately, Bryce packed his bags and moved to Miami (even if he secretly cried about it and facetimed his friends constantly).
There, he prospered and honed his skills as a young surgeon.
When MC (Charlie) visits, it’s clear that Bryce and his mentor have a very similar relationship to that of Ethan and Naveen. So, it isn’t a surprise when Bryce assumes his mentor’s role after his retirement and heads the department – nor is it a surprise when Bryce’s surgical prowess became known outside Miami.
Bryce’s favorite achievement is the Lahela Method, a surgical method he developed, perfected, and popularized.
Personal Life:
Having finished his residency two years after everyone else, he thought he would be ready to leave Boston and his friends, but he wasn’t. They had become his family, and even with their strong bond and efforts to stay close, he missed them.
Leaving for Miami was difficult, but he made friends and kept in touch with the gang.
Bryce was too focused on work to ever start a serious relationship. He preferred casual flings and short romances to long-term relationships.
He’d been in Miami for two years when Kyra came into town for her extended visit. She only planned to stay in his guest room for two weeks, but she ended up staying for a month. He didn’t mind. In fact, he encouraged her to stay. He missed her and liked having her around – so much so that he convinced her to move to Miami.
Kyra was always looking for an adventure, and Miami looked like one. She moved in a few blocks from Bryce, and despite her intentions to soak up Miami, they basically spent all their time together.
He wasn’t sure when he fell in love with her.
But he did. Their friendship turned into a friendship with benefits. Then that got complicated with feelings. Then those feelings became more than feelings. And before either knew it, they were irrevocably in love. Despite never wanting to be tied down, they were tied to each other.
Bryce proposed, but it took them over a year to set a date because they were too busy living their crazy lives. They had so many plans – trips they wanted to take, a house they wanted to buy, and kids they might want to have – but they’re finding their way on their adventure.
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Location: Miami, FL
Career: Influencer & Author
Though Kyra enjoyed working at Edenbrook (and really liked making money instead of incurring medical debt), she wouldn’t say that working in hospital administration was her dream.
She became restless, and she traded hospital administration for a series of other jobs.
Kyra started posting more and more on social media, and as she became more comfortable, she started being vulnerable about her health, the scars it left, and how she moved forward. She built a community of people experiencing similar things, and it sparked a passion in her.
Kyra dedicated her time to learning about social media to grow her following and continue sharing resources. A few of her posts went viral, and that was the catalyst to start her career.
After sharing content for a while, Kyra had the opportunity to publish her memoirs – a witty, funny look at her life that was inspiring, hilarious, and beloved by many.
Personal Life:
Kyra didn’t just become restless in her professional life. She also became restless in Boston. She did all the things to do in the city – explored all the crevices and exploited all the excitement. Even though she had been in remission for years, she still craved a full and exciting life.
She started traveling, often to the cities where she had friends who let her crash on their couch.
That’s how she got to Miami.
And how she inadvertently fell in love with Bryce Lahela.
Kyra and Bryce loved their life, and they lived it to the fullest. They took risks. They ate interesting dishes, went to exotic locations, and learned new things. They visited their friends and became the cool aunt and uncle to their families.
Kyra stayed in remission. To celebrate five cancer-free years, she and Bryce got matching buzz-cuts. On the next anniversary, they got matching tattoos.
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Location: Washington D.C.
Career: Diagnostician & Activist
Jackie never intended to become an activist for healthcare reform, but once she stumbled into it, she developed a passion for the work after her unfortunate involvement with Panacea Labs. She even moved to D.C. to pursue lobbying.
She kept working as a diagnostician, but as her involvement in healthcare reform increased, she took a lesser load at the hospital so she could start working as an activist professionally. As a healthcare professional herself, she took her experience and used it to inform her activism and her lobbying to encourage Big Pharma reform.
She also worked with nonprofits to help struggling doctors and med students like herself find resources and emphasize ethics.
A woman on a mission, nothing could stop her.
Personal Life:
Though Jackie found her passion in D.C., she didn’t find the love of her life as easily. She was too busy to make anything work. She stumbled in and out of relationships. Her true companion became her dog and her high-rise apartment.
Jackie might not have been able to maintain a romance, but she maintained her friendships. She visited frequently and adored their children.
She liked being in charge, and she liked having things her way. It probably serves her right to have fallen in love with the only woman more stubborn than her.
Sonia was a public service lawyer, and she and Jackie spent their time bickering and adoring each other. They were both career-driven and supported each other’s mission.
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Location: New York City, NY
Career: Head of Diagnostics
Aurora spent her time in Boston making peace with her aunt’s legacy, but at the end of Aurora’s residency, she was ready to start her career and make a mark of her own.
In New York, she started working for a diagnostics department, and she earned a spot on the diagnostics team once it was formed. She worked hard. She made a name for herself. She proved that Harper wasn’t the only Dr. Emery to keep an eye on.
Once on the team, she helped elevate it to the point that it rivaled her own hospital, Edenbrook. She often came into contact with her friend, MC (Charlie). The teams even competed on occasion.
Aurora beat MC by becoming the first to head a diagnostics team.
She was an excellent leader and an exemplary physician. The team prospered, and the rivalry with Edenbrook playfully continued.
Personal Life:
For Aurora, career and academic efforts came easily, but interpersonal affairs were treacherous. Still, after finding friends in Boston, she was determined to maintain those friendships and develop new ones in New York.
The friends she made in residency were now her family, and she kept in touch.
In New York, Aurora was slow to make friends, but she did. She formed a close bond with her team and shared an apartment with a team member for a time.
Like her aunt, Aurora went without romantic commitment – until she started research with Dr. Alice Montgomery. Aurora fell head over heels, and despite a few stops and starts, they started a happy, healthy relationship.
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Location: Boston, MA → Brazil → Boston, MA
Career: Physical Therapist at Edenbrook
Personal Life
Rafael took the big leap and moved to Brazil. He spent two amazing years living in Brazil, traveling and making unforgettable memories before moving back to Boston.
Once back, he thought about saving up for more travels and spending his young adulthood moving around the globe, but after he got home, he couldn’t bear to leave for that long again. He opted for vacations instead and reinvested in his community.
