#Charmed Oc
ginger-grimm · 6 months
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Phoenix Halliwell for @enchanted--roses
I hope you like it!
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mayday396 · 1 year
I made OC for the Charmed fandom with my other Characters and Multiverse lore, because despite being bad Reboot Charmed it introduced the Multiverse sooooo I exploited it
So the one thing I like to do that seems impossible is make a bridge between the Original and Reboot Series and that's exactly what the Fanfic and fan concept idea is.
You shall learn one of my OCs, Lucas, his facts
He is Demisexual, on the Asexual Spectrum, after changing his lore for 4 whole years and 3 times in a roll, because I made him first as a way to passage my Teenage angst and horni but eventually I keep changing and growing like my character then I realised, "oh yeah this guy being Demi would absolutely fit"
Yeah so after years of RP experiments, oh yeah he is Demisexual alright.
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viihall · 1 month
abilities: telekinesis, electrokinesis, projection, astral projection, typical witch abilities including spellcasting, potions brewing and scrying nicknames: patience (ironically by her family and friends, because vivi is known for having absolutely no patience at all), happy fists
parents: prue halliwell and andy trudeau
vivienne was the first female child in the halliwell family (much to grams happiness) as she was born after chris. being the only child of the oldest charmed one and the fact that the warren/halliwell line was supposed to be led by women, according to grams, vivi possesed great powers prior to being born. before realizing that she's pregnant, prue noticed her telekinesis powers starting to intensively grow, she was able to create electricity at will. at the beginning the powers were flaky, unstable and occured at the least expected moments, only to grow with time and prue had mastered control over it, she was able to throw energy balls and lightning bolts. the powers developed so well that it was possible for prue to keep electrokinesis after the birth of her daughter. vivi was growing up to be the little witch, always around her mom and aunts, when they were going demon hunting and vivi was left with her dad or uncle leo, she was very unsatisfied. both prue and andy have taught her martial arts, at her teenage phase she was often borrowing her dad's handcuffs and leaving the manor through the window. due to her curiosity and persistence, potions explosions in the attic were happening almost on the daily basis, spells went wrong more than once or twice and the charmed ones had to save their girl's back.
her best friend and the person she was the closest to was her mom. she was looking up to her, even though prue was the person she had most fights with as she was growing up, two similar, stubborn characters colliding. when someone told vivi "you're just like your mother" she always replied with a thank you. prue would go to hell and back for her and oftentimes she had to get her out of magical trouble. they were spending a lot of time just talking, both prue and andy knew that it won't be easy to raise a magical kid with demons lurking at every corner, but they were determined to keep their daughter safe. around the age of 4 vivi used the astral projection for the first time. she was having a hard time at daycare and was missing her mom so much that she astral projected to prue's photo studio. prue immediately recognized the power and went to pick up vivi from daycare. around the age of 6 she used the projection power for the first time.
vivi had a close bond with grams, whenever she had some free time, she often summoned her great grandmother to discuss magic with her. whenever vivi went missing, going on a little adventure, prue used to summon grams saying "i know she told you what she's up to".
her favorite aunt was paige, there was no arguing about it. being the youngest charmed one and also her past profession as a social worker, paige was very good with kids and teens and her and vivi formed a special bond. vivi considered auntie paige as more chill version of her mom, that was allowing her for more.
she couldn't say no to piper, who had more motherly experience. it was often piper who was looking after vivi with the other kids, when prue and andy were at work. the kids at the halliwell manor were more like siblings than cousins, the only difference being which sister they called mom. chris was like her big brother, when vivi went after her first demon, she took chris along with her in case they needed to orb out. and they did, nothing went according to plan and chris saved both their lives, orbing them back to the manor where he told their moms what happened. vivi's relation with wyatt was a lot more rocky, he saw her as a threat to his primacy of power as he was the one born first in the family and feared she would become more powerful than him. however vivi wasn't interested in fighting with him, of course there always was the competitive side, but without a second thought, she would die for wyatt, as well as chris and her younger cousins.
in the alternative universe, when vivi was 3 months old, during her wiccaning there was a demon attack resulting with no one else than the source killing the oldest charmed one. 18 years later vivi came back in time to save her mom. she got a job at the cafe, went by a different name and rented a small, one bedroom apartment at the outskirts of san francisco. soon she got assigned a whitelighter being no one else than her aunt paige. the elders haven't told paige nor leo who she was and at first she pretended to have no idea about the existence of magic. vivi also didn't have the telekinesis or electrokinesis powers.