Leaving his childhood neighborhood didn’t stop him from being an active community member. He volunteered regularly and made friends almost everywhere he went.
Of course, he also went back to his neighborhood to see his family regularly, but he liked having the independence of his own place and his own community.
Once he married and started talking about having children, Raf moved back to his childhood neighborhood so he could raise his child with the same level of community and love he experienced.
When everyone came back into town, they always stopped by his place for good food and an even better friend.
He stayed in touch with everyone, especially during his travels, and his friends had an open invitation to visit.
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enter-the-phantom · 2 years
8-11, and 15 for the lore asks!
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
Asexual but will absolutely drag Cas into the back of their hearse at any time. Their asexuality is very much played as a lighthearted joke for most of the series; for example, they're totally oblivious to the Winchester's magnetism and they have a few hilarious scenes where Dean tries to get them into various strip clubs or other sexually charged situations to try and figure them out. It's implied that they're not romantically attracted to humans but do like supernatural beings--they go on a date with a cute vampire girl and will return flirtations from various other beings but have zero reaction to mortals. Makes for some humorous misunderstandings when Cas temporarily leaves Jimmy's body.
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Besides the Winchesters, they're good friends with Charlie and have a very strange and highly entertaining friendship with Crowley, although they're not necessarily "close".
Absolute 100% ride-or-die besties with Garth--put these two together and they're just the biggest dorkiest nerds who are actually kind of badass. Me and Garth would die for each other and have tried on several occasions to do just that. I love you Garth my beloved and I'm so sorry I never talk about considering we are iconic besties 😭
They have an extremely close relationship with Gabriel that crosses some very strange lines, but ya'll already knew that one.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
I answered this already but I'll do it again with some different characters and the Winchesters as the f/o's!
John Winchester is a little weirded out by his sons' new friend, especially when he sees how close they are. And especially when he realizes that their new best buddy has nothing but contempt for him.
A lot of characters find the relationship between us three to be really odd, especially when I'm introduced as their sibling--I look nothing like them and don't share their last name. But most don't have the courage to question it. Anyone who does is usually just stared down until they change the subject.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
Literally just my fashion sense. So lots of black and neutral colors when they're on the job, but plenty of dad-core button downs in dumb patterns and thrifted tees. Long coats and western-movie-bad-guy dusters in the winter. Dark jeans and combat boots or old sneakers. Pretty much anything they can pick up at a thrift store--think "80's dad meets lesbian cowboy". And almost always their trademark black cowboy hat with a flat Gambler brim.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
Answered this one too but hell, I'll do it again.
I'm a main character just as much as Sam and Dean because of fucking course I am, deal with it. I help to balance out their weirdly toxic and codependent relationship, give them someone else to focus on besides each other. I temper Dean's aggression and bolster Sam, and offer a perspective on hunting and the supernatural that makes for some really interesting discussions and plot lines.
What I'm saying is that I'm the long-lost answer to so many of that show's most basic problems and you can deal with it, ya dig
Thank you friend, this s/I makes me so happy 😭😭😭
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nevidimochka · 3 years
Character break down: Gabriel! Or if he's already been asked, Michael!
thank you!! ahhh i’d love to talk about both of them... maybe i’ll do a speedrun  👀 @ceilingninja
How I feel about this character
gabriel my beloved...this is a big statement but i think he may be my favorite spn character?? his episodes are certainly my favorite in any case
All the people I ship romantically with this character
sam!! i can never get enough of them and their chaotic dynamic. it’s fire meets gasoline, baby, and i’m so here for it! i love how reactive both of them are, and how much fun it is seeing their chemistry and the tension and all of the nuances between them that i’ve already rambled plenty about. when i was over spn, it was sabriel that i was most nostalgic for! their dynamic is so unique. definitely The one true pairing for me in this fandom
but i also do like gabe and kali; they’re so different that it’s fascinating thinking about what it is that brought them together and made them so affectionate for each other! 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
hmmmm. i still do love gabriel being kevin’s archangel, butttt charlie - gabriel friendship is also fantastic. also gabe and balthazar would have been exactly the kind of chaos i love. buttttt gabriel and little bro cas? 🥺🥺🥺 i just really love all the relationships gabriel has with other characters. i feel like when he meets someone, he either gets along very well, or it’s going to be a rough ride all the way down, and both are really fun to explore. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
gabriel is more fun when he is loki, not wearing loki’s stolen face. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i really wish the whole asmodeus torture arc never happened :/ it just felt so OOC for gabriel and just his entire character vibe and left a horrible taste in my mouth and i still can’t watch those episodes because i just hate the premise so much 
How I feel about this character
adore! i’ve liked him for a long time, especially @novakki ‘s depiction of him. the softness combined with willingness to use force when necessary...unmovable object! the absolute authority! 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
15x8 opened my eyes to midam and i’ve been obsessed since. i just love the fact that michael, who was established as an unmovable and unyielding authority and executor of god’s will was able to come to a point where he has a relatively healthy relationship with a human--especially a human who isn’t his perfect vessel! there’s something so special about michael’s change through his relationship with adam that really compels me, and i really love exploring archangel/vessel dynamics through them. (who is like god? -- man) 
midam truthers who have been around since s5... i take my hat off to you. y’all were truly visionary
My non-romantic OTP for this character
this sounds out of the left field because it’s not there in canon, but i actually really love the idea of michael and castiel having a meaningful relationship? there’s a lot of layers to it and i really love the idea of michael’s affection towards an angel of a lower rank (as typically, i see him associating mostly with other archangels and delegating most tasks to other angels rather than interacting directly) because castiel is loyal and a good soldier and strategist but a little too introspective and fascinated by humanity--but despite it, michael also genuinely cares about him. i love the additional agony castiel would have endured when deciding to rebel against heaven if it also meant rebelling against michael. i hesitate to portray castiel as the Most Special Angel who has everyone’s attention in heaven, but this specific relationship could have been fun.
My unpopular opinion about this character
peaky blinders michael.... we’re not even talking about that... AU michael doesn’t exist he’s just a bad dream he can’t hurt us 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i just wish the entirety of spn was centered around the archangel conflicts. when they established the parallels between sam + dean and the archangels, it really felt like it grounded their apocalyptic conflict the spn’s central themes and the main characters in a way that worked exceptionally well. i think michael and lucifer’s conflict should have been central to the show’s finale and not just a insignificant and underwhelming moment. it connected to the themes of free will, destiny, god’s plan, and overcoming cycles of abuse/carving out their own destiny so well! (but also more raphael and gabriel always)
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
18/12/20 - It’s nearly time... so whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy reading about our boys being festive.
a covenant of salt by museaway on AO3. (5,175 words).
Tags: Christmas, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, First Kiss, First Time, Holidays, Fanart, Men of Letters Bunker.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: They didn’t put up a tree on Cas’s first Christmas in the bunker.
Notes: This was so wholesome and was written excellently - the ending gave me chills!
It Started with a Fanfic Competition by Tenoko1 on AO3. (124,487 words).
Tags: Humor, Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Accidental Plot, Personal Growth, Found Family, Fluff, PTSD, Therapy, Alternate Season 12, Charlie Lives, Crack, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: What started off as a game becomes a journey of friendship, love, and personal growth; filled with all the ups-and-downs that will make and bind a family.
Notes: This was written beautifully (I adore Tenoko1′s fics!). It is so wholesome, absolutely not afraid to call characters out on their bullshit, and genuinely has more character development than we see in the entire 15 seasons of the show.
Cuffed to an Angel by mattzerella_sticks on AO3. (72,529 words).
Tags: Fake Relationship, Professor Dean, Writer Dean, Detective Castiel, Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining, Bisexual Dean, Gay Castiel, Christmas, Sharing a Bed, Homophobia, Hurt/Comfort, New Year’s.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester has a lot going for him: he's beloved by his students, he's finished writing his first book, and he's living comfortably in New York City. The only problem is... he's single. That wouldn't bother him much if his family wouldn't be visiting for the holidays. With cuffing season over, Dean has to face his family alone... or will he? Castiel DiAngelo is a simple detective who hasn't really celebrated Christmas in over 9 years, holidays and family being a sore spot for him. But after taking Dean up on an offer, he finds that you can't really avoid the holidays. Will these two be able to pull off a seminal holiday trope? Or will certain developments get in the way...
Notes: This was painful to read in the best way - I was waiting for the inevitable moment when everything goes bad, and when it did I was actually screaming! U absolutely adored this fic.
Welcome All Winchesters by almaasi on AO3. (60,237 words).
Tags: Romance, Fluff and Smut, Fake Relationship, Fake Marriage, Mistaken For A Couple, Friends to Lovers, Bi-Curious Dean, Artist Castiel, Chef Castiel, Agender Castiel, Road Trips, Sharing a Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, Marriage Proposal, POV Alternating, Alternate Universe - Human, Domestic Fluff.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: When Dean’s engagement breaks off three days before Christmas, he’s left with nobody to accompany him on a road trip to his family’s mountain log cabin. His best friend Castiel happens to be available, and is willing to help him through a tough time. But when Dean's mother and brother arrive, expecting to meet the person Dean plans to marry, they understandably assume Castiel is Dean's fiancé. After a weekend of comfortable domesticity, sharing clothes, intimate conversations, and definitely-one-time-only therapy sex, it feels almost too easy for Dean and Cas to fake a loving, romantic relationship. The hard part is going back to being friends afterwards. They can’t keep their hands off each other, and they’ve discovered some fun things to do together which they’d never tell another soul about. And, oh boy, feelings. Now being ‘just friends’ is so impossible, it seems as if fate had another plan for them all along...
Notes: This was so cute, even if Dean was a complete idiot. Also, ferrets.
How to re-gift fruitcake and other tips for surviving the holidays by museaway on AO3. (4,663 words).
Tags: Christmas, Neighbours, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Human.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: The saying goes you should “love thy neighbor,” but Castiel Novak was the neighbor from Hell.
Notes: This was so cute and funny and sweet... my heart is gonna explode.
all those lovely things by museaway on AO3. (7,870 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Smith/Wesson, Christmas Party, Co-Workers, Trapped in Elevator, Cuddling & Snuggling, Ridiculous Premise, Christmas, Holidays.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Oh, no. No. No. He’s not dying in a freak elevator accident on Christmas Eve with Castiel Novak. No way.
Notes: This was so cheesy but in that really fun, Christmas rom com way.
Peace And Good Luck To All Men by KismetJeska on AO3. (31,367 words).
Tags: Christmas, Alternate Universe - Human, Humor, Dysfunctional Family, Unrequited Love.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Christmas in the Milton household was difficult enough without the added complication of guests- and if Luke and Gabriel placing bets on who can get with Sam first wasn’t bad enough, then Cas developing a ridiculous crush on his sister’s boyfriend definitely is.
Notes: This was absolutely hilarious and officially the second fic ever to convince me to ship Samifer (kind of). I love the idea of a dysfunctional family Christmas.
Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You) by almaasi on AO3. (47,814 words).
Tags: Alternate Canon, Christmas, Domestic Fluff, Sam Ships It, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Castiel’s First Christmas, Bed & Breakfast, Sharing a Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Smut, Marriage Proposal, POV Alternating.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: It’s Christmas Eve, and Dean, Sam and Castiel are snowed into a small town with a big festive spirit. They splurge on a fancy room in a B&B – hey, they deserve a treat. There’s a tiny plastic tree and a working TV, so they could perhaps overlook the lack of hot water and Dean having to bunk with Sam. Sleeping arrangements soon reach a happier equilibrium: Dean’s just cuddling Cas to keep him warm, he swears – the tingly feeling means nothing! Christmas Day arrives, and Cas still doesn’t have a gift for Dean. Dean doesn’t know what to give Cas, either. Sam has a few ideas, but will the other two truly understand what he means?
Notes: This was the Christmas fluff we all deserve after this year.
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by fairychangeling on AO3. (8,152 words).