paige struggled with getting through to her charge, she didn't know if the girl was a witch, a future whitelighter or why she was assigned to her. vivi wanted to have nothing to do with her and especially didn't want to see her mom. knowing how much time was taken away from them, she couldn't get distracted from the mission.. however the first night she came back, vivi went to prescott street, standing on the other side of the road, she just had to see prue, even a glimpse of her to see with her own eyes that her mom was alive. and she saw prue through the window, for a brief second, she was passing through a living room with piper. at that view vivi broke down in tears in the middle of the street.
note :
this verse is greatly developed by me, however i don't want to share in details how it unfolds, because it mainly depends on the plotting with my writing partner. i have tons of ideas for this verse which i don't want to give away everything at this point
wand: cherry wood with dragon heartstring abilities: vivienne is a naturally born healer. the healing magic runs through her veins. she doesn’t need a wand or spells, the warmth goes through her hands. it takes years or practice, but vivienne can heal diseases that neither wizards nor muggles know how to treat. strongest sides: defense against dark magic, potions, herbology, dark magic (self taught), alchemy, duelling weakest sides: care of magical creatures, history of magic, divination, transfiguration, obeying the rules
parents: annabelle halliwell, nicolas halliwell
annabelle: was sorted into gryffindor and exceeded in healing spells and potions, during hogwarts time invented some of her own healing spells while volunteering in the hospital wing, after graduating she was working at st. mungo's for some time, only to transfer to the auror department, focusing on healing only aurors during the first war. called a miracle maker, warm, kind and helpful person. nicolas: came from the house of pureblood supremacy heritage, sorted into slytherin. nicolas spoke out loud about muggleborn rights and supported them with his wealth, was considered a legacy traitor. after graduating joined the auror department and fought against voldemort. among aurors known as very effective and stubborn man with hard rules.
vivienne is the first and only child of annabelle halliwell and nicolas halliwell. up until 7 years old, she was living happily with her parents, who were both the targets of death eaters, nicolas considered pureblood traitor. on a chill winter night the two of them were ambushed by a group of 10-12 death eaters. during the fight, annabelle sent her patronus to the ministry, begging for help. the desperate ask was received at the ministry, but with the decision of head of aurors and the minister of magic, the help was refused. the ministry knew that they can't risk losing anymore aurors and cold calculation decided to leave the halliwells to die. parts of nicolas's body were scattered across the place in the range of 70 feet. annabelle's wand has never been found. the circumstances of the halliwells' death were marked top secret, no one except the head of aurors and the minister of magic knew what really happened, the file stored safely on the archive.
the little girl was placed in the orphanage in small town, south side of london. due to war the orphanage was overcrowded, in her room there were four bunk beds. she was quiet, keeping to herself, rather watching and listening than speaking. although upon seeing injustice, vivi couldn't stand aside and sometimes she was using her fists, getting quite good in fights in a very young age. at 11 years old, she was sorted into slytherin house like her father, but her looks, she was a copy of her mom. with time, she grew to be sarcastic, controversial kid, loving to push the boundaries to see them break. she swears, she smokes, she drinks, she sometimes steal cigarettes or firewhiskey.
during her fifth year, a kid broke into the ministry of magic, found the archive department, knowing well what she was looking for. no one saw her, she couldn't be charged. but since then she knew the truth about the murder of her parents, she hated aurors to the core, was ready to duel each one of them, out of pure spite.
vivienne has walls and thorns on the first look and first say. she won't say nice things. but she'll show how much she cares.
she excels in healing. using what she learned at school from snape, sprout and pomfrey, she uses the knowledge to develop new cures, potions, ointments, oils and brews, especially from the plants and ingredients found during her travels, that are little to not known in england. vivi is a traveler, she has a tent, sleeping bag and a huge backpack. for a few first years after graduating she doesn't have a house/apartment, but she doesn't mind it one bit. actually it's the opposite. she feels she doesn't belong anywhere and the possibilities to spend a day in one place and the next one on the other end of the world is very freeing. she wouldn't trade that for the world, nomad life suits her.