Tags: Christmas, Alternate Universe, Explicit Sexual Content, Homophobia.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Castiel doesn't have a date to the office Christmas party until his best friend Dean volunteers to accompany him. Everyone thinks they’re a couple, but they’re not. At least, not at first.
Notes: This is amazing... as they say, it isn’t Christmas without a homophobe being punched! (or fired).
I Won’t Even Wish for Snow by Annie D on AO3 (6,521 words).
Tags: College/University AU, Christmas, Mistletoe, Mild Angst, First Kiss, Castiel POV, Fluff, Friends to Lovers.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: It’s the third year that Castiel’s spending Christmas with his best friend’s family, and he expects it to be much like the previous two. Then mistletoe happens.
Notes: This was so cute and hit me right in the feels!
Santa Doesn’t Wear Eyeliner by crossroadswrite on AO3. (2,091 words).
Tags: Jock!Dean, Punk!Cas, High School AU, Christmas, Secret Santa, Artist!Cas, Christmas Sweaters, Fluff.
My Rating:  3 stars.
Description: In which Dean is a jock, Cas is a punk and they're each other's Secret Santa.
Notes: This was so adorable - especially Dean’s nervousness - and such a great idea.
Failure (to Cuddle) is Not an Option by Annie D on AO3. (3,766 words).
Tags: Christmas, Cuddling and Snuggling, Schmoop, Angst, Humor, First Kiss, Friendship, Fluff, Plot What Plot, Dean POV.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: All Castiel wants for Christmas is to cuddle, is that really too much to ask?
Notes: This was so cute and I can totally imagine this actually happening.
So, enjoy! I wish you a very merry Christmas and hope that you stay safe and have a nice time. And don’t worry, I’ll be back in time for some New Year’s fics.
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found--family · 4 years
@ Blue Heart Nonny in my inbox (yes, i can answer your ask without posting it. no worries 💙) 
here are the cliff-notes for everyone else: 
there ARE Bronly blogs that are unhappy with Dean's ending because it wasn't fulfilling/he didn't get happiness/was killed off/the narrative undid years worth of character growth 
those same blogs as well as others think Sam's ending was lacklustre 
okay. so because i don't interact with such blogs i wasn't aware of this, but after a quick inspection thanks to Nonny, i find that it's true. 
I'm not surprised, exactly. most of the Bronly blogs I've come across over the years have been vocal about Dean as an individual, a character who deserves his own narrative journey separate from Sam as well as Cas (of course 99% of them were anti-Cas so ofc i skiddadled out of there). And Sam Stans wanted a happy ending (domestic or otherwise) for him, one that's full of sunshine and smiles and yes, Found Family (the members of which do change from blog to blog). 
all ships and Cas-hate aside, it was reassuring to see these bloggers recognise the endgame narrative as lacking, regressive, depressing and OOC for both Sam and Dean. 
they didn't like the ending. 
*cue solidarity meme* 
this is important to note because what makes this fandom so special is our love for these characters and the complexity of the characters themselves (as has been mentioned on a fair few reaction posts already). we all want them to be happy, but we also want their journey not to have been for naught, we want their individual endings and the narrative as a whole to make sense because we've been with them through all of their struggles to learn and grow and try to find some peace and their own sense of purpose and meaning. 
what I'm trying to say, is that while I'm a Destiel shipper I am first and foremost a fan of the characters - Dean and Cas, and Sam and Jack and all members of the collective Found Family the boys have met and embraced along the way. 
I've shared a LOT of anti-Bronly content over the past 24hrs, but i'm not just angry that the bros-only ending pushed Cas and Destiel out of the narrative, I'm angry because that ending also did a disservice to these beloved characters as individuals. it brought back the toxic codependency after 15 seasons of the brothers fighting to be their own people, to be in each other's lives but not have their happiness dependant solely on each other. 
Dean didn't get to live his own life and he died laughably, pitifully. His Heaven wasn't even his own and he ended up right back where he started: on a roadtrip to nowhere, alone. And in the end (Heaven) Dean was denied being allowed to embrace the self-love he'd learned on his journey and discover a life of his own and happiness that he deserved, /before/ reuniting with Sam. Sam got a liftime, Dean deserved the same, especially considering Dean's the one who never really believed that he deserved such a thing (but was recently convinced he was worth saving, worth happiness, worthy of giving and receiving love - yes, thanks largely to Cas) and canon chose to hammer home that idea like the nail in Dean's back, like the blunt little instrument Dean thought he was (but isn't). 
Sam's domestic montage was lacking substance and emotion and the overall vibe was wholly depressing, sending the message that he couldn't live a happy life without his brother when we know he has managed that/wanted that through the seasons. It was like he was just going through the motions for Dean's sake until they could be reunited by death. 
Frankly, Sam's montage would've been a LOT more heart-warming if his Found Family was present, or at least if Eileen was his wife (we still don't know) and they shared smiles/kisses/dancing in the living room. Maybe the Found Family thing was Covid, but for Eileen i call bullshit on the account of Jenny's presence and the fact that Shoshannah is also one person, not a bridge-full. Worst case scenario they could've shot her scenes separate and blended them with body doubles etc. Hell, i would've accepted a video call presence as a last resort. It would've made for an ending I was emotionally connected to. Instead we got strangers, a swiss-cheese life (missing pieces), and a depressing oldman!Sam. I could've bought the oldman!Sam dying after a long full life - but the montage left me (and Sam) unsatisfied with that Life. I mean, 15 years worth of content took.. 15 years to go through and emotionally invest in, so you really have to bring your A game to condense 50-odd years into a minute or two - and they didn't. That was some C-minus bullshit. 
And then there's the Heaven thing.
Sam pretty much shows up in Heaven right after Dean dies. I reiterate, Dean didn't get to live his own Life nor his own Afterlife. Sam had the chance at a Life, and Dean could've easily had his own Afterlife if the writers had allowed it: a montage of Dean fishing in Heaven, sharing drinks with Bobby, Miracle the dog showing up, Dean working or karaokeung in the Roadhouse (an improvement on the Rocky's bar fantasy) Dean experiencing all kinds of happy and domestic things - and it should've been with Found Family, but again if Covid is to blame there were ways to work around that with blurred background people and body doubles and voices off-screen. 