in modern verse vivi is a neurosurgeon and works in a hospital in london. she is an expert in her field and gets often called to the hospital on her days off. usually she drives a motorbike to work, has lots of tattoos and can be seen sprinting between emergency room and operating room. she can't live without sports, even after a very long shift she must go to the gym or running. in her spare time however little it might be, she takes part in marathons and triathlons
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beidak-art · 10 months
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⭐️Hey you want some Stone ocean miis,,,⭐️
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ghouljams · 3 months
Also on the subject of Ghost with his bubble gum, sunshine and rainbows, partner. The sex? God. He loves seeing your pretty pink nails wrap around his cock, loves the way your lipstick smears, loves that he gets a pink ring around his dick each time you take it a little further down your throat. He loves the short skirts and the heels, he loves that you flirt with him at bars like he isn't taking you home. He loves pushing your face into your nice bedspread and seeing the mascara run down your face and just-
He loves that you let him make all the pretty a mess. Loves that you smile like there isn't a thought in that sweet head of yours with drool running down your chin and your eyes rolling back. He loves that you're so eager to show him new lingerie, and even more eager to have him trace the tip of his knife along the little straps holding it all together. He's utterly enamored with the way you coo at him and pull him close. Completely smitten with the way you look at him from across a crowded room, completely surrounded by people desperate for a fraction of your glow, and it feels like you're the only too people in the room.
He loves having a spot of sunshine that he can dirty up a little bit, and yet you never seem to lose that sparkle that first drew him to you.
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dammarchy211 · 27 days
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Yes Man (and courier) be upon ye
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choccy-milky · 11 days
Might I suggest…
Sebby in a maid outfit? 🤔🥵
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the scenario is that their class/year is doing a maid cafe (for some reason) and if any dudes from other classes come by to try and see clora in her maid outfit / request she serve them food, seb gets in the way✋✋ LOL
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heybiji · 3 months
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magic man
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akiacia · 30 days
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25th festivities! and the many occasions ahead 🎂🥂
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ginger-grimm · 6 months
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MEET THE HALLIWELL (& COMPANY) CLAN for @enchanted--roses
Phoebe Halliwell - Mother
Sebastian Weir - Father
Coop - Stepfather
Phoenix Winter Halliwell
Prudence Johnna Halliwell - Younger Stepsister
Piper Halliwell - Aunt
Paige Matthews - Aunt
Wyatt Halliwell - Older Cousin
Chris Halliwell - Older Cousin
Josh Mitchell - Younger Cousin
I hope you like it!
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celerydays · 10 months
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☁️ more Ominis x MC ☁️ 😌💗
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
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ALRIGHTY! Time to formally reintroduce yall to my silly idiot OC Dandy!
and by that I mean, I redid their ref art, tweaked their bio, and finally made a ref for their stupid pajamas! Wanted to do other fits for them but aa another time. Brain is mashed potatoes.
Anyway, Dandy is my silly WH oc who's main theme is self care/self love messages shown through the imagery of gardening! Meant to be a sort of "garden of the self" sort of deal. They go by ANY PRONOUNS! She/her or He/Him, or They/Them are all correct and okay to use when talking about them! (I just tend to default to they/them) Putting their full bio under the break!!! So you can read it all there!
"Resident gardener of Welcome Home, Dandy Leon is a curious but careful presence among the others in the neighborhood. They enjoy the quiet and spending their time tending to their various flowers. While a little shy around their fellow neighbors, they open up quickly when asked about their garden. Despite their more introverted disposition, they're always determined to make every day just dandy!"
It’s presumed that Dandy makes appearances only in the later episodes of the show’s run. But in old scripts found with them, it's shown that they moved to Home specifically because they were interested in the local plant life there. The episode that featured their move in seemed to focus on them slowly warming up to the others in the neighborhood, as their shy nature made it difficult for them to properly meet everyone. When asked as to where they lived before moving to Home, Dandy mentions living in a farm town far away, simply deeming it "far more south from here!" A lot of their dialogue also mentions their father, though he's never named but instead mentioned passively as Dandy would often use phrases like "Well it's like my pop always said-" when speaking to the other puppets.
During their short time on the show, Dandy's segments seemed focused on care for their garden, the language hinting that the flowers were more a metaphor for taking care of oneself and well being. Other characters can be found pointing out how much better Dandy’s garden looks when they’re feeling happy, but also comment how wilted it becomes when they’re shown to be a bit more downtrodden. They feel strongly about how important it is to be kind to yourself, even if it’s a skill they’re shown to still be working on themselves. Their confidence is something they also struggle with, seemingly a character meant for shyer audience members to attach to and grow alongside with. Dandy is often depicted in illustrations with Frank, getting along quite well in the show, often joining him and Julie on small escapades. Before the show's end however, most of Dandy's screen time is with Wally as he tries to get Dandy out of their shell more to spend time around others.