Instead, Dean's individual storyline is erased as he's reduced to a footnote in Sam's afterlife. No happiness in life and no meaningful afterlife he can call his own. Sam's family will eventually join him in Heaven, but Dean is left lacking in friendships as well as a romantic partner. The real Sam's heart would've broken at that, and the real Dean would've been unhappy and would've sought out people and meaningful relationships (again, Found Family). 
BTW: i saw mention that the lack of Found Family in Heaven is because they're not dead yet.. *cough* let's recap some dead loved ones who could've made an appearance shall we: Jo, Ash, Ellen, Rufus + Mary + John (all mentioned but none shown), Pamela, Kevin, Adam, OG!Charlie, Missouri.. hell, even Henry or Ketch or Frank.. i would've been overjoyed at seeing Cassie again, because we don't know who's dead or not. Krissy, Cesar, Jesse - they could've died, especially since in the time it took for Dean to take his little roadtrip, Sam lived 50-odd years on earth. So, if we're going by canon's timey-wimey rules they could've easily brought back any Found Family member they wanted. 
but, again, we got random vamp Jenny.
simply put, Covid is not to blame and there were many simple tweaks that could've made the finally on some level. instead the characters and the audience are left devastated and wanting. 
i know we don't see heart-to-heart on shipping matters, but even Destiel shippers and Bronlies can agree Sam and Dean didn't get the happy, satisfying endings their characters and 15 years worth of narrative deserved. 
* note: Bronlies (not Bibros) are invited to share their thoughts on this post about Sam and Dean's individual endings, but please avoid negative Destiel talk, negative Cas talk, and any wincest talk. 
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fogsrollingin · 4 years
SPN 15x19 Inherit the Earth review
I slept restlessly last night, every time I woke up adding more and more thoughts about the episode on my phone. It's 7:15AM and ready to share.
Here’s sort of my wide-frame conclusion:
I think what's nuts is that... I'm really focused on the brothers, right? I think their relationship is the heart of this show. But I never saw them as self-isolating, or codependent. I saw them as always choosing to be together because they liked each other the most, and together they do a great job building out friendships and relationships that support them and vice versa. And that... when all they have is each other, they can and do carry each other, and watching that is always going to be compelling for me. But framing "all they have is each other" as happiness, as a form of freedom, that's a hard no for me. "When all they have is each other"? That's fucking whump. That's pain, grief, desperation, anxiety, nightmares. It's compelling because it's the hurt of the unfair, vicious universe and the comfort of each other.
So... I don't understand how this callback to early seasons just driving doing cases in the Impala together at the end feels like a genuinely happy ending. That was the hell they were going through that made me fall in love with how they saved each other as they kept going...
My full review under the cut.
To start, I admit I felt the loss of Miracle the dog, that was a good gutshot that I didn't see coming. I was staggered by it but giving the writers a thumbs up for it. I also thought introducing Lucifer by pretending to be Cas, I was like holy shit not only has Chuck given them an empty world, he's serving up every trigger and relishing in extinguishing every morsel of hope. That was compelling. And yes I love whump, Whumptober was awesome this year. Anyway, I thought that was quality emotional and psychological torture (I didn't read it as a joke at all).
So the whole plot of the episode and how it played out. First, we're kept in the dark from Sam & Dean's clever heisty-heist machinations and instead we watch this speeding train of sudden deaths and insta-betrayals inside the bunker with no time to breathe or process any of it. That was the worst-paced series of events. And then Michael calls it a battle afterwards. That wasn't a battle. I don't even know what the fuck that was.
Ok but then finally we're at the beach. Bloody boys, Sam holding Dean, both grinning with red in their teeth is a good aesthetic.
But then all of a sudden, all too soon, it's learning hour. Audiences are emotionally in it with Sam and Dean but now we're asked to pull back and listen to this very lengthy exposition dump with flashbacks. I mean... Is this not screenwriting 101? Chuck just beat them to smithereens, there is no time for the exposition dump+flashbacks, fucking finish him!
Also this was a terribly executed heist device. Here's why: heist formulas require you tip your audience off on some but not all of the ways your protags are gonna pull everything off. Think of Ocean's Eleven, where you're given so many explicit scenes and clues as to what elaborate things they're orchestrating and how, and then it's a thrill when it all comes together at the end. That wasn't this. Not even remotely.
For Pete's sake this was just so badly written.
Right before Calvert's monologue as the new God was buckleming's penchant to write (and Jensen's unfortunate predilection to act) Dean as obtuse, steamrolling over everything that has happened to try to get Jack in the car and back to the bunker. Wasn't a fan of that. Sam's call to Dean, the subtle "cool it, listen" tone was nice though.
I liked Jack as the new God. His speech at the end there was well done. I didn't catch if he said "I won't come if you call" to Sam & Dean. The way the rest of the episode felt, it seemed like he did indicate that though.
Okay now to the scene in the bunker. This empty nest was painful. The pangs of utter loneliness struck me harder than anything in that zoom up to them at the polished table with all those initials. Fancy bunker and no one left to share it with anymore, and it feels like a coffin.
No throwaway line that Sam got a hold of Eileen, huh? Reassurance they've discovered they'll be able to get a line through to Jack whenever they want? How are Jodie, Donna and the girls? AU Charlie and her girlfriend?
It was difficult to remember Jack had even brought them back at all because there was no mention, no celebration of them. I understand covid was happening, we couldn't get the montage of supporting cast materializing which is what I suspect they had to cut, but that doesn't mean you totally ignore it happened. In an episode so damn top-heavy with needless exposition, Buckleming opted out of this one? Seriously?
So. Instead we got Dean's cheersing Sam "to everyone we've lost along the way" but who did they actually lose lately that hasn't been restored back to them? Castiel. Just one beloved character. What the... ugh, this fucking episode.