Interestingly, what pronouns were used for them seemed to change between the show's episodes and illustrated materials. While neighbors would refer to them as 'he' during the show, most art pieces seemed to refer to Dandy as a 'she'. Whether this was simply a miscommunication between teams or a printing error is unknown.
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a-mint-bear · 5 months
Yandere Boy Types
The Stalker
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● Knows everything about you. Your birthday, favorite color, animal, food? That's easy! Give him a hard one. He knows what shows you're watching lately, what you get for takeout, who you talk to every day. He even knows what you wrote about him in your journal. You're using a new toothpaste lately. He's taking notes.
● Has been in your place dozens of times, goes through your drawers and lays in your bed and sniffs your pillow. Maybe even some other stuff he can't mention in polite company... Sometimes you notice things out of place, maybe? Missing things too. Maybe it's just your imagination.
● You dismiss that feeling of someone watching you or following you, thinking you're just being paranoid. But he tends to show up when you go out. Isn't that just such a coincidence? You should totally come sit at his table at the coffee shop though, why not?
● Has lots of pictures of you. LOTS. You smiling for the camera, reading on the park bench, in line at your usual pharmacy, even some when you were pretty sure you were alone. Is that you sleeping?
The Actor
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● Pretends to be whatever you need him to be to win you over. Maybe you like sporty guys? He did track and field in school and he's training for a marathon, you wanna join him for runs? Artsy guys your thing? He loves to paint, has for years! Shy boys are the cutest, right? He stutters and looks away when he sees you. He totally didn't mean to touch your hand just then, so sorry!
● You mentioned to a friend you like guys who like animals? Guess who just got a puppy! You like strawberries? They're his favorite! Wow, you have the same coffee order, what are the odds? He thought you liked it when guys paint their nails? Oh, you think that color would look better? He's already adding it to his cart.
● He can't remember what his favorite song used to be, he's been listening to that band you're into lately. What kind of cake does he like? Well, whatever you want him to like! That stuff isn't important anyway. Just tell him what you want him to be into, he'll love it!
● Doesn't understand why you don't just fall for him already, but he'll pretend as long as it takes. He'll be anyone you want him to be, he doesn't need anything or want anything if it's not to make you look his way. You don't feel the same way about him? That's okay! He can change! Just...tell him what you want!
The Loner
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● On his own a lot for one reason or another, but when he met you, there was just something about you... Maybe it was a friendly smile you sent his way, or just how your hair looked. Maybe you were just there on a bad day. But whatever the reason, he can't seem to forget you.
● You're meeting up with friends? You should hang out with him instead. You have to get ready for work? A sick day never hurt anyone. And you deserve a day off. He would love it if you just spent every day with him. Just him.
● Sometimes his possessiveness is cute. He pouts when you answer your phone when you're together. He stares daggers at the overly-flirty cashier at the convenience store. He shoves the touchy-feely guy on the street off you and walks you home. Sometimes it's not so cute. He is convinced that your best guy friend is in love with you and it pisses him off. If anyone accidentally touches you he's up in their face. It's not you he doesn't trust. You're just too cute, of course everyone would want you like he does.
● He just wishes you didn't need anyone other than him. You're his whole world. Why can't you see he just wants to be with you all the time? Why won't you only look at him? Can't you see how much he loves you? There's no one else like you. You're it for him. No one else even comes close.
The Devotee
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● Worships you. You are the light of his life, why he gets out of bed in the morning, his reason for being. His every waking thought is consumed by you. Every time he sees you, it's like a radiant light surrounds you. He can't look away.
● Adores you. You know who's so cute? You, of course! The way you move, all your little habits, the look in your eyes when you see him. He's never seen such a flawless human being. Everything you don't like about yourself is just one more thing he finds so charming about you. If you let him, he would never stop touching and kissing every inch of you.
● Would die for you. Just say the word. If you ever needed him to suffer for any reason, he wouldn't even hesitate. Yell at him, push him, shove him? It hurts, but that's okay! As long as he's near you, he's in heaven. If it made you happy, he'd do anything. He doesn't matter! All that matters is you.
● Would kill for you. That creep at the bar who gets a bit too handsy with you? Gone. That coworker who made you cry in the bathroom at work? Gone. Maybe that neighbor who looks at you just a bit too long on your walks? Gone. You and your best friend had a fight? Gone. No one appreciates you like he does. No one else deserves you!
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nessiefynn · 7 months
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