The dialogue, Jensen's acting, was all immensely discordant with what feels like the losses we've sustained even if most of them have been restored... but like I said the feeling of this scene was so desolate. Sam and Dean have certainly lost their Team Free Will though and that's the loss I'm really feeling I think. Jack's in the wind (literally, in every particle), Cas seems gone for good, and SPN framed it like "this is freedom!" replete with a giddy happy Dean instead of what it felt like to me: a nightmare. A nightmare reminiscent of S7 when Gamble stripped them of Bobby, Cas, the Impala.
Sam, for one, and credit to Jared, still seemed upset/traumatized about it. Even when Dean's blithely telling him to buck up, ::side hug, Sam kinda flinchy, trying to feel whatever bizarre elation Dean's got going on:: we get to start writing our own story now!
...which by the way validated angry!rage!Dean about the "rat in a cage" thing, and I'll be honest I'm a little bitter Dean got what he so desperately wanted (more than Cas, more than Sam; feels like this season Dean was just an angerball with his eyes on the prize of 'true freedom' with his brother and the angel in love with him just tearfully following along). So Dean gets this true freedom finally and he's just... Happy? No acknowledgement how he hurt Sam, Jack, and Cas along the way? No struggle with what this cost?
Apparently not, because Buckleming writes Dean as still that simple man whose dream life, now he's truly free, now they've killed God and installed a new one, is STILL JUST DRIVING DOWN A FUCKING HIGHWAY WITH HIS LITTLE BROTHER IN THE PASSENGER SEAT. ARE YOU SERIOUS. KILL GOD SO YOU CAN JUST GO BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID ANYWAY???
Because fuck depth and development. And fuck Sam too for that matter. So many opportunities this season for Sam to have a moment of self-reflection and say what his vision of a happy ending is too but nada. We can only hope Sam's dream life has been subsumed into Dean's? I guess?
This is so depressing.
Anyway, going back to happy Dean side-hugging Sammy, towards the end it seems SPN's framing agrees with Dean to be happy, to buck up. Come on, audience! Sam finally manages a grimace of a smile as they get up off the table and walk toward the camera like their next stop is Disneyworld. "Vacation" by the Go Go's should've played during that montage for the perfect discordant, inauthentic, forced happiness they shoved down our throats... with a montage of unremarkable scenes.
Maybe it's like... Last week was for destiel fans, this week was for bronlies, and next week Dabb's going to mix em. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a time jump. I hope it's just like 3-ish years or so though and not like a stupid Harry Potter epilogue.
I think what's nuts is that... I'm really focused on the brothers, right? I think their relationship is the heart of this show. But I never saw them as self-isolating, or codependent. I saw them as always choosing to be together because they liked each other the most, and together they do a great job building out friendships and relationships that support them and vice versa. And that... when all they have is each other, they can and do carry each other, and watching that is always going to be compelling for me. But framing "all they have is each other" as happiness, as a form of freedom, that's a hard no for me. "When all they have is each other," that's fucking whump. That's pain, grief, desperation, anxiety, nightmares. It's compelling because it's the hurt of the unfair, vicious universe and the comfort of each other.
So... I don't understand how this callback to early seasons just driving doing cases in the Impala together feels like a genuinely happy ending. That was the hell they were going through that made me fall in love with how they saved each other as they kept going...
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garbagequeer · 4 years
(Same anon) I see your the actor who played Kirk should played a recurring character on Supernatural and raise you Gilmore girls and Supernatural should have a crossover. In this crossover Castiel, Paris and Rory somehow meet and while talking they all slowly come to the realization that they all have terrible taste in men. It ends with Castiel finding a man better than Dean and Paris and Rory realizing they're in love and getting married
very sad to me that i cannot accept this as a dean stan (sorry women) and due to the fact that i have like a little over one more week to go full destiel conspirationist still before the show actually ends. also if anyone should find someone better it’s paris like she is so iconic and chaotic and rory is literally the kind of person who dates logan for actual human years (but then again paris dated that ancient professor so who’s she to judge)
i think in the crossover the brothers should find out that dean gilmore girls has been possessed since season 2 and that’s why he’s such an asshole and sam goes undercover as his school counselor and they have some sort of therapy session. kirk is either the principal, somehow, or a weirdly beloved janitor all the kids tell their problems to (or he thinks he is). either way he becomes sam’s right hand man the whole episode (he wont stop asking about what kinds of benefits sam gets from his job as a monster hunter) and they fight and exorcise dean. meanwhile dean and cas are literally just on a date (as bros) at luke’s where lorelai will inevitably bother them as part of a bit to annoy luke and babette and miss patty WILL objectify them for the female gaze but also make it clear they think they’re a gay couple
also the boys find out paris is running a witchy cult to like curse rivals and people she dislikes (rory is a part of this just to support paris who annoyed her into it because madeline and louise would not sacrifice their weekends to witchcraft. it’s literally just them and lane who’s doing it because it’d piss her mom off and also she is trying to use mind control to get her to agree to let her go to gigs and wear lipgloss. she is succeeding) but leave her to it bc she actually kicks their asses (not with magic which she kinda sucks at just with krav maga and her rage) and castiel literally just likes her so he does nothing to stop it (he’s heard of wlw-mlm solidarity. woke king). 
maybe charlie comes along too and gives paris some like. informative brochures for lgbt teens when she goes undercover too as the counselor at chilton (dean tried but no one believed him as a counselor due to his deranged energy and cas is literally just hanging out in this episode he simply will not do anything except stand there and stare longingly at dean and also be a father figure to jess, who they adopt and who will later borrow luke’s self help books not only for himself but to give to dean so he can get his head out of his ass and make a move. dean listens to that cheesy self help tape that luke bought with it in the impala and MAYBE he leaves the tape in and has to fumble to stop it when it blares “LOOOVE” when sam and cas are also in the car)
these events also kick off the paris-rory-lane-jess friendship we should have had on the show (jess joining their cult by the end of this because he finds it legitimately cool), which may or may not also work as a plot device to establish bonkers love triangles (paris lane and rory all like eachother and rory and jess also like eachother but lane also likes dave bc dave rygalski rights — this opens the possibility of yet another crossover when they find out a shapeshifter took dave’s form and leads the satanic band from jennifer’s body. paris and jess become bffs and rory and lane are bffs) like this is gossip girl and/or become some sort of polycule over time. yes my brain is the size of mars
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Scrolling through my feed at saw @jensenscomedyelbows posted a “Supernatural 21 Questions” on her thoughts about Supernatural. Thought I’d do something similar since some ideas have been collecting dust in my head for some time.
SPOILERS up through current season 14.
1. Sam or Dean?
It would have to be Dean. I feel like I am more like Dean and so I tend to take his side on a lot of things. He’s a good brother and a big bad hero. Sam is a wonderful character, but as a person with trust issues, I found all of the angsty lying/ not being truthful, especially prevalent in seasons 2-8 a bit much for my personal tastes. I will admit Dean can be an asshole at times. Dean’s also got a wicked sense of humor that I love.
2. Do you ship Destiel?
I think it’s sad that a platonic friendship is seen as more than it is or ‘queerbaiting’. I also don’t think there’s any reason to change the canon sexuality of characters that have only been portrayed one way.
3. Favorite Season?
I really like seasons 1-5. A bit simpler, no huge divine influence and there was still some semblance of the “monster of the week” episodes, which I enjoyed. Not everything was angsty.
4. Least favorite season?
Probably season 6 or 8. Sort of “what do we do now?” when the writers are trying to scramble together a storyline after the previous season has a bombshell.
5. Favorite Episode?
11x04, “Baby”. I really loved the cinematography and the chance to see the Winchesters removed from the soap-opera drama that can be a bit over the top. Also the reverse 180 is goals. A really sweet episode and I’d love to see the writers do something similar again. It felt like a look at how the Winchesters really live.
Also 5x16 (i think), Dark Side of the Moon was a great episode. The beginning with the fireworks and Knocking on Heaven’s Door makes me tear up every time.
6. Least favorite of TFW?
Probably Cas. His character has changed so much and just isn’t really useful to the show anymore.
7. Character you’d like to see resurrected?
Bobby- the real Bobby, not the knockoff. I think it’s nice that we get a semblance of Bobby back, but I can’t shake the feeling that he, Charlie, and Kevin were just brought back to make viewers happy, and I don’t like that pandering.
Bobby was such an important figure to the boys- he was their real father and I think he acted as an anchor to both of them. He kept them both sane and rational ( for Winchesters, anyways.)
8. Character you’d wish had stayed dead?
Probably Mary. While I do feel she has recently had a bit of a redemption arc in season 14, which has slightly redeemed her in my eyes, I feel as though her death is a central part to what makes Sam and Dean (and John) who and what they are. I felt like her character was handled badly upon her resurrection and I found it skeptical that she would have treated her sons as she did.
9. Thoughts on Nick?
Please get rid of him. The story is trite, clichéd, and overall craptastic. I don’t really like side storylines and Nick’s isn’t especially interesting- I kept thinking they would kill him off or some equivalent but it hasn’t happened yet.
10. Thoughts on Jack?
A controversial character, for sure. I was definitely wary of his character for some time (even now, I think there’s a chance he could turn bad if that’s the way the writers take him). Wasn’t a huge fan of his resurrection a la Castiel, but I suppose the writers knew they couldn’t kill off the beloved baby. I don’t think the writers, and some of the fandom, were right in putting pressure to make Dean accept Jack. Dean had been controlled by another supernatural being, Amara, just the year before. I’m sure that was on his mind. Also there was a really quick turnaround (3 episodes, maybe?) between Dean willing to kill Jack and being Jack’s ‘dad’. ( If you can’t tell, I am very defensive of the way characters are written and don’t like when they act out of character). I do like Jack, all in all. Still not my favorite character, a bit like Castiel in my opinion.
11. Thoughts on Season 14?
I’m really glad to see the fulfillment of season 5 with Dean being possessed by Michael. (I mean, not really happy, but you know what I mean!) I wasn’t at all surprised when he returned in the mid-season finale, and I was glad that they didn’t pull a Demon Dean quickie. Michael’s gonna be a big bad for this season, and it’s refreshing to see Sam and Dean have to “realistically” deal with a problem. I’m optimistic for the rest of the season and I’ll be curious to see how Supernatural continues to run.
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cupofbees · 6 years
001 su/pernatural and h/p 😈
Favorite character: Tie between charlie bradbudy and cas and kevin tran and meg masters
Least Favorite character: This is a pretty long list to choose from… let’s just say most of the men jo/hn winchfhester
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): dea/n.cas, charlie bradbury/a better show, kevin tran/a better show, every gay character and every woman who’s killed off/a better show, meg/anna
Character I find most attractive: this is so hard bc so many of the characters and a few of the actors have terrible personalities… but i’d say the character played by matt cohen who will remain unnamed 
Character I would marry: cas i guess???
Character I would be best friends with: cas i guess???
A random thought: eugh
An unpopular opinion: this show is a pretty good example of media that became a love letter to the masculinity that it gently satirized with its better writers and in earlier seasons, and the importance of a competent director
My canon OTP: charlie bradbury/dorothy
Non-canon OTP: dea/n.cas
Most badass character: charlie bradbury
Pairing I am not a fan of: pretty much all of them
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): pretty much all of them
Favourite friendship: cas and meg
Favorite character: remus lupin at the moment (sad, gay, hates entire self), but for the longest time it’d been hermione granger
Least Favorite character: svrssn/pe
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): sirius/remus, harry/ron, ginny/luna, hermione/luna, one-sided harry/cedric
Character I find most attractive: feel free to shame me but the only character that the books go out of their way to describe in a way that i’d find physically attractive is like, runcorn, like dh mentions his huge muscular arms, deep voice, and beard multiple times; he’s obviously a terrible person but the books seem to be extremely short on my type… the only two who are like decent ppl are the ones who are just described as burly a couple times lol like pro quidditch player oliver wood and charlie weasley
Character I would marry: um… pro quidditch player oliver wood??? 
Character I would be best friends with: Luna, probably
A random thought: this is yet another beloved childhood franchise like a//t/la that i wish had just 1 (one) gay person who wasn’t given to us extratextually in hp’s case
An unpopular opinion: this is definitely one of the more bleak and depressing fantasy series for kids; to me it was obvious that jkr was leaning towards having harry die at the end. the entire progression from books 4-7 of inescapable dread and everything good in harry’s life slowly falling apart as his fate solidified more and more into place. like.
My canon OTP: Doesn’t exist
Non-canon OTP: sirius/remus
Most badass character: Hermione, easily
Pairing I am not a fan of: All the het ones
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): LUPIN, sirius, dumbledore, harry a bit
Favourite friendship: the golden trio; one of the best parts of the series
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amwritingmeta · 7 years
Hello! I am an avid Destiel shipper, and I love your meta (Destiel and otherwise)! I am glad that supernatural has reached the point where they can have queer characters that don't die (what happened to Charlie still pisses me off though). However, as obvious as Dean and Cas' love and possible future relationship is to me, it's not so obvious to others, and I sincerely doubt that they'll ever do anything about it. If something happens in Season 13, what do you think they'd do? Thanks!
Hello my lovely!
Thank you so much, I’m very happy to read you’re enjoying my meta! (makes my heart go an extra big thump-thump!)
And I do apologise for this reply taking forever. I get inspired and feel I want to write a long response and then I know it’ll take half a day so then I postpone and I shouldn’t and, again, my apologies. 
I love this question and have been pondering it since I got it - as well as working my way through some meta posts which I suppose goes someways to telling you what I think they might do. But let me focus my thoughts.
Firstly, I understand that doubt is there, because there have been so many times over the years when they’ve suddenly pulled back on the Destiel of it all.
Dean and Cas have been separated by:
Delusions of grandeur (Cas in cahoots with Crowley, to then believe he’s God)
Death (Cas returning the souls to Hell, releasing the Leviathan)
Mental illness (Cas healing Sam)
A need for redemption (Cas choosing Purgatory)
Gadreel (human!Cas and Dean could not get cosy in S9)
Self-sacrifice (Cas saying yes to Lucifer)
Self-defence (neither thinking the other loves them for all of S12, Dean acting defensive as fuck, shutting Cas out because he wants to let him in so bad it hurts)
MISCOMMUNICATION (a big theme throughout their courtship)
So, here’s what I think S12 has built towards - open communication.
This doesn’t just go for Dean and Cas, though. It goes for all three of Team Free Will, because I feel TFW has been slowly moving towards assembly for all of S12, and I want them together, working together, planning together in S13.
If Cas wakes up human - either in that sunrise that seems to be promising to peak over the mountains by that lake where he died (which would be glorious, but which I doubt, simply because it’s too soon for him to come back given the magnitude of the REBIRTH that seems unavoidable here), or when crawling out of his grave after the brothers bury him - human!Cas will facilitate the Destiel story line becoming integrated into the surface narrative of the show.
To me this feels the most logical, but please know that I might be so so wrong.
Why does it feel logical?
Because the surface viewers (or the casual viewers), as you say, do not see the romantic love between Dean and Cas.
So what to do?
They will need to build the romance up from scratch to make it believable to the casual viewer. 
How to do that then?
Well, how about we position all three of our main characters on a threshold, where all of their arcs have come to a peak and is ready to move into a new beginning for each of them.
Sam will Lead and MoL
Dean will tear down more walls while letting Sam Lead and MoL
Cas will be reborn, with all that this rebirth will entail
New Beginnings.
The writers can opt to move into S13 with all they have set up in S12 - all that chaos and calamity that will work as a pressure wave of deepened threat and uncertainty in S13 - and anchor us in the new leaf each of our main characters are turning. It will make the season feel fresh and interesting. 
Either way, though, whatever happens, I know they’ll make it so damn awesome I can’t wait to see what they have planned for us!
To my mind, human!Cas would feel like Cas, but there were always things Castiel couldn’t partake of fully, that human!Cas can: food, drink, breathing the air, wanting to be alive, learning what that want means, falling properly in love, feeling longing, and misery, and longing for Dean, and carrying that overwhelming fear over from Castiel’s heart, that his love isn’t reciprocated.
Castiel has felt frustration. He’s felt sadness. He’s felt hopelessness. But he hasn’t been able to deal with these emotions because “It’s all so confusing” as he says in S11 after finding Dean’s porn on Dean’s laptop. (exclusively of women, of course) All of it’s always been so confusing to Cas. He feels so many things, but he can’t quite make heads or tails of his feelings. 
So this is something the writers would tackle, humanising him, grounding our beloved angel so that he can finally make the choice of where he wants to belong, not where he thinks he should belong or could belong or has to belong.
As for Dean, he’ll just be so damn happy having Cas back that I can see him following him around to make sure he’s ok, being overly attentive, unable to hide his emotions, and the casual viewer will take note. As they took note of the mixtape in 12x19. 
These gestures, if they make Destiel part of the surface narrative, and I can’t see why they would backtrack (seriously, the love story arc is peaking along with the individual character arcs addressed above so for them to backtrack now would hurt the narrative they’ve been building for so many years) (they won’t do that), these gestures will then cement the fact that Dean and Cas are in love with each other. 
Then again, Cas might come back a powerful angel. *shrug* We have no way of knowing for sure, of course!
But if they do what I believe they’re about to do, the writers will weave Destiel into the surface narrative slowly, out of necessity, so that the surface viewers who really couldn’t care less will just shrug and go, oh, okay, so they’re doing this now, while giving the middle finger to the viewers who gag and walk away. (walk away gaggers) (good riddance)
This is partially why I feel pretty confident that Cas will be back early in S13. Because I do so firmly believe in the love story of it all, and I do understand the precarious situation the writers are in of introducing it into the surface narrative.
It will take time, and many episodes, and a fresh feel about it, as with every other arc poised for New Beginnings in S13.
The mixtape was the first thread for Destiel to be woven into the surface, though.
It was the first visual manifestation of there being anything more between these men than brotherhood and friendship. (ok so I would say there have been about one thousand of these) (um trench coat in the trunk of Dean’s car for a year and handing it over) (yeah casual viewers) (SHAME on you)
All the other threads are just waiting, dangling on the wind, and oh will they make the prettiest tapestry EVER!
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